#Sociology notes download
yamini0503 · 19 days
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reginaofdoctorwho · 2 years
i don't even know if i WANT to finish nursing at this point, like i fucking hate college rn and it's only an associates program but like. please i am so tired professors let me fucking sleep
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kashmironlinenews · 2 years
BA Sociology Semester Notes | Kashmir University Study Material
BA Sociology Semester Notes | Kashmir University Study Material
Kashmir University BA Sociology Semester Notes Download notes and solutions for the subject of Sociology here at our web portal. The students studying various PG & UG courses can download BA Sociology Semester Notes from this web post. The Sociology notes for semesters Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semesters being taught at Kashmir University can be accessed from the links given in the…
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
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Book Release: The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony (With a Chapter by Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga)
V.J. Ballester-Olmos & Richard W. Heiden (Eds.)
For 76 years, casual observers around the world have reported sightings of aerial phenomena unexplainable to them. More elaborate personal experiences have been reported by others whose testimony speak of close interactions with fantastic flying machines that land, from which strange beings descend, and even kidnap the onlookers. In the absence of compelling physical evidence of the reality of these narrations, how should science study immaterial observations and test these claims? The very standard of reputable witness reliability is at stake here.
The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony is the first major book to comprehensively focus on the discussion and current views on problems and challenges posed by the reliability of UFO testimonies. This is a cross-disciplinary compendium of papers by 60 authors from 14 different countries. They are specialists in social, physical, and biological sciences, including psychology (predominantly) as well as psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, history, philosophy, folklore, religion, journalism, engineering, computing, medicine, education, analysts with experience in the critical study of UFO perceivers, and other professionals. This volume shares thematically convergent ideas about the plausibility of alternate explanations for an alleged close-range UFO phenomenon.
The 57 chapters in this book are divided into seven section headings: Case Studies, Psychological Perspectives, On Witness Testimony, Empirical Research, Anthropological Approach, Metrics and Scaling, and Epistemological Issues. There, the subject matter is analyzed from statistical work to clinical assessment, psychometrics, comparative and evaluation inquiry, and other topic perspectives.
Some extracts from the Foreword, written by Dr. Leonard S. Newman, Professor of Psychology at Syracuse University:
"The contributors to this book include some very smart people. There are all sorts of issues to which they could be devoting their intellectual energy, and all sorts of scholarly and research contributions they could make. They don’t have to write thoughtful and rigorous chapters for a book called The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony, but this is what they have done. And so, the work continues, as attested to by the papers in this volume. I’m not sure if there exists any collection of papers on any topic that can claim to comprehensively summarize everything that is currently known about it. But this one comes pretty close."
This 711-page book has been released online in the Academia.edu portal, from where it can be downloaded for free:
Simultaneously, UPIAR Publishing House (Turin, Italy) has published two softcover, A4 format print editions, one in black & white, another in full color (ISBN: 9791281441002). The book can be purchased through this link:
Four outstanding academics have provided praise notes to this volume. This is what they said:
Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Irvine, USA:
"When ordinary citizens claim to have extraterrestrial encounters, such as seeing UFOs or meeting with alien beings, what should we think? Did the alien abduction really happen or was it a hoax? Is someone deliberately lying? Are they false memories? Readers will be enthralled by the fascinating case histories that are presented in The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony*, a volume where sixty experts examine these issues with depth and insight. These cases teach us a great deal about how humans come to believe they have experienced bizarre events that may have never occurred at all."
Steven Jay Lynn, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Binghamton University (SUNY), USA:
"This captivating book will appeal to anyone interested in UFOs (and who isn’t?), the vagaries of memory, eyewitness perception and misperception, critical analysis of puzzling phenomena, and evaluating scientific vs. pseudoscientific claims. This volume ranks in the elite category of essential reading for students, scientists, and the seriously curious among us, and therefore has my highest recommendation. Bravo!"
Henry Otgaar, Ph.D., Professor of Legal Psychology, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, and Leuven Catholic University, Belgium:
"Claims of UFO sightings and experiences continue to fascinate us. This book has collected a unique and diverse set of case studies and critical articles on how such experiences unfold and what the authenticity of these claims is. The collection of these different articles is truly groundbreaking and is the first-ever complete assemblage concerning the validity of UFO testimony."
Benjamin E. Zeller, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Religion, Lake Forest College, Illinois, USA:
"In referring to extraterrestrial contact, Carl Sagan said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This fine book seeks to contextualize what such evidence entails. Its contributors analyze UFO sightings and cases both famous and obscure, recent and historical, and quite international in scope. They draw from an impressive range of methodological, academic, and scientific perspectives, and consider such topics as the nature of cognition, memory, types of belief and testimony, psychology, and the rationality of belief. Skeptics, believers, and scholars of ufology will all find this book fascinating!"
For additional information please contact:
UPIAR Publisher: [email protected]
Editor: V.J. Ballester-Olmos, [email protected]
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The Objectivity of Witnesses and the Subjectivity of Testemonies
Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
I had the honor of being one of the select few invited by the distinguished Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, one of the organizers and editors of this impressive scientific-academic book, together with the equally distinguished Richard W. Heiden, to write a paper on the "reliability of the testimony of witnesses of UFOs", a crucial aspect of ufological research, since, in the absence of material evidence of the phenomenon, this is the primary source we deal with, the "raw material", so to speak, to permeate our analyses, even more so for those who not only deals with "second-hand" reports, but gathers them directly from the witnesses themselves, in sometimes harsh and hostile field conditions.
In my contribution entitled "The Objectivity of Witnesses and the Subjectivity of Testimonies", I carried out a critical analysis of the general reference base of the UFO problem, the testimony, seen as a cultural source authentic and indisputable, but which presents serious distortions. One of the main points questioned by me was the exact value of the testimonies, which form the basis of the reports and, therefore, of the UFO phenomenon. I tried to give an adequate scientific treatment to these data and factors relegated to the background by ufologists: the subjective observational parameters, the perceptive aspects, the language and the historical-cultural context of the witness and the psychosociological variables, that is, everything that was disparagingly called "background noise", the "sociological reject" despised in detriment of the "signal".
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Consult and keep close at hand, therefore, this, the first major book to comprehensively focus on the discussion and current views on problems and challenges posed by the reliability of UFO testimonies. A cross-disciplinary compendium of papers by 60 authors from 14 different countries.
(large format, 711 pages)
You can download the full 711-page book on my Patreon:
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culmaer · 1 year
hello! im a french person whose mother is a white afrikaner, and i was just in south africa and visited the western cape. i do not speak afrikaans but visited the taal afrikaans monument and museum, which had a lot of interesting stuff about muslim slaves in the cape and their influence on afrikaans' development as a language, as well as the fact that the first written afrikaans texts were in fact in arabic script. if it doesnt bother you too much, do you know of any good english-language books or articles on the subject? im now really interested in learning more. thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
I actually have an unfinished post about this very topic, which has been in my drafts since 2019. which is a bit embarrassing
research into the rôle of brown people (the slaves, Cape Malays, as well as the Khoekhoe and San/Bushmen) in the history of Afrikaans has only really taken off since the 1990s, which is pretty recent, so there's not a lot published yet (there was some work done before the 90s, but as it didn't conform to the apartheid regime's narrative it wasn't mainstream or widely published). and of course, unsurprisingly, most of the research being done is in Afrikaans
luckily, perhaps The Best source on the topic is in English ! "The Afrikaans of the Cape Muslims from 1815 to 1915" by Achmat Davids (eds. Hein Willemse & Suleman E Dangor) published posthumously by Protea in 2011. this is a fantastic book. it focuses specifically on the Afrikaans of the Cape Malays (descendants of the slaves brought to the Cape) and on Afrikaans written in (a modified) Arabic script, a practice also called Jawi. It also gives an overview of like all the research which had been done up to that point which is great. this is absolutely the first text to read if you're doing research on this subject
the trouble is, this book is out of print and I've been unable to source a copy for the last 8 years. my uni library had a copy so I have read the book and can recommend it, but just note that a library is probably your best bet to find it
the book is based on Davids' 1991 MA thesis, which is archived on the University of the Western Cape website. the thesis is like 300 pages long, so full of information and definitely worth consulting if you can't find the book. I'd then suggest looking for any English citations in his bibliography if you still want to read more
Davids also wrote a couple of shorter articles and essays, which you should be able to find online or through google scholar/jstor etc. if you can't, lmk I may still have them downloaded on an old harddrive somewhere.
there is also a more recent collection of articles which focuses on the contributions of brown folks in general to the development of Afrikaans, and also includes sociological discussion, not just linguistic. I was so certain that there was an English translation. but I can only find reference to the Afrikaans edition online. I've decided to mention it anyway in case other folks who can read Afrikaans find this post. the books is "Ons kom van vêr: Bydraes oor bruin Afrikaanssprekendes se rol in die ontwikkeling van Afrikaans" edited by WAM Carstens & Michael le Cordeur, published by Naledi in 2016.
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somegrrrl · 8 months
Su di me🌟
Laura, 20 anni (she/her)
Vengo dal lago di Garda, in provincia di Verona
Studio sociologia a Trento
Non mi piace mettermi etichette (mi sembra inutile dato che sto crescendo e mi sto riscoprendo)
Interessi: Leggo, tengo un diario, guardo un sacco di film e serie, adoro il mio percorso di studi e mi piace studiare
Persone: Sono in una relazione (etero, monogama) molto felice da due anni, ho poche amicizie strette e un buon rapporto con la mia famiglia. In questa fase della mia vita valuto moltissimo tutte le mie relazioni, ritengo che tutti abbiano bisogno di compagnia e amore per stare bene
Altre cose random: Sono ossessionata con le candele e con i post-it. Non esco molto spesso la sera ma quando lo faccio preferisco musica tecno o ambienti queer. Mi diverto a cucinare
Le foto che pubblico sono prese dalla mia galleria, non mi piace scaricarle da internet
english translation ⬇️
About me🌟
Laura, 20 years old (she/her)
I'm from the Garda lake, Verona
I'm a sociology student in Trento
I don't like to label myself since I'm growing and changing a lot
Hobbies: reading, journaling, watching movies and TV shows, studying
People in my life: I'm in a hetero monogamous long-term relationship, got a few close friends and a good relatioship with my family. I value my relationships since I think love is required to be happy
Other random things: I'm obsessed with candles and sticky notes. I don't go out at night very often, but when I do I prefer techno music and queer environments. I love cooking
All the pictures I post on tumblr are taken by me, I don't like to download them from the internet
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ann-archive · 2 months
subject: isabelle stengers
Have you ever heard of Isabelle Stengers?
I had not. Her name came up in one article and the concept of "ecology of practices," stated had caused me to spiral slightly. Below are a collection of misc. notes about her work.
Be well,
Ann A.
Isabelle Stenger wrote the book Cosmopolitiques (it is a French book). She is a scholar in sociology, history, and philosophy of science.
source: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-35430-4_20 slow science should be explore more (scientists should not be able to provide quick fixes to societal issues). this could potentially link back to the lady on yt who talks about her hate of academia (girlie has so many phd's).
source: http://www.shaviro.com/Blog/?p=401#:~:text=Constructivism%20and%20the%20ecology%20of%20practices%20allow%20Stengers%20to%20situate,the%20varying%20practices%20are%20judged.
"She’s opposing Edward O. Wilson’s “consilience”"
Wilson believes that "the greatest enterprose of the mind has always been and always will be the attempted linkage of the sciences and humanities," and that positive science will replace humanistic studies. - research on a different guy lmao
she instead focueses on constructivism ("how truth is produced through various processes and practices." - definition from wikipedia)
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructivism_(philosophy_of_science)#:~:text=Constructivism%20is%20a%20view%20in,models%20of%20the%20natural%20world.
constructivism (philooophy of science).
"Constructivism is a view in the philosophy of science that maintains that scientific knowledge is constructed by the scientific community, which seeks to measure and construct models of the natural world."
Stengers also is responsible for "ecology of practices": the practices of sciences i,pinge ipon and relate to other practices are simultaneous. the discovery that science makes in the world, cannot be seperated by how the discovery itself effects the world.
source: https://openhumanitiespress.org/books/download/Stengers_2015_In-Catastrophic-Times.pdf book summary: commentates on the current state of global political impasse and ecological catastrophe.
source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0263276417736368 nicolas beurat has written a review on Stengers book. They comment on how the book, is a sequal to Capalist Sorcery, Stengers first book. The first half of the book describes how the world is in a state of wrong and fucked-up-ness and who upholds this belief in society. the second half outlines a suggestion on how to deal with this.
"Stengers argues that those authoities … actively work to produce a situation where it becomes impossible to imagine anything other than the status quo."
(this can either be political or corporate power).
source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27971794-in-catastrophic-times good reads review
"grapples with our response from a sociological perspective and how capitalism, science, and the State have worked in concert to bring us to this place and are ultimately leading us to barbarism to the benefit of the few and at the expense of the rest of us."
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vishal09-blog1 · 6 months
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rncareergroup · 1 year
Magadh University Part 3 Exam Date 2019 Out!
Magadh University Part 3 Exam Date 2019 Out! Check Notice for BA, BSc, B.Com 3rd Year Schedule varsity will conduct exams in September-October.
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Edit: Just In! Revised Magadh University Part 3 exam date 2019 schedule goes viral, No news yet on official website. Read more here.
Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, has announced the exam dates for 3rd year students. The notice for Magadh University Part 3 exam date 2019 for BA, B.Sc, B.Com has been put up on the university notice boards. Date of theory as well as practical exam are available.
Pictures of the exam date notice, taken by students from their notice boards, have been shared over social media. More students have come to know about their schedule this way and are now waiting for their admit cards. As per the notice, Magadh University will conduct exam for third year students in September and October. The time table is divided into three parts.
First, the university explains schedule for BA, B.Sc, B.Com part 3 Hons students. Their exams will be held on the following dates: September 21, September 23, September 24, September 25, September 26, September 27, September 28, September 30, October 01, October 03.
Exam will be held in two sittings on each day in September. First sitting will be 10 am to 1 pm, and second will be 2 pm to 5 pm. Subjects for the purpose of exam are divided into four groups namely A, B, C, D.
For BA, B.Sc, B.Com part 3 Hons students, group A subjects are physics, history, economics, electronics, statistics, LSW, rural economics, buddhist studies, public administration, music. Whereas group B subjects are political science, mathematics, sociology. Then group C subjects comprise of botany, zoology, commerce, psychology, home science, AI and AS, philosophy, chemistry. Finally the group D subjects are geography, hindi, english, urdu, maghi, arabic, maithili, pali, persian, bengali, bhojpuri, prakrit, sanskrit.
The second part of the exam date notice is about BA, B.Sc, B.Com part 3 general exam. Exam dates for these programs are: September 21, September 23, September 24, September 25, September 26, September 27, September 28, September 30, October 01. The same sittings, first and second, will apply for these programs as well.
Third part of the exam date notice is for BS, B.Sc, B.Com part 3 practical exam. Practical exams will be held from October 10 to October 14.
Admit card for the exams are expected to be issued via magadhuniversity.ac.in. Usually they are published under the download zone, where candidates can download the admit cards by name and father’s name, or registration number and roll number. Students can check with their colleges regarding the same.
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Editor’s note: This news has been compiled on the basis of Magadh University Part 3 Exam Date 2019 notice shared by students. Varsity students must check with the admit card, datesheet in university or college before taking any action.
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yamini0503 · 2 months
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[Free eBook] Framing Finance: The Boundaries of Markets and Modern Capitalism by Alex Preda [Economics & Social History]
Framing Finance: The Boundaries of Markets and Modern Capitalism by Alex Preda, a Professor of Professions, Markets, and Technology at King's College London, is an economics and social history book, free for a limited time courtesy of publisher The University of Chicago Press.
This is their featured Free eBook of the Month for May, and is a combined economics and sociology book looking at the history of the stock market, and the changes in public perception over time as groups associated the 18th and 19th century stock exchanges in London, New York, and Paris managed to redefine finance as a data-based scientific pursuit, while manipulative speculators also emerged to take advantage of the limited understanding of this, and exploring how these and other factors contributed to the current state of the modern market and its issues, advocating for better public financial education.
Offered worldwide through the month of May, available directly from the publisher's website.
Currently free @ [the university's dedicated promo page] (https://press.uchicago.edu/books/freeEbook.html) (PDF available with download options for both Adobe Digital Editions and Readium DRM, follow instructions provided on download link page, requires newsletter signup with valid email address), and you can read more about the book on its regular catalogue page.
Description As the banking crisis and its effects on the world economy have made plain, the stock market is of colossal importance to our livelihoods. In Framing Finance, Alex Preda looks at the history of the market to figure out how we arrived at a point where investing is not only commonplace, but critical, as market fluctuations threaten our plans to send our children to college or retire comfortably.
As Preda discovers through extensive research, the public was once much more skeptical. For investing to become accepted, a deep-seated prejudice against speculation had to be overcome, and Preda reveals that over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries groups associated with stock exchanges in New York, London, and Paris managed to redefine finance as a scientific pursuit grounded in observational technology. But Preda also notes that as the financial data in which they trafficked became ever more difficult to understand, charismatic speculators emerged whose manipulations of the market undermined the benefits of widespread investment. And so, Framing Finance ends with an eye on the future, proposing a system of public financial education to counter the irrational elements that still animate the appeal of finance.
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kashmironlinenews · 2 years
Ist Semester Notes for Sociology | Best KU Study Material For All Streams
Ist Semester Notes for Sociology | Best KU Study Material For All Streams
Download Kashmir University Study Material in PDF | Ist Semester Notes for Sociology   Hi, dear students of UG Kashmir University. Stay with us for some more minutes if you are pursuing BA 1st Semester. Here, at vaadilive, we are going to present to you ‘BA Ist Semester Notes for Sociology Subject , which you can download free in pdf format. You will find links to download Sociology  Notes for…
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worldcolection · 2 years
PDF/Ebook Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism BY : Richard H. Robbins
(PDF Download) Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism By Richard H. Robbins
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Ebook PDF Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
Download Link : [Downlload Now] Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism
Read More : [Read Now] Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. For courses in global issues and cultural anthropology. Examine the development and impact of capitalism on global systems The 7th Edition of Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism follows the path of capitalism from its roots over 500 years ago to its current status in the world. Emerging from Western Europe and expanding to the United States and the rest of the world, capitalism and the systems that have contested it have impacted the economic, political, and social forces that dominate readers' lives. The authors draw on a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, history, economics, sociology, and more, to provide readers
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ebookvirza · 2 years
(PDF) [Download] Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education BY : Daniel P. Hallahan
(PDF Download) Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education By Daniel P. Hallahan
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Ebook PDF Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
Download Link : [Downlload Now] Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education
Read More : [Read Now] Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education
NOTE: Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of PearsonIf purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for the Enhanced Pearson eText may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase."This access code card provides access to the new Enhanced Pearson eText" In "Exceptional Learners "by Hallahan, Kauffman, and Pullen, readers get an up-to-date introduction to the characteristics of exceptional learners and their education that emphasizes classroom practices, as well as the psychological, sociological, and medical aspects of disabilities and giftedness. Based on the author's premise that professionals working with exceptional learners need to develop not only a solid base of knowledge, but also a healthy attitude toward their work and the people whom they serve, this book is designed to reach the heart as well as the mind. It asks both general and special educators to
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vishal09-blog1 · 6 months
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rphlrvw · 2 years
Bibisco has a free version, and a paid version. The paid version is a minimum of 23€+VAT (22.5 usd), although you can pay more if you want. This is a one-time payment, not a subscription. When you first download Bibisco, you have a 30 day free trial of the paid version.
At every step, you are able to set whether what you are working on is complete, not yet complete, or to be done. When you start something it will automatically be set as to be done. At your project overview, you can see how many of each you have (characters/scenes/narrative strands) and what percent is complete, which is nice.
You start with the 'architecture' of your novel. The premise, fabula, setting, and notes. These all open the same way: you click get started, then get a big empty text box to fill out. Notes itself is paid version exclusive, so if you are only going to use the free version then you'll need to work out where to put anything else.
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I really like how they have the characters set up. You can make a character under Main, or Secondary. Secondary characters only get an empty text box, but Main get a lot more. Free version gives you only 'personal data', which has you fill out first name, surname, nickname, gender, age, birthplace, residence, education, and financial situation. Paid gives you access to boxes for physical features, behaviors, attitudes, psychology, ideas and passions, sociology, and 'life before the story's beginning'. With the free version, you can write down their conflict, and how they evolve through the story.
I think Bibisco needs an empty textbox, or place for notes, under the Main characters as well.
You can also save images under both Main and Secondary characters - but need the paid version to give them avatar images that will show in the character almanac. With the paid version, you can also make a timeline of their life with either the gregorian timeline (down to the minute!) or your own calendar.
You can make locations - the nation, state, and city are optional, but the name is necessary of course. Then you have an empty text box and, like with characters, can save images under it, and Paid members can make a timeline and save an avatar.
Paid members can make Objects.
Paid members can make 'relations', where you can draw how people are related, or really anything you want.
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Paid members can access a notes tab. Each note is just a title, and an empty text box.
The writing program itself is alright, nothing special. Basic members are able to access a notepad for each chapter, and there's a place to put the 'reason' for the chapter, described as 'What role does this chapter play? How does it contribute to the development of the novel?' Then you make each scene, title them, and write them in the same sort of text box as the rest of Bibisco. Bibisco tracks how many words and characters you have in each scene, chapter, and your overall story, which is pretty useful! You can also create another 'revision' of each scene, which copies it into a new scene, so you can edit it without losing your previous version! I love this. You can also tag your scenes with the POV, which characters show up, the location, special objects if you've made them, when, and what narrative strand it belongs to.
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There is a search function, but it is only available to paid members.
There is a timeline so you can see on what day at what time you worked on what, but it is limited to paid members.
The analysis is really useful, and fun to look at! It shows the length of the chapters in a bar chart, what percent of the story each characters shows up in, a list of scenes in which each character appears, what percent of the story each location and object appears in. It also shows where and when you use which POV and narrative strand!
You can export to PDF, docx, txt, epub, and archive, and each one lets you format before you do.
My major issue with Bibisco is the functions kept behind a paywall. While it's alright to keep them behind the paywall (I'm absolutely willing to pay!), the way it's done on Bibisco is frustrating. You don't know what's behind the paywall until you click on it - and then you get a pop up, have to click a button, wait five seconds, before you can move on. It's a minor thing, but when it happens repeatedly (clicking Objects, then Relations, then Notes) it gets annoying. Having the options grayed out, unclickable, or a locked symbol - or having the option to click 'don't show again' - would be a lot better.
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Overall I'd give Bibisco free a 6-7/10. If you use Bibisco, I'd recommend paying for it - Bibisco paid is probably 8-9/10.
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