#Sorry for the poor quality. My camera hates me </3
cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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Pen fuckarounds featuring my brand-new Ahit OC! Her name is Sky and she won't hesitate to stab you <3
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pinetrip · 1 year
Can someone write a fanfiction where Shoto knew what really happened to Touya and he always thought of him as his hero who could’ve you know brought peace to his family if he lived and viewed himself as a disappointment because he could never satisfy Enji and Endeavour would always compare him to Touya and Touya did not know this.Shoto would sneak to Touya’s room and find his hero name and costume drawing and draw himself as his sidekick next to Touya. There would be more reasons as to why Shoto wouldn’t use his fire quirk like (1) the obvious one he would hate Endeavour for what he did to his mother and brother (2) He had trained his ice quirk secretly from a young age so he could be Touya’s sidekick in the future and help him balance his quirk (but since Touya never got to know this because Shoto was kept separate he would still “die” like in the original manga and become a villain who hates everyone) (3) he is understandably afraid of dying like his brother. Shoto later learns he could run away but decides not to because he knows Endeavour would make another kid and abuse them instead of him and it would not be fair to that unborn child and Shoto would also do that because it’s heroic. Now (sorry but) cut to Dabi’s fight with Shoto after revealing his identity, Shoto defends Endeavour but not with fire and when that doesn’t work he still refuses to use fire and keeps trying with his ice only using fire side to balance his temperature and not attack and obviously that isn’t going to work. But during the fight Touya says something like “ I can’t wait to kill you and make things back to just the way they were and now that Dad has seen I’m so strong he’ll definitely let me be a hero!” And Shoto just completely turns off his quirk and doesn’t dodge. Touya was fighting with rage but this was just supposed to be hard blow not the killing blow, now Touya’s surprised and frustrated so he goes “ you what pity me and are going let me kill you like let that Bakuguo kid win? You think I need you to present your life I can take very easily without your pity” “ it’s not that I want you to have it if you think it’ll make you happy” “ what would you care about my happiness” and then Shoto tells him everything because Touya is finally listening and then Touya turns livid because he realises that Endeavour kept all this hidden and never told him his little brother’s feelings towards him because that would mess up his image even more and realises what a shitty man he was trying to impress this whole time and be the source of happiness to. On the other hand Sjoto was always looking at him and loving him despite his failures. He wanted to be to Touya what Touya wanted to be for Enji and he thinks that how can he deserve to be looked at when he didn’t look at Shoto either. But the damage is done; Shoto is far too injured to make it but Touya feels incredible guilt as his entire conscious crashes. When Endeavor finally arrives at the scene and sees Shoto dead in Touya’s arms, Touya says “ It’s all your fault. You’re the one who made me hurt him”( parallel to what Shoto said when he got cold burned by his mother). But Touya’s not a little boy who can’t do anything about it. He obliterates Endeavour when his original plan was to only kill Shoto and make Endeavour suffer not die but now Touya is absolute havoc as he realises Shoto was the only one always looking at him with love and pride while others refused to look or looked with pity. Shoto was the only one who believed in him and he’s dead because of Enji, all his problems root back to him and he just looses it. Then Touya disappeares with Shoto’s body. This was all caught on camera but with very poor quality (come on the todoroki family fought to the death here). The heroes think Dabi didn’t care about Shoto and just killed them when Touya absolutely does care about Shoto, so much so that he breaks into a high defence prison, break free All for One in exchange for AFO to let him walk away with a toddler Shoto who hasn’t unlocked his quirk yet and decides to raise him himself
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Thank you @cupcakes-and-pain​ @starnight-whump​ and everyone else who sent asks <3
Sunflower Masterlist
CW: Shock collar; dehumanization; pet whup; conditioning; beating/cane; scars; mentioned gag, forced exercise, starvation, sleep deprivation, domestic labor; controlling behavior;
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Abby shifted on her chair, smiling as she started to read the questions, the control of the shock collar on her hands. Sun sat with perfect posture, still, very still, hands over his knees. Good pet. Abby was skimming over the questions, the camera already filming.
“Alright… Let’s begin. Let’s do the questions first, we can record the intro later. I’ll start with an easy one” …A Pause “…For Abby and Sun, what is your favorite color? Well, for me, I’d say I love happy colors like yellow and oranges. I also really enjoy soft pinks and beiges as you guys must have noticed from my fashion choices! What about you, Sun?”
…A little pause. His… favorite color? Was he allowed an opinion on colors, even?
“I think… Green?”
“… Green is not a creative color , Sun” Abby rolled her eyes “Say your favorite color is yellow as well. Like a sunflower. And sound more enthusiastic about it”
“Alright Miss Abby. I apologize” A pause. Deep breath. He smiled“…My favorite color is yellow, too! It’s a very happy color, and, the color of my hair!”
…A few seconds, so they could make the cut.
“…Okay, perfect. Let’s see… Are the two of you introverts or extroverts?” She gave him a quick glance, she would handle this one “Well, I’ve always seem myself as more on the extroverted side. I’ve always had an easy time approaching people and making friends. Sun here, I’d say he is more of an introvert, he Is pretty shy, always nervous when I bring visitors. Right Sun?”
“Yes, Miss Abby”
“Alright, next question… How many pets I had before Sun, if I had any experience” Miss Abby smiled, softly “Well, Sun is the first pet I consider to be mine. But my family has had pets ever since I was a child, so I’d say I have plenty of experience dealing with them. I can count we’ve had about… Five pets from when I was young to when I moved out by myself and got Sun. Honestly I wasn’t planning on getting one at first, I always felt like they take a lot of time, but you know, the house just wasn’t the same without one of them running around. I guess after being so used to them, it’s hard to not have one. It’s also a lot less lonely now with Sun. I wasn’t used to living by myself at all, it was always just… A little too silent, you guys know?”
Sun struggled to keep his head up. Good pets kept their head down but… He had to look at the camera. To look good. Abby sighed. She didn’t like this answer, so she started it again. He wondered how many times they would have to record this today…
When she finally got satisfied, Sun’s face was hurting already, from holding that fake smile. At least she let him get some water.
“Alright… This one is fun! Sun, you’ll say one good and one bad thing about me, and me about you, right?” She smiled, chuckling to the camera. Pause. Lifted the little controller “…Choose what you say carefully, mutt”
“Yes… Sorry Miss Abby” He dry swallowed. Maybe asking would be better “Is… Hm, what can I say?”
Abby smiled.
“…Say I’m a bit too perfectionist. It’s true I guess” she chuckled “And that I’m very dedicated and responsible to you. That works”
…Sun nodded. Alright.
“…So if I had to say something bad about Sun… I think he is a bit of an airhead. Gets distracted all the time, don’t you, dear?” …He nodded again, whispering an agreement “…Louder. Speak louder”
She grunted. He tensed up immediately, seeing her finger flirt with the control of his collar. She repeated herself.
“Alright. And a good thing… Well there is a lot of good. Sun is a really dedicated and hard working pet now that I’ve finalized his training. It took a long time, but he is really good now”
…And he blushed. He didn’t even want to, but he did, and she liked that, smiling to the camera.
“…Why did I choose Sun to be my pet?” she smiled to the camera, Sun shivering slightly, nearly imperceptible “…Well I went to one of the stores. There were plenty of them there of course, but Sun just… caught my eye. Poor thing was so nervous, so shy. I reached my hand and he put his head on it, so eager to come home. So really, Sun picked me, not the opposite! It was just this, instant connection between us…”
…He didn’t remember that happening that way. He was curled up In the corner of his cage. He was scared to be purchased. He didn’t go out until he was dragged. It didn’t matter though. He just agreed. He knew better than to go against her.
“Next is for you Sun, dear. They asking If you like me as an owner, and how was your life before” She smiled, dangling the controller just out of sight of the camera.
“I… Of course I like having Abby. She is a fantastic owner and I couldn’t hope for better. As she said… there was an instant connection between us” …Dry swallowed, hoping it felt authentic enough. Side glance to the controller… “My life before… Wasn’t much. I was just out of training, on a store. Pets live for their owners, I didn’t have one yet, so no life!”
…Miss puts the controller down.
“Alright. But do one more take and try not to look like I have a gun pointed at your head”
“Yes, Miss Abby…” But well… she basically had, dangling the shock collar button around “Hm… Am I allowed some water?”
“Will it help you calm down?”
…He nodded, so she passed him a bottle. He took nearly half of it, before he felt his heart settle a bit, and he could repeat the last question.
“Ooooh” She chuckled “Alright. Someone is asking for training tips, and if Sun had any particular nasty habits that I had to train out of him…”
She shifted on the chair, with a smug smile, as Sun trembled to the core, his face twitching as he tried to keep that smile. He had plenty of habits she had to get rid of.
“Well, yes. He was… Far too lazy when I first got him. Some pets are like that, but I think it wasn’t healthy for Sun” She smiled “…I started to break his bad habits mostly by controlling his sleep schedule and food intake, as well as forcing him to… Exercise quite a bit. Sun is way healthier nowadays, isn’t that right Sun?”
“Yes, Miss Abby”
“Well, punishments. What can I say. I know a lot of other PetTubers are fans of whips and knives. I’m not. I feel like scars are unsightly and greatly decrease your pet’s life quality, so I seek for methods that don’t leave permanent marks. I will admit I do own a cane and use it occasionally, but I’m careful to never leave scarring wounds” She stands up, walking to Sun and grabbing his collar. He yelps. He can’t breathe “This shock collar is my favorite method of punishment and training. It’s fast, clean, quick, and you can correct any bad behavior as soon as you spot it, as opposed to leading the pet to a special area, removing their clothes and preparing the whipping tools or knives. Also, a few days of no sleep or regulated food, also serves as a good reminder of their place.”
“For pets that talk out of place, gags do wonders. Also soap, a cliché as that sounds, to get bad words out of their vocabulary If their training company didn’t already. And one very, very important aspect of training is that you make them do a task to your standards, no matter how long it takes. Can get tiring having to order than to re-do it over and over, but sometimes, they just don’t know your standards yet. You gotta show them! Never accept half-assed chores and tasks, or they’ll start to believe that is acceptable.”
She sat back on the chair, as he takes a deep breath, now even more aware of the thing around his neck.
“Now, for a major infraction, I’d say a combination of all of the above. Of course you can’t overdue any of them” She smiled sweetly “So I might extend punishments through a longer period of time and in small, healthier doses, instead of just applying one that is so bad it incapacitate Sun for a few days”
Sun can’t avoid but lower his head at this. She doesn’t like it… But tried to play it cool
“Oh, look, You don’t like remembering the times you were bad, do you?”
“Of course not, Miss. I’ve learned my lesson. I want to be a good pet for Miss Abby”
…She smiled, probably considering re-doing the take. She decides not to.
“Alright, next question is: do you get hate comments, and what are they about? Was there one video in particular that was deemed very violent and abusive?” …She rolled her eyes. Then read it again, before answering “Oh, dear. My content is usually very chill. But yes and I think I know what you are referring to. I did a collab video a few weeks ago that got some pretty bad reviews… I assume it’s because his channel is a frequent hate target. He has content that is a bit more… raw than my own. But I assure you, both Sun and Blue had a lot of fun that day, and he is a very responsible pet owner, too. We are planning on doing another collab on his channel, in the future”
…Sun felt his heartbeat go crazy. Another one? She hadn’t told him about it. Not that she had to, he was just her dog, after all.
“Aren’t you excited about it, Sun?”
“Yes. I’d love to see Blue again”
…She smiled. She knew he was terrified.
“Well, two more. Someone asked what is your biggest regret. Sun?”
…He lifted his head slightly. He… wished he could even remember it.
“…Being a lazy pet, at the beginning. All the times I disappointed Miss Abby. I’m glad she fixed me and showed me how to be good”
She clicked her tongue, satisfied.
“Last one. Why did I choose Sun’s name… Well” Big, fake smile “I love sunflowers. I love their happy colors, the way they brighten up an environment and bring up the imagery of warmth and summer. I figured a happy name, for a happy pet. Right Sun?”
“…Yes, Miss Abby”
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Ishqbaaz Liveblog, E3: A Really Good Premise
I finally understand the appeal of the show. It's the perfect mix of politics, family relationships with a hint of star-crossed-hate-love story. So far. It's like a darker version of Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham and I must say, it's really interesting and now I'm even more pissed that they ruined it! 
Again - another show that would've done exceedinly well had it ended a year earlier or been turned into seasons. If IPK is India's Pride and Prejudice, then Ishqbaaz could easily be India's Dynasty. 
Without further ado, here's the liveblog:
Episode 3 “A Really Good Premise”
- Wah, Shivaay has a habit of walking away! 
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- Rudra, valid question that why Shivaay isn’t throwing Anika out!
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- Om ka look - kuch toh hai. 
- Experience? Kamzori? 
- Dadi advice time. Lol, the advice went right over Rudra’s head. 
- Acha, Shivaay’s kamzori is his khandaan. Nafrat bhi rishta? I feel like Rudy right now! Thank God Dadi explained everything. 
- LOL, Anika being disappointed in a big party is ME! 
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- HAHA LOL Anika!!!!!!!! She knows Shivaay (great) and her look. 
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- Hahaha this whole dialogue is like 5 buckets of foreshadowing. There is no shadow left in foreshadow. 
- Rudy’s ghatiya shayar is kaabil e taareef. 
- Omkara’s belief system is really good - my fav bro right now. 
- Ok, each of the bros are some elements. 
- Nice chemistry/mining/mineral class?
- Shivaay is iron, Omkara is gold. LOL what is Rudy? 
- Dadi hitting Rudy for his immaturity is me - that adorable hitting is everything. 
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- Ok ab tak they’ve said Ishqbaaz 25 times. 
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- HAHAHAH DADI already approves Anika! Nice, we stan independent girls. Oh shit, Dadi said about the parents. Poor Anika, she wants a fam :(
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- Home Minister - hello bald chacha!
- I must say, Shivaay is highly influenced (in terms of personality) by his Tej uncle. The skin level similarities are interesting to note. 
- Rudy and Om already stanning Anika. 
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- Anika, don’t hold random poori without gloves #covid 
- Hahaha, hilarious miscommunication! 
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- Wah, Rudy is half afraid of Anika’s tashnbaazi. OM IS SO IMPRESSED! I  am REALLY liking Anika right now! “Kha kar!” Wah, great use of puns!!!
- This Home Minister might get screwed over like Mool Rajani (I’m just searching for a Mool Rajani right now)
- Tej is dramatic AF. 
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- Hahahahaha, Home Minister - you’re finding your nobility along with the coins - on the floor. 
- TEJ IS SO DRAMATIC. I like him for this! Dude can be an interesting character in the show!
- Mrs. Oberoi????? Ah ofc, the secretary. 
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- POOR JHANVI - I’M WITH YOU AUNTY! I’LL POUR TEJ’S BLOOD INTO THE BUCKETS OF PAINT SHIVIKA LATER, MUCH LATER, MAKE OUT IN (that’s the blood of all the shitty people and that’s canon)
- It’s sad but true, in really rich societies people are really ok with infidelities and stuff like that. Ugh, seen these shit first hand. 
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- Pandit ji, is it possible to burn Tej and Svetlana as offerings? We still do that?
- Lo, phirse Bhaiyon ka advertisement start.
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- I must say, what mast paparazzi, I love all their advertisements. From songs to outfits, these kids are like “dude let our parents crap, we’ll coordinate our entry EVERY SINGLE TIME” Squad goals, legit. 
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- This is Bharat Matrimony.
- Omkara Oberoi, “mere nazar aur nazariya roshni ki tarha hai. Ya toh hai, ya nahi.” Shayar, artist, will give really good hair genes to future children.
- Shivaay Singh Oberoi “Who the fuck keeps on making my accounts?” *bam goes another phone*
- Or Nirma advertisement? 
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 - Dadi is like LOOK AT MY SANSKAR, that totally skipped a generation. 
- Ok the press and show remembers that Priyanka is a powerful Oberoi too. 
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- Dude, leave the girl alone too. Let her breathe. 
- Who are Priyanka’s parents? YES ANIKA, ask important questions. Poor Priyanka. Stuck in this mill of wealthy family politics and shit. Yaar paani pilao koi! 
- You know I’m really liking Anika so far!
- OH IT IS THE GANESHA OM MADE! WITH THE RED (good job Om and sorry for the previous question). 
- Pinky… you got married to the wrong brother. Tej and Pinky should’ve married - it would’ve been hilarious AF. 
- Aye Haye, Shivaay didn’t forget his smallest bro either.
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- Ok today’s poster is Om Jai Jagdish! 
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- #Feelingdharmic. 
- Shivaay’s redeeming quality is the fact that he’s a really good brother.
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 - YAY K3G scene strikes!
- I’m loving the aesthetic of the show as of yet - I still have questions as to what happens later. Very cohesive writing too. Usually first twenty five episodes are (cause that holds the pitch of the show and stuff)
- Meanwhile… Tej has grinned his molars to nothing, Pinky has done 50000 eye rolls, Svetlana doing random khusur pusur and Dadi just crying tears of happiness (I’m Dadi)
- OH NO, self burning live candle dude is coming on fore. 
- Dude, kisko jalana tha 
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- aur kaun jal raha hai. 
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- Yeah dude, Ganesh ji punishes paapis instantly. 
- Wait are the three bros lost in puja that they don’t see—
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- WTF, damn that’s scary. 
- The End -
Well well well, I’m excited to liveblog the next episode! See you tomorrow (good thing this was queued). Also, what wouldn’t I have given to see IPK in this quality camera and INITIAL aesthetics (focus on initial, I have no idea what shit happens later in this show). This HD quality main Rabba Ve = Jalebi nosebleeds.
- S
Next up: E4 “Anyone between 40-59 is shit”
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
I'm sorry but any time someone mentions I'm Still Here I immediately think of the failed cheek kiss in that performance 😂 Poor Darren, I can't believe the people editing it were sloppy enough to leave that in. Gotta appreciate Darren for wanting to give us more kisses, though, showed that he, unlike the writers or maybe even Chris, genuinely cared about Klaine.
So.  Here’s my thing.  The quality of production of the show really started to decline as it went on.  I’m not saying that there weren’t stellar people working in the crew -- the wardrobe dept was usually fantastic!  But just looking at how the show was shot, in season 1, the director was doing dynamic things with the camera, but by the end of the series, you could kind of tell they shot what they needed and wrapped it up.  
And I’ve always questioned a lot of the editing choices.  (Looking at the scene in All or Nothing with Klaine and the lesbians, where Kurt’s happiness seemed to be edited around -- it’s a weird, long theory.)  
Anyway -- by season 5, someone did an interview talking about how they only were doing one or two takes on a shot.  Now, part of that is the nature of TV, part of that is that Glee had a million things to shoot and they needed to rush through it, and part of it was that after Cory died, the enthusiasm for doing the show waned considerably. 
I don’t think it was necessarily the editing more than it was they had one take to do that shot, and Darren tried to improv.  It’s probably the same reason, also in season 5, you can see Naya whack Darren during the DSB performance, and you see her apologizing to him.  If there was another take, I’m sure they would have left it out.  (Or maybe the editors were really bad.) 
That brings me to three things. 
1. Darren was nicer about Klaine to the fans -- but it doesn’t mean he cared one way or the other.  He had a plot line, and fun things to do, and Chris was probably a good actor to work with.  That’s about the investment Darren seems to have in it.  He is very aware of how people felt, though, and is very empathetic to his fans.  
2. Chris didn’t hate Klaine.  He hated the hoopla that surrounded it, which included people thinking he was dating his costar (which really, really rubbed him the wrong way).  He also wanted to make sure that Kurt’s story wasn’t sacrificed -- Chris is a person who very much values the idea of independence, and having two characters chained together is not his idea of that.  But also, like Darren, he was very aware of how much it meant to people, and even if he wasn’t as nice about it as Darren was, I think he had respect for what the couple meant to the his own community. 
3. Believe it or not, the I believe the writers did actually care about Klaine, especially when Finchel couldn’t be a thing anymore.  Klaine got to be the A-Couple.  They showed time and time again that if they didn’t want to write something (see: Brittana) they wouldn’t do it.  They may have poked fun at us in season 6, but Kurt and Blaine were given way more respect than many of the other characters on the show.  
Ha, this was so wordy
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capricornus-rex · 3 years
A Shadow of What You Used to Be (12)
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Chapter 12: Fitting Into The Mould | Cal Kestis x Irele Skywalker
Requested by Anon
Summary: There is another! Years after young Anakin Skywalker departed Tatooine, his mother Shmi delivers a second child—this time, a daughter. Whilst the circumstance of the girl’s birth remains unexplained, Irele Skywalker has yet to choose the true path between those laid out for her.
Tags: Fem! OC, Irele Skywalker, Force-sensitive! OC, Anakin’s Younger Sister, Skywalker! OC, Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice, Long-lost Sibling
A/N: I am so sorry for the delays. A lot of things have taken toll of me. One of which is learning that one of my coworkers is positive with COVID and I just happen to be one of the few people he was with the day before he stopped going to work. So I am required to go into home quarantine, only went out once to do my testing but I haven’t gotten my results yet in the past 5 days which made me extra anxious, and my time out of work will not be paid even though it’s considered “Official Business” as per my company’s COVID policy. But so far, I’ve been fine, which is good. Then my PS4 is on the brink of death just when I started playing Ghost of Tsushima for the first time, but most of the people in my forums say it just needs a deep clean but I’m too scared to take it apart because I’ve never done that. I didn’t want to write while my head’s muddled with these thoughts, but only now did the anxiety subside. I hope you guys understand. I figured the story’s quality will go bad while I have such thoughts and feelings.
Requesting to be tagged: @heavenly1927​
Also in AO3
Chapters: Prelude – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 | Previous: Part 11 | Next: Part 13 | Masterlist
13 of ?
Irele had a kinder three weeks in Anathema than her first week in the Fortress.
As soon as her first day started, she’s required to march her way to the training dojo—to which she got lost in finding, no thanks to the crew working in this metal maze. She’s already feeling her breakfast burning in her stomach after jogging to the dojo, after so many failed attempts and subtle peeking over doors that are ajar, and saved herself from a first-day scolding at the expense of a slight stomach cramp.
Smoke plumed and framed along the walls, colored in blood-orange as the hydraulics and power coolants flowed and hissed underneath the grated floor. At the center of the room, a lone trooper—clad in the same, onyx black armor like the previous ones she saw—stood, with a weapon at the ready; his visage standing in the heart of the dojo gave off an intimidating air around him, as if untouchable, invincible.
Unwelcoming and strict, the instructor obviously to spend every minute wisely.
“Grab a weapon.”
Irele had noticed a rack at the far end of the room; picking up his mood from the moment she saw him, she briskly walked to the weapons rack, troubled herself for a minute on what to use, took a gulp and a breath before snatching the javelin.
She kept her eyes on her faceless teacher while she walked towards him, but her hands searched for the activation switch. The weapon crackled to life, purple lightning glowed Irele’s fair, small face, and she gazed at the cracks of light dancing at the end of the lance.
“Now…” the trooper poised himself in a defensive stance, after showing off a spin with his twin batons. “We begin.”
Irele is no brawler. The only time she ever fought someone or something was a Massiff that had been loosed by its Tusken Raider owner, probably sent out to find and hunt down prey—and that was two years ago, she had shuffled her way out of that situation with a scraped forearm.
Of course, her attacks are flimsy and somewhat limp-looking to the instructor—who had been training a lifetime for combat. The trooper would retaliate with a heavier strike, tenfold from Irele’s power, and would reset his stance for another attack; whereas Irele would still be finding her footing after she’d been staggered.
“This is pathetic!” barked the trooper, relaxing his posture and twirls the left baton. “Put some back into it!”
The poor girl cannot talk back, no matter how much she wanted to. For every time she was staggered or pushed back, she could only coerce herself to poise into a somewhat satisfactory attack stance and get another shot—only to be denied.
This entire session felt like hours on end. Irele could barely notice any progress in herself, except the frustration, disappointment, and boredom all mixing together within the trooper as this day goes on. Whenever he was not satisfied, he would berate the girl—to which he thought would negatively motivate her to attack him more strongly.
Meanwhile, in the confinements of his chamber, Darth Vader watches over Irele’s performance virtually and in real-time. Hidden cameras were all over the dojo, and every feed was relayed to the Vader in his chamber. Screens panned across the half of the circular shell, he could see Irele versus the trooper exchange blows, although he kept his eyes on the girl—his young ward.
He could have sworn he feels something in her. At this time, Irele was beginning to grow exhausted and eager to finish this—she just doesn’t know how to.
“Come on, little girl, put some back into it!” her instructor growled. “I could’ve done better things than  this today!”
Thinking that he can just get this over with by defeating her in the spar, call it a day, and pick up where they’ve left off tomorrow—he charges at the girl who was still gaining her bearings after feeling the weight of the exhaustion get the best of her. At this time, Vader’s eyes remained on the girl, and secretly, he hoped something would come up.
Blinded by his lax arrogance, the trooper rushed towards Irele and raised his arms—both batons at the ready—and sprung up from the floor. Just when he thought he had landed a hit on the girl’s ribcage, Irele blocked it with her javelin at the very last minute.
Finally! The satisfaction of receiving the first step to a seemingly successful attack pattern flooded the girl with a newfound vigor. Irele pushed back the trooper while javelin and batons were still in contact with each other; little by little, her footwork was gradually becoming better, not by a lot, but it was preferable than her stumbling stupor a while ago, there was balance and there was pacing. Clearly, her strikes were not as strong as the instructor had hoped, but they were getting somewhere and that’s enough.
“Your strikes still need work!”
“Don’t…! You…! Just…! Ever…! SHUT UP!?”
For every word Irele roared, a strike would follow.
Her attacks were nothing flashy, she was only using what she knows from Tatooine—one of the few fragment of her past life still clinging into her…
And now it’s being weaponized.
Vader shuffled slightly where he sits. The anger in Irele’s voice and words found their way through his thick hide of an armor—albeit virtually—the emotion was wholly familiar to him.
It’s something he knows well.
Perhaps too well.
He didn’t wait for the training to finish, he’s watched enough he thinks. With the touch of a button, the screens fold back into their metal hatches within the shell of the chamber; another prompted his seat to swivel so he faces the opening. He steps onto a black circular base, a white ring of light hums alive the moment his boot stepped on it and shifted all his weight on it as he positions himself kneeling.
A bust of his master buzzes into life, shrouded in black was a rather pale face, even in the blue rendition of the hologram, one could tell that his color was sickly and white-as-bone.
“Master…” Vader greeted.
The Emperor did not linger into the niceties. He had sensed that Vader was about to give word of his ward’s progress.
“Her training has begun then.”
“Yes, my master.”
“Her anger… she weaponizes them,” observed Palpatine. He slighted his head back. “I can feel it. Truly strong she is with the dark side of the Force.”
“It is a nature that she cannot seem to outgrow.”
“Good,” croaked the Emperor. “The kin of Skywalker will have no trace of virtue but the Sith!”
“And she will be our asset, my lord.”
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cannibalcreeps · 4 years
If you could rank the wrong turn movies what would be at the top and what would be last 👀
Oh boyo oh boyo
So! This is personal taste of course 😌
Please know that if you do like one of the movies I talk poorly about, know that this is just my taste, my opinion and it does not mean anything
I am happy that you enjoy them, even if I don’t
But here is my ranks and why:
 1. Wrong Turn  10/10
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The first and original, just OMG the designs of the 3 boys 🥰😍
They're rugged and feel so real, like you could actually end up accidentally running into them in the West Virginia mountains! The protagonists are actually amazing too, I liked them, I felt for them when they died, I could feel the fear and tension and that is how these kinds of movies should be.
The axe scene is just, wow! The practical effect they used for it was soooo good!! definitely top one out of the whole list. The best out of the whole series up, just too good.
2. Wrong Turn 2   8/10 
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The second of the franchise, I was a little iffy at the idea at first cause as past movies have proven adding new family members to an established antagonist family never ends well, looking at you Texas Chainsaw 3. 
But when I finally watched it, I enjoyed it very much! 
The protagonists were not as great and there were really poorly shot scenes such as the BJ scene between M and Elena, you could see his crotch area and Elena's head was positioned by his leg like? How did you mess that up??
Also the axe scene in that one was not as great, sorry whoever did that it was just poorly done and I know they were proud of it but, it looked very fake. As for the cannibals tho? AMAZING, they stuck with kind realistic but sadly they didn't do well with Three-Fingers, the reason why he now looks like a goddamn goblin 😔
But Brother, Sister, Ma and Pa are just omg yes, perfect family dynamic, I felt for them, I wanted them to survive more than the protagonists, they did amazing with their acting. Perfection 💘
3. Wrong Turn 4  6/10
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Now this is where things start to drop in quality, but Wrong Turn 4 was fun and brought more gore and entertainment than it's previous films.The scene with the doctor being pulled apart and eating the man alive like he was some kind of cake, loved it! Also, One-Eye and Saw-Tooth is back!
 And One-Eye looks so cute 😍 like an utter baby, while his two brothers could've looked a bit better but I enjoy their looks and how they act. 
We also get to see them act more like brothers and caring for each other along with seeing them as kids, so that's pretty cool. As for the antagonists? Eh, nothing, don't care for them. Boring, rude and just stupid. Not worth caring about. 
4. Wrong Turn 5   4/10
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This is where things start getting worse and the quality is dropping in make-up, design, character, story, camera work and acting. Just hmmm nope, there are not enough shits in the world for me to care for these protagonists.
The three boys save it for being a bit goofy and fun, I just found One-Eye running the blade over his tummy to intimidate the woman at the beginning to be hilarious and then Three-Fingers was just a complete riot with stepping in front of her and licking his lips as she flips him off, hilarious.
The three boys designs dropped in quality real bad here, like I would've put them at 5 had they not been funny purely for the fact they look bad. Saw-Tooth looks too short, One-Eye seemed to have gotten as fat as Saw-Tooth and Three-Fingers looks like he is a damn goblin from Harry Potter! It’s a good thing they’re still goofy enough to entertain. 
Everything else tho, bleh. I did not like Old Man Maynard in this one, complete change of character, bad very bad and boring. 
5. Wrong Turn 3    2/10
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Protagonists are stupid as hell and I hate what they did to my sweet boy Three-Toes. 
I love Three-Toes design and how sweet and fatherly Three-Fingers is, annoyed that this film is the reason they got both Three-Toes and Three-Fingers deformities wrong. Their deformities were on the left and then they switched it to the right??? And thus the next films after started doing that like, NO! Three-Fingers messed up hand is on the left not the right 😤
Once again the protagonists are trash, so horrible and not because they're convicts. You can make criminals interesting characters that you can make the audience love, but these guys, the fucking worse in who they are, how they act just ew. Plus not all of then were convicts and only one of them was an actual serial killer neo-n*zi while the others were petty thieves/criminals or just had bad luck, one was an undercover marshal for god's sake.
Yet they had no personalities, bland ass characters. The scene with Three-Toes murder is what gets me, no one protests or feels guilty or anything, just outright murder a child just cause "Oh he's a mutant and trying to kill us" BITCH THAT'S A SMALL ASS CHILD! and they knew he was a kid too! Heck I would've felt for them had they felt anything at all when it happened, not even the chick felt sorry, just looked away cause 'ew gross beheading'
That's when I was hoping Three-Fingers would just go murder ballistic John Wick style on their ass. But no, he gets killed by the lamest of protagonists 🙄😒 
Completely unsatisfying and annoying. Deserved a proper battle to the end. 
6. Wrong Turn 6    0/10
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Omg a dumpster fire of a movie, I have never been so upset by what they do to the boys!
Their designs are just, NOOOO what did you do to them? They're so nasty looking, so fake, they look like really poorly made statues, i don't know how to explain how much it hurts me as an artist to see the poor make-up work like, make-up artist I just wanna talk! Were you held against your will? Were you only given 30 mins of work??? 
The story is whack, I do not like the antagonists woman and I do not like protagonists at all, they're annoying and stupid.
 The whole cult thing is stupid and just throws you off, I don't accept this part of lore, it's ridiculous.
 I have pushed out the whole movie from my mind as well so I've forgotten a lot about it. Only thing I liked was that one scene where she caresses One-Eyes cheek because I wish I could do that and that is all. 😂
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HI GUYS!!! I’m so happy to be posting again i cry :,)  i hope you enjoy!!!! i;ll be updating as much as i can without rushing too much :D
Prepare your wigs peeps
This is gonna make me swerve
I mean
cmon it’s Hyunjin
Let’s do this!
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Prince Hyunjin
Is actually smooth af with his crush
He'll complement you whenever he gets the chance
Or gives you food
Basically your knight in shining armor
Ye, that’s not what actually happens
He's smiling like an idiot and about collapse when he’s with you because HE'S FREAKING OUT OK
So freaking nervous his heartbeat is always up when he’s with you
You sometimes think he’s about to have a heart attack and you’re not stupid you know why lmao
Same for when he confesses
At first he’s pretty calm about it
Just casually asked if you wanted to see a movie with him some time
“Like... a-as more than friends?”
You'd kinda expected it so you weren't too shocked when he asked you
So you said yes
And he does a double take
"Wait.... Are you serious? You want to?"
"Well yeah?"
Was good with flirting but didn't actually think you'd go out with him smh
Now every minute he just contemplates the fact that he has you
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And he still can't believe it
Like shit dude
He’s with the y/n
You never feel unloved when you're with him
He loves going for long walks, just to talk and relax
Why does it sound like he's a dog here lmao
Will always take as many pictures of you as his phone storage will allow, his camera roll is stuffed with pics of you
Will insist on going to the park for a picnic, he just loves you and the sunshine
He loves to quietly slide your hand into his
But he always ends up giggling because he’s so giddy about being with you
Has to take a moment to charge up his courage before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek
He then goes an unreal shade of scarlet as he covers his face, muttering that he ‘can’t believe that he actually did it’! 
It takes him a while to finally gather up the courage to properly kiss you
Like.... a very long time
You were starting to get worried that he didn’t actually like you
Maybe he was just too nervous to tell you that it wasn’t working for him
On one certain date, Hyunjin had prepared a cute little dinner on the practice room floor
He was so apologetic about the poor setting, but finally had stopped saying sorry when you’d told him for the 2376129th time that you were having fun
At some point, he just went uber silent, watching you not in a creepy way
You eventually noticed, and just stared back
He didn’t say anything, but his eyes did widen a wee bit
“What are you lookin at, you’re sorta scaring m-”
He cut you off and just kissed you
Afterwards you both just stared at each other
And then Hyunjin goes all red
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry that was stupid you can slap me if you want!!!!”
“Bruh why would I want to slap you?!”
“You don’t hate me?”
facepalms for days
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You meet the other boys only a few minutes later
Go figure
You’re talking casually, the embarrassment from the kiss wearing off
They all come stampeding into the practice room making an ungodly racket
And all go quiet when they realize what they’ve done
Changbin, bless him, tries to reduce the awful level of awkwardness: “*cough* uh hey, Hyunjin.... This must be y/n right?” He waves at you. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Hyunjin never stops talking about you”
He misses the death glare Hyunjin shoots him
Then Jisung
Freakin Jisung, man
Waltzes up: “Hyunjin’s cheeks are really pink”. He gives a cheeky smile. “You didn’t kiss did you?”
The room goes as quiet as a tomb
Of course Hyunjin completely loses his shit at the sight of you turning a deep red. “GODDAMMIT JISUNG STFU”
Ye your first meeting with SKZ wasn’t the best
But you all bonded rather quickly after
And Jisung buys you little snacks sometimes as an apology for your first awkward meeting
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If you’re ever sick, they always get snacks for Hyunjin to give you
And if you’re really under the weather, they’ll cover for Hyunjin so that he can stay with you and take care of you.
He wraps you in blankets
And tries to make soup for you
We know what cooking!Hyunjin leads to
You’re chilling on the couch and you suddenly hear a high-pitched scream
You’re up and sprinting to the kitchen at the speed of light still wrapped in a burrito
To find him fanning at a smoking pot
You’re home doesn’t burn down thank goodness
And you end up heating some soup for yourself while Hyunjin watches
And it’s! hilarious! when he’s sick!
He becomes a little ten-year-old istg
But in a really cute way
He doesn’t ask for anything: food, to watch TV etc
Nah he just wants cuddles
The whole damn day
So while you’re struggling to keep a mask on and not getting sneezed on, this idiot is smiling like a puppy if puppies could smile, clinging onto you like a love-filled leach did that sound weird? i think that sounded really weird
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i want this tattooed on my face thx
Now idk what this dude is afraid of
Something tells me one big fear would be to lose Stray Kids and the people he loves
And so I think he’d get kinda nervous when you both see less of each other and when he gets busier
You can’t talk as much because of his crazy schedule and with lack of sleep, he starts getting more irritated easier during the little intervals of time you get to see each other
At some point he might snap at you, maybe for no reason at all, and you’ll snap back indignantly
Yeah you love him but you’re not taking any attitude
If things get really bad, he just shakes his head, saying he needs some air
You’ll both give yourselves some space, but eventually Hyunjin becomes terrified that you’re too angry with him to talk again
So he goes to find you and talk
You both hug it out and decide to spent the rest of the day together for more quality time
And it’s totally worth Hyunjin getting an earful from Chan the next day
OK back to fluff quickly quickly
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On the days Hyunjin goes somewhere, you sometimes join him in the car ride, tho you’re always super careful to never show your face when he gets out
Gotta stay hidden yknow?
You’ll both send cute little texts throughout the day and OOF just couple goals
You: hey check this out, this is me 2 u *sends heart meme*
Jiiniie<3: oh yeah? well this is me @ u! *sends heart meme with more hearts*
You: boi dont start smth u cant win!
And thus begins the heart meme wars
r they even called heart memes idk
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i want this tattooed on my face pt2
We’ve already established that Hyunjin can’t cook for love or money
So if he even steps foot in the dorms’ kitchen
You bet that at least two other of his hyungs will follow for pure supervision
And he is not, under any circumstances, allowed to cook something by himself
And you’re grateful that your safety and world peace had been assured by this rule
Although, you’re allowed to cook together as long as you watch what he’s doing
If anything at all goes wrong, the blame is pinned on you
So it’s natural for you to treat these cooking projects as once-in-a-while occasions
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Now when you ask about meeting his parents
Holy Hell
Stutters, clammy hands, flitting eyes, you name it
Hyunjin is so frickin nervous about you meeting his parents oof
You don’t understand why, like hey, how bad could it be right?
But pretty soon you get why Jinnie was nervous
His parents aren’t that trusting within the first hour of knowing you
You guess it might be because of poor past experiences?
Maybe Hyunjin had been judged or dated once too many times just for his looks?
The thought is enough to make you swear by all you know to always treat him like a treasure
You also make a mental note to ask him sometime
Eventually, his parents realize you have pure intentions and they become so much kinder and warmer
They let you know how welcome you are to visit whenever you want, they offer to send you off with some homemade cookies...
And Hyunjin gets so emotional at the beautiful site in front of him that he bursts into tears
Which causes you and his parents to tease and hug him
if you’re thick, let’s just be clear that im making a statement on how you should NOT judge Jinnie purely because he’s good looking, appreciate his talent!
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Now, Hyunjin is kinda tall compared to the rest of SKZ hah im joking of course so it’s pure instinct to want to steal his shirts
Don’t lie, if you had the chance, you would take something i see right thru u
And at some point in your life, you stop realizing ‘hey, this isn’t my jumper!’ and just walk around in clothes that aren’t yours
And when this happens, three things follow:
You see a wild Hyunjin crashing through the apartment towards you, yelling happily that ‘that’s my favorite hoodie!!’ he tries to act like he’s angry and fails in 0.0000003 sec
He doesn’t slow down and freakin slams into you at full velocity, knocking you over or off anything you might be sitting on
He proceeds to tickle you mercilessly, until you either can’t breath and turn purple or until you commit an extreme act of violence in the name of self defense
Once this chaotic episode ends, most of the time with both of you are completely knackered and just lying on the floor
You both cool off by just cuddling and watching something on TV
Or reading something together!!!
I can totally see Hyunjin shoving one of his fav books in your face and insisting that you both take turns in reading aloud to each other
And you both react at the same time to shockers in the book, like you start crying together when a character dies who hasn’t had that traumatic experience or you both squeal with joy and hug each other tighter when something great happens
Did I just turn into a puddle of happy goo?
Yes I fuckin did.
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I think Hyunjin wouldn’t take that long to tell you that he loves you
That doesn’t mean that he planned anything tho
HAH! Course he didn’t
Probs says it when he can barely think straight
Maybe you’re watching him dance late at night
You’d brought snacks to keep him going ‘cause he was working his ass off
And there you sit, marveling at his skill and fluidity while executing his choreo
You have a talent for hyping Hyunjin up while he dances, cheering when he leaps high into the air, gasping when he performs a complicated move, and aw-ing and his graceful poses ok im done now
When he finishes one of his more dramatic dances, you jump up with glee and tackle him in a hug despite him being sweaty, saying how proud you are
He hugs you back happily and says:
“I should be the proud one, having someone I love so much being so supportive of me”.
You both freeze, still hugging each other
And neither of you move or breathe for a moment
“What did you say?”
“You said that you love me!”
“N- wait what?”
“I love you, dumbass” same tho
Oof that poor practice room has seen a lot of awkwardness
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I’m cracking up just by thinking of how hopeless Hyunjin could become when SKZ are away
“Hey do you guys have a signal and/or data? I wanna Skype y/n and show them the beautiful view”.
*all of SKZ facepalms*
Always taking pictures to show you
In the evenings, you get a frickin cascade of notifications of both photos and messages from the poor boy telling you he misses you like crazy
When Skyping, he asks to see Khami, who you have the pleasure of caring for during his absence
You do question (mentally and then verbally) whether he calls to talk to you or his dog
He never answers the question heh
There’s lowkey a competition between you and Khami for Hyunjin’s affection
When the boys make their flight home, Hyunjin keeps you informed about everything that’s happening
I mean everything:
Jiiniie<3: we’re @ the airport :D     -6h ago
Jiiniie<3: waiting to board!     -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: they’re getting ready to go, i can’t wait to see you!! xxx      -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: will text you when we arrive, love!     -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: JUST LANDED! CANT WAIT TO HUG U     -31mins ago
Jiiniie<3: about to get our luggage!     -Just now
You get the point -_-
When you finally see each other, he runs at top speed to pick you up and spins you around
frickin goals man i feel so sad writing this :,)
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He goes public in probably the most aesthetic way that’s physically possible
He posts a bunch of gorgeous photos-
Courtesy of Jisung
-of your silhouettes in front of sunsets
-Pics he took of you laughing during a cafe trip
-Bomb-ass selcas where you’re both lookin hella fine
Naturally, the internet freaks the fuck out
Both of you are kinda nervous about the explosive reaction
There are salty bitches who are telling you to piss off because they jelly
But the huge majority of Stay are crying with happiness and wishing you both well
this better happen in the future im watching all of u
And soon Hyunjin is talking about you on vLives, proud af because y/n freakin rules!
OhmyGod I love Hyunjin
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Damn my heart be like < HYUNJIN 3 phew
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phoenix43song · 5 years
Little Women [2019] Film Review and Analysis
I have been reading the Little Women series since I was a child and I grew up on the 1994 film version that stars Winona Ryder. I have also watched the 1933, 1949, 2017 (mini series), and the 2018 modern film adaptation. I have watched and enjoyed the web series The March Family Letters on youTube, which is another modern adaptation take on the story, though unfinished. I have a graphic novel and a novel called Meg and Jo that are also modern adaptations. I love the songs from the musical, and I wish to play Jo one day (after I get my singing voice back). You can say I am a bit obsessed, though it has been quite awhile since I last read Little Women and did research on Louisa May Alcott. When I heard Greta Gerwig was going to be making another adapation I reread the whole series. The research I have done on Louisa, and the research that I have read from other fans and scholars has made reading Little Women all the more interesting. I try to be a writer, though I've only ever written novella's and short stories and short films. I love the theatre, acting, and now I am directing for the first time. I have so many story ideas for novels, series, and for feature films (maybe even TV). I've also always loved art, though without praticing much since adulthood my skills have dwindled. I identify with Jo and with Amy and I am really glad that this version of the book did these character justice...well Greta went wayland on Jo a bit.
The character of Jo in this adaptation is fully realized, three dimentional, however she is made to be have way more of a temper when she's an adult, unlike the book. Jo has this Peter Pan mentality where she wants to keep living in childhood and never grow up. She is in denial of her feelings, and she doesn't understand romantic love fully until the end. Greta decided to really incorporate Louisa herself into Jo. Louisa wrote the book loosely based on herself and her sisters growing up because she was pressured in writing a children's novel. She didn't want Jo to get married: she wanted Jo to remain a spinster like herself. Louisa was pressured to marry Jo off so she did. And then she continued to write two more novels after Little Women (technically Good Wives): Little Men and Jo's Boys. She created Friedrich Bhaer for Jo, who was the perfect choice for her...and most readers can't seem to see why Jo fell in love with him when, based on the research that I did and others did, Louisa created him off of men she had crushes on. Yes Louisa had crushes; she most likely had a few short lived romances, but we'll never know because if she wrote any of this down in her diary or in letters they have been destroyed.
Friedrich Bhaer in Greta's Little Women is not Friedrich Bhaer. He shares but a few qualities. Louis Garrel did an amazing job with what material he was given and he understands his characters and Frieidrich's relationship with Jo far better than Greta does. Based off of interviews and other comments that Greta has mentioned Greta hates Friedrich and can't stand that Jo married in the end. She doesn't understand him nor their relationship. She took away everything that Friedrich is, how Jo became friends with him, the courting he does, and one of the most romantic proposals in classic literature. Greta decided on an ambiguous ending for her movie and I absolutely hate it. The umbrella scene is rushed, hurried, and not romantic at all and it's edited in a way that this only happens in the novel that Jo writes because she is pressured, or somewhat forced, to marry off her heroine. Then there are cuts where we see Jo at her school for boys and girls, where her family presents a cake for Marmee's 60thbirthday and we see that Friedrich is there. This is cut where Jo is watching her book being made and she hugs it to herself: I really enjoyed this part of the ending, but the ending could have still followed the book more and not edited and written in a way where Jo's love for Friedrich and marriage isn't fiction. I mean Greta even had Amy and Meg drag Jo to go after him when Friedrich leaves and claim that Jo loves him. This is a change that...it destroys the characters in a huge way.
Friedrich isn't German in this film, though we do see him go into a German Beer Hall with his friends. I did love the dance scene in the Beer Hall and him dancing with Jo. He's French because Louis is French. Part of me wishes Greta would've gotten a German actor because Germany in it's people and culture was a huge part of Louisa's life and German is scattered all over the book. But I love Louis Garrel so this aspect of Friedrich didn't bother me that much. However...we don't get to know him and we don't get his backstory in this film. He doesn't play with the children, his immigration and carring for his orphaned nephews isn't mentioned, and him bringing Jo to intelletual gatherings isn't seen. Him giving Jo Shakespeare is in the film, but it's not done in person. He helps Jo with giving honest feedback on her stories and Jo doesn't take constructive critism well at all and yells at him. Friedrich likes Jo and you can tell. It's even shown that Jo likes him as well, but we sadly don't get to see their friendship: hell they don't really have much of a relationship in this movie. When Friedrich comes to visit Jo at the March house, we can see that Jo is surprised but pleased. I really do love how the family really likes him and gets to know him, and that they can see that the two love each other but that Jo is in denial. Except...Jo isn't really in denial in the book. She blushes when she realizes that Friedrich has come to court her. Jo in the book feels more mature by this point then she does in the movie.
Jo also tries to make herself love Laurie by writing him a letter because she's lonely. She never does this in the book. She does have one mention of a what if scenario but she stands by what she always thought: that she only loved Laurie like a brother. I really loved the scene where Jo rejects Laurie when he proposes because she's telling the truth and we even see in the movie that that have this special commarderie that's close but platonic, and not romantic. I do love how Greta explains and shows different kinds of love and growth in the sisters. But this seemed to degrade Jo a bit when it comes to actual full realized growth. I just don't understand where Greta was going with this and why she doesn't seem to understand Jo and Jo and Friedrich together. She put way too much of Louisa into Jo when Jo is a fictional character and not 100% Louisa. It's made to look like the umbrella propsal is fiction and that Jo did end a spinster. I am so upset right now at this that I will talk about what I did love and more of my analysis from a filmmaking aspect. (I doubled majored in theatre and in film in college and I do know that there will be changes in adaptations. However this doesn't mean that you can change characters and relationships to fit your own idea of how they should act and how they should end up. When you adapt a story you have to keep who the characters are and Greta doesn't do this with Friedrich nor with Jo in the end with her as a character and the relationship between the two).
So. This film is gorgeous. Beautiful cinematography, direction, costumes, acting, score, and editing. The only thing that I didn't like was how the characters read their letters to the camera. It took me out of the story and didn't fit in at all. The editing of present to past was well done, and I loved how it went with parallel themes. Each sister is three dimentional and real, and the different takes on money and love was really interesting. Beth's sickness and death was well done and so heartbreaking poignant. I loved how she got Jo to write again, and I loved the montage of Jo writing her novel. Mr. Dashwood was hilarious, and Meryl Streep had a blast playing Aunt March. Laura Dern made a capible Marmee but she didn't feel like Marmee to me sadly. Mr. March was barely in the film, but he's barely in the book so that was ok. The scenes between Mr. Lawerence and Beth were beautiful, and the scenes between Mr. Lawernce and Jo were good as well. I liked seeing Meg wanting riches, her feelings about being poor, but her love for John was a lot stronger and she made sacrifices. Amy was great, espeacially as an adult in Paris.
Laurie...I have a lot of thoughts on how Laurie was protrayed. I liked how his Italian ancestry was mentioned a lot and that Laurie could never sit still. I liked how he was represented as a drunk and ladies man until Amy talked sense into him. I like how we got to see how Amy and Laurie fell in love, and how Laurie realized that his love for Jo wasn't of the romantic nature either. He does love Jo and you can diffinitely see that, but at the same time they're best friends. Yes it's good to want to marry your best friend but at the same time you need more than just physical attraction ( and that's where Friedrich comes into the pitcuture). But there was something off about how he was represented. I honestly think it's because that Tim looks way too young for the adult version (even though he is an adult in real life), and that he's too skinny. Sorry I said it: Tim needs to put some meat on his bones.
This film does deserve awards and it bothers me that the film wasn't nominated for a Golden Globe (though Saoirse being nominated for Best Actress was a choice well deserved) or for an SAG awards. I hope the film is nominated a lot at the Oscar's at least. I would give this film somewhere between a 2.5 to a 3 out of 4 stars. This would've been a perfect 4/4...I know a lot of critics and fans love the ending, and that's there's only a minority of us that understand and love Friedrich, and Jo/Fritz together. At least we have other film adaptations and the musical – love the musical! - and I am really tempted to write my own version of a Little Women feature or mini series. I want to do more research on Louisa and write a biopic. I even have my own modern adapation ideas. This is a beloved book and I wish more people will read it, along with the rest of the series. To understand Jo/Fritz you have to read the last two books. This isn't really an essay or full on anaylsis, but more of me rambling, but let me know your thoughts in the comments. I would love to discuss Little Women and hear your thoughts and opinions. (Also sorry for spelling and grammar errors: I wrote this up really fast and didn’t bother to edit as I’m rather busy). 
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beg-for-it-black · 4 years
LDWS Week 1 Voting
Guys! Voting is HERE! As of right now, voting will stay open until Monday at 6pm EST. You all have 1 vote for most favorite and 1 vote for least favorite drabbles. Participants are encouraged to vote, but you may NOT vote for yourselves! I should explain a bit more how this works, I guess. The winner isn't decided by whoever gets the most most fav votes. Each most fav vote gets +1. Each least fav gets -1. Once those are tallied, a winner will be determined. If there's a tie, there will be a tie breaker so that there is one winner and one person eliminated. Please, try not to vote on a drabble just because you like a pairing. Take into account the quality of the writing and how well it fits the prompt! When you vote, just send me a message stating the number and the title of the drabbles. Do not send messages on anon. The prompt this week was "Well that was a bad idea" and had to be between 440-450 words.
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thrumples · 5 years
SPN S15 Live-blogging: Episode 1
spoilers under the cut
- i’m only on the intro. what the FUCK is up with this editing?? - it’s just zooming in on people’s faces with this fuckin wack song playing in the bg - this makes the s14 finale look like a joke - ok here we actually go - 1:49– it opens on jack’s burnt out eyes that’s fucking disgusting - 1:55– im sorry i really can’t take this seriously with this song asfkskskshsdhskskjlsh - 2:40– bro wtf how strong is cas?? he just Yoinked jack’s body up off the ground with like no effort - man i. i really can’t take this shit seriously with this song - 3:13– ok we finally got to the intro. i actually kinda like this title card, it’s very glowy - 3:30– askfhsks these zombies are just. Striding right up to the crypt door. no dramatic stumbling or anything they’re literally just walking. they are making some neat zombie noises tho - i miss when this show used to be good - 4:27– i forgot to turn my subtitles on until now and then was smacked in the face with “cass” - 5:31– what is up with this random camera zooming - 5:54– dean stop shouting - i got so used to the wonderful writing of good omens that i got kinda knocked off my feet here with how much this show has gone downhill - 7:02– WOAH HANG ON HANG HANG ON JACK WTF ARE YOU DOING - “hello!” BRUH IM LOSING IT - he’s a DEMOn AKDHAJSGSNSISGAKHSKBSKH - 8:01– “my name is Belphegor” bruh WHAT is going ON - “you’re an abomination with that stupid dumb trench coat” he’s not wrong the olive green makes him look terrible - 8:35– those sunglasses, i can’t take him seriously in those sunglasses man - 9:50– *angrily* “we are not twinsies” i really didn’t think i’d hear cas say that - bel looks like he just came back from the area 51 raid - 11:10– oh they’re all dead! fun - 11:38– bruh that transition i can’t even deal with this goddamn show anymore - 11:52– this is not how regular teenage girls talk to each other - 11:56– tHats not how cellphones work either - 12:16– “divorce is awesome” - 12:43– when did this show start getting worse? i think it was season 6 - it certainly keeps getting even worse - i feel like i’m watching riverdale - also what’s up with all these disney ads - 13:48– the subtitles call him Bel and since i can’t remember or pronounce his actual name that’s the only way i’m gonna refer to him from now on - 14:42– ooh! red paint! - 14:48– whoever is in charge of the music for this show should be fired - 15:22– AW HELL YEAH WOMAN IN WHITE WE GOIN BACK TO THE PILOT EPISODE BABEY - 15:46– why does jared constantly look like he’s about to start crying - 16:17– that is a BIG ASS GARAGE - 17:00– i feel like that kid should be freaking out a whole lot more than she actually is - like she’s just kinda crying, if i was in that situation i would be curled up in a ball on the floor screeching - 17:31– this feels like a car ad - 17:45– sir please stop snarling you’re making me uncomfortable - also is he wearing a sock on his head? - 18:25– well fuck that i guess we don’t get to see what happens - 18:54– crowley jr - 19:53– can bel, like,,,, see? he doesn’t have eyes but he saw dean put the gun away,,, - 20:10– “so people are like, crazy good-looking now, huh?” bel you’ve just become my new fav demon - 20:19– dean that was the exact same reaction i had - 20:46– is bel bi - 21:15– “he was our kid” - idek what i wanted to write for that i just wanted to put that down - 21:53– yknow sam most people don’t like it when you just. open their doors and come in with a shotgun - also why are these people leaving their doors unlocked - 22:07– these houses are extremely cookie-cutter, they have the same furniture and everything - also wtf is up with these random pulsating noises i can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a heartbeat or not - 22:37– oh look more red paint - wait is this the house with the sockhead clown? - 23:04– so the ghosts just kinda. only showed up in this one specific town huh - don’t some of them have relics that they’re supposed to be attached to? - also this is completely off track but uhh WHO REMEMBERS THAT GHOST FROM SEASON 1 THAT THEY TRAPPED IN THE SEWER BUT NEVER KILLED?? BC THAT MF IS STILL FUCKIN THERE - 23:22– bloody mary just looks like she’s wearing a shitty Party City costume - 23:53– bruh how did those two get up onto that shelf in the time before the clown got into the garage?? - also how long have they been up there?????? - OH SHIT THE CLOWN i definitely didn’t see this coming - /s - 24:36– oh shit sam actually got cut - also quit singing dude you’re off-key - 24:47– AYY CAS COMIN IN TO SAVE SAM’S ASS - hang on my subtitles stopped working - 25:22– “move your exquisite ass Please” - 25:45– oh we got s4 references - 26:30– “wait every door? even the cage?” WHAT - WAIT HANG ON - THAT MEANS - ADAM!!!!!! - 27:07– alright cas i’m pretty sure you just completely shifted this woman’s spirituality - 27:30– sam you can’t just talk about shooting god in front of other people - 28:00– uhhhh eXcuse mE was that DEMON SAMMY - sam: receives a mortal wound that contains properties he’s never seen before - also sam: “i’m fine” - 28:43– oh no something’s about to happen to this poor sheriff - 28:48– I HATE IT WHEN IM RIGHT - 29:27– goddamnit what is up with these stupid pulsating noises?? - bel: sees dead body - bel: “cool” - also i’ve gotten the same migrane medication ad like three times while watching this - 30:05– i guess you could technically call this town a ghost town now - 30:54– lmao that throw looked Super fuckin fake - 31:01– *menacingly shimmies toward ghost with shotgun* - 31:03– “it’s okay, it’s just one ghost” how do i know that something’s gonna grab that kid and drag her right into that pond - 31:26– ASJSHSKHJSYBKSJSK cas just looks so pissed off about being shot - 31:40– local demon thinks he can deter a spirit by saying “bad ghost” - 32:16– well technically i was wrong and right bc something came out of the pond but it grabbed the mom - also is this kid okay? - 32:36– bel says “anime” - 34:14– hey sam maybe you should check how many shotgun shells you have left before you try to take on 4 ghosts at once - better yet why don’t you RUN OVER THE LINE WHERE THEY CAN’T KILL YOU - 35:02– ghost: *screams in sam’s face bc it’s mad that it’s stuck* - sam: “shut up” - my video quality just hella dropped in the middle of an ad break i hope this doesn’t last - nvm it’s cause i’m on the wrong internet lmao hang on a sec - 36:23– why does no one let cas do anything - 36:38– are they about to kiss - 36:45– nope dean just wanted to be a dick - bel says what we’re all thinking - 37:48– can we like. make sam get an x-ray or something to see if the bullet is still in his arm - 37:58– dean you are spilling that disinfectant All over the car trunk - 39:04– dean’s getting existential - 39:52– sam: “for the first time, it’s just us” - cas: do i look like a joke to you - also i think my subtitles are broken - 40:46– AYY MORE PILOT FLASHBACKS
final thoughts: that was,,, kind of a lot better than i thought it would be? the first ten minutes were kinda shit but then Bel showed up and absolutely made my day
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bendthekneejon · 5 years
I personally love the petition!! We all know nothing will come of it but it’s nice to know a million other people agree with us 🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel like Katniss when she told president Snow if we burn, YOU BURN WITH US!!! DRACARYS BITCHES!!!
Lol! Yes, nothing will come out of it, I don’t think they’d ever agree to film again, and the actors’ contracts are over so having them all film in the same schedule again would be almost impossible lmao. For me, it’d be enough to just have Kit and Emilia and maybe 2 or 3 more actors and that’s it lol (boatbaby actor included, ofc).
TBH, I hate revenge, so I don’t see the petition as a way of revenge from fans to D&D (at least from my side it isn’t lol). The reason why I want it to become viral and massive is because we can make a change by sending a message to:
1. Disney: we don’t want Star Wars to be ruined the same way with such a poor narrative.
2. Other TV writers out there: If something good can come out of this disaster, I hope it’s a reflection from other writers that they need to respect the rules of narrative and logic progression, and that the audience doesn’t love shock for the sake of shock, as these two dingbats have thought. I’m hoping the quality of television improve in the future.
The price for this is extremely high, of course--the assassination of our favorite characters--but when something this disastrous happens, usually there’s a lesson to be learned in the future. 
I also hope the actors, editors, camera assistants, etc. don’t feel bad about this. This is only a message to the writers. I’ve heard the actors are doing an amazing job and that Emilia deserves an Emmy. But if S8 gets nominated for best writing or best TV drama I’ll jump off a fucking cliff. 
Kit Harington said in an interview that “whoever spends more than 30 minutes writing criticism about this season can go fuck themselves” because he “knew how much effort was put into this”. And tbh, sorry Kit, but I couldn’t disagree more. Effort should not be a metric of how deserving something is or isn’t of criticism. This season has been poorly written, and it deserves all the criticism in the world to improve the writing of future shows. It sends super problematic messages to the world that must be criticized as well. It’s the most popular show right now, millions of people watch it, and sending messages as fucked up as these ones must be criticized. 
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recsnrecaps · 6 years
Meteor Garden (2001) Recap: Episode 1
Hi folks, it's 2019 and I'm finally fulfilling my childhood resolution to watch this drama. You have no idea - Meteor Garden was such a hit back in the day. However, back then it was only available either at specific time slots on TV or on crappy VCDs that were passed around the community (i.e. schoolgirls and aunties). I never could be bothered to watch it properly.
Imagine my surprise when I chanced across it on Netflix. I am aware that there's a 2018 remake of Meteor Garden, as well as the Japanese Hana Yori Dango and the Korean Boys Over Flowers, but the 2001 Taiwanese version is the original drama that spawned the madness. The buzz around the 2018 version is laughably negligible compared to the craziness in 2001. I'm so ready to experience the magic of 流星花园.
So without further ado, here we go.
Episode 1: Summary
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We are introduced to Shan Cai (Barbie Hsu), who rides a crappy scooter to school. Right off the bat we realize that the school caters to the rich and the elite, where students are decked out in designer wear and get NT500000 (~ USD16000) nose jobs during the school holidays.
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The fashion rivalry between classmates Bai He (Belinda Cheng) and Qian Hui (Zhang Ruo Zhen) cracks me up. It's petty, exaggerated, and deliciously obnoxious, solidly setting us viewers up with the premise of a school drama about rich kids.
A very normal Li Zhen (An-ting Yeh) appears to be Shan Cai's classmate and friend. She's pretty serious about her homework, having borrowed extra books to read up for the upcoming report assignment. Shan Cai laughs that Li Zhen might be the only student serious about studying in this school, everyone else comes to socialize instead. I’m guessing Li Zhen is on scholarship and needs to maintain her grades.
We cut to a classroom with a boy clearing out his books in order to drop out of the school. A crowd forms around him and the teacher (Bu Xue Liang) approaches to find out why he is leaving and to persuade him not to. However, upon finding out that the boy had offended F4, the teacher doesn't push the matter and instead encourages the boy to leave. Shan Cai watches helplessly from the sidelines and rolls her eyes at the hypocritical teacher.
In class, in a further act of hypocrisy, the teacher gives a lecture on the value of conscience.
Conscience. It's what we call 'moral courage'. It's the most basic quality mankind should have. In Chinese history, Confucius had the strongest conscience. Today, we'll discuss his core thinking. It focuses on benevolence. By benevolence, it means you do unto others what you would want them to do unto to you.
Unable to stomach his empty words, Shan Cai leaves the classroom in a huff. She heads to the roof launching a tirade against the unfairness of the University and coins the term "Pig Head 4". "So what if your family owns the school," she declares. "You better not mess with me. I'll never submit to you."
The 4 in question are just arriving at the University in their comfortable chauffeured rides. We get to watch the boys saunter around and the camera obliges with close ups on each one of them as they stride into campus.
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Dao Ming Si (Jerry Yan aka Yan Cheng Xu)
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Hua Ze Lei (Vic Zhou aka Zai Zai aka Zhou Yu Min)
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Xi Men (Ken Chu aka Zhu Xiao Tian)
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Mei Zhuo (Vanness Wu aka Wu Jian Hao)
Shan Cai and friend watch in horror as the teacher accidentally bumps into Dao Ming Si, spilling coke all over him. Apologizing frantically, he kneels over Dao Ming Si, attempting to wipe the soda off his shoes. Dao Ming Si ignores his apologies and we get to hear his trademark catchphrase, "If apologizing is enough, what do we need police for?"
Dao Ming Si waves the teacher off to the side and viciously kicks over the basket of balls while striding off. Shan Cai gapes in amazement at his arrogance. Suddenly, a hand reaches out to righten the fallen basket. It's Hua Ze Lei (known as Lei to his friends), who has a perpetually blank expression on his face and appears to be the only member of the F4 who isn't a douche. While adjusting the basket, he turns and makes brief eye contact with Shan Cai, then hurries off after Dao Ming Si.
At the cafe where Shan Cai works part time, she complains to her co-worker Xiao You (Rainie Yang) about her awful school and the awful boys. It’s exposition time! We learn that F4 Stands for Flower 4, and the boys belong to 4 rich and influential families who own the school. When Xiao You prompts her to confirm that the boys are really all that bad, Shan Cai hesitates and says that maybe one of the 4 is “different”. Methinks she’s starting to have a crush on someone!
As the two continue their conversation, we learn that Shan Cai used to be very outspoken against bullies, in contrast with her current passive nature. Xiao You remarks that she hardly recognizes the Shan Cai now. Inwardly, Shan Cai agrees, hating herself for turning into a coward.
When Shan Cai returns home, she makes an attempt to tell her family she doesn’t want to continue studying at this school. Unfortunately, her mother would hear nothing of it. Turns out her mother had pulled strings to get her daughter into the elite Yingde University. Her mother is fixated on Shan Cai getting a good boyfriend from school and networking well with people from high society so that their family can ascend into a higher social strata. Shan Cai’s poor dad gets berated by his wife for not getting a promotion for the past many years, unlike their neighbors. As the parents bicker, the resentments pile up, making for very awkward dinner conversation. In order to pacify them, Shan Cai promises that she would continue to study at Yingde University.
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What a weird couple.
That evening, the F4 hang out at a bar. The boys appear unaccustomed to such a venue, noting with puzzlement that the establishment doesn't serve foie gras or vintage wine. We get to hear them in conversation for the first time ever, teasing Dao Ming Si about his unruly hair and his rigorous hairstyling session to tame it. Lei remains ever silent, using only a thumbs down gesture to communicate his opinion on Dao Ming Si’s new hairstyle. Throughout the night, he keeps staring at his mobile, as if awaiting a call.
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It turns out that the boys are only there because Xi Men's latest girl wanted to meet Xi Men at the bar. Which begs the question - why are the other 3 following  Xi Men on his date?! In any case, according to show logic, it’s the right course of action as everyone is present when the loser boyfriend of Xi Men’s girl shows up with a gang of hooligans and causes a scene. The boys slip into action and begin beating up the hooligans. All except Lei, who gets up and slips the owner of the bar NT15000 (~USD500) for the damages before leaving.
The next day at school, Shan Cai stands up for Li Zhen who had accidentally tripped and spilled dirt all over Dao Ming Si. I actually feel sorry for the poor dude who keeps getting things spilled on him. To put a stop to Li Zhen’s apologies, Dao Ming Si does his usual rough shove and pushes Li Zhen into the wall, incurring the wrath of Shan Cai. She shouts at him, calling him a parasite leeching off his parents and declares that the F4 should be called Pig Head 4. Dao Ming Si announces that she has some nerve and stalks away. As the four boys walk past, she thinks to herself that she's going to be dead meat.
At home, she receives zero support from her parents when she mentions once again that she wants to quit school. Instead her manipulative mother fakes a panic attack that miraculously subsides when Shan Cai promises to finish her studies. That night, Shan Cai sleeps restlessly, dreaming of being tormented.
At school, Shan Cai receives the F4 red card and a series of montages show how her life becomes hell. Everyone shuns her, even Li Zhen and Shan Cai is subjected to prank after prank. Finally, a drenched and annoyed Shan Cai escapes to the roof. She leans over the ledge and yells her heart out, cursing the Pig Head 4 with bankruptcy and high cholesterol, for their bodies to be ripped apart by horses and their souls to go to hell. Haha, how inventive. She doesn’t realize that Lei was on the roof too, privy to her outburst. She startles when he asks her if there was anything else. What a delightfully awkward moment. Shan Cai backs away warily as Lei leans forward, but he was only offering her his handkerchief. She accepts it and dabs at her wet hair. Softening up to Lei, she thanks him and begins to apologies for her earlier curses. However Lei cuts her short saying “I’m not interested in other people’s business.” He turns to leave and Shan Cai makes to return him the handkerchief. He ignores the gesture and tells her to throw it away as it is already garbage anyway.
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What an awful thing for Shan Cai to hear. He is insinuating that because she used the handkerchief, the handkerchief no longer has any value to him and deserves to be in the trash. Shan Cai thinks back to her earlier assessment of Lei and concludes that he must not be so different from the other 3 after all.
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The episode ends with Shan Cai heading home with her scooter. Except this time she has to wheel it along the road because her fellow students had damaged it. A flashy convertible pulls up beside her, and Dao Ming Si leans out to gloat at her. He tells her that he’s impressed with her determination, and will work harder to humiliate her.
Episode 1: Thoughts
Oh where do I begin! This episode does a good job of setting up so many interesting characters, especially the F4. Dao Ming Si appears cocky and rude, but he's the quintessential bad boy. I fully expect a redeeming arc on how he is actually a big softie. In contrast, Lei is mysterious and charming. I wonder what's the story behind his anti social behavior. The other two members kind of fade into the background as we haven't actually seen them do anything except pose and strut around. As for our heroine, Shan Cai, I suppose she's relatable enough as a first lead. We’ve met her family, schoolmates and friends and have a decent insight into her motivations for her actions. I'm so excited for her to show some spunk and challenge the boys to a showdown soon. 
Despite being 18 years old, the show retains its charm. Unfortunately, fashion-wise the show has not aged well at all. What we have here is literally a time capsule of dated 90s trends such as spaghetti strap tops, rebonded hair and frameless spectacles. Plus Dao Ming Si’s ridiculous bandanna is just absurd.
We know in hindsight that this show kickstarted the entertainment careers of these 4 actors of F4. In 2001, after Meteor Garden aired, Sony Music Taiwan signed the 4 boys as an actual boyband bearing the name F4. It’s amazing how these formerly virtually unknown 4 individuals owe their success to this show.
Onward to the next episode!
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rqs902 · 6 years
you know there’s a problem when you open a video and think “oh good, it’s ONLY two and a half hours” 
every time lin mo shows up in a quick flash during the beginning ANY sequence, I always rewind to watch it again.... maybe more than once LOL... omg he was also in the title sequence again!!! 
wtf chen sijian can do anything what waht talent
wang jiayi’s voice is just so wow
i really like these lessons, theyre letting these kids show off their talents :D and it seems like theyre really learning, which is cool
OMGOHS THEYRE DOING ERIC CHOU’S ‘ZEN ME LE’!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERIC CHOU YASSSSSSSS ehehehhe yes wenhan is a fan of eric chou too yesss ma boy has good taste oooo jia yi too
aw wang yi.... ye ziming is so fun i like him
oooo i think sun zelin picked a good song for himself yayyy william wei just makes me think of nongnong now LOL even tho sun zelin is a smol, i see him being a good leader c: 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MINGMING AND ZHENNING TRASHING HU WENXUAN HAHAHAHAH how did lin mo survive namanana team a????? YAS MINGMING PROMO YOSELF WITH CONFIDENCE YOU GOT THISSSS awww when he gets pinned and he touches his glasses he looks so soft aww his smile
im sorry those cloud things suspended in the air look like pancreases to me
yaasss xu fangzhou sing that chorus!! omg lol im sorry feng junjie may be the center and his voice is nice but XIA HANYU ASLKDJLKJK man not even just the high notes but that last line of his was so perfect too... im def downloading this song
LOOK AT MINGMINGS EYE MAKEUP OMG WOW wait why does mingming have such a lowkey outfit even when hes center 
“mingming has changed” -- yessssss hopefully!!!! im happy to see this more outgoing and fun side of him :D
aw poor guan yue, im sure he will be great still! ayy mingming making everyone laugh is the content im here for!! lol i kinda feel like su yuhang got slighted this group..... like he shone so much in the last stage but they literally keep panning away from him during his lines to focus on the more popular kids like guan yue and zhenning... (who i honestly bias more, but i still feel bad for yuhang...)
YES MINGMING GET THAT RECOGNITION IN SPITE OF IQIYI .... omg i cant believe his result was so low wtf
omgosh ou tianrui is gonna be in the youth arts academy after getting eliminated.... ugh my heart............
i thought ye ziming would get higher, im surprised, but wang yi i can see why too
their group kinda got slighted with the screentime tho.... i think they would have a fun group dynamic!! but we didnt get to see it lol..... oo i like chuanjun’s voice!!! hes also so tall lolol HAHAHAHAH the head bopping energy is so strong so cute
HAHAHAHAHHAAHA ‘and then what?’ ‘AND THEN WE WAIT.’ HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIMMM i bet sun zelin would make this group so fun, i wish we coulda seen more of their practice
hmmm overall thoughts.... they didnt give lin mo screentime during the times i expected them to?? like during the part when they chose songs bc he has such expressive facial reactions and they loved showing his reactions in the past but this time they didnt show him like at all?? ? and also during the ending credits, he wasnt in it at all either, and he was in last week’s 3 times :o but idk they gave him a couple of really random flashes of screentime (???) and his group didnt go this week so i can understand he would have less time. also they didnt address lin mo getting injured in the last ep’s ending credits this ep.......... IS HE ALRIGHT??? IS MY CHILD INJURED WHILE ON STAGE??? on another note, not showing zhan yu’s group this week really makes me worry about him not getting enough votes to make it past the next round, bc each week really makes a difference.... and he got zero screentime this week :c but he did go up 7 spots on the ranking so i have hope more people are noticing our main vocal!!
i really really have grown to appreciate ip due to watching ‘all for one’ simultaneously. one thing i noticed this ep was just really realizing how lucky we are to have iqiyi prepare such nice songs for the kids. like yes i liked a few of the first stage eval songs but i think im liking all of these second eval songs so far and the next eval songs sound good too! and like we should be soooo grateful they put in the effort/money to get good music, bc it honestly makes such a BIG difference. like the stages are just so much better bc the music is better, the camera angles are better, the quality is better, the time spent on the kids (altho is biased and flawed) is still better than ‘all for one’. and i do realize that one of the songs is the same, but i am interested in comparing the two bc i have a feeling the iqiyi version will be produced better, even tho its the same song. i really like some of the all for one kids, but qcyn is just a better show imo...... even tho everyone is hating on it lol......... it’s different from season 1, but its still good! 
biggest takeaways from this ep: YAY MINGMING!!!!!!!!!!!, im glad zhenning’s camera time is still going strong (he deserves it), jiayou guan yue!!, i need to start voting for ye ziming, and i love sun zelin. yep, that’s it. 
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April Weather (13)
@adrinetteapril 2018, Day 13: Group Project
Days: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | art | 6 | 7 | 8 | art 1 | art 2 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | art | 19 | art | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | art | 29 | 30 |
AO3 / fanfiction
I’m sorry. I really am.
‘Why didn’t you wake me?’ Adrien panted, running into schoolyard.  He was so, so late to their group project meeting. Everyone else was probably already in class and working.
‘What am I, an alarm clock?’ his pocket rebuked. ‘You should have slept like a normal person, instead of panicking over almost kissing your girlfriend half of the night.’
‘Oh yeah?’ the boy slowed down a bit. ‘Well, she is not my girlfriend!’
‘Ouch, you got me,’ the pocket snickered. ‘Besides, she likes you, you like her. As far as I’m concerned this is a mere formality.’
Adrien stopped dead in his tracks two steps from the class door.
‘You really think she likes me?’
Plagg stuck his head out of Adrien’s shirt. ‘Oh, for the love of brie! Are you seriously asking me that after those three weeks?’
Adrien was halfway to a dopey smile when a thought hit him with the force of a freight train. All blood drained from his face.
‘But… I… Ladybug...?’ he mumbled.
‘Ladybug what?’ Plagg already hid back between the fabrics.
The boy desperately clutched at his hair. ‘Ooooooh, I am the worst, despicable, awful person, Plagg!’ he moaned.
‘You are?’
‘I am,’ Adrien confirmed solemnly. ‘I love Ladybug, but…’ his voice dropped to mortified whisper, ‘I also want Marinette.’
Plagg opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment Adrien was grabbed by the collar and pulled into the classroom.
He blinked at the brown eyes hidden behind glasses, that were definitely too close to his face for comfort.
‘Tell me what you know!’ Alya growled at him.
‘Wha-?’ he squeaked.
‘Babe, let him go,’ that was Nino’s voice somewhere behind the bespectacled fury. ‘He just overslept.’
Adrien was released from the clutches of the crazed Ladyblogger, but she still scowled at him. ‘You didn’t see the akuma?’
His eyes widened in panic. ‘There’s an akuma?’
‘Was,’ the girl replied gravely. ‘And I got stuck in here with Monsieur Overprotective Boyfriend,’ she shot Nino a murderous glare.
‘You wouldn’t have gotten there on time anyway,’ the boy countered. ‘The notice came just before it was all over.’
‘So it’s already over?’ Adrien wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved that it was, or ashamed that he slept through it.
‘Yup, it was a quick one, but in another part of the city,’ Nino supplied. ‘Otherwise you’d have been awoken by the noise. It was something really loud and alarm clock themed.’
Adrien winced, ignoring the quiet chuckling in his pocket. He cast a quick look over the classroom. Most of his classmates were already there, just not the one he wanted to see the most. ‘Marinette’s not here yet?’
Panic reared her ugly head again. Could Marinette get caught up in the attack? Was she all right?
Alya snorted inelegantly. ‘Relax, sunshine. That girl oversleeps like a pro on a regular day. After last night I don’t expect her here for another half an hour.’
‘Which is actually very convenient,’ Nino interjected lowering his voice to a whisper, ‘because before she joins us I think we need to have-’
‘A war council!’ Alya growled eyeing Chloé.
Now Adrien noticed what he missed earlier - that most of people in class were reading newspapers and simultaneously scrolling through their phones or tablets, which in itself was a rare occurrence. Seeing his eyes on her, Chloé raised hers with a content smile. He glanced at the title and then skipped to a few others that he could see.
Suddenly he was out of air, and his knees buckled in warning. The words seemed to scream at him from various headlines in shades of red, black and yellow with a serious overuse of poor old exclamation mark.
He came closer to Kim, who was browsing something on his tablet. It was a collection of grainy photos, undoubtedly from last night at the pool, posted on instagram or some other platform. Poor in quality due to bad lighting, clearly taken with phone cameras from some distance. But all this wasn’t important. What was important was that on each of them behind the people “posing” for the picture, there was always him and Marinette in the background, only in their swimwear, sharing moments that he hoped would never be anyone’s business.
They almost kissed at that party, and the few shots of him leaning in were dubbed “A STEAMY MAKE-OUT SESSION!”
He hugged her after the akuma attack, and it was more than enough for “A MODEL SNOG!”
A few of their innocent touches earned a “FEEL ME UP AGRESTE!”
And so on, and so on.
‘W-what is that?’ he asked, his voice trembling.
‘This?’ Chloé waved her own tablet in front of him as if he could somehow miss it. ‘You like our little group project?’
‘Group project?’ Adrien echoed, totally at a loss.
‘Just a few people from the party who agree with me that Marinette doesn’t deserve you.’
‘You did that?’ he couldn’t believe his ears.
‘Someone had to,’ the girl shrugged. ‘Maybe this will open your eyes. This is not the girl for you, Adrikins.’
‘You deliberately gave those pictures to the gossip rags together with my name?’
‘Ah, you’ll thank me later,’ Chloé smiled sweetly, ‘You know it doesn’t really matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right. And I’ve made sure they did.’
Adrien had no idea what he would have done if it wasn’t for Nino’s hand on his shoulder and the pats of tiny paws on his chest, but he had the word cataclysm at the tip of his tongue. He closed his eyes to reign the tornado of thoughts currently storming through his head. He wouldn’t even know where to begin talking so he took a deep breath and turned around.
‘Adrien?’ Nino asked but he just waved a hand.
‘I need to get out. Now,’ he said quietly, not sure how much longer he would be able to keep the lid on his rage and despair.
His friend nodded. ‘If you need me-’
‘Not now. Thank you,’ Adrien replied and left.
He ran down to the bank hoping for a place to calm down his galloping thoughts and his racing heart. Feeling utterly helpless and weak he dropped onto a bench only to notice a large advertising screen right in front of him, on the other side of the river. It had an ad from one of the tabloids that published the article about him on a loop.
Adrien groaned and hid his head in his hands. He missed the good times when he had only his smiley face plastered everywhere next to a perfume bottle. What mess had he gotten Marinette into? How would he look into her eyes now? And her parents? Oh god, his father? How had this happened?
‘Hey, it’s Adrien, right?’ he heard a female voice next to him.
‘I know, you’ve seen my name right there,’ he growled still hiding behind his hands, ‘but please, just leave me alone.’
‘You look like you need company,’ the voice didn’t give up.
‘I said, please,’ he repeated raising his head, ‘leave me alo-’
She was standing in front of him. A compassionate smile adorned her lovely face. She frowned when she saw his. In any other circumstances he would thank the heavens for her presence but not now. Not when he was a mess, unable to sort out his own feelings towards two different girls. When he had caused chaos beyond words to one of them jeopardizing not only a potential relationship but also the existing friendship. When he was lost and didn’t know what to do.
Ladybug sat on the other end of the bench. He honestly didn’t have enough strength to say she wasn’t helping. She only made him more confused, just by sitting there. By reminding him of his failure to stay faithful to her. Now he could wallow in even more regrets. Thanks, partner.
‘So she’s more than your friend after all,’ the heroine whispered, taking in the screen.
If this was her way of comforting him, he thought bitterly, then he finally found the first thing she sucked at.
‘Please, just-’
She scooted a bit closer. ‘Do those pictures bother you more than last time?’
‘Because it was my stupid idea and I dragged her into it,’ he snapped. ‘She must hate me now.’
Oh, god. He thought about Marinette facing Chloé after being shown those pictures and the headlines. He hoped Alya and Nino would be there for her. He couldn’t. Not right now. He wasn’t sure what he was capable of doing with that anger and shame burning inside of him.
Ladybug bit her lip. ‘I’m sure she doesn’t hate you,’ she murmured after a while.
‘I’m sure she does,’ he snorted, throwing all pretense to the wind. He was too deep in his sinkhole to care what she thought of him at this moment.
‘Are you such a bad boyfriend that your girlfriend hates you?’
It must have been her attempt at lightening the mood, but it still sucked.
‘I am,’ he groaned, pressing his hands to his face again. ‘She’s just a friend, we were faking it,’ he droned in exasperation. Why wouldn’t she just leave him alone?
‘Oh,’ she gasped. ‘Then you were... very convincing.’
Adrien felt the tears coming up to his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat. ‘It was all a ruse,’ he started, ‘but now I-
‘So you didn’t lie to me yesterday,’ she hummed, as if detached from this forced conversation. ‘When everyone else was told a lie.’
‘I didn’t want to lie to you,’ he admitted, not sure where all this was coming from. ‘Ladybug, I-’
‘I need to go,’ she sprang to her feet, suddenly going ash-pale. She turned away from him. ‘Heroes business. I’m sure I’ll see you around,’ she added sourly, throwing her yoyo and disappearing in the distance.
Yeah, Adrien thought about the ads again, that was a given.
He sat by the bank for some time, to finally collect his belongings and head back to the street. He texted his bodyguard to pick him up. Facing anyone would be too much. Facing Marinette would be unbearable. Maybe that made him a coward, she definitely didn’t deserve any of this. But he felt he needed to sort out his feelings first, offer her solutions not more problems or indecision. He needed to gather his thoughts, maybe talk to his father. Right now, he was a disaster on two legs.
He stood on the pavement waiting for his ride when he felt someone tapping him over the shoulder.
‘Adrien?’ he heard Marinette’s small voice.
He turned around. She not only looked sadder but also smaller. Her pale face was twisted in a foul smile and she was avoiding his gaze. He didn’t need to ask if she knew what happened.
Then her eyes finally snapped to his and he jolted under the seriousness and determination he saw there.
‘We need to talk,’ she said.
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 10/26 NXT 10/28 NXT UK 10/29 Smackdown 10/30
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Wonder what 19/11 means.
...Arsenic??... What in the-- WHY IS SHE SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS.
Boy y’all really nailed home how agonizing his suffering was before he died. My head hurts, this show is demented.
My god there are legitimately 2 of these psychopaths now.
wwe production should give Alexa’s voice a reverb effect whenever she says “let him in”
Girl is actually laughing hysterically while Bray ruthlessly murders Rambling Rabbit. Goodbye.
This act works so much better as a duo, Alexa was right in requesting to work with Bray.
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kekekek Shayna makes a list of women she wants on her Survivor Series team; Nia snags the list and sees she’s not on it. Whose idea was this tag team? Need to know who I’m sending a fruit basket to.
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Appreciate Mandy clarifying that Otis and her are still close, but I don’t understand why wwe separated them.
What is with everyone wearing black??
Lmfao this man really tried giving his rose to Shayna SIR PLZ. He had a better chance giving it to Sonya lesbireal.
Dana actually having a decent speaking segment. Half point.
“I feel like this is a joke. Is this like punk’d? Are we-- are we getting punk’d?” Nia came to entertain tonight.
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Why can’t wwe just implement GMs again? Love Adam Pearce but he’s literally just playing the role of GM. Just keep them in the background with the mere purpose of cohesion. Good example: Paige. Bad example: Corbin.
This actually makes sense. You have the tag champs automatically being added, cuz duh, and the tag team who are undefeated since forming and moving to Raw. So have the 5th team member fight for the spot. I don’t hate that at all. At least there’s logic being applied.
I will never not hate Peyton’s theme. Yikes.
WHAT THE FUCK IS NIKKI CROSS’ NEW THEME LMFAO why are we throwing some bland, midwest country rock track with such a slow tempo at her??!? oof rip. Sucks for Nikki that Alexa wanted something more for her career but one could not possibly blame her, so.
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ahahahaha I just noticed Nia took Byron’s seat. She’s so fucking funny.
Look if y’all are gonna do the move where someone lifts you over the top rope to set you on the apron, FUCKING JUMP FOR THEM. They’re not supposed to dead lift you.
Nice kick to Nikki by Lana; sloppy vault over the top rope. It’s kay, she isn’t even the worst one in this match lesbihonest.
Lacey gets Nikki in position for a suplex off the top rope, and Peyton - as quick as can be - jumps in to throw Lacey in a German suplex. That was smooth with very minimal set up. Points.
So Lana steals the win by pinning Nikki and the camera pans to all 4 team members looking absolutely shook. I am dying.
Interesting to see them focus on Peyton’s disappointment.
aaaaand rip Lana for the 6th time.
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Such a jarring remix of Alexa’s song.
I know y’all are super weird and choose to sexualize/fetishize everything that you don’t understand, but I appreciate Alexa’s new persona. It’s like Firefly Funhouse characters meets Disney themed characters (which is core to Alexa) meets Harley Quinn. It’s a fitting cosplay with fitting demeanors. So if y’all could quit talking about ageplay like a bunch of weirdos, that’d be great.
Alexa and I are the same age and tbh I’m kind of shook on her behalf to see her share these segments and storylines with Randy Orton. Like I was a kid watching his feud with triple h. We were mere preadolescent kids lol. Good for her.
I like that she’s immune to Fiend’s name now that she’s fully embraced him become brainwashed.
Omg she’s just sitting on the turnbuckle laughing at them.
So Fiend is just a looming threat to Orton rn? Just letting Orton know that eventually he’ll have to answer for the fire he started all those years ago? I wasn’t here for Bray’s run back then so I’m kind of trying to piece this all together. Anyway fine segment. I don’t much care about Drew vs Orton but I appreciate Orton selling the intensity of the Fiend. He’s a good worker.
Highlight: Completely split between Nia being hilarious & Alexa being creepy as hell
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Well at least they’re keeping Ember backstage for her promos. That’s an improvement.
True, Dakota as a babyface was awful. Not sorry. Her character consisted of “scared” and “sad”... That’s it.
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Big fan of the set for nxt tonight.
It’s so rare to see someone handle Rhea, what a nice dynamic.
These 2 are best friends irl, aren’t they? Enjoyable to watch them go punch for punch back and forth. If nothing else, they’re definitely selling that they’re pretty evenly built.
True though, Rhea does have her athleticism going for her. Rhea’s kicks are a beautiful thing to see. Soccer player ftw.
Really like this match. It’s cool to see the range of different matches Rhea can have. It’s not often you see her in an underdog type of role, and you wouldn’t think she could thrive as one, but it works for her just the same as being a dominant powerhouse. Shouldn’t be surprised though, her vs Charlotte at wm was a banger, and Charlotte was definitely the dominant force in that match.
Commentators said Rhea’s inverted cloverleaf has tapped out “many” superstars in nxt, and I just wanna know who? Cuz I have zero recollection of such.
Good showing for Raquel. Gave zero shits about her prior to this. She’s always just been the Diesel to Dakota’s Shawn Michaels.
GREAT counter by Rhea from the one armed powerbomb into nearly a headscissors takedown.
This match is very well paced.
Oh yes, that’s the type of match that easily could’ve gone longer and left me wanting more, which is a hell of a compliment. I underestimated how good this would be.
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Wow they’re having Poppy rob us of Io’s theme song? For shame.
So how does the wheel actually work? Do they really not get a chance to plan out their stip matches? That’s weird. I love it, but it’s weird. Is it rigged? It’s gotta be rigged, right?
Love the black and orange themed ladders.
lmao Candice’s reaction to the bag of body parts. Fantastic.
Did Candice hit Io in the face with a laptop?? Honestly, points.
Lol chalk outlines on the tables. The theme is great.
Oh man, a moonsault straight onto chairs. rip Io’s midsection.
Wicked suplex onto the sitting chair, oof. Looked like Io clipped that.
Meteora into a steel ladder, which then fell on Io. She taking a beating lol.
Commentators mentioning Johnny counter: 3
Kinda cool spot twisting Candice’s ankle in a chair. Of course, it’s not like Candice sold the damaged ankle anyway, so.
Swinging neckbreaker through the tables - a spot that would’ve been great if the commentators had actually sold it and there was a real crowd.
idk who the hell is helping Candice, but I think it’s just fantastic that Shotzi came in to stop them.
“LeRae can’t reach,” as if this match wouldn’t have been over if she would’ve just climbed up one single ring.
Welp Candice is dead now. Fell off the top of the ladder through another ladder. Nasty landing. rip. 
Brutal match, but it still wasn’t better than their first match. At least Candice did work and this wasn’t boring unlike their last takeover match. Points for the damage they caused to their bodies, eesh.
Highlight: Rhea vs Raquel
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Oh nice UK added some monitors. Good for them, even if the stream quality is kinda poor.
I like this match up. Dani Luna is an athletic powerhouse, and Valkyrie is an athletic technician. This is more the type of quality match that I’d expect on the MR - minus the storytelling/performance aspect, but that’s okay.
Really appreciate Luna’s strength for how small she seems.
Valkyrie is fun to watch. Her arm drag takedowns and counters are entertaining.
Damn Valkyrie can do a springboard cross body and a pele kick as well? What an intriguing skillset she has.
Holy shit that snap German suplex by Dani was effortlessly CLEAN.
I’m not big on Dani’s look tbh. I feel like she’d be more of a standout if her hair was a different color. I don’t think blue works for her, personally.
An interesting finisher by Valkyrie... I don’t hate it. I’m all for the result, though. Good show of respect between both competitors. Wouldn’t mind watching them again in the future.
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Current day has KLR still as champion (#foreverchampion) but I’m guessing they’re really gonna have Piper be the one to inevitably end it. Should be Valkyrie as far as I’m concerned. Even if she’s trash on the mic - not saying she is cuz I have no idea - she’s super entertaining to watch.
Highlight: Dani Luna vs Valkyrie
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New year, same old Nattie trying to be the Survivor Series captain.
Billie Kay is entertaining but wbk.
Bianca, ma’am, you JUST started going here. Calm down.
“Bianca nobody really cares, or knows, what EST means, it’s totally irrelevant. I’m the boat.” lmao I genuinely love Nattie, not sorry.
SHE CLAPPED AT HER goodbye. Give me a Bianca vs Nattie match, entertain me plz.
Ah a triple threat? That’s fine I suppose, what the hell.
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Why does wwe keep depriving me of Bianca’s entrance? I hate this company.
Billie Kay: *jumps in the ring to catch Bianca in a random pinfall; fails; proceeds to leave the ring once more*
Billie Kay really is a special level of awful, but at least she has character work going for her.
Good cover by Bianca to set up the basement dropkick by Nattie to break up the pin.
Boy Bianca sure did take her time breaking up that sharpshooter. You got both Nattie and Billie Kay screaming and she’s in lala land lmao.
I will genuinely cry if they ever change Bianca’s music, I stg. Good for her btw. Appropriate result.
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What’s the purpose of the polaroid camera?
Soo did they basically give Carmella the layout of Sasha’s gimmick while turning Sasha babyface? Is that what’s going on? What rules is Carmella making? What shots is she calling? Why does this girl have champagne? You know who would rock the “fuck y’all I’m rich, look at my Gucci and diamonds” gimmick? The Ice Queen, Charlotte Flair.
What an adorably tiny cross.
Carmella you’re not really known for winning, but alright.
Hate this music btw.
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Lol this fucking chair. Okay.
“Long time rivalry renewed” didn’t Asuka and Sasha have a minor feud a mere 5 months ago? That lasted one month?? Is that considered long time now???
Sasha’s makeup is off key ngl. I hate that outfit as well.
Yes, yes she was your best friend and that was really sad, but you’re not saying anything different than you have before. And you’re STILL not likeable. But hey, I’m happy for you all the same, now be as entertaining as Bayley plz.
“The whole world knows that you can win a championship, but even you know that you can’t hang onto one. Unlike me.” pppffffttttt she’s not wrong.
Who do I gotta pay to permanently separate you 2? hiac was great, let’s end the debacle now plz.
“You made me sign that hiac contract under duress,” THANK YOU BAYLEY see someone knows their legal jargon. 
Peep that gnarly bruise on Bayley’s arm. Whew.
She’s so annoying lmao.
“Backstabbing bitches never win,” hi, Sasha? Longest reigning Raw women’s champion, first ever wm main eventer, first ever women’s dual world champion, face of the company, cover of espn and 2k20 Becky Lynch just called; said that is absolutely not true.
Highlight: Bianca, Billie Kay & Natalya backstage segment
*Raw shined the brightest this week, but I have to shout out NXT as well for their 2 matches, particularly Rhea vs Raquel.
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