#Someone gave me money and said ‘DRAW MORE HONEY’ and I think more people should do that… 👀
honeycrisp-tales · 10 months
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“A’hm not that little any more! Okay, I’m still pretty little, just not as little as three apples tall. I can balance three whole apples on my nose when I’m a pony though, I’ve been practicing!”
By the way, Honey is a finalist on a poll on Twitter and if you want to see her win, which you oughta, go vote for her (#10) here!!
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
You all don't see this. Nope. Didn't write it.
WC: 1284, Masterpost CW: visit to a leath kink shop, mentions of sex work
Paulina held up her hand, looking at her freshly painted nails. “You, Nickie, are a goddess and an artist.”
“I know,” Nickie said smugly.
“Like, seriously, you could make bank,” Paulina said. She pulled out her cellphone to snap a photo. The crystals in the center of the flowers that frame the sugar skull flashed beautifully.
Nickie gave a little shrug. The muscle tank she worn slipped off her tan shoulder, revealing more of the over the top, bright red bra. “Considering it for after. Right now sex pays well, I got the body for it—”
“Hell yeah you do,” Paulina agreed.
“—and it let’s me look after my girls. But I might be putting money aside for a shop front, yeah.”
“When you open I will let anyone I know in the area to come to you,” Paulina said. “And come myself if I’m still haunting Metropolis. Got to visit my boo Danny.”
“Someone has to come keep him in line.”
“Hey!” Danny protested from where he was carefully painting Han’s nails a blinding magenta. He did just fine with himself these days.
“He’s mixed up with a bad crowed,” Nickie continued, completely ignoring Danny, “just like Han here.”
“I don’t even know why I’m here,” Han protested meekly.
Paulina flipped her hair. “Who do you think helped him get his bad crowd? Danny can’t dress himself worth shit.”
“I know,” Nickie said with a sigh. “I remember what he was wearing when he moved in.”
“Again- hey!”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t love your new gets.”
“That is true, I look amazing,” Danny said. He struck a pose as best as he could while sitting at a coffee table with nail polish in hand. He felt his bootleg Red Hood crop top ride up with the act, exposing a sliver of skin between it and his black joggers. “But I hate you for getting me hooked on lululemon, it’s stupidly pricey.”
“Good thing you have two sugar daddies then, ain’t it honey,” Nickie pointed out.
“Blessed life,” Danny said, finishing off the magenta polish with a flourish. He capped it before he started with the other hand to carefully remove the tape. His tongue peeked out of the corner of his mouth as he focused.
“You should get them something nice.”
Danny snorted. “What, with their own money?”
“Sure,” Nickie said, starting to clean up. “Doesn’t matter who’s dough bought it if it’s good fun for everyone.”
Danny paused in his work of revealing the highlighter yellow polish under the tape to look over to Nickie. “What? I don’t— ooh.”
Paulina just laughed at him, of course. Even Han chuckled which was frankly a little insulting.
Danny cleared his throat. “I, um, do you think they’d… like that?”
“Honey, I’ve seen how they are with you. Doesn’t have to be nothing cray either. You can start simple, just a little accessory.”
“I, uh,” Han said, nervously, drawing everyone’s attention. “I know a place?”
At least Danny was able to follow how they ended up standing in a leather centric kink shop, even if it felt like a bizarre turn for his life to take. He looked at the harness wearing mannequin he was standing in front of and tilted his head.
“Who has the patience to get into that?”
“Well,” drawled the shopkeep who had appeared next to Danny so suddenly he was half tempted to think the other was a ghost, “for some people, getting their partner into the harness is half of the fun. The obedience, the touches, the control… the denial.”
Danny swallowed heavily. Huh.
“Hello my darling, bring in some friends?” the shopkeep asked and swanned over to kiss a blushing Han.
“I’m not sure what they are,” Han said with a weary sigh. They let the other pick up their hand and examine their bright nails. “But Danny here was thinking of picking up something on the… introductory side to treat his boyfriends with.”
“Oh well we can certainly help with that. I’m Liam, Han’s boyfriend,” the shopkeep said, holding out his hand.
Danny shook the hand. “Danny, like Han said.”
“He’s dating the Boss and the Boss’ boy,” Han explained.
“They’re his sugar daddies,” Paulina pipped in.
“And damn adorable,” Nickie said.
Danny released Liam’s hand to bury his face in his hands. “I hate you all.”
“No you don’t,” Paulina said. “Now, what do you have in mind for the blushing boy, Liam?”
“Well that’s something for him and I to talk about,” Liam said. He put an arm around Danny’s shoulder (though was really barely touching him) and guided him away. Over his shoulder he called, “Show them around, Han!”
When they had space and a tall display between them and the other’s, Liam stopped. “Now, best way for me to get you something good is for you to be honest with me. I promise, nothing you say to me is going to be something I haven’t heard before. I’m not going to judge you. You and your boys ever done anything like this before?”
Danny shook his head.
“So you’ve had sex but it’s been mostly vanilla?”
“Yep,” Danny said, the word coming out as a strangled squeak. He cleared his throat. “I mean, Red Hood keeps his helmet on so that’s not really… usual. We haven’t done much, in any combo.”
“But you like this idea?” Liam asked, motioning around them, “Or did they just bully you into coming? Because if that’s the case I can find you something cheap to buy you won’t feel bad about throwing away or you can come back and return it in a few days provided you keep it in it’s packaging.”
“I, um,” Danny picked at the edge of his hoodie as he glanced around the store from under his bangs. What Liam had said about the harness came back to mind. “Sometimes, like, not in bed, Jason will tell me to ‘stay’. And, um…”
“That does things for you.”
Danny nodded, feeling mortified.
“Not that odd at all. Now, there are a few ways we could go,” Liam said and started walking again. “Handcuffs and restraints are one way. Or rope, it’s an art form so one of your boys would have to be interested in learning, but it can be something special. Or, I think maybe for you… this is where we should start.”
They had stopped in front of a display of collars and leashes. There were more types than Danny could have ever dreampt up. There was leather of all colors and patterns. There were plain black and brown collars and bright colors with poppy cutouts and rich jewel tones with detailed filigree and earth tones with geometrics. They were lined with suede and velvet and fur. Danny itched to reach out and touch them.
“Yes, I do think we’re in the right area. Go ahead, you can touch. If nothing here works for you, you could always custom order something instead.”
Danny reached out and ran his fingers over one of the collars, thinking. If this was Red Hood, Danny would have to go custom order red and black. But really this was for Jason. Danny lingered on one that was lined in turquoise suede. The leather was a bold rust and turquoise patina on a delicate, detailed circle and diamond pattern. Brass circles studded across the pattern.
“You know, I think we have a leash that will match that one beautifully. Should we ring you up?”
When Jason walked in a few days later to find Danny sitting on his kitchen counter, swamped in one of Jason’s large shirts, and wearing the collar he nearly swallowed his tongue.
AN: So this is a thing that I've now written! Loved the response to the tease I post last night~ Danny has gotten ideas and Jason is gobsmacked. Don't worry, I'm sure he bought something for 'Red Hood' too. ^_~ (Collar 100% inspired by one of Big Cat Den Crafts)
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Words: 12,601 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: pre-apocalypse Warnings: language (duh, it's me), violence, domestic violence A/N: This one got LONGGGGG woo! Protective, badass Daryl is just so. damn. good. Summary: Daryl has long had a crush on Y/N, a waitress at the local dive bar. When things start to go bad with her boyfriend, he suddenly finds himself solving problems for her.
Your name: submit What is this?
Your friend nudged you gently with her elbow as you started to move past her with your tray. “Hey. Who’s that?” she asked, nudging her head in the direction of the door. Two men had just walked in. They were regulars at the bar where you’d been a waitress for a long time. Your friend, however, had just started working there a couple days earlier.
“Oh, the Dixon brothers,” you said, skirting past her to load your tray up with the next round of drinks.
“Are they trouble?” she asked, giving you a sideways glance. You had to laugh at that question. The bar you worked at was a total dive and most of the clientele were unsavory characters. It was frequented by a lot of the biker gangs that road the highway causing trouble.
“Everyone in here pretty much is trouble,” you said, loading the row of beers on the bar top onto your tray.
“Even Mark,” she said, her tone dripping sweet because she knew it would annoy you. You rolled your eyes.
“Even Mark,” you agreed. You’d met your boyfriend at the bar while you were working. You hadn’t been dating that long, only about 3 months. He was a member of one of the biker gangs, but you’d grown up around people like him and the rest of the bar patrons your whole life. You were used to the whistles and catcalling and even the occasional ass-grabbery. Most of the time you felt perfectly safe at work with Charlie, the bartender, watching over things and quite frankly, most of the men tipped you generously. You just chose not to think about where they got the money. You didn’t come from any money at all, and you’d gotten a job as soon as you legally could to help your mom pay the bills. She had already been working two full-time jobs trying to keep your family afloat. Even before you’d been able to work officially you took every babysitting or lawn mowing gig you could find. Your dad was a good man, kind and loving, but an alcoholic. He’d had a work accident when you were just a baby and had chronic back pain from it. He was still young when he finally succumbed to his alcoholism.
And you’d just kept working.
“Well, that younger brother is cute,” your friend said, drawing your attention back to the two men who’d just walked in. “What’re their names?”
“Gimme a minute and I’ll introduce you,” you said. You rounded the bar and took the beers on your loaded tray over to a table of boisterous bikers and handed them out. By the time you got back up to the bar, the Dixon brothers had wandered over.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite girl,” Merle grinned at you, leaning his forearms on the bar. “Whatchu doin’ lookin’ that good up in here? You lookin’ to start a fight?”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help smiling at him. “Merle, you can knock off the sweet talkin’. It’s not gonna get you free booze.”
“Who said I even come in here for the booze?” he flirted shamelessly, shooting a wink at you. This time you did laugh appreciatively.
“Uh huh. Well, since you’re at the bar and not in my section, I can get away with ignoring you all night,” you joked. “Charlie will be glad to take your order.” You glanced at the younger Dixon brother who seemed to be quite purposefully keeping his eyes on his hands as he fiddled with a discarded beer top. “How are you, Daryl?” His blue eyes shot up to meet yours. “Doin’ alright?”
Daryl nervously licked his lips and nudged his nose up in a single nod. His heart was hammering away in his chest.
“Good. That’s good,” you said, giving him a wide smile. Daryl’s heart jumped. Fuck. He always felt completely out of control when you smiled at him like that. Half the time it shut down his ability to engage in any sort of conversation and seemed to make his body start malfunctioning. “Well, listen boys. This is my friend Rachel. She just started workin’ here a couple days ago so I expect you to go easy on her.” Rachel smiled at them and said hello. “This is Merle Dixon and his brother Daryl.” You caught sight of one of your tables trying to flag you down. “Merle is the one you need to watch out for. He’ll try his hardest to charm you right out of your skirt, even if it never works,” you joked. “Right, Daryl?”
The younger Dixon brother hardly responded, except that his blue eyes flickered up to your face again for a moment before you breezed away. He looked up again as Charlie wandered over and asked what the Dixons wanted to drink. But Rachel cut in with a smile.
“You’re busy, Charlie. I’ll get it,” she said. She was eyeing Daryl and he felt it, glancing up at her. She was definitely attractive and definitely interested in him from what he could tell, but Daryl was so hung up on you he couldn’t have cared less. “What can I get you?” Rachel asked, leaning on the bar top, giving him a small smile.
“Gimme a bourbon, honey,” Merle said. Daryl hadn’t responded. His eyes had wandered back over to you where you were chatting with a couple regulars in a booth nearby. Merle hit him on the arm.
“Just gimme a beer,” Daryl drawled, pulling his eyes off you.
The way the younger Dixon brother’s gaze was fixed on you wasn’t lost on Rachel. “Sure thing,” she said, setting about grabbing the drinks. She handed them out. “So, what kind of trouble do the two of you get up to?” Rachel asked. The question was directed at Daryl but he was staring down into his beer, apparently in deep thought about something, so Merle answered instead.
“Any and every kind,” Merle laughed.
Daryl’s eyes were on you again, flickering between glancing your way, watching you smiling and laughing, and staring back down into his beer. Rachel gave the two one final smile and parting look and rushed back over to her section where someone was flagging her down. Scribbling a few notes on her pad about the order, she happened to fall back into stride with you as you both headed up toward the bar area again. You had a break for a couple minutes and hung out by the window where the cooks sent the food out.
Rachel leaned up against the counter. “I think Daryl is taken,” she said.
You gave her a questioning look. “Really? Why? I’ve never seen him in here with anyone but his brother.”
Rachel laughed. “That’s not exactly what I meant.” You stared at her, puzzled, and she rolled her eyes at you. “Y/N, he can’t keep his eyes off you. I was trying to flirt with him and he barely looked at me.”
“What? No, come on,” you laughed. “They’ve hung around here for years and he’s never said anything. I mean, I was single for a long time.”
“That doesn’t mean anything! I saw the way he was looking at you,” Rachel said. “He seems a bit shy or something. It’s not a surprise he hasn’t said anything to you about it. And besides, now you’re dating someone.”
You shrugged. “Well, he’s—he’s just a bit quiet. I don’t think—”
Rachel turned as the cook slid out the food for one of her orders. “I’m telling you he’s got it for you. Bad.” She lifted her tray. “You’re in denial. Like you usually are when someone likes you,” she laughed. “Just trust me on this.”
As Rachel breezed away, you glanced back at the two Dixon brothers at the bar. Daryl was aimlessly spinning his beer glass in his hands, staring down at it, but a moment later he glanced up and his blue eyes caught yours. He seemed a bit startled that you were looking his way, and you offered up a small smile. Daryl gulped and ducked his head. A jolt of electricity ran through him again. Fuck. Now she’s dating someone, dumbass. Give it up. She doesn’t want you.
The rest of your shift was busy and there wasn’t much time to sit around and chat. Around dinnertime was usually when the most customers rolled in for a greasy pub meal and some alcohol to lubricate their boasting. Then the dinner crowd hung around and became increasingly more intoxicated. It was about nine when your shift was up and you pulled your apron off and stowed it behind the bar. Merle was playing pool but Daryl was still just leaned up to the counter, keeping to himself. You were about to engage him in some small talk when the door pushed open and your boyfriend walked in. He immediately spotted you and gave you a nod and a smile. You grinned back at him, grabbing your purse from underneath the bar. “Hey, I’ll see you later, Daryl!” you said brightly.
He nodded and managed to give you a small smile, really just one twitch up of one corner of his mouth. His eyes followed you through the bar and he watched over his shoulder as your boyfriend’s hands landed on your lower back and you arched up onto your toes to kiss him. Daryl felt a swell of jealousy in his chest and a hard pit form in his stomach. But he simply turned away and raised a finger to Charlie and asked for another beer.
Your boyfriend Mark walked you out into the parking lot and you stopped next to his bike. “Hop on. Let’s go home,” he said.
“I’m starving. I thought we were going to grab something to eat?” you asked.
“No, come on. Let’s go home,” he said.
You thought there was something a bit different in his tone but you brushed it off. He’d been riding all day. He was probably just ready to be done and wanted to relax. But a couple minutes later, you could tell something was definitely wrong. He was speeding far faster than he should be through town, especially with you behind him. You held tighter to him and leaned forward. “Babe, slow down a bit,” you said.
He didn’t. He took a turn fast and your stomach flipped at the feeling. “Seriously! What the hell are you doing? Slow down!” you yelled over the rumbling of his bike’s engine.
He still didn’t. It was like he was getting a kick out of your fear. If anything, his speed increased. Every turn he took you felt like the bike was about to skid out. You were getting pissed. “Slow the fuck down!” you demanded.
This time he did. But soon he turned into a parking lot and stopped completely. You released your hold on him and he climbed off. A second later he had a hold of your upper arm with a grip like a vice. “Ow!” you protested as he hauled you off his bike. You almost fell as he tugged, losing your balance as you lifted your leg over the bike. “What the fuck?!” you snapped at him, ripping your arm away and staring at him in disbelief.
“If you don’t like how I drive my own goddamn bike, you can fuckin’ walk home,” he growled angrily at you. He was glaring at you with some serious rage in his eyes.
Who the hell was this person? And where was the boyfriend you knew? That’s when you realized. You stared at him, your jaw dropping partially open. “Mark… are you—did you start using again?”
He stared defiantly back at you. “I don’t see how that’s any of your fucking business.”
That was a confirmation if anything. You felt another swell of anger. He’d had substance abuse problems before you’d met but he’d assured you he was clean and was planning on staying that way. “Actually, I think it is my business,” you retorted.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. He marched over to his bike and opened the saddle bag, grabbing your purse out and tossing it to the asphalt carelessly. The contents spilled out and rolled on the ground. “Fuckin’ walk it off,” he said, hopping back on his bike and starting it again. You stared in disbelief as he roared away from you.
“Shit! What the hell?!” you yelled as the sound of his bike roared away. You sighed heavily and stared down at the items that had spilled out of your bag, crouching to collect them and stuff them back where they belonged. You straightened up and glanced around at the secluded and dark lot and deserted street. You could walk home, but it would take you a while and you didn’t particularly like the thought of being out where you were alone. You felt vulnerable, like you’d be the perfect prey for some passing scumbag. You hugged your arms across yourself and decided to walk to the nearest gas station and see if you could call someone to give you a ride. Your mind was spinning over what had just happened. He’s using again. Fucking great. You’d have to end it. That was that. After your dad, you steered clear of anyone with a substance abuse problem, and the personality change in Mark was already so apparent and immediate you knew things would, in all likelihood, just get worse.
You walked along the dark sidewalk, just hoping no one would come along and mess with you. It was only a few blocks to the nearest gas station and you fixed your mind on just getting there. You looked over your shoulder as you heard engines approaching and groaned internally. Please just let them ride past. But you could tell immediately that they were slowing. You kept your head down and just kept walking until you heard voices yelling back and forth over the rumble. Glancing over again you saw that it was Merle and Daryl Dixon.
Merle gave you one final parting glance and roared off but Daryl pulled alongside you at the curb and shut off his bike.
“Hey. Are ya okay?” he asked in that sweet southern drawl of his.
You glanced at the earnest expression on his face. His blue eyes were slightly narrowed as he peered at you and his brow was drawn down. You nodded. “I’m fine,” you said. But your tone didn’t even convince you.
“Ya shouldn’t be out here at night on your own. Thought ya were with yer guy,” he said, a slight question in his tone.
You shuffled your feet a little anxiously. “I was but—” you shook your head. “I’m fine. I’m just gonna walk to the gas station and see if I can call someone for a ride,” you said. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Mmm.” Daryl pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment. “I can give ya a ride. I ain’t got anywhere to be.”
You considered him thoughtfully for a moment. You had the overwhelming sense that you could trust him, and maybe it was the openness of his expression or the genuine tone of his voice. Normally you would have bucked at the idea of someone you didn’t know very well learning where you lived, but you’d known Daryl for years. At least, known him on some level. He never started trouble in the bar, although he often got sucked into it because of Merle. A lot of times Daryl was one of the few trying to break it up when it happened. Mostly it just seemed like he hung around with Merle for lack of something else to do. And, sure, sometimes he drank too much and he could be a little hotheaded, but you always had the sense from his rugged but quiet exterior that underneath he was sweet. He chatted with you shyly, asking questions about how you were and your life, but he never pried and he never acted inappropriately toward you or any of the other staff. Daryl Dixon had never once grabbed your ass and that was more than you could say for most of the regulars… Finally, after some consideration, you nodded. “Okay. That’d be great. Thanks,” you said.
He nodded, nudging his nose up. “Hop on.” His heart jumped as you accepted his offered hand for assistance and slid in behind him. It jumped again when he felt your arms lightly loop around him. “Where to?” You explained the route to your house and the bike roared to life underneath you. You held on a little more tightly as he pulled away from the curb.
Your mind was whirring over what you needed to do about Mark. You knew you wanted to end it but you had just witnessed how unstable he was at the moment. Lost in your head, it seemed like mere seconds when Daryl started to slow and you looked up and realized you were already home. The lights were on inside and Mark’s motorcycle was parked in the driveway. Daryl shut his bike off and you climbed off, straightening up at the curb and glancing at him. “Thank you. Really,” you said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “I can’t even tell you how much I appreciate it.”
His blue eyes were soft on your face and one corner of his mouth twitched up as he nodded again. “S’nothin’. Anytime.” His eyes drifted over to the motorcycle in the driveway and that little smile faded. His brow furrowed as he glanced back at you. “Ya sure you’re alright?” He sensed there was something going on. Afterall, he’d seen you leave with Mark and yet there you’d been, abandoned on the side of the road…
You gulped. Your heart started racing. You hesitated for a moment. “Um… Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks again, Daryl.”
He had an uneasy feeling but what could he do? It’s not like he could invite himself to hang around. He chewed his bottom lip anxiously for a moment and then nodded. “Alright. I’ll see ya around,” he said, starting his bike up again. He watched you turn and walk up the drive and front walkway. At the top step you glanced back at him and waved. He nodded and revved the engine as you slipped inside.
_ _ _ _ _ _
When Daryl made it back to the shitty motel he and Merle were calling home at the moment, paid for with stolen credit cards and hustled pool money, Merle was kicked back on his bed getting high. Marijuana smoke was thick in the air.
“Oh, you’re back quick, baby brother,” he smirked. “You must be a two thrust and done kind of guy,” he said with a laugh and a goading smile.
Daryl rolled his eyes. “Shut the fuck up, Merle,” he growled, not in the mood for his brother’s bullshit. He pulled his leather jacket off and tossed it down on the chair in the corner before flopping down on his own bed.
“You tellin’ me you didn’t bed that girl?” Merle said, sitting up. “You’ve been pining after that pretty little ass of hers for years. Why the hell did you offer to drive her home if you weren’t gonna fuck her? What the hell was in it for you?” Daryl’s jaw clenched and he glared at his older brother.
“You’re a worthless piece of shit, sometimes, ya know that? Why don’t you just shut the fuck up?” Daryl spat back at him. He flopped down on his pillow and turned his back on his brother. He could hear Merle laughing to himself again and then the volume on the TV clicked up. Daryl was glad to fall asleep, admittedly thinking about how you smelled a little like lavender and vanilla and remembering the feeling of your arms around his waist.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The next day, Daryl and Merle were back in the bar at the usual time. Your friend Rachel was behind the counter loading her tray with drinks, but as Daryl scanned the room for you there was no sign of you. Maybe you were on a break. He grabbed his usual spot at the bar and Merle was already sweet-talking Rachel again.
Daryl flagged down Charlie and ordered a bourbon. “Hey. Y/N on break?” he asked, hoping it sounded casual.
Charlie shook his head, grabbing a bottle and pouring Daryl’s drink. “No. She called in sick today,” he said with surprise. Daryl’s brow immediately furrowed.
“Sick?” he repeated. Charlie nodded and let out a laugh.
“I know. I think it’s the first time since she’s worked here,” he said. “Except the food poisoning incident a few years back,” he added with a laugh. “But, hell, we were all sick after that.”
Daryl nodded and mumbled a thanks accepting the drink from him. He couldn’t remember ever coming in and you not being there on a day you usually worked. He felt that hard pit form in his stomach again. The night before had seemed off to him in the first place. Seeing you walking alone along the road in the dark like that… What the hell? He knew the kind of people who moved through this little shit town. That wasn’t fucking safe. Your fucking boyfriend had been with you. Why had you been alone? And the way you’d answered him when he’d pressed you to make sure you were alright… you’d hesitated. Daryl downed his bourbon in one big gulp and flagged the bartender down again.
And now you weren’t in today. Your boyfriend’s bike had been in the driveway. He anxiously chewed on the side of his thumbnail. Maybe you really were just sick. But he had a feeling you weren’t. What the hell are you gonna do? Show up at her damn house like a fuckin’ stalker?. Daryl knew there wasn’t anything he could do and he hated that.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The next day Merle was sleeping off a bender so Daryl rode over to the bar alone. He didn’t even want a damn drink. He just wanted to know that you were okay. That annoying pit was still in his stomach. It was still early when he came in so things were slow and there were only a couple townies nursing beers in the corner. He sidled up to his usual spot at the bar. First glance around the room revealed you were conspicuously absent.
“Daryl. What can I get you?” Charlie asked, wiping down the bar top purely out of boredom.
“Just gimme a beer,” Daryl said, tossing a few bucks down. “Shit. Hold that for a minute. I gotta take a leak,” he drawled. He headed down the hallway that led to the restrooms and took a piss, deciding he needed a fucking smoke before he went back for his drink. He was trying to ignore the anxiety swirling in his stomach that you weren’t at work again. He pushed through the back door, digging in his pocket for his lighter, but he glanced up when he sensed someone standing nearby. “Hey,” he said, realizing it was you. You were leaned up against the wall, a lit cigarette dangling between your fingers. You seemed almost to shrink away when he noticed you. “I didn’t know ya smoked,” he said surprised.
You exhaled, your knee bouncing a little anxiously. “I don’t. Usually.” Your body language was closed off, entirely unlike you.
As Daryl looked at you his unease grew and was quickly replaced with the seeds of anger. You had sunglasses on and it seemed like you were purposely trying to keep your face turned slightly away from him. His eyes landed on a bruise on your upper arm and he stepped toward you, eyes narrowed. “Ya weren’t sick yesterday,” he said. He could clearly see individual finger marks bruised into your arm.
You kept your eyes turned down toward the pavement and took another drag on your cigarette. You could feel Daryl’s strikingly blue eyes scrutinizing you now. What the hell could you say?
He moved slowly, like he was worried he would startle you, but soon he was in front of you and you couldn’t avoid his eyes any longer. There was a split in your lip and it was a bit bruised and puffy. That seed of anger in Daryl’s chest burst into a flame. “What happened?”
You pulled your eyes away from his, grateful that they were still hidden behind your sunglasses because you could feel humiliated tears burning in them. “I’m fine.”
Daryl wanted nothing more at that moment than to lift your chin and look you over, put his hands on you gently the only way someone should. But he stopped himself and sighed and shook his head, leaning back against the wall beside you and finally lighting his cigarette, casting sideways glances in your direction. “He put his fuckin’ hands on ya,” he said softly. There was a growl in his voice.
You gulped.
“What the hell happened?” he pressed again. “I knew somethin’ was off when I dropped ya off. I could fuckin’ feel it. I shoulda—”
“No, you did plenty,” you said, straightening up. “It’s not your problem.” You finally lifted your sunglasses and put them up on your head, turning to look at Daryl. Now he could see the swollen puffiness and bruising around your eye and cheekbone. He thought there was a shadow of a bruise over the bridge of your nose too. You’d clearly tried to lessen the appearance with makeup but it was still very obvious in the bright sunlight.
Daryl felt another burning wave of rage. “He done this to ya before?” he asked. Now he was wondering how many days you’d been at work with fresh bruises hidden beneath your clothes. If he had known—
You shook your head. “No. No… He—he started using again.” You sighed and leaned your back against the wall. “He was driving all crazy when we left the other night and we had a fight about it and he threw me off his bike and left me there. That’s why I was walking out there alone when you spotted me. I knew he’d started using immediately. I’d never seen him like. He was like a different person.” You ground the butt of your cigarette out against the brick wall and tossed the it into the dumpster a few paces away. “After you dropped me off I confronted him about it. I told him I didn’t want him around me or in my house. He denied it and then got angry… I—I just got out of there and ran to my neighbor’s and she called the cops.” You couldn’t find it in yourself to look at Daryl. You felt humiliated and ashamed of the whole thing. “They arrested him,” you said, scuffing a shoe on the ground. “So, that’s that.”
“Shit, ‘m sorry,” Daryl drawled. “I wouldn’ta left ya there if I’d known—”
You let out a wry laugh and caught his blue eyes. “Yeah, well… I wouldn’t have had you leave me there if I’d known. But there was no way to know he was going to hit me and—” The sight of the bruises on your face sent a jolt of anger through Daryl every time he looked at them.
“Ya don’t deserve that. ‘M real sorry ya went through it,” he said again.
There was a softness and heavy regret in his voice and it caused your eyes to flicker up to meet his again. You nodded. “Thanks.”
“So, the prick is in jail?” Daryl asked. You nodded. “Good,” he said, tossing his cigarette down and grinding it under his boot. “And he best be glad for it ‘cuz if I see him around here I’mma kick his ass.”
You shook your head at him, a questioning look on your face.
“What?” he prompted.
Maybe Rachel was right. Maybe Daryl Dixon was taken. “Nothing,” you said, shaking your head. “Probably should get back,” you said. Daryl pulled the door open for you and you both breezed back inside.
Things returned to normal for a few days after that. Same old regulars, same old drinks, life went on. But since Daryl’s obvious care and concern for you and Rachel’s comments you were suddenly noticing how you seemed to blush so easily around him… And every time you caught his blue eyes your heart jumped a little in your chest. Maybe it had always been that way and you were just allowing yourself to notice it. You’d always thought he was sweet and handsome, but nothing beyond that had been on your radar. Now that you were tuned in you seemed to be picking up on frequencies you hadn’t registered before.
One day you rushed into the bar, running late and obviously a bit harried. Charlie shot you a look as you tied your apron on. “I know! I know… I’m sorry,” you told him. “My car is on the fritz. It keeps overheating and—anyway, I’m sorry. I’m here,” you finished, grabbing your order pad and a pen.
Merle and Daryl were sitting in their usual places at the bar and you could feel the younger Dixon’s bright blue eyes on you. “Hey—I—I can take a look at it if ya want,” Daryl drawled, looking a little abashed that he was offering.
“Really?” you asked, perking up immediately. “That would be—amazing. Honestly, I can’t spare the cash at the moment to take it to a shop and—”
“‘S’no problem,” Daryl said, spinning his beer glass in his hand and ducking his head again. “Ya just say when.” You grinned widely at him and his heart fluttered.
“Thank you so much. Um, do you have any time tomorrow afternoon? I’m off work.”
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod. “Ya. Sure.”
“Great. Thank you, Daryl,” you said.
Merle watched the exchange with some interest and then got that usual cocky smirk on his face. “Well, why don’t I come by too? While my baby brother services your car, I can help service somethin’ else,” he said, his tongue darting out to lick over his bottom lip. He chuckled at the sassy and disapproving look on your face in response.
“Keep dreaming, Merle,” you retorted, rolling your eyes at him.
“Oh, I will, darlin’.”
The bar was busy that night, but you still found yourself talking with Daryl whenever you had a spare moment. He seemed to be a little less shy the more you spoke, and you found yourself smiling and laughing more than you could remember in a long time. And it was becoming very difficult to ignore those pesky butterflies in your stomach and that warmth in the apples of your cheeks as you talked with the handsome biker and caught his blue eyes.
That night you had trouble sleeping, and as you tossed and turned you couldn’t stop thinking about Daryl and were finding yourself anxious with anticipation for the next afternoon when he said he’d come by. He’s just being nice. Don’t read into it. You had this nasty habit of talking yourself out of thinking anyone was interested in you. Rachel was good at calling you out on it. You subconsciously bit your bottom lip and rolled to your other side. But maybe he really was interested in you… You were realizing you were definitely interested in him.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The sound of a motorcycle rumbling up in front of your house and then going quiet brought you to the front window. You peeked out and saw Daryl climbing off his bike. Your heart jumped.
He watched you breeze out onto the front walk and the smile you were giving him was intoxicating. You shoved your hands into your back pockets a little nervously and met him on the driveway. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he said, shifting his weight anxiously from one hip to the other. You were just in jeans and a t-shirt but Daryl still thought you were the most beautiful goddamn thing he’d ever seen. “This the problem car?” he asked, jutting a finger the direction of your car.
You nodded. “Yep. I swear I can’t go two blocks without the damn thing overheating,” you explained.
“Hmm,” he hummed, walking around to the front end. “Pop the hood,” he murmured. You walked around and opened the driver’s side door and pulled the hood latch. Daryl lifted it and was immediately bent over the engine, already peering at this part and wiggling that. You came around to stand beside him and Daryl was finding it hard not to glance over at you.
“Thanks again for doing this,” you said. “You really didn’t need to offer.”
Daryl shrugged. “‘S’nothin. Can’t have ya breakin’ down. That ain’t safe,” he said.
You felt a rush of heat in your chest at his protectiveness. “Well, can I at least get you a beer or something while I totally take advantage of your free labor?”
Daryl turned and one corner of his mouth twitched up. Ugh. Your heart jumped at that boyish smile. “It’s yer day off. Don’t ya think ya’ve brought me enough drinks over the years? We ain’t at the bar.”
You laughed lightly and shrugged. “I don’t mind. It’s literally the least I can do.”
“Ya gonna have one? I ain’t a fan of drinkin’ alone,” he drawled. You nodded. “Alright. Sure.”
“Great,” you smiled. “I’ll be right back.” When you came back with two cold beers in hand, Daryl was leaning over the engine compartment in deep concentration. You allowed yourself to notice his broad shoulders and strong, toned arms and found yourself subconsciously biting your bottom lip again… Your face flushed. You practically needed to shake yourself out of it. “Here,” you said, offering him one of the beers.
He straightened up and accepted it with a nod. “Thanks.”
You leaned over the engine and peered down at what looked to you like an unknowable mass of metal. “Any luck yet?”
He took a swig of his beer and shrugged. “Well, your radiator seems fine. Coolant level is good, no signs of a leak. Might be a bad water pump. Or could be a few other things I’ll check.”
“I’m just hoping for something cheap and easy to fix,” you said with a laugh.
One corner of Daryl’s mouth twitched up again. He loved your laugh. He never got tired of hearing it. “Ya, I got my fingers crossed for ya too.”
“So, how’d you learn all this stuff? Your dad teach you or something?” you asked curiously.
“Nah. My old man pretty much only ever taught me what not to do,” he muttered, leaning on the edge of the engine compartment and ducking his head a bit.
You felt your heart sink. You sensed something vulnerable there, something painful. “Mmm. I see. Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I—”
Daryl’s eyes immediately shot up to your face. “Nah, ya didn’t pry. S’alright.” His blue eyes were still fixed on your face and Daryl let himself drink in the sight of you in this new context. It felt so comfortable, so natural just talking with you, even when he neared things he never revealed to anyone. He wasn’t used to that, but he could get used to it. “Nah, I taught myself. Mostly trial and error. There’ve been times I’ve had a whole lotta nothin’ to do so,” he shrugged.
You nodded, your eyebrows lifting. “I’m impressed,” you said.
He shyly ducked his head again, hoping you wouldn’t see a red flush in his ears and cheeks as he felt them grow warm. “Pfft. It takes that little to impress ya?” he joked.
“No! Come on! Give yourself some credit! I mean it! I have absolutely no mechanical mind at all. As far as I’m concerned, an engine is a magic device that runs on belief,” you laughed shaking your head.
“Nah, c’mon. It ain’t that complicated. The engine just converts energy from the burning gasoline into work. That’s what turns the wheels. You’ve got the cylinders, right? See, your car here is a 4 cylinder. There’s a piston inside each of those cylinders that moves up and down and it’s connected with a rod to the crankshaft and that’s what turns the driveshaft which makes the wheels go. The pistons move down when oxygen and fuel are mixed and ignited. Cuz the gases expand, right?”
You stared at him blankly for a moment before a wide smile grew on your face and you laughed. “Listen, I understood everything you just said in principal but—” you shrugged vaguely, “if you asked me to explain it back in two minutes it’d already be out of my brain. Just let me be impressed with you,” you said.
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod, an amused look on his face. You thought maybe his cheeks were even a little pink as he took a swig out of his beer and turned back toward your car. “Alrigh’. I’ll try,” he said. “Ain’t used to nobody being impressed with my dumb ass.”
“Hey! Dumb ass should never be applied to you!” you argued, giving him a stern look.
“Mmm.” He ducked his head again and tried to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat at your words. “Your house, your rules, I guess,” he drawled.
You leaned over the engine next to him again. “That’s right. Now please fix my damn car,” you said with a laugh.
And Daryl did just that. By the time he was wiping his hands on a red rag that had been dangling out of his back pocket and putting the tools away, you were shocked to see that the afternoon was gone and it was now officially evening. You’d stayed on the driveway with him the whole time, talking easily about everything and nothing at all, not noticing how the hours slid by. “I don’t even know how to thank you for this,” you said as he shut the hood. The handsome biker shrugged.
“Ya don’t need to. S’nothin’.”
You sighed and gave him a look, shaking your head. “You really are way too modest.” Daryl ducked his head shyly and shrugged again. “Well, it’s getting late. Um, did you want to stay for dinner? I was gonna cook something.”
He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and chewed it anxiously for a minute, hardly believing you’d just offered that. He wanted to say yes, but part of him talked back. She’s just bein’ nice. She feels obligated… “Nah, thas alright. Ya probably are sick of me by now,” he said finally.
You shook your head again. “Except I’m really not, Daryl.”
His eyes snapped over to your face and he hesitated again but his nerves got the best of him. “Nah, thanks but—I should go. Gotta check up on Merle, ya know?”
You nodded but couldn’t help feeling disappointed. “Sure. Okay. Well, hey, raincheck then. You can come over some other time. I’m a good cook,” you said. “I mean, when is the last time you had a homecooked meal?”
“Uhh—” He tried to remember if he’d ever had one…
“That’s too long,” you said. “You just say when and we’ll make it happen.” You gulped and touched him lightly on the arm. His blue eyes left your face and flickered down to the point of contact between the two of you. It was electrifying and when your fingers slipped from him, he really wished they wouldn’t. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Daryl, thanks again. I really mean it. Now I won’t piss Charlie off tomorrow. I’ll actually be on time again.”
“Yeah. No problem. I’ll see ya,” he said, gathering the small bag of tools he’d brought over.
You grinned at him and felt your cheeks color. “I hope so,” you said. He gave you a somewhat baffled look and shyly murmured another goodbye. You watched as he climbed on his bike and sped away. The last thing you caught sight of were the angel wings on the back of his jacket and you thought of how wonderfully fitting that was. Even if Rachel was wrong and Daryl wasn’t taken with you, you were starting to realize you were now completely taken with him. And you didn’t know how you hadn’t seen it before.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The next day at work started off insanely busy. Customers seemed to be coming in earlier than usual and you were slammed far sooner than you expected with food and drink orders. But after an initial rush, things slowed way down, and that was about the time that the Dixon brothers wandered in and took their usual seats at the bar.
Daryl looked for you immediately out of habit as he walked in and was surprised to meet your eyes which were already on him. You broke into a small smile and Daryl’s heart jumped. As soon as you could, you came over to say hello.
“Hi,” you said with an even wider grin, leaning on the bar top.
“Hey,” Daryl returned.
Merle was looking between the two of you, noting the smiles and intense eye contact. He laughed. “You two do more than fixin’ a car yesterday or what? Huh?” He nudged his elbow into Daryl hard, whose jaw clenched. The younger Dixon gave his older brother a look which could properly be described as a death glare.
“Shut the fuck up, Merle,” Daryl growled.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” you said to Merle, straightening up, shooting him a smirk.
“Ahh, come on. I’m just teasing you. I know my baby brother ain’t really man enough to—”
“You know, I think I know what you were about to say and I’m gonna tell you I have a very hard time believing that to be true,” you interrupted, leaning toward Merle over the counter, your voice taking on a tone that was soft but dangerous. “I think you might need to reevaluate who the real man is between the two of you.” You straightened up and shot Daryl a warm look that made his throat constrict. “Be nice,” you scolded Merle, “or I’ll ignore you for good. You’ll be stuck listening to nothing but Charlie’s same stupid jokes.”
Daryl watched in disbelief as you breezed away across the bar and he tried to gulp at the tightness in his throat.
Merle was staring after you too, obviously looking you up and down, and he let out a low whistle. “She’s way too good for you, little brother.”
Daryl nervously ran his tongue over his bottom lip and simply let out a hum of acknowledgement. Don’t I fucking know it.
Since things were so slow, you had plenty of time to chat with Daryl at the bar. Merle eventually wandered away to play some noisy rounds of pool with some fellow bikers and you were glad for his absence. Daryl was so much more relaxed without his brother sitting beside him and making snide or sarcastic comments…
“How are ya doin’?” Daryl asked pointedly. “I mean since… ya know, that night. Ya gotta go to court?”
You avoided his eyes now, feeling that same wave of shame cresting again as you thought about your asshole of an ex-boyfriend and what he’d done to you. “Not sure yet,” you said. “I think the lawyers are still doing their legal maneuvering. Depends on if he pleads guilty or not.”
Daryl felt suddenly anxious about broaching such a sensitive topic with you. Yeah, that’s what she wants to think about, dumbass. “‘M sorry. I shouldn’ta asked. Ain’t none of my business,” he said urgently.
“No! No, it’s okay! I, umm, I appreciate it actually… It’s—I’m okay,” you said. “I feel safe knowing he’s in jail.”
“Mm,” Daryl agreed with a nod. “They get… evidence? He gonna stay there ya think?” He was seized by a sudden and unexplainable intense worry. He knew plenty of asshole men like your ex and most of them didn’t give up easily and they didn’t take any perceived slight lying down.
“Well, I had to go to the police station afterwards and give a statement. They took pictures of everything. And I went to the hospital, so they have the reports…” You trailed off for a moment. “They got statements from my neighbor who called 9-1-1.”
Daryl nodded. “If ya ever need anything, ya just gotta ask,” he said seriously.
He watched the worry on your face soften as you nodded. “Thanks, Daryl.” God, he loved the sound of his name leaving your lips.
Your shift was over and you gathered up your purse from the back and dropped off your apron and order pad behind the bar, saying goodbye to Charlie. Daryl was still sitting up at the bar and Merle was playing pool, so you were glad to have a brief exchange with the handsome biker again without his obnoxious older brother around. “Well, I’m exhausted,” you said. “At least I can go out to my car and know it’ll get me home without a problem now.”
Daryl nodded. “Can’t have ya broken down somewhere this time of night. ‘Specially by yourself.”
“Right. Well, I’ll see ya, Daryl. And I mean it about that homecooked meal!” you said with a smile.
He nudged his nose up in a nod and watched you disappear through the door into the parking lot. He raised a finger to the bartender. “Gimme a double whiskey.”
Charlie was just sliding the drink over when Daryl thought he heard something from the direction of the door and he spun on his stool. It looked like someone had partially opened it, but nobody came in and nobody had gone out and the door slammed closed. He stared at it intensely for a moment, unsure why the hairs on the back of his neck were suddenly standing on end. Probably just the wind or something…
It was just then that he heard a scream from outside in the parking lot and Daryl was immediately on his feet and out the door. He saw red as he took in the scene. Your fucking douchebag, abusive ex was trying to force you into a car and you were struggling with him, fighting as hard as you could. Your purse was on the ground beside your vehicle a distance away and Daryl could see drag marks in the gravel where he’d obviously surprised you and dragged you away. He had a firm grip on your upper arm and with the other hand had a fistful of your hair. You were struggling with everything you had, yelling and fighting, but he was a lot bigger than you. It was a battle you would have lost, despite your tenacity.
But Daryl was a blur of action. Rushing him, he swung a fist and punched him hard across the face. You fell hard to the ground as his grip on you disappeared completely. You scrambled up and out of the way as best you could, but you were dazed and having trouble breathing through your panic. You suddenly realized that there were terrified tears pouring down your face. You were trembling.
Daryl was pulling Mark up by the front of his jacket and slammed his fist into his face again. Your ex dropped to the ground hard. He was still on the ground when he kicked Daryl in the shin, knocking him off balance. Daryl landed on his back in the dirt. “Mark, stop!” you screamed. You watched in horror as Mark pulled out a knife, the same one he’d told you he had when he jumped you, the same one you had briefly felt in the small of your back as he demanded compliance. Mark started moving toward Daryl’s prone figure. You felt your face blanche completely. But Daryl was faster and a better fighter and he was back on his feet in no time, keeping clear of the knife as Mark swiped toward him with it. Charlie and the other bar patrons had come out to see what was happening and the bartender had rushed back inside and was now on the phone with 9-1-1. You were screaming at Mark, trying desperately to reason with him, but he might as well have been totally deaf for all the attention he paid you.
Daryl took an opportunity and knocked him back on his ass again with a good punch and then kicked the knife out of his hand. It skidded away on the gravel and you breathed some small sigh of relief. Daryl landed over him and was punching him repeatedly in the face as police lights flashed brighter and sirens droned louder. The cops had arrived. “Daryl!” You rushed forward. “Daryl, stop! It’s okay!” You grabbed his shoulder and he immediately froze, fist cocked back, knuckles bloodied, chest heaving. Another moment and there were cops rushing over and pulling him away. One officer immediately led you a short distance away and you watched helplessly as both Daryl and Mark were put in handcuffs and then taken away in squad cars practically before you registered what was happening. “Wait—he didn’t—No, it was Mark. He—Daryl was protecting me! He—he tried to take me and—" You were trying to explain, trying to get the words out but it was all jumbled and rushed.
“Ma’am, slow down. Take a breath! Slow down! Okay. It’s okay,” the officer coached you.
“It wasn’t his fault!” you said urgently. Just then an ambulance pulled up and the EMTs jumped out. They raced over to you and you could tell by the looks on their faces that you must be a mess, red-faced and crying. You had no idea that you were bleeding from a laceration in your forehead where Mark had bashed your head into the car as he tried to force you inside. You had no idea that your neck looked raw and red, already revealing broken blood vessels and the obvious start of bruising from his hands around your throat. There was almost a visible hand impression on your upper arm where he’d grabbed you. “You—you took both of them but Daryl didn’t—”
The officer and the EMTs continued trying to calm you down. You glanced over your shoulder and noticed that most of the patrons had skipped out as soon as they’d heard the sirens, or perhaps as soon as Charlie had run for the phone. There were only a couple left and of course Charlie as well being questioned. You rounded on the cop again. “Just take me down to the station! I’ll give you a statement and then—then you have to let Daryl go! He didn’t do anything wrong. He saved me,” you gasped, the full weight of what had happened still not hitting you.
“Ma’am, you need stitches,” one of the EMTs told you gently. “Come on. We need to go to the hospital.” His partner pushed the cop back who was intent only on questioning you.
It was like all of a sudden, the adrenaline in your bloodstream vanished and you were exhausted and the pain started to set in. You glanced back over your shoulder and met Charlie’s eyes, he nodded and gave you a worried look before you turned back to the cop and the EMTs. “My—my purse is—” you gestured to where it was lying beside your car.
“We’ll have someone bring it to you after we get photographs, okay?” the cop said. You allowed yourself to be guided into the ambulance, shock starting to set in.
The doctors in the ER wouldn’t let the police question you while they patched you up and you were grateful for that. Besides, there was no chance of what had happened fading in your memory. To the contrary, every bit of it was burned in your mind despite how fast it had all happened. But you needed a goddamn minute to process it. He was out. How the fuck was he out of jail? And why the fuck hadn’t anyone warned you? You’d just stopped beside your car, ready to put the key in the lock when something hit you hard in the head from behind and you remembered dropping to your knees, stunned and with black vision. You’d heard his voice and made a break for the door into the bar. You’d actually gotten your hand on the handle and pushed but you were grabbed and pulled back violently. And then you’d just fought as hard as you could, tooth and nail. You knew if you got into that car, there was a good chance you were going to end up dead. He wasn’t in his right mind.
It was hard to believe this was the same Mark you’d been in a relationship with. He’d never been the least bit violent toward you, but the drugs… as soon as he started using again, he was a different person. But even then, even after he’d beat you up, you never would have expected this.
Once you’d been treated and released at the hospital, you found yourself sitting in the police station with a little Styrofoam cup of tea clutched between your hands, and some cop’s coat draped around your shoulders. The interview room was uncomfortably cold, but the numbness of shock and disbelief superseded the sensation of the chill air, though you were vaguely aware that you were shivering.
A detective came in and sat across from you at the little table and you looked up at him as he settled into his chair. He sighed heavily and leaned forward, readying his pen over his notepad. “I’m Detective Peters,” he said, checking his watch. “It is Thursday, April 28th, and 10 minutes past 11.” You’d given a statement just days earlier. You knew how this worked. You knew he was marking the date and time for the recording that the little, inconspicuous camera up in the corner was taking. “Alright, Y/N. I’m really sorry to see you again so soon under these circumstances.” He was the detective who was handling your domestic violence case too.
“Yeah, well, so am I,” you said, gritting your teeth a little. The numbness receded a little and was replaced by anger. “How the fuck is it that he was out of jail? He tried to kill me. How was he out? And why didn’t anyone contact me?” you demanded.
“He bonded out. And, yes, I’m sorry… we should have notified you. But we never considered him to be this much of a danger.”
“You never considered him to be this much of a danger?” you repeated incredulously. “We discussed a protection order. I don’t think that implies that everything is peachy.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He paused. “But we need to go over everything that happened tonight and get a statement from you.”
“I’ve already been questioned three times,” you said, exhausted and exasperated. “Why did you arrest Daryl? He saved me. He’s the reason I’m sitting here right now instead of being… I don’t know, maybe dead in a ditch somewhere. Are you still holding him? Is he still here?”
“It was chaos when the officers got there. We need to get everyone’s statements to sort this all out, okay? We didn’t know who was the aggressor or—”
You sighed heavily and shook your head. “Fine. Let’s just do the statement.” You walked him through everything that had happened and consented to have more pictures taken of your injuries; the laceration on your scalp, the bruises around your neck, the handprint on your arm, the scrapes and bruises and cuts on your knees. By the end of it you were so tired you weren’t seeing straight, but the detective stood up and you glanced up when you sensed he was looking down at you.
“Wait here just a few more minutes. I’ll be back,” he said. He left you alone in that little room again and you slumped forward, resting your head on your arms at the little table, completely spent and hurting all over. You weren’t sure how much time had passed when Detective Peters came back in.
“Y/N? Follow me,” he said. You obeyed and walked blindly after him through the station until he unlocked a heavy metal door and pushed through into a room lined with a couple holding cells.
You perked up and breezed past him, scanning the room for Daryl immediately. He jumped up from where he’d been slumped on a metal bench in one of the cells as you rushed over to him. He met you at the bars. “Are you okay?” you asked him urgently. You ignored the twinge in your forehead from your stitches as you furrowed your brow.
“Me? Are ya kiddin’?” he drawled, peering down at you with nothing but concern. “Are you?” His stomach twisted at the sight of your injuries.
You knew you couldn’t get any words out through the bubble of emotion caught in your throat so you only nodded. The clinking of keys behind you drew your attention and you stepped back as Detective Peters moved forward. He slid a key into the heavy lock and turned it, sliding the cell open and gesturing to Daryl that he could exit.
“I’m sorry about throwing you in here,” the detective said. “Everything in your statements matches up, so you’re free to go, with my thanks.” He extended a hand toward Daryl who eyed it with distaste for a moment.
“I don’t want yer thanks. I want ya to do a goddamn better job. This was too fuckin’ close. Never shoulda happened,” he spat. The detective looked regretful and nodded, dropping his hand back to his side.
“Daryl,” you said softly, gently grabbing his arm, trying to reroute the conversation. You were just grateful that he was no longer in a cell. Daryl’s eyes met yours and his expression softened immediately.
Detective Peters sighed. “I’ve got one of my guys waiting to drive you both home. Y/N, they have your items for you up front too. Again… I’m really sorry. But I can assure you that Mark won’t be getting out anytime soon after this.”
“The fuck is wrong with the damn laws? Girl almost had to die before ya’ll got up off your asses,” Daryl spat angrily again. You gently touched his arm again and he relaxed some, glancing down at you and sighing.
As you were settling into the squad car to be driven home, Daryl felt your eyes on his face and he glanced over and took in the wide-eyed expression underneath the fresh stitches and bruises. “Hmm?” he prompted you.
Your heart pounded in your chest. “Could I—I’ve got no right to ask you for anything after what you’ve already done but… could I ask you for another favor?” you said quietly.
Daryl stared back at you intently, feeling suddenly nervous under your eyes. If you’d asked him for the moon at that moment, he would have fucking figured out how to give it to you. He nodded. “Course.”
You wrung your hands nervously. “I’d feel better if—if you’d stay at my place tonight. I know it isn’t rational and that he’s—he’s locked up but I’d feel safer. But if that’s too much to ask I completely understand. You’ve already done more than enough and I—”
“Ain’t no problem. I’ll stay,” he said simply. You thought of him as safety. He didn’t think anyone in his life had ever seen him that way.
You felt a wave of relief and it was visible on your face. You shut your eyes briefly, again feeling beyond exhausted and hurting almost head to toe. “Thank you,” you breathed. “Thank you.”
Daryl nodded and ripped his eyes away from you. You leaned forward and gave your address to the cop and in no time you were both climbing out at the end of your driveway.
You stood at the front door and dug your keys out of your purse. Daryl noticed how much you were shaking as you tried to fit the key into the lock and his face contorted with concern. “Here,” he said gently, his hand enclosing over yours and taking the key from you before slotting it into the lock. His heart jumped at the contact and he did his best to ignore it. Now wasn’t the damn time.
“Thanks,” you murmured, accepting the keys from him again and pushing inside ahead of him.
Daryl softly shut and locked the door behind the two of you and stood a little awkwardly on the front mat. You moved stiffly across the front room and into the kitchen, clicking on the light. Daryl heard you shifting some things around before you returned with a cloth in one hand and a small bag of ice in the other.
You nudged your head toward the couch and he anxiously chewed on his bottom lip but obeyed and took a seat. You sank down beside him, your eyelids heavy with exhaustion, but he knew better than to argue as you pulled his hand over toward you and dabbed at the dried blood across his knuckles. They were split and puffy from their repeated connection with that prick’s face. Worth it. When you were satisfied that they were cleaned up enough, you laid the cloth and then the ice across them and glanced up at his face.
There seemed to be something you wanted to say, something in your expression that took Daryl aback, but before he could decode it, it vanished and you just looked defeated and weary. Daryl swallowed his nerves and nodded at you. “Go on to bed. I’ll be right here all night,” he said.
You gave him another long look before nodding and climbing to your feet with no small amount of effort. “Thank you,” you said, and you hadn’t meant for it to come out in a whisper, but it did. He only nodded back before ducking his head and avoiding your gaze, feeling a little overwhelmed. You managed to trudge to your bedroom and practically poured yourself into bed, still in all your clothes. Feeling safe, knowing Daryl was out on the couch, you sank into a heavy sleep almost immediately.
The next morning you awoke early with the birds, stiff and aching. You clutched a hand to your head, wincing when it landed flush onto the stitches in your forehead. “Fuck,” you muttered, climbing out of bed. You went straight for the bathroom and took some painkillers, pausing to run a comb through your hair and wash your face. You tenderly touched the bruises on your neck and your arm and frowned. You looked a proper mess… You felt a wave of shame and embarrassment before struggling to shove those feelings down. You changed, feeling a little better, and quietly moving through the house, heading for the kitchen and the coffee pot.
Daryl was laid out on the couch, still fast asleep and your heart jumped at the sight of him there. He had his head resting on one of the throw pillows and was stretched out, legs crossed at the ankles, hands resting on his stomach. You couldn’t help but smile at how boyish he looked asleep and there was a wash of heat running through you as you finally tore your eyes away and padded softly into the kitchen.
Coffee brewing, you pulled ingredients out of the fridge and went about making some breakfast. In the other room, Daryl woke up to the sound of you cooking and the smell of bacon. He sat up and shifted on the couch, stretching and feeling a little self-conscious that you had obviously walked through and seen him asleep. He hastily ran his fingers through his hair, trying to smooth down any craziness that might be going on.
Your voice from the doorway into the kitchen drew his eyes. “Hey. Morning.”
You had a goddamn smile for him. Despite what you’d gone through the previous night, you were smiling. At him.
“Hey,” he returned. “Ya get some sleep?”
You nodded and stepped out into the living room, a mug in your hand. “I did.” You were sure your face was coloring pink. “Thanks for staying. Um, do you drink coffee?” you asked, gesturing with the cup in your hands.
He nodded. “Sure,” he said, climbing to his feet. You met him halfway and pushed the mug into his hands. The ceramic was warm and Daryl looked down at the spirals of steam curling away from the surface.
You disappeared for a moment and returned with your own mug. “I’ve got breakfast cooking if you’re hungry,” you said, sinking down onto the now empty couch. Daryl gulped and took a spot at the other end from you.
You took a sip, annoyed at how fast your heart was racing as you looked at the handsome biker on the other end of your couch. “How’s your hand?” you asked him.
He pulled it off the mug and flexed and curled his fingers a few times. It was deeply bruised and the knuckles were definitely still swollen. “S’fine,” he drawled. In truth it hurt, but far less than looking at what was left on your skin from what you’d endured. “How are ya?” A shadow darkened his face for a moment with worry.
You nodded a little hesitantly. “I’ll be okay. Took some painkillers so…”
Daryl pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and chewed on it anxiously for a moment. “‘M real sorry any of this happened to ya. Ya don’t deserve that.”
You gulped nervously. “Thanks…” You gave him another little smile, this one a little sad, but it seemed like your face brightened quickly again as you looked at him. He ducked his head.
In truth, Daryl couldn’t believe this was real. He’d pined after you for years, subsisting purely on a quick smile here and a word there as you simply did your job. If someone had told him a month earlier that he’d be sitting your house with you sipping coffee he would have thought they were batshit crazy. This was a long way from waking up in that dingy, smoky motel room with Merle bitching about needing another fix even before he could throw the blankets off. He’d never dared to think he would have anything like this, anything nice and normal. Not that he really had it… But even if this was a temporary, singular event it was doing something like filling him up and showing him that life wasn’t all just shit.
You were studying him as he seemed lost in thought, occasionally taking a sip of coffee, and you watched some anxiety cross his face. “C’mon and eat something with me. It’s the least I can do,” you said, nudging your head in the direction of the kitchen. Daryl glanced up and nudged his nose up in a nod before following you in.
You grinned a few minutes later as you sat across from each other at your little kitchen table and Daryl ate ravenously. He was suddenly self-conscious as he realized you were staring at him and he hastily wiped his mouth on his sleeve, but you only leaned your chin on your hand and continued looking at him with that little smile on your lips. It didn’t seem to belong there when you had fresh stitches and bruises. “Hmm?” he prompted, sensing there was something on your mind.
You shrugged and finally looked back down at your own plate. “Nothing. This is—this is nice,” you said.
Daryl gulped. “What is?”
“I don’t know. Just… this. Breakfast with you.”
Daryl’s heart jumped but he nodded in agreement, trying his hardest not to give in to the thoughts of self-doubt and inadequacy. It was nice. It was more than nice. He felt like he had fallen through a wormhole into an alternate reality.
You set your mug down and gave him a long look. “I’m a little surprised you weren’t scared away,” you admitted. “I wouldn’t blame you if you had wanted to just distance yourself from the girl with the psycho ex… Go back to me just being your waitress at the bar.” You twirled your mug in your hands, looking anywhere but at him.
Daryl’s brow furrowed and he studied your somewhat ashamed expression. “Nah. None of this is your fault. And—anything I can do to help, I’ll do it.”
Your eyes shot up to his face and this time his blue eyes held yours steadily. You didn’t know inside he was reeling. The atmosphere between the two of you felt suddenly thick and heavy, charged with electricity and hopeful expectations. Right when you were about to say something, or maybe do something the phone rang and you were startled out of that bubble of tension. You jumped a little and laughed abashedly before going to answer it.
Daryl let out a breath he hadn’t been holding and climbed to his feet, grabbing the dishes and piling them into the sink simply for something to do while you were on the phone. It was a quick call and when you turned around Daryl was rubbing a hand a bit nervously over the back of his neck. “Well, thanks for breakfast. I should probably get goin. Get outta yer hair’,” he drawled. He was sure you’d had enough of him by now.
“Oh,” you said. Wait, did that sound like disappointment?
Daryl gulped. “Ya should rest today. Take it easy,” he said. You nodded and wrung your hands a little nervously.
“I’ll try,” you said. You followed him out into the front room and watched as he pulled the door open and stepped outside, glancing back at you over his shoulder. “Thanks again. For… saving my life and staying and…” you trailed off.
Daryl was very aware that his heart was racing and that there suddenly seemed to be an expanding empty space between his lungs as he got ready to walk down your steps. “Yeah, uhh… don’t mention it. I’ll see ya.”
You gave him one final small smile and he turned away, giving you a clear view of the wings on the back of his vest. Something about the sight of those jolted you out of your hesitation and into action. You squeezed your eyes shut and swore under your breath, stepping out onto the stairs and touching his shoulder.
Daryl turned back in surprise and saw you looking a little wide-eyed and breathless. “Ya alright?”
You gulped down your nerves and looped your arms around his neck, your eyes closing as you leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, one of your hands moving to clasp his face, feeling the angles of his jaw and the stubble on his skin. It was soft and sweet, but your nerves got the better of you and you pulled back, anxious to take in his expression. He was on the step below you so his blue eyes were even with yours and you thought they were a little searching or maybe a little stunned.
His hands were suddenly on your waist, and it made him flush with heat, his eyes flickering between yours. His heart was pounding so hard and so fast he was worried you’d hear it. “Uhh… are ya sure this is a good idea right now?” he asked in that sweet southern drawl of his.
He watched a faint smile cross your lips and you nodded, your arms around his neck still. “Yeah. Best idea I’ve had in a long time.”
Daryl didn’t need any more encouragement. One of his hands pressed into the small of your back and pulled you into him while the other floated to clasp your face and tangle into your hair. Your lips crashed together, needy and sweet at first but building in heat as you both realized how long you had wanted this and how much better it was than you had even hoped. You smiled into his lips and pulled him more tightly into you, pressing your body against his. Daryl’s lips softened against yours and his hand smoothed through your hair to the nape of your neck as you pulled back just enough to look into each other’s eyes.
“Come back inside,” you breathed, running your fingers through his hair.
His eyes closed at the sensation and he nervously licked his lips. “If ya want me to.” He needed to hear it for it to be true, for this to be real.
You grinned at him, biting your bottom lip. “I want you to. Daryl, I—I wanted to kiss you last night. As soon as you were out of that stupid jail cell, but… I didn’t want you to think I was only doing it because I was—scared or concussed or something… So, come back inside and spend the day with me... Please?”
His expression softened and his lips curved in a small smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He nudged his nose up in a nod. “Alright,” he said, understated for the wild happiness and disbelief he was truly feeling. You were solid underneath his hands. His palm was flush to your lower back and you were leaning into him. “Anythin’ ya want.”
You shook your head at him and gave him a fond look. “Just you.”
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼Baby's Got Trouble. Don't Know How To Live. Don't Want To Die. (Cordelia Goode)👼
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Cordelia Goode x fem!reader
👼Part 6 of SP getting reader pregnant👼
👼Slice 1👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak
Somewhat au but more so later xx
👼Wordcount: 3422👼
👼Posted on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Content: Your mum sucks, slow-burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, more to be added later👼
👼“No, ma’am. It isn’t crazy hippie rubbish. As I said, your daughter has a place here at the academy. She will start classes upon arrival. It is best she bring all the clothing she has and any other personal items she might wan-“👼
“Hello? Is this the Robichaux or whatever place?”
“Robichaux Academy, yes it is. My name is Cordelia Goode, I’m the Headmistress of Robichaux Academy. How may I help?”
“Brilliant. My daughter, Yn, has somehow managed to break our wine glasses while we were- my husband, son, and I were sitting eating at the dining table. She then managed to fix them once the initial shock wore off but this can’t go on. She’s a disgrace to the family. We heard tales from her great grandmother about witches in Salem but we just thought she was going batty in her old age. Regardless, can you fix our daughter?”
“I- Ma’am, I understand that to people like you- er, I mean, people without magical abilities, that it is scary when these abilities show themselves, but it doesn’t mean your daughter needs to be- to be fixed. Yes, she can come to the academy, there should have been a letter in the-“
“Oh. That place. We got the letter and threw it out thinking it was some crazy hippie rubbish.”
“No, ma’am. It isn’t crazy hippie rubbish. As I said, your daughter has a place here at the academy. She will start classes upon arrival. It is best she bring all the clothing she has and any other personal items she might wan-“
“She will take what she can fit into that stupid bag of hers before we kick her out. We don’t want her in the house any longer. She’s a disgrace and is putting us in danger.”
“I think- I think she’s the one in danger, not you. People still- There are people out there that still want us dead. She will be safer surrounded by her sisters. Someone will come by to make sure she makes it here safely.”
“Good. I suggest someone come quick because after I hang up, she’s no longer welcome.”
“I- Okay ma’am. Very well then. Someone will be there shortly. Have a pleasant evening.”
You have always hated the dark ever since you were a little kid, it’s not the darkness itself that scares you but rather the inability to see what could see you. The lights that lined the streets offered little to no visibility, they were as useful as soldiers would be standing in their place, in fact, they were probably what made you most unnerved about sitting outside on the curb at night, they had this uneven yellow glow to them that only managed to give off light in a very small orb around them. The only thing that would make your current situation more unpleasant than it already was, would be if a thick fog rolled in, trapping the light in an even smaller radius, and making the darkness around you all that more ceaseless.
It was a relatively quiet part of New Orleans, and at the moment you couldn’t tell whether this was a blessing or a curse. Sure, there weren’t random people approaching you and asking if you have money or if you need help, but there was also no one around if something were to happen to you. Yes, your scream could be heard but no one would come running to see where it had come from or why it had been made.
Your parents hadn’t really explained much about where you were going, they said “gather your shit in that bag of yours and get out” followed by a “someone from that hippie academy will pick you up” but that was all they had said before the door hit your ass on the way out of the house.
There weren’t any hippie academies that you could think of, you doubted they were even a thing. Wouldn’t a hippie academy be counterintuitive to the whole hippie thing? Why were you even being sent away? It wasn’t your fault that the glasses broke, it was an accident! And you had fixed them so why were you suddenly sitting on your ass on the curb?
The low hum of a car draws your attention from your phone and makes you jump up and back from the curb so you don’t get hit by it. It’s a fancy car so surely it wouldn’t be here for you. Why would a black Mercedes A-Class Sedan pull up in front of you?
Maybe it was one of those gross rich people that wanted to give you a nice place to stay and anything you could desire in exchange for sex. No Bueno. One of the doors swing open and a young blonde woman steps out, brushing down the front of her knee-length black skirt before smiling shyly at you. “Are you Yn?”
You narrow your eyes and tighten your grip on the straps of your backpack “Who’s asking?” Despite current circumstances, the woman doesn’t come across like she would do anything to hurt you, she seems kind and has a certain air of innocence about her.
“Oh! My apologies, I’m Cordelia Goode. I’m the Headmistress of Robichaux Academy. I’m here to take you there. Have- Did your parents explain where you’re going and why?”
You shook your head and looked down briefly, toeing the dirt with your shoe before glancing back at her. “No. They pretty much told me to get my shit and leave, and that some ‘hippie academy’ person would come get me. Are- are you that person? Not- not a hippie person but- not- not that there’s anything wrong with if you are.”
Cordelia laughs softly and moves closer to you, offering her hand to carry your bag “Let me take that for you.” You hand her your bag, quietly apologising for it being heavy but she seems to hold it with ease. “So they told you none of what I discussed with them on the phone? That’s- that’s to be expected I guess. We can discuss this in the car on the way, okay?”
You nod and follow her back to the car, climbing in after her and closing the door. She whispers something to the driver before the car sets off, turning her attention back to you. “Do you know anything about witches and covens?”
“A little? My great grandma use to talk a lot about what happened to family in Salem but mom and dad always said she was just getting batty in her old age. She said that witch hunters would tear people from their homes and slaughter them, sometimes whole villages of people that were believed to be witches or- or even harboring them.
She use to show me magic tricks as a kid, making her purse disappear then reappear in my school bag. I never knew how she did it but- but it fascinated me. I talked to mum and dad about it, how amazing it was but they just told me to stop talking and never talk about it again. Other than that… I have no idea.”
“Your- your parents- mother- did briefly mention that your great grandmother use to talk about it but she, as you said, put it down to her being batty in old age. Unfortunately for your grandmother- great grandmother, sorry- what she talked to you about was- in some cases, still is, true. Witches, all though now have safer places and are more widely accepted, they- we, are still at danger of being killed by witch hunters.
At the academy, Robichaux, we are safe, the Supreme is incredibly strong and capable of protecting us, and there are a number of other older witches who help too. But like most covens, we are stronger together than we are divided. We are here to protect and help new witches grow. With us you will have a new family who will never turn their back on you when you are in a time of need.”
Looking out the window it was just a blur of colours from the lights and neon signs that lit up the streets signalling that New Orleans night life was just waking up. “What do you do when you grow up licking poison off knives and now that you’re finally going to be in a situation where you're fed on milk and honey, all you can think about is running because something that sweet can’t be anything other than poison? What is that quote…
I don’t know how to stay tender-“
“with this blood in my mouth? Ophelia, act 4, scene 5. It is… appropriate considering your situation but… if I’m going off my impression of you, you are going to find it easy to continue being kind, even if you feel like you’re only good at hurting people. I can see that you have a good heart, Yn. Although my mother does tell me I’m not good at judging people.”
You smile shyly, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly “Thank you, Cordelia. I hope I can prove your mother wrong and be the good person that you think I am.” You return your gaze to look out the window, admiring the different colour lights you can see and how busy this part of the city was. “It’ll be nice finally having someone that believes in me. That believes I am good.”
“You will find that there will be others out there who will see goodness in you too. But- but even if there aren’t… Know that I see it.”
The rest of the drive was filled with light-hearted banter, the kind you would hear good friends throw back and forth. You wouldn’t consider you and Cordelia to be friends seeing as you two have only just met but you felt as though it wouldn’t take long until you were.
By the time you made it to the academy it was around midnight, the building was grand and imposing, it had this energy to it that gave off the distinct impression that if you tried damaging it in anyway you would be the one that came away worse off. There were lights that lit the pathway and entryway up which somehow managed to make the building all the more intimidating despite feeling perfectly safe.
You went to grab your backpack but Cordelia bet you to it. “I can carry my bag, you know that right? I don’t mind taking my own shit- stuff in. You’ve already saved me from whatever hell my parents were going to impose on me, the least I can do is take my own things inside.”
She shakes her head, a small smile tugging at her lips as she leads the way up the path “I’m sure you can, but you’re new here and you’ve also had a long day, it’s the least I can do for a new coven member.” You let out a dramatic groan as you follow after her, she opens the door and steps to the side to let you in before coming in after you and closing the door behind you both.
“It’s so quiet. Is it always this quiet? I can’t- Nevermind” You shove your hands in your jacket pockets, waiting for Cordelia to take you to where you can hopefully get some sleep.
“It’s only this quiet when the girls aren’t creating mischief and partying, as well as when my mother hasn’t been drinking, mind you, I haven’t seen her since she left to travel the world... You’ll grow to appreciate this rare moment of silence.” She gestures for you to follow her as she leads you up a grand staircase, leading you down a hall before opening a door to your left.
“It’s a small room but I doubt you’d want the girls harassing you with questions at this hour so we’ll move you into their room tomorrow if you would like? There’s drawers for your clothes, a small desk, and of course a bed. The bathroom is next door and if you want hot water I suggest waking up before 7 or else Madison will use it all up when she takes her hour long shower.”
You nod your head and thank her quietly, taking your backpack from her you step in the room, dumping your bag on the desk before moving to close the curtains. “Is- Is there anything else I can do for you before I let you get some rest?” You turn around to look at her before looking at the floor “Is- Is it okay if I turn some music on? I’ll have it quiet so it doesn’t disturb anyone. I just- I can’t sleep when it’s silent.”
Cordelia smiles softly, she finds it rather adorable that you can’t sleep unless there’s noise of some sort but she doesn’t want to embarrass you or herself by admitting this. “Of course you can. I will make sure- or try to get you a radio so you don’t have to play it through your phone. I’m sure it will be nice to hear music rather than the girls screaming at each other over who stole whose makeup. I- I wouldn’t mind hearing what you like listening to” your eyes shoot up to look at her, a blush settling on both your faces.
“I- uhm… I- Good- Good night, Yn. I’ll come see you in the morning so I can introduce you to the others at breakfast. Uhm… Let- let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help you settle in. Good night.” She rushes out, hoping that you don’t notice how flustered she got but also has a gut feeling that you did notice. She gives you a small wave before leaving quickly, the door closing behind her.
You let out a slow breath, feeling the exhaustion from the day hit you like a bat out of hell. You knew this made no sense seeing as you did nothing physical but apparently being kicked out of home for being a witch had the same effect as running a marathon, it left you broken and tired.
You remove most of your clothing, leaving just your shirt and underwear on before climbing into bed, taking one last glance at your phone to see if you have any messages or calls from anyone but unsurprisingly there weren’t any. You turn the volume up a bit so you can hear your music then put it on your small side-table before turning over and trying to sleep.
No matter where you stayed or how exhausted you were, the first night sleeping somewhere new was always the hardest night sleep you had. Nevertheless, you managed to get to sleep relatively quickly but staying asleep was where it became difficult; the days events were playing in this off-kilter manner, like they were somehow glitching and just playing that awful moment where your powers revealed themselves and you saw the look of fear then disgust in your parent’s eyes on loop. No matter how hard you tried to change what you were dreaming about, your dreams would always end up looping back to this.
“We can never have a fucking normal dinner when you’re involved, can we? There is always something going on with you. Last night it was because you wanted to have a glass of wine and ended up polishing the bottle off yourself. And now!? Now it’s because you’re some freak.”
“Honey, that’s not- you can’t call our daughter that. This time it isn’t her fault this happened. Yes last night was unpleasant but you certainly weren’t helping and now you’re berating the poor girl.”
“Oh? It’s my fault? So what, you’re defending our freak of a daughter?”
“No- No that’s not- I’m not defending her. Tonight was- is just- this is out of her control and ours.”
“Exactly. Out of our control. She’s always been like this. I’m going to go make a call to that academy place. See if they can fix her.”
“I don’t need fixing! I’m not broken!”
“You’re right, you’re not broken. Just defective.”
“Mom? Don’t make her leave. She helps me with my homework when you’re not home. Please. I’ll miss her if you make her-“
“Shut up. This isn’t for little children to discuss. Take your dinner to your room and eat there. This is the last time you’ll be seeing your sister.”
“No. Say your goodbyes now then go to your room.”
Your little brother gets out of his seat and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your legs before hugging you tight, mumbling “I’ll miss you. Sorry mom and dad are making you leave. If- if it counts for something I- I don’t think you’re defective.”
You hug him back, giving his hair a ruffle before letting him go, a sad smile on both your faces. “I’ll see you again someday, kiddo. Be good.”
“Unlike you, your brother isn’t a disappointment to this family.”
You wake with a start upon a knocking on your door, you feel panic surge through you thinking it was your mother about to verbally berate you but then you hear a soft voice. “Yn? May I come in? I thought it best to discuss with you what happens in the morning before lessons start.” You feel your cheeks heat up and pull the duvet up to cover you as you sit up, “uhm yeah- yeah you can come in.”
The doorhandle turns and the door swings open, revealing a youthful Cordelia, her long blonde locks tied back in a ponytail; if you hadn’t known who she was, you would have thought an angel had lost its way, she was beautiful. You look away not wanting to get caught staring, suddenly finding the ceiling to be the most fascinating thing you’ve ever seen.
“Hey! Is that the new girl!? It’s the new girl! Co-“ Cordelia closes the door, shaking her head and letting out a quiet sigh before turning back to face you. “And here I was trying to make sure you would have a relatively peaceful morning, but it seems that the girls have other things in mind.”
You laugh lightly and shrug, “I’ll have to get use to it sooner or later so it’s alright.” She hums a bit, clasping her hands together at her waist. “So… We usually have breakfast together. Some mornings it’s a pleasant affair but then there are mornings where Madison decides to start drama…”
Cordelia trails off, a light blush colouring her cheeks “I- I probably shouldn’t talk like that but… there isn’t much point trying to sugar coat things. It was a lot worse when mother was staying here, as soon as she had some alcohol in her there is no stopping her. But that’s in the past anyway. She’s off traveling” she gestures vaguely with her hands “somewhere.”
You cover your mouth with your hand to stifle laughter, it seems like you’re not the only one who has a tempestuous relationship with their mother. “You’re not laughing at me, are you? It’s not a good look for a new student to laugh at her Headmistress.”
You bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing, it’s not that you were laughing at her but the situation in itself was pretty funny. “I- I’m not I swear” you manage to get out through little fits of laughter “It’s just funny that’s all.” She rolls her eyes but smiles “I doubt you’ll be laughing when mother has a fit and tosses you across the room. God… I really need her to stop doing that.”
Cordelia walks over to your curtains and opens them, flooding the small room with natural light, the golden and bubble-gum hues of the sunrise bringing life to the otherwise dull walls. “You’ll be fine. I doubt she’s returning home any time soon.”
She turns to look at you, a small smile on her face. “I should let you get dressed so you can get downstairs to have something to eat. I try getting breakfast over and done with before 10am but there are usually a few stragglers that appear later and pick at what’s left in the fridge. I’ll talk to the girls and try to get them to not hound you.”
You thank her and she makes her way over to the door, she rests her hand on the doorhandle, looking down before looking back at you. “I’m sorry that you came here because you had no other choice. I promise you that I won’t give up on you, regardless of what path you take in life.” She gives you a sad smile before leaving, the door closing quietly behind her.
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Star-Crossed Lovers Part Three
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes @onfir3​ and @sarcasmismyfirstlove
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Reader has an assumed name in this (she is not named, but she goes by Sophia Turner since she is in hiding)
Description:  Secrets are unveiled and Y/N is smacked in the face with a truth she hadn’t expected to find out.
A/N:  Okay first off, I have no idea how long this story is going to be.  It could have one more part, two more parts or more.  I am legit addicted to this story now.  Also the ending may have a sad and a happy version.  One for people who want a happily ever after and those who want to read a sad ending.  Or maybe you’ll want to read both who knows.  But I hope you enjoy this installment of Star-Crossed Lovers.  The song that the singers are singing is Ain’t About You by Wonho featuring Kiiara
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Her keys jingled as she fished them out of her pocket.  Clark’s plants were not on the verge of death and she had considered her mission a success.  As she stepped inside the apartment she flipped on the lights and nearly jumped out of her skin when she noticed the dark figure in the corner of her living room.  
“Holy shit,” she gripped her hand to her chest.  Her heart was pounding, but it was starting to calm down now that she realized it was Batman in her apartment and not Sionis.
“Y/N,” he said in his gruff way.  “I have news.”
“Please tell me that Sionis is officially dead,” she didn’t want to hear anything else, but she had a feeling that that wasn’t why he was here.
The way his jaw locked only confirmed her suspicions.  “He’s still alive,” Batman confirmed.  “And he’s using someone at LexCorp to up his drugs.  The effects give the user temporary powers like Superman and Superboy’s.  It’s not on the street yet, but soon.  And Sionis knows you’re not dead.  As far as I’m aware he doesn’t know you're here.”  He reached into one of his compartments and pulled out an envelope.  “I’ve secured you a ticket to a fundraiser tomorrow night that Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp are throwing.  It’s a masquerade ball, I need you to tell me if you see anyone familiar there.  Anyone that was working with or for Sionis.  We need to know who’s supplying him.”
She took the invitation, “Fine.  Where will I meet you?”
“I’ll find you,” then he was disappearing out the window and into the night.
The dress she had picked out was red, with a thigh high slit and a mask to match.  The dress was silk, the light reflecting off it.  She felt sexy and yeah she chose red for one reason and one reason only.
God, she had to get over him.
Her eyes scanned the crowd, but no one stuck out besides the Waynes, Lex, and a few other high society members.  She didn’t like how this mission was going so far.  And when she scanned the crowd again she noticed one of the Wayne boys staring her way.  She quickly ducked into a crowd and hoped not to draw any more attention.  She wasn’t the only one wearing red so she wouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb.
“Does it sound cliché to say / That I just need some space babe / It’s not you, it’s me really, uh,” the male singer began to sing into his mic.  “I’m the one that changed umm / You’re so hard to resist / A love that hurt like this / I wish it wasn’t hell / To love you more than you love yourself.”
“I don’t believe I know your name,” a husky male voice said beside Y/N and when she looked up she saw that it was the Wayne boy that had been staring at her.  
“And who says I’m going to give it to you?”  She fired back, a smirk beginning to form.
He matched her smirk, “You’re a beautiful woman, it’s a ball, I thought I’d ask you to dance with me, but I’d like to know your name first.”
She considered him for a moment and then said, “I’ll give you the dance, but you haven’t earned my name yet, stranger.”
“I see I caught your eye, again / Your pretty little lies / Wish I could stroke your big ego / But sorry not tonight, or ever / You’re so hard to resist / A love that hurt like this / I wish it wasn’t hell / To love you more than you love yourself,” the female singer sang in response to her male counterpart as the Wayne boy led her onto the dance floor.
He swept Y/N into his arms and began to twirl her around with expert ease.  Money could buy a lot of things and dance lessons was probably one of those things.  She wondered if it had been his choice or if Bruce Wayne had made it mandatory.  “So what’re you doing at the ball?  I normally know the people that frequent these,” he said as he dipped her, their faces inches from one another.
She cocked her head to the side as he slowly brought her back to an upright position, “Because you’re a Wayne?”  
He chuckled, “Maybe.”
“I work for the Daily Planet, I’m working on a story,” she said.  A half-truth, but not a complete lie.
Those blue eyes of his were starting to look familiar like she had seen them before. She wondered if he was the man she had bumped into on the street the other day, but she wasn’t about to ask him that.  And right now those very eyes were bright with mischief.  “Oh?  Looking for any sordid secrets of the lifestyle of the rich and famous because I could provide.  I know dirt on everyone here.”
“No sordid secrets for me tonight,” she said, she didn’t want to know what those sordid secrets would cost her if he were to tell her what he knew.  “I’m just covering the event.”  She had learned from articles that the Waynes and Luthor were trying to raise money for people displaced by superhero activity.  Homes that had been destroyed or other places like schools and work.
“How you stay out til 4 am / How you can’t tell me where you’ve been / Go and get that shit out your head / This ain’t about youuuuu / This ain’t about youuuuu / This ain’t about / Hate to tell you but / Hate to tell you but / This ain’t about you / This ain’t about you,” the singers sang, the song coming to a close.
The stranger still held her in his arms after the song had ended, “Have I earned the right to know your name or am I going to have to make one up for you?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours?”  She fired back.
“Sophia Turner,” the lie slipped off her tongue, but it felt odd to tell him this name.  She had no idea why, she didn’t even know him other than the fact that he was a Wayne.  “But most call me Sophie.”
“Jason Todd,” he supplied in return.
“Oh so I was dancing with the resident bad boy of the Waynes,” she hummed.  “Let me guess you flash those pretty blue eyes at whoever you want and you can get out of any situation?”
“Not quite, but you think they’re pretty?”  His grin was turning cocky and you pushed away from him.
“Down boy,” she said.  “I’m… well I’m….”  She sighed, “It’s complicated.”
He started walking beside her as she turned to flee from the event, “I’m a great listener, you could tell me all your boy problems.”
“No tonight lover boy, I need to go anyway,” she had gotten all the information she could for Batman.  She hadn’t seen anyone there that could be working with or for Sionis, the whole night had been a bust.  Fun, but a bust.
“I’ll find you, Cinderella,” he called out to her as she made her way through the crowd not once glancing back at him.
The night after coming home Y/N grabbed some ice cream out of the fridge and waited for Batman.  When he showed up she told him that she didn’t know anyone there; he thanked her and promised to keep her updated with anything about Sionis.  But for now, she should stay where she was and lie low because Metropolis was the safest place for her. Before she could thank him he was gone.
Now it was Monday and she was at work.  Lois greeted her and was smiling broadly, “Someone got a gift.”
Y/N’s attention turned to her desk where a bouquet of red roses sat.  She blinked a couple of times because she didn’t believe that anyone would leave her flowers.  “Who sent them?”  She asked to no one in particular as she made her way to her desk, Lois still beside her.  She picked the card and saw that there was a handwritten note.
I think it’s rude that you didn’t leave a shoe for me to return to you.  I’d like to see you again.  Meet me tonight at the top of the Daily Planet, seven o’clock?
Jason Todd
“Sophie!  Did you run out on Jason Todd last night?” Lois gasped.  Since the moment the two of them had met Lois had been trying to set her up.  In her own words, she was trying to ‘help you get over the man who you clearly hurt you’.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “I didn’t run out on him like Cinderella, he knows my name and where I work.  I just needed to get home.”
“Are you going to meet him tonight?”  She asked, a smile on her face that suggested she wanted you to meet with him.
She gave her friend a look, “I don’t know, Lois.  I’m busy and I have other things that I need to do.”  Getting involved with a Wayne was dangerous.  They were always in the spotlight and Jason especially since he was the most mysterious of the bunch.  He attracted a camera like honey drew flies.
“Just go, see what he wants, have a little fun.  Lord knows you could use it,” Lois squeezed Y/N’s shoulder and headed for her own desk.
Y/N looked at those red roses again and let out a sigh.  One visit with Jason wouldn’t hurt.
Metropolis was nice, but Jason preferred the grittiness of Gotham.  There was something real about it, it wasn’t hiding that there was bad stuff going on.  Metropolis on the other hand was sleek and new.  Superman gave them hope and offered a shiny new take that life could be good.  He always felt like he stuck out in Metropolis, even when he was in the Robin or Red Hood uniforms.  You could tell that he didn’t belong.
The door to the roof opened and he heard her heels against the concrete.  “Flowers?  Really?”
He turned and grinned at her, getting an unencumbered view of her face for the first time in months.  She was still as beautiful as the first day he had met her.
“Well I thought about sending a candy gram, but I didn’t think that would be appreciated,” he quipped. 
She chuckled and came to stand beside him, her gaze fixed on the city beyond.  “It’s almost too perfect,” she murmured, mirroring Jason’s earlier thoughts.  “Unlike Gotham--”  She clamped her mouth shut.
“Oh, you know Gotham?”  His gaze was still locked on her face, trying to recommit everything to memory.  She had changed a little bit about herself when she went into hiding, but it was still her.  Still his Y/N.
“Yeah,” she said quietly.  “I grew up there.  Moved away a while ago.  Needed a change of pace.”  Lie. Lie. Lie.  She hadn’t wanted to leave Gotham.  She wanted nothing more than to stay, but circumstances and fate had other ideas.
Jason finally mirrored her position, “I get that.  I moved away for a bit myself.”
“Didn’t you fake your death?”  The question slipped out before she could stop it.  “Sorry, that’s a little too personal.  It’s the journalist in me, feel free to ignore it.”  She wanted to smack herself, but he huffed a laugh and she finally looked at him.  There was something so familiar about him, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
“It’s all right,” he said softly to let her know he wasn’t upset by her question.  “And the answer is it’s complicated.  Very, very complicated.”
“I know all about complicated,” she told him.  “At this point, I think it’s my middle name.”
“Sophia Complicated Turner, huh?”  He held out his hand to her, “I’m Jason Peter Todd.”
That made her laugh, “Are you always this corny?”
“There’s more to me than the bad boy the papers like to see, Sophia.”  He hated using that name.  He wanted to call her Y/N, he wanted to tell her everything, but he held his tongue.  
She bumped him with her shoulder, “I can tell.”
Warmth spread through him and he went to respond when a breeze blew by and she shivered.  “Here,” he draped his jacket over her shoulders.  “Why aren’t you wearing a better jacket?”  He asked like a mother hen.  “You live here and even I knew to come prepared.”
Y/N stood there frozen for a moment before gently wrapping the leather jacket closer around her and breathing in the scent of him.  Cigarettes and a familiar aftershave, a combination she had come to know as home.  Though she had tried to get him to quit smoking.  Jason’s jacket smelled like Red and she stiffened even more when the thought crossed her mind.  Red had died once too.  Red would have made similar jokes.  She looked closely at Jason, really taking him in, and there on his lip was a little scar in the same place that Red had a scar.  Then the mole on his neck, and another scar she had kissed over a hundred times.  
Y/N backed away, her breath coming out in shallow pants.  Her mind was running a mile a minute, it couldn’t be.  “I need to go,” she finally managed to say.
“Sophia?”  He asked in concern and God she couldn’t get it out of her head how he was Red.  Jason was the Red Hood.
“Goodnight,” she dashed for the door, his jacket still wrapped around her.
Once she had made it to her apartment, Batman was there.  Still in the city chasing down leads, and probably coming to ask for another favor.  The ball.  Bruce Wayne being in the city.  Everything was clicking in place.  “Call Red here,” she said before he could speak.  “I want to see him.”
“Red isn’t here, Y/N,” Batman said calmly.
“Oh isn’t he?”  She spat.  “I’m pretty sure I just left him on the roof of the Daily Planet.”  She tossed the jacket at him.  “Bruce.”
There was a moment of hesitation, but Batman - or Bruce - pulled the cowl down and revealed his true identity to her.  “How did you figure it out?”
“I’m an investigative journalist, Bruce.  Give me some credit,” she scoffed.  “If anyone looked hard enough I’m sure they could figure it out.”  She sat down on her couch and buried her face in her hands.  “Fuck, I’m so tired.”
Bruce wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but he summoned Jason, not telling him that Y/N knew the truth.  He would wait for that bomb to be dropped by the woman herself.  “I’m sorry if we’re causing you this stress, Y/N.”
She waved a dismissive hand, “Please, I’ve been stressed since the moment Sionis ruined my life.  I knew that that plan of ours was a fifty-fifty shot at freedom.  I’ll be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life if I’m lucky.”
A moment later Red Hood entered through your window and you just looked at him.  And for a moment your times together flashed before your eyes.  “Y/N,” he said, his voice in that robotic monotone.  
“Jason,” she responded.  “Why don’t you sit down?  We’ve got a lot to discuss you and I.”
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sasa-gay-yo · 4 years
Just Us (Chapter Two: Expedition)
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← Chapter One
A Month Later 
The newspaper was open on the counter as I handed a customer a croissant and their overly-sweetened coffee. I was flipping through the pages, trying to find anything about the Scout’s latest expedition outside of the walls and if they had posted a casualties list. 
“Eva? Miss. Eva? Eva?!” I looked up again and noticed the kids trying to pull themselves taller than the counter to get my attention. How long were they asking for me? 
“Elias! June! What can I get for you today?” They put their spare change on the counter and counted it out. Not enough to buy a single cup of coffee combined. 
“What can we get for this much, Miss. Eva?” I smiled down at them again and pointed to the muffins I had cooling on the table. Blueberry was their favorite.
“If you both clean off the tables for me, by the time you’re done the muffins will be cool enough.” They nodded furiously and I handed them two rags. They both went off and divided the work. June was taller so she would try and wipe down the tables because she could reach the center, and Elias would reach the empty cups and plates and put them into the dish bin. Some of the old people looked at their running and saw it as annoying, but I just stared at them with a smile, reminding me of when I was a kid in this café. Having no concept of money, I would do chores and Mr. Flynn would just give me enough money to get a single piece of candy from the shop down the street. My labor definitely outweighed the money I received for it, but I was just happy getting candy. 
I turned my back on the kids, taking the newspaper with me, leaning on the glass case. It was a Saturday morning, so everyone had the luxury of sleeping in and not going to work but me. The bakery has to be open almost 24/7 so I can break even. Scanning the pages, I finally found what I was looking for. On the last page was only one paragraph describing the maneuver that the Scouts had done this past month taken from an interview from Commander Erwin. Something about implementing long-distance formations. Erwin’s speaking and various prints on the newspaper had shown him on opposite end of the coin of his captain. He seemed bright, personality and looks wise, and almost like a knight from fairytales. If Erwin was bright, then Levi was dark; maybe only in the form of rumors that I had yet to prove true.
Glancing over at the kids’ process, I found myself looking at the spot he sat. It was empty, and even if a group had sat there, it seemed empty. Their presence wasn’t as big as his. I laughed, big presence, little body. Maybe he’s compensating. 
It’s been a little over a month since he had been back to the café. That usually marked that the Scout had died, but I had a weird string of faith for him. If he’s Humanity’s Strongest, there’s no way an expedition would end him. Also, the thought of it being a freak visit made me a bit sad, but if I only met him once, it would be better than meeting him many times and then never again. 
“Miss. Eva, we’re done!” I handed the two muffins and their smiles were big enough to take me out of my thoughts completely.
“Here you go Miss. Eva.” June handed me the coins and I shook my head. 
“You paid for the muffins by cleaning. Go buy some candy down the street. If you tell him that Eva sent you, he might give you a free piece.” Elias’s, the younger, eye’s widened at the chance of free candy, but June seemed a bit reserved. She looked down at the floor and had one foot moving around on tiptoe. She wanted to ask me something. Was she too embarrassed to ask it in front of her little brother? 
“Eli, can you go buy me a lollipop? I want to sit here and eat my muffin.” He didn’t care about anything other than the candy he was going to get, so he nodded and took off. I watched as he ran through the small crowd on the street. 
“Now, what do you want to ask me June?” Her face went red and she was still staring at the floor. 
“How...How do you know you like a boy?” I almost choked on air and made sure I heard her right. She had a mother, but she comes and asks the baker that gives her free food. I should take it as a complement and I should tell her not to worry about boys until she was older. These kids are getting more and more mature than I was at eleven. 
“Why are you asking me that?” She put the muffin on the counter. 
“W-Well I know a lot of boys like you! So, you have to know how!” She got confident with her last sentence, but it was the first one that shocked me. Where were these men? She might just be exaggerating to get her point across.
“I didn’t know that a lot of boys liked me, June. I just stay in this building almost all day. What boys?” 
“Um… I was told not to tell you.” I narrowed my eyes at her and thought of a way to get it out of her.
“If I tell you how to know you like a boy, you have to tell me what boys like me. Your mother is one of the people telling me I should get married soon. You could help me with that.” She nodded furiously and easily betrayed whoever the man was. 
“When you like a boy… hm. I’ve only ever liked a few boys, June. I guess it starts with you wanting to talk to them a lot. You hope that whenever you’re in the same room as them, they come and talk to you. When you’re at school do you want this boy to come over to your desk?”
“Yes, but he only goes to his other friend’s desks.” She huffed and rested her chin on the counter. Cute. I reached over and ruffled her hair.
“Sometimes you get this feeling in your stomach, like butterflies. You get really nervous and can’t talk that well to him. You might just stare a lot because you’re too afraid to say anything that might sound stupid.” She sat up again, a more determined look on her face. 
“So then how do I know he likes me?” I wiped the spot where her chin was on the table. My hands were definitely in need of some lotion or balm. It wasn’t even winter yet and they were still cracking over the amount I used them.  
“It’s hard to tell with boys. Sometimes they’ll be mean to you and it still means they like you. Sometimes they won’t talk to you at all, but they’ll just stare at you too. Some boys will also just talk and talk to you about anything. Boys your age are pretty dumb. Boys are dumb in general, actually. It doesn’t get better with age.” She nodded in agreement and I ruffled her hair a little bit more, seeing that Elias was already running back with a small bag. 
“So that’s how I know Jonas likes you. Because he doesn’t stop talking to you.” My eyes widened a little bit as something I was suspicious of being confirmed. 
“Jonas said that?” She nodded. 
“He says he thinks you’re the prettiest girl in Trost and probably of all the districts.” She covered her mouth like it was going to help she spilled her confidant’s secret. 
“Well isn’t that sweet of him.” Elias almost fell opening the door to come back in. Once he stopped he was breathing hard and put the bag of candy on the counter. 
“Guess who I saw coming this way, Eva!” His words barely came out through his hard breathing and coughing. I turned around to get him a glass of water.
“I don’t know, Elias. With you’re yelling it’s gotta be someone cool.” 
“You have to guess, Eva!” 
“Oh, I don’t know! A tit-” My words stopped when I turned back around to give Elias water. It was a sudden return and I didn’t know how to react to it. However, it made sense. I saw the people gather a few days ago to welcome them back.
“Captain.” He was wearing his uniform still, the hood of his cape making him even darker, but I was glad he took it off when meeting my eyes. June and Elias moved aside, leaving their things on the counter. 
“One cup of black tea, please.” I smiled a bit and nodded as he took the coins from his pocket. Today, I wouldn’t make a suggestion. It seemed like he was running on two hours of sleep and needed something. I would have suggested coffee, but I didn’t think he’d accept it. 
He went to sit in the same spot and something inside of me lit up. It wasn’t empty anymore. Now that he had come a second time, he would have to start coming back. It wasn’t a fluke.
“Bye, Miss. Eva!” June pulled Elias out of the café, no doubt to go and spy on Captain Levi from a different angle. I looked up at the clock on the wall to see if he had returned at the same time. It was closer to one o’clock, meaning if he stayed the same length of time, he’d be here at closing. Something about that made me excited. 
The café filled with a total of 4 people felt so alive now that he was in it. Maybe it was because he had broken the perpetual boredom inside of me. It could also be because his actions proved that it wasn’t a freak accident leading him here. The Captain had to be intelligent and calculating, so the fact that he chose here was ever more intriguing. 
I poured the tiny bowl of honey again and walked over to his table. With the small number of people here, I might also have a better chance of having a conversation.
“One black tea for the Captain.” 
“Thank you.” It was short, but not a grunt this time. Progress was being made. I didn’t stand and stare this time but went back to fake reading the newspaper. The news that I wanted showed up at my doorstep, so I just looked at the riddles section. 
I wonder how the last expedition went for him. Did he kill more titans? I mean that probably is a given for him. What is it like looking at a titan up close? I had never seen a titan in person, only in drawings, but I was still curious. I put the newspaper down, pretending to go do something, and locked eyes with him right away. He was staring at me. Should I play with him to get him to talk? No. I just smiled and turned to go do some fake task. Apparently, wiping the counter that June and Elias cleaned seemed to be that task. 
The tables! I grabbed the bucket on the floor and a rag that Elias used. They may have done it already, but if it gave me some reason to talk to Captain, then I guess the tables have to deal with being extra clean... and my hands would have to deal with being extra dry.
“Oi.” It was soft and I looked up from the 5th table. I pointed to myself and he nodded, “This table needs to be wiped again. Whoever did it before did a bad job.” I narrowed my eyes and thought of Elias as he ran around cleaning. He just insulted my kid. 
“It looks clean to me,” I retorted sounding a bit childish. I had a kid’s legacy to protect. He wiped a finger on the wood and held it up to me. His finger had nothing on it. Never knew someone who could kill titans would also be a clean freak. Isn’t that an oxymoron? 
“It’s dirty. I might even report you to the police for keeping food in this environment.” I huffed and put the bucket on the floor, noticing that a few drops had hit his boots. I’m sure he didn’t leave that unnoticed either, tsk, the clean freak. He might make me buy him new ones. 
I leaned over and cleaned the table while he lifted his cup and saucer up. It was then I realized how close he was to me and how much he was staring. This time he wouldn’t glance away every time I looked back, almost like he was inspecting my cleaning. 
“There you go, Captain.” 
“It’s Levi. Just Levi. You’re not my subordinate.” Huh, was this him trying to be nice and sociable? I’ll take it. 
“And it’s Evlynn Flynn. I know unfortunate naming, but I didn’t pick it. Everyone calls me Eva. Just Eva.” I mimicked him and he seemed to not care about the joke I just made. Guess he wouldn’t like the riddle section of the paper. 
“What were you reading about?” I put the rag back into the bucket like I was going to move onto the next table. Who was I kidding? 
“The newspaper. What were you reading?” Oh. Now, if I told him that would be embarrassing. Isn’t this the second time that this has happened? 
“Just everything. I read about your last expedition. The papers seem to not deem it important. They gave your commander just one paragraph.” He set his cup down. He was only half way done... this soon?
“Well, at least they published something this time. Usually, we just get nasty looks.” I laughed a bit, and his expression told me that that wasn’t a joke. 
“I think it’s the last few expeditions you’ve had. You’ve come back with less and less dead. It seems so… calm outside the walls. Not many titans to fight. Maybe they’re getting ready to hibernate for the winter.” He nodded and seemed like he wasn’t going to continue the conversation. A man of few words. One rumor: true. 
Assuming he was done talking to me, I turned to fake wash the other tables.
“Why are you interested in the Scouts? Not a lot of people are.” 
“Oh, well, I have to have something to give me hope, right?” I looked at the chair behind me that was very much open. No, I wouldn’t sit today. Give him something to hope for too.
“Hope? From the Scouts?” 
“Yeah. If anyone is going to save us from the titans, it has to be the ones actively killing them, right? The Garrison, they’re the ones who give me no hope. They come in on duty and drink my coffee supplies down the drain. I have to go to the capital to get those.” He finished his cup of tea and I looked up to the clock. It had only been an hour. 
“Do you also get your tea from the capital?” I nodded and went to clean the table closest to him. It made him turn to me and that’s when I realized he did want to talk. Like actually talk. 
“Sometimes it’s the marketplace by the gates. Other times it’s the one by Mitras. The two you drank were specialty from some dealer in the underground who deals in Mitras. I think he scammed me for them, but if you’re enjoying them, then I guess it’s worth it.” His face had a look of recognition. 
“That’s why I remember this taste. I’ve had these teas before.” Rumor number two confirmed. Levi was from the underground. 
“You were born in the underground.” It wasn’t a question and he nodded, “Me too.” I don’t know what made me spill such a big part of my life to him, maybe the fact that we were the same, but I didn’t feel any regret like I did when I told Jonas the first time. He understood what it meant to be from there.
After that, it was a comfortable silence as I went on fake cleaning. We had reached a point of similarity and that was enough. I tended to customers and gave him a second cup of tea when he asked. For the amount of time he stayed, it was probably their few days off after an expedition. I wonder when he’d have to go back to the HQ from Trost. Do they have houses inside Trost? I know some of the older Scouts relocate their families here to be closer, but the chance of Levi having family was low. Those would be questions for another visit. 
“Have a good dinner, Mrs. Markas!” She waved from the door as she took her bag of bread. I looked at the clock again. It would be time to get ready to close soon. Levi was still in his chair, looking out at the dinnertime rush. I sadden a bit at our future parting when I kicked him out. I might just let him sit until I have to go upstairs to sleep. 
The last few customers came through and I looked at the small amount of bread left. No one was going to come in anymore. Time to close. 
I grabbed my broom and went to open the door so I could sweep dirt outside. 
“Captain?” I leaned over so I could see if he reacted to me calling him. What I saw made my eyes widen in surprise. His eyes were closed, his head tilted a little back, and he was breathing heavily. Was he… sleeping? I thought he stopped talking to me because he didn’t have anything to say. How long was he sleeping? 
I stopped sweeping to give him a good look in the setting sun. The dark circles were still there, but his face had completely softened. His hair was swept back revealing all of his face. Even with his sharp features, when he was sleeping, something had changed. He looked peaceful. I decided not to ruin precious sleep for him, remembering the state he walked in with, and I cleaned around him. Even when I took his cup, he didn’t flinch or wake up. Good, he needed sleep. I was also a little happy he decided to do it in my café. 
I closed the windows and turned the lamps up a bit so I could still see what I was doing. Should I wake him up now? It’s getting late and he’d have to ride back to the HQ in the dark. He might even get in trouble for being out so late. Groaning, I walked over to shake him. Putting a hand on his shoulder, I shook him softly. 
“Levi? Levi? Captain Levi?” With the last one, his eyes shot open and his hand slammed on the table. I jumped away from him. Good thing I had moved the teacup a few minutes ago. Within seconds of him waking up, the hardness was back again and it was like he never took a nap. 
“What time is it?” He looked up at me and probably was confused that I held my heart in my hand. He had scared me waking up so violently. 
“It’s almost five at night. I thought you might need to head back to HQ.” He stood up almost knocking the chair over. Huh, he was actually a few centimeters taller than me. 
“Um, yes, I… I need to head back. I have paperwork to fill out.” I nodded and settled myself back to normal, taking a step to give him a free path to the door. 
“Have a good night, Levi. I hope your next expedition goes well.” He nodded and grunted once. 
                                                                                                   Chapter Three →
Chapter Masterlist
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 14
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Chapter 14: I Really Like You
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
I really wanna stop, but I just got the taste for it I feel like I could fly with the boy on the moon So, honey, hold my hand, you like making me wait for it I feel like I could die walking up to the room, oh yeah
It's way too soon, I know this isn't love
I really, really, really, really, really, really like you And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too? I really, really, really, really, really, really like you And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?
It's like everything you say is a sweet revelation All I wanna do is get into your head Yeah, we could stay alone, you and me in this temptation Sipping on your lips, hanging on by thread, baby
Who gave you eyes like that? Said you could keep them I don't know how to act Or if I should be leaving I'm running out of time Going out of my mind I need to tell you something 
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                                              The text message I got of Niall telling me to join him to his car made something stir in my stomach. I rushed to the bathroom to look at myself one last time in the mirror, getting on my tiptoe and pulling on my shirt slightly before quickly running out of the building. I heard the honk of a car and it made my heart jump so high in my chest that I thought I was about to throw it up. It's only when I got closer that I noticed he was not alone. There was a guy in the backseat, and the girl sitting nesxt to Niall was the same girl I found laying beneath him the other day. My smile faltered and I suddenly felt nervous but Niall moved his upper body closer to the wheel to look at me by the window.
"Hey Devie, you ready?"
I glanced at Mandy before looking back at him, sending him a shy smile. I hadn't expected to be stuck in Niall's car with two strangers but I was new to this school and if I wanted to get to know people, I knew I had to make efforts.
"Mmhm." I replied, taking a seat next to the guy who sent me a short nod.
"Okay, so. Devon, this is Mandy and her brother, Noah."
Mandy quickly turned around to take a look at me and sent me a smile. "We've met." she pointed out with a chuckle. "Sorry for the other day, I was a bit embarrassed to be caught naked."
My lips parted slightly and my breath caught in my throat. I sort of expected her to be an ass with me but the sincere smile she was sending me made me feel slightly guilty for thinking wrong of her just because she slept with Niall.
"No, it's cool, I should have knocked."
She laughed again, turning to look at Niall. "No, it's your room too." she corrected me. "It's Niall's fault, he should have told you."
"Sure, go ahead, pin it on me, i've got broad shoulders." he chuckled, glancing at her and making my heart drop in my chest.
Did he ever look at me like that? Was that feelings I saw in his eyes? And why did it even matter if he had feelings for her? I looked down and licked my lips, coming to the realization that it mattered because I liked Niall. I really really really liked Niall. Fuck.
"Everyone makes mistakes, Niall." Mandy joked, tapping his thigh gently. "You're forgiven, right Dev?"
I looked up and blinked a few times when she said my name and pressed my lips together. She was sending me an amused smile and I tried to smile back at her.
"O-Of course."
I felt something stir in my stomach and my eyes met Niall's in his rearview mirror. His gaze changed slowly into a fond look and my lips curled slightly more until he blinked a few times and glanced down. I looked down too only to see Mandy's hand gripping his thigh a bit harder. She moved one of her legs up, putting her foot on the bench before leaning her head against the bench, still looking at him.
She was pretty. She was much prettier than I always would be and I was well aware of that, and I just closed my eyes, trying to think about something else.
"So Devon. " I heard, making my eyes flutter open again. "What are you studying in?"
I turned to look at Noah and sent him a small smile. "Oh, art." I replied in a low tone. "Mostly painting and drawing."
"So, you want to be a painter? That's bold." Noah replied, running his hand in his blonde hair. "I'm all for following your dreams but do you have a plan B?"
"Yea, I'd like to work in a museum, maybe. Restoring historical works of art seems... very amazing." I explain, a bigger smile appearing on my lips.
"Devon doesn't need a plan B." Niall quickly replied, glancing again in his mirror. "She's super talented, she'll be a famous painter someday."
I felt my heart jump again in my chest and pressed my lips together as I tried not to smile too much. It was a bit funny since I was pretty sure Niall had never seen anything I had painted before, but I still appreciated the comment for a reason I ignored. Perhaps because it showed that he was not totally indifferent to me and knowing that he was ready to defend me on something like that made me feel special.
Of course, I knew that concretely, Noah was right : I would probably not end up being a famous painter and certainly wouldn't be able to live a decent life with the money of a few (if even) paintings sold, but it was okay, because I didn't want my biggest passion to turn into a job. I wanted it to remain a passion and a hobby, something I could do to let out all my feelings, something that would make me feel better after a long day or after a heartbreak. I needed painting like I needed to breathe and I didn't want to end up hating it. Obviously, sometimes it was frustrating when I wanted to pain something and it didn't turn out exactly how I had imagined, but It was different than making a job out of it and disliking it to the point of not wanting to do it anymore. If I lost my passion for painting, I knew I would lose a part of me.
It only took a minute of two before Niall parked his car and we quickly got out. I followed them to the entrance and we hopped in an elevator to reach the fourth floor. We could hear the music from the hall and I started feeling so nervous I had to wipe my hands on the back of my jeans. When I looked up, I met Niall's gaze who frowned as he mouthed 'are you okay?' and I just nodded, sending him a small smile.
I was not really okay but at the same time, i didn't want him to feel like he had to take care of me, scared that he'd never invite me again. The only thing that made me feel better was to notice that Mandy and Niall were not holding hands, or even remotely close to each other. I sort of had expected it but realizing I was wrong made me feel less stupid for accepting to go to this party.
The door opened and a whiff of cigarette and weed smell reached us. I was too busy staring at the guy in front of us, a large smile on his lips, as he greeted us with open arms.
"Hey, Lewis."
They hugged and when Niall pulled away, Lewis turned to me. I didn't know why but I sent him a smile as his lips curled slightly into a smirk. "Devon, it's nice to meet you."
I frowned, a bit surprised that he knew my name, but kept a smile on my lips. Niall probably had talked about me before and since I was most likely the only one he didn't know, he probably guessed it was me, but it was still a bit intriguing.
"Oh, uhm, you too."
I was about to hold out my hand but he took a step closer and pulled me into a hug. His hoodie smelled nice and I chuckled, hugging him back.
"Okay, free drinks in the kitchen." Lewis let out when he pulled away. "You smoke your own shit though I don't pay for that."
Niall walked past him, putting his hand on Lewis' cheek and tapping it gently. "How nice of you mate."
I followed Niall to the kitchen and realized Noah and Mandy had left. I stood behind him as he searched for something specific (or it seemed) and when he turned around to me again, his gaze met mine immediately.
"No best way to get drunk than with vodka."
I chuckled and frowned, finding some space on the counter and pushing myself up to sit on it. Niall's smile faltered a bit and his eyes roamed on me before turning around to grab glasses and filled them. He walked closer to me and I looked slightly down at him, taking the cup he was handing me. He clinked his glass against mine, the plastic of his barely making any sound as it hit mine, and took a long sip. I watched him and did the same, grimacing as the liquor left a burning sensation down my throat.
"So. uhm, are you moving out?" he asked casually before drinking more from his glass.
"I tried but I'm on a waiting list, sorry."
"No, no I think you should stay."
I waited until his eyes met mine and quickly, he shrugged and looked away. "I mean, we can just text each other when we have someone over. I'm sure it can work."
I felt my heart ache suddenly and lost my smile, looking down in my glass and shrugging a shoulder. What did I expect? Niall was clearly not going to admit he was in love with me and then tell me he'd never have sex with any other girl because he loved me too much! Then why did this scenario made my heart thump in my chest?
"Maybe. I don't know."
We remained silent for a few seconds and I felt him move closer to me, his lower stomach brushing slightly against my knees as a wave of warmth invaded me.
"Come on, I'll present you some people if you want."
He moved away and I jumped off the counter as an idea popped into my head. It was stupid and probably impossible but It was worth a try.
"Niall?" I asked, making him turn around and raise his eyebrows. "Maybe... your friend Lewis would need a roommate?"
His facial expression changed from confused to surprised but when his lips opened again, I couldn't really tell how he felt about my idea. It was probably a bad one anyway. I didn't know Lewis much and I was not even sure I could afford half of the rent, but if Niall wanted to get rid of me, maybe he could help me see if it was even remotely possible.
"Y-You want to live here? With Lewis?"
I shrugged as he took a step closer to me and I tilted my head. "I mean, maybe? It would be a solution. Just until they find a room for me in the girls' building. That way you can get your room back."
"But I don't-" he replied quickly, cutting himself and letting out a sigh as he closed his eyes. "I think it's a bad idea, Dev."
It took a few seconds but he opened his eyes back. They met mine and I sent him a sad smile, shrugging a shoulder. "Alright."
It was true, I didn't know much about his friend, but he gave me a good first impression and I thought Niall would jump on the occasion to get his room back if only to be able to invite Mandy (or any other girl) whenever he wanted to.
I followed him to the living room as someone handed me a beer and everyone started talking. After a while, I got up and left to go to the bathroom and when I got out, I walked past Lewis, sending him a small smile.
"Thanks for inviting me, by the way." I let out politely as I kept walking.
"Hey Devon!"
I turned around and he sent me a bigger smile. "You having fun?" he asked, his accent thicker than I expected.
"Oh, yes." I let out with a smile. "I'm surprised Niall invited me."
This time, Lewis laughed a bit. "I'm not."
I frowned for half a second and finally licked my lips, walking back slowly to him and shaking my head. "Look, this is going to sound so weird and, don't feel bad to say no but, wouldn't you be looking for a roommate?"
His smile fell slightly and his eyes roamed on my face, and it made me realize that he was quite pretty and I was not sure how I felt about it. He seemed a bit speechless though and I realized that I probably made him uncomfortable.
"Forget it," I added, shaking my head, taking a step back. "It was just something that crossed my mind."
"No, Devon, it's just..." he replied with a sigh as I was leaving. "Let's just say if I said yes, Niall would kill me."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, shaking my head a bit. "I highly doubt that."
"Dev, trust me. I know what I'm talking about."
I frowned and it only made his lips curl as he raised his eyebrows before turning around and locking himself in the bathroom. I remained there, motionless and lost in my thoughts for a few seconds, and finally breathed in deeply and walked back to the living room. This time, I stopped completely breathing when I noticed Mandy was sitting next to Niall, her legs placed on his lap and one of her arms wrapped around one of his.
I felt a wave of nausea wash over me but swallowed hard. I knew it was only jealousy but it was enough to make me want to leave immediately. I licked my lips and took big breath, trying to get back to my senses. I couldn't just rush out and leave without an explanation and I couldn't tell Niall I left because the girl he has sex with was all over him. Just thinking about it sounded ridiculous and I walked back to them, taking a seat on the floor, in front of the coffee table. Niall glanced at me and his lips curled slightly on the left. Could he tell it was bothering me?
Everyone started playing beer pong but with vodka and I watched them swallow the content of their glasses with a smile. I was not very good with drinking and could easily get drunk but I still enjoyed looking at them. Lewis came back after a while and handed me a beer. I thanked him as he sat next to me and when I turned back to Niall, he was looking at his friend with a frown. My eyes dropped to Mandy's legs still placed on his lap and I just pressed my lips together, trying to ignore it.
About half an hour later, I was leaning on the table, trying not to let my thoughts wonder too much. I looked at Niall who was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes and watching him being so drunk reminded me of one of the first days we met. He was drunk and had tried to show me his cock. Now, I was a bit scared he was going to show it to someone else. The thought of his half-hard dick pressed against me as he kissed me made my inner thighs throb again and I held my breath. I would never get over that.
"Mandy, you're definitely cheating!" Noah let out a bit too loud, moving his chin in his sister's direction. "That's fucking water, innit?"
"You're just pissed because I can hold my drink better than you!"
"Don't even try, you've cheated before!" Noah insisted.
I stared at the scene with my eyebrows raised, noticing that I was myself getting a bit too tipsy but it was clearly nothing compared to them.
"Want a proof that this isn't water?" Mandy asked, getting a bit mad.
I didn't expect it at all when she turned around quickly and crashed her mouth against Niall's, quickly deepening the kiss as she held the back of his head to make sure he wouldn't move. I felt my heart shatter in my chest as an image of them having sex on his bed crawled back in my thoughts.
Everyone started yelling and laughing except me. I was not tipsy. I was drunk off my ass. How many drinks did I have? I couldn't count, but I knew it was partially why my eyes were filling up with tears at that exact moment. I was not dating Niall and I was well aware that he and Mandy were fuck buddies, so why did I become so emotional from them kissing? I was pissed but most of all, I was pissed at myself for letting something like that get to me again.
I had admitted to myself that I liked Niall and even if I knew it was unrequited, I was clearly not okay with watching him kiss someone else. Where did my resolution to do anything I could to hate him go? What the fuck was I doing?
I held my breath as they kissed, not able to let air fill my lungs, but it seemed like that kiss would never end and after a while, I put my beer on the table and got up. It was only when I reached for the elevator that I allowed tears to fall down my cheeks.
"Fuck off." I whispered to no one as the doors opened and I walked in, turning around to lean against the wall.
And I saw him. I saw Niall, getting out of the apartment and looking around himself until he saw me, and my lips parted.
The doors started closing just as he started running but I remained motionless, wondering if the doors would close before he could reach the elevator.
"Devon wait!" he let out, sliding his arm between the doors and making them open again. "Devie."
I let my eyes roam up and down on him, my mouth still half opened. He finally stepped foot in the elevator but remained standing up in front of me as the doors finally closed behind him. We started going down and he shook his head slightly.
"Devie, why are you leaving?"
I frowned, ready to throw at him everything that was actually wrong with him and not even feeling bad about it because of how intoxicated I was but I didn't have time: the power seemed to go off, the lights flickered and the elevator stopped.
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spinster-sisters · 4 years
Sunflower. Pt.2 LTY
Warnings: there is some mild sexy time thing but lemme tell you this relationship is toxic as fuck and get pretty heavy on the verbal fights so please don’t read if you are senstive to this kind of stuff.
The minutes ticked slowly by on the clock.
You didn’t dare check the time, scared of how late it was, and how early you had to wake up in the morning. You were now in your senior year at university, and it took no genius to notice you had been somewhat distracted over the past year or so. And your grades took the fall for it, so here you were at the ungodly hours of the night, juggling fixing your grades and working at your part-time job.
And speaking of distractions, you hadn’t seen Taeyong in 5 days. He, as far as you knew, was in a similar boat, having put off school in favor of parties and drinking, he was somewhat distant to everyone that past week or so. You are fairly certain that the only people who he has even seen the past couple of days are his two best friends, Johnny and Jaehyun.
You had met them both a couple of times before, and they were very similar to Taeyong himself, though you had to admit, they were a bit nicer. But you had never gotten to close with them, certainly not close enough to ask about their friend. (Who you weren’t even dating)
As the hours went by you found your mind straying farther and farther away from the material of the book laid out in front of you, instead of to the beautiful man who had your heart. You were worried about him, you missed him. Your mind thought of the last time you had seen him. It had been at the last college football match, and since you hung around in similar circles your two groups of friends often sat near each other at these kinds of things. Not that he sat next to you, no way in hell. He kept his distance laughing and joking with his friends, barely glancing your direction. But you hardly even looked at the game, instead choosing to watch the expressions of the heavenly man only a few rows away. He had been wearing a graphic T, which had hung loosely of his lean shoulders,  and was tucked into his jeans. Your friends sitting next to you would elbow you in the ribs now and then notify you of something happening in the game, but not even the roaring crowd of thousands of happy college students could make you drag your eyes away from Taeyong as he jumped up, elated like his friends.
As the game came to a close you pleaded silently that the two groups of friends would stay together for the after-party, but your roommate (the person most aware of your infatuation) pulled you away from the festivities reminding you of the many hours of homework ahead of you that evening.
The party, you heard, was an eventful one. There were whispers through the grapevine that some disgruntled players from the opposing school found their way to the party and (though there are about 15 different versions of the story) Taeyong was the main reason 2 of them left with a black eye. You don’t know how much you believe that, Taeyong was many things but violent was not one of them, but it worried you none the less. Especially since he has been MIA since that night. I mean, what if he got hurt? What if he was in the hospital?
You pulled your mind out of the speeding train of thought. Your eyes were burning after staring at the pages of your textbook in the dim light for so long, and lateness of the hour only added to the heaviness of your lids. Not to mention the hard surface of your cheap desk and chair were a great discomfort to your aching bones after the long shift you had finished not 4 hours before. You finally gave yourself the relife of rubbing your bloodshot eyes and stretching your crackling spine. Now you looked at the clock next to you on the cheap yellow wood of your desk.
2:13 am.
As though the number themselves triggered it, you opened your mouth in a shaking yawn that moved its way through your body in waves.  The exhaustion and desire for sleep were so severe you wondered whether you would make it all the way to your bed about 4 feet away. After coming to the realization that continuing to stare blankly again at your textbook would change nothing, you moved to stand up, lifting your arms above your head and arching your back side to side feeling the pleasant cracks. But your movements twords your bed were halted by your phone notification flashing. Lifting your phone closer to your head, straining your tired eyes you read. It was a simple question from your friend about your plans the next day (something you planned on replying to tomorrow morning) but the alert sent a thought to your brain.
Maybe you should call him.
You don’t know why this came into your head, it’s not like he had the best track record for answering you, and it’s not like he is likely to respond after being away for so long. But your earlier thoughts and fears resurfaced in your head, enough so that you typed out a quick message to the man and sent it before you could think twice:
To: Taeyong
“Hey, don’t know where you’ve been but I missed you”
[2:15 am]
The train car stank slightly and rumbled severely, but the giddiness bubbling in your tummy at the thought of the day out with those closest to you had all negative thoughts pushed out of your mind. Soon the monotone robotic voice sounded over the PA informing you of your arrival. Your roommate took the both of you by the arms and safely guided the three of you off the stain and above ground. Though it was still early morning the sun shown brilliantly against the glass windows of the surrounding buildings.
Pushing the thoughts out of your brain you crawled into your bed.
The plans you and your friend had for the day was simple, heading into the city your campus was on the outskirts of. Both of you had been spending the past two weeks working your asses off so as a reward you, your best friend and your roommate were now sitting on the subway heading to the heart of the city.
Besides time and a meeting place, you and your two companions had no real plan for the day, instead, allowing the day to take you where it will. As the sun moved through the sky so did your group through the city, going from shop to shop or park to park, even possibly a wedding reception (though your roommate dragged you and your friend away before it could be considered “wedding crashing”)
As the day drew to a close, the sun finally falling behind the towers, your best friend had the sudden idea to do something daring. The day had been an all-round success and had even managed to keep Taeyong out of your mind for the past few hours which was a feat in itself, so you decided to indulge your friend and ask her what she had in mind.
You were stopped at a street corner outside a quaint looking coffee shop and the time for nightlife was just beginning. The three of you were stood in a circle and as your friend spoke she leaned in, giving her words a childish giddy tone.
“Let’s get tattoos!” she spoke in a whispered shout. You scoffed at the idea leaning back in disbelief.
“Why would I spend my hard-earned money to have someone draw on my skin?” you asked allowed, expecting to have your roommate, ever the sensible one, back you up. But after being met with silence your head whipped to her to see the pensive yet optimistic look on her face.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re ok with this?” You asked in disbelief, gesticulating madly in her direction. She gave you a sheepish smile and said;
“Well, it is our last year of undergrad, might as well do something to remember it” all the while speaking with a bashful smile on her face.
“What?!” you could not believe the words you were hearing. Looking back and forth between your two friends did nothing to ease the confusion on your head. But after staring at them for a minute, them looking determined, you spoke;
“I’ll come with you but don’t expect me to get anything” you spoke resolutely. At this your friend, the initiator of the idea refuted,
“No, absolutely not, we are doing this together or not at all!”  She looked defiant.
The longer you considered the darker it got and as much as you didn’t want to admit it you had been sort of detached from the people closest to you because of Taeyong and it sounded nice to be apart of the group again. You continued to mull it over for a few more moments before speaking apprehensively.
The day was now over and you were comfortably laying on your bed sprawled out over the covers like a starfish with a content smile etched onto your lips as you watched the blades of your ceiling fan revolve, listening to the gentle hum of voices from whatever your roommate was listening to in her room.
“Fine, something small”
The parlor had been intimidating and severe but after walking out with a small sunflower tattoo on your right ribs (easily concealable in the future)  you felt like a new woman. The three of you pilled into the nearest public restroom to take an Instagram picture of your new “Ink” (as your friend so childishly put)
The peace was broken however when the blaring sound of your ring tone sounded through the room. Your heart jumped at the initial sound but you quickly calmed and reached out to answer it. Whatever spike your heart received at the ringtone was nothing compared to the jolt at the name flashing on your screen:
You stared blankly at it for a few moments before rushing to answer it, practically shooting upright on your bed while bringing your phone to your ear. The eagerness that boiled inside of you whenever you were around the beautiful man grew as you awaited the sound of his voice.
“Hello?” you said almost too quickly before the call completely connected. You half expected the kind of brooding silence he usually gave you to build anticipation when he called you for sex, but instead, he spoke almost as quickly as you did.
“Let me in” the voice was not the smooth or a rich as honey as it usually was, in fact, it was almost coarse and rough. But this fact did nothing to stop the growing need in your heart knowing he was so close.
You barely choked out a ‘sure’ before running to meet him. The fact you were barely covered in an oversized t-shirt you bought yourself and underwear and the fact that you did not tell your roommate what was happening did not cross your mind as your body acted practically of its own accord, flinging your front door open and running down the several flights of stairs to the main door. Only when you reached the main entrance did the state of your dress and the lateness of the hour occur to you. But you didn’t have time to be embarrassed with Taeyong on the other side of the door. Panting you pulled open the door.
The sight of him was as beautiful as always, to you, he carried a glow around him that made him stand out from everyone else. Your mind already fogging over from the proximity after being apart for so long. While you were starstruck at the sight of him, his eyes only narrowed as he looked you up and down once before shoving his way through the door. dazed, you allowed him to drag you wordlessly back up to your apartment by the vice grip he held on your wrist. The entire way up the stairs your eyes did not leave his back. Even in the thick hoodie he was wearing your eyes could almost see where the toned muscles of his back would be if you could see them, your mouth watered at the thought and your head swam with the desire to hold him as close to your body as possible. Taeyong gave you no such opportunity, instead of keeping himself at least 2 steps ahead of you, dragging you limply behind him.
When you finally made it back through the threshold of your apartment Taeyong kicked the door closed behind him a continued the pull you twords your room. Your roommate called out, “Y/N? What’s going on?” from her room, clearly still preoccupied with the TV show she was watching. You awoke from your daze the tinnies bit but before you could answer Taeyong spoke loudly in response:
“None of your damn business”
Pulling open the door to your room pushing you in ahead of him and slamming the door so forcefully you briefly thought it might break off the wall. Distantly, as though it was coming from underwater, you heard your roommate scoff as though unsurprised. But this was inconsequential to you right now, all your mind seemed to fully understand was Taeyong standing before you with a scowl etched on to his perfect features.
Normally Taeyong would take his time working you up to near insanity before acting but tonight he was a man on a mission, merely pushing you back onto the bed. You instinctively slid back till your back hit the wall but your eyes did not leave his. Honestly, it was rare to have his full undivided attention even when he was toying with you, but the penetrative stare made you feel as though he could see every inch of your body with x-ray vision and the sensation was intoxicating.
Taeyong wasted no time in climbing on top of you and caging your head between his arms. Your head was swimming, Taeyong, his weight pressing down on you and, his heavenly musk being the only thing any of your five senses you perceive. Your heart was racing a mile a minute and your throat constricted the closer he got. You’re sure he could feel the eagerness radiating off your body.
Taeyongs hand slid from their place on the mattress to the hem of your shirt and in one quick motion he pulled it off. An instant cold hit your now exposed chest, but after a year of encounters with Taeyong, you knew better than to cover your now hardening nipples from the cold air. But Taeyong didn’t seem to notice or care about your compliance with his tastes and rules, instead, his eyes were fixed, unmoving from the dark lines etched into your skin covered by the clear wrappings. His eyes swam with unrecognizable emotions but you, who are so attuned to him, knew after only a few seconds that he was not pleased with what he saw.
Your heart sank and dread-filled your chest, in a childish attempt to keep him from looking so disapprovingly at the mark you moved your hand to cover it. But the damage had been done.
The disapproving look did not leave his eyes as they slowly moved from the inky skin upwards to your hardening nipples. A low rumble came out of his chest as he moved you farther back onto the bed placing his body between your automatically parting legs. He moved his head closer and began leaving bites and bruises on your neck and chest.
You were in euphoria as the feeling of his wet plush lips moved up and down on your neck, leaving a cold slick trail in their wake. It did not take much for Taeyong to get you keening with desire, and though this was not his usual tactic of reducing you to putty by merely his words before even laying a finger on you, it was still working like a charm. As you looked down at your bodies pressed together and his beautiful hands sliding up and down your torso you had a feeling that he could feel the slick in your panties and the heat radiating off of them.
Eventually, Taeyong pulled back just enough to watch your expressions, one hand slowly slid from its place on your waist up your body to the roots of your hair, and the other slid lower, trailing the skin above your panties briefly before slipping into them. At first, he did nothing but stare at you. You were panting with anticipation, practically mewling at the mere thought of him. You are sure the desperation could be seen in your eyes, but you didn’t care, you wanted him to know how much he means to you especially in this way where no other man could give you the same satisfaction.
His hand was cold where it sat securely cupping your heat, your body started to buck slightly into his hand, pleading him to just do something.
“How badly do you need it?” He questioned allowed in a surprisingly amused voice. You whined out a response and bucked your hips once more into his hand.
“That’s, not an answer baby,” He remarked casually as the heat the pooled in your abdomen burned even stronger, sweat was beginning to form on your brow as your body worked itself up into a fervor. You wanted him more than anything you have ever wanted before. Your head swam with thoughts, but the only discernable thing in them was the face of the godly man before you, who glowed in the yellow lights of your bedroom.
“I need it so bad Tae” You spoke, your voice came out raspy.
“And who do you want to give it to you?”  He asked, finally moving his hand the slightest bit to slid between your folds. Your breath hitched so severely that you nearly choked. And when one long slender finger found it’s purchase providing your entrance you lost the ability to breathe at all.
It felt like you had done hard drugs with how intensely your mind spun. Every inch of your body tingled with desire for Taeyong.
“You, Taeyong, please” You pleaded so desperately, closing your eyes to shield yourself from the powerful glow that radiated off of him. But just when you thought he would grace you with the pleasure you so desperately desired, his hand pulled away and out of your panties abruptly. A pitiful whine so long and drawn out it was shameful, escaped your lips as your body attempted to curl in on itself to fill the spot where Taeyongs hand was not moments ago, but his lean body was still positioned over yours keeping you in place. The hand that had been in your hair tightened dangerously as he forced your dazed eyes to meet his clear ones.
“So just to be clear,” he spoke in his scarily dominating voice, “You need me” He spoke every word with such a definitive tone. Your eyes had gone wide in shock after the initial stupor and feeling of emptiness subsided. You pressed your back into the mattress and nodded at him, after all, it was true.
Taeyong leaned back onto his heels, still kneeling on the bed, still keeping you securely beneath him.
“When I saw it on Instagram I hoped it was a joke.” He stated plainly, crossing his arms after gesturing vaguely to the marks on your stomach. The disappointment that dripped from every word made you want to crawl deeper and deeper into the blankets. You had disappointed him, you shouldn’t have let your friends talk you into getting it.
“And to think I was going to reward you next time I saw you.”  you burned with embarrassment.
“And what exactly were you thinking” He accused, leaning back over you with a severity you had never heard in his voice. The shame was unbearable.
“Marking up your skin?” He nearly spat at you. You felt awful like you had failed him, the only person who mattered to you at all. But in his next words, his voice shifted to a sickly sweet tone.
“My baby girl doing something like this without asking me?” He asked allowed as if it was a scandalizing thing for you to do.
But his words caused something to snap in you. You were coming down from the dazed high that seemed to permeate your brain whenever Taeyong was around. You felt hurt and cut deep, and possibly for the first time, a twinge of anger rose in your chest as his accusatory glare still shown down on you.  
Your face hardened as the anger rose. Fuck this.
You forced yourself into a sitting position and pulled your discarded shirt over your head. Taeyong was thrown off balance by this and fell slightly onto the bed. His face held shock but anger was still the predominant emotion as he pushed himself off the bed to stand on the floor in front of you.
You had never acted out against him before so both of you seem equally surprised at your actions and certainly, neither of you knew what you were going to do next. Your brain was still quite a bit fuzzy but was gaining clarity quickly but the only thing you truly felt at this moment was, for the first time, you wanted Taeyong out. So that’s what you went with.
“Leave” you demanded simply, breaking eye contact with his smoldering gaze. Even as you spoke a significant portion of your hear was calling out to you to stop. To not let yourself push away the man you craved so intently. Taeyong made no move to leave only raising an eyebrow. You could tell that he was not taking you seriously, as he never has, so you repeated yourself, firmer and meeting his eyes.
“I’m not going to do that” he replies cooly, it was clear to him that he still held the power in this interaction and he was determined to keep it.
“Now how bout you tell me what’s bothering you so I can get back to dealing with this little act of defiance,” he remarks, causally gesturing to the patch of skin beneath your shirt. He was treating you like a child. Like a dumb little girl throwing a tantrum. You began to seeth where you sat staring up at him. He made a move to reach out to you but you shoved his hand away. Fixing your face with a determined expression.
“Taeyong, get the fuck out of my apartment,”  The mild amusement in his face disappeared. His eyes darkened dangerously, a sign you had become accustomed to. He was getting angry as well, but he still made no move to leave. The longer he stood there to more your blood boiled and the more you glared at each other the higher the tension rose.
“Watch your mouth, babe” He growled at you.
“Don’t tell me what to do Taeyong” You said raising your voice and pushing yourself off the bed to face him. You had never been anything but compliant with him, scared to lose whatever affection he had for you. Even in the moments he frustrated you or broke your heart you would still obey his every command because the idea of being without those few minutes with him was worse than enduring the hours of pain that he caused. But now as you stand here you could not stop the flow of words escaping your mouth, though deep in your heart you knew you would regret them later.
“Do not tell me what to do Taeyong. I am sick and tired of this shit! You come into my life, maybe twice a week if I’m lucky, fuck around with me and my emotions, make demands, make me act a certain way, only to leave me and disappear for days! and yet I still come running any time you call just for the chance to be in your presence. You treat me like I am a child and even when I am with you it’s like I am the 3rd thing on your priorities list!”
You took a panting breath.
“God fucking damn it Taeyong, you have stopped in the middle of fucking me just to go off to some party and you think you have the right to come in here and take ownership of my body?” You screamed out every word at him and with every word his face hardened.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think I have the right, I know I do” he growled out, “Because in case you haven’t noticed it is you that comes crawling back not me, it is you who hangs on every word I say, it is you who fell in love with me.” Spat out at you, voice dripping with malice.
“Yes I do treat you like a child because you are one, it’s like you are completely dependent on me and its pathetic! You call me and text me every fucking hour of the day like it’s my job to listen to your cries. I have better things to do than comfort you over every tinny inconvenience.” His speech was filled with more emotion than you had ever heard come out of him, and honestly, you wanted more.
“Fuck off Taeyong” You spat turning away from him and staring out your window.
“Oh, no no no, you wanted to fight, now we are going to fight!” He practically roars at your back, stepping closer to you where you stood your ground.
“You are the neediest and most obsessed person I ever meet. Remember I don’t need you, I really fucking don’t. And yet you get crazy every time I don’t talk to you for a day, what the fuck was that by the way 'Hey, don’t know where you’ve been but I missed you’ If I thought it was important that you knew where I was I would have fucking told you. I don’t fucking love you so why are you so obsessed with me”  He calls out to you. You rounded on him.
“Do not act like you didn’t want me to fall for you possessive son of a bitch! You were so scared of sharing your toys you made it a point to make me care about you so that others would stay away!”
Your voices were getting louder and louder with each passing jab.
“Yeah, I don’t like sharing! I never said I was a good guy Y/N, I don’t give a fuck about your feelings but I will be fucking damned if I let some random ass guy of the street touch you or let you put black shit in your skin! I know you better than anyone and you know what the best part is? It will fucking stay that way, cuz I know that right now you are just eating up all the attention I am giving you aren’t you, you pathetic bitch!
Just as he was about to continue the door was thrown open and your roommate stocked into the room. Her expression was hard and emotionless. She marched right up to where Taeyong stood motionless, grabbed the man by the collar and flung him twords the door. She spoke with the kind of finality that sent shivers down your spine.
"Taeyong, its time your you to leave.”
After processing her words he gave her a quick once over as if deciding if it was worth fighting. And as he turned and walked out the door you had the sinking realization had he had decided that you were not worth the trouble.
After the sound of the front door opening and closing your roommate turned to were you stood and addressed you for the first time.
“are you alright?”
It occurred to you now for the first time that you were crying. Because Taeyong was right, you did like it in those moments where it seemed for the first time that you were truly the sole object of his attention.
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songofclarity · 4 years
For a character who was the catalyst for all the events of the novel WRH got way too little attention and show time in the novel heck we don't even get a face off between him and the protagonists. To me if JGS was a pig in a golden pigsty, JGY a sneaky fox, and XY a rabid dog, then WRH was a mighty dragon. He had all the makings of an amazing villain but that potential was wasted and imo that is one of mdzs' greatest flaws
Mighty dragon Wen RuoHan is so true, Anon!
The spoiled pig in the golden pigsty came out on top after the Sunshot Campaign. He had all the money, a beautiful family, and an intact sect, and yet he wanted all the power left in Wen RuoHan’s wake--as if the world hadn’t fought for three years to get rid of the original.
The treacherous snake who cuddled up to others to steal their warmth and yet bit to kill at the first sign of movement. He acted like that warmth was his due and he had no choice but to bite. Surely the actions of others would either do him harm or leave him cold! He tricked Wen RuoHan into believing their scales meant they were similar, but he only ever dreamed of being a pig in that golden pigsty. (There is a connotation of mischief and charm with “sneaky fox” that does not fit Jin GuangYao in my mind lol)
The rabid dog who was used to being beaten and yet would accept a warm bed and a dish of food from any kind hand. He won’t bite the hand that feeds him but he will absolutely maul anyone who threatens that warm bed and new home he found--or anyone who looks like an easy target for some fun and games.
And then there is the mighty dragon!
I've been trying to respond to this ask for a few days because I agree and yet I also kind of disagree on that last point. I find it hard to say Wen RuoHan’s potential was wasted because it’s his potential to do harm that kept the Sunshot Campaign alive but also his lesser-discussed potential to be influenced towards doing good that could have prevented a lot of grief. Although he didn’t get a lot of page time, his importance to the story is practically on par with Wei WuXian himself and he continues to exist as a specter of evil even after he is dead.
This quote comes to mind during empathy:
On Koi Tower, people came and went. Before Nie MingJue's high viewpoint, the crowd parted again and again, with both sides nodding at him in respect, calling him "ChiFeng-Zun." Wei WuXian thought, Such a show of extravagance is going to reach even the heavens. All these people both fear and respect Nie MingJue. There's quite a few people who fear me, though not a lot who respect me. (Ch. 49 ERS)
One of the major conflicts in MDZS is based on one question: who gets to be the next Wen RuoHan after the Sunshot Campaign? And the sane answer is that it should be nobody. The Sects are independent entities who should take care of themselves and work in cooperation without controlling each other. The Wen Sect was never actually in charge of the other sects so it’s quite twisted for the Chief Cultivator position to be created in the wake of Wen RuoHan’s death. Wen RuoHan is still a catalyst for events even after he is murdered!
More so, when people were saying they hoped Wen Qing would one day take over as Sect Leader Wen because she had a normal way of doing things, it’s because Wen RuoHan calling the former Sect Leader Nie over to passive-aggressively slap his saber a few times and tell him it is a good saber is just bizarre. Of course Wen Qing’s ways of doing things are normal!
Compare Wen Qing being angry:
"If you really are grateful then put in some effort! What [the] hell kind of medicine did you just make? Brew it again!" (Ch. 60 ERS)
To Wen RuoHan:
And, thus, Wen RuoHan wasn't pleased anymore...
Wen RuoHan laughed after he heard. “Are you sure about that? Well, I want to see.” (Ch. 49, ERS)
But back to the scene at Koi Tower, it’s funny that the one closest to becoming Wen RuoHan is quite possibly Nie MingJue, the one now respected and feared, the one who fought the most against Jin GuangShan creating the Chief Cultivator seat. Why did Jin GuangShan create the Chief Cultivator seat? Because no one was ever going to respect him or to listen to him, much less respect him and fear his power to let him do whatever he pleased. But even then, Nie MingJue had to travel to Koi Tower to point Baxia while he made his demands. Jin GuangShan and Jin GuangYao had to murder and lie and scheme to get what they wanted. Wei WuXian had to figuratively set himself on fire. Wen RuoHan simply had to call his target of his ire over and he came, and then he let fate run its course.
Wei WuXian, Nie MingJue, Jin GuangShan, Jin GuangYao--none of them ever held even a fraction of the power wielded by Wen RuoHan. A power shown when Lan XiChen and a bunch of other juniors looked at the waterborne abyss and didn’t even dare to speak the name of the Qishan Wen aloud. Our spoiled pig and even rabid dog look to demonic cultivation to gain that fear element since they lack the wow factors of a powerful cultivator. Wei WuXian and Nie MingJue end up dead because a spoiled pig and a treacherous snake want their golden pigsty to go uncontested.
So it’s hard to speak of Wen RuoHan not meeting his potential when all the Sects left in his wake never achieve a fraction of what Wen RuoHan had. And even then, at no point in the story does Wen RuoHan ever wake up in the morning and pick murder, although the same cannot be said for the likes of Wen Chao, Jin GuangYao, Xue Yang, and even Wei WuXian.
So what I’m getting at here is that despite Wen RuoHan’s lack of appearances, we learn a lot about him through other characters trying to either work for or against him or emulate him. And he does face off against one of our protagonists: Nie MingJue! Although that we don’t get to see their first fight in Yangquan when Nie MingJue was fresh is truly frustrating!
Because even though we do get a Wen RuoHan face-off with a protagonist, it’s his assassination that gets all the attention--and it’s because Nie MingJue avoids talking about traumatic experiences and Jin GuangYao already got what he wanted from that event. The mural at Koi Tower immortalizing the assassination of Wen RuoHan is a snapshot of the heroic Jin GuangYao taking out the Big Bad in a glorious moment. It was also, however, a huge red flag that Jin GuangYao is willing to murder someone who gave him respect, protection, and empowerment so long as he could use their blood to pave his road ahead.
I do have to wonder on the degree of Wen RuoHan’s villainy when he didn’t even bother to take the life of his son’s killer and he passed on the opportunity to torture him, too. But no one in the story talks about Wen RuoHan as a person. They talk about Sect Leader Wen as a symbol, and he becomes a symbol of evil.
Everyone becomes so focused on Wen RuoHan as the Big Bad that for all the crimes the spoiled pig and the treacherous snake perpetrate, the majority of the cultivation world responds with, “If this [evil act and/or abuse of power] was done by the Wen Sect, we would be really concerned. Since the people doing it are not-Wens, it can’t be evil and thus we can allow it to happen.”
And thus the Jin get away with doing a lot of evil. Lan XiChen can look at Jin GuangYao and say, “he has his reasons,” because Lan XiChen has been victimized by the Wens and Jin GuangYao murdered Wen RuoHan so surely there is a divide there between good and evil, right and wrong. This is a very convenient way for letting the Jin get away with doing a lot of bad things! Wei WuXian rescuing the Wen Remants, meanwhile, places him conveniently within the Wen-Sect-Is-Bad camp, and we all know how that goes.
So I do agree that Wen RuoHan had all the potential to become a great villain, not just because he has all the power and followers that let him do whatever he wanted but also because the cultivation world sold us the story of him being a monstrous villain who loved blood and torture. But when the other sects create an uprising against the Wen Sect and label it the Sunshot Campaign, not once does Wen RuoHan try to subdue them. Not once does Wen RuoHan ever turn to violence and punishment or slaughter. He had the potential to be a great villain and stomp on all of them! But he doesn’t.
And I don’t think that’s because his potential went unmet. That’s just his character. He is an antagonist with the potential to become a great villain and yet he stays his hand. His power instead draws villains to him like flies to honey. There’s a reason people wear their time spent as a guest cultivator of the Wen Sect with pride! Wen RuoHan is good to his Sect. The perks and benefits cannot be matched.
But it’s not only the dregs of society that come to the Wen Sect and abuse its power. Wen RuoHan has three morally distinct people closest to him that reveal that he has the potential to be well-rounded:
Wen Qing: speaks her mind, a doctor, refuses to kill, intelligent, talented in the liberal arts, accompanies Wen RuoHan to discussion conferences, pays her debts, won’t die for the main branch which is just an alternative of her don’t-kill policy which is don’t-die-for-stupid-shit-customs policy
Wen ZhuLiu: loyal to a fault, dedicated, obedient, was told to protect Wen Chao and does his job incredibly well because this is how he pays his debt to Wen RuoHan for saving him, doesn’t do anything unnecessary, doesn’t speak unnecessary words
Meng Yao: loyal only to himself at the end of the day, prideful, hardworking, scheming, ambitious, supports petty revenge, pro-murder, stabs as a warning, will sell you to satan for one corn chip, does not acknowledge owing debts to anyone but has the receipts on what others owe him
All three characters are respected for their talents and effectively do as Wen RuoHan tells them. Wen Qing leaves for the Yiling Supervisory Office and takes her rational mind with her. Wen ZhuLiu leaves to protect Wen Chao and leaves Wen RuoHan undefended. Meng Yao makes himself useful in Nightless City and thus stays closest to Wen RuoHan’s side. So who is the one speaking in Wen RuoHan’s ear the most? The one saying murder is OK so take revenge.
And even then Wen RuoHan still doesn’t take his revenge, I’m just saying.
But what I’m trying to get at on this scenic route is that Wen RuoHan is left with all this wonderful potential for a reason. Not only do we see his potential but other characters see it, too. His potential is turned into someone else’s profit. Nie MingJue claims that Wen Qing should have spoken up more, which implies Wen RuoHan has the potential for change or even to do good. The majority, however,  persist on not just his potential but his status as a great evil. The characters in the story make Wen RuoHan into the penultimate evil by a post-war consensuses. With that, the ceiling is pushed so high that other evils are able to bloom in the glass house they’ve made.
“Whatever we do can never be as bad as what Wen RuoHan and the Wen Sect did,” the cultivation world says as they let a mass murderer run rampant, as people are used for demonic cultivation test subjects, as prisoners of war are beaten and killed, as a dozen women are raped and murdered for petty revenge, as brother betrays brother, as a father murders his innocent son for political gain, as juniors are kidnapped and used as bait...
So absolutely Wen RuoHan was a catalyst for many events because people either wanted to be him, have him in their fighting corner, or kill him. He perpetuated events by wanting to correct the cultivation world as he saw fit by indoctrinating juniors in the Wen Sect ways or by setting up supervisory offices to prevent rebellious behavior. He delegated these tasks which put people in positions of power that they only saw fit to abuse.
But Wen RuoHan’s potential to be a great villain competes with his inherent lack of interest in causing death and destruction. I think that makes him not just a compelling antagonist compared to all the others but a fascinating character in general. Considering MDZS gets praised for all its morally grey characters, I don’t think Wen RuoHan should be left out of the conversation.
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
once upon a december
summary: you had no idea who you were, how you got to where you were, or even your real age. all you knew was that you needed to go to auren, and something there would help you find the family that you always secretly craved. little did you know, you’d find family far before you actually got to auren.
warnings: nothin’. maybe a little swearing possibly? memory loss (lol)
word count: 4.7k
so, not this being my first multi-chaptered fic up here… WOW. there’s absolutely no reason for me to put this out right now other than the fact that i wanted it to leave my drafts. ha!
part one!
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You had known the cold your whole life.  When you woke up after god knows what happened, you were in the cold snow, face buried in it, clothes wet with it, and so that was what you knew. You laid in the snow for what seemed like forever, and you were lucky that a man was on his horse, selling trinkets that were said to belong to some lost princess of a far off land. The “Land of Always Summer”, everyone in the orphanage liked to call it. He carried you up onto his horse and dumped you right at the orphanage, and you weren’t even conscious enough to move your lips to thank him. But you would never forget his face and the way he tipped his hat, snow flurrying around before hopping up on his horse again and disappearing like he never existed in the first place. 
  The cold was the first thing you remembered, and the first part of the life that you now knew. Everything else was such a blur that you never even bothered to attempt at remembering what your life used to be, especially not when all of the other kids were around. 
  Growing up, they all thought you were weird. They had all been dropped off as young children, some even babies in the vicious winter storm. They knew that they couldn’t have done anything that made their parents want to chuck them, because they were too young to do so. But you? For you to have been thrown to the side at fifteen or sixteen years old, you must have been really weird. And to make it worse, you couldn’t even defend yourself. You knew nothing about yourself. Not even your name. But they had that covered for you.  
 At first, they called you Stacy. It was an old name, a name that was slowly on the rise again. It was easy to remember, and it wasn’t degrading, so you went with it at first. And then, one night, you woke up and shook your head, determined to name yourself, and not have others name you. You would give yourself at least that. Something would be yours, and if it wasn’t going to be memories, then it would be your name. You decided randomly on Y/N, and then that was what you were called from there. For years at the orphanage, that was who you were. 
  But you were done. It was the day. You had finally come of age, and it was time for you to leave, unless you wanted to be employed there. You surely did not. You were ready to get away from the people that ran the place, and the children that you grew up with and watched grow, except one. You were packing your bag, trying to keep the smile off of your face in order to not make any of the others feel bad. 
 “Today, isn’t it?” You jumped, even though the voice was one that you easily recognized. It was Lucas, the little boy who had practically become your shadow ever since he was brought to the doorstep as a baby. You were the oldest kid, you were a girl, and he had no mother. You were the one who was in charge of taking care of him because somehow, you knew how to take care of children. And you loved him, you loved him more than you had ever loved anything in your “new” life. He would be the hardest thing to leave, without question. 
  “Yes, honey.” You stopped packing your small bag so that you could walk up to him and crouch down to his height, his curly hair and sad brown eyes really plucking at your heartstrings. “I’m leaving now.” 
  “When will you be back?” He asked slowly, his eyes getting a little watery. But he had thick skin, skin so thick, skin that no child should have to wear. He wiped his eyes quickly. “Will you be back at all?” 
  “I will be, one day.” He was young, and you were hopeful, but you both knew that the chances of you coming back to the mild hell of the orphanage were slim to none. 
  “I want to leave, too.” He said, his voice tapering off into a whine at the end, his brows scrunching together. “I don’t like it here.” 
In every aspect, you thought about taking him with you. But you had nothing to support him with. You were sure that you were going to starve for a while even by yourself, and you couldn’t take the possibility of him being taken in by a good family who could provide for him away because you wanted to keep him close. “I know you don’t, sweetheart. But someone is going to see just how adorable you are and give you everything you want, alright?” 
 “A good mommy or daddy?” 
“Absolutely, my love.” You pulled him into a hug and closed your eyes, and you knew that it would probably be the last time that you were ever going to hug him. You squeezed him twice, drawing out a giggle from his little body. “Because you… what? Finish.” 
 “Because I deserve it.” 
You pulled away and smiled with pride. “That’s right. Because you deserve it.” You patted his head before turning to finish with your bag, and you hoped that you were fast enough so that he didn’t see your watering eyes. 
 It took him a few more minutes to say anything, but you knew that he was standing there and watching with his wide eyes, curiosity flaring up inside of him like always. “Don’t you have a coat?” He asked quietly. “It’s winter time.” 
“Sure, I have a coat,” you lied, your voice a calming hum in the otherwise quiet room.
 You didn’t have a coat anymore. You gave him your coat not even three weeks ago, when the heat of the fire wasn’t enough for him to stay warm in the dark of the night. You worked with dull scissors all night and a thick sewing needle that you borrowed without the warden knowing, and you got to work with the needle and made him a nice fur blanket. It was much nicer than any of the ones that any of you and the others had ever been given, and he was convinced that you hired a seamstress to make it for him. You took the compliment. 
  That was your clue, though. Your singular clue to who you were, and it wasn't even big. You remembered how to do nothing but walk, talk, write, and read in the beginning. You were about as smart as anyone else, and unlike them, you had no hobbies. Until you went to a village and saw a cheap little sewing kit, and it sparked something so faint in your mind that you knew that you would work extra chores just to be able to buy it. You knew it. 
 You were an absolute goddess with a needle and some fabric, as it turned out. Your hand never wavered, your aim was never off, and no stitch was ever too tight or too loose. Your first stitching was immaculate, and so were your second, and third, and so forth. It wasn’t until Sophia, a girl who had been with you since you had started, suggested that it was a clue to who you once were that you truly considered it to be. From then on, sewing was all you had. You hoped that it would be enough. 
  “Why don’t you get on to breakfast, and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” You suggested, turning your head to give him a little smile of encouragement. He shrugged his shoulders and bounded away, leaving you with your own thoughts for a moment. 
You knew what you had to do. You had to go to the nearest town and get a job there, wherever you could knit something. You would get fast money there, hopefully, and maybe the money that you got would make you enough to buy a ticket, one to take you to the one place that stuck in your mind like it was pasted. Auren. 
Ever since you heard of the land where warmth surrounded you and the sun came down brightly on everything that breathed, you wanted to go. The cold was welcoming in a way, but the Kingdom of Auren was said to be the prettier one between it and Yuran. Yuran was cold and unforgiving, but beautiful if one allowed themselves an open mind. You didn’t want to have to think too much, not about something that should be so plain in front of you. But Auren was far, and it was expensive to get there. 
Chore money hardly got you that sewing kit, and it sure as hell wasn’t enough for a horse, or a train ticket. 
  By the time you got to the breakfast table with your bag around your shoulders, your plate was already made. Lucas was sitting next to it, where he always sat, and he grinned at you the second you walked into the room. The others were all demolishing their breakfast, because it was a good meal today. Bacon and eggs and even pancakes, which were a rarity. A big meal was made every time a person aged out or got adopted, and it was tradition. You almost teared up. It was your big meal, this time. 
You sat down in the chair and ruffled Lucas’s hair, putting the napkin on your lap and rearranging your spoon and fork. The sounds of cutlery against dishes was almost as loud as the others chewing, sloppily and without a care in the world as they stole glances at you, even the ones who didn’t particularly care for you. 
“Loosen up, would you?” A boy named Julius asked, like he did at every meal. “You always look so… so…” 
“You look fancy when you eat.” Sophia explained in a bored tone, nodding towards the way you held your fork and knife. “I don’t know why he feels the need to say it every single time we sit down together, but-”
“Because it’s true, Sophie,” he spat, and you sighed. You wouldn't miss the arguing, that was for sure. 
“So, where will you go?” Dalia, a brown skinned girl who had the cutest gap in her teeth and the brightest eyes in the orphanage asked. 
“I’m hoping to get a job as a seamstress in the village,” you said somewhat strongly, even though you were nervous. Actually, you were nearly bursting out of your own skin. What if they didn’t take you? 
“That will be a good job for you, you’re really good at it.” The entire facility could agree on that. Every time one of them ruined their pants or ripped a shirt so badly that the caretakers just told them to throw it away, they came to you. From the time that you came and up until the day you left, you had made entire wardrobes for them all. 
“I hope so, Dal.” You sighed out, giving a nice smile when you put a syrupy piece of pancake in your mouth, not talking until you swallowed again. “Are you guys going to be good?” 
“We’re always good, Y/N,” Lucas said with a small eye roll. “You don’t have to worry about us.” You wished that you didn’t. 
After everyone was finished eating, the door opened, and in walked the tall and broad shouldered woman who owned the orphanage. You saw all of the other kids sigh and look away, and you did the opposite. You were older, and this woman was mean, but she didn’t scare you. She was bitter, but that was all she was. “You’re leaving.” 
“In a few minutes,” you added, and then kept eye contact with her when you put a piece of bacon in your mouth, nearly collapsing at the taste. God, breakfast hadn’t been so good since Susanne left. You felt Lucas tug on your pant leg, his arm reaching under the table. 
“Good.” The woman said, and she gave you a once over. “I imagine that you’d want to work at the dress shop in the village, correct?” 
“That’s my goal.” 
“Hm.” She took a few steps closer. “I heard there’s an opening there, if you want it.” She looked towards the windows. “But you’ll have to make it quick. You’re not the only girl with quick fingers and a needle, you know.”
She wanted you out. You knew that. She never really liked you, and you never cared for her much, either. You came too late for her to get attached to, not even in that oddly placed way that she loved everyone else. “When do you suggest I take my leave?”
“Within the hour,” she answered immediately. “You don’t want to get lost in the dark, you know.” You frowned. It was eight in the morning, there was no way that the sun was going down any time soon. You knew that she just wanted you to leave, and so did everyone else at the table who was older than nine. 
“Okay.” You said, not anywhere near to being in the mood to start an argument with her. That’s not how you wanted Lucas to remember you, at all. So, you kissed his forehead, waved goodbye to all of the other kids, and then got up from your chair. 
The worst part of leaving was finally approaching, close enough to raise its fist and knock on your door. You had seen it happen millions of times it seemed, and yet, you thought that you would be exempt from it. The children were always ushered back to their rooms once another left, and you were sure that it had everything to deal with not wanting them to see what freedom looked like. The warden didn’t want them to witness what it looked like when an orphan got their own wings.
“Wait!” Lucas shouted, and he nearly yanked your arm out of the socket before shoving a little, wooden toy soldier in your hand, the one that he always played with. 
Your heart was warm. It was so warm that you had a hard time forming your next words, your mind so full of adoration for this little boy who had been your living shadow, your source of happiness in a world that had given you none at all, nevermind on a silver platter. You took in a deep breath at seeing one out of two of his favorite toys, the one that he always made you take so that he could play with the other one. The one he was trying to give you had an idle gun with it, and the other had it cocked aimed. Lucas’s one won every time. 
You gave him a sad smile. “No, kiddo, you can keep it.” 
“I have another one.” He rushed out. “Please, take it. That way we can still play when we’re far away.” 
Oh. Oh. If you could have chosen to stay there with him until he grew too old to be there, you would have. You would have a million times over. You knew that he had even the old, bitter woman thinking twice about her decision to throw you out when she made a hmph noise and turned away, her long dress exiting last. 
“Alright. I’ll take it, Lucas.” You ruffled his hair again. “I’m gonna miss you so much.” 
“I’ll miss you, too.” He hugged you tightly, and then you were swarmed by all of the younger kids, who held you all together in the customary send off hug as tears came through your shut eyes. 
“I’m going to miss all of you, you know.” 
“I’ll miss you, too,” you heard back, coming from about twenty different voices that you recognized individually. 
“I’ll miss you. Even that posh accent and the way that you eat and sit,” Julius admitted, and you cracked a smile at him. 
“I don’t have an accent, but, thank you.” You said, and you reached over and flicked his forehead. “You guys are all amazing, and don’t you ever not think that for a second. You deserve the best, and one day, you’ll get that for yourselves.” 
You looked at all of their faces, and saw them watching you. Despite how much some of the older ones didn’t like you sometimes simply because you were older, they listened to you. “You are the best children anyone could ever ask for, and if people don’t see that, they’re dumb.” 
“We don’t need parents to feel validated,” Sophie nodded. 
“Precisely!” You said, and then you cleared your throat when you saw some of them look at you strangely. “Exactly. Now, you guys remember that, okay?” They nodded their heads, and you pulled your back tighter. “Alright. I’ll miss you.” 
You watched them be ushered into their rooms, watching the backs of their heads disappear, even hearing a few sniffles. You clenched your jaw and cleared your throat, shaking your head clear of any worries or trace of sadness, and then you walked up to the door. 
No one would accompany you out there. No one was going to be able to tell you which way to go, not metaphorically or even directions wise. There wasn’t going to be anyone like Sophia, who had clued you in on your past so kindly before. No one was going to be beside you, and you were going to miss it, no matter how nagging everyone was. 
  You took in a deep breath as you felt the chill of the door on your hand, and you wrapped yourself in the blanket that came from your bag. You only regretted for a split second that Lucas had your coat, but then you remembered that he needed it much more than you did. And so, he had it. You opened the door to light snowfall, and immediately once you stepped onto the cold ground, a snowflake fell onto your cheek. 
Slowly, you walked up to the rusted gates that were probably once a brilliant silver, and then you looked back at the rundown place before touching the gate, forgetting all about rust. You took in a second deep breath and closed your eyes, because you knew that once you stepped foot outside of the gates of the orphanage, there was no going back. 
You were an orphan no longer once you stepped away. You were an adult. You were the caretaker, not the one to be cared for. 
You nodded your head to yourself and pushed the door to the gates open, hearing the same sound that you had always heard after breakfast when someone left, but it was much louder up close. You almost jumped at how easy it was to get open, and then you slipped through, shutting it after yourself quickly. You huffed out a breath and saw it fog up in the air, and then you felt tears burn in your eyes. 
You were leaving behind the family that you barely even realized that you had. And you would likely never see them again. And this was all because you wanted to find the family that had tossed you aside like yesterday’s newspaper, like you were someone else’s problem. 
But it wasn’t really to meet them, you knew. It was so that you could see what you had or hadn’t been missing. 
Your feet were moving before you even knew that they were. You looked back and couldn’t even see the orphanage anymore, and you had a strong urge to run in again and say that you regretted leaving, but you couldn’t. So you kept walking. 
You didn’t have a watch, but you knew that it had been hours since you started walking away from the orphanage. Your hands were getting a tingly feeling in them, and your pants were wet with snow. They weren’t nearly enough for you to be protected, and you really regretted not saving up for some real pants instead of a new sewing kit. 
You hadn’t passed a single road sign during the entire walk. You expected to see something, maybe even a landmark that the bitter woman would talk about, something that would spark a memory even, but you got nothing. You had absolutely no idea where you were, and you were starting to get scared. 
You were definitely in the woods, that was for sure. You were in so deep that turning back was the less intelligent option. You hadn’t heard another voice in hours, or even the sound of horses and carriages. Nothing. Where the hell were you? 
 Your foot caught a tree root that was hidden by a somewhat thick layer of snow, and you went down hard. You grunted when you hit the ground, and you immediately reached out for the ankle that started throbbing. You hissed when you touched it and then threw your head back, nearly starting to cry from being scared out of your mind and frustrated at the same time. 
“Why didn’t they give me a map?” You asked aloud, slamming a hand on the ground before bracing yourself to stand on the very tree that had got the better of you.
You only got three steps before falling over again, the pain in your ankle far too strong for you to go much further. You bit down a cry as you tilted your head up towards the sky, which was getting darker by the minute. 
You were going to die out there. After your first night alone. You were about to die. 
“Um, miss?” You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of another voice, scrambling up even though you felt the pain in your ankle intensify. “You shouldn’t stand on that.” 
When you finally turned around, you were met with a man on a gray horse, who looked just as confused as you. Even from the distance you were at, you could tell that he was handsome. His blue eyes contrasted nicely with his dark hair that was cut short with just the slightest hint of waviness. He tilted his head sideways at you, like he was trying to see something, and then the weirdest of noises escaped his lips, a strangled gasp that startled you even more. “Ale- who are you?”
You turned your head behind you, thinking that his slightly horrified question couldn’t have been directed towards you. “Do you see something?” 
“Who are you?” He repeated, his voice slightly choked yet as sharp as a blade. His horse trotted closer without him even speaking a command. He stopped a few paces in front of you, and you looked up at him directly for the first time and nearly cried. He was huge. And he looked like he could crush you.
  “I- wait, who are you?” If there was one thing the orphanage taught you, it was to not talk to men you didn’t know. It was a way to get hurt or murdered. Everyone knew that. Not even men on horses who could pass for rich knights could be trusted. 
It took a few moments of mutual staring for him to even think about saying anything. “I’m James,” he answered cautiously, like you were the one to be wary of. “And you are?” 
You kept your grimace to yourself. You had two choices; to be friendly with this man and hope that he gave you a bit of shelter for the night without anything in return, or to be rude and possibly save your life, or ruin it all the same. You were leaning towards the first choice. 
It took you a moment to clear the cobwebs of thought from your mind and come up with an answer. When you did, it seemed like he was hanging on edge for your response, like it would make a few things in his life miraculously make sense. “I’m Y/N.” 
 He gave you a look. It was long, curious, and doubting. You thought for a second that he was surely seeing through you, seeing a version of you that you weren’t aware of. He breathed in through his nose, looking you up and down. “How old are you?”
You frowned at the question automatically. “You know, it’s not polite to ask a woman her age.” 
 You could have sworn that his lips tilted upwards before he schooled his features. “Are you camping?” 
“I-”  were you to tell him that you were utterly helpless? Was that the smartest thing to tell a man so big and obviously strong? You wouldn’t stand a chance if he decided to be your worst nightmare, not at all. But something in you knew that he wasn’t anything like that. Something knew. “I’m kind of lost.” 
“Where are you trying to go?”
“I’m trying to find the village, where there’s an opening for a seamstress.” 
  His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “You’re a seamstress?” 
“I’m trying to be.”
“Have you learned?” He asked, and you looked towards your freezing feet. 
 You should have expected that question. If not from a stranger in the woods, than from a possible employer. You sighed. “No, I never learned. No one taught me.” 
“Then how do you plan on becoming a seamstress?” 
You looked up at him for a second, trying to keep your teeth from chattering as you decided to shed your bag and put it on the ground, opening it up to reveal some shirts and pants that you had made on your own. “I made these myself.” He made a noise. 
 “I thought you said you never learned?” 
“I didn’t,” you said softly, the warmth of the clothes feeling good in your hand. “I never did learn, I just did it one day. And it’s been what I do ever since.” 
 He was still giving you that look, like he was expecting something more, or like you were some type of ghost or hallucination. The staring match took a while, and you were starting to feel the numbness of your ankle wear off. “My friend and I are in need of someone who’s good with a needle.” 
 That wasn’t exactly what you wanted to hear, unless he and his friend owned a sewing shop. Judging by his appearance, it was unlikely that he did. “I should be finding town.” 
“The nearest town is about thirty leagues, and there are no openings for seamstresses—or  any job really—there.” He said. “I can take you to the nearest town, my pal is waiting there for me.” 
 You were thinking far too hard for such an easy question. Thirty leagues was too far for you to clear by yourself before nightfall, and if night fell on you, you were as good as dead. You tried to think about it, but you knew your answer. You were done if you didn’t get on that horse. “I… okay. I think I’ll have to take you up on that, James.” 
  “Do you need help getting on the horse?” He asked, and though you had never even been on a horse before, you shook your head. You weren’t going to let the man grab on your waist and hoist you up. You would fall ten times before that happened, because that was far more embarrassing. 
  “No, thanks.” You were scared. You had never seen a horse so close before, and they were much bigger than you expected. Horses were for the rich, and that was partly why you were riding with this man. If he was needing someone who could sew and had a horse, he would pay you well for something that you enjoyed. It seemed good, in theory. 
You took in a deep breath as you threw yourself up there, expecting fully to slip and land right on your butt, but you didn’t. And he didn’t help you, either. In a movement as fluid as water, you were on the horse, in the exact position that you were supposed to be in. You frowned at yourself, looking down at your legs in muted surprise. 
“I’m shocked you made it,” you heard him rumble, and you nodded. “Most people who ride for the first time can’t do that.” 
You added that to your memory bank, another clue to the screwed up mystery you were playing around with. You watched your sigh come out of your mouth, your breath coming out in smoke because of the cold. “Guess I’ve ridden before.”
this isn’t what i usually write, but man, was this fun. i hope you guys liked this little part! come back if you want, and you’ll meet steve!! i hope you guys liked it, thank you so much for reading this far, y’all have my heart fr
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Neighbors Son
You meet your new neighbors son.
Warnings: Swearing, Mature-ish, angst
A/n: so this is the start of my Clark Kent Imagine series that will sort of run alongside my Bruce Wayne ones, I re-wrote this about eight times so hope you like the final result as for the health insurance I'm British so have no idea how it works I just went along the lines of how car insurance works here.
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​
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The Neighbors Son
Martha chuckled as you sat at her kitchen table grumbling over the papers in front of you.
"You do you lot have to do things so weird?! What the hell is this shit ?And what the fuck does that word even mean. Its not a word that's the fucking alphabet in the wrong order! THEY MADE UP NEW WORDS Martha can you take me out back and shoot me please? At this point I think that's my only option" You grunted resting your head on the table. Martha sighed rolling her eyes at your dramatic display you felt her slip the paper from underneath your head.
"Just whats gotten you so work up now girl..... Health insurance? Well its about damn time! You've been here four months .....I can see why this can seem difficult." She scanned the documents and slapped the side of your head making you sit up.
"Come on up, right this one is the best value but doesn't cover dental or opticians, so you have to pay for them, but it covers illness and emergancey care, if you choose the next one up you’ll get that and it also covers for maternity care." She pointed out the different options, you knew that you’d been lucky in England to have the nhs but until now you didn't know just how lucky.
"Can I upgrade? Like at a later date if I wanna have a one?" The older woman scanned the documents.
"Yes but you wont be able to claim anything for prenatal or maternity for at least six months after adding it to the policy." You nodded you didn't really see yourself accidentally falling pregnant for that you'd need to have sex and you've been on a dry spell since being here. You nodded taking the paper from her."So I will just do that then"  you said wanting it over and done with she sighed at you crossing her arms giving you 'the look' that every woman got when she became a mother."How many have you looked at?" You shrunk under her stern gaze and rubbed the back of your neck nervously.
"Errr so far? In total? One" she sighed shaking her head at you, before pouring you both another coffee setting it in front of you,she hadn't realized how lonley she had been once the farm house across the field had been empty not until you had moved in, all the way from England you had bought the house with your inheritance selling most of the fields to others in the area just keeping a small two acres around the house for yourself. She had met you the day you moved in coming over to introduce herself see if you needed help, you both instantly hit it off and it wasn't long before she was looking out for you. It was hard for you to adjust to life here, loosing your dad was bad but she then found out that your mother had caused major problems practically chasing you out of the country, the woman had been unhappy with the will and wanted her 'half' tho it wasn't millions it was enough for you to live comfortably in the end you'd had to move as she kept coming around to the house causing problems and harassing you for money, you'd had to get away far away so settled in Kansas. It was different but a welcome change, slower and laid back sure sometimes you missed not being in the Hustle and bustle but you had everything you need, a comfy house ,decent car and an income from your books, you was an author writing adult books, tales of gorgeous cowboys, dominant business men and mafia king pin's all falling in love with the women of their dreams with erotic twists and scenes that would make a porn star blush. Martha had been a huge help since you got here ,she had taken you under her wing watching over you and you'd become fast friends, always finding yourselves at each others houses helping each other out. You groaned as she shook her head at you knowing the look. There was a lecture coming.
"That’s just silly, you should look around compare prices and policies, it could save you a lot of money in the long run, especially you i mean your a trouble magnet how you haven't already ended up in ER I don't know?" You smiled sweetly at her
"Because a have a kind and loving neighbor to patch me up" you said casting a look to the scar on your arm where she had sewed you up after a nasty fall on some farming equipment in the barn. She huffed at you rolling her eyes kids. And you was a kid only twenty seven years old younger then her Clark, sometimes she asked you why you don't go into town and meet some people your age you'd always cringe and shiver saying that they were to immature or just banged on about marriage and kids, which neither interested you in the slightest you were quite happy with things the way they were. Martha looked up as the dog perked up outside whining and yipping happily before she heard him
"Ma? You here?" She smiled as he entered the house wrapping her up in his arms she hugged him back.
"Clark? What are you doing here?"  She pulled back a little seeing him upset she cupped his face.
"Oh god whats wrong? Is everything okay? Whats happened?"
"Its Lois...we had an argument I had to leave her Ma, its over she couldn't see past the super-" Martha quickly shushed him as You stood awkwardly thinking it better to leave not wanting to intrude. The man snapped his head in your direction releasing his mum and you were floored he was stunning, sure she had showed you photos of her son but they didn't do any justice. Tall broad and strong his biceps were fucking huge his chest tapered into a perfect v, dark hair hanging in messy curls atop his head some falling forward just skimming his eyes that were a glistening bright blue you felt your pussy clench violently. Fuck. You was so lost that you failed to notice him staring right back at you it was Martha clearing her throat that snapped you both out of what ever trance you'd both been put you under.
"Cheers for the coffee but I should get back and leave two to catch up, anyway this next chapter isn't gonna write itself..... at this point I don't think I’m gonna write it either." You said with a chuckle Martha turned to you putting her hands on her hips.
"Oh no you don't, your going park you butt right there and stay here to search other quotes" you gaped at her looking to her son he held up his hands staying out of it.
"Don't you go looking to him,he wont help you" you huffed crossing your arms
"Did you just give me homework? It sounds like you gave me home work." She nodded
"Damn right, health insurance is a big deal and you don't just pick the first one that pop's up on the internet" you pouted at her trying to change her mind she just stared you down tilting her head then you threw your hands up.
"Oh for fuck sake, fine I will look Jesus Christ" she nodded smiling not missing the way you and Clark was stealing glances at one another, well you stole glances Clark was out right staring. She slapped him upside the head.
"Don’t be rude son introduce yourself" he stuttered shyly flushing at being scolded before holding out a hand towards you quickly.
"Er Clark Kent nice to meet you Mrs?" You took his hand not surprised by how warm it was I mean this guy was hot, it only made sense right?.
"Miss Y/n Y/L/N but just call me Y/n everyone does....apart from your mum she calls me 'a pain in the ass'" he chuckled
"Then we already have something in common" you laughed as Martha motioned for you both to sit at the table smiling knowingly, she saw how Clark couldn't look away how the sorrow in his eyes disappeared as he looked at you. Clark couldn't tear his eyes away from you he gulped eyes raking over your form his mouth gone dry speechless. Wow. You was very attractive like you walked out of one of his fantasies, a tiny homely looking girl light tan with deep chocolate wavy hair in a short bob twisted in a half up do, tiny bun in the back with a few loose strands framing your small face that had a dusting of freckles from being out in the sun, tho he guessed that some were more permanent as they didn'tstop on your face trailing down into you blouse, his breathing hitched as his eyes couldn't help peeking seeing the tops of you breasts spilling over the cups of your bra as you slouched over the table barely resting your elbow on it due to how small you was. His cock twitched you were very tiny the top of your head didn't even reach the top of his chest, he estimated you to be around four foot nine maybe four foot ten he grunted a little, he did have a thing for smaller women, he loved that he towered over average sized women but you were like his dream girl,fuck if he didn't want to fold you in half and fuck you senseless. His pants tightened at the thought, he bet you'd struggle to take him but given the chance he would find a way to impale you forcing your little body to take every punishing inch he grunted a quietly his stomach clenching. He quickly pulled his eyes away before either you would notice trying to calm his slightly ragged breaths this wasn't like him at all, he had been raised a gentleman but sitting here he felt anything but. Drawing his eyes up to yours. Incredible, he got many compliments for his eye but yours were something else, one a light brown honey colour the other was the brightest green he had ever seen, like someone had captured an emerald with in it, he swallowed dryly again becoming hot under the collar twitching in his pants as he continued to assess you. He wasn't sure what you was doing in his Mothers house but he had no complaints whatsoever.
"S-so Y/n your not from around here." his voice cracked a little as he spoke you shook your head at him a little uncomfortable as Martha pottered about the kitchen busying herself with making a fresh pot of coffee, you moved to help her but she just shook her head at you.
"No I moved here four months ago from England, your mum has been helping me get settled, America is a lot weirder than I had initially thought" you giggled a little nervously crossing your legs trying to fight off the building tension between your thighs, it wasn't every day you sat across for a delicious looking male, already picturing him as the main character in your next book with the amount of fantasies you were sure to come you'd probably have enough material for a whole series. He grit his teeth a little as his cock jumped at the melodious sound of your voice and thick southern British accent, he wouldn't admit but your voice had now become his favorite sound of all, imagining just how high he could get it if you ever gave him a chance.
"Wow that’s pretty far, and you chose Smallville why not one of the big cities?" He asked as Martha walked across the kitchen washing up some dishes in the sink, you frowned she never did that when you was here, she was up to something.
"Well Gotham didn't look to promising and I couldn't find anything in metropolis, I didn't have much time to move and when I saw the farm house I thought why not and bought it now I'm just  across the field from your mum. I might get a small place in the city at some point but right now I'm quite happy here"
"You haven't even been to metropolis yet and your already thinking of buying a place there? shouldn't you check it out first? Maybe you could show her around when she does visit Clark? Take her to see the sights she'd like that? Wouldn't you y/n?" Your jaw sort of hung open....was she trying to set you up with her son? You chuckled nervously seeing the smirk on the other woman face.
"Oh Martha he's probably busy-"
"No! No I'm not, I'm not busy at all!.....I-I mean sure I could to show you around." He interrupted you then flushed, Martha shook her head the boy wouldn't know sublty if it bit him on the ass. You blushed sipping more of your coffee.
"Well if your sure... but I need to finish my book I've already postponed the release date once, don't think the publisher will like another one" he smiled as his mother set down a cup and fresh coffee pot he refilled everyone's cups as she took a seat at the head of the table sitting back watching you both fumble around your words blushing and stuttering, there was definitely something going on here and she was a little smug and had a feeling she was going to enjoy this next bit.
"Your a writer? What do you write?" You blushed bright at his question. Oh shit.
"Haha Yeah, well I sort of write books, fiction"
"I don't think I've heard of you tho?" you looked down going beet red your pussy dampening your panties at the idea of him lying back in his bed reading one of your raunchy books.
"I use an alias so I don't get any backlash" he looked a little surprised but it wasn't uncommon even some journalists did this mostly if the do honest reviews of shops and services
"Oh so what type of fiction do you write children's books?" You flushed more at his innocence looking to Martha who was snickering quietly to herself. She was going to be no help here whatsoever.
"No..Not children's books...My stuff is more...Mature" you desperately looked to Martha eyes screaming. Help me!. poor Clark tilted his head a little not understanding why you seemed to be getting so embarrassed
"Oh for teens then?" his mother finally cracked up laughing out right at the face you pulled at him deciding to put an end to to sorry affair, it was painful to watch.
"Oh for god-She writes porn Clark! Erotica, Adult fantasies" Clark spat his coffee not ready for that at all, coughing and spluttering,you got up quickly just dodging the drink sprayed in your direction.
"MARTHA!..Oh shit are you okay big guy?" Patting to poor mans back as Martha sat there sipping her coffee smirking into her cup.
"What? Like I'm wrong? we'd be here all day if I'd let that pan out" You flushed at her words as he finally caught his breath before you sat back down and sunk in your seat mortified she just came out and said it.
"Ah okay then wow I didn't expect that....I mean you look so cute...Not that I don't think you can be sexy and cute cos you are shit I mean er what do I mean?...Its just not what I'd have thought you'd write....But there's nothing wrong with that, I imagine its quite hard NO!no not hard...Not that its easy that's not what I meant just that it would be hard-Difficult! difficult it would be difficult to write." Martha laughed out loud having the time of her life as you both flushed bright red, Clark was trying to talk himself out of his own embarrassment, you on the other hand just Blinked at him as he had a melt down so red he looked like his head was going to pop, finally taking pity on him you interrupted his babbling.
"Its okay...I get what you mean...Sometimes its... Difficult but you just you know keep at it..." Martha smiled oh yes you two definitely liked each other, now if only she could find a way to set you up together. An awkward silence fell over the kitchen as you fiddled with your cup a little and Clark trying to look anywhere but you failing miserably, she decided to have some mercy and change the subject and let you know that he was available all at once.
"So you and Lois are over for good this time?" You leaned back in your seat watching his face drop you couldn't help feel sorry for him.
"Yeah, she just kept pushing, wanting me to be someone I'm not, to play that part all the time I'm sick of it! it started got to the point I no longer had any choice, I'd do what ever for a quiet life even if it made me unhappy" Martha sighed at him she had seen this coming for a long time but had to step back and let him figure it out for himself.
"Clark I'm sorry things didn't work out I really am but she would never be satisfied until everything went her way you knew that"he nodded solemnly sighing you could tell who ever this Lois was had meant the world to him.
"I think I knew deep down she wasn't the one, I just thought if I carried on, if I stuck with it she would see how it was effecting me and change just a little for my sake. Just like I did for her you know?"
"She was never going to son, in her eyes you had become what she wanted so she didn't have to change at all but she forgot the most important thing in a relationship that's its give and take she forgot to be what you needed" Martha held his hand  he sighed looking at her nodding.
"Well this happened just over three weeks ago and she is still carrying on like we are together, like nothings changed! showing up at my apartment when she feels like it and throwing a fit when i don't let her in and is telling everyone I'm her date to this party now I'm stuck, I don't want to go with her but if I go alone then she's going corner me." he sounded exhausted and fed up and slightly bitter towards this woman and with good reason you knew how this type of thing could were on someone, you'd seen it first hand growing up.
"Party? what Party?" he waved his hand at his Mothers question
"A staff party celebrating another award and I don't want to go alone, if I do I know I will end up going back to her I really don't want to. So need to find someone else but there is no one shes still letting everyone think we're together! and none of them want to be on her bad side. I just need a woman to pretend to be my girlfriend for one night"
"Now Clark that's not fair on whoever you take, your a handsome boy and anyone you take might really like you it could crush them if they find out your using them. You can't use one women to prove a point to your ex it isnt right your father and I raised you better then that." You interrupted before she could lay into him anymore.
"I can understand what he is getting at tho, sorry to interrupt and if I'm being out of line tell me, but she sounds like my Mother, relationships are give and take, you can't just take and take and expect your other half to put up with it, Clark if you need someone to go with you to make it clear your finished with her I will go with you, no strings attached or hard feelings but women who think everything should revolve and change around them and their needs really fucks me off!! especially when they pull that shit on a sweet genuine person, in the end these women just destroy the men their with. I don't know you very well but Martha raised you so you can't be that bad and that's enough for me." You hissed some of the words it was like your parents all over again. Your mother was spoilt and selfish always demanding that your father change the way he was for her, you had watched as he had given up everything for her but it was never enough, he had to play a part and it ate away at him for years sending him into a deep depression, yet she never did anything in return or tried to help him. In the end, you at seven years old had found him trying to commit suicide. The thought of you being the one to find his body was what broke the camel's back he threw her out the next day then tried divorcing her but she wouldn't sign the papers so instead they remained separated she had nothing so you was left in your dads care, he was happier then ever but the damage had been done he never found anyone else, she hung around every few months trying to weasel her way back in missing the money more than her family, when she didn't get her way she tried to destroy any happiness he found. Luckily he had sense enough to rewrite his will and piddle away the money in the account he had left to her his final fuck you to her was when the executor of the will read out that you was left with the car, house and just over seven hundred and eighty thousand pounds the housekeeper Susanna was left the holiday home in Devon and forty thousand pounds and your mother well she got twenty nine pound sixty seven pence and was aloud to have the expensive china that the Susanna had been instructed to smash after his passing....Yeah your dad was a bastard but it was funny as fuck. That’s why you had to leave she kept coming to the house harassing you for money. The restraining order hadn't worked so you decided to move you had the means to do it so went for it, she would never find you here and couldn't use the fact shes your mother to find you because you wasn't a minor the cherry on top the account that your dad was leaving for your mother was what he used to pay for your college and university. Martha sighed knowing why you got so wound up and you was right Lois was similar to your mother.
"You'd do that? Really?" You nodded to him smiling
"Absolutely I ain't afraid of no American.... apart from your mum shes scary as fuck, but seriously I can handle anything she tries to throw at me and you can show me around town while your at it, I'm guessing its in metropolis? when is it?" Martha sat back a little stumped turns out she wont have to set you two up after all.
"Err Its this Saturday ,you sure you want to come what about your book?" you waved him off
"Its fine Clark I can bring my laptop and work on it in the hotel" he nodded grinning wide suddenly excited about this next week then faltered.
"Don't bother booking a hotel you can stay with me for the week after all your doing me a huge favor its the least I can do to repay you" he chose to ignore his mothers raised brow. She had a few guesses at exactly how he was planning to pay you back and she doubted it was just going to be bed and breakfast.... probably breakfast in bed if the looks he gave you were anything to go by, not that she minded you would be a better fit for him anyway. Call it mothers intuition but she got the feeling that Clark would be around a little more now that you were just across the field.
"Oh no I couldn't! a hotel would be fine"
"I insist I would love nothing more then to have you to myself for the week" Martha tried to bite back a laugh, she never realized how cheesy her son was trying to flirt, no wonder he didn't have much success but she could see you fall for it hook line and sinker as you flushed squirming in your seat a little, he smirked at you from across the table getting more confident, he liked to think that he had already caught you. Prick he new exactly what he was doing as he leaned back man spreading, making your walls clench.
"You could spend the week ,we can catch a train tomorrow afternoon if you like, be back in time for dinner there's a nice diner near my apartment" you nodded a little suddenly feeling like one of the women in your books flustered heart racing a mile a minute as the man of your dreams offers to take you away from the boring daily routine. The question was were you brave enough to follow through with it, hell you'd moved to the other side of the world on a snap decision, spending a week alone with a drop dead gorgeous man should be a breeze, it didn't take long to decide giving him a shy smile nodding as you had butterflies in your tummy. His face lit up
"Great I will check the train times It's Sunday service but there should still be some in the afternoon"
"Perfect! I should go and pack then I suppose,Martha if I leave a key here could you watch the house for me and feed the fish when I'm gone" she nodded quickly excited but anxious at the same time, hoping that you would hit it off with Clark but at the same time apprehensive about how fast you was going, after all you only just met, but you were both adults and could handle yourselves and she knew you'd be safe with him.
"Oh is it formal or what?"
"Oh yes, its theme is Hollywood glam"
"Oooo I've got the perfect dress, any way I'm off and will see you both tomorrow be back around eleven tomorrow morning?" he stood nodding walking you to the door making you swoon inside as he opened the door above you reminding you just how big he was, a gentle giant.
"I-I'll see you tomorrow then Clark" he leaned down to your ear whispering
"Can't wait, sweet dream's Y/n I know mine will be" you gasped as he pulled away winking chuckling at your hot cheeks, he could have a lot of fun making you blush he decided as you turned quickly scampering down the stairs away from the house towards yours, who's roof you could barely see over the crops from this distance. He stayed there leaning on the door frame arms crossed groaning watching your ass sway as you made your way into the brakes in the crops what the tractors used to get across the field disappearing into the high crops.
"So you like her then?" he jumped back bumping into the door frame making it creak a little at his mothers sudden appearance, she giggled folding the tea towel in her hands.
"Wow you must have taken a shine to her if your so mesmerized by her or more specifically her backside, that I can sneak up on you,I haven't been able to do that since you were a little boy." he chuckled embarrassed that she'd caught him staring
"Not that I think you would but Clark? don't play with her feelings okay? shes a good kid and had it tough over the past few years and she doesn't need a heart break on top of everything else" he snapped his head to his mom.
"Ma you know I wouldn't-" she fixed him with a look
"You just admitted in there that you was going to use some poor girl to make a point to Lois and I'm telling you now if you hurt her I wont be impressed"
"I wouldn't do that to her, I wont hurt her I promise, but I would like to get to know her more...see if we could you know" she smiled softly at him
"I'm just saying your a handsome man and she could fall for you easily, don't use her as a rebound." he sighed she had a point but after seeing you all thoughts of Lois died.
"I like her Ma do you-do you think maybe she could like me to? this time have a relationship with me, get to know Clark Kent before Superman? that Clark could be enough this time?" that made her pause clenching the cloth in her hands twisting it, there was something in the way he said that, so unsure and hopeless she fumed inside his confidence was knocked she felt like she was speaking to the shy beaten down preteen he once was. He truly believed that Clark Kent wasn't good enough anymore and there was only one person to blame for that,it was with those words she realized that Lois had hurt him and hurt him bad, she sighed pulling him down kissing his cheek then cupped his cheeks making him look her in the eye.
"Now you listen to me and you listen well. You are good enough and you are loved, I don't know what Lois has put into your head, and for her safety I don't think I should know, but you forget it right this instant! you hear me?" he nodded a little still unsure as Martha searched his eyes for a little glimmer of confidence but her heart clenched when she couldn't find any, that confidence from earlier must have been false bravado. Lois was lucky she wasn't going to metropolis herself she's probably kill her for hurting her baby, tho she's sure Y/n was going to rip her apart in her stead it was a pity she wouldn't be there to see it.
"I think Y/n is already smitten with you and that you'd be good for one another. I've only known her four months but She doesn't try to be anything she's not, she takes people as she sees them and doesn't have time for all the games other women play its why we get along so well. And as a side note she has never reacted like that to any one else's attempts at flirting trust me there have been quite a few try when we've been out and she shut them down....Quite brutally now that I think of it. But if your serious about her give it your all I don't think you will be disappointed I think you'd be a good match." she wiped under his eye as they welled a little with unshed tears.
"Y-you really think she could like me?" he asked in a small voice.
"There’s no doubt in my mind that she already does, you think she'd agree to spend a week with you if she didn't? Honestly if you both hadn't made plans I was going to play matchmaker myself. Now why don't you go have a cold shower? and I can start on dinner"
"Cold shower?"
"You think I haven't notice your problem?" he flushed laughing wiping at his eyes and pulling his top down a little trying to cover the tent in his pants as she walked back into the house patting his back.
"Oh shit! You think she notice to?!" his mother laughed shrugging
"Who knows I mean she was checking you out to" as she entered the kitchen he stood there dumbfounded
"What Are you sure? I didn't notice"
"You wouldn't your a man, now go have a shower you are not eating at the table like that" he groaned shaking his head closing the front door making his way up the stairs to the bathroom.
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Ten Grand - Starker Stripper/Prostitute!AU
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One thing Kim and I love to do is throw AUs and fic ideas at each other. When I told Kim how I needed a tailor!AU in my life, she offered to write it for me as a gift! (See the first part of our fic exchange series!) Not much later I sent her a video of a sexy dance choreo on YouTube and as we started throwing ideas at each other I offered to write her a stripper!AU. And that’s how it all started, whoops!
Summary: It was the worst jokey birthday gift Tony could ever have imagined. At least, that’s what he initially thought when Rhodey dropped him off with a handful of cash at the hotel with a sex worker waiting for him in his room. He had opened the door with remorse, only to find a boy, no- a young man, bent over… his books. When Tony walked in, he figured he got the wrong room, but the student scrambled and threw his books off the desk, profusely apologizing for losing track of time. The young man was absolutely beautiful. Brown curls framed his face playfully, his jawline could cut stone and his wide, brown, horror-filled eyes glimmered. Tony could tell from the way his muscles bulged in his shirt, that he was strong. When Tony eyed the books’ titles, he noticed the boy was smart too. Tony had scoffed.
Ten Grand
“Mr. Stark!” Devon, the bar’s lean, balding host, welcomes the billionaire with open arms and a wide grin. “It’s always like clockwork with you, isn’t it? The usual?” Tony doesn’t bother to reply. He simply nods and passes Devon to saunter to his usual spot. His poker face and reflective sunglasses, that he definitely doesn’t need in the dim light of the bar, unbothered and unmoved by the ladies showing off their skills on the pole. He’s not here for them. No, he’s here for someone else entirely…
It was the worst jokey birthday gift Tony could ever have imagined. At least, that’s what he initially thought when Rhodey dropped him off with a handful of cash at the hotel with a sex worker waiting for him in his room. He had opened the door with remorse, only to find a boy, no- a young man, bent over… his books. When Tony walked in, he figured he got the wrong room, but the student scrambled and threw his books off the desk, profusely apologizing for losing track of time. The young man was absolutely beautiful. Brown curls framed his face playfully, his jawline could cut stone and his wide, brown, horror-filled eyes glimmered. Tony could tell from the way his muscles bulged in his shirt, that he was strong. When Tony eyed the books’ titles, he noticed the boy was smart too. Tony had scoffed.
“Is this part of the whole act?” Tony vaguely gestures at the young man, the books scattered on the floor and then at the bed. Next to it, multiple toys had been splayed out. Tony also noticed a large duffel bag, not so carefully hidden in the wardrobe, with a uni sweater sticking out of it. “I- I’d be lying if I said yes. I’m sorry, I really am, I shouldn’t have-“ The boy’s voice is sweet and it has Tony wonder why he of all people is in this business. Tony brushes past the student, who is frozen in place. “Quantum mechanics…” Tony lazily picked up one of the books from the floor and opened it on the page the boy was on earlier. He angles his head so he can glance over the edge of his tinted glasses and uses his eyes to point at the sweater peeking out of the duffel bag. “MIT?”
The student nodded and looked at his feet, obviously embarrassed by all of this. Probably scared he wasn’t going to get paid. Or laid. “Kid, what are you doing here?” “Peter,” the young man muttered. “Excuse me?” “My name is Peter, Mr…” “Stark.” Once again, the boy’s- Peter’s- eyes went wide. “T-Tony Stark?” “What news. Answer the question, kid.” Tony gave Peter a stern look and the student blushed a bright red. He was in a room with the Tony Stark. He gasped quietly at himself when he realizes that he was going to have sex with the Tony Stark. At least, that’s what was supposed to happen. With how things are going, he figured he could probably kiss that dick goodbye. “Money and a roof over my head.” Peter sucked at his teeth. “And the sex. Lots of it.” “Can’t a fine young man like you get plenty of sex at those frat parties- wait did you just say you don’t have a place to live?” Peter ducked his head between his shoulders, the blush creeping to his ears. Tony Stark just called him fine.
“It’s not a cheap uni. Thought I could cope. Don’t have time for three jobs and this works perfectly. And no, people aren’t as interested in me in college as the men are at Stiletto’s.” “Stiletto’s?” “It’s the bar I dance at every Thursday. It’s how I get clients like you.” Peter fiddles with his fingers, not daring to look Tony in the eye. “How I get to sleep in a bed instead of under a bridge. Never mind the great sex.” Something in Tony snapped when Peter said that. “You sell your body for a bed to sleep in? Every night?” He tossed the book on the desk and took off his glasses to actually look Peter in the eye. The student/prostitute shook his head. “I’m one of Stiletto’s most expensive dancers. One evening of stripping in the bar and one night of sex and I’m set for a week.” “And you don’t mind it?” “I don’t.” Peter smiled briefly and took a daring step into Tony’s personal space. “I love it actually. Love making people feel good.” His hands crept up to toy with the buttons of Tony’s shirt and one corner of his mouth curled upwards, baring his teeth in a seductive smirk. “Want me to make you feel good, Mr. Stark?” The boy lowered himself, keeping his hands on Tony’s chest before pressing his fingers into him and drawing them down as well. When he got to his knees, his fingers curled around the hem of Tony’s trousers. The billionaire was enraptured by the sudden shift in Peter’s demeanor. How he went from shy university student to daring sex worker. It did things to Tony. Things he would never admit out loud. Tony grabbed Peter’s hands and pulled them off him. The boy looked up at him wide-eyed, unsure if he did something wrong.
“Can I pay you not to have sex with me?” Tony cocked his head. “And for you to study and get a good night’s rest?” Peter blinked a few times, barely believing what the older man said. “What?” “You were obviously studying for a midterm, I went to MIT, I know how it goes. You can use those hours of study more than my dick.” “But your appointment-“ “Wasn’t set by me.” Tony smiled and bent down slightly, cupping the boy’s jaw. Peter leaned into it instinctively and closed his eyes. His lips parted and he let out a shaky breath. “Go be a good boy and get a high grade.” Tony let go of Peter’s face and tossed the stack of money Rhodey had given him on the desk next to the physics book. Then, he walked straight out of the hotel room again, leaving the uni student confused… And turned on.
The next Thursday, Tony found himself wandering the streets around Stiletto’s. He’d called, requesting for “a night with Peter,” which would- to him- obviously end up with Tony only showing up to make the payment, so Peter can sleep peacefully for another week. The bar owner, Devon, had smugly said that he doesn’t pimp like that. That if Tony wanted Peter, he should come and claim him on the Thursday night. Disgustingly enough, Tony was told it would be like an auction. Whoever paid the most got to have Peter. But Tony wanted no one else to have Peter. He wanted Peter to himself. Figuratively speaking, of course. He was only doing this to keep Peter safe. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself. There were no ulterior motives. None at all.
The first time Tony saw Peter dance, he was blown away. The confidence oozed off the boy’s body as if it was melted honey. His hands played with his hair as he swayed his hips. He shrugged off the jacket to reveal that Tony was right. The boy is ripped. Tony watched the entire performance as if he was put under a spell. Peter is skilled and strong and- and… flexible. Tony’s mind betrayed him when he imagined all the positions he could bend the boy in to fuck him raw. The man forced himself to ignore his aching cock. He wasn’t here to have sex with Peter. He was here to… To take care of him, yes. Financially. When Peter spotted him, the boy seemed a lot more nervous than he was before, which resulted in less clientele at the end of the night, since he couldn’t look away from Tony as his moves turned more hesitant. Tony took that opportunity to sweep in and win the auction. Not that he ever wouldn’t win, he thought to himself.
The goal was for Tony to drop Peter off at the hotel with the cash and then drive away again. But on the ride back they started talking. And talking. And talking. And Tony realized that the boy could keep up with him. Peter didn’t just go to MIT because he was smart. He went to MIT because he’s the smartest. Their conversations were pleasant and Tony found himself in the hotel room with Peter, but not for what one would expect a prostitute and a client to do. No. They talked more. About everything. Science theories, projects they were both working on and even just… Life in general. Tony learned Peter had no one left but his aunt, who could barely afford to take care of herself. Half of what Peter earned went to her. The rest is spent on his education and the hotels.
When Peter had fallen asleep on the bed, his angelic face slacked and relaxed, Tony turned off the lights and left. He also left a bit of extra cash, deciding for himself that he can’t just get involved in Peter’s life like this. That he couldn’t just pick up every puppy he found on the side of the road. It would be better if Tony just left Peter to do his own thing. Right? Not so much. Tony spent the entire week thinking about his conversations with Peter. How nice they were and how good they made Tony feel. How much he felt understood. Not to mention the sensual dancing Peter had done on that stage. Tony would never admit it, but he got off to the memory of Peter humping the floor in nothing but a highly impractical see-through PVC pair of underwear that still conveniently hid his balls and dick more often than not. The way Peter licked his teeth open-mouthed and rolled his hips. How he showed off the crack of his ass as he twerked in the clear plastic. But no. Tony shouldn’t get involved. He should let Peter go. It would be the best for the both of them.
However, weeks passed by and every Thursday, Tony found himself back in the same spot, at the same time, whiskey glass in hand, to watch Peter dance. And boy, could he dance. His body is toned, the lines of his muscles incredibly evident as he rolled his body to the music, humping the air in nothing but a red pair of short shorts, black stiletto boots and a tight white crop top. Sometimes he wore a bow tie over ripped denim jeans, the slight lace peeking from the holes betraying that he was wearing lingerie under it. Fuck. It had Tony’s cock strain against the inside of his pants. Every single week, Tony won the auction, paying more and more with every session. As hard as his dick was for Peter’s body, his boner stood tallest for the friendship he slowly developed with Peter. They spent entire nights talking to each other in the bed of the hotel room.
As always, Peter did try to get into Tony’s pants, wanting to repay the man for everything he does for Peter. Tony always refused. He wanted Peter to do well in school. He wanted Peter to thrive. He wanted to hire Peter for Stark Industries. He… He truly wanted Peter to himself. Tony couldn’t bear the thought of Peter having sex with other men. How Peter would present himself as he gets fucked by a different guy every week. Tony wanted no one else to touch the boy. His boy. Peter was his. And he would take care of him. Tony noticed Peter’s growing frustration, though. After nearly three months of being financially supported by Tony- three months of weekly conversations that lasted until the early hours, Peter admitted that his balls were bluer than ever before. Tony had laughed at that. Told the boy to get off in his own time. But Peter didn’t want that. Peter wanted to get off on Tony’s time. And so he tried to. He simply started to palm himself through his jeans and moaned. “You’re trying to get a reaction out of me,” Tony said and the boy smirked. “My job is to have sex with you, daddy- do you mind if I call you daddy?” Tony’s cock immediately sprung to attention and Tony swore quietly to himself when he saw Peter noticed.
“I don’t want your sex,” Tony said with a stern nod. It felt like the biggest lie he’d ever told. “But daddy, what if… What if I want yours?” Tony ran out of the hotel room that night, leaving Peter rejected and alone. They both knew Tony wanted it. However, neither of them knew what was holding Tony back. They flirted constantly. Tony was very pro-active with that. And Peter actively flirted back. After their blooming friendship, something else had sprung into a bud. Something more. And where Peter imagined his tight hole to be filled by Tony’s big cock, Tony imagined his big cock filling Peter’s tight hole. The math was simple really, yet Tony held back. He still had this sense of dignity that he had to keep. As if pretending to the owner of Stiletto’s that you fuck his diamond in the rough every single week instead of just giving him money so he can study in peace isn’t enough proof that Tony doesn’t actually care about his dignity.
Because if Tony truly wanted Peter to just do well in school, the man would have told him to stop dancing. He would have told Peter to quit his job at Stiletto’s, that he would support the boy financially, maybe through a scholarship, to get through uni. But no. Peter knew exactly why Tony didn’t do that. He liked to watch the boy dance. Liked to get achingly hard and refuse himself the pleasure of having sex with him. As some sort of punishment. Peter knew Tony thrived on buying Peter, knowing the boy was his and his alone. That he would put up a show every Thursday night to give the men at the bar leaking cocks at the sight, only for Tony to bite his lip and put down another smack of cash so he could take Peter home. To own him. To deny the other drooling men the delight that is Peter’s presence. It was a power fantasy that had Peter jerk himself off to under the shower stream on a near-daily basis. He was Tony’s. Tony’s alone. And shit, did he want to get fucked by him. So bad.
But now, even though Tony left Peter by himself in the hotel room after the boy confessed he wanted more out of their relationship, Tony is back in his trusty armchair at Stiletto’s, waiting for his boy- his Peter- to strut down the stage and put up a show. And onto the stage he came, donning his red stiletto ankle boots, black shorts that hugged his body so nicely you could see the outline of his cock, and Tony’s favorite shirt: a black mesh crop top. Covered, yet incredibly exposed. The holes are large enough for Peter’s nipples to poke through.
When Peter spots Tony in his chair, he grins and licks his lips, winking playfully and throwing his head around while he pushes his hands through his hair. Tony’s breath quickens immediately and his dick twitches. He spreads his legs slightly and leans back more. Peter pulls out all the stops that night. Tony knows exactly why. The boy still wants to get in his pants. But with everything Peter’s been doing, Tony isn’t sure how long he will be able to hold back anymore. His own sexual frustration is growing by the second and Peter is so hot climbing the pole. The loud beat thrums through Tony’s chest at the same pace at his heartbeat, which he can practically feel thumping through his dick at this point. It’s hard and leaking and he holds his breath when Peter throws his head back as he presses his clothed cock against the pole and moans . He’s never moaned on stage before, not like this. Obscene and filthy and hot. Tony downs his double whiskey in one shot, knowing he will regret it.
The sweat on the boy’s skin glows under the fuchsia and royal blue stage lights, highlighting his toned and engaged muscles as he climbs and climbs. He hooks his leg around the pole and lets go, keeping himself from falling with just his clenched muscles. Tony stares at how Peter practically flies. It’s not long before he changes moves, still going in circles as the pole turns. The boy shows off his strength, his flexibility and how absolutely gorgeous he is. The lights create an aura around Peter’s head. Tony wants to pull at the soft, brown curls. Use them to keep the boy’s mouth on his cock as he face fucks him until tears roll down Peter’s cheeks. Peter captivates the audience with his increasingly more sexual performance. He slowly slides down the pole, his dick pressed between it and his abdomen. When he lands, he rolls his body a few times, creating friction. His half-lidded eyes still haven’t left Tony’s reflective glasses and his jaw hangs slack as he sticks out his tongue, curling it upwards.
Peter lets go of the pole and almost lazily walks away from it. He sits down on his knees with his legs spread and starts playing with his nipples while biting his bottom lip while he slowly rolls his hips to the slow, sensual beat. One hand travels down, tracing the lines of his hard cock through the tight shorts. The performance is practically soft porn at this point, but nobody is stopping him. Nobody wants to stop him. They’re all staring at how Peter’s teasing himself. One would think it’s to get clientele. Tony knows better, though. The billionaire’s jaw is clenched, eyes locked with Peter’s. Peter can only see his own reflection in the glasses, but he knows Tony is watching him. Knows Tony only has eyes for his Peter. The boy never looked away from him. Not even for a second. They know what they both want. All that needs to happen now is for Peter to tear down Tony’s defenses. And shit, Peter’s a wrecking ball of insane proportions.
Peter rolls over, stretching out his legs and pointing his feet to the ceiling. When he’s on his back, he puts down his feet and brings up his hips to thrust upwards, hips rolling. His hands are still tweaking his erect nipples Tony swallows when he sees Peter swearing under his breath. Peter rolls further, back on his knees, resting on all fours, still staring intently at Tony. He puts his hands on the floor, expertly arching his back and sticking out his butt. He licks his lips and winks at Tony before raising one hand off the floor to push it down his chest, tugging at the mesh crop top before palming at his dick again. Peter glances at Tony’s evident hard-on. The mistake Tony then made, was to cover it with his hands, to hide it from Peter, but the sudden pressure had him gasp. He knows what would happen if he just…
Tony squeezes his eyes shut for a second and suppresses a groan when he cups his hard shaft through the fabric of his pants. It doesn’t take long before he realizes what he’s doing and he opens his eyes again. He wants to let go of his dick. But Peter. Peter… The boy is crawling towards him over the stage. Crossing his arms in front of him and arching his back with every step. He effortlessly glides down the platform and saunters over to Tony until he hovers over him. Tony stares up at Peter. The boy is panting, sweating, and he’s hard . So hard, Tony can see the slight wet spot in his shorts. “May I?” Peter breathes out, staring down at Tony with his chin angled up. Tony presses his lips on top of each other. The entire situation is incredibly overwhelming. The thrumming bass, the smoke seeping off the stage, the alcohol coursing through Tony’s bloodstream, the colored lights framing Peter’s body and- fuck- Peter’s body. Glistening and toned and oh, Tony wants to touch it. Touch him. All of it feels like a dream. A dream Tony never wants to end. And there’s only one way for it to continue.
Tony nods. Brief. Curtly. And Peter’s immediately all over him, not making any physical contact, as per the rules, keeping his distance but pushing into Tony’s personal space deliciously. He rolls and sways his hips, staring at his reflection in Tony’s glasses. Peter rolls his nipples between his thumbs and index fingers and he jolts involuntarily at the surge of pleasure shooting through his body. He finally gets to make Tony truly feel good. He can sense it. Tonight’s the night he’s going to get fucked. And he wants Tony to be as desperate for him as he is for Tony. He turns and turns, making eights with his hips until he can slowly twerk his ass right in front of Tony’s face. He puts one knee on the armrest and leans in until he’s sure Tony could smell his arousal.  
Peter pulls back again, standing up on both legs, slightly further apart than needed, back still facing Tony. His hand reaches down, wrist curling under his crotch so his spread fingers rest on his ass. He slowly leans forward again, keeping his legs straight, using his index finger to draw circles around where his hole is. His flexibility allows him to make eye contact with Tony again, while folded against his legs, upside down. He bites his lip seductively and purses his lips into a kiss, before coming back up again. Tony is unreadable, save for his thumb rubbing circles on his hard shaft. Peter is winning this, he knows. Maybe he has already won. In any case, he wants to drag this out for as long as he can. And so, he brings up the hand he just groped himself with and starts sucking on the index finger. He closes his eyes and moans around it, hips bucking involuntarily once again.
According to the rules, Tony is not allowed to touch Peter until he pays for him. But he doesn’t care anymore. Peter finally did it. He broke Tony. And thus, Tony will break the rules. He reaches forward and grabs Peter by his wrist, aggressively pulling the boy into his lap. Peter gasps surprised, but doesn’t wait. Doesn’t hesitate. He immediately grinds his crotch into Tony’s and they both moan obscenely, finally finding the friction they were both yearning for. Tony lets go of his empty glass, which shatters on the floor, and he grabs Peter’s face with both hands to guide the boy towards him. The salty taste of Peter’s sweat invades Tony’s mouth when their lips crash on top of each other. Peter grabs hold of Tony’s shirt, whimpering soft, sweet sounds as he pushes himself even further down into Tony’s crotch. “Took you long enough,” the boy grins against Tony’s lips. One of Peter’s hands creeps up to take the reflective glasses off Tony’s head. He gasps when he sees Tony’s black eyes, pupils dilated with lust. The billionaire can only growl, wrapping his arms around Peter’s neck and pushing his hips up to meet Peter’s. Around them, the other audience members are booing, but neither Peter nor Tony care.
“Tony!” Devon shouts from a distance, taking big strides towards the two of them. The death glare he sends Peter goes unnoticed; the two men are too caught up with each other to see it. Tony knows what’s coming, though. He will be kicked out for breaking the rules. Maybe banned. There will always be paying customers for Peter. Devon doesn’t need Tony to make money, regardless of how rich the man is. Peter however… Peter could truly get into trouble. Since, well, he broke the rules too. The boy will definitely get a strike. Might even get fired for this stunt. However, Tony won’t allow Peter to get scolded. “Keep kissing me, sweetheart-” he whispers as he turns his head to Devon, who is – as expected – followed by two security guards. “Need your lips on my skin, Peter- I need you-“ “Need you too, daddy-“ Peter licks right under Tony’s jaw, near his ear. The man’s mouth opens wide at the name and his entire body spasms with pleasure.
“Ten grand-” Tony groans. Devon stops in his tracks and stares at Tony with wide eyes. He raises his hand to stop the security from tearing the two apart. Peter still ruts himself against Tony, kissing the man’s neck feverishly. “Excuse me?” Devon’s eyebrows go up to where his hairline would be if he wasn’t bald. Tony fumbles, grabbing his black credit card from his inner pocket. He traces one corner of the card over Peter’s back up to the mesh crop top and the boy moans, goosebumps spreading over his body. “Peter’s mine,” Tony growls. “Ten grand.”
Devon could never go against it. If he refuses, he will miss out on all that money. The most Peter had ever gone out for, for one night, is four grand. And that was for Tony, two weeks ago. No one in the audience would be able to go over the ten grand. Devon would have to choose between his principles and between the money and, like the true pimp he is, he picks the latter. He stomps towards Tony and grabs the credit card from the man’s hand. Tony immediately moves his hand back to caress Peter’s body and he continues kissing Peter. Desperation is evident in both of them. Devon puts the ten grand on the card and within an hour, Tony tosses Peter on the bed of his hotel room.  
“Knew you’d let go for me one day, daddy,” Peter sighs seductively as he stretches himself out over the bed. Tony pulls the boy’s stilettos off his feet and discards his own shoes with them, right next to Peter’s uni books. “Wanted to let go for you since day one, you filthy slut,” Tony growls. Peter moans at the nickname and clutches his mesh crop top, hips bucking up into thin air. Tony pulls Peter towards him by his ankles and jumps on top of him, knees resting on the bed to keep Peter from finding friction. “A vixen, that’s what you are.” He bites into Peter’s bottom lip and the student arches his back. Tony keeps the boy in place with his hands by pressing down Peter’s wrists into the mattress. “Why don’t you fuck my pussy, then, daddy? I’m ready for you.” Peter grins, angling his head up to look at Tony through half-lidded eyes.
“Vixen!” Tony pushes out through gritted teeth as he suddenly lets go of Peter’s hands, grabbing the boy’s cock through the thin fabric of the tight shorts. He squeezes it and the wet spot in the short creates a squelching sound. A high pitched whine falls off Peter’s lips at the sudden attention. “D-daddy!” Peter’s eyes roll back, but he collects himself fast, whimpering softly as Tony continues to slowly rub the boy’s cock in his outfit. “So much money spent on me…“ Peter smirks. “Was it worth it?” Tony’s other hand crawls under Peter’s mesh top to pinch his nipple. Peter whimpers at the sparks shooting through his body and he can’t help but buck upwards into Tony’s touch. The man leans down and sucks a hickey on Peter’s neck. The student is already seeing stars. He can’t believe this is happening. He’s wanted this for so long. “Every p-penny, Peter Parker.” Tony softly suckles on the spot he just bruised. Peter is intoxicating. So sweet, yet so filthy.
Now that Tony’s finally allowing himself the pleasure, he doesn’t want to wait any longer. He lets go of Peter and throws off his jacket and starts fumbling with his shirt. “Get your clothes off before I rip them off that pretty body of yours.” Peter obeys immediately, knowing that he will get what he craves sooner rather than later. Tony’s belt buckle clanks as he aggressively throws it away from him. His pants drop to the floor and he kicks them off. “On your hands and knees, slut. Now.” Peter’s now freed cock twitches and he turns, presenting his bare, pink asshole to Tony. When the man had found the lube, Peter doesn’t know. He’s too drunk on arousal, too caught up in his own lust, to really realize what is going on. The only thing he knows for sure is that he wants to get fucked by Tony. Hard and rough. Peter hears Tony squirting the lube behind him and before Peter can make a comment about Tony being slow, he gasps as he feels a finger probing around his entrance.
“O-oh!” “This what you want?” Tony growls, squeezing Peter’s ass with his other hand. Only the tip of his index finger slides in, but he immediately takes it out again to rim the boy’s hole again. Peter whines and pushes himself towards Tony, wanting the man to go in further. “Yes, yes-yes-yes, daddy, please open me wide, fuck me, fuck me-“ “Ohh,” Tony coos, his lubed up finger sliding down Peter’s crack all the way until he’s at the boy’s balls. He traces unrecognizable patterns on them and Peter can’t stop himself from making filthy noises. It feels too good to keep quiet. “So desperate…” “As are you-“ Peter pushes out, earning himself a hard slap on his butt cheek. The sting has him gasp and buck forward. He throws his head back, feeling his cock spurt the tiniest bit of precum at the pleasurable sensation. Tony gently rubs the pink-turning skin and grins. “If you want daddy’s cock, you’re gonna have to be a good boy.” He brings his finger back to circle around Peter’s hole again and Peter sobs once. “Please, daddy- want your cock- need it- fill me, fuck me, please-“ His entire body is shaking under the attention and he tenses up when another slap hits him. “-AH! D-daddy, want to be your good boy, please- please, tell me how to be your good boy.”
Tony smiles and leans in to press a kiss on top of the pink outline of his hand on Peter’s ass. At the same time, he pushes his finger in again, further this time. Peter moans, but he doesn’t move back, trying to stay as still as possible. Tony doesn’t move either. He just pushed his finger in, waiting for Peter to unclench and adjust. “Tell me who you belong to.” Tony’s voice rumbles, vibrating through Peter’s body. “You, I’m yours-“ Peter moans. Tony seems to approve as he slowly starts to pump his finger. The sensation has Peter gasp. He clenches his jaw in an attempt to at least kind of control the noises that fall from his lips. “Then why do you keep selling yourself?” The question was sincere, yet paired with an increase in thrusts. Tony wiggles his finger to open Peter up more and the boy’s body is once again glistening with sweat. “B-because I want to dance for you. Make you hard for me. And- And I know you’ll buy me,” Peter says breathlessly. “Want only you to buy me. Want no one else to touch me.” “That’s right,” Tony groans, adding a second finger and scissoring them, which causes Peter to let out a high pitched whine. Tony’s other hand massages Peter’s ass like it’s dough. The slapped, sensitive area sending jolts of pleasure through Peter’s body. “I don’t want anybody else touching you either. You know why?” Tony’s fingers start curling, looking for Peter’s sweet spot. “C-cause I’m yours, daddy-“ Tony leans in to growl in Peter’s ear. “You’re mine.” Tony continues thrusting into Peter and the boy finally gets a good view of Tony’s cock, hard and aching. “You’re my Peter. My slut. My good boy.”
When Tony speaks the last word, he finally grazes past Peter’s prostate, causing the boy to open his mouth in a silent scream. “That’s it, sweet slut-“ Tony groans. “Look at you, so hot and wet- so close, almost ready for my cock to fill your little hole, isn’t that right?” Peter nods aggressively, eyes closed, barely able to speak as Tony mercilessly attacks his prostate, adding a third finger. “Y-yeah, feel so good, yes- please- fill me- please-“ Tony’s hand leaves Peter’s cheek and works to slicken his own cock, partially with the lube and partially with the precum at the tip. He continuously gives Peter the attention he craves, while stroking his shaft and lining it up with Peter’s hole. “Well,” Tony quips. “Only because you asked so nicely.”
Before Peter can ask what’s going to happen, Tony takes out his fingers and immediately replaces them with his dick. A low grunt escapes his lips as he pushes himself into Peter, finally feeling the boy envelope him. Peter yelps, clenching and unclenching instinctively around Tony’s throbbing cock. He feels so deliciously full. He pushes himself down until they bottom out. The real thing was nothing like what their imaginations had come up with over the past few months and they both chuckle at how mundane it is. How normal. Yet, it’s absolutely perfect. It’s not long before Peter starts wiggling his butt; a silent plea for Tony to start moving. The man does so, and he grabs Peter’s curls, the one thing he’s wanted to do the most, to have the boy arch into him. They pant and moan and groan and grunt and slowly but surely the room is hot and heavy with their sex, the sound of skin slapping together at the intensity of Tony’s thrusts only adding to how horny both men are.
“Take me so well, boy, so good for me, so tight-!” Tony leans down to bite into Peter’s shoulder. He growls. “Daddy’s little slut!” The change in angle has Peter scream. “Right there, oh god, daddy yes, I’m your slut, please don’t stop, right there, right there!” Tony yanks at Peter’s hair, causing the boy to moan obscenely once more. “God, Peter, you’re so filthy- who would’ve thought that a sweet MIT boy could be so disgustingly hot.” Peter can only nod in agreement. He’s a filthy whore, he knows. And he loves it. But now… Now he’s Tony’s. Only Tony’s. “Wanna be yours forever, Mr. Stark-“ Tony thrusts particularly hard at the mention of his name. “Do you, now?” He breathes out with a scoff and a grin. “Want to be my sugar baby? Want me to spend my money directly on you and not on some pimp who takes half?” The mere thought has Tony increase his pace. It still enrages him that not all of his money went to Peter and now, with Peter’s request, his wishes might actually come true. “Daddy- please, yes, I want that, want-want-want-ohhhhhh!” Peter can’t finish a coherent sentence, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that Peter wants Tony. And Tony wants Peter.
“Wanna move in with me? Make me show you all the corners of the tower, fuck you dumb, take you in every position?” Peter nods and nods and nods. “Dumb slut, wanna be yours-“ “Good boy, good, good boy, oh fuck!” Tony exclaims. His movement is becoming more erratic; he’s losing his rhythm. “Wanna talk with you for hours and hours and cuddle and watch movies and ask you to help me with my studies and fuck- fuck- want you to fuck me-“ Peter pants. “Own me.” The fact that Peter thought of more than just sex for the two of them had Tony seeing stars. He’s right on the edge, but he doesn’t want to come before Peter does, so he ignores his own white-hot desire and moves his arm around Peter’s waist to grab his cock. The boy squeals at the sudden attention on his shaft. “Want that too, sweet Peter, want to teach you everything I know, want you to help me with my projects, teach you how to cook a meal, want to fuck you raw- want to make you come so hard you can’t walk for days-“ “Daddy, I’m so close!” Peter yelps, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching around Tony’s cock while the older man pumps him without remorse.
“I know you are, baby boy, it’s okay-“ Tony tenses up too and groans as he does everything he can to hold back his own orgasm. “So dirty, so beautiful, so hot, shit, Peter, you’re so fucking hot- Wanna come for daddy?” “Yes, yes please, wanna come so bad- daddy please-“ “Good boy, such a good boy for me, come, Peter, come for your daddy-“ Peter tips over the edge with a scream. White spurts of lust cover the hotel bed sheets and Tony’s hands and Peter clenches down on Tony’s dick, causing the older man to fill up his Peter with cum. They yell each other’s names in unison and it’s not long before Tony collapses on top of Peter. The student loses balance and lowers himself into his own stickiness on the sheets. But he doesn’t care, the afterglow of his orgasm still coursing through his veins.
They remain quiet for a bit, relishing in each other’s presence while Tony is still sheathed inside Peter. They both smile, absentmindedly tracing patterns on the skin of the other. After a short while, Peter finally speaks. “Did you mean it?” he whispers. Tony looks at him with his big brown eyes and sniffs once, before he grins. “What- the moving in?” Tony cocks an eyebrow. “Yeah.” “I did. I wanna take care of you, kid. For real.” Peter doesn’t reply straight away, which gives Tony the opportunity to ask his counter-question. “Did you mean it?” Peter looks down, nodding shyly. “I want to be just yours, Mr. Stark. If you’ll have me.” Tony smiles and presses a soft kiss on Peter’s forehead, twirling the boy’s hair between his fingers. “Oh, sweet Peter,” he coos. “I’ll have you any time.”
Read Kim’s fic for our fic exchange here!
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Silver & Scars <Chpt. 2>
As always, let me know if you want me to add you to the tag list. 
Chapter 2: The Healer
Heavy eyes cracked open. Amber eyes were staring up at dark support beams, and white walls. The room was bright, and a faint eucalyptus smell lingered in the air. His body felt like he'd been run over by a carriage. 
A faint snoring could be heard near his head. He glanced over to see a ball of fur curled up on the pillow next to him. On his initial visit he assumed the small dog was spoiled, and seeing her lounging on the bed confirmed his suspicions. He flexed his fingers, feeling silky skin against his left palm. 
He slowly sat up to see the pretty sorceress passed out next to him. Her small hand must have lost its grip during the night. He brushed her (dark/light) hair, and was pleasantly surprised to find it so soft. She began to stir slowly sitting up, "you're awake!" She cried excitedly.
Hopping up from her chair she inspected his chest injury. "Looks like it happened a month ago," she murmured, her fingertips running up it. Eskel’s body gave an involuntary shutter the sorceress kindly ignored.  
It's now that Eskel became starkly aware of his own nakedness. She turned quickly, grabbing a bundle of clothes. "I had to burn your pants, and shirt. There was no salvaging them, they were covered in acid...and I tried to preserve your modesty as best as I could-."
A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips. Her nervous rambling was endearing, and he had to admit she looked adorable while flustered. "Thank you." He said cutting her off. 
A blush bloomed on her soft cheeks, "you're welcome." (E/c) eyes snapped over to the dog, "I'm so sorry. She has terrible manners. I had no idea she jumped up in the middle of the night." She went to grab the small dog who was now snuggled up to the Witcher's side. Eskel waved her off, "it's fine. You've done me a kindness." 
A small nod came from her, "I'll draw a bath." With that she set to work heating up some water. She poured a few different oils into the tub, and left soap and a rag for washing. "The bath is ready. I'll leave you to it." She said disappearing down the stairs, the brown and white dog was quick to follow. Eskel could hear the sorceress softly chiding the pup. 
"You are a spoiled animal Wren. You're proof I'd make a terrible mother." 
Eskel eased himself into the bath. The hot water relaxing his muscles. There was something about the small lodgings that felt like a home. Perhaps it was the gentle voice that spoke to the dog as if it were a small child, or the books that lined the walls. After listening to her soft chatter with the dog he concluded that she would make a wonderful mother if she had been given the choice. 
He stayed in the bath long after it had gone cold. The pants and shirt she'd acquired seemed to fit him just right. He'd come down to see her speaking with a young pregnant woman. "And you're sure they're still alive?" The young woman inquired, her hands cradling her stomach in the way only a mother knew how. 
"I'm positive, and if you don't believe me, ask the Witcher. I'm sure he can hear their little heart beating." 
The girl shot up hopeful eyes at him, and he gave her a nod. A wide smile beamed on the young girl's face. Eskel was startled at the reaction. Usually he received a sneer or a look of fear from people. 
"Now, if you need any help with the delivery send someone, and I will be there right away." She said before handing her a bag of herbs, "and take this. It's chamomile, it'll help with an upset stomach and cramping." 
"Oh, but I haven't any money." The girl began before she waved her off. 
"Don't worry about it." 
Green eyes lit up as she quickly threw her arms around the woman. "You're so kind." 
"Oh." Y/N said a bit taken back as she returned the hug.
The young woman turned to the towering man, "and you sir are a very lucky Witcher." 
This solicited a blush from the (small/moderate/tall) sorceress at the assumption. The woman scurried off before either could correct her. 
The (h/c) quickly turned away from the Witcher to hide her rosy cheeks. "You must be starving." She exclaimed, grabbing some fresh bread, and a small platter of meats and cheeses. "Forgive her Witcher. She's young, and-."
"It's Eskel." He said cutting her off. He rubbed the back of his neck, his bashfulness making him appear a younger man. "My name is Eskel."
"Eskel," she repeated hearing the name roll off her tongue. "It suits you." 
His ears perked up at the sound of it. His name sounded like honey on her lips. In that moment he decided he wanted to hear her murmur his name again.
"I'm sorry for the trouble," he began as he reached for his coin purse. 
She waved him off as she sat the platter on the table, occupying the seat across from him. "It was no trouble. Besides, you gave me an adventure yesterday." She said, pouring two cups of tea. "Though I doubt it compared to yours." Her eyes flickered up at him as he reached for the bread.
"What made you think taking on a kikimore nest alone was a good idea?" She exclaimed. "If you had asked I would have happily accompanied you." 
Eskel raised an eyebrow, even as a child Vesemir never scolded him like this. He could of course recall Vesemir taking a strap to both him and Geralt on numerous occasions, but this was foreign. It wasn't at all unpleasant he had to admit. 
"I wouldn't let you near a kikimore nest." Eskel said bluntly. A spark crackled in her eye as she cut her gaze to the fire. "You're a healer," Eskel began. "Your skills are best utilized here." He added.
"I wasn't always a healer." She mumbled, taking a sip of tea. The feeling of inadequacy swept through her again. A Witcher wouldn't want her slowing him down. It was a fair statement, regardless of her feelings in the matter, it still cut like a knife to hear. 
"Your affinity isn't healing?" Eskel inquired. 
Damn Witcher senses, she thought. "No." She said simply, sipping her tea. "I was told Aerokinesis is a terrible thing to waste." 
"The kind of magic that could help change the outcome of a battle." Eskel commented, his eyes narrowing. 
"A lesson I learned quite young." She gripped her mug. Her eyes were half in a memory. 
"What happened?"
"I used to be ambitious." Her eyes snapped up to look into his amber ones, "my father sold me to the Aretuza academy. I thought if I worked hard enough I would one day be able take control of my life." Her eyes traveled back down to the steaming mug. "They saw potential in me, so they invested in me. Everything has its price."
"They called in your debts?" Eskel inquired.
Y/N nodded, "I was in servitude to King Medell until he passed. Foltest acquitted me of the debt, on the condition I call when he answers." She sighed, taking another sip of her tea. "A little better than the lap dog I was, but if he says dance, I dance." 
"Is healing a way to atone for your sins?” Eskel asked, plucking some cheese from the platter. 
“I’ve seen men piss themselves on the battlefield. Fighting a war they have no clue about, and for what?” She asked, leaning back in the wood chair. “So another generation of kings can argue again?” She picked at a loose thread on the ivory table cloth. “I find no honor in that. Senseless wars lead to widows, and orphans. I’d rather have no hand in that.” 
Eskel studied the woman for a moment. The regret was evident in her eye of hard lessons learned. “Power isn’t easily given up.” He hesitated, “it takes a strong person to walk away.” Eskel cleared his throat, and stood gathering his weapons, "you can stay a while longer." (Y/N) said tentatively. 
"I need to let the Royal Huntsman know the kikimores have been taken care of." Eskel stated, shrugging into his jacket. 
"Oh, of course." Y/N said, attempting to hide the disappointment of his departure with a smile. 
Eskel hesitated, he knew he should say more. Promise her he'd be back, but growing close to anyone on the path was a bad idea. Besides, what would someone so beautiful want anything to do with him?
He hadn't missed how the light caught the warmth in her eyes, or the way her dress hung on her soft supple hips. His fingers ached to hold her, and caress her silky skin. She deserved more than him. "Thank you, for keeping me alive." Perhaps if he pretended not to care she would push him away.
"You're always welcome here." She said from the doorway as he stepped onto the street. He didn't look back as he disappeared into the crowd. 
"The kikimore is dead." Eskel informed the Huntsman. 
The man let out a low whistle, "I didn't think I'd see you back here Witcher." The man admitted. 
"Where's my coin?" Eskel dead panned. 
The man threw the sack of gold orens his way. "As promised."
"Got any other work?" Eskel inquired as he secured the pouch. 
"There's a downers nest in the swamps. The local sorceress is the only one brave enough to venture those parts." 
"The local sorceress….right." He muttered. "What's the reward on that contract?" 
"150 Orens." The Huntsman said, pushing the notice towards him. 
Eskel peered at the paper, "150 is too low. I can do it for 200 orens." A trip back to the swamps was unappealing to the Witcher. 
"Deal." The Huntsman said, "the local sorceress lives a couple buildings away from town squar-."
"I know, we're acquainted." Eskel cut the man off. It seemed like fate kept pushing him back to the woman's doorstep. Eskel had learned long ago not to mess with destiny, but he was determined to keep the sorceress at a distance. 
"Very well Witcher." With that, Eskel was dismissed. 
He'd thought about going back to the sorceress. She would most likely allow him to stay, and he wouldn't have to spend some coin on a room. His heart desperately wanted to see her lovely smile again, which terrified him. He knew he shouldn't allow himself to dream of her. Perhaps she felt something towards him, but that would quickly melt away in the fall when he resumed the path back to Kaer Morhen. 
Love had no place in a Witcher's life. No matter how badly Geralt would try to fight it. His brother's each had their weaknesses. For Geralt it was beautiful sorceresses, Lambert was a staunch cynic, and Eskel had a habit of running away from his problems. Change was hard for the inherently stubborn man. He’d accepted the life of a Witcher years ago. He hadn’t chosen this life, but all he could do was make the most of it. Perhaps he was bitter when he was a younger man, but the bitterness never drove away the loneliness. Perhaps, if a sorceress could change maybe he could too. That’s what he tried to convince himself of as he reappeared on her doorstep, his hand already knocking.
“Eskel.” The surprise was evident in her voice as her (e/c) pools gazed up at him.
“You know of the Drowners nest?” 
A small smile quirked up at him, “always business with you.” She stepped aside allowing him in. “Let’s talk about my reward.” 
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justjessame · 3 years
First A Moses, Then A Cooper Chapter 1
Making dinner as my son and daughter fought over one of their many shared tech gadgets, I had to ask myself if Will and I were sane for wanting a third.  With him working constantly, and me doing the brunt of rearing our little demons, I had to think that a third child might be outside the realm of my abilities.  
“J, Mira, stop fighting!”  I snarled it, causing both kids to look up at me from their spot just inside the living room and I knew I had hit my limit and also stopped being the mother they knew and expected.  “Dad called and we’re having guests for dinner.”  I hoped that helped them understand, but they continued to stare.  “WORK guests.”  That got them moving, suddenly they were working to straighten the living room and they were miraculously using their inside voices.  “Thank you!”  I went back to working on dinner, trying to decide if the last minute additions were foodies, or if they’d make due with comfort foods.
“Honey?”  I heard Will’s voice, and sighed as I put the finishing touches on the table.  “Michelle,” and then his warmth was surrounding me and a ton of my extra tension started to relax.  How he could manage to do that would be a mystery forever.  “Something smells delicious.”  He was saying it into the side of my neck so I had no doubts that he didn’t mean our dinner.
“Yeah, is that pot roast?”  Another voice, bringing me back to the reality that we were having guests for dinner and that our kids would be in attendance.  Damn it.  “Sorry,” the man didn’t look sorry, he looked like he was holding back laughter at Will and I wrapped up in one another.
“Michelle, sweetheart, I’d like you to meet Frank Moses.”  My eyes widened, I couldn’t help it, I KNEW who this was even if his face wasn’t familiar.  Will moved on, introducing the two other guests who made up the ragtag band who would add to our table.  I barely listened, even though their names were known to me too.  None hit me like Frank’s.  “Honey?”  I looked up at my husband, seeing him staring at me with confusion.  
I shook off my look of amazement, and smiled reassuringly.  “Welcome to our home,” I offered to the trio as our kids joined us, clearly hearing the additional voices.  “This is our son, James and our daughter Mira.”  I saw Frank look at both my children and then back at me.  Clearly trying to place me, but he wasn’t having much luck.  And he wouldn’t, because my mother made certain that no one would ever know just who I really was.  I gave a silent prayer of thanks and told everyone to get comfortable at the table while I brought dinner in.  Will was on my heels, offering to help, but I knew my very observant husband had questions.  
“Chell?”  I smiled up at him as I handed him the lined bread basket that I filled with warm rolls.  “Honey, why did you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”  Licking my lips, I carefully arranged the roast onto a serving tray, then moved to grab the dish I had ready for the potatoes and carrots.  “Michelle -”  
“We have guests, Will,” I reminded him, swallowing the dry lump in the back of my throat because I HAVE seen a ghost.  Just one that I knew about while no one else in the house did.  “We can’t be rude.”  
Of all the men I could have married, I picked William Cooper, one of the most observant men on the planet AND one who had the most in common with my birth parents even if he had no clue about that.  He was studying me while I carefully filled the bowls with starches, then vegetables, then made certain the gravy boat was filled just full enough, adding the silver ladle my mother had gifted us with on our wedding day.  
“Michelle Cooper, we will be having a conversation about whatever it is that has you on edge as soon as our guests are settled in for the night-” Wait, what?  “It’s one night, sweetheart,” one night, I thought, feeling my tension ratchet up to a fifteen.  “I know they look like a -” he stopped, considering how to describe the mess of a trio he’d brought home.  “It’s one night.”  I nodded.  “A nice long, hot bubble bath with your husband should do the trick,” I smirked, and they said torture was outlawed.  “You and me, Mrs. Cooper, after dinner.”  
Will’s voice, when he wanted it to, could take on an octave that I swore could make me do things that nothing else could.  He would laugh and say I was being silly, but I’d squint and challenge him back with the theory that he used it to get sources to do his bidding in all manner of terrible and wonderful ways.  Since I didn’t have the type of security clearance that could either refute or prove my theory we would forever be at a stalemate on this particular argument.  
“Take the bread out and come back for another load, Mr. Cooper.”  My order was tempered by the lingering kiss I couldn’t help but give him.  “Our guests will be more likely to settle in faster with full bellies.”  
Surreal, that’s how dinner felt to me as I sat at the foot of our dining room table while Will sat at the head, J and Mira sat on one side and Frank flanked the woman he’d brought along - Sarah Ross - while Marvin Ross sat on her other side, the last to taste any of the food set before him - as if I’d poison guests in my home.  Frank Moses, a man I’d heard stories about long before I’d met Will - I tried to show no extra interest in the man, not with my overly observant husband keeping watch, but it was a difficult thing.  How would anyone manage such a task after the hero in their bedtime stories was plunked down to have dinner with them?  
Lucky for me, Sarah seemed as ill at ease as I felt, and while I grew quiet, she grew talkative.  
“So -” she smiled across the table at my children, both sitting straight and behaving as they were expected with people from Dad’s work in attendance.  “What grades are you guys in?”  
James answered first, his voice loud enough to be heard, but not too loud - Will’s pride shining as he listened to his son answer without faltering.  “I’m in ninth grade.”  He’d put his fork and knife down and was looking Sarah in the face.  Eye contact was important when carrying on a conversation, something we’d worked on after the bullying incident when Frank Moses had first come into Will’s orbit.  “I’m first string on the football team this year.” He was proud of that accomplishment, and so were we.  It had been a tough won feat, and J had earned it.  
Not to be outdone, Mira waited until her older brother finished, since we did have guests and etiquette was important, at least around strangers.  “And I’m in eighth.”  I smiled at Will, his eyes almost glowing across the full length of our table in pride.  “I prefer dance.” Her tiny chin went up a notch as if daring any of the trio across from her to argue that dance was a lesser endeavor than football.  
“Ballet or -” It was Marvin, not Sarah who asked the follow up and I shot a look his way to make certain it wasn’t coming at her in a mocking way, but he looked both sincere and interested - well knock me over with a feather.  
“I do ballet, but also tap, jazz, modern, hip-hop,” Mira’s smile grew as she spoke and so did mine.  I loved the passion that my children showed for anything - be it J’s football or love of drawing, or Mira’s need to move, watching them light up just from discussing it was enough to make me happy.  
“You’re quite the accomplished tiny dancer,” Marvin’s smile wasn’t one I might find safe if seen in the wild, but at my own table with my husband close at hand I found it kind.  
“And what do you do, Michelle?”  I wasn’t expecting it.  The question nor the person who asked it.  I know I flinched and I know that it wasn’t only caught by Will.  “I’m sorry, was that too forward of me?”  
“Not at all,” managing to find my smile again by focusing on J and Mira I turned to face Frank.  “I take care of my family, Mr. Moses.”
“She’s being modest,” Will cut in and my eyes flicked to him.  “She’s not JUST a housewife, not that there’s anything wrong with that.”  My eyes narrowed at the implication that anyone who made their family’s lives easier by being a homemaker was somehow less than, it was something Will had pointed out to me on multiple occasions.  “Chell writes.  She’s a published writer.”  His eyebrows rose as if to dare me to contradict him, but I couldn’t, he was telling the truth.  
“What have you written?”  Sarah, clearly someone who couldn’t stand silence - awkward or not - wanted more information.  “Maybe we’ve read it.”
“I’m sure you have,” Will’s smile was growing and my eyes were narrowing again.  The tease.  “She wrote ---”  And there it was, him literally removing my mask and letting these three know my nom de plume, my secret identity - I should have told him I was going to have to kill him.  
“Wow,” Sarah’s mouth dropped open and a large part of me hoped this meant she would be rendered speechless and dinner could go back to being eaten.  “That’s -”
“Impressive,” Frank’s eyes were on me, and I inhaled deeply and met his gaze.  “Where do you get your ideas?”  
Shit, I internally added money to the swear jar that we didn’t actively use anymore - and hadn’t for years now, but honestly.  Trust my husband to out me to this man, a man who he had NO idea was someone I’d known about for YEARS before he did, and now here were were face to face and HE wanted to now where I got MY ideas for books that - if someone wanted to hold a microscope up to them - bore a striking resemblance to a lot of what HE had a hand in over the years.  Fuck. 
“I have an EXCELLENT imagination.” I offered, thanking my genetics, my birth parents, and God above for the ability to lie the way I could.  
“Yeah, I guess you do,” he looked like he might believe me.  Maybe.  
I took a drink out of my glass of wine and swallowed carefully.  “Eat up, I’m sure you could use a good night’s rest.”  Because I sure as hell could. 
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kittysuicoffee · 5 years
Marinette runaway
"Marinette I don't know about this."
"I know you don't tikki that why I'm giving you a choice." Marinette said she didn’t look up from what she was doing.
"What kind of choice is it?" She asked hesitantly Marinette turned looked at her kwami and tikki could see the years of pain in her holder eyes no happiness's was in her eyes,she could tell that Marinette had a hard time with this decision but it was the only thing she could think of she thought about transferring school but Adrien will only make her feel bad about leaving them alone they want there 'every day ladybug' there for them not for her, she told her parents about what was happening at school, so they went to the school to yell at the principal for the miss treatment of their daughter. Just for the principal said that Marinette is the one causing problems with one student this cause more yelling and Marinette's parents left anger and frustration clear on there faces they told her that she could stay home from school if she wanted, they don't want there only daughter to go thru that mess they had at school if she still decided to go to school just  let them know or when she just wanted to stay home.
But Marinette had other plans in mind than just staying at home...
"Tikki if you want to you can go look for  a new ladybug and a new guardian of the miraculous."
Tikki eyes went wide she couldn't believe what Marinette just said look for  a new ladybug? a new guardian of miraculous? She didn't even like the idea in the first place but nothing will change Marinette mind nothing will. "Marinette please we can think of something else we could place a curse on Lila and the hold class or maybe!"
"Tikki wait I'm not finished yet."Marinette said cutting tikki off "you could do that or you could come with me." Marinette finished she closed her eyes and signed looking back at her kwami "I understand if you don't want to tikki I just want you and the others to be happy."
Marinette gave a sad smile "I want to go with you Marinette." That was the only thing that the  kwami said and Marinette looked shocked but tears was filling up her eyes and she hugged the kwami now knowing that she will not be alone on her journey.
After hour of hugging and crying tikki pulled away "so what’s the plan." Tikki asked looking at her holder Marinette smiled looking a bit better "I already have booked a ticket for tomorrows train . I already have my bag packed I only have to get your cookies and some snack for the others and I have money saved up from some of the commissions I did so we're pretty much good just when we do get to our new home I have to get a job.”Marinette said going over her list in her head tikki looked worried “really tomorrow is it a bit to soon? what about your parents? Are you going to leave a note?”
" sooner the better we leave this place and I already have a note ready when we leave." Marinette told tikki as she hold up a letter with pretty hand writing on it. Tikki read it out loud: "dear mama and papa I'm so sorry you won't be able to see me again but I'm only doing this because I can't stay here in Paris, anymore and I know it's unlikely for us to move but I try to stay but when time goes on it get really hard  so I'm doing this.  please don’t worry about me I love you both very much.
Love Marinette."
Tikki finish reading the letter.
Marinette put the letter away on her desk another question pop into tikki head "how are you going to get around you can't just leave as you are?"
"Oh tikki I already have that planned out."
"What do you mean?"
Marinette didn't reply as she walked to her closet to take out a bag. Tikki watched with curiously in her eyes wondering what she have. "This." Marinette stated " is what we're using to leave this place." Tikki giggle "and how is it going to help?"
Marinette gave a cheeky smile "you'll see." And that was all that needed to be said.
"Marinette breakfasts is ready!" Sabine called for her daughter it's been a week sense they had told off that incompetent principal at Marinette's school and she yelled at Marinette's teacher for being a spineless and pathetic woman for not stepping in and stopping the bullying.
'calm down Sabine calm down you have a plan to stop this from happening to your daughter she will not be in pain for any longer.' Sabine put on a face meaning she was not taking a no from her daughter, this was a good idea. "Boy Marinette is taking a long time up there." Tom said making Sabine jump a bit "oh Tom don't do that you almost gave me a heart attacked!" Sabine exclaimed holding her hand to her chest Tom gave his wife a sheepish smile "sorry honey. But she is taking long time right, did she went to school?"
"No she told me yesterday she that she wanted to stay home." Sabine said looking up at the door of her daughter’s room "I'm going to check on her." With that she went to walked up the stairs to her Marinette's room and knocked "Marinette s sweetie you up?" There was no response and she knocked again still no response, Sabine heart was fell into her stomach "Marinette I'm coming up honey." Sabine hope Marinette was just still sleeping, she hope that her daughter was just sitting at her desk making or drawing her designed she hope that her daughter was still alive. She opened the door and she screamed
"Sabine!" Tom ran after his wife to see what was wrong making his way up the stairs to stand by this wife to only see there was no Marinette " w-where is she?" Sabine asked "where’s Marinette!" Sabine ran up into her daughter’s room Tom right ’behind her both looking around her room under her bed the closet the sun roof there was no sign of her at all "Sabine look." Tom exclaimed pulling his wife to a piece of paper that he found on Marinette’s desk they both read it. " Tom."  Sabine said her voice shaking " call the police."
Ladybug was looking out at Paris with a soft smile on her face Paris is sure beautiful at night she signed "I'm going to miss this."
Miss what my lady?" A voice asked ladybug jump turning to see chat noir sitting right next to her looking at her with confusion in his eyes "what you moving or something the only thing I could say that take me with you because I'm can't leave my lady alone in this big scary world of ours!" Chat said over dramatically putting his hand on his face. Ladybug laughed and chat followed "no no I was going to miss the peace when hawkmoth starts akumatizing people again." Ladybug replied waving her hand up and down "yeah me too." Both her and chat stared out at Paris both looking at peace "hey ladybug?" "Yes chat." Ladybug said looking at chat to only see him on one knee holding a rose and his ringed hand on his heart " my lady I love you I always have to let you know how much I wish you could go on a date with me tomorrow night here maybe?" Chat asked hope filling his eyes but his hoped die with the words he come to hate over the years of being ladybug’s partner." No chat i-" " yeah yeah yeah l know you don't love me you love someone else why can't you give me a chance for once in your life ladybug!" Chat basely snapped, ladybug looked at him with shocked she cross her arms and looked at him indifference in her face " first of all chat I no longer in love with him! Second I only see you as a friend and for how long have you know me you should respect  my feelings!" Ladybug snapped back " you fell out of love with him but your not willing to give me a chance why?!"
"Because chat I don't love you what can you not understand about that!?"
Chat balled up his fist anger on his face but he calm down looking at ladybug her arms still cross. "well if you say so. So tell me ladybug who was the boy you fell out of love with." He asked crossing his arms as well ladybug eyed him with suspicion "why should I tell you? Are going a hunt him down or something?" Ladybug asked
"Nope just wondering that all." Chat replied "okay..." Ladybug said uneasy " well I no longer love Adrien Agreste." Chat eyes went wide she was in love with him no she have to be joking right? " Your joking right ladybug? Please tell me your joking!" Ladybug took a step back "n-no I'm not chat what wrong?" "My lady!" Chat grabbed  ladybugs hands. “chat let me go please." "No ladybug I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to fall out of love with me I'm sorry!"
"What are you talking about!?"
Chat took in a deep breath "plagg claws in!"
Ladybug eyes went wide she no longer looking at the green eyes of chat noir but the green eyes of Adrien "kid what are you doing?!"plagg exclaimed Adrien didn't replied instead he let go of ladybug's hands and putting one hand on his chest and the other one hand out "my lady please for give me I have no idea I was causing you to hate me but I can me it right! Show me who you are and we both can be happy together!"
Ladybug looked at Adrien she was speak less Adrien Agreste was chat noir the whole time but they act so differently than again she act differently when she was in her civilian form.
"Adrien." Ladybug finally spoke her voice soft Adrien hold his breath hoping that she'll return his feeling and forgive him and maybe just maybe show him her true identity. She took a few steps forward to Adrien taking both of his hands into her own , he smile his dream of being with ladybug was about to come true " kid your an idiot." Before Adrien had a chance to register what plagg had said ladybug jumped back. He looked down and noticed that his ring was gone he looked up to see ladybug holding his ring in her hand "n-no" he said his voice quite ladybug looked him down her eyes full with strong disappointed " Adrien Agreste as the new guardian of the miraculous you head by no longer will be the handler of the black cat miraculous!" Her voice was strong yet form leaving no room for arguments "no wait I.. "
"I'm sorry Adrien this is good bye" with that ladybug yo-yo away leaving a shocked Adrien behind.
Everyone in else bastier class was at a buzzed talking about the up and coming class trip to New York. Ayla was most excited about it because she was going with her best friend "Lila!" Ayla shouted getting the girl attention the girl gave her a sad smile "oh hey Ayla are you excited about the up coming trip?" Lila asked with a hint of solemn Ayla and seem like everyone else notice how down Lila looked " hey girl what's wrong?" Ayla walking getting up from her table and walking up to the girl. " What’ s wrong did something happened?" She asked again putting her hand on Lila shoulder out of nowhere Lila began to cry falling right into Ayla’ s chest everyone ran to her asking if she alright if they can do anything for her Ayla took her to her seat and sat her down "Lila tell me what happened please." She asked once again it took a few moment for Lila to calm her tears down and when she did, she looked up at her " Marinette threatened me!" Lila sobbed again
"What!" Everyone shouted in uproar "what did she say!" Ayla said in Anger she can't believe Marinette would do this to Lila she was the nicest girl in the world! Marinette will pay when she gets here.
"She said if I don't stop telling lies she'll get someone to beat me up!" She exclaimed putting her face into Ayla chest "don't worry Lila we'll get her!" Alix said in anger everyone in the class agree to teach Marinette a lesson.
But before they could think of a plan Mme. Bastier walked in with two police officer behind her everyone went silence when they saw them
"Class. Please take your seat." Everyone did as they were told but before the police could speak Ayla beat them to the punch " is this about Marinette are you going to arrest her!" Ayla shouted the officers looked at her confused "for what?" Ayla looked angry "for harassing Lila! this why your here for right?”
Both police officer looked at her with suspicion
"How do you know we were going to ask about her?" The first officer ask Ayla cross her arms "will your here and meaning that Lila on her way to school called you right so there. Your here for Marinette right she'll be here any second now than you can take her away." The other students agreed the second police looked at Mme. Bastier "is this how you teach a class?" He asked eyeing her  she give small smile "I'm well I.."
"The fact that your students are so eager to point to think that we're here to arrest is..!" Before the officer could finish he felt a hand on his shoulder he turn to look at his partner "Pete calm down we're here to ask questions not to tell at a teacher how to do there job. She maybe new." Pete looked at him but calm down with that the officer remove his hand and walked up in front of the class and he began to speak "first thing first my name is officer Maxx and my partner name is Pete. To answer the young lady question is yes we're are here about Marinette but not to arrest her." Maxx explained "than why are you here for officers? Mme. Bastier asked Pete walked up next to his partner " for you know Marinette dupain-cheng went missing last night.”
Everyone gasped.
A girl with dirty blonde hair walked off the train with two males a boys one had white hair and a the other had blonde hair "well home sweet home!" The boy said with a sign "yep it's great to back " Said the blonde boy but than turn to the girl "so what you think?" The girl looked around her brown eyes looking around the 'small' town "wow. I thought you said it was small?" The girl ask with a pout both boys laugh "well when you live here for your whole life it will seem small over time."
"Yeah" the blonde boy agreed with a giggle
" So want to look around?"
"Yes please! Just let me grab my bags the train will leave tomorrow right?"
"Yep" both boy said the girl smile turn to get her bags but stop "I just realized I never got you guys names!" She giggled "what you're names?”
The boy with white hair smile "my name is Oliver the boy right next to me is my half brother Michael."
Michael waved "so what you're name?”
The girl smile at them "my name is Coraline."
I was inspired ml fanfic called missing by a user on Archive of our own named 
ChaoticNeutral I think they also have a tumblr but i’m not sure but if they do let me know so I could credit them here I hope ya like it 
Edited: someone told me who wrote the ml fix thank you very much!
Ml missing belong to @nobodyfamousposts
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years
would it be ok to ask for hcs of the main 6 + vaderwood as parents to rebellious child that’s sometimes sneaks out and gets in fights please? :)
ok I got a little bit carried away but bear with me. i thought they would be extremely short but this is the longest i’ve ever written for a hc.
thank you for your suggestion!
It was supposed to be a fun story, but you found Yoosung grimacing when your son was telling you about some rank he had pulled at school. You decided to ignore it, mainly because your husband /did/ laugh at the end.
But that one morning, while he drove you both to your son’s school, you couldn’t stop thinking wheher it was a true smile or not.
It had been around 9 a.m. when you received the phonecall. Yoosung was about to leave to go to work and you were looking for your wallet, since he was going to drive you to your job as well. You were going to ignore the ringing, but when you saw it was the school calling, you got scared. Man, did that kid loved doing crazy stuff.
Last year, he had broken his arm while trying to climb a tree, trying to get a football that had accidentaly ended up there.
Instead of, you know, asking for help.
“It’s Hoon’s school”; you said, before answering your phone. Yoosung looked a you, worried.
It was a brief call. The Principal told you Hoon had gotten into a fight. When he hard your tone asking what happened, he added: “He initiated a fight with another boy. Apparently, it’s about a girl. The boy is being taken to the hospital as we speak”.
Well, fuck.
You looked at Yoosung, poor boy was so confused when you apologized to the Principal and said you both would be there immediately. You hung up the phone and told your husband what the call was about.
The ride to the school was silent.
When you entered the Principal’s office, you saw Hoon, sitting on a chair, some red marks on his face and arms, but nothing else.
The Principal repeated the story, adding the other boy was taken to the hospital because in the middle of the fight, he was pushed, fell on the ground and got a wound on his forehead. It seemed he would need a couple of stitched, but the school policy was to send them to the nearest hospital even if it wasn’t serious.
You apologized profusely over and over. You didn’t want Hoon to be kicked out. You explained it was the first time this had happened and that it wouldn’t happen again. You agreed to sign a document that said Hoon would be conditionally admitted next year, only if he didn’t get in anymore fights. You quickly signed it and handed it over to your husband.
He was giving death glares to your son.
“Honey” you said, making him look at you.
You both looked at each other for a couple of seconds. After that, he grabbed the paper and signed it as well.
On your way back home, you started telling Hoon about his punishment. No phone, no TV, no game consoles whatsoever, no going out with friends. You asked him to tell you what was the fight about, but he wouldn’t say. You sighed and decided to ask again a few days later.
When Yoosung parked in front of your home, he asked Hoon to go inside and wait for them. You looked at him, puzzled. Mostly surprised, since he hadn’t said anything since you first got the phonecall
You expected to discuss Hoon’s punishment.
“You’ve been enabling this behaviour” Yoosung muttered.
“I’m sorry how exactly I’ve been enabling this”
“Laughing at his pranks. Not taking them seriously”
“They were pranks, he had never punched someone before” you defended Hoon.
“That’s how it starts” Yoosung says, raising his voice.
Suddenly, you realize he’s been crying.
You take your husband’s hand and squeeze it softly.
“Honey, what’s going on?” you asked.
He didn’t answer. But the tears kept going.
You kissed his cheek and squeezed his hands again, reassuring him everything was fine.
“That’s how it starts” he repeated, more calmly. “It starts at pranks, constant pranks the other person doesn’t ever give back. And then suddenly, they feel the right to take it to the next level and punch you wheneer you feel like”.
Did… did this happen to Yoosung?
Oh God.
Oh God.
“Hey, c’mon, look at me. C’mon, honey”, you asked, cupping his cheeks and making him look at you. “Hoon is not a bad person. He’s not a bully. He’s, you’re right, he’s been behaving badly but he’s not a bad person. He’s…” you doubted. “He’s not on eof your bullies”.
Yoosung didn’t say anything.
He didn’t need to. You know understood.
“We’re great parents. We really are. And he’s just 14, He still has time to learn. More than that, we’re making sure he learns how to be gentler. Nicer to other people. More like you”.
Yoosung smiled.
Of course it was a fucking motorcycle gang
How he hated karma
One day, Jae came home with a leather jacket. Which was fine. He could spend his money on clothes, nothing new.
You smiled and kissed Jae on the cheek to welcome him home.
No, you didn’t care he was 17, when he comes home he has to kiss his mother.
“You know, Jae’s looking like you more and more with each day that goes by” you commented to your husband in a soft voice, trying to keep it quiet from Jae. “That jacket actually reminds me of the one you just to have when we first met” you teased Zen, grinning at him. Zen lowered his head and kissed your temple before looking at his son again. Indeed, that jacket was pretty similar to the one he used wh–
Wait a minute.
“What’s that symbol on your back?” he suddenly asked. Both you and Jae looked at him.
“What symb– ah, I don’t know. I got it from a thrift shop” Jae answered, shrugging.
Zen squinting, trying to detect the lie.
Bullshit detector 9000
“Show me your right wrist”
You looked at Jae. He was pale.
“Show me your right wrist” Zen repeated. You didn’t know why he was asking this?
“Why should I? I’m not five, you ca–”
“Show your dad your wrist” you said, supporting your husband. You decided Zen’s reason was important enough.
Relunctantly, Jae lifted his jacket and showed you both a small drawing of a skull on his wrist.
“Oh God, please tell me that’s not a tattoo” you whispered.
“It’s not” both Zen and Jae answered. Jae was now even more surprised his dad new about it.
“You know?”
“I don’t want you hanging around them anymore. Those people are bad news. You’ll start drinking and smoking and– I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.
It’s a long conversation. Zen ends up telling his son about the gang he was in when he was young and even though Jae thinking about using that information to get respected with the guys, he eventually agrees to spend less time with the gang.
He goes to his room and you hug Zen from the back, kissing him in the cheek.
“That’s some good parenting” you smiled, feeling him smile as well. “Hey, uhm- You think you still have your jacket?” you asked, whispering sweetly against your husband’s ear.
no fears
one fear
Both you and your son were terrified of Jaehee when she got angry.
So that one time Hyuk snaked out of the house to go to a party
oh boy, you feared for him
Jaehee was sitting on the couch, waiting for him.
You offered a cup of coffee and she declined.
it really was the end of the world.
Eventually, Hyuk came home, to find yuor concerned look and Jaehee’s disapproving look.
“Mom, this girl I like was going to I really, really, really–”
“I don’t care, go to your room”.
“But mom, let me explain”
“To your room”
“Mom, aren’t you going to say anything?” Hyuk asked you. You shook your head.
“You heard your mother, go to your room and think if it was really worth it”.
In the end, Jaehee took his cellphone and laptop for two weeks.
Then she had a stern talk with him.
You honestly wouldn’t have known how to deal with the situation if it weren’t for her.
god bless jaehee
It all started with a “shut up dad”
Jumin had brought her sweet little princess a car, a fancy and most of all trustworthy car.
She had solt it and bought a motorcycle instead.
When did his princess change so much?
It seemed just yesterday she was sitting on his lap, playing with his tie and grinning at him.
Once, Hae wanted to go to a party in one of the shadiest places in the city. You said no and left the penthouse quickly because you had a meeting with the lawfirm you owned. Hae stayed, arguing with Jumin.
“You can’t force me to stay!” she said, storming to her bedroom and starting to get ready.
Jumin didn’t know what to do. He tried calling you, but it went to voicemail. He thought you must be in the middle of your meeting.
So he did the next best thing.
He closed Hae’s bedroom and locked it.
He then proceeded to lock all doors (except the ones for the bathrooms) using his phone, with a fancy new security system.
“Are you kidding me?!”
“Open the door!
“What is your problem, Jumin Han?!”
“I’m going to tell mom!!!!!”
She knos Angry!MC is his one and only fear
Eventually Hae stops screaming. Jumin sighs. Best she could do is take a nap.
He decided to go to the main bathroom and take a shower to calm down.
He changed into new clothes and walked to the kitchen.
Poure himself a glass of wine ans took a sip.
He was startled when he saw you entering the penthouse.
“Wh– what are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry, Jumin, I felt bad leaving you  alone to deal with Hae. Aoki will continue without me”.
Jumin kept looking at you, wide-eyed.
“What’s wrong?”
“How did you get here?”
“I– Uhm, I opened the door?” you said, curious, jiggling th ekeys that were stil on your hand.
Jumin took out his phone, entering the security system again. Someone had turned it off.
You both entered Hae’s bedroom. It was empty.
Her laptop was on, some binary numbers on the screen both you and Jumin couldn’t understand.
“Yes, darling?”
“She can’t hang out with Saeyoung anymore”.
Double trouble
Double trouble
You gave him twins, because apparently it was a strong gene in the Choi family.
Two girls who were just trouble.
They would dress as each other sometimes and cover up for the other when one of them sneaked out the house.
You expected them to fight sometimes, but honestly they had a pretty good relationship. It was nice they were a united front.
The only thing was, it was a united front against Saeyoung and you.
You kept track of what they were doing on social media by asking Saeyoung to look over at their social media accounts.
Initially, you were against it.
But that one time, you were sure you had smelt alcohol on the breath.
Thanks to your husband’s hacking, you discovered they weren’t drinking (yet), but one of them had made out with a boy who was drinking vodka.
“Heavy hand on make out session” as your daughter had messaged her friend.
You decided it would be best to have the talk with them as a whole family, including Saeyoung.
It was not your brightest idea.
He couldn’t process the thought of his little girls doing things with boys.
“They aren’t kids anymore, babe” you had said.
But for him, they were.
So when you asked your girls if they knew what protection was, Saeyoung almost fainted.
“MC, why are you taking about s-e-x to the t-w-i-n-s?”
“We can spell, dad”
“We also know what a condom is, mom”
Rip Saeyoung
You told them all about sex education, not only about birth control, but how to cherish your body and wait for someone special. Also how important it was to me emotionally prepared for such a huge step.
They would always be trouble.
But that night after the talk, you made sure the four of you sat on the couch and watched an old kids movie together.
Just for Saeyoung’s sake.
Honestly, what were you expecting
He knew his dad used to solve his problems by punching them away
And his dad was his hero
So honestly, what did you expect
It started small,a few pushes at school.
You scolded Ryun, Vanderwood said it was okay for him to defend himself. You tried to teach there were better ways to solve problems.
But Ryun didn’t listen. And honestly, your husband didn’t either.
Once, your  son punched a guy so much, he got into big trouble.
The other parents were planning to sue and the school board was deciding whether to kick him out or not.
The only thing that stopped them was that your son was the lacrosse team’s captain.
This time, the other kid hadn’t been bothering your son. The only thing he did was asking out the girl your son was crazy about.
It was in that moment when Vanderwood knew it had gone too far.
He never went to school meetings, so when Ryun saw him entering your Principal’s office…
he knew he had fucked up
You drove them home after the Principal told you you had to wait and see it the family would sue.
You parked the car in front of your house and sighed, tired.
“MC, give us a minute, please”
You don’t know what exactly happened in that car but whatever Vanderwood said to him changed Ryun forever.
He wasn’t aggresive anymore and graduated without any more trouble.
Your husband was magic.
Pure magic.
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