#Sonny Verse
snnynatural · 3 months
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endless edits of sonny munroe all her verses: main, apocalypse world, demon, huntercorp, and endverse personals don't reblog mutuals may interact + reblog
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broknfeed · 16 days
&. @snnydcys
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—— “listen, I know it’s late. But, I got you a little something for your birthday — besides me.” He says as he’s come to realize he forgot to get something for his girlfriend. “Wanna guess or want me to ruin it and tell you?”
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carisi-dreams · 9 months
Takes place immediately after this.
Warnings: SOA typical mentions of violence, profanity, etc
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Sonny entered the house with a cacophony of noise that you listened to distantly as you continued unloading groceries. You grabbed another can from the shopping bags on the floor of the kitchen to place it on the kitchen counter to be put away. His bike roared to an abrupt stop and then his boots stomped heavily across the porch before the front door was being opened with a jangle of keys. In the next beat, you heard keys sliding across the coffee table in the living room, no doubt tossed, and rolled your eyes. How hard was it to hang them on the hook by the door? 
You glanced over your shoulder as stomped over to the kitchen doorway and shot him a quick smile. The events from earlier in the day and deciding what to cook for dinner had you distracted. It was so tempting to order tacos, which was ridiculous considering all of the fresh food you now had to eat. Cooking seemed like an insurmountable effort.
“Hi Sonny, how was work?” you called over your shoulder. He was in a mood and you fought your annoyance. 
“I heard you had a visitor today,” he grit out in lieu of reply.
You paused, but didn’t turn to face him. The heavy soles of his shoes dragged across the floor as he took another step closer. 
“How’d you hear that?” It was impossible to avoid a tone that wasn’t hardened with frustration, so you didn’t try.
“The prospect that—“
“You’re spying on me now!?” You whirled to face him and slammed your hands on the counter behind your hips. “Are you fucking kidding me, Sonny.” Flat. Like a flat sea with a storm cloud in the distance.
“I’m not spying on you,” he spat out in protest. He pushed the hair back from his face roughly and you noticed that he was still wearing his riding gloves. “It’s for your protection. After everything that’s—“
“So that “no more secrets” was just for me or…” you interrupted sharply.
“It is for your protection,” Sonny insisted. He leaned forward and you rolled your eyes. “If you had had a prospect with you when…” he trailed off. You could fill in the blanks for yourself. There were plenty of nightmares, past and imagined, to fill them in for you.
“If that was true, you would have told me,” you replied lowly. “You don’t trust me.” Sonny tried to protest, but you raised your voice and kept speaking. “And I don’t trust you. What the fuck happened to us.” 
It was not a question. You shook your head and pressed the heel of your hands into your eyes. A bag on the counter rustled as it settled and you exhaled quietly through your mouth.
“I was going to tell you.” You kept your hands pressed to your face. “Today. Not the second you burst through the door.” At this you let your hands drop and shot him a nasty look. “But over dinner or before dinner or after you asked me how my day was.” You huffed out a humorless laugh. “And now, you’ll never know if I’m telling the truth. You didn’t even give me a chance. And you have some prospect whose balls dropped yesterday tailing me and reporting back to you.”
Sonny closed the distance between you and reached out. You shrunk away from his hand, but he wasn’t deterred. Both hands came up to frame your face, but you couldn’t make yourself look at him.
“I believe you,” he said sincerely in a low voice. “I’m sorry. I should have given you a chance to say something.” Your gaze flickered up to his and then skittered away. “I fucked this up because I was scared and I keep doing that. I am sorry. I just want to keep you safe.”
“I want to keep you safe,” he repeated. “I told your dad I was going to look after you and I’m doing a shitty job of it these past few years. He’d beat the shit out of me if he was here. You wouldn’t have been hurt if he was here.”
“I wouldn’t have had as big a target on my back,” you agreed with a sigh. The fight leaked out of you and you sagged. “But I’d still be hurt.”
You cleared your throat and studied his ear.
“The person who visited me today is named Daniel Parker. He doesn’t know who you are and he didn’t harm me…physically.” The words were small and careful. Picking your way through a landmine.
“He…” you couldn’t say the words. 
Instead, you reached into your back pocket and offered the photo to Sonny. You kept your eyes trained on his face and studiously did not look at it as he dropped a hand from your face to take it. 
“This is him as a little boy with his parents.”
Sonny’s gaze was still on you and gave you an inquisitive look before finally dropping his gaze to the picture. You saw the recognition, confusion, and understanding chase across his face. 
“I’m going to call Olivia and get this to her,” he finally said in a hard voice as his eyes met yours again. He slipped the photo into his back pocket and then reached up his free hand to frame your face again. “We’ll find out if he’s telling the truth or not.”
You were thankful that you hadn’t had to say the words, although you couldn’t stop the face you pulled at Olivia’s name. 
“I know you and Olivia have your weird…whatever,” he said. His expression took on that confused look that he gave you every time you rolled your eyes at Olivia’s name. “I know that you think she’s…”
Always playing the hero. Too earnest. A little self aggrandizing.
“Intense,” he finished. Not your choice of word, but sure. “But she’ll be able to find out who the hell Daniel Parker really is and if he’s a liar.” Sonny paused and then seemed to choose his next words carefully. “Your dad loved you.”
“Don’t,” you bit out bitterly.
“He did,” Sonny insisted gently. His fingertips brushed the shell of your left ear and you shivered. Calloused fingers found their way under your chin and he gripped it firmly enough to make you look him in the eye, but not hard enough to hurt. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you muttered. Your eyes darted from the tip of his nose to his eyes.
“You don’t have to do this by yourself.” His grip tightened for a moment before relaxing again, but he didn’t let go of your chin. “I’ll ask Olivia to dig.”
“I think he’s exactly who he says he is,” you sighed and shifted your weight. “I already dug around his social media.” 
You hadn’t gotten much in the way of work done before you finally left the hospital and decided to grocery stop instead. It hadn’t really scratched the need to be productive itch that had crawled between your layers of skin. 
“He says he just wants to get to know me and know more about…him,” you couldn’t bring yourself to say ‘my dad’ or, even worse, ‘our dad.’ “He’s an only child and he seems excited to have a sibling.”
Sonny huffed and dropped a kiss to your forehead.
“We’ll see,” he said cryptically.
“Sonny, don’t—“
“I won’t threaten him,” Sonny finished your sentence with an assurance. His hands dropped to your shoulders now and he stepped even closer. “I won’t do anything unless you want me to, but we will find out who exactly he is first. Everything else, we’ll take as it comes.”
His arms came to wrap you in a hug and you let the familiar smell of his leather and the familiar grip of his arms rock you gently. 
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pardonmydelays · 11 months
IN THE HEIGHTS countdown: 17 DAYS!
song for today:
it's silly when we get into these crazy hypotheticals you really want some bread? then go ahead create a set of goals and cross 'em off the list as you pursue ‘em and with those ninety-six i know precisely what i'm doin'
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astyr-art · 5 months
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i think i forgot to mention on tumblr but back in february i bought the xp pen magic drawing pad! ive been using it a TON, but this is the first artwork ive actually finished on it. only took me a couple months LMAO. to be fair i basically never do a fully lined and shaded background, AND this was a cityscape. a super basic one, but a cityscape nonetheless. and my god, this turned out so fucking good guys. like holy shit. one of, if not the, best things ive drawn to date. idk what it is abt sonnie, man, he makes me pull out the big guns. only the best for my babie. fav oc privileges fr
two versions; first is how i finished it on the drawing pad, and the shading on sonnie looks perfectly fine on THAT screen, but too blue on the laptop, so the second version has a slightly altered colour to look better on my laptops screen. ah, colour displays, the digital artists arch nemesis
(and also ive redesigned sonnies horns. i liked the look of the old ones, but this just makes more sense. he do be rammin' shit. and now ive gotta update his ref sheet too rip)
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onsunnyside · 2 years
just imagining a world where tarzan steve and bambi found one another in a jungle, they don’t understand much but they understand each other 🥹🥹🥹
oh yes 🥹🥹🫶 I have something like that !! It’s a little crossover verse in my masterlist called ‘into the Tarzan verse’
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snnynaturalarchive · 8 months
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"last  i  celebrated  this  day  with  someone,  i  got  cheated  on.  that  was  fun."
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faetch · 8 months
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@snnydcys liked for a starter from gretchen !
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⸺  𝗔𝗧  𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗘  𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡  𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗗  𝗕𝗬  𝗧𝗛𝗘  𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦  gretchen  can  feel  herself  begin  to  lock  up  with  panic  ,  head  on  a  pivot  immediately  .  ❝  no  no  no  ,  sonny  -  i  can't  fill  in  for  anyone  on  national  tv  .  i've  performed  one  dance  in  front  of  a  crowd  ever  ,  and  i  can't  even  do  it  backwards  !  there's  no  way  i  can  suddenly  learn  to  act  in  the  next  twenty  minutes  ;  i  swear  you  do  not  want  me  on  that  stage  .  ❞
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meatriarchived · 9 months
danny's friendship with each of the friendgroup healed a certain part of him in general. but theres a part that also wants to say that honestly? i think his friendships' with the guys in their own way really hit on something in his head and heart.
his 'friends' during his youth and teen years were not decent people, decent friends, in the absolute slightest and it definitely skewed his thoughts on interacting with, trusting other guys so much because of it.
so i feel that meeting and slowly warming up to the others just truly started to piece back those bits of him that he'd lost when he was a kid, really.
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azsdiary · 1 year
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Me omw to serenade Devon fine self now I found out Him + Rae aren’t together bc FINEST TV DISNEY MAN HANDS DOWN and the only childhood crush who wasn’t lying/playing games (Jake 😬Trevor Jackson 😵‍💫 Chad Dylan cooper 🥱) love me a 👏 GOOD 👏 MAN.
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Paul gave 6 Virtues a good man should pursue:  Righteousness godliness Faith love steadfastness and gentleness. And ISN’T DEVON ALL 6! Preach.
Be a good man click here:
This song makes me want to burst into tears it’s their prom song
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hisfaceisallscars · 1 year
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@thewolfruns sent a 📸 to see four pictures of dottie taken by sonny! (template)
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snnynatural · 1 month
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@wolvbrthr liked for a birthday starter
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“i  promise  you,  just  because  it's  my  birthday  doesn't  mean  i  need  a  big  celebration.”  sonny  grinned  as  she  shook  her  head,  “i  don't  know  who  told  you  it  was  my  birthday,  but  i'm  fine  with  treating  it  like  a  normal  day.  if  anything,  i  use  it  to  help  more  hunters.”
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broknfeed · 21 days
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“ it’s only a matter of time until you realize your friends are the ones who’re killing you. “ - Klaus
An Alternate Universe feat @snnydcys. Written & created by Lumi & Brianna.
NPCs: Stefan Salvatore, Qetsiyah, Silas, Amara, Klaus & Elijah Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert, Katia Roe (oc) Liliana Roe (oc), Tatia.
Headcanons found here.
1st century B.C.E.
— Everyone knows the story of Qetsiyah and her never ending love for Silas. The two most powerful witches the world has ever known. She laid madly in love with Silas; so, born the first immortality elixir to create their desire of forever become a reality. It was only until Qetsiyah discovered Silas to be in love with her handmaiden, Amara. Elixir whom belonged to Qetsiyah and Silas, now running in the veins of Silas and his one true love; The witch created the cure for immortality — also, creating an elixir to protect her best friend from Silas as she knew that Silas would be freed from being entombed or her spell being altered and recreated.
The elixir was specifically created for Katia Roe, a dear friend of Qetsiyah. The only closest thing she has ever had in her life with undying loyalty. The elixir was said to protect the Roe bloodline from vampire compulsion only by taking the elixir every day until death. The elixir was to be passed down from generation to generation. Qetsiyah, hand choosing witches deemed trusting from the other side to become a personal witch for any Roe lineage. It was successful as the first vampires, The Original Family, were born.
10th century B.C.E
Liliana Roe resided in Mystic Falls grounds before it was known to be Mystic Falls. A small village where The Mikaelsons lived. Catching the attention of Klaus & Elijah due to her beauty, pure intentions, and kind heart. However, Tatia, the first doppelgänger had also caught the attention of the two brothers. Both ladies choosing Elijah instead of Klaus. However, Elijah had chosen Liliana and little did Elijah know — Klaus also chose Liliana. Enraged by this, Klaus helped his mother Esther re-create the immortality spell with Tatia’s blood. Eventually, the family becoming The Original vampire Family.
Newly reborn Elijah wanted to tell Liliana about his immortality. However, when searching for Liliana, she was nowhere to be found. Her cottage found bloodied and a disaster. Elijah, assuming she was killed, was heartbroken. This heartbreak lead to him killing Tatia out of pain and anguish.
Little did they know that Liliana survived the attack. Being protected by the witch assigned to her by Qetsiyah, the witch retrieves the body of Liliana, healing it while her soul is with Qetsiyah in the other side. Not wanting to risk the Roe lineage, Qetsiyah instructs the witch to discontinue to elixir, let the living Roe families to change their surname to Munroe, & place Liliana’s body under the White Oak tree. The elixir, now extinct — the future of the Munroe lays in question.
21st century
So, the Roe, now Munroe generations continue. The elixir extinct and the current Munroes unknowingly of the existence of Vampires. However, in the small town of Mystic Falls, a new family moves in next door to the Gilbert residence. Welcomed by the Gilberts, Sonny and Elena become close friends. Being in the same age range, the two hit it off quickly. However, history as told — a Roe finds themselves again in the presence of a doppelgänger. Tiny quickly moves as Sonny says her goodbyes to Elena, moving to Wisconsin and living a life that will soon be welcomed back to a not so normal life.
Sonny returns to Mystic Falls — ready for college. Keeping a long distance friendship with Elena Gilbert, once returning the friends attend the same campus. But, the reunion of Elena and Sonny only triggered the elixir that ran in her veins. Of course, the elixir itself was long extinct. However, the elixir continued to run down in the family — only weakening as the generations distanced from the original families who had to digest the elixir physically. Unknowingly, the two friends became closer, Elena introducing her friends to her — including the Salvatore brothers.
Elena updated her friend, trusting her with the secret of immortality, Stefan being her boyfriend, and Damon being the complete jerk he was. Damon and Sonny didn’t get along with each other at first. Always bickering, bullying each other, and making each other upset. It was only until Damon attempted to compel her to walk into the busy road and let herself be struck by car. But, Sonny couldn’t be compelled. Damon, confused, re-attempted the compel only to be continuously be told it didn’t work. Taking Sonny back to the Salvatore home to share the news with everyone, The group began to find the reasoning to why Sonny couldn’t be compelled as she was human without vervain on her. Until, Stefan began to reach out to Elijah. Thinking maybe they would recognize the phenomenon.
Elijah orders to bring Sonny to him in New Orleans. Damon, volunteers to take her. The two road trip to New Orleans, learning about one another more in depth and creating a close bond. Once in New Orleans, the two meet up with Elijah. Elijah shares that Sonny’s existence is impossible as her lineage ended in the tenth century. He only realizes this is false when Elijah attempts to compel her without luck. Falling into suspicion, Elijah calls Klaus to see them. Once Klaus arrives, he too attempts to compel her by asking her to stab herself. Only Elijah learns of the truth..
“ the Roe family ended a long time ago… I know this because I was the one to end it. “ - Klaus to Elijah.
Klaus had killed Liliana due to the fact that when he tried to compel her to choose him instead of Elijah with the promise of immortality, she couldn’t be compelled. This irritated Klaus, and wanted answers why she couldn’t be compelled. However, Liliana didn’t accept his offer but did share valuable information. Klaus, tortured and killed Liliana.
Upon learning the information given about the elixir and the history, Klaus was surprised to learn the Roe family continued. Sonny learned that the elixir continued to run into her family — but only triggering it by being surrounded by the doppelgängers her descendant’s best friend despised. Elijah was willing to protect Sonny from any harm Klaus had in mind, willing to search for more answers as Klaus shared being surrounded by her friends Stefan and Elena could potentially kill her, also due to the love he carried for Liliana.
Back at the Salvatore home, Damon fights with Sonny about distancing herself from his brother and Elena. Unknowingly, trying to compel her in front of the Doppelgängers, Sonny experiences her first near death experience. Elijah was miles away near Mystic Falls as he found some information on a witch who could potentially be of help. However, Liliana has been given life by Qetsiyah. Rising, Liliana follows the vibrating energy her descendant gives — eventually leading her to the Salvatore home & being able to heal Sonny with her blood. Taking Sonny outside, away from the doppelgängers, Elijah arrives and the memories flood back. He’s in awe. Damon decides to take Sonny out of town where the two begin to fall for each other all the while Elijah and Liliana catch up and try to make up for the missing time.
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stj-stj · 1 year
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This is a fanfic comic created with love for the Spider-Man In to the Spiderverse.
I hope you enjoy the read.
The story was created by me, the art was extracted by AI, and then retouched and corrected by me.
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snnydcysarchivee · 1 year
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endless edits of stranger things verse ( 1 / ∞ )                             mutuals may interact / please don’t reblog
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snnydcys-a · 2 years
open starter
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sonny wandered around the set all butt hurt. sure it was early for halloween, but that didn’t mean she shouldn’t dress up in a costume everyday. it was just harmless fun. plus, what’s the difference for dressing up for halloween than for a character for a skit? none in her eyes. with a little huff and a pout, she continued to walk around the studio in her inflatable cow costume and looked at the first person staring her down, “what? i’m a rather cute cow if i do say so myself.”
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