#Solana wolf
tmurray247 · 3 months
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oreothefox715 · 2 months
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I MADE THE ASK BLOG AND THE FIRST POST IS ALREADY UP!! X3 I’m not really expecting much. I’m just happy to have started this. Just letting you people know it’s up.
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loudmentalityperson · 5 months
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bodydoublegame · 1 year
What do the ROs look like?
AGENT BECK Real Name: [CONFIDENTIAL] Physical Description: They have amber-brown skin, brown eyes, and snow-white hair. f!Beck's hair falls down her back, but it's usually in a sleek ponytail that falls over her shoulder. m!Beck is cut short at the front but curls longer at the neck. They usually wear the standard Cypress-issued uniform: a matte black armored suit. While their hair is white, their brows are black, suggesting they dye their hair. They're 6'0. Mixed Race. 30 years old. Personality: Beck can be described as cool, calm, and collected and has been honed under years of training that makes them skilled, mildly approachable, and fairly level-headed. With that said, they have a tendency to get irritated easily.
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CAI [CYPRESS AI] Physical Description: They have honey-brown skin and gray eyes. For m!CAI, severely cut black hair in an undercut and nb!CAI and f!CAI's hair is cut into an equally severe and blunted length that stops right below the chin. They usually wear the standard Cypress-issued uniform for all AI models, which is a straight, high-neck black button-down shirt and pants with a single color strip on the lapels denoting their position. 5'8. Modeled to look 29 years old and mixed race. Personality: CAI is whatever they are set to be, but this Cai is blunt, honest, fairly emotionless, and one-track-minded due to being modeled to be a field agent. Most AIs who break out of their intended programming are quickly discarded and replaced. CAI would prefer to avoid that.
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HAWKE Real name: [CONFIDENTIAL] Physical Description: He has olive skin, brown eyes, and his head is buzzed. He is dressed in armor, half of his body enhanced with Cypress-issued assets. A series of lines cross the side of Hawke's face, leading to his left eye where a digital enhancement chip is. He uses an exoskeleton and his suit colors are silver and matte black. 6'5. Asian, specifically South Asian. 36 years old. Personality: Despite his menacing reputation and the fact that he's a mercenary, Hawke is fairly lighthearted...when he's not on the job. Comedic, sarcastic, and arrogant, Hawke is not taken very seriously off the clock. It's a far cry from what people expect from him.
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SOLANA Real Name: [UNKNOWN] Physical Description: Solana has dark brown skin and brown eyes, a lavender bob that stops midway at her cheeks, the ends swept up in what present times would call a French cut. She can be seen in clothes considered simple for the standards of their city: a pantsuit, though it does come with its own enhancements. She also has the enhancement microchip implanted, though not Cypress-issued. 5'5. Black. 26 years old. Personality: Solana is a charmer, a smooth talker, and an extrovert. She knows how to work a crowd and knows how to get people to fall for her suave words. With her personality, Solana has managed to build an empire, and she has no intention of losing it.
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AXL CROWE Physical Description: Axl has pale skin and light brown hair, their eyes a startling and unnatural shade of blue. Axl keeps their hair short and shaggy, one side of their hair tucked behind their ear and clipped to their head. No matter what Axl may be dressed in, they always wear white from top to bottom. Their family's color of choice. 5'0. White. 25 years old. Personality: Axl is angry, grieving, and quick to anger. It seems like their fuse is always getting set off. They're emotional, untrusting, and prefer to isolate themselves. They tend to be a bit prissy and naive due to growing up in excessive wealth and comfort.
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MAV REEDS Physical Description: Mav has light brown skin and shaggy black hair, cut unevenly in what resembles a wolf cut. Sporting perpetual dark circles from endless night shifts around their brown eyes, Mav is either scene wearing the fugly IT uniform or a sweater and jeans. They don't have much money for all the fancy things Cypress has to offer...5'11. Mixed Race. 28 years old. Personality: Mav cares less about working and more about gaming, and they're usually always up to tag along with MC's shenanigans. Though they're friendly and approachable, Mav is tired so often that they appear sluggish and exist with a perpetually weary demeanor.
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Skintones of the ROs from left to right!
Beck - CAI - Axl
Solana - Mav - Hawke
Mav and Cai are similar, though Cai is a shade darker! (Failed to find a chart that picked up on that but yeah lol)
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dancingsunflowers-ocs · 7 months
The time has once again come for me to talk about some plot bunnies!! These are some all of the plot bunnies I currently have that I haven’t really talked about much - feel free to ask me any questions you might have about them!!
Solana Corzo, Glee OC, Artie Abrams ship.
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-Childhood best friend of Claudia Green, before her move to Lima.
-Loves the colour pink, Disney films, Taylor Swift and old vintage sci-fi films/tv shows.
-She basically shocks people with her smarts when everyone thinks of her as an airhead like Brittany.
-Is the only person who gets Rachel, as much to the annoyance of both Claudia and Francesca who can’t stand her.
Pedro Fernandez, Glee OC, Kurt Hummel ship.
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-Revamped version of James Green.
-Has been best friends with Ariel Berry since childhood.
-Bisexual disaster and proud!!
-Barista at the Lima Bean and a student at McKinney High.
-Tough guy with a soft heart. Initially, he comes across as aggressive, socially isolated, and simply not given a break in the world.
Matilda Thorpe Wednesday OC, Enid Sinclair ship.
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-Based on Matilda from the Roald Dahl book of the same name.
-Her parents are neglectful, however, her brother Xavier takes care of her and acts as a surrogate parent to her.
-She’s a telekinetic, and also has the power to manipulate written words.
-She also has quite a close familial bond with Miss Thornhill, similar to Matilda from the book’s close bond with Miss Honey… But slightly off 
-Roommate, and eventually the best friend of Bianca.
-Is a huge reader, and is especially a fan of the Percy Jackson books which she gets Wednesday into.
Feyra Sherwood, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Peter Pevensie ship.
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-Is a school teacher in the 60’s/70’s flower power era.
-After losing her mom, she, her twin brother and cousin discover the world of Narnia through a portal in an old storybook when going through their mother’s belongings.
-Discovers that she has stellar manipulation powers while she’s in the fantasy world.
-She and Peter have a slow burn romance, and she eventually proposes to him with a mood ring from her era/world.
August Sherwood, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Edmund Pevensie ship.
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-Is the twin brother of Feyra Sherwood and the cousin of Joan Connelly.
-Works in the National History Museum in the 60’s/70’s era.
-Discovers with Feyra and Joan, in which he finds out he has earth/weather manipulation powers.
-When he and Edmund first met, they were both constantly bickering with each other, and were basically too stubborn to admit their romantic feelings for each other.
Joan Connelly, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Lucy Pevensie ship.
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-Is the cousin of Feyra and August Sherwood, and is like a younger sibling to them.
-Is a college student during the 60’s/70’s era who’s questioning their gender/sexuality.
-When they and the twins discover Narnia, they finds out that’s they’re really skilled at using weapons.
-They get so confused when animals just follow them around for no particular reason.
-They later befriend/adopt an orphan wolf cub, after some hesitation at first, which they name Akela who laters becomes their companion.
Cherry Hearts, Descendants OC, Ben Beast ship.
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-Is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, but their relationship with each other is very stained.
-Is in contact with her aunt, Mirana of Marmoreal/The White Queen who she considers more of a mother figure than her own.
-A member of the VKs, she wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation.
-Smart and sarcastic by nature but not mean.
-Loves strawberries, red lipstick and graffiti.
Sofía Madrigal, Descendants OC, Evie Grimhilde ship.
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-Is the daughter of Mirabel Madrigal.
-Like her mother, Sofía is a very optimistic and enthusiastic girl who loves her family above everything, and would do absolutely anything to make them proud of her.
-Many years after Casita was rebuilt, Alma passed away, and it was revealed to Mirabel that she had the most important role in the Madrigal family all along, as she was always destined to be the next holder of the family’s miracle casa.
-Is very skilled at sewing and playing the accordion.
-The day before she was sent off to auradon, Mirabel gifted her with a hand-sewn butterfly plush. She said that she would always be with her if she kept the butterfly close, so Sofía keeps the plush in her mochila bag, as she is extremely homesick & misses her mamá, familia & casa very much.
-Unlike her mother, Sofía was blessed on her fifth birthday with a magical gift, joining the rest of the Madrigal family. Sofía has the gift of light, meaning she can create, cease & manipulate it, making her the family’s real life miracle candle. However her power is defective due to Mirabel being giftless, so her gift is uncontrollable.
Wanda Darling, Descendants OC, Harry Hook ship.
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-Is the daughter of Wendy Darling.
-Enemies-to-lovers trope!! She has the purest of hearts, is kind and sees only inner beauty, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet for the first time in the second movie.
-Wanda negates Harry’s narcissism and teaches him humility. (She basically baked him a big, humble pie.)
-Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a huge interest in astronomy.
Tagging: @luucypevensie (since she helped me with many of these!!) @ginger-grimm @daughter-of-melpomene @ginevrastilinski-ocs @manyfandomocs
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Fankidtober Day 5: Selinde Mei
Solana & Lunick's daughter! Not much else to say, she's a Ranger like her parents and is a known lone-wolf (lone-Lycanrock?) ever since her rival and best friend abandoned her post and betrayed her heart.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Far right ideologues, like DeSantis buddy Chris Rufo, like to refer to themselves as the "dissident right". That is a euphemism to hide their true anti-constitutional pro-dictatorship nature.
Chris Rufo, a rightwing culture-war celebrity and close Ron DeSantis ally, has maintained a close relationship with IM-1776, a “dissident right” magazine that regularly showers praise on dictators and authoritarians, puffs racist ideologues, and attacks liberal democracy. The outlet’s editors and writers – many of them so-called “anons” working under pseudonyms – have variously advocated for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act; celebrated figures such as the “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski and the proto-fascist Italian nationalist Gabriele D’Annunzio; and advanced conspiracy theories about the Covid pandemic, and what they term the “regime”, a leftist power structure that they imagine unites the state, large corporations, universities and the media.
Rufo and his cohorts are working to muddy the difference between themselves and the less extreme right.
Last month a “manifesto” written by Rufo – The New Right Activism – ran in the online and print versions of IM-1776, and Rufo has publicly urged his audience to buy and subscribe to the outlet. He has also co-hosted a series of Twitter spaces with the magazine’s editors, beginning in July last year. In one of them, recorded in October, he indicated an interest in incorporating the “dissident right” more fully in mainstream political discourse, saying: “I think there is a room for engaging the dissident right and the establishment right. I think we need to have a bridge between the two and and engage in thoughtful dialogue.” More recently, he has expressed a personal interest in expanding the range of acceptable political discourse. On the Pirate Wires podcast earlier this month, he told host Mike Solana of his own activism: “I try to play that game, I try to lay traps, I try to provoke certain reactions, I try to launder certain words and phrases into the discourse.”
Rufo's rag IM-1776 glorifies domestic terrorists.
Last June, IM-1776 published an obituary of Ted Kaczynski by another pseudonymous author calling themselves “The Prudentialist”. Kaczynski died in a federal prison last year at the conclusion of a life sentence he received for a 17-year mailbombing campaign that killed three of his targets and injured 23 others. Describing Kaczynski as “allegedly a lone wolf terrorist, but also a mathematical genius”, the IM-1776 author relativized his crimes and explained that Kaczynski’s “iconic status on the contemporary right can be partly attributed to the devastating critique of the left included in his famous manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future”.
The Republican Party is now the Trump MAGA Party. It refuses to call out extremists and is cozy with foreign dictators like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán. Permitting Republicans to gain power puts the country under the control of the anti-constitutional "dissident right" who advocate Red Caesarism.
The ONLY way to defeat Republicans/MAGA/the "dissident right"/Red Caesarism is to vote Democratic. Any talk from the third party curious about impotent minor party candidates should get an instant reality check; the last presidential election won by a non-Democrat or non-Republican was in 1848.
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harinibw · 2 months
Bitcoin is trading above $58,000, signaling a positive trend for the cryptocurrency market. The top ten cryptocurrencies are performing strongly, with most in the green zone. This surge comes despite a slight drop in BTC dominance and an overall market fear index indicating extreme fear. The total market capitalization has increased by 2.99% to $2.27 trillion.
As Bitcoin rises, other major cryptocurrencies like XRP, Dogecoin, and Solana are also seeing gains of 9.34%, 3.36%, and 3.18%, respectively. Investors are showing renewed confidence despite extreme market fear.
BTC dominance has decreased slightly to 50.86%, suggesting portfolio diversification. The Fear & Greed Index remains at 25, indicating extreme fear, often a sign of potential buying opportunities.
Top gainers include Mdex (MDX) at 63.9%, LandWolf (WOLF) at 52.9%, Kava Lend (HARD) at 46.2%, Friend_tech (FRIEND) at 38.9%, and Virtua (TVK) at 35.3%. These gains reflect the market's resilience and potential growth amidst uncertainties.
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alinacapellabooks · 6 months
It’s Snippet Time!
I’ve been working really hard on Night Of The Blue Moon, my gay adult urban fantasy romance about magical girls and the titans, and I just wanted to share a little snippet with you guys:
 “I have some big news.”
“Did you get the guts to have an actual conversation with Solana?”
“Yeah, and I got her number,” Ariel said smugly as she took her white creepers off, setting them down next to her other shoes before running to her bedroom. 
“Fucking finally!” Raphael cried, “It’s about damn time that you actually tried to get with her!”
Ariel hugged her wolf plushie close against her chest. “Listen, I need a favour. Solana wants to be a Vtuber, and I mentioned to her that I know a very popular Vtuber and game developer who might be able to help her with that.”
“You didn’t tell her my real name, or anything, did you?”
“No, I’m not stupid enough to do that! But I said that I would give you her discord number, and see if you would be interested in talking to her, and maybe doing a collab stream,” she said quickly, “So, would you be willing to chat with her, at least? Let her show you what she’s got?”
“Why does it have to be me? Why can’t you do a stream with her?”
“Because you’re the Vtuber, not me. I only ever do streams when I’m being interviewed, or when I do collabs with you. You’re a better streamer than I am, and you know what it takes for an indie Vtuber to go pro, because you’ve done it yourself,” she responded, flopping over onto her stomach, “I know I’m asking you a big favour, but I’m asking because I wanna help the girl of my dreams achieve her dreams.”
“Ok. Send me her number, and I’ll message her,” he responded, after about thirty seconds of silence, “But you owe me big time for this, got it?”
“Yeah, I know. Send me the link to the plushie you want, and it’s yours,” she responded, “Seriously, Raphael, I can’t thank you enough for this.”
“Anything to help my best friend get with her crush. And anything to help me complete my AMUSE collection,” he said wryly, “Anyway, I have some news of my own. I finished some of the battle soundtracks for Miracle Sky.”
Ariel’s eyes lit up. “That’s great!”
“You wanna give them a listen, and tell me what you think?”
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bloodbruja · 17 days
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𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒  𝐄𝐁𝐁  𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎  𝐀  𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐃  𝐎𝐅  𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐂𝐊.  it  isn't  the  scent  or  touch  of  blood  that  catches  her  under  the  tide.  there's  so  much  of  it;  splattered  like  a  macabre  painting.  it  sticks  to  tawny  inked  skin,  congealed  by  a  long-in-wait  act  of  revenge.  solana  stares  into  a  void  of  air,  chest  aching  with  emptiness  because  after  all  was  said  and  done,  it  didn't  bring  her  father  back.  she  feels  a  warmth  against  her  cheek,  damp  cloth  wiping  away  sins  she'll  never  willingly  atone  for.  a  knife  unravelled  from  her  fist  wound  so  tight  the  hilt  imprints  itself  onto  her  palm.  the  other  had  clutched  at  his  cut  with  urgency,  holding  herself  in  place  by  the  steadiness  of  his  presence.  her  gaze  finally  focused  like  a  spooked  fawn  shedding  the  temporary  skin  of  a  wolf.  he  kept  cleaning  the  blood  with  a  tenderness  that  rattled  her  weary  bones,  the  intake  of  breath  hurt.  it's  sharp,  caught  in  her  throat  with  a  violent  tremble  that  nearly  rendered  her  speechless.
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she  spots  the  blots  of  red  on  his  white  tee  shirt,  every  ounce  of  focus  pulled  from  a  stack  decay  she'd  added  to.  bodies  once  living  being  dragged  away  should  bother  her  and  yet,  “ jax,  your  shirt.  ”
[ AID ] for sender to help receiver clean blood off themselves.  @mayhemr ⛧ BLOOD PROMPTS [ 𝔞𝔠𝔠𝔢𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ]
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kookies2000 · 2 years
I have to say I literally cannot wait for your PiBTLW fic to come out !!
Aw, thank you! Sorry for the wait. I wanted to finish it last month, but I got summoned for Jury Duty. And anyone who knows that experience, it's a nightmare and time consuming. I should say, though, I always update a new story, but I update the first three chapters just to see how it does. As in, if enough people get interested, I continue. If not, I delete it. I have deleted some stories before, only a few that no one misses. And I know no one misses them because no one has asked me about my Sonic and Mario cross over I deleted years ago or my Ice Age one. Or my Amphibia one. But, I noticed a few people interested in the surface of my Last Wish fic, so maybe it will do good?
Just a treat, here's four OCs, Kitty and Puss kids. Don't worry, I won't fill my story with OCs. I usually limit it to five or six Oc per story.
Estrella, eldest child, by two years. Intelligent, loves mechanics, and creates machines and weapons. Shy, a heart of gold, they are an intervert. They are associated with the color gold a lot, and yes, I will be using symbolism a lot. After being told about their father's adventures as a teen with his brother Humpty Dumpty, Estrella wanted to continue Humptys work, hence why they gained an interest in inventing. They want nothing more than to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams.
Solana, eldest of the tripletes. A brave heart. She always gets in trouble and is extremely reckless. She adores adventure and always tries to look for danger even at the risk of her own lives. Already lost one after drowning at an ice rink. She took the experience as thrilling and takes her multiple lives as a chance to take as many risks as she wants. She wants to be the best guard in the castle and become Far Far Aways greatest hero. She will make her mark in history just like her father, the fearless legend.
Amia, middle of the tripletes. Passionate heart filled with love for everyone. He loves music, dancing, and loves being in the spotlight. He wants all eyes on him as he performs on stage. He wants everyone to see him as great as they see his parent's. In fact, all he wants is to keep all eyes on him and convince everyone he's as grand and fearless as his parents. Just so his parents can be proud of him. The only problem is that he isn't as fearless or brave as he pretends to be.
Sombra, the youngest of the tripletes. A quiet heart, he is content with his life. He trains with his sister Solana to be in the gaurds. He is quiet, polite, and patient. Ever since he lost one of his lives at the ice rink, he vowed to value every single one of his remaining eight. Instead of being outgoing and using brute force like his sister Solana, he likes to work in the shadows and practice his stealth and thieving skills. Just like his mother.
And I will be adding other characters like Death, I'm looking forward to his scenes because horror is 100% my strength. The Tres Diablos, they are kinda difficult for me to write since mischievous characters aren't my strongest traits. I can still do it. Dulcinea, despite the fact I don't like her character, the story I wrote for her is my favorite. Mostly because it involves children and survivor's guilt. Plus, I wrote some horror for her story. BUT I'm gonna have to put a warning for her story because, let me just say, her story made me throw up from disgust and fear. And I'm the one that wrote it. Its because I based it off of the seven kids and wolf story. The YouTube short version, My Little Goat. I recommend that animated short for people who can handle the message of child abuse. Then Goldie and Baby. I cried while doing their outline. That's all I'll say.
Anyways, first chapter is still in the outline phase since I did have some inconvenience in real life. But I am working on it!!!
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dwsidecharacterpoll · 2 years
Ongoing list of characters who will be included in the bracket under the cut—still adding but please ask for any you don't see:
Clive (Rose)
Steward (The End of the World)
Raffalo from Crespellion (The End of the World)
Moxx of Balhoon (The End of the World)
Jabe (The End of the World)
Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)
Gabriel Sneed (The Unquiet Dead)
Redpath (The Unquiet Dead)
Toshiko Sato (Aliens of London/World War III)
Indra Ganesh (Aliens of London/World War III)
Diana Goddard (Dalek)
De Maggio (Dalek)
More under the cut!
Cathica (The Long Game)
Suki (The Long Game)
Nurse (The Long Game)
Sarah Clark and Stuart Hoskins (Father’s Day)
Dr. Constantine (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Nancy (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Kathy Salt (Boom Town)
Idris Hopper (Boom Town)
Rodrick (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Lynda Moss (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Male Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Female Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Danny Llewellyn (The Christmas Invasion)
Major Blake (The Christmas Invasion)
Alex (The Christmas Invasion)
Sally Jacobs (The Christmas Invasion)
Chip (New Earth)
Duke of Manhattan (New Earth)
Clovis (New Earth)
Novice Hame (New Earth)
Captain Reynolds (Tooth and Claw)
Lady Isobel and Sir Robert (Tooth and Claw)
Parsons (School Reunion)
Katherine (The Girl in the Fireplace)
Sally Phelan (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Rita-Ann Smith (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Mr. Crane (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Mrs. Moore (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
The Connellys (The Idiot’s Lantern)
Zachary Cross Flane (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Danny Bartock (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Scooti Manista (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters)
Bliss (Love and Monsters)
Bridget (Love and Monsters)
Mr. Skinner (Love and Monsters)
Trish Webber (Fear Her)
Yvonne Hartman (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Dr. Rajesh Singh (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Adeola (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Gareth (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Nerys (The Runaway Bride)
Julia Swales (Smith and Jones)
Mr. Stoker (Smith and Jones)
Oliver Morgenstern (Smith and Jones)
Dolly Bailey (The Shakespeare Code)
Milo and Cheen (Gridlock)
Pale Woman (Gridlock)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan and Valerie (Gridlock)
Businessman (Gridlock)
Alice and May Cassini (Gridlock)
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Solomon (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Sylvia Thaw (The Lazarus Experiment)
Jenny (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Tim Latimer (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Kath McDonnell (42)
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Kathy Nightingale (Blink)
Chantho (Utopia)
Professor Docherty (The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords)
Vivien Rook (The Sound of Drums)
Albert Dumphries (The Sound of Drums)
Thomas Milligan (The Last of the Time Lords)
Mr. Copper (Voyage of the Damned)
Morvin and Foon (Voyage of the Damned)
Bannakaffalatta (Voyage of the Damned)
Alonso Frane (Voyage of the Damned)
Penny Carter (Partners in Crime)
Caecilius (Fires of Pompeii)
Evelina (Fires of Pompeii)
Metella (Fires of Pompeii)
Quintus (Fires of Pompeii)
Soothsayer (Fires of Pompeii)
Ryder (Planet of the Ood)
Solana Mercurio (Planet of the Ood)
Ross Jenkins (The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky)
Cline (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Hath Peck (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Lady Eddison (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Miss Chandrakala (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Roger Curbishley (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Hugh Curbishley (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Robina Redmond (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Other Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Proper Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Strackman Lux (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Lee McAvoy (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Dee Dee Blasco (Midnight)
Professor Hobbes (Midnight)
Val, Biff, and Jethro Cane (Midnight)
Unnamed Hostess (Midnight)
Rocco Colasanto (Turn Left)
Jival Chowdry (Turn Left)
The Shadow Architect (The Stolen Earth)
The German Woman (The Stolen Earth)
Rosita Farisi (The Next Doctor)
Malcolm Taylor (Planet of the Dead)
Capt. Erisa Magambo (Planet of the Dead)
Barclay (Planet of the Dead)
DI McMillan (Planet of the Dead)
Lou and Carmen (Planet of the Dead)
Nathan (Planet of the Dead)
Angela Whittaker (Planet of the Dead)
Yuri Kerenski (The Waters of Mars)
Mia Bennett (The Waters of Mars)
Steffi Ehrlich (The Waters of Mars)
Roman Groom (The Waters of Mars)
Ed Gold (The Waters of Mars)
Maggie Cain (The Waters of Mars)
Tarak Ital (The Waters of Mars)
Joshua and Abigail Naismith (The End of Time)
Minnie Hooper (The End of Time)
Addams and Rossiter of Vinvocci (The End of Time)
Jeff (The Eleventh Hour)
Dr. Ramsden (The Eleventh Hour)
Lilian Breen (Victory of the Daleks)
Edwin Bracewell (Victory of the Daleks)
Guido (The Vampires of Venice)
Isabella (The Vampires of Venice)
Nasreen Chaudhry (The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood)
Ambrose Northover (The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood)
Sophie Benson (The Lodger)
The Unnamed Curator (Vincent and the Doctor)
Aunt Sharon (The Big Bang)
Amy’s parents (The Big Bang/The Pandorica Opens)
Dorium Maldovar (The Pandoria Opens)
Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)
Jennifer (The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People)
Lorna Bucket (A Good Man Goes To War)
Alex (Night Terrors)
Auntie and Uncle (The Doctor’s Wife)
Rita (The God Complex)
Howie Spragg (The God Complex)
Joe Buchanan (The God Complex)
Gibbis (The God Complex)
Cassandra (Asylum of the Daleks)
Harvey (Asylum of the Daleks)
Brian Williams (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
John Riddell (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Indira (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Ellie and Dave Oswald (Rings of Akhaten)
Onegin (Cold War)
Stepashin (Cold War)
Grisenko (Cold War)
Hila Tacorien (Hide)
Professor Alec Palmer (Hide)
Emma Grayling (Hide)
The Van Baalen brothers (Journey to the Center of the TARDIS)
Ada Gillyflower (The Crimson Horror)
Porridge (Nightmare in Silver)
Alice Ferrin (Nightmare in Silver)
Missy (Nightmare in Silver)
Handles (Time of the Doctor)
Tasha Lem (Time of the Doctor)
Clara’s Gran (Time of the Doctor)
Linda (Time of the Doctor)
Abramal and Marta (Time of the Doctor)
Journey Blue (Into the Dalek)
Gretchen Allison Carlisle (Into the Dalek)
Orson Pink (Listen)
Psi (Time Heist)
Sabra (Time Heist)
Adrian (The Caretaker)
Captain Lundvik (Kill the Moon)
Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Ecpress)
Rigsy (Flatline)
Seb (Death in Heaven/Dark Water)
Shona (Last Christmas)
Albert Smithe (Last Christmas)
Fiona Bellows (Last Christmas)
Ashley Carter (Last Christmas)
Jac (The Magician’s Apprentice)
O'Donnell (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Cass (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Lunn (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Bennett (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Lofty (The Girl who Died)
Walsh (The Zygon Invasion)
Anahson (Face the Raven)
The General (Hell Bent)
Ohila (Hell Bent)
Moira (The Pilot)
Heather (the Pilot)
Felicity (Knock Knock)
Paul (Knock Knock)
Harry (Knock Knock)
Pavel (Knock Knock)
Shireen (Knock Knock)
Dahh-Ren (Oxygen)
Abby (Oxygen)
Ivan (Oxygen)
Penny (Extremis)
Erica (the pyramid at the end of the world)
Colonel Babbit (pyramid)
Kar (The Eaters of Light)
Lucius, Simon, and Thracius (The Eaters of Light)
The Captain (Twice Upon a Time)
Karl (The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
Angstrom (The Ghost Monument)
Epzo (The Ghost Monument)
Jade McIntyre (Arachnids in the UK)
Astos (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Mabli (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Eve Cicero (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Yoss Inkl (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Prem (Demons of the Punjab)
Kira Arlo (kerblam)
Dan Cooper (kerblam)
Willa Twiston (the witchfinders)
Ribbons (it takes you away)
Andinio and Delph (The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos)
Lee Clayton (fugitive of the judoon)
Jamila and Gabriela (Praxeus)
Jake Willis and Adam Lang (Praxeus)
Tibo (Can You Hear Me?)
Shaw (Village of the Angels)
Professor Jericho (Village of the Angels)
Gerald and Jean (Village of the Angels)
Sarah (Eve of the Daleks)
Nick (Eve of the Daleks)
Ying Ki (Legend of the Sea Devils)
Ji-Hun (Sea Devils)
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recentlyheardcom · 3 months
WOLF Plunges 19% As Experts Say This GameFi ICO Might Be The Best Crypto To Buy Now
Join Our Telegram channel to stay up to date on breaking news coverage The LandWolf price plunged 19% in the last 24 hours to trade at $0.0134 as of 4.20 a.m. EST on trading volume that dropped 26% to $11.8 million. LandWolf (WOLF) is a Solana-based meme coin that has become a beloved icon in the crypto community, and is best known for its laid-back and wise demeanor. The character behind the…
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blockinsider · 3 months
‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Writer Endorses Bitcoin’s ‘Banana Zone’ Forecast
Key Points
Robert Kiyosaki, the author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, predicts Bitcoin will enter the ‘Banana Zone’, a phase of considerable price increase.
Kiyosaki’s prediction is based on a forecast by former Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager, Raoul Pal, who coined the term ‘Banana Zone’.
Robert Kiyosaki, the acclaimed author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, is of the view that Bitcoin will soon experience a significant price surge, entering what is known as the ‘Banana Zone’.
Kiyosaki shared his prediction in a post on Wednesday, June 26, suggesting that Bitcoin is on the verge of entering a period of substantial price growth.
Endorsement of Raoul Pal’s Bitcoin Forecast
Kiyosaki’s post was a response to a prediction by Raoul Pal, a former hedge fund manager at Goldman Sachs, who first introduced the concept of the Banana Zone for Bitcoin.
Kiyosaki expressed his faith in Pal’s forecast, attributing it to Pal’s professional expertise. He revealed that Pal had previously advised him to invest in Bitcoin, marking his entry into the world of cryptocurrency.
Kiyosaki purchased 30 Bitcoins at $6,000 each, which are now valued at $60,000 each. He also disclosed that he continues to buy Bitcoin on a monthly basis.
Kiyosaki also anticipates that the surge in Bitcoin’s value will lead many to regret not having invested in the cryptocurrency or not having bought more. He outlined his reasoning for Bitcoin’s entry into the Banana Zone as follows:
“Simply put, Bitcoin represents ‘rules-based money’. Government-issued fiat money is ‘debt-based’. ‘Rules-based money’ makes you wealthier, while the government’s fictitious ‘debt-based’ money makes you poorer. Hold on tight as Bitcoin takes off into the ‘Banana Zone’.”
Pal shared his views on an episode of his podcast, “The Wolf of All Streets”, with Scott Melker. He predicted that cryptocurrencies would perform exceptionally well in the last quarter of a presidential election year. He also expressed bullish sentiments about Ethereum and Solana.
Buying the Dip: Kiyosaki’s Advice to Investors
Kiyosaki, a long-standing advocate of Bitcoin, advised investors to buy more Bitcoin in a post a day prior. He suggested that the current market downturn should be viewed as an excellent buying opportunity rather than a cause for panic.
On June 24, Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency by market cap, fell below $60,000. As per CoinMarketCap data, Bitcoin is currently valued at $61,500.
In his post, Kiyosaki stated that market crashes should not deter investors. Instead, he is “waiting to buy more” as others are selling. His strategy is to “buy and hold on forever”.
“If crashes terrify you, sell and cling tightly to your job, which is what most ’employees’ should do. Simply put, entrepreneurs and employees are two sides of the same coin.”
Kiyosaki further explained that all markets experience ups and downs, which could be advantageous for investors who understand market movements. Additionally, he noted that investors often make large profits by trading assets, buying at low prices with the hope of selling high.
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thechaosmuses · 7 months
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Below the cut is a list of all my original characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as a canon muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson Roman Ryker Mikaelson Erik Flynn Mikaelson Kareena Dawn Mikaelson Thyra Selene Mikaelson Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson Serenity Faye Mikaelson Sawyer Finch Mikaelson Aurelia Nova Mikaelson Felix Ares Mikaelson Willow Luna Mikaelson Tobias Floyd Mikaelson Zephyr Raven Parker Zariyah Dove Parker Kennedy Taylor Parker Myles Zane Parker Mariana Joy Parker Paisley Juniper Parker Braeden Talia Salvatore Holden Atlas Salvatore Ezra Grant Salvatore Liberty Faye Salvatore Jensen Graham Gilbert Easton Reed Gilbert Jesse Jonathan Gilbert Elias Rhodes Gilbert Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert Atlas Rowan Petrova Titus Izaiah Petrova Kamen Maverick Pierce Natalie Adrianna Pierce Eleanor Marie Bennett Salem Elijah Bennett Gabriel Graham Gustin Belladonna Sharie Bennett Seraphina Rose Ward Theodore Joseph Brickenden Kaia Asherah Halloran Carter William Forbes Cameron Myles Lawrence Jameson Tyler Rosza Tatum Jaxson Lockwood Tatiana Jade Lockwood Taylor Jacob Lockwood Axel Madden Hughes Ashton Malik Hughes Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe Niall Nash Novak Montgomery Felix Langston Ophelia Esme Lovell Sapphire Lee McGuire Rami Calder McGuire Warren Jaxon Kingsley Jeremiah Michael Kenner Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair Rosemary Belle Whitlock Hadley Kamryn Fuller Kamryn Avery Marshall Lorella Diane St. John Andrew Kolton Rogers Blair Lilith Walsh Zachariah Cole Norwood Matthias Lucien Delacour Matias Camilo Garcia Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins (tw to tvdu)
Jubilee Fawn Ellison Carson Elijah Mayes Maddox Rhett Lancaster Malia Rayne Lancaster Makai Reid Lancaster Delilah Anne Malone Austin Blake Coleman Damian James Taylor
Teen Wolf
Aspen Bella Stilinski Adrian Archer Argent Addison Athena Argent Lyla Sage Martin Amaia Tala Alexander Malik Elias Hale Madelaine Emery Hale Isaiah Parker Lahey Amadora Constance Sharpe Callum Tate Raeken Dawson Cole Reynolds Jared Taylor Parrish Stephen Ezekiel Hemming
Amelia Mae Allen Melody Athena Hayes Lucilla Marie Nightstar Eden Faith Cruz Elijah Luke Cruz Valentina Rosalie Hart Adaliah Ember Darhk Alexandria Skye Earp Lillian Dahlia Campbell Adriel Xavier Grant Talon Colt Ashford Silas Kai Parker Josephina Jazmyn Walker Elyza Alice Pierson (tvdu to spn)
DC Comics
Kiera Jaylin Davis
Kailee Elizabeth Holtz (hero and villain verse) Kaiden Edward Holtz (villain and hero verse) Camelia Waverly Maximoff Kaleb Jonas Barnes Maxine Josephine Rogers Melody Elizabeth Young Anastasia Sloane Lenkov Wren Nika Volkov Wynter Nadia Volkov Cordelia Ara Odinsdottir Amora Delphine Brantley Celeste Juliet Livingston Nikolai Nathaniel Novak (tvdu to mcu) Charmeine Ayla Hanlon (spn to mcu)
Stranger Things
Stella Blake Russell Scarlet Ember Ward Valerie Mae Henderson Mitchell Elliot Mayfield Meredith Eleanor Mayfield
Ambrosia Nyx Tartarus Acacius Nile Tartarus Duncan David Dalveron Damien Dawson Dalveron Brantley Cole Kline Rosalie Grace Anderson Rowena Greyson Andrews Ryker Grant Andrews Aviana Summer Archer Dylan Bryce Thatcher Sterling Atlas Ward
Evelyn June Buckley Ethan Jace Buckley Hazel Jayne Walker Hayes Jesse Walker Izaiah Edison Hendrix Waverly Chloe Hendrix Matilda Iris Monroe Fallon Pierce Richards
Book Babes
Cyra Lux Vespara Wilder Blaze Hawthorne Dion Ignis Vanserra Pyralis Jax Vanserra Warren Forrest Hayward Solana Aruna Meridian Anatole Cyrus Solari Althea Zaria Cadlawon Tynan Kerrell Visita Kirsi Gwyneira Nieves Lyall Colden Whittaker Caspian Calder Conway Maribelle Aelia Sommer
Wyatt Keegan aka Aries Kianni Phoenix aka Sagittarius Leon Cyrus aka Leo River Mira aka Cancer Dylan Lucas aka Pisces Josephine Nova aka Scorpio Conrad Atlas aka Taurus Kailynn Amelia aka Capricorn Taron Sage aka Virgo Alice Skye aka Libra Aaron Micah aka Aquarius Adelaide June aka Gemini Arianna Rose aka Gemini
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harinibw · 3 months
Bitcoin has surpassed $63,000, marking a strong uptrend in the cryptocurrency market, as reported by CryptoRank. Bitcoin’s dominance has edged up to 51.03%, with the overall market capitalization reaching $2.44 trillion—a 2.73% increase. This growth signals resilience and investor confidence, reflected in a Fear & Greed Index reading of 53, indicating a state of greed and a preference for buying.
The top 10 cryptocurrencies are all in positive territory, led by Solana ($SOL) with a 5.33% rise, followed by Dogecoin ($DOGE) and Ethereum ($ETH) with gains of 3.16% and 2.91%, respectively. Lesser-known coins like Enzyme Finance ($MLN) and LandWolf ($WOLF) have surged by 30.2% and 29.3%, showcasing the dynamic nature of the market. Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) also saw notable growth, up by 24.7%.
Recent searches highlight projects like Blast (BLAST), LayerZero (ZRO), zkSync (ZK), StarkNet (STRK), and XAI, underscoring diverse interests from blockchain infrastructure to GameFi. Overall, Bitcoin’s rally, coupled with strong performances across major and emerging cryptocurrencies, paints a positive picture for the market.
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