#Spinel x self insert
void-thevoid · 3 months
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today i learned that bunnies can swim
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fusion! if it was possible for them to fuse anyways
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My first self ship art! Ft. Spinel from Steven Universe.
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cosmosmultifandomblog · 8 months
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Here's my first drawing of Nyx x Spinel kiss.
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bestcutiewolfever · 2 years
Okay guys I know I've been in school all day. And prepare yourself of my self insert fusion. There she is.
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And yeah that's her. Me and spinel fusion. Likely they're lot of emotions. Here's how.
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Okay in this phone game that's my reality fan made anime game, you know it's called Day with Meadinel, I should've made that anyway. Okay here's English version.
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And here's a Chinese version.
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And yeah that's all, bye guys.
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fivefeetfear · 2 years
Chp 12
“And one, two, three, one two three. Again.” Pearls calming voice counted. The tall gem stood in the front of the class at Y/N dance studio teaching a few gemlings and human children the basics of balle. Alice asked Pearl to teach a morning and afternoon class since her customers wanted to put there kids in dance classes. Pearl was more than happy to fill her schedule to teach the young ones the elegant ways of ballet. The S/C gem was relived to have some extra hands on board since Amber took a week vacation off, so she was left to do the billing and payroll alone. She should of had let Amber explain more in depth on how to do this. Numbers were never her forte, but being spoken to about numbers and bills seem very unappealing to her at the time. Idiot. Well there’s a high chance they may not have power next week because she probably fucked up BUT that still didn’t change her mood! The young gem was over the moon because her date with Spinel is tonight! She spent her week wondering what the cute gem had planned for them! They hardly saw each other this week either but Y/N blame that on her booked schedule. She had to start her mornings early and end her days late to be able to have a clear weekend. Y/N hardly left her studio unless it was for a coffee breaks.
“Y/N? You doing alright? Y/N?” The G/S blinks back to the present as her eyes shifts up to see Pearl. The pale female offers her a smile as she takes a seat on the corner of her desk.
“Was I interrupting another Spinel daydream, because that will be your third time within the hour.” Pearl teases as she raised her brows. Y/N rolls her eyes as she leans back against her rolling chair.
“Sue me for being excited for the date, I just really want know what she planned.” Y/N replied softly as she felt the butterflies swarm in the pit of her belly. Pearl hums thoughtfully as she places a hand on her puffed out chest.
“Oohhh the anticipation must be dreadful. To be sitting on pins and needles as the days drag on by until the very day. The Anguish! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation. Unlike you, I know what information your crave to know since I, Amethyst, Granet and Steven helped her plan it~.” Pearl informs with a cocky grin peering down at her friend from the corner of her eyes. Y/N snaps her neck in Pearl’s direction with wide eyes. So she knows what Spinel planned! And she is waving the information like a carrot on a string before her. Oh that was low.
“You little devil! That’s so not fair!” Y/N exclaims with a large smile on her face as she stood on her feet.
“Tell me!” Pearl simply smiles as she covers her mouth with her hands. Indicating she will be taking the secret to the grave. Y/N eyes soften at the Pearl’s gesture; the G/S was happy she felt comfortable to use such action with her. Mocking ones trauma seems to be a odd way humans seem to cope but it seem effective...sorta.
Y/N sighs loudly slumping back onto her swivel chair adding a eye roll to sale the irritation.
“Finnneeeeeee, but next time you need Bismuth to march around here lifting heavy things, you ask her yourself.” Y/N quips knowing it would get a rise out of the poise female. Pearl’s straighten her posture as her cheeks flushed blue.
“No need to be nasty, I’m not telling you because I know it be worth the wait. Have patience.” Pearl muses before taking her leave. Y/N drills her lips as she slouches further into her seat. Have patience? Stars, if only if it were that easy. She wanted to be prepare for the date so it would go perfectly. No mistakes and no awkward moments filled with pointless conversations was going to pop its ugly head on their date. Her and Spinel went out place together plenty of times. It’s just none of the outing ever had the heavy title of “first date” looming over it. Just two friends who really, really, realllllly like each other and enjoying the others company. This wouldn’t be her first date but it’s probably Spinel’s. Oh shit.
Y/N sighs softly as she claps the palms of her hands over her eyes pressing against her orbs. This is Spinel’s first date! Well it shouldn’t be a big deal, right?! It’s only gonna be her first experience of going out with someone and she will probably fixate on for the rest of her life if it were to go completely wrong! Oh yeah no pressure. Easy pease.
“Goodbye my little protege! Enjoy the rest of the evening!” Pearl chimes happily as she walks out her last students from the building. The gemlings bid her good day as they wave their little hands goodbye. Pearl smiles brightly as she locks the door of the studio and flips the open sign to close.
“Well that was a wonderful experience. I don’t think I’ve ever work with children that young since Steven and Connie. Makes me feel like a sentimental fool.” Pearl says thoughtfully as she thought back to first training the duo as a team. Those sure were the good old days.
Y/N sighs heavily as she leans over her desk. She was finally finished all the paper work, but she’s pretty sure she messed up somehow. But thats for Amber to fix when she returns on Monday! Now she could focus on her date thats about to start in a couple hours. Y/N sprang out her seat ready to get home and freshen up. She still very nervous but she is so excited to spend the rest of the day with Spinel. This date could lead them to spending the rest of their lives together. Or she hoped. Y/N wouldn’t mind Spinel being her one and only. She wishes she is just as lucky as Garnet is.
“I’ll close up for you, go home and get ready.” Pearl’s voice broke through her deep thought. Resuming back to reality for what seems like the tenth time today, Y/N nods in appreciation as she waved her good friend goodbye.
“Thanks P! You’re the best!” Pearl shields her eyes as Y/N flashes away in a orb of bright light. Pearl sent her friend good luck vibes before turning her attention to the studio. Time to tidy up!
It is currently 4:42pm, Y/N was putting the last finishing touches on her outfit. Spinel said to dress cute but comfortable. And to be sure she had socks. So she opted for a cute off the shoulder top, paired with fitted denim jeans paired with white tennis shoes. The G/S styled her hair, put on some makeup and added minimal accessories. Doing a twirl before the mirror Y/N deemed herself ready for the date. Checking the time once more it was now 4:58pm. Spinel said she was going to get her at 5:00pm. Y/N told the pink gem that she could just teleport to her it wasn’t a big deal to her. She used to it, but Spinel insist on picking her up for a change.
There was a knocking on the door and Y/N felt her chest tighten up with excitement. Oh this is it! The S/C gem rushes out her room to her front door, she swung it open to reveal Spinel holding a bouquet of pink camellia’s. Y/N eyes shines widely not expecting the flowers, she never had she received a bouquet before. And if she was honest she dreaded the day someone surprising her with flowers. She noticed that roses are the popular ones to give in the romantic situation, and she really didn’t want to cross that bridge of her distaste to the flower with strangers. Her story is one she doesn’t like to share. But the camellia’s are a lovely surprise, she wonder what they meant.
“Oh Ellie, they are gorgeous, thank you. Come inside while I put them in water.” Y/N urges as she opens the door wider for the pink gem. Spinel walks in nervously as she leans down and meets Y/N in chaste kiss.
“I’m glad ya like them Dolly, and by the way you look so cute.” The Spinel coos as she loops her arms around the woman before her. Y/N cheeks lit up as the two embrace one another; Spinel smelt sweet like sugar and it was an additicing scent. (Y/N) was the first to break off from the hug as she went to put the flowers in a vase. She places the glass in the sink and filled it half way with water.
“You don’t look so bad yourself Ellie.” The (G/S) compliments as she sneaks a glance back to the slim gem. Spinel wore a light pink button up shirt, with dark blue skinny jeans cuffed at the ankles paired with white Nike shoes. She is so damn cute!
“Ya all ready toots?” Spinel asks as she walks right into the familiar living space. She spent a lot of her time her during her stay on earth. And she wasn’t sure if she would be ready to say goodbye to it anytime soon.
“Yeah let me place these right here and we can go!” Y/N chirps as she gently places the vase on her living room coffee table. Perfect.
“Ok ready!” The G/S says as she rushes her way back to Spinel. Y/N activated her levitating powers as she hovers off the floor to wrap her arms comfortably around Spinel’s neck bringing the slender woman into a passionate kiss. Y/N was very excited about the date and she wanted Spinel to know. And knew she did. Spinel felt her figurative heart swell as she cups Y/N faces in her larger hands retuning the kiss. Stars she still couldn’t believe she got to kiss this cutie. Her long arms around wrapped around her middle as the two cling on to each other sharing both excitement and nervousness for their first date.
The two women walked hand in hand down the halls to exit the apartment complex. Y/N eyes noticed Greg’s van parked outside her apartment, what was the van doing here? Did Greg drive Spinel here? It made sense since Spinel got here from the beach house and there was no way she walked all the way out here.
“Is Greg here too?” Y/N ask trying to see if she could see anyone in the vehicle. Spinel smirks as she walks up the metal machine and pats it.
“Nope, Greg’s not here.” She says proudly.
“So why is the van here?” Y/N inquires, was the man wondering Little Homeworld?
“I drove it here.” Spinel boasted as she leans on the vehicle with her arms crossed over her chest, trying to play it cool. E/C eyes widen in surprise as they stay glued to the pink gem. She drove? She knows how to drive? Since when?! She been living on earth for a year and she didn’t even know how to drive; its kind of pointless since she can teleport anywhere she wanted within one light year radius.
“I asked Steven and Greg to teach me so I could pick ya for our date.”Spinel informed hoping it would impress her. And impress she did. F/N gem hums in delight at the overwhelming feeling she was experiencing. She learned how to drive just she could pick her up! F/N was stunned in silence as her eyes glittered happily making Spinel blush nervously. The pink gem rubs the side of her neck as she grins nervously, she hope her learning to drive didnt come out cheesy.
“I wanted to pick you up for a change, ya know?” F/N clenches onto the front of her shirt as she nearly cried comical tears of appreciation at the cute gem before her. Oh goodness she did not deserve such a wholesome being.
“Oh Spinel!” F/N cries out as she launches herself forward to said gem. Spinel eyes widen at the sudden action and sloppy caught F/N in her arms.
“You are so sweet and cute! Oh Ellie!~” Spinel face flushes red in embarrassment as F/N gushes over her on the busy sidewalk where they were receiving a good amount of stares from bystanders. Oh stars, Spinel felt the heat crawling up her neck at the unwanted attention.
“Ok, ok please stand up before I poof in embarrassment. I can’t stand all these eyes on me.” The pink gem admits and in an instant F/N was on her feet smiling brightly as ever. The G/S is still learning Spinel’s boundaries on PDA and wanted to respect them the best she could.
“Ok ok I’ll stop.” F/N conceded rocking on her feet cutely. Spinel smiles in appreciation as she presses a kiss to the G/S temple in hopes to please the female. It did. The pink gem then open the passengers car door turning the charm on.
“Shall we?”
Hopping in the vehicle, F/N quickly fasten her seatbelt as Spinel rounded the van to get in the driver seat. She too clicked in her seat belt before shifting the gears to drive and pulled off into the road. F/N smiled ear to ear as she hums to herself watching the Spinel drive with her right hand while her left elbow props out on the open window. Oh she could get use to be driven around.
The two idly chatted on the way to their first destination, Spinel thought she would be nervous to hold a conversation with the G/S but it came as easy as all their past conversations. Maybe she was too in her head about this time being different because its an official date. Speaking of which, she has a date duty to attend to.
“So I’ve been learning about important dates in history, do you wanna be one of them?” Spinel asks as she fought back a smile. F/N grins just as wide shaking her head in fake disappointment. But instead of going for the same “that was awful” she decided to play along.
“Oh gosh El, one of them? What? You planning to give me the ol heave-ho and go onto the next gal?” F/N ask with with a fake pout on her face. Spinel shook her head and slowly pushed the brakes for the up coming red light. The pink gem smirks as she shifts her sight from the road to gorgeous E/C eyes.
“No I meant it as the first of many Dates” She cleared up sending F/N a effortless wink. Oh! That brought color too F/N cheeks as she playfully swatted Spinel.
“When did you become smooth all of a sudden!” Her whining received an adorable chuckle from the pinkette.
“I don’t know Toots, anytime I’ma round ya, I just cant help myself. The blush on ya cheeks is too irresistible. It’s kind of hot~.” Oh staaaaars. F/N cups her face with her hands as she felt herself about to explode. All this positive attention is way too much for her to handle. Seeing that the H/C gem was on the brink, Spinel decided to keep having a bit of fun.
“Oh Dollllyyy look at you. Your cheeks are so (B/C), was it somethin I said?” Spinel foreign an innocent tone as she watches F/N squirm in her seat.
“You are such an-“
“THE LIGHT IS GREEN YOU MORON! GO!” A voice shouted from outside breaking the tension from inside the van. Oh thank the stars, F/N was finally able to catch her breath.
“Alright, alright already dont get ya panties in a twist jeez.” Spinel barks back outside, completely irritated that this goon ruined the mood. What a puss block. The pink gem adjusted herself back into her seat and looks back at the relieved gem.
“And you, don’t think is over not even for a second.” Spinel promises.
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mothlessmood · 4 hours
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Hehe, I may have gotten something, or rather SOMEONE on my mind :>
But anyways, have a Steven universe self insert✨️
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And of course her pink noodle gf💕
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minty-the-marill · 5 months
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Here is Turquoise! She is one of The Explorers and is in love with Spinel. Turquoise is very quiet, but seeks the approval of others. She has a Weavile.
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777nekochan-blog · 5 months
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Day ten of my drawing challenge today’s theme is “multiple arms”. This character is a fusion of my Gemsona blue moonstone and Spinel from Steven universe.The fusion gem is Taaffeite.Thank you #gemsona-advice for the fusion advice.
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judecopeart · 2 years
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the girlies are out on a date
[image ID: a digital illustration featuring Spinel from Steven Universe and a gem oc. They sit on a bench in a grassy area, with bushes and a sky behind them. It is dark outside. Spinel sits on the left side of the bench, wearing her usual outfit from the movie but now with jeans instead of puffy pants and a white sleeveless zip up hoodie. She is hunched a little looking to the right at Angelite, bashful and grinning. Angelite is a gem with blue skin, a circular blue gem on her chest, and darker blue short spiky hair. She wears a jumpsuit with a plunge neckline, sleeves with slits in them, and no shoes. Her hands are on her lap and she looks away from Spinel, a blush and smile on her face. /End ID]
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Hello! I'm a Howl fictive, and I was wondering if you could make a Howl x Male Self Insert moodboard? Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
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Not sure if you wanted blonde or black haired Howl but I thought black haired Howl would be better for the color pallet- Mod Spinel
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void-thevoid · 1 year
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funny barbie movie meme trend thing-
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tee hee
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I drew this while I was sick. Hooray for the power of love!
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love-you-fo-rever · 4 months
i made a pseud on ao3 for my self insert fics!
i’ll still put things i write here, but i wanted to go ahead and compile things here too. i’ll probably stick the unfinished spinel x reader from years ago too, just for the hell of it. go give it a sub if you want!
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zv5x · 3 years
💕 Yandere!Spinel Headcanons (Romantic) 💕
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i am trying brand new things! she's been my comfort character ever since she came out so this should be fun! shout-out to spinel! sry for stomping all over your character development bbygrl hope u don't mind !!!!
tw for toxic mindsets, implied violence and murder, use of the yandere trope, etc
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💌 Thousands of years spent waiting alone would do horrible things to anyone's psyche. Nobody is truly immune from the mental consequences of prolonged isolation, and this is absolutely the case for Spinel. Afraid of being abandoned once more, her trauma and insecurities consume her until possessiveness of her partner is all that she has to cope with what she had gone through. Spinel grows attachments incredibly quickly, and thus latching onto you not soon after the two of you first met. Perhaps you only met her just a few seconds ago, though she's already claiming herself to be your greatest companion. Spending all of her time with you after that, any unknowing onlooker would understandibly think the gem had known you for years
💌 Perceived "other friends" of her partner are met with incredible aggression as soon as she becomes aware of their existence, as any threat Spinel senses is something she feels must be delt with immediately. If there are others distracting you from spending time with her, then what's stopping them from convincing you to leave her? Or worse, you choosing to do so at your own accord? Spinel feels with every part of herself that she has no room to take unnecessary risks, such as leaving your closest ones alone, so they are delt with appropriately. The trauma and anguish caused by losing so many of your loved ones in such a period of time quickly becomes overwhelming, and Spinel sees it as the perfect opportunity to take their place as your shoulder to cry on
💌 Spinel has been long painted as a villain by the residents of Beach City. What she had done during her time there has left a stain upon the Earth in both a physical and mental sense, and her name became synonymous with malice the minute she stepped off her injector. Spinel knows this. She is aware of this, and she is more than happy to use her reputation to her advantage. Anytime you show any sign of being scared or on-edge, most especially if these feelings are caused by another, Spinel will use her status as means to soothe your mind. She is a feared entity, a gem worth stressing your brain about in the eyes of your average human or even gem, and she will proudly remind you of this while ultimately telling you that she can use her status to protect you. The world fears her, and with that, nobody can hurt you. She can keep you safe, and she'll do so without any hesitation on her end
💌 Spinel's partner attempting to distance themselves from her or outright leave her would more than likely have devastating consequences. Her mental instabilitys and crippling fear of abandonment would cause the immediate threat of a breakup something that would break her mind completely. The inhumanity and atrocities she had exhibited and / or commited before would be exemplified, as she now is being faced head on with what she feels is absolutely comparable to what has happened to her at the hands of Pink Diamond. The desperate nature of the situation would cause Spinel to act out with incredible irrationality, and the risk of harm to her partner or anyone they're close to would be immediate. To put it simply, Spinel will not allow you to leave her, and she will to go any and all lengths to ensure you have no ways of doing so.
💌 The showing of physical affection to her partner is constant and consistent, albeit regardless of your own opinions on being touched so excessively. Utilizing her own stretching abilities, Spinel will always have at least one of her arms on you at basically all times. Physical affection is on her own terms rather than yours, and all verbal or nonverbal attempts to shake her off are met with instant over-reaction from her. Pet names are also common, so much so that you may as well begin to wonder if she even remembers your actual name (she most definitely does, so ponder such ideas completely ironically)
💌 Whilest on the topic of your personal information, it is important to mention that she knows practically every detail about your life. Even details she would have otherwise seen as "useless human fun-facts" are taken into account and treated like ancient scripture, and if you were to ask Spinel any question about your character or interests she would respond correctly without a shread of any hesitation. Spinel will gladly wrap her arms around you and play with your hair at the same time while detailing everything about you that makes you so special, and such doting may go on for hours if Spinel misinterprets your squirming and crying as you doubting yourself rather than you doubting your level of safety coiled in her grip
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