#Sophiana ship week
winterfireice · 2 years
Was going to work on my Sophiana coffee au but then remembered gradaline week is coming up so finishing my short fics for that
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aphelea · 2 years
i am going to post for every day of tiertice week (<- if i say it enough it'll be true)
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doodle-do-wop · 1 year
Masterlist Post
I've realized I've done quite a lot of work for my favorite fandoms and I've decided to organize things a little here
Commissions Open
Active Polls
Biana........................Kesline Sailor
Sophie.....................Dizznee Triplets
Pretty Boys.............Ro
Valin.........................Lava Cake
Morning Grady.....Cuddles
Copper Mares.......HTTYD AU
Get Along..............Alina
Perfect Mornings.Adventure
Panel Redraws 1, 2, 3 Cover Redraws Unraveled, Book 1 Sophitz Week 2023: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
Stinex: Part 1(written by Frizz<3),
Stina and Jensi: Part 1, Part 2
Stina and Fitz: Part 1, Part 2
Ship fics
Sophiana (on hold)
Hekster 1, 2,
Oralie and Luciano
Crossover (with Kotlc) P.2
Valentine's Cards 1...
Ten Year Reunion
Part 1
Part 2 and 2 1/2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Baxton Class Line Up Zammie for Halloween
Percy Jackson🌊
TV show Percy
Stardew Valley
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gay-otlc · 2 years
My dude. I cannot tell you how influential your first few fics were to my wanting to interact with this fandom. I loved how you wrote some of my favorite characters and my favorite ships.
This will probably make you cringe but I'm p sure I originally found you on Wattpad!!! And oof my dude as brutal as Wattpad could be, your Sophiana fic was probably one of my favorites of all time. I just remember reading it and going "damn this is great!!" and thinking about it at least twice a week after that.
Seeing you grow and change as a writer and as a person as well has been such a delight. I have yet to read your tiertice fic since I've gotten like 2 hours of sleep in the past 2 days, but I promise you that I cannot wait to read it.
Seriously my dude, you're such a special writer and person to me, and I cannot believe that someone as talented, funny, and gender would decide to be moots with me.
Thank you for creating such amazing content <3
Dude!! If that is the case then I am glad I wrote those five since they brought you into the fandom.
You were right, that did make me cringe. My wattpad era was not my best time. But writing Sophiana fics was my first time experimenting with expressing my own queerness, so I guess we can acknowledge that it was an important time for me, and I’m really glad it was meaningful to you too.
I have also been thrilled to get to know you over the past (whatever unit of time we’ve known each other). But Tobi. My guy. Please sleep. Once you have slept, I look forward to seeing your comment because they are always instant serotonin.
I want to be mutuals with you because you are also incredibly talented and funny and gender!!! I’m very happy to be your friend on this hellsite <2
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angeldreifics · 4 years
Sophiana Ship Week Day One
Pairing: Sophie Foster x Biana Vacker
Prompt: Flowers
Word Count: 1120
Warnings: Fluff? Bad writing? I don’t edit?
(A/N): In this AU the two are young adults, think 18 - 20. I know Sophie would never leave her friends out of the blue like that, but I liked the idea of the two living as humans, and I will be exploring that more.
A vase of yellow tulips on a bookshelf.
When Sophie decided to leave the lost cities, she thought she would be alone. In fact, she had packed her bags, written a few notes, taken off any jewelry that could be used to identify her, and prepared to use a crystal to light leap back to the forbidden cities. And then Biana had walked in, wearing a buttercream yellow dress.
The youngest Vacker had looked Sophie up and down, taken in the human clothes and stack of bags, and known instantly.
“You’re leaving, aren’t you.” She wasn’t angry, or accusing. Just sad. 
Sophie nodded. “I’m - I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told you, but I wrote some notes and please believe me when I say that this isn’t your fault. I’ll miss you so, so much and I’ll miss all of you really. I just feel so different here, it’s worse than the human world somehow, and I’m tired of being Project Moonlark-”
Her rambles were cut off.
“Can I come with you?”
“Can I come with you?” Biana repeated, taking a step closer. “To the human world.”
“I don’t think I’m being clear.” Sophie said, somewhat dumb-founded. “I’m not planning on coming back.”
“Yeah, I know. I don’t want to come back.” She said. “I’m tired of all the expectations. I’m tired of having to be a perfect Vacker. And I’m really tired of fighting the Black Swans battles.”
“Biana I don’t want you to regret this later.” Sophie whispered. 
“I won’t, I promise.” She looked down at the dress. “I should probably change.”
“No!” Sophie said quickly and blushed. 
“Why not?” “You… look really nice. That’s all. And it might be nice to have a memento.” She said softly. 
“Alright, I’ll keep it.” Biana smiled and took off her jewelry. “Let’s go.”
Red roses on the nightstand.
“Just friends”, was their creed. 
Just two friends who lived in an apartment together. 
Sure, Sophie noticed the way Biana looked at her when she laughed. And sure, Biana noticed Sophie lean in a little closer during movie night. And yes, Bianas eyes sparkled in the sun, and her fascination with the human world was adorable. And Biana couldn’t help but love the way Sophie hummed around the house, while classic rock blasted in the background. 
`But they were just friends. 
Because Sophie had always loved Fitz. And Biana loved Keefe.
But things began to change. 
Sophie’s hand brushed Bianas during movie nights. 
They had sleepovers on the living room floor and somehow always ended up cuddling. 
Biana made Sophie all kinds of little hair clips and accessories. 
It all came to a head one fateful night.
Sophie was wearing a dress, for once. Nothing too fancy, just a red tee-shirt dress and a pair of black leggings. Two little diamond earrings hung from her ears. There was no special occasion, just dinner with Biana.
She was making a pot of tea when Biana came home from her job at a nearby cafe. She walked into the apartment, set her bag on the table, looked at Sophie and froze.
“I love you.”
Sophie’s tea-bag fell to the floor. 
“I love you.” Biana stared at Sophie, eyes misty.
“Like… love, love? Or like, love as in friend?”
“Love, love.” Biana whispered. “As in I’m completely in love with you. And… I get if this changes things. I’ll move out.”
“No, please no.” Sophie took a hesitant step forward. “I think… I think I love you too.”
“But what about Fitz?” Biana asked, rubbing her arm.
“What about Fitz? You came with me, not him. And anyways, I don’t think I ever truly loved him.” Sophie took another step forward. “Biana, you are more important to me than anything in the world.” 
Biana started crying and Sophie dashed over, setting a hand on her cheek.
“Oh no, what did I say wrong?!” “Nothing!” Biana laughed and sniffled. “I just… have never been this happy.”
“I love you.” Sophie pressed her forehead to Biana’s.
“I love you more.”
Pink Dahlias in Biana’s hair.
A picnic on the beach.
The perfect one year anniversary date. 
Biana chose a flowered basket with a pink checkered blanket to bring the food in, and set on the ground. Sophie put together a spread of sandwiches, chips, fruit, and desserts. All vegan of course. 
Biana brought along candles and drinks, and one more surprise for her girlfriend.
The sun had begun to set when the two were finishing their meal. 
“Biana, can I ask you something?” Sophie finally spoke up. 
“Hmm? Of course.” 
Sophie glanced over at her girlfriend, noting the way her curled brown hair framed her face. “Do you regret it?”
“Regret what?”
“Running away with me?” Sophie met Biana’s gaze, scared of what she would see.
Biana was quiet for a few moments. “Soph, I’ve never been happier than I am with you. I wouldn’t trade this for the world.”
“That doesn't exactly answer my question.” Sophie whispered.
“I regret some things. Not saying proper goodbyes being one. But running away was the best choice of my life.” The young Vacker took her girlfriend's hand. “Can I ask you something?”
Sophie nodded.
“Do you remember when we first met, and I was… less than warm?”
“You wanna know what I thought?” Biana smirked. “I thought you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen, and man was I jealous.”
“You were jealous?” 
“Of course. Just look at your hair. Look at your eyes. Just… look at you.” Biana grinned, pushing a blonde curl out of Sophie’s face. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Biana…” She whispered. “You’re making me blush.”
“It’s adorable.” Biana bopped her nose. “I’m not finished.”
“Not only are you the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, but you’re smart, and capable, and brave. You make me want to be a better person every single day. I’m so, so in love with you.” Biana took a deep breath. “We’ve been dating for a year. This is about when humans move in together but since we already live together…” 
“Biana, are you…”
“Shh.” Biana reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, felt pink box. 
“Sophie Foster, will you marry me?”
Biana’s hands shook.
“YES! YES OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU!” She launched herself at her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing her. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
Sophie noticed the flowers around their apartment. After they got married Biana seemed to decorate the apartment with memories.
Yellow flowers for when they ran away.
Red roses for when they proclaimed their love.
Pink Dahlias for the proposal. 
Flowers became the sign of their everlasting love.
Constructive Criticism is appreciated! But please be nice... 
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sophiana-week-2021 · 4 years
Final Ship Week Prompts!
Day One - February 1st: Flowers
Day Two - February 2nd: Royalty
Day Three - February 3rd: Soulmates
Day Four - February 4th: Late nights
Day Five - February 5th: Superhero
Day Six - February 6th: Nightmares and Daydreams
Day Seven - February 7th: Music
Day Eight - Ice Skating
Day Nine to Fourteen - February 9th-15th: Free choice + Catch up on prompts you missed!
Thank you to everyone who voted!
Make sure you tag your posts with #Sophiana Ship Week, so that we can find and reblog all your amazing works!
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ravs6709 · 4 years
Hidden Meanings- Sophiana
Alrighty! Here's my contribution to @sophiana-week-2021! This prompt is for Day 1- Flowers!
Alternate title is 'Five Times Sophie Received Flowers, And One Time She Gave Them'
Sophie groaned, falling backwards on to the bed dramatically. Biana sat down next to her, but in a much more graceful way.
"At least you didn't get as injured compared to the last attack," Biana said.
"You know that doesn't help me at all, right? I finally managed to obtain a very very vague sleep schedule, and now it's gonna be broken again!"
"Braiding your hair was how you fell asleep in the past, right?" Biana asked.
Sophie turned to her. "You don't have to do that! I don't want you inconveniencing yourself!"
She got up and glared mockingly. "I've literally been waiting for the day. I am not being 'inconvenienced by you' so wait right there I'll be back!"
"Bia, I don't want a makeover!"
"I'm just braiding your hair, that's all."
With that, Biana went to a different part of the bedroom and came back a few minutes later, with a hair brush and some leaves. They looked like oak leaves actually, Sophie was surprised to recognize them, considering that the List Cities had so many unique flowers.
"Oak leaves?"
"Yeah." Biana sat down behind her. "Oak leaves. I'm gonna put them in your hair."
Sophie sat up, allowing for Biana to brush her hair. It was painful for the first few moments, but it was clear that Biana was really good at what she was doing, as the pain started to ease.
Warm fingers entered her hair, and the slight tug told her that the braiding had begun. She closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of Biana. If she concentrated hard enough, she could feel when the leaves were entwined with her hair. But as the minutes passed by, she found it harder to concentrate.
The next thing she knew, she was asleep.
When Sophie looked in the mirror the next day, she smiled, despite her bedhead. The oak leaves were still there. When she went home, she gingerly took the leaves and put them in a place so they could preserve.
"Bia," Sophie called. "I'm tired, but can't sleep."
"Did you sleep well last night?"
"Yeah, slept peacefully."
"Do you want me to do it again?"
Sophie recalled the night before, the warm feeling she had when her hair was being braided. "If you want." She didn't want to be a bother.
"I told you, I've been waiting for this day. Okay, I'll be back with more flowers."
A minute later, she was back with more flowers in hand. This time, the flowers were small and were a light purple.
"Lilacs," Biana stated, but didn't seem to feel the need to say more than that.
Sophie sat still and closed her eyes. Biana was humming quietly. She had a fantastic voice actually, and had a high vocal range, her voice hitting a large series of notes. She ended up being lulled to sleep.
Just like before, the flowers were still in her hair when she woke up. Just like before, she delicately put them in a place where they could preserve, and set the flowers next to the oak leaves.
This time, when Sophie asked for Biana to braid the flowers in her hair, it wasn't for sleep or anything like that. She just liked the feeling. Sitting there peacefully, Biana behind her, fingers delicately weaving sunflowers into her hair.
It was relatively quiet, but not the awkward kind, where it feels like there should be something to fill the silence. Neither of them felt obligated to talk, and Sophie was content with that. It was Biana who ended up talking, because after all, she enjoyed talking more out of the two of them.
"Hey Soph, did I ever tell you that you have wonderful hair?"
Sophie could feel herself flush red, and she just wanted to hide. Not only did Biana call her Soph- which was a cute nickname- but she also complimented her.
"I'm serious, you know."
"I know," Sophie squeaked. "Your hair's pretty too."
"You could braid mine someday," Biana offered.
"I'm not really good at braiding hair," she replied.
"Offer still stands though."
When Sophie got home later, the sunflowers were set beside the lilacs.
She was getting her hair braided again- this time with heliotropes- when she realized just how comfortable she felt in Biana's presence. If she was able to spend the afternoons in Everglen, just being there, she would consider that a good life.
Biana was just an easy person to be around. She smiled a lot and her enthusiasm and positivity was contagious. It was always the perfect thing to make Sophie's day even better. And well, she was also gorgeous.
Oh. I like her, don't I?
It wasn't so much of a question, more of a statement. She was surprised she hadn't realized it before, especially when Biana had called her Soph for the first time. That had continued, and it sent a warm feeling through her body every time.
When she went home to put the heliotropes away, she had a giddy smile on her face.
At this point, Biana braiding her hair became a normal occurence. After Foxfire, they'd head to Everglen, Biana would gather some flowers- each time they were different- and then she would start braiding.
Generally, there wasn't anything that would disrupt them. Alden and Della would be doing their work, and Fitz would either be studying or hanging out with a friend. So it was a surprise when Linh walked in the room.
"Oh, you're braiding flowers into her hair?" She asked. "That's pretty! Could you do mine next?"
As much as Sophie liked Linh, she couldn't help but feel a little irritated at the request. The flower thing was her thing with Biana, and honestly, she didn't want to share. But she wasn't going to complain, its not like Linh knew, she was just excited.
"Yeah, sure, I'm almost done here, I'll get to you after."
"Are those blue violets?"
"They are!"
Around a minute later, Biana was finished, and got herself some more flowers. Sophie was able to immediately recognize them as yellow roses.
There was an odd look on Linh's face, before she seemed to have had some sort of revelation. "They're pretty! Thank you."
Sophie watched as Biana started braiding Linh's hair, her fingers moving skillfully. The braid wasn't that fancy, but she had to admit, it looked good on Linh.
She was just relaxing in her room, when Linh walked in.
"Should I have told you before coming?" She asked.
"No, it's fine. What do you need?"
"Just came to visit, that's all." Her gaze swept across the room, and landed on her nightstand. "Ooh, are those the flowers that Biana put in your hair? I didn't know you kept them!"
Sophie smiled fondly at them. "They just feel... special."
"I think they are."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... the flower choices."
What did Linh mean by that? She tried to remember what she knew about flowers, then vaguely remembered something about the languages.
"Do they mean something? Do you know what they mean?"
Linh nodded. "Oak leaves symbolize bravery."
Those were the flowers that I received after the Neverseen attack. Was it her way of saying that I was brave?
"Purple lilacs mean the first emotions of love."
"Sunflowers mean adoration. Heliotrope for devotion. Blue violets for affection."
"Are they... is that actually true?"
"Do you want it to be true?"
Sophie didn't even need to consider it. "Yeah, I really want it to be true."
"Well, it is true."
"Then what did Biana put in your hair?"
What if Biana didn't realize what her flower choices actually meant? What if it was an accident? She didn't want to get her hopes up just yet.
"Friendship," Linh replied. "It's how I realized that the flower thing was meant for the two of you."
Friendship. There's no way that this is a coincidence now. Biana was showing her affection for me.
"Is there a flower for declaring love?"
Linh nodded. "Red tulips. Do you want some? I have some flowers at my place."
"Thank you. And uh... Linh?"
"Can I practice braiding your hair?"
"Is that your way of confessing to her?"
"Go ahead. I'll be back with some flowers. Also, don't tell Biana that I told you the flower meanings."
She laughed. "Okay."
Sophie walked into Everglen, and honestly, she was a little bit nervous. She knew that there was nothing to be worried about, it was clear that Biana liked her. But confessing back? It was difficult.
But she kept going, and went into Biana's room.
"Hey Bi?"
"Yeah Soph?"
"Can I... can I braid your hair this time?" She asked, fiddling with one of the petals.
Biana smiled. "You want flowers?"
"I uh..." she took out the red tulips from behind her back. "I have them."
The smile on her face went from big and bright to smaller and fond. Sophie sat down, and took Biana's brown hair in her hands. It was incredibly soft, and a little more wavy then hers or Linh's.
She started braiding, and it was a slow process, and it was the most basic of braids, but eventually, she got it done. It wasn't particularly neat though, she only had a little bit of practice with Linh.
"You didn't have to, you know that, right?" Biana asked.
Sophie wrapped her arms around Biana's waist. "I know, but I wanted to. After all, I love you."
She leaned into the embrace. "I love you too, Soph."
Taglist- @linhamon-roll @my-swan-song @impostertamsong
Wanna be added/removed from the taglist? Just let me know!
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the familiar melody (of your hands in mine)
for @sophiana-week-2021 day 6: daydreams or nightmares
idk if this really fills the daydreams part or not but still it is a dream...during the day....so like… (i also tried writing this in a new style, a song fic? except i made the lyrics up and also they don’t correlate to anything because i just thought they sounded pretty and like i think only 2 pieces of dialogue in this whole thing? which is a clear contrast compared to just words upon words of dialogue in my other fics so like hopefully it isn’t sucky) enjoy!!
tw: just my absurd usage of italics <3
word count: 1161
read it on AO3 (which i honestly recommend like tumblr screwed the format so bad) or under the cut!
                             La dah dee doo dah, La dah dee doo
                             If only I could dream a dream with you 
Sophie’s humming is a welcome lullaby in the car, after waking up at 3 in the morning for the road trip. If she wasn’t Keefe’s right-hand woman for this wedding, she could be sleeping peacefully, and leave the happy couple to embrace their wedded bliss and their stupid, wonderful love, and the unnecessary comments about each other’s hair AFTER she got her 6 hours. 
Biana can feel herself bordering on the cusp of consciousness as she slumps in the passenger seat, with her best friend’s voice surrounding her, enveloping her in an inexplicable feeling as her heart swells in affection for the woman driving and singing off-key and she doesn’t try and suppress the smile that blooms on her face. Biana drifts further into the world of slumber with a lingering tune stuck on the tip of her tongue.
                            La dah dee doo dah, La dah dee doo
                        For without you by my side, what would I ever do 
Biana is stuck on a road, a cobbled path, headed for something. She can feel a forest surrounding her, full of woodland creatures and tremendous trees. They beckon to her, tempt her with their whispers. 
She needs something. She wants something. She starts walking forward. 
Which one was it? 
She can’t remember what. She knows it's important. The trees blur together and the birds’ incessant chirping makes Biana head spin. 
She’s lost. Follow the path, something in her gut tells her. 
She’s dizzy. She can’t breathe. Something builds up in her chest, making everything light on fire. She sits down, drawing her knees together. 
Chills stand up on her skin, contradicting the heat running in her veins.
 She feels..She feels like she should know what this feeling is. 
Why doesn’t she know what this is? 
She feels weightless. A new feeling. 
What is this feeling? 
Suddenly she hears something. Branches and leaves wrinkling underneath someone's feet. Biana opens her mouth but no sound comes out. Two feet emerge, and a beautiful nymph approaches. 
Biana can’t help but admire her beauty. 
She’s otherworldly. 
The nymph, bathed in a soft glow, looks down to notice Biana sitting there. Her mouth forms an o, surprised, and she crouches down near Biana to examine her worriedly. 
She’s like an ethereal being, coming down from the heavens, Biana observes, still in a daze. 
The pretty nymph pulls her up and walks along the road with her. Sophie, her brain automatically supplies. Her mouth sounds the word out. Sophie. 
Why is that name familiar? 
She walks down the trail, one foot in front of the other, effortlessly, and Biana struggles to keep up. She feels like a duckling, lost in Sophie’s shadow.
Minutes pass. 
 Sophie pauses, looking at the ground next to them. She turns, raising her finger to her lips mischievously as she walks a little ways ahead and starts to veer into the grass. Biana falters, hesitant, before following in her footsteps. 
She doesn’t know what’s happening. 
What did she need to do? 
The question stays in her mind. 
But despite the thud of her heart and despite the wrong wrong wrong in her brain, Biana knows she would do anything to witness all of Sophie’s expressions. Admire her, like she’s an oasis, and Biana is wandering in the desert, parched for a single sip of water. 
The curve of her brow and the tilt in her smile. The curl of her eyelashes, and the sparkle in her eyes. 
Biana can tell deep in her mind, reverberating around her soul, she’d follow Sophie wherever. 
                               La dah dee doo dah, La dah dee doo 
                Like the sun shining bright or the stars twinkling in the sky
Biana can feel a voice in the back of her head, trying to tell her something. Her brow furrows. She had to do something. Something important. 
What was it? 
But then Sophie laughs, pulling Biana along and Biana can’t help but follow. 
She strays further from the path.
                             La dah dee doo dah, La dah dee doo 
                        I couldn't forget you no matter how much I tried
The sun is setting, enveloping them in hues of red and orange when she and Sophie decide to stop. Biana can see why. A huge tree stands in their way. With a thick trunk and dark leaves, vines entwining the branches, it seems as if it’s marking their possession. The cherry blossoms sway in the air, pale pink and achingly familiar. It’s breathtaking. 
And unnatural, a voice whispers. 
Who said that? 
Biana turns into bewilderment, and she pauses, only to openly gape at her companion who’s shrouded in the sun’s dusky glow. 
 Biana’s captivated, lost in Sophie’s spell. The eye of her captivation looks gorgeous, smiling contentedly at the rays of the sun, a sight to behold.
Red really is her color.
A memory sparks at the base of her skull. 
A party. Make-overs. Blushes, Stolen glances, Brushing hands, Smiles, Laughter, A boy, eerily looking like her. The strange twinge of jealousy.
Her heart burns. 
Sophie shakes her head out of her stupor, and brings Biana’s hands to her cheek, silently asking Biana to hold her face close. Tears start to run down her cheeks and Biana frowns, wiping them away. Sophie leans into Biana’s touch. She shushes Sophie, as if talking to a scared child, attempting to console her gently, and when Sophie finally unwraps  her hands from Biana’s to leave them at her side, Biana thinks she’s succeeded. 
Sophie smiles, taking one final glance at Biana, as if memorizing her, cataloging each breath she takes, every time she blinks.
She pushes Biana towards the trunk, away from her, and begins to back away, slowly. 
Biana staggers and stares at Sophie stunned, too far away to reach and pull her close. She trips on the root of the tree, and her feet twist together, as she stumbles back, losing her balance. She can feel the force pulling her down can feel her words get stuck in her throat, lodged there, tucked underneath the weight of her screams. 
She’s falling, falling, falling, swirling into the abyss and she can't call out, can’t stop falling and she can’t-----
“Biana, darling?” She can feel cold hands brushing her forehead. She’s disoriented. She opens her eyes to Sophie’s soft smile and dark brown eyes. Despite the weird, sunken feeling in her chest, her cheeks warm at the adoring look on her fiance's face. 
Where is she? 
“Bee, wake-up. Come on, we have to go unpack. We’re here.” Sophie removes her hand from Biana’s face and tangles their fingers together, hesitantly, worriedly,  as if Biana could refuse her anything through the years they’ve been together. 
Biana smiles, and squeezes Sophie’s hand tighter in response. 
Oh. Right. She’s home. 
                              La dah dee doo dah La dah dee doo
                         Oh how lucky I am to be in this lifetime with you
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
New Year's Day by Taylor Swift kinda fits with Sophiana.
oo that's an interesting one! It's definitely not anything outright (to me at least), but more comforting and nostalgic, more everlasting and permanent. A quiet kind of love.
There is, of course, the more feminine details scattered throughout the song to remind us of Biana like girls carrying shoes, candles and Polaroids (which aren't inherently feminine but I'm including them because in this context that's what they're used to represent), but! there's also lines like this: "You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi / I can tell that it's gonna be a long road," which reminds me of a sense of secrecy, but a warm one. The quiet reassurance that she's got someone with her for this long road, that they are a long road in the sense that they're permanent, that they aren't straying anywhere soon. The squeezing hands three times reminds me of the "three times means I love you" thing, though I don't know where it originated. So that, again, goes back to the soft love. it doesn't need to be announced, it's just there and they both know it
Another line that stood out was, "Hold on to the memories / They will hold on to you / And I will hold on to you." Which seems like a nod to both the past that they've experienced and the present they're living. In the context of Sophiana, that feels like it could be an acknowledgement of where they started, the trivial dramas when life was easier like Biana technically only starting their friendship because Alden asked her to. Everything about the history of them that they're looking back on while they're where they are now, in each other's arms according to the lyrics. it's comforting because they have a history, they've gotten to know each other and that knowledge is comforting, holding on to the past and what it means for them while in the present they can physically hold each other.
Last line and then I'll stop. "I want your midnights / But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day." I haven't really talked about the context of the song and how it's about staying after the supposed thrill of New Year's Eve, how the singer chooses to be there in the aftermath without the highs of the party, instead choosing to be there and choosing the person, but I will now. For Sophiana, that goes back to the first line I quoted, the long road and the quiet love. When their world has calmed down, that will not lessen the affection they have for one another. When Sophie is no longer the center of the world and involved in the happenings of everything, Biana will still be by her side through it all, whatever comes. They're eternal like that, unshakable. There is no doubt, no question in what is to come, only to live it.
The overall feeling of the song is interesting too, as it's a lot more demure than most people associate with Biana (not that either is bad, they're just different). I assume this is both about the more...relaxed? Reflective? Workings of Biana internally--I can't find a good word, but I don't think she's as bold or takes up as much space in her mind as she seems to do in person. Though it also could be Sophie's influence, how she's more quiet and secretive when it comes to love, both of them going at her pace in order to be most comfortable. Who knows! Just a little association that was interesting so I tagged it on at the end.
I'm curious what your reasoning was for this song! Just the vibes? I think association music with a character or pairing is so difficult, so I'm intrigued how you do it. Either way, your suggestion is an interesting perspective of their relationship, so thanks for the suggestion!!
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
KotLC Ship Week Masterlist*
(The ship weeks that I've hosted this year so far, if you'd like to add a ship week to the list, lmk!)
-Bianauca Week (along with S or @/gay-otlc) May 1st - May 9th
-Sophiana Week (w/ Wren @/aurenflaere rip) July 3rd - July 9th
-Sokeefitz Week (w/ S because ae's the only one who can put up with me <3) August 14th - August 20th
-Marellinh Week September (Week TBD)
-Fedex Week November (Week TBD)
-Gradaline Week December (Week TBD)
If you have any requests for prompts or dates, send me a DM or an ask, I'll be happy to answer any questions!
This is obviously just until the end of this year, but if you have any ship weeks you'd like to take on yourself, or like me to host, again just let me know. I'm pretty flexible, and if anyone would like to join me in hosting a week, go ahead and ask!
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my-swan-song · 3 years
just wanna gauge interest, i hosted the sophiana ship week 2021, would anyone be interested in a 2022?
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aphelea · 2 years
i sleep and shit happens??
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cadence-talle · 4 years
KOTLC Ship Week Calendar 2020 & 2021
Thanks again to everyone who’s started a ship week! Here’s the calendar for the rest of the year (links go to the specific ship week blogs): 
September 20th to October 4th: Sokeefe Week! 
October 13th to 27th: Titz Week!
November 1st to 15th: Marellinh Week! 
November 16th to 29th: Sokeefitz Week! 
November 30th to December 14th: Kam Week!
January 5th to 19th: Dexiana Week!
February 1st to 15th: Sophiana Week! 
February 16th to 28th: Detz Week! (blog to come)
March 2nd to 16th: Keefitz Week!
As you can see, October and November are pretty packed. I’d suggest picking one or two weeks to participate in- or, if you really want to do every single week, only doing one prompt for each week. 
Thank you, and have fun! 
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angeldreifics · 4 years
Sophiana Ship Week Day Seven
Pairing: Sophie Foster x Biana Vacker
Prompt: Music
Word Count: 294
Warnings: Nothing :)
(A/N): This is more of a head cannon than anything else. I just think Biana would have such a pretty singing voice.
The Lost Cities truly didn’t appreciate the beauty of music. 
Sophie had been raised on it. She remembered her human mom complaining about how many earbuds Sophie would go through. Almost every few weeks, Sophie needed new ones. 
She, of course, used earbuds to block out people's minds but there was more to it than that. Because it was a necessity, she spent hours finding music she really enjoyed, and had cultivated a library of thousands of songs. 
When she and Biana ran away to live with the humans, she realized she had missed almost seven years of new music and had immediately poured herself into updating her playlists. 
But she also noticed that her favorite songs from before, no longer felt quite right. She liked them, but she was drawn more to the darker music now. Anything from soulful folk songs to screaming metal was added to her playlists.
Biana noticed her finding new music, and noted her favorite selections as well. She would buy Sophie merch from her favorite bands, and CDs, and eventually got her a Spotify account. Yes, Biana was the first to get a phone and learn how to use it. She was just so much more intrigued with human technology. 
Biana herself had a strange relationship with music. She didn’t love it quite as much as Sophie, but she did find herself humming along to songs, and playing music while she cooked or cleaned. She preferred to listen to acoustic or pop, just because it was more relaxing to listen too.
But then, one day, while Biana was making the couple some breakfast, Sophie heard her sing along to a song and froze.
Biana had an angelic voice, and Sophie was surprised she had never heard it before.
Feedback is appreciated, same as likes and reblogs!
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sophiana-week-2021 · 4 years
Prompt voting is open!
Please answer the questions in this google forms
The prompts with the most votes will go on to be the ones chosen for Sophiana Ship Week!
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I posted 5,752 times in 2021
83 posts created (1%)
5669 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 68.3 posts.
I added 116 tags in 2021
#kotlc - 27 posts
#keeper of the lost cities - 20 posts
#sophiana - 11 posts
#kotlc fics - 11 posts
#sophie foster - 9 posts
#detz - 8 posts
#sophie x biana - 8 posts
#yes - 8 posts
#marellinh - 7 posts
#biana vacker - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i live in india and the only things i can think of at the top of my head when it comes to dinner for yall is mac and cheese and spaggethi
My Top Posts in 2021
*Has down day.*
*Consoles myself by scrolling through gay keeper content on Tumblr*
42 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 11:13:56 GMT
Linh's new hair are just <3333
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We don't do personal art style in this house, that is for people who have their lives together ✌️
49 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 16:31:03 GMT
So about that ML post... let me tell you about a really wild time that was known as April 2020
@/buggachat made a joke about Adrien looking up his name and Chat Noir to see if people had theories about him being Chat... except he accidentally discovers fanfic that shipped Adrien and Chat (adrichat)
Anyways the fandom went *wild* with this, fanart and fanfics and headcanons that slowly went from Adrien going "Uh what" to Adrien having a crush on himself and actively writing his own fanfics (maribug and others ended up coming about too)
I just want to let you know that a good chunk of the content happened within like... 5 days. So much happened that on tumblr's top 20 ships for the week, Adrichat managed to get #2.
Adrichat was the #2 most posted about ship on Tumblr for the week, more popular than the Love Square itself
(So what evil was happening in that post? This is the evil that happened (it was so hilarious though, buggachat herself was so confused, because this was just a joke that ended up blowing up))
Oh forking hell that's wild. That just proves how absolutely crazy fandoms can be. I knew a bit about Adrichat, but the second most posted ship for the week is just wow.
Anyways thanks for the info
53 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 04:52:12 GMT
I hate all the emotion that fanfiction has. Like, the hell, I didn't cry when I almost broke my finger and you're making me cry because they held hands?
72 notes • Posted 2021-03-24 11:57:40 GMT
Marinette = fruity AF
Isn’t the shoulder touch thing super gay?
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See the full post
222 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 18:14:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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