#Speaker 12 Inch Metro
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speakerdriverparts · 3 months ago
0851-7988-9353 - Jual Speaker Elsound di Metro
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Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau.
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
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Speaker Subwoofer 8 Inch: Memahami Keunggulan dan Pilihan Terbaik
Dalam dunia audio, subwoofer adalah salah satu komponen terpenting yang memberikan kedalaman dan kekuatan pada suara. Salah satu ukuran yang sering diandalkan adalah speaker subwoofer 8 inch. Artikel ini akan membahas semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang subwoofer ini, termasuk keunggulan, tips pemilihan, dan rekomendasi produk terbaik.
1. Mengapa Memilih Speaker Subwoofer 8 Inch?
Speaker subwoofer 8 inch memiliki kombinasi ideal antara ukuran dan performa. Dalam banyak kasus, subwoofer ini mampu memberikan bass yang cukup dalam tanpa memakan banyak ruang. Mari kita lihat beberapa keunggulan utama dari speaker subwoofer 8 inch.
Kelebihan Speaker Subwoofer 8 Inch:
Kualitas Bass yang Baik: Meskipun lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan ukuran yang lebih besar, subwoofer 8 inch dapat memproduksi bass yang cukup memuaskan, terutama untuk genre musik seperti hip-hop, rock, dan EDM.
Desain Kompak: Ukuran yang tidak terlalu besar membuatnya mudah dipasang di berbagai ruang, baik di rumah maupun di mobil.
Harga Terjangkau: Banyak opsi subwoofer 8 inch yang tersedia dengan harga bersaing, menjadikannya pilihan ideal bagi audiophile dengan anggaran terbatas.
Dengan banyaknya pilihan di pasar, penting untuk memilih subwoofer yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda.
2. Pilihan Lain: Speaker 10 Inch
Jika Anda mencari alternatif, mungkin Anda ingin mempertimbangkan speaker 10 inch. Di pasaran, Anda akan menemukan banyak pilihan, mulai dari speaker 10 inch murah hingga speaker 10 inch magnet besar. Mari kita lihat beberapa jenis speaker 10 inch yang menarik:
Speaker 10 Inch Murah
Banyak produsen menawarkan speaker 10 inch yang murah namun tetap memberikan kualitas suara yang memuaskan. Ini adalah pilihan yang bagus bagi mereka yang ingin meningkatkan sistem audio tanpa merogoh kocek terlalu dalam.
Speaker Middle 10 Inch Terbaik
Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan kualitas suara yang lebih tinggi, Anda dapat mencari speaker middle 10 inch terbaik. Speaker jenis ini dirancang untuk memberikan performa yang lebih baik dalam hal mid-range dan bass. Kualitas suara yang dihasilkan bisa sangat mengesankan.
Speaker Woofer 10 Inch yang Bagus
Ketika berbicara tentang bass, tidak ada yang lebih baik daripada speaker woofer 10 inch yang bagus. Speaker ini dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan frekuensi rendah yang kuat dan jelas, sehingga cocok untuk musik yang memerlukan kekuatan bass yang mendalam.
3. Memahami Teknologi: Passive Radiator dan Distortion
Saat memilih speaker, penting untuk memahami teknologi yang digunakan di dalamnya. Dua istilah yang sering muncul adalah passive radiator dan distortion. Mari kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang keduanya.
Apa itu Passive Radiator pada Speaker Driver?
Passive radiator adalah komponen yang digunakan dalam desain speaker untuk meningkatkan respons bass. Berbeda dengan driver aktif yang memproduksi suara, passive radiator berfungsi sebagai resonator. Ini membantu memperpanjang frekuensi bass yang dihasilkan oleh speaker, menjadikannya pilihan yang cerdas untuk sistem audio yang lebih baik.
Bagaimana Cara Kerja Passive Radiator pada Speaker Driver?
Cara kerja passive radiator cukup sederhana. Ketika driver aktif bergetar, ia menggerakkan udara di dalam enclosure, yang juga menggerakkan passive radiator. Hal ini menciptakan gelombang suara tambahan, meningkatkan output bass tanpa memerlukan tambahan daya dari amplifier. Ini membuat sistem lebih efisien dan membantu mengurangi distorsi.
Apa itu Distortion pada Speaker Driver?
Distortion adalah istilah yang merujuk pada perubahan atau penyimpangan suara asli yang dihasilkan oleh speaker. Ketika speaker beroperasi di luar kapasitasnya, suara dapat menjadi tidak jelas atau bahkan "pecah". Hal ini biasanya terjadi pada volume tinggi atau ketika frekuensi tertentu diproduksi.
Apa itu passive radiator pada speaker driver?
Passive radiator adalah komponen yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan respons bass dengan cara resonansi. Ini bekerja dengan cara bergetar mengikuti gerakan driver aktif.
Bagaimana cara kerja passive radiator pada speaker driver?
Passive radiator bekerja dengan menerima gerakan udara dari driver aktif, menciptakan gelombang suara tambahan yang meningkatkan output bass dan mengurangi kebutuhan daya dari amplifier.
Apa itu distortion pada speaker driver?
Distortion adalah penyimpangan suara asli yang dihasilkan oleh speaker, biasanya terjadi ketika speaker beroperasi di luar kapasitasnya. Ini dapat menyebabkan suara menjadi tidak jelas atau pecah.
Speaker subwoofer 8 inch adalah pilihan cerdas bagi siapa pun yang ingin meningkatkan pengalaman mendengarkan. Dengan kualitas bass yang baik, desain kompak, dan harga yang terjangkau, subwoofer ini cocok untuk berbagai kebutuhan audio. Jika Anda juga tertarik pada speaker 10 inch, banyak pilihan seperti speaker 10 inch murah, speaker middle 10 inch terbaik, dan speaker woofer 10 inch yang bagus yang bisa dipertimbangkan.
Dengan pemahaman yang tepat tentang teknologi di balik speaker, termasuk passive radiator dan distortion, Anda akan lebih siap untuk memilih sistem audio yang memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan Anda. Pastikan untuk mencoba berbagai opsi sebelum memutuskan, dan nikmati pengalaman audio yang maksimal!
Jual Speaker Metro,Speaker 12 Inch Metro,Speaker 10 Inch Metro,Speaker 15 Inch Metro,Speaker 18 Inch Metro,Speaker Driver Metro,Toko Speaker Terdekat Metro,Grosir Speaker Metro,Pabrik Speaker Metro,Speaker Kecil Murah Metro
#JualSpeakerMetro #Speaker12InchMetro #Speaker10InchMetro #Speaker15InchMetro #Speaker18InchMetro #SpeakerDriverMetro #TokoSpeakerTerdekatMetro #GrosirSpeakerMetro #PabrikSpeakerMetro #SpeakerKecilMurahMetro
Untuk Provinsi Lampung Temukan Elsound terdekat di Metro dekat dengan Lampung Tengah,Lampung Utara,Lampung Selatan,Lampung Barat,Lampung Timur,Mesuji,Pesawaran,Pesisir Barat,Pringsewu,Tulang Bawang,Tulang Bawang Barat
0851-7988-9353  - Jual Speaker Elsound di Metro
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elsoundspeakerpasif · 3 months ago
0851-7988-9353 |JOSS! Speaker Pasif Elsound di Lampung Utara
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Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau.
Speaker Pasif Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif 15 Inch Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif 12 Inch Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif Murah Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif Yang Bagus Lampung Utara,Jenis Speaker Pasif Lampung Utara,Speaker Pasif Untuk Karaoke Lampung Utara,Sound System Pasif Lampung Utara
#SpeakerPasifLampungUtara #SpeakerPasif15InchLampungUtara #SpeakerPasif12InchLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifMurahLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifTerbaikLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifYangBagusLampungUtara #JenisSpeakerPasifLampungUtara #SpeakerPasifUntukKaraokeLampungUtara #SoundSystemPasifLampungUtara
Untuk Provinsi Lampung Temukan Elsound terdekat di Lampung Utara dekat dengan Tanggamus,Way Kanan,Bandar Lampung,Metro, Daftar Namadandi Provinsi Banten:,Lebak,Pandeglang,Serang,Tangerang,Cilegon,Tangerang Selatan
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nika-the-hunter · 4 years ago
House of Mist [Ch. 12]
Central Seattle Ruins. Pacific Northwest House Mist Territory +158 Days
 Nicole walked the short distance between the old art museum and the nearest market. Despite the heavy rainfall that drenched everything, Nicole headed down the overgrown street with a pep in her step. Her brand-new House Banner was proudly wrapped around her belt, showing where she had pledged allegiance, and Rykis had painted the House sigil onto her breastplate that morning. Also, the night before had been nice, there were no complaints from the neighbors in the morning. It was not the first time they had been together, nor would it be their last. 
As she approached the market, she saw that the House of Mist had strung up massive tarps, creating a shelter from the torrents of rain that came down over the old city. Nicole could tell the area it was in had been historical back before The Collapse; the brick buildings around her appeared far older than the steel and glass towers that surrounded the low open air market. Mist had been maintaining the area; the vegetation that had taken back almost every inch of the rest of the city had been cleared away, and the road visible enough that one could tell that this street had been paved with brick.
In the middle of the market street, House Mist had erected barricades around the hole in the road she had emerged from five months prior; but they did little to hamper the creek that flowed down the center line and into the old metro tunnels. Flanking the road on both sides, the market stalls were mostly all situated beneath the building's overhang. The architectural term that described the structure had randomly appeared in her memory after giving it a curious glance... It was an arcade, a covered walkway with a bunch of stalls. 
The distinct lack of any real memory, but still being able to remember what things are, had consistently been disorienting. However, since the discovery of her cause of death had yielded no answers, there was nothing that could be done. It might even just be her Ghost beaming definitions and words directly into her mind without telling her. Maybe it was the Great Machine itself providing guidance on a whim. 
Nicole walked through the market for the first time, and with the intent to actually buy something as well. Her Ghost had been stockpiling Glimmer on almost every outing they had been on; the strange glowing chunks seemed to just fall out of the pockets of the House Devils’ Eliksni whenever they went down. It was supposedly valuable stuff.
There were plenty of stalls selling old Human technology, but she was interested in some home-grown Eliksni gear. As she stood, without a ship, her Ghost was just about out of storage space in the weird digital realm that existed in her so-called 'backpack'. She needed one of those spheres that Rykis had.
Nicole window shopped for a bit, glancing through the various stalls, and still not finding anything she was looking for. Eventually, she approached an Eliksni sitting at a table near a pillar towards the outside of the market. A sign on the table said Information in English and scrawled beneath it were the words: I speak Human.
"Excuse me." She addressed the Eliksni in their own language. "Is there somewhere where I can buy some of your equipment? All that I see here is old Human salvage."
The Vandal glanced up at her. Their gaze going up and down over her armor. "Mm, you're that Guardian Viraks was talking about, aren't you? You speak well. If you are looking for our things, there are shops down below. Just follow the signs."
She looked back and could not spot the difference between a sign naming a shop to one giving directions. Bringing her attention back to the Vandal, "I don't yet have a good grasp on reading your language yet."
"Oh, well that sign there." They pointed off towards a sign with a few small arrows pointing every which way. "The bottom entry leads to a shop that might help. It's down the stairs."
"Okay, thanks for the help." She grabbed a small cube of Glimmer from a belt pouch and set it on the table. She was not sure if that was what she was supposed to do, but the Eliksni took the cube and pocketed it with a nod.
She headed down the stairs, going deeper into the old structure, and the building got stranger the further she went. The layout was almost organic with twisted side passages and walls. Old, abandoned shops occupied small nooks and crannies; most were truly original installations with their contents looted and shelves long emptied in the past. She guessed that not much down there was actually used by the Eliksni in the present day. Once Nicole passed through another doorway, she found an area that was much better lit. Big open windows lined the passage, looking west through an active shop and overlooking the former bay and crashed Ketch that sat in its salty water.
The shop she found was large, occupying three of the original suites on the west side of the floor. There were tables upon tables of Eliksni goods and technology. And she was not the only one there to shop. A group of young Eliksni were browsing the selection with bags of scrap, likely to trade with.
There were a few of the flying machines they called Shanks hovering around near the ceiling. They seemed to be keeping watch over everything.
Nicole walked into the shop and scanned across the tables. Her earpiece crackled slightly as her Ghost spoke into her ear. "Hey, need another eye?"
Glancing across the many tables and variety of pieces before her, she nodded. "Yeah, you'd know best what's compatible with my backpack thing."
Without a reply, her Ghost appeared with a flash of his trademark light. The Eliksni younglings seemed surprised at her Ghosts' existence. They chittered to one another in hushed voices Nicole could not understand. Ghost went right to work at scanning over every bit of machinery on the table, while Nicole broke off to wander the shelves.
She was finding that not being able to read the language was quite the hindrance lately. Many of the parts were labeled and she had no idea what they were. There were plenty of portable lights around shelves she was at, but those were the only things she recognized.
Getting reading and writing lessons from Rykis would be her next priority.
Across the shop, her Ghost let out an excited beep. "Found one!"
She turned around and headed back towards his position. Sitting on the shelf behind a few pieces of armor was a cluster of spheres in a variety of sizes. The largest was about twice the size of her fist. Nicole plucked one of the machines off the shelf, it fit nicely into her palm. "Will this one work for what we need it for?"
His eye gave a nod. "Yes, Nicole. We should be able to store pretty much anything besides a vehicle for the time being."
"Great, now... just to find the one who runs the shop." She headed up to the front of the shop and looked around for an Eliksni in charge. There were plenty of others here, but none seemed to fit.
One of the Shanks descended from the ceiling and approached her. This model was unarmed and where the gun would usually be was a container. A speaker on it snapped on and it spoke. "Ah the Niakin. Looking to trade for that now?" The voice sounded old and gravelly. Then the lid on the container opened “What have you got?"
She looked the Shank up and down. “Do I just put it in the box?”
“Let me get a look at it first.” The Shank tilted down to get a look at whatever Nicole was planning to give him.
Reaching into one of her belt pouches, she retrieved a solid chunk of Glimmer about the size of her hand and showed it to the drone’s camera. “Five of these?” If her math was right, compared to what she spent on that wood sheet a few months ago, this was an exceptionally large sum. Close to thirteen thousand units of the stuff. The rest was stored in her Ghost.
The Shank sat there for a moment, and its camera sensors blinked. She could hear the small servos inside whine and adjust for a moment. “Mmm that is fair. Not much for haggling are you Niakin?” They trailed off into a laugh. “Just deposit your Glimmer into the box, and I’ll process the trade.” Nicole nodded, getting curious as to what Niakin actually meant, and placed all the Glimmer she had into the box beneath the Shank. Her Ghost floated over and spawned some more to match the amount agreed upon. With the box filled, the Shank flew off and disappeared into a vent embedded high on the wall.
Another Shank with a different object where its gun should be descended from the ceiling. The shopkeeper's voice extended from the new Shank, and a small actuator extended a sticky slip of paper with a few small Eliksni glyphs on it, “Take this and place it on the sphere. It shows that you legally purchased it from my shop. None of the security of the market will bother you if they see it.”
She took the sticker and applied it across the side of the machine in plain view. "Thank you, I'll be back here in the future for sure."
"Sure thing, Niakin. Good trading with you." The Shank zipped back up to the ceiling, leaving her just as confused as to the meaning of the name with no time to ask about it.
Nicole glanced up at the cluster of Shanks and shook her head. Whoever ran this shop was strange. But she had what she was looking for and she placed it into the pouch that had once contained the glimmer. Heading out of the shop, she headed back towards the stairs. "So how long do you think that it'll take for you to integrate the device?" Nicole asked her Ghost, who had remained in her orbit.
"Not long, do you want me to work on it now?" He blinked his eye and flew closer to her hip.
"Mm, maybe later. Once we're out of the market for sure."
The stairs up to street level were different from the set that she used to get down into the lower market. She was now on the other end of the street from where she went in, on the other side of the hole she had emerged from when she was rezzed.
There was a group of Humans bartering with Some Eliksni at a cart across from the market. From the look of it, it was the Humans that were the people doing the selling. She approached when the Eliksni group had finished up their trades and left the cart. Colorful fruits and vegetables were piled high in wooden crates, all of which she knew of only in the vague shadow memories of words, and none of which she had seen since she had been resurrected.
“Hey, good morning Guardian!” The man at the cart gave her a wave. “Looking for some fresh produce?”
Nicole looked over all the crates with all the greens, yellows, oranges, and even purples. “I don’t know, where did this come from?”
“Oh, those ancient greenhouses up by the old university have really held up through all the shit.” He picked up one of the oranges. “My family has been tending to the site since The Collapse wiped out most of the local farms.” “I see... how much for... do you have a box with some of everything in it? I’ve not had any before and I want to give it a try.”
He gave her a nod. “Yeah sure. I can have Sam whip up an assorted crate for you. What do you have to trade for it?”
“I have some Glimmer, name a price.” Nicole returned the nod. The guy looked back at the other person behind the cart, Sam probably, and exchanged a few words. He picked up a crate they had been working on and set it before Nicole. “Ah, probably a hundred units.”
Since her pockets were empty, she looked up at her Ghost and gave him a small nod. He flew over and spawned a large chunk of Glimmer on the table they had extending from their cart. “That should be a hundred.” Nicole leaned down and picked up the crate.
“Sounds good,” he picked up the Glimmer and placed it in a machine. He was satisfied with whatever the machine displayed and smiled. “We’re headed up to Fort Discovery later. Been there yet?”
“Yes actually, I was just there yesterday.” Nicole readjusted the grip she had on the crate. It was not that heavy, just a bit awkward to carry. Her mind wandered ahead, plotting the best route back to the museum.
“Ah alright, I figure I’ll hear all about it from Athena when we get up there." He shrugged. "If you need more produce, we set up here almost every other day."
"I'll try a bunch and see what I like. Then we will go from there." Nicole gave a goodbye nod and headed off back to the museum.
Leaving the market, she left the safety of the tarps and stepped back out into the downpour. The path south was dark and grey, and the sunlight that made it through the clouds was diffused and dim. It was also still morning, so it was mostly blocked by the ancient skyscrapers.
Nicole left her hood down despite the rain drenching her hair and face. It felt good, it made her feel alive. Surrounded by bright green ferns and trees that stood out even in the dim rainy morning.
With a shove of her shoulder, Nicole pushed through the museum's double doors and raced up the stairs to Rykis' space. She dropped the crate just inside the work area and took a look around. Rykis had gone back inside his home pod and was asleep on his bed. They had been up late the night before, and the morning had started early.
She placed the sphere machine she had purchased outside on the worktable for her ghost to work on and headed back into the pod.
Unclipping her armor's straps, Nicole stripped down to her underclothes and slipped into the cocoon of warm blankets that surrounded Rykis. She wrapped an arm around him and nuzzled his shoulder. She was happy, things were looking up compared to the last five months under Acskis' scrutiny.
Maybe now she should go see other parts of Mist's territory, like that one Baron asked.
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neobonezone-blog · 5 years ago
on friendship, boatraces, and beer pong | 01. in which jisung learns the consequences of being a sloppy drunk
D-5 to the first day of class: 9:45PM
It had technically been less than three days since Jisung first set foot on Canadian soil. Only 72 hours since he’d waved one last good-bye to his teary-eyed parents and boarded a plane bound for North America. Since then, he had moved into his student dorm, bought toiletries from the nearest pharmacy, briefly introduced himself to the other students living in his dorm hall, and signed up for various student orientation activities. 
A mixture of jet lag and nerves made it so that he hadn’t slept for more than 4 hours at a time in the past few days. Jisung had decided to take it easy, slowly acclimate himself to the new Canadian climate, and maybe make a few transient friends throughout student orientation.
So then, why was he holding a solo cup of beer? And why was he watching someone down the remnants of a forty of Jack Daniel’s with reckless abandon?
“-And that’s how it’s done. This is why Johnny’s gonna recruit me for his Winter Games team and he’s gonna shaft the rest of you losers.”
A second-year with tanned skin and tousled caramel-colored hair slammed the empty bottle down onto a granite countertop with much more force than necessary. A disgruntled figure with bleached hair shouted from across the room,
“Fuck off, Donghyuck. You think that just because you’re friends with the guys at Campus Bar that you’re automatically better than us.”
“That’s because I am better than you,” Donghyuck countered, before fishing a ping poll ball out of his fanny pack. “Alright, so who wants to be on my team for beer pong?”
After signing up for the student Welcome Week, Jisung had received a bracelet and an email telling him that he belonged to Welcome Week Team #12 and that he was to report to campus grounds bright and early at 11AM the following morning to meet his team and his leaders. The proceeding events were not what he had expected when he signed up for Welcome Week only 24 hours prior: in one afternoon he had been ushered into over half a dozen bars, learned about 10 different ways to make a game out of a ball and a plastic cup, and discovered that day-drinking “isn’t an activity, it’s a lifestyle”. He was also informed at the end of the tour that a pregame party was taking place in two hours and that the whole team better be there.  
Fast-forward to now, where Jisung was currently watching two of his team leaders face off in a game of beer pong. A game that Donghyuck was severely winning.
“Oh, come on!”
Another well-aimed throw sent Donghyuck’s ball perfectly into the center of the solo cup formation. His opponent, a leader who had introduced himself as Chenle, swore as he furiously gulped down the sunken cup before throwing it to the floor.
“Okay Lele, this one’s all you. You better make this next ball in or I’m gonna lose it.” Jisung recognized the sharp voice to come from Renjun, the shortest of the five leaders, whose brown hair was coiffed a few inches to match the other leaders in height.
“At least put the cups in the recycling bin,” a student with well-styled dark hair scurried across the room to pick up Chenle’s discarded cup. He tossed it into the recycling bin with an annoyed scowl. “My apartment isn’t a garbage bin, thanks.”
That was Jeno. The leader whose apartment had been the designated location for all the pregame parties. He was roommates with Jaemin, the last orientation leader, who was seated on the couch with a can of PBR in hand. A few first year girls sat next to him on the couch, eagerly asking him questions about the Economics program, though the look in their eyes suggested that they wanted to ask much more. Well, Jisung had to admit that the guy was good-looking. He struggled to think of anyone who could pull off that shade of ash blonde nearly as well.  
“So Chenle’s the loser, just like he always is.” Donghyuck’s voice rang out the loudest from the constant hum of voices that filled Jaemin and Jeno’s apartment. Chenle’s furious protests were a close second, however, as the Chinese student swore for the thousandth time and immediately demanded a rematch with a different partner.
“Good luck without me buddy, you can’t aim for shit!”
Jisung turned in surprise to find Renjun next to him by the beer cooler, propping the lid open with his foot. He turned to Jisung with a mocking smile.
“I’ve never seen that guy win a game of beer pong once. He keeps trying, but at this point I think he should just give up.”
Jisung laughed half-heartedly, though his head was still ringing from all of the yelling and the music that was pounding tirelessly from Donghyuck’s speaker.
“Uh so anyway, you want some more beer?”
* * * * * *
After a full day with his orientation group, Jisung began to wonder just how seriously he’d misinterpreted the phrase “welcome week”. He had expected freshman orientation to be a simple walk around campus and a casual introduction to the city. Maybe a few pointers here and there on which cafes had the best coffee and which bars had the best deals, all finished with a friendly exchange of phone numbers and Facebook pages. But after three metro stops and another can of cheap beer, Jisung found himself in the middle of a concert floor packed with intoxicated first years and their equally as intoxicated orientation leaders. He had lost sight of Donghyuck as soon as he’d entered the venue, while Renjun and Chenle seemed to have disappeared just as quickly. He couldn’t remember if he’d even seen Jaemin or Jeno once they’d left the pre. Even if they were here now, he definitely wouldn’t be able to distinguish them among the mass of dancing bodies and pulsating strobe lights.
As EDM pounded in his eardrums, Jisung found himself caught up in the whiplash of events. Despite trying his best to fit in with the crowd, he felt himself being bumped into at all angles. A disorienting experience for what was supposed to be part of student orientation. Though, if there was anything that Jisung knew for sure, it was that he was way too sober for this event and that needed to change.  
After weaving his way through the crowd and stepping on a few toes and crushed beer cans, Jisung made it to the bar. Just like the concert floor, it was packed, with dozens of students waving their credit cards in attempt to catch the attention of any one of the three bartenders, who were already juggling multiple orders at once. Jisung fumbled around helplessly as he looked for a bartender who was available to take his order.
Finally, a young woman with a high ponytail met him at the counter. She flashed him a strained smile and leaned in for his order.
“HOW MUCH?” Jisung screamed, doing his best to point at the cooler of beers behind the counter.
Her brow furrowed, as she leaned in closer.
“HOW MUCH?” Jisung repeated fruitlessly. He couldn’t even hear his own voice above all the noise.
Before he could repeat himself a third time, something light bounced off of his back and onto the floor. Cool moisture seeped into his t-shirt and dripped all the way down to the back of his shoes.
Jisung immediately whipped around to catch the culprit, but could only see the same indistinguishable crowd of dancing silhouettes in the darkness. When he turned back around, the bartender had already left and was taking the order of another university student a couple meters away. It was past midnight and he was stone cold sober. The only alcohol he had on him was whatever was soaked into his shirt. Maybe this was a sign that it was just time to give up.
He made a dejected beeline straight for the exit and found himself sitting on the curb by the venue’s entrance, rapidly checking his Google Maps for directions. His eyelids drooped. The night air was making him sleepy.
It was then that he heard a shrill yell followed by the heavy thud of bodies on concrete.
A familiar mop of bleached hair lay next to him on the pavement accompanied by a furious Renjun, who was saying every curse word known to man in one continuous intoxicated slur.
Chenle was face down on the sidewalk, the ruffled state of his clothing evidence of a hard fall.
“Is he okay?” Jisung asked, concerned that it had been a good ten seconds and Chenle still hadn’t moved.
Renjun ignored him. In an obvious state of distress, he attempted to sling Chenle over his shoulders, but being fairly drunk himself, only succeeded in dropping the poor kid onto the pavement another two or three times.
The scene before him was so pathetic that Jisung felt compelled to intervene, if only for his own conscience. He was practically sweating from the second-hand embarrassment and he prayed that everyone nearby was too wrapped in their own drunken stupor to notice what was going on. Wordlessly, he draped one of Chenle’s arms across his shoulders, before forcing himself (and the attached body) to his feet.
“We’re sooo fucked,” Renjun groaned, his eyes wide with panic. “If Committee sees us right now, we’re fucked.”
“Mmm… Where’s Jeno?” Chenle mumbled. 
“Let’s drag him to an alley somewhere and leave him.”
That sounded like a horrible idea, but Jisung followed Renjun’s lead, as the smaller male attempted to drag Chenle’s body across the street. With every step, Jisung felt his knees shake. Was Chenle really that heavy or was he just really weak? It felt like he was holding a bag of rocks. 
“Oh shi-“
With an accidental slip of the arm, Chenle was once again sprawled out onto the curb. His legs stuck out onto the street.
“Fuuuck,” Chenle moaned, loud enough to earn a few concerned glances from those passing by.
“This isn’t going to work,” Jisung panted, as he helped Renjun pull the second half of Chenle’s body onto the sidewalk.
“What am I gonna do?” Renjun turned to Jisung, hysteria edged in his voice, “I can’t take him back to our place. If the doorman sees Chenle like this he’s gonna report us to the landlord for sure- and our landlord already threatened to kick us out twice.”
Renjun’s eyes were pleading.
“You guys can stay at my place, I guess.”
Jisung hadn’t even meant for that to come out, but Renjun looked so miserable that he hadn’t been able to stop himself. Before he even had the chance to back up on his offer, Renjun grabbed his hand.
“Really? You’d do that for me? You’re the nicest guy I’ve ever met.”
“Ah, er, I mean… I only have one bed- and I live in a dorm, but-“
“Jisung, you’re the best! Which dorm do you live in?”  
“Briar Hill…”
“Great, I’ll call the Uber. Jisung, you’ve just saved my life.”
* * * * * *
“These fries are pretty good.”
Jisung could only nod in agreement as he tucked into a fried chicken sandwich with difficulty. It was hard to fit in a sandwich when his mouth was already crammed full of fries. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. The banquet spread of takeout fast food in front of him was the only thing that had stopped Jisung from deciding to kick Renjun and Chenle out. The day’s events left him exhausted, and for the first time since he’d left Korea, he actually wanted to sleep. Unfortunately, Chenle didn’t look like he was getting up anytime soon.
“So… Where are you from?” Renjun asked, casually throwing a fry into his mouth, as if his roommate wasn’t practically on death’s doorstep right behind him.
“Korea,” Jisung answered shortly, stuffing some more fries in between the bun of his sandwich.
“Seriously? I should introduce you to the others, then. They’re Korean too! You think this school is racist or something? Like, putting all of the Asians on the same teams? I dunno, that’s kinda weird right? Anyway, I’m from China, but I’m Korean too… ethnically. I think my mom told me that we have distant relatives in North Korea, isn’t that crazy?”
“Mm-hmm,” Jisung mumbled. He wanted to be interested, but his eyelids felt like they were made of lead.
“So like, back in China, I went to an international school and all that, but I was so sick of spending my whole life in one place. I really wanted to go to university somewhere else, somewhere foreign, you know? I had to beg my parents to let me even apply here, had to promise them I’d graduate with straight-A’s and everything, intern at the company they wanted me to intern at for the summer, y’know? But as soon as I got here, I was free. It’s been great. Now I play games for as long as I want and my parents can’t even come here to stop me. They don’t have a clue what I’m doing here and even if they did, what are they gonna do? Well, I guess they could stop sending my tuition…”
Jisung hadn’t kept track of how long Renjun had been talking, but it was sometime between 3 and 4AM when Renjun had managed to convince a friend to come pick him and Chenle up. Jisung waved them good-bye, but was much too tired to bother walking them out to the street. He stayed in his room and breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he shut the door behind him.
Just like that, they were gone.
Jisung flopped onto his bed without even bothering to lift up the covers. Thanks to Chenle, his sheets were infused with the faint smell of tequila. His eyes wandered to the crumpled paper bags and fast food wrappers that littered his floor, as well as to the soiled t-shirt that he tossed into his laundry bin as soon as he’d stepped foot into his room. He hadn’t even bothered to change out of his jeans, but at the moment he was too exhausted to care.
His first day of student orientation and all he’d gotten was tequila on his clothes, a free meal, and bedsheets that smelled like the back of a bar. He’d barely drank, but his ears were still pounding from the music they had been playing at the venue. As he began to feel himself dozing off, he could hear his cellphone vibrating next to the discarded pile of wrappers on his floor.
It was a message from Renjun:
Hey Jisung
Thanks for letting us crash at your place for a few hours
I owe you big time :p
- Your handsome orientation leader, Renjun
* * * * * *
a/n: and that’s the first chapter, i hope you like it! 
a disclaimer moving forward- sorry if i get some of their personalities wrong, as there are some NCT members whose personalities i am less familiar with than others (but i’m working on learning more!). wayv members and nct127 members will also feature in the story in the coming chapters, but i don’t want to introduce everyone all at once. 
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wolfliving · 6 years ago
Amazon in New York despite not being in New York
*Be like water, as Bruce Lee used to say.
It might be helpful to state here what Amazon actually is: a logistics company misrepresented as a retail company misrepresented as a tech company. Over time, the types of products the company sells have expanded beyond books and bassinets into less obviously tangible commodities like data (via Amazon Web Services), labor (via Amazon Mechanical Turk), and “content” (via Twitch and Amazon Studios productions).
Ultimately the company’s appeal isn’t so much in the stuff it provides but the efficiency with which it provides stuff. Computation is obviously an important part of running a logistics operation, but Amazon’s logistical ends are frequently obscured by the hype around its technical prowess. And while Amazon is increasingly in the game of making actual things, a lot of them are commodities that, in the long run, enable the movement of other commodities: Amazon Echos aren’t just nice speakers, they’re a means of streamlining the online shopping experience into verbal commands and gathering hundreds of thousands of data points. Producing award-winning films and TV shows gives the company a patina of cultural respectability, but streaming them on Amazon Prime gets more people on Amazon and, in theory, buying things using Amazon Prime accounts.
Amazon’s logistical foundation is most blatantly visible in the company’s nearly 900 warehouses located around the world. Currently, the company has one fulfillment center (FC) in New York City. The 855,000-square-foot site in Staten Island opened in fall 2018 and had already earned Amazon $18 million in tax credits from the state of New York before the HQ2 deal was announced. Additionally, a month before the HQ2 announcement, Amazon had also signed a ten-year lease for a new fulfillment center in Woodside, Queens.
The same day that Amazon vice president Brian Huseman testified before the New York City Council about HQ2, Staten Island warehouse employees and organizers from the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU) announced a plan to form a union at the Staten Island FC, citing exhausting and unsafe working conditions better optimized for warehouse robots than employees. These conditions are far from unique to Staten Island—stories about the grueling pace, unhealthy environment, and precarity of contract workers at fulfillment centers have been reported regularly as far back as 2011.
Amazon has approximately 850 warehouses around the world according to logistics consultancy MVPWL International, which vary from fulfillment centers like this one in Chattanooga to sorting centers, food distribution hubs, and delivery stations. New York has a fulfillment center in Staten Island and two distribution hubs, one located in Manhattan and the other in Brooklyn. (Governor Bill Haslam/State of Tennessee via Flickr)
And yet, when the Staten Island FC was first announced in 2017, a small handful of media outlets made note of this record. Unions and community leaders weren’t galvanized against the Staten island FC the way they were by HQ2 or the way they had been when Wal-Mart attempted to come to New York in 2011. In some ways, the HQ2 debacle gave new life and momentum to an organized labor challenge previously hidden in plain sight (or at least in the outer boroughs).
Of course, Amazon’s logistics spaces aren’t solely confined to far-flung corners of the New York metro area: There are two Prime Now distribution hubs in New York, one in Brooklyn and the other at the previously mentioned Midtown Manhattan location. Same-day delivery service Prime Now originated from that Midtown warehouse in 2014 and spawned Amazon Flex, an app-based platform for freelance delivery drivers to distribute Prime Now packages. (Ironically, one of the reasons Amazon has been able to become so effectively entrenched in the city is because of this kind of contingent labor force—any car in New York City can become an Amazon Flex delivery vehicle, any apartment a Mechanical Turker workplace.)
The art of logistics also depends in part on the art of marketing. To support that marketing endeavor, Amazon has a 40,000-square-foot photo studio in a former glass manufacturing plant in Williamsburg that produces tens of thousands of images for Amazon Fashion, the company’s online apparel venture. The company’s forays into fashion, while less publicized, may also position it to become one of the largest retailers of clothing in the world.
New York is also home to 260 Amazon Lockers: pickup and package return sites for select products typically located in 7-Elevens and other bodega-like environments. Like Prime Now, the Lockers streamline and automate a process that would normally involve lines at the post office. First appearing in New York in 2011, the 6-foot-tall locker units can range between 6 and 15 feet wide, with the individual lockers in each unit capable of holding packages no larger than 19 x 12 x 14 inches (roughly larger than a shoebox).
While early reports indicated that store owners received a small monthly stipend for hosting the lockers, the main sell for store owners is the possibility of luring in more foot traffic. But a 2013 Bloomberg article noted that smaller businesses were frustrated by the limited returns from installing the lockers and increased power bills (lockers use a digital passcode system, requiring electricity and connectivity). There is an irony in the fact that for almost a decade before the HQ2 debacle, small businesses have been ceding physical space to Amazon only to be stuck with monolithic storage spaces serving little direct benefit....  (((etc etc)))
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koutlou · 2 years ago
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, 6.82 inch Vast Display, 5000mAh Battery, Android 12 Smartphone, 50MP AI Quad-Camera, 6GB RAM + 64GB ROM, US Version Mobile Phone, Dual Speaker Phone, Night Mist https://koutlou.com/product/tcl-30xl-2022-unlocked-cell-phone-6-82-inch-vast-display-5000mah-battery-android-12-smartphone-50mp-ai-quad-camera-6gb-ram-64gb-rom-us-version-mobile-phone-dual-speaker-phone-night-mist/?feed_id=86622&_unique_id=631ec673d5e02
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techrookies · 2 years ago
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, Night Mist on sale today
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, Night Mist on sale today
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, 6.82 inch Vast Display, 5000mAh Battery, Android 12 Smartphone, 50MP AI Quad-Camera, 6GB RAM + 64GB ROM, US Version Mobile Phone, Dual Speaker Phone, Night Mist Buy it Now! Unlocked Smartphone – The TCL 30XL works with most major U.S. carriers, including Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile (Sprint not included). This android phone is also compatible with Metro PCS,…
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djmimdc · 4 years ago
Top 7 Best Lighting For Youtube Videos
Top 7 Best Lighting For Youtube Videos
Switchback Travel’s review features thorough testing across a variety of models, including “smart” lights, although its picks are aimed more at bike fanatics than commuters.
Bike Light Database remains a great resource for controlled testing and beam-pattern photos, though it hasn’t seen a correct replace in a number of years. Bicycling journal published a recent comparison-test evaluation in March 2020.
Best dj lights 2020
At three and a half hours, the Hotrod 50’s battery life on high flash mode is barely below average, however it ought to nonetheless last most commuters every week between expenses. It lacks a devoted color-coded battery-life indicator LED, however it does flash upon powering down to warn you that it’s low on battery.
Corsair Ls100 Smart Lighting Starter Kit
In addition to its wireless controls, the VING V860II includes a unique rechargeable battery so you'll be able to finally say goodbye to AAs. It boasts a quick, 1.5-second recycle time with a battery rating of 650 flashes at full power.
The totally-articulating flash head is helpful for bouncing mild, and with a information number of 197 toes , it has plenty of reach to light up subjects at lengthy vary.
For a three-level softbox setup, StudioFX’s equipment is nice alternative, with three lights, adjustable stands with growth arm, fluorescent daylight bulbs, and a carrying bag, for around $one hundred twenty five.
The Cygolite Hotrod 50 USB is the most effective taillight as a result of it’s extra visible from extra angles under a greater variety of circumstances than another gentle we’ve tried.
Testers agreed that its long strip of LEDs and transparent, domed enclosure helped them notice its 50-lumen flash from nearly anywhere they stood.
Lionel North Pole Central Ready To Play Train Set
The diffuser additionally shortens the beam’s peak so the majority of the light is solid below eye degree; this implies you’re much less likely to blind oncoming pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.
If programmable flashing modes or the flexibility to check your gentle’s battery life on your biking laptop display screen enchantment to you, this information in all probability isn’t for you.
These kinds of options can be convenient, but they don’t make lights any brighter or extra seen and aren’t definitely worth the premium for most commuters.
As always, we started our research this time around by looking at what our colleagues at other publications had already established of their critiques and testing. Road.cc, a British publication, maintains a frequently up to date database of tested lights, complete with a beam-comparability software.
When it comes to understanding how bike lights work and what to search for in an excellent gentle, The Geeky Cyclist’s evaluation is second to none .
Headphones have come an extremely good distance during the last decade. Advancements in wireless know-how, energetic noise-canceling, battery life, have made these once-elite options markedly extra widespread.
The combined result is you can now get your arms on an objectively high-quality, function-heavy pair of headphones without spending over a invoice.
Portability - Are you planning on taking pictures mostly at residence, or will you be visiting the properties of friends, family, and maybe even shoppers together with your lighting rig? Some can weigh over 50 pounds, while others are designed as 10-pound transportable systems.
If you’d like a kit that’s easy to move and stow, consider each weight and portability. The Julius Studio umbrella-based mostly equipment packs a lot of gear for a low value.
The Metro Plus 800 also will get the little things right, including the power to remember its final-used setting and a lockout mode for the facility button. Although Cygolite’s one-12 months warranty isn’t so long as many different manufacturers’ choices, repairs are easy and reasonably priced thanks to the company’s California-based manufacturing unit.
The Disco Jam Stereo Speaker Systems have been made to pump up the celebration. Disco Jam audio system feature spectacular high-energy output and flashing DJ lights that can add life to any occasion. They're good for any get together and will make you're feeling like a real DJ.
However, obtainable in a two-flash kit with a standalone wireless transmitter included, the 600RT starts to make sense. If you’re trying to get began a with a conveyable off-digital camera lighting setup, you can actually do worse.
Flash energy is adjustable in 1/10-cease increments from full energy all the way down to 1/256 energy. Both TTL and excessive-pace sync are supported across the identical broad vary of digicam brands as the VING 860II .
The V1 is also suitable with the identical 2.4GHz radio transmitter system as Godox’s other flashes, so you can mix-and-match models in a studio setup for a mixture of on- and off-digicam lighting.
The two 33-inch diameter umbrellas make up your normal reflector diffusion system that will let you redirect gentle completely for studio functions. There are three different lighting methods that accommodate the three included CFL, 45-watt lightbulbs, so you won’t need to buy additional bulbs to get your studio off the bottom.
For a reasonable package, the Weifeng has professional-grade touches and is reportedly extremely sturdy. Below you will find some important stats on every mild, however there are countless more nuances to every, so remember to click on by way of to the complete evaluation on each.
Like Godox, Hahnel uses a 2.4GHz radio signal for reliable triggering over long distances with out line-of-sight necessities. On its personal, a single Hahnel Modus 600RT is a strong flash — however not precisely a great deal compared the others on this record .
Connecting A Controller To Lighting Fixtures
The Yamaha STAGEPAS 400I options modern, mild audio system with a detachable power mixer, and a pair of twin speaker set cables with a appropriate energy wire.
That assures a extra complete, compact sound which may be arranged by a variety of configurations and settings. The Bose Soundsport headphones are able to punch properly above their weight because of primarily being a extra inexpensive wireless model of the company’s Soundsport true wi-fi headphones.
With the true wi-fi mannequin already designed and developed, Bose has been capable of ship this much less-costly variant at a staggeringly cheap value. This item is ready to routinely steadiness out sound at any time thanks to any Bose Active EQ, plus it has built-in microphones for voice management and palms-free calling.
Their IPX4-ranking means you don’t have to worry about sweat or heavy rain compromising the interior electronics or parts, both.
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smarthonk · 4 years ago
7 Important Features To Look For In A Hoverboard
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How does a hoverboard work? It works by method of sensors. Without the sensors, it would not be of any utilization and you could have quite recently purchased a skateboard. The sensors assume a critical job since they make the board move, accelerate, turn, and so on. It detects feet developments to know whether to go to one side, make a turn, or get up to speed or delayed down. 
There are hoverboards available to be purchased in the western nations, however you can likewise buy them from online stores like Amazon. The hoverboard isn't new to the market, yet what makes it speaking to many individuals is the high innovation it uses to work. 
Any individual who has a hoverboard will unquestionably make the most of its points of interest and the sci-fi/superhuman sort of feel it brings. Regardless, you can't simply go into a store or online stage and buy the first hoverboard you see. To assist you with choosing what hoverboard to purchase and the determinations you need from Smarthonk, 
Here are the 7 things you have to consider in finding the best hoverboard available to be purchased. 
1: Type of Hoverboard 
There are two kinds of hoverboard – the board, and the AirWheel. They are comparable as far as how they are worked (with the utilization of sensors and weight) yet extraordinary in the appearance and the sort of control you apply on them. 
First up is the board. From the name itself, the board is like a skateboard however ridden on a level plane. It has a wheel on each side and a pivot in the middle, just between where you put your feet. To utilize the board, you should simply step on the weight delicate cushions. At the point when you add strain to it and lean forward, it will naturally push ahead. The equivalent goes when you recline, it will turn around. On the off chance that you need to go to one side, you should add strain to your correct foot and step harder on the correct cushion. Weight on the left foot will make it go to one side. 
Realizing how to move the board will be particularly useful when purchasing a hoverboard available to be purchased. This is on the grounds that the board contrasts with the AirWheel and you may feel that you lean toward one over the other. 
The other kind of hoverboard is "The Wheel" otherwise called AirWheel. The distinction with the board is that the wheel/s are in the center. It resembles a unicycle found in the carnival, just it is self-adjusting. There is no compelling reason to stress over overturning on the grounds that there are paddles for your foot along the edge of the wheel. 
Utilizing the AirWheel is somewhat more troublesome than the board. This is on the grounds that your entire body should be moving when riding on one. Your body developments, for example, the bearing of your hips and spotlight on your body weight can influence where The Wheel will go. 
2: Wheel Size 
Diverse wheel sizes influence how the hoverboard chips away at various types of asphalts. For the board, the greater the wheel, the greater solidness it has with regards to lopsided surfaces. The conventional hoverboard has around 6.5-7 inches, yet more current styles of hoverboards are delivered and some have 8 inches and 10 inches. 
With the greater wheels, you can get greater soundness on lopsided surfaces and circumventing controls. You would likewise have less time attempting to return to a tough standing situation since the 6.5-7-inch wheels snap when you cycle a control. 
Then again, AirWheels have moderately greater haggles is the thing that makes them more steady than the sheets with regards to moving various types of surfaces. Their wheels are from 11-14 inches large and the way that it is composed of just one wheel makes it simpler to control on lopsided grounds. A few people can even change from streets to asphalts without bringing down. 
3: Maximum Weight 
Something else to consider when you purchase a hoverboard available to be purchased is the weight it can really convey. For a nonexclusive hoverboard, it can heft around 100 kilograms. Both the AirWheel and the board can convey that much weight. 
In the event that you feel that you gauge in excess of a hundred kilos, at that point you don't need to stress that much in light of the fact that hoverboards can in any case convey in excess of a hundred kilos. Be that as it may, purchasing a hoverboard with a greater wheel won't hurt either. You can purchase the AirWheel or the 10-inch board. 
Be that as it may, all the more critically, with regards to weight, you ought to consider the heaviness of the hoverboard itself. This is on the grounds that there will be times that you need to haul it around. On the off chance that you disregard this significant factor, you may get stunned at how it might burden you on occasion. This shows that regardless of whether the hoverboard is another development in the innovation and transportation universes, it actually accompanies drawbacks. 
Its weight normally goes from 10-12 kilograms and conveying a hoverboard around is no simple errand. In spite of the fact that there are some that have a handle worked in for simple conveying. A tip for purchasing a hoverboard is that you ought to consider when and where you will utilize it. There are places that don't permit them or spots where it won't be protected to utilize. For instance, when you are driving and you need to take the train, you can't simply go to a metro on it. You must get it and haul it around. To a few, this in itself is a colossal burden. 
4: Quality 
Quality ought to be the fundamental thought in purchasing anything and hoverboards are no exemption. In view of the expanding request and notoriety of hoverboards, numerous producers have attempted to make counterfeit hoverboards that they can sell at a lot less expensive cost. A case of this is the hoverboard creation in China where they produce this thing without having enough quality control which can prompt overheating and the blast of the item. 
There have been discussions of hoverboards bursting into flames and this can be credited to the overheating of the pedals. This happens to hoverboards that are phony on the grounds that these items don't have a similar quality and confirmation given to the first hoverboards. 
In Amazon, where a great deal of these are sold, various hoverboards have been pulled out basically in light of the fact that they couldn't demonstrate that the item passed the principles set by the National Trading Standards. To recognize some phony hoverboards available to be purchased, first, check the mark. On the off chance that they are named with "Savvy Balance Wheels" or any variety of that and they accompany manuals that are hard to comprehend and peruse, at that point the hoverboard is destined to be phony. 
On the off chance that they additionally cost just around £150-200, be more wary on buying them. No hoverboard will cost as modest as that without trading off the nature of the item. A case of a believed item can be Razor since it has demonstrated to be of high caliber and offers an obliging client assistance of the item. 
5: Speed and Range 
The speed of a hoverboard can be from 2-10 miles for every hour. Then again, the range is reliant on the charge your hoverboard has. Truly, hoverboards should be charged. It doesn't chip away at sunlight based vitality nor accomplishes it work with batteries. The hoverboard ought to be charged and when it is done completely, it can cover 10-15 miles. On the off chance that you purchase an excellent brand, you can have 13-17 miles to cover. 
Knowing the speed and range is important provided that you intend to utilize this to go to places, a decent gauge of the measure of time to arrive is useful. Additionally, not all hoverboards have a similar speed and range. This is because of the way that rider weight is a factor in the speed of the item. In the event that you are heavier, state 110 kilograms, at that point hope to have a more slow speed with your hoverboard. 
6: Extra Features 
Hoverboards didn't simply create regarding extent, speed, and appearance, however they likewise created with regards to additional items. At the point when you state additional items, these are highlights of the hoverboard that you can essentially simply manage without. 
In the event that you are the common sense kind, you would not require these highlights any longer since they don't improve the quality and speed of the hoverboard. The additional highlights are there to make your riding experience all the more satisfying and helpful. 
Extra highlights remember worked for GPS, implicit speakers that can interface with your cell phone, worked in Bluetooth speakers, just as underlying gyroscopic, censored cushions. There are some that even have a vehicle key like far off. 
It is totally up to you whether to furnish your hoverboard with included highlights or not, however simply consider the worth they provide for your hoverboard and at last, to you. Having these additional highlights are decent, yet toward the day's end, in the event that it ends up being pointless, you don't need to buy them. 
7: Legality 
As referenced before, there are places where riding a hoverboard isn't legitimate. For instance, individuals are not permitted to ride hoverboards in New York. In the event that you are discovered utilizing one unexpectedly, the police will release it, yet succeeding infringement will expect you to pay $50. 
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koutlou · 2 years ago
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, 6.82 inch Vast Display, 5000mAh Battery, Android 12 Smartphone, 50MP AI Quad-Camera, 6GB RAM + 64GB ROM, US Version Mobile Phone, Dual Speaker Phone, Night Mist https://koutlou.com/product/tcl-30xl-2022-unlocked-cell-phone-6-82-inch-vast-display-5000mah-battery-android-12-smartphone-50mp-ai-quad-camera-6gb-ram-64gb-rom-us-version-mobile-phone-dual-speaker-phone-night-mist/?feed_id=75759&_unique_id=631188c770e1d
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techrookies · 2 years ago
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, Night Mist on sale. Deal Alert
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, Night Mist on sale. Deal Alert
TCL 30XL |2022| Unlocked Cell Phone, 6.82 inch Vast Display, 5000mAh Battery, Android 12 Smartphone, 50MP AI Quad-Camera, 6GB RAM + 64GB ROM, US Version Mobile Phone, Dual Speaker Phone, Night Mist Source: Amazon Unlocked Smartphone – The TCL 30XL works with most major U.S. carriers, including Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile (Sprint not included). This android phone is also compatible with Metro…
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savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-03-27 10 MUSIC now
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Alvvays & Frankie Rose @ Metro Chicago (pics, setlist)
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loveaimeeguerrero · 8 years ago
DREAMWAVE: Bubble Pods (Review)
"Best-in-Class sound performance to go where you go!"
Ever wanted to carry your music with you in a stylish and cool way? A new bluetooth speaker brand has came in here in the Philippines and introduced the coolest set of speakers I have ever seen!
What caught my eye is their cute BUBBLE POD! The Bubble Pod is the entry level of Dreamwave which is ultra-light with child and outdoor IPX5 protection against water, dust or sand. It is very much handy, fits perfectly on my small hands.
What I love about the BUBBLE POD? 
It is very compact with a size of 3.94 x 3.07 x 1.81 inches with 1800 mAh battery on Bluetooth 4.0. It has a staying power of 5 hours in FULL max volume. In the regular playing volume it may last upto 12 hours, which can be very useful in my kind of lifestyle.
(Photo from: www.dreamwaveus.com)
I really like that it comes in 4 colors: BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW and PINK. Oh yes, PINK!!! It's very fun to look at and carry. It has a circular loop as part of the packaging which makes it easy for you to hang anywhere or even slip on your belt so you can have your music literally ANYWHERE!
Having the IPX5 protection, you dont have to worry about it getting wet beside the pool. What is IPX5?
"A speaker with a rating of IPX-5 can withstand water jets from any angle. Imagine spraying your speaker with your garden hose for an extended period of time...yep, an IPX-5 speaker will still be blasting after that. " - MediaBug
So you can bring you Bubble Pods even in the shower. How cool is that?
Sound Quality
I tried it at max volume, and it really delivers good quality sound without cracking unlike other portable bluetooth speakers. You can hear and feel the bass (low frequency) at 40Hz when tested using the Low Frequency Test, which is not bad for a small handy Bluetooth speaker. The high frequencies are very good and audible, so it can really deliver great quality of sound. I also tried flipping one side over on a surface and the sound is still good, although not as loud as when the speaker itself is facing up. But you can still hear the sounds whichever side you listen to, thus the omnidirectional quality (not 100% omnidirectional for me).
For the packaging, it is surrounded with a protective rubber for the buttons and plugs. However the flap on the plug might be a bit loose sometimes, so be careful to put it back properly. I don't know how it will stand when it is used for a long time or if exposed to heat / sun. The buttons are not difficult to press and a blue light turns on when the speaker is turned on and blinks when it is connecting or looking for Bluetooth device. It is also covered with metal nets of two layers (outer is black, inner is pink) which protects it from water, dust or sand. It is very durable and handy, it doesn't slip on your hand or pockets due to the rubber.
Bluetooth Connectivity
It's very easy to search for the Bubble Pods, because when you connect your phone it simply says "Bubble Pods". Also when you already had a device connected or paired with your Bubble Pod, it remembers it and connects automatically. When you press the Bluetooth button, the music starts immediately where you left it, in my case that's on my Spotify Playlist.
5W Performance Speaker (Best-in-Class)
1-3/4 inch Dipole Speaker
IPX5 Water/Dust/Sand/Snow Protection
Bluetooth CSR 4.0 + EDR, A2DP AVRCP, APTX
1,800mAh Rechargeable Battery
Play time: Up to 12 Hours (5 Hours Max Volume, Full Bass Status)
Hands Free Calling and NFC Ready
360° Omnidirectional Sound Processor (One side is still stronger than the other)
Hi-Fi Sound and Anti-Distortion Circuitry
Multi-Colors: Baby Blue, Bubblegum Pink, Jolly Green, Sunshine Yellow
What's in the box? 
Bubble Pod
User's Manual
USB to Micro USB charger cable
3.5mm Auxiliary Cable
Warranty Card
Dreamwave Sticker
I'm having so much fun with my Dreamwave Bubble Pod, because the battery and playtime lasts long at its very durable and handy. Foir its price of Php 2,400, it's definitely worth it. Indeed it's the Best-In-Class sound performance wherever you go!
Durable packaging
Long playtime
Good bass quality
At max volume, you can hear sound at full quality
Great color selection
Size is perfect for the pocket
The circular/loop handle is good so you can hang it anywhere
Quick charging
Water / Splash resistant ;) Tried it in the shower
Semi omnidirectional (not 100%, maybe 90-95%)
The rubber on the plug may loose a bit (you need to make sure you attach it well after plugging)
Hands free calling is OK, but sometimes the microphone is not so sensitive. You have to use it very closely. 
RATING: 4.3/5
Packaging - 4.5/5
Quality - 4.5/5
Staying Power - 5/5 
Availability - 3/5 (looking forward for more stores to carry this brand, but hey, you can order it online!)
Price - 4.5/5
Will I buy it again / recommend it? YES! ~ it's a great gift idea as well. Definitely for music lovers on the go!
Have you tried the Bubble Pods or any Dreamwave Bluetooth Speaker lately? Let me know what you think on the comments!
For more information on DREAMWAVE products, you can visit http://dreamwaveus.com or like Dreamwave Philippines on Facebook and Instagram.
Available now at Astrovision Stores within Metro Manila! #Musicthatmoves #MVPtech
A post shared by DreamwavePH (@dreamwave_ph) on Feb 23, 2017 at 8:23pm PST
You can buy your own Dreamwave products at any ASTROVISION branches or online at Takatack Philippines http://ift.tt/2mLjFUs #DreamwavePH #MusicThatMoves L O V E,
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lisabelkin-yahoonews · 8 years ago
'Our world changes today': a journey to the Women's March on Washington
When the group of a dozen women arrive at the staging spot for the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday morning – just after dawn, if all goes as planned, to grab spots up front – it will have been 24 hours since they left home.
On Friday morning they headed out of town in their white rental van, a loose knit group of friends of friends of friends. They ranged in age from 17 to 70. Some were gay, some straight, one transgender. All shades of skin, in skin tone from dark to light. They were teachers, nurses, students, restaurant workers, animal rights advocates and retirees.
All felt called to join what for most was the first organized protest of their lives. Fueled by junk food, a passionate playlist, and a belief that they needed to stand up and be counted, they spent 12 hours in a van from Louisville, KY, and a night on floors, couches and inflatable mattresses in and around Washington DC, to become a dozen individuals in a sea of what is expected to be several hundreds of thousands of others.
Friday, 8 AM
The plan was to drive on Friday in order to ignore the inauguration. “Counter-programming,” joked Bridget Pitcock, chief of staff at a managed care company in Louisville. This trip was her idea. Reading about early plans for the march soon after Election Day, she called her wife of three years, Meg Hancock, and announced they would need to rent a van and fill it with others who were “outraged and in despair.”
Now they had, and once the van was filled to bursting with people, luggage and hand-drawn signs, Hancock, an assistant professor of sports administration at the University of Louisville, paused before taking the driver’s seat to offer a prayer she’d written a few days before.
“Let’s take a moment of silence for the world we knew,” she said. “If you march to say ‘fuck you’ to Trump, I get that. But if you march to say ‘fuck yeah’ for women, for people of color, for the disenfranchised, I’ll be the first to hand you a megaphone. The fact is, today we know our world changes, but it’s not because Donald Trump says it does. It’s because WE say it does. And we say how it does.”
“Because today,” Hancock continued, “is a demonstration of our commitment to each other, to our LGBT brothers and sisters. To our our black and brown brothers and sisters. To our Muslim brothers, but especially our sisters. To our Syrian refugees, to our immigrants. To our homeless, our poor, our hungry. We commit to listen, to seek to understand, to stand up, to rise up, to educate, to advocate. Our world changes today not because of Donald Trump. Our world changes today because of us. And it is an honor to be a part of that change with you.”
9 AM
There was a lot of talk in the van about backpacks. And fanny packs. And charging spots. And bathroom locations. For weeks memos had been filling the official March website, and among the instructions was a restriction of the size of carry-alls, to 8x6x4. Clear plastic backpacks could be slightly bigger though, 8x8x6. There was also advice to buy Metro cards in advance by mail, followed by articles in the Washington Post saying the surge in demand for Metro cards meant many who had ordered weeks in advance would not have them in time for the march — including the dozen women in the van.
Ah, the logistics of a protest.
The conversation turned to the list of speakers that had only recently been released. “My nana fangirled over Gloria Steinem and Angela Davis,” said Blair Wilson, a 19-year-old college student who was traveling to the march with her grandmother, Linda Wilhelms. A veteran of marches – her first protest, in 1969, was against the Vietnam War – Wilhelms was excited to introduce her only granddaughter to this world. “Having her there, experiencing the emotions and energy of the event, was my motivation to attend,” Wilhelms said. “She is an amazingly strong-willed, opinionated young woman. I have worked hard to help her develop a sense of right and wrong, and she is all I ever hoped she would be. She is my hero!”
10 AM
Each was marching for reasons that were the same, but slightly different.
Courtney Hardesty, a service manager at a Louisville restaurant, was marching “because of the repugnant rhetoric used in the last election” and “because there is so much to be done on the front of social justice.”
Kelsey Westbrook, the co-director of a nonprofit animal welfare agency, was marching “because each and every day since November 9, I’ve woken up with a disturbingly sullen, deep-rooted sadness that Trump will soon take over the highest office in the land. I’m going because I feel as though I’ve got to do something that particular day to stand with other women and allies in solidarity. I’m going because there are so many women who aren’t able or willing to go. I’m going because I won’t let his inauguration halt my motivation for progress and equality in our country and in my community.”
Jocelyn Duke, an artist with a background in social work and as a basketball coach, is marching because “it troubles me that we have placed a man in the White House who has openly disrespected and degraded so many people who are different from himself. I march for myself, my twin, my mother, every young woman that I’ve coached, the young women and girls I don’t know. But most of all, I march for my beautiful nieces who will grow up knowing that they are valuable and powerful because of their amazing minds and loving spirits. I pray that we get to a place where we truly love and respect one another so that our children and future generations have a better and safe world to live in.”
Kaitlin U’sellis, an analyst at a healthcare company, was marching for women’s health. In June she miscarried twins. The fetuses had to be removed with medical intervention. “I have always been pro-choice,” she said. “But since then I’m more aware of the need for women’s access to healthcare. I am marching to keep government out of my uterus and my bedroom.”
The twins’ due date was January 20. Instead she spent the day in the van.
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These dozen women, friends of friends of friends, drove through Inauguration Day from Louisville, KY to be in Washington for today’s Women’s March. (Photo: Lisa Belkin/Yahoo News)
11 AM
They tried to shut the world out of the white rental van with the tinted windows. No one even thought of tuning to live coverage of the swearing in. But it was impossible to keep the outside from leaking in. They read jokes aloud that they found on Twitter: “The Bible just backed out of the inauguration.” They shared a a meme, a campaign poster of Obama/Warren 2020 – Michelle, that is.
The change of administration registered to them in a bizarre time delay. They watched the video of the awkward welcome of the Trumps to the White House by the Obamas, complete with that Tiffany box no one knew what to do with. But they didn’t see it until a half an hour after it happened.
“Hillary Clinton wears suffragette white to Trump inauguration,” someone read, out of actual order.
“There’s a tweet about a plane of all women headed to the march,” said someone else.
“Did you hear Southwest Airlines has pink lighting inside all its cabins today?”
They discussed any topic but the one that loomed largest.
The closer it got to noon, the quieter the voices became, and the louder the music. Maddie Dalton, the 17-year-old transgender girl who forced the bathroom question in Louisville’s public schools and won, hooked her iPhone to the sound system and blared the Hamilton Mixtape.
“Immigrants, we get the job done,” the group sang in unison.
As Mike Pence was being sworn in as vice-president, Hancock switched the music to Beyonce’s Lemonade.
And at about the moment they knew Donald Trump was holding the Bible, Pitcock turned on the song she has specially selected for the moment, Lily Allen’s “Fuck You.” The van vibrated with sound.
“So you say, It’s not okay to be gay/Well, I think you’re just evil/You’re just some racist who can’t tie my laces/Fuck you.”
They followed that with Common’s “The Day Women Took Over.”
12:30 PM
Having welcomed this Yahoo News reporter along for their ride, it was time to Skype with the team covering the Inauguration in Yahoo’s New York studio. They watched, waiting their turn, as Katie Couric talked to Matt Bai about the protests, the bottles and bricks thrown at police, the militarized response with tear gas and arrests.
The video on the Skype screen was the first they had seen. Are they worried, Couric asked. Do they condone the violence?
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Meg Hancock tries on a bandanna after the group, worried about tear gas, buys out the Dollar Store. (Photo: Lisa Belkin/Yahoo News)
1:30 PM
Over lunch at a quaint spot next to a gas station, not far off the highway, the women discussed whether in fact they were worried. They turned to Wilhelms, the veteran of marches, who stressed that the cause of this gathering was not violent.
But, she added, it is always helpful to have a scarf to tie around your nose and mouth in the event of tear gas. And soaking that scarf in water is even more effective.
2 PM
Dalton scouted out a nearby Dollar Store for bandannas and Hancock bought a dozen for the group. They debated whether the blue and red ones made some sort of political statement.
Hancock suggested that each woman choose a “buddy” to keep track of her whereabouts should chaos break out.
5 PM
As Washington neared, the traffic increased. So did the fog. The bags of pretzels, trail mix and Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème pies became less appetizing.
The Trump administration version of the new White House website contained no LGBT Rights page, a headline read. The public petition page was gone, too. And the section of the site that had been about Civil Rights was now about standing up for law enforcement.
6 PM
Other cars inched along in nearby lanes, clearly headed for the march. The women spotted a license plate from Nevada with “Love Trumps Hate” written on the back window. A charter bus from St. Louis, whose passengers could be seen in the windows reading other headlines on other screens.
8 PM
The group scatters to various couches and sleeping bags. They will reconvene at 7 AM, on a street corner a short walk from the start of the March, to continue their journey. _____
Related slideshows:
Slideshow: Anti-Trump inauguration protests break out in U.S. >>>
Slideshow: Protests worldwide against the inauguration of Donald Trump >>>
Slideshow: Obama’s Washington >>>
Slideshow: Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day >>>
Slideshow: 66 hands on 66 Bibles >>>
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  Read more from Yahoo News:
In Trump’s inaugural speech, a demand for unity and loyalty
Presidential speechwriters survey the carnage
Protesters throng Trump inauguration route and face off with polic
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manojvarmaposts-blog · 6 years ago
A Review Of Acer Predator Triton 500 : It Holds On RTX 2060
With its stylish, covert design, you can see why Acer was named Predator Triton 500 ($1,799 / £1,799) after the Greek Poseidon. Its dark blue and grey look is angular, and it can play most games with a medium-powered RTX 2060 graphics card. It has a bright screen and only the mixed productivity features it wants to uninstall and the UK media reporting software can stop it.
The dark grey/blue predator is a slender aluminum machine with some tiny angles, but surprisingly plain. All hats on the lid have the word "predator" and the top has a Transformers-style logo. There are some cool details on the back. The vents have a zigzag pattern, and the blue pattern adds a touch of color to the machine.
When the lid is opened, the 15.6-inch display has a thin plastic frame on three sides and a thick Predator brand border on the bottom. Like the lid, the deck is made of metal. Above the keyboard, the speakers are arranged in an alternating triangular pattern. The WASD button, the arrow keys and the PredatorSense button are all blue, which helps the color scheme and stands out from the rest of the keyboard.
There are many ports for peripherals, monitors, and extended storage. On the left is the Ethernet jack, USB 3.1 Gen 1 port, HDMI output and separate headphone and microphone jacks. On the right is another pair of USB 3.1 ports, Thunderbolt 3 and Mini DisplayPort, and a lock slot.
The Predator weighs 4.7 pounds and 14.1 x 10 x 0.7 inches (358.1 x 254 x 17.8 mm). It weighs the same as the Gigabyte Aero 15 X9, which is slightly smaller at 14 x 9.8 x 0.7 inches (356 x 250 x 18 mm). The Lenovo Legion Y740 weighs 5 pounds and measures 14.2 x 10.5 x 0.9 inches (267 x 361.4 x 267 x 22.5 mm).
Games, Graphics and VR
The Predator is the first laptop we tested with the Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 GPU. In testing, it complemented the competitors running the RTX 2070 Max-Q.
When I played Battlefield V's "Nordlys" mission with a high DXR at 1920x1080 resolution, it started smashing at 60 frames per second (fps) in the snow, but in a detailed town with lots of reflections, it Falling between 46 and 53 fps, there are quite a few screen tears. But when I lowered the DXR to medium (but only the other settings), I got a smoother 66-77 fps, except for one example, when I collapsed on my house and it dropped to 57 fps.
In "Shadow of Tomb Raider" (maximum setting, FHD), the Predator beats the mainstream game average (40 fps) and Aero (RTX 2070 Max-Q) at 49 fps, but behind the Legion ( RTX 2070 Max) -Q). It's worth noting that Aero is the first RTX laptop we've tested, and since then there has been an update to the driver, which may explain the difference between it and the Legion.
On Hitman (Ultra settings, FHD), the game runs at 87 fps, above average (69 fps), but lower than RTX 2070 Max-Q based systems.
When it comes to Grand Theft Auto V (very high, FHD), the Predator runs on average at 66 fps, which is comparable to the RTX 2070 Max-Q machine and above average (48 fps).
In order to stress test the Predator, I ran the Metro: Exodus benchmark 15 times on its RTX preset to simulate a half-hour intense game. The CPU has an average clock speed of 3.8 GHz and a temperature of 83.7 degrees Celsius (182.7 degrees Fahrenheit). The average GPU temperature is 70.1 degrees Celsius (158.2 degrees Fahrenheit).
Productivity Performance
With the Intel Core i7-8750H CPU, 16 GB DDR4 memory, and 512 GB PCIe-NVMe SSD, the Triton 500 has powerful features and portability. If you're using it for word processing, browsing the web and playing music, that's enough.
On Geekbench 4.1, Predator scored 20,621, slightly lower than the mainstream game average of 20,795. The Legion (Core i7-8750H) scored slightly above 21,629. Aero has a more powerful Core i9-8950HK with a score of 22,676.
The Predator took 7 seconds to copy 4.97 GB of files, or 727 MBps. This is faster than the average speed (365.6 MBps) and also beats Aero and Legion.
In our Handbrake test, the computer transcoded the 4K video to 1080p and the Predator took 9 minutes and 58 seconds. This is faster than 10:59 on average, but the Legion is faster.
The 15.6-inch, 1920x1080 display has a refresh rate of 144 Hz, which is brighter than the average, and only Gigabyte's color-calibrated 4K screen beats it in the gamut. When I looked at Shazam's trailer, the yellow lightning on the hero suit suddenly touched the red spandex, and the cashier's purple hair and shirt stood out among all the goods behind her. When I played Battlefield V, the snowflakes were bright, the whites were against the blue sky, and the red grenades were very vivid.
Predator covers 116% of the SRGB color Gamut.
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bestonreview · 6 years ago
Top 10 Best Free Smartphones Without Contract
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Have you ever taken the time to walk into a Verizon or AT&T store? You’ll commonly see some phones that cost 0$. On that shelf you’ll see some phones that can’t connect to the internet at all, old phones from 3 or 4 years ago, and cheap knock off. It sort of makes you think: you really get what you pay for when you go for a free phone. Since you’re paying nothing, you’re getting nothing. There are times, however, when you find a really decent phone for no money on it at all. Some companies will give you discounts for phones in a size that isn’t so popular with customers. Other phones will see their prices plummet from their pedestal just a year after they are released. Even some of the best brands out there, like LG, HTC, Samsung, and Apple, see their flagship models eventually drop in prices.
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You could get those phones, of course, and enjoy a great bargain in the process. But you will still have to deal with the face that they come with a contract, which locks you onto the providing company’s network. SIM-free phones are rising in popularity every year. Flagship phones that go on sale can be forbiddingly expensive. The iPhone X, for example, cost something like $999 when it was first released. It may make a lot more sense to buy phones that are SIM free and unlocked, and then get a SIM only deal later in order to get a proper bargain. Here we prepared a list of the very best SIM free handsets on the market. iPhone X
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The iPhone X comes with a screen size of 5.8 inches. That’s pretty good considering we’re dealing with Apple, who only recently began to get the screen size right on their phones. The resolution, as would be expected of a premium iPhone, is pretty high at 1125 pixels by 2436 pixels. The real camera has a resolution of 12 megapixels, which makes for some crisp pictures. The storage is either 64 GB or 256 GB and the RAM is 3 GB. The phone weighs very little at 174 grams and the battery has a capacity of 2716 mAh. Of course this is an ambitious start. We’re starting with the biggest phone on this list. The iPhone X is arguably the most significant iPhone launched since the very first iPhone, the iPhone 3G was launched 10 years ago. If you’re wondering why we skipped from the iPhone 8 straight to the iPhone X without having an iPhone 9, then there’s your answer: the iPhone X is read as “iPhone Ten” and that’s because it was launched a decade after the very first iPhone. That’ makes it pretty important. Recommended Articles For You: How to Get A Free Smartphone Online A Complete Guideline The 5 Best No Money Down Cell Phone Plans Switch To Boost Mobile From Metro PCS 2018 Apple has been piling up those incremental upgrades on its phone but went full on no holds barred with the iPhone X. You get Face ID which gives you the magic power of unlocking your phone just by staring at it. You also get a pretty cool 5.8 inch super retina HD display with absolutely no bezel. The whole front of the phone is the screen except for the speaker. You also get wireless charging, iOS 11, and, best of all, Animojis! Samsung Galaxy S9
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The weight on this phone is 163 grams. The dimensions are 147.7 mm by 68.7 mm by 8.5 mm. It operates on the Android Oreo operating system. The screen size is 5.8 inches, which makes it the same size as the screen on the iPhone X. The resolution is 1440 pixels by 2960 pixels. The phone runs on an Exynos 9810 Octa processor. It comes with 4 GB RAM. For storage you get to choose between 64 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB options. The battery has a great capacity at 3000 mAh. The rear camera has a healthy 12 MP resolution while the selfie camera has a resolution of 8 MP. This is one of the best Android phones on the market. You can get it on preorder from lots of places. If you want it on preorder, you’ll have to part with about $700. Understandably, that’s a hefty amount. However, you can read on to see some of the other options that are there on this page.    iPhone SE
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This phone weighs 143 grams. It has dimensions of 123.8 mm by 58.6 mm by 7.6 mm. It operates on iOS 10 at the moment. The screen has a size of 4 inches. The resolution on this phone is 640 pixels by 1136 pixels. It comes with an Apple A9 chipset. The RAM is 2 GB while the storage comes in 16 GB and 64 GB options. The battery has a capacity of 1624 mAh. The rear camera is actually pretty decent with a resolution of 12 MP while the selfie camera comes with a more modest resolution of 1.2 MP. If what you’re looking for is a cheap iPhone then you can’t really go wrong with the iPhone SE. It’s one of the best SIM free iPhones you can buy right now. It’s not as powerful as the later iPhones, but it’s definitely stronger than the iPhone 5S while maintaining its size, which is an okay for anyone who wants an iPhone like they used to make them; without the massive screens. Moto G6
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This phone comes with a weight of 167 grams. The dimensions are 153.8 mm by 72.3 mm by 8.3 mm. It operates on the Android 8 Oreo OS. It has a screen size of 5.7 inches, which pits it against other standard smartphones like the iPhone X and the Samsung Galaxy S9. The screen has a resolution of 1080 pixels by 2160 pixels. The CPU is an Octa-core 1.8 GHz Cortex-A53. It comes with either 3 Gb RAM or 4 GB RAM while the storage comes in options of either 32 GB or 64 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3000mAh. The rear camera has a resolution of 12MP while the selfie camera has a resolution of 5MP. Motorola has been known for making affordable smartphones for quite a few years. The Moto G6 is a great phone for its price. It’s a great improvement on its predecessor, the G5, in many ways. The screed, which is HD+ and LCD, is one of those improvements. The screen size is also an improvement. In fact, the Moto G6 Plus has an even larger screen. The resolution on the screen is also better. The other features, such as the CPU, the RAM, and the 12 MP rear camera put this phone on nearly the same level as phones which cost twice as much If you want a good phone that won’t cost you an arm or a leg, then you’ll appreciate this gem. Samsung Galaxy Note 8
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This phone has a massive screen size of 6.3 inches. The resolution on the screen is 2960 pixels by 1440 pixels and it’s a Quad HD+ screen. The rear camera is 12 MP and has a dual lens. The weight is a little on the heavier side at 195 grams. The operating system is the Android 7.1.1. The RAM is 6 GB while the storage comes in options of 64 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB. It also accepts external storage of up to 256 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3300 mAh. This phone has received quite a lot of hype and that’s not for nothing. The huge screen comes with an ‘infinity display’ which is an absolute joy to look at. The dual lens camera in the back is the best in its class. The RAM also makes it a pretty powerful phone. It’s fairly pricey, but it’s absolutely worth the price, considering it comes SIM free. OnePlus 6
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This phone weighs 177 grams. It has dimensions of 155.7 mm by 75.4 mm by 7.8 mm. It runs on the Android 8.1 Oreo OS, It has a pretty large screen at 6.28 inches. The resolution is 1080 pixels by 2280 pixels. The CPU is a Snapdragon 845. The Ram is either 6 GB or 8 GB, both of which are very powerful. The storage comes in options of 64 GB, 128 GB, and 256 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3300 mAh. There are two rear cameras with resolutions of 20MP and 16Mp while the selfie camera has a resolution of 16MP. It’s no doubt that this phone is one of the very best Android phones you could find on the market right now. If you judge your phones based on how good their cameras are, then the cameras on this phone will blow your mind. The rear camera in particular is spectacular. The performance as well as the design of this phone is pretty much in the same league as the iPhone X and the Samsung Galaxy S9. The price, however, is much lower. iPhone 8
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The screen size on the iPhone 8 is 4.7 inches. This is smaller than the iPhone X but still respectable enough, especially for those who don’t like massive screens on their phones. The resolution on the screen is 750 pixels by 1334 pixels. The rear camera has a resolution of 12MP. The phone weighs a paltry 148 grams. The RAM is 2 GB and the storage comes in options of 64 GB and 256 GB. In the tradition of Apple phones, it does not accept any external storage. The battery has a relatively low capacity of 1821 mAh. The iPhone 8 is admittedly not the kind of phone that sends waves through the market. It’s basically just an iPhone 7 with a few tweaks and improvements here and there and maybe an upgrade or two. If you already have an iPhone 7, then we wouldn’t recommend that you get his phone. However, if you have an older phone then it’s probably a good options, especially if you feel like the iPhone X is far out of your budgetary range. Nokia 3310
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This phone weighs 79.6 grams. The dimensions are 115.6 mm by 51 mm by 12.8 mm. The screen size is 2.4 inches. The resolution on the screen is 320 pixels by 240 pixels. The RAM is 16 MB. The storage is also 16 MB. The battery has a capacity of 1200 mAh. It also comes with a 2MP rear camera. This is a great throwback. If you have a case of pure and unstoppable nostalgia then you have the necessary drive to get this classic. In fact, nostalgia is exactly the thing that makes this phone continue to fly off the shelves in large numbers. It definitely comes with a low price and it may just be the right phone to take with you when you go out partying or to attend events. It’s also a great phone to have in your bag for emergencies. It’s not a smartphone, granted, but it is the world famous Nokia 3310; the phone that made the game Snake famous! LG V30
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This phone has a screen size of 6 inches. The screen has a resolution of 1440 pixels by 2880 pixels. It has a rear camera with a resolution of 16 MP. It weighs 158 grams and runs on Android 8 Oreo. The RAM is 4 GB and the internal storage comes in options of 64 GB and 128 GB. It also accepts external storage of up to 512 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3300 mAh. Whenever we think of LG we think of its flagship G series of phones. However, the 2017 V30 is just as good and is a smartphone you should definitely consider. The screen resolution is definitely one of its great strengths. It’s also got great design and you immediately know you’re using something on the level of a Galaxy Note 8. It’s a little pricey, but you’ll love it. Honor 10
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This phone weighs 153 grams. The dimensions are 149.6 mm by 71.2 mm by 7.7 mm. It runs on the Android 8.1 Oreo OS. The screen has a size of 5.84 inches and a resolution of 1080 pixels by 2280 pixels. The CPU is the HiSilicon Kirin 970. It has RAM of 4 GB and storage options of 64 GB and 128 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3400 mAh. The rear camera has a dual lens. One lens is 24MP while the other is 16Mp. Meanwhile, the selfie camera is pretty strong with a resolution of 24MP. The Honor 10 is a pretty robust Android and, while relatively unknown, is beginning to grow popular. It’s a great improvement on what’s been there before and has some pretty impressive features. While it’s not going to outperform a Samsung Galaxy S9 or an LG G7, but all that is more than made up for by the combination of the killer cameras and the low price. Final Thoughts As you can see, the fact that you’re looking for a contract free phone doesn’t mean you have to settle for a low quality phone. There are plenty of premium SIM free options out there. You just have to know where to look. Read the full article
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