#South Citizens
jubaer01 · 3 months
FOR CZECH CITIZENS - United States American ESTA Visa Service Online - USA Electronic Visa Application Online
Americké imigrační centrum pro žádosti o vízum
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Address : Nerudova 214/20, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Phone : +420 233 080 111
Website : https://www.online-usa-visa.org/cs/visa/ 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : James Charleton  Gibsons
Description : Která osoba by měla požádat o USA Visa Online. Pokud jste občanem země, která má s USA pakt o zrušení vízového programu, a také NEMÁTE žádné návštěvní vízum do USA, pak máte nárok. Vaše cesta trvá méně než tři měsíce. Váš záměr navštívit Ameriku je pro podnikání nebo rekreaci. Musíte požádat o nové povolení nebo vízum do USA pro jednoho jednotlivce nebo skupinu osob. JAKÁ dokumentace je potřeba k žádosti o vízum USA online Platný pas(y) z programu bezvízového styku. Vaše země by měla být na seznamu zemí s bezvízovým stykem, k získání US Visa Online potřebujete legitimní e-mailovou adresu. Návštěvník nouzové kontaktní místo smartphone a e-mail. Když vyplníte a vložíte formulář a zaplatíte poplatek za zpracování, získáte číslo žádosti ESTA, které lze sledovat online pro žádost o vízum do USA. Každé povolené individuální vízum do USA má platnost 2 roky a umožňuje vícenásobné návštěvy SPOJENÝCH STÁTŮ AMERICKÝCH. Pokud platnost vašeho pasu vyprší za méně než dva roky, vaše USA Visa Online bude platné pouze do data vypršení platnosti pasu. USA Visa Online je povoleno v mnoha zemích, mezi některé z nich patří Izrael, Portugalsko, Německo, Lotyšsko, Nizozemsko, Řecko, Lichtenštejnsko, Švédsko, Andorra, Finsko, Francie, Irsko, Brunej, Chorvatsko, Švýcarsko, Itálie, Estonsko, Austrálie, Korea , Jih, Japonsko, Island, Španělsko, Belgie, Litva, Norsko, Maďarsko, Slovensko, Dánsko, Lucembursko, Tchaj-wan, Slovinsko, Rakousko, Polsko, Spojené království, San Marino, Nový Zéland, Singapur, Chile, Monako, Česká republika, Malta . Pokud je účelem cesty cestovní ruch nebo podnikání, pak  Which person should apply for USA Visa Online. If You are a citizen of a country which has a pact with USA for Waiver of Visa Program, and you also DO NOT have any Visits Visa to USA then you are eligible. Your journey is for less than three months. Your intention to visit America is for business or recreation. You need to apply for a new authorization or USA Visa for one individual or a group of person. WHAT documentation is needed to apply USA Visa Online A Valid passport(s) from a Visa Waiver Program. Your country should be in the List of Visa Waiver Countries, you need a legitimate e mail address to get US Visa Online. Visitor emergency point of contact smartphone and email. When you complete and put up the form and pay the processing charge, you will get an ESTA application number that can be tracked online for US Visa Application. Each permitted individual US Visa Only is for 2 years validity and allows multiple visits to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If your passport expires in less than two years then your USA Visa Online will be valid only till the passport expiration date. Many countries are allowed USA Visa Online, some of them include, Israel, Portugal, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Greece, Liechtenstein, Sweden, Andorra, Finland, France, Ireland, Brunei, Croatia, Switzerland, Italy, Estonia, Australia, Korea, South, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Slovenia, Austria, Poland, United Kingdom, San Marino, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Monaco, Czech Republic, Malta. If the purpose of the trip is Tourism or Business then.  
Keywords : Urgentní americké vízum, turistické americké vízum, americké obchodní vízum, rychlé americké vízum, obchodní vízum pro Ameriku, americké vízum pro občany Izraele, americké vízum pro občany Portugalska, americké vízum pro občany Německa, americké vízum pro občany Lotyšska, americké vízum pro Nizozemsko Občané , americká víza pro občany Řecka , americká víza pro občany Lichtenštejnska , americká víza pro občany Švédska , americká víza pro občany Andorry , americká víza pro občany Finska , americká víza pro občany Francie , americká víza pro občany Irska , americká víza pro občany Bruneje , Americká víza pro občany Chorvatska, americká víza pro občany Švýcarska, americká víza pro občany Itálie, americká víza pro občany Estonska, americká víza pro občany Austrálie, americká víza pro Koreu, jižní občany, americká víza pro občany Japonska, americká víza pro občany Islandu, Americká víza pro občany Španělska , americká víza pro občany Belgie , americká víza pro občany Litvy , americká víza pro občany Norska , americká víza pro občany Maďarska , americká víza pro občany Slovenska , americká víza pro občany Dánska , americká víza pro občany Lucemburska , americká víza pro občany Tchaj-wanu, americké vízum pro občany Slovinska, americké vízum pro občany Rakouska, americké vízum pro občany Polska, americké vízum pro občany Spojeného království, americké vízum pro občany San Marina, americké vízum pro občany Nového Zélandu, americké vízum pro občany Singapuru, americké Vízum pro občany Chile , americké vízum pro občany Monaka , americké vízum pro občany České republiky , americké vízum pro občany Malty Urgent America Visa, Tourist American Visa, America Business Visa, Fast Track American Visa, Business Visa for America, American Visa for Israel Citizens , American Visa for Portugal Citizens , American Visa for Germany Citizens , American Visa for Latvia Citizens , American Visa for Netherlands Citizens , American Visa for Greece Citizens , American Visa for Liechtenstein Citizens , American Visa for Sweden Citizens , American Visa for Andorra Citizens , American Visa for Finland Citizens.
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pjharvey-moved · 4 months
like in addition to ushering it an absolute nightmare world for lgbt people, especially trans people, and anyone who can get pregnant, especially black women, and like countless other things a vote for biden is a vote against the worst possible outcome for the climate imaginable. you can't be a single issue voter. we don't live in a single issue society.
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bbathsalts · 1 year
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A edit i made of Red Wine Drunk Randy. I legit spent so much time on the internet trying to see if I can find a edit for a meme i was gonna make and I couldn't. so I was like.... Let me make my own. Tbh the edit isn't the best, I made this on procreate since my janky computer cant handle photoshop. It isn't perfect but I’ve never edited official stuff before. :))
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woominswifyy · 7 months
The finest boy…
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flownwrong · 7 months
Reading the episode recaps on the official due south site and they are all pretty hysterical, but S2E1 North is something else:
Fraser's headwound has escalated into a serious concussion -- resulting in a high fever, dehydration, and an odd compulsion to call his partner "Steve."
They specifically mention Steve even though it happens 1.5 times and is never addressed in the actual show. It's like they wanted it to be fic fodder for Fraser's identity exploration.
As usual in these situations, the ghosts of Ray and Fraser's dead fathers appear
As usual, nothing to see here.
Each advises his son to save himself and ditch his partner for their own good. But then what are fathers for?
leaves their convict fixtured permanently in the permafrost
That's one way to put 'crushed by a giant rock'. Also is there permafrost so far below the tree line? I have no idea
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sataniccapitalist · 3 months
The Charade of American Democracy: Exposing the Oligarchy
Is America truly a democracy, or is it a charade to pacify the masses? In this fiery speech, we dive deep into the reality behind America's political system, revealing how it is dominated by the wealthy elite. From the historical exclusion of the majority from the voting process to the modern-day influence of billionaires and corporations, we uncover the truth about American governance. Explore how the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision has opened the floodgates for corporate money, turning elections into auctions and politicians into puppets. This is the untold story of an oligarchy masquerading as a democracy.
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lwcina · 5 months
the fact that the us government can continue funding and arming a genocide despite massive public opposition really highlights how inherently non-democratic the united states is
#almost like the idea of a representative demcracy is both historically undemocratic and inherently is incapable of being so#by historically i mean that representative democracies have always meant the creation of a category of ‘citizen’ that is above ‘non-citizen#even the civilization where the term democracy comes from was patriarchal and had fucking slavery#not chattel slavery but (hot take) non chattel slavery is still bad.#also fundamentally one person can literally not represent the wishes of a large collection of people who have only geography in common.#theyre going to want different things!!!#now the idea of if democracy is inherently a virtue is like. another topic. but i will say that like seeing the history of like the#popular sovreignty movement wrt to slavery really made me question it. just because a lot of people want something to happen doesnt#actually mean it should happen. white people voted to legalize slavery#kind of where the old ‘minority’ terminology comes in. just by numbers alone in the states that had these votes it wasnt like in the south#where in the south because of plantations the actual population majority in some places was black.#but in those midwestern new states even if everyone person there could have voted. white people would still be the vasy majority.#honestly to a degree pointing out that none of the societies that have claimed to be democracies have truly been democratic is…#i guess the primary value in it is to challenge people who take state mythologies at face level#a very large population that i often forget exists.#the ‘they cant do that its illegal’ types.#anyways. if we consider that every society in documented history has had some type of violence and oppression#and if we believe that people are NOT inherently selfish/violent#it follows that what we need to do is something different than what we have been doing.#not just different from what we are doing right now. but different from what we have been doing for the past centuries#but also i can imagine that societies and ways of living that aren’t legible to the status quo or just went undocumented for other reasons#may have been more egalitarian. and we dont know due to erasure (either intentional or non-intentional)#both erasure and a fundamental inability of historians to comprehend it. similar to how cishet historians who cant fathom the idea of#transness or lesbianism talk about things.
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jubaer01 · 3 months
For USA, EUROPEAN and INDIAN CITIZENS - United States American ESTA Visa Service Online - USA Electronic Visa Application Online
યુએસ વિઝા એપ્લિકેશન ઇમિગ્રેશન સેન્ટર
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Address :  3545 Palmer Hwy, Texas City, TX 77590, United States
Phone : +1 409-948-4512
Website : https://www.online-usa-visa.org/gu/visa/ 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : James Charleton Gibsons
Description : કઈ વ્યક્તિએ USA વિઝા માટે ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરવી જોઈએ. જો તમે એવા દેશના નાગરિક છો કે જેની પાસે વિઝા પ્રોગ્રામ માફી માટે યુએસએ સાથે કરાર છે, અને તમારી પાસે યુએસએ માટે કોઈ વિઝિટ વિઝા નથી તો તમે પાત્ર છો. તમારી યાત્રા ત્રણ મહિનાથી ઓછા સમયની છે. અમેરિકાની મુલાકાત લેવાનો તમારો હેતુ વ્યવસાય અથવા મનોરંજન માટે છે. તમારે એક વ્યક્તિ અથવા વ્યક્તિના જૂથ માટે નવી અધિકૃતતા અથવા યુએસએ વિઝા માટે અરજી કરવાની જરૂર છે. વિઝા વેવર પ્રોગ્રામમાંથી યુએસએ વિઝા ઓનલાઈન માન્ય પાસપોર્ટ(ઓ) અરજી કરવા માટે કયા દસ્તાવેજોની જરૂર છે. તમારો દેશ વિઝા વેવર કન્ટ્રીઝની યાદીમાં હોવો જોઈએ, યુએસ વિઝા ઓનલાઈન મેળવવા માટે તમારે કાયદેસર ઈમેલ એડ્રેસની જરૂર છે. સંપર્ક સ્માર્ટફોન અને ઈમેલના વિઝિટર ઈમરજન્સી પોઈન્ટ. જ્યારે તમે ફોર્મ ભરો અને ભરો અને પ્રોસેસિંગ ચાર્જ ચૂકવો, ત્યારે તમને એક ESTA એપ્લિકેશન નંબર મળશે જે યુએસ વિઝા એપ્લિકેશન માટે ઑનલાઇન ટ્રેક કરી શકાય છે. દરેક પરવાનગી આપેલ વ્યક્તિગત યુએસ વિઝા ફક્ત 2 વર્ષની માન્યતા માટે છે અને યુનાઈટેડ સ્ટેટ્સ ઑફ અમેરિકાની બહુવિધ મુલાકાતોને મંજૂરી આપે છે. જો તમારો પાસપોર્ટ બે વર્ષથી ઓછા સમયમાં સમાપ્ત થાય છે, તો તમારો યુએસએ વિઝા ઓનલાઈન પાસપોર્ટ સમાપ્તિ તારીખ સુધી જ માન્ય રહેશે. ઘણા દેશોમાં યુએસએ વિઝા ઓનલાઈન માન્ય છે, તેમાંના કેટલાકમાં ઈઝરાયેલ, પોર્ટુગલ, જર્મની, લાતવિયા, નેધરલેન્ડ, ગ્રીસ, લિક્ટેંસ્ટેઈન, સ્વીડન, એન્ડોરા, ફિનલેન્ડ, ફ્રાન્સ, આયર્લેન્ડ, બ્રુનેઈ, ક્રોએશિયા, સ્વિટ્ઝર્લૅન્ડ, ઈટાલી, એસ્ટોનિયા, ઑસ્ટ્રેલિયા, કોરિયાનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. , દક્ષિણ, જાપાન, આઇસલેન્ડ, સ્પેન, બેલ્જિયમ, લિથુઆનિયા, નોર્વે, હંગેરી, સ્લોવાકિયા, ડેનમાર્ક, લક્ઝમબર્ગ, તાઇવાન, સ્લોવેનિયા, ઑસ્ટ્રિયા, પોલેન્ડ, યુનાઇટેડ કિંગડમ, સાન મેરિનો, ન્યુઝીલેન્ડ, સિંગાપોર, ચિલી, મોનાકો, ચેક રિપબ્લિક, માલ્ટા . જો પ્રવાસનો હેતુ પ્રવાસન અથવા વ્યવસાય હોય તો  Which person should apply for USA Visa Online. If You are a citizen of a country which has a pact with USA for Waiver of Visa Program, and you also DO NOT have any Visits Visa to USA then you are eligible. Your journey is for less than three months. Your intention to visit America is for business or recreation. You need to apply for a new authorization or USA Visa for one individual or a group of person. WHAT documentation is needed to apply USA Visa Online A Valid passport(s) from a Visa Waiver Program. Your country should be in the List of Visa Waiver Countries, you need a legitimate e mail address to get US Visa Online. Visitor emergency point of contact smartphone and email. When you complete and put up the form and pay the processing charge, you will get an ESTA application number that can be tracked online for US Visa Application. Each permitted individual US Visa Only is for 2 years validity and allows multiple visits to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If your passport expires in less than two years then your USA Visa Online will be valid only till the passport expiration date. Many countries are allowed USA Visa Online, some of them include, Israel, Portugal, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Greece, Liechtenstein, Sweden, Andorra, Finland, France, Ireland, Brunei, Croatia, Switzerland, Italy, Estonia, Australia, Korea, South, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Slovenia, Austria, Poland, United Kingdom, San Marino, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Monaco, Czech Republic, Malta. If the purpose of the trip is Tourism or Business then. 
Keywords : અર્જન્ટ અમેરિકા વિઝા, ટૂરિસ્ટ અમેરિકન વિઝા, અમેરિકા બિઝનેસ વિઝા, ફાસ્ટ ટ્રેક અમેરિકન વિઝા, અમેરિકા માટે બિઝનેસ વિઝા, ઇઝરાયેલના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, પોર્ટુગલના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, જર્મનીના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, લાતવિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, નેધરલેન્ડ માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા નાગરિકો, ગ્રીસના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, લિક્ટેંસ્ટાઇનના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, સ્વીડનના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, એન્ડોરાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, ફિનલેન્ડના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, ફ્રાંસના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, આયર્લૅન્ડના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, બી, અમેરિકન વિઝા, બી. ક્રોએશિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, સ્વિટ્ઝર્લૅન્ડના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, ઇટાલીના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, એસ્ટોનિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, ઑસ્ટ્રેલિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, કોરિયા, દક્ષિણ નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, જાપાનના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, આઇસલેન્ડના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, સી. સ્પેનના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, બેલ્જિયમના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, લિથુઆનિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, નોર્વેના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, હંગેરી નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, સ્લોવાકિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, ડેનમાર્કના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, અમેરિકન વિઝા લક્સેન્બો, અમેરિકન વિઝા તાઇવાનના નાગરિકો માટે , સ્લોવેનિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા , ઑસ્ટ્રિયાના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા , પોલેન્ડના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા , યુનાઇટેડ કિંગડમના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા , સાન મેરિનો નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા , ન્યુઝીલેન્ડના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા , સિંગાપોરના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા , સિંગાપોરના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા ચિલીના નાગરિકો માટે વિઝા, મોનાકોના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, ચેક રિપબ્લિકના નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા, માલ્ટા નાગરિકો માટે અમેરિકન વિઝા Urgent America Visa, Tourist American Visa, America Business Visa, Fast Track American Visa, Business Visa for America, American Visa for Israel Citizens , American Visa for Portugal Citizens , American Visa for Germany Citizens , American Visa for Latvia Citizens , American Visa for Netherlands Citizens , American Visa for Greece Citizens
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lovelylunas-world · 9 months
The og colonisers doing what they do best kill people that don’t agree with them. Mind you the houthis have not murdered anyone since they stopped ships from going through the Red Sea but America cares more about the money they have to make and lose than human life (Palestinians and Yemenis)
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tianshiisdead · 9 months
how can the west live with itself. how can any westerner live with themselves.
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okaywhatabouthades · 11 months
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Do you understand?
Do you see what the USA is supporting?
Or are you blind?
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xtruss · 7 months
The Foreign Minister of South Africa 🇿🇦 Says Citizens Fighting For “Illegal Regime of the God’s Cursed & Terrorist Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell” in Gaza, Forever Palestine 🇵🇸, Will Be Arrested When They Return. Those with Dual South African Isra-helli Citizenship Could Also have Their South African Citizenship Revoked.
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annagrzinskys · 4 months
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done my civic duty
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sklogw · 1 year
another fucking cyclone. we're having like one every week since the beginning of winter
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virtue-boy · 9 months
Its kind of insane like genuinely insane how many people on here have no idea what life is like for average people in the third world / global majority and the Neo-colonialism that creates those conditions to support conditions in the North and how insanely cruel they can be as the absolute baseline and the type of killing and death that maintains the boundaries between the north and the south.
Like tell me you've never met an immigrant or refugee without telling me. Do you genuinely not know what happens to people who get deported, or work in the farms or meatpacking factories that feed the North?? The child deaths in the border crossings? The mines all over the globe? The people that die from lack of baseline vaccinations and sanitation and healthcare trademarked by western companies? The literal MILLIONS of third worlders killed in the wars across the globe defending US economic hegemony? The agent orange, the land mines, the carpet bombing, the drones? What the fuck is wrong with you?
#mine#sorry bitchy posting#idk why I even read discourse on here anymore its mostly just beefing or more motivated by a specific shitty user or whatever.#idk but like we can accept that you can be poor and disabled and still have other privileges why is it not ok to point out the#overwhelmingly oppressive conditions the North holds the South in and the passport and supply chain and linguistic and exchange rate and#labor protections other such things that all citizens of the global North have closer access to than those of the South. What if it didn't#matter who was in charge of your country and no matter what liberatory things they wanted to do the IMF could still have you gutted and#economically force your country to cut your social programs and use national debt to put your entire population to work serving the#producing goods and raw materials that everyone in the global north consumes whether they have a choice or not.#It not like similar conditions don't exist in the north but its crazy to see people posting that imperial core privilege doesn't exist.#It fucking does.#and it grinds up the bodies of the south in million upon millions and it's fucking insane to act like its an imposition on you to even try#to care or understand. Borders are material and they fucking kill people. They fucking kill people#I literally know someone who almost died because of his non-residential status. His life was only saved because he happened to get diagnose#in a country that had a medical system that could treat him. He had to stay sick and dying and away from his family for 4 fucking years#because if he went home he would never be allowed back again. He was only able to stay because he had support from a vouching citizen frien#who could speak the language well. Then after he was cleared he was sent home and because he has a 'preexisting risk factor' he will never#be granted a work visa in the country again. If /when the illness relapses he is going to die without treatment.#It makes me fucking livid that people can discard the violence of borders so quickly. Borders fucking kill. And they kill in the millions.#The north runs of southern blood. That doesnt mean that northerners arent killed too. But its fucking crazy to act like no such axis exists#any american president would kill the same number of southerners without the destruction of the north-south extractive supply chain.#Im sorry about the spam lol. But this just pisses me off. HOW ARE YOU SO BLIND. How can you say these things and think youre a good person.#How can you say these things. How.
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taiwantalk · 11 months
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