#So why not make it a greeting too? XD
captain039 · 25 days
Cold morning
Hugh Jackman x reader
Warnings: swearing. Fluff, age gap
Blurb: That big jacket oodie thing Hugh wore while filming. XD
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It’s cold, it’s freeze your tits off kind of cold. Your shivering, your teeth might as well be chattering. Your miserable heading to the set, wishing you didn’t have to get out the car and the nice heater that finally warmed up on your drive over, wishing you didn’t have to wake up, it was gonna be a shit day. You grumble hiding under your hoodie as you make your way over to the set. You’ve got about ten layers on and you’re still fricken cold.
“Hey hood” you frown but smile when you see Hugh.
“Hey” you greet raising an eyebrow at whatever long ass jumper he’s got on.
“You look cold” he grins and you huff rolling your eyes.
“Yeah well some of us don’t get special, whatever that is” you say gesturing to him as you head under a tent. You shuffle through some things hands shaking, fingers numb, you hate gloves, hate the feel of them, so cold fingers it is.
“Why don’t you have gloves?” Hugh frowns by you grabbing your hands stopping you from what you’re doing.
“Cause they’re icky” you say and he raises an eyebrow and laughs making you pout.
“I’m teasing princess, but icky?” He repeats saying the word funnily. You shake your head and smile. His hands are so warm though cupped around yours.
“How are you so damn warm?” You say wanting to huddle against him like penguin. He chuckles softly bringing your hands to his mouth to blow on them. There’s a rush of warm air and your heart beat picks up a notch.
“I can warm you up” he grins and you raise an eyebrow not sure how to take it. He bunches up the large blanket like jacket he’s got on and suddenly you’re draped under it. You yelp in surprise as he unzips the top slightly so your head can pop out. You’re laughing though, you’re surprised you both fit in this thing but damn is he warm.
“You’re a damn heater!” You say and he grins.
“Put your arms around me” he says and you hesitate but do. You groan softly at how warm he is, you lean your head against his chest and close your eyes sighing. His arms go around you rubbing your back warming you up more and you swear you’ve died and gone to heaven.
“Better?” He says after some silence and you hum nuzzling closed if you could. He chuckles and you feel his lips press to your hairline making your cheeks flush.
“Hey Hugh” you hear Ryan and jolt a bit, he’s gonna tease you non stop for this.
“Hey Ryan” Hugh responds not letting you go.
“What ya got there?” Ryan laughs and you know he knows a groan leaving your lips.
“Oh you’ve captured a live Y/n” Ryan laughs popping into your view and you flush.
“She’s ice cold” Hugh says.
“Oh I bet she was” Ryan’s got this evil glint in his eyes and you glare at him mouthing ‘no’ at him.
“Toasty now?” He asks grinning.
“I hate you” you say and he laughs as does Hugh. You turn your head away from the man and he just snickers like an evil villain.
“I’ll leave you two be” Ryan says and you groan again letting out a huff.
“You warmer now?” Hugh asks voice softer after Ryan’s left. You nod but you don’t let go making the older man chuckle.
“Alright, hang on shuffle this way with me” he says and you shuffle with him.
“I’m gonna sit down ready, fall with me” you frown wondering how the hell this is gonna work exactly. He sits and you do fall, laughing as you do. Hugh’s hands grip your thighs though through the material and hoists you up so your knees are by his hips and you’re in his lap. You’re blushing furiously, you’ve forced the zip down a little more too. You’re looking slightly down at him, your top half out in the cold and you shiver again.
“I don’t see how this works” you laugh the zip half way undone.
“Lay on me” he says and you’re trying to ignore your heart racing. You really want to lean in the moment and you allow yourself too. You shuffle back on his legs and lay on his chest as he zips up the jacket again. Oh this is so much better.
You sag against him everything you were miserable about gone, shivering gone. You feel high shuffle and feel his arms snake around your body instead. You frown a bit seeing his hands gone from the sleeves of the large jacket.
“How you feeling?” He asks and you smile.
“Better now” you close your eyes.
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How about headcanons for luci x reader and alastor x reader where they neglect reader and they have to fix it? I just need some fluffy diabetical sweet hurt-comfort xD if you could please 🙏 ☺️
WAP-BAP-BOOM ALAKAZAM here's a thing. I hope you don't mind I make it pre-relationship because I love me some pining
Lucifer x Reader, Alastor x Reader
Summary: Your friend has been avoiding you lately. You spiral and wonder what you did wrong.
Warnings: Anxiety go brrrrrr. Alastor is a low-key stalker, but not in a creepy way? more like a.... 'i adore you from afar' way. Luci disassociates hardcore. Reader does too.
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Alastor started drifting away when he realized he enjoyed having you around
He couldn't find a twisted justification for it and he just couldn't handle it
He didn't want your soul, he had no real use for you, and yet he wanted you with him
So he pushed you away without much thought.
With no explanation to you, btw
Deer boy mcgee wouldn't be (intentionally) rude or hostile towards you, but certainly more aloof.
Conversations turned into curt greetings and goodbyes
Times spent lounging around in the same room turned into a little wave here and there
Attentive listening to your venting shifted to a 'Well that's not good. Tootaloo!' before he left
The guy didn't even ramble about HIS stuff with you anymore
It hurt.
You didn't know why he was suddenly so distant with you. But surely you did something WRONG, right?
You always do something wrong
So you just had to fix it. But you needed to find out what 'it' was
When you passed by him in the hallway one day, he gave his increasingly-common wave before waltzing right by you-
"Wait, Alastor?"
He glanced at you, tilting his head at an unnatural angle. His smile was too tight.
"Did I....Did I do something wrong?"
His eye twitched.
Absolutely not, he'd think. You could do no wrong in his eyes (though his ethics were slightly askew so that might not mean much)
But you looked absolutely distraught
You were trying to cover it up - you always do - but he could tell.
He watches you a lot
"Of course not, my dear!"
"...why are you avoiding me, then?"
He didn't have a lie ready and his usual quick wit appears to have failed him
Looking at your eyes. Your lovely, currently tearing up eyes-
No no no no no
He turned his attention to you fully, gently cupping the side of your face in one hand.
"Oh, my dear, no need for the waterworks. You did nothing wrong, I assure you."
"Don't lie to me, please. just- just what did I do? I'll fix it..."
He'd typically murder someone for making you feel like this. However, he was the one making you feel like this so that complicated things.
He leaned down, gently kissing away the forming tears at the corner of your eye.
"Simply...sorting some things out, dearest. You did nothing wrong. I just... Need some space."
Why were you staring at him like that?
Did he say something cruel?
Why was your face such a bright red-
"Well, i best be off! Let's meet for tea later, yes?"
You numbly agreed and he quickly said another farewell before shadow-travelling to who-knows-where
You gently touched the cheek had had been so gently holding earlier, a small, giddy smile on your lips
"Something to sort out, huh?"
Well. You couldn't wait until he finished that up.
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Lucifer had no intentions of being distant
Unfortunately...that just...kind of happens
Maybe that's why Lillith got sick of him
When you're older than all of humanity, time doesn't quite flow the same for him as it does for you.
Add his tendency to detach himself from everything and that gets even more complicated.
But he was doing so well for a while!
He'd leave his room often, he'd talk to Charlie and the other hotel-people, he'd like. Leave the building sometimes.
Maybe it was because he was doing so well that it seemed to you like he suddenly stopped caring.
Or maybe he was sick of you?
You could be pretty annoying sometimes...
You ramble and hyper-fixate and suck at emoting...
OH SHIT yeah he was...probably sick of you
Several days of being mopey later and Charlie ended up talking with you. When you told her what gives, she pretty much confirmed what you feared.
"AGH! He ALWAYS does this!"
"Hun, take a deep breath. Maybe something happened?" Vaggie said, putting a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.
Charlie's words already had you spiraling.
He ALWAYS did this?
Was...Lucifer just like that?
Your Luci was like that?
Luckily Nifty happened by at that moment, sweeping up the floor with manic glee.
Her big ol' eye watched the scene and she casually stated
"His majesty hasn't moved for like, four days. I know, I dusted him. He's just staring at the wall like this."
Nifty made her eye go comically larger, mouth pressed into a firm frown. Then her usual expression popped back up and she went back to scrubbing everything.
"....oh." You murmured as Charlie was panicking and screaming how her father was dead.
Vaggie managed to calm her down enough for you to explain what disassociating was.
You had a good amount of experience with it
Charlie proceeded to put her face in her hands and feel horrible.
You went to comfort her, but Vaggie stopped you and motioned to the stairs with a tilt of her head.
Oh....Okay, she got the Charlie and you got the Luci
You scuttled away to Lucifer's room
Lo' and behold, the Nifty was correct.
Kind of.
He wasn't exactly sitting there staring at a wall, but he was hunched over his workdesk with his head in his arms.
You put a hand on his back, between his shoulder blades.
"You okay, Luci?"
It took him a moment to respond, but he did. Looking up at you with rather dull eyes.
Which suddenly turned comically large as he sprang up and flailed about, squishing your face between his hands.
His expression went from numb to panic to absolute rage in a span of a couple seconds and it was giving you whiplash.
"Who made you cry?" He growled..
Oh yeah you were crying earlier
It was so horribly ironic you laughed, tears spilling down your cheeks. Luci blinked one eye at a time.
You explained why you cried- that you thought he was sick of you.
He offered to punch himself in the face.
That made you laugh again and you hugged him without thinking, clinging onto the silly gnome-looking man like you'd be erased if you let go
He returned the gesture in kind.
Lucifer clung onto you, pressing his forehead between your neck and shoulder, laughing in shakey, watery breaths
"What are we even laughing about!?" You cackled, tears still rolling
"No idea but I needed it." Lucifer chuckled. He nuzzled your neck, his breath steadying.
"Thank you, starling." he really needed it.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
Onesie Party
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SUMMARY: Ace and Deuce, with a hint from Cater and financially support from Kalim, gave you a costume made Grim onesie. And decided to throw a surprise (to only you) onesie party at Ramshackle Dorm and invite all the students you knew. Onesies were the mandatory dress code!
CHARACTERS: All NRC Students. (Leona is mentioned because, let’s face it, he would only wear a onesie if he was forced to)
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader.
COMMENTS: I'm new at posting here on tumblr. This is the first thing I write as a fan of something. I already read other things like this here and I enjoyed them. One night I was wearing my own onesie and got this idea. I also like to write so, why not?
I hope you enjoy reading. I did enjoy writing it.
BTW: English isn't my first language.
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You were on Ramshackle Dorm. It was already late night, and you were getting ready to go to bed when you decided to make one last check at your Magicam.
You had a massage from Cater. He sent to you a post. It was a photo of someone wearing a black cat onesie with red fire in its ears.
Cater: It reminded me of Gri-Chan
Cater: they're making custom onesie!!
Cater: a Grim onesie would be so adorbs!!!!!
Cater: and you'd look so cuuute on one ;)
That made you giggle. You checked the post just to confirm what you´ve already thought.
You: They’re sooo CUTE!!!
You: I would love to have a Grim onesie but…
You: they’re so expensive :(
You: That and Grim would probably tease me about it and his ego would inflate even more -.-
Cater: hahahahaha He would do that because he would love to see you in that too XD
Cater: but yah... it's a shame it's so expensive :(
Cater: Ow... I need to go... Don't want to lose my head to be up past hours
Cater: nighty night~
You: good night ~
Little did you know Cater would tell your two dummy best friends about the onesie thing.
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It was a chilly night, some days after that chat, and the sun was just a few seconds of set, when you heard a knock on the front door.
Grim smelled the air. “I smell FOOD!” he said, rushing to the door.
You hear Ace and Deuce's voices. And then you see them appear in the lounge where you were sitting on the sofa. If you were drinking something, you would have spit it out or choked on your laughter.
Besides having some bags with snacks, they were also wearing onesies. Ace had an ace of hearts onesie and Deuce had a two of spades onesie. They say that line of onesies were made based on the Queen of Hearts card soldier.
Ace was loud when he greeted you. Deuce was probably still embarrassed about the situation.
“You look so adorbs!” You said, purposely imitating Cater, and laughing. That made Deuce blush a little.
“HA ha ha. I know right?” Ace said, “But don’t think can escape from join us.”
“I would love to, but unfortunately for you, I don't have a onesie.”
“Are you sure?” Ace took out one of the things Deuce carried in one of the bags.
“OI!” Deuce protested. And Ace threw you a paper bag. Like a package that arrived in the mail. When you picked it up, you realized that by the softness, inside the bag there should be some kind of clothing.
You opened the bag while they took the snacks out of the bags and placed them on the table. And unfurling a gray onesie with a trifurcated tail, blue fire coming out of the cat ears and a black and white striped bow around the neck, which the zipper handle being a pendant.
“Don't just stand there looking at it. Go dress it before the party starts!”
“Party?! What party?!”
Ace had a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Sorry, (Y/N).” Deuce said, “I wanted to tell you, but they wanted it to be a surprise.”
“They? You mean there more people than you two who are involved in this?”
“Of course.” Ace said, “That thing was expensive. Who do you think we tricked to… I mean, who do you think offered to pay for the whole thing when he knew about it?”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. And someone else nocked at the door. Either it was a huge coincidence or a great timing. You put the onesie on the sofa and went to open the door.
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Kalim’s greeting was as warm as always. He was wearing a red parrot onesie. He had his signature smile, until he saw your clothes.
“Oh, did we come too soon? Ace and Deuce haven’t arrived yet? I hope I didn't ruin the surprise.”
“Oh no. They are here. I just haven't put on my onesie yet.”
He sighed with relief “I got scared for a second. Then go try it one! I can’t wait to see how it looks on you!”
You smiled “Ok, I’ll go. After you enter.”
Kalim wasn't carrying anything, but the person who came in after him and greeted you had about three boxes stacked in his arms. You controlled your laughter because you knew he wouldn't like that. But Jamil looked so cute in his dark red snake onesie. You felt the need to say something.
“Don't be mad at me, but you look kinda cute on that.”
“D-don’t worry. I’m not mad” and he quickly balanced the boxes on one arm to pull the hood up to cover his blushing face with the other. “Thanks.” He whispered. That just made it worse. He was now even cuter.
You went to one of the empty rooms to change to your new onesie. When you returned to the lounge all the boys ware looking at you the same way, but Kalim was the one saying what probably all of them were thinking.
“Aw! You look so cute (Y/N)!”
“Myahaha. Looks like we find the perfect uniform for my hench-human.”
And before you could say something back, another knocks the door. You were so excited about seeing another NRC student in a cute onesie than you almost rush to the door.
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OMG. Now it was Trey and Cater on a three of clubs and four of diamonds onesies. They'll tell you that the four card soldier onesies pack was on discount, so they took it. And of course, Trey brought one of his cakes. Like Deuce, Trey was a little embarrassed. But Cater...
“OGS, you look cuter that I thought! I need a pic of us (Y/N)!”
(OGS = Oh Great Seven)
They entered and after them… surprise of surprises:
“Riddle?!” It was already too late to try to sound less cooked. And he was wearing a red hedgehog onesie. “I-I didn’t thought… um…”
“Think, (Y/N), I didn't think.” He corrected you. maybe because he would anyways, or maybe to try to soften the soft blush that was already starting to form. “Well, since you always go to our unbirthday parties when invited, and sometimes even help preparing them, I thought the minimum I could do to show my appreciation was to attend to one of your parties.”
After he entered, something on the back of the onesie caught your eye. You weren't looking at that, swear! But that little round tail was so cute.
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A few minutes later, new knockings on the door.
“Kalim?” You asked, “How many people did you invite?”
“Well, to be honest, I was thinking about inviting all the students at school. But Jamil said that you could not like that especially because it was a surprise party, so he suggested only invited the people you know.”
You smiled at Jamil as saying thank you.
“So I only invited… um, let me see… Jamil, Riddle, Trey, Cater, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Vil, Rook, Epel…”
Another knock interrupted Kalim’s list. Whoever it was from that list, it was better to open the door and fast.
Ruggie was wearing a hyena onesie. You were as happy to see him as he was to see you but... “Isn’t it a little bit… weird for you?” You asked.
“Hey! I'm a very loyal guy to my roots. Shehe.”
“That and Leona-senpai said it was either that or a lion onesie.” Jack said. He will revel to you that Leona was the one paying for Ruggie's onesie. and he wanted to buy the lion one for Ruggie, just to mess with him, but eventually Ruggie convinced him to buy the hyena one. Jack himself was wearing a dark blue onesie with little stars and little moons that glowed in the dark, what made you look confused and with a lot of questions at him.
Jack blushed. “L-listen, it's a long story. It was the only thing I had. I bought this a couple of years ago because of my little sister. I can explain it later...”
You didn’t saw anyone else with them. “Oh, what a shame Leona couldn’t come.” You say to Ruggie with a smirk on your face. Despite you really wanting to see him in a cute onesie, you know he wouldn’t do such thing.
And speaking of him, if you’re questioning why Leona would buy Ruggie a onesie just for that party. They made a deal. And Ruggie’s part of the deal was sneakily snap some pictures of your pretty figure on that cute onesie for Leona. And maybe he would save some copies to himself too.
Them entered and you saw that Ruggie’s onesie covered his entire back. So, his little tail was inside. Unlike Jack's tail, which poked out of his onesie and struggled not to wag like a happy dog’s one.
After the two of them entered the lounge, Ace started messing with Jack, and Ruggie started messing with Riddle because of they’re onesies. Nothing to make neither of them too mad, but it made you star worrying about other possible gests.
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Not long after, you open the door again.
“Awww... why an azarashi-chan onesie? You should have got a Shrimp one.” Floyd whined. “Ne Jade?”
“He Floyd.” His Twin agreed “Oh, but you still look adorable on that direbeast onesie.”  After Ruggie, it was no surprise seeing them on eels onesies. The funniest thing about their onesies was the feet getting out of the onesie while the tail continued a little further back.
But honestly, even more funny was Azul in front of them. Was he using an octopus onesie? Unfortunately for you, no. He was wearing a… business onesies! A onesie that looked like a suit. How did he even find one of those? You could have asked if you didn't just start laughing.
Azul looked a little upset about your laugh.
“I told you that one was stupid.” Floyd said. “You should have got a cute one.”
“I didn’t want a cute one.” Azul said back to Floyd, and then asked you: “Is there something wrong about the onesie I chose?”
“No, no.” You assured him, still giggling a little. “There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just that I never saw a onesie liked that. I didn’t even know those existed.”
“I would rather see Azul on an octopus onesie myself as well.” Jade said with his signature smile that only the people who knew him knew it was a mocking smile.
“Absolutely not!” Azul reiterated. And as if trying to change the subject of the conversation. “Though, (Y/N), despite the preferences of my colleagues, I may say that you look wonderful in those clothes.” Oh, he tried to control the blush, but little did he know it was stronger than his wishes.
The Tweels smiled mischievously but didn’t say anything about it. Looking at them and thinking about the people that were already on the lounge, you realised something. You opened your arms in a signal for them not to enter yet.
“Wait, just… Can I please ask you something?” you opened your arms in a signal for them not to enter yet. But you quickly remember when you saw their, let's say, villainous smiles. You wanted a favor from the Fish Mafia, hum?
“Of course, prefect.” Azul said with his charming smile. “Anything you wish. You already should know that.”
There was only one thing you could use to your advantage when dealing with those three. And especially in this situation. They soften when their poor unfortunate souls are cute.
“Can you please not anger anyone? You know, teasing them about the onesies? I wanted everyone to enjoy the party.” You asked with only the necessary amount of puppy eyes.
“Anger anyone?” Floyd repeated, then smiled. “Is kingyo-chan here?”
Time to increase the puppy eyes, directed at both at Floyd and Azul. And while Azul was thinking you thought of a possible offer to Floyd. “I'll buy a shrimp onesie!”
Floyd’s smile softened and warmed. “Really~? And would you visit me with it dressed at Octavinelle whenever I ask you~?”
“Not whenever you ask.” You stood.
“And what if we set a maximum limit?” Jade said, as if that deal was of his interest as well. “Once a week maximum?”
“Once a month.”
“Twice a month” Floyd pouted.
“Fine. Twice a month maximum.”
“Okay~! What do you think Azul?”
“Um… Allow me to be the one selling the onesie to you, and we have a deal.”
You signed. “Fine.”
“It’s a deal then, my dear (Y/N). It’s always a pleasure to do them with you.”
If it makes you feel better, remember that you just made a dela with them while everyone wearing onesies. And little did Azul know he would be teased for his choice of onesie as well. At least Jamil had that to counterattack.
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Next knocks on the door.
“Beauté! Oh, Trickster, your onesie is magnifique! Such clothing specially designed based on a close friend! What a wonderful show of beautiful bonds.” And Rook did it again, made you blush with his flourish. “Ah~” he whispered at you with a smile. “And of course, you could get even more beautiful.” He was wearing a light purple bear onesie.
“Rook, don’t spoil (Y/N) already with your complements.” Vil said. He was wearing a peacock onesie. He looked at you and smiled. “But I agree, it is a pretty cosy sight to behold. I even dare say you may look better than Grim himself.”
You smiled, still blushing. “Don’t say that in front of him.”
They entered and finally you see your fellow Pomefiore freshman. Epel was wearing a purple onesie with white lines with little drawings (like a Christmas onesie, but purple instead of red). But the biggest surprise was seeing him with his excited smile. You would think he from all people wouldn't like a party like this. I mean, it's kind of hard looking anything other than cute on a onesie. But he seems looking forward to the party.
“Ah! I love your onesie.” You tell him.
“Thanks! My grandma did it for me some time ago. I never had the opportunity to use it with other people wearing their own onesies too!”
“I also told him that he wouldn't need to worry about being the only one being called cute on this party.” Vil said.
“Oh! I'm eager to see what our dear schoolmates chose to wear on this night.”
“Um, Rook?” You ask before he continued followed the other two to the lounge.
“I’m curious. Epel is wearing a onesie that his grandmother made. Vil is wearing, well, the animal that I most associated with him.” You giggle. “But I was wondering why you’ve chose a bear?”
He smiled at you. “I’m glad I picked your curiosity.” Rook had his, let’s say, hunter smile on his face. “Well, since you’re the host, I may tell you. You see, I always found fascinating by how a huge beast like a bear could turn into a soft and cute toy for children. Both an efficient predator and a fluffy friend. I thought it was a good fit for both the party and me. Wouldn't you agree, trickster?”
“Indeed.” you smiled, slightly worried.
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Some minutes later, more knock on the door.
“HIII, prefect!” And you thought Ortho couldn't look cuter. He was wearing a magenta onesie with little horns, and with the ways he was moving you were able to glance a pointy tail behind him as well. He even changed his flames hair colour to match the onesie. “Wow! The Grim-san onesie is so cool! It looks so good on you.”
"Thank you. Your onesie is so cool too."
“Ha ha, thank you. They are from characters we really like. We thought it would be cool to matching clothes for this kind of party.”
“We? Matching?”
“And I’m already regretting that.” You heard a familiar deep voice saying somewhere outside.
“Ni-san! Come on, you said you wanted to show everyone how superior our onesies are.” Then he imitated Idia's voice. “There's no way those guys have better onesies than this. I personally upgraded mine from their standard self to accommodate my shut-in needs.”
“Fine, fine… you don't need to info-dump everything in one line of dialog.”
Instead of waiting for Idia to came out of his hiding place, you snick out your head to find him crouching to the wall close to the door.
“Heep! N-no need to jump-scare me.” He was wearing a onesie similar to Ortho’s, but his was teal, and the horns were longer than Ortho's. He was using the hoodie to hide his face, despite the long blue flames of hair that lit him. You could also see the pointy tail lying on the ground.
“Sorry.” Your eyes widened. “Your onesies are so cool! And the fact they’re matching is so adorable.”
Idia looked up at you, saw your cat ears with flames that match his own hair, and the ends of that same hair began to turn pink.
“(Y/N), could you help me convince my brother to enter the party. Please.” The please wasn't needed, he was asking you with his cute little brother's voice, and you existed heart couldn’t say no to that. That and you also wanted Idia in the party.
“Um… If I tell you some of the onesies others are wearing, would you feel more comfortable?”
“That could be considered a spoiler but… yah… If the game offers you some hint about the element of your opponent’s attacks, you’re a noob for not taking advantage of that.” And with it he at least got up. Making you be the one looking up.
“Let me see… Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater are matching to. They’re card soldiers.”
“Um… I think I saw the pack online…”
“Riddle is a red hedgehog.”
“WHA-? Riddle-shi is here?! And on a hedgehog onesie?!”
“Right? I was as chocked as you.”
“Well, from the small sample my theory still holds.” Idia whispered with a smug smile.
“So, will you enter with me Ni-san?”
“Y-yes. I-I can go with you.”
Ortho happily thanked you and tugged his big brother by his onesie sleeve. After they entered you could see in both onesies a little pair of demon wings.
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You were still waiting for someone else. But it seemed to be taking longer than the others.
“Kalim. Please tell me that you didn’t forget to invite de guys from Diasomnia.”
“I could swear I invited everyone… AH! That's what I forgot to tell Lilia in music club meeting!”
“What?! You didn’t invite them?!”
“Don’t warry, (Y/N).” Jamil said to you. “I made sure to go to the music club room after their meeting was over and I came across Lilia on the corridor. I can assure you that I informed him of the party.”
You could hug and kiss this boy right there and then and it shown on your eyes. “Oh Jamil, you’re the best!” he said it was nothing as he hid his face in his onesie's hoodie.
Despite that, you were only relieved when you finally heard another knock on the door. You open it with an expectant smile on your face and...
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Aaaahh! Lilia!” you scold.
Lilia just did one of his popped out of nowhere upside-down things. This time appearing on the top of your door trim.
“Fuhuhu. Forgive me, but I couldn’t resist.” He said as he turned to land his feet on the floor. He was wearing a black dragon onesie, with fluffy horns and tail and a purple belly.
You looked at him, he looked at you.
“You look so cute!” you both said to each other at the same time. And while you were laugh it off, three tallest figures appeared behind Lilia.
They were all wearing the same black dragon onesies. The only exception was that Malleus' onesie didn't have the fluffy horns. Instead, there were holes on the hoodie specially made for his real horns take the place of the fake ones. He had his charming, delighted smile on. The smile he always has when he's invited for something.
“Indeed, that is certainly a flattering attire. Especially on you, Child of Man.”
“Thank you.” You smiled and blush. “Come on in! I want to see your onesies better.”
“HA!” Sebek yelled. “A human capable of understand the grandiosity of waka-sama to be willing to admire his figure in such admirable garment.” He was probably calling the onesie admirable because it was design based on the dragon form of the Thorn Fairy.
This also made a sleeping Silver standing next to Malleus wake up. He sighed. “I knew this onesie was too comfortable.” He was the last one entering the hall.
It was funny seeing Sebek so proud for using a dragon’s onesie alongside his Waka-sama. Seeing sleepy Silver on that onesie was one of the cutest sights of the night. But you also felt sorry for him because he was struggling more than usual to stay awake.
And Malleus, the warm way he was looking at you on your Grim onesie plus how cute he was on his, you suddenly felt like hugging him. He would probably like it. Sebek wouldn't.
You told them they could join the others on the lounge, and they started walking there. But you saw Malleus staying behind with you, and with a little help from Lilia, the other two didn't realise it. The moment they walked in the lounge you heard Sebek starting an argument with Ace about their onesies.
“Is something wrong, Tsunotarou?”
“Do you remember me giving you permission to touch my horns?”
“Yes.” And you already did it once or twice.
“I know they are part of your suit, but would you allow me to touch your ears?”
It took you a moment to finally answer with a wanna-be smug smile. “You can touch them, if you're willing to suffer the consequences for the audacity.” And you even dared to try to strike one of Malleus' powerful poses.
“Ha ha ha ha.” You successfully made him give you one of his genuine laughs. “Fine then. I have never been one to cowered over anything.” He got closer to you, reached out his hands and started petting your cat ears.
And while he was entertained by that, you hugged him. He widened his eyes looking down at you on his chest.
“The consequences.” You told him. What made him giggled and return the hug.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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eggluverz · 1 year
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PAIRING. jing yuan x gn!reader
SUMMARY. the general is drowning in work, and the mid-autumn festival is the perfect excuse to take a break.
SOF'S NOTE. i know it's late but i wanted to get this out still hehe hope you still enjoy the moon festival cuteness even though i missed it xD i've been in a jing yuan mood lately ngl i just wanna cuddle and have a lazy day with him :> pls enjoy!!
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You knew autumn was in the air as you walked down the streets of the Exalting Sanctum with a bag of fried songlotus roots from a nearby vendor. The trees carefully scattered throughout the streets were now vibrant shades of orange and yellow; you could feel the crisp wind blowing around you. 
And while you were able to enjoy your time outside work, visiting the bustling Mid-Autumn Fesitval in Aurum Alley, you knew the general was not. 
In fact, you hadn’t seen your partner in days now because of how busy he has been lately. You weren’t even sure if he managed to escape work within the past week. 
With a sigh, you sadly munched on another songlotus root. That simply wouldn’t do. 
You understood Jing Yuan was busy trying to keep the Preceptors out of his hair while dealing with the threat of the Stellaron on the Xianzhou. And while you knew how important it was, you also knew Jing Yuan could delegate some of his tasks. He could free up just a bit of time to enjoy the festival before it came to an end for the year. 
As you approached the Seat of Divine Foresight, you were determined to accomplish just that— Get the general to come along and explore Aurum Alley with you. 
“How are you doing, General?” you drawled, walking over to his desk and peeking behind his stacks of papers. 
He blinked blearily before a small smile formed on his face at the sight of you. “Why, I’m having the time of my life. And you?” 
You went around to his seat and gave him a brief kiss in greeting. Your hand cupped his cheek as you smoothed the dark circles under his eyes. Jing Yuan sighed and leaned into you touch.
“I’m doing well,” you said. “Would be better if you could attend the festival with me.”
He chuckled at that. 
“I know you must be having so much fun working, but I promise I can make your Mid-Autumn Festival experience even better than this,” you sang, plucking the pen from his hands and placing it flat on his desk. 
“You certainly drive a tempting offer.”
“Then accept.” 
“Perhaps I will.”
You cheered as he laughed, setting his papers aside and standing up follow you out. Like the gentleman he was, Jing Yuan extended his hand out for you to hold. You accepted graciously and the two of you walked hand-in-hand out of his office and to Aurum Alley.
It was a long walk, but time always felt short with Jing Yuan. Minutes passed by too quickly and you found yourself always wanting to spend more time with him. 
Night had come by the time you arrived in Aurum Alley, and you had just made it in time to see the lanterns lighting up the sky. The warm, twinkling lights of the lanterns lit up the dark night, planting a seed of awe in you as you watched the festivities happily. You felt a stare pointed in your direction and you knew it was Jing Yuan looking at you in admiration.
You turned back to him and tapped his chin upwards. “You should be ogling at the lanterns, not me!” 
“Can a man not do both?” 
With a giggle, you rested your head against his chest. He was warm and inviting, and you were glad he could escape his life as the general for just a little bit to enjoy this scenery with you.
“Have you tried Tall Auntie’s mooncakes this year?” you asked, feeling your stomach grumble as you took in the delicious scents around you. “I swear, it tastes even better than before!” 
“I have not.” Jing Yuan shook his head, tucking your hand back into the safety of his own. “Shall we go?”
You nodded and skipped along, excited to have another one of her mooncakes. While mooncakes could be found everywhere, in all parts of the galaxy, Tall Auntie added the Luofu touch. The filling had a mixture of red bean paste and custard made from puffergoat milk— You almost drooled at the thought. 
Noticing the dreamy look on your face, Jing Yuan laughed. He wiped the corner of your lip, eyes bright with amusement. “You have something here.” 
So, perhaps you did drool at the thought. 
Smiling sheepishly, you wiped at your mouth. “I suppose I’m craving it now. You’ll love it too, trust me.”
“I’m certain I will.” 
As the two of your approached Tall Auntie’s food stall, you ordered two specialty mooncakes and found a secluded area to munch on them. There was a bench surrounded by trees and buildings, with a view of the lanterns growing smaller and smaller in the sky, and you thought it was a perfect place to enjoy your snack. 
“What do you think?” you said, eagerly watching him take the first bite. 
Jing Yuan closed his eyes in contentment, leaning back against the wall. For a moment, he said nothing. He simply chewed, savoring each flavor as it hit his tongue. When he swallowed, he opened his eyes and nodded at you. “Delicious.”
You beamed and he ruffled the top of your head. 
“It’s just what I needed after a long week of work.” 
“You deserve it,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Even the hardworking general deserves a break.” You took a bite of your pastry and hummed in contentment. “And a mooncake.” 
Jing Yuan nodded in agreement, shutting his eyes and allowing his heavy body to relax into your touch. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“Anytime. And after, we’re going straight home and sleeping in bed.”
His eyes opened at that, a teasing crinkle on his nose. “I propose we partake in some other activities in bed before we sleep tonight.” 
You laughed at his boldness, glancing around to make sure no one else heard. “Jing Yuan!” 
“My love,” he replied. 
The warmth in your heart grew as you snuggled against him once more. “Okay, but only if you get me another mooncake first.”
“You have a deal.” 
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primejourney · 9 days
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Here is my drawing for the LESSONS prompt (late by a few days). I wanted to take my time with things since I was having so much fun with it :D
I wanted an excuse to draw Ingo is his butler outfit, and “lessons” immediately reminded me of how he asked Darach for butler advice in Pokémon Masters! (…I have never actually played that game lol. I like watching the juicy lore bits on YouTube >D>;)
Even though he stated he felt he didn’t have much to teach, I like to think he gave Ingo some pointers (especially since Ingo really thought he needed it! But little does he know, he’s already quite a natural haha)
More comments under the cut
I’m also not sure if this is in character for Ingo, but I was too tempted to try more extreme expressions on his muppet face XD I get the vibe he might tend to overthink things at times, given how in the game he discussed thinking hard about the future (which is why he has adopted the “keep moving forward and see what the future brings!” ideals…perhaps Emmet had his own way of overthinking things as well, given how hard he thought about singing as a butler or not lol). And I tend to be one myself XD so it felt a bit cathartic to draw I suppose
Oh! It was also fun to see how a little bit of @choochooboss ‘s art style bled into my drawing. I really adore the way this artist draws them (really, it inspired me a lot to start drawing again!). ChooChoo, you really make them look so darn handsome! <3
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k-germsworld · 9 months
🎉 Birthday Event 🎉
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Sowon x M! Reader
Requested. I have made some changes to the request so I can prevent repeating the same scene Enjoy XD
3k words
‘1207’, the 7th of December is always a special day for Sowon. It’s her birthday. She usually holds a birthday live every year to interact with fans to repay their support.
She felt that every birthday had the same process, so she decided to have a different birthday party this year. She proposed to the company that she wanted to have a special party on her birthday. After hearing her suggestion, her company thought it would work, so they agreed to her suggestion.
A month before her party, Sowon was busy planning her birthday party. The company also helped her select lucky fans. The company will send messages to fans who have been supporting Sowon, and then use their phone numbers to draw lucky winners. In the end, the company also successfully found 5 lucky people to attend her birthday party. She also decided on the clothing and activities for the day and held them in a five-star hotel.
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The Day
Soon, Sowon showed up at the appointed time. She is wearing a black long-sleeved top and a black miniskirt. Although she was dressed very ordinary, her beauty amazed the fans present. She greeted the fans present. “Hello, I am Sowon. Thanks for coming to my special birthday party. "I will make this day an unforgettable memory for you.” Fans all expressed their blessings to her in unison. “Happy birthday, Sowonnie.” She was pleased to receive their blessings.
After she said a few words briefly, she told her manager to let her fans wait in the lobby while she went to her room to get ready. After waiting a while, the manager received a text message from Sowon saying that fans could come up. Her manager took these five lucky fans to her room. The fans couldn't wait to follow the manager into the elevator quickly. They rang the doorbell to her room and fans were excitedly waiting for her to open it.
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The door was opened, and the first thing that caught their eye was Sowon dressed like a maid. They are so impressed by how Sowon dressed like a maid but still beautiful. “Welcome home, my masters,” She invited them into the room, but they were surprised and didn't enter until the manager reminded them to do so. After 5 of them entered the room, Sowon closed the door and left her manager outside. Her manager feels helpless about all this and wonders why Sowon needs to hold this meaningless party.
Sowon doesn’t feel it’s meaningless because this is one of the ways she can thank her fans for their support. "Masters, is there anything I can do for you?” The five of them looked around, not knowing what to say. Finally, one person raised his hand and stated his request. "I've been very stressed and tired recently. I wonder if Sowonnie can give me a massage.” “Yes, master.” She happily accepted his request. She got a chair and asked him to sit on it and then started her massage. She started massaging his shoulders. He felt that being massaged by his favorite idol was a very happy thing, and he also enjoyed her massage very much.
Sowon thought they were too shy and decided to take the initiative. She pretended to help him massage with oil and asked him to take off his clothes. He was startled by this sudden request. She already knew they would react like this, so she said he could wrap a towel around his lower body. She asked him to lie down on the bed and then started the oil massage. She rubbed the oil evenly over his body. She pretended to accidentally touch his nipple until it became hard. The moment Sowon touched his nipple, he let out a little moan, which made her secretly happy. Sowon asked suddenly as he stood up and walked behind him. He thought Sowon was going to have a special massage so he cooperated with her. Finally, she reached from his shoulders to his cock and took off the towel. She massaged his cock.
“What are you doing, Sowonnie?” He was curious. Isn't this a birthday party? Why did Sowon give him a handjob all of a sudden? "This is what I want from you guys. Can my master cooperate with me?” This birthday party was actually held because she wanted to liberate her suppressed sexual desire. The four of them watched her handjob the boy, and they all got erect when they saw it. Sowon stroked his dick with a horny face and talked dirty to him. This was the first time he was handjob by his favorite idol, which made him accidentally reveal his hidden kink. “Mommy, please.” She liked his reaction. "You like to call me Mommy huh? Then keep calling it until you cumming for Mommy.” “Yes, Mommy. Make me cum please.” The other four people were dumbfounded when they saw it, but they couldn't stop their sexual desire from being aroused. She continued stroking his cock and kissing his ears and talking dirty words. "Do you like how Mommy stroking you?" He didn't answer but the look of enjoyment on his face answered Sowon. “Cum for Mommy now.” She increased the speed of her strokes until he cum. He shot a huge load of cum and many of it got on her hand. She kept stimulating him until he finished cumming. She doesn't want to waste even a drop “Thank you, Mommy” 
After he cum, he collapsed on the ground. Sowon then took a towel and wiped the semen off her hands. "Masters, do you need any more services?" She changed from Mommy vibes back to maid. and asking them. They rushed forward and surrounded her. The five of them made eye contact. Fan B couldn't bear it anymore and hugged Sowon from behind and groped her body. The other three also followed Fan B and started to move. Fan C and Sowon kissed; Fan D touched her breasts and Fan E leaned towards her pussy and breathed in the smell of her pussy. "Can you help me undress?" They followed her instructions and helped her undress. They were all amazed by her good figure. She stood naked in front of them, showing off her good figure. Her big breasts, hot figure, long legs, and her innocent-looking face all made fans gasp in amazement."Masters, don't leave me standing here naked. You should also take off your clothes together." They took off all their clothes at lightning speed, but without exception they all got hard. Sowon was very excited looking at their hard cocks and hoped they would let her enjoy them soon.
They all returned to their original positions and continued to caress Sowon. Her hands were not idle, she was stroking the cock that was closer. Fan B rubbed his dick against her arse. The feeling of that arse is so great to him. Fan C continued to kiss her. He pressed her head to prevent her from escaping easily so that he could enjoy her soft lips. Fan D already buried his face into her tits. He is enjoying her big and soft tits. He even sucked her nipples making it hard. Her tits now are full of his saliva. Fan E likes the taste of her pussy, so he puts his face against it and starts tasting the unique taste of her pussy. 
Sowon thoroughly enjoys being toyed with by four lusty men.  Of course, she won't just let herself enjoy it, she will also provide them with some services appropriately. Her hands were now handjobbing two cocks, her feet were teasing the other cock and the remaining cock was already rubbing her ass. Fan E was so excited that he licked her pussy causing her to reach orgasm quickly. Her body was twitching so hard from orgasm. He sucked up all the juices flowing out of her, not letting a single drop go to waste. "You guys are good at playing me. As your reward, let me caress you guys 'little brother.”
She kneels around their dick and plays with their dick. Sowon’s each hand is stroking one dick, while her mouth is sucking two dicks at once. She doesn't do the same thing to the same cock all the time, she switches up her movements to make sure they get the service they deserve. Her fans watch her busy servicing their cocks.  Although it was done at the same time, each of them admired her cock-playing skills, making them all leak out some pre-cum. “Ah…. Sowon, you are so great.”  
She positioned their cocks together and stuck out her tongue and licked their pre-cum. She continued sucking their cocks, but this time she also played with their balls. She even sucks their balls off and gets their cocks filled with her saliva. “Sowon ssi, can I rub my dick on your tits?” She smiled and didn't answer, but she put down the other cocks and continued playing with the requested cock only. 
She picked up the oil next to her and spread it evenly on her tits. She put Fan D's dick between her tits and started rubbing it. “Do you like my tits so much? You've been licking and playing with my breasts since just now.” "Yes, your tits are so beautiful and soft. I love watching my cock get squeezed by those beautiful tits of yours.” She kept rubbing his cock between her tits. She would also stick out her tongue to stimulate his glans. He moaned as Sowon stimulated his glans. Sowon smirked and stopped giving him a titsjob instead she used his glans to touch her nipples. She knows his glan is very sensitive, so every touch makes his body twitch. Sowon liked to see his reaction, so she kept teasing his glans. After a while, he was about to cum. He held his dick at her tits and cum on her tits. “It is an art when my cum paints on your tits.” Sowon’s tits now are full of his cum but she wipes it very soon to let the next person enjoy her clean body. 
“Who’s next ?” “Please continue sucking my cock, I love the warmth of your mouth.” Sowon opened her mouth wide and took Fan C's cock into her mouth. She moved her head back and forth to make sure every inch of his dick was covered by her saliva. Her hands have been teasing his balls. She also took his balls into her mouth and continued to stroke his cock with her hands. “Sowon, your mouth is so hot. Ah….” Sowon continued her blowjob but suddenly stopped. She tied her hair into a ponytail. Fan C knew what she wanted to express when he saw this scene. He grabbed her ponytail and began to slowly thrust it into her mouth. The speed of his thrusts was very slow, which made Sowon a little dissatisfied. So whenever he thrust into her mouth, she would move her mouth forward so that his cock could go deeper until it hits her throat. The moment he touched her throat, he felt unprecedented pleasure. When he felt the pleasure, he began to slowly speed up, allowing his cock to hit her throat. The constant thrust into her throat made her feel suffocated, but the suffocation made her very excited. “More…. Please more…..” He grabbed her head to stop her from shaking and kept pumping into her mouth rapidly. It also made her drool. He cum in her mouth before he knew it because he was so excited. After he pulls out his cock, Sowon takes every drop of his cum in her mouth. She opened her mouth to show him how much of his cum was in her mouth. After showing it, she swallowed the semen into her stomach. She also used her mouth to lick his cock clean again.
After it was over, Sowon sat on the dining table and spread her legs to ask who was going to lick her pussy. Because she was already very wet and wanted someone to help her. Fan E automatically came over and got between her legs and started licking her pussy. Her wet pussy made his mouth wet in an instant. He didn’t mind and continued licking. The sound of licking filled the whole room. "AH.... I am cumming, lick it more." Sowon knew she was going to squirt, so she held the fan's head between her legs to prevent him from escaping. She squirted all over his face. When she let him go, his face was covered in her juices. She looked at his face and smiled and licked the juices off his face with her mouth. She leaned into his ear and whispered: “Fuck me now.” He said no more and pushed her down on the dining table. He doesn't let her goddess wait and slides his cock into her pussy as quickly as possible.
*Oppa, I didn't know you were so big inside me. Fuck me nicely.” He grabbed her waist and started fucking her.  Her pussy was so wet, allowing him to reach the deepest point smoothly. “Fuck, your pussy is sucking my dick so hard.” Her pussy kept squeezing his cock, making him want to cum.  But it’s rare for him to fuck his goddess, so he will never cum so quickly. After adjusting his breathing to make sure he wouldn't cum so quickly, he continued to thrust into Sowon. He puts her legs over his shoulders to penetrate her deeper.  This also made her moan for the first time.  "Yes, that's it, fuck me deeper." He also grabbed her feet, smelled her soles, and sucked her toes.  Her moans and the taste of her feet were like aphrodisiacs to him and he increased the speed of his thrusts. “I am cumming….” Although he wanted to last longer, Sowon was so good that he had no choice but to cum. He forgot to pull out when he was about to cum, and he ejaculated all his semen into her pussy. “Sorry Sowon, I didn't mean that.” He was in a panic because he accidentally creampied Sowon. “It’s okay Oppa.” To calm his panic, she gave him a peck on his face. 
Fan B waited for a long time, so he pushed Fan E away to let himself enjoy Sowon. "You made me wait for so long, what punishment do you want me to do to you?” "Do whatever you want to me.” He smiled and started enjoying her tits. He played with her breasts roughly, which made Sowon a little uncomfortable but she still enjoyed it. While he sucked, he also spanked her tits. That spank made her tits jiggle. The jiggling tits made him even more excited. “What a great tits.” She enjoyed his roughness and pressed his head harder so he could be rougher. "You're so rude, but I love it so much!!" "You like it rough? How about trying this?" He pulled her up from the table, then turned her around and pinned her down on the table again. Then he spanked her, and her butt meat shook with the spanking. "You like it when I hit you like this?" “Yes spank me more, please. Leaving your spanking mark on my ass.” In response to Sowon's request, he spanked her a few more times so that his handprints were left on her ass.  He couldn't stand it anymore and put his hard cock into her pussy from behind. He didn't fuck Sowon as gently as Fan E. Instead, he fucked her roughly. "You like it when I'm rude to you, right? Then don't blame me." The faster he thrusts, the harder he goes. This also caused Sowon to moan intermittently. "Daddy... ple...ase... har...der.." "Yes, you are not a Mommy anymore. You are my little dirty slut now!" He grabbed her hair and pulled her body against his, kissing her as he thrust. Sowon even sticks her tongue out for him to suck on. He also kissed her shoulders and nibbled on her ears. Sowon is more hornier when he treats her so rough. The other four people watched Fan B fuck Sowon roughly and get their cocks hard again. He wrapped his hands around her body to keep their bodies closer, while Sowon leaned her hands on the dining table and let him fuck her as he pleased. “I am cumming… Sowon.” “Me too, let cum together.” 
“Ah……” In time with their moans, they cum at the same time. He also creampied Sowon. He leaned against her back and panted, while Sowon was sweating and panting. “Thanks for the good fuck, oppa. You made me so horny when you fuck me so rough.” “ "I should also thank you for cooperating with me." Fan E let go of his hand and she fixed her hair. "Thank you for attending this special birthday party. But this is a secret between us. It will be difficult to hold it in the future if you let other fans know about this.” Fans nodded in agreement with her statement. Just as they were getting ready to put their clothes back on, "But I haven't gotten my birthday present yet" The fans were confused and looked at each other. Sowon said nothing and knelt between their cocks again. She played with their cocks again, "I want your cum on my face as my gift." They all got it and started stroking their cocks. They masturbate to her beautiful face. Sowon in the middle happily watched them masturbating, waiting for their semen. She doesn't just watch, sometimes she helps them stroke their cocks. It didn't take long for them to cum quickly. They started stroking faster and faster until they cum all over Sowon's face. “Happy Birthday, Sowon.” When they cumming, they all said this blessing word in unison. Her whole face was now covered in cum, but she was happy and loving it. “Thank you.” 
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crueisummer · 1 year
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 | 𝓒𝓛16
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
chapter summary: You surprise Charles at a race, and he wins and asks you to be his girlfriend.
playlist: ♫ gorgeous ♪ delicate ♬ i think he knows ♡ you are in love
author's note: Part 3!! I had a lot of ideas coming in with this one that's why it took so long xD Hope you guys like it! In my imagination, Max DNF and Charles won in Austria LOOOOOL jk. Anyway, thank you so much for all the support &lt;;3
word count: 3.1k
disclaimer: All characters and events in this story, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional.
            𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬
01:35 ━━━━●───── 02:53 ⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılı ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮
While sitting on the couch in your living room, engrossed in writing a song with a guitar on your lap and a notebook in front of you, your concentration was interrupted by the FaceTime ringtone. Glancing at your MacBook on the coffee table, you saw Charles' name and immediately answered the call, greeted by his gorgeous face.
"Hello, cheri," Charles greeted you as you set aside your guitar. He settled onto the bed, his head bouncing with a smile, and you couldn't help but laugh. Observing his wet hair and the towel around his neck, you deduced that he had just finished showering after receiving your text about being available for a FaceTime call.
"Aww, is my baby tired?" You teasingly remarked, knowing he preferred terms of endearment over his name.
"Very," he replied with closed eyes, his smile still present.
"I watched the qualifying today, and you did amazingly! P2!" You exclaimed with enthusiasm, as if you were the first one telling him his position, even though he was well aware.
"Merci, bébé. I was thinking of you while racing," he winked at you.
"No, you weren't," you playfully rolled your eyes, aware of his flirtatious nature, yet blushing at his words. Adding, "What time is it there?"
"It's about 9:30 pm here."
"3:30 here."
"Were you writing?" He inquired, noticing the guitar beside you.
"Yeah, just a bit. I've only figured out the guitar part for now," you shrugged.
"Can I hear it?"
"Sure." You reached for the guitar and played the chords for him.
"That sounds amazing. I'm sure you'll come up with the lyrics soon. You're like a genius," he complimented.
"Charles, please. You're going to inflate my ego," you jokingly responded, strumming the guitar. Suddenly, memories of the night you and Charles first met flooded your mind, and the lyrics began to form. Setting the guitar down on the couch, you quickly grabbed your notebook and pen, eager to jot down the lyrics.
"See? You're already writing it down," he smirked at you, shaking his head, secretly thinking, You are so talented.
As you caught up with each other, you suggested that Charles turn off the lights in his room, leaving only the lamp on, and make himself comfortable. About thirty minutes later, he was starting to doze off. Whispering a soft "good night" to him, he responded with a gentle smile and mumbled it back. You watched him sleep, waiting for him to enter a deep slumber before ending the call, recalling how last time you had accidentally woken him up by ending the call too soon.
Now, gazing at his peaceful expression, you wished he could always be like this. He had confided in you about the pressure he was currently facing—falling behind in points compared to last year, ranking 6th in the driver standings, and the heightened attention on him as they returned to Austria, where he had won the previous year—all while aiming to secure a podium win that would mark Ferrari's 800th. Last week, he finished P4 and was disappointed not to make it to the podium, and all you could do was offer comfort over the phone since you were in New York.
It had been two months since you and Charles had met, and you both agreed to take things slow. As part of that decision, you chose not to accompany him to the races. However, when he finished P4 last week, you couldn't help but wish you could be there to hug and support him.
"Please be here," Charles whispered, surprising you. He seemed to be sleeping already. Is he sleep-talking?
You responded softly, "Hmm, Charles? What did you say?"
"Here," He whispered again, and that single word was all it took for you to grab your phone and message your manager that you were heading to Austria. Once you were certain Charles had fallen into a deep sleep, you ended the FaceTime call and made the necessary arrangements. You packed your suitcase, booked a private jet and pilot, secured accommodation and transportation in Austria, all timed to coincide with Charles' arrival at the paddock.
Upon your arrival, Kika and Pierre joined you, handing over the VIP pass. The media immediately began taking photos, unsure of your identity but capturing the moment just in case you were someone significant. Your attire—a black tank top and skirt, a red Ferrari leather jacket, red Jordans, black sunglasses and Charles' Ferrari cap—made it evident that you were there to support a certain Ferrari driver.
"Charles says he's in the motorhome. He's asking why I'm asking where he is," Pierre said, looking up at the two of you, waiting for your response.
"Hmm, if you tell him you have a surprise, he might suspect something, and we don't want that," Kika contemplated aloud.
"Um, just tell him you need him to sign something," you suggested, pointing to the cap you were wearing.
"Wait, are you two official?" Pierre asked you.
“No, not yet.” You smiled sheepishly at them as they expressed their surprise.
“Wow. I bet he’ll ask you to be his girlfriend before the day ends,” Kika said confidently. “I would bet all my money on it.”
“I know he's been planning it for a while, but the surprise might be the cherry on top,” Pierre added, while Kika linked her arm with his and rested her head on his shoulder.
You laughed at their reaction as Pierre led the way to the Ferrari motorhome. You pondered silently, realizing that it didn't really matter whether you were officially a couple or not yet. Charles had been patient, waiting for you to feel comfortable with him, and you both agreed to take things slow. But lately, you couldn't help but feel that both of you were ready for a committed relationship. So, why continue waiting?
A few employees were present, but there were no fans or media in sight. Kika took out her phone to record the moment, and Pierre called Charles, instructing him to come outside. With Pierre on your left and Kika on your right, you stood nervously in the middle, removing your sunglasses and cap to make it easier for Charles to recognize you. You waited for about a minute until three figures wearing red emerged from the building. Charles was the first one out, scanning the surroundings, and when his eyes met yours, his face lit up.
Grinning, you rushed toward him, and he reciprocated by opening his arms, embracing you tightly. Laughter filled the air as Charles stood there, slightly confused but delighted, while you savored his scent and held onto him. In your imagination, you had envisioned this surprise and his reaction countless times, but nothing compared to the reality of hugging him.
The three people around you laughed and gushed at the sight, and eventually, you pulled away slightly, keeping your arm loosely wrapped around his as you smiled and greeted him with a simple "Hi."
"What? How? When I fell asleep last night, you were still in New York!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening with astonishment. His confusion was undeniably adorable.
"Yeah, but you were sleep-talking, practically begging me to come here!" You replied, creating some distance between you and Charles, placing your hand on your hip. He didn't appreciate the space and closed the gap, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, kissing the side of your head, as you faced your three friends, who were playfully teasing Charles.
"He begged you to come here!?" Carlos shouted in amusement.
"Just say you're happy she's here!" Pierre exclaimed.
“Wait, you guys are in a call while sleeping?” Arthur teased.
"For crying out loud, just kiss her already so I can turn this off!" Everyone turned their attention to Kika, who was still recording the entire interaction. Except for Charles, who gently placed his hand on your chin, guiding your face to look at him. As you turned to meet his gaze, his lips were already in close proximity to yours. He closed the gap between you and gave you a brief but tender kiss before pulling away.
Shortly after, Kika and Pierre bid their farewells, and you hugged and thanked them. Charles then introduced you to Carlos and Arthur.
"Ahh, so this is the famous 'Y/N' that Charles has been talking so much about!" Carlos remarked, smiling as you both stepped back.
You giggled and playfully asked, "Oh really? What has he been saying about me?"
"He's always bringing you up in conversations! Saying things like 'Did you know Y/N is like this...'" Arthur began, imitating Charles as the four of you shared a lighthearted moment.
"Shut up, mate! Go! Don’t you two have to be somewhere?" Charles exclaimed, playfully shooing Carlos and Arthur away. They pretended to be offended but waved goodbye as they left. Charles then took your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours, and led you into the motorhome.
Curiosity filled Charles' expression as he guided you through the motorhome. "Seriously, how did you get here? Wha-?" he began to ask, but you interrupted with laughter, explaining most of it.
As he showed you the different rooms, you waved and greeted the staff. The motorhome had offices where people were working, tables and chairs in the middle, and stairs at the back. Charles led you up the stairs, pointing out the kitchen, and at the top of the stairs was the second floor, where his driver's room was located.
His room was small, with a closet on the left, a small desk beside it, and his bed on the right. You sat on his bed while he closed the door behind you. Commenting on the size, you remarked, "Well, this is bigger than what you described."
"Still, I don't like hanging around here," he chuckled, joining you on the bed. You looked at him, and he couldn't help but smile. "I still can't believe you're here. Did I actually sleep talk last night?"
“Yes! You whispered, ‘be here’ twice and I don’t know, it felt right for me to get here as soon as I can,” you explained and shrugged at the end. Charles' smile didn't fade.
"Can I kiss you now?" he asked softly, and you nodded in response. His lips were warm and soft as they met yours. They parted slightly, allowing your tongues to intertwine. The gentle tickle of his breath beneath your nose, his fingers gently combing through your hair—every sensation was heightened as you breathed each other in.
Charles firmly grasped your hips, urging you to settle onto his lap as he shifted back on the bed. Your bodies pressed against each other with passion, breathing heavily as your lips locked together. The taste of your shared breath lingered, accompanied by the feel of your combined heartbeats. With a slight fumble, he managed to remove your jacket, and his lips trailed a series of small kisses along your neck, leaving a trail of pleasure in their wake.
"Charles, you're going to leave a mark," you whispered breathlessly, reveling in the intense sensations evoked by his kisses.
"That's exactly what I want, my love," he replied in a rough, raspy voice. You entangled your hands in his hair and tugged gently, prompting him to withdraw and admire his handiwork. He looked at you, breathless, your lips reddened and swollen, your hair tousled, and a vivid red mark adorning the left side of your neck—a visible symbol of his possession.
Charles was about to speak when his phone suddenly began vibrating in his pocket. He reached for it and leaned against the headboard of the bed. Finally feeling your fatigue from the long flight, you put your head on Charles' chest and wrapped an arm around his stomach, closing your eyes and finding comfort in the rise and fall of his chest against you. You were almost asleep when you heard Charles bidding the caller goodbye.
"Babe, I have to go to the parade now. Do you want to stay here and take a nap?" Charles asked, running his fingers through your hair as you nodded.
"Okay, I'll be back in 30 minutes tops," Charles says, making a move to leave. At first, you resist, but knowing he'll get in trouble if he's late, you let him go. He kisses you on the forehead goodbye, and you're already fast asleep before he's out of the room.
"Y/N, amour. Wake up," Charles says, planting kisses on your face and arm to gently wake you up. You stir and open your eyes, and he smiles at you. "Sorry to wake you up, but you're going to watch me win now."
You laugh at his cockiness and ask him if you have time to freshen up. He nods, and you stand in front of him, finishing up your lip gloss. He tries to lean in for a kiss, but you stop him, reminding him of your lip gloss. He groans and kisses your forehead instead. Holding your hand, he leads you outside the motorhome.
"I'm going to be busy now. Will you be fine with Arthur?" he asks, taking a sip of water while his hand remains intertwined with yours. You nod, assuring him you'll be okay.
"Are you sure? You can ask Kika to sit here with you, though," he suggests, concerned about your comfort.
"Charles, don't worry. I'm a grown woman. I think I can handle spending time with new people," you laugh, teasing him. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Kika would want to stay and support Pierre."
Once everything is settled, the two of you enter the garage. Charles greets everyone while holding your hand, and you wave at them. He shows you to your seat next to Arthur. Charles introduces you to Joris and Andrea, who are sitting beside Arthur, and then he leaves for a brief team meeting.
As you observe the garage, Joris asks if this is your first F1 race.
“First race and first-time surprising Charles.” You smile at him, and he tells you he’s going to show you something. He tilts his camera to you, and you see a photo of Charles at his apartment, smiling while looking at his phone.
“He was texting you, by the way.” He says and you blush, asking him to send you a copy of the picture. He nods and adds, “You know, I’ve never seen him smile like that.”
“Bullshit. You probably say that to all the girls he brings here.” You joke and chuckle at him.
He raises his arms and says, “Hey, I don’t have any reason to say that to you in the first place. So, trust me when I say that he’s never looked at a girl like that, ever.”
Arthur then chimes in, saying he's never seen Charles talk about someone so much, especially to his mother.
Your eyes widen. He told his mother about me? You try not to show any emotion as you ask Arthur, “What has he said about me?”
“I’m pretty sure all good things. I know she doesn’t like to judge before meeting someone, so she’s been asking Charles to invite you for dinner, but he said the two of you are taking things slow, and I think she really liked that.” Arthur smiles at you.
“Charles hasn’t had a good track record when it comes to dating, and Maman tries not to interfere; but you know.” Arthur adds and nods his head, and you did too. Charles previously told you about his two previous relationships and how fucked up everything started and ended.
You're interrupted when Charles approaches your group. He takes you to the side for a moment of privacy. He informs you that he has to go to the grid and asks if you're sure you'll be fine.
“Charles, I’m fine, okay? Now, good luck out there.” You smile at him and pat his chest.
“That’s it?” He says frowning. He turns to his side and taps his cheek. You laugh at him and gently held his jaw, tilting his face to kiss him gently on the lips.
When you pulled away, you whisper to his ear, trying to copy his accent, “Good luck, amour.”
He grins like a kid and replies, “I have my good luck charm right here.”
During the race, you wear a headset to listen to the communication between Charles and his engineer. Arthur explains the race terminology to you, and you enjoy watching the pit stops. When Charles briefly takes the lead and Carlos follows in second place, everyone in the garage celebrates, and you join in. Not realizing the film crew on the garage and zooming in on you celebrating until you saw in one of the screens. You stopped jumping and blushed, realizing there were cameras here and that you’ve been made by the media.
As Charles crosses the finish line first, Arthur and the others grab you and run from the garage to the barricades. Charles parks his car, stands on it, and raises his fists in triumph. The lot of you cheer for your driver. He removes his helmet and balaclava and was just about to hug you when you grab his cheek and kiss him passionately on the lips. You felt him get taken aback but he kisses back instantly. The crowd around you cheers, and Charles pulls away and smiles at you. He goes on to shake hands with Arthur and others before preparing for his interview.
After a few minutes, they step up on the podium, and you watch as Charles gets handed the trophy and he raises it. He looks around and locks eyes with you. He winks, and you make a heart gesture with your hands. He laughs and shakes his head.
You're glad you came to surprise him, knowing in your heart that you're ready for the next step in your relationship. While you had agreed to take things slow, you knew he had been patiently waiting for a sign that you were ready to start a new relationship.
As night fell and you found yourselves on the balcony of your hotel room, gazing at the starry sky, a feeling of familiarity washed over you. Charles lovingly wrapped his arm around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as you look back at the day and think that your spontaneous decision to support him at the race was a clear indication of your feelings, and he knows it.  
Finally, Charles finally asked the question he had been longing to ask all day, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
A smile adorned your face as you turned to face him, his arms still embracing you. Without hesitation, you kissed him and replied, "Yes."
taglist: @notleclerc @elegantnighttragedy @buendiabebeta @i-have-no-idea-of-who-i-am @fangirlika @akahalloween31
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muffinsin · 9 days
Greetings. I know thyeth awaiteds of trial, aka, thoueths inbox, is full of requests, so, if thou doth perchance chooseth to bless thy anon, by choosing to grant myith humble pleads, take your time.
I sincerely ask of thou to consider thy dumb lil giggleshits by writing about the dimitrescu sisters (seperate, not as a polycule) reactions to their s/o (thats us!!! Thats you!!!) outright demanding to be 'bitten better' after getting a large wound/scar/scab or something, because, like, if im correct, thats just like, alot of ur bloodcells rising to reform damaged skin??? or something?? Idk. I failed science. I just think it would be funny to be like '(BELA/CASSANDRA/DANIELA), GIT OVER HERE AND BITE ME,, I HAVE PLACES TO BE AND I DO NOT NEED TO EXPLAIN TO PEOPLE HOW I TRIPPED AND FELL ONTO THE HANDLE (?? Do they have handles?) OF UR DUMB (friggen) SICKLE!!!"
I thanketh thee for thoueth time.
with utmost respect, thoueths truely,
Corvina, aka, stupid, medieval-talking dork.
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Haha I love this!! XD That’s some fancy talk right there🧐🎩! (Cassandra likes to insist on your point, biting to make her lover feel better. She’s just helping, really!)
Now, let’s get into this!🙌 :)
You’re bored, waiting for your girlfriend to finish up her work
Really, you doubt it will ever be finished, but at the very least Bela promised to set limits for herself as it comes to work, to avoid overworking herself, and to allow her to spend more time with you
Now, she probably would be more motivated to wrap things up immediately if she knew what you’re up to
Bored as you are, you desperately need something to do
And really, the castle- or village in general- doesn’t offer too much that doesn’t include murder
And even that isn’t your thing, at the very least not without Bela
As such you find yourself sitting at the unoccupied desk in her room, lazily playing with the sickle she left there for her nightly hunt
You’re sure she wouldn’t mind! After all, it’s not like you’re breaking it!
You’re merely playing with it!
What could go-
You flinch when it slips from you, then yelp when it’s sharp blade slices through your inner thigh, then falls from the chair and to the ground, at last laying bloodied between your shaking legs
Oh oh…
You whine a little as you look down at the cut, deep, but hardly lethal
The sight of the bloodied flesh and the feeling of the painful ache surrounding it is enough to have you run off to find Bela
Which is precisely why you find yourself the way you do now, sat down in her office chair, your face flushed and cheeks burning up as you look down at her
Her lips and tongue tending to your cut, her body below you as she kneels between your legs
Needless to say, it’s an explicit looking image, one that has your entire body tingle
Yet, the glare she shoots you over and over again has your thoughts stay in the gutter
You pat her hair apologetically, scratching softly at her scalp just the way she likes it
Soon enough, thankfully, your cut stops bleeding and no longer aches this much
Still, you know her work is not yet done
As such, you send her a shy smile, apologizing for foolishly playing with her weapon yet again
You don’t think it wise to point out that you only did so because you were bored. Her glare is deadly enough as is
Though, it’s adorable how her eyes soften when you scratch her scalp just right
And, admittedly, she looks adorable with her lips and chin stained in your blood
You gasp when she bites down beside the cut, then at the other side
Again and again, and again and again does she tend to the gentle bites
Soon, your entire thigh is throbbing, but experience tells you the sensation will pass soon and the skin will heal fast
You lean back against the chair as she rises and reaches into her drawer
You throw her a weak smile when she bandages you up, and can’t help but grin when she kisses your forehead
Your cheeks heat up again when she grabs your face, raising an eyebrow at you
Still, you can’t help but smile at her
“Don’t touch my things again”, she warns, her tone playful
You nod, happily taking the kiss you receive in return
You love Cassandra
You love every part of her, treasure her sadism and need to cause trouble as much as her rare, softer sides
You love her creativity, her love for the crafts
You love her weapons, and love that she builds and collects them
What you love less, however, is that she has a habit of leaving them out
And not only in the armory, out of their assigned spots
Not even only in her room, which is more like a battlefield with sickles and swords, axes and daggers scattered across the ground and the desks
No, your girlfriend instead leaves her weapons all around the castle for everyone to stumble into
Such as today
Admittedly, you were a little careless today, a little spaced out, not very conscious of your actions…admittedly, she told you not to be that at the castle
But, your little hypocrite of a girlfriend is just that, too!
Only has she never had an accident like this…
If she did, you’d regret not having it on camera
You open the closet, half humming to yourself, half zoned out
That is, until one of the weapons she stupidly forgot in there falls
She’s likely shut the closet with the weapon leaning against its door, careless as usual, or perhaps waiting for a maid to open her little death trap next
Instead, it’s you
You hiss and flinch away, yelling in all; surprise, anger, shock, fear and pain as your arm is sliced open
Blood drips from it and you immediately slap your palm across the cut, gritting your teeth at the searing pain
Not lethal, but likely to leave a scar
And still, your scream and the scent of your blood immediately attracts attention
When Cassandra swarms inside, you briefly allow yourself to think of grabbing the damn sickle and whacking it across her head, before grasping her shoulders and shaking her until your little troublemaker of a girlfriend begins to clean up her things
Countless times have you told her to be more careful!
To stop leaving her sharp tools everywhere!
By the look in your eye, the open closet and the sickle on the ground she immediately figures out what must have happened
In her eyes, you find worry, mixed with guilt and embarrassment
She knows, she’s about to get an earful and you aren’t likely to let her off the hook for that one anytime soon
She attempts to shoot you a smile, and while normally you’d return it, the pain has you only scowl at her in a mix of annoyance, love, and anger
You decide, she caused this
And she will fix it
“Down”, you groan, clutching the bleeding cut on your arm
With surprising submission, she falls to her knees, her eyes wide and a surprised gasp falling from her lips when you press your arm to her face
It doesn’t even take a second for her to latch on
Gently, she pries your skin away to lick at the blood, her tongue slow and steady, her movements careful rather than bloodthirsty and wild
She knows, she isn’t really allowed to feed from you now
She’s meant to fix her mistake, so long as she doesn’t want to sleep on the cold side of the bed, something she detests, when her favorite spot is on top of you
Nonetheless, your girlfriend is moaning at your taste immediately, rolling her eyes subtly when you ramble on and scold her
You roll your eyes back at her playfully
You can’t truly be angry at her, not when her tongue and teeth are already working wonders at numbing the throbbing pain in your arm
You allow her to work on the wound for what feels like half an hour, sending flies onto the skin here and there
You aren’t entirely willing to think about their spit on you, but appreciate it when you feel your skin first tingle, then pull together slightly again
At the very least, your loving sadist knows how to treat wounds
Some might call you clumsy
“Some” including your girlfriend and her sisters, and perhaps even yourself, if you swallow down your pride
And really, it doesn’t take all that much for you to get into trouble
Especially with your girlfriend, trouble is pretty much on the menu each day
What clumsiness you have, your girlfriend often adds to with her carelessness
As such, there have been countless incidents of running through the castle and slipping on some of the blood she carelessly spilled in the halls
Or the times she left her weapons out
Now that, is disaster waiting to happen
Often, more often than you’d like to admit, you end up injuring yourself with them somehow
Such as today
You’re racing past the halls again, eager to find your girlfriend
You know just where, too
The library, her favorite spot on a cool day like this
You giggle at the thought of her curled up by the fire, cuddled up among countless pillows and such
As you daydream, you begin to pay less and less attention to where you’re going
Or rather, what’s in your way
As such, you don’t see the sharp blade of her favourite sword sticking out of the vase in your way until the last second
And as such, your happiness is quickly interrupted when you catch a glimpse of it and quickly try to dodge it
Only does “dodging it” mean stumbling over your legs, failing to catch yourself on the railing of the stairs and tumbling down
The worst?
This isn’t the first time you accidentally fell down the stairs to the main hall
As you clutch your hip in pain, you can’t help but think:
You can’t let Cassandra and Bela know of this. Their teasing would never end!
Daniela though…surely she can keep her mouth shut if you confide in her
Besides, the ugly bruise on your hip should be treated
And who better to treat it than your lover?
When you find her, she’s over the moon to see you
She immediately abandons her blankets and pillows, books and snacks to wrap her arms around you
Still, worry, then humor glistens in her eyes when you wince a little once her hand connects with your hip
It seems, it only takes her a few moments to figure out what must have happened
Or at the very least that you got yourself into trouble again
You roll your eyes as she giggles, allowing her to lead you to her spot among the books
Below you is a thick, fluffy blanket, surrounding you and supporting your head are perfect pillows
You feel yourself starting to relax already, slowly lifting your shirt to expose the forming bruise at your hip
She coos a little at it
Then, a kiss is placed to it, and you can’t help but smile again
You will always take your girlfriend kissing your wounds better
Stroking her hair and relaxing against the pillows, you feel her teeth gently sink into the skin around the bruise
Never too much, nor too deep
Just right
Just enough for your skin to tingle and throb a little
You whisper a little, speaking of what happened
And she listens, only occasionally hums against your skin or presses kisses to it
Soon, you feel your hip calm again, instead she moves on top of you
“Want me to kiss it better some more?”, she asks, a sly grin forming at her lips
How could you refuse?
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teecupangel · 6 months
Following up to the colossal squid Desmond ask: how the FUCK did Mr. Cannot-fuckin-swim-Altaïr-Ibn-La’Ahad tame a colossal squid?!
He didn’t XD
(Here’s the colossal squid Desmond idea for those curious)
Everyone knew that Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad didn’t like traveling by ship.
He’d rather spend days on horseback if it was an option.
If it wasn’t, he would request to Al Mualim that another Assassin be sent instead.
Al Mualim had always agreed as it was the only time he would ask for anything.
So the Brotherhood assumed that he could not swim.
Or that he was deadly afraid of the deep sea.
Perhaps even both.
Because of his status as Al Mualim’s favorite, no one would dare insult him about it.
Except Abbas.
But even against Abbas’ poisoned words, he remained silent.
Ignoring Abbas completely.
Abbas could never get a rise out of him when it concerned his… insistent to remain as far away from the sea as possible.
But there came a time when he had been forced to board a ship.
They had been in the port in Acre, looking for a specific document that was bound to leave the port in an hour.
When they got there, the ship was already about to depart. Someone had tipped them off.
Altaïr and his team had jumped onto the ship before it could leave.
The plan had been to get the document and commandeer the skiff back to the port.
That’s when things became complicated.
They wasted too much looking for a ‘document’.
They learned much too late that the document they were sent to take was actually a person who had memorized everything.
To be more exact…
Three people had memorized the necessary information.
Al Mualim’s orders had been clear.
This ‘document’ must not be retrieved and must never fall into the hands of those in foreign lands.
And one of those people was the captain of the ship.
He had ordered his men to stay alert and look for them.
In such an enclosed space that they have not been to nor have any prior information about, the Assassins were in a disadvantage.
And it all came to head once the ship reached the deep waters.
The waters underneath the ship grew darker.
And Altaïr let out a resigned sigh.
The Assassins heard the crews scream in terror and they followed Altaïr to the deck.
… where long gigantic tentacles rose from the depths, surrounding the ship. One of the tentacles curled around the ship, forcing it to stop.
Another tentacle swept the deck and Altaïr charged in the chaos, making his team shout at him in terror. He jumped the captain, slamming his head to the floor as he ordered, “I need this one alive!”
The tentacle stopped mid sweep before it could hit Altaïr. The tentacle curled around Altaïr and poked his forehead, forcing his hood to drop.
Altaïr glared at the tentacle as he said, “Take the rest. Not this one.”
The tentacle tapped Altaïr on the top of the head once before sweeping the rest of crew members out of the deck.
While Altaïr dragged the captain towards his team. He pushed the captain to one of them as he ordered, “Bind his limbs and mouth.”
“Altaïr… that-”
Altaïr simply sighed and walked back to the deck, “It’s fine. He will take us far enough that we can use the skiff.”
“But Altaïr! That’s-”
“That’s Desmond.” Altaïr smacked the tentacle about to poke his cheek, “He always find me when I’m in the sea.”
Later on, the Brotherhood learned that Altaïr had first met Desmond during the first time he had to travel via a ship. Desmond had stopped the ship to greet him and the crew had panicked and thought he summoned Desmond.
He was pushed off the ship and Desmond destroyed it for ‘hurting’ Altaïr (he wasn’t hurt). After that, Altaïr had to spend a few days being ‘sailed’ by Desmond in a piece of debris from the ship.
Every time he was in the sea, Desmond would come say ‘hi’ and that always led to some kind of misadventure that Altaïr just didn’t have the time or energy for.
And that was why…
Altaïr didn’t like traveling by sea.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Going with the theme of your recent 2 fics, can i request lighthearted/silly fic of diluc x reader in which he forgot your birthday but you also forgot about it and you both dont realize until someone asks what your plans are for the day or smth lmaoo
I see you xD of course I can do that!
Pairing: Diluc x reader
Content: gender neutral reader; not really anything specific, should be safe; not proofread yet!
Word count: 1,1k words
Please enjoy!
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It was finally here.. the day your boyfriend had dreaded so much finally arrived..
Today, he would have to attend an official event alongside the knights of Favonius, within their headquarters.
And since Dawn Winery was providing the drinks for the event, and Diluc was the Master of the Winery, it was required for him to attend as well, to represent his work.
You knew that he really wasn't looking forward to this. He had complained about it almost daily for the last few weeks, and it only got worse the closer the event came.
Now, as he was getting dressed to attend, he almost looked lifeless, already bored out of his mind.
"I know a thousand other things I would love to do rather than this.", he complained as you helped him organize the last few details of his attire.
You smiled, still concentrating on his clothes, but asked nonetheless. "Oh really? Like what?" Your tone was teasing, but Diluc payed no mind to that.
Instead, he leaned down to you, grabbing your chin as he held eye contact with you.
"Wouldn't you like to know.."
Then, he closed the distance and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss as you wrapped your hands around his neck and deepened the kiss like this.
But before things could get too heated, he parted from you again. You were both catching your breath as an idea came into your mind and you had to refrain from slapping yourself on the forehead. How come you hadn't thought of that sooner?
"Say, Diluc.. how about I accompany you? So you don't have to be all on your own there."
He looked at you for a second, eyes wide like he had the same thought you just had. Why didn't he think of that sooner?
"I would love that, darling."
So, you quickly scanned through your closet, trying to find the right clothes for the occaision.
After picking out an outfit and getting ready, Diluc took you hand in his as you set out on your way, getting seen off by the staff of the winery, wishing you lots of fun.
And you really thought, that with Diluc there, this could actually turn out pretty funny.
You both walked the familiar road to Mondstadt, conversing the entire way there, with a bit of teasing here and there from both of you.
At one point, Diluc even leaned down to whisper compliments about your appearance into your ear, making you blush.
"You look absolutely breathtaking."
"This outfit really compliments you."
"I wish I could just pull it iff you right now."
All those words brought a blush to your cheeks and ears, and every time, you would lightly hit hin on his arm, making him laugh at your cute reaction.
Soon enough, you arrived at the gates of Mondstadt, the guards recognizing you both and letting you pass with no issue.
Only a short walk after, you saw Kaeya standing by the fountain. He noticed you two and walked over.
You smiled as you greeted him, yet Diluc had returned to his usual stoic expression when approached by the man.
"Ah, Diluc. Glad to see you made it here safely. And you even brought company. It's a pleasure to see you, (Name)."
Saying that, Kaeya took your hand and placed a quick kiss to the back of your hand, but quickly let go of you again as he saw Diluc's piercing glare directed at him.
"It's nice to see you too, Kaeya. We haven't seen each other in a while. How have you been?", you tried to stay calm, gently squeezing Diluc's hand that was still holding yours, reminding him to stay civil.
"Oh, you know, the usual. I'm doing quite well for myself. Ah, but that reminds me..", he trailed off as he looked around. It seemed like he was searching for something or someone, but didn't seem to find it. He just sighed.
Then, he took your free hand again, this time ignoring the glare Diluc threw at him.
"Happy Birthday, (Name). Thank you for participatikg today, even though the event fell on your special day. Still, I wish you all the best."
You were taken aback by Kaeya's words.
Birthday? You? No, that couldn't be..
It was today??
Shocked, you looked at Diluc next to you, who wore the same expression as you. Seeing as you had the same reaction as him, it took a few seconds, but then you both burst out laughing.
Confused, Kaeya looked between the both of you. Did he say something wrong? He didn't mistake the day, right?
Meanwhile, you were still laughing so hard that your stomach started to hurt. You held it with your free hand, trying to calm yourself down again to catch your breath.
"And what's so funny about that?", Kaeya asked, clearly not amused about this reaction.
"We forgot!", you said, still trying to breath properly again.
Baffled, Kaeya looked over at Diluc, who was covering his mouth, but his eyes still betrayed that he was laughing as well. Dilic just nodded, confirming that he had forgotten about it as well.
There has been so much going on for the both of you that it simply slioped your minds. Once calmed down again, Diluc turned to you, gently taking your face in his hand.
"Is it too late to congratulate you now?"
"It's never too late for that.", you said as you gently placed a hand over his, closing your eyes as he leaned down to kiss you. You return the kiss, completely forgetting about the world around you.
As you both separated again, Diluc still held your face, holding your gaze. "Happy birthday, (Name). I thank the Archons every day that you were born and for bringing you into my life."
You smiled and were about to pull Diluc into another kiss when an awkward laugh sounded from next to you guys. Suddenly, you remember that Kaeya was still there and that you were here for a reason.
Awkwardly, you separated from Diluc as you both followed Kaeya the the headquarters of the Knights. Along the way, you felt a gentle squeeze on the hand Diluc was holding, making you look at him.
It didn't matter to you that he forgot about your birthday. All that matters was for you to be in his life and to know that he loved you, entirely. That was the greatest gift you have ever recieved in this life and nothing could top that, anyways.
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captain039 · 4 months
Wasteland Heat (Redone)
Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) x Vault!Fem!reader 
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, AOB dynamics, heat, oral F receiving, smut, swearing, fallout stuff, implied cousin incest, virgin reader, drug usage, needles, plus size reader, sexual assault
Our man ghoul will show up in part 2 xD 
Going off the show each episode sort of thing with more
Part 1
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A ring on your pip boy disturbs your rest, you frown, glance at it and see the words 'Congratulations, you have been accepted for the marriage trade!' it makes you shoot up out of the white hospital bed and glance to the doctor looking at something on the terminal. 
"Sir?" You call and he lifts his head with an overly fake smile. 
"How can I help?" He asks. 
"Ah, my pip boy says I've been accepted for the marriage trade?" You say through the glass window and he frowns just before the overseer walks through. 
"Ah, you're awake my dear!" He says happily and you spot Lucy behind him with a smile on her face also. She holds up her pip boy showing the same message as yours and you frown showing yours also. 
"Overseer?" You question and he looks to your pip boy with a smile. 
"Both my lovely girls are getting married," He says happily and you freeze. 
"Married?" You stutter out glancing at Lucy worried. 
Your mother is the one who helps you get ready on the day of the trade. The overseer your stepfather hasn't answered any of your questions regarding why you're suddenly allowed out of the hospital area and getting married the same day. It's overwhelming going to other parts of the vault, following behind your mum as she shows you where she stays. She has a dress hung up, just below the knee, made with old curtains it looks like. You gulp a bit at it and follow her beckoning to the vanity desk. You stay quiet as she does your makeup, and hair and helps you get into the dress before giving you a big hug. You didn't hug back it had been too long since she deserved any of your affection. She would always fuss over you during the experiments, or 'doctor appointments' as she called them before leaving you in that hospital room to rest. She never hugged you after those, never comforted your crying during your teen years. You meet up with Lucy who frowns at you instantly knowing that something is wrong. She's been your sister growing up, she was the one who comforted you after those appointments or would spend time with you playing games and watching TV. She holds your hand as you walk down to the vault door that connects the two vaults, everyone from vault 33 behind you both. Norm is teasing Lucy about her future husband's looks while she huffs at him. You're too busy wondering what everything looks like and where you are in the vault, you think you took two rights and one left to get here, just in case you needed to run. Everyone smells so dull and mutated down here, nothing like what you half imagined. You were taught about the natural biology of Alpha, Beta and omegas, and the genetically made ones, but you didn't think it'd be a big difference, not that you've ever met another natural born. You reach the door and stop glancing at Chet who says there has been a malfunction, you frown seeing Lucy go over and whisper softly to him before squeezing his shoulder. The door opens with loud alarms that make you wince and look to the ground so the flashing lights affect you less. The door clunks open and a group walks through, your whole group tenses at their scents, they're all natural borns, you were warned about this.
"Welcome," Your stepfather says forcing his smile.
"I'm Overseer Hank Maclan" He greets. 
"Overseer Maldaver" the woman at the front nods her greet. 
"We're sorry about the recent passing of the old overseer and your crops, but as agreed we bring you seed for your new crops" your stepfather says behind you. 
"Thank you, it was a tragic passing, but with these terms, we bring you two breeders" She says as two men step out of the darkened hallway and into your vault. You stand frigid as the blond stands in front of you smirk on his face scent too overpowering and wrong.
"What are your names?" Lucy puts on a smile. 
"Monty" The man standing in front of her says the same weird smirk and gross smell. 
"Ethan," The blond says and you nod words unable to form. 
"I'm Lucy this is Y/n" Lucy introduces you instead and you thank her silently trying to avoid those overly dull blue eyes staring at you like you're a drug he is addicted to.
The ceremony went smoothly minus your kiss on the cheek instead of the lips act. The 32 vaulters acted a little strange but understandable from their lack of food for this long. You sit and enjoy your meal sitting next to Lucy as she tries to make conversation with her husband. You avoid all eye contact and dread when your stepfather says it is time to dance. You had never been in this part of the vault before, this was all new to you as you danced with your stepfather, then your husband. As the projectors set the sun low and night arrived you dreaded it. The touch he gave made you cringe and you tried your hardest to be a happy new wife. 
"Show me our new home?" Ethan whispers and you nod and swallow silently before guiding him to your designated vault home. 
"This is it" You say trying to act as if this wasn't all new and how different your life had truly been. You look around as the door hisses shut and arms snake around your waist making you tense. 
"So jumpy" He whispers into your neck and you cringe. You want to break free from his hold but have to hold up the act. 
"Can I freshen up?" You whisper trying to sound interested. 
"Course you can" He chuckles darkly and lets go as you all but run to the bathroom. You close the door and lock it with a loud breath, you struggle to breathe as you switch the shower on and grip the sink. You pull out the pins in your hair, the feeling of it up too tight around your skull. You want to rip this stupid homemade curtain dress off but don't want to be left with no clothes on. You leave the shower on to act like you're in while you slide down onto the cold bathroom floor rest your head in your hands and try to take some breaths. 
"Don't be too long omega i can't wait to have a taste" Ethan chuckles on the other side of the door and it makes you want to throw up. You turn the shower off curse the dress and slip it off too before wrapping yourself in a towel and dabbing on some perfume. You hesitate by the door before opening it with a smile as he turns around, suit already half off, arms tied around the waist. You stop in your tracks at the show of muscle and panic a little as he smirks and comes closer. He holds your arms leaning into your neck and inhaling before he pulls back with a frown. 
"Why did you put perfume on?" He narrows his eyes at you angrily and you tense and gulp. 
"I'm sorry, I can wash it off," You say pointing back to the bathroom but he just growls annoyed.
"Forget it, I will enjoy this while I can" He snaps and roughly drags you to the bed. 
"We have our whole lives ahead of us!" You say panicked as he forces his mouth onto your jaw and neck, and kisses roughly. You freeze then, mind blank as he forces the towel to fall to the floor and sees you in your underwear. He gropes your covered breasts before your instinct kicks in and you clench a fist and punch his jaw. He's unprepared for it and you scramble back grabbing a kitchen knife and holding it towards him. He holds his jaw and smirks at you before speaking. 
"I like it when they fight" He mutters going to storm forward as alarms blare. You frown distracted and the knife is knocked from your hands, you cry a little before dodging his grab and dart for the bathroom. You lock yourself in quickly and jolt when he bashes loudly on the door, yelling for you to unlock it. You go into the nearest corner and curl in on yourself, hugging your knees as you try to block out the banging, alarms and gunshots. 
A loud gunshot goes off as does a thump before a knock comes. 
"Sweetheart?" You hear your stepfather and quickly stand ignoring your current attire. You open the door, tears down your face as you hug him tightly. 
"You're alright" He sighs in relief arms going around you tightly. 
"Let's get you some clothes" He says and heads over to grab a jumpsuit for you before handing it to you. You slip it on and zip it up, wiping your eyes even though more tears just come out. 
"Stick close ok?" He says and you nod holding his free hand and following him out of the vault room. It's a massacre, you head to the crops and see Lucy there, you call to her and she runs over and hugs you tightly before your pip boy alerts you of a gate opening and an intruder. You follow your stepfather through the vault before you see who is left from Vault 33 on their knees, beaten with the so called Vault 32 around them. 
"I think I know who you are" Your stepfather mutters to the woman Maldaver. 
"Everyone knows who I am," She says.
"I'm gonna give you a choice Hank, them or them" She points her gun to you and Lucy and the the rest of vault 33 on their knees. A gun cocks behind you, aimed at Lucy and another cocks and one is aimed at you. 
"Life's full of little choices" She says and your stepfather grabs you and Lucy by the arms and drags you into a nearby closet. 
"No, no Dad!" Lucy says as he locks the door on you both. Lucy bangs against the door but it's no use as the woman shoots your father in the back with tranqs and two men drag him away. 
"Best do what you always do, Run," Maldaver says to the remaining Vault people and disappears down the vault gate. A beeping gets louder and the rest of your vault runs and disappears from view before an explosion goes off. You and Lucy jolt back as the flames hit the door but don't come in. You stare replaying what just happened in your head, the rush of it all as you grip Lucy's hand.
It feels like a long wait before you're finally let out by Steph. She hugs Lucy who hugs her back before she looks at you uncertainly but hugs you anyway. It's nice, the hug she gives before she leads you too back to everyone in the vault who has gathered in the crop field. You see Norm and sigh in relief as Lucy hugs him, you give him a small smile before sitting down by him. 
"What has happened is a tragedy" Betty speaks up and you glance at everyone. You only know these people by name though, except Norm and Lucy and Doctor Anderson sitting on the left, the rest are practically strangers despite you all living together. 
"But we are strong" Betty continues. 
"And we will get through this" She finishes. 
It's strange being out of the hospital room and around the Vault, you mainly stick with Lucy on cleaning duties, trying not to gag at the amount of blood that can come from one human. The Vault cleans up quickly and people are returning to regular life, except you. You stay in Lucy's room, well her past husband and her's room. There is a large double bed big enough for the both of you and you've made it your small sanctuary. 
"I need to find him" She says one night in the darkness and you roll over to face her. 
"If not someone else than me," She says rolling to face you. 
"Lucy" you mutter unsure of what to say.
"What can I do?" You ask quietly. 
"You can come with me" She says her voice determined but quiet like someone may hear.
"I just got out of the hospital area," You say. 
"We can explore the world, find Dad and bring him home! I'll bring it up at the assembly tomorrow" She tries to talk it up but you shake your head with a sigh. 
"I'm not built for up there" You mutter. You don't want her to go on her own though and who knows what they will do to you if she's gone. You weren't going back into that hospital area, never again.
"I'll go," You say after some silence and sense her smile. 
The assembly suggestion goes down instantly so it's to you, Lucy, Chet, Steph and Norm to get out of this place. With the fight for Overseer place you and Lucy can make preparations in quiet and undisturbed. It takes two days to get ready, two days of pure anxiety just to see the Vault door entrance. 
"I'm going with you," Chet says suddenly as he holds the Vault key in a shakey hand as alarms begin to ring.
"You can't" Lucy says and his lower lip trembles. 
"Who else will protect you!" He whispers yells and she sighs. You see her grab a tranq from her pocket and press it to Chet's hand. 
"Sorry Chet" She mutters as the door slowly opens with creaks and loud groans. 
"Don't do it!" You hear behind you making you glance at the two members of the council. You and Lucy are already across the bridge though and the sun blaring on your faces.
"Come back here right now young ladies!" The older one says. You feel Lucy grab your hand and look at her, she gives a small nod which you return and you both step out into the blaring sun and sandy terrain. The alarms stop as the door seals shut again and it's just your harsh pounding heart and breaths. It's a little difficult to breathe but you get used to the warmth and the sound of sand under your boot as you follow Lucy silently. You go past rubble and some skeletons before you see what Lucy was going to, the ocean. The rasps of waves on sand filling your ears, the sun shining down on your face. 
"Okey Doky" Lucy says.
Next part ->
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tharett · 2 months
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**** This is going to be the last ranfren post I'll make ****
I'm pretty sure some of you may know (and by looking into the community, will probably tell me to "grow up" lololol), the ranfren creator has... a VERY problematic past (that i properly searched and educated myself about)... and I no longer want to associate with their work (simple as that, really)☝️🤓
[Context as to Why I'm Uploading this xd]:
I was in the process of drawing this page (with the intention of uploading it ywy) before finding about the LORE about the making of the Ranfren series, so I couldn't bring myself to NOT upload this after putting a lot of work in for it... and we find ourselves here in this awkward situation :v
So with this, I will bid the series adieu and continue uploading art of my other interests 🙇‍♂️
Eng Translation of my Chicken Scratch Handwriting:
Nyon and Nyen photo:
- ok 1/2 (letters on his shirt)
- Nyon looks too feminine lmao (in my style)
-Nyen (why is he always drawn all muscley??) (Future thare: I now know (HAH))
Luther photo:
[Headcanon Box]
- always unprepared for visitors (doesn't have enough drinks each visit somehow)
Luther (L): "I hope your friends like them..."
Randal (R): "thanks big brother! Woah, an ash tray for a cup!? Cool"
Avalona and Spider Girl photo:
Avalona Mercury (A): c'mon guys! Hurry up! N'hee hee hee!"
R: "I'm on my way ladies!!"
A: "ew you're drooling again hee hee!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki (H): "I'll stick around a bit!"
[Extra Notes]
- HS AU ☆ high school alternative universe
- they all get along like normal teens <3
Comic Strip (LEFT TO RIGHT! Also Numbered!!):
[Contex Box]
- meeting the Ivory Family
[Dialouge + Action Boxes]
H: "oh! Hey Sebastian (S)! What a coincidence! Wanna hang later?"
S: "H-Hirose? What are you...?" [First time meeting Hirose out of school]
H: "I'm also here for groceries?? Lol. Why else would I be here?"
L: "oh? Is he a friend of yours, Randal?" [Lean--]
R: "eeh, I guess? He's a friend of a friend" [uninterested]
H: "hello! I'm Hirose Daiki, Randal's and Sebastian's friend! You must be Randal's big brother, Luther, right?" [Offering hand for handshake]
S: "I told you, you don't have to greet them..."
H: "nonsense!! It's a pleasure to meet you! Hi Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hi..."
L: "(Oh, he's nicer than the other one (Satoru)!) Well yes! Yes I am- it's a pleasure to meet you, too!" [Flattered Blush]
H: "the pleasure is all mine!"
R: "Seb, let's go to the candy section!"
[Contex Box (2)]
- later made plans to introduce his (Hirose) parents
Traducción de Todo lo que Dije antes pero en Esp xd:
**** Esto será el último blog de Ranfren que haré ****
Estoy seguro que algunos de ustedes saben (y al mirar los tipos de la comunidad, probablemente me dirán que "ctm/no mms" xdxd), el creador de Ranfren tiene... un pasado MUY problemático (en la cual yo tome el tiempo para buscar para que me eduque adecuadamente)... y ya no quiero asociarme con su trabajo (así de simple, la neta JAJA) ☝️🤓
[Contexto de pq subo esto xdxd]:
Estaba en el proceso de terminar este dibujo (con la intención de subirla ;-;) antes de enterarme de la HISTORIA sobre la creación de la serie Ranfren, así que como no subir este dibujo después de ponerle tanto esfuerzo para terminarlo, y pues... ahora nos encontramos aquí en esta situación incomoda :v
Así que con esto, me despido de la serie y continuaré subiendo arte de mis otros intereses 🙇‍♂️
Traducción Esp de mi letra culera JAJAJA:
Foto de Nyon y Nyen:
- ok 1/2 (lo que tiene escrito en su blusa)
- Nyon se ve demasiado femenino JAJAJA (en mi estilo xd)
- Nyen (¿pq siempre lo dibujan todo musculoso?) (thare del futuro: ahora lo sé (JAJ))
Foto con Luther:
[Caja con Headcanon] ("Headcanon" son ideas que son implementados en un personaje(s) de cómo interactuan/como reaccionaría en ciertas situaciones, etc)
- Siempre no esta preparado para sus visitantes (por alguna razón siempre no tiene suficiente bebidas para servir en cada visita)
Luther (L): "espero que a tus amigos les gusten..."
Randal (R): "¡Gracias, hermano mayor! Gau, ��¡un cenicero para una taza!? Chido"
Foto con Avalona y Chica Araña:
Avalona Mercurio (A): "¡Vamos chicos! ¡Apúrense! ¡N'hji ji ji!"
R: "¡¡Voy llegando chicas!!"
A: "¡Que asco, estas babeando de nuevo ji ji!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki(H): "¡Me quedo con ustedes por un poco!"
[Notas Extra]
- UA de Prepa ☆ Universo Alternativo de la Prepa/Secundaria
- se llevan como adolescentes normales <3
[Caja de Contexto]
- conociendo la Familia Ivory
[Diálogo + Cajas de Acción]
H: "¡oh! ¡Que tal Sebastian (S)! ¡Que coincidencia! ¿Quieres pasar el rato?"
S: "¿H-Hirose? ¿Que haces aquí...?" [La primera vez que mira a Hirose fuera de la escuela]
H: "¿¿También estoy aquí para el mandado?? Lol, ¿para que más estaría aquí?"
L: "¿Oh? Este es un amigo tuyo, Randal?" [Se inclina--]
R: "eee, ¿yo diría? Es amigo de un amigo" [desinteresado]
H: "¡Hola! ¡Soy Hirose Daiki, amigo de Randal y Sebastian! Usted es el hermano mayor de Randal; Luther, ¿es cierto?" [Ofreciéndole la mano para saludarlo]
S: "te he dicho, no necesitas saludarlos..."
H: "¡¡Tonterías!! ¡Es un placer conocerte! Hola Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hola..."
L: "(Oh, ¡es más amable que el otro (Satoru xd)!) ¡Por supuesto! Soy el hermano mayor- ¡Es un placer conocerte!" [Rubor Halagado(?)]
H: "¡El placer es todo mío!"
R: "¡Oye Seb, vayamos a la sección de dulces!"
[Caja de Contexto (2)]
- después hicieron planes para introducir sus padres (de Hirose)
Con esto, me despido y les deseo que tengan una buenas/os días, tardes, o noches 🫂💕
And with this, I say goodbye and wish all of you a good day, afternoon, or night 🫂💕
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rafyki · 2 months
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 9!
I'm back!! I hope you missed me as much as I missed posting lmao This chapter wasn't planned honestly, I wanted to write directly their beach 'date', but then this happened and I decided it's gonna be one more chapter before the date - sorry xD I bet y'all are tired of this slow burn, but i promise they're gonna get together soon!
(I hope the texting format is easy to read here on tumblr, but otherwise you can read it on AO3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy: Ehi, Nico! You have the afternoon shift tomorrow, right? Let’s hang out at the beach again after it?
Me: Percy, hi!
Me: So you really do know all my shift hours, huh?
Percy:  What can i say, Im a great obsever
Me: Huh, are you?
Percy: For important things at least
Percy: so is that a yes?
Me: of course
Me: No need to tell you what time I finish, I guess
Percy: nope 
Percy: 20ish right?
Me: yeah
Me:  see you tomorrow?
Percy: yep
Percy: see you tmorrow! 
Nico had been rereading the conversation for the best part of the previous night, and the first thing he had done after waking up had been checking his phone once again to make sure he hadn’t just made it up in his dreams. He knew the short exchange by heart now, yet he kept staring at it, reading it over and over again. Part of himself was afraid it would disappear if he so much as locked his phone and looked away for a second too long.
Their chance meeting at the beach three days prior still felt like a waking dream, like he had hoped so much for something like that to happen that he had started hallucinating. He wondered if hallucinations always felt so real, if they would let you to feel the water splashing against your legs, the warmth of the setting sun on your skin, or the pressure of a hand holding yours, the touch soft and warm, everything and more Nico had let himself dreaming about for the past months. The way Percy had smiled at him had been so beautiful that Nico’s mind probably wouldn’t have been able to conjure something like it if it hadn’t been real.
Still, it didn’t feel real.
Leo and Jason would have probably blamed the feeling on Nico’s self sabotaging tendencies. You’re allowed to have nice things, Nico, they would tell him.
Was he? Could he let himself hope that he could really have this? His heart was going berserk in his chest at the sole thought.
Percy had stopped to talk to him at the beach, Percy had taken his hand and held it while walking in the water, Percy had memorized his schedule and asked for his phone number; Percy had texted him first and asked him to hang out again.
For important things at least.
Percy had said that. Important. Nico wanted to scream.
His phone's sudden ringing almost made him jump out of his skin. It was Jason’s number, but it was Leoìs voice that greeted him from the other end of the line.
“Hi there, goth boy, so how ya feeling for your date today?”
“Not a date, Leo, shut up- and why are you calling me with Jason’s phone?”
Of course, Nico’s traitor heart stumbled on the word date. It wasn’t, and he couldn’t simply assume otherwise, it would make things awkward, wouldn’t it? And so far nothing had ever been too awkward with Percy - Nico surely wouldn’t be the one to make everything between them crumbling down for expecting too much.
“Not important-”
“He lost his phone”, came Jason’s voice. “Again. By the way, hi Nico”.
Nico rolled his eyes at their antics. “Hi Jason”.
“Anyway!”, Leo jumped in. “How are you feeling for your ‘not date’ then?”
“I hate you, Valdez”, Nico groaned, letting himself fall backward on his bed. His heart didn’t seem willing to stop running like crazy anytime soon, his hands were sweating from anticipation and tension.
“You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”
He put his phone on speaker just so he could set it aside, take a pillow, and scream into it.
Apparently, his suffering was extremely funny to Leo, because his obnoxious laugh came as a reply. “I’ll take it as a yes”, he said.
“Nico, I’m sure everything’s gonna be great”, Jason said. “You’ll have fun, get to know him better, and then-”
“Then you’ll finally date, hopefully”, Leo finished.
Once again, Nico’s heart skipped a beat and did a little dance in his chest. He threw the pillow aside. “What if I make a fool of myself though?”
“Well, your boy has made a fool of himself plenty of times already, hasn’t he? I mean, he knows your schedule by heart”, Leo replied. “So I’m sure you’ll be fine”.
Jason laughed at that, and after a moment Nico joined him.
Nico expected his shift at the kiosk to last an eternity, stretching on and on to keep him apart from finally seeing Percy in the evening. And, truth be told, the first couple of hours were just like that, long and boring and way too slow.
It changed when his phone notified him of a new text.
Percy: i got work today so im coming to teh beach latr 
Percy: ill meet you at the kiosk!
Nico’s heart was starting to become extremely good at doing somersaults in his chest. There were no customers at that moment, so he had time to reply, his fingers shaking just slightly as he wrote back.
Me: alright, I’ll meet you here then
Me: What time do you finish at work?
Percy: What, you wana learn my scdheule too?
Me: It's only fair, isn’t it?
And so, they ended up texting back and forth for a while and, after that, the time seemed to move faster, the day shining brighter, and Nico’s customers’ smile felt just that tiny bit more honest.
Nico’s internal list of the things he knew about Percy kept growing longer by the minute; he liked to text and wasn’t afraid to double text, his spelling mistakes were so atrocious they left Nico smiling and feeling so endeared it was almost ridiculous.
Nico’s nerves eased with every new text, his heart now beating out of excitement and anticipation more than fear and anxiety. The evening couldn’t come fast enough.
Me: Why are you spending so much time texting me instead of working
Percy: Why, arent you enjoying it :( 
Me: not what I said!
Me: i wouldn’t be replying if i weren’t enjoying it
Percy: :D 
Percy: im on break anyay
Percy:  what abot you, youre also on your phone instead of workin
Me: there aren’t many customers today
Me: no one to buy the same old blue drink
Nico put the phone aside for a moment, hiding his smile behind his hand and hoping that no one would think he was a creepy psycho smiling for no reason. He had every reason to smile. Flirting was easier through text, even if he kept spending minutes on end before forcing himself to press send. The downside of it was that it was way more difficult to avoid it when Percy flirted back.
Percy: aww you miss me?
He wrote and then deleted a reply a few times. He was lucky Jason and Leo weren’t there today to see him being like this or they would have made fun of him for the rest of their lives. 
It was strange. Nico was feeling embarrassed, but in an easy lighthearted way, and that made him feel just that little bit braver. Maybe it was because Percy was willingly spending his break texting him instead of whatever else he usually did; maybe it was the fact that he had the feeling Percy was feeling just like him.
He wrote a reply, looked at it for a few seconds and pressed send before he could overthink it too much.
Me: Maybe
Just then, before having the time to send a second text for damage control, a customer came and Nico had to put his phone down to serve them. His heart kept hammering in his chest the whole time, and his eyes kept stealing glances at the phone, hoping to see it ring. It was taking a little longer than usual for Percy to reply, and Nico didn’t know if it was because he had scared him away or flustered him too much.
When it did notify him of a new series of texts, he was still busy with new customers, and it took him all of his willpower not to make them wait while he checked his phone.
Finally, he thanked and said goodbye to the last customer of the queue, he moved so fast he almost stumbled on his own feet; and when he read what Percy had written, his heart was ready to jump out of his chest and start dancing on the counter.
Percy: me too
Percy: maybe
Percy: goot thign were seeing each other in a couple huors
Percy: cant wait
He read the words, reread it again and then again, once again feeling like they were nothing but a pipe dream. He blinked, and they were still there when he opened his eyes again. 
Maybe he really could let himself hope this time.
Me: me too
Time definitely couldn’t pass fast enough. 
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eggluverz · 1 year
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PAIRING. dan heng x gn!reader
GENRE. blind date, in-universe setting
SUMMARY. march 7th sets you up on a blind date with gepard and dan heng finds himself feeling jealous when he sees the two of you together.
SOF’S NOTE. aka dan heng and reader are bad with feelings! lmaooo ;p i really enjoyed writing this ! caelus here def made me chuckle xD i hope you enjoy this fluffy and slightly chaotic fic <3
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“Don’t ask questions, just thank me later.”
You blinked, confused and immediately on alert. “What did you do?”
March 7th grinned, “Something you’ll absolutely love.”
You were in the Astral Express lobby, sitting at one of the tables. Dan Heng was on the couch reading, close enough to hear your conversation.
“What, exactly, will I love?”
“I set up a blind date for you!” 
You perked up in interest, waiting for more information. A few weeks ago, you had told March 7th you wanted to go on a date, but your options were limited on the Express. The only person you did find yourself drawn to here in a more romantic way was Dan Heng, but you knew pursuing that would be unfruitful.
“With who?” you asked eagerly, tapping your feet on the floor.
She shook her finger at you. “If I tell you, then it wouldn’t be a blind date, now would it?”
Dan Heng cleared his throat and closed his book. “I would like to know who as well.”
“It’s not your blind date, why do you need to know?” said March 7th with her arms folded. “But since you guys want more information, he’s someone we met in Belobog!” 
A frown instantly spread on Dan Heng’s face. “It better not be Sampo.”
March 7th laughed. “Look at you being worried about Y/N’s date. You’re like an overprotective big brother.” 
He looked away from you, brows furrowing. 
You laughed at her teasing, but didn’t comment. “As long as he’s nice and handsome.” 
“Check and check,” promised March 7th. “I’ll tell you all the details soon— The date will be tomorrow.” 
“Time to go to Belobog!”
“What are we doing here again?” 
Dan Heng looked at Caelus dressed in a fedora and fake mustache. Dan Heng had told his friend to stay hidden, but in no way did he said to wear a disguise. Be especially did not tell Caelus to wear a mustache. 
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’ll visit Belobog anytime. There are so many trash cans I’ve missed the first time!” said Caelus. 
There had been a trash can outside the restaurant, and Dan Heng had to watch as Caelus dove right in. At least he knew the grey-haired man was having fun.
“We’re here to watch over Y/N. They have a blind date and I want to make sure the guy isn’t dangerous,” Dan Heng said, trying to rationalize his plan. 
“You mean, we’re stalking Y/N on their date.” 
“No.” Dan Heng paused. “Is this considered stalking?”
Caelus nodded and Dan Heng ducked his head in shame. They were seated at a table in the opposite corner you were at. Even the fact that you were left waiting by your blind date unsettled Dan Heng. No man should keep you waiting. He felt that if it were him, he’d be there well before the scheduled time. 
Just then, a tall, blond individual walked into the restaurant by himself. Caelus’ eyes widened when he saw the man. 
“That’s Gepard!” Caelus whispered to Dan Heng. 
Dan Heng’s eyes narrowed. “It is…”
Caelus sighed in relief, watching with a small smile as Gepard walked over to you. You stood up to greet him with a hug and Dan Heng’s stomach tightened. Meanwhile, Caelus slurped his smoothie in peace. 
“This is great,” said Caelus, taking off his mustache. “Now we know Y/N is on their blind date with someone trustworthy. March 7th wouldn’t have set them up with someone sketchy. We can head out of here and find some trash cans now.” 
Dan Heng glared at him until he stopped talking. 
“No? I’m guessing that’s a no.” 
Dan Heng didn’t respond, too focused trying to hear what you and Gepard were talking about. Unfortunately for him, the restaurant was busy with music playing in the background. He couldn’t hear a thing. 
He sulked as your date went on. Caelus ordered his fifth round of fries and a smoothie. 
As your date wrapped up, Gepard stood up and held his hand out to you. You accepted and stood beside him. You leaned in and at that point, Dan Heng could no longer keep watching. He tore his gaze away, a dark expression on his face. 
A fry almost fell out of Caelus’ mouth. “Are you alright there?”
Dan Heng clenched his fists. “No, I don’t think I am.”
Before he could think his actions through, Dan Heng stood up and walked over to the booth you and Gepard were at. Caelus’ eyes widened and his jaw dropped. 
“Dan Heng? What are you doing?”
Dan Heng marched forward, stride never faltering. Caelus followed behind, a smoothie still in hand as he slowly sipped from the straw. 
He caught your eye before he could announce his presence. A look of confusion crossed your face as you stared at him. 
Noticing your attention was intensely focused on something behind him, Gepard turned around to see what you were looking at. His brow raised in surprise as he saw Dan Heng. 
“Dan Heng? Caelus?” said Gepard. “What are you doing here?”
Dan Heng stayed silent. 
Caelus raised his smoothie. “Just grabbing some food and looting some trash cans along the way.”
Dan Heng felt your gaze on him and, if his intuition was correct, it did not seem very pleased. 
“Oh, really?” you said, a smile on your face but your tone was one of disbelief. “That’s why you’re here? Conveniently at the place you knew my blind date would be at?”
Caelus looked from Dan Heng to you, unsure how to answer. Slowly, he replied, “Small world?” 
“There are, like, thousands of worlds!”
“Yes, and this one is small.” Caelus drank his smoothie, subtly averting his gaze. “Fancy seeing Gepard here, though.”
Gepard’s smile was wide, completely oblivious to the gloom coming from you. Dan Heng was sure most people wouldn’t notice the smallest furrow in your brow, but he certainly did. He felt guilty at your discomfort, since he was aware it was most likely due to him showing up here with Caelus uninvited. 
“It’s so great seeing you two,” said Gepard. “How have you been Caelus? Dan Heng?”
They caught up with each other, telling stories of their adventures since their time here last. Dan Heng noticed you standing there, listening and laughing along, but the look on your face was still sour. 
The group talked into the night and by the time the noise quieted, Dan Heng saw you yawning. 
“Well,” you said, trying not to rub your eyes too hard, “this was fun, but I am getting a bit sleepy.”
Gepard straightened, his attention fully on you.  “Yes, I don’t want to keep you up to late. But I had fun as well.” He smiled. “I’ll keep in touch.”
You returned his grin and Dan Heng looked away as you stared at each other. 
“I wish the date could last longer!” you said eagerly. “But thank you for spending time with me. I’m sure the captain doesn’t have too many days off.”
“I don’t, but this was a great way to spend it.”
As you, Caelus, and Dan Heng said goodbye to Gepard and made your way back to the Astral Express, you were silent the entire time. Even when you got back on the train, you went straight to your room.
March 7th, who was laying down on the couch, looked at Dan Heng when she saw you leave. 
“What did you do?” 
Dan Heng’s frown deepened, his stomach a pit of worry when he thought of how you must be feeling. 
“I think I need to go apologize.”
Caelus finished the rest of his seemingly never-ending smoothie. “You should.”
Dan Heng left the hobby and entered the private quarters. He walked down the hall until he reached your room and knocked on the door. 
“Y/N,” he said cautiously. “Can I talk to you?”
Dan Heng’s heart dropped. “I’m sorry for upsetting you.”
“You embarrassed me!”
“I’m sorry.” 
“Why’d you do that?” you asked, voice muffled through the door. “Did you not want me going on a blind date with Gepard? Do you think we’re not a good match?” 
Dan Heng shook his head even though you couldn’t see him. “I have nothing against Gepard. He is loyal and trustworthy.” 
“Then why did you not want me to be on that blind date with him?”
“I don’t want you going on blind dates with anyone.”
You groaned in frustration and Dan Heng heard a small thump on the door. You cried in exasperation, “What do you have against blind dates? They’re just for fun! No harm in going on them.”
“I don’t have anything against blind dates,” Dan Heng attempted to explain. He was finding it rather hard to word it himself. If it were March 7th who had gone on that blind date with Gepard, Dan Heng would not be feeling this way. But it wasn’t March 7th who went on it, it was you. “I suppose I’m only against you going on one. Or, going on any date, for that matter.”
There was a lapse of silence before you opened the door. 
He watched as you motioned for him to come in, your brows furrowed and confused. 
“I don’t understand,” you said finally. “Why?”
Now, Dan Heng knew he could be oblivious and dense when it came to feelings, but it seemed he met his match with you. 
“I think,” he said slowly, considering his words carefully, “I only want you going on dates with me.”
“You think?”
He blinked. “Yes. But I’m not too sure. These feelings are unfamiliar and part of me would rather ignore them, but whatever I felt when I saw you and Gepard on that date… It made me realize it hurts too much to ignore them anymore.”
Now, he was certain there was no way you wouldn’t understand his feelings. Though he was confused himself, it did feel like a confession of sorts. 
You grinned a little before hiding your face behind your hand. With a small cough, you straightened your face into a more impassive look. “What exactly are you trying to say?” 
Dan Heng stared at you for a bit before a mischievous giggle escaped you. 
He raised a brow. “Are you teasing me?”
You shook your head in denial, but didn’t bother hiding your growing laughter. “No! You’re just speaking in riddles. Just tell me out right—”
“I like you,” Dan Heng blurted, not wanting to cause any further confusion. “Is that what you want to hear? I like you, and maybe it took seeing you go on a date with someone else for me to truly realize.”
“I did like hearing that, yes,” you said with a smile on your face. Dan Heng was relieved that you no longer sounded upset or hurt. He truly felt sorry for embarrassing you by interrupting your date. It was rude and he was glad you could forgive him. “But you know,” you continued, “the only reason March 7th set me up on that date was because I asked her.”
His stomach turned at those words. 
“And I asked her only because I wanted to get over my feelings for you.”
Now it was Dan Heng’s turn to silently watch you. There were too many things running through his mind. You wanted to get over your feelings for him? You had feelings for him to start with? 
Thankfully for him, you went on to elaborate. 
“I thought you didn’t like me,” you said, looking sheepish as you walked over to sit at the edge of your bed. “Or, perhaps, that my feelings for you would make you uncomfortable.”
He frowned. “Why would you think that?”
“You’re not exactly…transparent.”
“Hmm.” Dan Heng couldn’t deny that. 
“I’ve had a small crush on you ever since I joined the Astral Express and all its adventures.” You smiled, motioning for Dan Heng to take a seat next to you. “I always thought you were handsome and smart. But as we went on missions together, I saw how caring you were. You’re brave and intelligent, and I like the sarcastic way you crack jokes.” 
As he sat beside you on your bed, Dan Heng felt his face grow warm and his heart grow light. You looked over at him with bright, hopeful eyes and he returned your gaze. 
“In case it wasn’t obvious enough, I like you, Dan Heng.”
He smiled. “I like you, too.” Never had Dan Heng felt so much relief simply from saying a few words. Putting words to his emotions and hearing you felt the same was brought him more joy than he would’ve guessed. “So, does that mean you won’t go on anymore blind dates?”
You nodded with a laugh. “No, I won’t.”
Dan Heng smiled. 
“The only dates I want to go on are with you.”
“Is that a promise?”
“A pinky promise.”
As you stuck your pinky out with a grin on your face, Dan Heng accepted with his own. Feeling the warmth between your intertwined pinky fingers, he decided there was no place he’d rather be. 
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valkeakuulas · 4 months
5. A firm kiss for Echo/Rex if you'd like?
I noticed that you're supposed to send me 🎲 to get a random number and a ship but I'm not gonna tell you that I won't write this, don't worry. xD
Anyway, have some Rex getting swept of his feet by a confident Echo.
5. A Firm Kiss + Rex/Echo
Rex knew from day one that the shinies he and Cody had met on that damned Rishi base would go far.
It was also one of the reasons why he claimed them for the 501st before Cody could.
(No, Rex hadn't cheated during that arm wrestling match, it wasn't his fault that Generals Skywalker and Kenobi had just happened to wander past just when the two of them were out of upper armor. Rex was just a simple man, making his way through this damned war, who would seize any opportunity he got.
And if Cody had gotten distracted by Kenobi commenting about his bicep, Rex would've been an absolute di'kut for not using that to his advantage.)
Still, Rex could've never guessed just how far Echo and Fives would go. It had been a pleasure to watch the pair of gutsy soldiers grow into the resourceful ARC troopers currently were.
Especially, it had been a pleasure to watch Echo, quiet, devious, and ingenious Echo.
Rex sensed he was going to be in trouble when Echo kept painting and re-painting the hand on every new armor he got, proudly carrying Rex's mark for everyone to see.
He was definitely in trouble when Echo gained more confidence, the once somewhat stuttering shiny from Rishi Outpost all but prowling as he approached Rex where he stood at the edge of the camp.
"Echo," Rex greeted with a nod, trying not to swallow when Echo stared at him with dark, knowing eyes.
"Rex," he greeted, and the familiarity with which he used Rex's name sent an involuntary shiver down Rex's spine.
"Is there something I can do for you?" Rex asked, pleased just how calm he sounded.
"There is, actually," Echo replied, getting even closer and closer.
Rex found himself stepping back one step at a time and he thanked the Force that no one could witness how his ears burned bright red when Echo pressed him against the thick canvas. There were two layers of armor between them but Rex swore he could feel the heat radiating from Echo, giving fire to the sparks of arousal that lit under Rex's skin.
"Is this alright?" Echo asked, his voice a deep rumble. Gently, he brushed Rex's cheek with the back of his knuckles, watching every minute reaction. The grin that spread on his face when Rex couldn't stop himself from shivering at the touch was downright devious.
Deciding it was time to save whatever was left of his pride, Rex surged forward, grabbing Echo's face.
The kiss was far from perfect, messy, and with too much teeth but oh, the way Echo took control, pinning Rex against the tent, muscling in one thick thigh between Rex's was so good.
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mayz-dayz · 1 month
HI! so here's the fic since people are asking to read it, sorry for any spelling mistakes I was in rush! The whole premise is that during the middle school bullying Midoriya and Bakugou both turned to the Internet for comfort where him and Bakugo end up e-dating without realizing it's eachother! It's a pretty NSFW fic which SH topics and child abuse (Bakugous mom is abusive which is why he takes out his anger on Midoriya) ENJOY(or don't)!! Feedback welcome!
Izuku felt the eyes of his peers pierce into his back, how they all waited for the teacher to get done with the lesson so they could terrorize him for the third time today. Izuku wouldn't say they were all bullies some people would just tease him and he was used to that kind of treatment. The real bullies were Katsuki and his little group of wannabe edgelord's. Izuku sat quietly and patiently and then it happend, the lesson ended, and now all hell is officially going to break loose.
"Midoriya did you understand that?"
"Midoriya is this hard for you to learn without having a quirk"
"Midoriya why are you even in this school you're quirkless"
Izuku's classmates yelled at him laughing and giggling. All things he would take out on himself later. Izuku's eyes grazed around the room watching everyone laugh at him, but then Katsuki stands up and izuku immediately feels tears welling in his eyes. Katsuki snickers,
"How's that sound Deku? The sound of extras who are worth nothing looking down on you? You have to be real fuckin' useless for that to happen"
Izuku looks at Katsuki, he thought to himself how those words weren't as hurtful as the ones Katsuki said right before the lesson started, but oh man how it hurt. Izuku rubbed away a few of his stray tears and could hear the class mocking him for being a "crybaby". It was now officially the end of the day and all of the students rushed out the room knowing what was to come. Izuku didn't pack up, he was well aware of his "end of the day routine". He stood up and walked to the back of the now empty class, Katsuki walked over and smiled, another bully handed him a marker, Katsuki uncapped it and smiled.
Izuku makes it back home and is greeted by his cheerful mother, he smiles at her and gives a vague explanation of his day before going to the bathroom.
Izuku takes off his clothes and sees the dehumanizing writing Katsuki wrote on his chest, mocking him, his body, and his intelligence. Izuku ran a bath and scrubed all of these things away, he looked down at his body, he looks at scars no one noticed. He steps out of the bath and goes searching under the bathroom cabinets and pulls out a razor blade, he steps back in the bath and places the blade against his wrist, digs in, and slices. He watches how the water goes from clear to a faint rosy color, he smiles and repeats his five more times before stepping out of the bath.
Izuku goes to his room and puts on a pair of shorts and an Allmight hoodie his mom bought him when he was twelve but it's still too big. He logs onto his computer and watches Allmight highlights then enters a chatroom,
ALLMIGHT FAN'S ONLY.(12 members)
Zuku-Might1527: "Did you guys see the new Allmight highlights from 4 hours ago??\⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/"
Redshadow: "omg yeah they were so good they got all the best angles :⁠-⁠)"
xXGlaoq.: "Let's all take a shot every time he says "I am here" LOL XD"
(replying to xXGlaoq) 69Allmight: "we'd be HAMMERED LMAOOOO"
*Welcome! "Your Hero." Officially now 13 members!*
TinyMight: "welcome!!"
xXGlaoq: "Hi! Thanks for joining"
Your Hero: "Hi."
Zuku-Might1527: "HAII!!(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡"
KIYONAN: "Zuku needs to be the destinated greeter he's always so nice to new ppl (⁠T-T⁠)"
Izuku flushed at that message, he joined the chatroom back when it only had three members and he's just glad to have a bunch of people who are interested in the same things as him. While Izuku was getting giddy over the praise he saw a notification pop up on the bottom of his screen
"*2 New Messages*"
Izuku wondered who this could be, he's pretty friendly with everyone, he's friends with people from many chatrooms so he's used to being talked to everyday. He pulled his legs up to his chest in his chair, the light from the computer lighting up his face and creating mood lighting for his room. He clicked on the mail icon to open the message,
Your Hero.: "hey. Saw your bio and thought you were pretty cool"
Your Hero.: "wanna be friends?"
Izuku's face flushed harder, he's used to making plenty of friends in the Internet but never had anyone compliment his bio on this profile, which was
STOP RIGHT THERE...HAI! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ My name's Zuku! We can be friends, shoot me a DM at ANYTIME!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Arguably Allmights #1 fan(•̀⁠ ⁠o•́⁠ ⁠) 15!!"
Izuku started typing on his keyboard,
Zuku-Might1527: "Of course! What's your name and pronouns?"
Your Hero.: "Oh yeah should've started with that. My name's"
Zuku-Might1527: "?"
Katsuki started at his computer screen, he didn't think this far, he just wanted to make a friend. He sat for a good three minutes, he thought about the names of the American business men his family worked with and it finally clicked in his head,
Your Hero.: "sorry, My mom called me for something right before I was about to type it I accidentally sent the message in a rush my name's Anderson"
Zuku-Might1527: "no worries! And nice name, sounds Western, are you?"
Your Hero.: "no, my parents are just creative"
Izuku smiled, Western names amused him. On the other side of the screen Katsuki was proud of himself for remembering a name he heard years ago, he was about to type again when he heard a bang on his door,
he flinched, it was his mom, he hated when she was angry. He closed his laptop and ran out and was face to face with his mother "Y-yes Ma'am?" It wasn't long before his mother struck his face and he felt a long painful sting.
"I told you before I got home to clean the kitchen, bathroom, and basement."
Katsuki took a sharp breath,
"I forgot to clean the bathroom, I'm sorry, I cleaned everything else though."
He felt another slap hit his other cheek, he winced at the pain and covered his cheek.
"No sorry ass apologies. Go clean it now."
Katsuki mom walked off to her and her husband's room and slammed the door, Katsuki waited till she slammed the door to start crying, he went down to the basement and started cleaning. He hated his mom, his dad would try and defend him but she would get angry at him too.
He finished cleaning the basement after 4 hours, he slumped against the wall and cried, he punched the concrete wall of the basement and immediately yelped in pain, he thought to himself "that's what Deku is for. His face is easier to hit."
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