#Sombra fluff
junkratsjunkertown · 11 months
hii can i request a sombra x fem!support!reader smut and/or fluff ? :)
Sure. I can do both if you want. Just let me know. Y/T/N means Your Talon Name.
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Hijacking Health
Sombra x F! Support! Reader Fluff
You knew Olivia Colomar before Talon existed. But you haven’t heard from her in many years. You were with her in the Los Muertos gang. You treated her wounds after every fight. But she left the gang and deleted every piece of information about her. It hurt you that she didn’t take you with her, but you knew she probably had her reasons.
Now you are Talons newest Support member. You work alongside Baptiste and Moira. You’ve gotten to know Sigma, Mauga, and Realer pretty well. You didn’t bother Widowmaker after you met her. You only spoke to Doomfist when he gave you orders. But there was one person of their team that you haven’t meet yet. Sombra.
You swear that you’ve heard that name before. It wasn’t until you, Baptiste, Mauga, Sigma, Reaper, and Sombra were told to go on a mission. You were going over your medical supplies and making sure that you had your boomerangs. Your healing method is that you use a sniper rifle that’s like Widowmaker’s but it does more healing than damage even though you do have other bullets too. But when you’re on the move you use your Cloth Healing that Moira gave you. Basically you heal yourself and others using bandages, gauzes, and rarely cotton cloths.
After you finished making sure you had everything you started to double check that Baptiste had enough of his healing items. You know he said that he has enough for the mission, but you just want to make sure and even said that he could double check your stuff. As you were doing that you heard Sigma coming into the airship talking with a woman. It sounded very familiar, but you couldn’t tell.
“Ah. Hello Y/T/N. Are you checking on Baptiste’s things?”
“Hello Sigma. Yes I am. Just double checking.”
You say as you stand and turn around to face him and the woman. You freeze as you lock eyes with the woman. It’s Olivia.
“Y/T/N this is Sombra. Sombra this is our new Support Y/T/N.”
“Y/N? How’d you end up here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Sombra. But if we both live I’ll tell you after the mission.”
Sigma feeling the tension in the air decides to change the subject
“So Y/T/N how are you doing with your Cloth Healing? Have you been working with Moira on it?”
“Oh umm. I’m still getting used to it. But she said that she wants to add Digital Healing to my abilities.”
“And what did you tell her?”
“That I’ll think about about it. Anyways I’m going to check on Mauga real quick before we take off.”
Sigma nods and takes his seat next to Sombra who took hers. After 9 minutes Mauga and Baptiste sit next to each other and you sit next to Reaper.
~5 days later~
You and the team return to Talons base and go to write your individual reports of the mission to give Doomfist. You had to write a report on the mission and a report on your Cloth Healing for Moira. The mission report took you around 20 minutes. You started on your report for Moira. That’s when you hear Olivia’s voice next to you.
“Why did you let that woman experiment on you?”
“Because I knew it would help the team I’m with and the other agents at Talon.”
“Why did you join Talon?”
“Because Olivia I had nothing left after you left the gang.”
You say as you turn to look her in the eyes. You see the shock in her eyes when you say her real name.
“I had reasons to leave. People knew what I was doing and who I was. If I didn’t leave the gang and you then everyone would get hurt. Or even killed.”
She puts a hand on your cheek and wipes away a tear from your face.
“I missed you, Y/N. I wanted to take you with me, but I didn’t want to put you in more danger.”
“The day I found out you left was the day I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend.”
“I wanted to ask you same thing before I left.”
“Well. Sombra will you be my girlfriend?”
“I would love nothing more. Can we go and cuddle while I mess with Gabe through his lights?”
“After I’m done with my reports and hand them to Doomfist and Moira.”
~later that day at dinner~
“Yes Reaper?”
“Have you seen Sombra?”
“No. Why?”
“I think she’s messing with my lights again.”
“Well she was with me after the mission in my room. But I don’t know where she is right now. You could ask Widow or Sigma.”
He signs as he walks off to find Widow or Sigma.
“He’s gone.”
Sombra uncloaks herself and continues to eat your fries.
“Thank you, my healer.”
She kisses your cheek as you laugh.
“Your welcome, my hacker. Oh by the way I’m working with Sigma tomorrow if you want to join me.”
“I’d love nothing more.”
“No one hides from my sight.”
You and Sombra look at each other. You two now hear Reaper running towards the room.
You say as you and Sombra try and escape the angry man. You pass Mauga and Baptiste. You stop and look at them.
“Distract Reaper, please. Thank you.”
You run off before they ask why and you hear them distracting Reaper. You get to your room only to see Olivia beat you there. You both lay on the bed after you lock your door. Olivia pulls out her laptop and you two cuddle while watching a movie.
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kirafier · 7 months
I wonder- what's the relationship (if we can even call it that) between Shadow Fluff and Sombra?
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Let's just say, they have a VERY interesting relationship :3
P.S. Never try to touch Shadow Fluff ears. Seriously, just don`t.
EDIT: I forgot to mention my inspiration. I find it on Pinterest
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Polka - Light and Shadows - Strictly NRC Dancing
Author Notes: The dance I used for this fic is another type of Polka, this time from Mexico. More specifically the Mexican folk dance from Chihuahua, Mexico: Polka Luz y Sombras. I recommend watching the performance on Youtube labeled “Mexican Folk Dance - Polka Luz y Sombras de Chihuahua México” and posted by Vive El Folklore. I had a lot of trouble finding out much about this Polka, but there are several performances on Youtube, including the one I recommended. Just like the rest of this AU/series the reader is female for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more this AU/series, the fics can be found here: Strictly NRC Dancing AU Master-List
Type: Dance AU/ female reader/ fluff/ PLATONIC
Word Count: 721
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The final dance of the polka class was largely just for fun. It wasn’t going to be scored and was a favor from the teachers to me.
 This was because my partner for the final polka was not allowed to take the dance classes simply because he would download all of the information and motions off of the internet and immediately become a flawless polka dancer.
 My partner was none other than Ortho.
The little robot boy had confided in me when he practiced with me on the sly that he also wanted to dance. 
He’d learned the motions already and enjoyed dancing with me before going directly to Idia with the motions he’d downloaded from our practice to help his brother learn to dance without me and Ignihyde’s housewarden ever having to meet up. 
Ortho also understood why he couldn’t be allowed to take the class, though. He would, inevitably, get the top spot in the class simply due to the nature of how he learned. 
But he still wanted to participate. He enjoyed watching others performances and wanted to join in.
Which was why I asked all of the judges if I could have a single favor and dance with someone I wanted to dance with at the end of all of the other performances. Initially, they had been wary. But when I explained the situation, that all changed very quickly. 
I’d told Ortho the very next day and received a rather bruising hug from the ecstatic boy, who’d immediately zipped home to tell his brother. 
He’d then come back just as quickly to tell me he knew exactly which polka he wanted to do. A hyper-specific Mexican polka. The “Luz y Sombras” that was native to Chihuahua, Mexico, in my world.
It was honestly pure luck that Sam happened to know this dance, and, with Ortho’s help, he’d taught me the steps to the incredibly fast polka that was filled with stomps, kicks, and even dancing, quite literally, cheek to cheek.
We couldn’t make it through a single practice session without someone getting tickled, usually me or Sam, while Ortho seemed to genuinely enjoy just watching the two of us dancing and clapping along just as much as he enjoyed actually practicing with me himself.
When it came time for our performance, I was surprised to see Crewel flagging me down, a smile on his face as he motioned me over to the dressing room. “You didn’t think I’d let you go without a costume change, did you pup?”
I stared at him, half shocked and half amused that he’d designed a dress for even this performance. 
The alchemy teacher/fashion designer held out the white blouse, a white skirt, a belt, some little black boots, and even some white bloomers for when my skirt inevitably whipped up due to the frenzied motions required by the dance.
Crewel calmly explained as he carefully handed each of the articles of clothing over to me, “Luz y Sombras means light and shadows, so you’ll be the light side of the dance. Apparently, Idia is going to handle making our little Ortho look like a shadow.”
And Idia had indeed made Ortho look like a little shadow by changing out a lot of the boy’s white plating for black. All that was left now was to perform.
And perform we did, our feet hitting the floor loudly for each stomp as we kicked out, smiling all the while. We’d barely even gotten started dancing before the majority of our fellow students and even the teachers were clapping along and cheering.
While it was not a dance that was graded or had anything of real import resting on its success, it was easy to say that it was everyone’s favorite performance. 
Even Idia had remained after his dance, hiding off to the side so that he could film his little brother with a wide grin on his face that made me wonder if his cheeks hurt as much as mine did from all the smiling.
It was true that I was beyond exhausted by the time our energetic performance came to an end. But it was also true that I’d probably enjoyed my dance with Ortho more than any of the others, and his bright, sparkling eyes had made it beyond worth it.
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the-xolotl · 4 months
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Sweet, Soft Shadow Man
Alastor x gn!Reader & Al’s Shadow
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♡ Itty bitty snip
♡ a/n: i feel like i’ve only been writing smut recently so here’s something soft
summary: Alastor’s shadow adores you, because Alastor adores you, but he’s a lot more reserved with his feelings. His shadow on the other hand has little qualms about showing affection or responding to yours, and maybe Al feels a little jealous.
♡ TAGS: sfw, domestic fluff, slight jealousy, some banter, no use of y/n, latine coded reader lowkey.
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One thing to get use to as you and Al had begun dating was his shadow constantly hovering around you anywhere you went where Alastor himself wasn’t. At first it had felt smothering, like he didn’t trust you alone or like you couldn’t defend yourself, when you in fact very much can. You’d roll your eyes every time you caught the shadowy figure out if the corner of your eye or even tried to get it to go back to Alastor but of course it only listened to its master and would stare at your blankly with the holes that are supposed to be his eyes.
However, as you got to know it and Alastor you realized it wasn’t that that your lover thought you couldn’t look after yourself. No, what you came to realize (and kept to yourself because it’s much too precious) is that Alastor is a proud man ok not that, you knew that very well but that he has his peculiar way of showing affection, one way was to keep his shadow with you when he himself couldn’t. His pride got in the way of him being outwardly affectionate towards you even after courting, properly asking you be his partner and all the time spent together, he still kept to himself a lot simply reciprocating what you initiated. But having the one thing that’s an extension of himself guard you and keep you company was one of the first tokens of care he’d given you.
Thereafter this discovery you didn’t mind it as much, in fact, you even gave it a name; Sombra. You grew very fond of the curious creature that mostly kept itself to surfaces or even in the silhouette of your shadow. It made you giggle every time Sombra did, because you could feel an odd, ghostly weight on your person when it did despite being in its intangible form. Sombra,you also found, is very animated with you. It showed a lot of emotion: joy, sadness, excitement etc. And it didn’t always smile like Alastor did, it could frown, or have a neutral expression. The more you got to know it, the more you became attached to it and it to you. Where to even without Alastor sending it to you, Sombra came to you out of its own accord or even when you called it.
While not entirely against it, Alastor found it a little irritating that literal part of him spent more time with you than he did sometimes. After all he’s an Overlord and the manager of the Hazbin Hotel with the Princess of Hell, he’s a busy man. And the fact you named it, like a pet. His shadow was wrapped around your finger the same way Alastor was, but at least Alastor didn’t show it so forwardly. This fact made Alastor a little bashful the first time you had revealed this to him, all of the little things his shadow did for you.
For example it would bring you little gifts, either from Alastor… Or its own. Small trinkets, flowers (not even store bought just wild flowers off the streets) or even limbs. You didn’t question the limbs even if they put you off at times. Sombra became very cuddly and liked to follow you around even when you only did mundane things. Like today, you’re in the kitchen making a dinner you had made Alastor promise to be there for. He’d been unusually busy recently and as much as you love Sombra, you miss your significant other. You had been prepping the ingredients for a special dish you wanted Alastor to try, that while not entirely southern food, it’s very similar to something like gumbo, when out of the corner of your eye you saw a flash of a black figure. It disappeared as soon as you turned to look in that direction, so you shifted your focus back to the food.
A few times more this happened before a menacing shadow loomed right over you as you threw chopped vegetables into the pot of already boiling water with salt and other seasonings on it. It made half the kitchen dim and it seemed to swallow up its surroundings. You smiled wide giggling looking up at the ceiling, “Sombra~” you sing-song, greeting the ghostly silhouette, “Want a taste?” you offered one of the still uncooked pieces of red meat. It shrunk down to its usual size on the wall taking the offered food. Chuckling at how the meat hovered in the air before it disappeared as Sombra put it in its mouth. The shadow smiled wide giving you a thumbs up as it watched you add herbs into the cooking pot.
“That’s not a pet, you know that right darling?” Alastor’s unfiltered voice came from the door frame as he entered unannounced. While his voice had its usual uppity lilt his tone came a little annoyed. You had reach to hug and pet Sombra like you always do to welcome it, you thought Alastor wouldn’t come for another while longer so you indulged the little servant before its master arrived but you got caught right in the act. It retracted to Alastor’s side like it always did as he threw it a sideways glance.
“Of course he’s not. But its cute, in its own way,” you smile. “Welcome home, my love,” smiling at the radio demon you gingerly made your way to him wrapping your arms around him with a tight hug. He did the same, planting a soft kiss on your forehead, your smile widen. “I missed you,” you whispered looking up at him with big doe eyes. Because you did. You really, really did. You didn’t want to say it outloud but you almost thought he wouldn’t show or he’d be late. So it made you exceedingly happy he had already arrived. “It’s almost ready, why don’t you go sit at the table.”
From his seat, he watched you prepare the side dishes as the pot on the stove simmered, however his eyes more than fixating on you, they followed the movement of his shadow standing next to you at all times. Handing you things, making you laugh and giggle with little actions. And of course it’s his shadow he could feel how giddy your attention made it. Every time you said thank you, every time you gave it a compliment or whenever you pet it. He felt it’s eye twitch seeing Sombra lay his transparent head on the shadow of your shoulder and you didn’t bat an eye. Part of it is guilt, guilt that he had been so absent and distant for weeks, because he’d been too preoccupied with other responsibilities, and jealousy. The jealousy is what bothered him the most. That damn shadow had been hoarding all your attention even as he’d been sitting in the same room with you.
Alastor wouldn’t admit it’s his fault, of course. So instead he gets up from the table again coming up to stand behind you, long arms wrapping around your middle. It surprised you a little, making your stutter the rhythm of your stirring. Alastor rested his chin on the same shoulder Sombra had, making direct eye contact with the sentient being and intimidating it into moving away from you. If it could hiss, it would have. But it moved away without you noticing. Alastor’s arms tighten around you for a second before speaking softly, “I apologize for neglecting you, or if you’ve felt lonely in my absence, darling,” his words were sincere. Alastor didn’t like being away from you very long, didn’t like having to go places filled with people he couldn’t care less about and having to deal with others he disliked. But duties are duties and work is work, he’s a man of principle.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t long to be with his beloved, and he know he’s godawful at telling you. Part of the reason he’d kept his shadow with you, in hopes to keep you solace, and company when he couldn’t. But seeing you grow closer to the creature and pouring all the affection you couldn’t give him made his chest tighten, a feeling that crawled under his skin and bothered him in ways that shouldn’t matter to him. You were his. Yet, here he is, acting childish even if you are probably mostly unaware. Or he hopes you are. Because this is embarrassing, it makes him feel embarrassed deep down. His ears twitched in annoyance as the thoughts swirled around his mind trying to push them away but failing.
“I know you’ve been busy. I wouldn’t call it neglect really,” you answer back, relaxing into the embrace and tilting your head so that you can press a soft kiss to his cheek then nuzzling him, “But you are gone too often, I had meant to talk to you about it but I didn’t really know how to. I guess I also felt a little bad asking you to give me more than you already do,” you chuckle unhumorously. Alastor did give you everything, hardly ever did he tell you no and did what he could to make you happy. Your relationship had been very rocky at the start. Both of you had to learn to make your relationship work and meet in the middle on a lot of different things. Alastor had to re-learn what it’s like to love someone, you had to adjust to his own way of loving and take baby steps, slower ones than you were used to. Both of you accepted the flaws that came with the other, you were in hell, he wasn’t the worst out there and you weren’t perfect.
“And you don’t have to be jealous of your own shadow, Al,” you quipped, a grin tugging the edges of your lips. You had to press your lips into a thin line to keep yourself from giggling at the flare of radio static around you after saying that. But he didn’t really refute it.
“Very funny, darling,”
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© 2024 the-xolotl — all rights reserved. do NOT alter, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my consent, do not claim my content as yours.
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aredpainting · 2 years
the hand hold
It was loud–a lot louder than she expected it to be. Blue was damned to ‘polite person purgatory.’ She weighed her two options. One of which was to remove her hearing aides and feel at peace; though, be at the mercy of Arin’s wrath. The other was to simply baggage the noise and carry on with the rest of the night.  She chose the latter. 
Idly, she scanned the area. Blue half-hoped and half-prayed someone would saunter to her, throw a pick-up line and they would talk for the remainder of the night. But, no one did. She stood there, like an idiot, and held the red cup close to her chest. This was painful. This was awkward. She wanted to sleep. Blue pursed her lips together and leaned into the counter. There was no one  there she wanted to talk to. Arin’s friends were cool, but they were weird. They were young, a little reckless–a lot more than Blue was, and they all had their personal connections with Arin. It felt weird to fit herself in that equation. Blue also noted that nearly all of Arin’s co-workers huddled together, too, in their own little clique. 
It was loud, she was upset, and she was exhausted. Fuck it. Blue downed whatever was left in her cup and began to make her way down the hall. It was packed. There were people she had never seen before, but assumed Arin had the bright idea of inviting, loitering here and there. She excused herself, her voice soft and almost a whisper, through the crowd, and they let her through. The moment her door came to view, Blue immediately slipped inside. Instantaneously, her hands weaved into her hair, then to the cords that wrapped deeply into her ears and she yanked. 
Silence came quick. The familiar sting and rumble of her head came fleeting after; Blue didn’t have the energy to care. She tossed her hearing aides onto her desk and fell face first into her bed. Whatever. Arin could live without her absence, she always did. Blue’s arms stretched across the bed. She felt the cold blankets, the plumpness of her pillows and– Blue shot up. Her eyes widened and they were met with the set of gold she grew to adore. “Sombra,” she said a bit mystified. “Sombra?” Her voice came finally, as perplexed. Her hand lay across a singular claw. Neither of them moved. 
“Kica.” He replied, his form piecing together from the corner of her bed. He looked at her, his signature grin spread across his features as he made himself comfortable. The bed was small, but it would do. He hunched to where she could read his lips. “It is good to see you again. This is a night of celebration,” he paused, “are you tired?” 
The only acceptable noise, Blue found, was the pounding of her heart. Blue was precisely diplomatic when it came to reading lips. Her gaze would never leave his mouth–not that she minded, and she nodded. “I am. It was a little boring, no one would talk to me, so I figured I would sleep. Can you blame me?” She offered a smile and sat up. They faced each other, the moonlight spreading into the slit of her window. His eyes lazily trailed to her mouth. 
“I am here. Is there reason for you to be tired now?” He could feel her stare; he wasn’t exactly discreet about his wandering eyes, but it was only her lips. Maybe he was lip reading, too? 
“Then what will make you more awake?” 
Suddenly, though briefly, everything was loud again. Blood rushed to her head and she gave a choked laugh. Flustered, her fingers twitched subconsciously against his claws. “What?” Blue said, unable to keep her attention on him now. She looked away, then back to him. “I-I think this is fine. I don’t want to be too awake, ‘cos then I’ll never sleep. But, I like it how we are now. I always feel better when you come around.” 
When she laughed, Sombra snorted. He took in her expression; she looked so happy, who was he to take that from her? Besides, he thought to himself, this was all apart of his foolproof plan. Make her happy and he’ll get the reward. Right? Even then, he continued to stare at her. “This is nice,” he agreed, waiting for her to calm down. 
“Actually,” she sighed, her shoulders easing, “can you stay here for the rest of the night? I don’t want to be alone.” Blue’s fingers moved again and she looked back up at him. It was so in the moment, she couldn’t help herself– he wasn’t moving his hand, and she wasn’t either– the signs were all there! His hair began to bristle and for that moment, he was stunned. despite himself, he let his claws twine with her hand. 
“Of course, Kica. I will not go anywhere.” 
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channiedotcom · 22 days
late night gaming
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i.n x gn!reader – fluff ; gamer!jeongin ; college au 
word count – 1.1k
a/n – i’ve been hoping to write something like this ever since i found out that i.n plays overwatch… it’s one of my favorite games and i like to imagine how fun it would be to get to game with him (and the other members of skz of course) also lmk if y’all would be interested in a pt 2! 
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Late into the night, bluish-purple light seeps under the doorway of your bedroom. Every now and then, flashes of varying colors find their way into the mix. Your fingers move swiftly over your keyboard and mouse as your character turns in-game, taking shots at the enemy team. The payload is so close to creeping into the final point when–
Your character falls to the ground. You’ve been eliminated by fnncfx on Widowmaker. You hit your desk lightly with your fist, frustrated. “How did they even hit me? I swear I was behind that wall in time,” you mutter, watching the kill feed. You sigh and continue, exiting the spawn and getting back into the fight. Less than a minute later, it happens again. The same fnncfx gets a headshot, taking you out once more, just as quickly as you rejoined the battle.
The more it happens, the more frustrated you feel. Hoping to end the infuriating cycle, you switch to Sombra. If they’re going to keep targeting you, it’s only fair you do the same! You track down the Widowmaker and swiftly eliminate them. Within seconds, a message pops up in match chat:
fnncfx: counterswap? kinda weird
You roll your eyes and choose to ignore it. The game goes on for another minute or two, and you help your team by eliminating the Widowmaker at least twice more. As the timer runs out, your team finally completes the objective, and the word “Victory!” plasters itself across the screen. Before the game ends, you notice a small string of messages in the match chat:
fnncfx: ggs, except sombra fnncfx: i know ur mad i kept killing you lol
In a fit of frustration, you click on their profile and press the “add friend” button. You don’t really need to, but you want to talk to them and explain yourself. Almost as soon as you do, they add you back. You invite them to your group, eager to express your frustration. They accept and join in.
“You know I had to switch characters so you would stop eliminating me, right? You didn’t have to be such a jerk about it,” you huff, leaning towards your monitor.
There’s a pause. You stare at your screen, face illuminated by the glow. Why aren’t they responding yet? Did something go wrong?
“...Is this y/n?” he finally says, breaking the silence. As he speaks, your heart drops into your stomach. You recognize that voice instantly. It’s Jeongin– the cute guy from your math class. What is he doing playing this game? How did you end up in the same lobby? Your mind races. You’ve admired Jeongin from afar all semester- he’s the one you glance at in class, hoping he’ll notice you. And now here he is, in the same game, talking to you. Getting lost in your own thoughts, you almost forget to respond.
“I- uh- yes, hi! Oh my gosh, I didn’t- I didn’t think I’d run into you in this game! I’m so sorry, I hope I didn’t come across as rude or- or anything…” You stumble over your words, your voice trailing off as you put your face in your hands. You feel like you’ve seriously messed up.
He laughs.
He laughs.
You look up, your face warm. Despite the circumstances, you can’t help but think about how absolutely cute that sounded.
“I didn’t know you played this game, that’s actually pretty cool,” he says, his voice reminding you of liquid gold. It sounds warm and soothing, just like how you remember hearing it in class. 
“Yeah, I’ve had it for a while. I don’t play much stuff like this, but I guess this game is just different.” You shrug, leaning back into your chair a little bit. Knowing he isn’t upset as of this moment brings you a bit more peace. 
“Would you maybe… want to play a few games as a duo?”
Your eyes light up. He actually wants to play with you? He wasn’t going to ditch you immediately? 
You don’t even wait a moment before giving him a confident “That would be amazing!”
The two of you play through a few matches and do rather well, especially since he’s quite good at the game. You both find yourselves having a great time, giggling at the characters who seem to have no idea what is going on. You work together to take down enemy team after enemy team, barely losing any games.
After some time, you can hear him let out a sharp sigh. “I hate to do this to you, especially because I’m enjoying this so much, but I think I have to get going. My roommate Felix says he needs me to run it back in some scrimmages; I forgot I told him yesterday that I’d help out with that. I hope that’s alright…” He goes quiet, clearly disappointed to have some prior commitment. 
You frown, but aren’t too surprised. Of course someone as talented as him would be on some sort of gaming team. “For sure, that’s okay! I still had a great time; I would love to do this again, if you’d be down for that.”
“Yeah, totally! Why don’t you write down my number, and I’ll text you when I have time to do this again.” 
You can feel your face turning red at the idea of getting his number. This is someone you’ve admired from afar all semester, and now he wants to talk to you more. You feel like you’re in the clouds right now, your head spinning. 
He tells you the digits of his phone number and you swiftly enter them into your phone, then send him a text so he knows yours as well. 
“Okay, well you have a goodnight, y/n! It was great talking to you.” You can hear him smiling on the other side of his screen, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s blushing too. After he leaves the group, you log off out of the game and turn off your computer. You stand up from your chair and fall back onto your bed, wrapping yourself in the sheets. Giddy laughter escapes as you kick your feet in excitement. The thought that the most attractive boy in your class just gave you his number swirls in your mind, like a dream you never want to end. It still feels so surreal that he seems to at least tolerate- if not actually like- someone like you. As you hold your phone close to your chest, you slowly drift away into a deep sleep, dreaming of what could come of this newfound friendship, or maybe something more…
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froggibus · 2 months
Saw your post!! Any thoughts on what Junkrat, Mei, Venture, and Sombra might do if their respective s/o's wanted a prize from a claw machine? Who can actually do? What do they do if they can't?
Claw Machine - Junkrat, Mei, Sombra & Venture
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Genre: fluff, little crack
Summary: how your s/o would win (or steal) you a prize from a claw machine
CW: sombra’s a jerk, established relationships, theft (in a funny silly goofy way), Ven gets stuck in a claw machine, none of these people are good at games sorry
thanks so much for giving me a cute fluffy req ^^ I really appreciate it. sometimes writing so much smut gets a little overwhelming so I am grateful for fun little ideas like this!! 💓 hope you’re having a great day lovely someone pls remind me in the morning to give this a proper banner
@kitsune-loves-fics wrote a beautiful continuation of Venture’s part! come check it out here 💓
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insists he’s the best at claw machine games
he is not.
however he will spend all day and all the money he has just so he could get you whatever prize you wanted
unrelated but Mako is probably crazy at claw games
keeps promising he’ll win it for you but progressively gets worse and worse at the game
eventually gets annoyed and starts shaking the machine
please walk away it’s so embarassing
if that doesn’t work he will literally break the glass and just grab the toy for you
gets down on his knee like a dork and hands it to you
“for you, little cricket”
grabs your hand and runs away giggling from security
you’re legally obligated to keep the toy forever or else he’ll get sad
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probably average at the claw game
she won’t try all day but if you really want it, she’ll give it at least ten tries
gets kind of confused when she can’t win and decides to apply some science to it
literally calculates a bunch of math based on how fast it moves, how far away it is, size of everything etc
the math still doesn’t help
some kid probably comes up and does it on the first try and she’s staring at them like ‘how’
is completely focused on this damn claw machine now just to get you a little plushy
please bring her a drink or something to boost her mood
when you walk away she’ll try to put her hand in the machine but her arms are too short :(
in the end she recruits snowball and together they manage to get you your little plushy ^^
however she feels so guilty about it after she has to confess to you
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she will never let herself be defeated by ANY machine
she’ll probably tell you to win it for yourself and lean against the machine with a smirk while she watches you
you’ll pout at her and beg for her help but she wants to see how ‘dedicated’ you are first (whatever that means)
eventually she gives in (she can never resist you) and steps up to try the game
and immediately loses.
doesn’t even try again, she just hacks it and forces it to do whatever she wants
doesn’t just grab you one plushy, she practically cleans out the whole machine
“liv can we just leave? people are starting to stare?”
“just one more, cariño”
it will not be just one more, but how can you resist when she’s being so sweet?
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dork ass steps right up the minute you press your face on the glass and coo about how cute it is
“don’t worry babe, I got this”
(they really do not)
they will hyperfocus on it and play it for literal hours
they’re not even bad at it—they keep winning prizes, just not the one that you want
you could leave for ten minutes and come back and they’ll still be trying it
after maybe an hour of playing they get you to stand on the side and shake it for them
if that doesn’t work, they try to shove their arm up there but they’re so muscly they get stuck
you end up having to call the fire department to get them unstuck lol
and the owner of the place feels so bad (or maybe embarrassed) for you guys that they unlock the machine and just give you the toy
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masterlist | overwatch masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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alientee · 10 months
This is rated 18+ just in case minors don’t interact Maugaxreader
I’ve had Mauga brain rot since he came out and there not enough fan fiction for me so I’m weighting this because it’s a funny thought I had in my mind I may even make it into a series. Reader is AFAB. Mauga x reader, some fluff, just a lil smut (barley) maybe more in the future enjoy!!!!!
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You were relatively new to overwatch, but you were strong. The team knew you had their back, and that’s all that mattered; it also helped you have omnikinesis. But you couldn’t control it that well; you were unstable.
That’s why you reached out to overwatch, to control yourself before you hurt the others around you again. It’s a good thing they found out about you before talon or who knows what could have happened?
Speaking of Talon, you are having a team fight against them now. They tried to destroy another omnic and human peace event. Some of the richest humans and omnics were attending.
So you, Ana, Mei, Winston, and Lifeweaver were on guard duty. And lo and behold, here comes Sigma, Sombra, Reaper, Moria and some other big guy you didn’t know to ruin the party. Everyone began to run around in the grand dining room.
Sombra was hacking communications, so you couldn’t check on your backup. Mei and Ana were dealing with Reaper, and Moria, Winston, and Lifeweaver were dealing with Sombra and Sigma. That left you with the hulking, raging giant with tribal tattoos.
You quickly dodge his machine guns, using everything around you in the room as a shield. You quickly hide, trying to regain yourself; if you lose focus, you lose control.
You hear smashing and bullets flying, trying to think of a plan in your head.
“Ok your completely insane” You whispered
You snuck around the hulking hot head. You hype yourself up to do a sneak attack that hopefully won’t take down the whole building. You focus on all the skylights and chandlers, bringing them down on top of the hulking man before jumping on his back, ready to detain him.
Until you were encased in darkness.
You find yourself squished by the man who was trying to kill you just moments ago. You were lying on his chest and straddling his waist while he was scrunched up and bent forward. You look up at him, seeing the snarl on his face.
“Ummmmmm hi there” , his eyes narrowed at you.
“What the fuck did you do!”.
You look at him startled and confused. “What do you mean I thought this was you?”
He looks like he’s about to yell at you again untill you both hear somthing.
“(Y/N)! Can you hear me!” It was Ana “YES!”
“Sigma got you two stuck in there!”
The large man shouted right in my ear while his chest rumbled underneath me. “HE DID WHAT!”
“Ah Mauga my friend would you like to hear about my new project. I was trying to trap the other one but you’ll make a great tester as well!” you could hear the collective sighs outside.
“It’s a black cube! One could say it’s a miniature black hole, but not a black hole at all, just a void in cuboid shape. It’s supposed to hold matter and keep it stabilized in place. It’s purpose is to hold things until it fully disappears on its own. Can you hear the melody within the universe? ”
You could feel the man named Mauga stiffen beneath you, you stiffen as well.
“Does that mean we dissapear to!” You scream
“Hmm possibly or maybe it will disappear without you in it the possibilities are endless.”
Your about to speak again when you hear Mauga grunt, you look up seeing him move his head down, that’s when you realize it’s shrinking now.
“It’s shrinking now!”
“Don’t worry (Y/N) given the circumstances we will work together until your both out”
“Don’t die in there Mauga I still have use for you” You shiver hearing Moria speak in such a way it’s gross.
You look up and see Mauga looking annoyed and uncomfortable “I’m sorry”
“Why you didn’t do nothing”
“It’s just that, if it shrinks without disappearing you’ll die. I could probably protect myself if I think of a way but I don’t know how it would affect you I can’t fully control my powers.” All he does is hum in response.
“(Y/N)! Can you use your powers to force the cube open!” Now that’s and idea but before you could even think about it Sigma speaks again.
“If you try to force a black hole to seperate it may disrupt everything around it destroying us all”
but sigma speaks again “But if she uses her powers and makes a black whole within a black hole?”
“Then Mauga dies, it would be such a waist but it may be an easier option” Moria spoke again, you could see Mauga rolling his eyes “Fuck you”
You look back up at Mauga you can still see the cube slightly shrinking again. “Mauga who are you?” He looks at me confused not saying a word. You sigh and speak again.
“If I’m going watch someone die in a cube I at least want to know them.”
You can’t help but stare into his eyes; he looks very handsome. Just something about him being a giant hunk of muscle with a sharp tooth smirk had you enticed.
He looks at you and puts a smirk on telling you the basics: he fought a war, he got two hearts, he lives his life as he pleases, and the rest is history.
You learned he liked video games, he takes pride in being strong and actually works out, letting you know he’s not an experiment with Moria, he’s a hot head but he’s passionate, and you even learned you both own a pair of shark slides.
The cube really did seem to be some type of black hole because you lost track of time and talked for what seemed like hours.
“Since you wanna know me so bad you mind doing me a favor” you nod looking at him
“If I die in here do something for me” You stiffen and look away sadly; you didn’t want to think about him dying in here, especially being responsible for someone’s last wishes.
You may be able to save yourself with your powers, but not at the expense of Mauga's life. You could only hope you would get out before then.
“I need you to tell Bap that I was mad at him for trying to blow me up and for leaving me behind. I was willing to drag his ass back; I missed him. Tell him the next time he grows a conscience, don’t skip out on your friends.” You looked at him confused, but nonetheless agreed.
“Ummm ok I’m not even going to get into that, is that all” He looks away and ponders “Make sure my turtle plush and guns are buried with me to and make my funeral a celebration of me not some sad ass drag of a day”
“Considering we’re technically supposed to be enemy’s I don’t think I’ll be able to plan that who knows what they’d do to your body, but I’ll try my best”
“That’s all I ask”
We stare into each others eyes what seems like forever. Until he leans down more moving his forhead to mine “One more thing?”
You look into his eyes shyly looking away when his gaze got to intense. He looks at me giving me a wink and that damned smirk of his. “What is it?”
“I always said if I died, I’d be on my terms. I wanted go out happy with a gun in each hand and a smile on my face. But right now I think the only thing that could make me happy is if I was taken care of by a beautiful lady?”
You blush looking at him with wide eyes “Are you asking me to have sex with you!?”
“Can’t really do that in this position doll” He’s laughing his ass off, you want to wipe that smirk off his face.
“Then what do you mean?”
He looks down your breast and you blush getting and idea of what he wanted. “If you could let me lay my face in those big tits of yours that’s a way to go” he smirks.
You feel your blush go from your face to your neck. “We don’t even know if your going to die Mauga, they could be done getting us out any minute.”
You listen outside to see if I can hear anything.
“We are not destroying the cube Moria!”
“Why not Mauga can be replaced and that girl can cause the destruction of our universe she’s a liability and a threat”
You could only mumble under your breath. “Your ugly face is a liability and a threat to everyone’s day and stomach”
You hear Mauga chuckle. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure to fuck up all her lab shit if I get out of this”.
You noticed his words if. And you couldn’t deal with that. If he died you’d have been to useless to stop it and in that moment you didn’t want to think about him dying.
You can see the cube shrinking more but Mauga doesn’t make a sound of discomfort, it’s like he doesn’t want to bother you every time the cube gets smaller.
“Hey Mauga”
“What’s up?”
You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and push his face down into your breast. You don’t know what possessed you, but the thought of giving him his last wishes made you confident in your decision.
Mauga snuggles his head in your chest. You hold him there pushing his head down , not wanting him to see your blushing face making this even more awkward.
As if he can sense your distress Mauga motor boats your chest making you laugh. “Hahaha what the heck Mauga!”
“Just enjoying my new home. I love it here.”
He pushes his face deeper in your breast, inhaling your sent. “Hmmmm I really love it here” You feel him lick your chest.
“Mauga! W-what are you doing”
You pull back to find him looking at you with lust in his eyes and a shit eating smirk.
“You looked nervous I wanted to break the ice. I want you to enjoy this too. Can I?”
You don’t know if it was the way he looked at you, or because this was the first time you’ve felt a man’s touch like this, or maybe it was the fact that you wanted to help him; either way you nodded your head giving him the green light.
He puts his forehead against yours once more. “I need words sweetie, tell me what you want”
You look down refusing to make eye contact “I want you to touch me Mauga”
He slowly moves in and kisses your lips, his lips are surprisingly soft he pulls back biting your bottom lip. He moves his face down back to your breast, kissing and biting them slightly, leaving read marks on your skin. You use the front of your hands to pull down the top of your dress, thanking yourself the dress you had on didn’t require you to wear a bra.
He looks up at you as he slowly licks around your breast, taking a nipple in his mouth. His hands cant reach your chest so he settles on placing them on your ass.
Your eyes roll back in pleasure as he suckles on your nipple, his tongue flicking against it softly. He gropes your ass, squeezing your cheeks roughly. You can’t help but moan softly in his ear.
He releases your nipple with a loud pop giving the same attention to the other while nibbling it.
You can feel something slightly poke at you. You realized Mauga got hard. He felt so big even behind his pants. You slightly raised yourself to sit on top of his dick and begin to grind on his erection.
Hoping to give him and yourself some relief, your panties were soaking wet from the attention. You didn’t want to think about the wet spot you were about to leave on his pants.
“Fuck~, you feel so good sweetheart.”
You were about to respond but the cube starts to shake rapidly. You quickly pull your dress up and hold on to Mauga. All you can think about is his safety wanting to put both of you in a shield that could protect you no matter what.
And it seemed like your powers agreed. Because the next thing you know, you and Mauga are in a giant bubble floating above everyone.
He’s looking at you with wide eyes his frown turning into a giant smirk. “I made you feel so good you broke the cube huh”
Your embarrassment must have faulted your concentration, because you two instantly fell from the sky. You land on top of him in front of everyone making it even more awkward.
Everyone looked down at you two before you quickly got up and walked towards your team while covering yourself, just incase you didn’t put your dress on quite right. Reaper spoke up
“Next time you all die”
Ana spoke before anyone else “Oh shut up Gabriel I’m sick of the death jokes”
As they begin to leave Mauga turns towards you giving you a wink.
“It was fun sweetheart”. And he walks away with the rest of talons members.
Mei spoke up while everyone else looked at me “Did he hurt you (y/n)?”
“No he didn’t, he’s just messing with me”
They all nodded and we all begin to retreat back to headquarters. You could only guess sombra hacked everything before you even tried to get back up because no one showed. You started to wonder if you’d ever see Mauga again.
That thought alone made you blush. Lifeweaver tapped your shoulder. He gave you a smirk showing you he was laughing at you. You look at him confused wondering what was so funny.
“What is it?”
He leaned down and whispered in your ear.
“I hope he wasn’t to rough with you”
You looked at him in horror and confusion how could he even know! You looked down to your chest seeing dark red marks all over your breast.
Dammit Mauga!
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dreamwithlost · 2 months
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Ten x Reader
Gênero: Fluff, família feliz scr
W.C: 938
ᏪNotas: Essa aqui aqueceu o meu coraçãozinho, não costumo escrever muito sobre casais com filhos, mas acho que preciso, por que sempre me deixa feliz 😞🙏 (Pedidinho incrível!!!) Espero que gostem meus amores! Boa leitura!
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Você chegou em casa depois de mais um longo dia no escritório de advocacia. O relógio marcava dez horas, e o cansaço pesava sobre você como um cobertor de chumbo. Cada passo no salto alto era um esforço, e finalmente poder retirá-los e atirá-los para longe foi uma dádiva.
Seu corpo clamava por um banho quente e a suavidade da cama, mas o silêncio da casa, que por um momento lhe trouxe alívio, começou a incomodá-la. Com duas crianças em casa, o silêncio absoluto era raro, especialmente numa sexta-feira, quando as noites eram mais longas e animadas.
— Shh, papai — Ouviu um sussurro vindo da sala, reconhecendo a voz de Chen Tao, seu filho mais velho, com apenas cinco anos. Uma risada suave de Ten, seu marido, acompanhou o sussurro, aquecendo seu coração.
— Ten? — Você chamou por seu parceiro, pousando a bolsa sobre a bancada da cozinha e seguindo o som das vozes.
Ao chegar à sala, deparou-se com uma construção improvável: lençóis pendurados sobre cadeiras e o sofá marrom, formando uma cabana improvisada, iluminada pela luz quente de um abajur que projetava sombras suaves nas paredes. Era uma visão encantadora, um toque de magia no cotidiano.
— Meu Deus — Murmurou, mas logo uma risada escapou de seus lábios — O que vocês estão aprontando?
— Vem cá, mamãe! — Chen Tao exclamou, a animação traindo o segredo que tentava manter.
Com cuidado, você se abaixou para espiar a cena dentro da cabana. A luz suave iluminava os rostos de sua família, criando um cenário que poderia ser facilmente confundido com o próprio céu. Chen estava sentado com as pernas cruzadas, balançando-se ansioso ao lado do pai. Ten segurava Liang, seu filho mais novo, que dormia profundamente nos braços fortes e protetores.
Era impressionante como Chen Tao herdara seus olhos e sorriso, mas era cheio de energia como o pai, enquanto Liang, a cópia exata de Ten, apesar de ter apenas dois anos, já demonstrava traços de sua personalidade, tranquila e observadora; "haviam nascidos trocados", você costumava brincar.
— Surpresa! — Chen gritou, erguendo os bracinhos em celebração.
No centro da cabana, a mesa de centro havia se transformado em um espaço para um piquenique noturno, coberta com lanches leves e frutas cortadas em formatos divertidos — claramente ideia de Ten, que sabia da sua preferência por refeições leves à noite.
— O que é isso? — você perguntou, um sorriso de orelha a orelha, enquanto se juntava à cena aconchegante.
— Foi ideia dos meninos. Como cheguei mais cedo, ajudei a preparar essa surpresa — Ten explicou, estendendo a mão livre para pegar a sua e depositar um beijo suave nela. — Você está se esforçando demais nesse novo escritório, precisa descansar mais.
— Mas o Liang já dormiu, mamãe! Nem te esperou — Chen Tao pontuou, orgulhoso por ainda estar acordado, mesmo que um bocejo ameaçasse trair seu esforço.
Você escorregou para o lado, levantando-se um pouco para dar um beijo em seu marido, e aproveitando para acariciar as madeixas de Liang antes de lhe dar um selar na testa.
— É que ele ainda é pequeninho, meu bem, não é um homenzinho como você — Você disse a seu filho, puxando-o para o colo enquanto ele inflava o peito de orgulho diante o elogio.
Era um fato irrefutável que desde que abriu seu próprio escritório, a rotina se tornara mais caótica. No entanto, seu amor pela profissão a fazia suportar as dores e noites mal dormidas, certa de que estava construindo um futuro melhor para seus filhos, ao lado de Ten, que também trabalhava duro. Nem todos os dias eram perfeitos, mas a certeza de que o amor de sua família a aguardava em casa tornava cada obstáculo mais fácil de enfrentar. Quando Ten ofereceu um pedaço de lanche, o levando até sua boca, você aceitou com prazer, saboreando o momento. A exaustão de minutos atrás parecia ter desaparecido, substituída por uma paz reconfortante. Se em algum momento naquela noite estava exausta o suficiente para apenas para ir dormir, ignorando tudo, não se lembrava mais, adentrar naquela cabana fora como encontrar o paraíso onde não havia mais dor ou preocupações, e mesmo se houvesse, um simples sorriso de seu marido ou filhos poderia acabar com tudo aquilo.
Você permaneceu ali, ouvindo Chen contar sobre seu dia na escola e as aventuras com o pai que chegou mais cedo. Riu ao ouvir sobre como Liang quebrou um jarro de flores e viu o desespero de Ten tentando impedir que o filho revelasse o incidente já resolvido. Cada segundo era precioso, e você se deleitou com a inocência de Chen, observando-o enquanto sua fala se tornava lenta e seus olhos começavam a se fechar, adormecendo profundamente semelhante ao irmão mais novo.
Você apoiou a cabeça no ombro de Ten e sentiu o carinho de sua mão em suas madeixas.
— É assim que eu descanso — Você confessou, olhando para aqueles olhos nos quais ainda se perdia. — Vocês recarregam minhas energias em segundos. Mas prometo que não vou exagerar, e você também não.
— Combinado — Ten respondeu, selando o acordo com um beijo gentil. — Obrigado por ter me dado essa família.
Você riu, tocada pelo agradecimento inesperado.
— Eu te amo — Sussurrou, entregue a aquela emoção transbordante.
Poderia ficar ali para sempre, cercada por esse amor inabalável. Era ali que você encontrava sua verdadeira paz, entre os lençóis desarrumados e a improvisação que transformava uma noite comum em uma memória preciosa. Nesse espaço apertado, longe do mundo, era onde a vida fazia sentido, e você sabia que nenhum outro lugar poderia oferecer essa sensação de completa paz.
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greatkinglulu · 7 months
okokok vi el post de juanicar, YO SUGIERO (humildemente) un imagina así bien cute donde en un stream revela q está en una relación amorosa y tdo eso para luego presentarlx (fem, male o gn) al chat recibiendo mucho amor y apoyo x parte del chat
Imagina Juani Caruso x fem!character
Warning: Ninguno? Fluff.
Conteo de palabras: 850.
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27 de febrero, 2024
Mensajes nuevos: Juanicar 🎀
16:27 holaa locurasss
16:27 hoy prendo a las 18, atentiss
16:29 los espero con una sorpresa 💋💋
Así se comunica Juani habitualmente en su canal de difusión de Instagram. Cada mensaje que manda, ansiosamente esperado por sus fans, recibe incontable cantidad de reacciones con emojis, a modo de respuesta. Por supuesto, hoy no fue la excepción con miles de corazones de diferentes colores, caritas felices, enamoradas y banderas de diversos países entre otros adornando cada uno de sus textos. Mucho menos cuando en el último que envía antes de desaparecer hasta el horario pactado, promete esperarlos con “una sorpresa”.
¿Una sorpresa? Esto puede significar cientos de cosas distintas. ¡Qué manera de generar suspenso este pibe!
Algunas de las hipótesis que rondan las mentes de los integrantes del fandom: ¿Anuncia una canción?, ¿Alguna participación en otra película?, ¿Capaz una serie?, ¿Y si invita a alguno de los chicos del cast hoy? ¿¡Y si aparecen todos!?
¿Y si está de novio?
Los minutos pasan, más lento para algunos, más rápido para otros y poquitos minutos pasadas las 18:00 llega la noti de Twitch del amigo más personal de todos.
No puede y no falta el recordatorio en el canal de ig.
Mensajes nuevos: Juanicar 🎀
18:06 bebyyyysss 
18:07 ESTAMOS AO VIVO EN TWITCH.tv/juanicar_
18:07 los veo ahí para charlar un ratoo
Entrando al stream, aparece Juani con su fondo habitual, solo y con música para ambientar de su playlist de spoti, Juanicar musiquette🎀. Tiene puesta una de las musculosas que acostumbra, color blanco, que no deja mucho a la imaginación con sus brazos al descubierto. El sol que entra por la ventana le baila en la cara a medida que él se mueve y charla con miles de espectadores del otro lado de la pantalla y sus icónicos rulos se están formando después de una ducha; tiene el pelo húmedo todavía.
Después de semejante anuncio apenas hora y media antes por insta, el chat está revolucionado y quiere respuestas, pero Juani trata de no darse por aludido. Los mensajes preguntando por la sorpresa no paran de llegar y solo siguen aumentando a medida que más gente se prende al vivo.
A Juani se lo nota algo distraído, fuera de lo habitual; incluso hasta un poco nervioso. Se le escapan risitas sin motivo aparente y mira demasiado hacia un costado fuera de cámara; está pendiente del vivo y del chat, por supuesto, pero algo más llama su atención. Mira como expectante hacia un lugar que la cámara de su celu no llega a enfocar sea a propósito o sin intención.
El chat enloquece todavía más viendo esto, pero nadie está preparado para lo que se escucha apenas de fondo, mientras Juani está respondiendo alguna pregunta que se quedó muy arriba, sobre el detrás de escenas de la peli.
“Amor, ¿no viste la crema de peinar? No la encuentro.” 
Seguido una sombra apenas visible por la rapidez de su caminata, pasa por detrás de él de una esquina de la pantalla a la otra y desaparece. Juani sonríe una sonrisa enorme, se le sube un poco el color a los cachetes y solo puede asentir, tapándose un poco la cara con las manos, cuando los mensajes del stream le pegan a la sorpresa: “JUANI ESTÁS DE NOVIO?”, “JUAN IGNACIO CARUSO CÓMO NO NOS CONTAS QUE SOMOS TUS AMIGOS MÁS PERSONALES???” Son tantos, tan rápido que no llega a leerlos todos.
“¡Tranqui, ya la encontreeeé!” La voz femenina alarga la última vocal de la palabra, con un tonito algo cantado.
“Bebé,” llama él, mirando para un costado, sonriendo embobado otra vez. “¿venís un toque?” 
Se escuchan pasos a la distancia cada vez más sonoros hasta que aparece en pantalla una castaña desenredándose el pelo mojado, con una remera manga corta blanca, visiblemente grande para ella y un short azul. Él la abraza por la cintura y gesticula que se siente sobre sí. Ahí cae en cuenta: miles de personas la están viendo. “Ay no, no no. ¡Qué vergüenza! Estoy así nomás, desarreglada, amor.” Se señala de pies a cabeza. “¿Cómo me vas a pedir que aparezca así?” La chica se tapa la cara con las manos y Juani aprovecha a sentarla en sus piernas, riendo. 
Le da un beso en la frente “¿Pero qué decís? Si sos hermosa vos, bombón.” 
La observa con ojos amorosos y niega incrédulo, mordiéndose el labio; no puede creer que ella le haya dado bola. El chat no para, explota. Aman a la pareja. Exigen un nombre para formar el ship. Es hermosa. Él repite el beso, pero no en la frente.
“Sí, chicos.” Vuelve su atención a la cámara, risueño. “No, no es una canción, ni otra peli, ni serie. No viene Blas, ni Fran, ni Enzo. Sí, estoy de novio y con esta belleza. no, yo tampoco lo puedo creer. Se las presento.”
Agradece todos los buenos comentarios y deseos que llega a leer de parte de los fans, se despide y promete volver mañana.
juanicar_ ya no está en vivo.
Taglist al 08/03/2024 para fluff con Juani: @thqueerestmf @motherandloverofallfandoms @sotsfan @motley-baby @dark-122-blog @f1lover55 @jaspimirandera
N/A: Hola, Nonnie! Cómo estás? Disculpá la tardanza, lo prometido es deuda. Espero que te guste, estoy medio oxidada porque hace muchísimo no escribo, pero le puse toda la onda :).
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florinaranja · 7 months
hola! podrías escribir algo con pipe inspirado en esta foto?? 🤭🤭
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sombras azules ; felipe otaño
pairing: felipe otaño x fem!r
summary: haces una quedada con todos tus amigos y conforme pasa el tiempo, hay algo que te ronda la cabeza: maquillar a pipe. 1.5k.
warnings: mención de alcohol?? it's just mucho fluff junto
n/a: muchas gracias por el request!! me encantó escribirlo, pipe es tan novio no puedo... also no soy muy buena narrando en segunda persona por eso he decidido darle nombre a la prota, espero q no te importe! espero que te gusteeee muchoo
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nerea miró a su alrededor: chicos desperdigados por el suelo jugando a las cartas, botellas de cerveza aquí y allá, las risas llenando el ambiente… el panorama normal de los sábados por la noche. lo único malo es que hoy tocaba juntarse en su casa, así que le tocaría limpiar por la mañana.
de todas formas, no le podría importar menos. se encontraba frente al sofá, sentada con las piernas estiradas en el suelo y la cabeza levemente tirada hacia atrás en el regazo de su amigo juani, quien intentaba hacerle trenzas. lo observó, todo lo que su posición le permitía, y sonrió. desde que se peleó con un tal "juanicar" en twitter por qué disco de one direction era el mejor de todos, habían sido inseparables. al contrario que juani, ella era más retraída, de esas que tuvieron solo dos amigos a lo largo de todo el instituto, por lo que las presentaciones no tardaron en llegar y pronto, nerea se había visto envuelta en un grupo de amigos enorme, donde todo era cariño y apoyo. así que sí, podría limpiar cientos de destrozos si eso suponía pasar un par de horas con ellos. 
apartó su vista de juani para fijarse en los jóvenes que tenía frente a ella jugando al blackjack entre los vitoreos de los ganadores y los gritos de los perdedores. se quedó mirando la ronda, le gustaría decir que su interés estaba en las cartas, pero estaría mintiendo. sus ojos delimitaban su perfil, sus brazos y sus dedos en movimiento mientras barajaba las cartas. no podía apartar la vista de él. 
felipe fue uno de los primeros que juani le presentó y el sentimiento que sintió al verlo la primera vez solo había hecho más que crecer. eran buenos amigos, eso estaba claro. pero había ocasiones en las que nerea no podía evitar pensar que había algo más, que ella no era la única que sentía esa tensión abrumadora. y en otras ocasiones solo decía que estaba imaginando demasiado. 
blas se levantó refunfuñando del suelo después de haber perdido todas las partidas que habían jugado. se dirigía a la cocina, una oportunidad perfecta para coger ella misma otra cerveza. se despidió de la comodidad de la alfombra y se encontró con blas, ya rebuscando en el frigo. 
—¿me pasas una? —blas le alcanzó una al tiempo que abría la suya. ambos se quedaron en la cocina, apoyados en la encimera, con la cerveza enfriándoles las manos. 
—seguro que esos idiotas me están haciendo trampas. ¡es imposible que no haya ganado ni una! ni una nerea. 
la chica rio contentilla a pesar de que lo que había dicho su amigo no tenía nada de gracioso. era consciente de que las cervezas comenzaban a subírsele un poco, pero los mejores momentos siempre llegaban entrada la noche y con unas birras de más.
—vamos, no te puedes estar enfadando por eso. sí que cumples con ser el más pequeño del grupo —se acercó a él y le agarró de la mejilla cariñosamente. 
—oye, tienes unas pestañas super largas… tengo una idea. ¿me dejarías maquillarte? 
blas la miró por unos segundos. estaba sonriente, con las mejillas rojas por el calor y el alcohol. era incapaz de decirle que no.
—como tú quieras.
—¡gracias, blas! eres el mejor.
nerea se tiró a abrazarlo, siendo correspondida al instante. otra idea le comenzaba a rondar la mente.
cogió de la mano al chico y se dirigieron de nuevo al salón. al girarse tan rápido, todo le dio vueltas por un momento, pero nada demasiado grave. se plantó delante de los chicos y sonrió.
—he estado hablando con blas y se me ha ocurrido que para animar este juego de hombres un poco, voy a maquillar al que pierda de cada ronda. así practico, que no puedo estar viendo tutoriales para siempre.
—ay, amo. ¡yo estoy dentro! —fran fue el primero en aceptar y los otros no iban a ser menos. 
por un momento, los ojos de nerea se encontraron con los de felipe y un sentimiento se le instaló en el pecho. 
—vas a cansarte de pintar a blas, entonces. 
y con esas palabras empezaron un nuevo juego. de los cinco que estaban jugando ya había maquillado a todos, incluso más de una vez a cierto chico de pelo rizado, excepto a uno. pipe parecía ser inalcanzable incluso en el juego estúpido que se le había ocurrido a nerea. 
—¿puedo jugar una partida? —todos los chicos la miraron desprevenidos por la petición.
—claro gordis, te cedo mi puesto.
—¿sabes jugar? 
—si no supiera jugar no habría dicho nada, ¿no? —por detrás suyo oyó a juani soltar un "uh" a lo que rio.
miró determinada a pipe mientras repartía. confiaba en que lo que su abuelo le había enseñado siguiera en algún rincón de su mente.
en cuanto comenzó la ronda supo que iba a ser imposible que ganara, era un hecho. y en el momento final, los resultados sorprendieron a todos los de la mesa: nerea había ganado.
—¿¡cómo lo hiciste?!
blas no cabía en su asombro, pero nerea solo tenía su atención puesta en pipe, que la miraba con una sonrisa ladeada. ella le respondió con otra, mientras se levantaba (con un leve tambaleo) y le señalaba divertida.
—para ti tengo algo reservado, ve preparándote.
nerea fue casi corriendo al baño para buscar la paleta que tenía en mente, la que siempre que veía le recordaba a él. cuando volvió no quedaba nadie jugando a las cartas y pipe estaba acostado en su sofá, ocupándolo entero él solo. tenía los ojos cerrados y su pecho subía pausadamente. solo podía pensar en lo mucho que le gustaría poder ver una estampa así todos los días.
sin embargo, no podía fantasear. le dio en la mejilla suavemente y felipe abrió un ojo para mirarla. —no te creas que haciéndote el dormido te vas a librar.
—nunca pensaría en hacer eso. 
la chica sintió que se acolaraba. deberían prohibirle sonreír de la manera en que lo hace. —tienes que levantarte si quieres que empiece. 
pipe se llevó las manos a los ojos mientras suspiraba. —estoy cansado… 
nerea lo miró seria. aunque dijera que no, parecía que estaba luchando para no tener que ser maquillado. pero, para su desgracia, nerea no lo iba a dejar ir tan fácilmente. 
la joven dio la vuelta al sofá y sin pensarlo demasiado, se subió sobre el regazo del chico. felipe abrió los ojos asombrado, mientras nerea se acercaba a él con la sombra preparada. 
—cada vez que veo esta sombra me recuerda a ti. se parece al azul de tus ojos, aunque no llega a ser tan bonita. siempre me he preguntado cómo te quedaría… —mientras hablaba, cogió el color y lo llevó al párpado del chico.
estaba muy cerca de él, lo más que había estado desde que lo conocía. le temblaban las manos y tenía el estómago en la garganta, parece que el alcohol había decidido apagar su efecto. 
una vez terminó con el primer ojo, volvió a encontrarse con los ojos de pipe. no había dicho nada desde que había empezado, lo que no ayudaba a los nervios que crecían en nerea. su mano, grande y tersa, se posó sobre una de las piernas de la joven. perdió el aliento por un momento. intentó hacer como si nada y siguió con el otro ojo. cuando su trabajo estaba listo, se quedó anonadada. 
—estás guapísimo… —pipe rio complacido. rápidamente, nerea sacó su móvil y le echó una foto—. vas a ser mi nuevo fondo de pantalla, que lo sepas. 
—¿ya estoy listo? 
la última idea de la noche le pasó por la cabeza, era ahora o nunca. —me falta una cosa más —alcanzó un pintalabios y se lo aplicó bajo la atenta mirada de pipe—, el toque final. 
nerea llevó sus manos a ambos lados del rostro pecoso de pipe y rápidamente juntó sus labios con los de él: un choque anhelado. se olvidó dónde estaba, de lo que podría pasar después y solo se dejó llevar. el beso fue correspondido al instante, casi con tanta necesidad como la de la chica. cuando se separó vio que su plan había funcionado, aunque el resultado había sido un poco más desastroso de lo esperado. 
pipe tenía la mayor parte de sus labios de un color rojo apagado al igual que el contorno de estos, pero también tenía pintada en la cara una sonrisa boba. 
—me dejaría ganar mil veces más para repetir esto. 
nerea abrió la boca afectada. —lo sabía.
—¡hey, chicos! —ambos jóvenes se giraron ante la llamada, encontrándose con el flash de la cámara de juani. —¡un aplauso por esta pareja que está enamorada!
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kirafier · 8 months
Meeting of Shadows (King Sombra and OC)
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A little pony meet the king of shadows, who knows how this is gonna end?
PS! they`ll tear each other apart >:3
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Mercy, Moira, Kiriko, Junker Queen and Sombra relationship hc’s
- reader is kept gender neutral
-warnings: fluff, some angst, nsfw
-I am very gay for these women so why not write about them:) This post is also gonna be a long one so hop in fellas
-Sombra’s is a little longer due for backstory reasons
-part 2!
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- ah yes, the earth angel herself who has had my heart since 2016 <3
-Angela is very loyal and loving to you but her role as a medic gets in the way most of the time. She feels bad every time she has to leave during the night (especially after making love to you, she doesn’t see it as just sex), during date nights, or even on her days off that you planned for her to de-stress
-but even with all that, you stay by her side and help get rid of that fear. You love how she is dedicated to her job and how amazing she is at it
- I could imagine from the crazy hours she works, she is sleep deprived. She gets maybe 3 hours of sleep at most. When she comes home to see you on the couch, she slips off her shoes and coat to come lay on top of you and sleep.
-She loves when you come and visit her at work!!! Whether you work for overwatch or not, spending her lunch break with you, with food that you bring for her, always puts a smile on her face
-Though you love her, you do find yourself sad or disappointed a lot because of her work. You know this isn’t her fault and she always makes it up to you, but you do get lonely. You would find yourself crying to sleep at night. Yes, you’re not hero, but a regular person who was lucky enough to get with this angel of a woman, but at what price?
-Every relationship has their arguments, yours doesn’t get too heated cause you both are rational, but you two do find yourself arguing in the beginning of her always work and how you feel lonely in a place you both share and call home. When she first saw you cry during an argument due to this problem, Angela felt her stomach sink. She never intended to make you cry or be upset. She’s able to calm you down, also expressing her fear of you leaving her
- You both come to an agreement to always let the other know how you feel and try to understand where they are coming from. Angela actually starts looking for assistants to train! She would like to have help around the office to get work done faster but also means she can spend time you with.
-She also wants you to become well acquainted with them as well in case you ever needed help from them and vice versa. A huge strain was lifted off of your relationship and she found herself more at home with you <3
-Pulling away from the topic of work, Angela loves to cook meals with you! Specially if they meals are from her home country.
-Whenever you made a traditional swiss dishes for your anniversary, she teared up and thanked you over and over again. It’s hard to get a meal from home whenever your work is crazy, she’s thankful you thought of her love for her country
-Spa day!!! She loves when you run her a warm bath with her favorite scented candles of pomegranate, red berries, and patchouli (totally not the candle I have in my room)
-Angela loves doing face masks with you to detox <3
-Idk why I see her as a handy person??? Oh you got a new desk?? Oh s/o let her build it for you. Got a new shelf? Don’t worry, Angela can do it
-Angela loves to show you off to her coworkers. You’re the light of her life, her loving s/o. She would go to the ends of the earth for you
-Doesn’t matter what you identify as, she tops. End of story. There are a few occasions she bottoms. 
-She always has to take care of people but whenever she takes care of you sexually, she feels the same fulfillment after a days of work
-Doesn’t mean she sees sex as a chore or job!!! she just loves being able to take care of her baby <3
- Event though she wears a strap, she loves to watch you suck the dildo that’s in the harness. She can’t feel anything but just seeing you looking up at her with your sweet eyes her mind goes blank and can only think of how beautiful you are. Loves to receive and give oral <3
-Will absolutely play doctor with you but she slips in medical terms you don’t understand lol
-Her breast is definitely sensitive- so when you are relaxing on the couch and you slip your hands up her shirt to massage her chest, she’s putty in your hands. Holding onto your wrists and she leans her head back and moans for you
-Loves when you ride her- when she looks up at you, you look absolutely ethereal riding her strap
-When the few times she does bottom, she finds herself slipping into her native language, switching from english to german, especially when she’s getting close. Even if you don’t understand german, you picked up on a few phrases yourself
-Like I said, my gal is sensitive, so vibrators are a good friend to have! She loves when you look her in her eyes when you control the vibrator, making her look into your eyes when she cums <3
-my favorite “un-ethical” genetic engineer (aka my lesbian lover)
-Moira is definitely hard person to come around due to her intimidating presence. But that didn’t stop you from pinning for her
-When she notices people, she takes subtle mental notes. When she first met you, she isn’t thought how cute you are, adorable even
-The first few times she interacted with you it was strictly about work, But over time you noticed how she would make little jokes to you like:
“did you also notice how that guy is wearing his tie wrong?’
“Hello y/n, did sombra contact you today about lunch plans? Are you going to her little...festivity?” (she prayed you would say yes)
“Y/n, would you like to come get coffee with me?”
-That was her first time asking you out and you loved it! She took you to her favorite cafe that happened to be anime themed and slowly she would tell you how her drink inspired from Naruto was the best and the plot line of the show
-When your relationship starts, Moira will put her work above you. Sorry not sorry, it’s the truth. Science is her entire life, she cares and adores you, but her first love is science
-It does pain you she chooses science over you. Date night? Oops sorry, I forgot, I was caught up with work. You cooked dinner? Sorry my love, I’m caught up at work right now so don’t stay up for me. Sometimes you find yourself crying to sleep and when you wake up with puffy eyes, Moira points them out but you brush it off.
-One night it came to a halt. You were getting ready to leave for the day and went to go grab your lover for home time. When you called her name she didn’t answer, You repeated yourself and she snapped for you to leave her alone and that she’s busy. You tell Moira that you’ll be cooking dinner tonight and she went on with her favorite sentence, “Sorry my love, I’m staying late tonight, you don’t have to wait up for me okay?”
-Something snapped, you started to yell how she gives all her attention to her work and never you. How at this point you were just someone she could have company with. Moira scoffed, “Why do you have to act so childish? I already told you from the beginning what your place is,”
-Childish? Your place...? Without saying another word, you slammed her door, storming to the car to get home. As soon as you arrive you burst into tears crying while getting undressed to go to bed. The sheets and blanket smelled like her, which made you cry harder. You decided to take an old shirt of hers and put it on a pillow, grab a round throw pillow, and made a makeshift model of Moira. You kissed the pillows cheek and whispered a goodnight.
-She come home that night upset, mad at you and herself, why couldn’t you understand her work? Why couldn’t she be a better girlfriend? She quietly reheated leftovers you made and eat in silence. God she hates this silence.
-When she came into your shared room her heart ached. Were you so deprived of her you had to make a makeshift version of her? Now she understands how lonely you truly feel. She changed and climbed into bed, removing the pillows from your grasp. You woke up a bit and she shush you to go back to sleep. She held you to her chest as she confessed how bad she felt from earlier, how she was wrong for underestimating your feelings and how she was in the wrong, not you. You began to cry softly at her words, and she shushed you, kissing your forehead and reassuring she loved you.
-That morning you woke up in her arms, but she was already awake watching you sleep. She kissed you good morning and told you she called the next few days off to be with you and make up for lost time. She apologized once again but this time you kissed her to let her know you forgive her.
-all right let’s move onto happy stuff!!
-When she is at her apartment with you, she loves to watch anime with you. If you’re an anime fan, good, she loves that! You two can talk about your favorite shows, compare theories, and even show each other new animes to talk about
-At times, she catches herself feeling embarrassed since anime is typically “for kids and young adults”, she’s an older woman and feels a bit insecure about it. Please comfort her!! Tell her it’s okay to have interests
-She has little figures of her favorite characters on a shelf in her room idc- definitely cosplayed once or twice and will cosplay with you!
-Since Moira is busy, take-out and delivery services are your best friends!
-Moira has never felt this much of a connection with someone before and she doesn’t want to lose it. She loves when you kiss the knuckles of her corrupted arm, showing love to the science she has done. That arms also tends to hurt from time to time so heat packs!! Loves the lay in bed with you with you hold the heat pad to her arm to help her relax
-Moira is a sucker for being a little spoon but won’t admit it, please hold her too!!
-Another top! Moira needs to dominant everything she does, including you <3 but she does bottom is you beg nicely
-another proud strap user, isn’t one for receiving oral but loves to use her mouth on you. She also loves to look at you while doing so to make you shy
-loves missionary! she loves to see all your facial reaction whenever she goes fast, rough, slow, or soft
-a secret of hers is she wants you to dress up as her favorite character for her <3 and if you do she is caught off guard but enjoys herself either way and will thank you after (maybe ask you to do it again some time)
-Moira isn’t above of dragging you into her empty lab and fingering you (don’t worry her middle and index fingernails are press on and can be removed) The risk of getting caught excites her, but she always keeps a hand over your mouth just incase
-I see her as the type to have a flogger or whip, she loves to see how your body reacts to the slight pain and how you vocal you are when you have your ass and thighs slapped by her
-latex lady. I won’t elaborate 
-I am part of the “calling hot woman ‘daddy’ committee. She feels powerful when that word slips out of your mouth. She does lean to the androgynous side, she does expect to hear ‘mommy’ at most, which you have called her, but she actually prefers daddy
-play with her breast and suck her nipples. Small boobs are the best and always melts when you play with her. She gets sensitive and lets out breathy moans which makes you go wild <3
-When she bottoms, praise her! She isn’t well liked among her colleuges or really anyone at Talon, so when you tell her she’s amazing and doing a great job, she will cover her face (uncover her beautiful face )
-totally down for you to finger her while she reads her books <3
- my little fox hehe <3
-Kiriko is definitely an outgoing person! She’s involved with her community, and you admired her for that!
-She met you at a festival and couldn’t help but stop and stare when she saw you. How beautiful and cheerful you were made her turn her head
-Though she is outgoing, doesn’t mean she’s confident when it comes to asking people out. She feels super shy and she definitely doesn’t want to mess up at all
-When you two are on a date and you see how almost everyone knows who she is and is all smiles when Kiriko passes by, you knew she was a good person to be around
-Kiriko knows sign language and will teach you if you ask! If you are deaf, it wouldn’t faze her. She just sees you as another person, not your disability. 
-You love to see how she interacts with kids. If you ever want kids in the future of your relationship, she would be all for it. Kiriko also loves to see you interact with the little girl in her cinematic! Seeing you interact with the child makes her heartbeat faster (in a good way)
-Since you’re with Kiriko, be prepared for her mother and the Shimada brothers. Her mother wants nothing but the best for her, you need to prove that you are strong enough physically and mentally. You never know what can happen.
-Hanzo and Genji are the other ones you have to look at out. Genji is more laid back, a “cool older brother” figure who only wants you to prove you are always going to be there for Kiriko. Hanzo on the other hand is the protective older brother figure who agrees with her mother. He silently judges you with her mother, like he does most people, but with you it feels more frequent, and you can’t help but snap after built up tension
-This pressure from people outside of your relationship builds on you. You admitted to Kiriko about this, and she felt conflicted. Yes, she trusts you and knows you care about her, but she will always listen and respect her elders and defend them at first
-You felt bad for being upset, knowing this is her family worrying about her but there is only so much criticism you can handle, specially from people you want to make a good impression on. You tell this to her and she understands completely where you’re coming from. She doesn’t want to upset you more, but this is her mother we are talking about. You cry to her how you don’t feel good enough for her and constantly worried of doing the wrong thing, knowing her mother or brothers are waiting till you slip up to point it out.
-The two of you go back and forth on this multiple times till you come to an agreement. You train with her mother and Hanzo but they have to take it easy on you and let you prove that you are just right for her. Though she is an adult, she’ll always be her mother’s baby and Hanzo’s little sister
-Kiriko loves going on rides on her bike (as a voice line indicates) and will take you on a ride! Either if you have your own or if you hop on hers. She loves taking you to different places on her bike hehe <3
-It’s definitely your job to help her eat REAL meals, not just donuts and junk food. (which her mother praises you for)
-Will tell you all the stories of the fox spirit and her personally experiences <3 specially likes it when she can lay her head in your lap and go on and on about her stories
-she will be more than happy to teach any martial art moves to help you in combat! She is your number one supporter and will always be there to cheer you on
-she can’t wait for the night where her mother invites you over for dinner and talks to you, not giving you glancing or make subtle comments on your lack of fighting skills
-A switch but I can def see her leaning towards being a bottom, but more of a bossy bottom
-She loves to receive oral but she always returns the favor, she always whines whenever you when use your tongue
-Definitely a hair pulling. Either it be when you give her head or if she if pulling your hair back when she is fucking you
-Since she is blessed by the fox spirit, I know she has sharp canines and I know she loves to bite and mark you for others to see. After your session, she always treats your bites and make sure you’re okay
-will be down to fuck after training, especially if the two of you were sparring and being physical with each other. She will be on top for these sessions, her adrenaline is already running and wants to be rough with you
-will keep going till she out of energy, she’s an all nighter while the others on this list can go for 2-3 rounds
-She loves to play soft music in the background while you two fuck, it enhances the atmosphere, and she loves to be fucked by you to her favorite songs
-favorite position would be cuddle fucking, she can’t place her finger on it but having you close to her while you slowly grind into her, filling her up, she feels so hot and bothered.
- She loves the way you whisper into her ear as you lift her leg up to fuck her deeper, you always manage to take her breath away. Kiriko really love this position for morning sex as well
Junker Queen
-waaaa my muscular wife
-Odessa loved being the queen of Junker Town-she’s a strong ruler, knows what’s best, and can handle her own...but it does get lonely at the top
-Doesn’t matter if you’re a junker or an outsider that happened to stumble across to Junker Town, you catch her eye immediately. You stand out to her, even if she is fighting again in the reckoning to keep her title as queen
-She would come stop you were ever you were and talk to you. Of course, you were intimidated by the 7-foot-tall woman in front of you, but you were able to keep your composure for the conversation
-Odessa was blunt with you and told you that you caught her attention, in a good way of course, and how she wanted to get to know you better. Though she is tough as steel, she still gets a bit nervous of fear of being rejected
-Once she has made things official with you, she introduces you to her people as the other queen of Junker Town. Of course people were surprised she dated but they show you the same amount of respect. 
-They know if they were to ever hurt, disobey, or disrespect you in any, not Odessa, but Junker Queen will personally beat the shit out of them and toss them to the wastelands 
-Though you appreciate her standing up for you, the violence to you is too much after some time. when you try to talk to her about this she yells how she does it for you, it’s all for you. She makes into a one-man screaming battle, but she’s a lover by heart and will come to you after a few hours and apologize. She gets on her knees and hugs you by your waist, head resting on your chest
-At this point she opens up to you about her time in the Wastelands and how they have forever changed her. She cares for you like she cared for family, fighting every day to live in the harsh outside world of Junker Town. She admits she is scared to death to lose you and fights for you like how she fought for her loved ones. Odessa also admits to having nightmares in your shared bed but never wakes you up because she needs to have strong image and doesn’t want to be seen as weak
-By the end of this confession she is crying into your chest. You rub the top of her back and you comfort her. You remind her that you may be with the Junker Queen, you’re also with Odessa Stone
-She now is rational with her decision making and you tell her to ask for your help when need be, you told her it’s okay to ask for help. Hell, everyone her people noticed an attitude change when you came around, you’re great for her!
-Odessa loves sharing everything she has with you, especially music! She loves to blast her rock music in her chambers with you, jumping on the bed you two share and going into laughing fits together
-Your girlfriend is a very handy and resourceful person, you have to be to live in Junker Town. She will make you special weaponry and armor <3 always craving her and your initials into the metal
-I feel Odessa can do your hair! From cutting it to dying it, your girlfriend will do anything to help you feel beautiful with your appearance, even though you’re already so beautiful to her <3
-You are also in LOVE with her accent, she already a pretty rough girl and her voice is *chef’s kiss*. Sometimes when she’s mad and goes full aussie you can’t really understand her unless you yourself are aussie
-She’s a total dom, no bottoming for her. She loves when “you please your queen”
-the only thing she’ll really “bottom” for is receiving oral. She loves how tiny you look compared to her and think you look sweet when you eat her out. She loves to eat you out but LOVES when you sit on her face. None of that hovering shit, she wants the full thing. She’s a big girl and can handle it!
-Odessa loves when you sit in her lap and bounce on her strap, she has a size kink and plans to utilize it. Not even just sexually, she loves how small you are and because of your size, she will fuck you standing up. She loves the amount of power she holds outside and in the bedroom.
-She also plays music during sex! But she plays music from time to time when you guys have sex unlike Kiriko who plays music during sex pretty often. there’s something about fucking you hard to the beat of her favorite songs, since her favs are metal, be prepared to be banged to the drum rhythm 
-she will bring in Gracie from time to time. She mostly uses her to cut your clothes off your body but if you are comfortable with it, she will carve in her name into your thigh. She always makes sure to clean up and clean your cuts effectively, so they don’t get infected 
-Throne sex! Throne sex! Throne sex! She doesn’t even care if people see or not, she finds it so hot that you are so willing to please her in a chair that represents her power and dominance over you and her people
-Her favorite position is doggy style. The way you look back at Odessa and moan her name like a prayer always does it for her. Slapping your ass to watch it jiggle, making you look back at her, pulling you by your hair...all of the things she loves other than you as a person <3
- my silly hacker who also has had my heart since 2016<3
-Oliva kept herself in the shadows, she needed to so she can protect her identity as Sombra. She always needed to know everything about everyone, no matter what.
-As another night passes, another person’s skeletons in their closet are found by Sombra. She looks through the picture of the businessman she planned on exploiting next, but something caught her eye. In the picture of what it seems to be a faculty group photo, she spotted you in the back row. She zoomed in and couldn’t help but admire how pretty you are, now her focus was on you. For the next few days she tries her best to find everything about you. Where you live, your childhood, the college you went to, hell even your internet browsing history. And she wasn’t doing this for her own benefit to expose you, she was obsessed with you
-For the next Talon mission, they were able to break into the companies building and she was able to have a chat about ‘business matters’ with your boss. As a deal, he transferred some employees, including you, for ‘business opportunities’ to work for Talon in fear of his dirty deeds going public
-You were comforted to know that you fellow employees were there with you to comfort you in with this change. You’ve heard of Talon and what they stand for and feel like you have to walk on eggshells there. Though you didn’t interact too much with the head council, Sombra seem to have an eye on you
-Yes, she would mess with your co workers but never seem to do that with you. With them there was some malicious factor behind it but when Sombra teased it you it was like you two have been friends for years. After a while, Sombra was finally close enough to you to ask you out, which you accepted. She was super happy to know that the efforts worked out in her favor, they always did
-She would come visit you when you would work and keep you entertained while you slaved away to the paperwork in front of you. Massaging your shoulders, whispering compliments into your ear, and kissing your cheeks were her favorite thing to distract you with while you worked.
-You were close with your old boss and kept in contact with him. After a long phone call, he had admitted that Sombra threated him to give him employees or else he would be exposed to the public. He mentioned how Sombra was very adamite about you coming with her more than the others, saying it was like she knew you, wanted you, and had done this to get you.
-You felt frozen, was this true? Was this whole shift in not just your career life but your social life due to the fact your girlfriend just wanted you this whole time? This whole thing was planned out? 
-On a war path, you stormed to her room and started to yell at her of how she could be so selfish and how you were just like a pretty china doll she could keep for fun. Sombra was so use on never being called out on her manipulative behavior. She couldn’t really defend herself know that you knew the truth. it was worse when you began to cry, sobbing into your hands.
-”What was this for huh?! You just wanted a “pretty girl” to call yours because you thought I was good looking?! YOU have changed and put my life in danger for YOUR benefit!”
-Not Sombra, but Olivia sat you down and confessed. For the first time she admitted her wrongs and she didn’t know how to do it. She tried her hardest, but you kept crying harder and left. After a few days, Olivia came to your room and wanted to talk, you agreed. She confessed you she was wrong for only seeing you as a pretty girl, not thinking about what being apart of Talon means for your life. By the end, she was crying though tried not to. You sighed and gave her a hug where she cried harder. When her crying stopped, you pulled back and gave her a kiss on the lips, which she happily accepted. 
-You made Olivia promise to only stay by her side if she could protect from anything that came your way. You really did like her and honestly didn’t want to leave her. Olivia accepted and from that day on she has been 1000% honest with everything with you
-Now with the sadness out of the way, let’s focus on happy stuff!
-Sombra loves to cook with you! As Mercy, she loves when you cook meals that are home to her country. You always apologize in advance if it doesn’t taste like the “real thing” but she doesn’t care, she loves your cooking and your meals bring back memories of Dorado
-In a voice line interaction with Moira, she talks about the carpel tunnel in her wrists. When you two are laying down together, you always rub her wrists and fingers to drain the fluid build-up in her hands. She loves these soft, caring moments with you
-I bet her posture is really bad (just like mine) so whenever she is sitting in a chair, you always put a pillow between her back and the chair. She already had messed up hands, you can’t let your girlfriend have a messed up back too!
-Olivia loves to play with your hair, you let her try different style but do you trust her giving you a haircut?...not so much. Sorry Olivia, but Amélie has told your s/o of the time she cut her hair as a “prank”...which didn’t end well
-speaking of Amélie- her, Gaberial, and Moira asks you constantly how you can put up with her shenanigans. You shrug, they wouldn’t understand how you understand Olivia’s charm
-Dating Olivia you also become good friends with Siebren! Olivia makes it her job to watch out for him so he isn’t tested on, so if she isn’t around, you can watch over him! To some it seems like babysitting, but you end up really close to him! Olivia is happy to know that <3
-my girl is a switch, 50/50
-Olivia loves watching you give her head, she thinks you look perfect between her legs. She also loves to eat you out, maybe one of her favorite things about sex with you tbh, she just loves watching you enjoy yourself and feel good
-With your permission, she has recorded some sessions with you. Whenever she goes away for missions and you aren’t around, she fingers herself to videos of her fucking you. she has also gave you videos to keep for yourself whenever you feel lonely with he gone.
-Olivia loves risky sex. Unlike Moira, she doesn’t cover your mouth and does it in a spot anyone can walk in. If someone happens to walk in and try to tell other people? Their social security and credit card numbers are already leaked for other hackers in the world to use
-Like Angela, if she is bottoming, she will start speaking to you in spanish but with her she will continue to speak in spanish until she is finished <3
-Olivia works with her fingers all day, you know her fingering game is good
-She is a hair puller when she’s on top, not so much for her when she is on bottom cause of the wires in her hair, have to be careful. So instead, she prefers it when you put her face into the mattress 
-Favorite position is lotus. It’s a very intimate position and she loves to hold you in her arms as you ride her strap or vice versa. She loves to take her time and show you how much you mean to her. Her life is filled with craziness, but this sharing a moment like this with you will always be her favorite.
Thank you so much for reading!! I had a lot of fun writing this :00
likes and reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
part 2 coming!
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kiwi-on-ice · 2 months
Fluffy ashe head-cannons👁️👁️(fem reader por favor)
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First date headcannons with Ashe, Kiriko, Sombra and Mercy with fem!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Just fluff really, Sombra's is a little suggestive but nothing overt. prefer boys? check here.
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Notes: was originally just going to just do Ashe first date headcannons but it got me thinking about some of the other girls.
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She's most likely the one who's asked you out. After realising that you care about her more than just physically, she'd want to prove to you how dedicated she can be. While she's very emotionally closed off, she really wants to push herself to treat you how she knows a pretty girl like you should be treated.
Don't be surprised if you find sent to your door a surprisingly large stack of cash with a note attached telling you to buy yourself something nice to wear for the date.
She's been around wealth all her life, with most of the romance she'd been told about being flashy spending. So she'll take you to a fancy high end restaurant for dinner.
She'd be a 'gentleman', pulling your chair out for you, holding doors for you, leading you with a hand on the small of your back gently.
Flirting with you comes quite easily to her, but it hides something deeper. How she's caught off guard by how much her chest feels fuzzy when you laugh at something she says, or how she almost feels lightheaded when you brush against her as you two walk. Despite how confident she appears, she's worrying about coming off as too forward physically with something as simple as holding your hand.
If you hold hers first, she'll feel the tension leave her shoulders.
Don't bother asking to split the bill, she won't let you. She's paying.
She'll take you home, giving you a kiss on the cheek at the door. She's happy to leave it there, but her self restraint disappears if you ask if she wants to come inside.
Pulling your chair out, she gives you a smile as you sit down before walking around and taking a seat herself. Her red eyes look you up and down appreciatively, the smooth rhythm of the piano player in the room setting quite the romantic atmosphere.
"Well well, don't you look like the belle of the ball, huh?" she says smoothly, reveling in your slightly flustered reaction as you glance down to look at the menu.
"Anythin' you want sugar, it's all on me." she affirms, and smirks a little when you try and protest. "I insist."
Get ready for a FUN date
She's pretty confident, so don't be surprised if she's the one who asked you out with a charming smile.
Wants a date with activities, so she'll invite you to an arcade with a bowling alley. Pretty cheesy, sure, but she's excited so that's what matters.
She's absolutely gonna beat your ass at bowling, it isn't even fair. She's also quite competitive, so she'll definitely playfully tease you about losing. Sticking her tongue out at you, whooping and cheering etc.
The arcade though...that's a different story. She's surprisingly not the best at video games, which means you have the opportunity to one up her. Still, she's just as giggly even when she's losing.
She'll ask you loads of questions, wanting to find out as much about you as possible, especially in the downtime between games.
Her way of flirting while on the date is to make up silly games for you two to play. Winner of the next arcade machine has to give the other a kiss on the cheek. Suddenly, her performance gets suspiciously worse.
Afterwards, she doesn't really want the night to end. She might offer the idea of going for drinks, or perhaps going back to her place. She makes it clear she doesn't expect anything, she'll even sleep on the sofa if you want to turn the night into a sleepover!
Comes the loud speaker as Kiriko scores another perfect ten in bowling. She jumps up and down and laughs, before turning to you with a wink.
"Think you can still beat me?" she teases, causing you to scoff playfully.
"You bet."
"Try it babe." she challenges, getting closer to you. She leans in, and your breath catches, before she reaches behind you and grabs a bowling ball. Handing it to you with a smirk, she can't wait to keep winning against you (and make you blush more in the process).
Olivia is pretty laid back, so she'll ask you out quite casually; she might even do it over text, with a few winky face emojis.
Most likely to suggest getting drinks, going to some sort of themed bar. If you don't drink, she'll make sure to look into bars that have good mocktail options for you.
Will offer to pick you up and take you, and when you go outside she'll be waiting on her motorcycle with a grin.
Was it all an excuse so she can feel your hands around her waist clinging on to her as she speeds through the city? Maybe.
While there, she's on full analyze mode. She tests your reactions to things she says/does/calls you, collecting all the data on what you seem to like and not like. But she's so smooth and easy going, you won't even realise what she's doing.
She'll ask you lots of questions about yourself, smiling and seeming interested as you speak. The truth is, she knows pretty much everything about you from hacking your various devices, but she still loves hearing it all from your lips.
Like Ashe, she'll insist on paying for your drinks. It's not like she can't afford it after all.
She's pretty touchy, but not in a pervy way. When she compliments you, she'll play with a strand of your hair or trace small circles on the back of your hand.
She'll also hack your music apps and see the type of music you like, so she can hack the speaker in the bar and occasionally play a song she knows you like.
Afterwards, she'll smoothly suggest going back to hers. She won't be offended if you say no, but she can't deny the rush it gives her if you say yes.
"That's fascinating conejita." Sombra says, having listened to you speak about your friends and family. Barely repressing a smirk, she watches your facial expression as you react to her nickname. So you like her calling you things in Spanish...that information is useful.
"So what else, any pets?" she asks, and as you speak she gently brushes her foot against your ankle. You stumble over your words a little as she smiles innocently. Oh she's going to have fun with you...
She's quite a traditional woman, so most likely she'll take you for dinner.
It might be late though, having to stay after hours at work causing her to push back the date and time. She feels awful, no matter how much you reassure her that you understand.
When she arrives at your home, she'll have a bouquet of red roses in her hands as an apology.
She's sweet the whole time, preferring to ask you questions rather than the other way round. She'd rather not talk about work, wanting to switch off and relax.
Definitely the type to order a nice bottle of wine for you both.
Also definitely the type to suggest you both share a dessert, she thinks it's very cute and intimate. Might even playfully offer a spoonful for you to bite.
Will gently hold your hand across the table, but apart from that she isn't particularly touchy that early on.
Absolutely will offer to pay, but also won't mind if you insist on splitting the bill.
Afterwards, she'll take you home but most likely won't come inside. But she will give you a kiss on the cheek that you swear you can feel linger for hours.
As the plates are taken away, Angela smiles softly before glancing at the dessert menu.
"Do you have a sweet tooth darling?" she asks, as you both look at the selection of delicacies. Her eyes trace over the choices, before another smile tugs at her features.
"How about we share one?" she offers, and the image that pops in your head of her feeding you dessert makes your head nod before your brain could even hope to catch up.
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deepinsideyourbeing · 2 months
La novia de Enzo lo maquilla porque quiere practicar su maquillaje en alguien, y él, como el buen novio que es, acepta que lo maquille
Fluff ♡
Los dedos de Enzo dibujando figuras sobre tu piel son una distracción que intentás ignorar. Estás sentada en su regazo, tu pecho en constante contacto el suyo, y sus manos en tu cadera no dejan de robarse tu atención una y otra vez. Suspirás.
-Quieto- ordenás.
La frustración en tu voz es suficiente para que abra los ojos lentamente y examine la expresión en tu rostro. Desconcentrarte no es su intención, lo sabés, pero el roce de sus manos es adictivo y la posición en la que te encontrás te permite sentir cierta parte de su anatomía despertando, reaccionando en contra de su voluntad.
-Estoy quieto.
-Me distraés igual- te quejás y alza ambas cejas-. Por ser tan lindo.
Suelta una risa, probablemente avergonzado o embargado por la timidez, pero no contesta. Cuando cierra los ojos utilizás la pequeña brocha para tomar más producto y continuar con el no tan sutil delineado en sus ojos, procurando no perderte contando sus largas pestañas.
-¿Cómo está quedando?- pregunta sin modular.
-Me falta terminar el delineado y la máscara de pestañas... Y el labial y el iluminador- completás, esperando que proteste, pero su respuesta es un único y pequeño gesto de confirmación.
Llevan en la misma posición unos cuarenta y cinco minutos, tal vez más, pero mucho antes de comenzar a preparar su piel arrojaste los productos sobre la mesa para que él escogiera. No tiene idea sobre las diferencias entre las opciones que le ofreciste, pero escuchó tus interminables reseñas sobre todas antes de tomar una decisión.
-¿Ya está?- pregunta luego de varios minutos. Tomás un par de labiales bajo su atenta mirada y los sostenés frente a él-. ¿Ya parezco drag queen?
-¿Sabés lo que es...?
Pellizca tu muslo por el comentario y te reís.
-Este- señala el labial más oscuro-. No puedo besarte después, ¿no?
No pretendés tomarle fotografías y tampoco testear la durabilidad del labial, pero molestarlo un poco siempre es divertido y negás, una expresión de lamento en tu rostro. Hace una mueca de descontento.
-¿Me das un beso ahora?
Tomás su mejilla sin importarte arruinar el rubor o el contorno y te perdés en el color de sus ojos, todavía más llamativo gracias a las sombras que utilizaste. Antes de que puedas hacerlo, es él quien rompe la distancia entre ambos y captura tus labios.
¿Lu escribiendo fluff de noche? Se cae el cielo... taglist: @creative-heart @chiquititamia @delusionalgirlplace @llorented @recaltiente @lastflowrr @madame-fear <3
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dollechan · 7 months
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❝ Ele ama te mimar, te embonecar e no final te destruir. ❞
𖥔 ₊ ֗ softdom!jeno x femreader, smut, dollification, age gap bem implícito (mas ambos na idade legal), muuuitas palavras no diminutivo, jeno gosta de tirar fotos, jeno foi a primeira experiência sexual da pp (ele tirou a virgindade dela), dacryphillia (?), breeding kink, hipersensibilidade, leve choking, squirt, 'princesa', mais alguma coisa ???
𝓪/𝓷: dsclp gente eu tô com tesão 😔, logo voltaremos a nossa programação normal com fluffs.
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Jeno ama quando você usa rosa, ama te ver naqueles tecidos caros, com uma maquiagem que acentua seu rostinho de boneca, com os lábios carnudinhos brilhantes do gloss de morango. Ele ama te ver toda embonecada, ou melhor, ele ama te embonecar.
Te arrumar todinha para ele, colocar em você a lingerie rosa novinha que comprou para momentos especiais — mas que provavelmente não vai durar mais que dois minutos —, passar a sombra azul bebê brilhante na suas pálpebras e ele vai dar um beijinho na sua bochecha vermelhinha de blush.
Mas depois dessa arrumação toda ele precisa dar os toques finais básicos: te deixar toda bobinha e claro, melecar um pouco seu rosto com a porra dele. E durante esse processo ele vai tirar tantas fotos suas que vai encher mais um hd externo.
Ele começa falando mansinho, diz que te ama e que você é tão boa para ele que ele quer fazer um agrado. Te coloca sentada na beirada da cama, pega no seu rosto e te faz subir o olhar; da um beijinho na ponta do nariz, da outro no olho, outro na boca… Desce a trilha pelo seu pescoço, para ali e sente o perfume doce que você exala, céus, já se sente molinha só com isso.
Ele te deita na cama, uma das mãos grandes vão para dentro da calcinha da lingerie, a outra para no seu peitinho por cima do sutiã. Massageia seu clitóris ao mesmo tempo que aperta seu peito, não aguenta os dois estímulos, a lágrima desce ao lado do seu rosto e lamúrias saem da sua boca, tenta impedir, tirar a mão do Lee de dentro da calcinha mas é em vão. As suas costas arqueiam, os dedinhos apertam o lençol, sente que vai explodir.
– Está bom princesa? Diz para mim. – Jeno aumenta a velocidade dos dedos no seu pontinho tão sensível. – É… – É o que hm?
Nem tem tempo de responder, apenas solta gemidos altos enquanto tem o primeiro — de muitos — orgasmo da noite. Ele te dá um beijinho na sua testa suada, diz que você bem. Fica com o cenho franzido ainda, recuperando o fôlego perdido enquanto ele tira uma foto do seu estado.
Jeno não te deixa descansar, não, agora ele quer um pouco de carinho também. Ele retira com cuidado suas peças que dessa vez ele teve piedade, beija sua barriga e pergunta se um dia você vai deixar ele colocar um bebê ali, não responde, nem ouve direito mesmo. O Lee retira o cinto e junto dele desce a calça, quase esquece da camisa social mas ela ainda será usada no dia seguinte, então retira ela com cuidado. Você levanta um pouco a cabeça, vê o pau ali na cueca, marcando, parece tão pesado.
– Eu… Posso te chupar? – Pergunta com aquela carinha de inocente. – Hoje não pequena, eu preciso entrar dentro da sua bucetinha.
E assim ele faz, sem aviso prévio, sem nem você perceber que ele tinha tirado a cueca, ele adentra por inteiro se aproveitando que você está muito molhadinha. O vai e vem é constante, faz um barulhinho molhado, e você o aperta mais que tudo.
– Mesmo depois de te arrombar tanto você continua apertada. Ainda parece a virgenzinha que eu conheci.
A mão dele vai para o seu pescoço e aperta ali um pouco, você sorri com a pressão enquanto aperta os próprios biquinhos dos peitos. A velocidade das estocadas aumentam, assim como a precisão do Lee em acertar o ponto certo dentro de você, e toda vez que ele acertava você dava um gritinho. Ele achava aquilo tão fofo. Fica ainda mais sensível, não consegue parar de chorar de tanto prazer que estava sentindo, o suor escorre pela sua testa e os dedos de Jeno voltam ao seu clitóris. E aqui você sente que vai explodir de novo. Jeno sente o esguicho no próprio abdômen, sorri doce para você repetindo o quão boa você foi para ele. Sai de dentro de você e pega a câmera registrando o momento, "o primeiro esguicho", com certeza esse vai ser o nome do arquivo dessa foto.
Mas ainda não acabou, não, ele ainda não gozou. Mas para isso ele só precisa ficar olhando para você. Observa o seu peito subindo e descendo, as perninhas abertas e molhadas, as mãozinhas soltando lentamente o lençol… O pau fisga só de olhar para você, então envolve ele com a mão e começa pela base, de baixo para cima. Então a mão vai ganhando ritmo, velocidade, ele volta para cima de você e jorra muita porra na sua cara, mancha a maquiagem e meleca a sua boca, mas você não se importa.
Desde que ele continuasse te mimando e te fodendo ele podia cuspir em você que não reclamaria.
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