#Sowing Methods
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taimio · 1 year ago
Nurturing Your Garden: Choosing the Right Method to Sow Your Seeds
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Gardening is a great way to bring life to your outdoor space, while cultivating your own produce for self-sufficiency. But just how do you get your plants from seed to harvest? Knowing the different sowing methods of transplanting, direct seeding, and broadcasting, can help you get the most from your garden. So if you want to learn the specifics of what each method entails and which is the best for your vegetable plants, read on and find out!
Planting Your Seeds: Transplant, Direct Seed, Or Broadcast
So, you've got your gardening gloves on and you're ready to get your hands dirty. But before you start sowing those seeds, you need to decide how you're going to do it. Will you transplant, direct seed, or go for the more unconventional broadcast method? Let me guide you through the pros and cons of each method, based on my own experiences in the garden.
Transplanting: The Gentle Approach
Transplanting is like introducing a plant to a new home, making it feel all warm and cozy. *It's perfect for delicate seedlings* that require a head start indoors, away from the unpredictable outdoors. Not only does it give you more control over the growing conditions, but it also helps to avoid the heartbreak of losing your precious plants to frost or critters.
However, transplanting is not without its challenges. *The process demands time, care, and patience*. You need to be cautious not to damage the fragile roots during the transfer, and make sure the little ones are properly hardened off before exposing them to the big, wide world. But hey, the reward is worth it! Witnessing those strong, healthy plants thrive is a satisfying sight.
Direct Seeding: Nature's Way
If you're feeling confident and adventurous, direct seeding might be your cup of tea (or should I say, soil?). *This method imitates nature's own way of doing things*, allowing the seeds to sprout and grow right where they're meant to be. It's a hands-off approach that appeals to those who trust in the power of Mother Nature.
But beware, my friend, *for direct seeding can be a game of patience*. You may find yourself anxiously waiting for weeks, wondering if those seeds will ever see the light of day. And let's not forget about the fierce competition from weeds. They love to party with your seeds and steal all their nutrients, so you'll need to keep a close eye and play the role of the diligent garden detective.
Broadcast Sowing: Scatter and Pray
Time to throw caution to the wind and embrace the unpredictable, yet exciting world of broadcast sowing. *Think of it as a wild dance party for your seeds*, where they are scattered haphazardly across the soil, each finding its own path to growth. It's a method that brings out your inner rebel and allows for a beautifully naturalistic look in your garden.
But let me be frank, my dear fellow gardener, *broadcast sowing is not for the faint-hearted*. It requires a leap of faith, as you'll never know exactly where each seed will end up. You may end up with a cluster of plants in one corner and a barren patch in another. But hey, if you're up for a surprise and the thrill of the unknown, this method might just be your kind of gardening adventure.
I've learned that every gardener has their own preferred method, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. It's about understanding your plants, experimenting, and finding what works best for you. Click here to dive deeper into the fascinating world of sowing methods.
Remember, dear green-thumbed friend, whether you choose to transplant, direct seed, or broadcast, *the joy lies in the journey*. Gardening is a rewarding endeavor that teaches us valuable lessons about patience, resilience, and the beauty of nature. So go forth, sow your seeds, and watch as your garden flourishes with life.
Learn more about gardening with Taim.io!
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balkanradfem · 11 days ago
Seeds germination report!!
First paper towel seeds germinated in only 3 days! I was too busy to post them immediately but I have proof it happened:
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The first one is cantaloupe, other two are big tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes. I'm going to sow tomatoes first because the other one is going to need more resources.
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That big tray of tomato seeds is the most important tray I'm sowing in the entire spring. This is going to be the most of my plants, and the most of my food. There's about 100 potential tomato plants in here, though I just need about 30. This is what's going to end up creating tomatoes I'll eat and cook into salsa and pizza sauce and other sauces, what I'll can all my other veggies in because the acidity will preserve them. I spaced a few rows of seeds evenly and then realized I had too many seeds so I just scrambled the rest and we'll see how they do! The smaller pot is cherry tomatoes; they're going to be my dried storage crop, I'll have sun-dried tomatoes from them! And they're likely to start producing earlier which I love.
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Now the cantaloupes... I need 2 plants, so why did I germinate this many? Well. I wasn't thinking. My seeds are 3 years old, how should I have known they would have 90% germination rate? I don't have the unlimited soil it would take to grow all of these correctly, so I just stuffed them into a tray, and I'm cringing so badly just looking at this. They're going to grow so big, so fast, there's no way they could all fit in there, even 2 per pot is insane, they all need individual  large pots. We're just making do and I'll gift these to the plant lady she loves cantaloupes too.
* 2 days later *
I forgot to check my seeds yesterday, so today I found more germinated stuff!
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These are early cherry tomatoes, orange and yellow tomatoes, and a germinated clementine seed! If you remember, I mentioned putting some clementine seeds to germinate and this one was first to activate, and it's sprouting two roots currently! Which I don't know what it means but I think it's whimsical and special so I love it. It makes me feel such a rush holding an tree seed that is activated because that one is starting a journey of becoming an actual tree, that can produce fruit, isn't that wild? In what other context can you hold a whole tree baby in the palm of your hand? Wild.
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I'm slightly worried about those cherry seeds because I am slightly late in sowing them, you see how long these sprouts are? They're already in the phase where they're trying to get out of the soil and they're going to be disoriented now, they've chosen their direction and now I've messed it up. But at least a few of them will make it, I believe!
I didn't have extra soil to plant a whole tree so I got some already-used soil, I think it's going to be okay because the trees grow so slowly and I will fertilize this when it's time. I mean maybe I'm wrong but I'm about to find out if a little clementine will like this! Any time I tried to plant an orange tree it failed but I've never tried a clementine and I actually prefer the clementine taste, I love the acid.
And then in the last picture I actually caught a cantaloupe sneaking her way out of the soil! Even though I planted them so catastrophically I still love seeing them poke their lil heads out, ready to be soaked in the sun. They're going to turn into monsters and there's nothing I can do but for now they're my cute little baby monsters.
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oaresearchpaper · 2 days ago
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makemoneytime · 2 months ago
The Business You Should Buy in 2025: A Comprehensive Guide to the SOWS Method.
Understanding the SOWS Method The SOWS Method is a strategic approach designed to assist investors and entrepreneurs in evaluating potential business acquisitions. The acronym SOWS stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Threats, the four critical dimensions that should be assessed when contemplating a business investment. By systematically examining these areas, prospective…
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blackstarlineage · 2 months ago
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Types of Black People to Avoid From a Garveyite Perspective
Marcus Garvey’s teachings emphasize Pan-Africanism, self-reliance, and pride in African heritage. From his perspective, certain mindsets and behaviours among Black people hinder the collective progress of the race. This post outlines the types of individuals Garvey warned against and why their actions conflict with his philosophy.
1. The Self-Hating Negro
Those who lack pride in their African identity or seek to align with oppressive systems instead of embracing their heritage.
2. The Betrayer or Opportunist
People who align with colonial or imperial powers for personal gain, selling out their community in the process.
3. The Idle and Unproductive
Garvey emphasized hard work and self-reliance. Those who perpetuate laziness or refuse to contribute to the community weaken.
4. The Divisive
Individuals who sow discord or prioritize personal grievances over unity.
5. The Apologist for Oppression
Those who excuse or justify racism, colonialism, or exploitation instead of resisting it.
6. The Lackey or "House Negro"
People who serve as tools of oppression within the Black community, often working to uphold systems of exploitation.
7. The Disconnected
Those who neglect the struggles of their brothers and sisters across the African diaspora.
8. The Cynic or Defeatist
Individuals who spread hopelessness and believe liberation is impossible, stifling collective progress.
9. The Assimilationist
Those who reject African culture to assimilate into white-dominated societies, often seeking validation from oppressors.
10. The Colonial-Minded Intellectual
Educated individuals who use their knowledge to support colonial ideologies rather than fight for Black liberation.
11. The Non-Believer in Black Institutions
People who doubt the ability of Black people to build and sustain their own schools, businesses, and organizations.
12. The Religious Misleader
Religious figures who preach passivity and submission rather than encouraging active resistance and empowerment.
13. The Consumer Over Creator
Those who consume from exploitative systems but fail to support Black-owned businesses or initiatives.
14. The Envy-Driven
Individuals who sabotage others out of jealousy rather than celebrate their success as a win for the community.
15. The Perpetual Victim
Garvey believed in resilience and empowerment, not adopting a victim mindset that leads to inaction.
16. The Uninformed or Ignorant
People who refuse to educate themselves on African history, culture, or the realities of systemic oppression.
17. The Political Sellout
Politicians or leaders who prioritize personal power over the well-being of their people.
18. The Violent Toward Their Own
Garvey emphasized unity. Those who harm or exploit their own people weaken the community.
19. The Materialistic
Individuals who prioritize wealth and status over collective liberation.
20. The Fearful or Complacent
Those who fear challenging systems of oppression or accept the status quo.
21. The "Divide and Conquer" Advocate
People who promote tribalism, colourism, or internal divisions that undermine unity.
22. The Global Isolationist
Garvey believed in global solidarity. Ignoring the struggles of Africans worldwide weakens the movement.
23. The Culturally Oblivious
Individuals who neglect the preservation of African culture, language, and traditions.
24. The Misguided Activist
Those who harm liberation movements through counterproductive or extreme methods.
25. The Short-Term Thinker
People who focus on immediate gains without considering the long-term impact on future generations.
26. The Hypercritical Without Action
Critics who offer no solutions or refuse to contribute to progress.
27. The Neglectful Parent
Parents who fail to instill pride, education, and self-reliance in their children.
28. The Exploiter or Disrespecter of Black Women
Garvey emphasized the importance of both men and women in building a strong and self-reliant community. Those who exploit or disrespect Black women cause deep harm to the entire movement.
29. The Perpetrator and Promoter of Negative Stereotypes of Black Men and Women
Those who perpetuate negative stereotypes harm the collective image and self-esteem of Black people.
Examples of Harmful Stereotypes:
Stereotypes About Black Men: Promoting images of Black men as inherently violent, hypersexual, lazy, or criminal. These narratives contribute to societal discrimination and the dehumanization of Black men.
Stereotypes About Black Women: Reinforcing depictions of Black women as angry, overbearing, promiscuous, or unworthy of respect. These stereotypes undermine the dignity of Black women and lead to real-world harm.
Why This Conflicts with Garveyism:
Garvey called for the upliftment of the entire race, which includes challenging racist caricatures and media portrayals. Promoting stereotypes reinforces systemic oppression, fosters self-hatred, and fractures community unity.
"We must canonize our own heroes, create our own martyrs, and glorify our own symbols," Garvey said, urging Black people to celebrate their greatness instead of internalizing harmful narratives.
30. The Doubter of Pan-Africanism
Rejecting the idea of a unified global African identity weakens collective strength.
31. The Glorifier of Interracial Relationships Over Their Own Race
Individuals who prioritize dating outside their race, often due to internalized racism or disdain for their own community, undermine racial solidarity and family structures.
32. The Denier of African Heritage
Those who reject their African roots or refuse to identify as part of the African diaspora, fostering division and rejecting the foundation of Pan-Africanism.
33. The Disrespecter of Black Men and Boys
Individuals who belittle, demean, or fail to support Black men and boys contribute to the weakening of the community.
34. The Uninformed or Ignorant
Garvey strongly believed in education and the power of knowledge. Black people who remain ignorant about their history, culture, and the systems that oppress them harm the movement.
Why This Conflicts with Garveyism:
Ignorance weakens collective strength by promoting misunderstanding, inaction, and misplaced priorities. Education is a tool for liberation, and those who refuse to seek knowledge risk falling prey to manipulation and exploitation.
35. The Believer in Pseudo Subjects and History
Garvey valued accurate knowledge and warned against false ideologies or distorted versions of history.
Examples of Pseudo Subjects:
False Histories: Believing in fabricated or distorted versions of African history that lack historical evidence.
Pseudo-Sciences: Embracing unscientific or baseless theories about health, biology, or spirituality.
Why This Conflicts with Garveyism:
Pseudo subjects distract from the real work of liberation, confuse the community, and undermine credibility. Garvey’s philosophy calls for rooting oneself in truth and using knowledge as a foundation for empowerment
In Garvey's Words:
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots."
Garvey’s philosophy urges us to avoid behaviors and attitudes that undermine the pride, unity, and collective progress of Black people globally. Embracing our heritage, building strong communities, and fostering solidarity across the diaspora are key to liberation.
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muletia · 1 month ago
ugh the optimus ruining your garden ask makes me wanna be mean to him. just a little 🤏. maybe he's being extra clingy when you're trying to get smth done or he accidentally breaks smth again. so you're scolding him while jerking his spike and he's trying to make a cohesive apology, but it's the 5th time you've made him cum and words are starting to be harder and harder to find. then you can tease him about how someone who's given so many inspirational, articulated speeches to his fellow autobots now can't even sob out a "sorry" :(
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cw: sub!optimus, dom!reader, handjob, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, teasing
word count: 750
thank you primus for the existence of overstimulation and for allowing me to torture my favorite characters with it 🙏
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"Really, darling, twice in a row is just too much." You click your tongue a few times.
Your hand moves steadily, gripping and tugging at the swollen but valiantly enduring spike. Your skin, slick with pink transfluid, glides smoothly over the impressive length, maintaining the same irritated rhythm, channeling your frustration caused entirely by Optimus.
"I already explained to you, don’t step on my flowers. And don’t even try to tell me it was an accident. I’m absolutely certain you did it on purpose just to get me to punish you a little."
"A little" is quite the understatement when you’ve forced him to overload multiple times in a row. You’ve completely worn him out. His processor is fried, helm’s insides reduced to mush, leaving him incapable of thinking about anything other than the pleasure flooding his entire frame. How exquisitely stupid and helpless he felt, to the point where he kept pushing his hips into your hand, desperately trying to match the rhythm you set. Syncing his movements with yours, chasing another overload. And then another. And another, if it meant more of your touch and your attention focused solely on him.
"I-I a-am so sowwrhy!" he stammers, barely capable of forming words anymore.
"I don’t know, I just don’t see any remorse on your face, Opti. Are you sure you’re truly sorry?"
With his optics rolled back and his intake hanging wide open, coolant dripping from its corners, all you can read from his expression is that he’s having the time of his life. Not a single trace of guilt, no regret for your poor, trampled flowers.
Which is why you don’t believe the dramatic nodding he’s offering you. Especially not when his spike spasms, already preparing for another overload, even though Optimus doesn’t have any more transfluid left to give you — not even a single drop. That doesn’t stop him from shooting blanks, still thrusting his hips without pause, while you relentlessly and methodically jerk off his hard spike.
"Well? Use your words, darling. Are you sorry?"
"Ah, hah!"
"Moans aren’t words," you sigh, propping your elbow on his overheated thigh and resting your head on your outstretched hand. "Try again."
"Y- ah! Yew... mmMm!"
"Should I stop milking your spike? Would that help you find the words?"
He shakes his head frantically. You can’t help the slightly sadistic smile that creeps onto your lips.
"Then keep trying, sweetheart. I won’t let you go until you properly apologize to me."
"A-ah, so-sowwhry!" he sobs.
Your grip tightens around his spike, your hand firmly pressing against the living metal. He knows he’s being punished; understands that he’s failing to accomplish this one simple task, but he’s no longer capable of forming coherent words — nothing more complex than moans.
"Is that supposed to be an apology?" you scoff, the sharpness in your tone drawing a quick yelp from Optimus.
"Sow-Sowrhy!" he repeats, once again. He tries, programmed to obey your every command, but the result is pitiful and pathetic as he fails, breaking down when he can’t manage even one simple word.
Not when his entire frame is focused solely on chasing the next overload. On your soft hand milking his spike, your elbow digging into his trembling, oversensitive thigh. On your voice, icy and cutting against his spark. On simple, easy-to-understand directives, because anything more complex is far beyond the capacity of his poor, overworked processor right now.
"Oh, Opti. Is that the best you can do?"
"Ah! So-hah!"
"The great Prime, gifted with the talent for composing beautiful, inspiring speeches, and he can’t even string together a single simple apology."
He scrapes his servo against the floor as another empty overload wracks his spent spike. Yet you don’t stop moving your hand, forcing him to prepare for the next one.
This time, he doesn’t even bother trying to use his vocalizer, reduced to mindless whimpering.
"I expected more from you. A full essay on how sorry you are. I thought you’d rise to the challenge. You’re Optimus Prime. Prime! The gift of stirring oratory runs through your circuits!"
"Hah, so-sowwh..."
"And you can’t even manage a simple ‘sorry’?"
"S-sorwh... AH!"
You sigh and subtly slow the pace of your hand on his spike. Playtime is one thing, but you don’t want to accidentally kill him.
Though, knowing his submissive tendencies, he wouldn’t have any objections to dying by your hand.
"Let’s try again. And this time, I want an apology worthy of a Prime."
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reasonsforhope · 5 months ago
"The transformation of ancestral lands into intensive monoculture plantations has led to the destruction of Guatemala’s native forests and traditional practices, as well as loss of livelihoods and damage to local health and the environment.
A network of more than 40 Indigenous and local communities and farmer associations are developing agroecology schools across the country to promote the recovery of ancestral practices, educate communities on agroecology and teach them how to build their own local economies.
Based on the traditional “campesino a campesino” (from farmer to farmer) method, the organization says it has improved the livelihoods of 33,000 families who use only organic farming techniques and collectively protect 74,000 hectares (182,858 acres) of forest across Guatemala.
Every Friday at 7:30 a.m., María Isabel Aguilar sells her organic produce in an artisanal market in Totonicapán, a city located in the western highlands of Guatemala. Presented on a handwoven multicolor blanket, her broccoli, cabbage, potatoes and fruits are neatly organized into handmade baskets.
Aguilar is in a cohort of campesinos, or small-scale farmers, who took part in farmer-led agroecology schools in her community. As a way out of the cycle of hunger and poverty, she learned ecological principles of sowing, soil conservation, seed storage, propagation and other agroecological practices that have provided her with greater autonomy, self-sufficiency and improved health.
“We learned how to develop insecticides to fend off pests,” she said. The process, she explained, involves a purely organic cocktail of garlic, chile, horsetail and other weeds and leaves, depending on what type of insecticide is needed. “You want to put this all together and let it settle for several days before applying it, and then the pests won’t come.”
“We also learned how to prepare fertilizer that helps improve the health of our plants,” she added. “Using leaves from trees or medicinal plants we have in our gardens, we apply this to our crops and trees so they give us good fruit.”
The expansion of large-scale agriculture has transformed Guatemala’s ancestral lands into intensive monoculture plantations, leading to the destruction of forests and traditional practices. The use of harmful chemical fertilizers, including glyphosate, which is prohibited in many countries, has destroyed some livelihoods and resulted in serious health and environmental damage.
To combat these trends, organizations across the country have been building a practice called campesino a campesino (from farmer to farmer) to revive the ancient traditions of peasant families in Guatemala. Through the implementation of agroecology schools in communities, they have helped Indigenous and local communities tackle modern-day rural development issues by exchanging wisdom, experiences and resources with other farmers participating in the program.
Keeping ancestral traditions alive
The agroecology schools are organized by a network of more than 40 Indigenous and local communities and farmer associations operating under the Utz Che’ Community Forestry Association. Since 2006, they have spread across several departments, including Totonicapán, Quiché, Quetzaltenango, Sololá and Huehuetenango, representing about 200,000 people — 90% of them Indigenous.
“An important part of this process is the economic autonomy and productive capacity installed in the communities,” said Ilse De León Gramajo, project coordinator at Utz Che’. “How we generate this capacity and knowledge is through the schools and the exchange of experiences that are facilitated by the network.”
Utz Che’, which means “good tree” in the K’iche’ Mayan language, identifies communities in need of support and sends a representative to set up the schools. Around 30-35 people participate in each school, including women and men of all ages. The aim is to facilitate co-learning rather than invite an “expert” to lead the classes.
The purpose of these schools is to help farmers identify problems and opportunities, propose possible solutions and receive technical support that can later be shared with other farmers.
The participants decide what they want to learn. Together, they exchange knowledge and experiment with different solutions to thorny problems. If no one in the class knows how to deal with a certain issue, Utz Che’ will invite someone from another community to come in and teach...
Part of what Utz Che’ does is document ancestral practices to disseminate among schools. Over time, the group has compiled a list of basics that it considers to be fundamental to all the farming communities, most of which respond to the needs and requests that have surfaced in the schools.
Agroecology schools transform lives
Claudia Irene Calderón, based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an expert in agroecology and sustainable food systems in Guatemala. She said she believes the co-creation of knowledge is “key to balance the decision-making power that corporations have, which focus on profit maximization and not on climate change mitigation and adaptation.”
“The recovery and, I would add, revalorization of ancestral practices is essential to diversify fields and diets and to enhance planetary health,” she said. “Recognizing the value of ancestral practices that are rooted in communality and that foster solidarity and mutual aid is instrumental to strengthen the social fabric of Indigenous and small-scale farmers in Guatemala.”
Through the implementation of agroecology schools across the country, Utz Che’ says it has improved the livelihoods of 33,000 families. In total, these farmers also report that they collectively protect 74,000 hectares (182,858 acres) of forest across Guatemala by fighting fires, monitoring illegal logging and practicing reforestation.
In 2022, Utz Che’ surveyed 32 women who had taken part in the agroecology school. All the women had become fully responsible for the production, distribution and commercialization of their products, which was taught to them in agroecology schools. Today, they sell their produce at the artisanal market in Totonicapán.
The findings, which highlight the many ways the schools helped them improve their knowledge, also demonstrate the power and potential of these schools to increase opportunities and strengthen the independence of women producers across the country...
The schools are centered around the idea that people are responsible for protecting their natural resources and, through the revitalization of ancestral practices, can help safeguard the environment and strengthen livelihoods."
-via Mongabay News, July 7, 2023
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solarpunks · 2 months ago
Preliminary planning started back in 2011, and in 2020, the reservoir action management plan, a detailed 260-page document was published by the Klamath River Renewal Corporation – the non-profit entity formed to manage the entire dam removal project. ''The document gave us our targets, and has kept us on track," says Joshua Chenoweth, senior ripariani ecologist for the tribe who was hired to manage the revegetation project. Between 2018 and 2021 seed collection crews – many of whom are tribal elders – were hired to harvest native seeds, by hand, in preparation for the dam removal. They collected 98 species and around 2,000lbs (900kg) of seeds. The seeds were then dispatched to specialised nurseries, which propagated them en masse, and sent the seedlings to storage facilities where they were kept until the time came for them to be planted.
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When it came to planting the seeds, Chenoweth has used a variety of methods, including seeding by helicopter alongside the old-fashioned way, by hand. Beginning straight after the first draining in late 2023, the team hand-sowed 500 acres of land, including 25,000 acorns. "It really is the most effective restoration tool. And the only reason we used a helicopter was when muddy conditions made it too dangerous for us to walk on the land." The results were "excellent", Chenoweth says. "Despite a hot and dry summer, where we've seeded is green, we're seeing flowering plants teeming with life. I counted eight different butterflies in the areas we hand-seeded. There's moths, hoverflies, bees, birds. It's been a really exciting first year." The team will continue to seed and plant the area for another two years, prioritising the tributaries important for salmon habitat. "The first year has definitely given me a lot of hope," Chenoweth, "but it'll probably get more challenging from here. Now we're completely at the mercy of Mother Nature."
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taimio · 1 year ago
Choosing the Ideal Planting Method: Transplant, Direct Seed, or Broadcast – Which One Suits Your Garden Best? Introduction: Are you ready to kickstart your gardening journey and transform your outdoor space into a lush paradise? Planting seeds is an essential yet exciting part of the process, but it's crucial to select the most suitable method for your plants' success. In this post, we'll delve into the three popular techniques: transplanting, direct seeding, and broadcasting. Understanding their differences
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Gardening is a great way to bring life to your outdoor space, while cultivating your own produce for self-sufficiency. But just how do you get your plants from seed to harvest? Knowing the different sowing methods of transplanting, direct seeding, and broadcasting, can help you get the most from your garden. So if you want to learn the specifics of what each method entails and which is the best for your vegetable plants, read on and find out!
Planting Your Seeds: Transplant, Direct Seed, Or Broadcast
When it comes to gardening, one of the most crucial decisions you'll face is how to plant your seeds. Should you go for the traditional method of transplanting, directly sowing the seeds, or opt for the more unconventional broadcasting technique? Each method has its pros and cons, and in this article, we'll dive deep into the world of seed planting to help you make an informed decision.
Transplanting: The Tried and True Method
Transplanting involves starting your seeds indoors, in pots or trays, and later moving them to their permanent outdoor location. This method offers numerous advantages. Firstly, it allows for better control over environmental conditions during the plant's early stages, ensuring optimal growth. Additionally, transplanting gives you a head start on the growing season, as you can start your seeds indoors while the soil outside is still too cold.
However, transplanting can be time-consuming and requires careful attention to detail. You need to ensure that your seedlings are properly acclimatized to their new environment before transplanting, as sudden changes in temperature or sunlight can cause transplant shock. Furthermore, the cost of purchasing pots, trays, and starting mix can add up, especially if you have a large garden.
Direct Seeding: Embracing Simplicity and Efficiency
If you prefer a more straightforward approach to gardening, direct seeding might be your best bet. With this method, you sow your seeds directly into the garden soil where they will grow. Direct seeding offers several advantages, such as saving time and resources associated with starting seeds indoors. It also eliminates the risk of transplant shock, as your plants will never experience the stress of being relocated.
However, direct seeding does come with its share of challenges. The timing is critical, as you need to wait until the soil is warm enough for your seeds to germinate. Depending on your climate, this window of opportunity can be quite short. Additionally, you may encounter difficulties with spacing and thinning out plants, which can lead to overcrowding and hinder growth.
Broadcasting: Embrace the Wild Side
If you're feeling adventurous and want to try a more unconventional planting method, broadcasting might be just the thing for you. Broadcasting involves scattering seeds over a large area, allowing them to settle where they may. It's a common technique for sowing wildflowers or areas where a more natural, random look is desired.
The beauty of broadcasting lies in its simplicity and the natural diversity it fosters. By letting the seeds find their own spot, you create a visually stunning and diverse garden. It's also an excellent option for areas that are difficult to access or cultivate, such as slopes or hard-to-reach corners.
However, broadcasting does have some drawbacks. Since the seeds are not placed in a controlled way, germination rates may vary, and it can take longer for plants to establish. Additionally, weed competition might be higher, as the lack of spacing control can allow weeds to flourish among your desired plants.
When it comes to planting your seeds, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each method has its advantages and challenges, and the choice ultimately depends on your gardening goals, available resources, and personal preferences.
If you value control and precision, transplanting might be the best option for you. On the other hand, if simplicity and efficiency are your priorities, direct seeding will likely fulfill your needs. And if you're willing to embrace the wild side and appreciate the beauty of a diverse and natural garden, broadcasting might be your ticket to gardening bliss.
Remember, experimentation is key in gardening. Don't be afraid to try different methods and adapt them to suit your specific circumstances. Happy planting!
Learn more about gardening with Taim.io!
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breelandwalker · 9 months ago
Strawberry Moon - June 21, 2024
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Grab your baskets and your moon jars, witches - it's time for the Strawberry Moon!
Strawberry Moon 🍓
The Strawberry Moon is the name given to the full moon which occurs in the month of June in the Northern Hemisphere. The name is taken from the ripening of those little red heart-shaped berries we find in so many summertime treats. Strawberries are typically ready to harvest beginning around the summer solstice, though this will vary depending on variety, planting times, and local weather. Sadly, the Strawberry Moon does not turn red or pink to match the berries.
Other European names for this moon include Honey Moon, Rose Moon, and Mead Moon. North American Indigenous names for the June moon include Blooming Moon (Anishinaabe), Green Corn Moon (Cherokee), and Hatching Moon (Cree).
This year's Strawberry Moon also roughly coincides with the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, with peak illumination occurring at 9:08pm EST on June 21st. (The solstice is occurring one day prior, on June 20th.)
What Does It Mean For Witches? 🍓
Full moons are excellent times for bringing wishes to fulfillment and plans to fruition, all the more so under one named after a prolific berry. This is an optimal time to make things happen!
Your intuition may be stronger than usual during this time, so pay attention to those little inklings and gut feelings that won't be ignored. They might be telling you something important. Dreams may also be more vivid, though not necessarily more accurate or revealing.
This is a time to explore things that catch your attention or pique your curiosity, and to let yourself be open to new ideas and new opportunities.
What Witchy Things Can We Do? 🍓
With a full moon ripening in the sky and the summer solstice upon us, it's time to prepare for a full bloom. Here's hoping you've been nurturing those plans and seeds of growth you planted in the spring, because they're about to start flowering and the way is clear to sow the next stage of your plans. What they will be and what new prospects the summer will bring is entirely up to you.
The full moon is always a good time to look ahead to the future. Think on the plans you have in process and let yourself dream of how things might turn out. If you're inclined to journaling, make a note of how things are going so far and how you hope they'll turn out. Pick your favorite divination method and do a reading for the month ahead. (Make sure you write that down too so you can check back later!)
This is a great time to go berry-picking or flower-gathering, so check your area for pick-your-own farms or farmer's markets with local produce. Have a picnic with friends or just enjoy a quiet afternoon with your own thoughts and a few favorite treats. Make a jar of sun tea or a sweet and summery berry salad. If you're partial to strawberries, indulge that sweet tooth!
Strawberries are also excellent ingredient in spells for love, beauty, fertility, and emotional healing. Create a charm for self-love or perhaps to attract a summer romance. Enchant your favorite makeup or skin care products with a glamour of confidence. Just as expectant mothers once carried strawberry leaves as a folk remedy for pregnancy pains, you can carry a clutch of them in your pocket to help heal a broken heart or assuage the pain of grief. A packet of strawberry leaves is also a potent good-luck charm. Snack on strawberries to bring fertile abundance into your life, whether you're looking for creativity or opportunity or perhaps hoping to grow your family this year.
Charge your crystals and spell jars and moon water under the light of Strawberry Moon to catch the energy of blooming flowers, ripening fruit, wishes coming true, and carefully-laid plans realized. (If you're planning to use it for any consumables, please make sure you're using fresh, potable drinking water rather than rain or runoff.)
Spend a little time reflecting on how your year has gone thus far. Try to focus on the things that have improved and how you've grown as a person and in your life journey. Reflect on your accomplishments and what you plan to do next. Take a moment to be unashamedly proud of yourself for everything you've done and for making it this far despite everything life throws at you.
Happy Strawberry Moon, witches! 🌕🍓
Further Reading:
Bree's Lunar Calendar Series
Bree's Secular Celebrations Series
The Full Moon of June: A Special Solstice Full Moon, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Strawberry Moon Meaning: The Spectacular Full Moon of June 2024, The Peculiar Brunette.
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison.
Image Source - Pesto and Margaritas
(If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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ride-thedragon · 11 months ago
Nettles isn't boring.
You are allowed to not like her, but to say she's boring is crazy.
Claims a Wild Dragon and is the only person to do so using a method similar to the dragonriders of old Valyria. He was also the dragon that killed more people than all the others combined during the sowing.
Fights in the Battle of the Gullet and lives, mourning a prince in a way that only parallels his base born brother.
Is the dragonrider chosen to fight alongside Prince Daemon Targaryen to find and kill Aemond and Vhagar.
Becomes such a close companion to said prince that he betrays his wife and queen to ensure her safety.
Starts a Religon in the Vale, creating the most dangerous tribe in it.
At a certain point, words have meaning. It's okay not to like her. Just don't get racist.....
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blackcrowing · 1 year ago
Important Facts about Samhain from an Irish Celtic Reconstructionist
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SOW-in or SOW-een ~NOT~ Sam-han, Sam-win etc.
Most reconstructionists celebrate Samhain on Oct 31-Nov 1, however some may choose to celebrate on Gregorian Nov 13-14 as this would match the Julian dates of Oct 31-Nov 1. Some also believe that it was a three day festival spanning Oct 31- Nov 2 on which Nov 2 is specifically devoted to ancestral veneration, but there is no specific evidence of this, only possible extrapolation from more modern practices.
Following the Celtic method of days beginning at sunset, regardless of the specific dates you choose to celebrate on your festivities should begin at sunset and end at sunset.
Importance in the Mythos
Ná Morrighan has a strong connection to this time of year thanks to the story of Cath Dédenach Maige Tuired (The Last Battle of Mag Tuired) in which she is found depicted as the ‘Washing Woman’ (sometimes washing herself in the river and other times washing the bloodied armor of the soldiers that would die that day), on the eve of the battle which is also Samhain. The Dagda approaches her and couples with her (creating the ‘Bed of the Couples’ along the bank of river and granting Dagda her blessing in the battle to come). This encounter seems to over emphasize the liminality of the encounter by taking place during the changing of the year and with the couple each standing with ‘one foot on either bank’ of the river.
She and her sisters (Badb and Macha) then use various forms of magic to rain destruction on their enemies (in the form of fire and blood). After the day is won Morrighan speaks a prophecy that describes what is taken by some to be the end of days and others to be the events which will later lead to the Ulster Cycle.
Beneath the peaceful heavens lies the land. It rests beneath the bowl of the bright sky. The land lies, itself a dish, a cup of honeyed strength, there, for the taking, offering strength to each There it lies, the splendour of the land. The land is like a mead worth the brewing, worth the drinking. It stores for us the gifts of summer even in winter. It protects and armours us, a spear upon a shield Here we can make for ourselves strong places, the fist holding the shield Here we can build safe places, our spear-bristling enclosures. This is where we will turn the earth. This is where we will stay. And here will our children live to the third of three generations Here there will be a forest point of field fences The horn counting of many cows And the encircling of many fields There will be sheltering trees So fodderful of beech mast that the trees themselves will be weary with the weight. In this land will come abundance bringing: Wealth for our children Every boy a warrior, Every watch dog, warrior-fierce The wood of every tree, spear-worthy The fire from every stone a molten spear-stream Every stone a firm foundation Every field full of cows Every cow calf-fertile Our land shall be rich with banks in birdsong Grey deer before Spring And fruitful Autumns The plain shall be thronged from the hills to the shore. Full and fertile. And as time runs its sharp and shadowy journey, this shall be true. This shall be the story of the land and its people We shall have peace beneath the heavens. Forever
(based on the translation by Isolde Carmody)
It is also mentioned in Echtra Cormaic that on this festival every seven years the high king would host a feast, it was at this time new laws could be enacted. (but it seems that individual Tuathas or possibly kings of the individual providence may have done this for their territories at Lughnasadh).
It seems to be a time considered especially susceptible to (or of) great change as it is the time which the Tuatha de Danann win victory over the Formorians and take control of Ireland, the invasion of Ulster takes place at this time in Táin bo Cúailnge, in Aislinge Óengusa Óengus and his bride-to-be are changed from bird to human and eventually he claims kingship of Brú na Bóinne at this time of year.
Celebration Traditions
Samhain is the beginning of the “dark half” of the year and is widely regarded as the Insular Celtic equivalent of the New Year. The “dark half” of the year was a time for story telling, in fact in this half of the year after dark is considered the only acceptable time to tell stories from the mythological and Ulster cycle (the Fenian cycle being assumed to be no older than the 12th century based on linguistic dating). Traditionally anything that had not been harvested or gathered by the time of this festival was to be left, as it now belonged to the Fae (in some areas specifically the Púca).
This was also an important time for warding off ill luck in the coming year. Large bonfires would be built and as the cattle were driven back into the community from the pastures they would be walked between these bonfires as a method of purification (the reverse custom of Bealtaine where the livestock were walked between the fires on their way out to the summer pastures). Assumed ritualistic slaughter of some of the herd would follow (though this perhaps had the more practical purpose of thinning the herd before the winter and creating enough food for the feasting). In some areas the ashes from these fires would be worn, thrown or spread as a further way to ward off evil.
Homes would be ritualistically protected from the Aos Sí (Fae or ‘Spirits’) through methods such as offerings of food (generally leaving some of the feasting outside for them), carving turnips with scary faces to warn them off (we now tend to do this with gourds), and smoke cleansing the home (in Scottish saining) traditionally with juniper, but perhaps rowan or birch might be an acceptable alternative. It is likely these would be part of the components used in Samhain bonfires as well, for the same reason.
Lastly based on later traditions as well as links in the mythology this is a time where divination practices or those with the ‘second sight’ were regarded to be especially potent.
Art Credit @morpheus-ravenna
My Kofi
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psalm22-6 · 2 months ago
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Source: The Catholic Northwest Progress, 22 October 1920
Written by Rev. Albert Muntsch, S. J., for the Press Bulletin Service of the C. B. of the C. V. Catholic teachers are so often asked why the Church forbids the reading of Hugo’s “Notre Dame de Paris” (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), and of “Les Miserables” that it seems worth while to set forth briefly the reasons of this condemnation. Both works are explicitly condemned, the former in a decree of July 28, 1834, the latter in one of June 20, 1864. Popular opinion ranks both books among the outstanding productions of world-literature. Those who share this view are frequently unable to give any reasonable ground for their admiration. They have heard others speak in glowing terms of the romances and have never formed an opinion based on close reading. Unfortunately, many books which have no literary or artistic value whatever thus achieve a wide reputation which all the opposition of sound criticism cannot restrict to sober limits. [. . .] "Les Miserables," a social romance, begun in 1848, was finished in 1862, and is an indictment against the existing order of society. The work glorifies opposition to the established social order, and though some of the characters are inspired by high ideals, the tendency of the work, as a whole, is revolutionary and unsound. It may be called a great Socialistic epic. There are of course eloquent pages in the book, and the social evils so mercilessly exposed, unfortunately weigh heavily upon large sections of every community. But this does not justify the tenor of the development of the tale. There is not only no need to spread a sentimental halo around an unfortunate mother like Fantine, from whom the first part of the story is named, but it is ethically wrong to do so. A moral transgression is always deserving of censure, and the writer who uses his literary art to ennoble wrongdoing is an enemy to society. His book ought to be branded as evil. As an illustration of the method employed by Hugo to belittle, and even to calumniate, as much as lay in his power, a sacred institution of the Church, we mention the strange and shockingly grotesque picture of religious orders in Part 11, Book 7, of “Les Miserables.” We read: “From the point of view of history, of reason. and of truth, monachism (the religious life), is condemned. . . . Monasteries . . . are detestable in the nineteenth century." In the same paragraph it is said that Italy and Spain are beginning to recover from the curse of monasticism, “thanks to the sane and vigorous hygiene of 1789 (the French Revolution).” The long eulogy of the bishop in the opening chapters of the book make this distorted and calumnious sketch all the more abominable. For unthinking persons may be led to believe that Hugo writes as a loyal son of the Church. No matter how one regards “the Index of Forbidden Books” drawn up by the Church, an unbiased mind will recognize the wisdom of the precautionary measures taken by her to safeguard the spiritual interests of her children. That promiscuous reading of pernicious literature has caused untold harm, no one can deny. A large amount of the irreligiousness of the modern world and the general looseness of morals may be attributed to the vicious productions of the press. Just now the works of Blasco Ibanez are widely advertised “with a great noise of tomtoms and circus paradings,” as one critic has well expressed it. But works like “The Shadow of the Cathedral” sow the seeds of anarchy and discontent among unthinking classes. To banish them from our people, or at least to restrict the sphere of their civil influence, is not an offense against art, but a high form of social service.
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makemoneytime · 2 months ago
The Business You Should Buy in 2025: A Comprehensive Guide to the SOWS Method.
Understanding the SOWS Method The SOWS Method is a strategic approach designed to assist investors and entrepreneurs in evaluating potential business acquisitions. The acronym SOWS stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Threats, the four critical dimensions that should be assessed when contemplating a business investment. By systematically examining these areas, prospective…
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foreficfandom · 1 year ago
POV: You Are Actually MUCH More Powerful Than Alastor (1/2)
(Alastor x Reader, g/n, queerplatonic/sex and romance favorable, fan theories, God!Reader)
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Overlords are common sinners that boast many indentured servants to their name. Some also focus on physical territory. Some, like Alastor, don't bother. After all, radio knows little physical limitations.
Every Overlord had their own method of gaining prowess. Know one knows how Alastor became so dangerous. The strongest of the lords. Possibly stronger than some goetia royalty.
You weren't sure, either, but you had an inkling.
Because unbeknownst to anyone, you weren't some common sinner soul.
You were unique. A being originating far from this Christian realm of Heaven and Hell. You were undying, or a reincarnation, or a demigod. But you kept on the down low, 'cause attention would have meant trouble.
You could feel that Alastor's magic was a dark, bloody thing, nestled deep in his chest and hooked tightly like barbed wire. It tasted like sacrifices. It smelled like ultraviolet. And you knew it was borrowed, almost seeing the leash around his neck out of the corner of your eye.
Through a shared interest in the Hazbin Hotel, you and Alastor became acquaintances. Months later, you were proper friends. You could tell that Alastor valued the kind and pure of heart, even if he also believed them pitiful. Because they reminded him of a pleasant, happier life. A hidden part of him wanted to believe in their hope and love.
He thought you were just another sinner soul, and you didn't give him a reason to know any better. You had a job as part of the hotel staff. Their accountant, or security, or maintenance. Or their head concierge, guest service agent, auditor, what have you. Something vital to the business, but nothing glamorous. Labor has always been your most successful mask.
He was growing to love again. His mortal self might have been more recipient of affections and bonds, but decades living in hell has twisted him, and you could see him despair over the lump in his throat. His defeat at the hands of Adam proved his limits. You felt him writhe for weeks afterwards, and you let him reap what he sowed.
Curious, you sneaked away one evening and drew from your well of power to step through the fabric of time, finding yourself on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain to watch a young Alastor drink the blood from a bloody corpse, and spitting it over his shoulder. Some loa watched this bastardized libation from across the crossroads, but what answered was far more malevolent.
Alastor agreed to a very dangerous exchange. He now had hold over magic impressive enough for a mortal, but you knew it to be a relatively bum deal compared to true power. He would hunger constantly for flesh just to feed its energy, which was a cleverly hidden clause to curse him further through devilish consumption. His shadow sprouted antlers and a maw of sharp teeth.
For two decades, Alastor hunted and ate. Always male victims, usually white men, individuals some might damn as monsters themselves - the abusers, the genociders, the murderously entitled. What was once a scared young man grew hollow and fat on the power.
You've seen enough. Stepping through once more, you joined Alastor in cooking an orzo for shrove Tuesday. Sharpening your gaze, you watched his reflection on the shiny metal surface of a pot, and saw the stitches embedded in his face, pulling tight and vicious.
You nonchalantly asked, "How did you become so proficient at the kitchen knife?"
"Well, I was taught that one could eat, or they could eat well," he replied in a sing-song voice. "And practice makes perfect! Hunger is truly the best teacher."
The meat he was pairing was pork, but you knew he's served human flesh for dinner at least once before. You didn't say anything, because they'd grow suspicious at how you could possibly know from just the smell.
Alastor allowed only you to join him in cooking, partly because he favored you so much more, also because you were a right hand at making a meal. You didn't mention that millennia of existence made one a right hand at any skill.
And tonight, he would begin to see it.
Leaving the broth to simmer, you grabbed a small pairing knife and one of the tomatoes. Instead of simply coring and slicing, you inserted 0.013'' of carbon, chromium, and manganese right between where the molecular cells of epidermis ended at the pericarp. In a single momentum of both your knife and the tomato, the skin was perfectly peeled within two rotations.
Alastor wasn't even looking at you. But he froze over the cutting board, rictus smile sharp.
You haven't even used magic yet.
Both the tomato epidermis and its flayed flesh were completely free of any trace of the other, so in one hand, you ignited the skin to transmogrify into a tiny figurine made out of its glycerin wax. In the other, the tomato was sacrificed in a hole of light-bending void for its animal equivalent - the tiny heart of some small animal, possibly a bird or an amphibian, beating calmly as if alive.
Alastor slowly turned his head to watch as a miniature wax replica of himself held the heart in both shaking hands, before doubling over to devour it whole, its relative size and gore very reminiscent of a large, juicy tomato.
A picture perfect snapshot of his fifth or sixth murder while alive. Some world war veteran that still longed for the battlefield and had exercised his frustration upon his mother and younger siblings. The man might have been rotten, but his warrior's blood had burned hot and nourished Alastor's gaping void particularly well.
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aishangotome · 2 months ago
Azel Radwan: Romantic Ending Ch. 25
Chapter 24 Premium Story
Thank you @shatcey for providing the video for this chapter!
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The death of the Tanzanite God would eventually become known throughout the continent. News of it even reached the distant Rose Country.
Clavis: ––That's the gist of what happened.
Nokto: Wow, you guys saw something incredible. That's going to be a historical turning point for Tanzanite, isn't it?
Luke: Saying it like that makes it sound like a big deal.
Nokto: It is a big deal. The God who was the symbol of Tanzanite died.
Nokto: The fact that you were mistaken for Obsidian's agents is also a big deal in a way.
Clavis: Haha, indeed. Thanks to that troublesome man, we now know how other countries see us.
Clavis: Since the God was aware of it, we should assume that the other allied nations already know as well.
Clavis: Luke, you know what to do when you see that man next time, right?
Luke: Infinite pitfall hell?
Nokto: Don't say things like that, it's not funny.
Nokto: But I wonder why they were targeting Tanzanite.
Nokto: It can't be a key location for Obsidian.
Nokto: It's a land they'd want to keep if they intend to go to war with Jade, but that's all.
Nokto: There should be many other countries they'd prioritize...
Chevalier: They weren't targeting Tanzanite...
Chevalier: They were targeting Tanzanite "as well."
Nokto: ...Does that mean...
Everyone's scattered gazes focused on the Chief, who had placed some documents on the table.
Chevalier: By sowing distrust among the people and seeds of rebellion against the nation, they aim to cause internal collapse.
Chevalier: In Tanzanite, the God quickly noticed the anomaly and nipped it in the bud.
Chevalier: By becoming the leader of the anti-god movement himself, he brought the people who were given weapons under his control...
Chevalier: He settled the situation with the least amount of casualties.
Chevalier: However, this series of events is not something other countries can ignore.
Chevalier: There's a possibility that similar cases will occur in a chain reaction in various countries from now on.
Nokto: ...You're kidding, right?
Chevalier: The God letting us hear the gunshot was probably also a warning to our country—no, to our allied nation, Benitoite.
Chevalier: Obsidian's malice has already been sown throughout the continent.
Clavis: Hmm...
Clavis, resting his chin on his hand, caught sight of Luke, who was narrowing his stagnant eyes in the corner of the room, and the corner of his mouth lifted.
Clavis: Well, whatever will be, will be. Leave the investigation of this matter to me.
Chevalier: And if the opportunity arises, arrange a meeting with the God.
Chevalier: A talent who can rival the ever-victorious Marshal is rare. He's worth meeting in person.
Nokto: What are you talking about? The God is dead, isn't he?
Luke: ......
Luke: ...Chevalier. There's actually one thing that's been bothering me.
Luke: What are the chances of accurately shooting someone in the chest with a gun from a distance with an audience present?
Chevalier: That's a foolish question.
The Chief picked up a new document and scoffed.
Chevalier: It's impossible.
The solitary castle, nestled deep within the desert, was filled with silence.
A vast number of "Al flowers" had been laid as offerings at its gates, their cloyingly sweet scent stirred up by the desert dust.
Akatsuki: It still has the same... desolate atmosphere.
Emma: It's actually quite beautiful inside.
I stepped on the sand, cradling fresh flowers in my arms, and passed through the gate.
The exterior looked the same, yet it seemed more desolate than before.
(I wonder if it's because the master is gone.)
Kamal: I don't think they anticipated this ruin either. To think it would still be actively used even after 1000 years.
Kamal: At first, it wasn't a place where people could live. The construction methods were ancient, so it was difficult to restore.
Kamal: But Azel is truly full of wisdom.
Kamal: Combining ancient techniques with modern technology to make it this beautiful, even the craftsmen were surprised.
Enis: It's not just the construction methods. He was knowledgeable in every field.
Enis: Even Prince Silvio, who left Tanzanite the other day, visits here regularly for his insights.
Kamal: He's truly my brother to be proud of.
(He was loved by everyone because he was the Living God, but...)
(He was loved because he was someone everyone could be proud of.)
Setting aside whether that was a good or bad thing for Prince Azel...
With the days we spent together vividly in my mind, I offered the Al flowers to the deserted temple.
Even though it's been quite a while, my eyes still hurt.
Kamal: You'll be leaving Tanzanite soon, right? Where are you going next?
Akatsuki: Ruby or Acroite.
Akatsuki: Wherever Emma wants to go.
Emma: I'm having trouble deciding.
(...This is bad.)
Perhaps because I was in front of the temple, my voice was weaker than I expected.
Kamal: ...Miss Emma.
Emma: Have you been to Ruby and Acroite, Kamal?
I covered up my troubled voice with a cheerful one.
Kamal: Yes, I worked as a mercenary in various countries for a while.
Kamal: Miss Emma, if you're unsure, would you like to hear your older sister's advice?
Enis: You're not an older sister, you're a grand—ow!
Kamal: Did you say something, Enis?
Enis desperately shook his head as Kamal pinched his cheeks.
(Prince Azel's persistent cheek attacks were inherited from Kamal.)
Kamal: You want to hear it, don't you, Miss Emma?
Emma: Yes, please, I'd love to hear your opinion, older sister.
Kamal: What a good girl. Come here. Let's have a secret chat, just us girls.
Kamal removed his hand from Enis's cheek and started walking towards the temple.
When I exchanged glances with the owner, he nodded and sent me off with a "go ahead."
Entering the temple after a long time, I felt as if Prince Azel's voice could be heard from anywhere at any moment.
(Even though I saw his death with my own eyes.)
Kamal: You don't have to force yourself.
Kamal: No matter how much time passes, painful things remain painful.
Kamal beckoned me and sat down on the steps of the temple.
As I sat next to him, he let out a gentle chuckle.
Kamal: You fell in love, didn't you?
Emma: ...Perhaps.
(If he were a stranger, I wouldn't be suffering this much.)
(Every time I feel this unbearable pain... I think, ah, maybe it was love.)
(I never thought the love I longed for would be so painful.)
(...I wonder if it was good that I got to know it. Or if it would have been better to remain ignorant.)
Emma: That person... he was truly a terribly suggestive God.
Kamal: You know, even I thought it was unfair, watching from the sidelines.
Kamal: Even though he was so obviously into you.
(Kamal also saw him as being "obviously into me.")
Perhaps the only one who wasn't aware, or was pretending not to be aware, was Prince Azel himself.
Kamal: Even a merciful God can't normally live with a stranger of the opposite sex.
Kamal: Especially since Azel is the type to keep his distance from people...
Kamal: The moment he invited you to the temple, he must have already liked you.
Emma: .....
Kamal: Do you want to see him?
Emma: ...!
(If I could see him, of course I want to.)
(...Even if it's in a dream, I want to see him.)
Emotions overflowed, and my eyes teared up again.
I lowered my head to hide it, but Kamal gently patted my back, and I couldn't hold back anymore.
Kamal: I'm sorry.
Emma: No, I'm the one who should be sorry.
Emma: It's no use. I thought I had calmed down a bit...
Emma: ...It seems it will take a lot more time for me to accept it.
Kamal: .....
Kamal silently offered me a handkerchief.
I thanked her and accepted it, dabbing at my eyes.
Perhaps the ensuing silence was to give my heart time to settle.
(I can't stay like this forever, I have to move forward.)
(I know that, though.)
As if to change the mood, Kamal clapped his hands.
Kamal: Hey, Miss Emma. Have you ever received a request as a book merchant?
Emma: No, I've only helped the owner.
Kamal: Then, can I be your first?
Kamal: Actually, there's a book I want you to find in Acroite.
Emma: What kind of book is it?
Kamal: It's about ancient law, but it's an important document, so it's prohibited to take it out of the country.
Kamal: However, making copies is allowed. I want you to copy only the necessary parts, Miss Emma.
Kamal: Can I ask you, as a book merchant?
(The owner said I could decide where to go next, and that seems like something I can do.)
Emma: I'll gladly accept.
Kamal: Thank you! Actually, that law book is managed by Prince Matias.
Emma: Prince Matias?
Kamal: The first prince of Acroite.
Kamal: I'll snatch the national seal from Enis later and write a letter, so could you give it to Prince Matias?
(A letter with the national seal... That's a lot of responsibility.)
Emma: Understood. If I give it to him, will he lend me the book?
Kamal: Probably. Please give the copied book to my acquaintance in Acroite.
Kamal: Also, could you include an invoice for the fee?
Kamal: You can write any amount you want, so thank you.
(Keep moving forward.)
(That's what Prince Azel wants, so let's take the first step as a book merchant.)
I stood up, burning the scenery of the temple into my memory.
Emma: I'll do my best to fulfill that request.
—In an ordinary mansion in an ordinary town in a certain country.
Kagari: ––It seems it went well, congratulations.
Kagari: I prepared celebratory dorayaki. Do you want some too?
Matias: It looks the same as the usual dorayaki.
Kagari: The filling is different. Look, it's red bean paste and white bean paste.
Matias: There are such colorful bean pastes? The world is vast.
Kagari: It tastes delicious too. I supervised the making of it.
Matias: ...Maybe I should start respecting your enthusiasm for dorayaki.
Kagari: By the way, what's wrong, Heretical God?
Kagari: Usually, you'd be the first to greedily devour it.
Azel: ...Of course, I'll have some. The dorayaki Kagari prepares is delicious.
Matias: You seem absent-minded today.
Azel: Perhaps I'm feeling drained after finishing a job.
Azel: Thanks to your efforts, I was able to achieve my goal.
Azel: Let me express my gratitude once again.
Kagari: Ruby simply borrowed Tanzanite's military power.
Kagari: I was wondering about the soldiers from a country without war, but they were quite capable.
Azel: I did train them with care. It would be troubling if they weren't useful.
Matias: You were even meddling in the military?
Azel: Yes, national defense is also under God's jurisdiction. In fact, there's nothing that isn't.
Matias: ...You say it so casually, but your versatility is terrifying.
Kagari: Not only is he versatile, but he also gets results. Is he a genius?
Azel: No, a God... no, I'm not a God anymore.
Azel: Please think of me as an ordinary person who is slightly more capable than others.
Kagari & Matias: That's sarcastic. / How sarcastic.
Azel: To think that was sarcastic, the human world is troublesome—no, it's difficult.
Azel: Well, it doesn't matter. It would be problematic to have those capable soldiers in my own country, so...
Azel: I'm glad you were able to take them in temporarily, Kagari.
Azel: Under the apostle's command, they could have become a major force in trying to prevent God's death.
Kagari: You're quite bold.
Matias: Originally, sending soldiers to another country en masse means weakening national defense.
Matias: Even if it was a measure to minimize resistance from the royal family and the apostle...
Matias: It's not a tactic you can take without confidence in the future.
Azel: I was confident about that. I'm good at seeing the guaranteed reality.
Azel: The possibility of Obsidian attacking Tanzanite is low, and it's not the right time for Jade either.
Azel: All the favorable timings aligned, creating this opportunity.
Matias: What happened to the apostle?
Azel: He's probably having nightmares right now.
Azel: He's a fanatic who will stop at nothing to protect his faith.
Azel: Even now, he hasn't abandoned his faith and is acting on the premise that God is alive...
Azel: But the utopia where all citizens are believers is gone. From now on, there will be those who don't listen to his words.
Azel: The weakening of faith means the decline of the apostle. It's a truly pleasant feeling.
Kagari: That's the Heretical God I know.
Matias: ...Based on what Azel said, it seems like a fitting retribution.
Kagari: But is there no possibility that the apostle will collude with Obsidian in the future?
Azel: I wouldn't say there isn't, but such trials are welcome.
Azel: The people of Tanzanite don't know how to fail.
Azel: It's my hope that they will overcome many great trials, learn from them, and make history.
Azel: I will lend my strength only when a crisis arises that they absolutely cannot overcome on their own.
Kagari & Matias: That's so like God. / That's God for you.
Azel: ...It seems that becoming an ordinary person is also difficult.
Matias: It's best to get used to it gradually.
Matias: By the way, I heard that you got shot in the stomach in front of the audience.
Kagari: Is that so? You seem fine.
Azel: Could you please not touch my stomach?
Azel: I just used this.
Matias: This bottle?
Azel: It's a sleeping drug, but it can temporarily suppress the pulse.
Azel: Thanks to everyone being so focused on the moon, I was able to take it openly.
Azel: The blood was colored water that I had prepared beforehand, so I didn't actually get shot in the stomach.
Azel: In the first place, I was in a location where it was theoretically impossible to be sniped.
Matias: So the gunshot in the report was a blank?
Azel: Yes. After that, I had my fellow doctor declare me dead, and once I got into the coffin, the disguise was complete.
Kagari: It doesn't seem like a big deal when you hear the explanation like this.
Azel: The important thing is not reality, but persuasiveness.
Matias: ...Even if you didn't actually die, you can't appear on the public stage anymore.
Matias: The people of Tanzanite should be grateful to you.
Azel: Not at all. I didn't do it because I wanted them to be grateful.
Kagari: That's humble for a greedy person like you.
Azel: It's because money isn't involved.
Matias: What are you going to do now?
Azel: Of course, I'll lend a hand to each of your goals, in accordance with the rules of our alliance.
Azel: The incident in Tanzanite is not the end, but the beginning.
Matias & Kagari: "........."
A sudden knock broke the silence that had fallen.
Matias: Excuse me, I have to step out for a moment.
Kagari: By the way, Azel, I've heard another rumor.
Azel: I don't know what you're talking about, and it's irrelevant anyway.
Azel: More importantly, Kagari, the dorayaki is waiting for you.
Kagari: About the girl you were infatuated with.
Azel: I-I can't hear you, I can only hear the dorayaki saying "eat me."
Kagari: So the rumors were true. I'm surprised.
Azel: No, that's not true, I wasn't infatuated, she was just a deterrent for women.
Kagari: Why are you getting so defensive?
Azel: I'm not getting defensive.
Kagari: You are.
Azel: I'm not.
Kagari: You are.
Azel: I'm telling you, I'm no—
Matias: Are you children?
Kagari: You're back already? That was fast.
Kagari: ...Hm? Who's that behind you?
Matias: It's the woman who brought the document with the Tanzanite national seal.
Matias: According to the letter... Azel, it seems she was sent by your brother. He wrote that I should grant her an audience.
Matias: My subordinate came to ask for my judgment, as she's a sudden state guest, and I thought it would be a good time, so I let her in.
Matias: ...But judging by your expression, was that a mistake?
Emma: ......
Azel: ......
Emma: Wh... huh...
Emma: Eeeeeeeeh!?
The country of snow and law, Acroite—that was our next destination, the owner and I.
We went directly to Acroite on a direct flight from the port of Tanzanite, but just as I was about to carry out Kamal's errand, I was stunned by the person who appeared before me.
Emma: Prince Azel, you tricked me, didn't you?
Azel: ......
Prince Matias of Acroite and the red-haired man, perhaps sensing the atmosphere, quickly left the room.
I thought that I might have interrupted an important conversation, but I didn't have the composure to worry about that in front of Prince Azel, who was facing away from me and wouldn't look at me.
I stood in front of Prince Azel, who was standing by the window, put my hands on my hips, and looked up at him.
Emma: I cried a lot, you know?
Azel: ......
Emma: I really thought you were dead...
Azel: .............
Emma: ...My tears wouldn't stop... for a long, long time...
Azel: ..................
Emma: Waaaaah!
Azel: Hey, isn't that too much crying!?
When I deliberately raised my voice, even Prince Azel was startled and turned to face me.
Emma: Good, we finally made eye contact.
When I stopped pretending to cry and smiled, his already awkward frown deepened.
Azel: ...It was my fault, okay?
Emma: I don't feel your sincerity.
Azel: I'm so sorry.
Emma: ...Do you really mean it?
Azel: I do, I do.
Emma: ...You could have told me...
(...This conversation, his unapologetic attitude, it's all real.)
(The real Prince Azel is here.)
As sensation returned to my numb heart, the tears I had held back threatened to spill again.
However, the emotion behind these tears was different this time.
Azel: If I had told you, it wouldn't have been "goodbye," would it?
Azel: I wanted to die and part with you cleanly. That way, there would be no lingering attachment.
Azel: ...Mine.
Emma: Lingering attachment... do you have any?
Azel: .....
(So unrepentant.)
Emma: I have nothing but lingering attachment.
When I looked him in the eye and honestly conveyed my feelings, he averted his gaze again.
(But his ears are red.)
Azel: I told you in the beginning. Not to fall in love with me.
Emma: Are you allowed to say that? When you're the one in love with me?
Azel: Are you still saying that?
Emma: Yes, I'll say it as many times as I want, I'll tell you!
Emma: You definitely love me, Prince Azel.
Even if my eyes were deceiving me, I couldn't believe Kamal's eyes were deceiving him too.
If Kamal, who is closer to Prince Azel than anyone else, gave his seal of approval, then I wouldn't hesitate.
Azel: ...........................
Emma: It's no use sulking.
Azel: I'm not.
Azel: No matter what you say, I don't love you.
Azel: ...Go back. Pretend you didn't see me.
Azel: I'll strangle Kamal when I get back. I told him at least a thousand times not to tell you.
Emma: Unfortunately, I can't just obediently go back.
(Now that it's come to this, I want to make him admit it no matter what.)
(...Because of Prince Azel, I've been through a lot.)
I placed the bag I was carrying on a nearby table and took out paper, a quill, and ink from it.
As I sat down on a chair and started writing, Prince Azel, unable to ignore me, peered down at my hand from above.
Azel: ...An invoice?
Emma: Yes. First, the expenses for Kamal's request... and the mental anguish I suffered...
Emma: The reward for the success of that day's plan, plus compensation for various damages...
Azel: What are these "various damages"?
Emma: ...K-Kisses, hugs, and all that stuff!
Azel: Huh?
Emma: Subtracting my debt from this and calculating...
Emma: I think it comes to about this much!
I finished writing the invoice, imitating the style of the one he once presented to me, and thrust it at Prince Azel.
It was a masterpiece of an invoice, with zeros filling the entire sheet of paper.
Azel: You... can you even read these digits?
Emma: No, I can't.
Azel: Don't say it so proudly.
Emma: But I won't let you say you can't pay.
Emma: ...My heart is expensive.
Azel: ......
(Prince Azel bound me with debt, so now I'll bind him with debt.)
(I want a reason to keep seeing him.)
This was a first.
Never before had I met someone I enjoyed being with this much, someone whose absence made my tears flow endlessly.
His gaze, which had been fixed on the invoice, turned to me.
Azel: ...A dead god can't appear on the public stage again.
Azel: Unlike you, I'll be living in the shadows from now on.
(...That was the real reason he didn't tell me the truth.)
("Goodbye" was the best thing for me, in Prince Azel's mind.)
Prince Azel, who is now considered dead in the world, hasn't gained his freedom.
He'll probably have to keep paying the price for building the country's future for the rest of his life.
Emma: Then all the more reason why it's worth paying me.
Azel: Specifically?
Emma: I'll run a lot of errands in place of Prince Azel, who can't move freely.
Azel: That's fine, there are other people.
Emma: I'll even make delicious food.
Azel: ...I won't have any trouble with food even without you.
Emma: More than anything...
Emma: I'll teach you what true love is.
(Thanks to Prince Azel, the vague concept of love has taken shape and entered my heart.)
(I'm sure I can convey it to Prince Azel properly now.)
Emma: I'll correct your distorted perception of love and make you say, "My life was happy"!
Azel: .....
Azel: ...............
Azel: ..........................
After a long, long silence, Prince Azel snatched the invoice from my hand.
Azel: ...I'm just reluctantly accepting you to repay my debt.
Azel: Don't misunderstand.
(Prince Azel probably doesn't realize.)
Even though he's frowning, the corners of his mouth are twitching, unable to hide his joy.
Emotions burst in my chest, overflowing with love in various colors.
Azel: Oh dear... With this much debt, I'll be broke for life.
Emma: Poor you.
Emma: Ow... ow!
Azel: ––...Don't run away until I've paid it all off.
I couldn't help but laugh at his muttered words as he pinched my cheeks.
Emma: Do you know what that's called in the world?
Emma: It's called "adorable."
Azel: .............
Azel: ...I know that much.
(Ah, he admitted it.)
Azel: I've been cursed. By you, of all people...
Azel: I hate emotions that can't be explained with logic.
Azel: But I love you. Damn it...
I feel like I had a dream once.
???: Not all love ends in a comedy.
???: Why do you yearn for love?
There wasn't any special reason.
There wasn't any special motive.
It didn't go beyond pure admiration, and I didn't have any deep thoughts on love.
(But if I were asked the same thing now—)
The dream I saw repeatedly changed on the night I reunited with Prince Azel.
Azel: I've seen your dream a few times, but I never thought it would change this much.
The immature space that only had buds was now surrounded by a multitude of roses, and the sky that was covered in night had transformed into a clear blue sky.
The sweet scent of roses tickled my nose, and happiness flowed into my chest.
(If dreams are a mirror reflecting my heart...)
Emma: Burn this into your eyes.
Emma: Because this entire space is probably my heart, which loves Prince Azel so much that it can't help itself.
Azel: ...Please stop.
Emma: And look at this.
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I grabbed Prince Azel's arm, which had appeared in the dream world as if it were natural, and led him to the oak table.
There wasn't an unfinished book there, but a rose encased in a glass dome.
The fresh rose was partially crystallized, sparkling in the sunlight.
Emma: It's the most beautiful rose in the dream world.
Azel: ...Is that so?
Emma: I wonder what it means.
Azel: Don't ask me. This is your dream.
(...The rose in the glass dome resembles the rose that tells time, which I saw when I was a Belle.)
(That one was a rose that showed a time limit, but the rose in front of me is crystallizing.)
(If this crystal covers everything, it might become a rose that never withers.)
(I wonder if my current feelings will remain in this form forever.)
(So that means...)
Emma: This must also be my love.
Azel: ......
Emma: Don't I love Prince Azel too much?
Azel: Don't say it yourself.
(What I've been longing for all this time.)
(...It's a unique emotion where happiness and pain are two sides of the same coin.)
Just as beautiful roses have thorns, love doesn't always bring only happiness.
If I hadn't known love, I wouldn't have spent days with swollen eyes from crying.
Although I'm glad that Prince Azel is alive, if I had never seen him again, that pain would have tormented me for the rest of my life.
Prince Azel's expression is reflected in the glass dome.
The gentle smile directed at me would surely turn into a frown if he turned around.
So I didn't turn around, pretending to admire the roses and savoring the moment.
(There are many kinds of love.)
(In Tanzanite, I learned for the first time that love can turn into violence.)
(If the true love I envision is to continue wishing for the best for the other person—)
(Perhaps as long as the person I love is by my side, we can give each other "the best life" possible.)
(Maybe that's the true nature of what I've been yearning for.)
Azel: ...Ah.
As if finally noticing his expression reflected in the glass dome, Prince Azel awkwardly looked down.
Emma: It's alright, I already noticed.
Azel: ...What's alright about it, damn it.
Even as he cursed, Prince Azel didn't shake off my hand.
Perhaps it's because he thinks it's "the best for me"—
Azel: ...Sigh.
Emma: Why are you sighing?
Azel: I'm just disgusted with myself.
Azel: When and where did I go wrong? I wasn't supposed to love you, not one bit...
Azel: I strayed from the path, this is the worst.
Azel: ...The fact that I don't hate it, that's the worst part.
Romantic Ending Ch. 25 His Side Story
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