#Special Human
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the fact that languages change over time is so funny to me. we have thousands of language that work perfectly well, but no that's not good enough, we need to keep fiddling with them. no not making them better, just making them different. why? well, humans enjoy making up words and phrases. for fun. enrichment activity
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notherpuppet · 2 months ago
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Merry Xmas!
Part 1/2
Part 2
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bunnis-monsters · 2 months ago
warning: oviposition, gangbang, fluff+smut
Your first Christmas with the bee hybrids was… certainly an experience.
You’ve only been queen for a year. Your own little ones are barely toddlers learning to walk and fly, but the babies from the previous queen have grown attached and see you as their mama too.
“Mama, what’s Christmas?”
Oh, the dreaded question. The hive had been teaching the little ones human traditions and simple biological facts to make sure they grew up knowing how to properly take care of their queen.
“Oh… it’s a holiday where the family gathers around, exchanged presents, and then we eat a nice dinner.”
One of your own toddles over, teething on one of your fingers as you speak. “Sometimes during the season, people go caroling or look at Christmas lights. There’s a lot of baking as well.”
They all let out a collective “ooo”.
This was the beginning of the end.
The second Halloween was over, the baby bees were buzzing around, begging their mama for some Christmas fun. It wasn’t fair that the humans got to celebrate such cool traditions while they “wasted away” in their cribs.
“Mama, I wanna make cookies!”
“A-and I want to see Santa!”
“Mama, are we elves?”
Overwhelmed by all of their requests and… odd questions, you quickly roped in the adults in your hive to help you make Christmas possible for your baby bees.
Surprisingly, the hardest part was your subjects trying to comprehend why the little ones should receive a gift from an outsider of the hive.
“This Santa creature… is he safe? What does he want in return for gifts of this amount? I’m not sure we have enough honey to satisfy such a beast.”
That’s when you had to break it to the adults of your hive that Santa was in fact not real, and that all of the presents would come from them.
A few of your attendants whined, burying their faces in your neck and tummy, rubbing their fluff against you. “My queen, he’s not real? We won’t get presents?”
“Oh dear…”
It took the entire month of November to simply gather all of the supplies together, and you wondered if it would be possible to give your babies the Christmas they wanted.
First up on the list was Christmas caroling. They refused to do it in the hive, babbling on about spreading Christmas cheer.
So you hid their antennas under hats, bundled them up nice and warm, and escorted them down a relatively safe human street. The bee hybrids guarded the little ones, buzzing threateningly at anyone that got to close as they sang their little songs.
You watched out of the corner of your eyes as one of them fell face first into a snow bank, their little legs wiggling while being pulled out by one of the guards.
It was difficult not to laugh.
After their caroling, they wanted to play in the snow for a while. You let them play until they were running to you and crying, their little noses runny and their hands cold.
“Alright, let’s go home.”
Through December, you helped them do fun crafts and write their letters to Santa. There was a certain magic in the air, everyone was excited for the big night.
And then it came. Christmas Eve was filled with activities, the first being a special breakfast.
The next activity was baking cookies for Santa. Since you had so many little ones, multiple ovens had to be used just to make enough cookies for them to decorate.
Of course they all ate most of them, unable to resist the sugary treats, but you were able to save a plate full for Santa.
They all gathered around the giant tree the bee hybrids brought into the hive, all giggling and decorating it as others snacked on the Christmas cookies. Seeing your cute little fuzz balls so happy made your heart soar.
The last activity before bed was to watch a Christmas movie, and they all wanted to be snuggled up with you while they waited for Santa.
They all wore little matching pajamas, their wings buzzing and antennas twitching as they curled up with their mama.
“Mama… Christmas is the best…” one of your babies cooed as another nursed. They were still so little, you hoped you’d have many more Christmas memories like this in the future.
Carefully, you untangled yourself from the pile of sleeping baby bees and made you way to the adult Christmas party.
When you opened the door, all eyes were on you. Some were drunk from overripe fruit while others were feasting on sweets and playing games while waiting for you to arrive.
And every single one of them was hard.
“My queen~!”
You were approached by your attendants, who all rubbed around you, desperate for your attention after you had been busy with the babies all day. “We missed you… everyone’s been waiting for our Christmas present!”
All of the bee hybrids cooed and hummed, buzzing with excitement. In exchange for them working so hard to give the babies a nice Christmas, you promised to give them a special treat.
Your body.
Instantly you were surrounded, being caressed and sniffed, your clothes easily coming off. Your hive had been working nonstop all month to make you and the babies happy, which meant you hadn’t been mated with much.
And embarrassingly enough, you craved this as much as they did.
You cried out in ecstasy as one of the bees latched onto your clit, sucking softly as your cunt was being fucked by another. Both of your nipples were being attacked, and your mouth was stuffed with a fat cock.
“Is this okay, my queen?”
“Ahh, my queen, you’re so tight…”
It was a night full of many orgasms, your tummy heavy and full of eggs by morning.
Each bee hybrid got their turn inside of your cunt, and admittedly it was arousing to watch them jerk off to the image of you being fucked by the others, some even sucking and fucking each other because they were too impatient.
But they ended up completely satisfied, lapping softly at your cunt, licking up some of the cum and gently pushing eggs back into your pussy.
You were so, so full and kept cumming around the eggs that it was hard to keep them inside… but your attendants swooped in to take care of the aftercare and make sure you would be ready for the morning.
You yawned, resting against a fluffy bee hybrid as your little ones opened their presents in the morning. They were all so happy, giggling and carrying around their toys to show to their mama.
It was a great first Christmas with the bee hybrids, and each one of them was looking forward to next year!
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eggscargot · 3 months ago
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i promise im not being tooooo mean to stan
i also couldnt figure it out when someone showed it to me the first time NUDNDJDRNJFJ
love sibling energy hehe
[ID: Ford Pines and Stan Pines are making heart shapes with their pointer finger snd middle fingers. Ford is giggling at Stan and doing it correctly, while Stan struggles and says, "Keep laughing! See what happens-"
The second drawing is of Ford unable to contain his laughter anymore, and Stan jumping to attack him, shouting, "I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD-" while it is implied off screen that Mable and Dipper are pulling him back, while shouting his name. Mable thinks its funny, while Dipper is comically concerned. End ID.]
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bruciemilf · 5 months ago
Bruce being so smiley and happy around Robin! Jason shatters me so intimately. Soft as hell if this continues when Jason’s red hood, too.
“Robin,” Bruce calls him that out of habit and isn’t at all surprised when Jason swiftly punches his arm, only to rub the place a moment later, even if Bruce barely notices. “This is not the time for jokes.”
“ Three o’clock is always the time for jokes. You scheduled it.”
“Nightwing was turned into a rabbit. And you’re laughing.”
“Have you seen the guy’s Tik Toks? This is as dignified as he’ll ever be.”
Jason is very sure Dick can understand them, because he’s biting hard through his boots. Even harder when Bruce snorts and presses his lips in a white line.
Don’t get me wrong, thought, it’s vice versa.
“I think we’re gonna have to kill this guy, B.” Talking about a guy who cut the line in Batburger while Cass was trying to order.
Bruce, in his Batman voice, “fuck!”
Jason has one of those laughing fits where you get on the floor, breathless and limp. “This brings up memories.”
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chio-chan2artbox · 1 month ago
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Uncle Perry <3
The last two images is younger Perry with younger Phineas, Ferb and Candace
The reference for Candace and Perry’s picture -> here
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mischievous-thunder · 4 months ago
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Now that's marvellous!
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Donna Noble really got in the TARDIS and on trip number ONE like ONLY the FIRST trip she was like we are going to change history to save a single family because that is how it should work so that is how it does and then on trip number TWO on the SECOND trip she was like we are going to destroy an entire culture of slavery because it is right I don't care if we're two people and then on the THIRD trip she was like I am going to be unbelievably brave to save my home and everyone I love and then on the FOURTH trip she was like no living breathing thinking creature is less than a person and how dare you try to dehumanise someone like that how dare you not give her a name and the list GOES ON this woman NEVER MISSED there goes one of the kindest bravest most constant women you might ever meet and she's a temp from Chiswick
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ratsoupee · 9 days ago
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gcballet · 4 months ago
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Doctor Who as tweets/textpost pt.1
<- | DW | ->
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ros-sauce · 5 months ago
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Manifesting a good mizu5!!!!!!
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perpetuallyscreamingbird · 2 months ago
Going feral over "this is a love story" because it so is.
How could the Narrator tear a god in two and expect them not to love each other? Not to love the first thing they knew that wasn't them, not to love that lost part of themself? Maybe it's because hating yourself is such a human thing, it's impossible to imagine a being torn in two loving its lost parts. Even when they're not perfect. Especially when they're not perfect.
Even when you get the worst outcome on a route, or one of the vessels with so many reasons to be angry, The Shifting Mound still loves The Long Quiet because they're gods, and death is to them what a paper cut is to us and this too shall pass and she loves him through all of it.
They are everything. They can be as good as they can be bad. They can love each other and hurt each other and those things are rarely mutually exclusive. They can meet afterwards and talk with kindness. There isn't a single part of them that doesn't have the potential to be something better. There isn't a single part of them that doesn't have the potential to be something worse. They're the same entity. Theyre the only different being the other has ever known. This is a love story.
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thatpunnyperson · 2 years ago
According to NBC here in the US, the missing titanic sub has been found. As debris. Off the bow of the Titanic wreckage.
And it looks like the sub suffered what we all suspected, and what was undoubtedly the more merciful of the two options: a catastrophic implosion from the pressure.
Also, more info has come to light about the fishing trawler with the hundreds of migrants that sank cataclysmically off the coast of Greece, indicating that the greek coast guard knew about the vessel AND how much trouble the vessel was in, and were towing it at a speed that made it capsize, at which point they unhooked the tow line and watched the trawler sink without helping the passengers to safety. Despite a bunch of other ships trying to help as well throughout the whole ordeal.
So a lot of people are dead, all because of regulations (and the lack thereof) regarding sea-faring vessels and rescue protocols. People shouldnt be allowed to make a business charging a ton of money for a ride on an uncertified, unsafe, un-seaworthy ship going deep into the ocean with no distress beacon or tether to the mothership. People also shouldnt be allowed to enact laws that criminalize the ferrying of refugees, which then force the refugees to hitch rides on fishing trawlers, and which also prevent people from helping those fishing trawlers full of refugees due to fear of legal consequences.
Hopefully BOTH of these events spark changes on an international scale in terms of what is legally allowed to be sailed, who is legally allowed to be the passengers, and what the rescue protocols are in the event of disaster for any seafaring vessel, illegal or not. It shouldnt be just the global 1% who get 24/7 search parties and remote-operated submersibles helping rescue them.
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bamidele-anderson · 2 years ago
5 unreal unique black people breaking world beauty standards
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sethdomain · 8 months ago
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someone should write a species swap fic
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months ago
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*stares at jack darby and miko nakadai and raf esquivel and charlie watson and noah diaz and kris diaz*
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