#Solar Companies in Kenya
seodigital2006 · 12 hours
Voltmatic Energy Solutions is one of the leading Solar Water Pumping Systems that offers the best solar energy systems with unmatched value. For any details, give us a phone call today! For more information, you can visit our website https://voltmaticenergysolutions.co.ke/ or call us at +254759493610
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seoteamwxt · 2 months
Are you considering installing Solar Power Panels for Home? Get in touch with Voltmatic Energy Solutions! We are known for offering clean, renewable, and green energy-saving solutions to all clients. For more information, you can visit our website https://voltmaticenergysolutions.co.ke/solar-heating-systems/ or call us at +254759493610
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
African poverty is partly a consequence of energy poverty. In every other continent the vast majority of people have access to electricity. In Africa 600m people, 43% of the total, cannot readily light their homes or charge their phones. And those who nominally have grid electricity find it as reliable as a Scottish summer. More than three-quarters of African firms experience outages; two-fifths say electricity is the main constraint on their business.
If other sub-Saharan African countries had enjoyed power as reliable as South Africa’s from 1995 to 2007, then the continent’s rate of real GDP growth per person would have been two percentage points higher, more than doubling the actual rate, according to one academic paper. Since then South Africa has also had erratic electricity. So-called “load-shedding” is probably the main reason why the economy has shrunk in four of the past eight quarters.
Solar power is increasingly seen as the solution. Last year Africa installed a record amount of photovoltaic (PV) capacity (though this still made up just 1% of the total added worldwide), notes the African Solar Industry Association (AFSIA), a trade group. Globally most solar PV is built by utilities, but in Africa 65% of new capacity over the past two years has come from large firms contracting directly with developers. These deals are part of a decentralised revolution that could be of huge benefit to African economies.
Ground zero for the revolution is South Africa. Last year saw a record number of blackouts imposed by Eskom, the state-run utility, whose dysfunctional coal-fired power stations regularly break down or operate at far below capacity. Fortunately, as load-shedding was peaking, the costs of solar systems were plummeting.
Between 2019 and 2023 the cost of panels fell by 15%, having already declined by almost 90% in the 2010s. Meanwhile battery storage systems now cost about half as much as five years ago. Industrial users pay 20-40% less per unit when buying electricity from private project developers than on the cheapest Eskom tariff.
In the past two calendar years the amount of solar capacity in South Africa rose from 2.8GW to 7.8GW, notes AFSIA, excluding that installed on the roofs of suburban homes. All together South Africa’s solar capacity could now be almost a fifth of that of Eskom’s coal-fired power stations (albeit those still have a higher “capacity factor”, or ability to produce electricity around the clock). The growth of solar is a key reason why there has been less load-shedding in 2024...
Over the past decade the number of startups providing “distributed renewable energy” (DRE) has grown at a clip. Industry estimates suggest that more than 400m Africans get electricity from solar home systems and that more than ten times as many “mini-grids”, most of which use solar, were built in 2016-20 than in the preceding five years. In Kenya DRE firms employ more than six times as many people as the largest utility. In Nigeria they have created almost as many jobs as the oil and gas industry.
“The future is an extremely distributed system to an extent that people haven’t fully grasped,” argues Matthew Tilleard of CrossBoundary Group, a firm whose customers range from large businesses to hitherto unconnected consumers. “It’s going to happen here in Africa first and most consequentially.”
Ignite, which operates in nine African countries, has products that include a basic panel that powers three light bulbs and a phone charger, as well as solar-powered irrigation pumps, stoves and internet routers, and industrial systems. Customers use mobile money to “unlock” a pay-as-you-go meter.
Yariv Cohen, Ignite’s CEO, reckons that the typical $3 per month spent by consumers is less than what they previously paid for kerosene and at phone-charging kiosks. He describes how farmers are more productive because they do not have to get home before dark and children are getting better test scores because they study under bulbs. One family in Rwanda used to keep their two cows in their house because they feared rustlers might come in the dark; now the cattle snooze al fresco under an outside lamp and the family gets more sleep.
...That is one eye-catching aspect of Africa’s solar revolution. But most of the continent is undergoing a more subtle—and significant—experiment in decentralised, commercially driven solar power. It is a trend that could both transform African economies and offer lessons to the rest of the world."
-via The Economist, June 18, 2024. Paragraph breaks added.
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readyforevolution · 6 months
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🌍 1) Largest country in Africa by land mass - Algeria 🇩🇿
2) Largest country in Africa by population - Nigeria 🇳🇬
3) Largest movie industry in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
4) Largest democracy in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
5) Richest Black man - Nigerian 🇳🇬
6) Richest African woman - Nigerian 🇳🇬
7) largest single solar power plant in Africa - Morocco 🇲🇦
8) Largest Museum in Africa - Egypt 🇪🇬
9) Tallest building in Africa - Egypt 🇪🇬
10) Largest rice mill in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
11) Largest fertilizer plant in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
12) largest oil refinery in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
13) largest fish farm in Africa - Egypt 🇪🇬
14) largest cement plant in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
15) largest tea farm in Africa - Kenya 🇰🇪
16) largest music industry in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
17) largest stadium in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
18) Fastest train in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
19) longest subsea gas pipeline in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
20) largest city by population - Nigeria 🇳🇬
21) Largest news network in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
22) largest car race arena in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
23) largest pharmaceutical industry in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
24) Fastest woman in Africa - Nigerian 🇳🇬
25) Fastest man in Africa - Kenyan 🇰🇪
26) largest stock exchange by market capitalization in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
27) largest stock exchange by number of listings - south Africa 🇿🇦
28) longest concrete road in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
29) largest airline in Africa - Ethiopia 🇪🇹
30) most streamed musicians in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
31) most awarded artist in Africa - Nigerian 🇳🇬
32) largest mall in Africa by structure - Morocco 🇲🇦
33) most valuable tech startup in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
34) most valuable company in Africa - South Africa 🇿🇦
35) largest economy in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
36) Most tribes in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
37) most languages in Africa - Nigeria 🇳🇬
39) largest seaport In Africa by size - Morocco 🇲🇦
40) largest university in Africa by area - Nigeria 🇳🇬
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thinkpink212 · 1 year
✨Eclips Season Breakdown ✨
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Hello lovelies, we've entered eclips season where we will expeirnece both a Solar Eclips in Libra on October 14th, and then on October the 28th we will experience a Lunar Eclips in Taurus. Depending on your placements and how you interact with the transit, the eclipses effects can present themsleves weeks to months in advance, as well as after its passing (usually up to 6month) What should we ecpect? With both Taurus and Libra being ruled by venus, as well, we can expect venusuain, 2nd house and 7th house activities. This means topics surrounding our money/finances, stability, comfort, socializing/groups, relations, luxury and pleasures, will be highlighted. With different aspects such as a conjunction to the South node, we can also expect themes such as past lives, baggages and lessons (or unfinished lessons) being big themes for some.
How will this affect us as a collective? Numerous of things can be expected, so here are some most likly predictions;
Increse in prices, globally. This could for exampe be more costly public transport, as that affects our relationship with the public.
A lot of crypto currency and online markets may have a boom or fall, depending on where you find yourself. For those who have invested, you may see a large reward, where as there may be some harsh dips before it picks up again due to many pulling out due to fears.
Large companies may find themsleves renegotiating contracts, having unsatified partners or other conflicts that won't see the light of day till everythings either finalized or possibly leaked pre-maturely.
Many world organizations and allienses may be going through re-negotiations, which could have tensions of conflicts, but most will be resolved peacefully while others may worsen. The only example I have of this could be similiar to Kenya pushing for Visa Free Kenya/Africa.
Fertility or sexual scandals may come out, but this may first be within the coming 4-5 months, which may be a big shock to the public. Some of it will force laws to become harsher and lawenforcement to gain more backlash.
Food development may be on a rise with, an example could be, alternative ways of growing food. A fall in import and more demand to rely on self-sufficiancy.
How will it affect us as individuals? Firstly, its important to note that this eclips season is not one I would recomend to manifest. Instead, I suggest releasing and letting go for what no longer serves you to make space for new and better things.
During such seasons, it is adviced to not start anything new, unless you already had plans (5-6 months prior), but listen to your intuition as some of us are menat to begin a new chapter that will require starting something new. For some this new begining may not be a whole new path, but the same with a difference that makes it feel new. An example could be a new job doing the same thing but now it is in a different location (think from remote work to in person or from regular employee to manager)
The solar eclips will bring new beginings in terms of relations (platonic or romantic for some) compromisation/sacrafice, openness and even some emotionalness to it.
So for the solar eclips, nothing overly explosive or life-jerking will offcure, simply big or small changes that will be within what you already know/feel comfortable within. The biggest lesson here is to let go, sacrafice (usually without a struggle( and let the universe do it's things. You may feel paranoid at first, or resistant to the change even if it is quite minor in the begining but it will sort itself out.
For the lunar eclips, the energie is much more noticable as it is the high point as we end chapters. It is high emotions, quite dramatic for some and very explosive for others (think New Years Eve). It is one that will most likly reward us due to its close conjunction to Jupiter - i.e we will be rewarded for what we have been working very hard on. There is growth and very little challange, so we will This is where many of us will experience quality over quantity, and few will ever return. The energy for this is much more selfish and will be a happy ending to something you may have been going through all year. Look to the following month cycle (every 6th month) to see if there was a reoccuring theme; April 2022, October 2022, April/May 2023. Think about what happened during those times and how life is going now to see what will be 'released' for you'.
Below are more specified areas where you may experience more shifts, just look to your Rising, sun or moon to see where you may feel these eclipses the most;
Aries The Solar Eclips will be in your 7th house, which points to themes of partnerships, collaborations and socializing. Some of you may be going through changes such as marriage, divorce or seperation. The energy around your many changes has a karmic energy (neutral), where some of you may meet a soulmate you've already been with or a new soul-connection. Thise mostly affected will have later degree Aries placement (rising, sun, moon). This may also simply indicate meeting someone and your relationship having a more spiritual nature, which will help you in the long run.
Taurus The Solar Eclips will be in your 6th house, which is the house of health and organization. This all points to a shift in how you view your health, how you take care of yourself and how you organize your life. You may find that you have had more health issues then normal or a flareup that has felt too familiary. This will push you to change - this can be eating differently, cutting out habits such as smoking, drug use etc. and wanting to simply change your routine. You may find that this will be easier done alongside someone else, so don't hesitate to get an accountability buddy. For those with 10th degree Taurus placement (rising, sun, moon) you may feel this much stronger after the Lunar eclips, where the release of what no longer serves you will give you great rewards. Oh, and some of you may be getting a new job. You will no longer be somehwere that was sucking your energy and most likly making you sick (physically and mentally).
Gemini The Solar Eclips will be in your 5th house, which will affect your love life. You may have been asked to change your outlook, idea and attitude towards relationships (including platonic relations) in order to get to where you want to be. This could also be habits (dating sights, being too passive, being overly selective or even not being picky enough). Overall, most of what you want will come without much of your intefrenece, but you need a shift of mindset. Release that and better will come replace it.
Cancer The Solar Eclips will be in your 4th house, which is the theme surrounding family and the home. Some of you may be relocating, either moving away from your childhood home, a place you made home or somewhere that no longer feels like home. Some my be reconnecting with a place or people in their lives, while others may have disputes or cutting ties with family or older friends. Your biggest lesson this eclips season is to let go of attemnets to places, people and memories in order to move smoother ahead.
Leo The Solar Eclips will be in your 3rd house, which is your social life, communication and siblings. Some of you may reconnecting with friends you havent spoken with for a whole (not necccesarily because something bad happens) Rekindeling and resuming connections may bring you a lot of clearity, new perspectives and rewards. Some of these relationsh could be closely linked with your past life.
Virgo The Solar Eclips will be in your 2nd house, which is the house of finances and security. Many of you will expericence financial shifts that will follow after the release of control, mentalities and attachments. Stepping out of comfort zones will also reward you greatly. Some may already have expeirnece that letting go of posessions or what no longer serves you (a job, an attitude towards something etc) will make room for even more. This may have been felt already, by some, but will continue for others for up to 12 months.
Libra The Solar Eclips will be in your 1st house, which is the self. This eclips will be felt by all libra placements, but significant for the Libra risings (as well as some sun and moons) a new begining is ahead. You will expeirence many chapter endings and new ones ahead, where you can expect appearence changes, alongside habits and mindset shifts. Imagine a snake shedding it's skin, that is you, and you are entering an era that you've been slowly walking towards. Those who aren't there yet, you will be guided towards it in due time. Remember that there is no start without the space for one, so releasing is crucial. Many may find themsleves feeling this within their social life (so, you may change who you associate yourself with, how you are in public (moving in silence is big)).
Scorpio The Solar Eclips will be in your 12th house, which indicates that many will have revelations and letting go of a lot that doesnt serve them. This can be releasing past traumas, habits, attachments and addictions. This will follow getting more in touch with your intuition, becoming more intuned and delving into spirituality (or continuing where you let of).
Sagottarius The Solar Eclips will be in your 11th house, the house of groups and friendships. Many of you will gain new friendships, make new or deepen connections. A lot of you will also compleate some past life cycles, which will result in compleating or making new long term goals. Those around you will be crucial to this part, especially when it comes to business ventures and other sucesses.
Capricorn The Solar Eclips will be in your 10th house, which is the house of social status, business, image (public) and such. For some of you, you may change your image, shift how others see you or gain a different perspective on others. Others may find themsleves getting promoted or pushed to reach higher hights, whihc could be quitting and finding new oppertunities more alligned. Oters may expeirnece their mentors or those they look up to passing the torch making them the "king/overhead". This is an oppertunity that may feel unexpected for some but a wish-furfilled for others.
Aquarius The Solar Eclips will be in your 9th house, which is all about expansion, philosophy, higher education and more. For many of you, you will gain a better perception on the world and on yourselves. This intales a spiritual awakening(s), persuing education and knowlege. Some of you may have to travel further for this insight, and many may need to 'reprogram' the way you interact and see the world. Some of you may also be going from being the student to becoming the teacher.
Pisces The Solar Eclips will be in your 8th house, which all points to sudden changes with regarding your finances. Some of you may find that your income (specicially the income that came from others, a spouse, family, friends etc) may become spares and replaced, either by your own efforts or by the financial aid of others. This could be do to them being replaced, cords being cut or you taking full ocntrol of your financial stability. Others may find that they are pregnant or will soon be giving birth. This could be to a child but can also be to an idea / project you've been working on. Some may find that a psycological change is happening and you will soon find yourself releasing a lot of traumatic memories and habits. Not all of them belonged to you, but could have beeen generational traumas, or possibly a past life baggage you had to let go of. Lastly, some of you have been doing a lot of work and will find yourself getting into a spiritual awakening, which will reward you greatly in the future as it is making space for what you've been trying to attract.
I hope this was helpful, have a lovely rest of October and stay blessed
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solarpunkbusiness · 4 months
“We’re the largest small-holder solar irrigation company in Africa. We use financial services and carbon revenues to make the cost of solar irrigation 50% cheaper than diesel and petrol pumps,” said Samir Ibrahim, SunCulture’s chief executive officer. “Irrigation is just like old very unsexy technology but it could increase your yields by up to five times.”
The company supplies small solar powered water pumps, the cost of which is subsidized by the sale of carbon credits, to small-scale farmers, allowing them to replace diesel-powered pumps in some cases and boost yields in fields that weren’t previously irrigated. 
SunCulture operates in Kenya, Uganda and Ivory Coast and has distribution agreements in Ethiopia, Zambia and Togo. 
“SunCulture helps farmers grow more food, which is exactly the kind of business that prospers,” Hastings said in comments supplied by the irrigation company. 
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danvastcareers · 1 year
Regional Business Executive - ENGIE Energy Access - Arusha, Tanzania
Job Title: Regional Business Executive (2 positions)
Job Grade: 12
Location: Tanzania
Application Deadline: 1st May 2023
Position: Full-time
Team: Business
Reporting To: Zonal Business Manager
About ENGIE Energy Access
ENGIE Energy Access is one of the leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grids solutions provider in Africa, with a mission to deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions and life-changing services with exceptional customer experience. The company is a result of the integration of Fenix International, ENGIE Mobisol and ENGIE PowerCorner; and develops innovative, off-grid solar solutions for homes, public services, and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGo solar home systems are financed through affordable instalments from $0.19 per day and the minigrids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,700 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte dIvoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia), almost 1.5 million customers and over 7 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to remain the leading clean energy company, serving millions of customers across Africa by 2025.
Job Purpose/Mission
This person will be responsible to lead and manage a team of Acquisition & Collection Agents, Installations Technician, Dual Contractors, and their customers responsible for the full customer cycle i.e., Acquisition, Collect, Recover, Maintain and Fulfil.
Business Management
Develop and implement the acquisition operational strategies within allocated Region, as well as align with the Region acquisition targets.
Organizing acquisition activities and functions in the field to achieve targets, revenues, and desired quality of acquisition.
On time and high-quality system installations at the customers premises or any other location as directed by ENGIE Mobisol.
Train Acquisition Agents, Dual Contractors, Collection Agent, Installation Technicians, Maintenance Technicians and in applicable policies, guidelines, processes, and procedures.
Organizing and facilitating regular team meetings according to guidelines provided by Zonal Business Manager standards.
Mentoring each Acquisition Agent, Installation Technician, Maintenance Technician, Dual Contractor to enhance operational performance, motivation, and engagement.
Training and coaching of Acquisition Agents on topics including pitching, acquisition conversation, negotiations, closing, and building of strong and long-lasting relationships with customers.
Stock Management and Coordination
Provide weekly, monthly, and quarterly shop inventory status reports to the Inventory and Logistics teams.
Conduct monthly, quarterly, and End-of-Year physical stock audits (stock-taking) for the shop and/or 3PDs.
Responsible and accountable for the stock (New, Repossessed, Returns, Spare parts, and Demos) in the shops and/or the 3PDs.
Responsible and accountable for stock losses in the shops and/or 3PDs and for the recovery of the stock losses.
Adhere to and abide by the Asset Management and HSE policies of ENGIE Energy Access Tanzania.
Managing Installation and Maintenance Technicians
Coordinate Installation Technicians and Maintenance technicians to ensures systems are installed and maintained.
Support recruitment of new Installation and maintenance technicians in the acquisition Region.
Prepare the monthly installation monitoring report for the Zonal Service Coordinator
Review Control monthly commission payments and payroll follow up on faulty installations and inform Finance Department about deductions.
Ensure repossessions are aligned and coordinated effectively and efficiently with focus to both customer and business profitability
Identify the need for and recruit new contractors with support from Service Network Team Leader
Responsible for disciplinary for installations and maintenance technicians
Portfolio Monitoring
Gathering benchmark data for assessment purpose and analysis of causes of portfolio deterioration.
Conduct initial assessment to establish the applicant's character to eliminate the risk of default.
Managing assigned portfolio by attending work-out categories that should be applied to customers in late repayment such as recovery, extension of grace period, rescheduling, or repossession.
Providing regular portfolio, compliance and routing report to the Supervisor as required
Ensure remedial action is taken when required to keep performance in line with business objectives.
Completing assigned tasks in line with applicable policies, guidelines, processes, and procedures.
Review and update credit and loan files.
Weekly planning and conducting field visits to undertake loan workout activities such as recovery, rescheduling or repossession and further find out why customers are not repaying and advise them on repayment options.
Handle customer complaints and take appropriate action to resolve them.
Follow up and solving all difficult cases that may involve missing customers, theft, forgery etc.
Informing and reporting to ZBM about weekly routing, field visits, and difficult customer cases which need either in-depth negotiation or legal measures.
Subordinates Effectiveness
Managing the daily work and activities of shop acquisition and collection agents.
Deal with complex scenarios that may occur at the shop such theft, fire, violence etc.
Participating in the recruitment of new acquisition and collection agents and training of new and agents.
Conduct periodic performance review of acquisition and collection agents.
Ensure Health, safety and environmental standards are adhered to, through Zonal Service Coordinators.
Undertaking any other duties which may be assigned by the Line Management from time to time.
Knowledge and skills
2+ years of relevant sales and operational management experience in a medium sized company
Previous experience in a managerial position is an added advantage.
Experience in Customer Relationship Management
Previous experience in Credit Management activities/roles
Degree and/or experience in Sales and marketing, Business Administration, Microfinance or its equivalent.
Kiswahili fluency (writing, speaking and reading)
English fluency (writing, speaking and reading)
Experience in using Microsoft applications, computer, and smartphone literate.
ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths!
from Jobs in -Danvast Career Search https://ift.tt/Mprzock
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jobskenyaplace · 2 months
UNHCR TENDER AUGUST 2024  TENDER NOTICE The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR] Representation in Kenya invites the qualified­, reliable, and reputable companies in Kenya for the below tender advert for UNHCR Sub – Office Dadaab. TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER TENDER DESCRIPTION RFP/HCR/S0D/2024/018 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF HYBRID…
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joackcompanytz · 2 months
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Bei ni 75,000Tsh - Taa na panel yake.
Call/Text/ WhatsApp: +255 714 636 375
@joackcompany @mifugo_tz @kilimo_tz @joackagrovet @joackanimalclinic @joackbagamoyo
Muda wetu wa kazi ni saa 1 Asubuhi hadi saa 5 Usiku (7:00am - 11:00pm)
Ofisi zetu zipo Tegeta Wazohill-Dar es salaam na Bagamoyo
SOLAR LIGHT hizi ni taa maalumu zinazotumia mwanga / nishati ya jua ili kuzalisha mwanga.
Hizi taa ni otomatiki kwenye jua huwashwa usiku na kuzimika asubuhi. Kipengele hiki kinaifanya mwanga wa jua kuwa wa kiuchumi zaidi na wa ubunifu zaidi nje.
Mwanga huu wa mafumwangariko unaoongozwa unaweza kubadilisha hadi 19% ya wa jua kuwa umeme na pia kudumisha maisha ya betri ya kutosha hata chini ya hali ya hewa ya mvua.
Otomatiki taa ya jua yenye mafuriko kwa njia ya nje ya nyumba na matumizi ya bustani, haina waya na inaweza kujisakinisha yenyewe.
Taa ya nje inayoongozwa na jua inaweza kupachikwa ukutani au Nguzo kwa skrubu zilizojumuishwa.
Taa hizi zinamfumo wa kujiwasha zenyewe kila baada ya masaa kadhaa kama utakavyo iseti
Hizi taa za solar zinakuja na remote control yake ya kuseti
Zina sensor imara yenye uwezo wa kuhisi giza kisha ujiwasha na kutoa mwanga.
Taa hizi haziathiriki na maji kwani zina water proof.
Zina mwanga mkali sana kuliko taa ambazo umezoea hudumu kwa muda mrefu sana zaidi ya miaka 7.
#solar #taazasolar #vifaavyasolar #tvzasolar #solarbulb #vituvyasolar #pumpzasolar #outdoorlight #solarequipments
Office zetu zipo @tegetawazohill - Barabara ya kwenda kiwanda cha twigacement, opposite na kota za kiwanda - Dar es salaam, Kwa wanaohitaji bidhaa zetu au huduma yoyote fika ofisini au wasilina nasi kwa
+255 714 636 375 (WhatsApp)
+255 689 43 02 63
#joackcompany #freemarkettz #bukoba #mifugo #kilimo #iringa #morogoro #mbeya #mwanza #singida #tanzania #tanzania🇹🇿 #dodoma #shinyanga #morogoro #kahama #kilimanjaro #arusha #tanga #kenya #uganda
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jinnoxbolt · 2 months
Exploring the Fascinating World of Qatar's Premier Bolt Producers
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Jinnox Bolt is a leading Bolt Manufacturer in Qatar, known for its quality, innovation, and customer instruction. We have been in the industry for decades now and have stamped a niche among customers for being a reliable high-strength precision bolt producer for various applications across different industries. We are approved bolt suppliers to many prestigious construction companies, automotive, aerospace, and other industrial sectors.
The Precision and Craftsmanship of Qatari Bolts
Stringent Quality Control
At the heart of Qatar's bolt manufacturing prowess lies a relentless pursuit of quality. Each stage of the production process is meticulously monitored, from raw material selection to final inspection. Sophisticated testing equipment and rigorous quality control measures ensure that every bolt that leaves the factory meets the highest international standards, earning the trust of discerning customers worldwide. 
Specialized Bolt Varieties
Qatar's bolt producers have diversified their offerings to cater to the unique needs of various industries. From high-tensile strength bolts for heavy-duty applications to corrosion-resistant fasteners for marine environments, these manufacturers have developed a comprehensive range of specialized products. Their ability to tailor solutions to specific requirements has solidified their position as trusted partners in diverse sectors.
Customization and Flexibility
In an ever-evolving global market, the ability to adapt and customize is crucial. Bolt Manufacturers in Qatar have embraced this challenge, offering bespoke solutions to clients. Whether it's modifying thread patterns, altering material compositions, or developing custom-designed fasteners, these companies demonstrate a remarkable level of flexibility to meet the unique demands of their customers.
The Impact of Qatari Bolts on Global Industries
Infrastructure Development
The construction and infrastructure sectors have been major beneficiaries of Qatar's bolt manufacturing prowess. The country's fasteners have been instrumental in the development of iconic landmarks, highways, and industrial complexes across the Middle East and beyond. Their durability, reliability, and adherence to safety standards have made Qatari-made bolts an indispensable component in ambitious building projects worldwide.
Renewable Energy Revolution
As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, the demand for renewable energy technologies has surged. Bolt Suppliers in Qatar have seamlessly integrated their products into this burgeoning industry, supplying high-performance fasteners for wind turbines, solar panels, and other green energy infrastructure. Their commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility has made them key partners in the global renewable energy revolution.
Aerospace and Automotive Advancements
From the precision-engineered components of aircraft to the intricate assemblies of automobiles, Qatari bolts have left an indelible mark on these dynamic industries. Their unwavering quality, adherence to rigorous safety standards, and ability to adapt to specialized requirements have made them indispensable for manufacturers seeking reliable fastening solutions. As these industries continue to push the boundaries of innovation, Qatar's bolt producers remain at the forefront, driving progress and shaping the future.
Countries where we supply bolts
Bolt Manufacturers in UAE
Bolt Manufacturers in UK
Bolt Manufacturers in Australia
Bolt Manufacturers in South Africa
Bolt Manufacturers in USA
Bolt Manufacturers in Kenya
Bolt Manufacturers in Qatar
Bolt Manufacturers in India
Qatar's bolt manufacturing industry has emerged as a true powerhouse, transforming the country into a global centre of fastener excellence. Through their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer-centric approaches, these Qatari companies have not only carved out a niche in the global market but have also become indispensable partners in the development of the world's most ambitious projects. As we witness the continued growth and evolution of this unsung industry, it becomes clear that Qatar's bolt producers are poised to remain at the forefront of this dynamic and ever-evolving landscape.
For more details;
Product: Bolt Manufacturers
Website: jinnoxbolt.com
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seoengineer23 · 3 months
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Empowering Kenya: Solar System Installation Services Revolutionizing Energy Access.
Introduction to Solar Energy in Kenya
In Kenya, the adoption of solar energy has transformed the energy landscape, offering a sustainable and reliable alternative to traditional electricity sources. With abundant sunshine throughout the year, solar power has emerged as a key solution to meet the country's growing energy demands while reducing carbon emissions and promoting energy independence. This blog explores the importance of solar system installation services in Kenya and how they are making a significant impact on households, businesses, and communities.
The Benefits of Solar Energy
Switching to solar power brings numerous advantages to both consumers and the environment:
Cost Savings: Solar energy reduces electricity bills significantly over time, as it harnesses free sunlight to generate power once the initial installation costs are covered.
Environmental Impact: Solar power is clean and renewable, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
Energy Independence: Solar systems provide a reliable source of electricity, especially in rural and off-grid areas where access to the national grid is limited or unreliable.
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Services Provided by Solar Installation Companies
Leading solar installation companies in Kenya offer comprehensive services to cater to diverse needs:
Site Assessment: Experienced technicians conduct thorough assessments to determine the solar potential of the site, considering factors like sunlight exposure, roof orientation, and energy consumption patterns.
Customized System Design: Using advanced software and industry expertise, solar companies design tailor-made solar PV systems that optimize energy production and efficiency based on the client's requirements.
Installation and Commissioning: Professional installers handle the entire installation process, ensuring safe and efficient system integration with existing electrical infrastructure.
Maintenance and Support: Ongoing maintenance services, including monitoring, cleaning, and repairs, ensure that solar systems operate at peak performance throughout their lifespan.
Applications of Solar Systems in Kenya
Solar energy installations serve a variety of purposes across different sectors:
Residential: Homeowners benefit from solar systems for powering homes, heating water, and running appliances, reducing reliance on grid electricity and lowering utility bills.
Commercial and Industrial: Businesses integrate solar power to reduce operating costs, enhance sustainability initiatives, and achieve energy efficiency goals.
Off-Grid Solutions: Remote communities and off-grid areas utilize solar energy to gain access to reliable electricity, improving living conditions and supporting economic development.
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Government Support and Incentives
The Kenyan government actively supports solar energy adoption through policies and incentives:
Feed-in Tariffs: Favorable feed-in tariffs encourage private investment in large-scale solar projects, facilitating the integration of renewable energy into the national grid.
Tax Incentives: Tax breaks and exemptions on import duties for solar equipment reduce the initial investment costs, making solar installations more affordable for consumers and businesses.
In conclusion, solar system installation services Kenya play a crucial role in advancing sustainable development and expanding access to clean energy. By harnessing Kenya's abundant solar resources, individuals and businesses can contribute to environmental conservation efforts while enjoying reliable and affordable electricity. Explore the possibilities of solar energy today and join the movement towards a greener and more sustainable future for Kenya.
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mikeo56 · 4 months
Why Bitcoin Mining is Good – And Why It Isn’t
Have you heard that bitcoin mining is good for the environment? Yes, that was news to me too. I was under the impression that Bitcoin is bad in capital letters, yet another thing that contributes to climate change. But once I started looking into this, it turned out to be much more controversial, and much more interesting, than I thought. So what is it, is bitcoin good? Or is it bad? That’s what we’ll talk about today. Bitcoin is the currently most widely used digital currency, a sort of virtual money that isn’t owned or regulated by any government. What makes it so appealing is that it’s created and used in an entirely decentralised system. It’s bottom-up finance, basically, from the people, for the people. At least that’s according to Roger Ver, aka Bitcoin Jesus, who was recently arrested for fraud and tax evasion. So. maybe take that with a few grains of salt. But where do bitcoin come from? Well, much like gold coins, they come from digging, but you don’t dig in the ground, you dig in mathematics. Bitcoin mining means finding a very large number. This number has to properly fit with the previously found numbers to give a result in a target range. The only known way of doing this is to just guess very large numbers and try them, one after the other. Finding such a number is computationally extremely expensive, but once you’ve found it, it’s easy to confirm that it works. This is called the “Proof-of-Work”. If your number has been proved to work, you get a certain amount of bitcoin in return. The trouble is that the calculation for the Bitcoin mining requires a lot of electricity and that requires a lot of energy. It’s now roughly 150 Terawatt hours per year, that’s about as much as the entire nation of Poland, and more than half a percent of the electricity consumption of the entire world. And it’s going up. I have to admit that the first time I heard that Bitcoin mining takes up that much energy I couldn’t believe it. But it sounded much more plausible after a friend, who is very into gaming told me just how much power his gear consumes. For example, Nvidia’s new GPU consumes a kilowatt in power, that’s about as much as an electric stove. What’s so revolutionary about Bitcoin mining is that, since it can be traded into traditional money, anyone who has access to energy can make money. This has made Bitcoin mining very appealing for countries which are rich in energy but poor otherwise. For example El Salvador, which sits on more than 20 volcanoes and generates about a quarter of its electricity from geothermal sources. The El Salvador government has successfully mined almost 500 Bitcoins, worth almost 30 million US dollars. Bitcoin mining is particularly attractive in areas where energy is abundant, but that are far off any big electric grids, so they can’t make profit selling the energy locally. There is a national park in Congo for example that runs a bitcoin mine from a hydroelectric power station and uses the money to protect wildlife. In rural Kenya, a crypto company is mining with solar power and geothermal energy. And that’ s now also providing electricity to towns in the area. Basically, the bitcoin mining made it worth investing into building the power plant. You can maybe see now why some people are excited about this. Electricity is the major cost factor in bitcoin mining, so it’s basically a way to put a price on energy. That creates a strong incentive to use energy very efficiently, anywhere. This is why bitcoin advocates are saying that mining encourages innovation, balances grids, and “has the power to redistribute wealth and to help end poverty”.Sounds good doesn’t it? It’s like solving world hunger with a really big calculator. Ultimate proof that maths is actually good for something. Yes, nice idea. But the trouble is that cheap electricity isn’t the same as environmentally friendly electricity. For example, one Bitcoin mining operation in central New York, Greenidge Generation, resurrected an old coal power plant that now runs on gas. It delivers about 44 megawatts to run 15,300 computer servers. They mined more than 409 bitcoins during the first quarter of 2024, that’s more than 25 million dollars. In Montana, a bitcoin mining operation is buying 100 percent of the energy from a coal power plant. In Kentucky, the state government is offering tax breaks to attract Bitcoin miners and save coal companies. It’s now is the state with the highest Bitcoin carbon footprint in the US Indeed at the moment most of bitcoin mining is done using fossil fuels, though the fraction has gone somewhat up and down, depending on laws and regulations. For example, in September 2021, China banned both crypto mining and trading, and many operations left the country. Alas, in China the mining was done mostly with hydropower, so it had a very low carbon footprint. After that, bitcoin mining moved to cheap gas in the US and Kazakhstan, consequently the carbon footprint went up. Scientists have estimated that, in 2022, Bitcoin mining was responsible for more than 65 megatons of carbon dioxide emissions. That is more than the emissions of the whole country of Greece and roughly 0.2 percent of global emissions. Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency of course, but it’s still the most widely used one and generates approximately two-thirds of all greenhouse gas emissions from cryptocurrencies. But the good thing about Bitcoin is that it indeed creates a big incentive to improve energy efficiency. For one thing, the more people mine, the more difficult it becomes, so competition drives the need to improve mining. And more importantly, in regular intervals that are roughly every 4 years, the bitcoin reward for mining goes down by one half. The last such halving event just happened in April. This means that miners need to at least double their energy efficiency every four years for their business to remain profitable. And indeed, efficiency has improved greatly: Bitcoin mining began with general-purpose CPUs and GPUs, basically normal computers. Then it transitioned to so-called field-programmable gate arrays, that are circuits that can be reprogrammed after manufacturing. The current state of the art is Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, they’re the modern version of money printers basically. So mining has become more efficient mostly thanks to increasingly specialized hardware, a general trend we are currently seeing in computing. As a consequence of this, the energy efficiency of Bitcoin mining has improved by two orders of magnitude in one decade. So you see we’re wasting energy much more efficiently now.   And of course it doesn’t have to be done with fossil fuels, it could be done using renewable energy. This is why Bitcoin supporters say that mining will speed up the transition to renewables because energy means money. And that’s right in the sense that it gives people a reason to invest in renewables. But that in and of itself doesn’t make bitcoin mining good for the environment, it just makes it less bad. And, as we saw earlier, it’s also helping to keep fossil fuel companies in business. So it’s a mixed bag, and it’s half full of coal. Another argument of Bitcoin enthusiasts is that mining is good because it makes use of oversupply. That is, it helps renewable energy providers to remain profitable if no one wants the energy that they produce with say, solar, or wind. And make renewable energy sources profitable faster, because often it takes time to hook them up to the grid.  According to a study from researchers at Cornell for example there are 32 planned renewable installations in Texas which could produce profits of 47 million dollars before they start operating commercially if they were mining Bitcoin. However, during a heatwave last year, the Texas government paid a bitcoin miner more than 31 million dollars to power down. Still it is true that Bitcoin mining can help make renewable energy more profitable and make it profitable faster. Another thing that Bitcoin mining is good for is to use energy that is inconvenient to use for other purposes. An example for this is methane flaring methane or venting it. In principle, burning methane, the main constituent of natural gas, creates energy. But if the methane leaks along a pipeline or bubbles out of the ground in a place that’s just too far away from any existing power plant, it makes no economic sense to use that energy. So they either do a controlled release, which is called venting, or they burn it off, which is called flaring. It's an idiotic practice because not only do we not use the energy, methane is also a greenhouse gas. So either they burn it and create carbon dioxide, or they vent it and that also contributes to global warming. In 2022 flaring resulted in 500 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions. This is about 1% of the global total, so not a small amount. And we’re not getting anything out of it. This is where Bitcoin mining comes in. Bitcoin mining operations can be local and mobile, and they can be deployed when and where the gas is vented or flared. So that it doesn’t go to waste. For example, the company Great American Mining tried that with small container mining operations that could be sent to places easily. However, they ran into difficulties when Bitcoin price went down in early 2022. Later that year, the company was bought by Crusoe Energy Systems, which works on the same thing.  And that is a nice idea, but in the end the carbon dioxide still gets into the air, and it also creates more money for the fossil fuel industry which some people object to. Another idea that Bitcoiners have come up with is to do the same with methane that escapes from landfills and wastewater plants. It’s basically biogas, just that no one is using it. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, municipal solid waste landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the country, accounting for over 14% of these emissions in 2022, about 25 thousand metric tons of Carbon dioxide equivalent. That’s not a huge amount, but still, half of the time the gas goes unused. Crypto mining operations can go there and use that energy to make money, because what screams "innovation" more than running a cryptocurrency company off of trash? This works especially well for remote or small landfills that don’t produce a lot. In this case it makes no financial sense to build infrastructure to use the gas to power the grid. But bitcoin mining does make financial sense. The American company Marathon Digital Holdings is working on exactly that, a 280 kW Bitcoin mining pilot project in Utah exclusively powered by landfill methane gas. The company Vespene, headquartered in California, also has such a pilot plant in Wisconsin that they say will be fully operational later this year.  And a crypto enthusiast in New Jersey mines bitcoins from his own farts. Nah, I made this up, but can’t be long until we get there. It sounds like a sensible idea to use energy that otherwise would go to waste. But then again, that energy could be used for better things. For example, you could use the landfill gas to power EV charging stations. Indeed, in the US there are already over 500 projects that use landfill to generate electricity or natural gas. There is a completely different way to make Bitcoin more sustainable which is just to change the way it’s being mined. As I said in the beginning, to get bitcoin for your energy you need to have a “Proof-of-Work”, that is, you must provide a number that everyone agrees on actually does the job. The problem is that the computation you have to do for that requires a lot of energy. So an option would be to change the consensus algorithm for what is required to get your bitcoins in the first place. A candidate for the new consensus algorithm is known as Proof-of-Stake. In this case, the mining and approval is replaced by a proposal for a new entry, and a random choice. The proposal comes with a “stake”, that is the amount of currency you are willing to put into it, hence the name. The higher your stake, the higher the chances that your proposal gets validated. In case that made as little sense to you as it made to me, the bottom line is that there’s no difficult maths problem to solve, so the process is dramatically more energy efficient. It's unlikely that Bitcoin will change to a different algorithm though. More likely and more feasible is to switch to an already existing cryptocurrency that is more environmentally friendly. Ethereum 2.0 for example is a cryptocurrency that uses Proof of Stake and is way more energy efficient than Bitcoin, according to some estimates, about a factor 30 thousand. Of course, making cryptocurrencies themselves more energy efficient removes the argument that it’s a great incentive to develop energy efficient technology, so in the eyes of many people in the business it’s somewhat pointless.   A different movement to make cryptocurrencies more environmentally friendly is to increase the fraction of renewable energy that’s being used in mining. This is the idea of the Crypto Climate Accord, an initiative launched in April 2021 with the aim to get to 100% renewable electricity use by 2030, and to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. Over 200 companies and individuals have joined it so far. I learned a lot while I was working on that script, and I think I now understand better why bitcoin is so controversial. The basic issue is that bitcoin mining takes up a lot of energy that *could be used for something better. But in reality, it often isn’t used. A lot of energy just goes to waste. And then bitcoin mining can step in. Because with bitcoin mining people can make money from energy that would otherwise go to waste. It's like finding money in the sofa cushions, except your sofa is a volcano and the money is a bit string. Bitcoin mining has benefits beyond not wasting the energy because it encourages energy-efficiency. The trouble is that a lot of cheap energy that can be used for bitcoin mining has high carbon dioxide emissions. So while energy efficiency is all well and good, in and of itself it doesn’t make bitcoin environmentally friendly. The rise of cryptocurrencies is a fascinating development that’s changing the entire world economy and financial system. That might be a good thing. Or it might be a bad thing. What do you think? Let me know in the comments.tcoin: The Good, the Bad, and the Truth
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arya-college-jaipur · 5 months
Engineering Solutions for a Thirsty World
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 The world is facing a growing water crisis, with over 2.5 billion people lacking access to safely managed, clean drinking water that can be collected in a round trip of 30 minutes. This is partly due to population growth, depletion of groundwater supplies, crumbling water infrastructure, water wastage in farming, energy production, and other industries, and contaminated water and poor sanitation affecting 780 million people.
Engineering solutions are being developed to address these challenges. For example, KETOS, an AI-powered water management company, is working with villages in India to improve water supply by up to two hours a day, despite challenges such as unreliable internet connectivity and arsenic contamination. Solar-powered water filtration systems and fog catchers are being used in developing countries to filter contaminated water and collect water from fog in water-scarce regions. Desalination technology is being used to remove salt and minerals from seawater, with Israel pioneering this technology, and 60% of the country's domestic water comes from desalination.
Innovative water filtration tools like The Drinkable Book, which contains basic water and sanitation advice printed on scientific coffee filter paper that can be used to filter water, are being distributed in Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Haiti. Zero Mass Water, a startup, uses solar power to create enough clean drinking water for two to three people or roughly 10 liters daily and is partnering with NGOs worldwide to provide clean and safe drinking water.
At the University of Texas at Austin, scientists and engineers have developed a low-cost gel film that can pull water from the air in even the driest climates, producing more than 6 liters of water per day in areas with less than 15 percent relative humidity, and as much as 13 liters daily in areas with up to 30 percent relative humidity.
Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) is an approach that seeks to create water security in urban areas by protecting water resources, using water efficiently, and considering the impact of achieving water security throughout the entire watershed. Singapore is a well-known case of city practicing WSUD, maximizing water yield, and substantially harvesting urban stormwater for potable consumption.
These engineering solutions, along with political, economic, and social strategies, are crucial for addressing the global water crisis and ensuring access to clean water for all.
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