#Sound of freedom
fuggnuckets · 1 year
They praised Cuties
They stayed silent on Weinstein for decades
They hung around with Epstein
They defended Polanski
They ignored Balenciaga
But they actively attack sound of freedom because the film based on a true story “supports dangerous conspiracies”
Hollywood is doing a real good fucking job at disproving the conspiracies
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brantheblessed · 1 year
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aressida · 1 year
The WEF/UN/WHO does NOT want you to see the movie, Sound of Freedom. Please see the movie that Politicians, Celebrities and the Elites fear.
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itsalwaystomcruise · 1 year
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I feel so bad about MI7's current box office, it's making me want to cry madly.
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nikkisticki · 1 year
Hey look it's a scam
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Sound of Freedom and O.U.R are both 100% a Qanon lie and you shouldn't trust anyone who claims otherwise. Both the lead actor and the director are known as exactly that (See: Qanon Anonymous 143 and Qanon Anonymous 238)
I attempted to talk to this person about this and they, unsurprisingly, immediately blocked me so I'm gonna say it's a pretty cool idea if we get everyone aware that the lie is a lie, y'know? Reblog this shit
Edit: If you want to understand what it looks like when someone is undergoing Cognitive Dissonance, admire the people claiming I'm x and y and not able to actively refute the actual words of the actor in question.
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optimisticaudience · 1 year
Sound of Freedom, Operation Underground Railroad, and Tim Ballard are frauds who hurt the people who fight actual human trafficking.
Talk to anyone who fights real trafficking, they will tell you what is wrong with Ballard. To start with, he used to fight child sexual exploitation as a federal agent but he quit to act as a vigilante. Here is the short version of how OUR works: they go into a foreign country and throw money around until a pimp approaches them. They then tell the pimp they want children, and ask the pimp to bring kids to a secondary location. Then they call the cops, have the police arrest the pimps, streams the arrest on FaceTime for a high tier donor, and then go home. If you don’t get what’s wrong with this let me explain: OUR raises the demand for child sex slaves. A mommy blogger who Ballard brought along wrote an entire article about her experience. He says his team is all sorts of CIA agents and SEALs, but apparently moms from Utah are more reflective. It turns out some of the kids were trafficked for the first time FOR Ballard. He waved money and encouraged that trafficking. Afterwards, he left the country with a handshake promise that the kids would be cared for by the police. He will say the kids got aftercare, but evidence says otherwise.
But maybe that’s not enough for you?
He hired a psychic in Utah to tell him where a child was in the Dominican Republic. He flew a team as well as that child’s father down to the town the psychic indicated and found nothing other than locals scared of the American paramilitary vigilantes who were asking for children.
He and a sister organization said they were evacuating people from Afghanistan. No one has found any evidence to prove that.
He has claimed OUR saved a 12 year old girl from slavery. Then, she was 11. Then it turned out she saved herself a decade ago without his help and they want to get credit for rescuing her.
He claimed to be partnered with American Airlines, who have no idea what he is talking about.
So what actually DOES Ballard do?
He campaigns against drag queens
Promotes Qanon/Wayfair conspiracies
Cast the actor who played Jesus to play himself in his own movie. (The actor actively campaigns on blood libel Q conspiracies)
But beyond all that, just remember the movie isn’t donating to anti trafficking causes. It’s just asking you to buy more tickets to juice the numbers.
Donate to your local shelter. Most trafficking victims are trafficked by loved ones or people close to them. The victims need all the help they can get.
And another thing: People are conflating criticism of this film with apologia for child trafficking. I keep seeing posts say it will “Raise Awareness,” despite it being an incorrect portrayal. If that’s true, then Die Hard is raising awareness about bank robbers.
Here’s an idea: watch or read ANYTHING from real survivors of trafficking.
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gsd-420 · 1 year
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I need everyone to go watch 'sound of freedom' right now if you can. It is a great, informative movie that hits you in the feels and talks about a pretty serious topic, which is child abduction and child s3x slavery
It was held back for FIVE YEARS because of all the blockades and that is stupid, please go watch it
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jackelopeofthelake · 1 year
So…I just got back from Sound of Freedom…
I feel overwhelmed…
And the fact Disney tried to bury the film for five years and there are press releases now trying to discredit the film and it’s actors should tell you everything…
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madame-helen · 1 year
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I am sure that many of you have seen Sound of Freedom in the last several days. Many of your hearts have most likely been stirred by the stories and statistics, and you want to do something about child trafficking. Me too.
As a survivor myself I have been wanting to help fight human trafficking for a long time, but I've never taken the opportunity to really do something about it, so here I am. Child trafficking happens everywhere, but NONE OF THE PROCEEDS FROM SOUND OF FREEDOM WILL BE GIVEN TO TIM BALLARD'S ORGANIZATION. So now is the time!
If every one of my followers gave one dollar to this fundraiser, nearly $4000 could be raised. Please participate! Your donations go directly to supporting rescues, law enforcement, survivors, and worldwide prevention and education. Your donation makes a difference in the fight against trafficking. Let's put an end to this trade!
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kirain · 11 months
Saw your comment on a post about Sound of Freedom and I came here to say.....shame on you. Shame. On. You. Since when is child trafficking a political issue? Since when is calling pedophilia bad a political issue? If you have a problem with this movie then maybe YOU'RE the problem. No better than the big Disney fat cats who tried to suppress this movie and keep it shelved. Or theaters messing with the ac and saying seats are sold out when they're empty. Shame on you! God's children are not for sale!
I wish people would do a little more research on this topic. If Hollywood and the "powers that be" didn't want this movie being seen, it wouldn't have been released in over 3000 theatres countrywide. It's being shown in major and minor locations all across America and Canada, and the vast majority of those locations aren't having any problems.
Case and point, my own mother and her friend went to see it last week and everything was fine. No issues whatsoever and the seats were packed. The movie isn't being "suppressed". This is all a marketing gimmick from the production company Angel Studios, a Christian streaming service. The movie is jam-packed with lies and only serves to glorify Tim Ballard, the man the movie is based on, and Christianity as a whole. I truly wish this wasn't political, but it is. They made it political.
Tim Ballard has provably exaggerated or fabricated many, if not most of his "rescues", and his organisation, Operation Underground Railroad, has been widely criticised by professional anti-sex trafficking organizations (including other Christian-based ones) for years. He has accumulated millions of dollars for his so-called "non-profit" organisation, and he runs several for profit organisations on the side. Most of this money is presumably pocketed by Ballard and his cohorts, as millions is unaccounted for and only a sliver goes to OUR. It's not about "saving children", it's about money and spreading Ballard's religious ideology.
This is compounded by the fact that Ballard, before he left the CIA, was almost always the last officer to arrive on any scene where child sex trafficking was involved, yet he somehow has hundreds of stories where he's singlehandedly rescued children. In fact, the "true story" the film is based on, where Ballard apparently saved a five year old boy—who, by Ballard's own account, ran up to him, hugged him, and begged to be taken away—didn't even happen. According to court receipts from the arrest and trial of Earl Venton Buchanan (the pedophile in possession of the little boy), Ballard arrived at the scene long after the boy was rescued and taken into custody, and he was barely involved. The documents can easily be found online under the San Diego incident reports.
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Ballard was also caught lying about saving one particular girl named Liliana, the literal poster child for OUR. As it turns out, Liliana rescued herself by escaping her captors when she was seventeen and being trafficked in New York. Even more egregious, every time Ballard told her story, he would lower her age to garner more sympathy ... as if her being seventeen wasn't sad enough. In one instance, he claimed she was 14. In another, he claimed she was 11. Ballard also exploited Liliana's story as a reason for needing stricter border patrols and a better wall, despite the fact that she was being abused in America. There is no evidence to suggest OUR had anything to do with her rescue.
Ballard and his "organisation" have even ruined entire legitimate rescue operations in other countries and put children at risk, like in the Dominican Republic, where he endangered the lives of 26 girls by playing vigilante, being followed around by a camera crew, and causing a shootout that effectively traumatised the children he used as a prop to lure in buyers. His response to the mishap and rightful criticism by the Dominican police was basically, "Well ... you win some, you lose some."
The children were released without receiving any therapy or rehabilitative care, and Anne Gallagher, the leading global expert on the international law on human trafficking, said that OUR has an "alarming lack of understanding about how sophisticated criminal trafficking networks must be approached and dismantled" and went on to call the work of OUR "arrogant, unethical, and illegal". Those children easily could've been shot and killed. This occurred in 2014, but Ballard still insists that his "rescues" be filmed, and he even pitched it as a reality TV show. His reasoning for this, he says, is to "spread awareness", but we all know it's because he loves the spotlight.
Entire law enforcement agencies have actually cut ties with or even condemned OUR, such as Washington State Law Enforcement, as a result of Ballard's proclivity to conflate child sex trafficking with consensual adult sex work. Ballard and OUR regularly set up sting operations and lambasted the men who showed up for kink play, publicly branding them as pedophiles, even though the men in question were under the impression that they were meeting for sex with consenting, adult women. This led to several lawsuits against OUR, all of which they rightfully lost.
Ballard's means of gathering intelligence is also questionable, as he, by his own admission, sometimes consults psychic mediums for information on missing children and asks where they're being held captive. I genuinely wish I was joking about that.
The main actor in Sound of Freedom, Jim Caviezel, also has ties to the Qanon movement, and Caviezel himself is a hardcore conspiracy theorist. He believes that Donald Trump is "the new Moses" and that "liberals [literally] drink the blood of children". This is ironic, considering Caviezel and Ballard both met Trump several times, yet never pressed him for information regarding Epstein's client list. Moreover, Caviezel and Ballard both donate to the Catholic Church, which funds the largest child sex trafficking ring on the southern border and has a history of rampant sexual abuse of children. Even more insane, Caviezel admitted to watching child porn, to apparently "get in character" for the movie. He claimed that if Ballard had to watch it, it only "made sense" that he'd have to watch it, too. To "motivate" him to fight child trafficking.
...Alright, bud.
Surprise, surprise, both men are also outspokenly anti-LGBTQ+, despite the fact that children/teens in that community are statistically more likely to be trafficked. The majority of child trafficking is not the result of random kidnappings, as the movie would have you believe. The majority of children are actually recruited into sexual exploitation by a family member or friend/boss. The majority of those children are also not generally passed around in Mexico, like this racist, white savior-oriented movie would have you believe, but they actually either stay in or end up in America. America is, in fact, the largest consumer of child porn and child sex slaves this side of the globe (and nearly the largest producer), yet the movie depicts almost every pedophile as Mexican or some other non-white race.
At the end of the movie, Ballard comes on screen and asks people to donate/buy tickets for others, so that the movie can spread awareness. This is why so many seats in certain theatres are empty, despite websites saying the seats are sold out. Whether or not Angel Studios is also shadow purchasing tickets to boost sales can't be proven, obviously, but I wouldn't put it past them. These "conspiracies" have all served to market the movie and boost ticket sales.
As for Disney trying to keep the movie shelved, that's also a lie. Yes, Disney did technically shelve the movie when they bought Fox, since it didn't exactly correspond with its family-friendly brand, but they had no problem with the movie being released under a different studio. The actual reason Sound of Freedom was in "production hell" for five years was because Tim Ballard kept trying to milk donations. Despite the fact that filming wrapped up in 2018, he kept asking for more and more and more. He used people's faith and understandably emotional response to something as wicked as pedophilia to rake in millions. That's what Ballard is really about, money and stardom. In the movie, there's even a post-credit message where Jim Caviezel says the movie was held back to "maximize its distribution and raise awareness about child sex trafficking".
Translation: Ballard greedy.
Ballard himself admitted the accuracy of this movie "isn't important", and that he just wanted to get the movie out to "spread the word". By that, he of course means the Christian word—but why should fighting child sex trafficking be tied to religion? At the end of the day, Sound of Freedom is a vanity project, and it spreads incredibly dangerous misinformation. Stranger still, Ballard left the OUR just prior to the debut of Sound of Freedom, a fact he's neglected to mention in every interview regarding the movie. It's not clear why he left, but it seems that he fled after an internal investigation into the organisation began. That's not too suspicious or anything. My guess is authorities are trying to find out were all that missing money went, and Ballard doesn't want to be there when they figure it out.
By the way, that final line you hit me with; "God's children are not for sale", the line from the movie that Ballard claims a fellow agent whispered to him while on a case, as well as the title of the movie, which another agent supposedly said to Ballard after a giant rescue operation—those were lies, too. No agents ever said that to him. The police reports for those cases, as well as the agents Ballard supposedly quoted, all said he was the last to arrive on the scene and those conversations never happened.
Ballard cannot be trusted and Sound of Freedom is based on a lie. It's a scam. Everything he does is a scam. All he cares about is spreading his ideology, making money, and looking like a superhero. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Look into his other companies, and into the ex-military soldiers and police officers who left OUR because of how poorly trained their people are when it comes to rescue operations.
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Every sane person knows pedophilia and human trafficking is wrong, but giving your money to Qanon-adjacent, right-wing leaning, LGBTQ+-hating, Catholic Church-sympathising, fame-chasing, money-hungry, perpetual liar Tim Ballard isn't going to help.
The best way to help out is learning about the signs of child trafficking. Keep an eye out for any children that might be getting abused. If you suspect something, report it, don't be a silent bystander. Volunteer within your community to make sure the children in your area have food and resources, support LGBTQ+ youth, and watch the other adults around you to ensure they're not acting inappropriately. You can also donate to social programs that create safe spaces for children and even apply for jobs that specialise in these fields. Don't go to see a movie just because it aligns with your religious beliefs, feel sad for a little while, then sit on your ass and let Tim Ballard handle everything.
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miss-nerd-alert · 11 months
Just left the theater from seeing Sound of Freedom
It’s an intense and emotional watch, which is to be expected given the subject matter, but I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.
The film does a remarkable job of respecting the victims of human trafficking while not shying away from how traumatic their experiences are. At no point in the film do you ever see these children as anything other than that, children. There’s no lingering shots of their bodies, no indication that the audience is meant to find them tantalizing, and absolutely NO DEPICTIONS OF THEM DOING ANYTHING SEXUAL. Not once does this movie ever forget that these are children, or that they have been victimized by those who should know better. Any other studio, any other filmmaker, and the message would’ve been undermined by leaning into the exact kind of thing the movie is supposed to condemn.
You will feel uncomfortable and gross sometimes, but that’s the point, because what’s being done to millions of children and adults every year is disgusting and wrong and it needs to be stopped. You will cry, both for those who’ve escaped such horrible circumstances and those still trapped in them. You will even smile, as you see good people fight to do the right thing even when it’s hard, and see those who’ve been harmed escape their abusers to freedom.
If you have any love in your heart at all for children, I encourage you to see this movie and support those who fight to end human trafficking.
“It were better for him that a mill-stone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” — Luke 17:2
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jloisse · 1 year
Vidéo d'enfants retrouvés par des douaniers à l'arrière d'un camion à Londres
Mais bien sûr ce n’est qu’une théorie du complot comme dirait les medias mainstrean
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littlewonder13 · 1 year
Hello everyone if you could please watch and spread this movie to everyone you know it sheds light on a very important topic matter that isn’t ever hardly discussed if you don’t have money you can get a free ticket here: https://www.angel.com/watch/watch/sound-of-freedom or if you have money you can pay it forward but please watch this because how the movie tells us God’s children are not for sale
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dragongril98 · 3 months
Beauty of the eco which no body could never give up on...
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