#Solid Acrylic Letters
cityadvertising · 2 years
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Hello Friend,
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Nitin Srivastav
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seawardboundsammy · 1 month
after many months of work, I reveal my magnum opus. The Sidestep Battlejacket.
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pov: ortega seeing sidestep whole for the last time
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Holy shit! It's finished!!!
This was my final for my costume design class and it took. so long. Weighing in around 800 pounds in faux leather and spikes, this is by far the most polished and focused battle jacket I've ever made. also noting that typically i wear big glasses! i just had to show off sidestep's eyebags (my hair is always teal though! ult fave color). The prop gun is a nerf gun covered in so much paint.
This design is based off my sidestep Arbor's suit combined with the dog themes sidestep has (eg: bite the hand). More thoughts and wips under the cut!
So this jacket has actually existed in some form since 2020. I bought this leather jacket with the intention of covering it in studs and spikes and then i petered out half way through. Then, after sitting in my closet for 4 years, i finally started back up on it.
These images were my gospel through the project. The design on the left was made a while before and then you can see in real time how i developed my ideas. I had the idea of the front side being "sidestep" and then the back side with the teeth being "retribution/vsona". like a mullet of trauma. the gun was made to match the organic flowing designs of the jacket, to fit the arboreal theme.
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the painting of the teeth was a painstaking process filled with much masking tape and clean up. the arm stripes were free handed in a mad dash to the finish. I used Angelus Leather Paints (which i bought WAY too much of, a little goes miles also its so good not sponsored its just good paint) and every section got two coats of white and two coats of teal. The only exception was the orange which is much more transparent which took more coats and hand cramping with those letters. (which btw! no stencil! just moving my brush around all silly style).
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i really wanted a prop to make the jacket into something that actually feel like a cosplay, so i hunted down the most sci-blaster nerf gun i could find on amazon and threw gallons of paint at it. the experienced among you may note that nothing wants to stick to that smooth of plastic, but with a solid sanding and angelus acrylic hardener i made it work. originally there were more stripes but it looked busy. there were also going to be two charms for charge and anathema but i um. forgor.
unsanded vs sanded (and some acetone to remove paint) vs final
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the hood! good god that hood. that was ripped off an old hoodie and then i found a shirt at a thrift store that just happened to match the color perfectly. its. attached. if you know anything about sewing, please look away from this evil seam. the purple is just to keep it from fraying btw, the actual connection to the jacket it with a much thinner thread in big stitches as to not weaken the faux leather too much. also you can see where i was testing the paint lol.
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if you read to here, thank you!! im so proud of this thing and i cant wait to wear it everywhere (when the weather allows.) have a sleepy steppy as a treat for sticking around
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
ramé 6.0
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a word everyone spells as l-o-v-e, except one certain young sorcerer – to whom it appears h-a-p-p-y, to whom it appears h-a-v-o-c – to whom it appears the shape of the letters of your name.
you, on the other hand, forget how to spell when the same word is before you – a fact which, your admirer reckons, would have been a major problem were he not he – that is, were he not the one and only 'gojo satoru'.
and thus begins, the plan.
and thus begins, the six steps to catch one's crush's eye — by the six eyes.
|6/6| this isn't really a way. if you're at this step, just fuckin' stop and retreat. your crush won't ever notice you – you sad, pathetic loser.
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▸ student!gojo satoru x student!reader; fem!reader; the promised sunshine ending to this work's finally here!! ft. the classic angst-to-tooth-rotting-fluff trajectory, the best four friends one can ever get, and, the sweetest romance between 'toru and shortie becoming official freaking-finally! [THE CHAP TITLE'S MISLEADING. OF SORTS. :))]
▸ sorry but i had to squeeze in a scene of shoko and suguru being the best drinking buddies ever. AND AND AND- jjk season two, my beloved-beloathed...
▸ find other parts of 'ramé' and other [stand-alone] fics set in the same universe as this work here! anyways, image, divider & characters ain't mine. pls don't plagiarize, translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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"is that what you really think?"
gojo wonders if a momentous occasion as the one now deserves one brawl thrown into it or not. it won't be anything much; just dumping a bowl of soup down suguru's shirt and/or landing a pretty solid kick to his stomach and/or-
"careful, senpai or you might've to go home, bloody and beaten," the most monotone voice ever possible crashes into his thoughts in the worst possible way. a snicker, far too familiar, joins in. "yeah, nanami's right. besides, we haven't even clicked a pic yet. you wouldn't want to wear a black eye in it, would you?"
clinking his glass with shoko's, the white-haired watches suguru gulp down a shot of tequila, then give a mighty firm shake of his head. "no, of-fucking-course not. today is our dearest kouhai's important day; i don't wanna get involved in any drama now; though..." trailing off, the black-haired boy shoots gojo an awfully obvious side-glance before a look shared with the others.
the boy lets his eyes wander away from them. an abominably sharp acrylic nail pokes him in the cheek. gojo exhales a sigh, so exhausted.
were it just a day, the boy's certain to the hell and back, that he would have whipped up a snarky insult to the stink-eye aimed his way. the boy would have slapped his drunk classmate's hand away, calling her sense of fashion the worst names possible.
gojo, however, decides to resort to neither today. he decides to settle for a sigh - the second in the last minute, longer and wearier than the one before - and rests his face into the hollow of his palms, screwing eyes shut.
an exasperated grumble - or two, maybe - permeates the air.
"gojo senpai," the words ring out in a tone far too soft and worried. he muses he doesn't need to look to see the sympathetic frown haibara must be wearing, nor the varying degrees of pity and concern etched into the others' features. a warm hand squeezes his shoulder slightly.
haibara continues, "geto senpai is not entirely wrong, y'know? yes, of course, implying you might kick up drama is sorta wrong, i admit so. but otherwise... you could've tried to, i don't know, somehow find out the reason behind her sudden distance from you?"
opening his eyes, gojo twists to face his kouhai, ready to interrupt him, but stops at the earnestness in his gaze. "turning into a recluse or moping around isn't gonna solve anything, senpai. it's been more than a month since then and from what little i've seen, i can say it's eating the both of you alive. you, way more than her. so, go, speak with her," he urges him with a smile, "the others are not very well at showing their emotions but trust me when i say, we all are worried for you both, senpai."
the white-haired boy drags his gaze away from the speaker. suguru gives him a smile, shoko pokes him in the cheek again, nanami offers a fleeting impression of something smiley before looking away with a grimace.
gojo's eyes flit back to the encouraging boy before.
"okay," the upperclassman relents with a sigh, which instantly grows into a frown the moment every piece clicks into place in his mind and the goggles-wearing boy swears his heart skips a beat, "but what did you say about seeing shortie and know-"
stopping in the middle of the question, the boy stiffens.
three glasses shatter on impact with the floor, freed from the waiter's grasp, soon followed by two maids screeching your name in the most terror-struck voice ever manageable. gojo's six eyes provide him with enough details as always; albeit it seems miles from enough now, the way it always is in your case, further deepening the sorcerer's need to physically see you once; to soak in the brilliance of your gaze and the sweetness of the curve of your lips once.
who knows if he'll ever see you again from as close as- okay, no, wait-
"did you just run all the way here-"
"i love you."
"-in your heels?"
everything falls silent the moment the last word leaves gojo's lips and a shuddered breath escapes him into the bittersweet fragrance of the citrus perfume he remembers you using. in a lilac dress with a messy hairstyle and diamond studs, the youngest and newest leader of your clan stands before him, cheeks stretched in a wide grin.
whirling his seat round completely, the boy gives you one long look, only to earn a hauntingly soft look in return.
you smile.
"i know you might see me as the most inconsistent, lying, crazy bitch at best or as the most opportunistic bitch ever, trying to seduce you, for lack of a better term, to satisfy her craving for power, at worst; but no matter how you see me, how others see me, how i see myself - i'm in love with you, that's one thing which won't change no matter what."
you pause.
and as he watches you catch your breath after that long as hell sentence para, the first realisation which crashes on gojo's otherwise numb brain is: you too haven't changed.
not. one. bit.
from the way you stick to your minimal makeup look; to the way you speak sans any break and curse yourself as you confess to something (you think you did) wrong; to the way your gaze remains fixed on him, acutely trained on even the mildest twitch of his facial muscles... one whole month has passed since that stormy evening yet you're still the same you.
a little sweet. a little sour. a whole lot perfect-
who loves him-
who loves him-
you. love. him. too.
for the first time in an apparent eternity, gojo feels his lips lift in a free smile. although the chuckle leaving him sounds laden with moisture and emotions.
"i'll die before calling you a seductress, shortie," the boy says, "you're way too dumb and naive for that." your eyes move to the girl drinking beside him for a second, before settling back on him, a light sheen in them. smile widening yet growing a tender quality, he goes on to say, "and i know you aren't a liar; but regarding the inconsistent claim... i think an explanation's long overdue, isn't it?"
you huff a mild chuckle. stuffing your hands into your dress pockets, your senpai watches you draw in a long breath before letting it out in a whoosh, a tiny smile nestling in the corner of your lips. you begin.
"you know, right, my eldest brother was the clan leader before me? y'know, after my father just decided, one fine day, he's growing old and so he wants to retire somewhere peaceful now, with my mom, leaving me in the care of takeshi nii-chan and his wife?"
four pairs of eyes switch to him in silent query. ignoring them, gojo nods. it isn't everyday you speak so openly of your family, especially this topic concerning them.
considering how painful and sore it is for you.
how big of an escapist your father is.
how big of an asshole your brother is.
how utterly difficult it is for you to navigate in this household daily.
your sigh interrupting his thoughts, he hears you continue, "well, all was going well until it was not; and i decided i'd already spent too much time being a spectator to my life and future keeping getting kicked around like a fucking soccer ball."
few gasps sound in the vicinity, undoubtedly at you cussing. nanami's smooth voice cuts in through their shocked surprise, and through the bubble, gojo was under the impression, he and you had slipped into.
judging from the tiny start you give, the white-haired boy surmises you too must have felt the same.
your classmate's solemn voice sounds in the hush, though traces of a hesitation can still be found in it when he asks, "they... didn't arrange a wedding for you in the month you were here... did they?"
"they did," you're quick to answer, voice growing a steely quality, "the higher-ups and my brother decided to get me engaged to-"
"to whom?"
gojo's lips quirk up at the way you roll your eyes at suguru's impatient question, then look at him, a tired smile creeping onto your features. but, hey! is that a tinge of shyness on your face that the boy can see?
you point your chin at him. "to 'toru, who else?"
the second (or maybe, the third) bout of silence would have followed this statement of yours too - if not for the cackling girl beside gojo. the latter makes no effort to conceal his irritation, shooting the most vicious glare ever; shoko simply raises her glass, as if in a toast, then tosses you a smirk.
"you love him, still you don't wanna get hitched with him? not very clever of you, yeah?"
"yeah," haibara chips in, albeit much less teasing and more a worried timbre than shoko, the shades-wearing boy deems. the other student continues, brows creasing together, "plus, i doubt gojo senpai saying no to the proposal. so, why didn't you go ahead with it?"
your head tilts to one side. your lips twitch in a knowing fashion.
"you just said the reasons yourself, yu-kun."
years later, if someone asks gojo when's the time he realised he's in love with you, too deep and too far gone to ever consider anyone but you by his side, as his other and undoubtedly better half, the sorcerer will grin the goofiest grin ever and sigh the dreamiest sigh ever, and say, "every day."
which is the truth, really-
yet, from those 'every day'-s, there exist few such days, whom the six-eyes user's brain subconsciously frames in a golden frame and places on a dust-free pedestal.
for instance, today.
a day your senpai dreaded to begin by leaving the comfort of his bed, knowing the person whose ascension to the metaphorical throne he has been invited to witness today, blood chilling and condensing into tears on his lashes as memories from long ago and not-so-long-ago hurtle into his brain.
only to morph, by evening, into the day the boy realises: love isn't just what made him switch his infinity off and pull you under him, a shield to protect you from the crumbling roof, forgetting everything except your safety and life; but love is also what made you push him and the emotions within yourself away.
forgetting everything - the boy knows from knowing you these many years - except your very evident aim of shielding him from the vicious schemes of those responsible for this damned jujutsu hierarchy.
no matter how easy and rewarding the other path would've been for you.
no matter how difficult and painful this current path must've been for you.
just 'cause you love him.
just 'cause you know, at the end of it all, he's going to be safe, away from the manipulating hands of the higher-ups - away from even the slimmest chance of experiencing a shred of the ordeals you suffered as a child, losing your free will and living as a mere puppet, subject to those old geezers' whims and fancies.
the two of you are not-too-near to the threshold of adulthood; still, through those unsure lenses of transition between immaturity and maturity, gojo feels sure this very moment that his eyes are viewing now - of watching his feelings being reciprocated not only in words (which, he knows, are true; your body language is as familiar to him as the back of his hand) but also in actions - so pure, so selfless, so utterly... loving-
the boy reckons his six eyes have never landed on a sight so ethereal and just so good, that it makes his heart want to burst right out of his chest.
drinking in the way you're regarding him, fingers fidgeting and teeth gnawing on your lower lip, gojo cracks a smile.
your restlessness abates a little.
"you became the clan leader just to make sure this story remains ours and only ours, didn't you?"
you take a moment before answering with a big nod.
"yeah," you say, "but that doesn't mean you need to be grateful to me or anything of the sort. you can give me any answer you want to give. you can also give me no answer, now or ever, if that's what you really want to do. just know that i love you, and that your answer can never really put a dent in it, no matter what it is."
"no matter what it is?" your senpai echoes your words back to you. a small nod is what you send in reply; yet it seems to be more than the quantity of oil required to set the cogs of gojo's brain whirring to life and mischief. eyes narrowing, he asks, "not even if my response is an 'i love you too, shortie', hm?"
the clock in the room ticks thrice.
two known voices mutter curses behind him.
five maids of yours scurry out the door, whispering excitedly.
you narrow your eyes back at him.
"i asked you to not feel pressured, didn't i? tell me what you want to say, 'toru," you say; his name in your mouth sounds sweeter than the sweetest mochi the boy's ever tasted, "and not those stuff you think i want to hear you say."
your statement draws an amused chortle from gojo. "did you really forget what i told you last that day, shortie? or did you not again not understand what i was telling you then?"
"what's there to not understand in that!?" your indignant reply arrives without missing a beat, "you said you've always seen me as way more than a childhood friend: true 'cause we're best friends. then- oh yeah," with a click of your fingers, you add, face steeped in contemplation, "you also said- oh."
"yep, oh," gojo nods his head in an exaggerated fashion, revelling in the way you're looking at him right now, eyes round as saucers and cheeks ruddy as the expensive wine being served now.
you still seem so beautiful to him.
it takes a pinch more than a while before you breathe out a breathless giggle. straightening in his seat, gojo feels his cheeks hurt a bit from the wide smile digging indents into them.
"you really lo-"
"ma'am, the guests for the evening party will be here very soon. you should get ready now," one of your maids interrupts you. the sorcerer feels his smile shrivel a little. you're barely back with him; yet you'll be stolen away from him-
"aw, is it so?" your entertained query cuts in through his thoughts. the boy looks up from his shoes his gaze had moved to before, to you, an awfully fake apologetic smile lighting up your face.
gods, why do you look so fucking kissable when you're like this?
"you know what, the people invited aren't really the kind i want to talk to and ruin my mood. besides, i've already met 'my' guests, so..." the boy watches you inch closer to him slowly as you trail off; your maid's eyes narrow before widening. you grin. "toodles, mrs. matsui!"
that and the salute you throw at everyone in the room are the last two memories clear in gojo's mind, before everything turns into a mush of everything yet nothing in the end.
well, barring a few exceptions, of course.
your contagious chortles, for instance, while you both dash down the hallways of your mansion; or your delighted gasp when he wraps his arms round you and warps to that patisserie in nikko; or your million-watt-bright beam to him, as you slap the latter's sneaky hands away from stealing a bite from your plate, whilst the latter declares this to be where you two will celebrate the future milestones; or the-
"ieiri senpai was right, y'know?" your tired voice cuts in through your senpai's rather-muddled recollections. the latter tears his gaze away from the inky-black night sky dotted by the twinkling lights of tokyo, to your drowsy form resting her head on his chest, his one arm tight around your shoulders, while the other rests behind his head on the cold hood of the car.
moving to brush the strands of hair away from your forehead, the boy presses a kiss to the tip of your nose, earning a sweet kiss to his chin in return, and hums, "not really the person i wanna chat about right now with my girlfriend..." you suddenly twist your body towards him, throwing an arm over his stomach and nuzzling into his neck; making a mental note to address you as that more often, he sighs. "but carry on, i guess. you won't be you if you can't gush about that damn shoko every third sentence or something."
planting your lips to his jaw for a mere second, gojo watches you pull away an inch from him, grinning. "senpai said you'll be the first one to confess but i'll be the one who makes things official and public and all that shit," you explain, then gasp, grin turning wider.
"oh my god," you mutter, "geto senpai and iori senpai are gonna lose so much money to her. them two never thought you could ever say 'i love you' to me, did you know that? oh my god... i kind of feel bad for those two."
the gleeful expression you're wearing tells your boyfriend otherwise - choosing to ignore it, he throws you a smirk. "well, i don't. those two people shouldn't have doubted me. i'm the one and only gojo satoru," he proclaims, puffing his chest out a bit, "of course, I'll be successful in my mission of getting you to notice my love for you."
"nah, i don't think so," you shake your head the very next instant. lips into the most adoring curve he's ever seen on you - something which steals his retort away from him and makes him want to pinch his arm hard, to see if he's dreaming or not - you hum.
"you could confess your love to me, not 'cause you're gojo satoru. but because you're my 'toru and i'm your shortie... isn't it so?"
gojo thinks back to the time utilised in carefully drafting and finalizing the steps via which he can catch your eye, only to watch them not go the way planned.
gojo looks back to you, only to find your eyes trained on him, glitters of love in them unbelievably similar to those loud crackers bursting in his chest right now.
the young sorcerer runs a reverent finger down the side of your face.
"yeah, it is because you're my shortie and i'm your 'toru, sweetness," he whispers, "and we'll always stay this way, yeah?"
you reply by engraving the shape of your smile into his.
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▸ series: we're the summer to our winter rain
▸ masterlist
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shopsignbd · 4 months
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janchei · 1 year
(Writing this a second time, because Tumblr ate the first draft. Since english isn't my mothers tongue, please bear with my incoherent ramblings.)
My Athanasia - Plötzlich Prinzessin Collectors Edition arrived today and I wanted to share some pictures. Sorry for the low quality, I am kind of in a rush getting to the Vet to pick up my guinea pigs lol
What does it look like?
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The cover is fully removeable and coloured in a nice dark green. The title is written in golden letters and a picture of Athanasia when she first meets Ijekiel is in the center.
I have to say, it does feel a bit cheap, which is annoying because it costs 30€. I'd have expected for the lid to be solid cardboard with the Art printed on - that's not the case. The art is "folded around" and glued on. It's still nice, but for the price of, and I have to say it again, 30€, I am a bit salty about this.
Now, to the question everyone actually wants to know:
What's inside?
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Nine cards! That's probably the reason why amazon listed the Collectors Edition as Cards Edition!
The cards show various characters of the Manhwa. I paired them like this because I thought it fits, but I am not sure if that one character is Lili or Penelope. I think it's Lili, but since I could pair the other ones so nice you all have to pretend it's Penelope now. Or maybe Lili had a little swing our little Edgelord and Jen is now their love child lol
The back is of the same green and pattern as the lid of the box. The Manhwa's name is written in golden letters in the top center.
As with the lid, I am a bit disappointed with the quality of the cards. Don't get me wrong, they do look absolutely georgeus (and that's what's important in the end, I suppose) but they are kind of... wobbly. I'd have wished for them to be a bit more solid to the touch.
I think it's the first time I've seen some of these pictures but I think I always miss some stuff, so maybe they are all already well known. I'll try to scan them later, but my scanners app hates me and always crashes when I hit save :)
That's not all there is in the Box though! There are two nice and heavy (yay!!) Acrylic stands of Athanasia and Claude! They aren't very big but they look and feel nice. I think they are the same as they were in another Collectors Edition, but I will have to check Spoons Instagram Account to confirm.
One picture below - and Yeah, I didn’t take them out yet. Sue me.
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What else is new?
Nothing, actually. Just like the first Volume, the second Volume is really heavy. Maybe a bit too heavy, but really, I'm not complaining about some good quality paper and colours.
I took some pictures from the Cover of the Manhwa itself, from the first page (I so love the tree and leaf theme going on with this volume).
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But!!! We have a new in-between-chapter-Art!!
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ishaamart · 5 months
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whatiscalligraphy · 5 months
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cityadvertising · 2 years
Clip On Boards %% 9871585333 %% Complete Solution of Advertising
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torontocustomsign · 11 months
4 Most Common Types of Building Signs in Canada
Building signs are powerful pieces of advertisement because they are seen day and night and allow people to find your business. No matter the kind of industry that you’re in, signage will always be one of the top priorities for your establishment. It’s the best way to reach a wider audience and let customers know your exact location.
High-Quality Building Signs in Canada
Every business in Canada wants signage worth their investment, which is why partnering with a professional sign company they can trust is vital. That’s why Toronto Custom Signs always aims to serve our customers with high-quality commercial building signs made only with the best modern equipment.
We at Toronto Custom Signs never fail to deliver. Our team of experts works closely with our clients to provide them with everything they need to reach their signage goals. In need of outdoor building signs that are cohesive with your brand? We can customize it for you! Toronto Custom Signs will deliver your signage needs so you can attain your marketing goals.
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4 Most Common Types of Building Signs
There are a lot of options when it comes to signage, but luckily, we’re here to help you. We’ve explained the four most common types of outdoor building signs that businesses tend to take advantage of.
1. Channel Letters
These are three-dimensional lighted building signs that are made up of individual letters or shapes that are typically constructed using metal or acrylic. Channel letters are commonly used for retail stores, restaurants, hotels, banks, and professional services like law firms.
2. Dimensional Letters
Dimensional letters are outdoor building signs that are made into individual letters and can be mounted directly to the face of a building or to a monument sign. These signs are like channel letters, but the only difference is the illumination. Unlike channel letters, which are hollow inside and can be inserted with lights, dimensional letters are solid.
3. Monument Signs
Monument signs are freestanding structures typically located at the entrance of a property or along a roadside. They are made of durable materials such as stone, brick, or metal and can display the name or logo of a business. These commercial building signs are often used in large establishments or properties like apartments, hotels, churches, schools, or hospitals as a wayfinding sign or welcome sign because of their size.
4. Pylon Signs
Pylon signs are usually seen on highways and are illuminated so they’re easier to read. They often feature large, elevated display panels that can be seen from a distance. Because these signs are installed in an elevated position, they’re easier to spot, even from afar. These illuminated building signs are commonly used in malls, restaurants, gas stations, and shopping centers that are located near major highways.
Choosing a Building Sign Company in Toronto
If you’re looking to install high-quality signage solutions for your business, it’s always the best choice to partner with a signage company in Toronto that you can trust, and this is where Toronto Custom Signs come in.
We’re dedicated to bringing your dream building signs to life without sacrificing their quality. We believe that through premium and effective signage, we can help you boost your business. Contact our sign specialists today to discuss your signage designs.
Source: https://torontocustomsign.com/4-most-common-types-of-building-signs-in-canada/
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signparrotprinting · 1 year
In today's world of digital advertising, outdoor vinyl signage remains an essential tool for businesses looking to attract customers. Custom signs, custom vinyl signage, custom engraved signs, and dimensional letter signage are all different types of outdoor vinyl signage that can be used to enhance a business's visibility and increase its customer base.
Custom signs are an excellent way to showcase a business's brand and personality. They can be designed in various shapes, sizes, and colors to capture the attention of passersby. Custom signs are usually created from durable materials such as metal, wood, or acrylic and can withstand different weather conditions.
Custom vinyl signage is another popular type of outdoor vinyl signage that is widely used by businesses. This type of signage can be customized to fit any shape or size, making it ideal for businesses of all types. Custom vinyl signage is also known for its flexibility, making it easy to install on any surface. Businesses can use custom vinyl signage for advertising their services, promoting their products, and even showcasing their logos.
Custom engraved signs are perfect for businesses looking to make a lasting impression on customers. These signs are created by carving out letters or designs on a variety of materials such as wood, metal, or plastic. They are known for their durability and classic look, which makes them ideal for businesses that want to exude elegance and sophistication.
Dimensional letter signage is a type of signage that adds depth and texture to the sign. These signs are created by cutting out individual letters or shapes from a solid material such as metal or acrylic. The letters are then raised from the surface of the sign, giving them a three-dimensional effect. Dimensional letter signage is perfect for businesses looking to add a touch of creativity and uniqueness to their signage.
In conclusion, outdoor vinyl signage is an essential tool for businesses looking to increase their visibility and attract customers. Custom signs, custom vinyl signage, custom engraved signs, and dimensional letter signage are all different types of outdoor vinyl signage that businesses can use to enhance their brand and make a lasting impression on customers. When creating outdoor vinyl signage, it is essential to use durable materials that can withstand different weather conditions and to design signage that captures the business's personality and brand. We at Sign Parrot can help you with the right outdoor vinyl signage, and businesses can increase their customer base, improve their brand recognition, and ultimately achieve their business goals.
See original post here- https://sites.google.com/view/sign-parrot-/blog/invest-in-signage-to-excel-your-branding
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ineze-official · 1 year
Valentine’s Day Jewelry Gifts For Her
Valentine’s day is just around the corner. This gifting season calls for a range of soft toys, chocolates, and roses. However, what can be more cherishing than gifting her a piece of jewelry that stays on forever? Gifting trendy jewelry gifts on valentine’s day need not always be rings ringing the proposal alarms!! One can gift their better half trendy jewelry accessories to remember the day. 
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That said, for those still figuring out what can be a perfect jewelry gift for their better half apart from a ring, fashion jewelry experts at Ineze Official have curated a list of accessories perfect for gifting their loved ones on Valentine’s Day!
Variety of rings! 
We know we promised some trendy jewelry items apart from rings, however, for those romantics who still believe in these classic accessories, here are some quirky choices apart from the typical diamond rings.
Ineze Official Chain Link rings
Chain link accessories are a big fashion trend in 2023. Thus a chain link ring has to be on your list. Ineze Official presents an extensive range of chain link rings like Pavé chainlink rings, adjustable chain link design rings, and studded and solid baguette rings.
Ineze Official Crystal and Enamel Rings
If your better half or S.O. loves some quirky colors and glitters, these enamel and diamond studded trendy jewelry rings are a perfect gift to bring a smile to their face.
Ineze Official Personalized Rings
Personalized jewelry is a big hit, and what better day to tell them they are special if not these dainty personalized rings!
Another charming accessory that speaks the ultimate I Love You is a bracelet. These wrist trinkets offer gorgeous designs and patterns, ensuring your S.O. smiles throughout your date, and are available in multiple varieties. Following are some of the top bracelet designs from Ineze Official:
Chain link bracelets
Just like chain link rings, chain link bracelets are gaining high popularity. These accessories are available in styles like Cuban or Figaro chain link bracelets.
Charm bracelets
Charms bracelets are another top choice among jewelry gifting options. Ineze Official presents charm bracelets in different metal colors and charm options.
Evil eye bracelets
Evil jewelry is receiving a lot of love from fashionistas globally. Hence, one can opt for these evil eye bracelets for ladies, indicating love and the idea of protecting them from all evil!
Tennis bracelets
CZ or gemstone studded tennis bracelets from Ineze Official can be another timeless piece to gift this Valentine’s day. These elegant pieces are perfect for those who prefer subtle and classic jewelry.
Dainty bracelets
The Dainty bracelets from Ineze Official are perfect for those who prefer some subtle regalia. The bracelets are available in colored single-string or multi-chain bracelet options.
Custom clutches from Ineze Official
What is more adorable than a customized piece for your loved one? Ineze Official offers custom clutch purses with a name made from acrylic and handmade by experts. These custom clutches have a magnetic lock and gold chain and come with a personalization option by offering acrylic embossed letters. Customers can opt for a name or word in their favorite script.
Personalized necklaces
As mentioned, personalized jewelry is always a hit among jewelry lovers. Ineze Official offers an extensive range of personalized necklaces. One can select from personalized letter charm necklaces or personalized letter name necklaces.
Make this Valentine’s Day special with Ineze Official!
Irrespective of Valentine’s jewelry you select, a well-thought gift conveying your feeling is all that matters. One can opt for rings, bracelets, or necklaces for their loved ones this Valentine’s Day from Ineze Official and ensure your S.O. receives a timeless jewelry piece curated by experts. If you are looking for a variety of trendy jewelry this season, explore our online website today!
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shopsignbd · 4 months
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platinumwear · 1 year
Valentines Day Gift for Girlfriend Crystal Rose Acrylic Preserved Flower Gift Box Confession Real Flower Mother's Day Presents
Valentines Day Gift for Girlfriend Crystal Rose Acrylic Preserved Flower Gift Box Confession Real Flower Mother’s Day Presents
Brand Name: TONECY Origin: Mainland China Model Number: WJ11514 is_customized: Yes Pattern: Mustache,chevron,NONE,Cartoon animal,Boy & Girl,Animal,Cartoon Car,Cartoon Figure,Face,Bride & Groom,CROWN,NUMBER,Architecture,Lattice,Letter,Clothing,Food,striped,Flower,Butterfly,Heart,Star,PLANT,angel,Solid Color,Dot,fruit,Ball Occasion: Wedding & Engagement,Christening & Baptism,St Patrick’s Day,Grand…
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igoldenlaser · 2 years
Wood Engraving CNC Router For Woodworking MDF PVC Board
A CNC wood router is also called wood CNC machine, wood CNC router, CNC machines for woodworking, CNC woodworking router, CNC wood carving machine, CNC wood carver, CNC wood engraving machine, CNC wood engraver, CNC wood cutting machine, CNC wood cutter, 3d wood carver, CNC wood router table, CNC woodworking tool, wood engraving machine. No matter what’ s it called, it is a very popular tool for woodworking now.
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The speed regulating motor is used to drive the mechanical system, thus shortening the mechanical transmission chain, which not only simplifies the mechanical structure, but also reduces the transmission error caused by mechanical friction, wear and clearance.
2. Easy to realize multi-function and flexible automation In engraving machine, computer control system, not only replace other information processing and control devices, and easy to achieve automatic detection, data processing, automatic adjustment and control, automatic diagnosis and protection, and can automatically display, record and print. In addition, the combination of computer hardware and software can achieve flexible automation and have great flexibility.
3. Shortened product development cycle and enhanced competitiveness Engraving machine can use professional production, high quality mechanical and electrical components, through integration skills to design and manufacture, so not only high reliability of the product, even in the use of life without maintenance, thus shortening the product development cycle, enhance the competitiveness of the product in the market
The 1325 Wood Engraving Machine is solidly built, which allows you to use it with a great number of various products and materials, starting with metal items and up to wooden wardrobes. This machine also has options for the Vacuum Combined T-Slot to clamp the piece during work.
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Wood Carving CNC Router Machine Applications
1. Furniture: cabinet doors, solid wood doors, craft wooden doors, paint-free doors, screens, craft fan windows, tables, chairs, etc. Wooden door cutting, wooden door artwork carving, wave board, 3d photo carving, small or large relief works, cylindrical wood carving, 3d photo carving, etc.
2. Advertising industry: advertising signs and logos, decorative products, wood, medium density fiberboard, bamboo, plastic, PVC, acrylic, metal, stone, etc.
3. Art industry: character carving, character carving and cutting, famous brand making, small gift cutting, souvenir making, carving various decorative letters, small windows, fences, figures on walls, etc.
4. Model making: engraving metal molds such as copper, aluminum and iron, as well as non-metal molds such as marble, sandstone, plastic plates, PVC pipes and wood panels.
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customacrylicsigns · 2 years
Why Use Froth Material to Create Layered Letters, Logo or Signs
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Froth is surrounding us. There are endless items made of froth, explicitly Styrofoam (otherwise called EPS or Extended Polystyrene) from the crown moldings in your home to the show you just saw in the exhibition hall or the cool sign on the store you just shopped at.
In any case, how could a fabricator decide to utilize froth when obviously he has different options of materials, like metals, aluminum, plastics, PVCs Acrylics or wood.
Layered lettering can be utilized as directional and engineering signage, joined to a structure, office doors or on walls for marking a message. Fabricator and sign shops have been utilizing different materials to make layered letters, logo and finishes paperwork for retail locations, organizations, stages, weddings, career expos, shows and for any occasion. Be that as it may, envision making letters from metal to go on a phase.
Metals and wood are impressively weighty and are badly arranged for transportation and for taking care of when moved starting with one spot then onto the next. Wood can yield an incredible completion look, yet is weighty too and gets some margin to work with. Furthermore, plastics and PVCs are not a simple material to shape and machine. Consequently, an ever increasing number of fabricators are presently utilizing froth, which is a lightweight substance as a hotspot for making enormous layered letters.
There are numerous manners by which the layered letters can be made. They can be left as crude white material whenever called for. They can be shrouded in matte, semi-shine or gleam finish. The letters can be painted with specialty works of art to look like wood, or with False bronze like paint to add a metal look. They can be overlaid, shrouded in vinyl, in texture or even be enlightened in the back to add a light impact to them. Click over here sign fabrication near me
Acrylic can be overlaid toward the front of the letters to match a particular logo tone or to make a sign look vivid. Seems to be acrylic cut letters have become one of the most famous options for indoor sign letters.
The acrylic is cut utilizing a laser shaper and yields a genuinely exact cut. In any case, froth is the most practical answer for making signs, logo, letters and props.
Since the crude froth material itself is weak and can be harmed by water, mugginess and sun openness, being covered can safeguard it. Various sorts of covering can be utilized relying upon the application and utilize required.
They can be covered with light covering like epoxy, to medium covering that can be showered, cleaned or brushed on, for example, Styrospray1000 or a hard coat polyurea splashed with a reactor. The covering safeguards the letters, logo or sign, yet in addition giving it significantly longer solidness - They can endure up to a lifetime once covered.
A block of EPS froth is ordinarily 4 by 4 by 8 feet. Hence, the most advantageous size to make the undertaking really depends on 4 feet. Be that as it may, there is no size limit while making and manufacturing letters. On the off chance that they should be bigger they can be made in areas and stuck together, and keeping in mind that sanding the stuck pieces, the crease is totally dispensed with.
The letters are cut utilizing a CNC hot wire froth shaper. The froth is utilized to add aspect to the letters.
Froth letters are an extraordinary choice for example, in the event that you need profundity on an entryway wall sign.
They are really 2D that can look like a 3D undertaking.
By giving it enough thickness they can be "remain solitary" letters on a phase. For example, a 4 feet letter ought to be made at least 8 inches thick to have the option to remain all alone.
The froth can be cut genuinely quick. A couple of single strokes of the hot wire liquefying into the material can make a letter in a matter of seconds. One more benefit to the froth substrate is that it is not difficult to cut, form, shape, cut and sand to a smoother finish.
Round letters can be made level at the base to have the option to stand their ground.
The fabricator can make a base to the letters, either from the froth material itself or from acrylic, which is straightforward, thusly filling in as an extraordinary undetectable help.
Loads can likewise be put inside the actual froth to hold the heaviness of the letter so it doesn't warn.
In the event that the letters should be suspended, a twofold sided tape can be put so they can be draped up on a wall for instance. On the off chance that they are huge and heavier, metal bars and suspensions can be put in them or snares can be put o balance them from the roof.
Layered letters will assist an organization with drawing in clients and be more alluring.
Indeed, there are surely a ton of decisions out there and it very well may be confounding on occasion attempting to figure them out. I would agree that that on the off chance that you are economical, yet need a quality looking sign, froth letters and logos are quite possibly of your most ideal choice.
Layered froth signs, logos and lettering are an extraordinary method for improving the person and profundity of your message or logo and to fabricate acknowledgment to your image.
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hailiguyotte941 · 2 years
Final Exam
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I created this piece for my daughter. This is her name in wooden letters that I painted by hand.
Documentation: I went to Walmart and bought the supplies I needed. That included: -The wooden letters -Acrylic Paint -Clear coat acrylic sealer spray -Black Marker -Wall Velcro stickers After getting the supplies I needed I went home and thought of what exactly I wanted to paint on the letters. I wanted to create something that I can hang in her room as she gets older so I didn't want it to be too babyish. I decided that I wanted to paint a cherry blossom tree with flowers all over. I used a picture online for inspiration. The first thing that I did was paint all the letters entirely black and let dry. After letting the black dry I went in and started painting the tree and branches branching in different directions. I mixed painting together to accomplish a light brown color that would show over top of the black. I added some white highlights throughout the tree part to make it really pop and stick out against the black background. After this I started the process of the flowers. There are three layers needed to paint the flower. The first layer I used a very baby pink and just painted the shape of the flower in the solid pink color. The second layer I added a darker pink in the same flower shape but smaller. So, like a little flower inside of a big flower if that makes sense. Then I added the detail to the flower by painting black in the middle. To make sure the flowers popped I went through with a black marker and outline the flower to make sure they had good shape and popped out more. The final thing I did was spray the letters down with acrylic sealer clear coat to seal everything together and protect it from getting scratched up. After I was finished I used the Velcro stickers to hang her name up on the wall right above her changing table.
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