#Social media marketing agency in Stafford
usravenslogistic · 2 years
Do You Want To Move Heavy Equipment Across The US
Do you want to move heavy equipment across the US? We have the right special equipment to haul your heavy machinery. Contact us today to know more. +1 302-401-4033 Link to Our Website 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 https://usravens.com/
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knotsynck · 2 years
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Best Digital marketing agency in Stafford(UK) A creative digital marketing agency in Stafford(UK) provide SEO & PPC, Social media Marketing and Email Marketing. Our team will leverage both data and the skills of our team to provide your business with the boost it needs.
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deepjoshisblog · 3 years
Try not to Underestimate the Power of Chatbot
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'Chatbots are the future.' what number occasions have you heard this expression and asked for what reason do showcasing specialists continue to say it?
As a matter of first importance, it's fundamental for realize that chatbots have as of now become a critical pattern in the digital marketing company in stafford. Each advertiser these days is investigating and wanting to incorporate Chatbots on the entirety of their foundation and sites.
As per research, informing applications have five billion month to month dynamic clients. Individuals are utilizing it more than online media organizations. It is one of the quickest developing devices in the advanced space, making it vital to acquire exhaustive information on it.
All in all, what is a Chabot? A chatbot is a PC program that robotizes discussion with a human vibe in text or discourse utilizing Artificial Intelligence.
Computerized reasoning empowers chatbots to convey customize reactions and further develop associations. It additionally helps chatbots grasp and satisfy complex solicitations.
Advertising specialists have understood that there is a change in buyer conduct. Individuals' ability to focus has become extremely low, and there are such a large number of advertisers battling for that little consideration. Clients invest a ton of energy on social media marketing networks looking down through huge measures of content. Messages, then again, are jumbled with spam. Web, where clients invest the majority of their energy, is brimming with sites and sites.
READ MORE: How to Use Chatbot Marketing in 2021?
1) Better Service Experience
One of the critical advantages of chatbots is that it lessens client stand by time. It visits with individuals progressively. It rushes to react and answers every one of the questions they have.
A chatbot is accessible 24*7 to engage every one of the clients/possible clients. An organization doesn't have to have a live agent to care for every one of the messages coming in.
Chatbots diminish the expense of HR needed for answering to the messages in the inbox. It is customized to offer a scope of responses and choices to the messages got.
2) After-Sale Communication.
Aside from client the executives, chatbots can be utilized in outbound promoting too.
It can send computerized follow-up messages to support leads and convert them. Sustaining leads is a basic piece of advanced advertising.
Inputs are vital for brands to improve and develop constantly. Chatbots can send computerized input structures to clients after they have made a buy.
3) Powerful Brand Expression
Chatbots enable brands to appropriate substance that lines up with their qualities. The substance a brand shares mirrors their qualities, through which they foster brand character, situating, and reliability.
It assists them with framing an association with the clients. By acculturating the talk, brands can make a genuine connection with their adherents.
It can help with checking client commitment levels, brand notices, and transformations.
It can likewise help with advancing the brand through offers and markdown codes.
4) Data Research
Chatbots can be customized to gather information and present it in an organized and coordinated manner. The gathered information can give you a thought of the mentality and purchasing behaviors of the clients.
Further, digital marketing agency in sheffield can utilize the information to design their computerized showcasing technique since it gives them a superior comprehension of client conduct and market patterns. It reduces the expense of recruiting individuals to gather and examine information.
5) Social Media Marketing
Chatbots can be incorporated with organizations' online media records to address the requests and questions got on the stages. It can likewise create drives, which is a huge issue for most new companies.
Chatbots are easy to understand devices that can in a real sense pivot fortunes for any striving organizations and lift currently fruitful organizations.
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noorkhan1 · 3 years
Free Online Marketing Tools Makes You a Rookie
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There is a well-known axiom, "The right apparatuses can make a man," and that additionally passes on well to organizations where the right instruments can make you fruitful. For certain organizations out there that don't have an enormous pool of assets to draw from, free devices are necessities for things line internet showcasing. As a digital marketing agency newcastle, we have worked with various little and medium measured organizations and have shown them how not thinking about these Free Online Marketing Tools makes you a freshman.
Maybe than remaining in the lower levels longer than needed, look at these extraordinary apparatuses to assist with lifting your game to a higher level.
Top Free Online Marketing Tools
Title Maker – Crafting great or incredible titles to articles, blog entries and so forth can be hard. Let's be honest; the innovative flash simply isn't generally there. Fortunately the decent individuals at Portent have an answer as a Content Idea Generator that will rapidly give you some extraordinary thoughts. To sweeten the deal even further every thought incorporates pointers with regards to why you would utilize a specific expressing which can be enlightening.
Chrome SEO Page Review Extension – Another diamond from Portent is this clever expansion for Chrome that can survey essential SEO components. It is exceptionally smooth, speedy and considers quick testing of essential things like Title Tags, Meta Description, Twittercard and then some. You can discover it HERE at the Chrome Web Store.
Read Also: 7 Less popular methods of Digital Marketing
Posting and Reviewing Social Media – Hootsuite is a fabulous instrument for posting and looking into web-based media updates and it very well may be utilized as an individual web-based media the board apparatus. They have a paid form too, yet the free choice gives sufficient juice to assist most anybody with posting rapidly and audit discussions and messages without any problem. Another pleasant alternative is Buffer which takes into consideration booking posts early. This is a decent apparatus for individuals who like to stack up posts early with a particular delivery plan.
Search engine optimization Spider Tool – Website crawlers are exceptionally valuable to help you discover broken connections, check diverts and take a gander at other SEO components. Individuals across the lake at Screaming Frog have an extremely decent SEO Spider Tool that does the entirety of that just as discovering copy content. While they do have a paid variant, the Free form can creep up to 500 URLs which is regularly enough for most more modest organizations.
Catchphrase Research – Keyword.io is outstanding amongst other free watchword research apparatuses accessible. In digital marketing agency in stafford can give profoundly applicable catchphrase ideas to article composing, SEO or advertising efforts. The interface is basic and they offer looking through dependent on a couple of stage choices.
Site Optimizer – Hotjar is a standout amongst other free choices to show you how individuals really utilize your site when they are there. With alternatives like clickmaps, scrollmaps, and heatmaps they can limit where individuals will assist with breaking down the progression of the site from an assortment of points.
Free Social Media Images – While we have frequently examined the significance of utilizing unique pictures, it can set aside time and energy to consistently make your own. Pablo by Buffer is an incredible site that proposals more than 50,000 eminence free photographs. They have pleasant choices for text overlays, choices to utilize your own experiences, and logos. Canva is another incredible choice on the off chance that you need bigger pictures or utilize an assortment of online media stages in view of their underlying formats.
Content Ideas –  The fundamental words are converted into essential classifications arranged by the standard 7 key inquiries (who, what, where, when, why, and so forth) and changed into a straightforward realistic which gives speedy motivation to the advertiser in a hurry.
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What is a substance advertising organization and do I require one?
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Content showcasing organizations assist organizations with making content and create procedure. Such accomplices are urgent in connecting with clients and lifting brand mindfulness through different items and administrations, like web journals, infographics, digital marketing agency sheffield. Peruse more about what substance showcasing offices do and how to discover one.
In the event that I had a dollar for each time I needed to clarify content promoting and my responsibility to family or companions — all things considered, how about we simply say I'd be carrying on with that Elon Musk life.
However, this is 2019, grandmother! content marketing is a long way from an arising methodology. Progressively, it's more similar to a basic corner of a general promoting plan, and organizations, everything being equal, and sizes are putting vigorously in blog entries, visual substance and web-based media showcasing.
Be that as it may, the haze of disarray can in any case cloud the responses to specific inquiries: Such as "what is a substance promoting office?" or "how could a substance advertising organization help me?"
Content showcasing is a long way from an arising technique. It's more similar to a central corner of a general showcasing plan.
Few out of every odd business will have the opportunity, ability, assets or spending plan needed to prevail in content showcasing. That is the place where substance advertising organizations come in, which can bear your whole substance need or contribute where you need specific help.
READ MORE: Time saving tips to achieve content marketing goals in 2021
What is content showcasing?
A brief portrayal of substance promoting and its essential target is to reach, connect with and rouse clients to act, just as to make, keep up and raise brand mindfulness.
Content isn't actually new.
Consider hundred-page item lists that retail chains of old would ship off purchaser families, or leaflets for movement and instructional booklets for work environments. Each addresses a substance type and a way that organizations utilize educative materials to collaborate with clients.
The distinction in present day content showcasing is that these resources — regardless of whether blog entries, online media posts or infographics – are utilized with exceptionally explicit business objectives and measurements as a main priority.
Content promoting is additionally inbound advertising.
Rather than cold pitching possibilities, you can get expected clients to come to you. Outbound showcasing would involve the business taking the primary action, while inbound promoting relies upon natural traffic headed to the webpage by blog entries, web-based media posts or email advertising, for instance.
What is a promoting organization?
Rather than advertising firms, which may represent considerable authority in a couple of territories, organizations are frequently full-administration colleagues that can give vigorous showcasing administrations, items and skill.
In digital marketing agency stafford are more recognizable as the rambling elements that have different labor forces and specialty units. They help from numerous points of view, regardless of whether by conceptualizing promoting efforts, dealing with a site, working out content procedure, doing statistical surveying, giving substance creation, taking care of social records, or following KPIs.
Offices are frequently full-administration colleagues that can give powerful promoting administrations, items and skill.
All things considered, offices will do what their customers need, so the rundown is almost boundless.
How can a substance promoting office help you?
Outfitted with the information on these definitions, it's feasible to envision what a substance showcasing office would resemble and do.
Generally, offices have a gifted labor force of substance authors, editors, advisors, content specialists, project supervisors, videographers, content advertisers, IT experts, artists, visual fashioners, sales reps, account directors and some more.
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berniesrevolution · 7 years
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In the interest of full disclosure, I am borrowing heavily from an excellent piece written in these pages last year by Hoosier Action organizer Jesse Myerson, “Repulsed by Pharma-Bro Martin Shkreli? Maybe You Also Hate Capitalism.” The cribbing is for good reason. Whitefish Energy is to disaster capitalism as Martin Shkreli is to America’s for-profit healthcare system: the most obviously bad actors in industries that are full of bad actors by design.
As Myerson wrote, “Satisfying though it might be to adorn his face with a black eye … there are more worthy objects of our loathing. All of Shkreli's appalling antics and characteristics are in fact emblematic of the real villain: capitalism. Shkreli is capitalism embodied, and if you hate him, you’d do well to take up hating capitalism with at least equal fervor.”
The same goes for the eminently punchable team at Whitefish Energy. The Montana-based company’s two-person leadership did not, of course, purchase the only existing copy of the Wu Tang Clan’s Once Upon A Time In Shaolin “to keep it from the people,” as Shkreli did. They did enter into a $300 million contract with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) to perform work that they are grossly unqualified to do, on a scale that dwarfs any of the contracts they’ve had thus far. Whitefish’s social media arm also got in a public spat with San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, at one point writing, “We’ve got 44 linemen rebuilding power lines in your city & 40 more men just arrived. Do you want us to send them back or keep working?”
Whitefish Energy’s contract, since severed under mounting public pressure, stated that “In no event that PREPA, the Government of Puerto Rico, the FEMA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives have the right to audit or review the cost and profit elements of the labor rates specified herein.” In other words, Whitefish wanted as few people looking into what they were doing as possible—a term PREPA’s top brass accepted.
Most evil under capitalism is banal, and if you’re angry with Whitefish there’s a strong chance you might also not be too happy about the behavior of their quieter capitalist colleagues.
All this is especially frustrating since, in choosing Whitefish, PREPA leadership—themselves notoriously corrupt—actively chose to forego mutual aid assistance from utilities on the U.S. mainland, a standard practice in disaster relief scenarios facilitated by the American Public Power Association.
In short, the Whitefish team are greedy human trash. But Whitefish’s capacity to be so publicly slimy may be the most unique thing about them; oodles of private contractors are also swarming Puerto Rico and other places devastated by recent hurricanes in the hopes of making a profit off of human suffering. Wall Street banks were ahead of the curve on this front, swooping in when the island’s bonds ratings were downgraded a few years back to offer quick cash by engineering new and potentially illegal forms of debt. As a recent In These Times investigation found, much of that debt is now held by U.S.-based hedge and mutual funds.
A slew of other contracts have been handed out by PREPA and by federal agencies charged with grid reconstruction post-Maria—to much less fanfare. Take Cobra Acquisitions LLP, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mammoth Energy, an extractive services company that entered the utility market recently because they saw the potential for it to grow their bottom line. PREPA gave them $15 million up front and an up-to-$200-million contract negotiated by FEMA, presumably because the utility will be paid at least in part with funds allocated to the agency via the Stafford Act. While Mammoth has said that Cobra’s senior management team has an “average of 26 years of experience” with electric utilities, there’s no clear, publicly-available information as to either who that leadership is or what their experience with utilities has consisted of. The company was founded in 2017 when Mammoth acquired two other small utility companies for $8 million.
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junker-town · 5 years
Here’s how we’d like to see each NFL trade rumor play out
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Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
We’re following all the biggest NFL trade talk this offseason.
The NFL is undergoing a bit of a makeover in 2020. This offseason, a new collective bargaining agreement and several high-profile quarterbacks hitting free agency could change a lot about how the league looks before we even get to the NFL Draft.
There’s one other way teams can make major moves: trades. In recent years, the NFL has been more active on the trade market around free agency time. Last season, we saw a few surprises. The Browns landed Odell Beckham, Jr., the Dolphins sent Ryan Tannehill to the Titans, and the Steelers offloaded Antonio Brown to the Raiders (the less said about that one, the better).
What could this year bring? There are already some rumors swirling about which players could be dealt. Let’s take a look at the latest talk and what we’d like to see happen.
Le’Veon Bell, RB, Jets
Latest rumor: Ian Rapoport reported that the Jets “have never slammed the door” on trading Bell, who rushed for a career-low 3.2 yards per carry in his first season with the Jets.
Where we’d like him to end up: Miami Dolphins
The Dolphins’ run game was severely lacking in 2019, especially after they traded Kenyan Drake to the Cardinals midway through the season. In fact, 37-year-old quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick was Miami’s leading rusher! The Dolphins, who have the most cap space in the NFL, wouldn’t be scared off by Bell’s $13.5 million salary either. The Jets, however, would have to eat some of that.
Derek Carr, QB, Raiders
Latest rumor: As the combine approaches, NFL teams are gearing up to see if the Raiders would be interested in dealing Carr.
Where we’d like him to end up: New England Patriots
If the Raiders move on from Carr, it’s likely because they signed another quarterback — like, say, Tom Brady. That would leave the Patriots without a starting quarterback. Carr is efficient and would flourish on a team with a bit more stability, and Jon Gruden has never seemed completely sold on him. Granted, part of our motivation for wanting this trade is to see how Raiders fans react when Carr wins games in New England, but let’s call that a bonus.
Andy Dalton, QB, Bengals
Latest rumor: It’s no secret the Bengals will draft quarterback Joe Burrow with the No. 1 overall pick, though they are reportedly willing to work with Dalton on a trade.
Where we’d like him to end up: Tennessee Titans
Recently, Dalton hasn’t looked like the same quarterback who led the Bengals to the playoff five times in his career. But Tennessee could be the perfect way for Dalton to prove he can be that guy again. The Titans will probably stick with Ryan Tannehill as their quarterback, either with the franchise tag or on a short-term deal. If Tannehill can show his 2019 season wasn’t a fluke, Dalton would be a competent backup for him. And if not, Dalton could have some redemption of his own in Tennessee.
Stefon Diggs, WR, Vikings
Latest rumor: Diggs erased all mentions of the Vikings from his social media accounts — but it’s still unlikely he’s on the move.
Where’d we’d like him to end up: New England Patriots
What better way to convince Tom Brady to return to the only NFL home he’s ever known than by giving him one of the league’s most explosive players. Diggs’ 12 yards per target last season were second-best in the NFL. He could be the deep threat that allows Julian Edelman and Mohamed Sanu to thrive underneath, all while giving second-year wideout N’Keal Harry a little more space along the other sideline.
Todd Gurley, RB, Rams
Latest rumor: Rapoport said head coach Sean McVay will sit down with Gurley to discuss their options, though any trade would have to come before Gurley is due a roster bonus on March 20.
Where we’d like to see him end up: Buffalo Bills
Gurley is coming off of a career-low 857 yards rushing, and there are obvious questions surrounding the health of his left knee. But an experienced back like Gurley could complement Devin Singletary, who had 775 yards and two touchdowns as a rookie in Buffalo. A consistent running game under Gurley would also be huge for Josh Allen. It could take the pressure off of the young quarterback to run the ball so often.
David Johnson, RB, Cardinals
Latest rumor: The Cardinals may be fine paying some of Johnson’s $14.16 million cap hit if it means another team is willing to take on the brunt of the contract, according to Pro Football Talk.
Where we’d like him to end up: Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Bruce Arians told reporters last summer that even though Tampa Bay doesn’t have “a David Johnson or a Todd Gurley” that’s OK, because he doesn’t believe in paying much for the position. Perhaps the Bucs rushing for just 3.7 yards per attempt in 2019 (28th in the NFL) changed his mind a bit. If the Cardinals eat some of the salary, the Buccaneers could easily afford to reunite Johnson with the coach who made him a fantasy football superstar in 2016.
Cam Newton, QB, Panthers
Latest rumor: The Panthers are in the midst of a rebuilt, which means they could be looking for a potential trade partner for Newton — at least once he passes a physical.
Where we’d like him to end up: Carolina Panthers
Newton missed most of the 2019 season due to a foot injury. Now that the Panthers have a new head coach, it makes sense they’d want a fresh start at quarterback. However, the best place for Newton would be for him to remain with the Panthers. He’s the winningest quarterback in franchise history, and backups Kyle Allen and Will Grier didn’t exactly prove they’re Carolina’s future.
Darius Slay, CB, Lions
Latest rumor: The Lions have reportedly spoken to multiple teams regarding a trade for Slay, who is entering the final year of his Detroit contract.
Where’d we’d like him to end up: Houston Texans
Houston’s weakness for the last couple seasons has been its secondary. It finished 2019 ranked 29th in the league in pass yards allowed. Adding Slay could help change that. Slay has accounted for 19 interceptions and 104 passes defended in his career. He was named a first-team All-Pro in 2017 and has been named to three straight Pro Bowls.
Matthew Stafford, QB, Lions
Latest rumor: WDIV in Detroit reported there have been trade talks between Stafford and the Lions; however, Lions general manager Bob Quinn has denied they’re shopping their longtime quarterback.
Where’d we’d like him to end up: Los Angeles Chargers
The Chargers need someone to replace Philip Rivers, and Stafford could step right in. Last season, Stafford became the fastest QB to reach 40,000 career passing yards and was having his best year yet until a back injury sidelined him. At 32 years old, Stafford should have plenty left in the tank. Did we mention Stafford’s wife, Kelly, posted on her Instagram stories that she’d be happy to go to California?
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buttonholedlife · 5 years
A “Free Market” Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Techno-Fascist History of Neo-Eugenic Transhumanism
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Through John Klyczek
A 50 percent century ago, Yale Instructor of Physiology José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado Jr. published a composite of his groundbreaking research study on neural-implant modern technology. Collecting about 2 many years of his lab practices on individual and also animal subjects, Delgado's Bodily Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Culture documented that
it is actually presently possible [in 1969] to equip animals or humans along with moment musical instruments called 'stimoceivers' for broadcast transmission and also function of electrical notifications to as well as from the human brain in totally unrestrained topics. Microminiaturization of the equipment's electronic parts enables management of all specifications of excitation for radio stimulation of three different aspects within the human brain as well as additionally telemetric audio of three stations of intracerebral electrical task. ...
It is actually acceptable to speculate that in the future the stimoceiver might supply the essential hyperlink coming from male to personal computer to male, along with a reciprocatory comments in between nerve cells and musical instruments which stands for a brand new alignment for the health care management of neurophysiological functions [1]
Right now, fifty years later on in 2019, Delgado's futurist guessworks have ended up being a fact as several Big Technology enterprises, like Elon Musk's Neuralink as well as Result Zuckerberg's Facebook, are actually manufacturing and industrying the newest generation of "stimoceivers," or even "brain-computer interfaces," for office usage.
The advantages of such "human brain chips" assortment from clinical gadgets that can manage nerve ailments, like epilepsy and also paralysis, to cognitive enlargements which can "improve" human mind electrical power in order that it can easily user interface with the artificially smart supercomputers which will definitely drive the international economic climate in the new age of electronically automated workforces. Underneath these utopian-futurist leads, the existing "free-trade" development of brain-machine interfaces is absolutely nothing a lot less than the "free-market" spreading of José Delgado's eugenicist goal come correct: a troubling sight of a transhumanist development that neo-eugenically merges people as well as personal computers into a new droid varieties.
Buyer beware: if you are actually assuming about "plugging in" to human-machine interfaces connected to the "net of whatever," you may alter your mind after considering the techno-fascist history of eugenics and social planning that has actually fueled the corporatist progression of human-computer user interfaces.
Facebook Mind-Reading Technologies:
Facebook's Building 8 research-and-development location has actually been actually crafting brain-computer user interfaces under the past Directorship of Regina Dugan, that earlier functioned for the Protection Advanced Study Task Firm (DARPA) of the United States military. On April 19, 2017, Dugan showcased a Facebook-patented brain-machine interface that makes it possible for the user to style on a computer display screen merely through thinking. Based upon this thought-to-text medical, the Facebook business strives to grow this prototype to ensure that it can permit "mind clicks" which handle virtual-reality and also augmented-reality modern technologies.
Dugan has actually guaranteed that the Facebook organization is actually "not referring to translating your random thoughts. That could be much more than any one of us look after to recognize." Such a guarantee is actually tough to believe given the fact that Facebook is actually a data-mining company that produces profits by siphoning and offering the private records of everybody who utilizes the firm's social-media system. Facebook's social-media network is even an active individual in the residential monitoring functions of the Central Cleverness Agency (CIA). Together, Facebook owner and Chief Executive Officer Result Zuckerberg was actually contacted us to witness prior to United States Our lawmakers regarding his social-media business's complicity in the Cambridge Analytica election-tampering debacle.
Put simply, Facebook has a sleazy track record for preventing the privacy assumptions of its own customers. It is reasonable to reckon that Facebook's human-computer user interfaces will track, record, as well as sell a person's cognitive-behavioral metadata installed in the electrochemical algorithms of his or her neurobiological "speech" and "assumed" transmittals (just like Facebook's social-media platform monitors, histories, as well as sells a person's cognitive-behavioral metadata installed in his or her mental profile which is collected from his or even her social-media posts).
Elon Musk's Neuro-Technocracy:
Elon Musk's Neuralink enterprise recently gave a push launch showcasing the initial prototypes of the provider's "human brain potato chips," knowned as "nerve organs shoelaces," which Musk says will link to an "app" that "essentially Bluetooths to your phone."
Back in September 6, 2018, Odor showed up on the podcast where he announced that his Neuralink organization will definitely be actually making silicon chips which will definitely make it possible for the human brain to interface along with artificially smart supercomputers. According to Odor, neural-lace integrated circuit "could be implanted in the human brain, with the possible objective helpful human beings combine with software program and also always keep pace along with developments in man-made intelligence. These enlargements might strengthen memory or even permit additional straight interfacing along with computing devices."
Musk additionally evangelized that" [s] ome high bandwidth user interface to the mind will certainly be actually one thing that aids accomplish a cooperation between human and machine knowledge and perhaps deals with the management issue and also the usefulness complication." For Musk, "synthetic standard cleverness [AGI]," or sentient AI, will quickly end up being "smarter than the most intelligent individual in the world"; and also humans are going to end up being "ineffective" unless we neo-eugenically improve right into transhuman-AI critters. In the course of the interview along with Joe Rogan, Odor virtually stated, "if you can not pound it [AI], join it."
Odor, who is also the CEO of the Tesla electrical automobile provider, might promote his hi-tech neuro-brain implants as the evolutionary defender of humanity which are going to save the mankinds coming from being rendered out-of-date through artificially smart devices. The omnipresent merging of humankind along with corporate equipments births a befuddling resemblance to the fascistic plans of Odor's gramps, Joshua Haldeman, that was actually the Study Supervisor of Canada's Technocracy Inc.: a techno-fascistic non-governmental company that was actually banned through the Canadian authorities in 1940 as a result of to worries that The Technocrats were plotting to "crush the federal government as well as the constitution of this nation [ Canada] by power" [2] Odor's grand daddy, Haldeman, was actually arrested due to his Technocracy registration, though he was actually later on acquitted.
A Skull-and-Bones Record of Transhumanist Neural Implants:
These techno-fascist backstories behind the Facebook and Neuralink companies suffice to lead to concern relating to the firms' popular new brain-computer interfaces that are currently being marketed. The upsetting techno-fascist background of these freshly marketed brain-machine user interfaces presents all the means back to the "founding papa" of neural-implant modern technology themself: José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado Jr., whose investigation at Yale has actually been guided by the hidden palm of the Nazi-sympathizing secret community known as The Purchase of Cranium as well as Bone tissues.
In 1946, Delgado was actually chosen as a study other at the Yale Institution of Medication's Physiology Team where he later came to be a teacher from 1950 to 1974. Shortly after the first year of Delgado's analysis alliance, in 1947, the Yale University Authorities was developed "as an advisory body system to the President of the College for the function of studying and also creating suggestions on particular aspects of Educational institution life," including "critical planning for the scientific researches, [and also] growths at the College of Medication." A founding participant of the Yale Council was Skull-and-Bonesman Frank Davis Ashburn, that provided on the council coming from 1947 to 1954 while Delgado was conducting his neuroscience experiments at Yale [3]. It costs taking note that Bonesman Frank Davis and, that was actually a United States Military College Lecturer of Medical Cleanliness, co-authored, which records how the spread of health condition contributed to the emigration of the America's through European settlers.
In short, in 1947, Bonesman Frank Ashburn, that was an intellectual of case history, helped found and also function the Yale Authorities to manage "tactical preparing for the sciences ... at the College of Medication" around one year after was actually Delgado hired at the University of Medicine, in 1946, to pioneer his transhumanist brain-implant surgical treatments.
As Delgado proceeded his transhumanist stimoceiver study at Yale from 1954 to 1965, Bonesman Charles Stafford Gage was the Treasurer of Yale College [4]. Consequently, Bonesman Gage will have supervised of the Treasury Team which, depending on to the Yale site, "is accountable for sustaining the University's operating financial account, for keeping track of the University's regular cash location, for refining all in-coming and out-going domestic and also worldwide wire transfers, [ as well as for] the business of petty cash money funds." Gage would certainly have overseen the funding of Delgado's digital brain-implant practices at Yale.
Altogether, during the years of Bonesman Ashburn at the Yale Council (1947-1954) and also Bonesman Gage at the Yale Treasury (1954-1965), Delgado's advanced research study into neo-eugenic neuro-technologies was administratively as well as financially directed due to the surprise hand of The Purchase of Cranium and Bones.
Throughout his years at Yale, Delgado teamed up along with Frank Ervin as well as Vernon Sign, who wrote the 1970 manual, Physical violence and the Brain. In this particular book, Delgado's associates posited a eugenicist idea that the purported riotous tendencies of inner-city African Americans may be "vanquished" through implanting city african-americans with brain-chip stimoceivers and also various other electronic neuro-technologies. It costs noting here that Delgado's practices on digital "human brain excitement" were actually financed due to the Office of Naval Analysis as well as the Flying Force Aeromedical Lab of the US military.
As a teacher of the Yale Institution of Medicine, Delgado was actually assisted through his investigation companion Hannibal Hamlin, who helped him administer surgical practices on mental clients at the Condition Hospital for Psychological Diseases in Howard, Rhode Isle, where Delgado as well as Hamlin dental implanted digital units into the human brains of people to analyze the functionalities of neuro-technological thoughts command. In Delgado's Bodily Command of the Thoughts, he composes,
[i] n the early 1950s, a client in a state mental hospital moved toward DOCTOR Hannibal Hamlin and me asking for assistance. ... The patient revealed a sturdy need and also a capability to alter her perform, as well as since psychological therapy had stopped working, she as well as her mama urgently requested that some type of mind surgical treatment be carried out to manage her disreputable, rash behavior. They talked to specifically that electrodes be actually implanted to adapt achievable electrocoagulation of a limited analytical place [5].
Hannibal Hamlin, himself a graduate of Yale Medical University, occurs to be the dad of Charles B. Hamlin, that was actually invested right into the Yale Purchase of Head and Bone fragments in 1961 [6]. Charles B. would use up the mantle of his papa Hannibal as Charles came to be a practicing orthopedic doctor that opened many "palm facilities" that provide services for hand surgical treatments, including "nerve ... repair or restoration" surgical operations. Bring the neo-eugenic torch for José Delgado and also Hannibal Hamlin, Bonesman Charles B. conducted several prosthetic-implant surgical operations to aid clients recover "substantial operational loss" of their palms.
Currently resigned, Charles B. remains to market various other transhumanist clinical advancements, such as neuro-engineering by means of stalk cell treatment and also genetics editing and enhancing:
[w] e remain in an increasing the size of outpost of vascular and nerves surgical procedure. With the unraveling of the genome, our team might properly observe the manipulation or regenerative development of wrecked cartilage. This will definitely have an effect on certainly not merely the diseases our team obtain yet our response to all of them. ... Our company may become able to set the setting and orchestrate its response to such troubles. I am actually also excited about the approval and improvement of stalk cell research to assist cells replenish. The lately released Geron task in this particular country [UNITED STATES] is beginning tests utilizing beginning stem cells in the recently hurt spinal cable. This might give our company great idea in to exactly how our team may help the main nerve system heal.
It deserves keeping in mind that the United States Fda (FDA) submitted a 2008 report which documents that Charles B. committed "severe transgressions of Label 21, Code of Federal Laws (21 CFR) Component 812-- Investigational Tool Exemptions, Part 50-- Defense of Human Subject Matters, and also Section 520(g) (21 U.S.C. 360j(g)) of the Action." Especially, Charles Hamlin neglected to abide by FDA policies concerning moral standards for conducting health care procedures involving "an unit as that term is actually described in area 201(h) of the Federal Food, Medication, and Cosmetic Act (the Show), 21 U.S.C. 32(h)."
Depending on to part 201(h), such a gadget is actually a described as
a device, structure, apply, equipment, gear, dental implant, in vitro reagent, or even various other identical or associated write-up, featuring any type of element, part, or even extra which is actually-- ...
( 3) [i] ntended to influence the structure or even any sort of function of the physical body of guy or even various other creatures, and which carries out certainly not attain its major desired objectives by means of chemical activity within or even on the body of man or various other animals and which is actually not reliant upon being metabolized for the accomplishment of its own main desired objectives. The condition "tool" carries out not include program functions left out according to area 520(o).
Particularly, the FDA document records that Hamlin's try outs a 201(h) unit devoted the complying with "breakdowns":
" [F] ailure to wait for FDA permission before enabling targets to join the investigation."
"Breakdown to guarantee that updated authorization is actually gotten ... as well as failing to correctly record educated permission."
"Breakdown to conduct the examination in conformity along with the investigational plan."
"Breakdown to ready as well as send complete, correct and prompt files of unexpected unpleasant results."
It must also be noted that The Order of Head and Bones borders neurosurgeon, Eric Leuthardt: yet another transhumanist pioneer who does mind surgeries which dental implant integrated circuit into individual minds for the objectives of addressing cerebral-nervous specials needs. At Washington College of St. Louis, Missouri, where Leuthardt administers his transhumanist brain-chip surgical operations, Bonesman Regis James O'Keefe is the Office Chair of Orthopedic Surgical Operation [7]. Furthermore, together with professor Leuthardt and also Bonesman O'Keefe, there is Bonesman Bryan Fitch Myers, that is the Patrick as well as Joy Williamson Endowed Office Chair in Cardiothoracic Surgical Treatment at Washington University School of Medication [8].
According to the, the Bones-acquainted "Leuthardt believes that in the upcoming numerous decades such [brain] implants will be actually like plastic surgery or even designs, taken on with barely a double take." Leuthardt even wrote a transhumanist science fiction story, "a techno-thriller called Red Adversary 4, [in which] 90 per-cent of individual creatures have actually elected to get personal computer components dental implanted straight right into their brains."
A Eugenics by Some Other Name:
The principle of transhumanism was created through Julian Huxley, that was the brother of Aldous Huxley: the writer of the dystopic Brave New Globe. In Julian's 1957 New Bottles for New Red Wine, he wrote a section titled "Transhumanism," which proclaims "'I strongly believe in transhumanism'... a brand-new type of existence, as various from our own as ours is actually coming from that of Peking [ancient] male" [9]. For Julian Huxley, that was actually a Head of state of the English Eugenics Community, transhumanism is actually the culmination of a "medical eugenics," project that calls for a brand-new kind of "advancement" through which unprocessed organic collection is actually substituted along with a fabricated technological choice that combines human beings and also equipments right into a brand new droid species.
As the first Director General of the United Nations Educational Scientific as well as Cultural Company (UNESCO), Huxley authored UNESCO's 1948 purpose statement, UNESCO: Its Function and also Its Ideology, which requires a global eugenics plan:" [i] t is actually, nevertheless, vital that eugenics need to be actually taken totally within the borders of science, for, as already suggested, in the not quite remote future the concern of boosting the ordinary top quality of people is very likely to become important; and also this may merely be actually achieved by using the lookings for of a genuinely medical eugenics" [10]. Furthermore, this starting UNESCO record insists that techno-eugenic" [ e] volution in the individual sector consists primarily of modifications in the form of society, in tools and machines ... [I] t is actually in social organisation, in machines, and also in concepts that individual progression is typically created manifest" [11].
It ought to be kept in mind that as Supervisor General of UNESCO, Huxley collaborated along with the very first United States senator to rest on the regulating board of UNESCO, Bonesman Archibald MacLeish, who authored the Preamble to the UNESCO Constitution [12]. Other straps in between globalist eugenics as well as The Purchase of Skull and Bone tissues are connected through Bonesman Percy Rockefeller's uncle [13], John D. Rockefeller, who used his tax-exempt Rockefeller Organization to pour amount of money right into Nazi eugenics jobs at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Sociology, Person Heredity, and also Eugenics; the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry; and the Kaiser Wilhelm Principle for Mind Study [14]. The Rockefeller Groundwork also paid big sums to United States eugenics establishments including Charles Davenport's Cold weather Spring season Harbor Station for Experimental Advancement, which was actually set up with the help of one more Robber Baron generosity: the Carnegie Principle where Bonesman Daniel Coit Gilman was its own initial Head of state [15].
Davenport's Cold weather Spring Harbor eugenics lab was inevitably fused along with the Eugenics Document Workplace, which was set up along with considerable contributions of cash as well as land from railroad mogul E. H. Harriman's other half, Mary Williamson Harriman (née Averell), who was actually the mom of Bonesmen W. Averell Harriman and also E. Roland Harriman [16]. E. Roland will later assist in funding the Nazi-eugenic requisition of Germany through his effect at Union Banking Enterprise (UBC), which channelled funding to Hitler via among the Führer's major financial backers: the German manufacturer proprietor of UBC, Fritz Thyssen, whose fellow-Nazi financial partners, H. J. Kouwenhoven as well as J. L. Guinter, rested on the UBC Board of Supervisors together with E. Roland and also his fellow Bonesmen, Knight Woolley as well as Prescott Bush, the latter of whom was the papa of Bonesman George H. W. Plant and also the grand daddy of Bonesman George W. Plant [17]. According to a 1989 Louisville Courier-Journal article, there is an area in the Holy place of The Order on the Yale school wherein the Bones "Tomb" properties "a little Nazi shrine inside, [as well as] one area on the second flooring has a number of swastikas, kind of an SS macho iconography" [18].
On Second Notion?
From The Order of Cranium as well as Bone Tissues to DARPA to Technocracy Inc., the past history responsible for transhumanist brain-computer interfaces is a black tradition of militarized, techno-fascist eugenics. Today, Facebook's and also Neuralink's human-computer user interfaces are actually being actually advertised as hi-tech assets that are actually produced for the "higher really good" of enhancing knowledge as well as carrying out health care help for folks with epilepsy, paralysis, and other nerve impairments.
To ensure, the future of neural-implant computer-tech might guarantee an optimistic brand new age of scientific miracles that combine humans as well as machines in to an internet-of-everything "Selfhood." Yet where the digital rubber comes across the silicon street to an unnaturally intelligent cyborg future, the scurvy past of technocratically weaponized eugenics may reach the present fork in the road where humanity makes a decision whether to take a "terrific leap forward" and "progress" right into a brand-new varieties that "upgrades" its biology with digital electronics.
Caveat emptor: consuming transhumanist technological items that are designated as "utopian" might result in dystopian side-effects.
[1] José M. R. Delgado, Physical Control of the Thoughts: Toward a Psychocivilized Society (Nyc: Harper Colophon, 1969), 90-91.
[2] Joseph C. Keating Jr. and also Scott Haldeman, "Joshua N Haldeman, DC: the Canadian Years, 1926-1950," Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association 39 no. 3 (1995 ): 172-186.
[3] Kris Millegan, Fleshing Out Brain and also Bone Fragments: Investigations right into America's Most Effective Top secret Community, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2003), 637.
[4] Ibid.
[5] José M. R. Delgado, Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Community (New York City: Harper Colophon, 1969), 217.
[6] Kris Millegan, Fleshing Out Brain and also Bone Fragments: Investigations into The United States's The majority of Powerful Top secret Community, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2003), 658.
[7] Antony C. Sutton, America's Secret Building: An Introduction to the Order of Cranium and also Bones, Upgraded Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2002), 299.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Julian Huxley, New Bottles for New A Glass Of Wine (London: Chatto & & Windus, 1957), 17.
[10] Ibid, UNESCO: Its Purpose and also Its Own Viewpoint (Washington D. C.: Public Affairs Push, 1948), 42.
[11] Ibid, 9-10.
[12] Archibald MacLeish as well as Henri Bonnet, "Unesco," Statement of the American Organization of University Professors (1915-1955) 32 no. 4 (1946 ): 605-620.
Antony C. Sutton, America's Secret Facility: An Overview to the Order of Cranium and also Bones, Updated Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2002), 27.
Krishna R. Dronamraju, If I Are actually to become Always remembered: The Life and Performs of Julian Huxley along with Selected Document (Waterway Side, NJ: World Scientific Posting, 1993), 68.
[13] Antony C. Sutton, The United States's Secret Establishment: An Overview to the Purchase of Brain and also Bone tissues, Upgraded Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2002), 290.
[14] Edwin Afro-american, Battle Against the Weak: Eugenics and also United States's Project to Generate an Expert Ethnicity (Nyc: Four Walls 8 Windows, 2003), 283.
[15] Antony C. Sutton, United States's Secret Facility: An Overview to the Purchase of Skull and also Bone tissues, Updated Replication, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2002), 285.
David Madsen, "Daniel Coit Gilman at the Carnegie Company of Washington," Record of Learning Quarterly 9 no. 2 (1969 ): 154-186.
Edwin African-american, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and United States's Initiative to Generate a Master Nationality (New York: Four Walls 8 Windows, 2003), 36, 41.
[16] Antony C. Sutton, United States's Secret Facility: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, Upgraded Replication, (Walterville, OR: Trine Time, 2002), 291, 292.
Daniel J. Kevles, For Eugenics: Genetic Makeup and the Uses of Individual Heredity (New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985), 54-55.
James D. Watson, "Genes as well as National politics," Davenport's Dreams: 21street Century Reflections on Genetics and Eugenics, eds. Jan A. Witkowski and John R. Inglis (Cold Spring Port, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2008), 1.
[17] Antony C. Sutton, The United States's Secret Business: An Intro to the Order of Head and Bone tissues, Improved Reprint, (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2002), 126, 165-170.
Ibid, Exchange and also the Rise of Hitler: The Amazing True Tale of the United States Financiers That Bankrolled the Nazis (California: Clairview, 1976), 103, 107, 25-26, 57, 99, 102, 103, 106, 112-114, 141.
[18] Steven M. L. Aronson, "The Bonesmen's Connection: President's, Poets, Pundits and also Pinkos Possess Sworn Obligation to Cranium as well as Bone fragments, Yale's Rich and also Powerful Key Community, and one of the most Exclusive University Club of All. What's All That Nazi Things Performing in the Clubhouse?," Louisville Courier-Journal, Oct 8, 1989, quoted in Fleshing Out Brain and also Bone Fragments: Investigations in to The United States's Most Effective Top secret Society, ed. Kris Millegan (OR: Trine Day, 2003), 140.
John Klyczek possesses an MA in English and has actually educated college unsupported claims and analysis line of reasoning for over 7 years. His fictional scholarship focuses on the past of global eugenics and also Aldous Huxley's dystopic story, Brave New Planet. He is the writer of School Planet Purchase: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Learning (TrineDay Works); as well as he isa contributor to the Facility for Research Study on Globalization, OpEdNews, the Dissident Vocal, Blacklisted Headlines, the Lobbyist Post,Updates With Viewpoints, The Saker, and also Natural Headlines. His web site is information/
for honest truth, peace, and also freedom news. Observe our company on Thoughts, Twitter, Steemit, and SoMee. Come To Be an Activist Message Client for just $1 each month.
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This content was originally published here.
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Real estate fintech platform Immo Investment Technologies raises €11M Series A
Immo Investment Technologies, a London-based fintech startup that purchase homes on behalf of buy-to-let investors, has closed €11M in Series A funding.
Backing the round is Talis Capital and HV Holtzbrinck Ventures, with participation from Tom Stafford and Rahul Mehta of DST Global, Mato Peric of MPGI, among others. In addition, the company is disclosing that it has raised over €100 million in real estate “buyer capital”.
It will use the buyer capital to fund the acquisition of properties — targeting private individuals who want to sell their property quickly. It then refurbishes these properties and puts them on the rental market as part of a fully-managed package, therefore returning a predictable yield to investors.
Immo says it has already evaluated over 10,000 for-sale apartments in the launch city of Hamburg. It claims its technology can accurately predict property sales prices, as well as current and future rental income prices.
“Immo buys residential properties directly from consumers on behalf of professional investors, thereby helping consumers sell their home in a fast, reliable, transparent and convenient way and providing investors with desired residential asset exposure at scale,” explains Hans-Christian Zappel, the startup’s co-founder and CEO.
“Immo tenants enjoy a well invested, fully furnished long-term rental product and a highly standardised and professionally managed lettings experience”.
As well as serving investors and tenants, Immo is also targeting property owners that want to sell their home quickly, with less hassle, and without the expense of using an estate agent. “With Immo, consumers go through one viewing, receive an offer within 24 hours and then sell to us without any agency fees and free of worries about financing risks or changing minds,” says Zappel.
The ability to transact “fast and confidently” is based on the company’s data and tech-driven approach to understanding markets and assets, says the Immo co-founder. “We replace instinct and gut-based valuations, with data; we call this the ‘Immo Intelligence’,” he adds.
In this regard, it echoes similar claims made by Nested, another London-based fintech company aiming to remove the uncertainties surrounding selling a property.
“Using our inspection technology we collect a proprietary set of 281 data points about every property,” continues Zappel. “Everything from ceiling height, decibel noise levels, wall dampness, lumen levels to water pressure gets measured. The resulting asset information is then combined with a hyperlocal market assessment which is based on two automated valuation models that use historical transaction and lettings data as well as environmental data such as traffic flow, crime statistics, average school/restaurant/cafe ratings, average AirBnb ratings in the area, social media activity, distance to supermarkets/places of worship, etc. to come up with the price we are able to offer to the seller”.
Based on its machine learning model, Immo claims to be able to do the financial underwriting of a property “in a matter of minutes,” a process that when done manually can take days.
Meanwhile, traditional real estate brokers are arguably Immo’s most direct competitors, but they tend to charge high fees and don’t provide a standardised experience for sellers. “They sell the hope for a quick and convenient sale to a customer that is helpless. Immo actually delivers on that promise,” says Zappel.
He also argues that Immo isn’t currently competing directly with other “iBuyer” models, such as those operated by OpenDoor, Nested, and Casavo. “We are not in the same country market [yet],” he says, “but fundamentally these players are trying to address a similar problem for the consumer”.
“Immo’s C2B model – buying from consumers, selling to investors – is in our view superior to the C2C model [of] buying from consumers, [and] selling to consumers,” adds Zappel. One reason is that Immo is able to operate a “balance sheet light” model, in which properties don’t sit on its balance sheet and therefore is arguably less exposed than some other “iBuyer” models.
Immo generates revenue from investors that pay the startup a fee for sourcing, assessing and acquiring property assets. In addition, the company receives a subscription fee for ongoing portfolio management. “We don’t take any fees from the seller, nor from tenants,” says Zappel.
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noorkhan1 · 3 years
How to use hashtags: a brief & easy guide for each network?
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The nice manner to time travel is through tales that become legends – stagnating themselves in our tradition, aiming to remaining lengthy. Due to the aforementioned reality, permit’s travel back in time – lower back to 2007 whilst the world regarded to be all right, o. K.. It changed into an excellent time – the world hadn’t blossomed into its superior self. The concept of social media structures had just ignited, steve jobs was making a few track, and there has been no virus running amok, threatening mankind’s lifestyles in its entirety. It become then, while digital marketing company in stafford, a web advertising strategist, walked into twitter’s headquarters, with an idea that might cross on to define the social media platform. The idea revolved round gathering tweets concerning a specific perception through using an appropriate image. Though you might be pretty familiar with the noted image in the meanwhile, to your consideration, here’s the very first tweet by using chris messina himself that made use of the identical:
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“How do you feel approximately the usage of # (pound) for organizations.
You can phrase the above tweet because the ‘beginning of the hashtag’. Due to the fact that then, the use of hashtags within the social media lifestyle has spiked up – each in attain and effectiveness. Not to mention twitter, content material on different social media structures like instagram and twitter bank upon the identical. Hashtags carry collectively a specific subject matter, occasion, or topic – and are seemed as one of the critical method of communique with admire to b2c and b2b content advertising and marketing. So, whether or not you’re an character who likes placing out on social media or a media buying company in relation to fishing out the apt hashtags to apply, you need to realize the hints of the trade. We're right here at your disposal, that will help you out with the identical.
Preserve a tab on social media influencers & competition
Like the clever have constantly suggested – do your homework and usually keep track of your studies. Following the respective digital marketing agency in newcastle who are inside the same line of labor as you, is useful due to the fact their method evokes you to push yourself to provide you with some thing that’s manner beyond their accomplishments. Additionally, the hashtags being used by the referred to influencers and competition, assist you engage with a huge spectrum of the target market – and reel in extra engagement and fans.
Whilst the above-referred to factor makes you acquainted with hashtags that are applicable in your field of work, trending hashtags are short-term but rewarding. As a result, on every occasion you’re devising a publish on any particular platform, just go through the listing of hashtags that are presently trending on the respective platform. Fish out the ones that fit your needs the fine and add them to the bunch of hashtags accompanying your submit. Recollect, don’t keep using the trending hashtag after they are stale news, for they won’t be capable of garner engagement anymore.
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campaignsoftheworld · 5 years
McDonald's: Share the Love #NationalFrenchFryDay
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People love McDonald’s World Famous Fries and they love sharing them too - making them one of the most shared foods in the world. So in honor of last Saturday’s #NationalFrenchFryDay (July 13), McDonald's celebrated with a national campaign encouraging consumers to Share the Love.
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The Share the Love work, which was created by We Are Unlimited in partnership with McDonald’s, highlighted the variety of people who love to share McDonald’s fries. The creative showcases two different hands forming the iconic golden arches coming together over French Fries. The campaign images, which were shot by famed editorial photographer Mark Seliger, drew customers in and remained a constant across all platforms – from social, to CRM, to Out of Home adverts, in-restaurant imagery, and even a billboard above the McDonald’s Time Square flagship location. Also on #NationalFrenchFryDay, McDonald’s shared the love with Fry fans across the United States by giving a free medium McDonald’s fry with any order on McDelivery with Uber Eats. Client Brand: McDonald’s Chief Marketing Officer: Morgan Flatley Vice President of Marketing, Brand Content and Engagement: Kenny Mitchell Sr. Director, Brand Content: Julie Wenger Retail Experience Director: Betsy Zurek Social Engagement/Customer Experience Manager: Joe Piaskowy Brand & Content Manager: Karen Adland Retail Experience Manager: Patrice Devaughn Sr. Manager, National Media: Jamie Krinsky Manager, Public Relations and Brand Engagement: Trent Stafford Productions Operations Manager: Janie Posadas Reyes Sr. Manager CRM: Janine Ogren Digital Marketing Manager: Omer Navaid CREATIVE AGENCY: We Are Unlimited Chief Creative Officer, DDB North America: Ari Weiss Chief Creative Officer, We Are Unlimited: Toygar Bazarkaya Managing Director, We Are Unlimited: Chris Loeffler Head of Account Management, We Are Unlimited: Melanie Behling Head of Social Media Strategy, We Are Unlimited: Lora Stock Creative Director, We Are Unlimited: Mark Wegwerth Associate Creative Director, We Are Unlimited: Jonathan Pliego Associate Creative Director, We Are Unlimited: Sean Collander Art Director, We Are Unlimited: Shelby Tamura Copywriter, We Are Unlimited: Rachel Dawer Account Director, We Are Unlimited: Kate Kerans Account Supervisor, We Are Unlimited: Nika Longo Account Executive, We Are Unlimited: Chelsea Chamberlain Art Producer, We Are Unlimited: Jessica Sokolowski Executive Producer, We Are Unlimited: Marianne Newton Senior Content Producer, We Are Unlimited: Ross Greenblat Project Manager, We Are Unlimited: Lauren Lumsden Head of Design, We Are Unlimited: Aya Baeshean Senior Designer, We Are Unlimited: Marcus McCoy Digital Project Manager, We Are Unlimited: Sarah Fielding Creative Director, We Are Unlimited: Jim White Copywriter, We Are Unlimited: Patrick Winegar Social Publisher, We Are Unlimited: Roma Real Sr. Production Business Manager, We Are Unlimited: Ryan Hentsch Senior Talent Manager, We Are Unlimited: Michelle Sanchez Account Executive, We Are Unlimited: Justin Duchene PRODUCTION COMPANY: Mark Seliger Photography Photographer: Mark Seliger Producer: Coco Knudson Agent / Executive Producer: Ruth Levy Archivist & Post-Production Manager: Rachel Crowe Printer / Retoucher: Salvatore Fabbri EDITORIAL: We Are Unlimited Studio Operations Director: Jorie Landfear Editor & Videographer: Nicholas Maher Facility Producer: Rachel Lee Head of Motion Graphics: Chris Guy MEDIA AGENCY: OMD Managing Director: Susanna Earnest Director, Social Media: Maura McNulty Senior Social Media Strategist: Liz Wendt Social Media Supervisor: Kelly Martin Supervisor: Max Klindt Strategist: Blake Stezskal Associate Director, Outdoor Media Group: Joo Han CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT AGENCY: The Marketing Store SVP, Chief Creative Officer: Jim Eby Art Director, Ryan Smith Art Director, Jackie Avellar Senior Copywriter: Sarah Davis Associate Marketing Operations Manager: Mallory Tannous Account Supervisor: Hannah McClelland DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY: RAPP Creative Director: Kevin Green Associate Creative Director: Anna Lee Doughtie Associate Director, Experience Planning: Max Braun Account Supervisor: Ania Malus-Kitzmann Account Supervisor: Kerry Roach Director, Project Management: Emily Davis PR AGENCY: WE Communications Account Director: Kristen Thompson Account Manager: Madison Cushman Senior Account Executive: Abby Smith Tags: Print advertising, Creative Print Ads, Print campaign, Creative Advert Read the full article
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
How to Build Your First Strategy Social Media Marketing
Welcome to the bite-sized guide to kicking off a brand-new social media marketing strategies. For a more in-depth knowledge and advice, relate!
First things first; congratulations  Digital Marketing Company in Stafford are in order, to take this first step. Social media has proven itself as an important player in the game lead generation. It's a great way to appear in front of new audiences, increase web traffic and pique interest in your brand marketing among other amenities.
P.S: For any retail business out there, considering the potential retail Facebook and Instagram have to feature in-app store.
Set goals Social Marketing What do you want out of your social media?
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With your endgame in mind, set goals for your social media marketing and then go about achieving them. Here are some great goals to work towards:
build brand awareness Generate leads and sales Grow your brand audience Increasing community involvement increase web traffic Research Your Target Audience Do not assume, do research and gather facts about your target audience. This is thanks to the wealth of demographic data and social analysis tools at your disposal, and it is not hard to do.
Build Your Most Important Metrics social strategy should always be data-driven - no matter what you're selling. Here are a few social media metrics that matter:
-people such as organic and paid performance hashtag entanglement click reach analyze Competition Before you leave on creating and curating content, you must begin by forming an idea of ​​what your competitors are doing and how they are performing. This is to determine what is working and what is not.
Curation And Creating Engaging Content This is where you come into the substance of the strategy; in fact, all of your social marketing strategy should be centered around your content. At this stage of the guide, you will have a pretty good idea of ​​what to publish in accordance with your brand identity and marketing purposes. You should also feel comfortable in your choice of platform to cover.
Here are some principles to follow when it comes to releasing exciting content:
Video - kind of content is a trend! time-sensitive content and story interactive content Stick with the theme of the content Keep track of your results and Optimize Our final important step is the monitoring of strategies and optimize results. It never ceases to grow and adapt to your  Digital Marketing Agencies in Stafford audience. This is how you can have a social media marketing strategy a winner on your hands.
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Search engine optimization is an indispensable a part of Digital marketing
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Find out why! Digital marketing is an umbrella term for several one-of-a-kind advertising strategies and amongst them, search engine optimization bureaucracy a vital part. That is due to the fact search engine optimization (seo) is accountable for taking the web visibility of a website to a better function. It also allows to increase user site visitors, the price of conversion and fetch lucrative roi. The search engine optimization experts at digital marketing agency stafford are of the opinion that no different Digital marketing tactic can be a hit without a great search engine optimization approach in area. From social media optimisation to content marketing and percent, they are all intricately associated with seo. If you have a internet site or maybe a blog, seo can help grow your business and meet the objectives of your business.
READ MORE: How to gain customer trust abruptly in digital marketing?
Take a look below to recognize why search engine optimization is important. Higher rank in serps: seek engine customers are maximum in all likelihood to click on one of the pinnacle five searches within the serps and with the assist of our search engine optimization optimisation services, you may be able to advantage traffic on your website and accumulate the top role within the consequences pages. We will optimise every of the webpages of your website for the serps so you can be located easily by means of your target market. Higher usability and consumer enjoy: seo services contain optimising web sites as in line with the changing search engine algorithms, leading to improved usability of the internet site, as well as, consumer enjoy. Google, as an example, provide more preference to websites that may be easily navigated and provide users with a good time; therefore, we take the important steps to make websites as person-pleasant as viable so they entice traffic and rank on pinnacle. Gain purchaser accept as true with: net users put in plenty of agree with on web sites that characteristic among the pinnacle five searches within the serps. So, in case you want to construct consumer loyalty, your internet site will should feature within the seek engine and digital marketing agency sheffield crew permit you to acquire that.
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truesportsfan · 5 years
NFL combine: Joe Burrow, Tom Brady madness take center stage
NFL Scouting Combine workouts are moving into prime time, but the real show still happens after hours.
With executives, agents, coaches, scouts and media all gathered for a week in Indianapolis, the combine is a hotbed for backchannel negotiations and speculative buzz created in social settings.
Draft homework is the advertised purpose — 337 prospects were invited to lift, run and jump in a new time slot (4-11 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2-7 p.m. Sunday) — but free agency opens March 18, and the two player addition periods go hand-in-hand.
Here are nine storylines that will take twists and turns at the combine:
1. Will LSU’s Joe Burrow pull an Eli Manning?
The presumptive No. 1 pick grew up in Ohio. The Bengals are atop the draft board and need a quarterback. Perfect match, right? Except the Bengals haven’t won a playoff game since Jan. 6, 1991. Burrow hasn’t campaigned to be the Bengals’ franchise-changer — the way Baker Mayfield did for the Browns in 2018 — and says he has some “leverage,” which prompted speculation he may follow the lead of Manning and force a draft trade by refusing to play for a mismanaged team. Bengals coach Zac Taylor — a sharp young offensive mind — and Burrow need to wow each other in an 18-minute formal interview.
2. Where will Tom Brady play?
The six-time Super Bowl winner can’t officially change teams just yet, but he will be more discussed than any non-rookie at the combine. He can re-sign with the Patriots right now. Or maybe he and the Patriots end speculation and agree to part ways in a joint announcement, like Philip Rivers and the Chargers. ESPN recently reported “no movement” on negotiations. Brady made it clear he will play somewhere. The Cowboys, Chargers, Raiders and Titans are top suitors.
3. Trade market
The Redskins and Giants, picking No. 2 and No. 4 respectively, drafted quarterbacks last year. If the No. 3 Lions stick with Matthew Stafford, all three are possible partners for a team looking to trade up and grab quarterbacks Tua Tagovailoa or Justin Herbert. The No. 5 Dolphins, No. 6 Chargers and No. 7 Panthers are playing a game of chicken by staying put. The No. 12 Raiders and No. 13 Colts could get aggressive. Last year was the first time since 2015 there were no trades in top-five picks.
4. Tua’s test results
Six months ago, Tagovailoa was the clear No. 1 pick. “Tank for Tua” was supposed to be the Dolphins’ two-year plan for the top pick. But Tagovailoa enters the combine with durability red flags, so his biggest test is the extensive medical workup. He suffered two high ankle sprains and a significant hip injury in a 13-month span. Reports are Tagovailoa received positive hip news at his three-month check-up, but will he ever be the same player as when he burst onto the scene as a freshman lefty, throwing Alabama to a national title? He is not expected to participate in on-field drills, just team interviews.
5. What about the rest of the quarterback market?
The Cowboys haven’t yet franchise tagged Dak Prescott. With Drew Brees returning to the Saints, Teddy Bridgewater is looking for a starting job elsewhere and restricted free agent Taysom Hill could be had for a compensatory price. Rivers is a free agent looking to play 1-3 more years. Ryan Tannehill, Jameis Winston and Marcus Mariota are experienced starters scheduled for free agency. Cam Newton and Derek Carr could shake free to join them.
Joe Burrow; Tom BradyGetty Images (2)
6. Tag, you’re it
Tuesday is the first day teams can “tag” their own free agents. In most years, a team can only use the franchise tag or the transition tag. But in 2020 a team can use both tags (two different players) because it is the final year of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The free-agent market will look very different after tags are applied — with top talent like Yannick Ngakoue, Amari Cooper and Shaq Barrett possibly off the market. A tag is a one-year contract. The tagging team can match any free-agent offer. Signing away a franchise-tagged player requires forking over two first-round picks. Stealing a transition-tagged player doesn’t require compensation.
7. CBA negotiations
NFL owners voted to approve a proposed CBA with radical schedule changes and tried to rush the NFLPA into following suit by next week, but the union won’t be bullied. The executive committee might not even let it get to a player vote.
As 10 months of negotiations near desperate times, each side is sure to begin leaking the other’s demands as unreasonable. If a new deal is struck by March 18, it will leave teams scrambling who plan to use both tags.
8. How many impact wide receivers are there?
Draft analysts expect about 20 wide receivers to be selected in the first three rounds. By comparison, there have been 9-14 receivers taken in the first three rounds of the past five drafts. Oklahoma’s CeeDee Lamb and Alabama’s Jerry Jeudy are battling to be first off the board — maybe to the Jets? — but this could be the deepest class ever at the position. In the combine’s premiere television event, Alabama’s Henry Ruggs could break John Ross’ record 40-yard dash time (4.22).
9. Other compelling prospects
Clemson’s Isaiah Simmons played 100 snaps at five different defensive positions. Is he a tweener, or a versatile weapon?
In a draft class short on edge rushers, LSU’s K’Lavon Chaisson could be about to explode, two years removed from a torn ACL.
The NFL will uncover every rock for offensive linemen: Division III prospect Ben Bartch, who gained 80 pounds and transitioned from tight end in college, has scouts’ attention after the Senior Bowl.
Wisconsin’s Jonathan Taylor , Georgia’s D’Andre Swift and Western Michigan’s LeVante Bellamy are the running backs who could shake up your fantasy football league in the fall.
Utah State’s Jordan Love is the quarterback who could shoot up the first round.
source https://truesportsfan.com/sport-today/nfl-combine-joe-burrow-tom-brady-madness-take-center-stage/
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endenogatai · 5 years
Real estate fintech platform Immo Investment Technologies raises €11M Series A
Immo Investment Technologies, a London-based fintech startup that purchase homes on behalf of buy-to-let investors, has closed €11M in Series A funding.
Backing the round is Talis Capital and HV Holtzbrinck Ventures, with participation from Tom Stafford and Rahul Mehta of DST Global, Mato Peric of MPGI, among others. In addition, the company is disclosing that it has raised over €100 million in real estate “buyer capital”.
It will use the buyer capital to fund the acquisition of properties — targeting private individuals who want to sell their property quickly. It then refurbishes these properties and puts them on the rental market as part of a fully-managed package, therefore returning a predictable yield to investors.
Immo says it has already evaluated over 10,000 for-sale apartments in the launch city of Hamburg. It claims its technology can accurately predict property sales prices, as well as current and future rental income prices.
“Immo buys residential properties directly from consumers on behalf of professional investors, thereby helping consumers sell their home in a fast, reliable, transparent and convenient way and providing investors with desired residential asset exposure at scale,” explains Hans-Christian Zappel, the startup’s co-founder and CEO.
“Immo tenants enjoy a well invested, fully furnished long-term rental product and a highly standardised and professionally managed lettings experience”.
As well as serving investors and tenants, Immo is also targeting property owners that want to sell their home quickly, with less hassle, and without the expense of using an estate agent. “With Immo, consumers go through one viewing, receive an offer within 24 hours and then sell to us without any agency fees and free of worries about financing risks or changing minds,” says Zappel.
The ability to transact “fast and confidently” is based on the company’s data and tech-driven approach to understanding markets and assets, says the Immo co-founder. “We replace instinct and gut-based valuations, with data; we call this the ‘Immo Intelligence’,” he adds.
In this regard, it echoes similar claims made by Nested, another London-based fintech company aiming to remove the uncertainties surrounding selling a property.
“Using our inspection technology we collect a proprietary set of 281 data points about every property,” continues Zappel. “Everything from ceiling height, decibel noise levels, wall dampness, lumen levels to water pressure gets measured. The resulting asset information is then combined with a hyperlocal market assessment which is based on two automated valuation models that use historical transaction and lettings data as well as environmental data such as traffic flow, crime statistics, average school/restaurant/cafe ratings, average AirBnb ratings in the area, social media activity, distance to supermarkets/places of worship, etc. to come up with the price we are able to offer to the seller”.
Based on its machine learning model, Immo claims to be able to do the financial underwriting of a property “in a matter of minutes,” a process that when done manually can take days.
Meanwhile, traditional real estate brokers are arguably Immo’s most direct competitors, but they tend to charge high fees and don’t provide a standardised experience for sellers. “They sell the hope for a quick and convenient sale to a customer that is helpless. Immo actually delivers on that promise,” says Zappel.
He also argues that Immo isn’t currently competing directly with other “iBuyer” models, such as those operated by OpenDoor, Nested, and Casavo. “We are not in the same country market [yet],” he says, “but fundamentally these players are trying to address a similar problem for the consumer”.
“Immo’s C2B model – buying from consumers, selling to investors – is in our view superior to the C2C model [of] buying from consumers, [and] selling to consumers,” adds Zappel. One reason is that Immo is able to operate a “balance sheet light” model, in which properties don’t sit on its balance sheet and therefore is arguably less exposed than some other “iBuyer” models.
Immo generates revenue from investors that pay the startup a fee for sourcing, assessing and acquiring property assets. In addition, the company receives a subscription fee for ongoing portfolio management. “We don’t take any fees from the seller, nor from tenants,” says Zappel.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/34vrByO via IFTTT
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