gallifreyanhotfive · 8 days
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georgiacooked · 3 months
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It's been a while since the last one, so have a new Doctor Who sticker sheet! Classic Aliens and Monsters. Featuring Susan Q, Jagaroth, a Menoptera, a Rutan, Helen A, Soldeed and a Gell Guard!
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cleowho · 2 years
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“You are all doomed!”
The Horns of Nimon - season 17 - 1979
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sarahwatchesthings · 9 months
Soldeed is so fucking funny.
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eighthman-bound · 2 years
Magnus fans seeing the TMA2 seasons confirmation-
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being-of-rain · 2 years
Thoughts from my Classic Who watch, season 17.
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Thank god for Douglas Adams. Doctor 4 and Romana 2 were my favourite Tardis team when I watched the series for the first time as a youngun because of the way they were on the same wavelength, joking their way through the universe. From what I understand Douglas Adams as script editor was a large part of creating that characterisation, especially in Destiny of the Daleks which is filled with that sort of attitude and which Adams apparently did large rewrites for. Without the humour I really wouldn't care much for the story, but with it there's a lot of moments to enjoy. I say "Oh look! Rocks!" a lot.
City of Death was the story my brother and I watched the most as kids because we kept borrowing the DVD from our town's library. I hadn't watched it in years and years, and for this watchthrough I saw it with friends! Which was a lot of fun. I forgot just how much of it was shots of the cast running around Paris, they really wanted to show off their location filming. And hey, it was pretty location filming, so I can't blame them. I also love Scaroth's design, he's great. The Count and Countess Scarlioni are just fantastically enjoyable villains in general, between Pirate Planet and this Adams must be the best villain writer in Doctor Who. Oh and I always laugh at "Duggan!! ...I think that was possibly the most important punch in history."
The first episode of The Creature From The Pit is definitely one of the most episodes of all time. The Doctor gets attacked by tumbleweeds. K9 suddenly has a wildly different and upsetting voice. Romana avoids getting killed by just acting like she can order people around and it works. The Doctor knocks out some guards with a sneeze. It's called The Creature From The Pit. The rest of the story has it's ups and downs. All the astrology talk was fun. The way Romana was sometimes written as a generic companion who panics and needs the Doctor for everything was not (some writers just really didn't get her). K9 gets used as a bazooka sometimes which is hilarious. The way Erato's translator used people's larynx to communicate was cool as heck. And it's interesting how the final episode wraps up the villain of the story 5 minutes in, and introduces a different problem for the climax.
Nightmare of Eden had some cool ideas in it, but I'm not sure how well it communicated them. I don't know if I just wasn't paying enough attention, but I couldn't get a grasp of what and who was on which of the two ships. I guessed that the professor man was the villain of the story, but I didn't predict the other starship pilot was as well. It kind of made sense though. I think. Maybe I should rewatch this one 😂 not soon though, I wasn't That invested in it. The Doctor vanishing because he was pulled onto the wrong ship in the separation was good use of cliffhanger in the plot. But the way he got back to the right ship was hiding right behind one of the bad guys in a tiny tiny shuttle, which was hilarious. Video game guard levels of peripheral vision.
The Horns of Nimon is great actually. The hilariously bad/over the top acting is so much fun to watch. Soldeed steals the show obviously; his death scene is iconic but he acts that way in Every Single One of his scenes, it's magnificent. Romana is finally written like she's at the same level of competency as the Doctor again, even her own sonic screwdriver, and I think her outfit in this one might be my favourite Romana outfit (which says a LOT when you're talking about Romana's outfits). It's a shame Shada didn't get made because more Douglas Adams is never a bad thing, but this was still a nice note to leave the season on. (By the way, I didn't end up watching Shada as part of this watchthrough. Any of them.)
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bitter1stuff · 3 months
This guy!
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wordswithkittywitch · 2 years
Soldeed vs Bayban the Butcher? Which is superior?
Bayban, definitely. Soldeed couldn't get anything done without the nimons.
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Some of the reactions to doctor who are genuinely baffling to me. I saw one comment from someone who said they'd been watching since 1987 and this new series had totally put them off like. Sorry these episodes didn't match the shakespearean heights of *checks notes* Delta and the Bannermen
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sillydoctorwho · 1 month
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companion-showdown · 6 months
Who is the best companion to get intoxicated with?
this tournament was suggested anonymously
Ace McShane vs Donna Noble
Ace McShane vs Wilfred Mott
Jack Harkness vs Donna Noble
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Ace McShane vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Iris Wildthyme
previous rounds under the cut
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Ace McShane vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Liz Shaw
Dan Lewis vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs The TARDIS
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Ace McShane vs River Song
Charley Pollard vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Dodo Chaplet
Rose Tyler vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Wilfred Mott
Romana II vs Liz Shaw
Barbara Wright vs Dan Lewis
Frobisher vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Martha Jones
Polly Wright vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Koschei
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Bernice Summerfield
Clara Oswald vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Romana I
The TARDIS vs Tegan Jovanka
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Day 2
Jack Harkness vs Liv Chenka
Martha Jones vs Alan Turing
Polly Wright vs Mel Bush
Chris Cwej vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jason Kane
Koschei vs McQueen!Master
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Narvin
Ruth Leonidus vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Vislor Turlough
Bernice Summerfield vs Steven Taylor
Wolsey vs Clara Oswald
Clarence the Angel vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Karra
Romana I vs Romana III
Compassion vs The TARDIS
Hebe Harrison vs Tegan Jovanka
Day 1
Ace McShane vs God the Computer
Evelyn Smythe vs River Song
Sabalom Glitz vs Charley Pollard
Miranda Who vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Hex Schofield
Dodo Chaplet vs Panna
Vicki Pallister vs Rose Tyler
Peri Brown vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Fitz Kreiner
Wilfred Mott vs Leela
The Brigadier vs Romana II
Liz Shaw vs The Black Dalek Leader
Barbara Wright vs Nyssa
Lucie Miller vs Dan Lewis
Father Kreiner vs Frobisher
Amy Pond vs Bill Potts
(too many links for the post to work but all matches under the tag intoxication: round 1)
Day 1
Ace McShane vs Adric
Tegan Jovanka vs Victoria Waterfield
Delgado!Master vs Aris
Jo Grant vs Sutekh
Jamie McCrimmon vs Kamelion
Barbara Wright vs Harry Sullivan
The Black Dalek Leader vs Mother Francesca
Irving Braxiatel vs Elspeth (Where Angels Fear)
Iris Wildthym vs Peter Summerfield
C'rizz vs God the Computer
Romana III vs Carmen Yeh
McQueen!Master vs Mr Crofton
Wolsey vs Sam Bishop
Jack Harkness vs Rory Williams
Bill Potts vs Mickey Smith
Donna Noble vs Ryan Sinclair
Day 2
K9 vs Grace Holloway
Sabalom Glitz vs Sara Kingdom
Polly Wright vs Mike Yates
The Brigadier vs Morbius
Panna vs Varsh
Vicki Pallister vs Karuna
Father Kreiner vs Cousin Anastasia
Alan Turing vs Captain Magenta
Compassion vs Jack McSpringheel
Evelyn Smythe vs Renée Thalia
Frobisher vs Sabbath Dei
Narvin vs Lola Denison
Ruby Sunday vs Ianto Jones
Missy vs Yasmin Khan
Madam Vastra vs Sally Sparrow
Dan Lewis vs Graham O'Brien
Day 3
Steven Taylor vs Ben Jackson
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Zoe Heriot
Leela vs Ian Chesterton
Soldeed vs Vislor Turlough
Tremas vs Peri Brown
Dodo Chaplet vs Duggan
Bernice Summerfield vs Pandora
Koschei vs Valarie Lockwood
Lucie Miller vs The War King
Charley Pollard vs Joseph (The Doomsday Manuscript)
Miranda Who vs Eliza
Chris Cwej vs Adrian Wall
Death's Head vs Hebe Harrison
Jane Austen vs Amy Pond
River Song vs Gwen Cooper
The TARDIS vs Beep the Meep
Day 4
Romana II vs Chang Lee
The Three Who Rule vs Liz Shaw
The Kandyman vs Nyssa
Sergeant Benton vs Karra
Mel Bush vs Susan Foreman
Romana I vs Erato
Jason Kane vs V.M.McCrimmon
Clarence the Angel vs Scarlette
Hex Schofield vs Cousin Justine
John (Another Girl, Another Planet) vs Liv Chenka
Ruth Leonidus vs D'Eon
Fitz Kreiner vs The Original Golden Dalek Emperor
Martha Jones vs Bannakaffalatta
Wilfred Mott vs Toshiko Sato
Rose Tyler vs Vincent van Gogh
Clara Oswald vs Nardole
links to previous tournaments
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
From how Romana delivers that whole thing to Soldeed it makes me wonder if they learned the Righteous Yelling At You Voice at the Academy
Oh, absolutely, Righteous Yelling At You Voice is one of the first year seminars they send the youngest students at the Academy to. Righteous Yelling At You Voice is actually a required course at the Academy as such a skill is essential to the students' future success as Time Lords!
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rassilonwatchathon · 6 months
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It's the 9 year anniversary of The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon, so this month we're sharing our older episodes!
FOURTH DOCTOR SEASON SEVENTEEN (June 25th, 2019-September 3rd, 2019) Episode 104- Destiny of the Daleks (Live from the Kids' Table) w/ Layne Lexx Terminate Henderson Episode 105- City of Death (A Guided Meditation) w/ Vincent E.L. PATREON EXCLUSIVE Bonus Episode 4- Doctor Who and the Daleks - Cadet Sweets (Good Good Shrooms) Episode 106- The Creature from the Pit (Doctor Who and the Dirty Boys) Episode 107- Nightmare of Eden (That's Good Eden!) w/ Felicity Kusinitz Episode 108- The Horns of Nimon (A Friend, Soldeed) w/ Ashley Raburn & R. Alan Siler Episode 109- Shada (The Great Jink Squabble) w/ @benpaddon
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cleowho · 2 years
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“My dreams of conquest!”
The Horns of Nimon - season 17 - 1979
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You cannot imagine the whiplash i just recieved seeing Soldeed in my silly little shows 💀💀💀💀💀 the nimon be praised
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dear old Uncle Terry decided for the Horns of Nimon novelisation that Soldeed does not actually have any scientific knowhow whatsoever
it's greatly hilarious
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