#Sorry I guess I misunderstood the assignment
littlespoonevan · 5 months
canon lines from s4/5 that i think we should go a little berserk about again:
"i can know weird stuff too!!"
"if that's how you feel - how they made you feel - then you have every right to say so"
"show off" "i had to do it" "no, i know you did"
"it's like the universe is screaming at you and you refuse to listen." "the universe does not scream"
"there was construction on sunset, had to take a detour"
"Just make sure you're following your heart, not christopher's"
"I kinda lost it when I told him you got shot"
"you act like you're expendable but you're wrong" (lmao obviously i don't think we ever forgot that one)
"He takes christopher there all the time, got the place memorised"
"You need to tell me if something's wrong"
"Sorry about the mess but i guess it's your mess now"
"ice goes on the eye, bud"
"you don't need to pretend with me"
"buck, you need to move on. i have"
"i misunderstood the assignment"
"shouldn't it be when you're at your worst, they're at their worst, you have every reason to give up and you still want to try again"
"isn't that what we all want in a partner? knowing that they have your back?"
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niteskysx · 1 month
(part 2/? for Putting in the Work)
spencer reid x fem! reader (yxn)
You sat stiffly on Dr. Reid’s lap, your heart hammering in your chest. You felt the heat of his body through his clothes, the unfamiliar sensation making your head spin. Your hands rested awkwardly in your lap, unsure of what to do or where to look. This was all so surreal, a situation you never imagined yourself being in.
Dr. Reid didn’t speak right away, instead allowing the silence to stretch out between you. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck, warm and steady, and it only heightened your anxiety. What was he going to do? Was he testing you, seeing how far you’d go?
“Miss [Y/N],” he finally said, his voice smooth and even, “do you understand why you received a D on your assignment?”
You swallowed, trying to focus on his question. “N-no, Dr. Reid. I thought I followed the guidelines, but… I guess I must have misunderstood something.”
“You misunderstood quite a bit,” he replied, his tone almost condescending. “Your analysis was shallow, your arguments lacked depth, and it was clear you didn’t grasp the key concepts.”
His critique stung, and you felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you. You had tried so hard, and yet here you were, being told you’d failed miserably.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your voice small.
“Sorry isn’t enough, Miss [Y/N],” Dr. Reid said, his hands resting on your waist now, holding you in place. The touch sent a shiver down your spine, and you bit your lip, trying to ignore the flutter of nerves in your stomach.
“If you want to improve,” he continued, his voice taking on that authoritative edge again, “you’re going to have to put in the work. Now, this semester, you need to do everything I tell you to do. That involves some hard...” He squirmed in his seat. “Some... very hard work, alright? Are you prepared for that?”
You nodded, shaking in your seat.
Dr. Reid murmured, his tone almost approving. “Now, tell me, Miss [Y/N]—how badly do you want to improve your grade?”
You hesitated, then answered honestly, “I want it... I want it really badly, Dr. Reid.”
“Good,” he said, his voice a low purr in your ear. “Then you’ll do exactly as I say. Won’t you?”
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. “Y-yes, sir.”
He took a deep breath, curling a smile and touching your hair. “Good girl,” he praised.
His hand moved from your waist to the buckle of his belt, his fingers lingering there for a moment before he looked up at you, his expression unreadable.
“Now,” he said, taking a long, deep breath and letting it out, “take off my belt,” he ordered, his voice low and commanding.
Your eyes widened, your breath catching in your throat. “W-what?” you stammered, your mind struggling to process what he was asking.
“Take off my belt,” he repeated, his tone growing more insistent, his gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that made your pulse race.
“I-I can’t do that,” you protested, your voice shaky. This was too far, too much. You weren’t ready for this—whatever this was.
“Yes, you can,” he interrupted, his voice taking on a stern edge. “It’s very simple, [Y/N]. Just take off my belt.”
Your hands trembled as you looked down at the belt, the small, ordinary object now seeming like an insurmountable challenge. You hesitated, your mind screaming at you to stop, to get up and leave, but there was something in Dr. Reid’s eyes, something in his voice that held you in place.
“I...” you began, but the words died in your throat. You felt paralyzed, caught between the fear of what was happening and the strange, inexplicable pull to obey him.
“Do it, [Y/N],” Dr. Reid commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument. “Now.”
With trembling fingers, you reached for the buckle, your hands fumbling as you struggled to unfasten it. The metal was cool against your skin, the click of the buckle sounding unnaturally loud in the quiet room. You felt a flush of heat rise to your cheeks as you worked, every moment feeling like it stretched on forever.
Finally, the belt came loose in your hands, and you let out a shaky breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. You looked up at him, unsure of what to do next, your heart pounding so hard you could barely hear over the sound of it.
“Good,” Dr. Reid murmured, his voice almost soothing now. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You shook your head slowly, unable to find your voice. The belt hung limply in your hands, a symbol of the power shift that had just occurred between you.
Dr. Reid reached out, his fingers brushing against yours as he took the belt from your grasp. The contact sent a jolt of electricity through you, and you quickly pulled your hands back, resting them in your lap as you tried to steady your breathing.
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welcometololaland · 4 months
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seven sentence sunday aka. eurotrip sunday (i guess?). it's a rwrb week this week and here is just a little confusing something before this fic apparently delves into...sailfish. does anyone know what a sailfish is? i will put a picture at the end of this snippet just to confuse everyone even more x
“How would you even know?” he bites back. “Are you watching me sleep?”
Henry’s lips twitch in the corners. “Is this vampire related? If you want to be bitten, you need only ask—”
“No, I was not referring to the iconic teen movie, Twilight,” Alex huffs. “I just want you to tell me that my face looks nice.”
“Your face is spectacular,” Henry tells him seriously. “Gorgeous. Resplendent. Arresting. I want to stare at it constantly and get it tattooed on my—”
“Okay, don’t go overboard,” Alex mutters. “I think you may have fundamentally misunderstood the assignment.”
Henry smirks. “Perhaps I just like getting a rise out of you.”
i had a bit of a freak out about my tags this week (for various reasons) anyway! im just gonna leave an open tag and tag my ride or die support system (in rwrb and in life) @rmd-writes and @celeritas2997, and @firenati0n because it's been lovely chatting to you this week 💜 PLEASE USE THE OPEN TAG PLEASE! TAG ME I WANT TO READ YOUR STUFF (ANY FANDOM WELCOME)!
thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses (sorry i don't have tarlos today).
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buckaroo627 · 5 months
Eddie, Buck, and Tommy
Sorry, just now weirded out that Buck's jealousy wasn't discussed WITH EDDIE, but with Tommy talking about it with Buck. and after all that, it's all water under the bridge.
Maybe it's to start that connection with Tommy for Buck, because it was Tommy in front of him, Buck thinks he's trying to get Tommy's attention all this time.
But going to Maddie to discuss him LYING TO EDDIE, & not deeming denying his date with Tommy an important issue.
Though at that point, his relationship with Eddie is more important than with Tommy.
And all before of that kiss, let's go back to the basketball court. Buck sees Eddie happy, teaming up with Tommy. Deep inside, Buck is really hurt, not only jealous. It result to him maiming Eddie. Deep inside, he doesn't like it, seeing Eddie happy with a new friend that he feels like now is replacing him in Eddie's life. Though he put a different meaning to what happened. He thought he maimed Eddie because Eddie's getting all of Tommy's attention. NO! Even about Christopher, he doesn't like that Tommy's getting Christopher's praises. It's more like Buck doesn't like Tommy's presence around his Diazes. And he's hurt that Eddie's been rejecting his invites. That all started in episode 1.
That feeling is piling up. Thus episode 4. Add the presence of Tommy. He understand if it's the girlfriend, but not hanging out with him anymore?
We only heard Eddie's side of that from Tommy. The conversation between Buck and Eddie was never shown. The next we saw them outside workplace was the 'BUCK!' date.
And I really want to hear from Eddie why he did that to Buck. Sidelined him. I want to hear how he feels bad excluding Buck.
And now we go back to Buck saying 'I guess so' that it was Tommy's attention he's trying to get after their talk of flying lessons, but Tommy going on a trip with Eddie. That's why he thinks it's Tommy's attention he's trying to get because he approached Tommy first, Tommy's in front of him, talking to him, apologizing to him.
Because I think him approaching Tommy without the Eddie interruption will result with him and Tommy being friends. Not getting jealous or anything if he hang out with Tommy and Eddie together later.
But being left behind, not able to hang out with Eddie, finding out Chris met Tommy, hearing praises of Tommy from Chris... an emotion he never felt surfaced. And I know I already said it, but deep inside, he thinks it's Eddie that hurt him. Eddie abandoning him. Eddie replacing him. He felt all those during the basketball game, and he doesn't know how to channel those emotions out. But Eddie stealing the ball, Eddie making a basket and celebrating with Tommy, he doesn't like it, I bet, thus the maiming. The only way to stop those two celebrating, being happy together, and leaving Buck. But he never intended to hurt Eddie. Buck just doesn't know how to release those negative feelings Eddie is causing his heart.
And Buck genuinely like to be Tommy's friend. But before he shared what Maddie told him on the easiest way to get the attention of someone, tap them on the shoulder (but clearly Maddie is talking about Eddie here because she followed it with "'you don't hurt them"), Tommy misunderstood the assignment, or he read Buck clearly but since Buck affirmed that it's his attention he's trying to get, Tommy kissed him.
Thus opening a new path for Buck that he wasn't aware is available for him. Tommy opened that path for him, thus he sees Tommy as someone with a possibility to thread that path with.
I think he will not allow or will not consider Eddie for that path because Eddie is dating someone else, Eddie is his best friend. Eddie is important to him, and will never try something he's unsure himself with Eddie and if it fails might lose the connection with Eddie.
He might unconsciously appreciate Eddie without him being aware of the attraction because he never considered that possibility with Eddie (who called him 'brother' before offering his back to Buck). That possibility that Tommy presented to him.
So all I'm saying is, for Buddie shippers, I myself am, Time is needed. not a 'long' time, since the show can cut scenes. Let's enjoy what's happening now. Hear those unsaid promises. And hope Buck and Eddie circle back to those promises (vows if I may say) without the 'brother' anymore:
"You can have my back any day."
"Or, you know, you could... you could have mine."
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oneiroy · 3 months
I guess I need to specify: by different, I mean, from each other. Like, not just heterochromia, but each eye having its own appearance.
Ah, sorry I misunderstood. The way I'd do it at the moment (since as far as I'm aware there's no dt mod that you could use as a template for that) would be to open your face into blender, separate one iris from the other, assign it a new material (like if it was named something 4.0 then one iris stays 4.0 and the other is renamed 5.0 for example), and then in textools create a new iris material with your desired edits.
So yeah totally possible and quite easy but it does require you to open blender unless there's another method that I don't know about.
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greasydumbfuck · 4 months
TRIPLY WHAMMY: The Monstrous, 🕸, and then I couldn't decide on the cat one so Tabby AND White Cat :3c
I guess that makes this a QUADRUPLE WHAMMY but that rolls off the tongue less good
math was never our strong side lets just say its cuz its from three different games. thanks for the ask babes xoxo The Monstrous this one is funny to me because as far as i know canonically frank gets to be at least two supernatural creatures. collecting that shit like he does other men's wives. anyway im not gonna be creative here and ill just say werewolf. big hairy often commits murder in a messy way and ends up covered in blood. but also there are so many long texts about how misunderstood the werewolf is as a figure. so like it fits in my mind. maybe if i got a long list of all mythical creatures and spent an hour reading it id come up with something more creative but this works too no?
(song that reminds you of your ship) LIKE THREE actually none of them very extraordinary brave choices but im gonna go for the funniest one out of them black and white by kombi. the polish one. yeah. because okay listen. one thats just his color palette. haha. the song itself is about seeing the world in only those colors which is also very him. "life has no middle ground // love rule and divide" like okay do you hear me. please. i love assigning polish songs to fictional characters.
Tabby (are they snuggly?) right so i think meta menardi gets very cuddly and affectionate with frank because shes overwhelmed a little......... by what she feels. and now this is where it gets tricky for me because like. its not that he doesnt like it. its not that he exactly likes it either. its weird. its unusual. it takes up so much of his time for no reason and hes always got better things to do than this. but also once shes hugging him he doesnt really want to leave because as much as he dislikes it and he hates how soft she always is with him, its so... nice. so uh i guess point being meta is snuggly as hell, maybe less so when sleeping, frank isnt for the most part at least not actively but as time goes on both his enjoyment of and how bad he feels about the affection grow. ARGH i have a lot of thoughts about this specifically but i cant put them into words ever. their whole thing is just a bit complicated but in an entirely different way than frank is used to by that point. plus the more he genuinely likes her in any way the less he wants to stay because yeah sure she has some powers but she is NOT used to the level of danger he brings (the place she's a spider-person for is relatively chill) and hes reminded of that every time she holds him in any way. he likes having his arms around her in some way (standing behind her, keeping her by his side etc) and her favorite is cradling his head to her chest. like a baby. he doesnt like when she puts it like that.
White Cat (are the f/os eyes striking?) i said it once under some post but like hes got that fucking. blue-eyed people stare. so in that way yes. but also since its frank the look in his eyes is almost always a little unsettling. because of the uh you know. the war trauma and the murder trauma and the violent tendencies overall. but meta likes them, she likes the little changes in them depending on what hes thinking. subtle but there and shes always soo proud of herself to catch them. also to me (and by extension to her ahaha) hes just. in some strange way. real pretty. in turn frank doesnt think metas eyes are "striking" exactly but he does thing they fit her a lot. theyre round, warm, and with a look of naivety. like they are by all logic so common and so unremarkable really (which is fitting because nearly everything about her is - she is the common cave spider afterall!) but theres this softness in the way she looks at him that makes it special. shame she doesn't like him seeing them though.
sorry for yapping this came out longer than i wanted it to but im just so desparate to share things and do things and have them be percieved. yeah
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breitzbachbea · 9 months
Sicire: Yo does it count as a crush if i want to tear their throat out with my teeth???
I mean ... I mean, I guess I /could/ make this work somehow, but it'd be such a contortion of the characters that it would pain me.
SicIre is simply not made for enemies to lovers. Not in the actual sense of it - Sure, I have at least one Romeo and Juliette dynamic in my neverending AU pile, but that isn't enemies to lovers.
Like, I know Irish Problems may superficially LOOK like this, with Harry being so angry over how he's charmed by Michele. I know that Harry was exactly that in the old version of IP that is up on ao3. But the thing is - That's not it. That is why I am rewriting the old version. Harry is angry over Michele's charm because he feels it's a weakness he can't compensate. He envies him for a masculinity and personality he will never possess, Harry thinks. Harry wants to be like Michele, because then his life would be so much easier. He gets irritated and starts snapping and verbally biting because he always had to stand his ground, his entire life. It's reflex to him, it's not wanting to be taken advantage of. It has nothing to do with attraction, Harry doesn't think about being attracted to Michele (or Michele to him). Until Charlie is like "HE IS FLIRTING WITH YOU, IT IS NOT MINDGAMES!!! HE IS FLIRTING!!! WITH YOU!!!". And while the aggression doesn't go wholly poof during business negotiations, things suddenly clear up for Harry. He doesn't fight that explanation! He doesn't hesitate thinking that Michele works on him because he's into dudes! He likes realizing that!!! He likes to lean into that with Michele, now less concerned about his self-image and more confident in his skills. He is not conflicted about liking Michele romantically - he is conflicted about liking Michele as a business partner. Once that is cleared up, literally no reason to hate himself anymore to being attracted to an attractive man. Time to play this game for two.
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Another question, since you like asks and I like silly things!
I wrote with Rev and came to the conclusion that L/R would be like a Chicken and a Goose, if they were birds. (Chicken, while cute, they eat everything and a goose is selfexplanatory, those aggressive watchbirbs!).
What birds would you assign the cast?
I'd go with s cormorant for Wolfwood (black and used as a hunting tool, but intelligent, even able to count). A crow would also make sense, due to their intelligence and their care for their group. Wolfwood... tsundere crow due to trauma...
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Kea for Vash (one of my fave birbs), a highly adaptable, curious and playful parrot. And just by their nature, they cause destruction all around. :D They even have some red feathers under their wings!
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I'd go with a wood grouse for Milly, since they are one of the biggest galliformes. While it is not domesticated, it is related to chicken and I think that fits her.
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Meryl is difficult to pin down. My first thought was budgie, since when she gets grumpy she reminds me of how my female budgies have been. But then I thought... TIT! She has to be a tit! I think a marsh tit would fit her even by the looks. Those little birbs, they look so cute and innocent... But these little things are spicy.
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Hi hello! Sorry this took so long to get to-life's like that, I guess!
Hmmm, birbs. I do like birbs. And your choices are so good! I love wolfwood as a cormorant. These are others I think would be cute/cool
L/R: I'd have to go with emu. Big, fuzzy, can be approachable, but will wreck your shit.
Meryl: shrike! A tiny, ferocious bird of prey. I think a bushtit would also work great for her.
Vash: bearded vulture. I really like vultures, but they're often misunderstood, just like he is. He's also big and red, and messes with his appearance on purpose! Alternative: albatross
Wolfwood: I do like him being a crow. Good survivor bird. Very tough, but also very funny. That or a condor.
Milly: Golden eagle. She's big and she's fierce. But also works well on a team, like the eagles that are used to hunt wolves.
I need more bird options! Augh I thought I knew more birds off the bat.
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Assigning HLVRV characters fursonas because there's something wrong with me i fucking guess lmao
LoverBoy : Poison Dart Frog of course he's a frog tyrfrwg. i think he'd be a more pink version of a strawberry poison dart frog, being a poison frog because of the scorpion yknow? funny lovecore virus. the little speckles on his back are hearts btw, if you even care <3 <- suggested by my boyfriend
Malcom : Badger so like, a lot of people see badgers as pests and nuisances apparently but they play a key part in the ecosystem and are good and cool and do you see what i mean??? malcom isn't bad! he's just misunderstood!!! like a badger!!!!! my bf pointed out that his blonde streak is kinda like a badger too :] ALSO funny badger song video
Player : Pigeon OF COURSE player was gonna be a pigeon its as obvious as a frog for loverboy. but it also fits because player is more soft spoken out of the gordons like a pigeon's cooing or something you understand???
Swap : Manokit (Land shark dog thing) okay, i was torn between this and an octopus but since i assigned freeman a cuttlefish i chose this... but like? it makes sense too? funny eldritch guy gets the one non real creature* also idk why but i associate swap with the ocean for some reason so it works out i guess. also manokits are cool as fuck and i wanted to include a distinctly furry creature here so yknow :] *doc is also a kinda non real creature but he's a hybrid so idfk
Doc : Cat Mantis Shrimp Hybrid i think doc was just a normal cat until he fell in the green goo tbh, also picking cat for obvious reasons but also a mantis shrimp because my bf said they should be able to punch things and also i hc him with a chronic death grip so lmao.
Freeman : Cuttlefish he loves the sea!!! funny freeman love the ocean! wrow! but also i always found cuttlefish kinda mysterious and endearing as a kid and thats how i feel about freeman honestly so <3 also he deserves a cool as fuck animal, he earned it.
sorry for leaving out the admins i'll do a follow up to this about them when i'm not running on 3 hours of sleep and coca cola
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rmorde · 8 months
Just a long rant. Sorry.
Stuff that are oddly ignored or willfully misunderstood about Get0:
#1 It was his choice to do genocide. No one forced him to do it. Yuki mentioned it but quickly pointed out that it is a crazy idea that no one would do! He chose that goal for himself.
#2 He was dead serious about his genocide. He is 100% willing to kill non-sorcerers. Wdym "he may not have killed a lot"?! -> He killed an entire village. -> He killed his own parents. (It's his "Now that I've done this, I can never go back" deed) -> He killed the OG leader of the cult that had Riko killed. (Even if he deserves it) -> He killed a client for not paying him. (Are we sure he didn't just send those curses to him in the first place?) Get0 wants all non-sorcerers dead. Their "usefulness" just delays the inevitable to him. Remember his speech about two types of "monkeys"?
Speaking of which, he hates non-sorcerers so much he calls them "monkeys" and even deodorizes himself after being around them for a few moments! It's so wrong on multiple levels.
#3 "Get0 did not intend to seriously fight Goj0's students. He went easy on them"... What? What? WHAT?! How-
-> He wants Yuta dead. He explained it explicitly. He needs Yuta dead to get Rika so he can beat Goj0. GET0 WAS NOT HOLDING BACK. HE IS DOING HIS ABSOLUTE BEST TO KILL YUTA. THE UZUMAKI WAS NOT JUST FOR DISPLAY! Regardless of whatever slight fondness Get0 has for Yuta in JJK 0, it doesn't fucking matter. He was still trying to kill him.
#4 "Get0 also went easy on Jujutsu Tech." I... Did we watch the same movie?!
-> Do all the managers like Ijichi not matter? A lot of them are fucking dead on-screen. Some are even killed by the hands of Get0's daughters! -> A young sorcerer or two were killed on-screen, before Nanami did his back-to-back flashes to save them. GET0 IS NOT GOING EASY ON THEM!
-> I guess this idea come from the fact that he didn't use all of his power against Yuta and that his army of curses were divided. Well... HE DID IT FOR THE BENEFIT OF HIS OWN FAMILY/CULT. IT WAS NOT FOR JUJUTSU TECHS + SORCERERS' SAKE! Get0 loves them and is very protective of his found family. It's a testament of how precious they are to him that he willingly weaken himself just to make sure they have enough support through his tamed curses.
-> The quote "I have no hard feelings towards Jujutsu Tech." is not an admission/statement of genuine regret. It's Get0's equivalent of "Nothing personal. Just good business. You're just in the way. " ---> Whatever affections he may have towards to jujutsu tech pale in comparison to the love he has for his family. In that moment, jujutsu tech is the greatest threat against his family. Get0 compartmentalize away his sentiment towards his alma mater and former friends. He prioritizes his and his family's victory first.
#5 "Get0 didn't want to fight Goj0." Ok... I get why this is a popular take but here is the thing: Yes. Get0 does not want to fight Goj0 but he needs to fucking fight Goj0 because he is the greatest obstacle to his genocidal dream.
-> EVIDENCE #1: He wants to get Rika so he can be on par with Goj0. Why? Because he must fight him.
-> EVIDENCE #2: He assigned Miguel to stall Goj0. You know? Miguel! The guy with a weapon that can fuck up Goj0's abilities and possibly weaken him? Get0 learned well from the Star Plasma Vessel mission and sent after Goj0 a sorcerer whose skills* and tools are as close as possible to T0ji's. Too bad Goj0 learned as well from the disastrous SPV mission and trained hard to fight without relying too much on Limitless ----> *I think Miguel just unfortunately got the J0go treatment. Goj0 gave him special attention. He stayed behind to deal with him personally - implying that no one else on his side can match Miguel. Not Yaga. Not Nanami. Not Mei. --------> Miguel also survived Goj0's punches and we all know how hard he hits. That's on a normal situation. But Ijichi noted that Goj0 was angry during the fight. So, I bet each of Goj0's punches are fatal but Miguel tanked them. He is that strong.
Look. Geto is a smart guy. He was playing wisely in his war against Gojo. He isn't going to fight him until he was ready. He did NOT go after Yuta at school because he didn't want to fight Goj0. He went there first to kill Yuta, get Rika, AND THEN fight Goj0.
Get0's story is a tragedy because he became utterly consumed by despair and hatred.
He was so desperate to find meaning in his life that he spiraled down from sorcerer to curse user to a genocidal maniac.
He become so full of hatred that he was willing to go against the reason he became a curse user in the first place. He wanted to make a world with just sorcerers, right? Then why the fuck is he killing so many sorcerers in his war? His Night Parade of Hundred Demons decimated the population of the very people he wants to live in his world.
Get0 loves his family and he still holds affection towards his former friends (especially Goj0). They all love and loved him in return. Unfortunately, it was not enough to save him.
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omgsquee2001 · 2 years
You Meet Again/Hang Out: Finney Blake
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You were walking down the hall of the school, listening to your music on your Walkman. It was Friday, the day before the weekend. The hall was buzzing with excitement, friends talking about having sleepovers, couples talking about where they were going to hang out at. You kept walking and bumped into a figure. You pulled back one ear phone. 
“Sorry.” You muttered, about to head on your way. 
“[Y/N]?” A familiar voice asked. You looked up and saw Finney. Beside him stood another boy, probably about yours and Finney’s age. He had black hair and dark skin. He wore a light brown tank top, black, black jeans, and boots. What caught your attention was the bandana around his forehead. You smiled at Finney. 
“Finney, hey.” You said. Finney smiled. 
“You ready for the weekend?” Finney asked. You let out an exaggerated sigh. 
“Oh my gosh, yes. I just want a chance to relax.” You said. Finney chuckled and smiled. “How about you?” You asked. Finney nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m definitely ready.” He said. You smiled. You saw the other boy whisper something into Finney’s ear, to which the boy nodded to. The boy walked away. You watched him leave then looked back at Finney. 
“So, who was that?” You asked. 
“Oh, that was my best friend, Robin Arellano. He’s basically the tough guy at school, ever since Vance “Pinball” Hopper was grabbed last spring.” Finney said. You frowned. You had heard about the Grabber. You thought the Grabber was just a scary story, started by some kids to scare others. But then, poor Griffin Stagg, a young boy, was taken and has been missing ever since. 
“It’s sad, really. Vance was just, really misunderstood, and now, people act like they’re happy he’s gone.” You said sadly. Finney looked at you in slight shock. He had never though about it like that before. Vance always scared the hell out of him, and he, though Finney wouldn’t admit it, was almost happy that Vance was gone, one less person to be scared of. But hearing you say that, Finney thought about it differently. He would be devastated if Robin went missing, Finney couldn’t imagine what Vance’s friends must be feeling. Finney shook his head and cleared his throat. 
“Um, anyway, Robin and I are going over to my house after school, he needs some help with his math. Would you like to come along? If there’s any subjects you’re struggling in, I’d be more than happy to help you.” He said. You smiled. 
“I actually am having a little bit of difficulty understanding this math assignment. I think we’re both in the same class together, so, would you mind helping me?” You asked. Finney smiled and nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah, no, I’d love to help you.” Finney said. You smiled. 
“Thanks.” The bell rang. You sighed. “I guess I’d better head to my next class.” Finney nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah, me to.” Finney said. You adjusted your bag over your shoulder. 
“See you after school?” You asked. Finney nodded. 
“Yeah. See you then.” He said. You smiled and walked off to your next class. Finney stared after your retreating form, before walking to class himself. 
“So, if adding or subtracting, in this case we’re adding, add the real terms and add the imaginary terms. In this case, the z is the imaginary term, and 3 is the real term.” Finney explained, looking at both yours and Robin’s assignments. It turns out that you and Robin had the same math class, just at different times of the school day. Your assignment was z = 3 + 5i. 
“Oh! Now it makes sense.” You said. You did what he told you and got the answer. Robin still looked confused. 
“Uh, what?” He asked. You and Finney chuckled. You put your homework in your folder, having completed it already. Finney moved over to help Robin, trying to break down the assignment so that his friend could understand. You smiled at Finney. Finney looked back at you and smiled, shaking his head. 
“What?” He asked. You shrugged. 
“I’m just happy you’re my friend.” You said. Finney smiled. He placed his hand on top of yours. 
“I’m happy you’re my friend to, [Y/N].” Finney said. Robin sighed. 
“Can you two please stop flirting and help me already.” Robin said. Your cheeks turned red slightly. You gave Robin a playful glare. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
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(reads tags) Ahh so I misunderstood the prompt a bit. I think the deities would be like the founders of the clans who got mythologized as time passed. Palkiacat being said to see anywhere across space and while Dialgacat was able to see anywhen across time. As for the wardens and the nobles, my first though was make them cats (and I like the idea of Sneasler being Ingo's mentor when he first joins Pearlclan), but if we really stretched the wc rules [1/5]
[ The nobles could be like other animals that are living in the area that have developed a mutual relationship with the clans for several generations. The wardens have similar roles to pla canon, but with slightly less of a religious bent. They're more ambassadors than attendants. There's a friendly badger that speaks cat in later series so it could work. And other predators are implied to be similarly sapient as the cats (sometimes) [2/5]
Canon warrior naming styles would be the most fun but just sticking to pla canon would be less potentially confusing. I don’t think Ingo would be super comfortable being renamed though. It’s like the one thing that he remembers and gives him a sense of identity in the aftermath so I don’t think he’d give it up even if it would make things easier for him. [3/5]
Hardest part of translating hisui to a smaller scale would trying to figure out how to make the alabaster icelands and the crimson mirelands work right next to each other. Though i guess you could rely on seasonal weather to do the heavy lifting. Winter and summer would be the times of year the respective regions most resemble their ingame counterparts. [4/5]
Also, its funny mentioned the leaders not being chosen and having only one life because in the current arc one of the clans is going through a succession crisis after the death of their leader and deputy and due to starclan being contactable right now due to events in the previous arc that's actually a pretty pressing concern. Sorry for the spam I saw your answers and was turning them over in my head during work. Worldbuilding is fun :D. [5/5] ]
oooh mythologized clan founders (pearlstar and diamondstar?) is really fun. and then by extension would they also be like, the Founders of starclan? admittedly my recall for the starclan lore is not super fresh but maybe in this au there's something where like. they were the first cats that went to starclan when they died bc their souls like, created it, and subsequently all the clan cats got to join them in death. and the NOBLES BEING NON-CAT ANIMALS... that's very very fun i like that. i remember the badger i liked the badger this is fun. and then the wardens being like, apprentices/assistants to the nobles in whatever task they work with the clan for... but then it's also kinda hard to assign all of them to their own unique animals. like some of them are obvious but what about electrode? lilligant? avalugg? and idk abt the vibes of having these ten different animals all involved it might get to be a little Much on top of the regular warriors stuff
otoh sneasler being ingo's mentor at first is VERY fun yes. and that's an ez warrior name like she's direclaw bam done. idk if dire is a valid prefix but i also dont really care considering i already said "iridistar" earlier so i think we're past that point. i DO think warrior cats-ifying their names sounds like a fun challenge esp. if we want to pull occasionally from the fact that a lot of the pla names are derived from different plants. melli is now tea-something. sabi is spicepaw. and like... ingo being a clan cat but keeping his old name is kind of an interesting reverse ravenpaw thing BUT if we want to REALLY angst him up, and considering pearlclan would probably really prefer if he took a "normally" formatted name, we could just. say that he forgot even his name. and then eventually Remembers it later and gets to have that crisis
that's true abt the climate shift hmmm. WELL if it's similar to the regular landscape of hisui, we could say that they live on a mountainside and the climate shifts are due to verticality, w/ the "icelands" being the highest-up point that the cats usually venture to? which you still probably wouldn't get AS dramatic as canon hisui is, but you can get a pretty significant temperature change by moving up and down. and then you can maybe have diamondclan runners vs pearlclan climbers too.
MMMM the one thing i like more than worldbuilding for stupid things: interpersonal political drama. so juicy to me. and dont apologize this is very fun!! this is what we're here for! kicking ideas around!!
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starlightkun · 1 year
Two for 127 members and one for Dream. For dream, is it renjun? I don't think I remember you briefly mentioning/alluding to a plot where 127 members are mentioned but I do remember you mentioning the human Renjun x Siren reader thing that you have thought about like, have an idea about that. But other than Renjun, if I have to guess another dream member, it would be Haechan. For 127, Jung-woo and Mark are not one of them because they already have confirmed/finished official wips under them (unless it's og Strawberry Sunday sequel) leaving the remaining 7 members, Guessing the 2 127 members is.. harder than guessing for dream, maybe, it's Taeil because he doesn't have any books that are written for him by you, he only has a drabble and yuta because the same goes to him. Other than these 2, I want to say taeyong. I'm making all these guesses thinking that the unofficial wips are for Strawberry Sunday Universe because you said so in the reply to the ask of another reader. Sorry, if I misunderstood your reply and it's not for Strawberry Sunday Universe. And sorry again for responding to your reply to my ask pretty late, just wanted to say sorry for it, was drowning in assignments that I had to complete and just completed them all :') And I'm happy that Changer will have a sequel too like Rid and Pupsick. I suddenly miss fairy Jung-woo and og ss Reader the ones who started it all, time to read it again🍓! And i hope you are doing good these days, mel and i hope that life is treating you well - 🌺
so you did get renjun and taeil correct 🫣 but not the other 127 member. and now that u bring it up, i also miss og strawbsunday woos 😭 he didn't know what he was starting, n i love him so much <33 the unofficial wips r all strawbsunday dw you understood that right!!
and omg please never feel obligated to come send me asks/send me asks in a specific amt of time, pls put ur assignments first!! im glad u got those done and i hope everything is going well w you too love!! im doing pretty good, my fall semester has started and so far its really chill (just one class) and i've been given some more responsibilities at work but it's with stuff im interested in so i'm rlly happy w how that's going too!
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ickeyandmian · 3 years
*holy fuck, it’s GALLAVICH time* 💖🧑🏻‍🦰🧑🏻💖- share one Gallavich fic or art or post that you’ve enjoyed recently, or share something you’ve created recently, or just feel free to say how much you love them! & pass this on to your fellow Gallavich fans!
Holy fuck, it's Gallavich time!
I have a pages of fics saved in my notes app to read but currently I am reading
Last of a Dying Breed by wildxwired
Bound by ColdReign
Etherized Against the Sky by Snarfle
Miles Between Us by StaticHearts
And of course Cooperative Gameplay by Grayola
And literally everything in my fanart tag I'm obsessed with, y'all are all so fucking talented 😩👏🏻
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jae-canikeepyou · 3 years
| into you | j.jh
Tumblr media
pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
word count: 7.7k+
summary: as the uni campus’ social butterfly, it’s a given you have a lot of friends, invited to almost all gatherings and all adore you. for the latter, jaehyun does too. he’s so into you and likes how you’re his happy place. or; jaehyun— an unsocial, often misunderstood person, finds his behaviour different with you and perhaps wants to keep you for himself, not anyone else.
genre: fluff + elite!au
a/n: i’m back after a while since i’ve been so so busy! this is not proofread again and i’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes down there :> this is not canon with “letting go” scenario in case there’s any similarities with the characters. hehe anyway i hope you all enjoy reading! ♡ ~j.
seated at the front row in the amphitheatre-shaped lecture hall, jaehyun frustratingly put his hood back on to hide himself from those who were staring from all around. they were definitely whispering about him, hands by their lips to conceal their voices in case he heard them. he hated this much attention, all because he chose stay of out school and classes— and claimed that it didn’t interest him.
so did coming today.
but the point was his attendance for this class was on the line and his busybody parents were sick of receiving phone calls or mails that kept filling their boxes, all for the same reason; that their son could be expelled despite handing assignments.
he rolled his eyes at the heat creeping up his ears as the whispers grew louder. he slammed the thin granite table, causing everyone to flinch at the sound and his presence. “can i have some quiet?! i can hear you guys talking crap about me!” he turned around at the pairs of eyes, soon frozen like meerkats.
they ticked him off. he couldn’t stand being in the same room with people who repeatedly questioned his existence of being here. he knew that rumours were going around, that the ‘jeong jaehyun’ in high school got into an private elite university— it could be anywhere but never expected it‘d be this campus. it was written in the judgment of their faces.
“chill man,” a guy his age swung his lollipop with legs on the desk. “some are curious why you decided to show up today since first semester’s a week away from ending, while some even wonder why you got into such prestigious and elite university.”
jaehyun’s eyed him slowly from legs to head. “who are you supposed to be?” he snorted at the stranger.
“just a guy who wants to break the distraught you’re trying to start.” he kicked his legs off the desk and stood up on his suede shoes, showing off his pearly whites.
he looked at everyone whose eyes averted from the two of them. “our town’s a small neighbourhood, so everybody knows everybody. we know exactly who you are, jeong jaehyun.”
“excuse me?” he swirled his tongue that it was evident he was pissed. “careful what you accuse me of. you and i both know it’s not going to end well-”
“they’re near they’re near!” a voice echoed the hall, cutting jaehyun’s attempt to intimidate the young man any further.
and with that signal alone, jaehyun could see and observe ladies fixing their hair and make-up, while the guys gave fistbumps to those near them. he rolled his eyes at him returning the favour to them as the guy unbuttoned his collar. “what’s wrong with you?” jaehyun was utterly weirded out. “with everyone?”
the crimson-haired guy only gave a flirty grin with raised brows. “this happens everytime.“
the door swung open with the professor rushing in. the students swifted heads, it wasn’t the first time he ever was late. he was young and good-looking, and it was hard to believe he still a bachelor. he gestured someone at the door, then the held-in giggles and mumbles were soon replaced with whispers of awe, as you walked in carefully with a tower of binder folders halfly covering your view.
clearly the guys around him have been secretly admiring; some had the confidence of taking selfies even if you were far, while others took a picture with their eyes so you were marked in their memories. ladies flocked towards the flustered professor like little chicks and surrounded him.
and that’s when the comments started coming in.
“park seojoon is so hot.” “hey remember to use ‘professor’.” “i guess genes runs in the family.” “his sister is ethereal too.” “i see her weekly and y/n’s a goddess.” “y/n! are you coming to the party tonight?”
jaehyun knew who you were through social media and common friends. and he included himself part of the people who admire you. he also remembered because he bumped into you during orientation. he wouldn’t usually care about passerby’s and strangers and although that was a brief moment and short eye contact, something about you was hard to not forget. you had people and friends under a charming spell he couldn’t describe, and that was in a good way.
you tucked a strand behind your ear and became shy afterwards as they whistled and cheered towards your gesture, making you heat up a thousand degrees higher. you should be used to this but every time it happens, you were just as flustered as your brother.
jaehyun’s legs got up on its own and was surprised at himself for making his way to help you. he picked up the fallen binder files and scattered papers while the whiskers by your eyes creased up in shyness.
he hitched a breath realising that the clumsy you was adorable too.
“thank you.” a smile then appearing at the corners of your lips caused jaehyun to freeze for a while. yuta wouldn’t miss anyone’s reaction. he slid his chair close to jaehyun’s as the he came back, nudging his chair for him to give into your beauty.
“i know a person with heart eyes when i see one. now you understand why we’re whipped for y/n. isn’t she a babe- agh.” he held the back of his head from the smack.
“don’t call me that, nakamoto.” you hissed sharply with how confident and careless he could get, especially with people you weren’t familiar with. you looked at the guy in a black sweater and let out an embarrassed sigh. “i’m sorry about my annoying best friend. yuta tends to be chatty when he feels lonely.” you winked at him.
it was jaehyun’s turn to flash short chuckle, its faint sounds perked not only your ears, but yuta’s as well. “not a problem. i know a lonely person when i see one.” jaehyun emphasised through his gaze.
“i’m not lonely! i have y/n and my men!” he whined and turned towards you. “see what you did y/n?”
“it’s good to finally see you, jeong jaehyun.” you ignored yuta and brought out a hand for a greeting.
you pursed your lips to stifle a laugh, jaehyun’s ears quickly turned from pink to red. he gulped loudly and took your hand in his, eyebrows lifting at how you knew his name.
lost for words and you both locked eyes where he forgot to let your hands go. “we take the same course together? i know your name because you’re the only one missing from the class-” you said, shaking his hands to subtly let him know it had been a minute since your hands felt his vainey flesh.
“okay young lad that’s enough time holding my sister.” seojoon separated your hands and jaehyun snapped out of his admiration, inhaling quite stressfully with how stupid he looked. “get to your class y/n.”
“alright, i’ll see you at tea hour.” you waved at the boys.
“as long as you’re treating i’ll go.” yuta hummed in a monotonous voice, fixing his laces that went untied.
“i’m not talking to you dimwit.” you flicked his forehead, leading to your satisfaction of the nut-like sound from it. “jaehyun, because you missed yesterday’s class, prof assigned me to assist you, along with the other topics you’ve yet to cover. i’ll be expecting you at the café near campus.”
before you stepped out of the hall, yuta pulled your sweater, yanking you back. “are you going to taeyong’s party tonight? you never miss an event!”
you puckered your lips, pinching his cheeks that a cute gummy smile came out from it. “you know my rules. as long as you’re driving me home, i’ll go. see you later.”
jaehyun nodded yet was still in a daze. he realised what you said when yuta pushed him. “gross. don’t act as if we’re already close.”
“hm? was i really? i think it’s normal when you’re making a move on my best friend.” he brought out his laptop and typed his password.
i wasn’t. “whatever.”
and to say that jaehyun didn’t feel butterflies flying uncontrollably in his stomach would be an understatement. they made the intestine churn in ways he couldn’t imagine, and he himself wanted to deny that what he was feeling was just from the influence of others. but wouldn’t that mean his feelings were temporary? because if it were, he should perceive you an ordinary person.
yet here he was outside, still admiring you before he entered the café. he found it was amusing of how oblivious you were of his presence— you were too immersed into this assigned task by professor, but others found it funnier when jaehyun looked stupidly in-love and cowardly the lad looked, despite having the overall aura of a stuck-up.
as the sun’s rays brightened the city and the wind’s breeze made the trees leaves dance, only then had you raise your head to see jaehyun waving at you. ten minutes early, not bad for an actual first impression. “hey,” he greeted, making you smile with his low but gentle voice. “am i late?”
you took your bag from across and asked him to sit down. “no no. you’re just in time, it’s really nice to have an early bird around.”
his dimples deepened at the compliment. “how about the project? is it too late? you think i can still catch up?” jaehyun cleared his throat.
“that depends on your dedication. based on the record professor gets, you’ve been doing your tasks and homework quite diligently. he’s just worried about your habit of not attending his lectures might lead to procrastination when second semester starts.” you gave him a slice of cheesecake to eat. “he’s still teaching us another subject.”
“it’s quite the contrary.” he dove in for the dessert. “i don’t have the will to procrastinate at all.”
“then good.” you twisted the pen in your fingers. “let’s get started?”
for that span of two hours, how he wished it could be more. who knew you would have a lot of things in common with him? that time alone was not enough to talk about vinyl and jazz singers and pretty much everything that were overlooked by people. he brought up his favourite spots in the city and how they became a safe haven to escape the reality.
to cut the explaining short, his shell slowly started to open, bits and new things were showing. if you were surprised he was a good person, jaehyun himself couldn’t believe he was able to converse with people normally. being the awkward and shy type, doing this almost seemed impossible.
was it your magic that caused him to do so?
you learnt that jaehyun was rather special and by special it meant he had gifts that you believed were way beyond human limits. he never studied in a library, rewatched lectures or written his notes. and the professor mentioned how jaehyun received good grades in most of the things he submitted.
to be very honest, you were a little jealous. from how he was sitting in front of you, he didn’t seem to be interested but was definitely listening. and you sort of gave up in continuing anyway. “i don’t understand why i’m told i need to guide you when you’ve already caught up with everything.” you let out a soft chuckle that seemed more of a question.
“i was waiting for you to stop..” jaehyun said quite blatantly and stretched his arms and you were hurt because if he didn’t want to, he could’ve said so. heck, even more so, he shouldn’t have come here and wasted time-
“..because it looked like you were forced to do this by prof.” his smile then faded seeing you mirror the same. “are you alright? you’re a little pale..”
your eyes widened. “oh uh, sorry, i assumed-” you sputtered and probably died inside with what he said. you cursed in your mind. dammit y/n.
jaehyun raised his brows, making you more flustered and panicky. you sighed and waved your ‘its-nothing’ hand. “assumed that i’m brusque and a stuck-up?”
he pierced his eyes at you and you weren’t going to lie, he scared you a bit. but that fear immediately disappeared when a gentle giggle and adorable dimples replaced it. “i get that a lot, but don’t worry. i’m different from what people think. they think i’m not friendly, a-and a loner too.”
“you’re not.” he heard you counter him, slightly slamming the fork down. “if you were, you wouldn’t be here with me. or even bothered to come.”
his heart became warm through your words, that act of kindness torn down his walls of inferiority and his perception towards people changed. “thanks.” he checked the time on his watch and twisted his wrist to show to you. “don’t you have a party to attend to?”
“lee taeyong’s?” you stood up to leave the café. “i feel like skipping it for tonight. i’m not in the mood for parties somehow.”
“because i’m a better company for you?” jaehyun teased and boy was he proud with his remark, you didn’t even deny it. “you don’t have to go if you really don’t want to. it’s better to have time for yourself sometimes.”
“you’re saying from experience?” you asked, putting pressure on your words about his claim of being alone.
“it’s more of an advice for you.” he winked.
you thought he was quite observant even though he barely socialised with others. he noticed the light in your eyes sparkling, in which he felt his chest squeeze. you twirled in your toes as you hugged your laptop. “say.. are you up for a movie marathon?”
including now, it’d be the fourth time you both have rewind the specific scene just for that certain song jaehyun kept singing nonstop. and although you loved his voice, having the song on replay would be a little too much and the purpose of the marathon might go in vain. it seemed jaehyun was way into it, so interrupting him would be mean of you so you sang along.
“the nostalgia still hits me ‘til this day.” jaehyun tossed a bag of chips from your kitchen island to you.
jaehyun kept saying it may sound stupid and corny coming from him, but as a child he liked the whole high school musical series; and he pretty much became one when breaking free started to play.
because you both couldn’t decide where to watch the beloved movies by everyone, the marathon ended up being at your apartment. it was subtle, yet quite obvious to you he didn’t want it to be held in his place. you thanked your psychology course for giving lessons to notice even the little things in behaviour.
“how many times do i have to keep telling you it’s okay to like it? not like anyone would tease you for it.” you giggled as you opened the bag and popped a couple of chips into your mouth.
“yeah sure, but i know you would.” he squinted his eyes for you to admit that that was your plan eventually.
“have i?” you singsonged, sipping on the large cola cup.
he pointed at the hairbrush you held and suddenly you bursted out in laughter since jaehyun was obviously— maybe a little— offended with how you mimicked him singing earlier. “okay you caught me.”
jaehyun felt his entire body heating up. still in denial about actually being into you, he took a challenge upon himself and scooted next to you. his arms slightly brushed and touched against yours. “you in for hsm 2?”
“well we are having a marathon, might as well go for camp rock later.” you shrugged and eyed him with a confirming gaze.
“uh-huh.. but i’m still a fan of the trilogy.” jaehyun stole the chips in your hands.
“now aren’t you cheeky.” you gasped at his playful behaviour, and you didn’t dislike it. perhaps you prefer this naught over yuta’s as it didn’t get into your nerves or have the urge to hit him because of the hyperness.
he sat deeper into the beanbag. “i’m comfortable in here. your house feels too homey.”
“so is it my fault that you’re in your comfort zone?” you stated, taking the bag of chips back into your arms.
“yes.” he protested with frequent waves of his palms. “you’re too kind and i might come here to visit often.”
“suit yourself.”
since he arrived here it had him wondering, why did he decide to show up today at campus when there was actually a pure human being like you? he just needed a person— just one— to knock onto his heart. yet with many people in his life trying to do the same thing, none held the correct key. and somehow,
it had to be you.
you’ve lost count of the number of times jaehyun has been hanging at your crib since then. it became a normal routine but never have you been to his place. it was always yours and you didn’t mind that. though he did promise, you respected his decision.
you found out he could be little dorky and corny but that was the unique trait about him. like friends at kindergarten, you both were still at a get-to-know-each-other stage. so that day, he created a schedule where he would hang out with you on wednesdays and fridays, claiming that he didn’t want to be seen by others, e.g. mr. nobody with ms. golden girl.
however, since then, people close to you have been looking at you rather differently. it wasn’t because they sometimes see jaehyun following you around, they sensed a different aura from you. you could feel their piercing stares from all directions, as if you were the centerpiece of a watch. there was something a little different than usual.
and you tried to ignore this ominous feeling for now.
yuta shook his legs vigorously, in which was an unsightly act to see for someone on the soccer team. you could see him from afar with his hands by his lips, biting it as he waited for your arrival at the university’s sports ground. jaehyun jogged towards you with his bag slung diagonally across his torso. he poked your neck and as a person with severe tickle spots, that caught you off guard into a fight-me position to the doer.
“chill, it’s just me.” jaehyun had both of his hands up, whiskers appearing just by the sides of his nose.
“jaehyun!” you relaxed your limbs. “got a better way of greeting? i don’t like being surprised.” you pulled the hem of his sleeve, missing how he pursed his lips in glee when you both instantly became close, like it was overnight.
he let you grab him as you both walked towards where yuta was standing by the bleachers. “i’m sorry?” he giggled loud enough only for you to hear. “i thought i’d get a priceless reaction from you.”
you rolled your eyes that it almost hurt doing so. “be glad i have enough patience for you.”
“and i didn’t have enough patience last night!” yuta joined the conversation seeing you and jaehyun before him. “where have you been? you said you were coming to my place yesterda- why is he here?” he looked at him then at you. “with you? again?”
“ever thought that i want to have my own ‘me’ time for once?” you took off your cardigan and placed it on the bleachers. you could feel jaehyun chuckling softly when you made reference to his remark.
and boy was he proud. “you’re emphasising on that quite often nowadays.” he helped you carry your bag as you to settled down.
“that’s because i never realised how true it actually is until i say it out loud, since being in everyone’s eyes does pressure me.” you balled your fists to nudge him lightly on the arm, and for him to dramatically receive the attack did put yuta in an awkward position.
“uh hello? i’m still here!” in front of you and jaehyun, yuta snapped his fingers several times to divert attention. “what’s going on with you two? how are you both suddenly so close when you’ve just met for the first time two weeks ago?”
jaehyun swifted his head towards you, and the telepathic exchange of words between you and him had yuta clicking his tongue in disbelief. “you were right, he will react.” jaehyun’s voice prolonged while munching on a corn dog.
“told you so.” you flicked your hair and turned to yuta as you continued talking. “bestie, we’ve been seeing each other since then.”
what the hell? the way yuta’s face turn sour at your smile towards jaehyun, he could almost faint right then and there since he swore he saw mr. dimples smile subtly at you too. “and with just that i’ve been replaced-”
“no i would never replace my best friend.” you held his palms hoping he would calm down from his high emotions, but he immediately pulled his hand away from you, much to your dismay. “hey, i’m here to make amends-”
“yeah?” he clicked on a pen and wrote something on a tissue, soon grabbing your bag from the seat and fished out your wallet. “then you’re treating me my meals for a month. i have another order right now.”
now it was your turn whose face became sour. “a month?! i can’t do that- hey!”
yuta tossed your credit card up in the air and upon seeing his eyes darken— though that was all in your head—you gave in and sighed heavily. you stomped your way to the caféteria while yuta comfortably put one leg on the benches with a satisfied grin. “man she’s easy to tease.”
“is that so? then i know now who she gets it from.” jaehyun said through his chews on his food, making yuta’s ears perk up at the response.
the atmosphere lingering between the two of them invited dark clouds. both could sense the change in their moods, and they both weren’t liking it.
yuta spun and played the ball on his hands then forearms, later let out a scoff when jaehyun raised his brows. he didn’t like the vibe jaehyun was giving and so did the latter. “i do it for fun. it’s natural between us.” yuta said.
“hm? she told me she doesn’t like it when you do.” he saw you on your tiptoes as you struggled to tell the order to the person at the high-levelled counter. but another scoff came out from yuta. “you got a proble-?”
“yeah kinda.”
“i don’t think so. i can tell it really bothers you when y/n hangs out with me.” jaehyun sat up straight at yuta’s comment about him.
“i should be. because i’m her best friend and who knows what type of person you are.” he did a few tricks with his legs. “but if you really want to know then your attitude is what i have problems with.”
“i remember telling you it wouldn’t be good for you when accuse me wrongly.”
he let out a monotonous and rather mocking laugh, taking jaehyun aback but he anticipated this kind of response from him. “and what? you’ll go berserk like you did years ago? as a high school freshman? beating the innocent up or whoever comes your way?”
“look i don’t know where the hell that came from but it’s not what you or everyone else thinks.” jaehyun aggressively crumpled the hotdog wrapper in his palms.
“c’mon you don’t have to hold it all in,” yuta set his ball aside and rested his hands on his waist. jaehyun was getting uncomfortable the more he listened to him. “unleash that side-”
jaehyun rolled his tongue, nodding his head to test him. “alright, i guess i don’t have to when i have feelings for y/n. thanks for the advice.”
what the..? yuta stared at him when there wasn’t a change in his expression. jerk- “now you’re talking. you wanna fight? let’s do that-”
“tsk yuta! the bill’s too expensive!” you whined and gently put down the tray.
while yuta clicked his tongue at your sudden entry and with how quickly you came back, for a moment jaehyun wanted to hug you for being his saviour. he was so close to lose his temper towards your best friend. the relief seen in his tensed shoulders, but you interpreted it otherwise. “are you okay?” you asked while you sat down beside him.
he hummed, folding his arms and looking at the distance, clearly avoiding eye contact with yuta. “mhm, i just realised the deadline is coming up in three days.” he excused.
you managed to utter out a giggle as you finally ate, finding out how jaehyun’s ears always turned red when given attention to. “you’re stressed about it?”
“aren’t you?” jaehyun drank the remains of his soda.
“not really since i finished mine. but, if you’re worried about your progress, i can help you.” you swirled the fork in the air like a wand. jaehyun smiled to himself when yuta took his ball to throw a fit.
“i’m not worried about the project. but there’s an annoying bug i’m trying to hit so help me.” jaehyun’s dimples appeared deeply again and as the darkening ombré sunset shoned his side profile, there you witnessed how pure he actually was— and you missed out on yuta’s frown towards jaehyun.
you gulped and almost choked on your own saliva, eyes still locked in jaehyun’s. his hair caught in the wind, making it look fluffy and his entire demeanour softer than you usually see him. you hitched a breath since jaehyun seemed like he had no plans to avert his gaze too. both of you were definely mesmerised and hypnotised, and for jaehyun it was just like that time. he remembered the colour palette of your makeup while you recalled the perfume he wore.
in the recent marathons with him you’ve never been this close, physically speaking. so this close-up really debunked the impression you heard from people, especially from yuta.
however, as you were oblivious with the pressure behind jaehyun’s words and even smiled back at him, yuta flicked your temple. he was indeed a worry wart and sometimes he would like to flick you just this once for being too much of a social butterfly. he knew it was in your nature to be kind and always on the look out for others. he’s fine when you were with anyone except with this guy you befriended. not him.
he dodged your flying limbs in attempts to hit him. “oi, you’re not going to ask how i am? if i’m worried?”
the pain from the flick remained on your temple. “no? you look fine to me-” you stared at your phone. the message reminding you of the singles elite party a month from today at 8pm. “a party?”
“yeah if you attended the previous party you’d know that there’ll be another one after taeyong’s.” yuta took off his shoes in change for his casual.
“hm. i’m don’t feel like going.” you jumped off the bleachers to dust off your pants. “probably gonna be boring.”
“i’m the one who’s holding it this time!” yuta put you under a headlock in his arms. “you’re ditching your best friend?!”
you giggled and ticked his sides and followed it with a playful hug. “just kidding. i heard from momo! i’ll be there.” you brushed your hair up into a messy bun while spotting jaehyun starting to feel out of place. “oh! do you wanna come to the party, jae?”
yuta mentally facepalmed and it was given he didn’t like what you did. but your eyes were quick to see his reaction and you slapped his chest. he glared at you while his hands caressed it. why did you have to invite him? it was the whole purpose why he decided to hold a party; maybe you’d finally appreciate his hardwork, or perhaps, notice him as someone more and as not a best friend who only worries and teases you.
jaehyun nodded in response, no words needed. a smile crept your lips as if you were given chocolates on valentine’s. “cool.” you pulled him on the wrist after hearing the coach calling yuta, followed with a loud whistle. “ah yuta, we‘ll get going! see you.”
“mm yeah..” yuta hummed, seeing you both vanish in the distance. “see you..”
your sulking self laid sideways by jaehyun’s lap, head rested on a pillow. it’s been too long since yuta avoided you, purposely ditched your hangouts, seenzoned your messages and ignored your calls. as if these weren’t obvious enough for you to know something was up. there definitely was but you couldn’t put a finger to it. so you forced jaehyun to let you stay at his place, being it your apartment was currently invaded by your brother’s friends from abroad.
but honestly it was also because you discovered jaehyun’s unit was blocks away from yours. fate was gladly on your side.
“y/n, you know i can’t work properly when you’re like this.” jaehyun sighed while he adjusted his sitting posture and lifting his laptop.
you slightly and lazily your body turned upright, seeing his dimples beginning to show themselves. “let me be.” you complained.
jaehyun put down his laptop. “i can’t. you’re in my way of cramming hours. plus, how long have you been coming here? it’s getting too frequent..” he paused when your eyes were no longer on him— rather they were on your phone, staring at the last conversation from yuta.
he couldn’t bring himself to say that he was reason why yuta acting the way he was to you. and for all honesty he would keep this matter to himself. “did i do something wrong?” you asked.
“of course not. he’s probably in his emo phase. guys have them a lot more than you think.” jaehyun typed on the keyboard for the remaining parts of the essay. “but he’ll get out of it eventually.”
“fine i’ll trust on that.” you sat up and scooted over to see his progress. you submitted your assignment hours ago. looking at jaehyun, it seemed he was struggling at some parts. were you unconsciously pressuring him? the beads of sweat began to roll down his temples and that made you giggle if it was the case. uh-huh. he was really feeling that way.
he gulped so loudly that it came out as a weird noise. he hoped you didn’t hear that. but the way you pursed your lips to hold the laughter in only had him discontinuing his report. “d-don’t do that.”
“do what?” you snicker.
jaehyun rolled his eyes and poked your forehead. “you’re too distracting.”
oh how the tables have turned. that comment flipped your head upside down, your heart in a frenzy and stomach churning. it wasn’t “so”, but “too”— that only meant he wasn’t concentrating on his work for a while.
even so, you waited for him to finish despite questionable feelings you’ve been feeling. his coffee cup already did seconds and thirds. and suddenly you remembered the happy hour the local café was promoting and there was a few minutes left until it ends for the day. you had to bring him there.
but you decided that because you wanted to be out of that suffocating air jaehyun caused.
the more you walked faster, the more jaehyun’s wrist reddened and hurt. but he let you be as he liked how you were comfortable with someone like him. your hair flowed with the wind, the remains of your shampoo left a sweet scent. was it lavender? and the wind blew stronger, making the scent clearer to the nose. his heart skipped beats, because it was indeed lavender. he swore in his head. scrap aside the frequent marathons and meet-ups. lavender’s all the more reason why fell for you quickly than ever.
and when the local café closed early for the day, you almost lost sight of the pedestrian signs. jaehyun pulled you in as the light emitted red. though you had your emotions get the best of you, you realised how childish you were for something so minor. you laughed in awkwardness, he did too. “i didn’t want anyone to see this side-”
warmth. that was all you thought of right there. you were in his embrace.
“..of me.” you soon mumbled in his chest, realising later of the action he just did. “jaehyun-”
“it’s okay. i don’t too.” his hand gently caressed the back of your head, treating it with care as if he held a newborn baby. “so can i keep you?”
that warmth became hotter, almost boiling that you weren’t able to breathe properly. “i’m sorry.” he said, that must’ve surprised you.” jaehyun chuckled.
surprised? of course you were. how was it natural for him to do skinship? and that smoothly? you both weren’t at that stage yet, let alone have a relationship with mutual feelings. even yuta couldn’t hug you because of how conscious you felt.
but then again, you looked up. you saw his ears. it was red, the usual reaction whenever you were with him. was it normal though? you were never aware of it up until now.
because it was so clear now.
“i’ll see you tomorrow? i have to help my mom with some things.” you lied as you scratched your neck.
jaehyun nodded and pulled away. “alright, go on ahead.”
you poked his dimples because he has been staring at you like he had questions to ask. “what is it?”
maybe he didn’t notice or maybe he did, but he was leaning closer, his head tilting to the side and eyes staring into your soul. you knew what he was about to do, you feel like letting him do so but at the same time you weren’t sure of your feelings.  
just a little more and you could’ve locked lips but..
your phone vibrated.
in panic you looked at your device and eyes widened that brought jaehyun aback.
“ah yuta!” you brought your phone so close to your face, not believing your best friend’s announcement on social media, in which he then followed up with a text message.
the light in your eyes was something jaehyun liked seeing, but didn’t so as well.
“oh! he said the concept for the elites’ party is live wardrobe. all singles will go through a ballot draw. it’s for the clothes to wear for the night..” you locked your phone. “tsk i wanted to wear my favourite dress.”
“i think you’ll look great in whatever gown is chosen for you.” jaehyun pat your head while you were immersed in your phone. “now go. it’s getting late.”
“i’ll expect the same for you.” you replied.
he laughed and that didn’t want to make you leave just yet. “nah don’t. i’m just ordinary in a suit.”
funny how he was so damn wrong.
fate let him draw red, and confidently chose a suit once it was his turn to change. it was as if he knew this attire would go well with him. a suede texture with a black outline on its collar accentuated his brushed up light brown hair, while his black under-shirt contrasted with his porcelain skin. gladly it wasn’t halloween, or else you would’ve mistaken him for a vampire.
he had you feeling all sorts of things, and you didn’t know why when you were nothing more than friends.
an hour ago he was in his usual casual wear. now he was surrounded with ladies who already seemed like they were friends with him for decades. you could see jaehyun was uncomfortable but he kept his cool with folded arms as he leaned against a column. the comments from them irritated you, because at one point they were badmouthing him— and the second he showed up they flooded him with compliments of his good looks and how they named him the “model elite”.
you swirled the wine glass in your hand, the other arm hugged your waist. you rolled your eyes at the falseness these people have towards him. “can’t believe it.” your fingers curled as irritation began to cover your sight. “look at them trying to make a move on him. erlgh too close. they weren’t like that before.”
sicheng rolled his tongue, hands in pockets and walked to be in front of you. “really? you weren’t like that before too.” he pointed out.
“i agree. recently you’re stuck like glue whenever you’re with him.” yuta gestured.
“am so not?” you gasped while your eyes trailed to jaehyun, who was still had patience for the ladies surrounding him. “i just like how he’s a good friend.”
“doubt it.” sicheng poked your cheek. “you wouldn’t feel like this when you have feeli-”
not this again. “i’m grabbing a drink.” yuta suddenly cut the conversation.
“get me one too!” the younger one yelled and after he was satisfied with the gesture, he winced as you pinched his sides from the remark he said earlier. “ow! y/n! it’s true though! i know what i’m seeing!”
truthfully, nothing about sicheng’s words or actions bothered you. but if there was anything that did, it was your own heart. as of tonight, you began to question your feelings towards jaehyun. when did it start? how was it possible to like someone so quickly? “i’m telling you i don’t.” your eyes trailed to him, not realising the rush of heat creeping your cheeks.
jaehyun was approached by yuta, who was giving him a glass of beer. the ladies fled after stealing pictures of the guy and he took the drink in his hands. then they headed towards the garden of the mansion. wonder what he’s here for?
“nice party you have here. concept’s cool.” jaehyun started to break the lingering silence because he knew how awkward this was going to be with your best friend.
“yeah, never knew you’d end up in red. it’s y/n’s favourite colour.” yuta’s voice lowered. there was an impact jaehyun could describe but assuming that would be too rude of him.
“really? i didn’t know.” he hummed. aren’t you a little too happy, jaehyun told himself. he shook it off, for he doesn’t expect him and you to go any further than this.
“now you do. so can you back up for a while? take a week off or something from y/n.” yuta raised his brows.
this was the same feeling from before. he knew this feeling because he felt the exact same way. he wanted to be selfish for once. not like he hated yuta, it was just.. he always had to appear whenever he didn’t want him to. then he would mess his mood. he interrupted his joy of admiring you. jaehyun licked his lips to dampen them. “i’m sorry, who are you to tell me what to do?”
yuta grinned and leaned against the column as he mirrored jaehyun. “don’t you get it?” he asked, his tone rising. “i love y/n. you entering the picture just ruins everything.”
my hunch’s correct. he does love y/n. “if you love her you wouldn’t ignore her.”
“it’s because you’re with her! and she does the same to me! it’s like she’s found someone else-”
“you’re being dramatic.” jaehyun pushed himself off the column and turned to him. “y/n’s sad and moping around because you treated her like she’s all alone. you have no idea how much she waited for you to contact her.”
“what do you know, smartass? you’re just another guy trying to fit in when you know you couldn’t. no matter how much you tried, everyone’s afraid of you. and now you’re telling me you have feelings for y/n? please.” his lips jutted with sounds of disbelief while his body posture challenged jaehyun. “y/n’s kind to everyone she meets. it’s who she is. but to think you have hope to be with someone like her? if you ask me, all i see is a greatest mismatch.”
jaehyun usually didn’t give a damn of the comments about him. he couldn’t care less of any of those. in fact he’d hear them through one ear and out they went. but when he said anything, it irked him.
you see, that was the thing— right now, he actually listened.
he turned a blind eye on yuta’s words and let it off for the night. he was given a drink and maybe the alcohol didn’t work its way on him than it did to guy. in the end, yuta was probably spilling tea even if he didn’t intend to.
“what i feel for y/n has nothing to do with you. just like people can’t control the tides,” jaehyun lightly knocked onto yuta’s chest. “i can’t control mine.”
the footsteps echoed in yuta’s ears, he could hear them despite the noisy hall. “rghhh!” he grabbed hold of his glass and threw it towards jaehyun.
sounds of shattering glass met the ground, as well as catching everyone’s attention. then there was silence. jaehyun began to lose his patience as he turned around. his smirk challenged him. ouch. this was the fight yuta was looking for, seeing jaehyun’s heavy breaths only made him stand on his toes.
jaehyun punched him in the jaw though he knew it wasn’t worth his time. but he wanted to give him a taste of stepping beyond boundaries. yuta punched him back too. he made sure the star of the night was the other— shone the brightest and reveal his true nature. he didn’t count the number of hits he received, as long as jaehyun stayed that way.
“i told you it wouldn’t be good if you provoked me!” jaehyun growled. “you’re asking for show? i’ll give you one!”
“huh..” yuta wiped his bleeding lip. “you sure about that, beast?”
jaehyun held himself for the next punch, feeling all of the pairs of eyes on him. yours included. that was what he feared. “aw. what impression does she have on you now?” yuta’s cooing words caused jaehyun’s eyes to soften.
all bleeding and bruised, jaehyun’s injuries have matched with his suit. he clenched his fists as he frustratingly left the hall.
in your peripheral, your eyes trailed his direction and your legs followed him by heart, without realising yuta calling out your name several times. everything went blank, not thinking things straight because while everyone watched, no one understood. you glared at yuta before heading outside, a more disappointed sigh was the only response he got from you.
yuta was then nudged by sicheng. the latter could see the change in his expression. “what did i tell you?”
“you don’t have to tell me.” yuta dusted his pants.
“i’m still gonna.” sicheng rolled his eyes and poked the lad’s temple. “that’s what you call ‘stupidity’. if only you confessed to her before maybe things would be different between you guys.”
“i don’t want things to be different dude.”
“i’m gonna state the obvious, you probably already know this but.. you lost this battle.”
“crap..” yuta’s voice changed from a nervous chuckle to a soft sob. “i liked her first.”
you spotted jaehyun sitting atop a metal barrier just in front of the carpark— head down to mend his injuries and scratches. he sniffed from the cool night breeze before hopping off. “you’ll hurt your feet.” he pointed at the heels you had dangling in your hands.
his gaze softened when you pointed at his face, especially the black eye. “touché.” he chuckled, later feeling your cold hands against his throbbing flesh. “it’s no big deal-”
“i’m sorry about yuta’s behaviour.” you sighed. “don’t let it get into you. he’s an airhead when he’s drunk-”
“you sure? he seemed pretty sober when he said- ah.” he pursed his lips to speak any further. “nevermind.”
now that gotten you curious. “what did he say? spill it!” you whined, causing jaehyun mouth to curve a little in amusement.
jaehyun prolonged the silence and grabbed your shoes, leading you towards his car. once he unlocked it and opened the door, he bursted out in a loud, healthy laugh. “he said he was head over heels for you.”
you pushed him to the driver’s seat and slammed the door, rolling your eyes at the pun. “that was so lame!” you sat on the other side. “but i know that already if you thought i didn’t. i subtly turned him down ages ago. guess he didn’t take the message.”
as you tended to his wounds, one question still had your curiosity at its peak. jaehyun was quiet through-out, so it was hard to bring the topic up for a while. until your eyes and his met.
“what did you tell him before he threw the glass at you?” you dabbed the cotton onto the beaten area. “it must’ve pissed him.”
he dropped his car keys and let out a nervous hum. “uh..” he didn’t know what else to say. right when he was finally about to tell you, you suddenly giggled.
“unless you told him you like me and that made him angry, but i doubt that happened.” your lips shrank to a circle, cursing at yourself for assuming too much. girl the guts you have was incomparable—
jaehyun’s large hand held yours while you continued to apply medication. the warmth, the heat and the building tension of skinship made you weak. “you’re right.”
your smile and breaths changed in an instant when he fixed himself on the seat. he smirked a little, finding how cute you were. it drove him crazy.
“i like you, for the longest time, since the orientation. i’m so into you that i couldn’t help myself be selfish and have you to myself— i- i don’t know what i’m saying.” he sighed, pushing himself away in embarrassment with arms above his face.
“t-thanks.” you fiddled with your fingers.
“i’m not asking for an answer. i just wanted to let you know.” he said. “gosh this is a bad timing for confession.”
“then is it a bad timing if i said i’m into you too?” you looked away and out in the distance. you could see his reaction on the window’s reflection. he was shocked, but an uncontrollable smile was forcing itself on the surface. it was written in the dimples.
“no,” his husky voice called you to look back. “you’re just about right.”
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shushiyuii · 2 years
I'm very intrigued about trust the process Au please go into deep about it.
Thanky you for the ask! And AAAa guess I could talk about how the vampires work and characters in the au?
Also just kind of a warning for blood.
Honestly, the SBI are kind of just your typically misunderstood vampires who have good intentions but the way they go about it is a bit odd because well, they’re no longer human.
Although they size-shift, they feed like ordinary vampires with just usual amounts of blood. And another thing I guess would be interesting is that the vampires behave like literal predators despite being sentient.
Like vampires, they rely a lot on their instincts. For example that one incident with Wilbur *cough cough*. They’re a bit different appearance-wise for example, they are sharp claws, red eyes etc though they are able to disguise themselves as humans, the key indicator would be their eyes.
And now SBI backstory! I’ve talked a little bit about it but I’ll go into a bit more detail here.
Back in the day, Philza was just your average guy working as a butler for the king at the time. And at that time, a noble lady happened to be visiting the kingdom, known as Lady Kristin.
Lady Kristin was remarkable in beauty, anybody could see that yet she always wore a black veil along with her sun hat. And many found that mysterious, yet it only added in her captivating beauty.
Philza was assigned to make Lady Kristin’s stay as comfortable as possible. And soon, they began to talk more and more to a point the two of them decided to run away from their duties and start another life together.
Their attempt was successful and so, they started a new life in a different kingdom. The two of them lived in a subtle cottage that also worked as an animal farm, Phil would take care of the animals whilst Kristin did a majority of the house work as she didn’t like to leave the house.
Sometimes Kristin would leave during the late nights, it concerned Phil but she’d always return with a smile on her face. And the two of them were really happy together and even started a family.
A pair of twins, Wilbur and Techno. Life was stable for a good couple of years until Kristin came home late night from one of her midnight trips, gathering her young sons and telling Phil they had to run.
It didn’t take long for Phil to spot the upcoming mob, and distantly he could hear them yell “Kill the vampire!”. Phil was beyond confused at thought of Kristin being a vampire as he’d never noticed any fangs, eyes or anything.
Despite his confusion, it was still his Kristin and so the two of them ran away from their comfortable home. Wilbur and Techno were about 10 years old at this point and terrified. 
It didn’t take long for the villagers to burn down their home, and continue hunting down for them. With a bit of distance, Kristin suddenly stopped. And turned to Phil, embracing him.
“Kristin, my dear. What’s the-”, she bit down keep into his neck. And soon, nearly all his blood had been drained. Turned. Kristin looked down at Phil as he collapsed to the floor, his sons trying to catch their father’s fall.
“I’m sorry.”, was the last thing she ever said to them as she disappeared. Never to be seen again.
And in his weakened state, the lost of his home and disapearrence of his wife, Phil was heartbroken. And powered through as much as he could for the two most important people in his life.
It was difficult as he was a growing vampire, having to rely on blood rather than food. At times, he couldn’t get out of bed and had to rely on his sons to bring him an individual to eat.
His change was not only difficult on him but also their sons because they were so lost and confused. Their father had become increasingly sick and didn’t exactly understand how to help, and needed to fend for themselves.
It took a while but things soon became a bit stable. Wilbur was quick and sneaky and if anyone came for a fight, Techno was able to handle them for his age. Though, after a couple of months. Their father was found out as a vampire also.
Not wanting the same thing to repeat, Phil chose to fight. So, he hid his sons somewhere safe and slayed a majority of the villagers. And then fled to the forest with his two sons.
After some days, they encountered some creatures. Humanoid and they were known as the Fae. As it turned out, fae and vampires had good relations between each other so they were welcomed by them.
The fae they met were known as Niki and Tubbo. Niki was a kindhearted fae whilst Tubbo was rather mischievous and young, he got along well with Techno and Wilbur. 
And as time passed, the fae became anxious of the growing danger of humans so, Phil agreed to protect the fae and rid of the humans. With the fae grateful, they granted Phil a gift.
A gigantic manor for vampiric size and many smaller room for his two human sons. As time passed and they grew, they two became vampires and aid their father in protecting the fae.
When Wilbur first turned into a vampire, a fletchling. He was rather adventurous and eager to leave the manor after staying there for so many years. And one day, he snuck out to the nearby village.
Though he grew hungry and dug into one of the villagers. That was his mistake as the villagers grew angry with Wilbur, calling him a monster for something he couldn’t control.
Alone and afraid, Wilbur was forced to fight back and killed many in the village. Once he had the victory, a human on his last breath looked at Wilbur. They made eye contact.
Wilbur was terrified at what he had done, sobbing. And the human who looked at him and drew his final breath, calling him a monster. Wilbur doesn’t like being called a monster anymore.
After that incident, many would believe Wilbur to have abandoned his humanoid emotions like his other relatives but he clung to his humanity, hence why he’s more hyperactive compared to the others.
He’s also quite the mother-hen, reminding his family to feed when necessary.  And that mother-henning is doubled when it comes to Tommy. He grows extremely protective over the boy, especially after that one particular incident. 
Techno growing up had to look out for his more foolish twin. And often when Wilbur snuck out from the manor, it was Techno’s job to bring him back before Phil woke up and punished the two of them.
And because of it, Techno would often take on the dangers for his twin. Saving him in multiple times. He fought many fights, some with humans and with other creatures and always emerged victorious. 
One time, he got into a fight with a pack of wolves when he had turned. Now, he’s managed to tame the pack of wolves with respect and now they guard the manor. 
Techno is probably the most cold out of the vampires but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. For example, if Tommy were to put his life in danger. Techno would be there to protect him in an instant, he wishes to look out for his younger brother.
Philza actually has a unique ability as a vampire, having a strange connection to bats. He’s able to shift into the form of a bat, but mostly just has his wings appear on his back.
He’s also got some bat-like behaviour, for example, he has more sensitive ears. He’s caught Tommy hiding in his office multiple times thanks to this hearing. He also sleeps like a bat.
He can also communicate with bats as they work like his third eye, keeping an eye on things for him. Tommy calls him the batman though he doesn’t quite understand the reference.
He’s forced to take his kids flying a lot, especially Tommy because he really seems to enjoy the skies.
This is over 1K words aaaaaaa
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