#Spider Crew
The Angel In The Garden of Evil | Chapter Thirteen: When You're Eight Lives Down
Summary: Angel's continued survival comes with consequences.
Warnings: 18+ Only, genre typical threat and violence, kidnapping, knife, Angel being stubborn,
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: @tarzinnia I am sorry.
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After her bath, Peter had helped Angel back out of the tub. He called down the hall to Eddie, asking him to run upstairs to their apartment to grab her a set of pyjamas to change into. “A set with a button up shirt preferably.” Peter had stressed. Eddie came back with a designer pair of pyjamas covered in sketches of dogs. Peter helped her into them before he started to guide her back to the bed she had been in before.
“Nope.” she said.
“What do you mean nope?”
“I mean nope, I’m not going back to that bed. I want to be in our bed, with our things-”
“Okay. Okay.” he conceded before she could finish. “Sure you can make it that far?”
“Oh, I'll make it.” she huffed.
She’d made it to the elevator and up before she gave up, Peter carefully wrapping her up in his arms, bridal style, as he carried her the rest of the way through the penthouse apartment, up the stairs and into their bedroom, carefully going to place her down on the bed.
“No.” she interjected. “I want to brush my teeth.” she said, still focused on her mission for her personal hygiene.
“Okay.” Peter said, lifting her up again and carrying her to the ensuite where he placed her down in front of the vanity to brush her teeth. He sat on the toilet seat, tapping his foot as he reached into his trouser pocket for his phone and began tapping away.
“Oh shit.” she said when she spat.
“What?” he suddenly said looking up from his phone.
“I left my phone downstairs.” she said.
“Your phone?” he queried.
“Yeah, Eddie gave it to me last night. Said one of the guys had picked it up at the house.”
Peter frowned, “Both me and Harry stopped by the house multiple times, neither of us saw it.”
“Maybe you weren’t looking for it.” she sassed back.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go get it.” He said as he stood. “Come on.” he said, readying himself to lift her to bed.
“It’s alright Pete, I can make it to the bed from here.”
“Okay… Do you want anything while I’m downstairs?” he asked.
“Maybe a glass of water.” she said.
“One phone, one glass of water.” he said listing off the list before he kissed her on the cheek and headed off to fulfil his mission.
She hobbled back into the bedroom, slowly easing herself beneath the soft crisp bed sheets. She groaned in relief as she sunk back into the pillows. Yes, this was much better.
“Here we go, one glass of water, one phone.” Peter said, handing the two items over to her.
She noticed he suddenly seemed agitated. “What is it?” she asked as she swallowed the water in her mouth and stretched out her arm to place the glass down on the bedside table. “Pete?” she asked as his fingers began to drum against his mouth in thought.
“It’s nothing, it’s probably nothing. Don’t worry yourself about it.”
“Well now I definitely am.” she bridled, shifting herself carefully to sit up closer to him.
“It’s just,” he said as he reached into his pocket and got his phone out again, typing a quick reply to a message before letting the phone fall to his side to give her his full attention. He sighed. “Felicia didn’t turn up for work today,” he said.
Angel’s face fell. “Is it because of what I said yesterday?”
“No.” he quickly said to reassure her but the little noise he made after the word implied he wasn’t quite sure. “Well, maybe. But she’s not normally one to let things like that get to her. And even if it did she wouldn’t just ghost everyone.”
“What do you mean?” Angel frowned. 
“I mean, if she needs a day she normally messages someone but there’s been nothing, absolute radio silence. I even had Harry go check her apartment but she wasn’t there.”
“Well, does she have a place she likes going to to let off steam and unwind?” Angel asked.
“Yeah, I’ve called Carl down at The Huntsman, even got Jack to take a look in that axe throwing place she likes. Nothing. It’s like she’s just disappeared.”
“Maybe she went to visit family or something?”
“Both of her parents are in prison.”
“What, and people can’t visit people in prison?” Angel reasoned.
“No but for the nearly three years I’ve known her, she’s never once gone to visit them.”
“There’s always a first time for everything?” Angel quickly said, trying to brush off the pang in her chest at the reminder of their relationship while she had been gone.
“I’ll get Eddie to make some calls.” Peter sighed as he lifted his phone into both hands again, his thumbs hurriedly typing out the message.
“You going back out with Hobie?” Angel asked into his sudden silence.
“Yeah.” he said as he shook down his sleeves and placed his phone back in his pocket, slowly stepping closer to her and perching himself on her side of the bed, her legs shifting to the side slightly to give him space. “You gonna be okay while I’m gone?”
“Do I have a choice?” She responded flatly.
“Fair enough. Do you need me to get you anything else?” He said, tucking a strand of her hair back behind her ear.
“No,” she said with a shake of her head. “I think I’m just gonna go back to sleep for a bit, I’m feeling pretty exhausted after all- this.” She waved her hand around slightly as she silently referred to the moving and bed changing and being detached from the machines and her morphine drip downstairs.
“Okay. I’ll get someone to run up the painkillers the doctor prescribed as soon as they’re back with them.”
“Okay.” she quietly nodded.
Peter shifted and helped her settle back down into the bed properly, pressing a kiss to her forehead which she quickly chased with her lips. It caught him off guard a moment, not having actually kissed her since they fucked, the night before everything went to shit again. He suddenly pulled away from her hesitantly. His face hovered millimetres from hers as he watched her eyes open. The pain, that feeling of his rejection, reflecting in her eyes.
“I’ll be back later, okay?” he tried to reassure her as his hand reached up to cup her cheek.
“Okay.” she said quietly as she turned away from him, her eyes closing as she turned her head and buried it in her pillow.
Felicia’s limbs felt heavy and her head was pounding as she began to wake. She tried to move her arms, tried to rub the sleep from her eyes but they were met with resistance. Her eyes frantically flew open, instantly looking down at her arms in the dim room. She was tied to a chair. Her head throbbed as she began to thrash around.
“Hey!” she called out. “HEYY!!” She was pulling at her limbs so hard she almost knocked the chair over. A quick hand reached out from somewhere behind her to steady it back in place.
“Now, now, no need for that.” A sinister voice crooned. “Besides, no one’s gonna hear you all the way up here.”
“Do you know who the fuck I am!” Felicia spat at the invisible voice until he slowly began to make his way in front of her. She still struggled to make out his face, the only dim overhead lightbulb in the room backlighting him, casting his face in shadows.
“Oh I know who you are.” He said as he crouched down in front of her. “Felicia Hardy, also known as the Black Cat. Daughter to Walter and Lydia Hardy, both in jail or at least they were…” his voice trailed off causing her to stop pulling at the ropes that bound her to the chair, suddenly listening intensely. “They should be moving Daddy’s body out of there anytime, well, now.” he said, checking his watch for dramatic effect. He let out a low maniacal chuckle as her face fell, her bravado faltering. He slowly stood before he began to pace back and forth in front of her. “You picked up skills from your parents from a young age resulting in you getting into a life of crime when you were merely 14.” He continued, listing off her life events. “Cut forward to just under a decade later, parents imprisoned, you’re all alone and you pick the wrong house to burgle. Ooooh. But instead of calling the Police, no Peter Parker offers you a job because, as we’ve said before, you do have a particular set of skills and the infamous Spider is missing someone like you on his team. Not to mention his wife had just upped and left the country and he was in desperate need of someone he could let off some of that… steam with.”
Felicia let out a little chuckle, “See you were doing so well up until the end. You see, he didn’t use me, I used him.” she said coily. “Now, back to my Father, what have you done to him?” she sneered.
“Ooooh Kitty’s got bite.” he said playfully, as he moved over to a table hidden in the shadows of the blacked out room. He slowly dragged a chair across the concrete floor, the sound of the metal legs scraping across the floor making her skin crawl. He stopped it forcefully in front of her before sitting down, his knees brushing her own with how close he was now sitting. “Now here’s the thing, pretty kitty,” he says as the back of his fingers move to trail down the side of her cheek. She flinches under his touch and tries to move herself away, but it's futile, “no matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to send that angelic little wife of his back to heaven and I so- desperately- want to send the Spider a message. So seeing as she seems to have stolen all your nine lives for herself,” he says lowering his hand to his waistband and pulling out a knife, flicking the blade out and flashing it under the light for her to see, before he raises it up to her face, “I guess I’m just gonna have to send my message using you.”
Angel woke up a few hours later in pain. She sent a hasty thank you to the Gods when she turned her head to find a small bottle of pills next to her glass of water beside her bed. She switched on the bedside lamp so she could read the small print, ‘take on an empty stomach’. Perfect, she thought as she hastily unscrewed the cap, tipping two of the pills into her open palm, before throwing them back into her mouth. She hoped they worked quickly because she really was feeling uncomfortable.
Unsure with what to do with herself she instinctively looked at her phone. 1 new message, number unknown, the screen read. A small paperclip symbol appeared in the slot where the message usually would be. Her brow furrowed as she began to unlock the phone and open up the message a picture appearing on the screen.
‘What is that?” she thought to herself as she brought the screen closer. It was so random, it just looked like an alleyway. Then she noticed a very pale, blood covered hand in the corner of the screen. ‘What the fuck?’ 
“PETER!” she called out. She didn’t wait for a response, already climbing out of the bed, hobbling in pain towards the bedroom door. “Hey, Pete!” she called out again as she shuffled towards the stairs, one hand bracing her ribs, the other clutching the phone tightly in her fingers. There was still no response.
She clung tightly onto the handrail as she shuffled, one leg and then the other down each stair, wincing as she went. “Pete?” she called again. “Eddie?” still nothing. She groaned as she continued to shuffle across the floor of the empty apartment. Fuck! She looked down to the contacts in her phone. She didn’t have anyone’s number. Shit.
There was a ding in the hallway as the elevator reached their floor, a couple of voices talking as they made their way to the front door of the apartment. A sharp pain spread across her ribs as she began to quicken her pace, eager to reach the door.
“Shit!” A voice exclaimed as the door opened. “Angel, why are you out of bed?” Peter said, rushing to her upon seeing her up and about. She merely held the phone out to him as she braced herself against the back of the sofa. “What? What’s this?” he said as she winced in pain again. “Come on, let’s get you back to bed-”
“NO!” she said loudly, getting his attention. She forced the phone into his hand as Hobie came up beside her, his own comforting hand resting on her back. He silently looked between the couple as Peter held the phone up closer to his face. “Look in the corner.” she said.
“Hang on a sec, is this?” His fingers began swiping at the image, enlarging particular details. “Hobie, look at this.” he said, holding the phone out to Hobie.
“Is that the side of the Huntsman?” Hobie frowned looking down at the phone. “I’ll call them, get them to take a look.” He said before looking back at Angel. “Umm, do you wanna get her back upstairs?” Hobie continued, directing his words towards Peter.
“Princess-” Peter started, but Angel just shot him a death glare as if to say she wasn’t going anywhere until she knew what was going on. “At least let me help you sit down on the couch.” He said, holding his hand out for her to take, her fingers gripping tightly around his thumb as she shifted her weight onto him.
“Hey, yeah Carl? It’s Hobie. Can you check the side entrance to the club for us?” There’s a long pause while Hobie waits on the line.
Peter helps Angel lower herself slowly onto the green sofa and she lets out a small hiss of pain. “Have you taken anything?” Peter asks her, but she just shoots him another stare. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, jeez baby-” he suddenly says defensively.
“Hi, yeah- Pete.” Hobie’s voice says, getting his attention. When Angel looks across the back of the sofa to him his face is dire. “Yeah, yeah, okay. We’ll be right there.” Hobie says down the phone before hanging up. “They found Felicia.” Hobie said, a sorrowful look in his eyes. Peter and Angel wait for him to continue but he doesn’t, he just shakes his head before staring at the floor. 
New chapters go live on Wednesdays and Fridays! If you want to be added to the tag list make sure you put it in writing for me. Also if you are enjoying the story don’t forget to tip me like you would your waiter by reblogging and leaving feedback and letting me know what you think!
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 4 Group 17
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Spider Crew: White, Ariel, Sophia, Merazophis & Wrath
Joestar Group: Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean-Pierre Polnareff, Muhammad Avdol, Iggy the Fool
Submissions are still open!
Spider Crew:
they've all lost everything and found each other. They're from an Isekai story where a gaggle of characters including White, Sophia, and Wrath were reincarnated into a fantasy world. (SPOILERS ahead if you've seen the anime these scenes have not been adapted from the books yet!) I won't make you hear the entire synopsis but I think the most telling thing is when they were marching into war with a planned high casualty rate Ariel asked White (who didn't have a name before Ariel started calling her White!!) what their chances were of winning and she said 50% then she asked her the chances of everyone living and White knew she meant their inner circle and internally listed the others I mentioned above and first thought it was very slim and then said 100% and made sure that was true. White was entirely alone and "liked it that way" before incidentally grouping up with the others listed above and now she cares about them so much. The world is ending and she needs to use every bit of magic energy she can to fix it but still offered to expend some of that to send the other reincarnations back to Earth and didn't extend it to the other reincarnations! Its no small thing! But she'll take the risk and sacrifice it for them! Ariel first said she was only protecting Sophia and Merazophis because she thought it would get her on White's good side but that's definitely not all there is to it anymore!
Also who doesn't love a found family that includes elements of previously attempting to kill each other (White vs Ariel and later the group vs Wrath)
I know the submissions post said some people can be related but let me be clear: technically Ariel is White's grandmother. I wanted to include the puppet sisters as well (Ael, Sael, Riel, and Fiel) but they're Ariel's children and that would make the group 6 related and 3 not and it felt too imbalanced then. You don't get much of a "familial bond" impression off of White and Ariel when they first meet or until book 7 whereas the puppets feel like Ariel's children the way they look up to her and she definitely mothers them. And ironically they feel more like White's nieces rather than her aunts lol
Unfortunately they become a fam in the books only after where the anime currently leaves off so there's very little official art of most of them and none including Wrath who didn't join the group until Volume 9 I think? (and the anime stops at the end of book 6 right before the other 4 group up ;n;) but I found some things :p
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Joestar Group:
Iconic himbo squad off to defeat the world's bitchiest vampire. Each of them has their own personal reason to journey and varying skills to bring to the family.
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Random question for you two…
How do you think the Spider-Crew would react to meeting Adrian Chase aka Vigilante?
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I personally feel like he’d love all the baby spiders and be the “proud mom” whenever they got a mission right!
Tag: @mothmans-kingdom @queer-and-utter-chaos
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endivinity · 10 months
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sprout goes on an adventure
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assfamine · 1 year
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Across the Spider-Verse Directors Discuss The Evolution of Miles & Gwen | Nerdist
"Spider-man definitely is a character that's owned by the audience but some of that audience takes it so seriously, trying to enforce and restrict... I remember when Miles Morales' comic book came out there were people who were rejecting Miles as a character for... their own reasons. But obviously that's not how we think it should be and we wanted to talk directly to that [...] If Spider-man is a character who's owned by the entire world then the entire world should be represented in that character. "
Dir. Justin K. Thompson on Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse (2023)
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existingoutofspite · 2 months
“the average podcast has 3 micheals” is actually an incorrect statistic. the average podcast has 0-1 Michaels. The Magnus Archives (aka The Micheal Archives), which has about 1000 michaels, is an outlier and should not be counted
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gamchawizzy · 4 months
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Patches did NOT study for this week's lecture but fortunately Rom's here to help
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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This week on Kingohger… Jeramie and Gerojim make a silly little movie and show the whole six kingdoms! Everyone loved it and no one was sad. Ever.
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potatobugz · 1 year
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comicavalcade · 9 months
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Rosalynn and Amy Carter meet Stan Lee and a crew of Marvel characters at the White House. 10/1/1980
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crackheadcola · 2 months
Made spider-bombs ref sheet!! (Just sketch!!)💜🖤✨
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therandomartmaker · 1 year
Friend made a spider-sona for some of the people in our friend group. i hijacked my own designs into them (the spider logos, for example) and then made myself make a rough comic that was originally only 2 pages, gained a page, and then also got rough shading- nevermind.
including; Ashe ( @badatgmrt they/them) as Lunar-Web, Achilles ( @approximately-74373-bees he/they) as Spider-Galaxy, Hannah (she/her) as Solar-Spider, Karter ( @i-amtransexual he/him) as Spider-Guy and Nova (me) as Paint-Weaver (previously Web-Weaver)!
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Plus an extra under the cut
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panstovoid · 1 year
Man across the spiderverse is really going for be gay, fight crime (and the establishment).
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milimeters-morales · 1 month
i also like the idea of miles and peter getting reporters all confused with their answers because they don’t actually want to be talking with them, but they do want to have some fun with it. responding to questions with completely unrelated answers (what’s your idea of a relaxing day? / my top 5 favorite animals are…), acting like they don’t know several things (do you plan on leaving the state entirely one day? / what’s a state?), or acting like they can’t understand or they keep mishearing (how’s your leg healing? / huh? / i said- / sorry huh?) until they get bored or the reporter leaves early. d1 time wasters
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keep-ur-head-low · 1 year
Although we don’t know the exact details behind the central conflict of Across the Spiderverse and it could very well be an intentional trailer misdirect, I think the possibility of Miles having to save one of his parents at the risk of the multiverse has strong potential to challenge the deeply rooted idea that tragedy and sacrifice define Spider-Man as a character. Much of Spider-Man media suggests that Spider-Man absolutely has to give up his loved ones and personal life for the sake of his duties, an idea that’s so ingrained culturally that many people weren’t satisfied with the MCU’s Peter Parker until No Way Home literally everything away from him. And while this is a staple of the character for a reason and even the first Spiderverse movie delves into the idea of getting back up from major loss, the new Spiderverse movie looks like it might offer the much more optimistic perspective that you don’t have to lose everything to wear the mask. Miguel sees himself as the protector of destiny, and most likely having lost a loved one himself, fully believes that Miles’ losses are set in stone for the good of the multiverse. But Miles has never been one to follow the narrative. He was bitten by a spider not of his world and went beyond the expectations of others by doing things his own way. He defines his own path and will fight to keep both the multiverse and his happiness alive, no matter how much he’s told he can’t have both.
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microfeelings · 5 months
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Yeah I'm sharing them now because if I decide to wait to pass them digitally I will ✨never do it✨
Spiderverse x One Piece AU!
A little something that started as an exercise in character design and then I got a little bit into it lmao
I did design the rest of the East Blue Crew but uh... they were kinda ugly/boring, I put more effort into these two because they're the 💕favs💕
Info, kinda. Honestly I don't have a lot thought out its mostly random ideas that mushed together sort of resemble a well put together au, just like everything I do <3
- Spider-Woman of her universe, while her design isn't exactly original I really liked using her orange and blue colors. She has the spider logo on her back because she hates spiders and hates looking at them lmao
- In her universe, her best friend Usopp died when she failed to save him (kinda her "Gwen Stacy" but he was just a friend)
- Has electricity powers, her spidey senses are also really in tune with the climate for some reason
- She has a staff (not pictured) she fights with, and also uses the environment to her favor, not the biggest fan of fighting hand to hand because (compared to other Spider-people) shes not as physically strong
- Has a few enemies and nemesis that she fights, Arlong being the most important/strong one
- She's actually quite happy to know other Spider-people, tho she was kinda shocked when she saw Usopp... It was awkard for both of them...
- The first Spider-man in his world, there are some things of his design I would change (mainly the sweatband, I would change the colors), but I'm actually quite happy with his design. Where does his nose go with the mask on? The same place Hobbie's hair goes, idk..
- In his universe, his best friend Nami died, Usopp failing to protect her
- Uncanny precision with his webfluids, also figths using the environment
- Unfortunately isn't a well received Spider-man 😔, gets complaints about destruction of property or how he's "pretty coward for a superhero"
- Really would rather focus on saving civilians from natural disasters, as he's also not as physically strong (compared to other Spider-people), but it seems every weirdo on the block decided they really need to beat this teenager up, so he also has some enemies...
- Super excited about meeting other Spider-people and finally being able to share life experiences with them, and then met Nami, or Spider-Woman Nami and it was awkard and uncomfortable (but they became besties, bittersweet moment)
Extra stuff from the rest of the East Blue Crew:
- Luffy's spiderman name is Spider-King and the rest of the Spidermans where like "I can't decide if that's the best or the worst name I've ever heard...". Well Usopp thinks it's kinda cool, and wishes he had chosen a cooler name for himself, might be too late for a new signature 🤔, Nami and Sanji think it's stupid, Zoro is undecided
- Sanji does not have a spider logo, even tho his name is Spider-man because he hates spiders
- Zoro is the second Spider-man from his universe, the first one being Kuina, she died and he took her place
- Sanji has fire inmunity
- Zoro carries like 5 extra pockets of web fluids cause he takes "longer routes" (he gets lost a lot)
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