#Someone needs to his ass in his place
c-t-r-l14 · 9 months
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Session 32
“You don’t know what love is,
if you don’t put up a fight.”
Synopsis: If Alex wants you gone so badly, then you will be gone like the wind.
You really didn’t want to do this.
Just the thought of seeing those brown eyes of ebony was enough to make your stomach drop. You’d rather do anything else—be anywhere else. Yet there you were, standing right in front of the door to the apartment you two shared together. It’s been a few days since you’ve last seen it; since you’ve last seen him. Your mother insisted that you stayed over at her house for a little while longer—despite your protests.
“I think its best if you stayed here and cool off”, she murmured, handing you a cup of tea, “I don’t think its smart to go back in the condition you’re in.”
She was probably right. When you arrived at her door a few days ago, you were hysterical; your eyes red and wide—burning with the tears that streamed down your face, your nose red and runny, and the only sounds that left your mouth were incomprehensible sobs and labored breaths. It took you a while to calm down, and even longer to tell your mother what happened. You were in no condition to go home, let alone face him. It’s not like you’d know what to say to him anyway. You were too hurt to think. So, for those few days, you decided to stay with your mother. You guys went on walks, she gave you advice, and was your shoulder to cry on when you needed to let all that stress and pain go. And for the few days you had spent with her, you found solace. Deep down you knew you it wouldn’t last forever, but you wanted so badly to stay with her and pretend that your problems didn’t exist. And unfortunately, your mother knew, too.
“You’re gonna have to go back eventually,” she told you one morning, as you two were drying off the dishes, “You can’t avoid him forever.”
“I know, mama,” you sighed, “but it’s just so hard, and I just don’t know what to do.”
Your mother put the plate on the on the counter, and you felt her piercing stare on your skin.
“(Y/N),”—you lifted your head to look at her—“I taught you better than to run away from your problems. And you know good and damn well what to do, you’re not stupid.”
“It’s not that simple, mama—”
“I never said it was, baby. These things never are. But, avoiding your problems will not make them disappear, it’ll only make things harder.”
You didn’t respond. You merely turned your attention back to the dishes and continued to dry off the plates.
“I’m not asking you to get back together with him—hell, I really don’t think you should. But you can’t let him walk around thinking that the way he acted was right, either. You know how to stand up for yourself.”
“I know, mama. It’s just so—god—-it’s so difficult, and—”
“Anything worth doing is difficult, (Y/N),” she tenderly held your face in her warm hands, “but it being hard isn’t an excuse to avoid your problems.”
You felt your eyes burn with tears, and a shaky sigh passed through your lips. She was right.
“Don’t let him get away with the way he treated you, (Y/N). If you just stay here and never speak to him again, then you’ve already accepted defeat! And If there’s one thing about me, is I ain’t raise no damn quitter!”
Your mother wiped the tears that ran down your cheeks.
“Let that bastard know that he can’t just pull you outta his life and throw you away. Speak up. And show him that you will not go out quietly. Do you hear me?”
You sniffled.
“Yes, mama.”
You wanted so badly to turn around and leave—go to a place where he’ll never see you again; but this was something you had to do. Alex made his decision, and you made yours—and the only thing you could do was respect his choice as much as you can. And so, with sweaty palms, a pounding heart, and the terrible feeling of trepidation coursing through your veins, you inserted your keys into the keyhole, and opened the door.
Only to find that your little apartment was empty.
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding; a small part of you was relieved that he wasn’t there. You weren’t in the mood for any type of conversation with him. But that relief didn’t exactly quell the dread that ran through your veins. It didn’t make your hands any less shakier, or your face any less hotter. It didn’t calm your beating heart, or wipe the sweat off your brow. And it most certainly didn’t fill the hollowness that encapsulated your entire body. As you walked to the closet, you tried your best to shake off these horrible feelings by attempting to reassure yourself.
This will all be over soon.
You’ll find someone else.
It’s for the best.
But those attempts were half-hearted at best, and insincere at worst. You grabbed the suitcase that laid on the top shelf of the closet, and dragged it to the room you and Alex once shared.
And your chest grew tight and heavy as you took your clothes out of the drawers and put them into the suitcase.
The jingling of a second pair of keys made your hands clammy. You swore under your breath as you heard those same keys jostle in the front door. Alex was back, and you weren’t even done packing. You squeezed your eyes shut as you heard him step in the apartment.
You took in a deep breath as you heard the confused tone in his voice.
You released it, and spoke.
“I’m in the bedroom.”
And you steeled yourself as you heard Alex’s footsteps hastily approach the bedroom.
You will not go out quietly.
You saw him. For the first time in days, you saw him, and there was nothing but panic written all over his face.
“Good god, (Y/N), I knew you were staying over at your mom’s house, but you could’ve at least told me that you were staying there for more than a day! Why didn’t you answer any of my calls or texts?? I didn’t even know when you got back ‘till I saw your shoes at the door—”
In all of his panic, it took Alex a couple of seconds to notice that the drawers to the dressers were ajar and the suitcases with your clothes inside. You saw his eyes widen as the realization hit, but the feeling of incredulity made him ask one singular question:
“W-Where are you going?”
The quiver in his voice made you die inside, and yet you kept you voice low, and your tone firm and flat.
“Away,” You simply replied, “I’m moving out.”
A/N: So, I’ve had this story in my head for quite a while now, and have a really good concept on how I want it to pan out. It took me such a long time to do because of finals, and writing Alex’s dialogue just pisses me off so bad—to the point where I ACTUALLY have to take breaks in between writing. I’m so sorry about the cliffhanger, y’all 💀, but unfortunately, this story will have to be broken up into two parts. Its already way too damn long 😭
The Part 2 will be out in a lil’ bit ya’ll, just hold on! 😭
Hope ya’ll enjoyed it so far, though!
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ravenpureforever · 2 months
On one hand, Young Justice is kind of neglected by the actual superheroes that should be looking out for them in a lot of crucial ways and very much failed by the adults around them
But on the other hand Red Tornado straight up hosts a parent-teacher conference where their respective legal guardians all show up, barring Batman who’s in traffic so Nightwing fills in instead because Robin’s dad does not know he’s a vigilante which is objectively hilarious
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touchyluffy · 2 months
part one
In the days it takes you to heal from your injuries, Luffy comes to your bedroom to sleep next to you every night. He does try, the night after the first, to sleep in his own bedroom but he can't. Usually sleep comes easy to him, especially after a long day of adventure but not now. He closes his eyes, trying to think of your wounds healing, your soft breathing, your warm hand holding his, but he can't fall asleep. He huffs in irritation and rises from his bed, sulking across the ship to knock on your bedroom door and opening it slowly. You put down your book, you were also struggling to sleep, and open the covers for him. You smile at each other as he excitedly hops into your bed.
And so it becomes routine for you two. Even as your injuries heal completely, as the sunsets and the crew walks off to their separate bedrooms, Luffy follows you into yours and you let him. It becomes normal to roll over in the middle of the night and snuggle into his warm body, to wake up in the morning with his arm wrapped around you, to feel him pull you closer in his sleep, to giggle at his sleep-talking, to hear your name in his mumblings. You offer to let him keep his toothbrush and some clothes in your room, he accepts.
Sleeping together becomes so routine that you have trouble sleeping without him. There were times when you two would be separated by a foe that Luffy challenged and each night you would stay awake staring at his side of the bed, worry clouding your mind and making it impossible to sleep and eventually when Luffy defeated the foe, he would be covered in bandages and it was your turn to listen to his soft, even breathing as he slept. There were times when you be working late into the night and he would come find you, curling up on the floor next to you to sleep in your presence until you eventually finish and drag him back to your bed so you can both sleep comfortably. There were times when you would get angry at him for putting the crew in danger with his recklessness and you'd slammed your bedroom door in his face and toss and turn, your anger at him turning into desperation for him to just come to bed already, eventually you get up to find him and as you open your bedroom door, Luffy's sleeping frame falls on your legs. He'd been sleeping against your door. Smiling you pull his rubbery body into bed and cuddle up next to him, his heartbeat your lullaby. He smiles in his sleep and his arms come up around you. Whenever he's missing his hat or sandals, you find them by your bed.
This new routine of you and your captain sleeping together left your other crewmates with their mouths on the floor several times. They still hadn't gotten used to you two waving goodnight and walking into the same bedroom. When they would ask, you tried to explain but there really wasn't anything to explain. You and their captain couldn't sleep unless you slept together. That's all, why do they always stare at you in such surprise when you say that? Their shocked faces didn't discourage you both into cuddling up to each other at night, finding relaxation, warmth, safety, and comfort in each others arms. What was once your space becomes "our bedroom", "our closet", "our bathroom".
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athina-blaine · 5 months
for my money, labru is head and shoulders above other ships involving them simply due to the unmatched yap potential, i imagine them feeding off each other's energy like they're slipstreaming in mario kart until they start going fast enough to break the sound barrier
#dungeon meshi#dunmesh spoilers#labru#the Compounding Yap Effect#thinking about kabru wanting to understand the value of monsterhood despite how much pain they caused him ...#laios wanting to understand the value of humanity despite how much pain they caused him ...#none of this even mentioning how much kabru needs a person like laios to spur his character growth#kabru is a schemy schemer who schemes and it's one of his best qualities#but it's also what gets him killed over and over again in an attempt to get closer to laios and co when none of his usual tricks worked#it took until the absolute 11th hour where kabru HAD to choose#between potentially unlocking the secrets of the dungeon or giving it up to the canaries and losing his chance forever#if kabru had fallen back on what he knew he would have killed laios then and never got what he wanted#laios forcing kabru to be honest with his feelings#(a feeling kabru had buried so deep he was barely aware he had it in the first place)#is what finally gets laios to stop and listen#and he finally gives kabru enough of a reason to trust him and make kabru stop the canaries and give the party time to escape#and it's ONLY then that kabru is able to get what he wants#legit i cant imagine a more fulfilling ending for kabru than getting to directly engage his interest in a way that directly helps people#with someone who both needs wants and sincerely appreciates his skills#literally riding off into the sunset gay ass ending im#im going to be sick#day 28 being normal about them
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epickiya722 · 6 months
Before anyone gets on my case and think I'm jumping on the "Gojo is racist" bandwagon because "I hate Gojo" I'm telling you right now that I'm not saying he's racist. I don't even hate Gojo. In fact, I am a fan.
But I'm not gonna act like that man is so pure or Gege is always have it out for him.
What Gojo said is racist, but more so out of ignorance. And it is not the first time he said something ignorant to Miguel. So the scene in 255 isn't out of nowhere it just feels like it is because some of you probably haven't read the JJK 0 manga. 255 is more so a continuation.
This happens in the manga.
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Gojo compares Miguel to a real life kickboxer and comedian, Bobby Ologun. This scene's dialogue is changed in the movie. I don't know why, probably because Bobby has some controversy surrounding him about assault charges in 2020, a year before the JJK 0 movie came out.
Now, before anyone goes "that's not ignorant, that's not racist", shush and take this from a view from a BLACK PERSON.
Bobby Ologun is a popular TV personality in Japan. Gojo sees what how Black people are on television. He grew up in a sheltered household and even after probably never interacted with a Black person until Miguel.
Saying "he's talking like he's Bobby Ologun" is putting is not what you say to a Black person. It's the assumption that Miguel, a Black person, knows this other Black person. It's the "every Black person knows every Black rapper".
And when we don't? It's assumed that Black person isn't a "true Black person" or "not acting Black".
I have had bad experiences with this. People like to act surprised that I'm a full Black person because "Oh my gosh your hair is so curly" and "but you're not ghetto" and "you're so sweet" and "you're so light skinned" and "you like anime". And when I tell them that I'm not mixed or another race they hit me with the "are you sure"? I'm born Black, my parents are both Black. Both of their parents are Black. I am Black, it's not up for debate!
Gojo unintentionally placed Miguel in a box by comparing him to another Black person who just so happens to also be African. I never been to Africa, but I know a Nigerian African isn't the same as Kenyan African. (Miguel is from Kenya.) Just because they're both African Black men doesn't mean Miguel has heard of the guy.
There's no such thing as a Black person "not acting Black". A Black person not displaying the stereotypes you think applies what to "what a Black person is" doesn't make that person any less Black.
They were born Black, that what makes them Black. But that doesn't mean we are all the same. Miguel is right. He isn't special because he's Black. He's special because he is him. This is even more explicit when you remember that jujutsu and curses are common in Japan, but not in other places. Miguel just so happens to be a rare case. It's like how Yuji was able to suppress Sukuna when it's an one in a million chance of survival.
So now the "Gojo is racist" jokes aren't funny? Because some of you were quick to laugh the first time when JJK 0 came out and the Black guy got a combo from your pale skinned fave. So now that the Black guy had to school your favorite on being ignorant, it's not funny? "Gege is trying to create chaos" or maybe you didn't pay attention the first time.
Or maybe you don't like the seeing reality that some of you are like this. Maybe you're that person who is quick to assume every Black person you cross is an athlete. Probably threw a slur or two at a Black person in the JJK fandom (and others) in their inbox.
Could you be upset because you were wrong that Miguel didn't die this chapter as you assumed and he actually showed out on Sukuna and survived? Mad because he got the spotlight? (Like how some of you were so sure Maki died of a Black Flash even though everyone else survived one, but okay.) "Damn it, the Black guy didn't die." Is that how you're feeling?
Some of you are acting as if Gege really dragged out that scene with ten pages or something. It was just a quick scene. And it's not like Gojo didn't apologize and learned from it.
Again, I love Gojo, I do. But let's not act like sometimes he's a little too arrogant and ignorant and he rightfully so should be brought back to reality. He's flawed. He's not some pure person. He grew from how he was as a teenager, but he still has this bad habit of being inconsiderate of how others around him feel.
Take Utahime for example. He constantly calls her weak. She has every damn right to hate his guts. She's not "confused about her feelings" and it's not "Oh my gosh, so romantic". He's an ass and he's disrespectful. He has no reason to call her weak. She has more experience than him given she is older than him.
It was a long time fucking coming anyways.
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
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its so unbelievably funny that yeah, jesse did eventually disassemble the sonic pizza crackhouse that his place became in season 4 and buy furniture and stuff, but that furniture was basically just curtains that fail at being curtains, his sound system rig, and this god awful sofa that's clearly meant to be used for fancy back patio decor parked like directly in the middle of the room. jesse's rich beyond belief with drug money at this point and his set-up would still get his ass to the top of the "r/malelivingspaces" subreddit any day of the week
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jimmyspades · 6 months
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adelaidedrubman · 9 months
officially coming out as a john vasectomy truther. he snipped them thangs
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brainrotzora · 14 days
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these things are always happening to the ones i like :////////
anyways the lighting in this dungeon is so nice
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didn't get any good pics bc i was too busy dungeoning but so pretty...best dungeon music so far goes to snowcloak though btw
#ffxivposting#i knew it was coming bc i tried to use the google search bar as a spellcheck for his name (LOL) like a DUMBASS because in the suggestions..#i was like no!! no!! but he's so funny!!!!!! and the second he showed up in game again i started taking screenshots of me n the bestieee#it wouldnt be accurate to say that i am Emotional about this but i am like aw man...but he was so funny...insert montage of All The Memorie#was crazy seeing her looking so distressed in a cutscene. girl me too! he was so funny </3#the loud ass screenshot sound effects throughout the cutscene were funny though.this is who i am#altogether i have like 150+ screenshots of this game thus far.serious shit#IN OTHER NEWS:#- i cant stop laughing at finding out that a.lphinaud is in fact 16 years old. like i was guessing he was 17 or so but man it checks out#so hard. smart fella or not of course the sixteen year old boy naively founded a private army. it checks out so hard. hes cute :)#- since the tail end of arr patch quests ive been checking npc dialogue of relevant characters and thats a bit of a goldmine sometimes#- the first time aymeric(?) (not double checking via google ive learned my lesson) showed up i joked that he was going to be an akc type#and well no. he's really not. but i did cackle when it was revealed that he was a bastard child. clocked him on accident#- addicted to dalamud red dye. was funny when estinien started rocking his blood red armor like omg now we're Extra twinsies!#funny to me when they acknowledge the whole drg class stuff. like ah yes the Other azure drg. sorry estinien this feels like stolen valor#this is just what happens when u play f.fiv multiple times when u are r like 6. and also just think lances are sexy.#- can't wait to find out where tf the rest of the scions went. hi guys. you wont Believe what happened while you were AFK!#that's right! dragons! and then theyre like I Haven't Seen The Light Of The Sun For An Ambiguous Amount Of Time...cowabummer!#i keep joking abt needing to do a wellness check on urianger but honestly hes fine hes living it up in the sand. hes doing fine#- anyway can someone do a wellness check on ysayle(?).#- i've unlocked flight in a couple zones! thankkk god. some of these places are ROUGH to navigate without it sometimes.#- my keybinds are rough. also i have a gauge now. havent gotten to use it bc of level sync but anyway this feels like school#dont worry chat i only do duties with other real players when i Literally Have To Because They Make Me#- anyway. very ? about what theyre going to do with the rest of this story. intrigued. and quite sleepy i must say.
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beeholyshit · 5 months
2 of my neurons just made synapses
Thinking about Glitchy and M3ga mmmm
#(💽🩷) *⁠.⁠✧ — M3gabyte#nostly M3ga's downfall mmmm#I think I talked about it with nero a loooong ago thanks to an edit I saw on tiktok#the idea of M3ga being the only one who doesn't advance and being frustrated over that ough....#angry because how come it doesn't have anything yet but Glitchy got a loving family and his kid (rairai)#I mean M3ga did have something if it's “friendship” with Mike counts? and it's friendship with Shinto#maybe it's pokemon#you know that one song from mitski that says#“I need something bigger than the sky. hold it in my arms and know it's mine”#I think it fits pretty good with them because. maybe for them#Mike's friendship it's more like a “haha please don't kill me”. at least we can say with shinto it's real#and with Vermelho.... did I ever mention that in detail?#I think I did?#the thing is. they made a pact so Mega helps Vermelho to win agains Steven for once and have a first place in something#so they both kick Steven's ass 👊#friendship ☝️ kinda#so it posseses Vermelho but when Red goes to congratulate Vermelho for his battle... M3ga finally feels a hug#admiration. someone who hugs them without the need to be funny or anything. little bebe red was just hapoy for his brother but oh god#what would Mega do to have something like that in it's life#because yes. Shinto is there. Glitchy is there but they have their own thing going on so then what about it?#aouughhghj mai brrrrain#ooooooom#🕳️ // blah blah#i feel like I'm skipping many things I wanted to say#I'll remember later maybe
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beeapocalypse · 29 days
think the big Thing for the getaway driver oc is that in the middle of a heist gone loud w/o proper planning sydney gets too fucked up to return 2 the fray after dropping off a couple duffles and the driver makes the call to borrow her mask + guns to go in there Herself and while that is instrumental to making sure everyone makes it out there alive + Not in police custody it ALSO throws a jug of gasoline on the whole payday Case media + fbi efforts wise. absurd speculation on this sudden change in operations (ie fifth heister out of nowhere. spirals out to impossible theories of a huge network of potential agents and all) that puts a TON of pressure on them. gets put on safehouse arrest and is constantly butting heads w dallas during that entire time (him thinking she acted out of line vs her believing it was thru her actions alone that they got out of there. she shot a cop in the head while he was in the middle of cuffing a wounded dallas) while him + bain try to figure out what the hell to do abt it all
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#so tired of my friend's bum ass partner getting in the way of things#dude is hella controlling and makes every room so awkward i cant stand it and acts like their grown ass needs my friend to do anything#we'll be hanging out at his place and hell be like#gotta go my partner wants to go to sleep and he needs me to do it#apparently#he never wants to end the hangout either it's always this person's decision#partner is lame as fuck too i seriously cant fathom what he sees in them#and every time we're chilling you better believe snapchat is open and they're talking#like BROOO LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD#IM MARRIED AND UR ACTINGLIKE THIS!!! LET THE BOY HAVE FUN OUTSIDE OF YOUR PRESENCE#like you LIVE togther you do not have to be attached at the messaging app like this#and rescheduling to do chores together is wild#it would be cute if this didn't happen every single time#and it's not cute because the partner is still controlling every second of his time#HERES THE THING HES WANTED A PROPOSAL#BUT THIS FUCK WONT PROPOSE#AND DOESNT WANT KIDS#BUT WONT BREAK UP WITH MY FRIEND WHO WANTS CHILDREN AND AND PROPOSAL#LIKE FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFFFFF#and they're open and every time another person joins he's talkig to me about how the partner pays wayyy more attention to the other one#AHHHHHHHHHHHH#BREAK UP#THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU#oh my god#hes coming over without partner and staying the night so we can talk without this bum over his shoulder#they're a cheater too#but it was onlyfans so it “isnt as bad”#the onlyfans of someone they both. know.#im pissed bruh#they just renewed their lease together too
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 2 months
thinkbing about. him
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#random thoughts#fnaf#rotating him in my mind like an orb or perhapps a microwavable tv dinner#love the idea of a character who for some reason has him in their house and does regular maintenance on him#someone who worked for fazbear fright and fucking. stole him#au where the place wasn't burned down and actually opened and some kid started working there and fucking took his ass#springtrap in my head is like. mostly an animal. running on instinct and ancient programming. only rarely lucid#the kid who took him oh my god. what if someone who was the sibling of one of the five missing kids stole him#and like. they know he's the man behind the slaughter and can remember him from when he was alive#and they take him and keep him running as like a form of torture. because fazbear fright was gonna be shut down and the animatronic#was gonna be destroyed or smth and they were like 'no you son of a bitch not yet'#and they can sometimes see the ghosts of the children and employees who died and henry. but like they're not done#they cant let go. not yet.#cant let him go to the beyond because that would be too merciful for a son of a bitch like him#but springtrap cant really understand whats happening and mostly just sees Some Guy keeping him running so most of his feelings#are positive#when he's semi lucid he tries to kill them#when he recognizes them from before he kind of shuts down#the range is 'friend!!!' to 'i am going to fucking murder you' to 'how did you do in pe today'#like this guy mostly isn't william afton. idk who he is but he isn't him most of the time#i imagine the springtrap suit is a unique model so its hard to get replacement parts for him so most of him is custom at this point#idk what they do with the bones. probably leave them alone for the most part out of fear of him passing on if they got rid of them#he smells like dirt and mildew and restroom deoderizer probably#i imagine their thoughts on him are 'i recognize this mostly isnt the man who killed my sibling so i dont want him to suffer'#'but also i cant handle the idea of even a little of the man who killed my sibling being able to stop suffering'#like this is william's idea of hell. complete depersonalization#they make his stay tolerable. decent maintenance. idk what kind of enrichment he needs#being kept in a basement away from regular social interaction is probably hell for any children's animatronic#so he loves when they come down for maintenance. probably rarely at first and then more frequently as they adjust themself to his presence#idk how he feels about maintenance. probably very used to the feeling of having a dude inside of him lmaooo
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shalvis · 5 months
Xenoblade 1 is the best game like ever fucking made and it has two of the most dogshit sequels ever fucking made
#meows#remembering just how insulted I felt in 2017 when I preordered the sequel and really really tried to like it#I hadn’t experienced Game I Don’t Like before 2 and it took me like 40 hours to realize I hated it#and that shit at the end is such an INSULT. such an insult#you’re telling me that [redacted] was actually only half of himself the whole time and that 1 and 2 are taking place at the same time???#and that oh actually [expunged] is one of three computers when the first game made no mention of any of that#y’all really went back to say your complete first game actually is only HaLf of the story? that someone like [expunged] is only a third of#the force that ended our planet#y’all went back and hollowed out your existing characters to make room for worse versions of the same characters#AND you play as a dork nerd child who ends the game with three gfs bc this is story#and the gfs do nothing but sacrifice themselves for you like three times and look pretty#but they don’t look pretty to like. normal well adjusted people#they look pretty to the I like questionable art of 17 year olds crowd#and the GALL. the GALL. of changing [expunged]s design in the switch port to try to stitch his afterthought purpose into the old game#while also making him just whiter and whiter until by 3 he’s like fucking light grey#and having him have a canon genderbend that’s just anime waif#who is also fucking white#and giving Klaus’ counterpart a name that has nothing to do with Gnosticism#even though so much other stuff in the first game comes from Gnosticism.#who the FUCK is Galea!!!! her name is fucking Sophia#killing biting maiming#and the gacha system? with bad odds for no reason in a game you’ve already paid for#it’s so fucking messy#it lacks a unified art direction#it’s soulless and even a game like 3 where only HALF of it is 2 flavored can’t beat the original because of the portion of 2 in it#and like what. is it like the two universes reunited after [redacted] died🙃#why did any of this need to exist! why did any of this have to be retconned#x is fine I don’t hate x and I don’t count it as a sequel to Xenoblade 1 bc there’s no#half assed tie back to 1 in x#2 and 3 would have been better as like. tales of games
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coachbeards · 6 months
anyone who knows me knows i don’t agree with the characterization of beard @ jamie in regards to zava. i think him being condescending is actually,,,,, kind of out of character. i know, i know. beard likes winning, he’s the smart one, yadda yadda. but beard has Never liked winning at the expense of the team members. it’s ted who doesn’t want the tie in the end of s1, where beard (the self-proclaimed hater of losing) would be perfectly okay with it. sure, he doesn’t Want a tie, but he’s well aware if that’s their only option, then he wants it. he’s the one who didn’t want jamie back on the team, despite knowing damn well he’s an amazing player,,,, because he didn’t like how jamie’s behavior impacted the team. he saw the damage done, and he’d choose the team over higher chances of winning any day. he didn’t see jamie’s growth, not up until his season two and season three arc. and you can tell his opinion changes!!! he calls him a beautiful dumb dumb, he is way more positive of him later on.
and like……….we’ve never actually seen beard be truly condescending. him yelling at ted for wanting to win isn’t condescending when you take into account that ted is his boss, and beard is his second in command telling him that things Matter. he’s still teaching ted football, even in their third year there. he’s proud of ted for learning about the sport via fifa. he’s patient, he’s understanding. he sees change, he’s someone who’s gone through his own versions of the lasso way several times. he’s not a condescending person, nor would he make fun of jamie for getting a word wrong or being worried about Zava. Again. Beard has ALWAYS said he wants to win, but he’s SHOWN preferring the players and their wellbeing’s. He doesn’t want jamie to play hurt, he doesn’t want roy to hurt, he didn’t want their team to suffer from starting roy….beard has always been team first. players first. maybe less evident than ted, but god. Does he love those players. He wouldnt be unnecessarily condescending or cruel to Jamie.
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magnifiico · 10 months
"i hope i didn't scare you." his tone is as flat & as listless as usual: but james is referring to that sudden gunshot he'd taken in order to save mags' life. less the action ⸻ although james supposes that most people aren't used to guns being fired ⸻ and more the loud noise. james doesn't stop to consider the fact that mags had been splattered in blood & how that might've been more terrifying.
@jaamesunderland || ohoooo herewego 👀
The growl thundering up his chest, riding along the roof of his mouth, is rather more frustrated than it is scared.
Magnifico (Magnifico? Can he even call himself that here, where the title doesn't matter? The fame is absent? Everything he built out of reach?) barely registers the concern in his apparent savior's words—but certainly not his tone—as he focuses on the curve of his own fingers. There are droplets of that telltale crimson, yes: a new splash of unwanted color on his outfit. But no matter how much it sickens him, his concern remains at full force elsewhere—
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“Why isn't it working?” He flexes his hand into a fist, releases, strain quavering up the length of his arm. “What is—” Nothing. Nothing. Not a tingle or a burn of energy in his veins. No sign of the magic he'd spent years studying, laboring to perfect all for the sake of... He needs this for himself, this time. Himself.
“Y-you...” he mutters, relenting as a freely trembling hand drops to his side. As if Magnifico has only now noticed the stranger who'd so kindly ruined his outfit saved him from... something, his focus sharpens ever so slightly. He blinks, and his brow creases. “What is this place? Who are you?”
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