#Speaker 15 Inch Metro
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0851-7988-9353 - Jual Speaker Elsound di Metro
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau.
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut : https://linktr.ee/elsoundspeakers
Follow juga akun sosmed yang lainnya :
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elsoundaudio/ Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elsound.audio Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@ElsoundAudio
Official Website : https://elsoundspeakers.com/
Belanja di Marketplace:
Tokopedia | https://tokopedia.com/elsound Shopee | https://shopee.co.id/elsoundspeakers
Speaker Subwoofer 8 Inch: Memahami Keunggulan dan Pilihan Terbaik
Dalam dunia audio, subwoofer adalah salah satu komponen terpenting yang memberikan kedalaman dan kekuatan pada suara. Salah satu ukuran yang sering diandalkan adalah speaker subwoofer 8 inch. Artikel ini akan membahas semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang subwoofer ini, termasuk keunggulan, tips pemilihan, dan rekomendasi produk terbaik.
1. Mengapa Memilih Speaker Subwoofer 8 Inch?
Speaker subwoofer 8 inch memiliki kombinasi ideal antara ukuran dan performa. Dalam banyak kasus, subwoofer ini mampu memberikan bass yang cukup dalam tanpa memakan banyak ruang. Mari kita lihat beberapa keunggulan utama dari speaker subwoofer 8 inch.
Kelebihan Speaker Subwoofer 8 Inch:
Kualitas Bass yang Baik: Meskipun lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan ukuran yang lebih besar, subwoofer 8 inch dapat memproduksi bass yang cukup memuaskan, terutama untuk genre musik seperti hip-hop, rock, dan EDM.
Desain Kompak: Ukuran yang tidak terlalu besar membuatnya mudah dipasang di berbagai ruang, baik di rumah maupun di mobil.
Harga Terjangkau: Banyak opsi subwoofer 8 inch yang tersedia dengan harga bersaing, menjadikannya pilihan ideal bagi audiophile dengan anggaran terbatas.
Dengan banyaknya pilihan di pasar, penting untuk memilih subwoofer yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda.
2. Pilihan Lain: Speaker 10 Inch
Jika Anda mencari alternatif, mungkin Anda ingin mempertimbangkan speaker 10 inch. Di pasaran, Anda akan menemukan banyak pilihan, mulai dari speaker 10 inch murah hingga speaker 10 inch magnet besar. Mari kita lihat beberapa jenis speaker 10 inch yang menarik:
Speaker 10 Inch Murah
Banyak produsen menawarkan speaker 10 inch yang murah namun tetap memberikan kualitas suara yang memuaskan. Ini adalah pilihan yang bagus bagi mereka yang ingin meningkatkan sistem audio tanpa merogoh kocek terlalu dalam.
Speaker Middle 10 Inch Terbaik
Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan kualitas suara yang lebih tinggi, Anda dapat mencari speaker middle 10 inch terbaik. Speaker jenis ini dirancang untuk memberikan performa yang lebih baik dalam hal mid-range dan bass. Kualitas suara yang dihasilkan bisa sangat mengesankan.
Speaker Woofer 10 Inch yang Bagus
Ketika berbicara tentang bass, tidak ada yang lebih baik daripada speaker woofer 10 inch yang bagus. Speaker ini dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan frekuensi rendah yang kuat dan jelas, sehingga cocok untuk musik yang memerlukan kekuatan bass yang mendalam.
3. Memahami Teknologi: Passive Radiator dan Distortion
Saat memilih speaker, penting untuk memahami teknologi yang digunakan di dalamnya. Dua istilah yang sering muncul adalah passive radiator dan distortion. Mari kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang keduanya.
Apa itu Passive Radiator pada Speaker Driver?
Passive radiator adalah komponen yang digunakan dalam desain speaker untuk meningkatkan respons bass. Berbeda dengan driver aktif yang memproduksi suara, passive radiator berfungsi sebagai resonator. Ini membantu memperpanjang frekuensi bass yang dihasilkan oleh speaker, menjadikannya pilihan yang cerdas untuk sistem audio yang lebih baik.
Bagaimana Cara Kerja Passive Radiator pada Speaker Driver?
Cara kerja passive radiator cukup sederhana. Ketika driver aktif bergetar, ia menggerakkan udara di dalam enclosure, yang juga menggerakkan passive radiator. Hal ini menciptakan gelombang suara tambahan, meningkatkan output bass tanpa memerlukan tambahan daya dari amplifier. Ini membuat sistem lebih efisien dan membantu mengurangi distorsi.
Apa itu Distortion pada Speaker Driver?
Distortion adalah istilah yang merujuk pada perubahan atau penyimpangan suara asli yang dihasilkan oleh speaker. Ketika speaker beroperasi di luar kapasitasnya, suara dapat menjadi tidak jelas atau bahkan "pecah". Hal ini biasanya terjadi pada volume tinggi atau ketika frekuensi tertentu diproduksi.
Apa itu passive radiator pada speaker driver?
Passive radiator adalah komponen yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan respons bass dengan cara resonansi. Ini bekerja dengan cara bergetar mengikuti gerakan driver aktif.
Bagaimana cara kerja passive radiator pada speaker driver?
Passive radiator bekerja dengan menerima gerakan udara dari driver aktif, menciptakan gelombang suara tambahan yang meningkatkan output bass dan mengurangi kebutuhan daya dari amplifier.
Apa itu distortion pada speaker driver?
Distortion adalah penyimpangan suara asli yang dihasilkan oleh speaker, biasanya terjadi ketika speaker beroperasi di luar kapasitasnya. Ini dapat menyebabkan suara menjadi tidak jelas atau pecah.
Speaker subwoofer 8 inch adalah pilihan cerdas bagi siapa pun yang ingin meningkatkan pengalaman mendengarkan. Dengan kualitas bass yang baik, desain kompak, dan harga yang terjangkau, subwoofer ini cocok untuk berbagai kebutuhan audio. Jika Anda juga tertarik pada speaker 10 inch, banyak pilihan seperti speaker 10 inch murah, speaker middle 10 inch terbaik, dan speaker woofer 10 inch yang bagus yang bisa dipertimbangkan.
Dengan pemahaman yang tepat tentang teknologi di balik speaker, termasuk passive radiator dan distortion, Anda akan lebih siap untuk memilih sistem audio yang memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan Anda. Pastikan untuk mencoba berbagai opsi sebelum memutuskan, dan nikmati pengalaman audio yang maksimal!
Jual Speaker Metro,Speaker 12 Inch Metro,Speaker 10 Inch Metro,Speaker 15 Inch Metro,Speaker 18 Inch Metro,Speaker Driver Metro,Toko Speaker Terdekat Metro,Grosir Speaker Metro,Pabrik Speaker Metro,Speaker Kecil Murah Metro
#JualSpeakerMetro #Speaker12InchMetro #Speaker10InchMetro #Speaker15InchMetro #Speaker18InchMetro #SpeakerDriverMetro #TokoSpeakerTerdekatMetro #GrosirSpeakerMetro #PabrikSpeakerMetro #SpeakerKecilMurahMetro
Untuk Provinsi Lampung Temukan Elsound terdekat di Metro dekat dengan Lampung Tengah,Lampung Utara,Lampung Selatan,Lampung Barat,Lampung Timur,Mesuji,Pesawaran,Pesisir Barat,Pringsewu,Tulang Bawang,Tulang Bawang Barat
0851-7988-9353 - Jual Speaker Elsound di Metro
#Jual Speaker Metro#Speaker 12 Inch Metro#Speaker 10 Inch Metro#Speaker 15 Inch Metro#Speaker 18 Inch Metro#Speaker Driver Metro#Toko Speaker Terdekat Metro#Grosir Speaker Metro#Pabrik Speaker Metro#Speaker Kecil Murah Metro
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0851-7988-9353 |JOSS! Speaker Pasif Elsound di Lampung Utara
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau.
Speaker Pasif Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif 15 Inch Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif 12 Inch Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif Murah Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif Yang Bagus Lampung Utara,Jenis Speaker Pasif Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif Untuk Karaoke Lampung Utara,Sound System Pasif Lampung Utara
#SpeakerPasifLampungUtara #SpeakerPasif15InchLampungUtara #SpeakerPasif12InchLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifMurahLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifTerbaikLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifYangBagusLampungUtara #JenisSpeakerPasifLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifUntukKaraokeLampungUtara #SoundSystemPasifLampungUtara
Untuk Provinsi Lampung Temukan Elsound terdekat di Lampung Utara dekat dengan Tanggamus,Way Kanan,Bandar Lampung,Metro, Daftar Namadandi Provinsi Banten:,Lebak,Pandeglang,Serang,Tangerang,Cilegon,Tangerang Selatan
#Speaker Pasif Lampung Utara#Speaker Pasif 15 Inch Lampung Utara#Speaker Pasif 12 Inch Lampung Utara#Speaker Pasif Murah Lampung Utara#Speaker Pasif Yang Bagus Lampung Utara#Jenis Speaker Pasif Lampung Utara#Speaker Pasif Untuk Karaoke Lampung Utara#Sound System Pasif Lampung Utara
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Amazon in New York despite not being in New York
*Be like water, as Bruce Lee used to say.
It might be helpful to state here what Amazon actually is: a logistics company misrepresented as a retail company misrepresented as a tech company. Over time, the types of products the company sells have expanded beyond books and bassinets into less obviously tangible commodities like data (via Amazon Web Services), labor (via Amazon Mechanical Turk), and “content” (via Twitch and Amazon Studios productions).
Ultimately the company’s appeal isn’t so much in the stuff it provides but the efficiency with which it provides stuff. Computation is obviously an important part of running a logistics operation, but Amazon’s logistical ends are frequently obscured by the hype around its technical prowess. And while Amazon is increasingly in the game of making actual things, a lot of them are commodities that, in the long run, enable the movement of other commodities: Amazon Echos aren’t just nice speakers, they’re a means of streamlining the online shopping experience into verbal commands and gathering hundreds of thousands of data points. Producing award-winning films and TV shows gives the company a patina of cultural respectability, but streaming them on Amazon Prime gets more people on Amazon and, in theory, buying things using Amazon Prime accounts.
Amazon’s logistical foundation is most blatantly visible in the company’s nearly 900 warehouses located around the world. Currently, the company has one fulfillment center (FC) in New York City. The 855,000-square-foot site in Staten Island opened in fall 2018 and had already earned Amazon $18 million in tax credits from the state of New York before the HQ2 deal was announced. Additionally, a month before the HQ2 announcement, Amazon had also signed a ten-year lease for a new fulfillment center in Woodside, Queens.
The same day that Amazon vice president Brian Huseman testified before the New York City Council about HQ2, Staten Island warehouse employees and organizers from the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU) announced a plan to form a union at the Staten Island FC, citing exhausting and unsafe working conditions better optimized for warehouse robots than employees. These conditions are far from unique to Staten Island—stories about the grueling pace, unhealthy environment, and precarity of contract workers at fulfillment centers have been reported regularly as far back as 2011.
Amazon has approximately 850 warehouses around the world according to logistics consultancy MVPWL International, which vary from fulfillment centers like this one in Chattanooga to sorting centers, food distribution hubs, and delivery stations. New York has a fulfillment center in Staten Island and two distribution hubs, one located in Manhattan and the other in Brooklyn. (Governor Bill Haslam/State of Tennessee via Flickr)
And yet, when the Staten Island FC was first announced in 2017, a small handful of media outlets made note of this record. Unions and community leaders weren’t galvanized against the Staten island FC the way they were by HQ2 or the way they had been when Wal-Mart attempted to come to New York in 2011. In some ways, the HQ2 debacle gave new life and momentum to an organized labor challenge previously hidden in plain sight (or at least in the outer boroughs).
Of course, Amazon’s logistics spaces aren’t solely confined to far-flung corners of the New York metro area: There are two Prime Now distribution hubs in New York, one in Brooklyn and the other at the previously mentioned Midtown Manhattan location. Same-day delivery service Prime Now originated from that Midtown warehouse in 2014 and spawned Amazon Flex, an app-based platform for freelance delivery drivers to distribute Prime Now packages. (Ironically, one of the reasons Amazon has been able to become so effectively entrenched in the city is because of this kind of contingent labor force—any car in New York City can become an Amazon Flex delivery vehicle, any apartment a Mechanical Turker workplace.)
The art of logistics also depends in part on the art of marketing. To support that marketing endeavor, Amazon has a 40,000-square-foot photo studio in a former glass manufacturing plant in Williamsburg that produces tens of thousands of images for Amazon Fashion, the company’s online apparel venture. The company’s forays into fashion, while less publicized, may also position it to become one of the largest retailers of clothing in the world.
New York is also home to 260 Amazon Lockers: pickup and package return sites for select products typically located in 7-Elevens and other bodega-like environments. Like Prime Now, the Lockers streamline and automate a process that would normally involve lines at the post office. First appearing in New York in 2011, the 6-foot-tall locker units can range between 6 and 15 feet wide, with the individual lockers in each unit capable of holding packages no larger than 19 x 12 x 14 inches (roughly larger than a shoebox).
While early reports indicated that store owners received a small monthly stipend for hosting the lockers, the main sell for store owners is the possibility of luring in more foot traffic. But a 2013 Bloomberg article noted that smaller businesses were frustrated by the limited returns from installing the lockers and increased power bills (lockers use a digital passcode system, requiring electricity and connectivity). There is an irony in the fact that for almost a decade before the HQ2 debacle, small businesses have been ceding physical space to Amazon only to be stuck with monolithic storage spaces serving little direct benefit.... (((etc etc)))
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WCG World Cyber Games Samsung Store Metrotown - Series 7 Gaming
Original Post Date November 30, 2013
Daman Beatty speaks with Thierry St-Jacques-Gagnon, CEO of WCG Canada at the Samsung Store in Metropolis at Metrotown, Burnaby / Metro Vancouver for MassiveLiving.tv
Samsung Series 7 Gaming laptop gaming stations featured.
WCG Canada's Western National Finals will be held this upcoming week-end. The annual meeting is open to everyone to compete in Starcraft II and FIFA12. The winner of the Western National Finals will join the 2012 Canadian Team for a chance to compete at the WCG Grand Final in Kunshan, China. When: Friday October 26 to Sunday October 28, 2012 Where: Metropolis at Metrotown Atrium Court, 4700 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC. How to compete: You only have to show up with your mouse, mouse pad, keyboard and headset at the Metropolis on Friday, October 26, and plug them in our brand new Samsung Series 7 Gamer laptops. You will then be entered in a bracket of 4 players. The winner of each bracket will meet-up with the pre-qualified players in the Top 32 of the event on Saturday, October 20, at noon. You can try as many times as you want between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday. You are also welcome to try the Samsung products on site.
Samsung Laptops Series Family Featured - Windows 8 Launch
Neil from Samsung showcases the Samsung family of laptops at the Canadian World Cyber Games just outside the Samsung Retail Store at Burnaby Metropolis at Metrotown in Metro Vancouver. Samsung Laptops Featured in the video above: 0:53 - 15 Inch UltraBook Series 9 Laptop 1:35 - Aluminum Series 9 Laptop 2:03 - Series 7 for Business Professionals 2:52 - Series 5 Multimedia Laptop with JBL Speakers 3:30 - Series 5 535 for students with Optical Disc Drive 4:08 - Series 7 Gamer Laptop
Hand Gesture Controlled Samsung Smart Hub 8000 Series TV Smart Interaction
Luigi from Samsung Consumer Electronics at the Canadian World Cyber Games outside the Samsung Store at Metropolis Metrotown explains hand gesture controlled Samsung Smart Hub 8000 Series TV Smart Interaction.
is a website about tech gadgets and digital living. It’s put together by real people who love technology and want to share their experiences with other gadget enthusiasts.
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How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are
Posted by FeliciaCrawford
MozCon is just around the corner, meaning it’s time to share one of our absolute favorite posts of the year: the semi-official MozCon Guide to Seattle!
For those of you following the yellow brick road of I-5 into the heart of the Emerald City to spend three days absorbing all the SEO insight you can hold, this should help you plan both how you spend your time at the conference and outside of it. For those watching on the sidelines, scroll along and you’ll find a treasure trove of fun Seattle ideas and resources for future cons or trips you might make to this fair city by the sea.
And if you’ve been waffling on whether or not to take the plunge (to attend the conference — I wouldn’t recommend plunging into the Puget Sound, it’s quite cold), there may still be time:
Register for MozCon!
We’re now over 99% sold out, so act fast if you’ve got your heart set on MozCon 2018!
Official MozCon activities:
We know you’re here for a conference, but that’s only part of your day. After you’ve stuffed every inch of space in your brain with cutting-edge SEO insights, you’re going to want to give yourself a break — and that’s exactly why we’ve put together an assortment of events, activities, suggestions, and Seattle insider pro tips for how to fill your time outside of MozCon.
The MozCon kickoff party!
With day one behind you, we’re guessing you’ll be some mix of energized, inspired, and ready to relax just a bit. Celebrate the first day of MozCon at our Monday night kickoff party with a night of networking, custom cocktails, and good music at beautiful Block 41 in Belltown.
Meet with fellow marketers and the Mozzers that keep your SEO software shiny while you unwind after your first full day of conferencing. It’s our privilege and delight to bring our community together on this special night.
Our famously fun MozCon Bash
There ain’t no party like a MozCon party! We invite all MozCon attendees and Mozzers to join us on Wednesday night at the Garage Billiards in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. From karaoke to photobooth, from billiards to shuffleboard, and peppered liberally with snacks and libations, the Wednesday Night MozCon Bash is designed to celebrate the completion of three days of jam-packed learning. This is the industry party of the year — you won’t want to miss it!
Birds of a Feather lunch tables
In between bites of the most delicious lunch you’ll find in the conference circuit, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with your fellow community members around the professional topics that matter most to you. Each day there will be seven-plus tables with different topics and facilitators; find one with a sign noting the topic and join the conversation to share advice, learn new tips and tricks, and discover new friends with similar interests.
Monday, July 9th
Google Analytics & Tag Management hosted by Ruth Burr Reedy at UpBuild
Content-Driven Link Building hosted by Paddy Moogan at Aira
Mobile App Growth hosted by Emily Grossman at Skyscanner
Content Marketing hosted by Casie Gillette at KoMarketing
Local SEO hosted by Mike Ramsey at Nifty Marketing
Podcasting hosted by Heidi Noonan-Mejicanos at Moz
Workflow Optimization hosted by Juan Parra at Accelo
Tuesday, July 10th
SEO A/B Testing hosted by Will Critchlow at Distilled
Community Speaker Connection hosted by Sha Menz at Moz
PPC + SEO Integration hosted by Jonathon Emery at Distilled
Meet Your Help Team hosted by Kristina Keyser at Moz
Agency Collaboration hosted by Yosef Silver at Fusion Inbound
Site Speed hosted by Jono Alderson at Yoast
Featured Snippets hosted by Rob Bucci at STAT Search Analytics
Voice Search hosted by Dr. Pete Meyers at Moz
Wednesday, July 11th
Content Marketing Q&A hosted by Kane Jamison at Content Harmony
Paid Search Marketing for High-Cost Keywords hosted by Trenton Greener at the Apex Training
SEO A/B Testing hosted by Will Critchlow at Distilled
Team Hiring, Retention, & Growth hosted by Heather Physioc at VML
Local Search hosted by Darren Shaw at Whitespark
Machine Learning & Advanced SEO by Britney Muller at Moz
Reporting Q&A hosted by Dana DiTomaso at Kick Point
The delight is in the details
MozCon is literally brimming with things to do and ways to support our attendees when they need it. Aside from our hosted events and three days’ worth of talks, we’ve got things to fill in the cracks and make sure your MozCon experience is everything you’ve ever wanted from a conference.
Photobooth with Roger: Admit it — you see that cute, googly-eyed robot face and you just want to hug it forever. At MozCon, you can do just that — and memorialize the moment with a picture at the photobooth! Roger’s a busy bot, but his photobooth schedule will be posted so you can plan your hugs accordingly.
Ping pong play sesh: Don your sweat bands and knee-high socks and keep your paddle arm limber! During breaks, we’ll have ping pong tables available to burn some excess energy and invite a little casual competition.
The world map of MozCon: Ever play pin the tail on the donkey? Well, this is sort of like that, but the donkey is a world map and (thankfully) there’s no blindfold. You’ll place a pin from wherever in the world you traveled from. It’s amazing to see how far some folks come for the conference!
Local snacks galore: Starbucks, Piroshky Piroshky, Ellenos Yogurt, and Top Pot Donuts will happily make themselves acquainted with your tastebuds! Carefully chosen from local Seattle businesses, our snacks will definitely please your local taste pallet and, if past feedback is to be believed, possibly tempt you to move here.
Stay charged: Pining for power? Panicking at that battery level of 15% at 10am? Find our charging sofas to fuel up your mobile device.
MozCon is for everyone
We want marketers of all stripes to feel comfortable and supported at our conference. Being “for everyone” means we’re working hard to make MozCon more accessible in many different ways. The Washington State Convention Center is fully ADA compliant, as are our other networking event venues. But it’s important for us to get even better, and we welcome your feedback and ideas.
Here are a few of the ways we’ve worked to make MozCon a welcoming event for everyone:
A ramp on the stage
Live closed captioning of the main event
Walkways for traffic flow
Menus featuring options or special meals (that actually taste good) for dietary restrictions
A nursing room
Gender-neutral bathroom options
Lots of signage
T-shirts that fit different body types
Visible staff to help make everyone’s experience the best possible
A proud partnership with 50/50 Pledge, furthering our commitment to better representation of women on stage
Strict enforcement of our Code of Conduct and TAGFEE
Bespoke city exploration — Get to know Seattle!
In years past, Tuesday nights were reserved for our MozCon Ignite event, where brave folks from myriad backgrounds would share stories in lighting-fast Ignite-style talks of five minutes each — the only rule being it can’t be about marketing!
While MozCon Ignite has always been a much-loved and highly anticipated event, we’ve also listened closely to your feedback about wanting more time to network on your own, plan client dinners, go on outings with your team, and in general just catch your breath — without missing a thing. That’s why this year, we’re folding Ignite into the official MozCon schedule so everyone can benefit from the tales shared and enjoy a fun five-minute break between SEO talks.
Wondering about what topics will be covered at Ignite this year?:
The Ninja Kit to NOT Get Sick While Traveling by Dana Weber at Seer Interactive
My Everest: How 10 Years of Chasing Tornadoes Came Down to One Moment by Tom Romero at Uncommon Goods
Baseball Made Me a Better Engineer by Tom Layson at Moz
Trailblazer: How Reading One Book Changed My Life for Good by Lina Soliman at OSUWMC
Drag Queen Warlocks, Skateboarding Sorcerers, & Other Folks by Jay Ricciardi at Tableau
Voice Dialogue Therapy: Listening to the Voices Inside Your Head by Kayla Walker at Distilled
We’re opening up Tuesday night as your chance to explore the Emerald City. We’ll have a travel team onsite at the conference on Tuesday to help you and your friends plan an exciting Seattle adventure. Perhaps you’ve met a fantastic group of like-minded folks at a Birds of a Feather lunch table and would love to talk featured snippets over fresh fish n’ chips at the Pike Place Market. Maybe you’ve always wanted to catch the view at the top of the Space Needle (recently renovated and reopened to provide even better views!). Or perhaps a quiet sunset picnic overlooking the water at Gasworks Park seems like the perfect way to relax after a long day of learning and networking. Regardless of whatever floats your boat, we encourage you to plan local meetups, invite your newfound and long-standing friends, and forge a few irreplaceable Seattle memories.
Wondering what there is to do, drink, eat, and see in Seattle?
Well, who better to ask than us Seattleites? Using tons of real suggestions from real Mozzers, we’ve put together a Google Map you can use to guide your exploration outside the confines of the event venue — check it out below!
Seattle’s got more to offer than we can name — get out there and discover the renowned Emerald City quirks and quaintness we’re famous for!
Travel options:
Seattle’s got a pretty solid transit system that can get you where you need to go, whether you’re traveling by bus or train. The city also has its share of rideshare services, as well as taxis, bikes, ferries, and water taxis, depending on where you're headed.
Public transportation
King County Metro Trip Planner: Traverse the city by bus! You can also download an app to get real-time bus info (I like the One Bus Away app, developed here in Seattle by University of Washington grads)
Light Rail: Connecting the north end to the south, the Light Rail can move you across Seattle quickly (and even drop you off right at SeaTac for your flight home!)
Water taxis and ferries can float you right across the Sound (and offer a lovely view while they’re at it)
A Transit Go ticket or ORCA card will happily power your public transit excursions
Bikeshare programs: As you wander the city, you may notice brightly colored bicycles patiently awaiting riders on the sidewalks. That rider could be you! If you’re feeling athletic, take advantage of the city’s bikeshare programs and see Seattle on two wheels.
Rideshares and taxis
Uber & Lyft can get you where you need to go
Moovn is a Seattle startup rideshare company
Two taxi services, Seattle Yellow Cab and Orange Cab, allow for online booking via their apps (or you can call ‘em the old-fashioned way!)
Are you ready to rock MozCon?!
If you’re already MozCon-bound come this July, make sure to download the app (must be on mobile) and join our Facebook group to maximize your networking opportunities, get to know fellow attendees, and stay up-to-date on conference news and activities.
If you’re thinking about grabbing a ticket last-minute, we still have a few left:
Grab a ticket while you can
And whether you’re going to be large, in charge, and live at the conference or just following along at home and eagerly waiting the video release, follow along with the #MozCon hashtag on Twitter to indulge in the juicy tidbits and takeaways attendees will undoubtedly share.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
from The Moz Blog https://ift.tt/2yOfKka via IFTTT
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Buy Utilized Macintosh Macbook Star Model A1990 At A Moderate Expense
Note that the 1990 MacBook Air and Expert plans have been invigorated to Intel's third-age Center I-course of action processors, in any case, called Ivy Framework, and this new MacBook Master with Retina Show starts there. As Macintosh laptops have once in a while required a critical period to trade up to Intel's latest hardware, it's ideal to see Ivy Framework show up advantageously. Would you like to sell a pre-owned Macintosh MacBook Professional model a1990? Here you can get the best cost for your Mac MacBook.
The authentic element is that new Retina Show. Its objective is 2,880x1,800 pixels, giving a level of detail never seen on a PC. The best quality Windows PC screen objective is 1,920x1,080 pixels, comparable to an HDTV. That previous high-water mark has been fine supposedly, yet even that can make text and pictures look minimal on a 15-inch PC. Mac handles this through another spot pitch for the screen, much as it did on the third-gen iPad.
Up close and personal, the Retina Show looks staggering, in spite of the fact that you will undoubtedly see it while standing out from a non-Retina PC. It'll most likely be more important for considerable perusers or Photoshop/Completed item customers from the start, and we'll have to see how it needs for other notable undertakings to revive themselves to abuse the new screen.
In the end, the MacBook Expert with Retina Show, while expensive, is the best all-around MacBook Mac by and by makes - aside from on the off chance that you absolutely, strongly need an inborn optical drive or Ethernet jack (both are openly utilizing outside dongles or peripherals). It gives work territory replacement level execution, anyway is almost just about as slim as an imagined 15-inch MacBook Air would be, whether or not it's to some degree heavier than it looks. Since it eclipses the past MacBook Expert from various perspectives, it acquires a CNET Editors' Choice signal.
Regardless, it appears to be a lay quits making a course for somewhere else, an up-and-coming future when all workstations are paper-humble and tuft light, with momentous hardware, wide organization, and liberal solid-state storing that rivals lumbering old platter hard drives. Do whatever it takes not to be dazed to see Retina screens channel down to more reasonable models at some point or another in the near future. We're not there yet, yet this is a meaningful step forward toward that way.
Latent use, the new, more thin 15-inch MacBook Star is both conspicuous and not quite the same as what we've seen beforehand. This isn't an ultrabook (or an ultrathin PC, as one would call these systems before Intel built up the ultrabook term), nor is it a full medium size PC. Taking everything into account, it's another take that skirts the two, taking features from the different sides of the way.
Then again, at 0.7 inches, it's almost just about as feeble as a MacBook Air, regardless, the thicker completion of that fixed system. Nonetheless, it's heavier than it looks, more like an Expert, at 4.6 pounds. Toward the day's end, this is certainly not a conclusive flexible PC for people who need to go around to a great extent for the duration of the day, at any rate five days of the week.
Taking everything into account, it appears to be a good move from the current Star, which is what I'd call a "pull it around multiple times each week, tops" PC. More oftentimes than that, especially with the regular 15-inch MacBook Expert, and it really pulls you down. I could see passing on this new, more thin Proficient around with you a couple of days of the week, or perhaps to and from work on an ordinary metro drive at a stretch.
From great ways, this could be mistaken for an Air, anyway exceptionally close, it's a substitute story. The arrangement of the speakers, on either side of the support, is lifted from the MacBook Expert. Close by the slablike, non-fixed body, I'd express the new Expert grades 70/30 or more toward the Master instead of the Air similarly as to plant DNA. Would you like to exchange MacBook Ace A1502 for money? Here you can get the best cost for your Mac MacBook in less time.
The comfort and trackpad are comparable to seen on the last couple of periods of MacBook, which is something to be grateful for. Various workstations have composed, yet not beat, the enlightened Apple comfort. Moreover, the trackpad, with its multi-finger signals, remains the business boss. There are a couple of licenses, secret fixing, and working framework level handy duplicity behind this, yet the conventional result is touchpad experience undeniably more satisfying than on some other PC.
For more info:- Sell Damaged MacBook Pro A1398
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7 Important Features To Look For In A Hoverboard
How does a hoverboard work? It works by method of sensors. Without the sensors, it would not be of any utilization and you could have quite recently purchased a skateboard. The sensors assume a critical job since they make the board move, accelerate, turn, and so on. It detects feet developments to know whether to go to one side, make a turn, or get up to speed or delayed down.
There are hoverboards available to be purchased in the western nations, however you can likewise buy them from online stores like Amazon. The hoverboard isn't new to the market, yet what makes it speaking to many individuals is the high innovation it uses to work.
Any individual who has a hoverboard will unquestionably make the most of its points of interest and the sci-fi/superhuman sort of feel it brings. Regardless, you can't simply go into a store or online stage and buy the first hoverboard you see. To assist you with choosing what hoverboard to purchase and the determinations you need from Smarthonk,
Here are the 7 things you have to consider in finding the best hoverboard available to be purchased.
1: Type of Hoverboard
There are two kinds of hoverboard – the board, and the AirWheel. They are comparable as far as how they are worked (with the utilization of sensors and weight) yet extraordinary in the appearance and the sort of control you apply on them.
First up is the board. From the name itself, the board is like a skateboard however ridden on a level plane. It has a wheel on each side and a pivot in the middle, just between where you put your feet. To utilize the board, you should simply step on the weight delicate cushions. At the point when you add strain to it and lean forward, it will naturally push ahead. The equivalent goes when you recline, it will turn around. On the off chance that you need to go to one side, you should add strain to your correct foot and step harder on the correct cushion. Weight on the left foot will make it go to one side.
Realizing how to move the board will be particularly useful when purchasing a hoverboard available to be purchased. This is on the grounds that the board contrasts with the AirWheel and you may feel that you lean toward one over the other.
The other kind of hoverboard is "The Wheel" otherwise called AirWheel. The distinction with the board is that the wheel/s are in the center. It resembles a unicycle found in the carnival, just it is self-adjusting. There is no compelling reason to stress over overturning on the grounds that there are paddles for your foot along the edge of the wheel.
Utilizing the AirWheel is somewhat more troublesome than the board. This is on the grounds that your entire body should be moving when riding on one. Your body developments, for example, the bearing of your hips and spotlight on your body weight can influence where The Wheel will go.
2: Wheel Size
Diverse wheel sizes influence how the hoverboard chips away at various types of asphalts. For the board, the greater the wheel, the greater solidness it has with regards to lopsided surfaces. The conventional hoverboard has around 6.5-7 inches, yet more current styles of hoverboards are delivered and some have 8 inches and 10 inches.
With the greater wheels, you can get greater soundness on lopsided surfaces and circumventing controls. You would likewise have less time attempting to return to a tough standing situation since the 6.5-7-inch wheels snap when you cycle a control.
Then again, AirWheels have moderately greater haggles is the thing that makes them more steady than the sheets with regards to moving various types of surfaces. Their wheels are from 11-14 inches large and the way that it is composed of just one wheel makes it simpler to control on lopsided grounds. A few people can even change from streets to asphalts without bringing down.
3: Maximum Weight
Something else to consider when you purchase a hoverboard available to be purchased is the weight it can really convey. For a nonexclusive hoverboard, it can heft around 100 kilograms. Both the AirWheel and the board can convey that much weight.
In the event that you feel that you gauge in excess of a hundred kilos, at that point you don't need to stress that much in light of the fact that hoverboards can in any case convey in excess of a hundred kilos. Be that as it may, purchasing a hoverboard with a greater wheel won't hurt either. You can purchase the AirWheel or the 10-inch board.
Be that as it may, all the more critically, with regards to weight, you ought to consider the heaviness of the hoverboard itself. This is on the grounds that there will be times that you need to haul it around. On the off chance that you disregard this significant factor, you may get stunned at how it might burden you on occasion. This shows that regardless of whether the hoverboard is another development in the innovation and transportation universes, it actually accompanies drawbacks.
Its weight normally goes from 10-12 kilograms and conveying a hoverboard around is no simple errand. In spite of the fact that there are some that have a handle worked in for simple conveying. A tip for purchasing a hoverboard is that you ought to consider when and where you will utilize it. There are places that don't permit them or spots where it won't be protected to utilize. For instance, when you are driving and you need to take the train, you can't simply go to a metro on it. You must get it and haul it around. To a few, this in itself is a colossal burden.
4: Quality
Quality ought to be the fundamental thought in purchasing anything and hoverboards are no exemption. In view of the expanding request and notoriety of hoverboards, numerous producers have attempted to make counterfeit hoverboards that they can sell at a lot less expensive cost. A case of this is the hoverboard creation in China where they produce this thing without having enough quality control which can prompt overheating and the blast of the item.
There have been discussions of hoverboards bursting into flames and this can be credited to the overheating of the pedals. This happens to hoverboards that are phony on the grounds that these items don't have a similar quality and confirmation given to the first hoverboards.
In Amazon, where a great deal of these are sold, various hoverboards have been pulled out basically in light of the fact that they couldn't demonstrate that the item passed the principles set by the National Trading Standards. To recognize some phony hoverboards available to be purchased, first, check the mark. On the off chance that they are named with "Savvy Balance Wheels" or any variety of that and they accompany manuals that are hard to comprehend and peruse, at that point the hoverboard is destined to be phony.
On the off chance that they additionally cost just around £150-200, be more wary on buying them. No hoverboard will cost as modest as that without trading off the nature of the item. A case of a believed item can be Razor since it has demonstrated to be of high caliber and offers an obliging client assistance of the item.
5: Speed and Range
The speed of a hoverboard can be from 2-10 miles for every hour. Then again, the range is reliant on the charge your hoverboard has. Truly, hoverboards should be charged. It doesn't chip away at sunlight based vitality nor accomplishes it work with batteries. The hoverboard ought to be charged and when it is done completely, it can cover 10-15 miles. On the off chance that you purchase an excellent brand, you can have 13-17 miles to cover.
Knowing the speed and range is important provided that you intend to utilize this to go to places, a decent gauge of the measure of time to arrive is useful. Additionally, not all hoverboards have a similar speed and range. This is because of the way that rider weight is a factor in the speed of the item. In the event that you are heavier, state 110 kilograms, at that point hope to have a more slow speed with your hoverboard.
6: Extra Features
Hoverboards didn't simply create regarding extent, speed, and appearance, however they likewise created with regards to additional items. At the point when you state additional items, these are highlights of the hoverboard that you can essentially simply manage without.
In the event that you are the common sense kind, you would not require these highlights any longer since they don't improve the quality and speed of the hoverboard. The additional highlights are there to make your riding experience all the more satisfying and helpful.
Extra highlights remember worked for GPS, implicit speakers that can interface with your cell phone, worked in Bluetooth speakers, just as underlying gyroscopic, censored cushions. There are some that even have a vehicle key like far off.
It is totally up to you whether to furnish your hoverboard with included highlights or not, however simply consider the worth they provide for your hoverboard and at last, to you. Having these additional highlights are decent, yet toward the day's end, in the event that it ends up being pointless, you don't need to buy them.
7: Legality
As referenced before, there are places where riding a hoverboard isn't legitimate. For instance, individuals are not permitted to ride hoverboards in New York. In the event that you are discovered utilizing one unexpectedly, the police will release it, yet succeeding infringement will expect you to pay $50.
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House of Mist [Ch.2]
15 meters underground, Old shoreline, Northern Seattle Ruins +0 Days
The small machine drifted through the ruined tunnel. Centuries ago, it was filled with commuters trying to get to work or the next city over; now all that lived here were the ferns and moss that clung to life where the ground had given way and the light shown through.
There were plenty of bodies to choose from, but none of the bones contained the Light it needed. Something clattered to the ground somewhere behind it. The Ghost spun, it had already escaped death once already at the cost of one of its fins. It can not afford to get that close again. It had never returned to Venus after that.
The machine zoomed off through another flooded tunnel. There was barely enough space to fly between the surface and the ceiling. Whatever disturbed the lady station would be unable to follow it now.
The Ghost came back up into another metro station, and most of the ceiling had crumbled over the tracks. It's eye lit up, scanning the bones hidden beneath the moss. When suddenly, it picked up a trace of Light.
Was this it? Had the Ghost finally found its Guardian? It quickly followed the signal to the source.
It was!
The bones were old, and partially hidden beneath a holled flak plate. An ancient ballistic helmet had rolled off the skull ages ago, a cluster of dandelions now grew out of it. The Ghost turned and broadly scanned the rest of the room to be sure that there was nothing here to disturb the process.
The small machine exploded outwards, a bright blue light emanating from the various fins. The bullet damage was quite evident in this state.
The dormant Light in the bones awakened, and the centuries of decay began to reverse. Bathed in a layer of energy, the plate and moss slid off the newly forming muscle and tissue. Blood and skin grew over the body, the restoration was almost complete.
The Ghost dipped into its own storage and used the small amount of glimmer it had in reserve for this exact moment. The metal and fabric were woven together over the forming body, covering it in a firm armored shell. The body rose in the air and convulsed as the Ghost attempted to bring the body back to life. She gasped, air returning to her lungs for the first time in ages. Something was covering her face, it felt like it was smothering her. She clawed at it, trying to get it off, fingers found a clasp and she tore it loose. Quickly ripping the thing over her head off, she desperately took in more air. Her lungs burned, as if they had never been used. What happened? Where was she? Why couldn’t she remember anything? She looked up, there was a small thing hovering before her. Its central ‘eye’ stared at her, and it spoke. “Welcome back, Guardian. You probably have a lot of questions... questions I do not have answers for.” She attempted to take a step back, but stumbled and fell onto her rear. “What..?” “Don’t freak out... Don’t freak out... easy. You have been dead... for a very long time. Lets just take it slow. I am a Ghost, I brought you back.” She looked up at the machine. Its eye blinked at her in anticipation. Nothing made any sense right now. Her hands found the grip of a sidearm in the moss, and pulled it free. The weapon was dirty and coated in a green substance, but the small lights lit up on the side as her palm pressed against it. “Stay back- whatever you are!” “Don’t! I am your Ghost. I am hear to help,” the machine said. “Just relax, we are safe where we are for the moment.” She lowered the gun. “...Where are we? Who am I?” “Well, for starters, we’re in the ruins of Seattle, a city that was once part of the American Empire during the Golden Age. As for who you are...” The Ghost moved, some sort of light was projected from its eye, scanning the area. “This might help.” She inched forward and picked the heavy metal plate from the ground. Her eyes looked it over, stopping once on the hole through the middle of it. Hanging off to the side was a faded piece of plastic, attached to a clasp built into the plate. It was an identification badge, it was very difficult to read. She pulled it off and held it up to her face to get a better look, dropping the plate back to the ground. “This plate was over your body. If there is any relevant information, it pertains to you and you only.” Her Ghost said, moving behind her to shine it’s light on the card. The ID card was barely legible, but with the Ghost’s help, she was able to see her first name. Nicole. Nicole. The name brought no surge of memory, nothing that gave any hint to her past. Just a slight feeling of familiarity. The rest of the text on the card seemed to indicate that she use to be a security contractor for something called Umic Industrial. Still nothing. “Well, Nicole, looking at that card won’t help, sorry. Your memories are lost when you’ve been dead for centuries.” The Ghost blinked at her. With a sigh, she slipped the card into her back pocket. “Well... Ghost... what do I do now?” The Ghost clicked. “First of all, you should put your helmet back on. Then we can work on getting out of these tunnels.” Nicole reached down and picked her discarded helmet from the ground. As she slipped it on, status indicators and readings flashed across her visor. She looked down at her sidearm in her right hand and an ammunition counter appeared the side. “You do know how to use that, right?” Her Ghost asked. “I think so...” Nicole snached an old ballistic helmet off the floor and tossed it into the air. Raising her arm, she pulled the trigger six times. All six bullets connected with the helmet, pushing it further away before splashing into the water. “I guess I do.” “Good work, Guardian.” The Ghost said. “Now let’s go.” A small navigation marker appeared on a door nearby. Nicole placed her pistol onto her thigh and the magnets on the armor took hold. The marker led to a maintenance door, the door itself had fallen away long ago allowing her access. The passageway beyond was mostly clear, aside from a few pipes which had collapsed with part of the wall. Lights flickered and illuminated the path. “So what happened?” She asked. “I do not know much, I was not created until after it happened. And most of what I learned...” The Ghost turned to her and wiggled one of its fins, showing damage from some kind of energy ballistic weapon. Her mind had provided that answer on its own, but she was unsure of how she had reached it. The fin was mangled and part of his core was dented. “...was deleted, by bullets.” He spun around again. “All I know now is that; long ago, something attacked and destroyed humanity. Ghosts like me go around and bring people back from the dead to protect what is left of the human race from the aliens that remained.” Nicole immediately pulled her sidearm back up from her side. “Is there anything here I need to be worried about?” “Well this is Fallen territory. They’re alien scavengers, though they seem to stay on the surface in this area. We should be fine as long as we stay in the tunnels for now.” “Okay...” Nicole kept the gun at the ready, just in case. “These tunnels should lead us out of the city. Hopefully there is a jumpship at the old airport.” The Ghost went on, something about getting somewhere called the Last City. Nicole had sort of stopped paying attention, she needed to focus on where she was stepping; some of the ground had collapsed into something below, and the Ghost’s light was little more than a flashlight. The maintenance passage dropped her out at a stairwell that led up to an unflooded tunnel. A train car had slid from its position on the maglev track, blocking her path. Thankfully, the windscreen gave way to a couple of bullets. She crawled through the glass and walked through the subway car. This ruined world she inhabited now was probably nothing compared to the place she was from. As Nicole walked passed what looked like a broken screen, an advertisement flashed on. “Ghost... how long ago did the world come to an end again?” Nicole asked. The Ghost clicked again. “I am not sure exactly, but it was many centuries ago.” “We sure made things to last...” She muttered. “Oh yes, indeed. Many Golden Age systems are still functional. In fact they seemed to have developed an infinite light bulb!” “Huh...” Nicole shrugged and continued through the car. The tunnel beyond was collapsed, and the afternoon sunlight streamed in. “Up to the surface then?” “I suppose, though be careful. I am detecting lots of movement.” The Ghost noted. She nodded and started to scale the pile of rubble. Using the overgrown debris to her advantage; Nicole climbed out of the subway tunnel and took two steps out onto the surface, when she froze. Her Ghost beeped. “Oh no,” and then vanished in a puff of light and particles. Nicole was surrounded by four armed creatures. Their eyes glowed as they all turned to face the newcomer in the middle of what looked like a market. As the creatures realized what she was, they suddenly panicked and fled for cover. She had no idea what just happened. Glancing around, there were gun barrels pointed at her, but nothing fired. “What...” A small icon appeared on her visor. “That was the Fallen... I have never seen them react this way...” Her Ghost came through her helmet’s internal speakers. She held still, completely unsure of what to do. The other creatures, the Fallen, must have sensed her hesitation. One by one, heads with four glowing eyes began to appear from behind crates or the small market stalls. There was a hushed conversation somewhere, she was not sure. Nicole readjusted her grip on her sidearm, but kept it pointed low. She did not have the ammunition to fight this out. Suddenly one of them started yelling. Nicole turned to see a large Fallen pick a smaller one up and tossed it into the open area she stood in. She raised her sidearm a bit more, but still not aiming it directly at the armored creature. Her eyes studied the Fallen before her, there was no way that was their real name for themselves. The creature’s top arms were fumbling together, like it was figuring out what to say. However, it was its lower arms she needed to be worried about, they were fidgeting over the grip of a weapon of its own, still attached to its hip. “We should get out of here, fast.” The Ghost whispered through her helmet. “Well, if these are acting different to how you know, then maybe we should find out why, hmm?” Nicole said. She was not sure if her voice carried outside of her helmet, but the Fallen did not react. “No, the records are very clear on Fallen.” “Shush, let's just give it a try. We don’t really have any other options,” she told the Ghost. “Running, there is always running.” Nicole looked down at her sidearm, and then reattached it to her thigh. She moved her hands away, keeping them in the a air a bit. The Fallen moved its lower hands away from its gun as well. “Guardian will not kill?” Its voice was strange, like like there was another layer to its vocal chords. Honestly, Nicole was just surprised that it spoke English. “...I will not.” She was serious about giving them a chance. “Unless I am given a reason to.” The Fallen chittered to itself, in its own language for a moment. “What does Guardian want?” Nicole spoke privately to her Ghost. “Is there anything specific?” “No, this situation is very unusual. This is your show now,” he said. “Well, alright. She looked back to the creature. “I do not know much, I am just looking for a place to stay.” “Really?” The small icon flashed on, then off again. The Fallen turned to face the larger one that had thrown him out there. “I will inform my Captain of your wishes.” Nicole nodded and the Fallen went to adress the others in their language. “Any idea if he’s actually telling them the right stuff?” She asked her Ghost. “No, I do not possess an understanding of the Fallen language.” “Okay then, going in blind.” Nicole shifted. The Fallen began to gather and the larger one came from behind a crate. They were having a discussion, which direction it was going, Nicole could not tell. The first one she had met turned back to her. “The Captain says that the decision is up to the Kell. Follow.” He turned and lead a path through the others, they parted ways, talking to one another with hushed tones. “Go ahead,” the Ghost said. “You don’t want to offend them.” It was almost sarcastic. Nicole followed the small Fallen, while the one he called a Captain fell in behind her. She was taken through the market and out to a street. Well, it was a street at one time. The asphalt had long given way to flowing water and trees had sprouted through cracks. Thy passed through a building that had been gutted, all that was left were the four walls and the elevator shaft down the middle. The next structure was rather short compared to the ruins around it. A sign was barely legible on the side; roya Hall. There were long tarps and various kinds of alien machinery scattered about, and some hanging from the building. The small one stopped at the door, two more of the same armored Fallen barred their entry. He turned to her, one hand outstretched. “They will not let you enter with your weapon. If you wish to continue, please give.” “There is still time to run.” The Ghost piped up. Nicole smirked from behind her visor, and handed the Fallen her side arm. “Best to start out with some trust.” The Fallen placed her pistol into the hands of one of the other two and they walked inside, pushing through the fabric acting as a door. Sunlight streamed through the windows of the ancient structure. There was more Fallen machinery and miscellaneous decorative pieces in seemingly random areas inside. She was walked inside the concert hall, though the old theater looked more like a throne room. Sitting in the throne on the stage was a huge Fallen. If she thought the Captain was big, this one blew that out of the water. It was easily three times as large. Black and white banners hung from the ceiling around what she assumed was the Kell. Upon her entry, and subsequent arrival to the base of the stage, all the fallen in the room began to converse. Arms were waved and gestures made in her direction. The small Fallen seemed to be talking on her points, unless the higher ranks were for her and he was against. The Kell waved his hands and all went silent. He seemed to address her directly in their language, and the small Fallen relayed the question in English. “The Kell wishes to know why you want to stay among the House of Mist.” “Well... I am a new Guardian, I do not know much. In fact, I was brought back just an hour ago.” Nicole talked and the Fallen relayed it in part. “I do not have anywhere to go, and you seem to be more reasonable than my Ghost implied. I am interested in why.”
#Fanfiction#fanfic#Chapter2#House of Mist#HoN#HoM#Eliksni#Fallen#Hunter#Guardian#story#Destiny#Destinygame
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Virginia legislators are continuing their work in Richmond.
Prince William County residents heard about what’s occurring in the General Assembly at a Dale City Post Crossover Legislative Town Hall.
State Senator Jeremy McPike and State Delegate Elizabeth Guzman held the meeting at Beville Middle School in Dale City on February 15.
Education and transportation were a couple of the topics they covered.
This is a video of the town hall:
Below, is the transcription of the meeting, which is normally done with 80 percent accuracy. Unfortunately, it wasn’t able to translate all of what Guzman said.
McPike: I will, we’ll go ahead and get started. Appreciate your motivations for additional folks who joined us today. Uh, I’m Jeremy [inaudible]. Uh, [inaudible] Woodbridge [inaudible] stretches on Prince William Parkway from 95 homes of many villains spreads to launch them two 34 in your dad’s freaks in the forest high school.
Speaker 2: Got run.
Speaker 3: Great County limits. Okay.
McPike: Um, and then first off, happy belated birthday to delegate. [inaudible]
Guzman: yeah. Now I going get to listen to this mine. How can we turn 47?
Speaker 3: You’re so young. I just don’t got the menu
Guzman: strictly brilliantly has parts of [inaudible] County and [inaudible] County raise me. I’m telling you I have, I won’t say most of them city and then I’ll go with you were sent off to go sit strict as well. And then I have pulled off as well. I spoke with them and then from there I go to, okay, fine. Where have [inaudible] [inaudible] um, [inaudible] area I think cause I shared that if you’re going to get how I and I, you [inaudible] Nope. [inaudible] I have the street area and we need deal [inaudible] we need you to just freak. I go into football, not going to have Monclair I should not ever go.
McPike: Thanks for joining. Uh, this is sort of, if it’s okay, we’ll probably do some intro of what we’ve been working on, a little bit about the budget and sort of what’s going on in Richmond and then open it up to your questions. There’s lots of things going on and so we might in our remarks and uncover something that you’re interested in. So, and encourage folks to ask questions if you’ve seen something to bring that up. Um, gravels if that’s okay. If someone disagrees with the statement or the position of someone, this is a lie, you know, this is an opportunity for folks to voice this concerns and not necessarily have a debate the debate, but also just to respectful, right? So if you disagree with someone, I’d encourage folks to not comment on it or BU or one way or the other. That makes sense. Um, cause it is a nonpartisan town hall. [inaudible] allowed to ask questions, have them disagree with the position. It’s fine to disagree. Um, I think it’s important to have a context that we can agree and disagree, but we should do so respectfully. Does that make sense? Everybody? Okay. We also have two other like this here. Say hi and introduce yourself.
Guzman: The one water conservation district. This is Stephen’s full boyfriend, Vanessa city full from the other one is [inaudible].
McPike: So a couple of things. This is our budget year, so this is our long session. So we’re in our 60 day. In fact, some Morrow, um, they’ll be publishing the budget and the budget amendments. So the cover introduces a budget [inaudible] starts as a matter of process. That all comes out tomorrow evening. And so we’ve been working on, I know [inaudible] has a minus in the house Senate and so there are lots of them pressures as you can imagine to work what’s in the budget and what’s not in the budget. And so we’ll see that board out this weekend and so we’ll be breeding for that as well. That’s lots of moving parts to it. But I think from an overall perspective, the company is really encouraging us specifically for early education and pre-K education that owns the 100 million option investment between standard of quality of rent, re benchmarking, uh, additional dollars in funding in early childhood education.
McPike: Um, you know, the principal County we’ve been trying to catch up in terms of, um, probably chocolate slots, not quite there to the, it’s um, stepping up and also offering some incentive, uh, opportunities for additional preschool. Um, as we knew, as you know, the data shows us that earlier kids learn to read, they can learn the rest of the subject and they could build the comfort, um, very early in life and their skill set and reading the data says that we’d be much better off versus remedial training later on. And so this is really the first budget that we’ve seen, this sort of significant significant investment, um, in our education system, which is great on the back end of it. You see also the availability for college, uh, community college, which I think is just great for those kids who do qualify for Pell grants.
McPike: There’s free community college that goes as much as well. Um, we’re going to be serious about getting every kid the skills that they need. Um, we know that we’ve have very bright kids in our community that sometimes feel like they can’t go to the next step, usually their financial words or other words. And so the more we can open up those opportunities, I think the better we do leveraging on our talent. Some of them right here in developmental school and um, you know, we want make sure that the kids have that, whether it’s a skill trade or computer science, there’s targeted degrees that the governor has put in this budget and I think that helps to win both our workforce development needs as well as ensuring that those kids, so those are important highlights, transportation, there’s some bills and transportation that’s going through that are really important.
McPike: They will all pro sports increase in the back pass. That will help define some of my hands patients. We are billions behind our projected funding level. As you know, the 2013 legislation made a small net and that those, the person that changed since 1986 in terms of transportation funding, there were certain things that we also proposed for Metro two years ago that took some of the road money away. They were restoring some beds and transmit transit occupancy tax code in this region. That’s really important for prison County. Um, the improvements and investments in fury might seem to report with the long bridge. It’s the bridge that all the rail lines pop as they cross into DC. So all the very trips right now are, we’re going to roughly 22 trips a day by making this investment in the long bridge and we’ll be willing to do also weekend trips, reverse trips and increase the number of trips.
McPike: I’m afraid your spread line part of that is going to be funded from the ISIS. I’m told [inaudible] dollars for buying funding, but this is up 1.41 point $5 billion multi year project to get there. And other than for the commuter rail, that’s just a huge difference. Right now we can’t do anything to a one inch with Patsy on the be revise. And so the more and more books we can get, you utilize it with the more frequent and reliable service, the more people wouldn’t get um, [inaudible] back jamming roads and open up as a communal house. So I’ll take a couple of pauses and then trade back and forth because there’s a number of different, we move into cards. I think those are two pretty significant ones.
Guzman: So just be back on the outreach out medication. One part that is gonna be different than years prior. You probably know [inaudible] town was not taking advantage of all the money that was available for patients before or leaping back. So right now you don’t need to knew that insulation Ricky never gets, well initially if there was any four, four year olds, it’s going to be expanded with [inaudible]. So that is great. You know, if they’re going to be able to release. And then also what is going to happen is that the, I will not allow finally childcare providers in that community, both little race amplification process. So they do get access. That’s my name. Or by your server.
Guzman: There’s one cop yet these time are not the same. Like the money’s going to sleep there, you’re gonna use it and it’s gonna just be waiting for the difference. Now he’s studying, we don’t use the body breathing accounting. The money’s gonna go away wasted. So I think that’s any people we have to work together to try to work with local government and to work with providers in the area who makes sure that we’re going to take advantage of those support monies. I mean, we are needing the numbers. I mean [inaudible] when we are thinking the amount of children and we are seven things in that County, and then we talk with [inaudible] route up between your car to qualified, you know what the median household income of about a hundred thousand $120,000 per household. So that make us individual who, any size of freebies when he has Google with free childcare or anything like that, other the BPI, advising, raising the minimum wage, all of those forward.
Guzman: The guidelines he’s called that I want to go up. Who’s going to be opening over tuning these? Can you find [inaudible] [inaudible] I know that important investments schools as well. I would say that we are security. The funding for reviews like age and older for school money that was taken away at the end of the first one I got to go. I also, I mean DCS at least Dale city if someone you’re wasting money. The area where we have, I know each not watching other students so I work job is jabs can not meet anybody or we need more resources. Right now that classes or English language learners is 24,000 students. So we are volume. We thrive. The reviews that those 17 she’s here but then we couldn’t find the money. You know as we have been abusive to how I learned it the same way like you didn’t use Morgan.
Guzman: There is money available above our house who any book Conrad’s millions dollars. So I’m hopeful that we can go back and change these videos that we allow model for communities. That goal was [inaudible] sorry that it’s 17 7:00 PM hitches, 4,000 students. So we’re trying to put 20 features to a thousand students. So I it’s just that that’s the reality, right? That the word, anything, you know, anytime you in schools we are feeling as set up the [inaudible] was saying is that we’re paying for tap because public education was not a priority or maybe 2018 where we’re working with the same by different public education from 2008 and however from NEP has gone. How many people if we just look around them, I mean how many [inaudible] who have come having that committee and we’re working with the same plan. So feels like a school counselor, psychologists, social workers where he would be hard, especially a patient.
Guzman: And especially with the vacation we are working with jailer, they are doing a whole or the shape of the whole system, uh, adjusted Luca. What can we do for, especially with vocational classes, that it has not been patched in 2009 and that’s time we discuss, especially with location in Virginia, who now 2009 and we all know that back then men have help. What statement? You know their work and they’re still many children. I’m fired. Cause every advancing that their children have a condition and they need more resources. So we are glad to be straight. [inaudible] our very own sacred values application incarnate [inaudible] school has taken the, you know, these very, it’s built, it’s built, it’s working really, really hard. We’ve tried to provide more resources to special education classrooms as far as [inaudible] we are going to finally have hoping, hoping that, you know, every facet. [inaudible]
Guzman: I haven’t decided for Metro. And finally, and this is just a study and I don’t want you to think that this will happen in a couple of years. No, it said home circle. It’s going to take at least 15 years. Look in years, if not 20 years, who bring a Metro to call you back. We’re going to have more VA services. Uh, we need to work with the IPC. The last time that I met with, I told them that what I heard at the doors, because we do have other commuters and we don’t have places, Bart, even one of the things that mesh of the yabbies this stuff and there’s no places to my parking. They’re not really, there is no old who built a new computer lab. So we are talking about trying to have shadows to allow people to frog from where they leave their knots.
Guzman: I was also brought me to see, we kind of have finally I, they’ll city on the right service that could allow people to drive bill with Del city. There’s a population that we talk to right now within the city is very powerful. We talk in Minneapolis right now, so we want him to have allowed people that are working locally to stay out of their cars and fight to take public transportation to go for work. You know, I, I know that PRPC director that we, you wanna think about Nashville that we are, we need to think outside the box about maybe making it more accessible for people. So if I’m asking my husband who dropped me off at WSP Istation, so I don’t think of training. I don’t think of anything because my husband is taking off from work with take me. So I, we had to call my boss. I’m trying to find ways to make people who love you here. Your station. We’d love other resources. No, I feel you miss it. A nerve money. Um, B and C who give [inaudible] we talking about [inaudible] in Washington D C now need to take care of them. I worry about my needs. You never caught,
McPike: um, couple of things that, um, the legislation back in specific with working on [inaudible] did the same rule. Open up the question [inaudible] covered this morning. And how long have you [inaudible] um, this year I work on many of, you know, the last couple years I’ve been working on natural gas pipeline safety via song house has exploded in my history. And what Ruby, um, this year also removing is currently an exemption and Virginia state law that allows the natural gas companies to not use a professional engineer when they, Sam can charge him. Um, after the Massachusetts explosion in fires that occurs in, is 22 States that have that exclusion cause action to remove it. Is that the trend of the bill this year to remove that legislation to ensure that any of this infrastructures reviewed and signed by a professional figure? Um, and there’s lately I’ve been to [inaudible] actually since the last year, has the son get killed with house, which is requiring a lab water testing and how the daycare facilities, um, there is led facilities.
McPike: The federal laws cover essentially the water distribution systems, but not addition to facility. And so the solder joints, um, in different pipes still contain a certain parts of led. And so it does require that same standard not being anybody wants led water going into the baby formula or anything else or just basic rain water and talk to her. That’s a vague neurological. Um, and also getting the school’s resources, um, in coordination with the Virginia department of health use of existing level or standard like carrying this past two years ago for schools. Uh, make sure we understand that holistic view of the problem around the state and the, to identify resources to that. So I have a budget numbers on that as well. That helps that often start to aggregate some of the data so we can get schools, they do have a federal grant they were, were, were awarded last year or something like $33,000.
McPike: Obviously that’s a drop in the bucket so to speak. So we would get a lot of work. I’m just going to do on that. One of the other big goals I worked on this year and incurred for the governor’s offices, worker ms classification. Um, this primarily impacts, uh, the construction trades. There are other industries that do as well that do not follow the IRS guidelines in terms of who should be at a 10 99 worker and who should be an employee. And what occurs is, especially when construction jobs is, there are lots of companies who essentially tend to at nine a bunch of employees so they’re not paying the same taxes. So those betters, that undercut those who are doing business the right way and Virginia has been very lax about that appointment. And so this grades have a new enforcement mechanism within the department of taxation as well as coordinating with the department of labor and other agencies and create some, some penalties for those who are bad actors.
McPike: Right now companies getting open up and close really with little penalty associated with it. And that’s unfortunate because it does hurt. Like I said, the good actors that come here are doing the right thing. So this modeling gets a little bit more teeth than enforcement. My name is indoor wall. Um, so those are, those are a couple of, there’s a dozen other things I’m going to give you. Seed reform, um, cutting the number of permit types of half just updating um, alcohol licenses based on new businesses, business standards after provision. And we really didn’t anticipate like wait months with you, like selling you a case of beer. But there’s also serving that, you know, there’s all sorts of business models in addition to the new distilleries and how they want to innovate. And so it’s really consolidating, I don’t know about a hundred pages of code section and reducing, cutting essentially the, what we call it, Christmas tree effect.
McPike: When you sort of add on thing permit types, you can just consolidate a certain license authorities to make it a lot easier for people to apply for licenses. Um, additionally, this year was uh, a bill going through the expanse on my bill from last year that allows for open carry of alcohol. If you’ve been to mass this first Fridays, you notice that you can have a restaurants can sell a beer and if you have a closed down special event area. And so I’m gonna ask, this is taking advantage of this year where they closed down the streets on first Fridays. And so the restaurant jurors can sort of amino, you can also have a beer, you can got to carry the street which were closed down and then it is demarcated area. Listen to a live band. And I know the masters restaurant droves, they see it at all.
McPike: They’re like all times sales high by like eight 30 I think the second night. Some of them were telling me. So that’s that. And yeah, so yeah, I’ve checked with the chief of police there and others. In terms of enforcement issues, he said there’s been not. Um, so there’s been a really great in that positive, but now it’s sort of catching on. So lots of other parts of the same line. So there’s a bill this year that would increase it to 16 as well as allow, if you have a multi-day permit, would only count as one. So some localities have like a festival or something that would come as one of those permits. So encouraging people in historic downtowns, no 16 permits a year. So it’s a limited duration permanent. Right now the current code is 12. So this was not the two 16 but also the count for if you had a sort of a weekend long festival on Friday, that Sunday that when he hound for for three to those that sort of account for one sort of a total there.
Guzman: Okay. So let’s talk about public notes. Will it just be like what you’re talking about? So I would discard we um, consenting and be able to send up that wheel is fighting people A’s and PFS. It’s a [inaudible]. How many of have many peoples are very familiar with environment here? I can tell us that our phone actually use water across the catheter. So we are conducting a study with the department of health and they will absorb across cost tests. I believe Edify waterparks or pizza, tough people in gays. I knew the times at the house. [inaudible] at the center we have now a [inaudible]. So I even told him one time, I don’t think we’ll be surprised. [inaudible] last year that was killed his body. Nine votes about, see that over next one separately in the presence of ATC, beat up the smoking. And the reason with my nurse on their age, you find that in fact, so you will not [inaudible].
Guzman: I think these use just a public health issue. It’s one of the main costs. [inaudible] I gave him through smoking as they grow out, but I was exposed in clothes so long into small, I mean it’s just the right thing to do to my plans. I’m not developed. So in that field I was able to get somebody back and some support from outside. They have out that as far as um, changing facilities with the department of student health services, I have her request from one of my constituents who is a single father that he used it in a couple of the saved and buildings and he couldn’t find that changing table.
Guzman: So finally we were able to partner with the department on getting our services. So we will use one facet of birth, gender, we tend to fables. So yes, because they are there. So many women nowadays there are, you know, being back at the hospitals on fire that’s taking the fathers, I think it’s their responsibility to think he felt that children as well. So I’m excited about that view game with your [inaudible] that focus on integrating past comedian defense hoping that he will go well in the Senate. As far as I wanted to talk about environment a little bit. I was fine with a great deal and I carry a couple of legislations for them. I wasn’t accessible, you know to pass [inaudible] or the other development that is asking about these kind of things with more than a hundred thousand citizens. I’ve seen this with more than 300,000 citizens [inaudible] affordable policy and doing public transportation as a comprehensive plans anytime they are developing a 5% or 15 year [inaudible] plan and I passed the center on the way to go to the governor says so I’m excited about that. I’m talking about separating your deal as well. I can’t really kind of house or solution that passed the house is going to say that I have not heard yet where Regina will become versus baby in the country. We’ll be clear that they’re declining with emergency and waiting to absolutely
Speaker 4: [inaudible].
Guzman: I don’t see a problem with that. That’s the company. Coffee’s just being loud and clear. The cavitation is right up and we need to start acting. Now. I have seen South of my union fear brothers and sisters, so I the African [inaudible] that would allow public employees who [inaudible] and he passed the house. It’s on its way to the Senate. I was not be fired Friday evening that he will be heard on Monday. [inaudible] okay. How’s this [inaudible] so I just wasn’t able to speak a week. We’ve been neither of the, not yet. We actually had a casual conversation on Friday and was set up on the bar. That means that they might need, might be this scheduled for Monday, so I’m hoping that I can testify. So I log in for it. It said Arthur’s before he gets hurt at ease the Senate with our members upon our Sunday.
Guzman: We’ll see if I’m successful. If not, you know, we have a very, okay, tell me about the house going through the center and I just don’t want to do that. But if I have to, I may wear in salary. Not only Google, I mean I know probably complete you who buy them connected these days, like also partnering with the Omaha world. We’ve that Bernie Genito where he said that if we are going to do these, then maybe you have to structure [inaudible] and disrupt and put it in place is the aid [inaudible] and for these relations for that [inaudible] members will be assigned by the opener and we have located money to also hire some hearing officers. So any time they’re high school be an issue in between an employee and an employee or in the public sector at third, I probably didn’t know you were nation’s local CIT officer would lead that mediator in between that lawyer and that employee or we both.
Guzman: I think that’s something that would benefit everybody. Nobody wants to look a car as a don’t need a public employee. We just wanted to be able to be listened. I think for me, my idea is that someone’s reputation will say, Oh, that means that we’re going out. How much is it going to cost? Is it gone in Greece over the taxes? Well, I will tell you right now, and have you seen accurately because your governing bodies will continue to, uh, in the power of appropriations that we do by having a voice at the table, we, you were going to have to listen to us and we will make our case for, say for example, the 1% salary increase is not necessary. Firefighters with blonde hair, you know, the government is, they could ever pay for better, you know, and with the better resources to do their job for the Sophie says the same way, you know, we’ve been talking about buying new equipment, then they will have to stop to the police officers to come there by ease and coordinated with them what they need to do their job better.
Guzman: Teachers, you know, when we’re talking about how we’re gonna, uh, we’re gonna include the 1% salary, 12 features. I want to make their case as how they are used to their person online. My before in the classroom. How it’s important to have this or this motor classes. How are they unfolding? Many animals have their first amount of time for this schools. As these things need to be heard. The school board members need to listen from the pictures. What is going on as far as giving out justice reform. I finally sent the field center last week as increase the age of minors trial as adults. He came from the house. The genetics will support, I will say [inaudible] adjustments. Even those who weren’t before, like delegate Ron Vale was not from Virginia. I’m the main girl for people, not definitely three, four people to come up. You and I took a picture with because [inaudible] years in a row, he finally agree with [inaudible] and I was able to partner with administration as well because it was a priority for Bella.
Guzman: I know, I’m trying to look at faces. Some of you have some requests. It’s function, you know, very important for many individuals. I introduced legislation. Uh, but I think that some of the members who are not ready yet, so those are happy and sent to the crime commission. So the practical nations wanna send recommendations for next year. So we can see why is going to be allowed to eat lunch, right? Not, I mean the reality is there we all having young who will make mistakes, I mean that wrote us well, but then realities that you have to be carrying that with the rest of your life and that prevents you from having an employment for working with children even, I mean, right in a class and the school system, if you have a felony on your, uh, on your criminal record. So we have to change, you know, kind of like justice reform will happen up here. That’s also for many years what are trying, people are screaming out in the streets. I’m talking about individuals of all of my and identities float. And you find made a mistake when I was 18 or 19 years old and now I have proven that I’m not going to see this and that I have medication that I fear from my mistakes. These is that country of second chances. So Regina has to be that either, you know, on, uh, provide an expungement services.
McPike: Yeah, a tremendous amount going on this week was crossover Wednesday, Tuesday night inside where we got one out. It was about one o’clock in the morning, take her for converted that morning. So now we finish up our business, the house they do other than getting on the second run. So there’s a little bit more than the day before the crossover, but we moved out of there. We don’t typically move the pending question, which means that the vote has to be taken on the Senate and the house are the rules of procedure. We let everybody in the bait, if they have a voice, they’re going to make sure that those thoughts are, are shared. Unless it gets extraordinarily long for one speaker, then we might push things along a little bit. But this week was an extraordinarily long week. Many things on the, not only in the criminal justice reform, decriminalization of marijuana, um, the significant tweaks to criminal justice system are fairly significant.
McPike: There are things in 20 years that have sort of stack the deck of one side and we’ve really started to tackle some of the structural injustice in how we treat the cases. Both then, you know, sentencing different tiers as all sorts of nuance and Recode right now that we are starting to be ended to fix. Was your really, really important? Uh, there’s also been, um, I think some, obviously some big hot topics in terms of on gun safety legislation. Um, what passed the Senate was a one gun a month, a universal background checks with certain provisions excluded in terms of the family. Um, it has to be a sale. So there’s this certain transfer provision. So for instance, if I’m out hunting on a tree stand, you don’t create a, you know, unintended felony cause I leave my gun to go and clean the deer or whatever and I left my gun with my buddy.
McPike: I don’t want to, you know, we try to avoid creating sort of unintended consequences through that in terms of what transfer means. And so we did take out some of the original provisions to the spur that we didn’t have folks that were caught in sort of innocent situations versus, um, some of the gun show loophole and other sort of proxy sales that are going on. Um, so we, we certainly sort of tackle that as a, as an approach. So we also did the one got along with just returning to the legislation. We had, I don’t know, 15, 16 years ago that was within the law. Um, additionally, there were some provisions that passed the Senate that allow for, um, vocal control for local permits. Um, Lavella valleys would have to post if you have a special permit that they, they don’t want to have guns present at.
McPike: And they had posted that sign at that public hearing. Notice all sorts of other provisions to make sure that, again, it’s not an unintended consequence. You can’t just walk into a place and not have any notice that you’re not supposed to care. And so there’s sort of the savings that are put in place. Um, certainly the other hot topics goals in relation to um, number of flips or add ons to pass the Senate that certainly ban bump stocks are trigger acted activated devices. Um, the bills dealing with um, round counts or well let’s say that sort of assault rifles or assault weapons has not passed the Senate, um, based on different definitions of round town and other issues that start to really get into some pretty nuance stuff. I know there’s been a lot of hot topic, social media and other stuff, so I wanted to cover that.
McPike: The other more recent one is on driver’s licenses for uh, new Americans or undocumented Americans and other systems here are not yet citizens working their way there. And you know, I’ve seen a lot of social media sort of being on this of the last week or so. I was really picked up on, you know, why we’re doing this, why it’s needed. If you look at it and break it down to the basic facts and figures and folks who been here, manifests 2030 years is folks have licenses in Maryland for other places. Right now it’s other car is also registered in Maryland that go through the Virginia safety inspection nor do is there an understanding of Virginia rules of the road and the walls. So there are provisions to provide a license framework that requires passing of the test driver test, having insurance, you know all the other things that go with it in terms of savings.
McPike: So there’s some, I think some pretty strong public safety initiatives. In addition, the tax, they should obviously our tax and other things that go with it, registration fees that go with it to ensure that everyone has the same understanding of the rules of road. And so that’s something that I know I’ve seen people asking or emailing about what are we doing, you know, you know, people are going to put the comments of the people are getting something for free. It’s not free. They get to play that same exact rules and everybody else, no special conditions. And so I just want to make sure that it’s very clear despite what you might see on social media. Very strange. And the other question I heard was, well what happened with New York? You know the feds are now timing now on the preferred travel program or field where the exact name is, but essentially the frequent flyer, perfect TSA preferred entry program.
McPike: The reason why they did that in New York cause they had locked down the day to day decision. The Virginia law that we have that’s going through has provisions that they can request involved before I personally can still request in the DMV database a specific individual. This is not part one. And so that takes care of the federal concern that had come up and that’s why New York is having problems. We don’t have that same problem. We have avoided that issue by specifically writing and provisions in the code go for that issue. So I just want to address those couple of things of, you know, what people are calling or writing about and sort of address addressed it as I think are some really important positive as many other important positive social in addition to the publicity and taxation around that issue. And this has been been improved for many, many years.
McPike: Um, unfortunately. Um, but I think with now with real idea in place as well, it takes care of the plate issue in terms of the reason essentially returns the law to where we were 2004 post nine 11 in Virginia. That’s what the law does and because we have separate relining and you are going to require a real idea, the board, the domestic plate as it is, you still going have that requirement. So that doesn’t change any of the frameworks that we have, the federal requirement as well as Virginia framework. Um, so I think there’s a lot of positives around that. So I want to cover, make sure we covered through those more hot topics that have been swirling around Richmond. I are you seeing things on social media that makes sense. Stonewall
Guzman: the week. It’s just like the vinegar there was talking about these. What’s up great. Did show up for a mold from breaking before 2003 I didn’t do none of that. Were just bringing it back a low that was in Virginia and was taken way we false out because it was taking after what happened on nine 11 and we all know now and none of [inaudible] I mean where [inaudible] so we are trying to bring in an hour just having stayed [inaudible] we’ll play, we’ll pay property taxes where maybe, but that money is instead of going to Mary instead of going to Washington DC, I haven’t only bad because there’s a lot of people that they send, I just want this and even though they averaging at residents, they go on charge [inaudible] paint documents via the need you both to get a license. He married in Washington D C at that spot.
Guzman: I need to stop all of that Senate, send a book support on that [inaudible] at one of the things that we’re doing to be here. Well, he’s trying to fight for that adamant [inaudible] Oh, um, perfections in general. I have employment in housing, I guess discrimination with myself. I had an easy job. And what do you think that way in school I stayed in agency and they went through the very, you know Jessica, Wendy [inaudible] who they are and that is one of what daddy did for that reason. I’ve presented legislation on his own into the center that will require state employees pay the LGBTQ [inaudible].
Guzman: That means I’m going to ask him, you know, I’m just one of them to know what it these life and they need to understand that community so they can help them to get there. That’s been years take them, be who they want and they put up, they want to quit just a day. I only just use the word services and will be confident and we do it in, I mean we both work at these already implemented in so many capacities. These is far off. You are to an orientation or what can we respect each other? What would work for them?
McPike: Get her back on the driver’s license privilege. One question I saw online or on email is an indication that this would somehow allow people to vote or not. Citizens does not do that. Just cleared the snake. He’s nations that cross in fact separate regions. How it, what does that send to the blood collection to make sure those distinguishing factors of a citizen citizen? I, there’s lots of ways that very clear if
Guzman: you vote, then you are not a citizen or to go at all. Even you have a green card [inaudible] that it’s a felony and you can taste it or patient or vomiting. [inaudible] [inaudible] would there
McPike: be an indication on the license non-resident that you went up and looked what provision?
Guzman: If there are no veal, somebody [inaudible] his driver’s license and the other one is agree with each guards. But the good thing is that we all come over the real IDs and if you aren’t a citizen, you’ll get a star of Lena [inaudible] but you don’t get the star. That means that you are not a citizen, but that doesn’t mean you are undocumented. Amen. You know, it puts me that you are great.
McPike: I just decided I didn’t want to go through the hassle cause I just [inaudible] but what does all the election laws that are also changing the requirement for it? You still would be recording them too long to show a need, but if you don’t have ID you still have to vote. You have to sign and that’s under the penalty and I felony. That’s when this gets in. So both on the voter registration forms and other things. So that’s right there felony and also, and the election, if you comment and then try to vote, you’re putting a signature, you’re, you’re signing yourself from a felony and you’re not registered. So there are a number of different checks in both databases across the board that you would be envy to the board of elections database. So those a number of different ways going from protection to that and the,
Guzman: yeah, I’m just going back to my deals. I think there’s one thing that I, as a door, what I was knocking is about drug prices. Everywhere I go, people what? Frustrated [inaudible] insurance, how much they have to stop [inaudible] I mean, schooling, if you still have, I’m sending them deal [inaudible] [inaudible] payment system. Is that the and innovative solutions to address that cause the persecution threats, Regina, at that point of sale, these [inaudible] uh, you know, we’ve had different version of some hockey change to how the Friday’s I dated, um, that come provided to us all being a road. We’re going to have all of the stakeholders that are part of that process. How can we come up with a solution and that solution is to be filed by December. So generally comforting the nature station. Do we just work on [inaudible] out?
McPike: There’s been some limited measures going through the Seinfeld pharmacy benefit managers or PBMs you’ve might’ve seen on the news. There’s all sorts of discounts that the drug manufacturers offer those discounts and Venice rebates don’t get passed on to the end user. And so there’s a lot of, you know, your pay plan pays for a certain point and then they’re also capturing the rebate on the other side. And so, and then the direct price is higher with the passive PBMs. And so there’s all sorts of sort of moving parts and shenanigans that are going on that they’re, they’re sort of doing one of these is, does that mean that he’s got tons of years are in the or development that occurred with this drug? All that. Listen, 50 years ago it’s all done because there’s no need to pay 600 times what somebody tries. It should be.
McPike: It’s really frustrating to get in a room and healthcare space and everybody does what he’s like, wait a second, we’re paying like 20 bucks for this, like 10 years ago, you know, it’s 150 now. I’m pretty sure I’m not making him breathe free a hundred times in my day. This is crazy. And so they keep, it’s a complex issue. It’s one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Um, but I think our, our ability to have patients visits with the medical way before we’re just about an hour and a number of different things we’ve got also figure out, hopefully it ties in with the button too because we also have to help the fund, the board elections with some initial whether it’s going to be clearly sort of no excuse absentee, you are early voting provisions. I think it will come out of both the house and the Senate and I think that’s extremely important for this year because we have so many books like you knew, you know what an hour plus at all. Any one day you could have doctors come up or emergency, you know let’s have more participation, not less. I think there’s a general consensus in both jammers that some or all or combination provisions will be valid for one thing that will go in effect for breaking into the next school and teachers will not happen anymore.
McPike: The primary outburst of social media on that, Tim was like, give me a break, Nico, come on. So essentially not then the one thing we’ve done is fuck the state holiday to electric kissy football. You can’t complain if you don’t vote. I didn’t mention that. [inaudible] get some work and she had gotten cancer presumption and finally we’ve got it out of the house and the Senate. So that’s been appeared that bill every single year for of six years. So this has cancers that are directly linked to the toxins that they interface. There’s been fires and that’s been just a long time. Now I removed provisions that gotten whatever our firefighters who passed away caught up in legal battles for about a year before he died. We were in that section of the code. Um, and then we have a PTSD Eatonville that is passed out under the Senate and it’s over the house and he did not have a people to action so far on the house [inaudible] and then flipped back any provision.
McPike: And this creates the first defense [inaudible] to provide relief, first presumption relation, PTSD and our first responders. Um, there’s just so many folks that deal with, but a single incident or cumulative incidents over the couriers. You just lost open officer two weekends ago. Um, unfortunately this, the story plays out across the Commonwealth. Um, all of the points for different reasons and we are not tackling the issue more proactively and we need to create a framework that says if you’re struggling, you got some framework coverage. And folks I know and worked with, they want to get back on the job too, but they’re hurting. And right now that was the mantra for so many years in these lines of service has been sort of [inaudible], you know, and um, unfortunately the costs really get worn by the families that are involved. I was over time and it’s time we started to flip that. So this is the first year we were really struggling with the progress that flipping this discussion. Um, yes it will, it’ll have some financial hit the localities because there’s some premium issues, but hopefully those that start to think about it and do more proactive things and the more frequent check ins of sitting down. So incident reviews, other things to check out mental health status over not just single incident, but the cumulative total.
The post Legislators discuss education at town hall appeared first on What's Up Prince William.
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Folk Burgers & Beer The Bottom Line
If you’re coming for craft beer, you’re going to enjoy Folk Burgers & Beer. If you’re coming for the burgers, you’re really going to enjoy Folk Burgers & Beer. It’s definitely one of the nicest places I’ve been to on my travels for BeerTengoku and I would happily come here again for a burger and a pint in the future- that’s how much I liked the place despite the slightly higher than average prices for beers. Folk Burgers & Beer had a warm and cozy atmosphere, with some very friendly staff who went out of their way to help me out – careful explanations of any allergies or requests for the burger were both warmly received. The whole place is non-smoking and also has no table charge. More importantly for some, all of the menus have more than enough English on them but there is no free wifi that I could find.
Folk Burgers & Beer The Full Review
If you’re wondering why there has been a surge of burger and beer places on BeerTengoku over the last couple of months, well I’ve been doing some meticulous research about them which has involved lots of eating and, of course, drinking. Folk Burgers & Beer came highly recommended by quite a few friends of BeerTengoku as not just having great burgers but also a decent selection of domestic craft beer on tap as well. Jimbocho is usually a place I go to to get some winter sports wear, so there seemed to be no excuse in getting to Folk Burger & Beer.
Folk Burgers & Beer is located between Jimbocho station and Kudanshita station, with less than a 5 minute walk involved from either of them. It’s located in a dense residential area, but the front of the shop is easily spotted from afar. Inside, there isn’t as much space though as appeared from the outside, with seats for 18 at various tables around the bar, and then space for about 6 people at the counter. Folk Burgers & Beer has actually done the opposite of most bars by not cramming in people so their elbows are rubbing the person next to them. There is no table charge at any time throughout the day, and the whole place is non-smoking as well, besides the smoker used to make some of the ingredients for their burgers.
There are 8 taps of craft beer on at Folk Burgers & Beer, with the taps being a split between domestic and imported craft beer. There was somewhat of a leaning towards IPAs on the day we went, though the menu does rotate around to ensure it’s balanced so everyone can have a drink. The beers come in two sizes: half pints (235ml) from ¥825 and pint (473ml) from ¥1,210. The prices do include tax, though they are still slightly towards the higher end of the spectrum for prices, the beers do come well served and you’re not paying for an inch or so of head. Unfortunately, there is no happy hour nor any beer flight option available at all.
Now the food. There are some sides and things on at Folk Burgers & Beer, but we came for the burgers and there were plenty of choices. All of the food is made fresh instore and does take some time apparently, but our burger was served up within 15 minutes of ordering. The menus contain plenty of English so there isn’t any issue for non-Japanese speakers, and the staff were also helpful in trying to use English to explain things before we ordered in Japanese. There are a limited number of vegetarian options on the sandwich menu though and if the burgers are anything to go buy, then they must be filling too.
Folk Burgers & Beer Details
Open: Tuesday to Friday 11:00 – 22:00 (L.O Food 21:00 Drink 21:30) Weekends & Holidays 11:30 – 21:00 (L.O Food 20:00 Drink 20:30)
Closed: Mondays
Happy Hour: None
Phone: 03-3511-3188
Homepage (in Japanese): https://folkburgersandbeers.owst.jp/
Social Media: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter
How to Get to Folk Burgers & Beer
The closest stations to Folk Burgers & Beer are Jimbocho [Toei Mita Line (I-10) / Toei Shinjuku Line (S-06) / Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line (Z-07)] and Kudanshita [Toei Shinjuku Line (S-05) / Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line (Z-06) / Tokyo Metro Tozai Line (T-07)]
[ezcol_1half]Directions from Jimbocho Station [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Directions from Kudanshita Station [/ezcol_1half_end]{:}{:ja}フォークバーガーズアンドビアーズは2018年8月に開けました。神保町駅から歩きに5内です。九段下駅からも歩けます。
ビールのために来たら、幸せになります。 ハンバーガーに来たら、幸せになります。 両方に来たら、喜んでいるでしょう。
営業時間:火〜金 11:00~22:00(L.O フード21:00 ドリンク21:30)土日祝 11:30〜21:00(L.O フード20:00 ドリンク20:30)
SNS:Facebook / Instagram / Twitter
フォークバーガーズアンドビアーズに行き方 [ezcol_1half]神保町駅から [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]九段下駅から [/ezcol_1half_end]
Folk Burgers & Beer in Jimbocho, Tokyo - one of the best burger and beer joints in Tokyo. ・フォークバーガーズアンドビアーズ:ビールのために来たら、幸せになります。 ハンバーガーに来たら、幸せになります。#craftbeer #beer #クラフトビール #地ビール #ビール {:en} Folk Burgers & Beer The Bottom Line If you're coming for craft beer, you're going to enjoy Folk Burgers & Beer.
#Family Friendly#Kanto Bar#No Beer Flight#No Smoking#No Table Charge#Tokyo Bar#Dog Friendly#English Friendly#No Happy Hour#No Outside Drinking#No Takeaway Beer#No Wifi#Tax Included#Weekday 11am#Weekend 11:30am
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The best gadgets of 2019
Bigger, lighter ultraportable laptops
Cherlynn Low Reviews Editor
Good lord, did laptops get a facelift this year. After all the progress that notebooks as a category made last year, I wasn’t expecting to see much more improvement in 2019. I was wrong. This year, Dell launched a new XPS 13 2-in-1, which my colleague Devindra called the “perfect ultraportable,” and HP released the Elite Dragonfly, which the company markets as “lighter than air.”
No device is actually lighter than air, but this year, mainstream laptops certainly got a whole lot lighter and thinner than before while growing more powerful, without sacrificing battery life. That’s to be expected, after years of incremental improvements, but we also have to give Intel a little credit. Its Project Athena program rolled out this year, spurring the development of more compact, lightweight ultraportables that last all day. Shout out also to the Galaxy Book Flex and Ion, which launched late in the year and proved that Samsung can make gorgeous, super sleek notebooks. And even though the Snapdragon-powered Galaxy Book S didn’t actually arrive in time to make this year’s list, my hands-on with it left me impressed by its lightweight, attractive exterior.
Aided by potent processors like NVIDIA’s Studio products, laptop makers also delivered powerhouse notebooks targeted at creators who need the beef for editing multiple 4K video streams but don’t want gaudy or chunky gaming machines. Acer and ASUS both made devices for these purposes, with the ConceptD and ProArt StudioBook sub-brands respectively. These proved that laptops could pack plenty of muscle without weighing a ton.
But 2019 also saw the arrival of the LG Gram 17 — a surprisingly sleek machine for having a 17-inch screen — and the 15-inch Surface Laptop 3. Apple also released a new 16-inch MacBook Pro, delighting power users and fans of usable keyboards. While these larger laptops still have their flaws, the fact that they’re no longer chunky slabs of metal and plastic is a promising sign of bigger and better to come in 2020 and beyond.
iPhone 11 Pro
Mat Smith Bureau Chief, UK
It’s hard for any smartphone to break out in 2019. Especially in a year where the industry was obsessed with folding gimmicks and a 5G network not ready for prime time. Apple’s iPhone 11 Pro launched with a brighter screen, was predictably faster and has better — and more — cameras. It’s costlier, sure. In fact, it’s Apple’s most expensive phone ever. But it also tackles one of the perennial issues with nearly all smartphones: mediocre battery life.
The 11 Pro Max is a barely noticeable 0.02 inches thicker than the iPhone XS Max, but with that extra space and a new L-shaped battery cell, the latest 11 Pro Max adds roughly four more hours of use compared to its predecessor. My iPhone 11 Pro Max consistently clocks almost two days on a single charge. It’s better than any smartphone I’ve owned in the last few years.
And then there are the cameras. After leading the smartphone camera revolution, a decade ago, Apple has recently lagged behind the competition. With the iPhone 11 Pro, it’s caught up. In fact, the company has arguably reclaimed the top spot. From Deep Fusion, which adds improved textures and detail, to the ultra-wide-angle cameras for squeezing in crowds, landscapes and more, to the improved night shooting mode, the iPhone 11 Pro is on equal photography footing with the Pixel 4 or the Galaxy Note 10.
There are other highlights, too. The 11 Pro phones come with a high-speed USB-C charger (and a USB-C to Lightning cable), making charging considerably faster. It also means I can connect my iPhone to my year-old MacBook Pro’s USB-C ports without a dongle. Instead of having to plug it in overnight, I can charge the iPhone 11 Pro Max to 50 percent in just thirty minutes. Better battery life isn’t the sexiest feature, but it’s never been more appreciated.
Powerful processors and GPUs
Steve Dent Associate Editor
The PC market is no longer moribund, thanks in large part to devices that are more interesting and powerful. That’s certainly true in the gaming and content creation markets, and for that, we can largely thank AMD and NVIDIA. At the same time, we’ve never had so many lightweight but powerful laptops, and we give Intel credit there.
The processor of the year for gaming and content creation is AMD’s $750, 16-core Ryzen 9 3950X. Intel still has the edge in gaming with its Core i9 9900K, sure, and that model is also cheaper at $500. But the Ryzen 9 3950X is really close, and once you switch over to content creation tasks, those eight extra cores let it destroy the 9900K.
Best of all, AMD’s new Ryzen chips have forced Intel to drop prices, making powerful PCs cheaper across the board. For instance, Intel’s 18-core 9980XE launched in 2017 cost a cool $2,000, but its successor, the 18-core 10980XE costs just half of that. That’s because Intel had to react to AMD’s Threadripper 3970X, which has 32 cores and costs $1,999.
Last year, we called out NVIDIA’s RTX 2080 Ti as one of the worst products of 2018, thanks to its high price and abysmal ray-tracing support. To its credit, though, NVIDIA has introduced new features that make its RTX lineup more desirable, particularly the RTX Studio drivers. Those put NVIDIA’s ray tracing to work, speeding up 3D apps like Blender, and making video and photo editing quicker and more stable, too. On top of that, games like Metro Exodus and Control are finally making better use of ray tracing, and we can expect more of the same in 2020.
Intel is losing in the high-end CPU market, but it’s still thumping AMD when it comes to laptops. Devices like Dell’s XPS 13 2-in-1 show that Intel has crammed a ton of power into low-energy, long-lasting devices, with big improvements in on-board graphics. Anyone getting a PC with a 10th-gen Intel CPU will see much better performance than last year’s machines, and we’ll have lots of great notebooks to look forward to next year.
Sonos and IKEA Symfonisk Table Lamp
Igor Bonifacic Contributing Writer
We’ll admit: Sonos and IKEA’s Symfonisk table lamp looks goofy. But get past its unusual appearance and you’ll find one of the most versatile gadgets released this year.
As an affordable entry into the Sonos ecosystem, the Symfonisk lamp has almost everything you could want. Setup via the Sonos app is easy whether you’re adding to an existing sound system or starting from scratch. What’s more, the lamp sounds almost as good as the more expensive Sonos One, which is one of the best speakers you can buy. Best of all, even though it’s not a premium product, Sonos didn’t skimp on features like AirPlay 2 compatibility.
What you won’t find are any microphones onboard for Google Assistant and Alexa support. Some people might prefer this; it’s one less device listening to their conversations. For everyone else, it’s easy enough to integrate the lamp with your existing smart speakers for voice control.
But the Symfonisk lamp isn’t just a good speaker, it’s also a great lamp. Although it uses smaller and less common E12 light bulbs, it still adds a lot of warmth to a room. Its versatility as both a speaker and a lamp means you’ll consistently get a lot of use out of it. Add to that its low price and the Symfonisk lamp is one of those rare collaborations that actually delivers the best of both partner companies.
8BitDo SN30 Pro+
Kris Holt Contributing Writer
The Nintendo Switch is a fantastic system, with great games and unrivaled portability for a console. But its standard controller setup is far from ideal.
Joy-Cons are terrific if you’re hanging out with a friend and want to fire up your Switch for co-op action. But when you have to use both Joy-Cons for a single-player game, particularly one that requires dual thumbsticks, they’re not the most practical. In fact, the right thumbstick is positioned too awkwardly to comfortably use for very long. But thankfully, there are plenty of other options out there.
The Switch Pro Controller is a solid alternative, but I much prefer 8BitDo’s excellent SN30 Pro+. It feels far more natural to hold than Nintendo’s controllers, and I have no problem using it for hours at a time. I love the SNES/DualShock 4 mashup approach to the design, too. I haven’t encountered any significant latency issues, and its compatibility with Android, Raspberry Pi, PC and macOS is a nice bonus. The customization options on the 8BitDo Ultimate Software are also terrific and a boon for accessibility.
The SN30 Pro+ makes the Switch even more of a joy, especially for playing Overwatch or Fortnite on the go. I only wish 8BitDo included a headphone jack for more flexibility, especially for when I dock my Switch and I’m across the room from my TV. Still, the controller is an almost-perfect solution for my Switch setup.
Jessica Conditt Senior Editor
Mixer has come a long way in a short time. As recently as last year, we were describing Mixer as “Microsoft’s Twitch rival” in headlines, worried that people wouldn’t recognize the service by name. Today, Mixer has 30 million monthly active users, exclusivity deals with a roster of high-profile streamers and plenty of practice in the tech-news spotlight. Mixer has Ninja. What more needs to be said?
Not only did Mixer steal Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, the world’s most popular streamer, from Twitch in August, but a handful of other popular names have followed suit. This year, Mixer has picked up Cory “King Gothalion” Michael, Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek and Soleil “Ewok” Wheeler, and Twitch has only recently responded with exclusive acquisitions of its own. Of course, the follower counts of Twitch’s most recent members — Benjamin “DrLupo” Lupo, Saqib “LIRIK” Zahid and Timothy “TimTheTatman” Betar — reach 10.73 million combined, while Ninja alone had 14.7 million followers when he ditched Twitch. Ninja racked up more than 1 million followers in his first week on Mixer.
At one point, it seemed as if Twitch was the undisputed, permanent champion of video game streaming, but a handful of moderation missteps and the loss of key personalities this year have left the company vulnerable. Of course, all of the main live-streaming platforms have the backing of massive tech companies — Twitch is owned by Amazon, Mixer is the property of Microsoft and (surprise!) YouTube Gaming is run by Google — so they have significant runway to try new things, fail and try again. But in 2019, Mixer got a lot of steps right and laid the foundation for the service’s continued growth in 2020.
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Purchase Used Macintosh Macbook Proficient Model A1990 At A Sensible Cost
Note that the 1990 MacBook Air and Master plans have been animated to Intel's third-age Center I-strategy processors, regardless, called Ivy Stage, and this new MacBook Expert with Retina Show begins there. As Mac workstations have sometimes required a basic period to exchange up to Intel's most recent stuff, it's ideal to see Ivy Structure show up favorably. Might you want to sell a pre-owned Mac macbook master model a1990? Here you can get the best expense for your Mac MacBook.
The ensured part is that new Retina Show. Its goal is 2,880x1,800 pixels, giving a degree of detail never seen on a PC. The best quality Windows PC screen objective is 1,920x1,080 pixels, tantamount to a HDTV. That past high-water mark has been fine as ought to be self-evident, yet even that can make text and pictures look negligible on a 15-inch PC. Macintosh handles this through another touch pitch for the screen, much as it did on the third-gen iPad.
Sell Damaged MacBook Pro A1398
Versus, the Retina Show looks unfathomable, notwithstanding the way that you will without a doubt see it while veering from a non-Retina PC. It'll apparently be more critical for impressive perusers or Photoshop/Finished thing clients all along, and we'll need to perceive how it needs for other remarkable endeavors to stimulate themselves to mishandle the new screen.
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Over the long haul, the MacBook Master with Retina Show, while costly, is the best all-around MacBook Macintosh eventually makes - beside in case you totally, solidly need an inborn optical drive or Ethernet jack (both are transparently using outside dongles or peripherals). It gives work locale substitution level execution, in any case is practically pretty much as thin as an envisioned 15-inch MacBook Air would be, regardless of whether it's genuinely heavier than it looks. Since it obscures the past MacBook Master from alternate points of view, it acquires a CNET Editors' Decision movement.
Notwithstanding, it has all the earmarks of being a lay stops making a course for elsewhere, a cutting-edge future when all workstations are paper-humble and tuft light, with eminent stuff, wide association, and liberal strong state putting away that rivals abnormal old platter hard drives. Take the necessary steps not to be stunned to see Retina screens channel down to more sensible models eventually not long from now. We're not there yet, yet this is a genuine advance forward toward that way.
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Lethargic use, the new, more thin 15-inch MacBook Star is both prominent and extraordinary according to what we've seen in advance. This isn't a ultrabook (or a ultrathin PC, as one would call these frameworks before Intel developed the ultrabook term), nor is it a full medium size PC. Considering, it's another take that skirts the two, taking highlights from the various sides of the way.
Of course, at 0.7 inches, it's practically pretty much as shaky as a MacBook Air, in any case, the thicker finish of that fixed framework. In any case, it's heavier than it looks, more like a Specialist, at 4.6 pounds. Continuously end, this is unquestionably not a definitive versatile PC for individuals who need to head over by and large for the span of the day, at any rate, five days of the week.
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Considering, it seems, by all accounts, to be a decent move from the current Star, which is the thing that I'd call a "pull it around different occasions every week, tops" PC. More as regularly as conceivable than that, particularly with the standard 15-inch MacBook Master, and it really pulls you down. I could see passing on this new, more flimsy Capable around with several days of the week, or maybe to and from work on a standard metro drive at a stretch.
From extraordinary ways, this could be confused with an Air, at any rate close, it's a substitute story. The course of action of the speakers, on one or the other side of the solace, is lifted from the MacBook Master. Nearby the slablike, non-fixed body, I'd express the new Master grades 70/30 or more toward the Expert instead of the Air comparably as to plant DNA. Might you want to trade MacBook Expert A1502 for cash? Here you can get the best expense for your Macintosh MacBook in less time.
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They console and the trackpad is similar to seen on the two or multiple times of the MacBook, which is something to be thankful for. Different workstations have made, yet not beat, the illuminated Apple consoles. In addition, the trackpad, with its multi-finger signals, stays the business chief. There a few licenses, secret fixing, and working structure level capable confusion behind this, yet the practical outcome is touchpad experience unquestionably more fulfilling than on some other PC.
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A Review Of Acer Predator Triton 500 : It Holds On RTX 2060
With its stylish, covert design, you can see why Acer was named Predator Triton 500 ($1,799 / £1,799) after the Greek Poseidon. Its dark blue and grey look is angular, and it can play most games with a medium-powered RTX 2060 graphics card. It has a bright screen and only the mixed productivity features it wants to uninstall and the UK media reporting software can stop it.
The dark grey/blue predator is a slender aluminum machine with some tiny angles, but surprisingly plain. All hats on the lid have the word "predator" and the top has a Transformers-style logo. There are some cool details on the back. The vents have a zigzag pattern, and the blue pattern adds a touch of color to the machine.
When the lid is opened, the 15.6-inch display has a thin plastic frame on three sides and a thick Predator brand border on the bottom. Like the lid, the deck is made of metal. Above the keyboard, the speakers are arranged in an alternating triangular pattern. The WASD button, the arrow keys and the PredatorSense button are all blue, which helps the color scheme and stands out from the rest of the keyboard.
There are many ports for peripherals, monitors, and extended storage. On the left is the Ethernet jack, USB 3.1 Gen 1 port, HDMI output and separate headphone and microphone jacks. On the right is another pair of USB 3.1 ports, Thunderbolt 3 and Mini DisplayPort, and a lock slot.
The Predator weighs 4.7 pounds and 14.1 x 10 x 0.7 inches (358.1 x 254 x 17.8 mm). It weighs the same as the Gigabyte Aero 15 X9, which is slightly smaller at 14 x 9.8 x 0.7 inches (356 x 250 x 18 mm). The Lenovo Legion Y740 weighs 5 pounds and measures 14.2 x 10.5 x 0.9 inches (267 x 361.4 x 267 x 22.5 mm).
Games, Graphics and VR
The Predator is the first laptop we tested with the Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 GPU. In testing, it complemented the competitors running the RTX 2070 Max-Q.
When I played Battlefield V's "Nordlys" mission with a high DXR at 1920x1080 resolution, it started smashing at 60 frames per second (fps) in the snow, but in a detailed town with lots of reflections, it Falling between 46 and 53 fps, there are quite a few screen tears. But when I lowered the DXR to medium (but only the other settings), I got a smoother 66-77 fps, except for one example, when I collapsed on my house and it dropped to 57 fps.
In "Shadow of Tomb Raider" (maximum setting, FHD), the Predator beats the mainstream game average (40 fps) and Aero (RTX 2070 Max-Q) at 49 fps, but behind the Legion ( RTX 2070 Max) -Q). It's worth noting that Aero is the first RTX laptop we've tested, and since then there has been an update to the driver, which may explain the difference between it and the Legion.
On Hitman (Ultra settings, FHD), the game runs at 87 fps, above average (69 fps), but lower than RTX 2070 Max-Q based systems.
When it comes to Grand Theft Auto V (very high, FHD), the Predator runs on average at 66 fps, which is comparable to the RTX 2070 Max-Q machine and above average (48 fps).
In order to stress test the Predator, I ran the Metro: Exodus benchmark 15 times on its RTX preset to simulate a half-hour intense game. The CPU has an average clock speed of 3.8 GHz and a temperature of 83.7 degrees Celsius (182.7 degrees Fahrenheit). The average GPU temperature is 70.1 degrees Celsius (158.2 degrees Fahrenheit).
Productivity Performance
With the Intel Core i7-8750H CPU, 16 GB DDR4 memory, and 512 GB PCIe-NVMe SSD, the Triton 500 has powerful features and portability. If you're using it for word processing, browsing the web and playing music, that's enough.
On Geekbench 4.1, Predator scored 20,621, slightly lower than the mainstream game average of 20,795. The Legion (Core i7-8750H) scored slightly above 21,629. Aero has a more powerful Core i9-8950HK with a score of 22,676.
The Predator took 7 seconds to copy 4.97 GB of files, or 727 MBps. This is faster than the average speed (365.6 MBps) and also beats Aero and Legion.
In our Handbrake test, the computer transcoded the 4K video to 1080p and the Predator took 9 minutes and 58 seconds. This is faster than 10:59 on average, but the Legion is faster.
The 15.6-inch, 1920x1080 display has a refresh rate of 144 Hz, which is brighter than the average, and only Gigabyte's color-calibrated 4K screen beats it in the gamut. When I looked at Shazam's trailer, the yellow lightning on the hero suit suddenly touched the red spandex, and the cashier's purple hair and shirt stood out among all the goods behind her. When I played Battlefield V, the snowflakes were bright, the whites were against the blue sky, and the red grenades were very vivid.
Predator covers 116% of the SRGB color Gamut.
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The track appears on Beastland, due out October 5th via Relapse Records.
"The music of Author & Punisher is an impressive mix of innovation and throwback — a slowed-down blend of Nineties industrial given a deeply evil doom treatment is a delightful treat for 'heads who cut their teeth on Nine Inch Nails and Ministry." - Revolver Magazine
As he prepares for the release of his sixth full-length album Beastland on October 5th, Author & Punisher has unveiled the album’s third single, “Ode To Bedlam,” today via Consequence of Sound.
A robotic experimentation in industrial metal, noise, doom and drone, Author & Punisher recalls Nine Inch Nails channeling Godflesh, traversing through dark, uncompromising, and often disturbing soundscapes with occasional detours into rich melodies and splinters of light. Armed with newly built “Drone Machines” and a new label, Beastland is Author & Punisher’s career-defining statement and a powerful listening experience that further blurs the line between man and machine.
Beastland was recorded at K Street in San Diego, CA and engineered by Tristan Shone & John Cota (Death Eyes). Additional recording was done in Las Cruces, NM with Jason Begin (vytear). The album was co-produced with Braden Diotte (Faust, EXO//ENDO, Neurosis), mixed by Kurt Ballou at God City and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege.
Tonight, Author & Punisher will play Cold Waves festival in Los Angeles. Following, A&P will return to Europe for select concerts with Godflesh, Conan and more, then will return stateside for tour dates with the Uniform & The Body collaboration — check out all dates below.
Beastland Track listing:
1. Pharmacide
2. Nihil Strength
3. Ode to Bedlam
4. The Speaker is Systematically Blown
5. Nazarene
6. Apparition
7. Night Terror
8. Beastland
Beastland, pre-order:
Digital - http://smarturl.it/AP-Beastland
Physical - http://relapse.com/author-&-punisher-beastland/
Author & Punisher, on tour:
Sep 27 Los Angeles, CA Cold Waves LA @ 1720
--- Headlining European Tour Dates ---
Oct 12 - Oct 25 --- Oct 12 Rotterdam, NL @ RVLT Festival
Oct 13 Helsinki, FI @ Blowup Vol. 4
Oct 14 Tallin, EE @ Sveta Baar
Oct 15 St. Petersburg, RU @ LES
Oct 16 Moscow, RU @ Model T
Oct 17 Malmo, SE @ Plan B (w/ Conan)
Oct 18 Copenhagen, DK @ Pumpehuset (w/ Godflesh)
Oct 19 Oslo, NO @ Bla
Oct 20 Gothenborg, SE @ Sticky Fingers (w/ Godflesh)
Oct 24 Lisbon, PT @ MusicBox
Oct 25 Porto, PT @ Maus Habitos
--- All Dates Nov 3 - Nov 5 Author & Punisher Headlining unless noted ---
Nov 03 Athens, GA @ Moogfest @ Georgia Theatre
Nov 04 Chapel Hill, NC @ Local 506
Nov 05 Richmond, VA @ Richmond Music Hall
--- US Tour Dates Nov 08 - Dec 08 ---
Nov 08 Cambridge, MA @ Sonia %
Nov 09 Montreal, QC @ La Sala Rossa*
Nov 10 Toronto, ON @ Baby G*
Nov 11 Detroit, MI @ El Club*
Nov 12 Oberlin, OH @ Dionysus Disco*
Nov 13 Chicago, IL @ Empty Bottle*
Nov 15 Pittsburgh, PA @ Spirit Hall*
Nov 16 Philadelphia, PA @ PhilaMOCA*
Nov 17 Brooklyn, NY @ Market Hotel*
Nov 18 Baltimore, MD @ Metro Gallery #
Nov 20 Nashville, TN @ The High Watt #
Nov 23 Fayetteville, AR @ George’s Majestic Lounge #
Nov 24 Wichita, KS @ Barleycorn’s #
Nov 25 Kansas City, MO @ Record Bar #
Nov 26 Denver, CO @ Larimer Lounge #
Nov 27 Salt Lake City, UT @ Urban Lounge #
Nov 28 Boise, ID @ Neurolux #
Nov 30 Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios ^
Dec 01 Seattle, WA @ Chop Suey ^
Dec 03 San Francisco, CA @ Rickshaw Stop ^
Dec 04 Fresno, CA @ Strummers ^
Dec 05 Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo ^
Dec 08 San Diego, CA @ Casbah (Record Release Show)
%with The Body & Uniform
*with The Body & Uniform plus Intensive Care
#with The Body
^with The Body & Uniform plus Street Sects
0 notes
How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are
How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are
Posted by FeliciaCrawford
MozCon is just around the corner, meaning it’s time to share one of our absolute favorite posts of the year: the semi-official MozCon Guide to Seattle!
For those of you following the yellow brick road of I-5 into the heart of the Emerald City to spend three days absorbing all the SEO insight you can hold, this should help you plan both how you spend your time at the conference and outside of it. For those watching on the sidelines, scroll along and you’ll find a treasure trove of fun Seattle ideas and resources for future cons or trips you might make to this fair city by the sea.
And if you’ve been waffling on whether or not to take the plunge (to attend the conference — I wouldn’t recommend plunging into the Puget Sound, it’s quite cold), there may still be time:
Register for MozCon!
We’re now over 99% sold out, so act fast if you’ve got your heart set on MozCon 2018!
Official MozCon activities:
We know you’re here for a conference, but that’s only part of your day. After you’ve stuffed every inch of space in your brain with cutting-edge SEO insights, you’re going to want to give yourself a break — and that’s exactly why we’ve put together an assortment of events, activities, suggestions, and Seattle insider pro tips for how to fill your time outside of MozCon.
The MozCon kickoff party!
With day one behind you, we’re guessing you’ll be some mix of energized, inspired, and ready to relax just a bit. Celebrate the first day of MozCon at our Monday night kickoff party with a night of networking, custom cocktails, and good music at beautiful Block 41 in Belltown.
Meet with fellow marketers and the Mozzers that keep your SEO software shiny while you unwind after your first full day of conferencing. It’s our privilege and delight to bring our community together on this special night.
Our famously fun MozCon Bash
There ain’t no party like a MozCon party! We invite all MozCon attendees and Mozzers to join us on Wednesday night at the Garage Billiards in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. From karaoke to photobooth, from billiards to shuffleboard, and peppered liberally with snacks and libations, the Wednesday Night MozCon Bash is designed to celebrate the completion of three days of jam-packed learning. This is the industry party of the year — you won’t want to miss it!
Birds of a Feather lunch tables
In between bites of the most delicious lunch you’ll find in the conference circuit, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with your fellow community members around the professional topics that matter most to you. Each day there will be seven-plus tables with different topics and facilitators; find one with a sign noting the topic and join the conversation to share advice, learn new tips and tricks, and discover new friends with similar interests.
Monday, July 9th
Google Analytics & Tag Management hosted by Ruth Burr Reedy at UpBuild
Content-Driven Link Building hosted by Paddy Moogan at Aira
Mobile App Growth hosted by Emily Grossman at Skyscanner
Content Marketing hosted by Casie Gillette at KoMarketing
Local SEO hosted by Mike Ramsey at Nifty Marketing
Podcasting hosted by Heidi Noonan-Mejicanos at Moz
Workflow Optimization hosted by Juan Parra at Accelo
Tuesday, July 10th
SEO A/B Testing hosted by Will Critchlow at Distilled
Community Speaker Connection hosted by Sha Menz at Moz
PPC + SEO Integration hosted by Jonathon Emery at Distilled
Meet Your Help Team hosted by Kristina Keyser at Moz
Agency Collaboration hosted by Yosef Silver at Fusion Inbound
Site Speed hosted by Jono Alderson at Yoast
Featured Snippets hosted by Rob Bucci at STAT Search Analytics
Voice Search hosted by Dr. Pete Meyers at Moz
Wednesday, July 11th
Content Marketing Q&A hosted by Kane Jamison at Content Harmony
Paid Search Marketing for High-Cost Keywords hosted by Trenton Greener at the Apex Training
SEO A/B Testing hosted by Will Critchlow at Distilled
Team Hiring, Retention, & Growth hosted by Heather Physioc at VML
Local Search hosted by Darren Shaw at Whitespark
Machine Learning & Advanced SEO by Britney Muller at Moz
Reporting Q&A hosted by Dana DiTomaso at Kick Point
The delight is in the details
MozCon is literally brimming with things to do and ways to support our attendees when they need it. Aside from our hosted events and three days’ worth of talks, we’ve got things to fill in the cracks and make sure your MozCon experience is everything you’ve ever wanted from a conference.
Photobooth with Roger: Admit it — you see that cute, googly-eyed robot face and you just want to hug it forever. At MozCon, you can do just that — and memorialize the moment with a picture at the photobooth! Roger’s a busy bot, but his photobooth schedule will be posted so you can plan your hugs accordingly.
Ping pong play sesh: Don your sweat bands and knee-high socks and keep your paddle arm limber! During breaks, we’ll have ping pong tables available to burn some excess energy and invite a little casual competition.
The world map of MozCon: Ever play pin the tail on the donkey? Well, this is sort of like that, but the donkey is a world map and (thankfully) there’s no blindfold. You’ll place a pin from wherever in the world you traveled from. It’s amazing to see how far some folks come for the conference!
Local snacks galore: Starbucks, Piroshky Piroshky, Ellenos Yogurt, and Top Pot Donuts will happily make themselves acquainted with your tastebuds! Carefully chosen from local Seattle businesses, our snacks will definitely please your local taste pallet and, if past feedback is to be believed, possibly tempt you to move here.
Stay charged: Pining for power? Panicking at that battery level of 15% at 10am? Find our charging sofas to fuel up your mobile device.
MozCon is for everyone
We want marketers of all stripes to feel comfortable and supported at our conference. Being “for everyone” means we’re working hard to make MozCon more accessible in many different ways. The Washington State Convention Center is fully ADA compliant, as are our other networking event venues. But it’s important for us to get even better, and we welcome your feedback and ideas.
Here are a few of the ways we’ve worked to make MozCon a welcoming event for everyone:
A ramp on the stage
Live closed captioning of the main event
Walkways for traffic flow
Menus featuring options or special meals (that actually taste good) for dietary restrictions
A nursing room
Gender-neutral bathroom options
Lots of signage
T-shirts that fit different body types
Visible staff to help make everyone’s experience the best possible
A proud partnership with 50/50 Pledge, furthering our commitment to better representation of women on stage
Strict enforcement of our Code of Conduct and TAGFEE
Bespoke city exploration — Get to know Seattle!
In years past, Tuesday nights were reserved for our MozCon Ignite event, where brave folks from myriad backgrounds would share stories in lighting-fast Ignite-style talks of five minutes each — the only rule being it can’t be about marketing!
While MozCon Ignite has always been a much-loved and highly anticipated event, we’ve also listened closely to your feedback about wanting more time to network on your own, plan client dinners, go on outings with your team, and in general just catch your breath — without missing a thing. That’s why this year, we’re folding Ignite into the official MozCon schedule so everyone can benefit from the tales shared and enjoy a fun five-minute break between SEO talks.
Wondering about what topics will be covered at Ignite this year?:
The Ninja Kit to NOT Get Sick While Traveling by Dana Weber at Seer Interactive
My Everest: How 10 Years of Chasing Tornadoes Came Down to One Moment by Tom Romero at Uncommon Goods
Baseball Made Me a Better Engineer by Tom Layson at Moz
Trailblazer: How Reading One Book Changed My Life for Good by Lina Soliman at OSUWMC
Drag Queen Warlocks, Skateboarding Sorcerers, & Other Folks by Jay Ricciardi at Tableau
Voice Dialogue Therapy: Listening to the Voices Inside Your Head by Kayla Walker at Distilled
We’re opening up Tuesday night as your chance to explore the Emerald City. We’ll have a travel team onsite at the conference on Tuesday to help you and your friends plan an exciting Seattle adventure. Perhaps you’ve met a fantastic group of like-minded folks at a Birds of a Feather lunch table and would love to talk featured snippets over fresh fish n’ chips at the Pike Place Market. Maybe you’ve always wanted to catch the view at the top of the Space Needle (recently renovated and reopened to provide even better views!). Or perhaps a quiet sunset picnic overlooking the water at Gasworks Park seems like the perfect way to relax after a long day of learning and networking. Regardless of whatever floats your boat, we encourage you to plan local meetups, invite your newfound and long-standing friends, and forge a few irreplaceable Seattle memories.
Wondering what there is to do, drink, eat, and see in Seattle?
Well, who better to ask than us Seattleites? Using tons of real suggestions from real Mozzers, we’ve put together a Google Map you can use to guide your exploration outside the confines of the event venue — check it out below!
Seattle’s got more to offer than we can name — get out there and discover the renowned Emerald City quirks and quaintness we’re famous for!
Travel options:
Seattle’s got a pretty solid transit system that can get you where you need to go, whether you’re traveling by bus or train. The city also has its share of rideshare services, as well as taxis, bikes, ferries, and water taxis, depending on where you're headed.
Public transportation
King County Metro Trip Planner: Traverse the city by bus! You can also download an app to get real-time bus info (I like the One Bus Away app, developed here in Seattle by University of Washington grads)
Light Rail: Connecting the north end to the south, the Light Rail can move you across Seattle quickly (and even drop you off right at SeaTac for your flight home!)
Water taxis and ferries can float you right across the Sound (and offer a lovely view while they’re at it)
A Transit Go ticket or ORCA card will happily power your public transit excursions
Bikeshare programs: As you wander the city, you may notice brightly colored bicycles patiently awaiting riders on the sidewalks. That rider could be you! If you’re feeling athletic, take advantage of the city’s bikeshare programs and see Seattle on two wheels.
Rideshares and taxis
Uber & Lyft can get you where you need to go
Moovn is a Seattle startup rideshare company
Two taxi services, Seattle Yellow Cab and Orange Cab, allow for online booking via their apps (or you can call ‘em the old-fashioned way!)
Are you ready to rock MozCon?!
If you’re already MozCon-bound come this July, make sure to join our Facebook group and download the app (must be on mobile) to maximize your networking opportunities, get to know fellow attendees, and stay up-to-date on conference news and activities.
To download our MozCon 2018 app, head to the Google Play or iTunes store. Download the Bizzabo app and verify your registration with the email you signed up with for MozCon. Once you've verified registration via your mobile browser, you'll be ready and rarin' to go!
If you’re thinking about grabbing a ticket last-minute, we still have a few left:
Grab a ticket while you can
And whether you’re going to be large, in charge, and live at the conference or just following along at home and eagerly waiting the video release, follow along with the #MozCon hashtag on Twitter to indulge in the juicy tidbits and takeaways attendees will undoubtedly share.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
xem them tai https://ift.tt/2o9GYfe How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để bi���t thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl xem thêm tại: https://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ How to Rock MozCon 2018 Like the Marketing Superhero You Are https://ift.tt/2IssJYl Bạn có thể xem thêm địa chỉ mua tai nghe không dây tại đây https://ift.tt/2mb4VST
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