therookiebluefan · 8 years
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
Everybody be scared of rubberbands
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
*acts clueless but actually knows what’s going on at all times*
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
Definitely the type of person to take the long way home to listen to more songs
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
can someone explain the alignment chart for me but in like, the simplest wording possible lmao
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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Thank you, Ricky Whittle ♥  
Rest easy, Lincoln. We will miss you and we will always love you. 
For Lincoln.. the grounder with a heart of gold, who always thought he was a monster but never was, who just wanted to belong, the gentle protecter, for being the reason we knew that not all grounders are bad, for seeing past the separations of their civilisations in order to find peace, for being a fundamental reason in to why skaikru and grounders are were they are today, for his morals, for being loyal, for being everyone’s favourite cinnamon roll, for being my favourite. for always being a hero. Lincoln deserved better. 
For Linctavia… for being the boy from the ground who fell in love with the girl from the sky.. who wouldn’t let anyone hurt Octavia. who protected her without even knowing her. who always put her first. who gave gave her a home and found a home in her as well. for giving me the greatest otp I could have asked for. 
For you.. for always loving your fans, for always retweeting our fan work, for your hilarious tweets and periscopes with the cast, for being so kind to everyone, for being a big linctavia shipper like the rest of us, for always protecting and standing up for yourself & telling teaching us its okay to do the same for ourselves, for just being a straight up boss, for honestly changing the way I see and treat the world. Thank you for being everything I could have imagined and more when I met you. 
Ricky, you deserved so much better than what you were given. You honestly deserve the world and all the success it can offer. We can’t wait to see you in American Gods!! and every other thing to come your way! :))
- Your forever fans
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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this is the best buzzfeed article i’ve ever read i literally teared up i just!!!
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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Is it just me or should you perhaps get more than 90 days in jail for planning an actual, proper terrorist attack?
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
Stairs not mastered.
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
I’m sorry to anyone in the LGBTQ+ community in Mississippi
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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And mom of the year goes to …
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
Repeat after me: you do not need to be in a relationship to be successful at life. You can be confident and gorgeous and desirable by yourself and a partner is not gonna add to that.
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therookiebluefan · 8 years
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[drawing of a green turtle in a purple and brown shell saying “You haven’t wasted your potential.” in a purple speech bubble.]
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therookiebluefan · 9 years
i wish i could be the person i want to be but im too tired
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