#Sonic is a flirt
acewithapaintbrush · 4 months
A gift for @emthimofnight who's Sonadow fankid Stellar has stolen my heart. Inspired by this comic and my firm believe that Sonic is a little shit who would definitely hold something like that over Shadows head forever
“Should I… leave?”
Stellar jerks her head around and stops rummaging through the cupboards. She doubts she'll find the shoes she is looking for anyway. They had grown a bit tight the last time she'd worn them and her Papa had given her a suspicious side eye when she'd still refused to get rid of them. 
He hates clutter. Says her Dad is messy enough for all three of them. 
And anyway! The shoes are pretty much immediately forgotten the moment her friend's words reach Stellar’s ears. 
“Why?” she asks. “I thought we'd spent the day together?”
Camellia only spares her a quick glance before she looks away again. She is wringing her hands the way she does when she is nervous about something. Stellar wonders what could have caused that and follows her gaze. She tilts her head with a frown. All she can see are her parents being… well. Her parents. 
“I mean,” Cam gestures helplessly at the other couple, keeping her voice low. “This is obviously a bad time.”
Stellar joins her side and keeps looking between her friend and her parents. She has no clue what has gotten into Cam. 
Across the room her Dad crosses his arms behind his head and taps one foot up and down. His grin is playful, much like Stellar’s own when she is in the mood to tease but his voice has an edge to it. 
“You know I'm right, Shads! Just admit it!”
Her Papa scoffs and crosses his arms in front of his chest, a perfect imperfect mirror of his partner. Sometimes Stellar marvels at the fact that two hedgehogs can be so similar and so different at the same time. 
“You? Being right? Haven't seen any pigs fly lately.”
“Oh. That comeback was almost witty. Have you been practicing?”
Ah. They are arguing. Again. Or maybe still? She vaguely remembers a friendly conversation over breakfast about an old mission or something slowly turning into a heated debate about who took down more Badniks. Are they still on about that? 
She sighs. Seems like it's going to be one of those days, huh? Stellar ignores her parents and smirks at her flustered friend. She is so uptight sometimes. Kinda cute. 
“They are just squabbling. Don't tell me your parents never do that.”
Cam blinks, surprised, before she sniffs a little, nose in the air and all. “My parents never argue. Certainly not in front of guests.”
“Yeah, sure. The hedgehog with the giant hammer and temper issues and the literal cat with fire powers never argue.” Before Camellia can swipe at her arm Stellar continues “And anyway, you are not a guest, you are practically family.”
Her friend's face is suddenly as red as a tomato and she turns away to delicately cough into her hand. Stellar raises an eyebrow. Cam is acting super weird today. 
Her parents have kept arguing meanwhile. It's pretty much just white noise to their daughter after all these years. Stellar tunes back in just in time to hear Papa insult Dad’s memory which has obviously suffered from too many hits during fights. 
And Stellar knows that glint that enters her Dad's eyes, the way his smirk grows deceptively soft. She can do nothing but groan and slap a hand against her forehead as the blue hedgehog sighs and saunters over to the mantelpiece. She has seen this song and dance one too many times to think she can stop what's coming next. 
He picks up one of her baby pictures and presses it against his chest. “Maybe you are right. Maybe my memory isn't as good as it used to be.”
Stellar is as always reluctantly impressed with the way her Dad is able to put so much emotion into utter bullshit. He sounds like he is on the verge of crying and Stella can hear Cam gasp softly in dismay.
Maybe they should have left after all. 
“The memories begin to fade,” he laments and are those tears in the corners of his eyes? Ugh. “But you know what memory will never fade? My most precious one?”
Papa grits his teeth. She thinks it might take all his strength to not jump across the room and do something he might (a very slight might) regret. 
“How Stellar called me Dada first.”
It's a favorite story of his and he pulls it out every time Papa annoys him or he feels like he is losing an argument. 
And her Papa is smart and strong and level headed and cool. But he is also super bad at hiding how much that ‘betrayal’ still eats at him. 
“You are never letting this go, are you? You are pathetic!”
“Pot meet kettle. And why should I? One of her precious first milestones and it was all for moi!”
“I taught her how to walk.”
“And I taught her how to ride a bicycle, which is even more difficult.”
“I taught her how to swim, something you actually need for survival.”
“Oh yeah, if you call throwing her into the deep end and telling her ‘to figure it out’ teaching.”
“That's not how it happened!” Papa turns to Stellar proving once and for all that both are aware of their audience and don't care. They probably enjoy embarrassing her in front of her friend, the sadists. “That didn't happen!” 
She rolls her eyes. “I know, Papa.”
“Oh right!” Dad cuts in, outraged. “That was me! Your beloved husband!” 
“We are not married.”
“For good reason!”
Stellar does her best to ignore the two of them. Camellia still looks bewildered but there is a reluctant smile blossoming on her face, as if she can't help but be amused despite the awkwardness. 
“Now I know where you get it from.”
Stellar gasps and clutches her chest. “How dare you!” She pauses and her pretend outrage turns a bit more genuine. “Wait! What do you mean? Get what?”
Cam has the audacity to snicker at her and it is not a beautiful sound to Stellar’s ears, nope, not at all! “Oh. You know.”
She doesn't. She totally doesn't. 
She is about to demand some answers when the expression on Cam’s face stops her cold. She turns back to her parents and… oh no. 
Why is she even surprised anymore?
Papa has crossed the distance and has the back of Dad's neck in a tight grip. He is growling and flashing his teeth. 
“I think it's time for you to shut your mouth.”
Dad just leers and leans closer, pressing his chest against the other hedgehog, tangling his hand in black and red quills. 
“Why don't you make me?”
Stellar grabs Camellia’s hand and pulls her out of the room as fast as she can. 
“Oh-Kay. That's our cue to go. Go go go! Don't look back!”
“Wait what? Why? Shouldn't we stop them? What if they hurt-?”
“Nope! You do not want to get between them right now.” She shudders and quickens her steps. “Trust me!”
There is the sound of a muffled crash behind her, like two bodies falling to the floor, her Papa saying something triumphant, her Dad laughing. 
Stellar loves her parents. But God! They can be so embarrassing!
They are the worst, I love them! This was supposed to be really short and grew into this... Hope you like it❤️
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atinymexicanbird · 8 months
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in which shadow cared !! (again)
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unknownuser93828 · 8 months
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tsubomiiiii · 11 months
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They’re so silly
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glitchedcosmos · 8 months
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That must’ve been some point of view .
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blu-ish · 8 months
Shadow and Sonic just unknowingly courting one another and one day they’re on a mission and come across a village where a normal hedgehog who knows all this points it out and they both just combust.
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the flowers were 15 dollars. 💐
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hayweerc · 1 month
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Can they all behave?
I sometimes hate coloring my chibi doodles. But I push through it to unify the whole drawing. Colors are fun.
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sparklingjay · 1 month
I think Shadow should call Sonic "pretty boy" while fighting in fanfics more often, just to mess with him.
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cripplingoptimism · 7 months
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You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.
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weirdozjunkary · 2 years
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The interaction between Puss and Kitty but now it’s gay hedgehogs
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kellterntempest · 8 months
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(sketch) his accountant is very forward
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krow-draws · 1 month
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Have to run a mile tmmrow gonna kms
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memoryshard · 1 year
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Yes I'm SUPER normal about these two
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0vergrowngraveyard · 7 months
i think they should bring back aosth and satam tails’ dislike of romance
i’m just saying
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beanbagstab · 9 months
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SurgeAmy for day 7 of Shipmas 🩷💚🎁
I am so delulu about these two
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powpowchaos · 1 year
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