#Somehow we’ve managed to make it this far. It’s been one wild ride. Nothing I can’t do with you by my side ; Kiki & Howell ; bornspellcaster
betwccnworlds · 2 years
@bornspellcaster​ replied to your post:
"Okay but now there's geese running around biting rhe castle staff" Kiki sighs.
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“I suggest asking Eber to do something about it since he’s the one who is best with animals.”
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tuanyiems · 4 years
To Tango
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Yugyeom x Fem Reader Genre: fluff, a little angst, smut Words: 12k [Masterlist in blog description] Plot: Sequel to Take Two (Arranged Marriage AU) Part of the Marriage Life AU series. You and Yugyeom have decided to take things slow now that you are starting over on the right foot. This proves to be more difficult when your insecurities about your virginity grow larger and Yugyeom’s dance partners get prettier and sexier with each routine. Warning: gyeom and reader need to work on their communication lulz, loss of virginity, fingering, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, riding, creampie, a brief moment of unintentional cockwarming lol
“Oh, and the sex, Y/N!” Anna let out a dreamy sigh, plopping her head against the couch cushion dramatically, her third glass of wine swirling dangerously in her hand. “I thought we were great in bed before, but engagement sex! Y/N, it’s absolutely mind-blowing!”
You giggle in response to your best friend, lips on the edge of your own wine glass as you nursed your first cup.
Anna reaches out her left hand, eyes crinkling at the sparkling ring on her finger. “I can’t wait to get married and have newlywed sex! Is it even better, Y/N?”
You cough in surprise, mouthful of wine spilling back into your glass.
“Oh dear, are you okay?” Anna reaches over, patting you on the back. She glances over cautiously. “You know, I heard most couples need time to learn each other’s bodies. Not all men can be like Jungkook. It gets better, don’t worry!”
“No!” You looked up in surprise, cheeks heating up. “It’s not that it’s bad. Yugyeom isn’t bad…or well, I don’t…he’s probably not.”
“Wait!” She shakes her head in disbelief, slamming down her wine glass on the coffee table. “I thought you and Yugyeom were getting along! It’s been a whole year, Y/N!”
“W-we are,” you stutter, looking away.
“But you’re still a virgin?” Anna asks slowly. You gulp down the rest of your glass, squeezing your eyes shut in embarrassment as you reluctantly nod.
“Aww, it’s okay…sex isn’t even that…good.”
You roll your eyes, giggling at the obvious lie. “Stop Anna, you looked like you were in actual pain just saying that.”
She grinned, flashing a row of plum teeth. “Sex is amazing, Y/N, I’m sorry.”
You shrug your shoulders, pouring more wine into your glasses. “I’m sure I’ll find out eventually. Yugyeom and I are just taking things slow.”
“Of course, there’s no rush!” Anna smiles reassuringly.
“Right, no rush.” You agree, nodding your head with conviction. Deep down though, you’re worried. After the two of you finally cleared the air of your misunderstandings last year, you both agreed to take things slow, get to know each other as friends first. Of course, this was more for Yugyeom. You had already been head over heels for him two years prior to him ever knowing your name. As time passed, your feelings for Yugyeom only grew stronger, but you weren’t sure you could say the same for him.
It took months for him to come to terms with you being his wife, you didn’t want to scare him away by asking for anything more. But a whole year has passed since then and the two of you hang out more like roommates than a married couple.
The first time you went on a real date, it got so awkward that Yugyeom literally called up Bambam to break the silence. The last time you tried to hold Yugyeom’s hand he flinched like you were going to chop his fingers off or something. Ever since then, you’ve given up, relishing instead on your casual nights in watching k-dramas and weekly grocery store runs. Those count as dates, right?
“Everyone has their own pace Y/N,” Anna adds, as if she could hear your worried thoughts. “There’s no order to when you’re supposed to get married or have sex. Don’t worry about it.”
You look at her with a pout. “Even if we’ve never kissed?”
You laugh, half at her reaction and half in agony as you nod.
“What the hell is wrong with Yugyeom?” Anna yelled out indignantly. 
You smile sheepishly, brushing your fingers through your hair in defeat. “Maybe he doesn’t want to kiss me. We hang out like bros. I think I’ve been friendzoned.”
“Nonsense! There’s something wrong with that boy if he doesn’t want to kiss you. Even I want to kiss you sometimes! That’s how hot you are!”
You laugh, collapsing into the couch cushions at your friend’s bug-eyed expression. “Anyways, it’s not that big of a problem. In his defense, he’s only just gotten to know me. I’m not as outgoing as you Anna, my charms are a little harder to see.”
“No way, Yugyeom’s just blind. That, or he’s a coward! You need to grab that boy by the collar and show him exactly what he’s missing out on. Just grab him and plant a wet one on him!”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “I think that’s called assault, Anna. We’ll get there in due time. No rush.”
“No rush about what?” Yugyeom interrupts, entering through the front door. He had just come back from the dance studio. You avert your eyes. Even after a long day of dancing in track pants and a plain white tee, hair stuffed into a black cap, Yugyeom still looks irresistible. 
“Are you two drinking again?” He asks after no answer, approaching the two of you on the couch.
You smile sheepishly, twirling the red wine in your glass.
“Yes we are! Have to get rid of our frustrations somehow!” Anna barks back, pouring more wine into both of your glasses.
“This is my second glass,” You tell him quietly when he glances from Anna back to you, questioningly. 
Yugyeom raises his brow skeptically, leaning over the couch to get a closer look. You gulp, eyes trailing the tip of his nose and the curve of his cupid’s bow. He’s so close; you could smell the lingering scent of the outside air mixed with his faded cologne. 
“Your second glass?” he asks, eyes trained on yours like he could read your thoughts if he stares hard enough. You pray that isn’t true.
You nod quietly.
“Then why are your cheeks so pink? I think you’re already drunk!” He declares, standing up straight. Anna laughs, looking at you with a knowing smile.
“Did you eat dinner yet?” You change the subject quickly.
He smiles down at you before stepping away. “Yeah, I’m gonna go shower and then head to bed. Don’t keep her up too late, Anna!”
“That’s your job, Mr. Hubby,” Anna mumbles under her breath, snickering when your eyes widen, and you turn back to check if he heard. Yugyeom is already down the hallway though.
You pout, sinking into your seat. “Don’t say it!”
“You’ve got the hots for your husband!” Anna sings with excitement, nudging you teasingly.
You can only groan into the couch cushions because you know she’s absolutely right.
Of course, by now everyone knows you’ve had the hots for your husband ever since you laid eyes on him as a freshman in college. You were like the Cinderella of arranged marriages on campus. You agreed with it yourself. It wasn’t every day that parents matched their daughters up with their longtime crushes.
But that was a sweet and innocent time in your life, when you’d have daydreams of cooking dinner with him and he’d help tie your apron from behind. Maybe even tuck a stray hair behind your ear. Now your daydreams are far more…mature.
So, when you send Anna on her way and turn around to see Yugyeom stepping out of the shower, striped pajama pants on, and only striped pajama pants on, you are a bit breathless, to say the least. 
“Jungkook picked Anna up?” he asks nonchalantly, water droplets dripping off his wet hair and falling down his chest.
You beg your buzzed brain not to follow the wet trail. Your mouth waters anyways.
“Mhm,” you manage out after a pause.
He chuckles, his hands coming to cup your cheeks. “Are you sure you only had two glasses? You seem out of it.”
“I’m fine,” you laugh nervously, shuffling out of his grasp. “Anyways, aren’t you tired? You should head to bed.”
“I am,” he smiles. “You too? Do you have a long day tomorrow?”
“I’m gonna be in the kitchen all day. I have to practice a couple recipes.”
“I’ll help!” he grins, shoulders squeezing together happily.
You scrunch your nose, landing a soft punch on his bicep. “I sense ulterior motives. I’ll take it though!”
He laughs, patting your head good naturedly. “Then it’s settled. Just wake me up when you start.”
You smile, watching as Yugyeom turns towards his bedroom, fresh muscle relief patches stamped across his back. He had been in the studio nonstop all week. Ever since changing his major, he’s been overworking himself to make up lost time. And now he’s spending his day off to help you.
You are grateful that he no longer gives you the cold shoulders. In fact, you have a gut feeling he’s been trying to make up for his past behavior by doing favors for you. You keep telling him that everything’s been forgiven, but the boy doesn’t listen.
He’s truly been nothing but sweet.
So, it should be okay that you two sleep in different beds at night. Lots of arranged couples do. You should just be happy you got to marry such a kind man. It’s okay that he doesn’t love you, you’re lucky nonetheless. Eventually, you two will become best friends. 
Best friends last longer than lovers, you’ve been told.
But when you tuck yourself into bed that night, you can’t help but feel a little bit colder than usual. 
“So, how can I help?” Yugyeom asks, hands on his hips as he sports your far too small, far too pink apron.
You giggle at the sight, sliding the cutting board towards him. “Can you dice the veggies, please?”
“Yes Chef!” he salutes you playfully.
You chuckle, bringing out the other ingredients for your recipe. The sleepyhead woke up at noon and insisted on helping you before even brushing his teeth. Of course, you ushered him into the bathroom soon enough, but it was harder to kick him out of the kitchen. 
You glance at the back of his hair, strands curling up in opposite directions like wild flowers. You’d think the image of Yugyeom looking the very opposite of his appearance in the dance studio would damage your infatuation with him, but instead you found his clumsiness endearing. 
There are a lot of cool bad boys out there. You’re glad Yugyeom is one of the good ones. Sometimes you fear he’s too good. Like maybe he’s being nice because he feels guilty still or maybe even sorry. You bite your lip. You would hate it if he were only acting this nice because he felt sorry for you. 
“Oh my god, Y/N!” Yugyeom yells, breaking you out of your thoughts. “You’re gonna cut yourself like that!”
You look down at your chopping board, fingers dangerously close to the knife. “Oh.”
“And you tried to kick me out of the kitchen. I should be the one nagging you!” he chides, taking the knife away from you. “I’ll finish up the chopping, you can start cooking.”
You nod, feeling your cheeks heat.
“How are your classes going?” he asks, popping a slice of carrot into his mouth.
“Pretty good. I just can’t wait to graduate.”
Yugyeom lets out a soft chuckle. “Same.”
“Extra year was worth it though, wasn’t it?” You grin, filling a measuring cup with water.
He answers with a wink. It makes your stomach flip.
“I never said thanks,” he starts, going back to chopping vegetables. You look at him curiously, waiting for him to continue. “For convincing me to change my major. And supporting me this whole time. I don’t think I would be here without you.”
You shake your head, busying your hands as your cheeks flush once more. “It was all you. I wouldn’t invest in something I didn’t believe in. You had it in you the whole time.”
“Ah, stop it,” he bumps shoulders with yours gently.
You couldn’t help the growing smile on your face as memories from last year floods you.
Yugyeom looked like a nervous puppy in front of his father. You were sure if he had a tail it would be tucked between his legs right now.
You never thought of the Kim family as intimidating. Although the first time you met your in-laws they were angry whispering to each other with Yugyeom over the arranged marriage, they have always been nothing but kind to you. And when you and Yugyeom started getting along, they became even more jovial, showering you with household gifts and random text messages of affection. 
However, Yugyeom’s respect for his parents was immeasurable and in front of his father, he became a little boy.
So here he was, face as pale as snow, about to break the news to his father.
You reached out to him, taking hold of his hand quietly. He flinched at the touch before offering you a nervous smile back. You squeezed his clammy hands in yours. 
It was the first time you truly felt like Yugyeom’s wife. The two of you were in this together and you were going to support your husband’s happiness even if it meant going against his parents.
As it turned out, Yugyeom’s parents were more than understanding. Disappointed, yes, but after you gave your reassurance that you supported his decision, they were all on board with him pursuing dance. 
You chuckled to yourself, remembering how Yugyeom’s frightened face had melted back into his usual boyish excitement. There was something very pure in the way he expressed himself. It was part of the charm that drew you in, in the first place.
You glance his way, catching him bouncing his shoulders up and down to a beat only he could hear. Sometimes you wonder what goes on in that brain of his. 
Yugyeom’s knife stops midair. He turns to you abruptly with arched brows. You blink back nervously. But instead of saying anything, he breaks into a big smile before returning to the vegetables, his body grooving back and forth in a little jig. You chuckle softly, shaking your head. Whatever’s in that brain of his, you don’t have to worry about it. 
“Wow, this is delicious!” Yugyeom exclaims, taking another big bite of your dish. You smile, placing your hands on your hips with satisfaction. “You deserve an A++!”
“You say that about all my food,”
“I mean it this time! It’s so good.”
“Oh, so you didn’t mean it the other times?” You give a playful pout, pushing the plate closer to your side. “I’m eating this alone!”
“Aww, hey! You know what I meant,” he whines, scooting closer to get another bite.
You laugh, taking the dish into your arms as you swat his hands away. He only pushes closer, wrapping his arms around you.
“Just one more bite!” he whines, squeezing you against his chest.
“All mine!” You grin, grabbing another spoonful. You swirl the spoon around teasingly before aiming for your own mouth, but before you could bite down, Yugyeom squeezes you closer, sticking his head cheek-to-cheek against yours and successfully steals the bite.
You gasp, face flushing at his close proximity and then watch as the plate slips from your nervous hand. Almost as if in slow motion, you see the contents of your dish spill onto Yugyeom’s grey sweatpants. Your eyes double in size the liquid sinks into the fabric of his pants and the rest falls to the floor in thunderous claps. 
You blink, frozen, until you take in a sudden breath and collapse to your knees.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You immediately apologize, wiping at his pants hastily.
“Oh, hey hey hey!” Yugyeom grabs at your hands, flustered. “I-I can wipe myself. Don’t worry about it.”
You look at the red flush across Yugyeom’s face, reaching towards his ears and all the way down his neck. Your palms go clammy in his as you realize your precarious position. You glance at the wet spot near his crotch and then back at his wavering pupils.
“I’m so sorry!” You apologize again, for different reasons this time, as you fumble back to your feet.
He only shakes his head vigorously, unable to meet your eyes as he lets go of your hands. 
“It’s my fault,” he says, rushing to the kitchen counters to grab a kitchen towel. “I was playing around too much.”
 “Yeah, you were,” you agree, taking the towel from him with a sympathetic smile. He looks at you with a pout. “I’ll clean up the mess, you should go change.”
He lets out a sigh before consenting, heading towards his room with his head low. In the privacy of his bedroom, Yugyeom lets out a deep exhale, his heart thrumming in his chest. He hopes you hadn’t noticed.
He looks down, pulling his sweatpants off. Please go down, but instead thoughts of you return to his mind. If he is being honest, it isn’t the first time he’s imagined you in that kind of position, but to have it actually happen—you, on your knees, right below him—and the way you looked up at him with your big, shiny eyes. All you had to do was lick your lips and he would’ve came in his pants.
“Fuck,” he whispers, looking back down. “Go down, go down, go down.”
You sit in Jungkook’s apartment, watching beside Anna as the two boys bicker about the latest trendy dance on TikTok. You laugh, watching as your husband grows red in the face from laughing so hard. He didn’t even drink tonight.
“What are you grinning about, huh?” Anna teases, refilling your glass with more sangria. 
You point at Jungkook just as he begins rapping nonsense to the cellphone that is leaning dangerously against a half empty water bottle, off the edge of their coffee table.
“That’s the guy you’re about to marry,” you deadpan. “And that’s the man I’m married to.”
You look solemnly at Yugyeom who is now flailing tissues around as he hypes Jungkook up in the background.
Anna chuckles, clinking her glass against yours. “A bunch a fools, we are.”
You gulp down the fresh glass before breaking out into a grimace. Anna definitely put more brandy into the second pitcher of sangria. You look back at your friend with a frown.
She only laughs in response. “What? It’s not like you’re driving yourself home, that’s what the husband is for!”
“True!” You laugh, drinking more. 
Yugyeom scowls, giving Anna a reprimanding click with his tongue. “You’re such a bad influence, Anna!”
She feigns offense, turning to him with her mouth wide open. “Excuse me? Who’s the one that brought you guys together, hmm?”
“Our parents,” Yugyeom retorts, a pleased grin on his face. You chuckle, earning yourself a glare from your friend.
“But I was the one that brought Y/N to the dance studio and stopped you two from divorcing each other,” Anna pouts, squeezing your arm for backup. You only giggled more, sipping on your glass of sangria.
“Speaking of the dance studio,” Jungkook starts, breaking the little spat between Anna and Yugyeom. “You’re working on that new routine with Lisa, right?”
You let out a sigh that only Anna notices. She gives your arm another squeeze, well aware of your concerns.
For the past couple of weeks, you had been complaining to Anna about Lisa. In all honesty, there was nothing real to complain about. Lisa was one of the sweetest girls you have ever met, and her dancing was some of the best you had ever seen. But that was exactly what was wrong. Lisa wasn’t just perfect, she also went perfectly with Yugyeom. The two shared an unrivaled chemistry on the dance floor and that did nothing to curb your own insecurities over your relationship. 
It doesn’t help that Yugyeom is spending hours of his day to perfect his new dance routine with her.
But how could you even tell Yugyeom this? You were the one that pushed him to pursue dancing!
You stretch out your legs on the couch, wiggling your toes with a frown on your face. You really shot yourself in the foot this time around.
“Bro, don’t remind me,” Yugyeom sighs, much to your own surprise. You perk up, turning your attention to him and ignoring the snort from Anna. “I’m going to kill Bambam.”
“Why, what happened?” Jungkook asks.
“Yeah, what happened?” you insist, a little too eagerly.
Yugyeom turns to you with a frown. “Bambam took Lisa ice skating and she sprained her ankle.”
“Oh no,” you mutter, pressing the wine glass back to your lips to hide the smile spreading across your face.
You feel Anna’s elbow dig into your side.
“Aww, go Bambam though,” Anna cheers. “Hasn’t he been in love with her for forever?”
Yugyeom rolls his eyes, walking over to plop next to you on the couch. His arm naturally reaches overhead, leaning on the cushion just above your head. You swallow, overly aware of his body next to yours.
“It wasn’t even a date, Anna,” he sighs, shaking his head in disbelief. He looks at you then before adding, “That’s why I’ve been at the studio longer than usual. Learning the routine with a new partner is so stressful.”
“Who’s your new partner?” Jungkook asks, squeezing himself next to Anna.
“She’s an underclassman. I don’t know if you know her. Does Chungha ring a bell?”
You watch Jungkook’s expression remain unimpressed as he shrugs. “Nope.”
Pleased with his response, you relax your shoulders and unintentionally lean into Yugyeom. If it weren’t for the alcohol and your slow reflexes, you would’ve sat back up, but Yugyeom presses back into you before you can move. When you feel his hand slide around you, you tip the rest of your glass into your mouth.
“You guys wanna come watch us practice?” Yugyeom offers, seemingly unaware of your wildly beating heart. 
Jungkook and Anna agrees quickly, leaving you with no choice but to watch another woman dance with your husband. The only thing that was making you feel better though is the fact that she isn’t Lisa and of course, the additional helping of sangria from your best friend.
When it is finally time for you and Yugyeom to head home, you are completely drunk. You have no idea how he was able to get you to and from the car but when you are finally sober enough to open your eyes without feeling like the world is spinning, you find yourself sprawled on your living room couch. 
“One day I’m gonna get Jungkook shitfaced and toss him to Anna. See how much she likes it,” he grumbles under his breath as he approaches you. “Oh, you’re awake.”
You giggle, still drunk enough to ignore your usual nerves. “They’d probably just have drunk sex, Yugy.”
Yugyeom blushes, sitting next to you on the couch. “Let’s wipe your makeup off Y/N,” he replies, ignoring your comment.
You turn to him with your eyes closed, laughing when the cool towelette touches your skin. He chuckles against you.
“Stop laughing.”
“It tickles!”
“Just a little bit more,”
You sigh in relief, opening your eyes again to see Yugyeom tossing the dirty wipes into the trashcan. 
“Come on, let’s go brush our teeth,” he beckons.
Your lips jut out instinctively as you cross your arms defiantly. “Do it for me!”
Yugyeom lets out a sigh but a smile quickly breaks onto his face anyways. He always complained to Anna about getting you drunk, but the truth is that he could never get truly mad. How could he when your drunken self becomes a cute little monster? 
You are annoyingly adorable.
Even during the early months of your marriage when Yugyeom was adamant on hating you, he could never get over how cute you became when you were drunk. While he found your normal self already quite endearing, it was a different pleasure to see your guard slip down.
Grabbing your toothbrush and spreading a pinch of toothpaste over the bristles, he smiles as he walks back over to you. Your eyes open again, feeling him approach. You flash him a bright smile, showing off your wine-stained teeth. 
Chuckling in defeat, he pushes your toothbrush against your smile and begins brushing. You watch him with lazy eyes, smile still adorn on your lips. It makes his skin flush under your gaze. Maybe you are still very drunk, but time feels like it stops. 
It’s not often that Yugyeom gets to see you with your guard down. You are always a little shy and always put together. Whether it is helping him talk to his own parents or waking up early to make him lunch, you are always the one helping him and rarely is it ever the other way around.
It’s why times like these, Yugyeom takes his time memorizing your features.
On normal days, Yugyeom already thinks you are perfect.
On nights like tonight, he thinks you are perfectly imperfect.
And that makes you all the more beautiful.
All too soon, it is time to put you to bed. He is surprised you’re even still awake. It’s way past midnight, which is way past your usual 10PM bedtime.
“It’s time to sleep now, Y/N. Can you walk or should I carry you?”
You glance at him, fiddling with your thumbs. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
Yugyeom chokes on his own spit. “Y-you don’t want to sleep in your own bed?”
You shake your head with a pout. “I wanna stay with you.”
He lets out a breath before taking a seat next to you on the couch. It shouldn’t be a surprise that your drunk self is being clingy, but Yugyeom can’t help his thoughts from wandering to the other day when you spilled food all over his pants.
You pat his thigh, leaning closer. He gulps, feeling nervous suddenly.
“Yugy, what’s your ideal type?”
The question catches him off guard. It’s not until you squeeze his thigh again that he remembers to answer.
He glances down at your wide eyes. The anticipation in your gaze is evident.
“I like someone who makes me want to know more about her,” he finally answers.
His answer is almost sobering enough. You feel your heart dropping. 
“What type of wife do you want then?”
Yugyeom wants to laugh at your sudden interrogation but you look so serious. He looks away, pretending to think deeply about your question. The truth is though, he can barely think with you so close to him. The only thing he can think to respond with is you. Of course it’s you. It could only be you.
Before Yugyeom could even accept the idea of marriage, he had already fallen for his wife. Against his will and against his pride, you had snuck into his heart.
When he looks back at you, you feel a flutter in your chest. You wonder if your buzz has gotten to your head. Hope rises in your heart the longer he stares.
“I want a wife who doesn’t like wine so much,” he lets out a small laugh when you immediately frown. If only he could kiss the pout on your lips.
Yugyeom sits up, thinking you’ve finished but you’re quick to keep him seated. With the last bits of alcohol giving you courage, you throw your leg across his lap and straddle him, palms flat against his chest.
“I want a real answer, Yugy,” you pout, too involved in your own questions to see the way Yugyeom’s entire face has gone red. “What’s something I can do that you find really charming?”
He looks at you like a deer caught in headlights. The longer it takes for him to answer, the more you begin to question whether you’ve crossed a line. But Yugyeom is just trying to form a coherent sentence in his mind, anything to keep you from pressing further into him and realizing that you’ve given him a semi.
When he doesn’t answer, you bite at your lip, crestfallen.
You know you should have seen this coming, but it still hurts. He couldn’t even think of a lie to tell?
The next question leaves you in a whisper, “Why aren’t you attracted to me?”
Yugyeom’s eyes grow big with alarm. The sadness on your face is so apparent and it makes his stomach ache with guilt. Why would you ever think this? He is literally hard right now because of you!
“I am!” He shouts back immediately.
You look back at him, but your eyes say you don’t believe him. 
“I am, I really am! Why would you even ask?”
“Then,” you sink into him, shoulders slouching. “Why won’t you kiss me?”
Yugyeom looks at you, then your lips, and feels the heat rise to his cheeks. He wants to kiss you right now. He has never wanted to kiss you more than now, but you’re drunk. What if this is just the alcohol talking?
Before he can say anything though, your arms are wrapping around his neck and pushing him against you. Your lips are soft on his and you taste minty from the toothpaste.
You feel a shiver in your spine when he starts to kiss back. Soft at first, and then his arms are squeezing around your waist and you’re running your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer until it feels impossible to breathe.
It doesn’t matter. You decide kissing Yugyeom takes priority over breathing.
You moan against him when he slides his tongue into your mouth. When you rut against him, you can feel his hardness through his jeans. It sends a thrill through your body. You rub yourself harder against him, savoring the way he muffles a groan against your lips.
But when you slip your hands underneath his shirt, feeling his hot skin, Yugyeom pushes you away.
“Wait,” he mutters, catching his breath. “Y/N, we can’t.”
“What are talking about? Who’s going to stop us?” You chuckle, trying to sneak your hands back onto him, but Yugyeom is quick to grab your wrist.
He inwardly curses himself, cringing at the tightness in his pants, but he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he took advantage of you while you were drunk. He is not going to share your first time together when you aren’t fully sober. It is wrong no matter how much you insist on it.
With a sigh, he lifts you off of him and stands up.
“We can’t, Y/N. Come on, let’s go to sleep.”
You feel a wave of heat rise to your face as your eyes fill with tears. You stare at Yugyeom’s feet, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. 
“Come on,” he beckons, reaching for your hand.
Pulling away, you get up on your own. Without a word, you walk into your bedroom and slam the door shut.
And as you lay in bed, hot tears spill out endlessly.
You stand at the entrance of the dance studio, a sick feeling in your stomach. Yugyeom left early this morning so you were never able to talk about what happened last night.
“Are you going to open the door or what?” Anna looks at you sternly. “What happened between you two? Why are you acting so weird?”
“Yeah, did you lose your virginity or something?” Jungkook jokes.
“Anna!” You yell out, appalled. 
She looks back at you with wide eyes, putting her hands in the air. “It wasn’t me, I swear!”
“Yeah, Yugyeom told me months ago,” Jungkook chuckles, a pleased smile on his face.
“Okay, I’m going home.”
Before you could march away and find a cliff to jump off of, Anna and Jungkook are pulling you by the arms and into the studio.
“Hey, you guys made it!” Yugyeom greets you cheerfully. He glances over to you and a pink hue dusts his cheeks. He rubs at the back of his neck awkwardly, unsure of what to do until a girl approaches him. You blink, breath caught in your throat when you see how beautiful she is. “Oh um, this is my new dance partner, Chungha!”
You bite at your lip, noticing far too quickly how Yugyeom’s mood changes at the sight of her. But could you blame him? In just a basic pair of black leggings and sports bra, you could see how toned her body was. Her big, bright eyes blink back at you, and you could see the fluttering of her long lashes. She looks flawless.
And then she smiles.
To think, you had been relieved Lisa was no longer his dance partner. No wonder he isn’t attracted to you. You wouldn’t be either if you were surrounded by women like Lisa and Chungha all day.
“It’s nice to meet you all!” she greets cheerfully. “I can’t wait to get your feedback.”
“Same, Yugyeom said you’re a great dancer,” Jungkook adds.
She smilsd shyly, sharing a look with Yugyeom. “That means a lot. I don’t know if I can meet those expectations though.”
“Nonsense,” Yugyeom rolls his eyes, pushing her shoulder playfully. “Stop pretending to be humble.”
As the two laugh in their own world, you finger at the end of your t-shirt uncomfortably. They have only been practicing the dance together not too long ago but they already look so close.
“Oh!” Yugyeom looks back at you, almost like an afterthought. “This is my wife by the way!”
“Oh!” Chungha exclaims, eyes wide as if she were seeing you for the first time. “It’s so great to finally meet you! When Yugyeom said he was married I was so surprised, but you are so cute!”
You force out a smile, accepting the compliment—though, you wonder if it really was. It sure didn’t feel like one. 
“Well, we won’t hold you up anymore!” Anna interrupts, rubbing your arm comfortingly. “We’ll go make ourselves comfy while you two get ready.”
“Hey, it’s our sister-in-laws!” Bambam and Taehyung welcome you from their seat by the mirrors.
“Soon,” Anna grins coyly, sharing a look with Jungkook.
Ignoring the two lovebirds, Taehyung grabs your arm, ushering you to take a seat between him and Bambam.
“I haven’t seen you in forever,” he pouts before flashing his iconic square smile. You answer with a weak one of your own.
“How long have you two been here?”
“Since the morning. We had to practice our routines too,” Taehyung answers.
“Yeah, and those two have been at it since we got here. I think knowing there’d be a live audience today made her nervous,” Bambam adds, referring to Chungha.
“It’s just us though,” 
“Still,” Taehyung shrugs his shoulders. “This is her first performance since starting uni.”
You glance at the two who are currently crouched over a tablet and reviewing a video of their practice. She is giggling over something Yugyeom had said and is slapping his shoulder playfully.
You frown. “Doesn’t look nervous to me.”
Taehyung smirks, bending his head to meet your eyes. “Is someone jealous?”
You frown even more, lip jutting out in a pout.
“Aw, poor baby, it’s okay Y/N,” Taehyung chuckle, patting your head. “She’s harmless.”
You both look over to see Yugyeom staring from across the room. His eyes meet yours briefly before he averts his eyes to Taehyung.
“Can you come over for a second? We need a second opinion,” he says. 
“We do?” Chungha asks softly.
You sigh, hugging your knees. 
Bambam chuckles beside you. “It’s hard work liking someone, isn’t it?”
You turn your head, giving him an empathetic smile. “You of all people should know.”
You watch Bambam’s shoulders slump, slightly regretting your comment when you see the look on his face. But Bambam is quick to recover.
“Yugyeom cares for you more than you think.”
You have a hard time believing that, memories of last night’s embarrassment resurfacing again. Instead, you cross your arms and turn your whole body away from the three across from you towards Bambam.
“She called me cute,” you pout.
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
You sigh. “Not when it’s coming from someone who’s drop dead gorgeous. Cute sounds like an insult.”
Bambam shakes his head in disbelief but doesn’t try to change your mind. 
“Sounds like insecurity to me.”
You feel a flush across your cheeks. “Yeah well! Maybe I wouldn’t be if…”
You bite at your lip. If Yugyeom had continued kissing you last night? If you went all the way with him? If you hadn’t spent an entire year essentially being friendzoned by your own husband?
You sigh. “I don’t know.”
Bambam gives you a pat on the back. “I’m sure whatever it is, it’s just another misunderstanding. Just talk it out.”
You nod, not wanting to talk about your relationship problems anymore.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” Taehyung announces, jumping to the center of the room like a TV host. “May I introduce to you, for the first time ever! Yugyeom and Chungha!”
You clap along weakly as everyone cheers. But the sick feeling in your gut only grows once the performance starts.
The dance is a passionate one. Their bodies are constantly tangled together, Yugyeom chasing after Chungha. You dig your nails into the flesh of your palm as Yugyeom presses himself into Chungha’s back side.
But more than the touching, what hurts the most is the way he looks at her. He looks like he wants her. You knew what you were signing yourself up for when you pushed Yugyeom to pursue dancing, but when did he become such a good actor too? 
He’s never looked at you like that before.
It takes a room full of clapping to get you out of your thoughts. You wish you hadn’t though. Chungha is beaming up at Yugyeom and he is looking back like she is the only girl in the room.
“How were you able to watch Lisa do this dance with Yugyeom?” you mutter to Bambam, looking away from the two on the dance floor.
“Trust,” he answers easily. “Besides, Yugyeom’s too dorky for Lisa. She would never fall for him.”
“Hey,” you scold lightly.
“You can either be mad at him or defend him, Y/N. You can’t choose both!”
You roll your eyes, heat rising to your cheeks. “I’m not mad at him, he didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then why does Yugyeom keep looking at you like he’s sorry?”
You only sigh, too afraid to say out loud the answer you hold in your heart.
That maybe, he is only sorry because he can’t love you back.
You sit on the couch of your living room, absentmindedly spooning your ice cream that is now soup. A couple days have passed and you and Yugyeom are back on good terms. At least on the surface. Silently, the both of you seem to have agreed to pretend what happened the other night on this couch had never happened.
You decided to stop thinking about the way Yugyeom looked at Chungha or how she was so much better than you. Again, you do what you are good at, using your blind optimism to mask the hurt you are feeling inside.
“I’m back!” Yugyeom calls out as he steps through the entrance. He spots the back of your head from the living room and glances at the TV only to find that you are staring at a black screen.
“Hey,” he calls out again more softly, approaching you on the couch.
“Oh, Yugyeom!” You startle, before offering him a smile. “Back from practice?”
“Mhm,” he returns a hesitant smile.
“Aren’t you early? What time is it?” You glance over to the clock on the wall only to find that it is already 9PM. “Oh wow, look at the time! Did you have dinner yet?”
Yugyeom shakes his head, observing how your eyes never quite focus, glancing at his torso briefly before darting back to your bowl of melted ice cream and then the clock on the wall.
“I left some dinner for you in the kitchen, you just have to heat it up.” You place your bowl on the coffee table. “Want me to get it for you?”
He places a hand on your thigh, stopping you from leaving your seat. “I got it.”
He rises to his feet before pausing. Yugyeom looks at you, his eyebrows arching with concern. He stares for a moment. Ever since you guys came back from the dance studio together, you had been quiet. Everything you did and said felt a little too robotic. A little cold even, like you were keeping him at a distance. And then he thought about your lips. The way they felt against his that night—cool from the aftertaste of toothpaste, but hot against his tongue. 
He swallows. “N-Nothing.”
You look at him for a moment longer before forcing out a smile. “Let me just heat up your dinner and then I’ll head to bed!”
Yugyeom watches as you hastily leave him for the kitchen. It is obvious that you are still bothered and this time around, Yugyeom is sure he knows why. But he doesn’t even know how to start talking about it. He can’t even think about the other night without feeling like a flustered mess.
And by the way you are smiling at him, it feels like you don’t want to talk about it either.
Were you embarrassed about it? Was he right and it was just the alcohol talking? Maybe you were regretting it now.
“It’ll only take another minute and you can take it off the stove,” you smile up at him, giving his arm a pat before you walk away.
“T-Thanks,” he mutters. “Good night.”
You smile weakly before closing the door.
Yugyeom sighs, staring at his dinner on the stove. Even when you aren’t feeling your best, you still take care of him. He wonders how he can make you happy.
His thoughts wander to Taehyung. What if it was him you had walked in on at the dance studio during your freshman year? Would you have fallen for Taehyung instead?
He had seen the way Tae looked at you the night of the party. It was the first night since the wedding that you had gotten all dolled up. He saw you as soon as you stepped through the door. He was sure everyone had their eyes on you.
Even with his own stubbornness back then, he couldn’t stand watching everyone eyeing you at the party. Although he had been determined to avoid you that night, it was the look Tae gave you that drew the line for him.
Since then, you and Tae have become close friends. It annoyed the hell out of him especially when Tae was blatantly flirting with you just to get on his nerves, but he couldn’t even complain. It was karma. He deserves it for the months of hell he put you through.
You may have liked him first, but Yugyeom wonders if you’d still like him for long. With the way things are going, it seems like you are going to realize how subpar of a husband he is and leave him for someone better.
The very thought makes Yugyeom want to hurl. 
He shuts off the stove with a sigh. Why is he so bad at communicating with you? 
Despite being tired from practice, that night, Yugyeom couldn’t sleep. His thoughts keep going back to you and the sad smile on your face tonight. He did that.
And now here he was, hiding in his bed like a coward. Sitting up, Yugyeom turns on his lights with a sigh. This was not okay. He was not going to repeat the same mistake again. He had to talk to you.
With a renewed purpose, Yugyeom marches over to your room, but when he stops at your door, he freezes. What is he doing? You’re probably asleep by now. He glances at the clock down the hall. It’s almost midnight.
Maybe he should wait until the morning instead.
Just as he’s about to turn on his heels though, your door opens. You both jump in surprise.
“You’re awake!”
“Yugyeom?” You rub at the sleep in your eyes. “What are you doing out here?”
He shuffles awkwardly. “Oh, I uh…”
You stiffen, anxiety creeping up your spine as you watch him fidget in front of your doorway. For you, there can only be one reason for Yugyeom to be coming to you in the middle of the night.
He must have come to his senses.
Yugyeom takes in a sharp breath, steeling himself. “Can we talk?”
Your stomach sinks. You want to tell him no.
Instead, you quietly step aside and let him through. He sits on the edge of your bed nervously. You stare at him from the doorway still.
“I-” his voice trails off before it can fully start. He bites at his lip, pulling at the chapped skin until it is wet and raw. “I…”
When no other words come, you let out a tired sigh. “Gyeom,”
He looks up at you and you can see the worry digging creases into his forehead. You wish you could push him out of your room. You aren’t ready for this conversation to happen. But Yugyeom looks at you so helplessly, you don’t have the strength to deny him.
So, with a pang in your heart, you speak. “You never answered my question the other night. Not seriously anyways.”
He looks at you curiously and you approach him. “Will you answer me now?”
You take a seat next to him, tucking your hands beneath your thighs. “What kind of girl do you actually like?”
Yugyeom turns his head your way, looking lost. “But I did answer you. Someone who makes me want to get to know her.”
You squeeze your shoulders together, staring down at the floor. “So, someone with stories…someone with experience?”
Yugyeom swallows, feeling himself fall deeper into a hole. “N-no! Not necessarily…”
“What about your exes? What were they like?” you glance at him, wanting to watch his face but scared of the honesty you’ll see.
Yugyeom’s face flushes red. “W-what? Where is this coming from, Y/N?”
Your face falls before you drop your head once more. “Nothing, it’s stupid. I just thought…maybe if I changed? Do you think we could ever be more than friends?”
Yugyeom chuckles softly. It feels unnatural in the tense atmosphere though. You wonder if he’s laughing at you. You wonder if the very idea is that absurd to him.
“Y/N, you’re my wife.”
“On paper,” you mutter. You shift on the bed, wringing your hands together. “But you don’t even want to hang out with me much, let alone date.”
“That! That’s because I’m shy!” he blurts. He tugs on your hand to look his way, but you’re too ashamed to look him in the face.
You wonder if you’re being selfish by putting him on the spot like this.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” you resign, pulling your hand out of his grasp. “I know this arrangement was never your choice. And well, you can’t control who you’re attracted to.”
“I’m not lying though. I really like you, Y/N, I’m just…I’m just really shy.”
You frown at his insistence. “You aren’t shy around Chungha or Lisa.”
Yugyeom looks at you surprised. “Chungha and Lisa are just friends! I don’t think of them like that!”
“That’s impossible! Chungha and Lisa are both so pretty and charming and sexy! They’re the whole package!” You glare at him angrily.
“Yeah, maybe for Bambam!”
“I bet you’ve talked to Chungha more times than you’ve ever talked to me,” you grumble, crossing your arms.
“Yeah, well, I could say the same for Taehyung,” Yugyeom blurts, mirroring your posture.
You raise your brows in surprise. “Tae?”
“Don’t play dumb, he was obviously flirting with you at the party.”
“What party?” you turn to him confused. “Wait, are you talking about the party where I first met him a year ago?”
“Yeah, and I bet if you met him any earlier, you would’ve liked him instead!”
You frown, sitting cross legged on the bed so you could face him fully now. “I’ve liked you for two years before you even knew I existed. Don’t try to change the subject when you were flirting with Chungha right in front of me just a few days ago!”
“That was not flirting!”
“Not saying it’s a bad thing! You can flirt with whoever you want because you’re allowed to like whoever you want. Clearly, it’s not me!”
Yugyeom guffaws in exasperation, cupping his forehead with one hand. “Goddammit, but it is you. It’s been you this whole time.”
“I’m a big girl, Gyeom, you can give me the hard truth.”
He straightens, glaring back at you. “You want the truth?”
“Yeah, I do.”
Yugyeom scoots closer to you. “Remember when you and Anna had that bachelorette party?”
You pause, frown deepening. “It wasn’t really a bachelorette party, it was just the two of us drinking wine.”
“Nope, you insisted it was a bachelorette party,” he argues, chest puffing out. “I know this because when you got wasted over a bottle of wine, it was me you called to come get you. It was me who carried you back to your apartment and tucked you into bed, but not before you tried to strip down to your underwear while announcing your virginity to the entire complex.”
You gape at him, horrified. “I did what?”
“And I have liked you ever since,” a small smile stretches across his face. “I found out the perfect, goody two-shoes girl was masquerading as a terrible lap dancer by night and ever since then, I’ve wanted to get to know even more sides of you.”
You close your eyes, pressing a thumb to your temple. “Wait, back up, Gyeom, I gave you a lap dance?”
“Yeah, and a terrible one at that,” he laughs. 
You falter, anger dissipating quickly. “I don’t remember this.”
“That was only the first time, you know,” he looks at you with a small, teasing smile. 
You cringe. “How come you never told me?”
He shrugs. “It happened during the time I was trying really hard not to like you. Anyways, I didn’t think it was something you’d be proud to learn.”
“After seeing all of that,” your voice comes out small, like you want to make a joke, but your tone doesn’t quite match, “wouldn’t you rather someone like Chungha?”
Yugyeom sighs loudly. “What’s with you and Chungha?”
“You two have chemistry,” you admit, lips pouting.
“Because we’re friends,” he explains.
“Then what are we?” You look up at him nervously. He meets you with an equally anxious gaze.
Without answering you, he puts his hands out towards you, palms facing up. When you tilt your head curiously, he takes your hand in his.
“You make me nervous,” he mutters, and you can feel the clamminess of his hot palms against yours. Your brows raise in surprise and you watch as a flush of pink rises to his cheeks. “You think I’m flirting with Chungha, but actually I’ve been trying to flirt with you this whole time. I guess I’m just terrible at it.”
You swallow, not sure what to say to this confession. From the way he looks at you, you know he’s being sincere, which only makes you more confused.
“And I’m terrible at it because,” Yugyeom pauses, face tomato red as he tries to compose himself. He looks away and you grip his hand tighter. “I think you have this idea about me, like I’m cool or something. You’re always saying I inspired you to pursue your dreams, but I think it’s the other way around. And it’s…it’s just a lot of pressure.”
“I-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to make you feel this way.”
“I know,” Yugyeom looks at you softly, “because you’re you, and you see the good in everything—even me. But if I’m being honest, that cool guy you had a crush on at the dance studio? I’m not sure I’m him. I’m clumsy and childish and always cause accidents when I’m around you. The closer we get, the more I worry you’ll figure this out and regret liking me.”
You thread your fingers through his and pull his hands to your chest, shaking your head adamantly. “That will never happen!”
He chuckles, but the laughter doesn’t meet his eyes. “You can’t promise that.”
“Yes, I can,” you tell him stubbornly. “I moment I said, ‘I do’ I promised just that.”
“Can you say that after my next confession?” he scoffs.
Your brows furrow, but you don’t let go of his hands.
“Do you really want to know who my first love was?” he asks quietly.
You nod, heartbeat thrumming in your ear.
“It was dance,” he sighs, looking down. “It’s always been dance.”
You look at him confused, trying to process this information. “You mean…”
“I’m a virgin, too,” he mumbles, the tips of his ears glowing hot red. When you don’t say anything, he looks up with a small frown. “Still think I’m that cool guy?”
You can’t help the smile that stretches across your face. Without thinking, you spring from the bed and pounce onto him. Yugyeom catches you by the waist easily, his eyes wide with shock at your sudden actions, but he holds you tight in his arms anyways. You shake in his arms, giggles erupting from you and tickling the crook of his neck.
“Why would that ever make you uncool?” you laugh, fingers combing through the back of his hair.
Yugyeom relaxes into your touch, resting his chin on your shoulder. “But, what if I’m not good at it?”
You pull away to look at him. He chews on his lips timidly. 
“Well, it’s not like I have anything to compare you to,” you chuckle, rubbing gently at the nape of his neck. “We can take our time, learn together.”
Finally, Yugyeom smiles, relief rushing through him. “It’s not that I don’t want to, just so you know. I just want to make sure you have a good first experience too. What if I hurt you?”
“It hurt more thinking you didn’t like me.” 
He sighs softly, pressing his forehead to yours. You can feel the ghost of his breath on your lips. “Trust me, I like you a lot more than you realize.”
“Oh, I’m starting to realize,” you roll your hips tentatively against him and his lashes flutter in surprise as you feel the outline of his semi hard on through his pajama pants. His grip on your waist tightens.
“W-what are you doing?”
You can feel him shiver against you and probably for the first time in this relationship, your chest inflates with confidence. 
“Starting lesson one,” you whisper into his ear as you press your core harder against him. The feeling of his hardness blooms excitement throughout your skin. Never has anyone been this close to you in this way. The thought used to scare you, but right now, you’ve never been more thrilled.
“Are you sure?” the words barely make it out of his throat as you press a kiss to his neck. You can feel his breath hitch at the slight graze of your lips, and it urges you on. And despite Yugyeom’s cautious words, his arms pull you closer and he tilts his head, giving you better access.
“The surest I’ve ever been,” you reassure him before sucking on the skin of his jugular. His pulse beats against your lips and you’re happy to know you aren’t the only one whose heart is racing.
“You’re…How’re you so good at this?” Yugyeom mumbles, squeezing his eyes shut in agonized pleasure as you roll your hips against him once more.
“I’ve thought about this a lot,” comes your breathy confession. When he doesn’t say anything, you glance at him. “Is that strange?”
He breaks out into smile, shaking his head. “I’m glad it wasn’t just me.”
You smile, “Really?”
Yugyeom nods, lips chasing yours. “You don’t know how many boners I’ve had to hide from you.”
His hot breath fans at your lips before he is pulling your bottom lip between his teeth. You can’t help the moan that muffles against his mouth as his tongue explores your mouth. When he pulls away, you are gasping to catch your breath.
Contrary to the kiss, Yugyeom looks at you with the softest gaze and wipes at the wetness of your lips with a gentle thumb. He lingers at your bottom lip for a moment longer.
Yugyeom sucks in a breath, eyes dilating when you take his thumb into your mouth. You meet his stare with hooded lids as you suck his entire thumb into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the digit. When you release him with a pop, you can feel him twitch underneath you.
There is a hunger in your core that you’ve never felt before. Your entire body aches for Yugyeom in its most primal form. You want him. The thrumming in your chest only further confirms this. 
You clutch at his plain tee, heat rising to your cheeks, “Can I taste you?”
Yugyeom groans, throwing his head back. You can’t help salivating at the sight of his Adam’s apple bobbing. When Yugyeom looks back at you he almost looks pained.
“I don’t think I’ll last, Y/N,” he mutters, ears reddening. 
His confession makes your heart inflate and you press a kiss to his jawline. 
“It’s okay, I won’t time you. I don’t know if I’ll be any good anyways,” you smile to lift the mood, but Yugyeom shakes his head.
“No, let me make you feel good first,” He presses a kiss over your smile. “I want to take care of you this time.”
You swallow, heart thrumming in your ear. “Well, what if I don’t last?”
He chuckles, kissing down your throat. You shudder, skin prickling at his breath. 
“Oh, I’ll make sure you don’t,” he mumbles, sucking at the sensitive skin. You groan, threading your fingers through the back of his hair. “I’m no quitter, Y/N, and we’ve got all night.”
You shiver, stomach twisting with excitement. Not knowing what else to say, you can only nod when he sinks his thumbs into the waistband of your shorts.
But Yugyeom doesn’t move further. Instead, he looks at you again, eyes serious. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? We can stop if it gets too much.”
And although your cheeks heat up at just the graze of his fingers at your hips, you nod without hesitation. “I want you, Gyeom. I’m ready.”
He sucks in a quiet breath. “Lay down for me?”
His request is a whisper, barely audible, but you scramble to the pillows. Yugyeom follows right behind and when you sink your head into the pillows, he meets you, right above, lips finding yours once more. As his tongue explores your mouth, his thighs press between yours, spreading your legs apart. You can’t help being hyperaware of the dampness of your underwear as he does this.
But the thought quickly leaves your mind when he places a hesitant palm to your chest. To your embarrassment, your nipples are already hard with arousal when his fingers graze against them. He groans against your mouth, fingers rubbing rough circles around the peaked buds.
You find yourself already breathless at the sensation, the sensitive skin sending tingles straight to your core. You moan when he slips his hand underneath your shirt, the pleasure growing ten folds with his warm hands on your bare skin.
“God, you’re so soft,” Yugyeom groans, squeezing your breasts in his palms. “Can I take this off?”
You nod quickly, hands already coming to the ends of your shirt to help him slip it off. Yugyeom leans back on his heels, eyes eating you up while you laid topless in front of him, chest heaving from just his small touches.
“Gyeom,” you mutter, feeling self-conscious when he doesn’t move.
There’s a glint in his eyes as his fingers meet your waistband again. You suck in a breath, nodding silently for him to continue. He licks at his lips, pulling the flimsy fabric of your shorts off of you.
You cringe at the sight of your yellow cotton underwear, the pink heart patterns looking suddenly very childish with Yugyeom’s eyes on them now.
“I-I have better underwear-” you rush to cover yourself but Yugyeom moves your hand.
His palms squeeze your thighs, and he looks at you with a reassuring smile. “It’s cute. You’re cute, and beautiful and charming and sexy. The whole package.”
You blush, hearing your words said back to you.
“Plus,” he grins, hands sliding up your thighs and you shiver. “These ones are soaked, just for me.”
Your breath catches in your throat when he runs a finger up the wet cotton. He chuckles darkly at the sound of your whimper when he circles around your clit. It’s just a whisper of a touch and yet you find yourself careening.
Your heart feels like the wings of a hummingbird, flapping against your chest. Never have you laid yourself out, so bare, for someone. It’s scary, being so vulnerable, and yet you find yourself wanting to jump into the darkness of the unknown.
The way Yugyeom looks at you is dark and heavy, like he is trying to swallow you whole, hungry to take in every piece of you. And maybe with anyone else this would frighten you, but it’s Yugyeom, and so you are excited. Excited and eager to give all of yourself to him.
“Can I?” he asks, pulling at the edge of your underwear.
“Please,” you consent, lifting your hips.
Yugyeom groans helplessly at your bare sight, dripping wet just for his eyes to see. He lifts at his t-shirt, skin already hot. You swallow, eyes traveling down his bare torso, to the tattoo stretching across his rib cage and then the growing bulge his thin pajama pants does very little to hide. You clench around nothing, just imagining what’s beneath.
Yugyeom catches the movement and curses. You don’t even know what you do to him.
Your eyes shudder close when you feel his fingers back on you, spreading your slick in circles around your clit.
“Does that feel okay?”
You answer with a whimper, arching into his touch.
He bites at his bottom lip, watching you squirm beneath him. You are so sensitive and so eager. Nothing he could have ever imagined could measure up to this view. He could probably cum to this sight alone. The strain of his pants warns him of the very possibility.
“More,” you barely manage to croak out between a moan but Yugyeom hears you and without hesitation, he dives into your heat, eager for a taste.
Your eyes flutter open at the new feeling, hooded eyes staring down at his head between your thighs. You moan, embarrassment heating your cheeks, but your fingers thread through his hair and push him deeper. 
The sting of his scalp only drives him on, lapping at you hungrily. When he moans into your folds, you find yourself vibrating with him. His tongue feels so soft and delicious against you and when he sucks on your clit you tremble at the sensation shooting straight to your core.
Sweat glazes your forehead and you strain to keep your eyes focused on Yugyeom. You can’t even see his face, but you can’t pull your gaze away. The top of his head bobs eagerly and from behind, you can see him thrusting into your sheets.
You whimper, feeling your abdomen tighten when he rolls his hips extra rough.
“Gyeom,” you squeeze around his hair strands.
He looks up at you, eyes glazed over with lust, tongue still swirling around you at an agonizing pace. Squeezing your thigh, he presses a finger to your entrance. He presses, barely entering but you find yourself clenching already.
“Gyeom,” you whine, head falling into the pillow in frustration.
You feel him chuckle against you. A soft kiss to your clit. And then he slips a finger into you slowly. You’re so wet, he slips right in easily. You close your eyes, savoring the unfamiliar feeling. Unfamiliar, but not unwanted. Your body hums for more.
He dips his finger in and out, enjoying the way your body arches, trying to chase after his finger each time he pulls out.
“More?” he asks, teasing two fingers at your entrance. You nod eagerly, squirming at his touch. 
Yugyeom dips two fingers into you, dick twitching at the feeling of your tight walls squeezing around his digits. When he curls his fingers, you let out a loud moan, eyes fluttering shut. He reads your body easily, mouth back on your clit as he repeats the motion of his fingers over and over. 
Your body tightens, heating up quickly. There’s a burn in your abdomen, a fire that flickers every time he sucks around your clit and curls his fingers against your flesh. You clench your fists around your sheets, feeling your heart pound faster against your chest.
Your whole body trembles, toes curling and abdomen squeezing until it feels like your soul lifts from your body and everything goes white.
When you come to, chest heaving like you just ran a marathon, Yugyeom is back on his knees, looking at you in awe. His lips are red and chin, wet with your arousal. 
“Was that okay?” he asks, a boyish smile on his lips.
You chuckle, eyes rolling to the ceiling. “That was amazing.”
“Good.” You feel him lie on the bed beside you, arm coming around your waist. 
You turn on your side, meeting his gaze. “Now it’s my turn.”
His eyes widen and the confidence from before quickly fades behind pink flustered cheeks.
“I-Are you sure? You don’t have to.”
Your hands travel down and land on the tent in his pants, straining to be released. You lift a brow at him, but he only gets more red.
“I want to,” you tell him. “I want to feel you inside me. I want this.”
He gulps and you feel him twitch against your palm. “I-I might not last long.”
You kiss his worries away. “That’s alright, you said we had all night, didn’t you?”
You pull at his waistband and he sighs at the release of his cock. You sit up and Yugyeom kicks the rest of his clothes off before helping you straddle him.
You look at him with wide eyes, before looking back at his cock. His tip is red and shiny with precum. Your eyes follow the vein that travels down the length of his cock. You can’t even help it, your mouth waters.
Your stomach flips nervously. Yugyeom seems to sense your worries when his hand rests over yours.
“You really don’t have to. We can wait.”
“I do!” you say quickly. “I just-,” you blink, swallowing thickly. “Will you fit?”
Yugyeom groans, hands squeezing around your thighs roughly. “Are you trying to make me cum before we even start?”
“I-no,” you feel your cheeks grow hot. “It’s a legitimate question!”
He chuckles, until your hand comes around his shaft. Yugyeom sighs at your touch, your soft, small hands feel like heaven compared to his own. Though you don’t intend to tease him, your hand rubs him agonizingly slow as you feel the smoothness of his skin and the ridges of his veins pulsing in your palm. You watch in awe as you squeeze up and a small clear bead of precum buds at his slit.
Yugyeom’s breath hitches when you dip your head down and lick at his slit. Your brows shoot up at the taste. He’s salty, but it’s Yugyeom and you find that you don’t mind it. Instead, your mouth waters for more.
“Fuck,” Yugyeom curses, stopping you when you try to dip your tongue down again. You look at him in surprise, but he’s quick to reassure you. “Next time, baby, I really want to last.”
You nod, flushing at the pet name.
You rise onto your knees, hands coming back down his cock to align him to your entrance. You shiver, feeling his tip between your folds. Yugyeom looks just as nervous, the heat of your entrance making his heart race.
It takes a few tries, his cock teasing between your folds, before he enters. Barely there, but you feel the stretch. He’s much bigger than his fingers, but the stretch isn’t the pain you always imagined. Unfamiliar, maybe a little uncomfortable, but nothing scary at all.
This realization fills you with a newfound courage and you sink down onto his cock with an extended sigh. 
“Fuck,” Yugyeom whispers a strained curse, a devil’s grip on your hips as he squeezed his eyes shut. 
Sweat beaded on his forehead and slips down his face as his jaw clenches. You’re so fucking tight and warm around him. When your cunt clenches, he groans, balls tightening. “Fuck, don’t do that.”
You still, falling onto his chest. You can hear his heart thrumming wildly in his chest.
“Sorry,” he heaves, hugging you tightly against him. “Just, I need a minute. You feel like fucking heaven, baby.”
You smile, pressing a kiss to his chest. When his cock twitches inside you, you shiver. To be honest, you’re no better either. You feel so full with him inside you. This feeling is so new, but so right. You can feel your walls pulsing around him. Or maybe it’s his cock pulsing against your walls. Probably both. 
You close your eyes, savoring the feeling before Yugyeom finally let’s out a soft breath. And then, he is lifting his hips. You moan, the movement pushing him deeper into you. You place your palms on his chest, sitting up.
He looks at you with hazy eyes as you lift off his cock before sliding back down his length. Yugyeom’s moan is load and uninhibited. The sound sends another wave of arousal straight to your core.
“Oh god,” he moans, hips lifting to meet yours every time. “Fuck!”
You strain to keep your pace, his arms helping you out as you gave into the wave of pleasure each time his thick cock slide into you. Already, your whole body was buzzing with pleasure.
“Fuck, fuck,” Yugyeom’s desperate moan meets your ears and then you feel his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you to his chest. He groans, teeth digging into your shoulder.
And then you feel it. Hot cum shooting into the deepest part of you, flooding you with warmth. The sting of Yugyeom’s teeth sinking in your skin, the sound of his heaving breath and heart beat against your ear, the pulse of his cock thrusting into you as he rode out his high—you feel like one body against his and the feeling makes your eyes wet.
You smile, pressing a kiss to his jawline as he softened inside of you.
He let out a satisfied sigh as his cock slipped out and you felt his cum slide out of you. “I’m sorry,” he finally says. “I told you I wouldn’t last long.”
You shush him with a kiss.
“I couldn’t have asked for anything better,” you smile.
His hand on your waist tightens. “You’re really the best thing to ever happen to me.”
You giggle, tension breaking. “I could get used to this Yugyeom.”
He smiles, hand coming to your cheek. “I mean it.”
He looks at you quietly. It’s a fleeting moment, but the feeling lingers. You feel warmth blooming in your chest.
You kiss him again, “I know, Gyeom. This time, I really know now.”
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
Originally written for Hinny Ficfest 2021
Prompt #10: "Smile, we're on Camera."
Read on AO3
Summary: With Ginny telling Harry that he needs to cut loose, Harry fulfills one of his childhood dreams, but gets far more than he bargained for.
Dear Harry,
I take back any and all cheek that I might have given you while you were Captain, because you clearly had the patience of a saint to not be screaming at us the whole time. I swear, it’s like herding hippogriffs. Peakes messed up his bat hand by being careless in Potions, Dean and Demelza are more interested in flirting with each other all practice than running the bloody drills, and the less I say about our sorry excuse for a new Seeker, the better. When you joined the auror program to help the world and find purpose in life, did you not once consider how it would inconvenience ME? Honestly.
And I don’t know how you put up with sharing classes with Hermione for six years. I’ve lost count of the times she’s almost slapped me upside the head from being in such a hurry to raise her hand. It’s also very annoying that I can’t lie to her about not having any homework to get her to stop nagging me, since she now has the same schedule as me.
I miss you so much. Honestly, has the first Hogsmeade weekend ALWAYS taken this long to arrive? What the hell. I’m counting down the days until I can get you pissed in the Three Broomsticks and I can take advantage of you (insert evil laughter here).
Dear Ginny,
I’m afraid I can’t join you in bad mouthing Dean for being distracted by a girl during practice, as that would make me a hypocrite. But it’s irrelevant, because you’ll score so many goals on your own that it won’t even matter who catches the Snitch. Let’s be honest, you’re a better Captain than I ever had a chance of being. At least you’ll probably play in more than one game. As much as I miss you, that makes me glad I didn’t go back to school, even if my hand is cramping from paperwork and Robards thinks I don’t deserve to be here.
I’m honestly surprised that homework lie worked on Hermione up until now. I would have guessed that she memorized every year’s schedule just so she could scold students of all years (don’t tell her I said that).
About Hogsmeade….I was actually thinking that maybe we should steer clear of the pubs and shops. Maybe we can have a picnic on the outskirts of the village. Or maybe I can instead meet you on the school grounds. I know non-students normally aren’t allowed that, but I’ve been told the school’s stern headmistress has a soft spot for me. I just think that if we’re in the Broomsticks or Honeydukes together we won’t even get through the day without cameras starting flashing. I just don’t want to add one more thing to stress you out.
Dear Harry,
Okay Love, this is getting ridiculous. We’ve been together for months but still haven’t gone on a single proper date. I’ve tried to be understanding, I didn’t even argue when you didn’t want to come to see me off on the platform and we had to get all our snogging in at the house, but surely you realize this can’t go on forever. I’m PROUD that I’m your girlfriend, you git. You keep saying that you don’t want to drag me into your public life, but I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that I don’t care about that. You really don’t think I can handle the occasional Witch Weekly columnist cornering me and asking me if you’re good in the sack? Don’t worry, I’ll give a glowing review.
We can’t keep hiding from the world forever, nor should we have to. So stop being such a noble prat or I absolutely WILL tell Hermione what you said about her scolding.
I know that you could handle anything the world throws at you. I know you can handle anything, but you still shouldn’t have to. It’s more about what I can handle. I know we can’t keep this secret forever, but….I don’t know, our relationship is just OURS right now. Once we’re public, it’s like we’re going to be sharing it with a thousand strangers. Half of bloody Britain had an opinion about Hermione my fourth year, and I wasn’t even ACTUALLY dating her.
This is probably like ripping off a bandage and we should just get it over with, but as long as I still have that card to play and make plans on how I’d reveal it at some point in the future, I can fool myself into thinking I’m actually in control of this part of my life. Once the press gets word about us, it’ll be chaos.
P.S. - If you tell Hermione what I said, I’ll tell Ron that you said it’s only a matter of time before he gets too fat to be an auror.
I clearly have failed to teach you that control is grossly overrated. If you ask me, some chaos is exactly what you need. Sure, your life might have SEEMED crazy at first, but now you know you were just riding on rails the whole time. You’ve had Dumbledore, the school, the Ministry, the Order, all telling you what you can do and where you can go for your own protection, and of course the whole thing was because a bloody prophecy was running your life. Honestly, if I were you, I’d be going crazy.
And what do you take me for, a coward? I told Ron that to his face this summer, your threats mean nothing to me, peasant.
Are you calling me boring? I AM going crazy! I’m actually leaving the house and going to the shop when I want to. 10-year-old me would have his mind blown by having more than five square feet to move around, haha.
Nice try Harry, but we’ve both learned that using dark humor as a defense mechanism only goes so far. Your tragic backstory actually further proves my point, this truly is the first time your life has been open-ended and you don’t even know what to do with it.
You know what I think? I think you need to be impulsive. Maybe even a little spiteful. Every day, just do something you couldn’t do growing up or at school, either because it was too dangerous or illegal or because the monsters you lived with didn’t let you, or whatever (by the way, I’m totally going to kill them, it doesn’t matter what you say). Even if you don’t think you need or want to do them, do them just because you CAN now. Don’t wait to start until you can do them with me, in fact it may actually be better if you don’t. Even though we love each other, our relationship is still something you’re bound by and responsible for. You need to learn to live for no one but yourself.
Then maybe you’ll stop being such a chivalrous prat and hiding me away. Love you.
14 November, 1998
“I think you overdid it on the shrinking charm,” said Hermione, “I’m not that taller than you.”
Ginny adjusted the denim jacket that Hermione had lent her as they walked down from the castle in the crisp autumn air. The boys had written to them and asked them to wear muggle clothes when they went down to Hogsmeade, and Ginny needed to borrow something warm that wasn’t a cloak from Hermione, and had adjusted the size with magic.
“ Hmm, ” Ginny hummed thoughtfully, “Maybe, but I didn’t want it to be baggy. I need it riding high enough so my bum is uncovered, I didn’t squeeze myself into these tight jeans for nothing.”
Hermione grimaced and rolled her eyes. “Well you might have made it so small that it doesn’t even make you warm, defeating the purpose.”
Ginny scoffed. “Hermione, we’re girls, we don’t need to rely just on clothes to keep us warm, that’s what boyfriend arms are for, obviously. ”
They approached the gate of the school, and were surprised to find their boyfriends waiting for them right there instead of in the village. Ginny was about to tell off Harry if he was continuing with his nonsense of just spending the day at the school, but her voice died and her jaw dropped when she saw the state of him.
Harry was, somehow, looking even hotter than he did the last time she saw him. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a messed-up smiley face on it and the word “NIRVANA” splashed across his chest (which looked much more toned than the last time Ginny had seen it, but she would have to run her hands over it to be sure). She was able to see it because his hands were on his hips, pushing back the black leather jacket he was wearing. From now on, he would wear nothing but leather, if Ginny had any say, and it hung beautifully on his broad shoulders (which he had now, apparently, Ginny thanked the gods for the auror training regimen).
But the thing that drew Ginny’s eyes the most was his hair. It was even more wild than usual, messier than any bedhead she had seen him with, to the point that it seemed to defy gravity, and was practically begging for a girlfriend’s fingers to be running through it.
“Oh, brother,” she heard Ron grumble. She wasn’t surprised. She wasn’t even attempting to hide how hard she was eye-shagging Harry.
Harry gulped and blushed at the look on his girlfriend’s face, and didn’t even manage to get out a polite greeting before she leapt into his arms and kissed him until he felt dizzy.
“...wow,” he gasped finally as he put her down, needing air.
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in muggle clothes that fit you,” said Hermione, after kissing her own boyfriend.
“Yeah, he looks weird in jeans meant for a human instead of a hippopotamus,” laughed Ron.
Harry shifted uncomfortably at the attention. “Yeah, well...that’s sort of the point.”
He turned back to Ginny. “I took your advice. I’ve been doing lots of stuff that I’ve never been allowed to do before. I actually bought a Nintendo, since I was never allowed to touch Dudley’s, or even watch him play.”
“He’s coming to regret that, though,” said Ron smugly, “since I’ve been kicking his arse at it.”
“And I also realized that I can actually buy my own clothes now,” Harry continued. “I started out just wanting to buy some jeans and shirts that fit me, but well….your dad and I finished fixing Sirius’s motorcycle, and in all the photos I’ve found of Sirius with it, he’s wearing a jacket like this. I guess it’s just what you’re supposed to wear when you ride one.”
He looked down and pulled at his t-shirt. “This is a muggle band that I found a tape of once. I managed to play it for a bit on Dudley’s old stereo he kept in his second bedroom, but I got a bit too greedy with the volume and Petunia practically shrieked like a banshee to ‘turn off that noise!’ But now I have all their music and blast it as loud as possible, just because I can, like you said.”
“And in all of this splurging, you couldn’t afford a hair comb?” chuckled Hermione, pointing to Harry’s hair.
“Hey, you shut up!” Ginny told Hermione. “Don’t listen to her, Harry, if you comb this I’ll kill you.”
“Yeah, apparently men do this on purpose now?” said Harry. “I went to get a haircut, and basically told the stylist to just do whatever she thought looked good, and she used this paste that made my hair stick out all over the place even more than it usually does, and stay there.”
He shrugged at Ginny. “You said to be spiteful, and it was fun imagining what Petunia would think if I had this growing up, so I kept it.”
“Well Harry, that is downright petty!” Ginny gasped. “I’m so proud of you!” At that, Harry’s face split into an adorably goofy grin.
“Well let’s get going,” said Hermione. “Why did you two ask us to dress muggle?”
Reluctantly, Harry pulled his eyes away from his girlfriend beaming at him. “Oh yeah, that. Well, I was actually hoping we could go to muggle London. There’s another thing I’ve been meaning to do, but I wanted all of us to go together.
Ginny’s eyes narrowed suspiciously and she looked at Harry with her hands on her hips. “Are you just trying to get me away from the magical world as part of your daft idea to protect me?”
“What? Nooooo,” said Harry guiltily, “It’s not about that!”
Ginny didn’t move a muscle except to raise one eyebrow.
“....okay it’s not only about that. Come on, muggle public is still public, it’s a step in the right direction, work with me here, Gin.”
“I for one don’t mind staying clear of Harry’s admirers, personally,” said Ron, offering his arm to Hermione to Apparate.
“Alright,” grumbled Ginny, “but you’re not off the hook about this!”
She looped her arm through Harry’s, he turned on the spot, and she winced as she felt the squeeze of Apparition.
When they landed, Ginny was immediately aware of all the sounds and smells that came with the truly absurd number of people that lived together in muggle society. That was the thing about muggles that always blew her mind, just how many there were. She heard the shuffling of thousands of footsteps and a cacophony of car horns, and smelled smog. The first thing she saw, however, was just a brick wall. They had Apparated in an alleyway.
“Come on,” said Harry, and took her by the hand. He led her out onto a bustling pavement, and across the street Ginny saw an enormous stadium. Everywhere, there were billboards and banners in red and white, adorned with the emblem of a red rose. Across the entrance to the stadium, where a huge crowd of people, mostly dressed in white, were passing through turnstiles, were giant letters spelling out “WELCOME TO TWICKENHAM.”
“Oh Harry, this is a great idea!” said Hermione cheerfully as they started crossing the street towards the entrance.
“Wait, what’s going on?” asked Ginny, “What made you want to come here?”
Harry sighed as they continued to walk. “Growing up, Dudley always loved a muggle sport called rugby. Actually...no, I don’t think he loved the actual sport, he just loved watching big ugly blokes hit each other really hard. His favorite part of the matches were the brawls that would occasionally break out. That might be why he eventually lost interest in the sport and took up boxing instead, cutting out the middleman, I guess.
They got in line at the entrance to the stadium and Harry handed out tickets that he had bought to the three of them.
“Anyway,” Harry continued, “Petunia and Vernon would take Dudley to all the England games. They really tried to foster his interest in it, I think maybe so that he might actually want to play.”
He paused for a moment and then chuckled. “But that was never going to happen. Dudley can’t run for eight seconds, much less eighty minutes. The sport also kind of has a stigma for being for stuffy upper-class people—”
“Yeah, that tracks,” grumbled Ron. “Your dad said he played this game, right Hermione?” She swatted his arm.
“So that was the other reason the Dursleys liked the game, it fit nicely into the image they obsessively crafted about themselves,” continued Harry, with an edge in his voice. “But of course, that image had no room for me in it. They couldn’t very well be seen with a boy who looked like a street urchin in raggy hand-me-downs, so every England game I got handed off to Mrs. Figg while little Dudders got to shout obscenities at the opposing players and referee to his heart’s content.”
Ginny gave his hand a comforting squeeze, and his furrowed brow relaxed again. He shook himself out of his mood and cleared his throat.
“Anyway, Ginny’s been telling me to indulge myself more, so I thought I’d finally see what all the fuss is about, just because I can now. I wanted it to be a surprise, but in hindsight I really should have asked you both first, I won’t get my feelings hurt if you want to go back to Hogsmeade.”
“Oh, don’t you start that again!” Ginny scolded him.
“This is an excellent idea, Harry,” said Hermione. “I’m always telling these two they should learn more about muggles.”
Once they were in the stadium, Harry started guiding them towards the section with their seats, but Ron made to go towards one of the many food kiosks.
“Ron, I know there’s no way you didn’t eat lunch before picking us up,” groaned Hermione. “Even you can’t possibly be hungry again already.”
“Hey, you just said I needed to learn more about muggles!” said Ron defensively. “I’m going to get right on that, starting with learning about their selections of beer.”
Hermione crossed her arms. “Oh, really, you got a muggle driver’s license while I’ve been away? How do you plan to prove that you’re over eighteen?”
Ron frowned in confusion. “Why the bloody hell would it matter if I’m over eighteen?”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “Harry, Ginny, go find our seats. Ron, go buy the food, I’ll get us some drinks.”
Eventually, they were all seated, in a great spot that Harry knew with satisfaction even the Dursleys had never sprung for, with Harry sitting between Ginny and Hermione, with Ron on Hermione’s other side. Ron was balancing a sample of nearly every concession in the stadium, Ginny was bouncing excitedly on the edge of her seat, and Harry wore a contented smile as the England team marched out onto the field alongside the Netherlands, greeted by the roar of the crowd.
“Brr, it’s a little cold,” said Ginny, exaggerating her shiver a bit and looking sideways.
“Oh, come here,” said Harry, with genuine concern, and wrapped his arm around her.
She sighed as she melted into him. “Much better.”
“You cold too, love?” Ron asked Hermione. “These muggle clothes aren’t as warm as a cloak.”
“No, I cast a warming charm on myself before we left,” Hermione said casually.
“Oh…” said Ron, his face falling. Hermione rolled her eyes, took his hand, and wrapped her boyfriend’s arm around her.
As the anthems started playing, the four of them enthusiastically attempted to sing along, despite the fact that Hermione was the only one of them who knew the words to “God Save the Queen,” and blushed with embarrassment at the offended looks they earned from the fans around them.
Right from kickoff, Ginny was surprised by how much she enjoyed a game where all of the players were stuck on the ground. It was true that there was a great deal of ugly blokes hitting each other, but there was also a good bit of far prettier blokes pulling off long, elaborate passing plays that honestly made Ginny feel jealous and start taking mental notes, and whenever the players started launching kicks into the sky and leaping to catch them, she almost felt like she were at a Quidditch match. With each England score, she cheered as if she had been watching the team all her life.
And she had plenty of chances, because barely a few minutes would go by before England would score again. The roar of the crowd quickly became less and less intense, as many of the muggle fans started clapping politely or even looking outright bored, and looked sideways at Harry and Ginny continuing to leap to their feet every time England ran the ball into the end of the field, like they suspected the young couple were being sarcastic.
“Oh come on, that was thrown forward!” Ron cried out in frustration as England scored their fifth try. “And there’s no way that was a legal tackle!” he pointed to a Dutch player still on the ground, clutching his ribcage.
“How would you know?” Harry laughed. “And whose side are you on anyway, traitor?”
“He can’t help it, this is just like watching the Harpies play the Canons,” teased Ginny. “He has a soft spot for hopeless teams.”
“Oi, shut it!” snapped Ron, “Besides, it’s our year this year, our new Keeper is unbeatable, except from the left side.”
By the time halftime was called, England was up forty-seven to zero, Harry and Ginny were feeling exhausted from cheering, Hermione’s right ear was hurting from Ginny’s shouting, and Ron was about to burst from all the beer he had drunk, so he got up and made like a bat out of hell towards the toilets.
As the fans settled down, the stadium was trying to keep them entertained until the game resumed, playing music and showing shots of the crowd on the jumbotron, with the caption “Dance Cam!” in the corner. Harry and Ginny were having fun judging the performances.
“Hmmm, commendable effort, but lacking creative vision,” said Ginny in a snooty voice.
“You just can’t appreciate the artform,” said Harry. “If they pointed the camera at us, I would wipe the floor with you.”
“Ugh, no, I don’t need to see you attempt to dance,” said Ron, returning holding his stomach and looking green. “I already hurled in the loo, don’t make me do it again.”
“Well that tends to happen when you eat five hot dogs in forty minutes,” said Hermione primly.
“Yeah, well, I’ve been living off of Harry’s cooking for the past two months, I was desperate for something edible.”
“Only you could complain about free food, Ron,” said Harry.
“It’s not free! I’m paying for it more than you!” Ron shot back. “Don’t act like you’re cooking to be nice, you’re just using me as your Weasley guinea pig so you can get good at it to impress my sister!”
Harry blushed, and was about to retort, when Ginny pulled on Harry’s arm from his other side.
“Harry,” she said in a sultry voice that sent a shiver down his spine, “Smile, we’re on camera.”
Harry looked up to the jumbotron, and felt himself blush harder and gulped loudly. He saw Ginny and himself, up on the screen, magnified for thousands of people to see, but that wasn’t the most embarrassing part. While he had been arguing with Ron, the game had apparently changed. Instead of the Dance Cam, the screen was now captioned with “Kiss Cam!”
He turned towards his girlfriend, who had a dangerous glint in her eye, and cleared his throat. “Er...do you think we should—”
He was cut off by Ginny throwing her arms around his neck and sticking her tongue down his throat. She leaned back in her seat, pulling him with her until he was almost lying on top of her. Through the fog of blissful oblivion that turned his brain to mush, Harry was distantly aware of the roar of laughter and wolf whistles as a few thousand of his closest friends reacted to him snogging his girlfriend.
“...Welp. I’m gonna go puke again,” Ron said in a deadpan voice, and got up to leave.
“You know, when you told me to go crazy, I didn’t think you meant shameless, ” Harry told Ginny.
“Oh, ex- cuse me!” laughed Ginny. “Have you already forgotten how our first kiss went?”
“I think this is on a bit bigger scale!” said Harry, gesturing around them to the huge stadium, many hundreds of times larger than the Gryffindor common room.
“Yes, that means that I win,” said Ginny smugly.
Harry laughed and reached an arm around her, pulling her close.
“I didn’t know it was possible to feel this....”
“Happy?” Ginny finished for him hopefully.
“No,” said Harry thoughtfully. “Well, yes, I mean, I am happy, but you make me this happy all the time. I didn’t know it was possible to feel this normal. ”
Ginny smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder. “For the record, Harry, you’re not normal. You’re brilliant, and a hero, that’s never going to go away forever. But I’m glad you got to pretend otherwise today. Now, can we get the game started again? I’m on the edge of my seat to find out who wins.”
Despite being so cheesy, Harry couldn’t help himself. “Well, I’m feeling like I’m the real winner here.”
Ginny threw her head back and groaned.
“I am starving! ” Ron announced as he and Harry stepped through the Burrow’s fireplace. They had just floo’ed over for Sunday dinner, which had quickly become a tradition after they had moved out. For both of them, the Burrow still felt like home.
When they entered the kitchen, they found most of the family already there, and Harry was surprised and confused by the range of reactions he received. Fleur’s face was flushed as if she had been laughing, and upon seeing Harry she collapsed into more giggles. Bill, however, narrowed his eyes at Harry and pressed his mouth into a thin line, which didn’t scare him nearly as much as George grinning at him and rubbing his hands together gleefully. Mrs. Weasley had her back turned to them at the kitchen sink, and Mr. Weasley was hidden behind a newspaper.
Harry and Ron paused for a moment and looked at each other.
“Er...what’s so funny?” asked Harry.
“It’s not funny,” said Bill curtly, looking between his wife and George.
“Did you two enjoy your outing with the girls yesterday?” Mrs. Weasley asked without turning around.
“It was brilliant,” said Ron. “Harry had a stupid grin on his face the whole time.”
“Well I should think so,” sighed Mrs. Weasley, with annoyance in her voice. She turned around and placed a magazine on the kitchen table, sliding it towards Ron and Harry. “You certainly seem to have enjoyed yourself.”
Harry looked at the cover of the magazine, and felt all of his insides turn to ice.
It was the latest issue of Witch Weekly, and on the cover was an identical image to the one that had appeared on the stadium’s screen the previous day, except this one was magically moving: Harry and Ginny in the stands, sharing a searing kiss in front of everyone. The headline read “ WHO IS GINNY WEASLEY? THE INSIDE SCOOP ABOUT THE CHOSEN ONE’S CHOSEN ONE! Read on page 23.”
“This issue actually went out late,” said George over his drink, “I guess that happens when the biggest story of the week happens last-minute.”
Harry couldn’t respond. He felt his throat closing up. The exact thing that he had been terrified would happen had happened.
“Okay, just for the record,” said Ron uneasily, “She was the one snogging him.”
“How dare you, Ronald!” said George dramatically. “What are you implying about our sweet, innocent baby sister? We all know she’s been badly influenced by Harry’s wanton ways. After all, he’s always been such a womanizer.”
“We can see that she instigated it in the picture, Ron,” said Bill shortly, “But one wouldn’t think that Harry would be powerless against being manhandled by a ninety pound girl with no wand if he didn’t concur with the idea. Where’s all those auror reflexes?”
Harry was barely listening to them. He opened the magazine so fast he ripped the cover and flipped to page 23:
Sorry to all of our younger readers, but Harry Potter appears to be off the market! While WITCH WEEKLY reporter Joan Bigby was watching a muggle game called “rug bee” (as research for our Top 10 Hottest Muggle Celebrities, pg 36), imagine her shock when she spotted the Chosen One himself in the crowd. After months of being elusive, with not a single public sighting outside of the Ministry of Magic since the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry, with all eyes on him, shared an intense kiss with a red-headed girl that we have since discovered is Ginny Weasley, current seventh year Hogwarts student, in a public display of affection that very few would expect of the famously mysterious and dignified hero.
However, the muggle footage (that we’ve magically recreated here) clearly shows Ginny initiating the kiss. Did she do it to get some fame for herself? Many people are saying it’s possible.
“WHO is saying it’s possible!?” Harry growled as he white-knuckle gripped the glossy pages. “You just broke the story, who’s talking about it already!?”
“Oh, ‘many people are saying,’” Mrs. Weasley huffed. “That’s what they say when they want to disguise that they’re just making things up.”
Harry continued to read, even though every line horrified him more than the last.
Naturally, the magical community of Britain will be wondering if this girl is good enough for their savior. Well, we regret to inform everyone that Ginny Weasley appears to have a reputation of having many boyfriends and going through them rather quickly.
“But she doesn’t!” Harry cried. “She had just two previous boyfriends and dated them for a year, how is that quickly?”
“Well I mean,” mumbled Ron, “She does have more experience then either of us.”
“But that’s only because we’re both idiots,” said Harry.
“Fair point,” said Ron.
After leaving the muggle event, Miss Bigby Apparated to Hogsmeade, where the Hogswarts student population were spending the day. She had a very enlightening conversation with a Miss Romilda Vane, current sixth year.
“Oh, bloody hell,” Harry groaned.
“I strongly suspect she’s been slipping him love potions,” Miss Vane commented. “Everyone knew that she was fawning over him for years, then out of nowhere he’s snogging her in the Gryffindor Common Room after a Quidditch match. She’s been climbing the ranks by dating boys who will give her clout by association. First there was Michael Corner, a Ravenclaw with the highest marks in his year, then there was Dean Thomas, Harry’s dorm mate and one of Gryffindor’s Quidditch stars.”
WITCH WEEKLY also tried to reach out to Corner and Thomas, who were also present in Hogsmeade, but they both adamantly declined to comment. However, this may have been due to having no bad things to say, but rather a fear of reprisal from the fiery redhead. According to Miss Vane, Ginny Weasley also has a reputation for being violently unstable, with a penchant for the Bat Bogey Hex. As if we weren’t already worried that this girl would break Harry’s heart, she might also hurt him physically….
Harry let the magazine fall from his hands and he collapsed into one of the kitchen chairs.
“It’s over,” he said in disbelief. It wasn’t emotional panicking, it was just a reasonable statement of fact. “There’s no way she doesn’t chuck me after this.”
Harry hopelessly collapsed forward until his forehead loudly made contact with the wooden table.
All the expressions from the Weasleys softened in sympathy, from Bill’s and Mrs. Weasley’s stern looks to Fleur’s and George’s teasing smiles.
“Oh Harry dear, I’m sure she’ll understand,” said Mrs. Weasley softly, coming around the table and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“If I know my daughter at all,” said Mr. Weasley, finally emerging from behind his paper, “then she couldn’t care less what some strangers reading a magazine think of her. She understands that as long as the people who love you know the truth, that’s all that matters.
“Oh, I zink she cares,” chuckled Fleur, “She will love being known as ze diabolical villain zis rag is writing about. She will be proud, it will make ozzers zink twice before messing wiz ‘er. No one will try to steal ‘Arry from her if zey zink she will hex zem.”
“No, I know Ginny is strong,” said Harry despondently, “but everyone has a limit. She has to be wondering if being with me is worth—”
Tap tap tap
Harry’s sulking was interrupted by the noise at the window. He looked up and saw the screech owl that he had gotten Ginny for her birthday.
Harry’s heart sank even further. This was it. The break-up letter.
He mentally protested against his feet as they carried him to the window. All of his Gryffindor courage was failing him and he wanted to run in the opposite direction of that letter and never read it.
He numbly opened the window and took the letter from the owl. He opened it with shaking hands and began reading. As he read, he felt his tense stomach muscles finally relax, and eventually he started chuckling and a small smile appeared on his lips.
Harry looked up and saw all of the Weasleys looking at him very expectantly.
“Well?” said Ron.
Harry shrugged and began reading:
“Okay Harry,
I figure that this letter should reach you right as you’re starting to panic at Sunday dinner and starting to think a bunch of daft things like I’m going to ditch you.
Dean told me about being ambushed by some tart from WITCH WEEKLY in Hogsmeade. I got a copy this morning and it’s honestly the most brilliant thing I’ve ever read. I’ve framed it and put it up in my dorm, I’m going to re-read it whenever I need inspiration.”
“See? What did I tell you,” said Fleur proudly.
“I’m thinking about putting ‘Ginny Weasley, named Gold Digger of the Week by WITCH WEEKLY’ on business cards, but that might be overkill. So nip all of those noble, guilty thoughts I know you’re having in the bud, Potter. My only regret is that I don’t get to snog you like that every day. So you better be prepared to make up for lost time—”
“Feel free to skip this part,” said Bill flatly.
“We get the gist of it,” said Ron.
“The point is, Harry, that it will take a lot more than some tripe in a magazine for lonely witches with nothing better to do with their time for you to get rid of me. You better not try to hide me away again the next time we’re together. You’re going to snog me in public, whether it’s muggle or magical public is up to you.
Love (no matter what),
P.S. - If you truly want to make it up to me, you can use your Ministry connections to get me out of Azkaban after what I do to Romilda Vane.
“Wow,” said Ron, “Don’t let her go, mate, that’s not the kind of letter you’d get from most girls right now.”
“I think I’ll have to lend our sister some Weasley Wizard Wheezes prototypes,” said George thoughtfully, “It seems she’s found the perfect test subject in Miss Vane.”
“Oh, don’t you encourage her!” scolded Mrs. Weasley, “I’ll write and tell her it’s best to just ignore this sort of thing and not retaliate. I told you she would be understanding, Harry dear.”
Harry’s head was swimming and his heart was pounding from his realization.
As happy as he had always been with Ginny, there had always been something holding him back from picturing a future with her. He now realized he had been assuming that she would get scared of everything that came with dating him and let him go. But she had taken the worst of it in stride, and that made it obvious: she was with him for keeps. She was the One. He could now see his whole life stretched out in front of him. A life shared with Ginny.
Harry made to leave the kitchen in the direction of the fireplace.
“Wait, Harry, where are you going?” asked Mrs. Weasley.
Harry didn’t see a reason to hide it. “I’m going back to my flat to write the cheesiest, most nauseating love letter in history.”
Ron shooed him away. “Don’t give us any more details, then, I don’t want to lose my appetite.”
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
OK gang here we go, episode 33!
It was better than last week, which was better than the week before, so... make of that what you will.
Pic of the week!
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A look of steely Dan determination.
More below!
Like I said, this episode is an improvement on the last one, by virtue of plot stuff actually happening, a few big happenings, and references to the other kids that suggest they haven’t been completely forgotten about (only mostly). Don’t get excited though - it still leaves much to be desired. I cry endlessly for the animation budget. But let’s get into it...
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Taichi and friends are still in pursuit of SkullKnightmon and Hikari. We found our for sure last week that the creature in the little crystal is, indeed, Millenniumon, or rather a fragment of him, and his fragments fell all around the Digital World at the end of the great war or whatever it’s called and they’re the source of the miasma and they absorb energy from the human world etc etc...
So we find this big ass crystal which seems to be the central one, I guess? because it’s the biggest? and several creepy looking acolytes (dun dun DUN it’s VADEMON my FAVORITE DIGIMON) surrounding it and chanting...
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Vademon: Find the horcux, kill Harry Potter, find the horcrux, kill Harry Potter,
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In other news, there’s a lot of doom and gloom happening with Jou, who, bereft of his underwear, is forced to censor himself with his partners head. Gomamon you don’t deserve this
Jou: I need to get away from these Nanimon before I go prematurely bald too!!
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Mimi, meanwhile, is Boxing Champion of the World.
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Koushirou is the only one working. He’s on his way to pick up Jou, so I guess that means Yamato will get Mimi? That’ll be fun lol. We saw Yamato for half a second but it was the same frame of him riding Garurumon we’ve seen five times already so why bother capping it.
Koushirou is also keeping an eye on the satellite situation but doesn’t know what to do about it yet. Kabuterimon asks if he shouldn’t take a break about now and Koushirou says “I’m okay, besides, this is the only thing I’m good for” T___T you know this would be heart-breaking if I really believed the writers have ACTUAL PLANS to make good on Koushirou-related character development.... >:[
no this honestly pisses me off so much but I STILL do believe we will get SOMETHING for him and the others and probably not too far in the future... I think... I hope ugh
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Back to Team A, they see lots of Digimon coming at them. Taichi’s like “it’s an attack!” but Sora, whose Fight Mode unlike Taichi’s has an actual Off switch, is about to figure out that they are in fact not interested in the kids at all and are running away from something.
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Taichi: I can’t believe they didn’t want to kill us. Doesn’t everything in this world want to kill us?
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The Digimon are fleeing from a suspicious crater with a familiar stone in the center. SkullKnightmon raises his own crystal fragment into the air and stuff happens.
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By stuff I mean black lightning and purple-blue light which is meant to signify Evil which is mega DUMB because blue and purple are the most awesome color combo EVER I mean it throw some turquoise in there too and I will buy it whatever it is a necklace a shawl a codpiece
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There are eight crystals that rise from the ground surrounding the central crystal and share energy with it. I thought the number eight might be significant you know for obvious reasons but it doesn’t appear to matter in this episode.
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Evil crystals or not, Taichi’s on his way to save Hikari once and for all!
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Hikari: Thanks, but no thanks, oniichan.
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Taichi: H-Hikari! You don’t understand! You’re too young to go off with a strange man!
Hikari: But oniichan I love him
Taichi: Who do you think I am, Tevye!? You’re not marrying him and that’s final!
Hikari: waaah why don’t you understand me!!
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ok back to the story...
Hikari abandons her brother for his muscular studly lover SkullKnightmon.
... >_>
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Using Hikari’s powers, SkullKnightmon evolves to Gundamon DarkKnightmon. Meanwhile there’s lots of chanting and stuff about this being SkullKnightmon’s purpose or some such. I still kinda hope we get a redemption arc for SkullKnightmon or that he has something more to do with the story...
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Agumon stops Taichi from wigging out and they go to save Hikari together, but before they can they are beset from all angles by henchmen.
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Sora: Hey, you take care of Tweedle Dee and I’ll get Tweedle Dum!
Birdramon: *gets punched in the head* I hope you brought enough aspirin...
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Then these guys appear. I’ve forgotten their names but evil as they look they literally just stand there till they get blown up and then more appear... I guess that’s a kind of talent
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Takeru: Leave the small fry to me!
Pegasusmon: Takeru when I said I wanted a Happy Meal this isn’t what I meant
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Hikari begins to be absorbed into a dark pocket dimension of DarkKnightmon’s or something like that. It seems like a very chill experience.
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Taichi: I’ll save you! Take my hand!
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Hikari: O... nii... chan... Fuck you...
ok so here’s my problem here.
This is meant to be all emotional and stuff right?? Hikari’s been blowing off her brother for an unknown reason (we all figured out what it was but look the main characters don’t know and that’s what counts) and he’s finally managed to catch up with her. His hand is inches away from catching hers and pulling her to safety. She’s got creepy glowing eyes. She mouths “o..nii...chan...” with a creepy smile before being pulled into darkness.
I know it’s for kids so it’s not going to be too scary or anything but there ‘just like... no build up here. The storytelling style is too mathematical. “We go from Plot Point A to Plot Boint B via Battles 1 2 and 3...” There’s nothing happening in between to make us feel Taichi’s desperation, or even to know what Hikari’s feeling in this moment. Is she really okay with this? Is she having second thoughts? It doesn’t make any sense for her not to be scared. I fully expected her to go through with it, but she can be scared and still go through with it... come on...
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It’s like that scene from Utena except sapped of any and all emotional impact.
I don’t really remember how Greymon got up there in the first place since he can’t fly but at least we get a scene of him and Taichi plummeting to the earth after failing to save Hikari. The kind of thing that would be dramatic if there were any kind of animation budget at all.
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The one thing the show is sure to do is show us Taichi’s expressions, which I guess is something... It’s just so rushed and the accompanying dialogue leaves something to be desired.
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Greymon: Don’t give up, Taichi... Taichi... um. what are you doing...
Taichi: stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
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Anyway, Taichi is Big Mad. I thought (hoped, to be honest) that we might get a glimpse of him going wild with dark energy like in the Devimon episode again... Or at least a hint that that was a possibility in the heat of the moment before Agumon snapped him out of it. But nope.
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He takes a moment to be upset and then says “There’s no time to worry about what to do” and goes to save Hikari... from inside DarkKnightmon somehow :P
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This does not go well.
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Meanwhile Hikari is surprisingly okay for someone who was just eaten alive by sentient VantaBlack. She discovers a peculiar light inside... DarkKnightmon’s intestine??? Is that where we are now??? lmao
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She recognizes the light as the voice that has been calling her and tries to head towards it, but is blocked by some purple jello.
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There’s a kind of cool thing that happens here... We just had a scene where Taichi desperately tries to grab his sister’s hand and yank her out of the clutches of evil, but fails, mostly because she doesn’t do anything to help him since she is weirdly okay with the situation. Now we get a mirror of that moment with Hikari bursting out of the jello with her arm outstretched to grab what is clearly Tailmon’s paw.
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Only Tailmon does take Hikari’s hand.
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It was really cool to see the brother and sister paralleling each other this much. It shows the ways they’re both courageous and determined and caring.
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Meanwhile Taichi finally whips out WarGreymon. Honestly, I feel like this should have been WarGreymon’s intro episode. This would have been a good time for a new evolution, rather than in a fight with a nobody that I’ve already forgotten. Idk. WarGreymon uses Brave Tornado to knock DarkKnightmon’s lances away and burrow into his armor. So, yeah, Hikari’s in his intestines, lmao.
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Hikari is being chased by a two-headed monster who is in for the migraine of its (their?) life when the tornado crashes into it.
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Hikari: Big brother! You look so cool!
Taichi: Promise me that no matter how many men come into your life, I’ll always be number one.
Hikari: okay that is creepy
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WarGreymon explodes DarkKnightmon from the inside out x’D and Taichi gets a redo of his hand-reaching scene. First he berates Hikari for running off on her own and then smiles.
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Hikari says she always believed he’d rescue her. Aww.
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Sweet sibling love.
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Then there’s this really hilarious sound which turns out to be the Vademon hivemind giving a collective cry of distress x’D it’s lmfao amazing. Then they start chanting “Next time next time next time” just in case you thought Millennium was defeated and we can go home now.
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Taichi: Sora, do you know where I can buy a leash for this kid? I can’t keep chasing her like this. Aren’t kids today supposed to be glued to their phones and never go outside?
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Patamon’s Girlfriend Radar piques at the bundle in Hikari’s arms.
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And it is indeed Tailmon, and she’s been waiting for Hikari all this time.
Tailmon: I am Tailmon, a Holy Digimon.
Patamon: oh my god you can’t just call yourself holy ugh you’re so self-centered
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They’re both sooooo cute. I’m annoyed they didn’t get a cool ending card like Takeru and Patamon did last week though. But still, this is a sweet moment.
So, there’s not a lot to complain about in this episode, comparatively speaking. I wish we had more dialogue and understood the value of a dramatic pause etc. Also wish Sora and Takeru had more to do than fight the henchmen. Like, if you can just erase an entire part of an episode and it still works fine, you clearly didn’t need that part so why waste time on it.
But at least we do get reactions from Taichi, and at least we got plot development. The Taichi/Hikari parallels were cool. And even though I had other hopes for how this arc would turn out, I’m glad it’s over because maybe we can finally do some other stuff now. Maybe. I want to get back to Koushirou SOOO bad but more than anything I am still gobsmacked by how long it’s been since Yamato’s had anything to do but ride on Garurumon. That is WEIRD. He’s YAMATO.
Next week...
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... Looks like it’ll be a light-hearted undersea episode. I’m cool with that. The preview clips had a “Sebastian’s Calypso” vibe that I dig. It’s still about Taichi’s group but I think that’s to do more actual face time with Tailmon and Hikari. I hope we see the others as well and if not maybe the week after. I will be happy if this episode has some personality to it.
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clareguilty · 4 years
More Than You Know
Arthur Morgan/Lenny Summers Rating: Explicit | Mutual Pining, smut, fluff Word Count: ~3000
Summary: In which Arthur kisses Lenny during that drunken night in Valentine and doesn't remember it the next day. Mutual pining ensues.
Lenny Summers was no stranger to pain, but he had never had a hangover this bad before.
Last night… last night had been fantastic.
The past few days before that had been hell. Riding out with Micah Bell of all people. Lenny was almost too happy that the sonovabitch was in jail. Let him rot. 
But Dutch. But Dutch and his unfailing loyalty. His greatest strength was also his greatest weakness. 
Micah would return, and Lenny would have to spend his days stamping down the urge to knock his filthy teeth out.
Last night had been a nice escape.
Arthur had always been one of Lenny’s favorites, and he was so glad that the older outlaw liked him enough to take him out for drinks.
But God, this hangover.
Lenny blinked and groaned. He must have made it back to camp somehow. This was definitely his bedroll. The warm sun was far too bright -- it looked to be about noon already.
Pushing up to his elbows, Lenny noticed that he was just in his pants. “Aw, hell,” he groaned, “Where’s my damn shirt?”
“Grimshaw’s got it. She’s getting it washed for you,” Karen was sitting a little ways away, drinking. The smell of liquor made Lenny’s stomach turn.
“You had quite a night, it seems,” Karen spoke again. “Arthur still ain’t back yet.”
Lenny looked around. Sure enough, there was no sign of Arthur. His brow furrowed. “I hope he’s alright.”
“He’ll be fine,” Karen waved her bottle. “He can hold his drink.”
From what Lenny could remember of last night, Arthur was just as much of a lightweight as himself. God, they had been such fools, dancing and singing and fighting and…
Lenny’s face grew hot. Surely that hadn’t actually happened.
He had to have dreamed it.
Bringing his fingers to his lips, he brushed them lightly over the chapped skin.
Did Arthur really kiss him?
It had been spectacular -- at least from what Lenny could remember. Arthur was soft and sweet but so strong. He had pulled Lenny in and kissed him breathless, not an ounce of hesitation in him.
And Lenny. And Lenny had kissed back as best he could, leaning into Arthur’s touch and drinking the warmth and affection. It had felt right.
Karen was staring at him, eyebrow raised. “You sure you’re sober?”
Lenny nodded, snapping out of his drunken memory. “Yeah, I’m good.” With considerable effort, he pulled himself to his feet. Terrible as he felt, there was work to be done.
The other guys wasted no time in descending upon Lenny. He had apparently made quite the fool of himself when he got back to camp past midnight. Javier’s eyes gleamed as he threw one teasing remark after another. Lenny brushed them off with a chuckle, they didn’t have any more dignity than he did.
Arthur stumbled into camp not too long later. He certainly looked terrible, and Mary-Beth ran to meet him, pressing a flask of water into his hand and helping him over to his tent. He collapsed onto his bunk and was snoring within a minute.
The memory of Arthur’s kiss replayed in Lenny’s mind. What should he do? Should he talk to Arthur about it?
He didn’t get the chance until late that evening. Arthur was at his tent, scratching away in his journal. Lenny strolled up as casually as he could manage, but his nerves had the tendency to get the best of him.
“Hey, Arthur,” he greeted.
“Mister Summers,” Arthur grinned, “I’m sorry to say that if you’ve come to invite me out again, I don’t think I’d be able to give a repeat performance.”
Lenny was so focused on the memory of Arthur’s lips on his, it took him a moment to understand Arthur.
“Neither could I,” Lenny shook his head. “Can barely remember the end of the night if I’m being honest.”
“Really?” Arthur’s head tilted to the side. “Maybe you can fill me in. I don’t remember much after the fight. Was there a fight?”
Lenny tried to tamp down the weird feeling in his chest. “There may have been a few fights.” He plastered on a grin.
Arthur didn't remember the kiss? Would it even have meant anything to him if he did?
Lenny filled Arthur in on the events of the previous night, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell Arthur about the kiss. 
Except he also couldn’t bring himself to forget it. He struggled to navigate the twists and turns of his thoughts. He hadn’t even realized he liked kissing men. But maybe it wasn’t all men, maybe it was just Arthur. He knew there wasn’t anything to be ashamed of. Dutch and Hosea were a clear example of that. He had never seen a love that ran so deep, so tender.
But he still found himself afraid. Afraid that at night, when he would lie on his bedroll, he would think about Arthur. About his broad shoulders and the low rumble of his voice and the softness of his lips.
Arthur was too good for him. 
But that didn’t stop him from longing. He treasured every moment spent with the man, be it out hunting, or picking up supplies, or scouting out O’Driscolls. 
Lenny could no longer deny the depths of his affection for Arthur Morgan. Every word of praise, every low chuckle made his chest tighten and his cheeks warm. He was thankful that no one could see him flushing every time Arthur turned his blue eyes on him, or clapped a hand on his shoulder.
He lost himself in the wondering. Wondering if Arthur truly meant to kiss him. If Arthur would kiss him again. If Arthur felt the same way for Lenny. If they could have something, anything. He wasn’t sure what. Hosea and Dutch, whatever they had was dangerous and wild -- nothing like Arthur.
Arthur was cool and steady, strong. Lenny himself was laid back and easygoing. He liked to think they would fit well together.
He would never tell Arthur that. How could he? Arthur didn’t even remember. There would never be a chance, never a right time. So Lenny resigned himself to a lifetime of not knowing.
Arthur didn’t make it easy to forget. He was always so kind, always so close. Pulling in Lenny for a quick hug after a nasty fight, clapping a hand on his back as they talked by the wagons. He even rested his hands on Lenny’s waist as he slipped past him one time.
“You underestimate yourself kid,” Arthur said to him one night. “We see how good you are. Too good for me certainly.”
Lenny had tried to protest. “You do more for us than anyone deserves.”
They had gone back and forth quite a bit on that, both trying to prove the other’s worth. Arthur’s compliments had only grown more insistent and Lenny was thankful that Arthur didn’t seem to notice how much the words affected him.
“I’m surprised you ain’t found yourself a girl,” Arthur nudged him with his bottle. “You’re young. You could find honest work somewhere -- start a family.” Arthur himself seemed saddened by the prospect. Lenny tried not to read into it.
“I couldn’t.” He shook his head. “I owe too much to Dutch, and I’ve got too much for me here to just leave.” It was true, he had family among the gang. Sean, Hosea, the girls.
He couldn’t leave Arthur. Not yet anyways. He still held onto some kind of longing.
“Besides,” Lenny took a breath. He was taking a big risk, but he couldn’t stop himself. “I don’t know if I even see myself ending up with a girl anyways.” He regretted the words the moment they passed his lips.
Arthur watched the fire for a moment, parsing out what Lenny was actually trying to say. “I understand that,” he nodded. “The thought’s crossed my mind quite a bit as well.”
“Really?” Lenny asked before he could stop himself. Arthur? Arthur had imagined himself with men?
It made sense, of course. He had been raised by two men. Why would he feel ashamed of such a thing?
It was a dangerous hope that sparked in Lenny’s chest. He found himself thinking over every moment he had spent with Arthur in the past few weeks. Had there been more there than he realised? Was he a fool for his wishful thinking?
“I’ve met a lot of fine men,” Arthur shrugged. “Unfortunately, I am not as fine a man myself.”
“Don’t say that, Arthur,” Lenny placed a hand on his arm. “You’re one of the best men I know. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
Lenny would have said more, but he was cut off by a familiar feeling.
Arthur’s lips against his.
It was gone as soon as it was there, but Lenny knew what had happened. And Arthur wasn’t drunk this time.
“I’m sorry-” Arthur pulled away quickly. “I shouldn’t have-”
Lenny grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in again, taking the lead this time and kissing Arthur as sweetly as he deserved.
“I’m glad you’ll be able to remember it this time.” Lenny smiled, fighting the bittersweet that climbed the back of his throat.
“We’ve...? Before?” Arthur stared at him in confusion. The realization dawned on him “That night in Valentine.”
Lenny nodded.
“You didn’t tell me.”
He shrugged. “You didn’t remember. I didn’t know if you wanted to.”
Arthur placed his hand over Lenny’s, thumb brushing the back of his knuckles. “I always was braver drunk -- and more foolish.”
“I’m glad for it,” Lenny chuckled. He felt as though he had climbed to the highest peak of the Grizzlies and now he had no way down. He had kissed Arthur, and he found he only wanted more. But nothing was certain. There would be no way to know if things would be any different tomorrow.
The sun rose and nothing was the same for Lenny Summers. Arthur found him as he was buttoning his overshirt, smiling and offering him a cup of coffee. Lenny accepted, draining the entire cup in one go.
“I swear, Morgan, it’s like you don’t sleep,” he groaned. Lenny woke earlier than most of the others in the gang, but Arthur was always ahead of him. He would stay up well past midnight and still be up at dawn every morning.
Arthur rubbed the back of his neck. “There’s always work to do.”
Lenny felt emboldened after their conversation last night. “Then let me help. Maybe with the two of us we’ll be able to finish early enough that you can actually rest.”
Arthur turned positively pink.
They worked well together, as always. If Lenny thought that a closeness to Arthur was dangerous before, he was not prepared for what came after the kiss.
Arthur was teasing. He pinched and poked and prodded. Rested his hands anywhere he could reach. Lenny tried to focus on his work, but Arthur was always so damn close he felt he could catch fire at any moment.
Just as Lenny had said, they finished the work long before sundown. Arthur seemed unsure of himself without something to do, and Lenny wondered if anyone had ever truly let him rest. Between Dutch and Susan and Pearson it seemed that Arthur was always needed somewhere.
"Why don't we play a few rounds of dominos before supper?" Lenny suggested. "After that you can turn in early and maybe actually get some sleep for once."
Arthur considered the offer for a moment. He watched Lenny carefully.
"What do you say you and I ride into town for the night?" he offered in return.
"Arthur, the whole point of this was for you to get some rest." Lenny pushed away the thrill of Arthur's suggestion in favor of disapproval. As much as he wanted to spend a night alone with Arthur, he wanted him to rest even more.
"Exactly. I can't get any sleep with these yahoos always jabbering on," Arthur gestured to the rest of camp. "Wake up in the dead of night for some reason or another."
"Alright fine," Lenny gave in, "but I'd better not catch you running errands or anything."
They ordered supper as soon as they made it to town. Arthur opened up a lot more when he was away from camp, and Lenny enjoyed his broad smiles and crass humor. It was always nice to see Arthur when he let his guard down, when he didn’t have to put up a front. Lenny only saw it in glimpses before now. They cleared their plates and made sure to limit themselves to only one drink -- it would do them no good to brawl and wind up in a cell.
Arthur unlocked the room he had rented for the night, and Lenny could have sworn his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He had never felt excitement quite like this. He knew the telltale rush of an oncoming fight, or the way his blood pounded in his ears during a job, but he had never felt the flip-flopping of his stomach the way it did now. His skin felt like lightning.
But he had brought Arthur here to rest. A full meal and a good night’s sleep for once in the poor man’s miserable life. Lenny packed away their things, making sure the revolvers were within easy reach. Arthur had kicked his boots off and was already sprawled across the hotel bed. He really had needed this.
“Get some sleep, Arthur,” Lenny urged him.
“Come lay with me?” Arthur was flushed pink to the tips of his ears, and he looked anywhere but at Lenny.
Lenny felt he was going to shake right out of his boots and slip between the floorboards. “Yeah,” he croaked out. “Move over a bit.”
He settled in beside Arthur, stiff and awkward at first. A few moments of silence passed before Arthur huffed and threw an arm around Lenny’s waist, pulling him against Arthur’s side.
“Thank you,” he murmured, and was snoring within minutes.
Lenny lay awake for a long while, listening to Arthur sleep and the faint sounds of the town beneath them. It was much quieter than it was at camp, more peaceful. Arthur deserved peaceful.
He woke to the feeling of Arthur shifting beside him. Awake early as always -- dawn hadn’t even broken. Arthur sat up and stretched, yawning deeply. He stood, washed his face at the basin, and looked around the room blankly.
“There’s no work to do here, come back to bed.” Lenny rolled his eyes.
Arthur stood for a moment longer, as if waiting for a chore to materialize out of thin air. Finally, he turned back to the bed. Lenny wasn’t prepared for Arthur to lean over him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before laying on his side. He heart stuttered against his ribs, and he longed to feel it again.
So he did. He kissed Arthur, winding his fingers in his hair and pulling him in close, taking as much as he wanted -- had wanted for a long time.
Arthur was just as eager, dragging Lenny forward by his hips. They were clumsy, uncoordinated, neither of them used to the closeness or the affection. They were driven by want, chasing the warmth and the excitement. 
It was different, with Arthur. Nothing like the few girls Lenny had been with before. The scrape of Arthur’s beard against his skin. The strength in his hands and fingers. The weight of him as he rolled over Lenny to deepen the kiss.
He ground his hips down against Lenny just to hear the low moan that escaped the younger man. “Arthur,” he gasped.
Arthur said nothing, slipping one hand between them to grind his palm over Lenny’s hardening cock.
“Arthur, please,” Lenny tried again.
Arthur was smiling. “You want this?” he asked.
Lenny nodded quickly. “I do. I do.”
Nimble fingers quickly undid both of their trousers. Lenny groaned as Arthur pulled his cock free and slowly stroked it. Arthur knew exactly how to make his hips shudder with the motion of his wrist.
Lenny nearly wind as Arthur pulled his hand away, but he was simply freeing his own cock so he could wrap his large hand around the both of them.
He stroked them together, rocking his hips in perfect tandem with his hand. He trailed hot, wet kisses over Lenny’s jaw and down his neck. It was quiet, just the sounds of heavy breathing and creaking wood and skin against skin. Lenny felt like it was a secret, something hidden and safe just between them. Arthur was sharing something with him.
He came first, biting back his moans and spilling across his stomach. Arthur didn’t release his cock, and his vision whitened with the sting of overstimulation until Arthur finished as well.
It was hot, and sticky, not terribly comfortable, but Lenny lay there satisfied, a dopey grin plastered on his face.
Arthur was on his back with his eyes closed, breathing slowly returning to normal. The sun had finally made an appearance, illuminating dust motes and warming the air. Lenny finally found it in himself to wash at the basin, glad to be rid of the evidence of what they had done but not feeling any remorse.
He spoke up when he was pulling his boots on, both of them sitting on opposite sides of the bed getting ready to ride back to the noise and bustle of camp.
“Hey, Arthur,” he began. “Was this a one time thing?” He was glad Arthur couldn’t see him, that he couldn’t see Arthur.
“No,” Arthur answered after a moment. “Not if you don’t want it to be.”
“I don’t,” Lenny answered quickly. “I don’t want it to be a one time thing.”
They were standing now, facing each other just before the hotel room door. Arthur reached out and pulled Lenny in for a soft, gentle kiss. “Let’s get back before they send out a war party,” he groused, but he was smiling all the same.
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birthdaysentiment · 4 years
The music in wtFOCK season 3 - Song #40
Vrijdag 21.03 // "In My Mind" - Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino
For me, this is one of those clips where I remember where I was and what I was doing when it dropped, because it was the last clip of the season, the last clip we got to see through Robbe's eyes. It's always emotional to say goodbye to a season, to a character that you hold every close to your heart, but it felt different with Robbe, because I felt like I had been living his story too. For 10 episodes, 108 clips in total, I had followed Robbe and felt every one of his emotions; I cried, smiles and laughed with him, and even though it was a crazy and wild ride with many ups and downs, I would do it all over again. Those 10 weeks were some of the most intense and emotional weeks of my life, but they were definitely also some of the best ones as well.
It was emotional to see it all come to an end, to see everyone together for one last party, to get one final scene with Robbe and Sander, where they were just enjoying some time together alone. But I think it's normal to get sentimental and emotional when you have to say goodbye to something or someone, who's been a big part of your life, because it makes you reminisce the journey you've been on, it makes you think back to everything you've experienced for the past ten weeks with Robbe and his story. I think wtFOCK did a good job with the last clip, as it's always difficult, but they managed to create a clip, where we got a chance to get one final glimpse of almost all of the characters, who had been a part of this season, and we also got a very sweet scene between Robbe and Sander, almost as a way to wrap up the final clip and message of Robbe's season.
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Robbe and Sander are standing next to each other, as Robbe is sending a message to his mama, letting her know that he has a "lief", and Sander just smiles as he reads the message along with him. In that moment the music changes and a new song fills the background, once again providing a beat to the party and the dancing, a beat that has a heavier and deeper base to it, where the melancholy vibes from the previous song is gone, which makes the scene seem more happy and joyful. It's an interesting contrast, like wtFOCK is saying that it's okay to be sad about the season coming to an end, but before it gets there, let's celebrate one last time.
It's a song we've heard before, as it got used in a trailer for wtFOCK before season 1, but there's something about the use of that song as the last one in season 3, which makes the clip more special. Maybe wtFOCK chose it because of its attachment to the show, maybe it just provided the right atmosphere and feelings to the last minute of the season. Or maybe they chose it because it was supposed to tell and show us, how far Robbe has come from the show's beginning to the end of his own season, or maybe I'm just overanalysing again.
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Robbe and Sander are standing in front of each other, talking, smiling and teasing like they always do. Sander lets Robbe know that his mom would like to meet him, but he also warns him that it might get awkward, but as Robbe tells him, as long as Sander wears clothes, nothing will ever be awkward. I really like this little part of the scene, because it somehow shows the trust there is between them, that Robbe feels comfortable enough to joke about Sander's naked-walk, and that Sander can just laugh and smile about it, and not take it for more than it is. I think it gives us a good idea of their relationship, that they feel more at peace with each other, so knowing that they're calmer, more comfortable together and more in love than ever, seems like the best way to say goodbye to them in this season. 
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They look so in love as they're standing close to each other, holding each other lightly while everyone else is dancing and partying in the background. In that moment, it was just the two of them in their own little bubble, where they were enjoying the touch, feel and presence of each other. They didn't seem to care or pay attention to what was going on around them, because in that moment it was just the two of them.
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When they started kissing, once again sharing another passionate and longing kiss, that seemed to take their breath away, I couldn't help but get all emotional, because they're just so in love, they're just so happy to finally be together. And I think it means the world to them, that they can show their love, among friends and family, (even though they might be in a bubble of their own), but for them to know, that they can be themselves, is the most important thing, especially considering they always had to pretend or hide something of themselves in the past. Their journey, both separately and together, towards this moment, has been tough filled with highs and lows, but it's also because of it, that they can be together in this moment, feeling the love all around them.
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Robbe breaks the kiss and looks into Sander's eyes as he says: "you know, it might be cliché, but you never know who will be alive tomorrow and who might die. the only thing we know for sure, is…", but before he can finish the sentence, they get pulled out of their little bubble by Jana, who leads them out to the dancefloor. And just as the drop in the song is coming, Robbe says "dat we nu leven". I have always loved the last words of season 3, because it symbolizes so much in terms of Robbe and Sander's relationship, what they have promised each other. They're going to live in the moment, they should not try to think ahead; what will happen tomorrow, or what will happen in the future, because they're alive now, and they should just live it minute by minute.
I think it's such a strong message to end the season with, not only because of the meaning behind it, but also how accurate it is in terms of Robbe's story and the developments he went through. With Robbe's last words, wtFOCK is letting us know how important it is to remember to live in the moment, to enjoy it while it lasts, because you never know what is going to happen in the next minute, tomorrow or in the future. It's important to remember that we're alive now, and how precious that can be, and I think that message connects with Robbe's story so beautifully. How he found peace in his reality by living in the moment, how Robbe discovered the importance of enjoying the moment to its fullest, because he could never know how long it was going to last.
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As Robbe is standing in the middle of the room with his arms around Sander, while kissing him passionately, I can't help but think back to the first time we saw Robbe in season 3. How sad and miserable he looked, as he was sitting in the bathtub with Jens and Moyo, smoking weed and drinking alcohol as a way to escape the world around him. Because at that point Robbe was always pretending to be someone else, did everything he could to fit in, but no matter what he did, he always felt left out, like he didn't belong anywhere. But in this clip and moment, as Robbe has his arms around Sander, with his friends all around him, cheering as he kisses Sander, he's in a totally different place, and it makes me so emotional, so proud to see how far he has come. Because in that moment he felt like he belonged in the world, like he finally had found his place in the chaos.
Throughout season 3, Robbe did not only find Sander, someone who loves him deeply, but most importantly, Robbe found himself too. He finally came to peace with the person that he is, with the feelings that was growing inside of him, he began to embrace everything he had been trying to suppress, and during that journey he realized how good life could be, especially if you are true to the person that you are. And Sander played a huge role in that process, because he showed Robbe that he could be living his life in a different way, a way that was much lighter and happier, than the darker and painful version Robbe had turned to. Robbe realized that being himself was the best choice he could make, a choice that brought him so much love and happiness.  
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I guess that what I've been trying to show, or point out, with my posts is how much thought there's been put into every single detail of season 3, not only in the more important clips, but also in those scenes, which might not seem too essential. How some things just seem to fit so perfectly together, that I refuse to think of it as a coincidence, and not just me totally overanalysing all of it.
Music plays such a huge part in almost everything it's involved in, and season 3 of wtFOCK is definitely no exception. The soundtrack reflects Robbe's story so perfectly, everything he went through and every emotion he felt during those ten weeks. There are so many songs, that just connected with the scene it was featured in, where it truly felt like everything was connecting on a deeper level, which made the experience much more intense and extraordinary. I know that season 3 would have been a totally different experience without the amazing soundtrack, and for me, that's one of the reasons why I hold Robbe's story so close to my heart, because it was absolutely beautiful and wonderful on every possible level.
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lawfulwittebaby · 3 years
// some bond tags!
If you're lost out there in the night; wishing on stars & wondering who you are; Know that you're never alone; Noel & Howell ; mirrcredgold
You’ve got all the love you need. So run surefooted; newly free; Luz & Howell ; bornspellcaster
Somehow we've managed to make it this far. It's been one wild ride. Nothing I can't do with you by my side ; Kiki & Howell ; bornspellcaster
No distance could ever tear us apart. There's nothing that I wouldn't do. I'll find my way back to you ; HowHolBerChar
You're okay. You're alright. I will never ever leave your side ; Alvar & Howell There's still good in you. I've always seen it. Please show me I'm not wrong ; Belos & Howell ; bornspellcaster
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thebluestbluewords · 3 years
I haven't watched D2 in almost a year please forgive me
This is 1800 words of NONSENSE about PIRATES except there's actually no named pirates appearing in this section yet.
He’d been taking a walk.
The isle isn’t safe, obviously. It’s a prison colony, full of the worst of the worst, shaken up and left to stew in their own anger and his family’s incompetence for twenty years. Of course it’s not going to be a safe place for little Auradon boys to linger.
He’d gone less than a block. Hadn’t been planning on going any further. It’s an emotional whiplash, going from being upset because his girlfriend is secretly using magic to cope with Auradon life instead of just talking to him about it, to breaking up because she’s decided she can’t cope with life outside of the place she grew up.
It’s oversimplifying. There’s a lot more to it than just not being able to cope, but it’s hard to see that through the sheer hurt that’s stuck in Ben’s chest. They’d been doing well, until all of sudden they weren’t, and there was no time in between to try and fix things. Always jumping to the most extreme solution, that’s Mal. And it’s something he likes about her, usually! She’s got wild solutions for things, and she’s able to come up with the most outrageous ideas and play them off like they’re absolutely nothing, and she--
Doesn’t want to live in the same country as him anymore.
So that sucks.
Bringing Mal back home is more important than whatever concerns he’s got about their romantic future together.. No matter what’s going on emotionally, it’s still not right to leave her alone back on the island that they just brought her over from. There’s garbage burning in the streets here! The food stalls all have signs about limited supplies and taking what you can get, and the amount of knives and weapons on the average person walking down the street here isn’t exactly unexpected, but it’s just… it’s a lot. It’s not like he’s completely unaware of his surroundings! On the isle of villains, it’s important to stay alert. He gets that. It’s just that emotional turmoil, combined with the little fact that he’s all of sixteen and he’s pretty sure his heart is breaking, might be distracting him. Just a little bit.
Nobody ever expects to be grabbed by a giant guy and yanked into an alley, okay?
“Urg?” Ben manages to say, around the hand that’s being clamped over his mouth. “Eahhh?”
“Don't talk,” the mystery voice behind him directs. It’s not the person who’s holding him, so that’s bad. Being outnumbered is bad. “We’re taking you to see our captain, and if you run we have instructions to make that...significantly more difficult for you.”
Ben nods. There’s something tapping threateningly at his kneecaps, and he’s pretty sure he knows what the voice means by making it harder to run. He’s broken a bone once, when he was a kid and tried to climb the tree in his mom’s favorite glade, and fell out. If riding back to the castle with a broken arm had hurt, he doesn’t even want to imagine what being dragged along by a villain with a broken leg might feel like.
“Good,” the voice says, like it’s funny. Oh. They don’t use that word here, so it’s a joke about him. “We’d like to bring you back in one piece, your highness, so just keep cooperating and maybe this won’t go so bad for you after all.”
“Mmh” Ben agrees. He’s sort of afraid to nod, in case the arm around his throat tries to squeeze any harder, but it feels like a good move to go along with whatever this pair wants. Oh god. Hopefully it’s just the two of them, and then whatever captain they’re bringing him to.
There’s definitely more than just the two of them.
Oh no.
The big guy, or maybe a girl, actually, it’s sort of impossible to tell with the way he’s just being held against some very large and solid person, starts to tie his hands behind his back.
Okay, there’s the panic now.
Ben wants out, he wants his hands, he wants to breathe, he’s-- okay, hyperventilating doesn’t help anything. He’s been taught how to break out of hand ties, but it’s not going to help if there’s another person right there, and they’ve already said to cooperate, so--
“Should we just drug him?” someone is saying. “Might be faster than all of this tying and blindfolding business.”
“I dunno if I can carry this much deadweight, bro.” another voice says. Still not the person holding him still. So there’s at least three of them, great. “He’s pretty big for a prince charming.”
“I can carry ‘im” says a new voice, and oh, this is the person holding him, finally. There might be just the three of them. Not that it makes much of a difference, but it’s some sort of knowledge that Ben can cling to here. “Get his hands and feet, and I can do it.”
“‘on’t enfg.” Ben manages, around the hand that’s still clamped over his mouth. “omise.”
“Gil, just let him talk,” the first voice says again. “He’s obviously not going to stop trying, so just, give him a little air.”
“‘Kay,” the holding-person (Gil, the big one is Gil) says agreeably. “Hey, I wasn’t holding you too tight, was I? You can still breathe, and stuff?”
“I can breathe,” Ben says, once he’s gotten in a good lungful of air that doesn’t taste like stale sweat. “I won’t try anything, I swear.”
“Ooh, he swore,” says the bro voice, clearly delighted with this turn of events. “I think we might need a little insurance for that, little prince.”
There’s some sort of motion, and then a noise that sounds an awful lot like a knife being sharpened, and then a bright, sharp pain in Ben’s side.
“Hey!” the first voice says, clearly annoyed at this turn of events. “You didn’t have to stab him! Uma wanted him brought back in one piece!”
“He won’t be able to run this way,” the bro says, sounding annoyed. “It’s not gonna hurt him, just make it harder to run. It’s barely a scratch.”
“He’s bleeding. You’re gonna leave evidence.” the first one, who seems to be the brains of the operation, says. “Hey, no, don’t make that noise. Shut up. Look when you did!”
Ben doesn’t want to be making this noise either. He’s just as unhappy as the ringleader is about this, really. He didn’t want to get stabbed.
“Oh my evil, just pick him up, Gil.” the first person says. “Hey, prince charming. We’ll get you stitched up once you’re down at the ship, okay? Just like, shut up about it. You’ll be in worse shape if we drop you here for someone else to find, and they won’t be so nice about keeping you alive either.”
It hurts. Jesus fucking christ, it hurts. “You stabbed me?” Ben somehow warbles, between the fucking agonized breathing he’s doing to try and get the involuntary pain noises under control. “You fucking- stabbed me?”
He’s being lifted off his feet now, and cradled up like a baby against somebody’s broad chest.
“Just a little bit.” the bro-voice says as they start moving. “Insurance, bro. Can’t have you getting away from us now, ya know?”
“I just said I wouldn’t run.” Ben points out, gritting his teeth against another jolt as the person carrying him picks up speed. “I wouldn’t’ve lied about that if I knew you were going to stab me.”
“Get over it.” the brains of the kidnapping says. “Drop him in the cart Gil, we can just wheel him down the rest of the way.”
They tie him to the mast.
“Can I take my phone out of my pocket first?” Ben asks, as they’re pinning him down to tie him up again, more efficiently this time. “It’s going to leave a bruise if I keep it there, and I don’t care if you want to break it or sell it or anything.”
The pirates find this absolutely hysterical.
They do let him take his phone out of his pocket first, so that’s something.
Being kidnapped is sort of boring, when it comes down to it. The pirates are clealty waiting for something, but it’s not entirely clear what. True to their word from earlier, they do let someone (a girl with messy black hair and a bright red bandanna, who doesn’t seem especially fazed by the situation as a whole) slap a bandage on him. It’s not quite as good as not being stabbed in the first place would have been, but the girl had poked around for a while and announced that he didn’t need stitches, and then done what seems on the whole to be a very tidy job of cleaning and wrapping the cut.
It still hurts, because some lunatic with a knife did in fact stab him, but after the morning Ben’s had so far, things are honestly looking up.
One of the pirates sits down next to him.
“Want some water?” they ask, holding out a battered plastic cup.
Huh. “Um, sure?” Ben says.
The pirate tips it up to his mouth, and lets him get in a good three or four swallows before pulling the cup back and throwing the rest over his head.
“Uma’s still out.” they inform him. “But we’ve sent a runner down to the chip shop, so she should be coming up any minute now.”
“Uh. Okay.” Ben says. “Is that your captain?”
The pirate looks at him. “Yeah,” they say. “She is.”
There’s some sort of challenge there, but Ben is so far out of his depth right now that he can’t even make out what the shape of it might be. “Does she have demands, or something?” he asks. “I can’t guarantee that they’ll be met, but if you send a message out to my father he’ll probably give you something in exchange.”
The pirates stares up at him, shaking their head slowly. “Unbelievable,” the pirate says, “Fuckin’ Auradon kids. Do they really keep you stupid on purpose over there?”
“No?” Ben tries. “I can try to bargain for whatever you want. There’s some privateering work off the southern isles right now, and I don’t know that they’ll take kids on their own, but we’ve been working towards isle reform policies and there’s a pretty good chance they’ll go through in a few years and--” Shut up, the lunatics who kidnapped (kingnapped?) you don’t care about legitimate privateering work and the slow, torturous process that’s been trying to push isle reforms through the council while still only controlling about 40% of the vote. “Um, that is, we can meet your demands.” Ben finishes. “If you have them.”
The kid shakes their head again. “Unbelievable.” they say again, and leave.
Okay, then.
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capaldifiction · 4 years
Massive Success - Lewis Capaldi x Reader
Paring: Lewis Capaldi x Reader
Word Count: 2,863
Description:  Lewis and Y/N have been friends since they were teens, and she’s been hiding how she’s felt nearly as long. Several years, two record labels, and a worldwide tour later she’s struggling getting used to the new lifestyle they both live, and keeping her feelings for him under control. And god does she hate those live interviews. Lewis x Celebrity Reader
Warnings: Some swearing and mild slight spiciness at the end.
Italics are dreams or inner thoughts.
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Y/N stares back into her reflection in the mirror in her dressing room before closing her eyes and slowly counting down in her mind. She still wasn’t used to this whole live television interview thing. Concerts sure, she’d been performing since she was a teenager, with a guitar or mic stand in her hands, the rest faded away. It might have also helped that as the crowds got bigger, her ability to see individual faces had grown harder.
But these live interviews with the endless row of seemingly too bright set lights, the live audience she could see each and every expression of, sitting in a chair with several cameras trained on her to remind her that if she slipped up the entire world would know in seconds were not comforting thoughts.
Performing a quick song with a wave to the camera and audience was the easy part, when she had her guitar stripped from her and ended up in the seat was when it always got dicey. She’d only done a few since her career had taken off, but she’d somehow managed to avoid the major disaster her mind was telling her would happen.
“Nervous?” a voice asks from directly behind her, causing her to almost fall back into the man behind her as her eyes fly open. Lewis presses his hands to her back to hold her up, a mischievous smile on his face as she looked at him through the mirror.
“Couldn’t help yourself could you?” she scowls and bites her lip. “Of course I am. You know I’m not good at this shit.”
A sympathetic smile replaces the previous one as he pats her back, “It’s fine, I get nervous too. But you’ve got this. Plus this time we’ve got each other right?”
She slowly exhales and relaxes her shoulders as she turns to look at him with her own smile, “That’s true, when I inevitably freeze or say something stupid, you can pull them right back in with that charm hm?”
“Exactly,” he grins, “That’s what friends are for.”
“That they are,” she agrees with a laugh and looks back to the mirror to check her hair, trying to ignore the butterflies still in her stomach from his touch.
“I’ll be back in five to grab ya,” he calls out as he walks away.
She’d met Lewis when they were around 16, both gigging where they could and chasing their musical dreams. They’d become fast friends, and in the years that followed she found herself developing more than just a little crush on him. Pushing those feelings aside, she was happy to be by his side as a friend and confidant through career and relationship troubles.
When his career started to take off, she’d been ecstatic for him. She’d been going to nearly every gig of his for years and knew his talent, but to see everyone else starting to see it had been amazing. It had gotten hard when he really started traveling, being gone months on end. She kept to her own gigging and a part time job, but not having him around was harder to get used to than she would admit.
She’d almost let those other feelings go. Just enjoying the time she did have with him between his traveling, and their occasional FaceTime calls and daily texts. She’d grown comfortable with it at least.
Then began the wild two years when she’d been picked up by an agent, released her first few songs and EP, signed with a record label,  and Lewis had asked her to be the opening act for his big headlining tour.
Going back to spending nearly every day together, doing what they love while also traveling the world had been more than amazing. Unfortunately with more time together, came the resurgence of those feelings, hitting her suddenly like a tidal wave.
Every morning, afternoon, and evening were spent together, even in their down time they tended to hang out in the same room until it was time for bed. During that time she wrote and released mid-tour what had become her hit song.
All she’d been hoping for was to unleash some of the pent up feelings and energy, but somehow that had turned into a song she heard on the radio, various radio and tv interviews, a wave of popularity, and many questions from Lewis.
It had started out with just teasing questions, but the more he pushed her on who the song was about, or to at least talk it out with him, the more on edge she got. She felt guilty hiding the truth, and felt even more guilty that her best friend felt she couldn’t trust him enough to tell him. But she couldn’t.
After a few hour tour bus ride of him gently prodding her for information, she’d snapped at him that it was none of his business, and since then they’d abandoned the topic. The days following were tense, but they’d worked their way back to normal after some time. In that time is when they’d written their newest song together that they finally agreed was the one they’d record together.
Fast forward to eight months later, there she stood in her dressing room at The Late Late Show waiting for her performance and interview with Lewis to promote the song.
“You ready?” Lewis calls, ducking his head back into her dressing room.
“It’s been five minutes already?” she asks with a tense chuckle.
“Come on, we’ll be fine Y/N,” he encourages, giving her a side hug as she reaches the door. “Business as usual.”
“God I hate those lights.” Y/N forces a smile as she half listens to the question James Corden has asked Lewis. Their performance had gone great, and nothing particularly bad had happened in the interview thus far, but she was finding it hard to concentrate.
Lewis’ voice sounds almost muffled as her gaze goes from the lights to the many cameras and many people in the audience. “When will I ever get used to this?”
“So Y/N,” James says, pulling her back into the moment. “Your hit song ‘All You Never Say’ came out nearly a year ago today, did you expect it to have the success it did?”
“Never, honestly this is still surreal.” She nods her head toward Lewis, “We’ve talked about it and the whole thing still seems crazy, we were still just gigging in bars together a few years ago, now here we are.”
“Now I think we have a question on everyone’s minds, did the person the song is about realize it’s about them and have you both fallen madly in love?” Corden teases with a mischievous grin.
Y/N forces an uncomfortable laugh and adjusts in her seat, “No, I don’t think he knows it’s about him quite yet.”
“Does that mean you’ve fallen madly in love but he doesn’t know about the song or no to them both?” James chuckles.
“Yes Y/N,” Lewis says turning toward her with a teasing grin, holding an imaginary microphone up to her, “How does HE feel about YOU?”
“Well I don’t know that answer seeing as he’s you,” Y/N snaps back immediately, her cheeks red at his question.
And within seconds she’s realized what she’s said. James’ mouth hangs open, Lewis’ eyes wide with shock, and nearly every face in the audience mirroring a similar look to that of the two of them.
Y/N loudly clears her throat, “So uh, yeah how about ‘Lost,’ let’s talk about that.”
“Of course,” James says recovering quickly. “You two wrote the song together?”
“Y-yeah, we did,” Lewis mumbles, stealing a glance at Y/N beside him as he tries to focus on the question. “We’ve written together for years. One of the songs on her EP we actually wrote together. And we’ve definitely sang together before, we just never found the right song to actually record together until this one.”
The rest of the interview continues on as normally as it could after her outburst, but Y/N finds herself sinking further and further into her seat as it goes on. She lets Lewis answer most of the questions, but feels ashamed to look at him.
When finally the producer ends the segment, she’s up and out of her chair and sprinting to the back as she hears Lewis shout her name. Making a beeline for her dressing room, she makes it to the door hastily unlocking it and slips in. However, as she shuts it behind her it bounces back in her hands as she looks down to see a black and white Van stopping it from closing.
“Did you mean that? What you said?” Lewis demands as he peaks through the opening at Y/N. His face is bright red, and he’s obviously just as out of breath as she from her mad dash.
“I- I mean, I wasn’t going to…” she stumbles, having a hard time looking at him. “Yes,” she finally admits as she focus on his shoe stuck in the doorway.
“Please let me in,” he says softly as he leans into the door.
Backing away from the door and retreating to one of the chairs in the room, she just continues to stare at the floor. The sounds of him entering and closing the door behind him, then sitting on the stool beside her are the only sounds in the room.
“Almost gave me a heart attack, bolting away like that,” he finally comments. “When did you have fucking time to become an Olympic sprinter?”
A small chuckle leaves her as she glances up at his red face, and watches him run his fingers through his hair, “Running from my problems gave me enough practice.”
“Fair,” he responds with a smirk and rubs his palms on his jeans, as his own gaze drifts away from her.
“I understand if you’re mad,” she says after a few moments. “And I can understand if you want some time away from me after this, but you’re really important to me. I don’t want to lose our friendship, that’s why I’ve never said anything. I want to still be friends if you can… forget this or move past it.”
Lewis’ brow raises at her words and fidgeting in his seat, “I- that’s not what I want.”
His words sting, but it’s not like she didn’t expect them. Training her gaze back on the floor she sighs, “I understand. And I’m sorry. I know we have to finish up the hype for this song, but I’ll distance myself after that.”
“What the fuck, no!” He yells immediately, “That’s not what I meant at all, I, well I feel the same way.”
“You’re kidding me,” she states, her mouth agape as she searches his eyes for the joke. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am,” he says simply as he kicks at the floor. “When we were teenagers you never seemed interested in me in that way, then I was gone all the time for my career so we were never together. Then we were suddenly touring together, writing together, and I… I’d gotten close to bringing it up. Then you released ‘All You Never Say’.”
“Why did that stop you?”
He rolls his eyes at her question, “You released a song about how you’re madly in love with someone that you can’t tell them that you love them because it wouldn’t work out, they wouldn’t feel the same. All the while things between us staying exactly the same, and when I tried to press you for details on this guy, you completely shut down on me. Was I supposed to just say ‘well I understand that you love someone else, but have I got news for you’?”
“When you put it that way,” she nods with a sigh. “Never thought there was even a chance you felt the same way. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by adding feelings you didn’t reciprocate. I wrote it when we started touring together, because all the feelings I’d had for you came back full force, and I had to write something to let it out. I didn’t think there was a chance it’d take off like that or that you’d see it that way.”
After a few moments of silence between the two, Lewis finally chuckles.
“Here I’ve been sitting all salty that you’re singing about some guy that won’t love you back, hating whoever he is for making you feel that way and making it impossible for me to ever say anything. And this whole time, it’s fuckin been me,” he says with a grin, shaking his head. “Fuckin unreal.”
“Ironic,” she agrees with her own laugh, feeling lighter than she’s felt in years. Getting up from her chair, she walks over to stand in front of him.
He looks at her quizzically as she hesitantly gets closer, moving until she’s standing between his legs, nearly flush to the stool he’s sitting on, “There’s… nothing stopping us now right?”
“Good point,” he nearly whispers back, his breath tickling her face at the close proximity. “Are you going to do something about it?”
“Do you want me to?” she teases, leaning in ever closer, his face immediately tilting toward hers.
“Do it,” he urges, his hands going to her hips.
Her hands rest on the stool on either side of him as she presses her lips softly his, almost immediately pulling back with a grin.
He grunts in frustration as he pulls her as close as he can.
Leaning in she presses her lips to his once again feather light as his eyes drift shut. Instead of deepening the kiss, she opts to gently bite his bottom lip, holding it between her teeth and his eyes slowly drift back open.
This time a groan leaves him as she releases his lip, “You’re gonna kill me like this Y/N, I’ve wanted this for years.”
“I have too,” she whispers leaning in toward his ear, blowing on it gently as he shudders against her. “Don’t want to rush it though do we?”
“We do,” he mumbles as she chuckles in his ear.
Running her hands up his thighs, she leans back to look at his face once again, his eyes hooded as he watches her every move.
“Maybe that’s enough for now?” she teases, pretending to pull away.
Within seconds his lips are pressed to hers, a surprised gasp leaving her as she leans into him. His lips hungry and urgent against hers.
Her hands reach up to clutch the fabric of his shirt as she gives him control and his hands roam up her back.
His lips leave hers as she looks at him almost in a daze, a lazy smile on his face before he turns his attention to placing kisses up her exposed neck.
“Lewis,” she groans, leaning her head back for him.
Just as his hand goes to slip under her shirt, the door to the dressing room swings open, causing the two to attempt to jump apart. However, failing in that as they both crash to the floor falling off the stool in a tangled mess.
“Oh!” James exclaims backing up from the door before laughing. “I was just coming to check that everything was alright with the two of you, but it appears it’s more than ok.”
Y/N can feel her face flushing red as her and Lewis untangle themselves, “Y-yeah we’re good.”
“Are you sure neither of you need medical attention? That was quite the collapse to the floor,” he teases.
“Nope, we’re fine,” Lewis insists, climbing to his feet and offering a hand to pull Y/N up as well. “And nothing happened right?” he asks hopefully.
“You mean I can’t be the one to announce the new celebrity couple that became a couple on my show?” James continues to tease as Lewis’ face reaches a similar shade of red as Y/N.
“I- well,” he stumbles trying to figure out how to answer before settling just adjusting his shirt.
“I’m just teasing you two,” he finally says. “I’m glad this ended far better than what I was expecting to find back here. I’ll leave you two lovebirds be.” He slips out of the room quickly, pulling the door shut behind him.
As the door shuts, both Lewis and Y/N exhale in relief, immediately glancing toward one another at the sound, and a fit of laughter taking over both of them.
“It only took us about eight years, two record label deals, a worldwide tour, several songs written together, and a fuck up on live television for us to admit we’ve liked each other since we were 16. I’d call that a massive success,” Lewis grins as he pulls her in close to him again.
“Oh is that all?” she says shaking her head, “Couldn’t have gone smoother.”
“So… food?” he suggests, draping his arm across her shoulders. “There’s no use hiding it when you told the world already.”
“Good point,” she muses leaning into his side. “Pizza?”
“You read my mind.”
Song mentioned as being theirs are ‘All You Never Say’ by Birdy, and ‘lost’ by Loote. Chose those since the vibe of the lyrics fit the type of song I was looking for with this :)
Request List
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betwccnworlds · 3 years
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bond tags!!!
Hey brother; there’s an endless road to discover. ‘What if I lose it all?’ Brother I’ll help you out ; Philip & Howell ; bornspellcaster
Even if we’re far away we’re connected in this place where smiles bloom ; TaaKravHow ; souldraggedmuses
It's like you have a spark that leaves me burning. Feels right just being around you. Yeah you’re the one ; DariusHowell ; amethystslimeking
If you’re lost out there in the night; wishing on stars & wondering who you are; Know that you’re never alone; Noel & Howell ; mirrcredgold
You’ve got all the love you need. So run surefooted; newly free; Luz & Howell ; bornspellcaster
Somehow we’ve managed to make it this far. It’s been one wild ride. Nothing I can’t do with you by my side ; Kiki & Howell ; bornspellcaster
No distance could ever tear us apart. There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do. I’ll find my way back to you ; HowHolBerChar
You’re okay. You’re alright. I will never ever leave your side ; Alvar & Howell
There’s still good in you. I’ve always seen it. Please show me I’m not wrong ; Belos & Howell ; bornspellcaster
When you touch my hand it all goes away. The things I would say. I keep rambling on & sound so cliche ; RaineHowell ; scngbard
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Silver Lining: Chapter 4
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In which you and George decide to make the most of life after meeting up at the wrong place at just the right time…
w/c: 6k
a/n: This is the second to last chapter, guys! Ah! It's been such fun to write, and as always I'm looking forward to hearing all your thoughts and feelings! ♡
taglist: @etherealallure​ @maria-josefin​ @shelbygirlsclubx​ @loulouloueh​ @clarkewithameme​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @weyheyavengers​ @queen-bunnyears​
< Last Chapter Next Chapter>
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The halls of the resort were immaculate, the sound of your hurried stomp echoed through them. You had hardly taken the time to appreciate the well-lit space with the way you zoomed up to the third floor- fist clenched at your side. You knew exactly what to expect, holding no hope for any other possibility.
And as you hurriedly knocked on the soft cream door of room 500, you hadn't even really noticed how George was hot on your trail; though lagging a bit behind to catch his breath on a winding staircase.
There was muffled chatter from behind the door you approached, the sound causing your patience to wear thin. So you went on knocking until the sound of a lock being turned proceeded its fateful opening.
"What? What is it- oh."
Colin was stood in the sliver of the open door, dressed in a sloppily tied hotel robe. And even though he seemed unprepared to greet anyone, a wicked grin painted his lips, as if he'd somehow been expecting to see you, all the same. The sight of him was enough to set your blood to a boil and the sound of his stupid grumbly voice nearly drove you to a psychotic break right then and there.
"What are you doing here?" You asked in a growl through your teeth. As soon as the desk attendant shot you a pitiful glare, you knew what was going on. You weren't surprised to see your almost ex-husband guarding the entrance to the room you booked for your honeymoon. But you were well and truly seething that he had the gall to enjoy any kind of leisure time during the period he should have somehow been paying for his moral crimes.
"Well, darling, as I recall it, I wanted to come here. You wanted to go to Rome. Looks like we've both gotten what we want, hm?"
"Don't call me-" You spat, glaring at him with a look you wish could kill.
"Alright- alright, It's been a lovely visit but I've had quite enough of you," Colin moved to shut the door, but in some odd reflex, you moved to stop it. You didn't really want to see much more of the guy. You didn't even realize you had more to say. But curses and blames started spouting out of you, pent up for too long.
Colin wasn't listening though. Why would he?  He did his own talking, right over top of you, complaining about the things he always hated about your life together, how much time he wasted on you. You were arguing the things you both always knew but were never brave enough to say in the stability of your mediocre romance.
"It's just like you to show up and ruin the only bit of good life has thrown my way in the past week." You hissed.
"Oh please, I gave you more good than you'll ever get again." Colin boasted, always one to make mention of wealth and status, no matter the situation or topic.
As you stood trying desperately trying to think up a comeback, you were too blinded by anger to say anymore.
That's when another voice, strained from hurrying after you, floated around the corner.
"Y/n? What's- oh" George's concerned expression morphed into some surprising glare when he turned to see who had already taken residence in the room you booked. George stalled in place, managing to steady himself in a flash even with all the momentum he'd gained on his race to catch up to you.
"Who the hell are you?" Colin asked in a condescending snort of a laugh that made the meter tracking your rage fly up and over the ballistic marker, sending you to short circuit.
But there was nothing more to say or do. Colin likely wouldn't give up his stay if you demanded, and even if he decided too, you wouldn't have wanted to stay in a room your ex-fiance had just been occupying. You knew he was only blocking your entry so he might have some kind of last laugh. And he got it, didn't he? With a frustrated groan, you spun on your heels and stormed away in the same fashion you'd hurried up here.
"Enjoy your holiday" You heard George offer Colin some semblance of a goodbye, though his tone was strained and withholding, he was still polite. But you were too busy fuming to admire the little ways George fascinated you.
You didn't have time to meet the desk attendants worried gaze as you stormed past his desk and out of the resort doors. You didn't have the sense to feel sorry for breaking up a group of birds from enjoying someone's discarded cup of ice cream as you paced toward a row of tall trees at the edge of the car park.
You knew the fun would have to end soon, but you were ignorant to the possibility of this trip ending in the same frustrating manner the night before your wedding had. Colin was at the worst place at the right time and he got just what he wanted, leaving you to pay the price once more. But you probably deserved it. You were really beginning to wonder if life could be lived in the dreamlike haze that Rome provided. You should have known better.
And just like always, when you least expected it, George slowly sauntered toward where you lingered kicking rocks at trees.
"Only you would run into someone you know on holiday in Barcelona" He echoed the same wry joke you gave him in Rome, but now was different. Now was ruined and you were struggling not to cry.
"I'm sorry, George. I thought this was going to be endless fun, and I don't know what I was thinking, dragging you along, and now its all ruined and I just-"
"It's not ruined." George gently cut through your monologue in that marvelously confusing way of his; pointing out the bright side that you really couldn't see, especially right now. "It doesn't have to be anyway." You just kept your befuddled gaze on him as he went on...
"He can keep the resort. It was far too posh anyway. Why don't we find a place on the beach and make the best of it?"
"You.. you still want to?" You breathed a humorless laugh. Your shoulders relaxed as you attempted to come away from your anger, and tried to understand why on earth George was still on board this wild ride.
"Well, we're already here. And... you promised I could choose our next adventure." George teased, offering a grin and reading his brows, coaxing you to smile too. You just stared at him, taking note of his relaxed disposition, his gentleness. It practically radiated from him.
"I'll go fetch our bags if you find a cab?" George nodded, already beginning to walk backward toward the entrance of the resort. And with the way he took the action you felt no option but to agree to join in, nodding on your turn to hail a ride.
The cab driver you flagged down was almost sickeningly helpful. She listed off a few dozen places to stay adding her personal favorite perks of every place. She waved goodbye when you and George stretched out onto the pavement of a hotel a decent number of miles away from the resort you'd come from.
The hotel you'd chosen was right on a golden beach, a quaint little stucco styled building. Inside was decorated in natural tones and plants and flowers. George insisted on splitting the cost when you wouldn't let him pay for the whole thing.
You thought of renting two separate small rooms four floors apart, but that seemed silly since you were basically on this trip together. So because the price was the same, you booked a suite with two small rooms joined by a galley kitchen and called it a day.
So after lugging your bags into the spot you'd keep them for the next week, there was nothing left to worry over. The mini bar in the lobby was serving drink specials; you decided since it wasn't quite time for dinner or bed, the day you had called for some form of immediate indulgence.
The bar was full of seasoned vacationers, sharing finger foods and margaritas. A kind bar keep managed to take your order before you'd even settled at the bar top. "You know what, I better just get this over with." You decided, pulling your phone from your pocket. You'd promised to call your mother often, and you knew you had to tell her what had just gone down. The sooner the better, you realized, because you didn't want to dwell on Colin or anything you had to endure hearing from the guy. You wanted to forget everything that had happened and spend the rest of your vacation having at least a little bit of fun.
You pushed past a door into the warm afternoon, settling against a wooden post of the patio where families lingered to shake off the sand from the beach before heading back inside the hotel.
Your mother answered the phone as she had days ago, worried before you'd even gotten the chance to say hello. So you didn't even try to mask your greeting with fake charm. You headed straight into the details of your upsetting encounter. How the start of your stay in this beautiful city was permanently soiled with the memory of Colin.
"I tried to warn you." Your mother spoke theatrically. You wondered if she could hear your furrow your brow, because she went on to explain herself. "I heard from Shirley, who heard from Dr. McCarther, that Colin's mother said he left for the airport a day ago."
So that's why she'd been so frantic on the phone, before.
"I tried to warn you, deary. I know how much you wanted this trip to be some kind of escape." She commiserated in the way only mothers know how to best.
"Yeah, I'm determined to keep it that way. We're staying at the beach now, instead." You spoke decidedly.
"Well, now that I've got your attention might I suggest coming home?" Your mother scolded. "I understand what you're going through but is taking off with some stranger really-"
You blocked out everything she said after that. Your mother meant well, you knew, but she had no idea what you were going through. She'd been happily married for decades. And she didn't know George.
You just couldn't go one talking about this situation. Sure Colin did his best to rain on your parade, but the heavens gave you one last shot to go a little wild. You were here, with George and there was no changing that. So you ended the call with the promise you were safe and sound and planned to keep it that way. Then you marched back inside repeating the mantra to yourself.
"What your mother must think of me," George pulled a face as you eased into the seat at the dark wooden bar, next to him. "I cringe to wonder."
"Oh, you think I'm calling home to report about you, Mr. Movie star?" You joked, jabbing George in the arm with your elbow. At this point, the little gesture felt familiar and you'd only wondered if you'd been to forward after the fact. If George was put off by it, his broad grin was only contradicted by the smallest shake of his head, eyes averted to a waiter who happily served your drinks.
The next day you woke up early and headed to see Casa Batlló. In fact, in just the first couple of days, you managed to see the majority of Gaudi's creations. It was divine, taking the time to admire the buildings and listen to other tourists yammer on about what they'd come to see and why they were so excited to be in the city.
There were fleeting moments, for the first day or two, when you worried Colin wasn't finished sabotaging your trip. That he might pop out of nowhere and pretend he was the one who was once so excited to take a tour of a modern art museum. But you realized he was never keen to your well-planned list. In fact, you planned most of your trip with the knowledge that Collin would be off meeting business partners and making deals. You needed something to occupy your time, and you never imagined having anyone to experience each little adventure with you.
That's what made George's presence all the more exciting.
Besides that, you'd seemed to have fallen into a familiar routine with George. And not just in the way you'd gone about planning out your days. You'd began to predict each other's lunch orders and what you'd both might have enjoyed most about each little adventure, and why. You'd began to pick up on many of George's little quirks...
Like how every place you went, people noticed George, but he didn't seem to notice their lingering gazes. You could never be sure if passerby recognized him like you once had, or if they were only struck by his perfect features like you often were.
But this didn't mean he gave anyone a cold shoulder. No, George was as friendly to the people running market booths and passerby as he was to you, offering smiles and asking about the details of the flowers they were selling.
He brought up serious things at the strangest times. Like how he told you some deep dark secret in passing over midday coffee, just as you'd come away from raving about the cup you held in your hands. George would ask intense questions as you stood on the edge of a garden watching a street band play where children danced near the makeshift drums. His timing always seemed strange and unexpected; but as you went on talking about whatever might have been brought up, you realized you felt completely comfortable sharing your own answers and hearing his in turn.
George gave answers that were well thought out, even if they were just yes or no. And he listened when you did the same, nodding and laughing at every right time.
Then there was how you shared silence together. Even when there weren't words to trade, the glances and nods you passed to each other seemed to speak for themselves.
And when you lied on the beach, breathing in the salty air while the sounds of scattered laughter were dulled by crashing waves, the silence between you and George was easy.
George looked perfectly comfy with a new ratty paperback held above his face. You wondered how many tiny storybooks he's backed away, and how many times he'd read them, with such worn covers.
When you pointed out boats on the far off horizon, George wasn't upset to be disrupted his reading. He indulged every one of your passing thoughts before turning another page, reading on till one of you had reason to speak up again.
But when you closed your eyes to soak up the warmth of the sun, your peace was broken when George uttered a strange noise. You lifted your sunglasses, turning your head to find a hard plastic frisbee had invaded the space you set up.
"I'm so sorry!" A girl rushed toward you, apologizing in an accented squeak. Her hair was flowing honey brown, her bathing suit was sunny yellow. She was the kind of picture-perfect girl that when mirrored against your own image, alerted you to the things you liked least about yourself.
"We're just learning how to play," She shyly reached out for the frisbee George had taken into his clutch, after it hit him on the knee.
"It's not too hard. Keep your eye on the prize next time, aye?" George extended the plastic disc to the girl.
She giggled. You feigned a chuckle in response as you slid your sunnies back on.  George spun off into some story about the correct frisbee stance and how it was tougher than it looked.
"Care to lead by example? We're hopeless." The foreign girl bit her lip with a hopeful gaze and that was all it took to get George to his feet.
Before he left, though, he handed his book to you with a smile. "Safe hands." He gave you a look as you settled back into your spot, giving him a similar expression before watching him skip off to meet the group of girls, showing them all the perfect frisbee stance, whatever the hell that even meant. How hard could it really be?
You only turned your gaze to the book in your possession, pretending to read it, but more so admiring the pages as you tried to understand what made them so important to George, what he valued. Wondering what tomorrow might bring.
Four days in, a heavy downpour halted your plans to frolic through the streets of Barcelona. You had become absolutely taken with the city and every time a new adventure died down, the pair of you would dream up what to do with the rest of your time.
So when dense pelts of rain woke you up, you frowned, but George seemed at ease, of course. He was just as excited to plan a day in.
He ordered extra from room service and found a foreign movie channel on the television in his room. The pair of you kicked back on the decently-sized bed he'd made up and added your own commentary to the films you couldn't quite understand. You ended having a blast making up storylines of your own as movies passed by the screen, and you shared plates of fruits while the rain poured on.
It was easy to get lost in George's company, no matter what you were doing. You realized you were treading dangerous waters, letting yourself feel so engulfed by his presence. But you let yourself all the same, determined to make the most of this rare occasion that would soon become nothing but a fleeting occasional memory.
Then it came time to attend the cooking class you'd signed up for. The website where the sign up sheet came from encouraged everyone who did to make time to visit La Boqueria beforehand. The market was only just around the corner from where the cooking class was held, and it was the place all the ingredients you'd work with would have been purchased.
You and George roamed around stalls for almost too long, exchanging favorite recipes, kitchen horror stories, and successes. You'd nearly forgotten where you were on your way too and had to hurry around a couple of corners to make it to the class on time.
When you arrived in a rush, the people who'd made it there on time were mingling inside a building made up of big tall windows and white brick. Most of them stared, bewildered by your hurry inside. There was still time to spare it seemed.
And as you eased in to join the group who'd already been waiting, past a few warm welcomes, you recognized one greeting out of the rest.
It was the girl from the beach who couldn't manage to get the hang of throwing a frisbee. Though you had a hunch she'd know exactly what she was aiming for, that day.  And there was no doubt she'd recognized you now, or rather, George.
He greeted her warmly, with kindness, like George did best. You gave her a smile and a shrug, accepting that she wasn't keen to give you the time of day. In fact as she greeted George in turn, she mentioned only signing up for this class after he mentioned something about it during their impromptu frisbee lesson.
Luckily that was about the time the instructor made his grand appearance.
A tall slender man with dark hair tousled and big green eyes slid into the room with a perfect smile. He introduced himself as Aureo, and you were nearly blinded by his beauty. He was just the right amount of good looking, a little intimidating, but all too well-spoken, he was like a male version of a siren.  
As Aureo spoke enthusiastically about the wonders your cooking class was about to embark upon, it seemed everyone was just as smitten with the instructor. Even George seemed dazzled, his wide eyes entirely fixated on the fellow.  
As Aureo went on explaining the class and began to delve into the foundations of cooking and the joy of food, his forest-colored eyes kept sweeping over to meet yours. His smile never faltered as he helped each attendant set up their kitchen. You and George were meant to stick together, as most of the people who'd come had brought a friend or two in tow. But the frisbee girl was all on her own.
Aureo was quick to assign her to join up with another pair of ladies, who were more than happy to accept her. But as you watched the slim girl move further toward the back of the room you watched her smile falter.
Soon, you got to cooking a basic version of paella with some fun added twists, and some pa amb tomàquet. Between demonstrations, Aureo made rounds to help everyone set up and start in.
You and George settled into your usual comfortable banter, shoving each other out of the way while you playfully bickered over the cooking instructions. George compared the duty to The Great British Bake off, laughing at how some of the other mini kitchen's were fretting over doing the exact right task at the exact right time.
The room made up of windows was full of warm sunlight and delightful smells. And in between everything was Aureo. You swore you felt your heart stop each time you caught him glancing your way. Never before had you felt so drawn to someone but simultaneously cautious of the same thing.
"Are you going to flirt back or leave that man hopelessly gawking your way the whole afternoon?" George wondered after you'd been caught averting a prolonged gaze with the guy teaching you to cook something new.
"Oh, I can't he's way out of my league." You fretted, searching for a certain spice on the rack in your cabinet space. "Plus I just got my courage up to say something and he's not even looking over here anymore." You pouted while George chopped up a lemon, chucking at your disposition.
You looked over to find Aureo leaning over a woman's shoulder as she offered him a bite of a cut-up pepper. He seemed to have forgotten all about you, actually, admiring the pretty, starry-eyed girl he was circling now.
"It's because he watched me shove fresh bread in my face like a monster and now I'm totally unkissable and he'll never even look my way again ." You joked. As much as you'd liked the attention the instructor kept giving you, there was something holding you back from giving in all the way.
The man was a walking angel, a vision, and he kept looking right at you with something undeniable burning behind his gaze. That was pretty nice.
"You're perfectly kissable, now let's get you that man." George raised his hand, polite as ever, even while scheming.
But you couldn't tell if he meant it, or if he was just trying to shift your attention elsewhere so he could flirt back with the hot girl who'd been shamelessly swooning over George all afternoon. She would shoot her smile across the room, laughing a little when George happily grinned back.
Low and behold, when Aureo came over to ask what you needed, and you made up some excuse about confusing measurements, the frisbee girl took a chance to come prancing over too. Her name was Renee, and her excuse for invading your kitchen was honestly to borrow some sugar. No one needed any sugar. It was a bloody free for all, and all you could seem to focus on was Aureo's warm hand trailing across your lower back as he went on telling you exactly what to do next.
When he left you, his glances somehow became more persistent, and you felt certain you were living in some kind of fever dream. And he kept coming back.
At first, to ask what music you'd prefer played over the background speaker, insisting if you said the word and he'd waltz back to change the song. Aureo was cunningly persistent, and you didn't mind his brief but blush filled visits. Especially since George had an admirer of his own.
Renee waltzed over, asking George about his stay in Barcelona so far. He kept mentioning the things you'd enjoyed together, asking you how you remembered certain things, and Renee would cast a glance your way. It was empty and unfeeling, just for show before her focus settled completely back to George.
And you couldn't blame her. He was so easy to observe.
You thought you'd started to figure George out by now, but of course, you hadn't. He still laughed about things you didn't realize he'd even noticed. He still looked at you in a way you couldn't understand. Even while he was talking to Renee.
As all the food started to come together, everyone went around trying each other's dishes. Renee made herself at home on your countertop, gushing over George's skills in the kitchen. As they got to talking about their favorite foods, she took a shot at asking him to someplace in the city with the best coffee he absolutely had to try.
Renee was serious, her big doe eyes gazing up at him with her fingers crossed behind her back. As George hesitated to respond, the girl was called back to her kitchen when their food had finished cooking.
When she sulked away with a glance over her shoulder to George who had already turned his attention back to the wonderful pa amb tomàquet you'd managed to create, you felt for the poor girl.
"Are you afraid of trying the best coffee ever and ruining your taste for every other cup for the rest of time?" You chuckled, leaning against the counter while George happily snacked away.
"I suppose we could stop in if you're so keen." George shrugged, none the wiser.
"Wouldn't you want to go with Renne?" You pushed, giving the guy a little laugh as you reached for one of the bits of bread on a silver platter.
"I've only just met her." George started off chuckling, but as he spoke he seemed to realize what it was he was saying. You shared a look, considering how Geogres soft smile remained, but turned into an expression more serious that you couldn't quite understand. But your smile blossomed into a burst of a laugh.
"You didn't even know my name when you gave me your phone number." You pestered, doing your best to ignore how speaking about it made my stomach fill with butterflies. How thinking back to this whole thing started seemed crazy, but in a good way.
"That was different." George searched your face, his brilliant blue eyes full of something he wasn't saying. Something he thought, or maybe hoped, you understood.
Somehow, after a few silent moments passed while you went on lazily tidying up your kitchen,  George said something about how he'd come here with you, and didn't want to leave you out of anything. He said that if you made plans with Aureo, that he'd make plans with Renee. But It felt like a dare. It didn't feel like a change of plans. It felt like some kind of game.
And the next thing you knew, you motioned Aureo over toward you and asked his favorite place to go dancing.
You slept in the next morning, content far from home. You stretched slowly into the morning, taking your sweet time getting ready for the day. As you padded into the galley kitchen to kick start the automatic coffee machine, you didn't expect any company.
"Goodmorning!" George greeted, coming from around the corner with an empty teacup in his clutch. You gasped, taken aback by his sudden appearance for once.
"I thought you were supposed to be drinking the world's best coffee with the world prettiest girl, today?" You sighed a laugh, relaxing against the counter as your heart rate eased back to normal. You had thought you heard him make plans before leaving the class, last night.
George set down his cup turning to face you while the coffee machine crackled to life.
"I decided against it. I'm sorry, I thought I told you so."
"Oh," You frowned in realization, wondering when he went about changing his mind.
Yesterday, as you'd lost yourself in a giggle-filled conversation with Aureo before the class ended, George seemed to be getting on well with Renee in the corner. What had happened?
"Well, now I'll feel bad about leaving you later." You spoke up, searching for a mug in the limited cabinet space.
"Oh, you shouldn't. I trust you'll have a good time. Renee was sweet. Just..."
"Yeah, yeah..." You pretended to understand, having no clue what George was being so weird about. "Want some of the world's most mediocre coffee?" You laughed, pouring yourself a cup to enjoy the morning, well, afternoon by this point.
The weather was a bit gloomy again, but the rain held off, giving you the perfect chance to whip out a set of playing cards on the balcony barely big enough to fit either of you together. When the time came to start getting ready, you were conflicted.
"You won't feel bad if I go?" You asked. Because George had basically been following your lead this whole trip, even asking if you were happy with the little things he thought up to do, before going about doing them.
"I'll be perfectly happy so long as you are." George did little to persuade you one way or another, which was funny considering how he'd coaxed you into giving Aureo a little attention the day before.
Ultimately, you got ready to go out. The cooking instructor had given you an address to meet up with him after his workday ended, and after a quick google search, you found it was a pretty popular night club. As you slid into an outfit, you almost wondered if you should invite George along. But as soon as the thought passed through your mind, so did a million other reasons why that was a bad idea.
"How's this?" You genuinely worried over how you looked, rushing to stand still in the doorway of the room you'd been occupying. George was stood in the kitchen, sporting joggers, holding a glass of water in one hand, and a new, old tattered book in the other.
"Oh.... you, well..." The guy looked you up and down, failing to come up with an assured answer. That was what you'd expected, a simple yes or no, maybe even a reason for whatever answer he'd chosen. Like always. But he just stated different conjunctions while you pulled at the hem of a dress you weren't sure how to feel about.
"Well, it'll have to do. I'm late." You sighed, hurrying to fetch your room key from the counter and fasten your shoes on. Aureo was probably already waiting up for you outside of the nightclub he insisted on showing you too, after you'd asked.
"Right well, see ya." George watched you scurry out into the hallway with a quick wave.
On your speed walk down the stairs, you couldn't help but kick yourself for not giving George a proper goodbye, even if you were in a rush. You'd felt so conflicted, leaving him. You didn't have a doubt he'd be happy on his own, but you'd come to function as some kind of team on this trip. Leaving seemed unnatural.
Aureo was standing in a well fitted, casual suit jacket with matching short cuffed trousers. His already brilliant features lit up when he saw you hurrying to cross the street.
As you met up with him you apologized for being late, feeling a bit bashful as he stepped even closer to hear you speak. His accent added something even more enchanting to his already velvety voice, when he assured it was fine and how excited he was to show you to his favorite club in the city.
The way his emerald green eyes traveled across your figure before he complimented your dress made you weak in the knees. His warm hand across the small of your back as he guided you inside.
There were three levels you could see, people dancing close to massive speakers, leaning over the rails of each floor to wave to their friends above and below. The lights were dim except every now and again when they flashed to the beat of some decently enjoyable pop music.
The bar wrapped around three corners, liquor decorating the walls of the lower level. That's where you headed first, insisting Aureo order you something he enjoyed best since this was his scene.
Some fancy mixed drink slid across the counter soon after he'd ordered as if they'd been expecting him. It wasn't long before your own drink came, some electric blue liquid in a crystal glass.
That's how the night started, taking some time to enjoy your drink before Aureo pulled you toward the dance floor. He was good, of course, and you didn't even have time to worry over the steps you were missing as he guided you along. It was stupidly fun, spinning around, bumping into people who'd laughed because they'd just bumped into you as well. Spirits were high, and between songs, you kept going back for more drinks.
Every pause, Aureo talked about cooking. You happily listened, trying to soak up everything about your surroundings at once.
You were a few drinks in, and the room was already close to spinning. But you were having so much fun. You slammed back another electric blue drink and twirled back to the dance floor.
There was something about the bass line in the chorus of Justin Timberlake's "Filthy" that you couldn't resist. And the floor was packed with dancers who must have felt the same. As you went on trying your best not to lose Aureo in the crowd while simultaneously losing yourself to the music, you felt your alcoholic haze turn into a fever of sorts.
As you raced away from the music, there was a mile-long line to either restroom, so you headed straight for the back exit.
You spilled out into a long dark alley where dumpsters lived. There were distant bouts of laughter coming from smokers at either end, so you spun between a trash can and a discarded broken shelf and proceeded to get sick.
It was an unceremonious end to your efforts to have a blast. And what was worse, how you still felt dizzy and down.
It wasn't long before Aureo came to check on you. He was the perfect gentleman, holding your hair back for round two and asking what you needed.
You apologized several hundred times for ruining the fun when you decided it was best just to go back to your hotel. You asked Aureo if you could make it up to him in a day or so. You were drunk enough to speak without considering your offer but sober enough from your episode that you managed to pull yourself together to go back where you came from.
Aureo insisted on giving you a ride back, fretting over getting you home safe. You were drunk enough to accept his ride without worry and sober enough to give him directions.
The guy put his number in your phone when you pulled up to the hotel because you felt the need to make up for the way you ended the night. You wanted a redo. And this way seemed like a common courtesy by now...
Aureo insisted on walking you up to the room, he seemed truly worried over your well being, and that endeared you to him more than you already had been.
"I'll call you, okay?" you promised the guy while you unlocked your hotel door, after thanking him for being so kind and bringing you back. He nodded, those pretty emerald eyes searching yours as you slipped inside after saying goodbye.
The lights were off in the tiny common area, and you focused all your energy on creeping back to your room without disturbing the peace. You failed by running into the corner, steadying yourself with a whine as you opened your bedroom door.
"Are you alright?"
You were caught.
"Sorry if I woke you up." You spoke low, even though there was no point in keeping quiet now that George was standing near your side, speaking gently to you.
"You're back quite early," George went on, seeming worried over how you sulked in the doorway after pushing open your bedroom door.
"Yeah... I just don't feel good." You admitted. But you didn't feel sick anymore. You just felt tired. You actually felt a lot like you had when you'd drank too much before, when your head filled up and nothing made sense.
With a gentle, "Come on." George pushed you further into your bedroom. You slumped onto the unmade bed, unlacing your shoes in an impressive hurry. George was gone when you looked up again, tossing each shoe across the room. You fell against your pillows with a sorry groan, shutting your eyes, and wondering if you'd made some kind of mistake tonight.
That's when George shuffled back in, quiet as a mouse. You kept your eyes shut, but heard him rest a glass of water on your bedside table. The sound of your door creaking shut made your heart sink.
When you thought to yourself how badly you wished George would have stayed by your side, you realized the depths of the shit you were in. You realized exactly why you felt so bad. You couldn't ignore it anymore.
You wanted so much more from George, and he was already giving you more than you deserved.
───※ ·❆· ※───
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Opposites (Ezra x Reader)
Summary: Being a freelance digger you landed on The Green Moon in search for treasure, and found more than you expected. You meet Ezra - a man you used to work with in the past. You had a history, but this relationship led to nothing. Is it a good idea to team up with him again, or not? Soon you’ll find out. 
Words: 6 130
Warnings: Sexual content (quite fluffy, but still)
Note: Okay... I totally didn’t expect this movie to hit me THAT hard, but I guess it happened - I wrote a fic. And it’s rather long, omg. So... What you need to know about me is that I very seldom write about not Sam Rockwell characters, so this story is smth a bit out of my comfort zone. Also this is only the 2nd time I’m trying to write some kind of an action scene and it’s a real struggle for me to put such things into words (English is not my native language). Anyway, since I’m new to Pedro Pascal fandom and since I haven’t seen much content with this particular character (why though???), I’m very curious (and slightly anxious) about people’s opinions on this story. So, your feedback is greatly appreciated! But please be gentle :’D 
@biobiopsy​, you asked me to tag you, so here you go :)
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That day was totally not the best in your carrier. After spending hours wandering over the wilds of The Green Moon, all you had in your case was a couple of gems. It was getting late and your filter was almost spent, but you still haven’t found a decent aurelac deposit.
After a short break you decided to head back to your ship. The filter wasn’t going to last long anyways. Maybe tomorrow you’d be luckier… But as you were just about to leave, something caught your eye. The ground… Was it what you thought it was? You got closer, took off your backpack and reached for the kit.
No way. No fucking way. It was a freaking goldmine!
Finally the fortune seemed to smile upon you! But now you had a problem: he deposit was large; getting the gems takes time, you knew from experience that rush is your worst enemy when it comes to this. Damn it! Why didn’t you just take a spare filter with you?
A sudden rustle from behind interrupted your thoughts. Your reaction was fast - you turned around abruptly, jerking out the thrower.
- Whoa, easy… Y/n??
You blinked in confusion. The man, standing in front of you, was someone you totally didn’t expect to meet right here and right now.
- Ezra?
Yes, it obviously was him. A man you used to work with about a year ago as a part of diggers team. He didn’t seem to change at all: same bold look in his dark brown eyes, same bright smile… You still remembered kissing those lips once - something you wished to forget, and almost succeeded in this… But life was never predictable.
- Damn, y/n, is it really you? Long time no see… It’s been a year, huh?
- Guess so, - you nodded, the weapon still pointed at him.
- Hey, come on, I came in peace, - Ezra chuckled, but you didn’t move.
- It’s my place, - you said harshly.
- Is it? Forgive me, but I don’t see any signs saying it’s exclusively yours.
- I got here first. The Green is big enough, go find your own.
- So we’ve just met and you’re already asking me to leave? That’s not very nice. Didn’t you miss me? - He smirked cockily.
- Not really.
- Shame. Cause I did. Where’s your team, y/n?
- I’m working for myself now.
- Oh. Why’s that?
- People can betray, - you snapped. - Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean.
- Really? So that’s the reason you’re so mad? My so called “betrayal”?
- You stole the gems and disappeared. What else should I call it?
- Hey! Let me remind you, I didn’t take the entire harvest, just took what’s mine. I think that’s fair enough. And… Whatever you call it, you should know - it has absolutely nothing to do with you. It’s all about the asshole we used to work for these days. As far as I remember, you thought he’s an asshole too, right?
- Right. You knew that. So you could at least let me know about your plans.
- I… - He stumbled, - Only didn’t want to get you in trouble. Plus you kinda pushed me away so I didn’t want to be too persistent.
- Wow, you’re such a gentleman, - you replied sarcastically. Ezra let out an annoyed sigh.
- Anyway, I’m not here to steal anything from you. I would never do such a thing. I just wanted to offer a helping hand, - he continued.
- So far, I somehow manage without you.
- And I’ve never called it in question. But hey, this deposit… it’s really impressive. There’s more than enough aurelac for both of us, and together we can harvest it way faster. I mean… you don’t want other floaters to come across it, do you?
There was something suspicious about the way he talked… You narrowed your eyes examining his face through the glass helmet.
- You need something from me, right? Apart from the gems.
- Huh?.. - It was his turn now to look confused.
- What about your team, Ezra? - You cocked an eyebrow. - Where is it?
- I uh… See, I’m not always work in a team, sometimes I run solo as well…
- Okay. What about your ship than?
- Uh…
- Let me guess. They flew away and left you here, did they?
From his expression you could already guess the answer.
- Something like that. We had a kind of a… Misunderstanding.
- Well… Guess now you see how the karma works, - you couldn’t suppress a chuckle.
- Haha. Very funny, - he grimaced. - Look, I’m really sorry about what happened… Between us, okay? Believe it or not, I don’t wanna cause you any harm. I’m actually really glad to see you… Even though you keep pointing this thing at me. I’m not an enemy. Just think of it - we can be really helpful for each other. I’ve no doubts you are prehensile enough to understand.
“Prehensile”... Only Ezra could use such kind of a word in his regular speech... Maybe that’s why he was always good at convincing. But this time it wasn’t even about benefits or something. Was he helpful or not, one thing you knew for sure: you couldn’t leave him like that.
There was also another, less noble reason to accept his suggestion: you couldn’t stay here any longer, and leaving right now meant giving him your deposit.
- Fine, - you finally put the thrower down. - My filter is very low. Could you share?
- Sure, - Ezra smiled, his posture instantly getting more relaxed. - Although mine’s not new as well… Not much for the two people… But at least we can start working. There’s still time until it gets dark.
- Deal, - you agreed.
- Hey, y/n.
- Yes?
- I’m glad you’re doing well. Really.
“Sounds like he means it”, you thought.
- Yeah… Glad you’re doing well too… Or at least you’re alive and optimistic.
- This is the way I am, sweetheart, - he winked.
- Please don’t do that.
- What?
- Don’t call me “sweetheart”. Or I’ll change my mind about giving you a ride.
- Alright, no problem, - Ezra made a serious face. - You’re the boss.
- Let’s get to it, than.
Darkness already blinded the sky above The Green Moon completely when you finally reached your ship.
- So this beauty is all yours, huh? Not too bad! - Ezra nodded approvingly, looking around.
- Well, I’m actually still paying for it… But yep, it’s mine. This ship is my home, so treat it respectfully, okay?
- Of course. I bet after the harvest we’re about to get you’ll be able to pay the rest easily.
- That’s why I chose working for myself. When you work for someone, it’s exhausting as fuck, and you don’t get nearly as much profit as you expect. Plus the people are sometimes assholes. But that’s not even the point. The point is - I have no idea how much time it would take me to earn enough if I kept working like I used to.
- You’re right, that’s a hell of a job. Don’t do that anymore either… Well, maybe some occasional contract gig when I’m not occupied with something else… Only I still prefer working with partners, you know… Someone who shares my views.
- Yeah, you’re apparently too talkative to stay alone for a long time.
- What can I do? - Ezra scoffed. - I’m a heart and soul of a party.
- And here’s where it took you… - You remarked. 
He just shrugged.
- Everything happens for a reason. You got something to eat?..
After an improvised dinner you spent a couple of hours revising supplies and preparing for tomorrow. When everything was ready, you took a wise decision to get some rest. Even though you covered the deposit with mud and moss as much as you possibly could before leaving, you still had to return to the dig early, or your place could be discovered by someone else.
- Hey, can I ask you something? - You said when you both were lying on the cots opposite each other.
- Shoot.
- What were you actually going to do? I mean… You’re alone here, with no ship, with the last filter left…What was your plan?
- Plan?.. Well I thought of finding some settlers and ask them. Perhaps I could bargain for something…
- Like what?
- No idea. I’d figure something out, I always do. That’s how I survive, - Ezra shrugged.
- This is crazy.
- Maybe. But you just can’t be prepared for absolutely anything.
- I’m at least trying to.
- Yeah, right. You hate asking for help, do you? Also I think you’ve got trust issues, sweetheart.
- I just choose to rely on myself, not someone else in the first place. And I don’t consider it an issue, end of story. And by the way, what did I tell you about “sweetheart”?
- Fine, fine, whatever you say, - he threw his hands up jokingly. You rolled your eyes.
- You know what? We could actually make a great team, - Ezra suddenly went after a pause.
- Seriously? - You huffed. - What makes you think so?
- Opposites attract.
- Bullshit. Go to sleep already.
With this you turned away from him. As you closed your eyes, you could hear him chuckling. What a cocky bastard. Yet you had to admit, at least to yourself - you really kind of missed him.
You woke up even earlier than expected. Partly due to nervous anticipation and partly because another person’s presence on your ship next to you felt a bit awkward. 
Ezra was still asleep, and you caught yourself staring at his calm and peaceful features with a subtle tender sensation deep inside your chest… What’s wrong with you, y/n? A guy you had a vaguely romantic relationship with about a year ago appears out of the blue and you’re already melting. What a shame. And yet… You couldn’t help thinking about what may have happened if you didn’t push him away, if you weren’t afraid… What exactly you were afraid of? Getting too close?.. Perhaps he was right about trust issues though… No, this relationship would most certainly lead to nothing. You’re too different in many ways…
Opposites attract.
You shook your head. There was no time for self-scrutiny at the moment. You had to concentrate on work. Once it’s done, you’d have time to figure out your feelings. And also find out if you can really trust him or not.
Decidedly, you stood up and reached out to shake his shoulder.
- Wake up, sleeping beauty. The gems are not gonna dig themselves out.
The man let out a soft grunt.
- Seriously, Ezra. I’m not gonna tell you twice.
- Alright, alright, I’m awake, - he squinted at you. - You’re not very sweet in the mornings, you know that?
- I’ll take it as a compliment.
It was an extremely productive day. You had to admit: working with a partner was way more effective than doing it alone. With Ezra’s help you also managed to bring and set a tent where you could have breaks and eat without returning to the ship. It saved you lots of time.
One of today’s trophies you were particularly proud of. You already sensed something special as you pulled out a cocoon way heavier than usual. The color was slightly different as well.
- Ezra, look, - you called out. He frowned, carefully examining your finding.
- Why do you think it’s like that? - You asked.
- No idea. But we have to be careful. Let’s find out, - he reached for a knife. - Hold it like that…
You both held your breath as he made a cut.
- Ha! Perfect, - he gave you a triumphant grin.
Once the meat was removed, you saw an aurelac gem you’ve never seen before. It was huge, and almost entirely golden.
- Have you ever seen something like that? - You asked, staring at the gem in awe.
- Never. Just heard something about it. I thought it’s a myth…
- Hey.
You took your eyes off the trophy and faced him.
- We’re not splitting the gems, right? We take the harvest, return to the center, sell it and then split the reward evenly. Agreed?
- Sounds fair to me, - Ezra nodded. - I’m in.
- Awesome. Let’s get back to work than?
- Yes, Ma’am! - He replied with a chuckle. - By the way, what are you gonna do with all this money, apart from paying for the ship?
- Didn’t really think about it…
- I’d go somewhere for a nice long vacation, - he said dreamily. - Kamrea maybe… I’ve heard it’s a lovely place... Care to join me for further inspection?..
- I don’t know.
- Ah, come on! Why not?
- I’m not completely sure if I can trust you yet, - you said honestly.
- Okay… - He paused, then smiled. - Anyway, since we’re stuck together, you still have plenty of time make up your mind.
Walking back to the ship that night you both felt tired but pretty content. It gets dark quite fast here on The Green Moon, so you had to use flashlights. Ezra was telling you one of his many funny stories as you walked, when you suddenly heard a rustle from the bushes to the left of you.
- Hey, did you hear it? - You asked, tensing immediately, your hand slowly moving to the thrower.
He nodded, ready to grab his weapon as well.
The rustle continued.
- Who’s there? - Ezra asked out loud, pointing the gun at the bushes. - Show yourself!
At first nothing happened. You looked at each other, shrugged and decided to keep going, but once you started moving again, three silhouettes stepped out of the darkness, blocking your way. And they were pointing throwers at you as well.
- What the hell… - Ezra muttered. - Hey guys! Maybe we’ll talk like civilized people first, how ‘bout that?..
The tallest person said something, but you didn’t understand a thing - apparently these people didn’t speak your language. And they didn’t sound very friendly.
- Harvest, - you finally heard. - We need harvest.
- Sorry to upset you, buddy, but I’m afraid it’s not gonna happen. Our harvest is ours, - Ezra replied boldly.
- Ours.
The following things happened really fast: the tallest guy pointed the gun at Ezra, but he was faster and managed to injure him. Dropping the tent on the ground you rushed to the right, shooting on your way. The enemies were shooting back. One of them fell. But it was just a start: there were more of them, to the right and the left, you couldn’t tell exactly how many. All you could do at the moment was run. And shoot. It was too dark already and you had no idea if you actually managed to hurt any of them or not… Good thing they didn’t have any night vision devices either. The ship wasn’t far. You could already see it. But damn! These people just didn’t let you go. They seemed to be everywhere. Whispers and rustles of the forest and darkness didn’t help you at all. But still you managed to move forward somehow.
At some point you lost Ezra and the panic immediately started rising up inside you. In this darkness you could easily hurt each other instead of the enemies. With a shaky voice, you called out his name, knowing full well that shouting is not a good idea, but you instantly felt relieved when his hand found yours.
- I’m here. C’mon!
He pulled you with him behind the nearest tree.
- Fuck! Who the hell are they?? - You whispered frantically.
- Pretty sure they ain’t no floaters. Just bastards who don’t wanna dig but prefer ravaging the others… Fucking pirates! They found the ship and set the trap.
- But we can make it, right? It’s not that far.
- We have to. Come on, let’s go.
Still holding hands tightly you proceeded moving towards the ship.
- Ezra, look out!
You saw a pirate stepping out of the bush right behind him, and you shot. When you pulled the trigger again, you realized the thrower was empty.
- Shit!
Ezra shot a couple more times, before his thrower went off, but thankfully his shots were tidy enough to fetch down the opponent. You ran a few of meters more and hid behind the tree again, catching your breath.
- Got more cassettes? - You asked him.
He searched in his pocket.
- Just one.
Damn. The situation was getting even worse.
- Okay, got an idea, - Ezra said decidedly. - Here’s what we’re gonna do. You take the case with gems and run to the ship as fast as you can. I cover you with the thrower. Get inside and start the engine. If I won't be there in… Two minutes - you take off. Clear?
The plan was risky, but what else you could do? In these circumstances you just had no other choice than to trust him.
- Y/n? Can you do that?
- Yeah… Yes, I think I can, - you nodded, breathing heavily. - Let’s do it.
- Okay.
Ezra reached his pocket and recharged his thrower with a new cassette.
- Ready? - He asked and you nodded again. - Oh, wait.
He took something off his front pocket and tucked it into yours. You thought it was probably his empty cassettes to recharge on board the ship.
- There. Now go!
- Two minutes, right?
- Two minutes, - he nodded reassuringly and squeezed your hand in his for a split second. Enough to make your heart shrink. - Go!
Without further hesitation, you took a deep breath and rushed towards the ship. Your heart was hammering wildly inside your chest; all you could hear was your heavy breathing and the shots behind you. Someone wailed in pain. You were hoping with all your heart it wasn’t Ezra.
Only a few steps were separating you from the ship when suddenly a dark figure appeared right in front of you, as if out of nowhere. You had no time to think about what you were doing. As you saw the thrower pointed at you, you had to use the only possible weapon you had - the case with gems. So you did. Before the stranger managed to pull the trigger, your case crashed against the front of his helmet. You heard the sound of cracking glass and hit again; suddenly the case popped open and about a half of its content scattered to the ground. Apparently you broke the lock somehow, but there was no time to collect the stones. Taking the advantage of your enemy being disoriented, you rushed to the door and entered the security code with shaky fingers. Whoever these pirates were, they definitely weren’t smart enough to crack this code and break inside the ship.
Taking off your helmet and gloves, you ran to the cockpit, quickly started the engines, and then recharged your thrower in case if Ezra needed help.
“Two minutes.”
The time was running out. All of a sudden you realized how you’re actually afraid of losing him.
- Come on, Ezra!.. - You muttered through clenched teeth, staring at your watch. Less than half a minute left.
“I’m not gonna take off without him.”
You stood up, grabbed the thrower, and headed back to the door. A sudden loud noise following by a low grunt made you flinch.
- Ezra? - You shouted. - Ezra, is that you?
There was no answer and you felt like sinking.
- Ezra?..
- Yes, that’s me! Take off! NOW!
You let out a deep sigh of relief and ran back to the cockpit.
“Alright than… 3… 2… 1…”
- Ezra, hold onto something!
The engines roared and the ship took off. You closed your eyes, trying to breathe evenly and compose yourself.
“It’s over. We’re safe now.”
In a few minutes the ship left the planet’s orbit, so you could finally switch on the automatic flight control and go check on Ezra. He still wasn’t around and you worried he might be hurt. The dust of The Green Moon made every single scratch a possible lethal danger.
You found him next to the door, sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.
- Ezra… Is everything alright?.. - You asked anxiously, hunkering down next to him. - Are you injured?..
He opened his eyes and looked up at you.
- I’m fine… Y/n… You won’t believe it, but… I think I twisted my ankle, - he scoffed.
For the second time tonight you didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or to cry because of relief. Unable to contain yourself, you leaned into him in a swift motion and hugged him tightly. Your reaction was so sudden it caused him jerk a little, but the next moment you felt him hugging you back.
- Hey… He whispered softly, letting his fingers run through your hair. – What did I tell you? Take off in two minutes. And how long did you wait?..
- I’ve always been stubborn, - you smirked against his shoulder.
- That’s what I always liked about you.
Later in your quarters, after you both finally got rid of the suits, you were helping Ezra to fix his ankle with a bandage.
- See, I was right, - He pointed out. - We really do make a good team. We have to think about working together in the future, huh?
- You know, I was really pissed at you, - You confessed. - When you left. I didn’t really care about the gems and stuff... But... It’s just that you simply disappeared without saying a word... As if I meant nothing for you.
You weren’t completely sure why you were telling this to him. Just a sudden desire to finally make it clear about how you felt. Ezra looked at you carefully, knitting his brow.
- I mean... I agree that it’s my fault as well, I really did pushed you away myself, so what else did I expect, but... still... - At this you stumbled, lost for words.
- Y/n, don’t. That was really shitty of me to leave like that, ‘cause it’s absolutely not true about you meaning nothing... I just... - He sighed deeply and the soft look in his brown eyes made your heart skip a beat. - I totally should have been more persistent.
Having said that, he reached out, his fingertips grazing against your cheek. A soft, barely perceptible touch, yet still so full of affection.
- I’m sorry, - he whispered, and leaned in.
The next thing you felt was his lips, warm and gentle against yours. The kiss was incredibly tender and quite chaste, but nevertheless it made you weak. Ezra pulled away a little, as if waiting for your reaction, but when you gripped onto his shoulders, he didn’t hesitate any longer. His lips crushed back on yours feverishly, his breath hot, and his tongue pushing inside your mouth decidedly, sending millions of shivers down your spine. He tasted and felt exactly the same as a year ago, but this time you both were way more desperate and needy at the sudden realization - you could have died tonight. In a way this kiss was a celebration of life, but also only now you realized very clearly how much you needed this, how long you’ve been completely on your own; and how you actually missed him, his touch and his warmth.
You gripped the back of his neck, pulling him even closer, melting against his frame with a trembling gasp as he let go of your lips only to nibble on your jawline. Your head felt light and dizzy of his closeness, sloppy kisses on your neck, tickling sensation of his facial hair against sensitive skin.
Deliriously, you let your hands wander to the hem of his shirt, slipping underneath and caressing his belly. Ezra let go of you for a moment to pull the t-shirt off over his head and toss it aside. His body was firm and tanned and you marveled at the sight. Your shirt went next, and then he pulled you back in his embrace. The skin-to-skin contact almost made you shudder, almost too much for your touch starved body. Almost unbearable, but you still craved for it. Your breath quickened as his tongue traced your collarbone while his fingers struggled to undo your bra. You reached behind your back to help him and soon your breasts were exposed to his hungry eyes, darkened with lust. You bit your lip as his thumbs brushed against your hardened nipples, it was like the sparks of electricity flashing through your body. Greedily, he kissed your lips again, pulling you down on the cot with him, on top of him.
As you straddled him, you could feel how hard he already was underneath you. Unable to let go of his lips, you started slowly grinding against him to release the pressure building in your core, earning a quiet moan from him. It encouraged you to go further and trace his neck with your tongue. You could feel him shivering, tightening his grip on your hips.
He let you explore his body for a while, tracing his chest with your fingertips, peppering his collarbones with soft kisses, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to take it for too long. It’s been a while since someone touched him with real affection. At some point he just couldn’t contain himself any longer. Letting out a low groan, he seized your waist and flipped you onto your back. Your surprised gasp was muffled by his lips capturing yours again, before moving further down your body. The tip of his tongue just barely touched a hard peak of your nipple, but it caused you whimper out loud. Tenderly, he kissed his way between your breasts and down your belly, along the hem of your sweatpants, before tugging them down slowly.
When he pressed a soft kiss on your mound through the thin cotton of your underwear, you were about to scream. There was too much of him, to many sensations at once, and your insides were tingling and aching for release, but you couldn’t get rid of a slightly awkward feeling. You’ve never been that exposed to a man before. Emotionally and physically.
Ezra seemed to feel your tension. Frowning, he looked up at you.
- Uh, y/n… did you ever…
You felt blush creeping up your cheeks.
- Sorry, I… didn’t have much time for romance… - You mumbled.
- It’s okay, - he hushed, his deep brown eyes looking at you with such warmth and affection you couldn’t help but smile. - Just relax. You won’t regret it. Trust me.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. Trust him. Yes, you did trust him.
Once your panties were gone, he positioned himself between your thighs, and his hot breath against your center made you tremble with anticipation. Then his tongue carefully slid past your folds and you almost purred at the blissful sensation. After a few long and unhurried licks he settled at your throbbing clit, sucking on it gently, and it didn’t take long before you finally exploded, writhing and moaning shamelessly, fingers entangled into his soft messy hair. He kept going through your climax, licking you clean until the overstimulation caused you flinch. You were still a panting mess when he made his way back to your parted lips.  
Slowly kissing him back, you could taste yourself on his tongue, and even though your insides still fluttered a bit in an aftermath of your climax, you still knew you needed more of him.
- You alright? - He asked quietly, stroking your cheek with his knuckles.
- Uh-huh, - you made, kissing his upper lip while reaching between your bodies to cup his bulge. He sighed, slightly bucking his hips at your touch.
- Ezra, - you whispered, your face so close to his your noses touched. – I… think you should take off your pants now…
- That makes sense, I guess, - he snickered mischievously, placing one more quick kiss on your lips before getting on his feet and tugging off his pants and underwear.
Hovering over you, Ezra pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and humming softly as your fingers trailed down his torso, through the hairs on his lower belly, to stroke along his length. The throbbing, teasing sensation was driving him crazy, yet your sweet caress, so gentle and intimate, almost made him melt. He both craved for release and wanted it to last forever. He opened his eyes, met your gaze, and kissed you again, deeply and passionately, causing you tremble beneath him.
- I need you, - you breathed out against his mouth, and he obeyed. The sensation of him filling you up was overwhelming. He moved slowly at first, allowing you to adjust, but soon your moans and gasps of pleasure encouraged him to pick up the pace. Clinging to him, you enjoyed every second of this intimacy. Everything felt so good: the weight of his body on top of yours, his hot breath on your skin, quiet moans and grunts escaping him… Digging your nails into his shoulders you arched your hips to meet his thrusts, urging him to go deeper. His hand slid under the bend of your knee, lifting your leg a bit to get a better angle. You whimpered desperately, jolts of pleasure flashing deep within your core as he hit that sweet spot of yours, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. A couple more thrusts and you clenched around him, a wave of pure ecstasy washing all over your body from head to toes. Ezra felt dangerously close too. He pulled out with a groan and let go. Through the haze of your post-orgasmic bliss you could feel his warm load spilling over your belly.
He collapsed on top of you, panting, and you were simply lying like that for a while, his face buried into the crook of your neck, your fingers caressing his hair. You felt warm and sated, and completely safe in his arms. Ezra lifted his head lazily to look at you. His eyes were soft and sparkling, and you felt so much tenderness for him at the moment, that you couldn’t possibly put it into words. Instead, you kissed him. You kissed the corners of his mouth, the tip of his nose. You kissed that little wrinkle he had between his eyebrows and let your fingers run through his tousled hair. He had this little blond streak and you remembered asking him about it once, but he wasn’t sure himself when and how he actually got it. Anyway, you always found it adorable. Ezra took your hand in his and brought it to his mouth to kiss your knuckles.
- That was… Pretty intense, huh?.. - He smiled.
- Oh yes, it was.
- You know what we need right now? A shower.
- True, - you agreed. - You can go first then. The shower cabin is too small for the two of us anyways…
- Bullshit. Pretty sure we can fit. If we get close enough, - Ezra smirked. - You’re going with me, sweetheart. End of subject.
- Yes, sir, - you laughed.
Finally you could admit - you actually liked him calling you “sweetheart”. A lot.
You woke up lying on Ezra’s chest instead of a pillow. His calm and even breath and the warmth of his body against you felt nice and comforting, and not awkward at all this time.
In the world you lived, there was one thing you knew for sure - you had to be tough. Showing weakness was never safe. But now, with him for the first time in ages you weren’t afraid of being opened up and vulnerable. And it didn’t even matter how different you were. Yes, you’re the quiet one and he’s talkative, he’s chaotic and you’re organized, he’s spontaneous and you always need a plan… But none of these was important. The most important thing was - deep inside you both felt loneliness. Now you weren’t lonely anymore.
You felt like you could spend a lifetime just snuggling like that, it was perfection, except one thing - you realized you were hungry as a wolf. Unable to bear with the rumbling of your stomach any longer, you carefully slipped out of the bed, put on some clothes and headed to the cockpit.
Your backpack was still lying there on the floor. You opened it and grabbed a couple of protein bars and a thermos bottle. Sitting on the floor with your legs crossed, you took a sip of warm drink. Your body was aching but it was a pleasant sensation. You glanced at the timer on the dashboard to find out you still had a few hours until landing. No rush.
The case was there too, next to the backpack. You reached out and opened it. Damn. More than a half of your harvest was lost, including that rare big golden gem. You sighed. Well, at least you were alive and well… And in fact, you found something way more valuable than gemstones.
“Everything happens for a reason. “
You heard his footsteps behind you and smiled.
- Morning… - Ezra’s voice was a little hoarse after sleep. He bent down and kissed the top of your head before sitting next to you.
- Morning. Are you hungry? - You handed him a protein bar.
- I sure am, - he chucked, leaning in and gently nibbling on your exposed shoulder.
- I didn’t mean that hunger, - you scoffed.
- Well, that too, - he took a large bite of his snack.
- Hey, what’s wrong? - He frowned, as he followed your gaze and spotted the opened case.
- Well, nothing particularly terrible. It’s just… I guess your dream vacation has to wait for a while… - You shrugged, and told him what happened on your way to the ship.
- Oh yeah, I saw that guy with a smashed helmet… Almost tripped over him actually… That’s pretty badass! - He nodded in appreciation. - Um… By the way… You didn’t check the front pocket of your suit, did you?
- Nope, - you narrowed your eyes. - Why? I thought you just gave me your empty cassettes…
- There were cassettes, yes… But… There was also something else…
Intrigued, you got on your feet. Your suit was hanging next to the door. You dove your hand into the front pocket and fished out something wrapped in a piece of cloth. Carefully you unwrapped the bundle and gasped in surprise: it was the big golden gem.
- B-but… - You stuttered, turning to Ezra and giving him a questioned look. - How?... Did you steal this gem?..
- What? No! You saw all the gems when you closed the case before heading back. How could I possibly do that? Magic powers?
- Than I’m confused.
- Don’t be. It’s not the same stone, it’s another one. Remember I told you I’ve heard of these gems? Well I also heard there are usually two of them, on the opposite sides of the dig.
- Opposites… - You murmured softly and he gave you a broad smile.
- That’s right. Just like you and me, huh?
- But why didn’t you tell me?
- Just wanted to surprise you. It’s simple as that. And it seems to me that mischief managed, - he chuckled.
- Bastard, - you laughed.
- Love you too.
- Is that… A confession? - You blurted out.
- Most likely it is, - Ezra smirked, stepping closer to you and cupping your cheek. - All I know is you are way, way more precious than any gem, sweetheart. Ugh... This actually sounds a bit cheesier than I expected…
- It’s okay, - you hushed, leaning in for a kiss. - I think I can deal with it.
For everyone who read until the end - thank you very much for your time and patience!
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spiteweaver · 4 years
Feldspar Couples and My Impressions of Them--
Banrai and Dreamweaver: soft, warm, safe; the old married couple down the street who have been together for 50+ years and are still madly in love with one another; rarely ever fight unless there’s some serious drama going down (like Dreamweaver’s enormous hero complex)
Ozymandias and Thalassinus: Big Calm + Little Chaos, except Thal is actually really tall, Ozy is just taller; opposites attract to such an extreme that no one is entirely certain how they’ve managed to make it work; lots of complicated history to unpack
Mergo and Argus: PDA Kings; there is not a second of the day in which they are not flirting; extremely passionate, their romance burns hotter than the sun; both suckers for sweet-talking, so they try to out-sweet-talk each other; also a complicated history, but they’ve already unpacked it
Solaire and Hollyhock: Somehow even more of an old married couple than Banrai and Dreamweaver; literally two gays in an idyllic woodland cottage surrounded by flower gardens; so in awe of one another it almost hurts to look at them when they’re together
Abaddon and Shard the Radiant: The domestic couple that no one expected to be so domestic; spent most of their time together lounging around doing nothing, just enjoying each other’s company; poetically tragic, yet heartwarmingly eternal
Zo and Shard Junior: Took a book out of Abaddon and The Radiant’s handbook, became the clan’s new domestic daddies; very good at getting into trouble, but their love for each other and their children always sees them through; absolute anime protagonists
Tau and Copernicus: Most tragic couple second only to Abaddon and The Radiant; still adjusting to the loss of Tau’s wings, lots of guilt shared between the both of them (even though it wasn’t their fault); achingly tender; favorite dates are walks through the territories, hand-in-hand
Juneau and Penitence: Another delightful instance of opposites attracting in just the right way; quiet, thoughtful, can communicate without words; perhaps a bit awkward, but that only makes the clan root harder for them; both learning how to behave like normal fucking dragons, with varied results
Jasmine and Hyacinth: Clan Dad Energy; absolutely disgustingly in love, excel at professing this love publicly in increasingly embarrassing ways; too pretty to live, too powerful to die; insatiable flirts who are always interested in adding to their beautiful family
Wilcox and Wayland: Don’t really act like they’re in love, but are actually ride or die for each other; low-key lovey-doviest couple in the clan; too pretty to live, too powerful to die: chaos cult edition; partners in romance and in crime
Halcyon and Aurelius: Flawless individuals; legitimately a relationship out of a fairytale, but not, like, a fucked up fairytale; the gentlest, most sickeningly sweet couple who will take you in and become your new dads if your old dad is mean to you; radiant
Ash and Bryn: I love when the opposites attract; tender green bean + wild-hearted ranger = a crazy love story that I won’t get into because that would be spoilers; lots of cheek-cupping, face-holding, forehead-touching action; definitely one of the strongest bonds in the clan
Atsushi and Carnelian: Bastard Power Couple; they’ve been well-behaved up until now, but I anticipate antics from them now that they’ve gotten comfortable as b o y f r i e n d s; a fucking disaster of a relationship that somehow resulted in an unshakeable bond, and still my absolute faves
Branwen and Calcifer: Two grownass men discovering love for the first time and trying not to burn down the capital like a couple of teenagers; lots of teasing, communicate through loving sarcasm; the kind of boyfriends who see something in a shop window and buy it without any regard for the price because, “Oh he’d like this.”
Faust and Holloway: THE ULTIMATE CHAOTIC POWER COUPLE; have developed morals since settling in Feldspar, but would probably still sell you to their Dark Lord for one corn chip; fucking lawyers, they know exactly how far they can push; surprisingly decent parents???
Elk and Howl: Feral, Howl will lose all domestication at the drop of a hat and Elk never had any to begin with; fiercely protective of one another; co-dependency issues due to a harsh life in the wilderness, but they’re working on it; gender? they hardly know ‘er
Xerxes and Lamium: Extreme slow-burn because Xerxes is a wuss; lots of quiet nights of reading and discussing topics that would fly over most dragons’ heads; deep bond forged through shared “otherness”, simply more comfortable together than among “normal” dragons
Hyde and Juniper: Science Husbands; their love is as explosive as their machinery; rushed into their relationship, but only because they both knew they were well-suited to one another in the way only an engineer can; you know how a mechanism’s parts all fit together in extremely specific ways? that’s their relationship and they saw that shit coming from a mile off
Risen and June: Had an awkward beginning, but now everyone wishes they could have the kind of chill relationship these two have; have known each other for years, so are completely comfortable with one another; very touchy-feely, express a lot of their love through physical contact; beach dates every night
Boggart and Vigrid: We’ve reached the Old Married Couple Final Bosses; swamp gays and their swamp ways; always teetering on the edge of tragic, but I refuse to push them over; unrecognized comedy geniuses
Strasky and Akers: Sexual tension in the workplace, which just so happens to be 153m below sea level; so many sly glances from across crowded rooms; Akers is a bully and Strasky lets him get away with it because he’s kind of into it; “WE CANNOT MAKE OUT IN COMMS, MR. AKERS”
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jenny-kirk · 4 years
Story Time with Jenny: Joining the Gang
The Rocky Mountain trail had seemingly gone on for days, shards and needles of the cold spiked at Jenny’s back, her only company; her father’s old work horse Bobbin.
A sigh filled the air to join the calling animals and whistling wind. A woollen shawl wrapped snuggly across her hunched shoulders.
The Western Grizzlies wasn’t a place Miss Kirk ever thought to visit, Ambrino seemed far too cold and dangerous, not like those far away countries of Europe she so dreamed to someday visit. But there wasn’t much choice in the matter.
After leaving home disgraced, kicked from her own doorstep by a heartbroken mother, Jenny was resolved to live her life on her own terms, stealing the family horse in spite. 
‘How had things turned so hopeless so quickly.’ She would find herself wondering only to shake the remark with remembrance of her new ability to live wild and free!
Survival wasn’t difficult, robbing folks blind, swindling drunkards in nearby towns was fun and funded Miss Kirk’s travels just about as she moved from the east, westwards in search of adventure.
Having never been good nor fond of hunting, food was purchased and stolen as often as possible. Repressing doubt and fear, (she couldn’t waste time on such thoughts if she wanted to survive). Fending for herself, it wasn't long before the law came to view Miss Kirk as an outlaw.
The brunette had been riding alone now for a few weeks. It was impressive how easily she managed to remove herself from danger. Sure she’d had to shoot a few fellers who informed the law of her misdoings, now having a small bounty on her head, but it was in Jenny’s mind all part of this new exciting game. This new life she found herself making the best of.
This new life wasn’t planned but it was one hell of a ride, one she was going to enjoy while it lasted, an outlaw, living free on her own terms! No one to stop her or tell her what to do with her life!
In tricking folks in passing saloons, Jenny was able to educate herself more on the local underground. Gangs, all across the states she planned to visit. It didn't deter her one bit, no quite the contrary, it was a challenge to become a better shot while living fast. For the world to remember her.
Jenny’s willing and hotheadedness left her heart in the right place for the job, she almost certainly looked the part. A revolver shoved into a thick brown belt (on account of not owning a gunbelt), a long pale blue skirt muddied and torn while her once white shirt had stained with dirt and age.
But Jenny couldn’t waste her hard earned money on such trifles, no, she needed it to travel! To live!
The heavy hooves stabbed into the frosted ground, a satisfying crisp sound with each step. God the horse was too tall. Beautiful but not good if one was aware of heights.
Slowing to a stop as the sun began to fall, a rock along the roadside providing a perfect, rather uncomfortable seat for a break. Jenny hadn’t quite mastered how to build a fire in such a climate and so, sat, her last tin of peaches quickly finished, a small pathetic cracker offered to the horse.
That persistent smile the small woman had managed to keep fixated dropped momentarily. Sure she was free, but at what cost? Hunted, and while she could fight, she had not the strength. The dark circles and a new sickly complexion was symbolic of this fact.
“I’m sorry boy.” Reaching into her saddlebag Jenny fished out a map of the land, a fragile finger running over it to locate themselves. “We’ll get you some real food in the next town...whereever that issss....”
Huh, a small resort town name of Strawberry was along the way down south, Valentine was the closest but already having a run in with the local law there didn’t make it a safe bet. Besides, going back on herself would only slow their venture down.
Having rested as darkness continued to fall, the cold became increasingly noticeable. It seemed the best course of action would be to continue moving.
Mounting up, using the rock as a step the girl continued. Humming to herself, complaining and reassuring under her hushed breath as to not feel so alone. Not frightened, yet unexcited by being stranded in such desolate land.
Glancing back to the map as Bobbin slowed they had almost reached the state line, good! The bad news? The trail seemed to shorten, covered by spiny overhanging branches, like something out of a fearsome story.
“Woah boy, woah easy! Shshh, c’mon boy,” the dusty horse getting the jitters. That feeling in the pit of ones stomach sensing a bad idea. Something dark and forbidding about the path ahead. But what choice was there? Go back to the mountains where wolves jumped at every corner?
Speeding up to get through the darkened area as quickly as possible, Jenny felt her heart rate quicken on the sound of twigs and branches snapping. The crunch of fallen dried leaves. Just from her horse right? Reaching for her revolver to feel more secure, her cold hand, near shaking, had hardly grasped it when she found her path blocked. Stopping in an instant with a tug of the reigns.
Bobbin was big, they could easily run the man down and was about to do so right as a gun was drawn to meet her own lightly freckled face. The sound of other guns cocking around her as men stepped out from the shadows. All part of a gang out to make a bit of cash, their green neckerchiefs a dead give away.
Jenny felt sick to her stomach. Hazel eyes widening. Running from lawmen, drankards and bounty hunters was one thing, but being held up on a roadside. Somehow this seemed much more difficult to escape.
“Look what we got here! Whoo a lost girly? Off the horse! Empty out those pockets.” 
One of the men began up to her, searching through the saddlebags. Dangerous, reckless anger festering inside the brunette. Everything she had was being taken before her very eyes.
“I ain’t looking’ for trouble-I just need food if you-” 
They weren’t having any of it. No reasoning, no bargaining. She found herself still reaching for her gun, that was the mistake. 
“Get your damn hands up woman! Off. The. Horse.” The voice startling Jenny more than the guns surrounding her with a small jump. 
Seeing little way out, Jenny followed through with the O’Driscoll’s wishes, slowly sliding off the large mount, her legs feeling uneasy under her weight, a gun to her temple as one of the men began searching through her pockets.
“She ain’t got nothing!” Throwing the map, remaining crackers to the ground. Jenny bit back the wish to turn smugly with a ‘told ya’.
“Whatever, she ain’t worth it” They mounted up around her, the cold barrel of a gun leaving its position. 
Had she just survived a robbery?! They’d taken everything but the clothes on her back but she was alive at least. Relief waved through Jenny as she began to ponder how she might avoid such prediciments in the future.
But that look on their faces, the same agreed glare between them. She was a hazard.
A loud shot soon answered her curiosities as the men rode off, shouts of laughter echoing. Bobbin falling to the ground, a ghastly sound ringing through her ears hardly gave her enough time to move before the creature came crashing down stop of her. Her right leg trapped, passing out on impact, the heavy beast laying dead.
A quiet hour or two passed until the conversing of two men hushed, as their alert mounts protested the path.
“Well, that is not ideal. H-Oh look, little scamp’s alive.”
“Dutch, we don’t need more mouths to feed- we’re already low on supplies, after that fire we can’t-.”
“And what kind of a chance does she have if we don't offer our sincere support Hosea? Look at her, come now, help me with this-”
Waking up disoriented, the soft crackling of a fire audible, its glowing light visible through her half lidded eyes. 
The first thing Jenny noticed was the pain in her leg and side, the thumping of her head, before realising she was no longer cold. In fact she had a blanket wrapped around her, a warm fire to one side.
“Oh! She lives!” A hot tin of coffee passed to her Jenny looked in confusion still gathering her bearings. Her dirtied and grubby gun laying by her side.
It was evident the girl was considering threatening her ‘rescuers’ and taking off, that twinge in her leg however convincing Jenny otherwise.
“Looks like you took quite the tumble.” The man crouching eye level to her as she lay propped up on her elbow, smudging dirt into her drained face before accepting the beverage.
“Dutch Van der Linde, and that,” the moustached man pointed to another, older appearing man tending to their horses, “well that is Hosea, pay him no heed.”
“I heard that”
“Jenny, Kirk, Jenny Kirk” She stammered still unsure of her surroundings, recollecting the evening’s events.
Warming by the fire the night was spent in calm conversation, not quite trusting her two rescuers but reluctantly appreciating their help.
Somewhere within the delirious conversation the decision came.
“Well Miss Kirk, we’ve a group of individuals much like yourself. Seeking freedom, purpose. Now, you’re more than welcome to stay with us until you’re back on your feet-”
It took a few days to reach the camp, it was unfortunately back in the wilderness of the Grizzlies however Jenny was quick to learn that the plan was to move on down to a place called Blackwater.
Her arrival was received with mixed feelings, some clearly irked by having another ‘helpless woman to wash the clothes’ as Mac Callander, the brawler snakily remarked, his brother appearing to be a little more tolerable.
Others welcomed her like family, Miss Mary-Beth and Mr Summers eagerly offering to help settler her in. Lame and bed bound her first few days.
As time drew on and Jenny began joining in jobs, embracing her new life as an outlaw, even acquiring a new horse, Lola. Her anticipation and excitement radiating each time, becoming comfortable enough to joke and flirt with most everyone in camp.
Months passed before the gang had packed up to move towards Blackwater, picking up yet another straggler. A curious and mean one. Micah Bell.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 5 years
Keanu Reeves x Reader (Chapter Summary- Two months later and one person is still being affected by a decision they made and another’s apparent rejection bothers them more than they’d prefer to admit.) (Warning- slight NSFW)
Chapter1     Chapter2
Chapter 3
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A breathy sigh escaped her parted, plump lips. The silkiness of her legs rubbed against his thighs and her breasts felt firm and warm, just enough to fit in his palm with room for him to knead appreciatively. The slick heaven between her parted legs was so tight, cocooning Keanu’s member perfectly as he slid in and out of her in controlled thrusts. Her little gasps bounce of the walls, joining his low throaty grunts. Oh the sounds she makes. Y/n’s hair haloed around her on the white cotton pillow, messy and wild. She looked so divine in the most corrupted way. She’s so young, beautiful, oozing with youthful appeal.  And she’s all his.
Except, she’s not. Not really.
With startle, Keanu awoke, sitting up in his bed, drenched in sweat......and something else. “Fuck,” he breathed, scrubbing his hands harshly over his face, proceeding to rub sleep out of his eyes. It was just minutes away from five in the morning and the sun hadn’t even risen yet, but Keanu knew that there was no chance of him falling back asleep.
It had become almost routine by then, his slumber being interrupted by dreams of Y/n, naked in his bed, or other parts of his house. The location never mattered, but for two months, it had been her. His mind had taken it upon itself to conjure up a slew of different sexual fantasies, ideas never seemed to be in shortage, much like his body’s gullibility when it came to believing them.
With a disgruntled sigh, Keanu shook the covers off and took a minute to offer his deflating crotch an annoyed stare. There was a stain at the front and those would be yet another pair of sleep pants that he’d have to hold back of the laundry hamper and deal with himself, lest Linda find out that she was actually working for a thirteen year old boy just discovering the mechanics of his body and not a grown man with the ability to not nut in his pants. 
“The fuck is wrong with me?” He asked himself as he striped lazily, heading for the shower. As he got in, Keanu turned on the hot water, looking up as the water rained down from the entire ceiling of the sizeable cubicle. The shower in the master bath was one of the many things he loved about his house. It mimicked rainfall and could be easily controlled by the sleek silver knobs on the dark tiled wall. 
As Keanu washed himself, his hands rough hands passing over his body, his mind flashed to the night from not too long ago, when he had gotten off the mere memories of a dream of Y/n. Since then, he had refrained from masturbation, at  least to her image. It felt wrong, like he was violating her somehow. Y/n had probably forgotten their encounter by then, returning to....whatever women her age did. Shopping, dating men who weren’t fifty-something- learning how to run multi-million dollar empires. 
He had refrained, yes. And Keanu liked to think that he was normally a man of great, strong restraint, but that morning, as he stood in the shower, hot water washing over him, his fingers brushed his member and thoughts of Y/n took a racy turn. He closed his eyes and started imagining that she was there, her hands touching him, settling to circle his growing erection, pumping slowly as her lips pressed to his, and she mumbled against him, “This what you want, huh? Let me make you feel good baby.”
Throwing his head back, Keanu groaned, his imagination running wild, his vison going white. 
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Men. They were all the same, weren’t they? Y/n was starting to believe the archaic stereotype. They had to be, else, she wouldn’t be in the position she was in. Sitting in a boardroom, eyes blank and teeth clenched as she listened to rantings of an ancient CFO, who apparently didn’t understand the concept of seasonal changes. As he spoke, Y/n found it hard to stay in the moment.....until he called her out on it, “You know, Miss Warren, if you don’t want to stay, the door’s right there. I’m sure kids your age want nothing more than to run wild all, boozed up.”
At his comment, Y/n sucked in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she tried not to snap. After a minute, she plastered on a wide smile, “Run wild?” She quoted, malice edging her tone, “I can assure Mr. Priestly, I’m not bored, just in awe of you’re.......stupidity. I’m not sure if it’s ignorance or if you’ve never watched the news, but the reason we aren’t making in the tropics is because of the hurricane season. You know, hurricanes; big scary storms; lots of wind and rain, really dangerous and we’ve had to close three braches so far because of them,” her words drew down, her tone grew whiney and mocking and an episode of quiet laughter ran across the table as other board members snickered.  
The older man’s face grew hot pink with either embarrassment or anger, and from a mile away anyone could see that his jaw was clenched. The stocky, sausage fingers of his wrinkled hands clenched into his fist before he stuffed them into his pockets, fuming, “Michael, maybe teach your daughter a little respect,” Priestly glared at her father who sat at the head of the sleek glass table, combating his own proud smile.
Michael cleared his throat, leaning back further into his impressive leather chair, folding his arms and nodding, “Yes. Of course. Good observation Y/n,” he tried to look serious, clearing his throat and nodding stiffly, “But perhaps there are better ways to correct our colleagues,” before Priestly could grumble a remark about Y/n not actually being his colleagues, Y/n’s father continued, “But Roger, maybe next time, read the brief first,” he tapped his tablet screen knowingly.
The rest of the meeting went by mostly uneventfully, save for a few snide remarks traded back and forth between Roger and Y/n. At the end of it, everyone gathered their things, dispersing; heading back to their respective offices. After a quick word with her father about the rest of her tasks for the day, Y/n did the same. Usually, they’d ride the elevator together, but he’d promised her mother a lunch date, and Y/n had opted to stay back at the office.
As she stalked past the receptionists’ desk, one of the young girls, just about Y/n’s age or a little younger; Emily, called her back, “Oh! Miss Warren-”
“Emily, we’ve been over this, you can call me Y/n, we went to middle school together,” Y/n chuckled, rounding back to the large shared desk.  
“Y/n,” Emily smiled politely, “You’re cousin is here, she’s waiting in your office.”
“Great! Thanks,” after pleasant good byes, Y/n went straight to her office, pulling open one side of the mahogany doors, the long silver handle cool in her palm, “Jill I-”
“Surprise!” A cluster of voices yelled in cheery unison. 
Taken a back, Y/n jumped, stumbling back into the already closed door. It took barely a minute for her expression of pure shock, with just a bit of fright mixed it, before her face took on a more excited expression. There in her office, was almost everyone she had called a friend over the past ten years; a few girls her age from the country club her parents frequented, a couple people from college and just some others she’d met at parties and other snazzy events, “Oh my god! What are you guys doing here?”
“We’re here for you, obviously. Jill told us that you’ve committed yourself to these four walls,” a guy, someone who Y/n had met on her very first day of college, Mathew, broke from the small crowd, pulling her into a sideways hug, “And we’re here to tell you, that we won’t stand for that.”
“Matt,” Y/n yelped, hugging him back, “It’s been forever. How is the world of venture capitalism?” She laughed lightly.
“About as fun as it sounds,” he grinned, finally pulling away, going to a cooler that they had somehow managed into her office, and getting out a couple beers, “I’m serious though. We’re taking you on a vacation.”
“In May?” Y/n’s brows furrowed in confusion, “We can’t just-”
“Nuh uh,” Catharine, a young woman her age, who Y/n had known since she was sixteen cut her off, “Relax Y/n/n, it’s a week, not a month. You need to unwind and relax. And you’ve missed at least two birthdays, so you have to make up for those too.”
Y/n sighed, a little excited for the activities in the near horizon, but also a little worried about what her father would think if she just stole away from her work for an entire week. Seeing her tormented expression, Jillian stepped in, placing her hands on Y/n’s shoulders, “I already asked Uncle Michael; he’s okay with it and Aunt Heather thinks that this could be good for you,” Jillian's hands rubbed up and down the silk sleeves of Y/n’s blouse and her eyes pleaded with hers, “Come on cuz, all you’d have to do is pack a bag and grab your passport.”
Y/n worried on her bottom lip, thinking that it might be nice to get away for a week, to wear something other than high heels and skirt suits. Sighing, she rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed, her friends seemed to be holding their breaths in anticipation of her answer and a smile tugged at the corner of Y/n’s lips as she spoke, “Well, where are we going?”
Excited cheers erupted and someone popped a bottle of champagne, quickly handing her a glass. Jillian was the one to propose her toast, and answer Y/’s question, “To beautiful, sexy people, old friends, and yachts in Greece!”
At that, glasses clinked, and everyone drank.
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“Hey, whatever happened between you and you sexy movie star friend?” Y/n along with Jillian, Catharine and a couple other ladies were gathered in her closet, helping her pack while everyone else made last minute preparations.
“What sexy movie star?” Amanda, another one of Y/n’s college friends, who had taken her business expertise to Silicon Valley after they graduated asked, “We talked on the phone last week and you didn’t tell me about a movie star. Who was he?”
“He’s hot right?” Catharine interjected, holding up a deep green sundress with happy colorful flowers on it. Briefly, she examined it, then, satisfied, she tossed it into a suitcase.
Another friend, Tracy, the lone doctor of their group giggled at their questions, before asking a couple of her own, “I think the real question is; which one of Hollywood’s silver foxes is Y/n hiding from us. Tell me his last name, an I’ll tell you if I’ve seen his dick.”
Y/n, who had taken a quick shower when they got back to her place, stood in her bathrobe, surveying her selection of bathing suits, “Why would you have seen his dick?”
Tracy scoffed, “You’d be surprised, I make a lot of money on penis enlargements. I’ve seen some pretty famous cocks.”
At that, the girls laughed and Jillian shook her head, “I too have seen famous cocks,” she laughed, “But don’t you have some kind of doctor-patient confidentiality?”
Tracy shrugged and it was Catharine who spoke up again, “I think we’re losing focus here; Y/n slept with a movie star and didn’t tell us. And she won’t even tell us who he was.”
“Or if she’s seen him again,” Amanda inserted.
When Y/n turned to face her friends, holding a bathing suit in each hand, one with a colorful pattern from a season ago and the other a timeless, black, designer bikini, all eyes were on her, expectant and awaiting an answer. Even Jillian, who knew exactly who he was and that Y/n had in fact not slept with him, look amused. “Well, I didn’t tell you because it didn’t happen. We almost had sex. Almost as in someone,” she shot an accusing eye at Jillian, “Interrupted us. And he was Keanu Reeves.”
“Excuse me?” Tracy laughed loudly, dropping the pair of denim shorts she had been holding, “As in Johnny Utah, Jack Traven, and my newest favorite; John Wick. Wow,”  she paused breathlessly, “I’ve actually never seen his dick.”
“Oh” Catharine, an eternal romantic exclaimed, clapping her hands together, “He’s in my favorite movie-”
Before she could even finish, everyone was saying, “Sweet November,” then a little more disconnected, “We know.”
“You should call him,” Amanda suggested matter-of-factly, “That’s a once in a life time opportunity right there.”
“Yeah, okay,” Y/n began sarcastically, “I’ll just pick up my phone and call him, with a number that I don’t have, and ask him to come fuck me on the way to the airport. Hope seven isn’t too much of a crowd,” she ended with a chuckle.
“Like Y/n Warren who has everything at her fingertips can’t get his phone number,” Amanda argued lightly, “You could have anything you want. Any phone number, any address, anything. And that’s what’s stopping you?”
“Yeah,” Y/n gasped, not believing that she was actually being pressured about something like that, “What do you think it is?”
“Fear. He’s nice guy, at least according to everyone who’s ever met him. What if it doesn’t live up to whatever you imagined. You know what they say about nice guys,” Amanda winked and Y/n could have sworn that Tracy whispered something about over achievers.
Jillian was the one who spoke up next, “Well let’s not breath down her back, while we take a minute to consider that this might not be all her fault. Why don’t you tell them what you did.”
Y/n’s cheeks took on a bright pink tint, heat rushing to her ears, “How do you know that?”
“I heard, I was standing like, a foot away.”
Scoffing Y/n shook her head, zipping her suitcase closed and pulling it to the floor, “I.....invited him over. And he never came. There,” she finalized, moving on to finding something to wear to the airport, “He essentially rejected me and that’s it, it was two months ago and I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.
Before anyone in the room could propose otherwise, Mathew was poking his head into the doorway, “I swear I’m not looking,” he put a hand over his eyes, “But we need to get going, the car’s downstairs and the jet’s ready to go.”
Hurriedly, they finished packing and Y/n quickly got dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a grey cable knit sweater, hustling down the stairs, hoping to put the lingering disappointment from Keanu not showing up in the rearview. 
Tagging- @baphometwolf666   @a-really-bi-girl​  @paanchu786​
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akp-1327 · 4 years
dear diary // chapter one
Hi, everyone! This is the first chapter of the new series I’ve started. I hope you enjoy and stick around for future chapters! 💕
Find a series “description” and other detailing here!
Word Count: ~ 5.3k
(*) Warnings: none
July 16th, 2020
Dear Diary,
Nothing would make me happier than to visit the city. The bright lights, the busy streets, the shops, the smell of car exhaust. For all the wonders I’d discover, for all the opportunities I’d face. For the experience, for the fun.
Living in a small town is boring. It’s the same, day after day. Then as soon as you bat an eye, you’ve turned eighteen and have barely left the state. Some would call me a hobbit, some would call me lazy. But it’s hard to get out of town when your family can’t really leave because of their job and you’re too scared to learn how to drive.
The diner that my parents own is great; awesome pancakes, delicious milkshakes, and every single pie flavor you could ever imagine. It’s called the Golden Griddle and it’s located right in the heart of Cedar Cove, Oregon. You’d have to be blind to miss the sunny yellow paint (that’s ever so slowly chipping away, but don’t tell my dad) smeared on the bricks.
Anyway. I’m Charlotte, but you knew that already, didn’t you? Of course you did. Well, if you needed a reminder of my sob-worthy life story...my brother and I are adopted. But you probably remembered that, right? Wow, I need to stop ranting about how you probably remember me. You’re a literal book for God’s sake.
Wait; back on topic. I want to go to see the city. So badly. Oh, and have I mentioned that I got accepted into my dream school? New York University, here I come. How have I not written about that yet? Holy crap. NYU preparations have been coming along nicely. I already have half my room packed and almost all my dorm stuff that my mom insists on buying. My brother Henry, too. He’s going to Ohio State on a football scholarship and a desire to pursue athletic training. Big dreams!
Me, you ask? Good gracious, Diary, stop interrupting! (Oh boy, I’m talking to myself. Skye would laugh...). I’m pursuing acting and theater, of course. A major in drama and a minor in production. I’m chasing the sun here, okay? I am a future Broadway star and actress with dreams as far as the eye can see!
I am ecstatic to make the big move at the beginning of August. More updates to come. Sorry if this ending was abrupt. My dad made his famous chili tonight and I gotta go get it while it’s hot and before Henry inhales it all like the vacuum he is.
Yours, Charlotte :)
The faint, familiar smell of spices filled my senses as I put the old and tattered diary down. It was a gift I got years and years ago from a friend, but I never used it. May as well start before the wild ride of my new life starts, right?
I threw my blonde hair into a bun as I walked out of my room, avoiding boxes piled up high on the floor. Right as I stepped into the hallway, however, my foot met a ball of fluff curled right outside my doorway.
“Aw, Cooper,” I cooed, leaning down and scooping the little snowball I called a dog into my arms, cradling him close, “you’re missing all the food downstairs, buddy!”
A small whimper came from him as I made my way down the stairs. Henry was spread out on the couch and watching some sort of European soccer, er, football on the TV.
“Hey, just in time!” Henry smiled, waving me over to sit next to him. I obliged, setting Cooper down onto the floor and taking a seat next to him. 
...It was crazy how he was twice my size. And how I was the older one by three whole minutes.
“What’s up, Henry?” I asked, nudging his arm. A laugh escaped his throat as he gestured to the screen and unpaused the video (wait, it was paused this entire time?). I watched the screen to see a player get hit in the head with a soccer ball.
“Hah!” Henry laughed, his deep pitch echoing off the walls. I gasped and swatted his arm.
“Henry! Laughing at someone else’s pain is so rude! What if he got a concussion that ended his career?” I said, a twinge of amusement in my tone. All in all, I loved to see my brother get all flustered. He was such a goody-two-shoes that even something like this comment would make him blow a gasket--
“He’s laughing, sis. I don’t think the dude’s hurt.” Henry said, his tone smug. Maybe college was finally really going to his head.
I shook my head with both surprise and disappointment as I stood up, gesturing for the walking vacuum to follow suit. “C’mon, knucklehead. Dinner’s almost ready.”
We both walked into the kitchen to see the finishing arrangements being set up for dinner; Mom was retrieving bowls and utensils as Dad strained the water from the elbow macaroni at the sink.
“You two are in here early,” Mom teased, giving us a side glare as she placed the bowls and spoons on the counter, “what about?”
A sweet, innocent smile crossed my face as I batted my eyelashes at her. “It just smells so good that I couldn’t stay away!”
“I’ve heard that one before, you jest. Come get your bowls.” Mom chuckled, stepping away. Henry and I grabbed a bowl right as Dad turned to us.
“Get it while it’s hot!” Dad said, grabbing a bowl of his own. Henry and I both dove for the noodles and chili, somehow managing to get our servings without making a complete mess like we usually do. It’s crazy to think of how people mature over time...
The old seats at the table squeaked as we all sat down and started to dig into our chili. A comfortable silence blanketed the table and just as I got used to it, Mom broke it.
“So, you two have been packing, yes? Even the stuff you aren’t bringing?” Mom asked sweetly, dabbing a napkin at the corners of her mouth. She’d always been the politest one in the family; too bad no one else at the table had her mannerisms.
“My room is basically packed except for some of my clothes and books,” I said in between chews of the (extremely hot) chili in my mouth, “but otherwise I’m good.”
Henry nodded and pointed his thumb at me, his eyes never leaving his bowl. “Mhmm.”
“That’s great! Your flights leave in only a matter of days!” Dad cheered, giving Mom a high five. It was such a weird but common thing to see parents do: act like teenagers.
“You sound excited about that?” Henry questioned. I looked over to see half his bowl already gone. 
Mom heaved a sigh.
“We’re excited for you both to finally experience the world. We can’t wait for your lives to truly start!” Mom said, a smile encompassing her features. Her kind, brown eyes flitted between Henry and me.
“You two have the world at your fingertips,” Dad added, glancing at Mom. They shared a fond look. 
At that moment, for the briefest second, I wished that I had a connection like that; a soulmate, someone who you could spill your heart out to. Someone who you could love and be loved by. Someone who’d want nothing more than to see you happy. 
Also at that moment, I decided that I would make it a small goal of mine to make this wish come true during my time at NYU.
My blankets were soft around my legs as I sat propped up against my pillows. Leila and I had been talking on the phone all night. I felt like I was in that moment in Mean Girls where Gretchen was switching between Cady, Karen, and Regina. Except...I wasn’t switching between anyone at the moment. 
Leila Maciel is my best friend. She’s someone with a sarcastic personality and a snarky remark to anything. She’s as smart as a whip and could, without a doubt, put you in your place if you stepped out of line with her intimidating strength. Though, she also has a soft and caring side that she only reveals to those who she deems trustworthy. A confident, kind, and bold girl indeed. 
We’ve been friends for our entire high school careers, but it feels like I’ve known her my entire life.
During our freshman year, Leila was in an extremely toxic relationship. Her ex-girlfriend, a “sweet” but a rather manipulative girl, was to blame for our friendship. This girl, Sadie, ticked all of Leila’s boxes; beautiful, smart, compassionate, sweet... 
Remember that Leila and I had only known each other for a month at this point.
Leila and Sadie’s relationship was adorable from the outside. Both bright-eyed and bushy-tailed freshmen with hearts in their eyes. It was something you’d see in a more realistic version of High School Musical because let’s be real...those movies aren’t realistic. (I still love them, though!)
About a year into their relationship, though, Sadie transformed from sweet to sour. She used Leila to get what she wanted like she was her very own puppet. Her antics ranged from cheating on tests to almost stealing a designer handbag before I intervened. Then, like the cherry on top of this extremely nasty sundae, Sadie revealed that she cheated on Leila with a college girl for the majority of their relationship. Let’s just say that their relationship was terminated seconds after that bombshell blew up.
Leila was broken for months. She truly believed that she loved Sadie, but upon further examination, I found that Leila felt guilty whenever she had the opportunity to say no. It had never been any sort of love; it was an obligation. Also after that relationship, Leila decided that instead of focusing on liking girls, she’d be open and love anyone. She was sick of limits.
So, here we are today.
Now, as we talked on the phone, I thought about how she’d also be going to NYU, majoring in business. We were roommates! It was like a dream come true.
“Uh, Charlotte?” Leila asked with a laugh. “You alive?”
Reality snapped back into place as I blinked my eyes rapidly. “Oh, uh, yeah. What’d you say?”
“Did you buy a fan for our dorm?” Leila asked monotonously. This made me laugh for some odd reason. “Dear Lord, what’s so funny?”
Honestly, though. What was funny, Charlotte? One could say that I was losing my mind.
“I don’t know, spur of the moment? But otherwise, yes; I got the one you pointed out at Target.” I said, surprising myself with how even my voice sounded. A familiar hum came from the other end of the line in response.
“Cool. Then you’re all set to go for next week?” Leila asked, her voice making it sound like she was smiling. I laughed again and nodded to myself.
“Yes!” Was all I could say.
Leila’s sigh was so loud that I could swear that I felt her breath through the phone. “You’re not stressing out over this, are you?”
My eyes widened at her question. Was I stressing out about this? I’d been packing for days on end without breaks. I had folded, re-folded, and re-re-folded all of my clothes several times in my duffel bag. I had splurged on so many things, like that fan Leila mentioned, without a second thought. I don’t think I’ve had a proper shower in almost a week; I was too busy being a nervous wreck.
“Maybe a little bit, but not too much,” I responded, my tone a bit somber as I tried to conceal my lie. My fingers twirled the fringed fabric of my tie blanket around as I waited for Leila’s retort.
“Stressing out over this is like a circle, Charlotte. It’s pointless,” Leila said, her voice starting to reveal her exhaustion, “and you need to relax. We’ll be fine.”
Thoughts buzzed through my mind as I contemplated her words. Would we be fine? Is “fine” even the correct word to describe this situation? How about rephrasing the entire statement entirely by saying “there is a chance that we’ll survive, but it definitely ain’t high.”? That version was more accurate, in all honesty. Moving across the country for school didn’t sound like a situation that could only earn the word “fine”.
“Aren’t you worried, though? A big city, a new city, a scary city...we’re diving into the deep end here, Leila! We have no idea what the hell we’re doing!” I panicked, squeezing my eyes closed.
Now it was Leila’s turn to laugh uncontrollably. Though, hers was more of a witch’s cackle.
“Wow, okay. First of all, we’ll stick together. Second, not knowing what we’re doing is all apart of the college experience. We’ll seriously be okay if we stick together.” Leila assured, still laughing - she never was the sympathetic type in these types of situations.
“If you think so, then I guess I need to believe it.” I yawned, tucking myself further into my blankets. Leila broke out into a yawn as well, making me think that she was actually tired for once (the girl was the definition of a night owl).
“We should get some sleep. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later.” Leila stated. I could imagine her rolling her brown eyes at her own words. A laugh escaped me instead of the hum I intended on.
“Jesus, why do you keep laughing? Why do you have so much energy?” Leila groaned, making my laughter subside.
“I honestly don’t know, I’m a complete and utter mess. We’ll text tomorrow?” I suspired, resting my arm over my eyes to completely block out this embarrassing reality.
“You bet. Love you lots.” Leila said. Her declarations of love truly became more meaningful after that whole spectacle with Sadie. She had a ginormous heart of gold beneath that rough exterior.
“Love you more! Good night!” I said, hanging up after she murmured a farewell. I tossed my phone onto the soft fabric of my blanket and stared up at the ceiling, a nostalgic feeling washing over me. All of the nights during elementary school where I’d do this exact thing, except I would be thinking about my Barbie dolls or my recess adventures. Now, I thought about the future and what waited for me.
College better live up to its well-known reputation.
Before I could comprehend what was even happening, I was standing in the middle of Portland’s airport with the arms of my family around me. 
Days legitimately whizzed past with nothing short of a greeting. I mean, it was already August 4th...somehow.
“You have all your bags, right?” Dad asked, his voice wavering the slightest bit. I looked down at my belongings for the fourth time; a large duffel bag of clothes, a chest full of dorm stuff and personal items (including that stupid fan, yes), and a very large and heavy carry-on stuffed with all of my technology. And, for the fourth time, I confirmed that I had everything.
“It’s all here, Dad. For the last time.” I giggled, shaking my head. He could only respond with his usual eye roll and grin.
“What about Leila? Are you completely positive that she’s on your flight?” Mom asked, her eyes inspecting mine. A sigh freed itself from my lungs as I nodded.
“She’s already waiting for me by the baggage area, Mom. You even saw her when we walked in, remember?” I stated, returning her inspecting gaze as she fondly smiled in remembrance.
My hands were reaching down to pick up my bags before Henry lightly punched my shoulder. “Wait, whoa, where’s the love, sis?”
“It’s hiding from you,” I teased, punching his shoulder before I pulled him close for a tight hug, “I’m gonna miss you bunches, you know.”
Henry’s grip tightened before he pulled back to show me the tears in his eyes. I gave him a sad smile, knowing that familiar look in his eye; he agreed but didn’t want to admit it.
“Don’t worry, Henry. I’ll only be a call away if you ever need to talk to me,” I said, putting my hands on his shoulders, “and I’ll be a nine hours’ drive away if you ever need me in person.”
He cracked a smile that was identical to my own and let out a deep breath that turned into a shaky laugh.
“Shut up, midget. Go catch your flight.” Henry laughed, shaking his head to compose himself. His blonde hair was tucked away in a red hat with a big, fancy ‘O’ embroidered in gray and black on its face. My heart swelled with pride to see it, too.
“Ditto!” I laughed while reaching down to grab my bags. “Well, I ought to get going. Leila’s been waiting on me for a while”
“Travel safely and call us when you land, no matter the time!” Mom said, hugging Dad and pulling Henry close. My eyes burned with tears as I nodded.
“Can do,” I shakily breathed, “I love you guys.”
Mom blew kisses my way and Dad smiled. Even Henry gave me a rare, genuine grin. I waved, and with a final glance, turned around and headed to the gate that was just behind me without looking back.
The weight of the bags in my hands doubled with each step towards Leila. She was sitting in the waiting area, her bags all around her, scrolling through her phone. Her straight black shoulder length hair was accessorized with a jade green headband, matching her comfy outfit that consisted of a matching jade green tee and a pair of workout leggings.
“Took you long enough, you slowpoke!” Leila smiled, patting the blue seat next to her as she tucked her phone in her backpack. I dropped my bags in relief as I sat down next to her. “How emotional were your parents?”
“Enough to make me almost cry?” I laughed, wiping the wetness below my eyes. “Well, maybe I did cry a little.”
Leila laughed and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “It doesn’t take much to make you cry, Charlotte. But I am beyond glad to see that you held in most of your alligator tears.”
We both laughed, though our laughter faded after about a minute, turning into a stressed silence...
“We’re really doing this, aren’t we?” I said while taking a deep breath. After almost a year of building up the nerves, the day was finally here.  College...adulthood...life...
Leila turned to me, her eyes showing the most vulnerability that I’ve ever seen in them, and took a deep breath with me. “We may be crazy, but at least we’re crazy together.”
Bag security was a surprising breeze; little to no lines and no troubles. The security guys even smiled at me. Talk about weird.
Waiting for the flight time was tiring. I did, however, get a text from Henry saying that he’d successfully reached his gate and would be taking off for Ohio at dusk. So that was at least something to keep me occupied for a good two minutes.
Another distraction was to play matchmaker with Leila. It was our favorite pastime in high school, so why not continue the tradition?
“Ooh, that business guy over there wearing the red tie, and...” Leila trailed off, scanning the rows of seats until her eyes focused on a woman talking animatedly on the phone only a few feet away, “her.”
“Wait, the Adrian Raines-looking guy paired with that preppy woman?” I asked, my eyes narrowing. Leila hummed with approval next to me, making me cringe immediately; why, and how, would that work? They were polar opposites!
“Leila, listen. He looks like the type of guy that’d bite your head off if you gave him the wrong coffee order and she looks like the type of girl to organize a charity event. It’s all in the eyes and the cheekbones, even the eyebrows.” I explained, shaking my head. Leila, however, disagreed like she always did.
“They’d balance each other out. He’d soften up and she’d harden up. It’s that simple! Plus, it helps that they’re both very attractive...” Leila smirked, her eyes examining them both with a wistful sigh.
“And they’re probably much older than us, so don’t even get ahead of yourself.” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “But back on topic. Are you talking about the whole ‘opposites attract’ lore? Because that’s just not...plausible. Maybe it is in the movies--”
Leila let out an exasperated breath that hindered the rest of my thought. “It is plausible, though! Just think about how you would feel in this situation. Would you want a guy who has a prickly exterior and a mushy-gushy heart?”
My heart started to palpitate as my hands started to sweat. I have learned to loathe Leila’s ‘boy talk’ because it’d always turn into her setting me up with guys that were either way out of my league or guys that just didn’t meet my expectations.
Her question, though, did deserve some deep thought. I guess I can set my pride aside for a mere second and give her some sort of approbation...
So, the question on the table: did I really have a thing for those types of people? Snarky but also impossibly soft? I guess I’ve never really been invested in relationships of my own. The idea of romance, sure, but not for me. It just never really seemed as important as the ACT or my GPA. I’m starting to regret my valedictorian title; I focused so hard on my studies that I forgot about the fun aspect of high school like the average, rebellious boyfriend with a leather coat and a motorcycle.
“You know what, Leila?” I started, carefully testing this ground as to not lead her down the matchmaking rabbit hole, “I would like a guy like that. A sarcastic and snarky guy with a secret soft side? Yes, please. Oh, and glasses that he’d push up his nose when he was frustrated? Even better.”
An uncharacteristic snicker escaped Leila; she was never one to snicker like that, and now that I actually think about it, our boy talk always had that stereotypical effect on her. Man, this hobby was melting her brain. Is there any research out there on how the quietest whisper of romance can turn the human brain to goo? If so, I need to get my hands on it ASAP. 
“I knew that you had a thing for that! I’ve been scoping this out for years, Charlotte!”
Of course she has.
“Glad you’ve been looking out for me. That or stalking me, but that’s up to you.” I teased, bumping my shoulder with hers only to receive a tired groan in response.
“Oh, hush. You know exactly how damn predictable you can be sometimes. Don’t even try to contradict that, either.” Leila stated, giving me a side glare. I gave her a bright, innocent smile in response as I fiddled with my duffel bag’s handles.
My mouth opened to bring up another round of matchmaker, but I was overpowered by a loud speaker.
“Flight one-hundred two for New York boarding at gate fifty-six!” A voice said gently over the speakers. Leila and I instantly looked at each other with the same anxious looks that slightly weirded me out.
“Um, Leila--” I stammered, trailing off as Leila hopped up and started to grab her things. She wore the biggest and brightest smile when she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.
“C’mon, slowpoke! We gotta go! Move those short legs of yours!” Leila beamed, grabbing my duffel bag with her open hand. Before I could retort, I was ushered into standing and walking towards the luggage area.
“Alright, eager one, slow down a bit?” I asked through a huff. Only two months off of the cheer team and away from drama and I’m already bent out of shape.
Leila threw my duffel bag and her own suitcase onto the conveyor belt and so I followed suit.
This...this entire experience was moving faster than I expected.
The plane ride wasn’t really all that exciting. Just Leila falling asleep on me, like I expected. Throw in a couple packs of peanuts, a dash of watching Dirty Dancing and Grease religiously, and a sprinkle of a baby’s obnoxious tantrum...and you end up with the definition of a typical plane ride.
Woo, college. Already kicking off with such an exciting start.
We were about thirty minutes out from The Big Apple when Leila finally woke up from her sleep. I felt my shoulder lighten and then felt the instant soreness from the five and a half hour flight.
“How’d you sleep?” I asked, busying myself by pausing Dirty Dancing on its second playthrough. Of course it was right as Baby started to awkwardly dance down the staircase and onto the bridge.
Leila’s response didn’t come when I thought it would, so I looked over to see if she fell back asleep on the plane’s wall. To my surprise, I saw that her eyes were glued to a figure a few seats over. 
The girl who sat there had this gorgeous auburn hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Her black headphones stood out against her pale complexion and revealed the slightest trace of taupe freckles scattered about her cheeks. Also from the girl’s side profile, you could just barely see the tint of matte black lipstick on her lips.
A gentle but teasing smile formed when I looked back over at a wide-eyed Leila, her cheeks now starting to redden with embarrassment.
“See someone you like over there?” I asked, softly nudging her arm with my own. She cleared her throat and blinked rapidly before turning her attention to me.
“I thought she was snoring?” Leila stammered, now rubbing her tired eyes. I looked back over at the girl - her head bobbing slightly to whatever she’d been playing on her laptop - and let out a laugh.
“Sorry to break it to you, Leila, but she’s completely awake.”
Leila whipped her head back around to see and then let another deep blush cover her cheeks. It was hard to notice against her olive skin, though it deepened enough to see from miles away.
“Okay, um, she was snoring a little bit ago. I swear on your life.” Leila said, pressing her hands to hide her bright red cheeks. 
I let out another laugh. She had never let herself get this flustered...ever. This was so rare that I’d only ever seen it once and that was back in high school. Leila locked eyes for a solid twenty seconds with a junior guy named Michael Harrison at lunch during our freshman year. She couldn’t stop blushing or stuttering for the rest of the day, and that’s not mentioning the dejected look she had when Michael walked out of the building with an unfamiliar girl on his arm after school.
As expected, Leila only responded to me with her notorious deadly side glare.
“Shut up right this instant, Charlotte Parker.” She hissed between her gritted teeth.
Did I listen? Of course not.
“Looks like Miss Maciel has been struck by Cupid’s arrow...” I teased, dramatically leaning into her lap with my hand against my forehead. She grumbled and leaned her head on her palm, looking out the window. After I sat up, I could see her brown eyes flit over in the girl’s direction every once in a while and couldn’t hold back my smile. Not teasing, but happy.
I knew that wistful look in her eye well enough to know that she’d been enamored.
The plane landed at about seven in the evening. Before getting off the plane, I looked over to the girl. She was frantically putting her computer away in it’s decorated case. I saw a patch with the familiar NYU bobcat...right next to another patch with the name “Skye” in this sort of horror-ish calligraphy.
“I think her name is Skye,” I said, leaning in to whisper to Leila, “and I think she’s going to NYU.”
Leila glanced over as she stuffed her neck pillow (that she never used) in her bag.
“Cool. Um...Skye, you said?” Leila said, a blush blooming across her cheeks again. 
I’m seriously loving this.
“Yep, Skye. Maybe she’s a freshman like us?” I said. Leila bit her thin bottom lip.
“Maybe,” Leila said, a smirk crossing over her features, “just...maybe.”
Waiting for our luggage was so boring. I decided that it was even worse than waiting for our fight.
“Ah, it’s mine!” I heard a girl a few feet away from my tired figure cheer. She rushed forward to grab a gaudy pink suitcase bedazzled with fake gems. Leila pretended to gag next to me.
“Gross,” Leila sighed, though her eyes suddenly lit up, “hey, wait, those are our bags!”
She pointed toward a cluster of familiar bags on the conveyor.
“Ah! C’mon!” I stammered, rushing forward and grabbing them. We both started to laugh as we lugged them off.
“Jesus, this is heavier than I remember.” Leila huffed, lifting her bag onto her shoulder. I did the same, though almost toppled over because of the weight.
“Are we sure that these are ours?” I asked, unzipping the duffel bag to see my familiar coat. Relief flooded my features as I looked back at Leila.
Her face was a sickly greenish pale.
“Uh, Charlotte, this...this isn’t...” Leila stuttered, carefully shuffling through the bag. There were lots of black sweaters and lots of striped shirts. A couple pairs of ripped jeans, a few rock band tees along with an NYU sweatshirt...and a tag on the strap.
I reached out for the black tag on the strap and flipped it over. It read...
“Leila, remember that girl from the plane?” I asked, showing her the tag. Her face immediately fell, though I could see the flame of hope flickering in her deep brown irises.
“Oh. My. God.” Leila groaned, taking the tag into her hand. “You’re kidding. Charlotte, this seriously isn’t happening right now.”
Despite her panicked state, I laughed. And laughed. And laughed.
“I’m officially calling you Eliza Schuyler because you are helpless!” I giggled, doubling over. Leila loudly sighed.
“No, no no no...” Leila whispered, zipping the bag closed, “how are we going to find her now? I bet she left already with my bag.”
I sadly let my laughter subside as I wiped the humored tears from my eyes, being careful to not let my light layer of mascara run or smudge into a huge mess. That was the last thing I needed right now.
“Alright. Well, I think we should wait and see if your bag is still here. We don’t know for sure that she has it,” I stated, patting Leila’s shoulder, “but if it doesn’t show, we’ll track this Skye girl down and give her the right bag. Okay?”
Leila nodded, her face still contorted with a mixed emotion of annoyance and helplessness.
“Welcome to New York, where we lose your freaking bags and make you chase after freaking girls that you like,” Leila mumbled in a bad imitation of a New York accent, pinching the bridge of her slender nose.
“So you do admit it! Aww!” I cooed, booping her nose. She caught my wrist and gave me another glare, though this one was downright teasing.
“Shut it or I will mercilessly write on your face tonight with a Sharpie while you sleep,” Leila teased, “but let’s get going. We still gotta find our dorm and the sun’s already starting to set.”
I nodded and gathered up my stuff, taking another look back at the conveyor...
“Oh, everyone’s gone?” I questioned, my eyes scanning the now empty area around us. Leila rolled her eyes and started to drag me along towards the masses of people with her free hand.
“Yes, but now let’s go find this girl before I lose my mind. I need my bag and I can bet that she needs hers.”
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