#Spinal Injury Lawsuits
srbhawaiilaw · 4 months
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Your child's future matters. Consult our spinal cord birth injury attorney in Hawaii to discover your rights and those of your child. https://srbhawaiilaw.com/spinal-cord-injury/
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gardenstateofmind · 2 years
the original tweet here is funny but i scrolled down to see her replies and
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like this is bitch is EXTRA stupid, how you gonna complain about the EMT's doing exactly what they are supposed to do for a spinal injury 😭
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aaliyahunleashed · 11 months
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Rest in Heavenly Peace Shanquella Brenada Robinson
January 9, 1997 - October 29, 2022
Robinson was a graduate of the historically black college Winston-Salem State University. She ran several boutique beauty and children's hair-braiding businesses, under her "Exquisite Kids" and "Exquisite Boutique" brands, in her hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina.
She was killed October 29th, 2022 at the age of 25 when she embarked on a trip to Mexico with a "friend" and 5 other assailants (3 men and 3 women who accompanied Shanquella).
While on this trip she was violently attacked by at least one of the female entourage (with other videos displaying another separate attack from another female from the same group).
Robinson dies of Severe Spinal Cord Injury and Atlas Luxation 15 minutes after the attack, but the entourage doesn't call for medical help until hours later.
Based on this police report and the investigations of the Mexican authorities, the US State Department initially released a statement reporting that "Mexican authorities said there was no clear evidence Robinson was murdered".
On November 16, the U.S. Department of State responded they were aware of the incident, releasing following statement:
"We are aware of these reports. Protecting the welfare of U.S. citizens overseas is among our top priorities. Out of respect for the privacy of those involved, we have no further comment at this time," the department stated.
The word, Femicide, becomes more popular as the nation would learn that countries like Mexico have harsh punishments for brutal and violent acts against women. However, to this day, not a single arrest has been made.
October 29, 2023 (1 year after Shanquella's death) the Robinson family files a lawsuit and still demands justice and people across the country have demanded that those responsible be held accountable.
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freifraufischer · 2 years
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The Sang Lan Accident
In July of 1998 the 4th edition of the Goodwill Games was being held in New York, on Long Island the gymnastics competition was well underway having completed an All Around competition for both men and women and they were about to start the first day of event finals.  The Goodwill Games was the highest profile event on the international gymnastics calendar that year and included substantial prize money for some events drawing quite a good field.  
Among the vaulters was a sixteen year old veteran of the Chinese national team, Sang Lan.  During warmup, before the television cameras were turned on, she landed badly on the mat causing a spinal injury that would leave her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.  Jack Carter (in 2022 under a safe sport restriction for no unsupervised contact with minors), coach of American gymnast Kristen Maloney was video taping from the stands waiting for his athletes events later in the night and caught the incident on tape.  He would resist giving the tape to television producers who hounded him for it, only showing it to her doctors and then eventually deleting the tape.  He had met Sang Lan on previous visits to the United States and did not want her family to have to see the footage.
A lot of rumors and and misinformation about this incident have followed it’s retelling and it’s worth relating things as best we know them:
This is Jack Carter’s description:  
He said the videotape reveals that the gymnast overran the springboard and hit it on the end, her left foot in front of her right.  "She knows she's going to miss the board and she starts to tuck. She hits the horse in tucked shape and rolls forward off horse, with her head looking up at the lights," Carter said.  "I think she lost spatial orientation; she didn't know where she was. All she had to do was get into straight body shape or tuck in and she would have been safe, but I don't think she knew and she did nothing. She took a straight shot."
Sang Lan herself would claim that that Romanian coach Octavian Bellu moved a mat in her way distracting her in the air.  The Chinese team officials claimed she was mistaken and most sources will default to describing this as “a coach from another team.”  Most likely because video from the day shows that Bellu wasn’t near the mat when she vaulted so her recollection that it was him could not be correct.  Some have speculated because he was one of the first to get to her after the fall that may have caused the confusion.  
If there was a coach or event staffer who caused her distraction I don’t know that we’ll ever know and given that we know her version of events is flawed I don’t think it can be taken as fact either.  That said the Goodwill Games was not an event put on by people who normally put on large multisport games despite this being it’s 4th edition.  Poor organization or event management could very well have contributed.  It’s also worth thinking about the fact that either the Chinese team or her lawyers could have played up the distraction story to help the lawsuit and to avoid the story becoming a cautionary tale about poor training (as Julissa Gomez’s 1988 death has become about her coaches).  
In 2011 she would sue the Goodwill Games organizers and USA Gymanstics for $1.8 billion claiming that Time Warner (the parent company of the by then defunct Goodwill Games) and USAG had failed to deliver on promises to pay her medical bills.  As the story is often told in gymternet fan circles the case took a very long time to settle.  This is untrue.  She filed suit in April of 2011 and the settlement (for $10 million) was reached under 3 months later.
Many gymnastics fans mistakenly believe that this incident led to the replacement of the old horse with the safer re-designed vaulting table.  In fact the FIG had ordered a redesign of the vault five years before (likely because of the Julissa Gomez tragedy in 1988) and the first protypes of the vaulting table were already in limited testing at the time of this accident.  It is also generally believed that liability from this accident caused the end of the Goodwill Games but that is also not true purely based on timing.  The lawsuit was not filed until more than a decade after the last Goodwill Games was held in 2001 and they were likely ended because they were a pet project of Ted Turner and once he was no longer in a controlling interest in the company his successors saw it as an expensive vanity project.
Sang Lan has married, become a mother, and is an advocate for those with disabilities in China today.
I leave you with her floor routine from 1998:
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fuckyeahmangaboys · 2 years
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wonkwans · 2 years
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ao3feedstucky · 2 years
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spiced-ciderr · 2 years
(Cameron Bryce, Age 8, sustained severe trauma to the base of the cranium, resulting in 4 emergency surgeries, a concussion so severe he wouldn’t wake up and parents filing a lawsuit against Fazbear Ent.)
Sharing a body wasn’t easy. It never had been. But they managed. Sundrop and Moondrop tried.
it had been quiet. Too quiet. He missed the noise, as crazy as it seemed. He missed the footsteps, the echoes of his name being called out from the lips of the little ones he grew to care for so deeply. He missed the stares he’d get from parents during pickups or dropoffs, and he missed the subtle glares from passer-bys or employees that hated him for no other reason than to hate.
(Cameron’s parents tried to get him back on his feet, but the strain of loving him had worn their hearts down to nothing. His muscles were still underdeveloped, his head still battered and swollen, but--)
“Don’t hate, Sunny.” Golden had said. "No matter what you see, how angry you become, don't hate. Even if justified, hate only destroys. Doesn't bring justice. Won't fix what's wrong.” he’d told him.
“Hate'll destroy you. Eats away. Becomes part of you. Changes you. Eventually you become what you hate."
Sunny tried his hardest not to hate. He tried not to hate the coworkers that sent him to Part’s and Services. He tried not to hate when they’d strap him and Moon to that awful table. When they’d poke and prod at them, ignoring their pleas. When they’d administer those icky shocks that hurt and stung and burnburnburnburnBURNS- IT BURNS- until he couldn’t think anymore. Until he couldn’t move. Until Moonie came out. Sunny tried not to think of those times. He didn’t like hurting people, honest! He wasn’t a- a rulebreaker! No no no no no. Sunny followed the rules. Sunny was good.
But Sundrop missed it. He missed it all. Well, maybe not the torture- ‘We could definitely go without the shocks,’- but he missed it. He missed the daycare, he missed the children, he missed his job. He was CREATED for this, for heavens’ sake!
But he held out hope. ‘Soon.’ he thought. “Soonsoonsoon!! The kids’ll be back in NO TIME! I just know it!’
But he’d been wrong, and Sunny still missed the noises.
(Charlie Jo, Age 6, broken ribcage, punctured lung and severe hemorrhaging to the neck and surrounding areas)
“C-Clean up! Clean up, clean up, CLEAN UP!!” Sunny frantically ran back and forth throughout the daycare. Everything, EVERYTHING had to be perfect for when the kids came back!! And he’d make sure it would be.
‘Sun. Sunny. Stop. It’s already been a year. The daycare isn’t reopening.’
He pointedly ignored the deep voice echoing in the recesses of his mind. He hadn’t heard from his brother in sosososo long. But that’s okay! All that matters was the kids.
The kids. ALL that matters is getting the daycare open again, all that matters is making sure the children are SAFE and SOUND! Naptime would be suspended, yesyes.
‘Methinks you talk too much.’
“Did I say that outloud?” Sunny asked the empty room. “Oopsie.”
‘You’re being ridiculous, Sun.’
“Am not!”
‘Are too.’
“Am not!!”
‘Are too!’
“UGH! You are such a MEANIE, Moon!!” Sunny spoke, exasperated. “You KNOW the daycare has to be in TIPPY-TOP SHAPE for the kiddos! Everything has to be super-duper clean and ready!” Sundrop justified, sanitizing the ballpit the fourth time that day.
It was always the same. Charge, clean, clean, charge, clean again, charge maybe, and clean all night.
The lights ALWAYS had to stay on. Never was there an exception. Even with nobody inhabiting the daycare except for the twins.
(Jamie Poisson. Age 9. Fractured skull. Severe spinal injuries. Cause of Death: blunt-force trauma to the head. Almost as if the child had been ḑ̴̦̰̠̭͚̪̦̺̺̻̝̬̺̳͐̆̓͆̓̈́̊̓̔͠r̸͉̤̻͓̈́̓͑͆̆̓̈́̽̈́͂̐͝o̴̟͇̾̌p̶̢̤͚͇͍̟͉͂̄̂̆͒͌̐̐͂̾͆̀͐͘̕p̸̨̼͕̠̦͍͙̥̗̈́̇ͅḙ̷̢̛̖͙͕̭̤͙͍̬̹̱̻͂́̀͒̂̿́̈́̒͑͗̔̈́͘d̵͖̗͍̩̹͈̰̠̟̂̌͂͗́͘ Large abominable gashes.
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‘..unny! ‘
Sundrop’s voice box spurted, almost like a gasp. He flinched hard, landing backwards and onto the floor of their room. His fans whirred, rays spinning at unreasonable speeds.
“Go away, goawaygoawaygoaway-” His voice box whined, not unlike a sob.
The kids weren’t coming back. He knew that. But it hurt. It hurt too much. Sundrop pressed his knees to his chest, curling in on himself.
‘Sun. You’re okay, okay? Remember what Lunar said?’ Moon spoke softly.
Sunny sniffed.
“Right. I-It’s okay to not feel okay sometimes.”
‘Exactly. Things will work out on their own, you dummy.’
“Hey! Name-calling isn’t allowed~!”
‘Dummy. Idiot. Nada intelligente.’
“I’m rubber, you’re glue! Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!” Sundrop rehearsed in a sing-song voice.
Moon sat on the edge of the balcony, kicking his feet gently. The power had gone out, Lunar was dead--as was most of the others--and for the first time in almost two years, he was virus free. Killcode was gone, but at what cost?
His eyes shifted to the large wooden door across the daycare, which was currently ablaze.
Flames licked the sides of the walls, climbing further and further up towards the ceiling as smoke billowed around them.
“Do- Do you think we’ll see them again? The kids?”
“..glitter glue.” Moon responded.
“Glitter glue. This-” he rasped, clawing at his faceplate as he laughed almost manically. “This- This situation is stickier than ģ̷͉͖̩̺͕̝̰̦̮̺̼̔̓́́̽̓̈́͗̓̂̎̽ͅ-̷̜̳̰̗̻̪̋̒̊̐̒͝g̶̢̨̲̩͌͂̂͑͊͊̈́̽͐̐̀͘̚-̶̹̜͕͖̪̤͖̜̰͖̞̦̒̂́͋́̏ģ̶̢̡̣̪͚͔̻̠̤̺̩́̊̒͊̈́ͅl̴̢̻̦̞̑̃̀͌̔́͝i̸̧̢̮̻̠̭̺͕̞͚͓̯̽̑͗̉̈́̈́̌͝ͅt̵̨̳̘̳͗̽̃͋́̅t̵͈͍̪̲͚̮̫̬̠͕͔̦͚̉̈́͊͐̓̐̓̉̎̑̚e̷̢̝͕͉̭͓̦̥̙̬͎̠̟͗̀̿̆̈́́̈̋̏̅͘͠ͅr̵͈̫͔̝̲͍̼̿̑̇̈́͊̿̚͠ ̶̨̧̡̛̺̯͈̦̩͈̠͈̣͕́͌͂̑̓̂ͅͅġ̶̭̥̙̳̥̱̖̅̍͑̾͋̓͑͘͠l̴̢͇̹̦̜̹̣̙̤̺̣̺̖̝̳̿̒̔͋̈̿̀̕͝ű̶͍̜͔̓́̆̀̏̎̐̀́̈́̂́͘ẻ̵̯̰̪̳̠̤͕͚̥͉̺̲̎ ̴̛̫͕̎̇͌́̈́͌̓͝/ “
“Are we going to die?”
“Death is a concept, Sunny.”
“I don’t want to die, Moon.”
“...I know, Sun.” Moon’s gaze lifted to the ceiling as the play structures burned. ‘More like melting.’ he thought, as the computer screamed in their room.
‘I don’t want to die.’ Sundrop repeated. Moon hugged himself tightly. “I don’t think we’re getting out of this one, Brother.” Moon murmured. Somehow, he still managed to find a bit of hilarity to this whole thing.
Somewhere, Moondrop had known this was how it would end.
"At least we won't need to worry about Eclipse!" Moon spoke half-heartedly, attempting to pull a laugh from his counterpart
. But who could laugh in a situation such as this? Their entire world, their home, was burning. All thanks to him.
“Amen to that,” Sundrop said, eyeing the flames from within their headspace.
“You’re right, Moon. This is an interesting time to be alive.”
Moon chuckled in agreement. “I’m starting to feel a little better.”
The laughter of his counterpart made Sun almost smile. In the end, at least they had eachother.
‘I miss you.’
‘It wasn’t supposed to be this way.’
The fires raged on for some time. The constellations changed, flickering in and out as the sun set. The flames consumed the building.
His hand shakily reached up to their softening faceplate. “Heh. G-Guess they should have made us out of metal instead.” He spoke.
“I miss you too.”
“I-It used to be different. Do you remember, Moonie?”
"Hmmm..." Moon closed his eyes.
"Facts of life, Sun." he sighed.
"Sure..." Sundrop grinned. "You're just as miserable as I am."
Moon chuckled. He closed his eyes and sighed. A hand reached up, slowly bringing the remains of his hat down to the side.
“I know things used to be...different. Before Eclipse.”
(Elizabeth S. , Age 6, broken ribcage, punctured lung and severe hemorrhaging to the neck and surrounding areas)
The tip of Moon's hat caught the flames, carefully making their way up the fur. The brightness triggered them to shift, Sun now taking the place where Moon once was. As much as Sundrop, the daycare attendant, had loved his job, he often wished Moondrop had his own body. Sometimes sharing a headspace was...tiring. Sun wished he could hug Moon.
(Moondrop wished he could, too.)
(He never should have put them back together, but it was inevitable, wasn’t it? But now Lunar was gone. KC was gone, too, but what he left behind was a husk of what Moon had been before.
Losing Lunar had broken both twins. They didn’t even care to know if Eclipse was alive after that.)
The daycare became brighter, everything in sight ablaze as Sunny took over.
Sun’s rays drooped, melting plastic of his faceplate dripdripDRIPing down his face. He couldn’t see anymore, but he knew it was bright. And hot.
“They- They told us, they promised us they’d come back! It- IT’LL BE OKAY! It’s gonna be so so so super duper AWESOME! Moonie! We’re- We’re gonna- We’re gonna see the kids again- I-” his voice box broke off, as his arms wrapped around himself.
His once brilliant crimson outfit was engulfed in flames, slowly dispersing from his form.
“I..I don’t..” Moon’s voice broke, falling into a strangled sob.
“I know, Moon,” he muttered. “I’m gonna miss you so so so SO MUCH.”
“I c-can't see anything..” Moon internally panicked as the flames filled their vision. Sun struggled to communicate, his body shivering. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know how to console his brother. There was nothing he could do. He never would have guessed that their mortality was on the line.
“I...I know you...” Moon choked out, trying to quell his own tears. "I know you..."
“I love you, Moonie.” Sun’s speech fell on deaf ears. The flames seemed to carry on, swarming through the body and making it standstill.
“Please, don't die...”
They were broken. He was completely and utterly broken. It was getting harder to stay awake as their body slowly succumbed to the insatiable hunger of the flames. Moon’s tears began to fall, trailing over the face plate. Sun sobbed quietly, clutching the melted remains of his rays.
“Don’t...don’t leaṿ̷̡͚͕̭̺͉́é̶̡̗͇̮͚̳̥̦͈͎͓̱̜̉͊̏͒ͅ ̷̨̡̠̠̞̪͚̭͓̖͓̠̗̜̆̈́̋͛͗͆͆͠m̷̧̨̺̜̗̩̯̪̖̰͂̏è̷̛̖̝͉̱̟̗̤͍̟́̈́̂̇̂͌͝͝E̴̬̠̮̹͙̦͌͊̌͌̅͒͊̇ͅȨ̴͓͕̦̥̮̹̼̯̳̮̹͉̄̒̑͒̕͠ͅE̴̡̠͎͖͐́̽͊͆͝E̶̼̗̞͇̳̗͆̾̃̈̋̎̑͜͝͠-̸͓̲͑̾̄̏̉̔̋̀̀̓̊̒̀͂ͅ"̶̫̘̪͍̀̊
Sundrop and Moondrop never liked the quiet. But now, it was deafening.
It was silent.
The building blazed, billowing smoke and all those within were taken by the fire.
The Daycare burned.
No sound. No screams. Just the heat.
Everything faded to black.
𝘼𝙗𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚 (𝘷.) 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘺𝘦.
(I know this was kind of vaguely written, but to clear some things up basically this is an AU where Monty removes KC from Moon, except now Moon can barely function without his other half. A few accidents happen involving daycare kids, and after a long time of consideration, Monty puts Moon and Sun back into the same body, which drives them both a little bit towards madness. Eclipse takes over Bloodmoon’s body now that KC is gone, and proceeds to kill Lunar and Monty-- which drives Sun and Moon even more over the edge. Sunny reverts back to his old behavior, while Moon becomes sort of apathetic towards everything. The daycare is closed due to the odd behavior of the twins and a year passes, before Eclipse eventually returns and sets the place ablaze.)
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yourcomedyminute · 1 month
YOUR COMEDY MINUTE WITH BRUCE LIPSKY #StandUp #Comedian #NewYork #City #LongIsland #Taxes #Start #Zoom #OnStage #Catalyst #Car #Accident #Spinal #Injury #Stand #Situation #Love #RodneyDangerfield #BucketList #Friend #Medical #Conferences #Dinner #Table #Amazing #NotRight #Off #Prepared #WalkedOff #MailItIn #Angry #ZZTop #BillyGibbons #Ego #Animated #ComedyCourse #StandupUniversity #RichWaker #PeterBales #SteveLazarus #Instruction #Performance #Topics #Gold #Bringer #Show #Shtick #Routine #Wife #Shopping #OrangeJuice #PeanutButter #Flowed #Compliment #Brother #Physician #Emotional #Proud #Respect #Sincere #Least #TonySoprano #T #BroadwayComedyClub #Awful #Unfunny #PickingOn #Dust #Karate #Rap #Music #Son #DoogieHowser #Dog #Fabio #Cat #PassedAway #Years #Breeder #Best #Gucci #Handbag #Designer #CockerSpaniel #Poodle #Cockapoo #Mutt #Heinz57 #Parents #Bedroom #Older #Body #Problems #College #Spanish #Final #Phone #Subway #Tacos #Fajitas #CrowsFeet #Car #Trouble #Bars #JelloShots #Dance #Moves #HennyYoungman #GrouchoMarx #MitchHedberg #StevenWright #ChrisMonty #JoeDevito #ArtSchill #ZiggySusser #HelaineWitt #SteveGoldberg #Dirt #Birthday #TomPadovano #Instagram #YouTube #Facebook #SocialMedia #Website #Rodneys #Preacher #UPS #Innuendo #JamesBond #Privates #Grandmother #Pal #Public  #BaysideHighSchool #Pass #Gym #Class #Swimming #Uniform #Speedo #Naked #Birthday #Suit #Bathing #Pool  #WaterPolo #Protect #Net #Confidence #Women #Breaststroke #NoSuit #Lawsuit #Traumatized #Reunion #Clothes #Off #Morning #Freezing #Eyebrows #NewYorkTimes #Article  #True #Story #Comedy #Live #Stream #Humor #Funny 
If you would like to be a guest on Your Comedy Minute please contact me.
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bikerlawyerdallas · 2 months
When Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Assist You?
It may be fun to ride a motorbike. However, there are risks connected with such stances. Do you think you need a lawyer if you were in a bike accident? The following are some serious situations in which a Motorcycle accident injury law firm Dallas might be very helpful-
[1] Serious Injuries
In cases when you have sustained severe wounds like fractured bones, legal counsel can guarantee that you are fairly compensated. It can also be traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury. The lawyer will help you get compensated for your medical costs and emotional distress.
[2] Disputed Liability
If there is a dispute or uncertainty over who is responsible for the accident, a skilled motorcycle accident attorney Dallas will help. They may look into the collision and collect evidence. They will put together a compelling case that proves the other party's carelessness.
[3] Insurance Company Challenges
Insurance companies frequently attempt to reduce claims payments or reject them completely. An experienced lawyer can represent you in negotiations with insurance. They will dedicatedly fight for just compensation.
[4] Difficult Legal Issues
Legal concerns pertaining to motorcycle accidents can be complex. This is particularly true when there are several parties involved. It can be due to poor road conditions or defective vehicles. A motorcycle accident attorney, Dallas is capable of handling these difficulties with ease.
[5] Permanent Disabilities
An attorney can assist in estimating future medical expenses and lost earning potential. This is if your injuries cause permanent or long-term disability. They will prepare the case in order to make sure you get fair compensation.
[6] Wrongful Death Cases
Sometimes, a motorbike accident can result in a fatality. A motorcycle accident injury law firm Dallas can help the victim's family. Together, they can file a wrongful death lawsuit.
The Closing Note-
While you do not always need legal counsel after a bike crash, speaking with a motorcycle accident injury law firm Dallas can help. You will better understand your alternatives. A lot of law firms provide free first consultation to help you decide on your cases. RUP is here to explain how your claim turns out. 
To know more about Motorcycle accident attorney Dallas please stay with our website:bikerlawyer.com.
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Superior Representation. The Justice You Deserve.
Big rigs, 18-wheelers, semi-trucks—call them what you will, but commercial trucks can be deadly. As essential as they are to the economy, the size and weight of a semi can cause serious harm to motorists during a collision. They’re highly dangerous if not properly operated and maintained. Because of this, victims in a trucking accident are likely to be killed or sustain catastrophic brain damage, spinal injuries, or amputations.
Loose regulations for trucking companies and manufacturers increase the chance of a deadly crash. Unfortunately, this reluctance to impose stronger safety standards has created a climate where profit trumps safety. If you or a loved one was the victim of a trucking collision, don’t wait. Contact the Farmington personal injury lawyers at Shapiro Law Team today.
Call Now Request a Free Consultation
Table of Contents
Superior Representation. The Justice You Deserve.
Why You Need to Hire a Farmington Truck Accident Lawyer
We Conduct Our Investigation to Build You the Strongest Case Possible
When Is the Trucking Company Liable?
5 Things to Do After a Trucking Accident
How Can I Be Compensated After a Truck Accident?
Available Compensation Types
Top Causes of Truck Accidents in Farmington
Driver Negligence
Truck Company Negligence
Truck Failure
Most Common Truck Accident Injuries
Wrongful Death Lawsuits
How Often Do Truck Accidents Occur?
In a Trucking Accident? Contact Shapiro Law Team
Why You Need to Hire a Farmington Truck Accident Lawyer
Any accidents involving semi-trucks are rarely minor. These types of accidents often involve serious injury or death. Even pick-up truck accidents are twice as likely to result in a fatality. Hire an experienced truck accident attorney who knows how to handle the legalities following a collision.
In Farmington, the lawyers at Shapiro Law Team proudly represent truck injury victims. We’re ready to fight for your maximum compensation through superior representation, backed by years of experience handling trucking cases like yours.
We Conduct Our Investigation to Build You the Strongest Case Possible
At Shapiro Law Team, we handle your case from start to finish and immediately begin investigating as soon as you call. We start our investigation by contacting our network of trucking accident experts, including reconstructionists, biomechanical engineers, automotive design experts, and others.
Along with examining the circumstances of your collision, we consider the following to help us build a case:
Was the truck driver properly licensed and trained?
Was the truck driver observing safety protocols such as not exceeding their maximum hours?
Was the truck driver speeding to meet delivery deadlines imposed by the company?
Was the truck properly maintained and were safety checks regularly conducted?
Was the truck driver under the influence of alcohol?
Was the truck driver under the influence of prescription drugs?
Were the truck’s tires unsafe or defective?
Did the truck have improper reflectors?
Was the truck’s load unsecured or improperly mounted?
Did the truck driver make an aggressive maneuver such as an unsafe lane change?
We also consider the severity of your injuries, eyewitness accounts, and the driver’s logbook.
When Is the Trucking Company Liable?
A trucking company could be liable in many different scenarios, including the following:
Broken Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration rules
Broken general traffic laws
Poor fleet and vehicle maintenance
Unsafe cargo loading
Lack of proper securement of hazardous cargo
Dangerous hiring or training procedures
Hiring unlicensed or incompetent drivers
Pressuring drivers to meet deadlines
Broken hours of service regulations
Truck driver negligence or recklessness
Remember, trucking companies are well-equipped with resources to fight your accident claim. Protect your right to compensation by working with Shapiro Law Team in Farmington, New Mexico. We’ll negotiate your case and go up against even the largest trucking companies if that’s what it takes.
5 Things to Do After a Trucking Accident
The aftermath of a trucking accident in Farmington is confusing, overwhelming, and stressful. However, taking the proper steps could make or break your right to compensation. Follow these steps to give yourself the best fighting chance:
Call 911 Stay at the scene of the truck accident, and call law enforcement. The police will create an official report of the crash—a crucial piece of information you’ll need for your case.
Check For Injuries If you, your passengers, or the truck driver have any injuries, request an ambulance. Obtaining immediate medical care is important, even if you think the injuries are minor.
Take Pictures We’re lucky to have cameras in our pockets at all times. Pull out your phone to take pictures of all vehicles involved, any injuries, and the other party’s contact information.
Call an Insurance Company Report the accident to the insurance company of the at-fault party as soon as possible. However, do not continue with claim negotiations until you contact an attorney.
Act Quickly Important evidence, like information from the truck’s black box, won’t be available forever. Hire an attorney to begin collecting evidence before it’s too late.
How Can I Be Compensated After a Truck Accident?
Compensation depends on the specifics of your case. For instance, if you were at fault for a truck accident, you’ll rely on your health insurance for compensation. If the crash was due to the negligence of another, you may get compensation from their insurance company or the trucking company itself.
Regardless of where you get your compensation, know that most insurance carriers will do everything in their power to pay you as little as possible. They’ll send you a lowball offer to save their money and, ultimately, aren’t on your side. So call someone who is on your side. Contact Shapiro Law Team for a free consultation.
Available Compensation Types
New Mexico trucking accident victims may be entitled to the following compensation:
Economic Compensation Also referred to as “special damages,” this refers to the types of compensation considered calculable after a truck crash. Economic damages may include a victim’s medical bills, out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, and property damage costs.
Non-Economic Compensation This is also known as “general damages” and refers to losses that can’t be tied to economic values. This type of compensation is harder to calculate because it often involves intangible damages like the loss of enjoyment of life, emotional and psychological damage, pain and suffering, and trauma.
Punitive Damages These damages are meant to punish the negligent party and show their actions are socially unacceptable. Punitive damages are rare and not always awarded.
Top Causes of Truck Accidents in Farmington
Driver Negligence
Negligence is the most common cause of truck accidents in Farmington. Whether the truck driver was driving while impaired or failed to follow traffic laws, we see a long list of common truck collision causes at Shapiro Law Team:
Operating while impaired by alcohol or drugs
Operating while distracted by a phone or another device
Disregarding FMCSA hours of service requirements
Purposely overloading the truck
Failing to follow traffic laws
Operating too fast for conditions
Truck Company Negligence
Trucking companies can also be negligent and cause accidents. Causes include:
Failure to regularly inspect and maintain trucks
Failure to maintain a certain amount of cargo
Failure to properly train the truck driver
Truck Failure
Finally, truck failure may be either the truck company’s fault or the parts manufacturer’s fault. This includes operational failures or malfunctions.
Most Common Truck Accident Injuries
Trucks are massive and carry thousands of pounds in cargo weight. Because of their size, semi-trucks can cause catastrophic or fatal injuries. At Shapiro Law Team, our lawyers experience helping Farmington truck accident victims who have sustained the following:
Spinal cord injuries (often with paralysis)
Other severe back or neck injuries
Devastating soft tissue injuries
Severe lacerations or puncture wounds
Crush injuries
Broken or dislocated bones
Internal organ damage
Internal bleeding
Significant scarring and disfigurement
Our Farmington truck accident lawyers are skilled in helping those who have emotional or psychological trauma. These unseen injuries can often be just as serious as physical injuries and usually have costly long-term effects.
Wrongful Death Lawsuits
Shapiro Law Team is here to help families who have lost a loved one in a trucking accident. We have expert wrongful death attorneys who will give your family the compassionate assistance they need while navigating the legal process following the driver’s actions.
How Often Do Truck Accidents Occur?
Trucking accidents occur at an alarming rate, often occurring on major highways and expressways. According to recent reports, the United States saw 166,853 accidents involving large trucks. Of that number, 99,600 were semi-trucks. In the same year, 72,137 of those involved in a trucking collision were injured.
In a Trucking Accident? Contact Shapiro Law Team
Dealing with the aftermath of a trucking accident is stressful and taxing. Don’t go up against a trucking corporation or insurance provider alone. That’s what we’re here for. We’re ready to handle all the technical and legal aspects of your case so you can take the time you need to fully recover. Contact Farmington New Mexico truck accident lawyer David Shapiro today. If we don’t win, you won’t pay.
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andronetalks · 3 months
MS-13, Russian mobsters use migrants in elaborate injury scam — even getting spinal surgery to pull it off: sources
New York Post By Brad Hamilton and Georgia WorrellPublished June 16, 2024Updated June 16, 2024, 10:48 a.m. ET It’s the melting pot of all scams. Russian gangsters, MS-13 members, and a cadre of corrupt surgeons, lawyers and lenders are pulling off the latest big con in the city: bogus personal-injury lawsuits where immigrants go under the knife to help their twisted ruse. Migrants and other…
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aftonfamilyvalues · 4 months
A similar thing happened to one of my friends moms where a band dude stage dived directly onto her and caused her spinal problems. She then proceeded to try and start a lawsuit going for her injuries, only to get duped by the lawfirm because they represented the venue/band in other legal cases. She wasn't able to get damages because of it
that sounds... very illegal
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Claiming Compensation: Navigating the Path to Personal Injury Recovery
Welcome to "Compensation Chronicles: Navigating the Path to Personal Injury Claims," where we embark on a journey through the intricate process of seeking compensation for injuries caused by the negligence or wrongful actions of others. In this article, we'll delve into the various steps involved in pursuing a personal injury claim, empowering readers with knowledge and insights to navigate the complexities of the legal system and obtain the compensation they deserve.
Understanding Personal Injury Law
Personal injury law encompasses a broad spectrum of cases, ranging from car accidents and slip-and-falls to medical malpractice and workplace injuries. This section provides an overview of personal injury law, including key concepts such as negligence, liability, and damages, laying the groundwork for understanding the legal principles that govern compensation claims.
Assessing the Severity of Injuries
Central to any personal injury claim is the assessment of the injuries suffered by the victim. From minor cuts and bruises to catastrophic injuries such as spinal cord damage or traumatic brain injuries, the severity of injuries directly impacts the compensation to which the victim may be entitled. This section explores the process of evaluating and documenting injuries to build a strong case for compensation.
Gathering Evidence: Building a Strong Foundation
Solid evidence is essential for supporting a personal injury claim and establishing liability. This section discusses the importance of gathering evidence, including medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert testimony, to substantiate the victim's case and demonstrate the negligence or fault of the responsible party.
Understanding Insurance Coverage
In many personal injury cases, compensation is sought through insurance claims, whether it's auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, or medical malpractice insurance. This section examines the various types of insurance coverage that may come into play in personal injury claims, as well as the nuances of dealing with insurance companies and negotiating settlements.
Legal Representation: The Role of Personal Injury Attorneys
Personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in guiding victims through the claims process and advocating for their rights. From providing legal advice and negotiating with insurance companies to representing clients in court, attorneys serve as invaluable allies for those seeking compensation for their injuries. This section explores the benefits of hiring a personal injury attorney and offers tips for finding the proper legal representation.
Statutes of Limitations: Timing Is Everything
Time is of the essence in personal injury claims, as there are strict deadlines for filing lawsuits known as statutes of limitations. This section discusses the importance of adhering to these legal deadlines and explores the factors that may affect the statute of limitations for different types of personal injury cases. Understanding and complying with these timelines is crucial for preserving one's right to seek compensation.
Negotiating Settlements vs. Going to Trial
In many personal injury cases, compensation is ultimately obtained through settlement negotiations rather than going to trial. This section explores the pros and cons of settling out of court versus pursuing litigation, discussing factors such as time, cost, and potential outcomes. Understanding the implications of each option can help victims make informed decisions about how to proceed with their claims.
Seeking Closure and Moving Forward
While obtaining compensation is a crucial step in the recovery process, it's equally essential for victims to seek closure and move forward with their lives. This section explores strategies for coping with the physical, emotional, and financial aftermath of a personal injury, as well as resources for support and rehabilitation. By focusing on healing and resilience, victims can reclaim their lives and look toward a brighter future.
"Compensation Chronicles: Navigating the Path to Personal Injury Claims" provides a roadmap for victims seeking compensation for injuries sustained through no fault of their own. From understanding the legal principles that govern personal injury claims to navigating the complexities of insurance coverage and negotiations, this article equips readers with the knowledge and resources they need to pursue their claims effectively and secure the compensation they deserve. With perseverance, determination, and the support of experienced legal professionals, victims can navigate the path to recovery and achieve a sense of justice and closure.
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romavilla19 · 6 months
Seeking Justice: The Role of Catastrophic Injury Lawyers in Obtaining Compensation
Catastrophic injuries can have devastating consequences, not only for the victim but also for their loved ones. These injuries, which often result from accidents such as car crashes, workplace incidents, or medical malpractice, can lead to permanent disabilities, significant medical expenses, and emotional trauma. In such challenging times, catastrophic injury lawyers serve as invaluable advocates, guiding victims through the legal process and helping them obtain the compensation they deserve.
Understanding Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic injuries are severe injuries that have a profound and lasting impact on the victim's life. These injuries may include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis, severe burns, loss of limb, or other disabling conditions. Unlike minor injuries, catastrophic injuries often require extensive medical treatment, long-term care, and rehabilitation, placing a heavy financial burden on victims and their families.
Navigating the Legal Process
For victims of catastrophic injuries, pursuing legal action to seek compensation can be a daunting prospect. The legal process can be complex and intimidating, especially for individuals who are already dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial toll of their injuries. This is where charlottesville catastrophic injury lawyer step in to provide guidance and support.
Catastrophic injury lawyers are experienced professionals who specialize in representing victims of severe injuries. They understand the intricacies of personal injury law and have the expertise to navigate the legal process on behalf of their clients. From gathering evidence and building a strong case to negotiating with insurance companies and litigating in court if necessary, catastrophic injury lawyers handle every aspect of the legal proceedings, allowing victims to focus on their recovery.
Determining Liability
One of the key roles of catastrophic injury lawyers is to determine liability for the accident that caused the victim's injuries. This involves conducting a thorough investigation to identify all parties who may be responsible for the accident, whether it be a negligent driver, a careless employer, a negligent healthcare provider, or a manufacturer of a defective product.
Once liability is established, catastrophic injury lawyers work to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. This may involve negotiating with insurance companies to reach a fair settlement or pursuing a lawsuit in civil court to seek compensation for the victim's injuries and losses.
Assessing Damages
In catastrophic injury cases, the damages can be substantial and far-reaching. Victims may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, including past and future medical treatment, rehabilitation, and assistive devices. They may also seek compensation for lost income and earning capacity, as well as for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
Catastrophic injury lawyers work closely with their clients to assess the full extent of their damages and determine the appropriate amount of compensation to seek. This may involve consulting with medical experts, vocational experts, and other professionals to evaluate the long-term impact of the victim's injuries on their life and livelihood.
Negotiating Settlements
In many cases, catastrophic injury cases are resolved through negotiated settlements rather than going to trial. Catastrophic injury lawyers play a critical role in these settlement negotiations, advocating for their clients' rights and fighting for fair compensation.
Negotiating a settlement requires skill, experience, and persistence. Catastrophic injury lawyers leverage their knowledge of personal injury law and their understanding of the facts of the case to negotiate with insurance companies and defense attorneys on behalf of their clients. They strive to reach a settlement that provides full and fair compensation for the victim's injuries and losses while avoiding the need for a lengthy and costly trial.
Providing Support and Guidance
Beyond their legal expertise, catastrophic injury lawyers also provide invaluable support and guidance to their clients throughout the legal process. They understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges that victims of catastrophic injuries face, and they are committed to helping them rebuild their lives and secure their future.
Catastrophic injury lawyers serve as compassionate advocates for their clients, offering empathy, reassurance, and practical assistance every step of the way. They help victims access the medical care and support services they need, navigate the complexities of the legal system, and make informed decisions about their case.
Catastrophic injuries can have life-altering consequences, but victims do not have to face the challenges alone. Catastrophic injury lawyers are dedicated professionals who are committed to helping victims obtain the compensation they need to rebuild their lives and move forward after a devastating injury. By providing legal expertise, advocacy, and support, catastrophic injury lawyers play a crucial role in seeking justice for victims and holding negligent parties accountable for their actions.
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