#So what's to stop them from doing the same to the crazy creatures popping up in Gotham
puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Would anyone be interested in a pokemon cryptid batfam Au?
Like, Pokemon just being a Gotham thing thanks to all the magic curses, the many, many, chemicals everywhere, the canonical reality warping and all of that. Like the local plants and fauna just started mutating and evolving like that.
And Batman was originally seen as some sort of cryptid or living shadow sort of creature. So with the rapidly changing flora and fauna going around in Gotham, someone is eventually going to put forth the idea of some sort of mutated person or creature.
And I am just saying, Bruce has a weird sense of humor. He would probably find such rumors hilarious. He might even say, lean into them. He might say, commit to the bit.
And then forget to mention it to anyone else once the League is formed. It might completely slip his mind that they're not in the know like the batfamily members
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 4: They're everywhere
The day has been good so far since Jeff had left. I've been caught up on paperwork, organizing the archives and I've helped make some of the wildlife's lunches for the evening. It finally feels like a normal day.
"Daaaaaaaaamn, check it out! That's the fifth one this month.", Ronnie (one of our surveillance experts and wildlife photographers) was checking last night footage.
"You dumbass, that's the same one from last Thursday.", Jonas was watching with him.
"No he ain't, This guys definitely new, see he's got a huge fuzzy pelt on him. The other two have little pelts ", he pointed at the screen.
I come out of the filing room, curious as to what they were talking about. "ugh, what's going on? Anything interesting in the cameras?". I was hoping they were talking about bears or something.
"Hey Lorey, come and see!", he motions for me to come closer to the computer.
As I walk to the computer, watching the footage intently. Ronnie skips a few minutes in as the usual creatures that pop up are obviously of no surprise to us. Than, something in the foreground appears. Three armored individuals. I couldn't believe it.
"you mean to tell me they're in the reserve too? Just walking around?", I rewind the image to get a better look. They're covered in random little charms and ends. The leader had a strange, more anthropomorphic helmet, the other two had similar shaped helmet with markings on them. It was like they're on a hike, walking around.
"Holy sheeze, is THAT what you saw?", Jonas asked nudging my shoulder.
Ronnie turns to Jona and I, "oh it's not just them, check this guy out. Caught him several weeks ago.". Ronnie than shows footage another one, this one had brought with him what looked like to be roadkill, and started chowing down on the carcass, it aesthetically closer to that big black and gold one...but it looked more monstrous, with bigger horns, and messed looking legs. This one was horrific to look at.
Jonas's usual silly antics stopped right there and then when she started to realize the encounter could have gone a lot worse. "Ugh...did...it look like that?", asking in a more candid tone.
"Yeah.... almost.", what shocked me to see was that it was now completely possible to encounter these....Marines...."...do you guys know of these folks?", I had Ronnie the business card Benedict handed to me.
With a squint and an unsurprised sigh, he puts a guard down and continues going through the footage from last night. "Oh yeah I know them, they're just a bunch of Bigfoot enthusiasts that got bored and decided to go for much more bigger fish. Only I heard from my cousin in Chicago that these guys are crazy dangerous. Some of them got claws, got like super strength and shit. Check it out.", he took out his phone to show us socal media footage of a red colored marine, again spikes all over and an even worse attitude.
The footage shows a bunch of teenagers following it through an alleyway, probably to find out where it's going. The marine turned around and charged at one of the teens. The phone dropped and all there was left was the sound of screaming and blood spattering. Kid didn't even scream more than 3 seconds before it got obliterated.
Ronnie then puts the phone away, "the dark web is having a field day. Turns out people get PAID to video tape the dangerous ones. It's like a snuff film or something."
I was mortified, these monsters can't be real....can they? I remember the footage of the three feral looking ones. "Ronnie, are their any examples of...I don't know....not homicidal ones? ".
He thought for a little and then remembered another viral video, "Oh! This one from Philadelphia, he's like a superhero or something. They call him "Big Blue". Check it out.", taking his phone out again, he shows a 60 second click of a robbery in progress, as the culprits bust out and get into the get away truck, some tall blue armored one comes charging in, lifting 3 ton truck! I can see that the robers where shooting him in the face but nothing looked like it wasn't doing anything. As the police come in, do their part, the click cuts to a reporter interviewing the marine.
"Big Blue! You've once again saved the city and stopped a robbery! Witnesses saw that you've shot several times in the face no less, are you ok sir? *Shoves his microphone up the the marine's mouth", the blue marine looked at the reporter and the camera, he seemed rather shy about answering. He than answered the reporter in a very strange form of Latin, it almost sounds like butchered Italian. He than nodded his head, pat the reporter's head and stormed off.
"....Ok, wise words that will forever remain a mystery! I'm Harold Storm! And you're watching Channel 5 Action News!". The video ends.
"That is so cool! Why do we have the crazy ones though?", Jonas rewinded the video again to see Big Blue again.
"that's because we live in Oregon, the crazies come here because the feds here don't really care actually.", I sit down on the chair next to Ronnie, and take notes on the differences between the two types of Marines on the wildlife footage. I honestly couldn't believe that there was such a distinct difference between them. "I think we better contact the annoying Bigfoot people. They probably have more information on these guys than we do, but we have the equipment to check them.".
Ronnie shoots me a look, "are you saying that we should dedicate a little bit of our time to hunting down these big metal dudes?".
I shoot back a grin, "no, I say we study them. We know nothing about them, there seems to be a clear distinction between the good ones and the bad ones and I think we need to pull our sources. These aren't some invasive species or some weird cryptid that only appears once in a blue moon l, only to be found out it was a hoax. It seems these guys are very real and so is the risks of encountering the wrong one.". I rewind back to the footage of the three fur cladded ones. Something about them emanated some interesting thoughts on me, in considering all that has been happening to me as of late, could one of them have been the proverbial knight in shining armor? I'm starting to get curious.
After a few hours, the rest of us clock out from the center and leave the night shift to their evil biddings so to speak. As with every Friday night, the reserve always goes to a local bar down in downtown. It wasn't the fanciest place but it was the only place with the best booze and was the only place that made cocktails.
"so, you know the guy who gave you that card? I mean the town is pretty small so it ain't going to be that hard to find him.", Jonas asked with zeal.
"oh trust me, you can definitely tell who it is.", I push open the door to the bar, ready for a relatively nice night of drinking.
As me in the afternoon staff walk in, the first thing we notice is all the angry stares that the men are giving at one small group and the corner of the bar.... At least I would consider them small if it wasn't for their size. But there they were, the group of four, extremely well built men. Not too dissimilar to the guy I saw back at the hardware store.
All of them seem to just minding their business, again not acknowledging a single soul in the bar. However another thing I noticed was the amount of women swooned at the sight of them. However, wasn't able to smell that strong hormonal odor anymore, probably because the place is well ventilated enough for that.
I look to my left and I see Jonas with her mouth agape, absolutely stunned at seeing the guys. I look to my right and I see Clara and Shelly (our receptionist and hotline receiver, in case of any wild animal attacks) absolutely drooling over them.
As for me, the smell may have not been as pungent as it was at the hardware store, but it definitely was in the air. "Guys, ugh, we need to find a table soon... preferably as far away from those guys".
Ronnie looked at the men, than looked at me, "why are they dangerous?", than he started to notice the rest of the girls in the group.
Jonas was practically in lala-land, "Oh maaaan, those are some fiiiiiine looking guys.".
"ooooh, y'all's right! I think I'm love.", Clara declared.
"Oh no none yah don't, I'ma bag me a man!", Shelly may have not been the youngest of us, but she's been after a husband for 20 years now, and she isn't giving up. She struts confidently to the table.
As for the four sitting in the corner booth, they begin to notice Shelly heading their direction. One of them noticeably smelling his clothes, the look of mortified realization hits him like a ton of bricks. I could see that he was whispering something to one of them group members and he too starts to realize the same thing.
"Howdy boys, have you guys fallen from heaven because I see four of the Lord's loveliest of angels.", Shelly may not have been lucky, but in the past she has been successful at getting a man's attention.
All four of them were stunned, yet not surprised, they weren't prepared for something like this to happen.
"ugh ... pardon me and my brother miss, but may we assist you in anything?", one with a yellow cap with a unrecognizable construction logo speaks first.
Shelly boldly skoots in to sit with one of them. "Oh you can assist with anything.", she begins to caress the man's impossibly huge bicep.
Meanwhile the man just looked down at her with curious confusion. Something about his interaction felt you're really disconnected. It was two people interacting, it was a person and an animal interacting.
"Shelly you absolute legend!", Jonas egging her on.
"Ooh get'em Shelly!", Clara wasn't helping either.
"More like an absolute mad lass, I've never seen her act this bold before.", I was more concerned if she was going to hurt herself. These guys were all big enough to domestically abuse animals bigger than elephants let alone gently shove a woman away.
"Uhm, Shelly! I'm so sorry about my friend here, we had a few drinks before coming here and she's not taking to tequila shots very well. Shelly say sorry and goodbye to very nice man.", as soon as I finished that thought, the smell came back. Now with four times the strength. Everything was fading, I had no control of what I was doing. I began to practically crawl on the table...all I could see was a pink haze.
"Brothers, I am afraid our night has ended. We need to take these women to the local hospital.", one with a mustache and a gnarled scar across his forehead had signaled to the other three to mobilize.
As fasting as efficiently one can see, all four prepared to leave. Picking Shelly and Lorence up, paying the tab with a small pouch.
The bar tender motioned for the busboy to quickly get the pouch before any of the patrons see it.
"Hey wait! Where are you guys taking them?", Jonas tried following the four strangers, hardly believing how big they were.
"Please do not worry, we are taking your friends to the hospital, where they will be taken care.", the mustached man turns around assuring Jonas, and inevitably trying to avoid unsolicited kisses from Lorence.
"Ah wait?! Nah ugh, we're coming with you.", Clara followed them to their vehicle, which in this case an industrial transport truck. "Oh dang ya know what I ain't disappearing into the night like those girls from Forensic Files. She than decided to go back into the bar.
Ronnie ran after them as fast they could but they already started their truck. Taking Lorey and Shelly with them.
"FUCK! Get back here!", he takes his phone out to call the police, but just as he was about press the call button. The sound of howling wolves echoed endlessly throughout the night sky. "...what the hell....", he glaces to where the howls sounded the loudest. The noise of braking branches and wrestling bushes was an unmistakable sign that something big was chasing the truck.
In the truck, the driver, an imperial fist named Moors, comfortably drives to town to drop both women off at the hospital.
"How are they?", he shouted from the driver seat in high gothic
One of the men is managing Lorey relatively well, just tightly restraining her in his arms. "This one is doing fine! Practically sleeping, Cahrilo how is yours?"
Cahrilo, the youngest by a hundred years and a neophyte in comparison to his veteran brothers, is having a bit more trouble handling the 40 year old retired police officer gone receptionist. "She's strong for her age!", he tries not to hurt her while getting a better hold of her. She showers him in kisses. "Can someone help?"
The other two, Bilhard and Urtus, were sitting in their chairs watching Cahrilo struggle, laughing hard.
Urtus wiped a tear from his eye from laughing so hard, "It seems we have learned our lesson, we must tell the apothecary to make a stronger suppressor. These mortal women are ravenous!"
Just as the trio were laughing, loud banging could be heard from the walls of the transport truck.
The laughter stops, Bilhard stands up to check the outer side cameras of the truck. "What in the name of the throne?". He sees an unidentified marine clinging on to the side of the truck, ripping the haul. As Bilhard was witnessing this from the camera, Urtus and Cahrilo were seeing it as it was happening in front of them.
Bilhard faintly growled in frustration, now was not the right time for a fight. "By throne what's going on?!", suddenly the truck was hit again, this time from the left by something trying to push truck off the road.
As the passengers were trying to keep their footing, the mystery marine had successfully tore through the side.
Revealing to be a Space Wolf, with a more animalistic helmet. He growled furiously at the Imperial Fists.
"By Dorn!? Why are you attacking us Space Wolf?! Have you been touched by chaos?", as Bilhard was shouting at the transgression, Urtus may have realized what they had done.
"WHICH ONE IS IT!?", he shouted to the wolf.
The space wolf was staring at him the hardest. Now he's gotten his answer. "savage..." Urtus leaves the dazed Lorey in a seat next to him, "..if you harm this mortal, our agreement is void!"., his other brother, stunned at what he had just done.
The wolf picks her up gently in his arms, content with her safety. Lorey, still dazed is now currently becoming more delirious, as the pleasant aphrodisiac effects of the hormones have now become akin to breathing in toxic inhalants. He leaves a threatening glance at Urtus, now having having earned his ire. He leaves through the hole he had entered, and runs with the rest of his pack into the night.
Urtus was calm, but he should have known something like this would happen. "Brother, he may have had eyes on the girl before we even perceived her existence, we were the ones that have cross a rather difficult line. You know how territorial another Astartes can be of their chosen mate. You of all people should know better.", Urtus sat back down.
Bilhard, tired from what can be perceived as a failed mission. Walks up to the driver. "To the hospital. Now.", goes back to sit back down.
Moors had been keeping an eye on the road, but a ear to the back. "You boys know this is going to have to be reporting to the chaplain right?"
The three of them had a collective groan.
Meanwhile, the late night had gone from loud, undefined chatter and drumming of metal to soft croaking of tree frogs, the crunching of leaves under heavy foot prints and the quite whispers of unrecognizable voices. Lorey had now time to take in fresh air for the past hour, but something in her had taken much of her strength as if she had drunk heavily. She looks up at whom every was holding her, but her heavy eyelids could only preview the dark sky, the bright crescent moon, and a dark shape gently cradling her. Everything from that point on, had went dark. Diving into a deep sleep.
End of log 4
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thrawns-backrest · 11 months
I decided to bring a pretty crazy thing here, hehe.
There is a popular series of books in Russia that is not very well known abroad. The idea is that in this world there are cyborgs that look like ordinary people, but are sold as machines. There are combat cyborgs, nanny cyborgs, etc. In general, these are truly machines, but some cyborgs (combats and spies) can acquire human feelings and personality from a time - they are called “thwarted” and are immediately destroyed when discovered. It is totally legally. But there are people who, contrary to the general trend, are kind to such creatures and help them hide, accept them as friends and family members, or even fight for their rights.
So, I've been thinking for a long time about an AU in which Ronan is not human. He is one of those machines that has gained mind, which was noticed by his owner. In a panic (because thwarted cyborgs are often aggressive, as a rule, there are reasons for this, but people don’t care about it), he used cruelty, but did not call a special team to destroy the “thwarted” cyborgs, because he thought that his “machine” is no longer viable because of him, so to speak. So he just threw it out of sight. However, Krennic, who was probably just relaxing while hanging around the city, came across a cyborg who was still alive. He understood what was happening, but for some reason decided not to report it to the appropriate place or simply leave it. He found a specialist who could fix the cyborg, and then helped him pretend to be a human and join the Empire as his assistant (after all, this guy will definitely be forever grateful to him and will do anything for him, right?). I have two options for what could happen next:
1) In Ronan's Ascendancy recruitment scene, Thrawn would have caught him not hating Palpatine, but by recognizing who he really was. Krennic would make sure Ronan didn't give himself away even to the most powerful scanners and so on, but hey, Thrawn can't be fooled!
2) The scene from Treason would have gone the same way as in the canon, but later (I did not think through this moment in detail) a situation would have been created where Ronan again ended up on the Chimera or in another imperial facility. It would create a situation where, in order to protect everyone, he would have to give himself away and use his potential as a machine to repel an attack that could not be stopped in any other way. Ronan would be sure that now he would either be destroyed or simply kicked out in disgrace, but, as we know, Thrawn is not one of those who judge by origin. He would have allowed him to stay… which earned him eternal devotion, in fact, but Ronan still continued to bark at him, so as not to give away a change in his attitude simply out of stubbornness :D
okay first of all, sorry for how late this is lol, secondly THIS GIVES ME SUCH STRONG DETROIT BECOME HUMAN VIBES HOLY SHIT. I don't know if you've heard of dbh but it has a similar premise and I was obsessed with it for a while. the reason I'm bringing this up is because in dbh androids had little circular led lights on the side of their head which would glow blue for stable, yellow for strained and red for instability. and when they became deviant (gained consciousness) the lights would correspond to their emotions and mood. anyway this whole tangent is to say that if Ronan was an android his led would be red all the time and it would be hilarious
now back on track
I REALLY love this idea, the image of Ronan standing quietly while Krennic pokes around inside some open panel to do some maintenance instantly popped into my mind. And it's in character for Krennic to take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate a loyal subordinate (plus he'll have his very own life size doll to play dress up with lol). Maybe they even had this long period where Ronan was still a bit beat up and missing some parts so he couldn't walk around in public. And in that interim he only knew the person who cared for and helped fix him, namely Krennic.
both of these scenarios work really well! in fact one way Thrawn could catch him is thanks to his infrared vision, a machine could possibly simulate human body heat but with the amount of attention Thrawn pays to it, he would have figured out something was off eventually. This scenario could also work alongside canon, I think. Thrawn could use this as additional blackmail to Ronan's beliefs (imagine if that's what made Vader even more dangerous to him, he would instantly recognize he's not looking at a human because of the Force). Another candidate for figuring it out would be Dayja because our boy is so clever - he'd probably postpone bringing it up because the most valuable information is the one only you know and by the time he decides to do something with it, Ronan would already have been spirited away to the Ascendancy.
And oooh the second one is interesting! One thing that instantly comes to mind (totally not because I've considered it a thousand times for dbh fics haha) is that machines can probably sustain a lot more damage than humans so they could step into the line of fire to protect one. Even just getting injured would give him away which makes the scene on the Firedrake all the more interesting because Ronan came within an inch of getting shot which in this case would have given him away in front of everyone.
"but Ronan still continued to bark at him, so as not to give away a change in his attitude simply out of stubbornness" LOL Ronan's cat like attitude strikes again! He acts like he hates his master but really he's actually very loyal. It's even funnier because Krennic is that one 'owner' that the cat sucks up to and no one even knows why. Only the cat.
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the-boy-who-waited · 2 years
Pond Investigations
takes place shortly after the Angels Take Manhattan (so spoilers for that episode)
note: this is a long shot but genuinely if anyone wants to do fanart for this i will love you forever
Cyborgs in Manhattan
Things have been happening here since we created the paradox. Manhattan feels like its own little world now, almost closed off from the rest of the Earth, except Rory and I are the only ones who can’t leave. But that’s okay, I think. We’ve created a life here together. I’m a publisher and writer, he’s a doctor, things are good. But like I said, it's still hectic. The angels are gone for now, but other stuff has been going wrong. People going missing, sightings of strange creatures roaming the city, that stuff. And luckily, Rory and I have some experience with this sort of thing. You’re welcome, Manhattan.
“I’ve missed this. Haven’t you missed this?” I ask, glancing up from the manuscript lying limply in my hands.
“Sorry, missed what?” Rory groans, sitting up next to me. The bed creaks as he leans over to turn on his bedside light.
“This, the adventure,” I reply smoothly, taking off my reading glasses to look at him. “Or the anticipation of adventure, more like.”
“Mm, yeah. I guess. Glad we have a more normal life, though. Settling down a bit.”
“You call this normal?” I laugh, gesturing to the room around us. “We were sent back in time to 1938 New York by weeping angels, we can’t leave, and people are going missing!”
“Oh, you know what I mean,” he scoffs in response. “Not going on crazy adventures for weeks on end, you know?”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you really don’t miss that, though. Come on, it’s exciting!” He gives me a weary but longing look. I sigh.
“Okay, yes, I’ve felt a bit empty without all that going on,” he chuckles.
“Exactly! Thank you! So you agree now that we have to figure out what exactly is happening?”
“Are we really the only ones who can?” Rory asks tentatively. I give him a sly smile and place a hand on his shoulder.
“Yes,” I say without hesitation. He sighs and rolls his head, but a grin plays at his lips.
“So then tell me, Mrs. Williams, how are we going to solve these mysteries all on our own?”
“We won’t be completely on our own, my dear Mr. Pond.” I hold up the cover of the manuscript I’m proofreading. “We have-”
“Melody Malone…”
Chapter 1
Over the past few days, we’ve been silently taking notes on all the disappearances happening around us. So far, we have:
Some victims have been disappearing and popping up a few weeks later, looking exactly the same as they did when they went missing
Many who came back do not remember anything about the time between their disappearance and their reappearance
People have been reporting sightings of small robotic shape-changers. We haven’t seen any yet, nor have we ever heard of them
Most of the people who went missing have not yet reappeared, and traces of them seem to be slowly disappearing as well (memories, objects, sometimes entire houses)
I’m surprised we haven’t come across any of the robots ourselves yet, considering our repertoire with aliens. But our eyes are peeled. The moment we see one of those little buggers, our work begins. And I have a feeling that said work will be cut out for us.
“Amy?” Rory calls my name from down the hall.
“Yeah?” I pipe back.
“I think… I think you might want to come look at this…” he says, his tone a bit unsure.
“What is it?” I ask as I make my way down the hall.
“Be slow. Don’t want to spook it,” he replies, now whispering.
“Rory, what is i-” I stop just as I’m rounding the corner. A small metallic bird, about the size of a standard adult human head sits very close to Rory’s feet. “Oh.”
“Is it- It’s not one of the robots people have been talking about, is it?”
“I don’t know!” I exclaim in a hushed voice. “I mean, probably, what else would it be? Not like robots are a common occurrence here, yeah?” I crouch down closer to its level and slowly move towards it.
“D’you think that’s the best idea?” Rory whispers.
“Got a better one?”
“Yes, actually! Multiple! We don’t know what this thing is, or does, or-” Before he can finish his sentence, nearly at the speed of light, the robot changes into a hand, a needle shoots out of one of the fingers, and barely in a heartbeat, I am gone.
I don’t know where I am. I can’t see. Are my eyes closed or am I blind? Ohh, I really hope it’s the former. I groan and try to sit up, but I’m held down by something. Clamps?
“I told you the human would try to escape,” an exasperated, raspy voice scolds from beside me. I jump.
“I never disagreed with you!” another voice says from the other side. It sounds offended.
“Will you stop bickering and let me out?” I grumble.
Silence from both of them, then they begin hastily whispering.
“She’s not supposed to do that, is she? Why can she talk?”
“I don’t know! I made sure to put that in the medicine, I don’t know why it didn’t work.”
I clear my throat. “Yeah, hi, I can hear you. At least let me see, will you?” No reply.
“I mean, she can be allowed to see, right?” the mellow voice finally whispers.
“Yeah, if you want to risk getting killed, sure.”
“I’m not going to kill you, calm down. Not if you do what I ask,” I mumble.
“Is that a threat? Might not be the best choice in this situation, dear.”
“Give me back my vision and I won’t move a muscle,” I bargain.
I hear a grunt next to me, and angry muttering.
“Better not be lying, human,” the angry voice growls. There’s rustling beside my ear, then light enters my eyes. One overhead light, kind of dim, shines on me. Peering down are two blank faced individuals, both of their skin a musky gray. Their eyes are too cold for them to be fully living creatures. Cyborgs? Probably. Most of their bodies are encased in shiny silver armour, except for their joints, similar to medieval knight’s armour. There’s foreign writing on both of their shoulders. Entirely unrecognizable, clearly an alien language. I squint at it, forcing the blur away. The characters slowly morph into something more readable. Lucky me, the translation effects of the Tardis still work. The writing on the tags read ‘Burol’ - the angry one to my right - and ‘Oscan’ - the mellow one to my left. Based on their dressing, they seem to be warriors.
I clear my throat. “Thank you. Now, what are you?”
“We are the Strox, Miss Pond.”
“Oi, Mrs. Pond to you, wire-brains. What do you want with me? And… how do you know my name?”
“We receive data from each human we collect. But why should we tell you what we want? That wouldn’t be very smart now, would it?”
“No, I suppose it wouldn’t, Burol,” I say, smiling.
“You understand Strox?” he asks indignantly.
I pause. Which would get me more likely to get information out of them? The truth - I spent a long time in a Tardis with the last remaining Time Lord - or a very blatant lie - yes, I can read Strox? I shake my head.
“Yeah, I can. Well versed in alien languages, as a matter of fact.” The lie seemed better. Knowing the Doctor’s reputation with getting all creatures everywhere to hate him, this seems like a better bet at avoiding death.
“Hm. Impressive,” Oscan ponders. “And where did you gain this knowledge?”
“I… traveled a lot. Learned a lot of different languages. Had to, you know?”
Burol pulls his comrade aside and they begin harshly whispering. I don’t know if they know I can still hear them.
“She could be useful. What if we kept part of her essence for later? Not an entire vessel, she’d still have her values, but all morals and human decency would be gone, yeah?”
“That,” Oscan replies after a moment, a smirk audible in his voice. “Is brilliant. But how would we do it?”
“Just a moment.” They walk back over and Burol picks up a syringe.
“Wait, wait, what are you doing? Hold on-” I gasp, struggling to break free from my restraints.
“Simply going to put you under, dear Pond. You won’t feel a thing,” he explains, stone cold.
“No, why, what do you want?” I prattle. But he simply ignores me. I don’t have much time until it’s prepared. I need to do something, anything, now. I frantically dig around in my pocket as stealthily as I can, looking for something, anything I can use. My fingers graze a pen, ballpoint.
“Hurry up! Now, do it now!” Oscan yelps. “Before she escapes!”
Panicking, I force my hand through the cuff and jab Burol with the pen in a vulnerable spot on his elbow, catching the syringe as it falls out of his hands. He stumbles back, more surprised than hurt. Syringe still in hand, I attempt to force open the other cuff to no avail. I’ll need to put something together when I get home. I grit my teeth. I better get home.
“Let me out,” I order, holding my weapon pointing directly at Oscan. “I’ll have you know, I am very good at darts.”
Unsure of what else to do, he nods and releases me via a control panel tucked away into a small corner of the metallic room. I give a sigh of relief and defensively swing off the bed, glaring daggers at the Strox. But my anger quickly dissipates and morphs into fear and… sadness. Ahead of me are dozens of beds similar to mine, with motionless bodies lying atop them.
“Are they… dead?” I ask hesitantly, walking slowly towards them.
I turn to face the Strox. Burol grunts, holding his elbow. Strox flesh is very vulnerable, noted.
“What use would dead humans be to us? We’re not disgusting, we don’t leave corpses down here strapped down to beds as if they’ll come alive,” he growls mockingly.
“I beg to differ. You are pretty disgusting. Are you experimenting on them?” I ask. No response. Of course they are. They themselves are cyborgs. Light shines off metal on the bodies, bouncing around the cavernous room. No, not experimenting - changing them, modifying them. Making them into warriors just as they are. Is there a war? No…
“You were talking about my essence and using me as a vessel. What does that mean?” I demand.
“Look around you, Ms. Pond, what do you think?”
Motionless bodies being turned into cyborgs. ‘Essence’. ‘Vessels’. I groan.
“You’re creating an army,” I reply simply. “And you’re using human bodies as your soldiers. And… you want me as one of them.”
Oscan chuckles. “Smart girl. You were right,” he says to Burol. “She could be a very valuable asset.”
“Not a goddamn chance,” I snap back.
“Feisty one, eh?” Oscan laughs. “Admirable of you to think you really can do anything to keep yourself - or any of these humans - safe. Don’t understand what you think you can do.”
“Oh, you will,” I laugh.
“And why is that?”
“I know why you’re here. Why you started here instead of anywhere else on Earth. The paradox, yeah? Well, guess who created it!” I point to myself. “Might just be a human, but I am one hell of a woman.”
“Ahhh, I see.” Oscan grins, satisfaction on his cold face. “Just another reason why we could use you,” he purrs.
“And a reason why you won’t. I am getting out of here and if either of you try to stop me, I will use these.” I brandish the syringe in one hand and pen in the other, reminding them of what I have.
“Either of us, sure, but what about the rest of them?”
I freeze, and slowly turn around. The people that were once lying down are now standing, the same blank expressions on their faces as the Strox. Each of them are in various states of disarray, some barely even human at this point. Home feels a little further away right now.
Chapter 2
“Amy! No!” Rory cries out, grasping at the air as his wife disappears in front of him. “Not again, come on… Why take her? You were so close to me, so why her?” He smacks his hand on the cold wooden floor, exhaling angrily. “I am not letting this happen. I’m coming for you, Amy, I promise.”
Rory stands up shakily and runs his fingers through his hair.
“What do I do? God, what do I do?” he mutters frantically. His boots clunk on the floor as he paces back and forth, then stop suddenly, almost stumbling backwards with the force of his realization. He rushes to his room, tearing the sheets off the bed, rifling through each and every drawer.
“There, yes, thank God,” he pants, yanking out Amy’s manuscript from beneath a pile of papers. “Please have a number written on here…” He flips to the last page, unconsciously crossing his fingers. A number is written on it, scrawled in black marker.
“Okay, okay…” he mumbles, rushing back to the living room, manuscript in hand, and dials the number. “Please pick up, River, please…”
Melody Malone sits in her dimly lit office, comfortably awaiting a phone call. Her silvery stilettos rest on the desk in front of her as she leans back in her chair, skimming a newspaper. An unlit cigarette hangs limply from her lower lip - she prefers not to smoke, but she does like the aesthetic of it. Especially in the mid 20th century, when everyone smokes. She taps her nails on the desk, swinging her legs down, just as the phone rings.
“Angel Detective Agency,” she answers.
“Melody- River- Melody,” the voice on the other end practically yells into the speaker.
“River, yes,” she replies coolly.
“This is, uh, Rory, sorry, hi. Amy’s gone missing, you know those robot… things? We found one today, in our house, and it took her and I don’t know where-”
“Yes, I know,” River chuckles, fiddling with a cuff on her wrist.
“Well then I need you to come over and help me get her back, and preferably fix this once and for all- hello?” Light flashes in the office, and River is gone, leaving the phone barely hung up.
“Did she just- hang up on me?” Rory asks himself, more confused than anything.
“Well, yes and no,” River’s voice rings out through the door. Without a word, Rory opens it, a look of astonishment overtaking his face.
“Vortex manipulator. You may not be able to time travel or space travel, but I can. Easy,” she explains. “Now, what do you suggest we do?”
“Probably… find another of those robots, yeah? Let ourselves be taken and find our way back with Amy, while also defeating whatever’s doing this, or something.”
“Exactly what I was thinking. As a matter of fact, I have one with me. I temporarily shut it down, but that can be fixed.” She reaches into the pocket of her trench coat and pulls out a sonic screwdriver.
“Did the Doctor give you that?” Rory asks as she works on restoring the robot.
“He will. It should work now. Let it prick you, it’ll do everything else on its own from there.”
Rory shudders. “Have you been studying these?”
“Just this one. Only one I could get my hands on and control without getting taken myself. It should activate any minute now, get ready.”
Exactly as she predicts, it transforms into a hand, just what it did for Amy, and shoots them both with needles. They disappear with a flash, and the house is empty.
Chapter 3
“Stay back!” I yell, wielding my only protection at arm’s length.
“Or what?” Burol replies, grinning as much as an emotionless face can.
“Yes, or what?” the emptied people repeat, all in unison. A hivemind. That’s not creepy at all.
“Or…” I clear my throat. “Or I will attack!”
“And what good that will do, right, Amelia?” A shiver runs up my spine.
“Don’t… call me that,” I order.
“Ooh, hit a nerve there, mm? Is that not your name?” Oscan asks softly.
“Not anymore. Not to you,” I growl, hiding my fear behind a brutal wall of anger. But they’re moving closer and I am surrounded. There is no possible way that I can escape. Mass of cyborgs on all sides of me, except behind. Which is backed up by a thick metal wall. Or a door. God, please be a door.
Before I can check, a robotic voice comes over the intercom.
“New life forms detected. Dissertation: Human. Please stand by, collection will begin shortly.” Momentarily, all the cyborgs stop and stare at the Strox.
“AMY!” a voice yells from the other side of the wall. Rory. Oh thank God.
“Do not let them open the door,” Burol snarls at Oscan. He nods.
“Shouldn’t have let me know that this is a door,” I chuckle. “RORY! OPEN THE DOOR!”
“Do NOT let them open it!” Burol yells again, louder.
“ON IT!” With a shriek, it slides open behind me.
“See you on the other side, suckers!” I yell triumphantly, falling backwards into the next room. The doors close automatically, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
“Amy! You’re okay, oh my God, you’re okay,” Rory says, his body relaxing a bit more when he sees me. He helps me up and I pull him into a quick kiss.
“Ohhh, I missed you,” I mumble, holding him as tight as he’s holding me. High heels clack from behind him and I peer over his shoulder.
“Hello, River,” I gasp. Now is not the time for smiling, but I can’t help it.
“Very glad you’re safe.” I break away from Rory to give her a warm hug.
“So am I.” I give her a kiss on the cheek and turn to face the door.
“What… are those things, exactly?” Rory asks abruptly.
“Strox,” River and I say in unison.
“You’ve heard of them?” I ask her.
“Briefly. Heard their name spread around the galaxy, used to hear stories about them. Used to be an incentive to keep kids good - ‘if you’re not good, the Strox will come and conquer!’” she quotes.
“Well, what do they do? What do they want?” Rory questions.
“From what I could gauge, they want to colonize Earth. I’m assuming they feed on paradox energy or use it as some other source of strength - and we all know this city is full of it. They’re cyborgs trying to turn other people into cyborgs. And taking out all human essence to… empty the bodies for good use.”
“Empty the bodies… what does that mean?” Rory inquires.
“Well, I think by ‘essence’, they mean the soul. They mentioned doing it to me but only removing my morality. So essentially, to have the perfect warrior, they take out the soul and leave the body empty for something new to put in.”
“Like daleks or cybermen,” River interjects.
“How much time do you reckon we have?” Rory mutters, leaning back against a wall.
“Well, judging by the noise they’re making out there,” River raises her eyebrows. “I’d say about ten minutes.” She turns to me. “Estimate of how many there are?”
A pained expression takes over my face. “More than 20. All in varying states of robot.”
Rory groans and puts his head in his hands. A visible chill runs up River’s spine.
“Okay. Okay, well, what do we do? How do we- how do we stop them?” Rory rambles.
“I… have no idea. But we must do something, right? We’ve seen our future, we live after this, so we don’t die here or now. And if we don’t die now, that means no one else does, right?”
“But time can be rewritten,” he mumbles.
“Only if we want it to be. So come on, think!” I rub my temples, pacing back and forth, ignoring the pulsing pain in my hand. “We can’t use time travel, I doubt we can fight them by hand, so what else can we do? What other options do we have?” I mumble.
“Well… I have a sonic screwdriver. Probably should have mentioned that earlier,” River chimes in, holding up her sonic.
“Do you think it could disable the technology of the Strox?”
“Not for very long, but yes.”
“Perfect. I have a plan,” I say, grinning.
Chapter 4
“When the door sounds like it’s about to burst down, get ready. River, you sonic the two Strox, it’s a hivemind so I think they control the people. Rory, you come with me to the control panel and keep an eye on all of them. Finding out how to shut everything down shouldn’t take too long, if I press enough buttons it’ll probably ruin the system. Let me know if they start waking up. If they do, we run. If they don’t and I get the systems scrambled in time, we can probably take control of the mechanics and therefore the Strox, and get them to return all souls back to the people down here.” I pause, and take a deep breath. “If that’s even possible.”
River and Rory nod. The banging on the door grows louder, then stops altogether. Eyes wide, my gaze meets Rory and River’s.
“What are they do-” River begins, rudely interrupted by the metal melting rapidly into a puddle on the floor, hardening just as quickly. “Ah. Will this still work?”
“Well,” I chuckle nervously. “We better damn well hope so. Go!”
River sprints towards the Strox, sonic screwdriver held at arm’s length, at full power. As she nears the Strox, the cyborgs all shut down at once, twitching.
“Yes! Oh, I am so glad that worked,” I laugh. “Okay, Rory, with me.” He nods, and I grab his hand, pulling him along. We shove through the mob of cyborgs to the control panel and stand back to back. “Alright, how does this thing work?” I mutter. “Really wish there were big red buttons on things…” I take a deep breath and begin pressing buttons, completely at random.
“You’re sure this will work?” Rory mutters.
“First thing I learned from the Doctor: always press buttons. Something’s bound to happen.”
“Amy, they’re waking up,” Rory whispers shakily.
“No, no, no, not yet, please…” I mumble. I smack the side of the console and groan. “Hold on- there’s a button down here.” I run my fingers along the edge of it and clench my fists before furiously pressing it. All at once, everything shuts down - the cyborgs stop once again, the internal locks click open, lights turn off. It seems like, out of all the technology here, the Strox are the only ones still functioning.
“No! What have you done?” Burol yells.
“Stopped you little buggers, that’s what we’ve done,” I reply. “Now, you’re going to tell me how to restore these people, if it’s even possible.”
Burol sighs. “If we return their souls to them, there is a chance that they will die. And do you really want that, Amelia Pond?”
“Well, what’s the other chance?”
“The robotic parts will cease to function and their organic bodies will be restored. But it is a much smaller chance.”
“I’ll take it. Better than letting them just die without even trying to do anything. So do it.”
Burol cocks his head at us questioningly, as if to challenge us. River clears her throat and brandishes her sonic screwdriver. It glistens in the light. He meets her eyes for a moment, then surrenders.
“Come with us.”
“Good. But you are going to be very closely monitored, got that?” I warn.
We set off, both of the Strox closely tailed by River and Rory.
We come to a door at the end of a long hallway, and it opens seemingly on its own.
“In here. Keep them in bottles,” Oscan introduces.
“How do we get them to their rightful places?”
“They’ll know where to go. But remember, if they all die, it will be your fault.”
I scoff. “Life is full of hard decisions, this is just one of the harder ones. I know what I’m doing, now shut it.”
I gingerly pick one of the bottles up and examine it. It’s tightly sealed with a cork. Slowly, I open it, and a blue mist seeps out, making a beeline down the corridor and back to the cyborgs.
“If this works, you two leave. I know you have some kind of technology in you. Cyborgs usually do,” I growl at the two Strox. They nod.
I make sure Rory and River still have the Strox trapped with the syringe and screwdriver, then chase after the light, just in time to see it enter the body of one young man. A glow emanates from under his skin, and he straightens up with a loud gasp, then collapses.
“Don’t die, please don’t die,” I whisper, rushing over to him. Slowly, the metal unattaches itself from his skin, and his body repairs itself in the places that it was modified. I lower my head to listen. He’s breathing. Oh thank God, he’s breathing. I let out a sigh of relief and stand up.
“It worked!” I call out. “It worked… release the rest of them!”
The first sound that reaches my ears is a loud zap - the Strox leaving. Then the distant sound of corks popping out of bottles. I smile. Did we just… save Manhattan? No, don’t get ahead of yourself, Amy. We still have to make sure the rest of them are okay. Blue light streams in, illuminating the dark room with a soft glow, and gradually, all of the cyborgs regain their humanity. The last cork pops as the last bottle is opened, and Rory and River run in, now on their own. I look behind me and meet their eyes with a soft, triumphant smile.
“It’s… beautiful,” River whispers.
“It’s life,” I reply. “I suppose that is beautiful. Did you know that this is what life looks like?”
River walks up in front of me, staring wistfully at the light. “Yes. 200 years, I’ve had the chance to see life itself, yet it never fails to amaze me. You can hear them. Their souls, their essence, their… hope. Each and every individual.” She pauses. “The first time I saw it was with the Doctor. In a situation similar to this, I think. He was astounded, as was I. 2000 years, and yet it never failed to amaze him as it did the first time. He’s funny like that, you know. Sees every experience as something new and beautiful, even if he’s seen it a hundred, a thousand times,” she continues.
Slowly, the last of the light reenters the last of the bodies, and she turns to face us. I look down at the ground and sniffle. Am I crying? A lone tear rolls down my cheek, and I wipe it off. I suppose I am. Was. I clear my throat and turn away, not letting River see.
“Well. We need to get back up. River, can you scan for an internal teleport?”
“Yes.” She switches on the sonic and scans the room. “That lever, I believe, turns it on. If I can modify it, it should take everyone back to where they need to be - namely, these people.”
River walks up to the control panel and briefly studies the lever, then sonics it.
“Ready?” I ask.
Rory and River nod, and I pull the lever.
It’s dark out now, which is probably best, considering we just appeared out of nowhere.
“We ought to go. New Yorkers may never sleep, but I’ll be damned if they’re not diligent,” River mentions.
“You can come back to our place, if you like. Relax a bit,” Rory offers. I nod.
“Thank you, but I must be going. Places to be, men to see.”
I laugh quietly. “Tell him we say hi,” I whisper. “Thank you for helping us. Don’t be a stranger.”
She gives each of us a quick hug, then flicks a switch on her Vortex manipulator and disappears. I sigh and grab Rory’s hand, holding it in a firm grip. We walk under the dim streetlamps towards our apartment complex quietly. It’s not so bad being stuck here, not with him. He makes it all better.
taglist (ask to be added): @riddlersboyfriend @totallyeuphoric
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It was six years ago today that I started this journey.
I’d been in Tumblr groups on and off with Abbey since 2012 but they never lasted long.  A couple weeks here and there, then I’d stop for a few months, then try again.  In 2016, I thought I’d try the same but Elle Fanning was taken so I decided to try someone new.  I was in a group once that had Jane Levy as a FC and I thought she looked fun so...
Clarice Dagny was born.  Or rather Elinor Henry was born.  She was a wanted connection and I figured might as well go for it.  I didn’t expect it to be anything too crazy.
She was meant to be a villain in the roleplay, only made to seek revenge and kill her father, but she developed her own style and personality.  She made friends and enemies both on the dash and outside, and so did I.  When I left Hollow Grove and moved to Red Creek, many of those friends came with and we kept our characters.
While in Red Creek, Seth was born.  Yet another wanted connection that grew into a lot more than he was meant to be.  From Red Creek, we moved to Ashbourne.  And from Ashbourne, it went to being Indie threads.  I only expected to do one or two to wrap things up with Seth and Clary and give them their happy endings but it didn’t turn out that way.
Abbey joined.  Then Sam.  Then Jackson.  Soon more and more characters popped up.  I always thought ‘this will be the last one’ and yet...
Six years later, this is where it is.  So many characters.  So many stories.  I knew it’d end someday and when it did, it was bitter sweet but all good things must come to an end.  During those six years, I made a timeline of every thread.  Brief summaries of literally everything that happened.  Not to brag or anything, but I thought it was rather impressive.  Not many people can say they have something like that.
When it did end, I took that timeline and put it in a book so I could have a physical representation of everything I did in that six years.  I like to have something ‘real’ to hold and look at and remember.  Along with that, I made another book of every self para I wrote. 
Both books are over 400 pages with size 8 font.
That’s mind blowing to me.
I know most people don’t get why these characters meant so much to me.  Or why I was so dedicated to them for six years of my life.  It’s because they became my world.  I couldn’t travel but they could.  I’ve never had a long term relationship but they had husbands and wives and all kinds of significant others.  I’ll never have kids but they have extended families.  I’m just some boring, overweight, nothing girl but they’re beautiful, magical, powerful creatures.  I may not have an exciting life but through them, I feel like I have.
It’s sad it came to an end but that’s okay.  Most of them had enough of an arc that they all got the happy endings they wanted and deserved.  The ones that didn’t necessarily complete things, I could still head cannon what happened after. 
These characters and their stories will forever be a part of me and I’m ever grateful to everyone who was with me along the way.  Whether I only talked to them in a single thread years ago or they were my long term RP partner.  They all shaped me and Clary and all the others into who they became and I’m thankful for it. 
This is the last post I’ll probably ever do on Tumblr.  I might post some Instagram musing pics for the characters if I feel compelled to do so but otherwise, this is it.  It’s been a blast.  And while I do regret some choices in my past, I know I can’t change them and can only grow and move forward.
Thanks for the memories <3
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soothinglee · 2 years
Vecnas' Curse
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Steve Harrington x gender neutral reader
summary: reader finds out the truth, everything seems make believe, Steve provides them comfort.
warnings: angst, bad attempt at describing emotions, fluff hidden under the surface.
word count: 1,893 (oh wow!)
m.list | pt. 1 | time: 8:32 p.m
a/n: part 2 to the last fic provided above! people really liked the first one and you guys have no clue how happy that made me. people really wanted this one and I hope it's up to your standards, lmk how you like it!
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The feeling of Steve’s repetitive movement on your back doesn’t succeed in what he was attempting to do. To calm you down. 1 day, they say. One day left to live life however the hell you wanted before your time on this earth was no more.
The headaches, the nose bleeds, the worried glances from your friends all made sense now, they knew. and no one hadn’t said anything.
You knew you shouldn’t have been upset at them, it wasn’t their fault, yet they let your time dwindled down before you let it known.
you let out a sniffle and dodge Steve's hand, ignoring the saddened look in his eyes, being touched was something you didn't want right now, no sympathy no pity, just nothing.
"So you're telling me," you start, watching Robin and Dustin pace around the Wheelers basement, "That all this stuff; the headaches, the nose bleeds, aren't because of my allergens, but because some weird creature from the upside down named 'Vecna', has chosen to curse me because I have a fucked up past?"
The pacers stop, and everyone looks at each other, then pauses. Dustin removes his finger from his mouth, and looks down. He looks from you to Steve and then to Max, takes a deep breathe then says, "Yeah, basically."
You nod dramatically, making sure to show them how bizarre this whole thing is by slamming your hands on your lap, "Great, this is just fan-fucking-tastic-"
"But!" Lucas interrupts, speaking for the first time in 10 minutes. In his hand was Max's tape recorder, he had been fiddling with the re-wind button every so often, but stopped when Max nodded his way. They were cute, but something was obviously going on between them. "We have a solution."
"Oh really?" You give him a look of disbelief. Steve removes his hand from your back fully, the emptiness is something you won't ever welcome. You unconsciously frown, Nancy smiles over at you.
"Yes! This may sound crazy but we've figured out a way to extend your time until we figure out to kill it." Max backs Lucas up, you don't miss the grateful smile he gives her. She pushes a earcup back, leaving the other one on. The faint voice of Kate Bush's' music flows from the one on her ear. "What if I say...that the same thing that happened to you, happened to me...?"
The hopeful looks she gives you makes you automatically all ears. It'd be a asshole move to dismiss everything she says because you weren't used to treating mythical creatures like they were real. She was only trying to help, so you give her your undivided attention by leaning in. Max's posture gets giddy when she sees you'll give in without compliant.
She takes a deep breathe and clasps her hands together, then spills everything that had happened over the last couple of hours and the only thing you could think was what the fuck, you look over to Eddie, who you thought at first was the cause of all of this, expecting to him to pop his collar, flip his long hair and give you a cocky smirk, but no. He was sat back in the stained chair with the most intense look on his face, like he couldn't believe it either.
While Max continued talking- making eye contact with you ever now and then, you looked back at Steve, who was slumped back next to you on the couch with his arm slung over your shoulders on the couch rest, finding that he was already staring at you.
When you made contact he didn't look away, but the frown on his face deepened, causing the frown lines on his face more prominent, when he blinks all you see is sorrow and you had to look away to hold back the tears.
"And yeah," She finishes, by the time she was done Dustin had sat down on the floor next to Eddies legs, Criss crossed with his hands in his lap in a prayer position, he hadn't moved in a while so it seems that he was in a deep think.
"We believe that the answers to save not only your life but Max's life is music," and when you scoff Robin adds, "I know it sounds koo-koo for coco puffs but it works! How do you think Max survived this long? She was supposed to die hours ago." Robins tone was aha! proved you wrong but instead it proved nothing, sure you could psychically see Max in all her glory but it seems impossible.
"You have to believe her y/n." Steve speaks up numbly, "It's sounds wacky, I understand, but we can't risk it." He sits up and leans on his knees, turning his head to look at everyone but you can tell he's not fully there. You stare at him, "We can't risk losing you."
Those few words made your heart race, and he looks over at you and it felt like your heart was going to leap from your chest and run a 4k marathon. You couldn't tell if it was because of the delicate ways those words left his lips; full of desperations and no more options, in dire need to keep you here, or the soft way his eyebrows hunch when looking at you, his voice wavers slightly almost like he was going to cry.
"So, what do you say ole cursed one?" Eddie teases, a playful smirk rises onto his lips, "Ready to be a badass and save the world?"
Although this whole thing seems useless you had to do this for all the future victims who will be apart of Vecna's army, you had to do it for those who had no choice but to endure the awful trauma people gave to them, you had to do it for those whose future lied in the hands of evil, you had to do it for your friends who wanted nothing but the best for you, you had to do it for Max.
You had to do it for Steve.
The nosebleeds started to frequent more often, having to resort to carrying around a pack of tissues in case it happened while you were out. You had thrown out the Advil because there was no longer any reason to take it if it just didn't work.
Moral within the group was at an all time high, not only did they believe that they knew how to get to Vecna but how to prolong a victims life. Since the conversation at the Wheeler house, Steve took it upon himself to go to the record store across the street from his house and buy you a record tape, along with serval tapes with different songs from different artists.
“Which one?” He asks, leaning back on your bed frame, he kicks over the plastic bag next to his feet to make room for you to sit.
You sift through the pile, gliding over the cases to see which one you wanted to listen to for hours. MJ, Prince, Madonna, The ink spots, and Guns n' Rose. After a few minutes- and Steve watching you closely, you decide on The Ink Spots, the song in the tape was I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire, an old catchy song from the 40s. You push the other tapes away and push that one towards Steve, "An oldie but a goody."
He looks up at you, his eyebrows hunched in confusion, "Are you sure, don't you think it's kinda...depressing?"
You shrug, he presses a button on the top of the tape recorder and it pops open, then he slides the tape in; closes it and hands it to you. With it you connect the headphones that were in your lap, a gift from Dustin, and plug it into the head phone jack. "I feel that it's fitting."
Steve sighs as you fumble with the headphone cords, slipping them on over your neck, the forlorn expression on your face makes him move quickly and he moves aside everything off the bed and onto the floor, making sure to not crush any of the tapes.
He grabs the hands that were in your lap and pulls you in quickly. You Yelp at the sudden movement but stop when you land on the pillow next to him. “Okay, tell me how you’re felling.”
“I feel fine Steve, as fine as I can get.”
“bullshit, if I found out I was dying I would be the pissest person in the world.”
You shrug, put the headphones on, “Maybe I don’t want to go out angry, it was going to happen eventually I just have to accept it.”
“bullshit,” he repeats, this time it’s full of disbelief and uncertainty.
“It’s the truth!” if anyone was being honest, no one is just going to accept that their time is up, people can be pissy because they aren’t ready. You couldn’t tell if you were lying because you didn’t want to make Steve upset or to come to terms with this reality.
Steve can see through your lies, “Y’know you don’t have to be strong for me, right? If you wanted to you could break down in tears right now and I would be okay with that.”
You nod your head, looking anywhere but towards him, “yeah I know.”
he lightly shoved your knees, “Then what’s going on? Please don’t keep me out, I want nothing but to help you but if you keep this door closed then I can’t do my best.”
"It's just," you reply so quickly that Steve almost gets whiplash, "What's going to happen when I'm gone? What's going to happen to you, what's going to happen that if all this doesn't work out we did all of this for nothing? I don't want you to be like Jason and what happened to Chrissy." you bite your lip to stop yourself from crying, saying it out loud was harder then thinking it and you felt stinging in the corner of your eyes.
"hey," Steve's delicate voice soothes, "Don't cry, none of that stuff is going to happen because we will find a way-"
"But what if-?" You interject but he cuts you off.
"No 'what if's'. Do you know who I am? I am Steve goddamn Harrington and if there's one thing I'll do is protect you. You know why?" He readjusts himself so he could rub your shoulders, you body shakes with the movement.
"Why?" You sniffle, wiping the stray tears that fell on your cheeks.
"Because I care about you, and as your boyfriend I would do anything to keep you safe. Just know that in the end- what ever happens, I will always be on your side."
In that moment you looked at him in eyes and you can see the sincerity, from the way you saw him protect those kids from anything, you knew that he was strong and caring. He was telling the truth and you did trust him, and even if in the dark- when all hope is lost and things are coming to an end, you'd have Steve, the flashlight everyone needs.
So you sigh, wipe the tears away, give him a watery smile, "Okay." and hit play on the tape.
taglist: @urfavstrangerthingsfan | @hypnoinstaxartcloud | @mothresscos05 | @mads-weasley | @prettysbliss | @padf00ts-l0ver | @simpingfortoomanypeople | @tanyaherondale | @etheriaaly |
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
Mermaid? Yandere mermaid?! Shake mermaid (merman) yandere?! Protective, bitey, siren boi?!
You stir in the waters slowly, feet kicking to keep you afloat while looking to the sky as the sun begins to set. You didn’t want to leave the serene waters, the cooling sensation on your skin mixed with the near weightless feeling made you feel inner peace that didn’t come with everyday life.
You’ve been here for hours, skin warm and definitely burnt to an extent (sunscreen has never worked for you, no matter what, you always set sun damage) so you should at least give in and take a good nap right? Let your cells heal what they can before the burning sensation really kicks in and you regret ever existing at the same time as the sun?
You shake your head and splash back into the waters, wanting to be care free for just a bit longer while your friends pack up and clean. The waters here are secluded, deep and still during the day, save for a few small fish that pass by your feet or some bugs that won’t fuck off from landing on you.
“Dude! Seriously, you know swimming at night is dangerous!” one calls out, waving to try and get your attention, but you just dip your head back and let the water block out the noise of their nonsense. Yeah ok bad idea for your ears, but hey short time solution! You don’t want to go back to the crowded camper with noises that make your skin bristle and people who don’t understand low-social battery. You don’t hate your friends, no, but they seem to think they always know what’s best for you and having alone time wasn’t on that list.
Backstroking, you ignore their growing cries to get you back on land, something about the fish aren’t safe at this time or some bullshit. Whatever, you’ll get to them in a minute. You just wanted to relax a bit more before putting on a smile and pretending to give a shit about the festivities they had planned for tomorrow.
OK maybe you’re cranky from no good food but hey, they’re the ones who can’t cook.
While basking in the hunger induced anger you created, a tug was felt on your ankle. Wet, slimy almost, firm grip tugging you under the waves. You suck in a breath in panic, a yelp being cut off while your head goes under and you take in water. Below the surface, in the now darkened depths with scattered moonlight, you meet the eyes of a creature who drains the color from your face.
Big, black eyes, curiously looking at you. Human like, finger- like appendages grasping your calf and tugging you closer. You’re horrified, fighting to break free only for another arm to come up and grab you, holding you under. The beast's eyes are wide with wonder and awe as they hold onto you, letting go abruptly and letting you rocket back to the surface.
Coughing and sputtering, you feel your lungs burning while trying to call for help, your friends rushing to the waters in a rescue attempt. “Help! S-somethings got me!” you cry out, seeing the whites of your friends eyes in a slight moment of hope, only to be yanked under again, this time more aggressively. You clench your eyes shut, water surrounding you no longer comforting, but suffocating. Webbed hands come up to cup your face, lacing something around your neck. You hold your breath as you kick, however it’s useless. The zero-gravity effect makes any actual possibility of a painful contact a fantasy. You soon wear down, dread overcoming you as your body forces open your mouth to try and take one last breath. Eyes shooting open, you are met with the black voids of the creature before you.
And you’re in awe at the fact you can breathe. You, a human underwater, can breathe. No, no you’re just dying! You’re just hallucinating from lack of oxygen and are about to pass on! Right? No chance is given for you to gather yourself, behind you another being wraps their arms around you and begins to swim downwards to the abyss below, moonlight dissipating into nothing.
The last thing your eyes can make out are the kicking feet and splashing arms of your friends searching for you, helpless and horrified.
“Shh shh” One shushes, cupping your face as you’re brought to a small cave. Your chest was glowing a bright blue, illuminating some of the area as you were laid upon a sandy bank, like that of a grotto. Their heads poke out, watching you gather your senses to the best of your ability, kicking the sand as you cry out for help (in vain, but hope can cause a person to do crazy things).
“N-No danger” a voice croaks out, wincing at the echo your terrorized voice made. They didn’t like knowing you were scared, and the rest of the pod felt the same. More and more heads pop out of the water to observe you, wondering why on earth you were so scared.
Your chest felt like a drum, tight and beating much too loudly. They can TALK? Oh fuck they can talk- and in your language! What the hell is happening?! You just wanted an extra five minutes to swim, that’s all you fucking wanted! Why? Why is life doing this to you?! What is happening?!
You clench your hair and try to stop the ongoing panic attack, tears rolling down your cheeks in frustration and confusion, building up and coming to a head. You let out one more anguished sob before falling to the sand, passing out entirely.
“They’re scared, they don’t know what’s going on” one murmurs, crawling up to the bank and petting your hair back. “We definitely need to explain ourselves, but they can’t take much more stress. What’s our plan?”
The pod talks in chitters and clicks, debating on how to care for you and how to explain their actions. The crystal on your chest thrums with each passing second, indicating your current state of health while the merfolk observe and debate. Some fingers come up to play with your hair, or to feel your soft skin as you are moved to a more comfortable area they could still reach.
They’ve waited a long time to find a new member to join their species, magic being the only way they can reproduce, and seeing a cute, delicate human just waiting in their territory was too good of an opportunity to pass up. It’s a sign! You’re meant to be with them, become one of them and live a new life in the deep!
Of course you wouldn’t exactly take the news well. You passed out just from hearing them talk, you wouldn’t exactly be in a state to comprehend their needs and their dedication to keeping you with them. But they’re prepared! A newcomer is needed, for many reasons.
They survive by having bonded mates, yet cannot reproduce without the help of magic. And to be lonely and have no one to bond with is killing them, literally. They have to have a lover to survive, a second (and in some cases, a third) half to stay alive and well and merry!
One of the merfolk will choose you as their bonded mate, but only if you don’t try to leave. A mate leaving will end a life quicker than a harpoon in some cases! Other cases, it’s agonizingly slow and painful. They can’t risk you, a lovely specimen, leaving and dwindling their numbers even more. They need to make a plan to keep you, whatever it takes.
You’ll learn to love your new marine life! Just give them a chance, will you?
(-Mommabean, hi I wrote this at 4 am and on little sleep! Tell me what you think! )
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drakenlvr · 2 years
snail picking with hanma (a drabble)
gn! reader
the clouds have been dark and it looked like it rain heavy since early, but duties were duties. it was your turn to walk the dog this morning, since your “lovely” roommate said he was “busy” (or he’s just lazy, but refuses to admit it 🙄).
so you walked out the complex and continued on the sidewalk. but as it happens when the weather is rainy, snails start blocking your path and the grass near it. and despite living with a guy who seemed far away from the description of gentle, you’d bend to the ground, tap the little swirling shell, wait for the creature to get inside (so you don’t scare it) and you slowly move them to the grassy area.
as you keep doing that, the pet you had originally taken on a walk just runs freely, chasing what seemed to be nothing near you. getting down into a squatting position once more you’ve noticed another slimy bunch making their slow way towards god knows what.
before you realize your dog starts running somewhere far in the foggy distance of the park. you look around frantically screaming its name as you get up to chase it, but after a while it stops in front of what looked like the outline of a familiar towering figure.
“oh? i expected you to be home, waitin’ on the opportunity to scold me about how “irresponsible i’m bein’, dear”
shuji is now paining almost the entirety of his attention towards the fluffy creature wagging it tail, before him, except he didn’t miss the smirk on his face as he spoke.
“well if it isn’t my favorite negligent menace of a roommate.”
you reply with the same tone of sleepiness, knowing you both just liked returning each other’s energy. knowing that your pet is now somewhat safe in the hands of shuji, you go back to helping the confused animals behind ur back.
“ew, you touch those gross things ?!”
he teasingly scoffs at you as pay him almost no mind. (jealous of the snails much 🙄)
“well, shuji, i do happen to touch your stuff and i’d argue that’s grosser”
you roll your eyes, but he couldn’t be happier to hear his name come out of your mount, since you normally wouldn’t address him.
“now, now, no need to be this snarky, i know you love me more than those little slime balls”
he squats to your level and hangs an arm around your shoulder with the same recognizable smirk (that secretly drives you crazy)
somehow he ended up staying with you, while you kept carefully picking them up. but as the clouds had been promised rain started pouring, so you were forced to hide under his leather jacket as you both and the dog ran home, only to return soaked nonetheless.
a/n: i was picking up snails on my way to school this morning so this thought popped up hihi :( special thanks to @bajifuyutorabb for reviewing it for me
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
Babysitters Club
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader    
Genre— SMUT, fluff, babysitting au, strangers to lovers au
Warnings— Dom!Taehyung, roleplaying, face fucking, oral sex (m and f), bondage, explicit rough unprotected sex please stay safe irl, squirting, choking, hickies, a surprise cameo from Spring Will Come Again!Jungkook because I have no self control
Word Count— ~7.6k  
Summary— A generic summer job hunt leads you to babysit rowdy (but still cute) kids alongside the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. What shenanigans will you get into with Taehyung by your side?
A/N— HUGE shoutout to the lovely @kimtaehyunq​​ for making this beautiful banner for me! This was literally the Taehyung I had in mind while writing this uwu. This fic is the epitome of self indulgence but I truly hope you guys like it too! Please let me know what you think! My askbox/inbox is always open, don’t be afraid to come chat with me. Love you all, hope you guys are safe <3
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Crumpled up newspapers littered the floor as another ball was apathetically tossed aside. A sigh of defeat escaped your lips as you looked up at the ceiling in desperation.
“Still at it with the job hunt, huh?” your roommate, Hyuna, said when she saw your mess, “I told you to search online. Or try to get a job at a cafe or a boba shop or something.”
“Easy jobs online seem sketchy, and I told you I don’t want to work in the food industry ever again,” you groaned.
“But you’d rather...be a babysitter?” she questioned as she held up an ad, “Wait you could get paid up to $15 an hour? That’s pretty good.”
“I didn’t see that one. Is it an agency or something?”
“Not sure, take a look,” she handed you the paper.
“Oh, it seems like it’s a daycare run out of someone’s house. They’re looking for multiple applicants. You wanna do it with me?! I think it could be fun!” you ask excitedly.
“And spend most of my summer vacation with a bunch of snot nosed brats? I don’t think so. You have fun though!” she blew you a kiss as she walked away.
You whipped your phone out and immediately called the number in the ad. This job was the only one that seemed bearable, and you thought kids were cute for the most part. You’ve had a few babysitting gigs in the past so this shouldn’t be too bad.
“Hello?” a deep voice answered the call.
“Hi, I saw your ad in the paper! I was wondering if there was still a babysitting position open?” you inquired.
“Oh yes! Yeah there’s still a spot open. Um, can you give me a sec?” the man said quickly as you heard wailing kids in the background. After two minutes or so he returned to the phone.
“I’m terribly sorry about that. You don’t have a criminal background or anything right? Gosh, I’m sure this sounds unprofessional but--”
“Nope, I don’t have any charges or anything like that. Should I call back later?” you offered since it seemed like the man was a little preoccupied.
“It’s like this all the time. Why don’t we do a practice run tomorrow? Oh! I mean, whenever you’re available to start. Or technically have an interview? I guess? Hey, don’t put that in your mouth!” the man chastised at someone in the distance.
“I can come in tomorrow!” you said.
“Great! Just use the address in the same ad you got this number from! Oh, and please get here by 9am! See you soon!” the man hung up abruptly.
“That was chaotic…” you said to yourself.
A moment later your phone began to ring. It was from the babysitting guy.
“Hello?” you answered.
“I realized I never got your name! I promise I’m not always this frazzled,” he laughed as rambunctious laughter erupted behind him.
“Oh, I’m ______,” you gave him your first and last name.
“Cool. See you tomorrow Miss ____!” he said before hanging up again.
You were actually excited to babysit. It had been a while since you had done it, and playing with kids was usually fun. Then again, you’ve never had a bad experience with babysitting before. You prayed that this gig would continue the positive trend.
Donning shorts and a simple Mickey Mouse t-shirt, (you figured some kid was bound to like the mousey character) it was time to head off to your potential workplace. The babysitting place was actually fairly close to you, only about a 10 minute drive. It was 8:55am by the time you arrived. A couple of parents walked past your car to drop off their kids. All of the kids seemed to be pretty excited to enter the house, which was definitely a good sign.
You gently knocked on the door at exactly 9am. There was no response as you awkwardly waited for about a minute or so. All you could hear was shrill laughter and thumps that you presumed was the kids running about. You realized there was a doorbell, and sighed at your foolishness.
The door opened seconds after you rang the doorbell. A tall man with dark hair greeted you with a warm smile. You were taken aback by the handsome guy, suddenly questioning whether you were at the right place or not until a child popped up from behind his shoulder and yelled out a loud “Boo!” that caused you to jump.
“Ah, sorry about that! This one is always trying to play pranks,” the man laughed as he playfully jostled the child that was latched onto his back, “You must be ______?”
“That’s me!” you say with a little too much enthusiasm.
“Cool. C’mon in, I’ll introduce you to the kids,” the man led you inside.
The living room was littered with toys, from cars to building blocks to barbies. This place was definitely a kid’s happy place. Four little kids were playing with various things when you walked in. All of the kids there seemed to be between the ages of 4 to 6. At a glance, it seemed like they were all playing house. It took you a few seconds to realize that one of the kids was actually playing by herself; she was just physically close to the other kids.
“Everyone! This is our newest helper! Her name is Miss ____. Let’s all play nicely with her okay?” the man announced.
The kids playing house immediately stopped what they were doing and rushed to you. Two boys began asking you questions in a rapid fire succession, while the little girl merely clung to your leg.
“Those two are Kota and Bel,” the man pointed to the two boys, “The little girl stuck to you like glue is Ava, and the one playing over there is Lucy,” he continued to name each child.
“AND I’M SAM!!” the last boy exclaimed over the man’s shoulder.
“Yes, this troublemaker here is Sam. That’s basically the whole gang! We could get a few more additions as the summer goes on, but these guys are the OG crew. They’re all really sweet kids, once you get to know them. Any questions so far?” your employer asked.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name, sir,” you say politely.
“Oh! No need to call me sir. I think we’re probably around the same age? Not that I’m assuming your age or anything but--”
“He’s my horsey!” Sam interrupted.
“No, he’s the chef!” Kota yelled.
“No, he’s our dad who’s not our dad,” Lucy chimed in.
“My mom told me he was a babysitter?” Bel added, now visibly confused.
“I am all of those things,” the man reassured the children, “But my name is Taehyung. The kids call me Tae or Mr. insert whatever title I have in the game we are playing on that day. Pleasure to meet ya,” Tae extends a hand out to you, “Let’s see how your first day goes.”
The first few hours consisted of a rather intricate game of pretend set up in a fantasy world. You played a princess who was captured by an evil dragon, who was played by Taehyung (you couldn’t help but think about how you wouldn’t mind being his hostage).
The boys were valiant knights on their quest to rescue you. The girls played different creatures that aided the knights as fairies or unicorns or any other things they wanted to be. Most of the game consisted of you and Taehyung sitting together in a corner of the living room. Even though you didn’t have to do anything, it was fun watching the kids play. Their imagination amused you.
“Enjoying yourself, princess?” Taehyung asked as he also watched the children run around.
His deep voice sent chills down your spine. Something about the way the word “princess” rolled off his tongue was so enchanting. You cleared your throat before answering.
“This job has been pretty fun so far, Mr. Evil Dragon,” you smile.
“Hey! I’m not evil, just misunderstood,” he protested.
“Oh no! The dragon is about to eat the princess!” one of the boys cried out.
“What? No, I’m not going to eat her,” Taehyung said defensively.
“You need to pretend to eat the princess so that the knights save her,” Lucy, the quiet one, scuttled over to whisper to the both of you before hurrying back to her spot.
Taehyung turned towards you to appease the kids as they held their breath in anticipation.
“Rawr! I’m going to eat you!” he said in a deep voice.
“Oh no! Somebody save me!” you cried out, playing along.
A few moments passed but none of the kids moved. You both turned your heads towards them in confusion. They stared back at you blankly.
“You need to bite her!” Sam demanded.
“What?” you and Tae said in unison.
“Bite her! Bite her! Bite her!” the boys started to chant.
“But not too hard!” Ava expressed her worry for you, making you smile.
“I…uh…” Taehyung was at a loss for words.
“They’re not gonna stop, are they?” you whispered to him.
He nodded with a sigh as their chanting got louder. You offered him your arm. Kids can be crazy stubborn over silly things. Besides, you’ve done worse for less (college is crazy).
Taehyung shot you an “are you sure about this?” look, to which you just nodded. Once he got the okay, Taehyung grabbed your arm and pulled you harshly, causing your face to be a mere inches away from his.
“Fools! You think you can save the princess? I will devour her before your very eyes!” Taehyung declared with an even deeper voice. He opened his mouth menacingly, as if to show off his fangs. Then, he proceeded to bite your bicep. To be honest, he was being so forceful that you thought he was going to bite you for real, causing you to involuntarily close your eyes.
Instead, he gingerly placed his teeth on your skin so lightly that you could barely feel anything. You opened your eyes to see Taehyung grinning at you with your arm in his mouth.
“Aaaaggghhh GET HIM!!” Sam yelled, leading the other boys straight into Taehyung.
Taehyung quickly let go of you before he rolled out onto the floor. The boys began to pummel Taehyung with their foam swords and pretend bows and arrows. The girls came to your aid to help you escape during the battle.
The little boys triumphantly stood over their defeated babysitter who pretended to be passed out on the floor. You applauded their victory as the girls sat by your side.
“Okay! Good game, it’s almost lunchtime,” Taehyung announced as he quickly popped back up.
“Chef Tae makes the best mac and cheese!” Ava informed you excitedly.
“I wanted dino nuggies!” Sam puffed out his cheeks in disappointment.
“Sam, you know it’s Ava’s day to pick out lunch. It’ll be your turn tomorrow okay? I promise! You guys can stay here and play with Miss ____ till food is ready,” Tae called out as he walked to the kitchen. Lucy silently followed Tae.
“Lucy likes to help out in the kitchen a lot. She sets the table,” Ava explained when she saw you watching Lucy.
“You’re good at being a princess!” Kota butted in as he ran to hug your leg.
“I like your shirt! I like Mickey Mouse too. I saw him in DisneyWorld last year,” Bel said as he clung to your other leg.
The kids took turns holding onto your legs as you tried to walk around. Apparently the thought of making you tumble over was an exciting one, and that kept the kids busy until Taehyung called for everyone.
Five little bowls of mac and cheese were set up on the dining table. The kids took their seats as Taehyung handed out juice boxes. He positioned himself by your side as the little ones began to chow down.
“I normally just eat the rest out of the pot, but since you’re here I can get you a bowl. Sorry about biting you earlier, the kids really like it when I get serious about my roles,” Taehyung chuckled as he scooped out your portion.
“It’s no problem, you’re a great actor. Thank you,” you say politely as he handed you a bowl.
Lunch was spent making small talk with Taehyung. He was a newly graduated college student trying to make extra money before starting a real job hunt.Taehyung had been running this makeshift daycare since he was a senior in highschool.
“Summers are always fun with them,” Taehyung said while smiling fondly at the kids, “How has it been so far?” he asked.
“I’ve been having a good time. The kids are all really sweet! They have so much energy,” you answer.
“They do indeed, which is why playtime is so important in the morning! It makes what comes next easier,” he winked at you before collecting the empty bowls, “Okay kiddos! Who’s ready for nap time?”
Lucy quietly raised her hand while the boys groaned. You figured it would be hard to get those active boys to settle down, let alone to take a nap. You helped Taehyung set up blankets and pillows in the game room. The kids made a beeline to their designated blankets without a fuss.
“Do you sing, Miss _____?” Taehyung asked out of the blue.
“Um, not really?” you say hesitantly.
“Ah, I see. No worries. Everybody ready?” he said.
“Yes!” all the kids replied.
“Alrighty. Do you have any song requests, Miss ____?”
You thought about which songs would make for a decent lullaby, “Do you know Adore You by Harry Styles?”
“I’ll have to look up the lyrics but yeah I like that song! I like his whole album actually,” Taehyung nodded as he pulled out his phone and took a deep breath, “Walk in your rainbow paradise~”
You were shocked by his vocal talent. His voice control was superb and the quality of his voice was downright euphoric. Even though Taehyung’s voice is deeper than Harry Styles’, his range was incredible. He was still able to go as high as Harry without any trouble. All the kids had fallen sound asleep by the time he finished the song.
“This is when I typically have about an hour of free time,” he said after quietly leading you back into the kitchen.
“You have such a beautiful voice! Do you sing to them every day?” you praised him.
“Thanks! Yeah, I sing to them every day. They used to get duets actually,” Taehyung sighed.
“Did you have another coworker before?” you asked.
“Yep. My best friend actually. He’s my roommate too, but he landed an internship this summer so he couldn’t be here. I’m very proud of him! But usually this is a job for two people so I decided to put that ad out. I’m happy you came out! The kids seem to like you,” Taehyung gave you a thumbs up.
“I hope so! Lucy might be scared of me though,” you recalled the way she mostly avoided you all morning.
“Nah, she’s just really shy. She told me that she thought you were really pretty though, so that’s a good sign!” he tried to reassure you.
“I guess it must be true then. Kids are brutally honest,” you smiled.
“She definitely wasn’t lying,” Taehyung smiled back at you.
You had to look away awkwardly to hide your blushed cheeks. There’s no way you could handle a direct smile from this guy. How was it possible for someone to be that handsome without even trying?!
“So what happens after naptime?” you quickly asked to change the subject.
“Basically more playing until their parents come. It honestly just depends on what the kids wanna do. We can play inside, in the backyard, and sometimes we go to the park,” Taehyung answered with an amused smile, “Let’s use this free time to conduct a more formal interview, shall we?”
Taehyung then asked you a series of questions about your summer schedule, if you’re willing to work every day of the week, how you feel about the kids, along with other things. You answered truthfully and kept up a professional demeanor. Taehyung seemed to be satisfied with your answers and leaned back in his chair.
“That all works for me! The people who really need to approve of you are the parents. I’ll introduce you to them later this afternoon. I’m sure they’ll all be fine once I vouch for you,” he nodded.
Soft giggles caught your attention. Taehyung signaled that break time was now over and led the way back to the living room. Kota and Bel were wrestling each other while the others threw pillows at them.  
“Did everyone have a good nap?” Taehyung sing songed.
“Yes!” they replied.
“Can we play house now?” Ava asked.
“Yeah! Miss ____ can be the mommy now!” Sam bounced up in excitement, “Our last mommy used to be a boy.”
“Jimin was a great mommy and I’m sure he misses you all dearly. Jimin is my roommate/best friend/ex-cobabysitter,” Taehyung explained.
The game of house was more hands on from your end. The kids demanded you to carry them and read them stories like a real mommy would. It was mainly the girls who wanted to play with you, while the boys took turns wrestling with Tae or riding on his back. You were braiding Lucy’s hair when the doorbell rang.
“Kota! Your mom is here!” Taehyung called from the front.
All the kids trickled out one by one as their parents arrived. Taehyung introduced you to each parent; their reactions were all positive, especially when their kids raved about you being the new Jimin.
“If she’s anything like Jimin, then I have nothing to worry about. I trust your judgement, Taehyung,” one of the sterner looking parents said (Sam’s father to be exact).
“Congrats! You got the job,” Taehyung congratulated you once all of the children were picked up, “We get paid on Fridays. I’ll basically just split what we earn 50/50, cool?”
“That’s fine by me! I’m looking forward to working with you,” you bow graciously.
“Ah! No need to be so formal. We’re partners now! I’m not your boss or anything,” Taehyung gave you a friendly pat on the shoulder, “See you tomorrow!”
Summer was about to get rather eventful. All of the children warmed up to you surprisngly quickly, even timid Lucy (who had arguably grown the most fond of you). As the days went on, you couldn’t help but admire Taehyung’s kindness and patience when it came to the kids. From firm to understanding, he was everything a caregiver should be. He handled spats between kids with ease, often by making them forgive each other then laugh at some silly joke of his.
One afternoon, the kids voted to watch a Disney movie. All seven of you curled up on the couch together with you and Taehyung in the middle. Lucy sat in your lap while Bel sat in Taehyung’s. Halfway through the movie, Taehyung fell asleep. The kids didn’t notice since they were so engrossed in the movie. You however, DID notice. Mostly because he rolled his sleepy head onto your shoulder.
Your heartbeat quickened as you slowly turned to take a peek at the handsome man sleeping beside you. He looked angelic, and you realized that he smelled pleasant too. He had a sweet scent that was uncharacteristic for a young man. You took a deep breath and pretended not to notice him. He didn’t wake up until the doorbell rang near the end of the movie.
He seemed to be confused and perhaps even slightly flustered when he lifted his head from your shoulder, but quickly shrugged it off to go answer the door. The incident (and the drool on your shoulder) was never mentioned.
It had been a month since you started babysitting with Taehyung, and it honestly had been a lot more fun than you expected. The kids are wonderful silly little beings and Taehyung is...well...Taehyung.
You were cleaning up the living room on a late Friday afternoon after all the kids had been picked up. Taehyung was somewhere splitting up the week’s paycheck. Once all the toys were back in their respective bins, it was time to gather your stuff and go.
“Great work this week,” Taehyung commended as he handed you your cut.
“Thanks! Same to you as always. I’ll see you on Monday,” you wave as you open the front door.
“Actually um--” Taehyung cleared his throat.
“Yes?” you whipped around with almost too much eagerness.
“My friend is part of an art gallery showing tomorrow night and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me? I heard there will be drinks and finger foods…” Taehyung trailed off, presumably due to imagining what kind of snacks will be served.
“I’d love to! I’m not an expert on art or anything, but it sounds cool,” you smile.
“No worries, I’m no expert either. I’m just a guy who appreciates neat expressions of creativity,” he nodded humbly, “I can pick you up at your place, if you’d like.”
“Sure, I’ll text you my address. Oh uh, what’s the dress code like? I don’t really attend these things,” you ask shyly.
“I’d say a step down from formal? Like no t-shirts or jeans. Pretend like you’re going on a date to some restaurant that isn’t a michelin star but is still classier than Olive Garden,” Taehyung tried to explain.
“I’ll do my best,” you smile at his peculiar way of describing the appropriate attire.
A smile never left your face as you drove home. A chance to hangout with Taehyung one on one without any kids around? All of his attention will be on you? Yes please. You love the kids and all, but you finally have a real chance to get closer to Taehyung. To be honest, you might have the teensiest little crush on him, but who could blame you?
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The next day was spent preparing for your night out with Taehyung. It probably wasn’t a date (90% sure it’s not), but you wanted to look irresistible anyway. You put on a purple dress with flowy sleeves that made you feel like a princess. It was on the dressier side, but being slightly overdressed never hurt anyone.
You usually only had time to slap on mascara and a lip tint in the mornings before babysitting, but now you had abundant time to play around with your makeup. You settled for a soft yet glamorous look with shimmery eyeshadow and eyeliner. Sparkly lip gloss tied the whole look together and made your lips look tempting (or so you hoped). You decided to leave your hair alone since you were having a miraculously good hair day.
“Wow are you sure this isn’t a date?” Hyuna whistled when she walked into your room.
“It’s not! This is just the first time Taehyung will see me actually trying to look good,” you say defensively.
“You’re cute even in ratty t-shirts, but I get what you mean. Have fun tonight!” your roommate gave you a tight hug.
A strong knock on your front door indicated Taehyung’s arrival. Hyuna tagged along as you went to answer the door; she wanted to see the guy you’ve been gushing over for the past month for herself.
Your mouth hung open in shock for a split second when you opened the door. Taehyung also dressed up. He was wearing a bright sunflower shirt paired with a black blazer that perfectly combined fun with sophistication. He wore a red silky bandana looking belt for an added pop of color with his black pants.
“Hey Taehyung!” you greet him happily.
“Good evening, Miss ____. You look spectacular!” he complimented you immediately.
“So do you! It’s funny seeing you not in a t-shirt, though I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing,” you say.
“You’re charming even in your graphic tees, but this is a nice change of pace too,” Taehyung agreed.
“Hi! I’m Hyuna, ____’s roommate,” Hyuna butted in to shake his hand.
“Hi, I’m Taehyung, ____’s babysitting partner,” he introduced himself.
“We should get going,” you say politely before Hyuna could start to get chatty.
Hyuna mouthed an exaggerated “oh my god” coupled with a double thumbs up as you waved goodbye after Taehyung was already out the door. You playfully rolled your eyes but blew her a kiss anyway.
“I didn’t realize you lived so close to me,” Taehyung said as he pulled away from the curb.
“Yeah, it made the job even more appealing,” you nodded.
“I really am glad that you applied,” Taehyung said softly, as if to himself.
“Sorry, what was that?” you couldn’t hear him properly.
“Nothing! I said I’m glad you agreed to accompany me tonight!” Taehyung quickly stated.
“Thanks for inviting me out! I’m actually pretty excited,” you admitted.
The gallery was somewhere in the swanky part of downtown. You gazed out of the window at all of the high end stores Taehyung drove by. Everyone walking around the stores looked like supermodels, which was actually pretty intimidating. What if the people at the gallery looked like that too?
“We’re here!” Taehyung announced, interrupting your thoughts.
There was a decent amount of people wandering around the venue when you both entered. It was basically one big dimly lit room with spotlights on pieces scattered around on the walls plus some sculptures in the middle. Thankfully, the patrons already inside looked like normal people, most of them probably students like you.
“Taehyung!” someone called from the side of the room.
You both made your way towards the voice, only to find a man who was just as handsome as Taehyung greeting you with a bunny like smile. He had long hair that almost covered up his assorted dangly earrings. He definitely had art student vibes mixed with a dash of bad boy. The boys greeted each other with a ferocious hug, indicating that they’re probably good friends.
“Oh! What’s up, I’m Jungkook,” the boy shook your hand once he noticed you.
“She’s my babysitting partner this summer,” Taehyung said proudly.
“She’s replacing Jimin huh?” Jungkook laughed, “Taehyung and Jimin are like my brothers. We were all pretty close in college and are batchmates, even though I’m younger than them,” he stuck his tongue out at Taehyung.
“Yeah yeah okay whatever. Skipping grades in elementary school and bringing in a ton of transfer credits will help you do that I guess,” Taehyung shook his head even though he was still smiling.
“Are these your pictures?” you asked Jungkook, motioning to the mounted pictures behind him.
“Yeah! I took most of these in Madrid, I’ve been working abroad for my dream company,” Jungkook answered you proudly.
“Who’s this?” Taehyung pointed to a picture of a girl laughing by a giant tree.
“Yeah, she’s gorgeous!” you added.
“She’s um...a good friend. She was the perfect model,” Jungook said with a faraway look in his eyes that told you there was more to the story.
“Tell me more about her on our next phone call. Tonight is for celebrating you!” Taehyung picked up on Jungkook’s sudden change of tone.
You enjoyed listening to their old college stories as the boys reminisced about their past together. Jungkook relished telling you all of Taehyung’s embarrassing moments at various parties. Taehyung returned the favor by recalling Jungkook’s past run-ins with women. Despite his natural charm and god like looks, apparently Jungkook gets really nervous around girls.
You and Taehyung were on your own once Jungkook was flagged down by an older patron interested in purchasing some of his work. Taehyung stayed close to your side as you explored the rest of the gallery. Each artist was so incredibly talented as their pictures told  stories with just a single frame.
“____ look! They have those fancy charcuterie boards!” Taehyung grabbed your hand and excitedly dragged you over to the snack table. You couldn’t help but smile at his childlike elation.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve been getting tired of being force fed fruit snacks every day,” you laughed as you ate the assorted appetizers.
“I completely understand. Unfortunately, the kids are too sweet when they want to share. I don’t have it in me to turn them down,” Taehyung agreed.
Once the food was eaten, you resumed walking through the gallery. It was fun making up stories to go with each picture. Taehyung seemed to gravitate towards adding a romantic twist to each story, while you opted for a bit of mystery. At the end of the event, Taehyung met up with Jungkook once more to say his goodbyes.
“Thanks again for coming with me, I had fun! I hope you enjoyed yourself,” Taehyung said as he drove you back.
“It was really neat! I liked hanging out with you outside of work,” you nodded.
“Would you say it was a successful date then?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow with curiosity. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes widened with surprise.
“Was...was this a date?” you asked quietly.
“Did you want it to be?” Taehyung teased.
“I wouldn’t have gotten so dressed up otherwise,” you said defensively, taken aback by his sudden cheekiness.
“I realized I should’ve clarified that after you had already left. My bad,” Taehyung shot you a boxy grin, “But then I figured maybe you would be more relaxed if I didn’t mention it.”
“That’s odd logic, but I guess it worked,” you admitted begrudgingly.
Taehyung walked you back up to your house. He sweetly kissed your cheek and bid you goodnight, leaving you frozen in place.
“S-see you on Monday!” was all you were able to stammer out, to which Taehyung just smiled and waved back.
Hyuna happily freaked out with you once you were back inside. She was watching you from the moment Taehyung pulled back up. She shrieked with excitement once you told her that Taehyung confirmed that it was a date. Hyuna didn’t let up with grilling questions about how your night went. She even asked if the Jungkook guy you met was single, to which you truthfully answered that you didn’t know.
“Besides, he told me himself that he’s scared of girls. You’re scary enough as is,” you teased her.
“Oh shut up. So is Taehyung like, your boyfriend now?” Hyuna asked the million dollar question.
“I don’t think so. I think it was just a date, but that’s a good start!” you declared optimistically.
Babysitting on Monday went on like normal. Taehyung didn’t act any differently, which was both concerning and relieving. You were in the backyard pretending to eat whatever dirt concoction the little kids were serving you.
“This one is for you,” Lucy quietly offered Taehyung a clump of dirt sprinkled with blades of grass, topped with a dandelion.
“Oh, how pretty! What is it?” Taehyung played along.
“It’s a love potion. The next person you hug will fall in love with you,” Lucy smiled.
A smirk crept on Taehyung’s face as he pretended to eat Lucy’s love potion. He made a satisfied “Ahh” sound that made Lucy giggle.
“Tae has to hug me now! He loves me the most!” Sam yelled as he ran over to latch onto Taehyung.
“No, Tae loves me!” Bel argued as he pulled on Taehyung’s shirt.
“That’s not how it works!” Lucy huffed as she yelled at the boys.
You watched with delight as the little kids chased Taehyung around the backyard, demanding that he has to hug them. It was easy for him to juke them out as they constantly ran back and forth. You were content with just watching them until Taehyung began to make a beeline for you.
“Oh no no no,” you cried as you got up to run.
Taehyung (and the kids) chased you around for a little bit. The backyard was on the smaller side, so there wasn’t much space to evade all of them coming for you at once. To make matters worse, Taehyung actually started to try and catch you. His speed was no joke; he was much more agile than you gave him credit for.
With one pounce, Taehyung tackled you to the ground. Somehow he managed to whip himself around while you were falling, so you ended up falling on him. Now wrapped up in his arms, Taehyung smiled up at you with a shit eating grin.
“I guess you have to fall in love with me now,” he smirked.
“You wish,” you laughed as you pulled yourself up.
“Aw now he loves Miss _____,” Sam pouted.
“No, now Miss ____ has to fall in love with Tae,” Ava corrected him.
“That’s dumb,” Kota shook his head.
“Tae! Kota said a bad word!” Bel immediately tattled.
“Kota, remember what I said about bad words. No one wants to play with someone who says mean things,” Taehyung chided him.
“Sorry,” Kota mumbled.
“Let’s play go play inside. Who wants juice?” Taehyung patted Kota’s head.
The kids followed Taehyung inside like little ducklings. You loved that sight, you always thought it was the cutest thing. The rest of the day went by without a hitch.
The topic of favorite movies came up during lunchtime the next day.
“I like Frozen 2,” Ava stated, and Lucy nodded furiously in agreement.
“Detective Pikachu was better. Pikachu is funny,” Sam interjected. The other little boys then began to argue about which pokemon was better/stronger.
“I’m not really a big movie watcher,” Taehyung confessed as he took a bite of a dino chicken nugget.
“Have you at least seen the classics? Harry Potter? Lord of the Rings? Star Wars?” you listed with concern.
“I’ve seen Harry Potter and Star Wars. I think I saw the Lord of the Rings? I can’t really remember. I know I wanted to watch the newer Lord of the Rings movies,” he chuckled at your growing disbelief.
“Newer Lord of the Rings? You mean the Hobbit series?” you were disgruntled.
“Yeah those. I didn’t realize you were a nerd,” he nudged you.
“What of it? All of those are great movies. I have copies of the Hobbit series if you ever wanted to watch them,” you offered.
“Do you wanna watch them with me?” he perked up.
“Sure, I love them! You wanna do a marathon? It’ll take up a full day though,” you warned.
“I’m down. Are you free this Sunday?”
“I believe so.”
“Great! I’m excited to see you geek out over hobbits. Okay kids, naptime!”
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You drove up to Taehyung’s place Sunday morning, you weren’t kidding when you said it would take all day. Taehyung said to dress comfortably so you showed up in your sweatpants and oversized college tee. He answered the door wearing gray sweatpants and his favorite CELINE shirt. His dark fluffy hair fell over his forehead and was almost long enough to cover his eyes.
“Good morning! I hope you’re hungry. I made some waffles to eat while we watch the first movie,” he greeted you.
His humble abode smelled heavenly as the scent of dough tinged with a hint of cinnamon wafted through the air. The soft belgian waffles were delicious as they practically melted in your mouth. Taehyung asked a ton of questions with nearly every scene, but you didn’t mind. You were happy to flex your knowledge of Tolkien lore.
Hours later, you found yourself cuddled up with Taehyung as the final credits of the Battle of Five Armies began to roll. Taehyung was still trying to process everything that happened as he asked you clarifying questions about each character.
“Well crap, now I’m sad,” he pouted.
“Yeah, the ending is kind of a downer, but that’s what makes it so good! The Lord of the Rings has a happy ending if that makes you feel better,” you look up at him from his chest.
“You look cute like that,” he observed.
“Like what? Tiny from your angle?” you tilted your head.
“I guess so? Tiny, maybe submissive,” Taehyung’s voice lowered with his suggestion.
“Submissive? Is that how you see me?” you sit back up completely with defiance.
“Not at all. You’re pretty feisty, which is why making you be submissive is even more alluring,” he raised his eyebrow in a suggestive manner.
“Do you want me to be a damsel in distress for you? Not happening,” you smirked.
“Pretty princesses are good for one thing,” Taehyung hopped off the couch.
Before you could say anything, he promptly grabbed you and swung you over his shoulder. You were too shocked by his boldness and physical abilities to retaliate.
“They’re perfect for kidnapping!” he let out a dramatic evil laugh as he carried you off to his bedroom.
Once there, he roughly threw you on the bed. You couldn’t help but look around curiously since this was the first time you’ve ever seen his room. It was surprisingly neat; his bed was made and there were no messy clothing piles in sight.
“Are you an evil dragon then? Capturing princesses and such?” you teased.
“Evil dragon, dashing captor, I can be anything you want me to be. Just please not an orc,” he let out a chuckle before getting back into character, “Just know that you’re trapped here with me. No one is going to rescue you.”
“Oh no! What a terrible situation to be in! What on Earth is this extremely handsome dragon going to do with a poor defenseless princess like me?” you taunted.
“Ok this is all very hot but before we go any further, are you okay with this?” Taehyung asked sincerely.
“I can’t think of anything that I’ve wanted more,” you nodded.
“Perfect. Safe word is red,” he winked at you, “Now strip for me, princess.”
“And if I don’t?” you challenged.
Taehyung grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of your head and forcefully brought you up to his face, “I suggest not making me angry,” he sneered.
You didn’t think you were one for being manhandled, but god damn that was hot. There was already a tingle between your legs and he hadn’t even really touched you yet. You complied with his request, and quickly tore off your shirt and pants. Though you weren’t wearing any fancy lingerie, you were wearing a gray bra and gray panties that could pass off as matching.
“Mmm what a pretty treasure. It would be a shame to let it gounappreciated,” Taehyung stretched out that last word as he gently ran his fingers from your torso up to your neck before firmly grasping it.
Taehyung straddled you as his long fingers were wrapped around your neck. Slowly, he leaned down to kiss you. Though apprehensive at first, he gradually got more bold with it. His tongue dipped into your mouth the instant your lips parted. His other hand crept under your bra to fondle your breast.
“You take your clothes off too,” you said as soon as the kiss broke.
“You don’t get to make any demands, silly princess,” Taehyung shook his head.
You pouted and reached out to tug at his pants anyway. Big mistake. Taehyung slapped your hand away and slammed you back onto the bed.
“You don’t listen, huh? I’ll have to do something about that. Stay still or else you’ll make things worse for yourself,” he ordered.
You reluctantly obeyed, partly because you were curious about what he was going to do, and partly because you were actually intimidated by him. He returned back to the bed a few seconds later, but with a familiar silky red belt in hand.
“Give me your hands. Good girl,” he smiled deviously as he bound them together, “Remember the safe word is red, okay?” he gently reminded you.
He looked down at you with a satisfied grin as he began to take off his sweatpants. He had an obvious bulge in his underwear that outlined his massive dick. You were further entranced by his physique when he took off his shirt. He wasn’t ripped, but he was still fit, as you could plainly see when his chest was finally revealed.
“Open wide, princess,” he demanded.
You opened your mouth, and even flattened your tongue out a little bit for him. He pulled his cock out of his underwear, finally exposing his full length. You doubted you could fit even half of him in your mouth, but at this point it wasn’t up to you.
Taehyung lowered himself down to you, and teasingly tapped the tip of his cock on your tongue. He slowly eased himself into your mouth, forcing you to open your mouth even wider to account for his girth. He made his way back out once you gagged. He grabbed your head to hold you steady as he fucked your mouth once more. He got closer and closer to the back of your throat until he finally hit it. All you could focus on was breathing as tears welled up in your eyes. Taehyung thrusted a couple more times before he pulled out completely.
“Good girl indeed. Well done, princess,” he softly stroked your chin before wiping your tears away. All you could do was smile meekly back at him.
“Don’t worry, it’s time for your reward,” Taehyung smiled down at you as his hand slipped under your panties, “Oh you’re so wet. I can’t wait to taste you.”
He positioned himself between your thighs after he tore off your panties. His thumb fiddled with your clit, causing you to squirm. He placed a strong grip on your thigh to hold you down as he circled your clit faster. Your helpless whimpers were music to Taehyung’s ears.
Without warning, he easily stuck two fingers into you. He didn’t even let you adjust as he rapidly fingered you, his fingers curving to graze your g-spot with every stroke. His tongue swirled around your clit, adding even more toe curling sensations.
Him adding a third finger was the catalyst for the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had in your life. There wasn’t even a build up, everything just hit you at once. Suddenly you were crying out even louder as you violently came. Did it occur to you that you were squirting all over Taehyung and his bed? No. Were you doing exactly that? Absolutely.
“Delicious,” Taehyung said as he licked his lips, “Look at the fucking mess you made.”
“I-i’m sorry,” you managed to stutter, you were still recovering from your orgasm.
“It’s only fair that it’s my turn to make a mess now. Do I need to get a condom, princess?” he cooed.
You weakly shook your head. You needed to feel all of him, right now. Taehyung chuckled at your neediness as he aligned himself with your pussy. He slowly inserted his entire length into you until the base of his cock touched your soaked pussy. You moaned together as he stayed still for a second. You looked up to see Taehyung’s face lit up with pure bliss.
“You’re still so fucking wet,” he growled as he began to mercilessly buck his hips into you.
You moaned with every thrust as Taehyung shook the entire bed. Taehyung placed both of your legs on his shoulders, allowing him to hit you even deeper from this new angle. He leaned over to plant his lips on your neck as he fucked you. What started as a gentle peck took a violent turn as he harshly sucked on your neck. He left dark spots wherever his lips touched, and soon you were covered in dark blooms.
“Do you want me to soil your back or your chest?” he asked in a guttural tone.
“Back?” you answer dubiously.
You were immediately flipped over. You were laying flat on your chest waiting for him to prop up your ass, but he never did. Instead, he simply spread your legs wider and fucked you flat against the bed. Taehyung grabbed your ass and spread your cheeks to get a better view of your sopping pussy. You could feel another orgasm brewing as he fucked even deeper into you, and his cock was continuously dragging against your g-spot.
“Taehyung, I--”
“I know, princess. Let it all out. I want to feel you come on my dick,” he demanded.
A few more strong strokes was all it took for you to go limp under him as your orgasm took over. Seconds after you hit your high, Taehyung pulled out and came all over your back.
Once you were all cleaned up, Taehyung untied you and kissed your forehead.
“How was it, princess?” he asked as he stroked your hair.
“I’ve never been fucked by a beast before, but now I don’t want anything else,” you admitted before kissing his neck.
“Good. I was worried about going overboard. As I told you before, I really like getting into character,” he laughed.
“I’ve never been into roleplay but I’m willing to change for you. Oh shit, it’s late already,” you noticed the time on his alarm clock.
“Just stay the night. I don’t think the kids will care if you’re wearing sweatpants or not. I can lend you a turtleneck to cover up those hickies though,” Taehyung yawned.
“Are you sure?” you questioned.
“Yeah, I don’t mind. Be warned, I’m a cuddler,” he pulled you closer to him.
“I guess I can sleep in a little later then,” you reasoned.
“Perfect. Goodnight, princess,” he quickly kissed your lips.
“You’re sleeping like that?”
“Like what?”
“Butt naked?”
“I can put clothes on if it makes you uncomfortable. I just figured it would make things easier for tomorrow morning,” he said sleepily.
“Tomorrow morning?” that got your attention.
“You’ll see! Be patient, princess. Night night.”
Never in a million years would you have guessed that applying for a babysitting job would result in this, but you weren’t complaining.
Published April 17, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (6)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(some of y’all seemed to like chapter 5! so here’s chapter 6 like promised! and remember, you get chapter 7 if this one is shown some love, so remember to comment and reblog! thanks y’all! <3)
True to their word Tommy and Tubbo came back to see you the very next day, having gotten up early (well early for them) to get ready and head out. Wilbur had wanted to go with them but he’d gotten caught up in presidential matters and couldn’t, much to his dismay. Too bad for him though that neither boy cared to wait on him since according to Tommy,
“It’ll take you hours to handle that stuff, I’m not waitin’ that long!”
So the pair bailed and Wilbur was left to sigh as he continued his work. And the following day he was blindsided by plans for a new public building everyone was wanting to get built in L’manburg. And they couldn’t plan it without Wilbur’s approval and supervision so while he handled that for the next few weeks the two boys would sneak off to spend time in your village.
They were both pretty good workers, at least when they weren’t goofing off and getting into shenanigans. You can’t count how many times you’d caught Tommy trying to build structures out of cobblestone in the village. He’d argued that he was improving the village but you threatened to eat his portion of the day’s lunch if he didn’t get rid of whatever tower or thing he’d started construction on. He’d always kick up a fuss but would take them down before the day was done. A few times Tubbo would run screaming for you, telling on Tommy for whatever new cobble thing he was trying to build in secret. Tommy either rushing to tear the structure down or chasing after his friend and screaming at him for being a ‘little snitch’.
You knew the two were just playing and they never failed to finish the tasks you gave them so you were mostly just amused by the pair. Though that didn’t stop you from scolding them when they inevitably broke something of yours or the villagers’. But thankfully the times when scoldings or lectures were needed were pretty rare. You’re not sure if this is because the two boys were actually taking your words to heart or not though. But regardless, the time spent together was nice.
Which meant when the two boys mentioned them needing to go to the Nether and asked if you wanted to tag along you said sure. You remembered the classic Nether and even saw parts of the Nether update, but you’d never gotten a chance to explore it in depth. You’d planned to before.. well before you’d ended up here. But that never happened. And once you ended up here you could have gone to the Nether but to be honest it just wasn’t on your list of priorities. You’d been too focused on improving the village and then building your home and stuff. But you figured there was no harm to checking it out now.
“We’ll either have to go back to L’manburg where there’s already nether portals or we’ll have to find a lava pool around here to make a new one,” Tommy said to you and Tubbo, though more specifically to you. 
You raised an eyebrow and asked why, and both boys started replying at the same time, Tubbo trying to explain that they didn’t have any obsidian on them so it was the only options and Tommy just saying ‘because that’s the options unless you’ve got obsidian’ in his usual blunt manner. 
Without thinking about it you opened your inventory and took out a stack of obsidian and a flint and steel and held them up to the pair. Their eyebrows raised and Tommy started asking you why the hell you had so much obsidian on you! But you just half shrugged and glanced away, saying you kept an approximate assortment of items on you at all times. The boys gave each other a ‘what the hell’ look before Tubbo shrugged and said who cares then asked where they should build the nether portal.
Tommy suggested building it in the village, but you nixed that idea right away. Tommy huffed and asked WHY NOT and you said you weren’t going to open an actual portal to HELL in the middle of your village. Any number of hostile creatures could come waltzing through and kill your villagers or even burn the place down. Tommy winced and softly mumbled that yeah that was a possibility. You rolled your eyes and Tubbo suggested building it outside the bamboo walls surrounding your village. You agreed and then you three set off to find a good spot. 
Thankfully finding a spot a safe distance from the village, on a hill too, was pretty easy. And you made the portal as one usually does. At one point you misplaced a block of obsidian and the two boys laughed and Tubbo said that now the portal was going to be all wonky looking. And Tommy was in the middle of saying you sucked at building when you thoughtlessly deleted the block of obsidian before lighting the portal with the flint and steel. All was silent. 
. . . .
“WOT!? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?” Tommy practically screeched. 
You blinked and looked at the two gobsmacked teens before realizing you’d just pulled some not exactly possible shit. They were giving you two twin Looks that basically screamed for you to explain yourself. But you just stayed silent for a minute before just saying not to worry about it. Internally you winced at that unintentionally dodgy answer but the two boys just kept pestering you, demanding to know how you’d done that. You sighed, knowing they’d keep on pestering you. So you decided to tease them a bit, just for laughs.
“You two can’t expect me to give away all my mystical secrets, can you~?” You said with a sly grin, waggling your fingers when you said ‘mystical’, just to play up the drama.
The two clearly did because Tommy went on a rant about how that was ‘such bullshit!’ and you can’t just ‘pull some weirdo shit like that and expect no questions!’ and more. You laughed and held your hands up in mock surrender before sighing a dramatic sigh and said fine, you’d reveal one of your secrets. But they had to swear not to tell anyone. Like you expected the two agreed without a thought. Then you took a deep breath and laced your fingers together in front of you, telling them to copy you. They did without question, both looking eager to learn. You told them to close their eyes and breathe steadily and listen to your voice. They did and you couldn’t hold back the smile as you continued,
“Alright, keep your eyes closed. Focus on my voice. The key to my master block breaking skills is quite simple really,” you said as you silently inched back, keeping an eye on them both as they stood there, eyes closed and hands clasped in front of them. Your smile grew into a grin as you felt the strange warmth of the nether portal envelop you, purple tinting your vision as you continued,
“The key is to just never reveal your secrets!”
By the time they registered exactly what you said you were almost totally through the portal, and you started laughing your ass off when you heard Tommy scream,
But it got cut off as you were sent through the portal, the last thing you saw was the two boys lunging for you before your view darkened and the almost suffocating heat of the Nether hit you in the face. You stepped forward and yelped as you almost walked right off a cliff into a lava lake. You hurried to put up a wall of obsidian for the boys coming in after you. You didn’t want them to fall, it would have ended poorly for them if they did. 
But you couldn’t focus on that shit right now! You had to hide! There wasn’t much around you to hide behind. You were in a large mostly flat area with some flames here and there and a lava lake behind you and a large wall of netherrack in front of you some ways away. You glanced back when you heard the portal activating again, signaling the two coming through. That’s when you glanced up. With a snicker you jumped up onto the top of the portal and laid down on your side, perfectly able to see down. You stayed perfectly still as the portal made its usual strange sound before it spat out the two boys you’d come to care for in a maternal fashion. You’d almost laughed when they smacked right into the wall you put up to keep them from tumbling to their doom. Tommy cursed before following Tubbo to the other side of the portal.
Tommy was definitely fired up, Tubbo laughing as they boys scoured the area for you. They didn’t see a glimpse of you, which felt crazy because you’re in WHITE. In the Nether! You should stick out like a sore thumb! And there was nowhere within running distance to hide so that made Tubbo sputter and ask how fast you were exactly! You bit your tongue to keep from laughing and watched them start walking away from the portal, calling your name and demanding you ‘show yourself this instant!’ as they did. You just watched them go with a grin, deciding to let them wander around a bit before you popped back up.
You laid there as they got further away, heading for what looked to be a crimson forest about 50 or so blocks to the left of the portal. As you laid there you sighed. Breathing in the Nether wasn’t fun. It honestly just made you want to grimace, this place honestly felt like a shitty dry summer day in a desert. Overwhelming and too humid to do anyone any good. You just wished it wasn’t so warm to breathe in. If the air was cooler, at least by a handful of degrees, then you’d probably be able to enjoy this place. But you supposed it could be worse. It could be a suffocating WET heat, like trying to breathe through a bowl of hot soup. 
At that point you glanced around and noticed you couldn’t see either Tommy or Tubbo anymore. So you figured it was time to go hunt them down so they could try to interrogate you. You walked along, passing a couple zombified piglins as you did. They each had thousand yard stares like regular zombies so you didn’t pay them much mind. Though you noticed when you passed by the regular non zombie piglins they all looked at you, snorting enviously at your golden jewelry. You couldn’t keep the smile from your face. You had to admit that it was nice to have someone appreciate your accessories. The number had increased since you’d started wearing the bangles. The armorer who first made them saw you liked them and so started making more jewelry.
Now you had the bangles, a couple anklets, more than a couple necklaces (both chokers and longer ones), plenty of rings, and even some pretty dangly earrings coupled with some studs. Your ears shockingly hadn’t been pierced when you’d gone to put them in after getting the gift. Which was weird since they’d been pierced before? But it wasn’t a big deal, you’d pierced your own ears before so you just did it again. And when you’d shown the boys they’d said you looked nice but they just didn’t appreciate jewelry like you did. Though you could see the piglins certainly did, but that was probably just because they were gold. But it was nice to have someone like them regardless.
You were appreciating the gold rings on one piglin’s tusks (and idly wondering if you’d be able to do the same for your antlers?) when suddenly you heard Tommy start shrieking. And not his usual angry shriek but instead one that was full of panic and fear. You jolted when you heard him yelling Tubbo’s name frantically, sprinting towards their cries without even saying a parting goodbye to the nice piglin you’d been standing with. Which was good because without wasting time with pleasantries you were able to find Tubbo and Tommy fairly quickly. Only downside was when you found them it was with them backed against a wall in the crimson forest with nowhere to run with a very angry hoglin ramming its huge tusks against Tubbo’s rapidly breaking shield, Tommy right behind him, both screeching and cursing at each other.
You didn’t even think as you charged at the hoglin. When you got up behind it you acted on pure instinct, desperate to get it away from the two screaming kids. So you grabbed its hind leg and yanked it back, momentarily shocked at how easy it was to do so. But you couldn’t worry about that right now. You pulled the hoglin back then swung it around before tossing it a few yards back. It landed with a heavy THUD, clearly taking damage, squealing in anger as it got back up and shook itself off. Though it snorted angrily it didn’t try to attack you but instead tried to go around you to reach the two boys. But you didn’t give it the chance before you were literally grabbing it by the tusks and spinning your body around before slamming the hoglin into one of the nearby tree sized crimson fungus. It smashed through the trunk, destroying two blocks in the process. The hoglin lay crumpled on the ground, weakly trying to stand only to die shortly after when you stomped on its neck.
It disappeared with a small ‘poof’, leaving behind a hide and some raw pork. You grabbed them up before walking over to the stunned teenage boys by the wall. You started checking them over to see if they’d taken any damage and then once you were sure they were okay you started asking them why on earth they’d come to the nether without shields and weapons! Tubbo said his sword had had lower durability than he’d thought and it broke when he was fighting off the hoglin! And Tommy shamefully admitted to having his sword but… dropping his shield when they were climbing across the crimson fungus. Then he’d apparently fallen and gotten surprised by the hoglin, who had done a good chunk of damage to him before Tubbo jumped down (taking damage in the process) to try and help him. All in all the two looked super embarrassed. You just shook your head and said they were idiots, but you were glad they were alive. 
While you grabbed two shields and a sword from your inventory Tommy went nuts, saying that was the coolest shit he’d ever seen anyone do ever! You gave him an amused look and asked what he meant. The killing the hoglin thing? He’d never seen someone kill a pig? He gawped at you and yelled out that NO he’d seen people kill hoglins, but he’d never seen anyone basically fight one with their bare hands! Tubbo cut in and added ‘and live!’ to the blond’s statement, which Tommy nodded along with. You just rolled your eyes and handed them the shields and Tubbo the sword before calling them silly for getting so worked up over you killing a hoglin. Then before they could rant more you pulled them both into a gentle side hug and sighed,
“I’m glad you’re both okay though, you scared me back there. I don’t want either of you getting hurt. So please be more careful, okay? For me?”
The two boys softened at that and each timidly wrapped an arm around you, feeling bad they’d worried you but… oddly happy that you cared enough to even BE worried. Which was a weird train of thought for them. Neither had any parents save for Philza, and he was mostly just a loose dad figure. He was a good guy and helped care for them but he also believed in letting them figure stuff out on their own and didn’t really offer help unless they asked for it. But you felt different. They’d only known you for a few weeks but it felt like longer. They felt safe with you in your village and yeah you had your rules but they strangely didn’t mind following them. It made you happy and when you were happy they were happy too.
Though the touching moment was brought to a sudden halt when Tommy suddenly shrieked. You and the boys looked down to see a baby hogling ramming its tusks against the blond boy’s ankles. You laughed and reached down before smacking it on the haunch, causing it to squeal in shock and run away. Tommy grumbled and cursed the small thing, making you and Tubbo snicker. But then you asked them what they needed from the Nether. Turns out they needed blaze rods and were going to loot a nether fortress. You said that sounded dangerous and asked them if they had any food to restore their health or even fire resistance potions. And well they had food so, not a total facepalm moment. But then they asked you where your weapon was, and your shield! Did YOU have food or fire resistance potions? You blinked and said you’re sure you had some of that stuff yeah.
They pestered you until you pulled out your enchanted axe and shield. You didn’t really need the shield you didn’t think but it seemed to put the two boys at ease so you carried it as you followed them through the nether. Idly you made sure to leave a trail of cobblestone behind you all, so you’d know where you’d come from and could find your way back easier. And it turns out that was a smart move because you all walked a long way, through at least 4 different biomes, before you stumbled across a nether fortress. Said structure loomed over you three, looking utterly massive and low key intimidating. You squinted and told the two boys you could see a couple zombie piglins and wither skeletons up on the landings walking around. Tommy groaned and said the wither skeletons were a pain in the ass but knocking them off the edge was pretty easy.
The rest of the evening was spent following the two around the nether fortress, helping them collect potion ingredients and fend off mobs. And to your utter shock you three had discovered that you just… didn’t take fire damage! Like, at all. You’d been busy helping them knock back a couple wither skeletons when unbeknownst to you three a blaze had approached and shot fireballs at you, hitting you square in the back. You honestly hadn’t even noticed, being too busy with helping Tommy fend off a skeleton. It was only after you knocked them all off and Tubbo yelped about you burning did you pause and ask what he was going on about. You understood when he screamed that you were on fire. And yeah, when you looked down you actually were. But it… didn’t hurt? It wasn’t even burning you or your clothes. You just blinked stupidly before simply patting it out. As you three stood there silently it seemed Tommy became fed up as he shouted,
Which just made you start laughing your ass off, only able to offer him a shrug because honestly you didn’t even know yourself at this point. Tubbo started giggling as well which eventually got Tommy to crack a smile before he broke out into laughter too. You all finished laughing and Tubbo suggested that maybe it was a fluke? Tommy nodded and said maybe you just got lucky or were in shock or something? Though that was disproved when you checked yourself and your skin and clothes were totally fine, no burns at all. Tubbo grinned and suggested testing it. You raised an eyebrow and he pulled out a flint and steel before lighting a patch of the ground on fire. Tommy’s eyes were wide but he was grinning and looking at you, probably wondering if you were actually going to do it. You were anxious, because all your previous life experience told you ‘fire bad’ but… you were curious too.
So you stuck one foot into the fire. And… nothing. It felt warm for sure. Sort of like if you stuck your hand in front of a space heater. Very warm but it didn’t hurt. So you just stepped into the fire and it crawled up your skin until it was licking at your face. But you were totally fine. Tommy and Tubbo laughed incredulously, with the blond saying this whole thing was fucking insane. He asked if you were sure you hadn’t drank any fire resistance potions? You shook your head no and Tubbo pointed out that surely they would have seen the potion particles if that were the case. Tommy hummed but agreed before saying that despite this all being neat and shit that they still had the rest of the fortress to scavenge. Tubbo followed him with you leading the rear and on your way inside the brunet laughingly said he was going to use you as a blaze shield. You just gave a fake offended gasp and just said, “Rude.” which made both boys snicker.
True to their word they’d used you like a human shield. But since you took no damage you just rolled with it, actually finding all of this pretty amusing by now. And after you’d all gathered more than enough blaze rods you’d separated from them for a bit. Mostly just sticking around the sand path that led back to the portal while they searched the rest of the fortress for nether wart and mined for glowstone dust. And while they did that you sat on a block of sand and pulled out some food to eat, mostly out of boredom than from any real desire to satiate any hunger. But while you were munching on a golden carrot a little piglin child came up to you to admire your golden jewelry. You smiled down at them, inwardly cooing over how adorable they were with their little baby tusks. And you almost died when they let out a happy squeal when you offered them a chunk of your golden carrot. You’re not sure how long you sat there with the baby piglin but after eating a couple carrots together you placed down another block of sand before using your finger to draw pictures in the sand, much to the child’s delight. They copied you and started drawing pictures too. Most of which you couldn’t recognize but they were still cute.
“OI! Reader! C’mon, we’re done!!” yelled the blond boy from up the path a ways. 
The baby piglin snorted in distrust and hid a bit behind the sand block, showing they didn’t really trust the two players. You chuckled and said you were coming to the two boys before standing up and dusting yourself off. Then you glanced down at the tiny little piglin and smiled before pulling a gold ingot from your inventory. The baby piglin snorted enviously then squealed loudly when you handed them the ingot. They couldn’t take their wide eyes off of it, making you giggle at how precious they were. But sadly you had to go so you gently patted their head and said goodbye. They managed to tear their eyes away from the gold to snort sadly as you left. Part of you felt bad but the bigger part knew they couldn’t follow you to the Overworld..
After leaving the Nether you broke the portal, not wanting to risk any nether creatures accidentally stumbling through and getting hurt. And with a glance around you saw it was getting late. To the point where Tubbo and Tommy would have to rush to get back to their houses before night fell. So you saw them off, giving them some food for the trip and even giving them another hug goodbye. One you noticed they relaxed into faster than before. Then they were off, calling out goodbyes and saying they’d be back either tomorrow or the next day. You waved bye and said you looked forward to it, calling out your usual ‘be careful!’ before you couldn’t see them anymore. You frowned a little. Despite them having armor and weapons you still worried about them travelling alone at night after they visited you. You think next time you’ll walk them home. Just to make sure they were safe.
@salinesoot @lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale​
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 years
more complete doctor strange thoughts with detailed spoilers under the cut (not going to call it a review because it’s just going to be bullet points):
- god there was so much exposition. so much. exposition where characters would narrate what had just happened on screen or what was happening on screen. so much unnecessary exposition.
- it over-relied on characters doing stupid things or stopping and watching things happen for no reason to build tension or move the plot forward. like in the opening scene when America just stops and watches Strange battle the demon creature instead of....doing anything else. Or when they close the blast door when they’re in the tunnels and instead of continuing to run they just stand there and wait for her to pop out. and even the end, it seems like it took Wanda extra time to steal America’s powers because we needed Strange to figure out how to dreamwalk into the corpse (which was cool but...felt stupid at the time because I kept being like....well now why is Wanda taking forever to do this?)
- Strange’s character arc was...confused. the whole ‘are you happy’ thing was underdeveloped. I wasn’t ever sure why he was unhappy except for not getting with Christine? Like, they could have gone more into depth with his loneliness or feelings of guilty or inadequacy, or depression even though he’s ‘won’ but aside from a couple lines here and there, it’s not explored enough to be coherent
- everyone is like ‘the horror elements!’ but they honestly felt tacked onto a standard Marvel plot, which is essentially the problem with all MCU films, that they’re fairly standardized movies that directors can bring some flair to and some directors integrate their style better than others. The Sam Raimi shots felt very much like ‘HEY look Sam Raimi directed this. see?’ instead of the film taking on his style fully. Which like, honestly, I’m not the biggest Sam Raimi fan so I liked the parts that were shot more like the standard MCU fare.
- I guess Mordo is just...never going to come up again? which if I ever get my ability to write MCU fic back again is good for me because I had a whole long followup fic dealing with that hinted arc at the end of Doctor Strange 1 but here he was just reduced to ‘he tried to kill me sometimes’ and that was it. their fight was kind of cool though.
- the multiverse. that we’ve now introduced like FOUR TIMES and each time has NEVER REFERENCED ANY OF THE OTHERS. some people are already dismissing critiques as ‘you’re just mad there weren’t like 100 cameos’ which no. I am mad that they never reference the other times the multiverse came up. which makes sense for Strange not remembering Spiderman but it doesn’t make sense to break the multiverse like 7 different times and never reference it again. like, this is failing in what the first few phases of the MCU did really well, which was build individual films into a single narrative through recurring characters and the post-credit scenes. this is just building more new characters and worlds without connecting the existing ones. I don’t give a shit about who Charlize Theron is supposed to be. I was kind of expecting someone from Loki to show up to perhaps hint that they’re part of the reason the multiverse is falling apart. Like. it all has to connect right? why would you do the multiverse like a thousand times and not have it connect? so why wouldn’t you start working on weaving them together? I am frustrated.
ok. now for the elephant in the room.
let’s talk about Wanda.
- inb4 ‘but she was crazy and mad in Wandavision’ I don’t think the people who are saying that watched the same show that I did? Because her character was so complicated and at the end of the series she accepted that what she’d done was wrong and what she needed to sacrifice to make things right. And I get the Darkhold corrupts but I feel like we needed soooo much more character development between the end of Wandavision and here to justify why she was just an uncomplicated evil villain who’s gone crazy over not having her kids (yeesh...)
- ok she was kind of great though. Like Elizabeth Olsen really saved it because she was just so fun as evil!Wanda. I really started unironically rooting for her like halfway through. queen.
- it also felt like a lot of cool magic worldbuilding to be reduced to like ‘there’s a good book and a bad book. don’t use bad book. bad book bad.’. I’m just sort of disappointed that was the conclusion to the Darkhold storyline, though one of the sequences I did like was her and Wong going to find the original tomb with the spells inscribed on the walls. that was pretty neat.
- over the redemption through death trope, though this is marvel so I guess we can hope she’ll be resurrected. my brother pointed out the white!Vision is still out there so hopefully she becomes part of his story. otherwise it’s lazy, it’s tired, it wasn’t necessary, and I’m gonna be mad about it
The Stuff I Liked:
- the combo of the score and visuals in the scene where they were explaining dreamwalking was great. probably one of the most interesting and creative shots in the film
- honestly, despite being angry about how her character was treated, Wanda really was the best part. Strange had his moments and Benedict Cumberbatch I think did his best but it was just such a mess I don’t think he had much to work with.
- I liked the possessing the corpse stuff. that was neat.
- and I did like that they really pushed at the limits of the PG-13 rating, I just wish it was in a more cohesive way, where the overall tone matched the gory moments.
as I said last night....I think I need a break from the MCU. I’m going to finish out things already in progress, Love and Thunder and Guardians of the Galaxy mostly, and then I’m going to wait and see if it ever becomes worth it. I can let it go for a bit I think. I’m getting sort of frustrated with the way critique is met. I’ve been seeing people come back with like ‘let people enjoy things!���/’just turn your brain off and enjoy it, it’s not that deep’ and like. Yeah if you enjoyed it great, but I’m also allowed to be disappointed and have some pretty valid critiques of the film. And I used to be able to turn my brain off. But this latest phase has ranged from enjoyable to watch but ultimately forgettable, to boring, to...this.
Except for Wandavision. Which I loved. So perhaps this movie was just not made for me.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers being Soft for Their Daughters 
Might just be me but I think there's nothing cuter than a Dad who loves his daughter so I made a hc for our boys. Strap in, it’s a long one! 
IMPORTANT! Watch out for first half spoilers! Assumed that the child is a half human/half demon with the MC!
Tries to be really strict but ends up being kind of a pushover.
Oh there ARE rules that even his little girl can't break, but most of the time she can get away with almost anything if she's cute clever enough.
Pushes her to be the best at almost anything she tries, expectations be real high; gonna take the MC stepping in to remind him winning isn't everything and please cool it on the pressure.
Lowkey learned his lesson before and doesn't want to make another Satan situation so tries to take MC's advice to heart and not be quite so controlling.
Her favorite uncle is Mammon and he gets cold sweats about this every night.
Wasn't able to be there for a lot of her firsts due to work and gets real sulky when he misses out. Videos just don't offer the same experience...
Feels bad that work keeps him so busy so he tries to make up for it with toys, clothes, jewelry, pretty much whatever she likes at the time.
Would never admit it, but his black heart melts every time he comes home and sees she's excitedly waiting by the door.
One of those parents who will never stop bragging about how amazing their kid is to anyone who will listen, but never when she's in the same room.
100% that overprotective "I'm going to give you a brief tour of the torture chamber, then we’ll browse my whip collection. Oh, make sure she's home by 8" kind of dad if she were to ever bring home a date. They will know that his baby is not to be messed with (like anyone's crazy enough to try honestly).
So over the goddamn moon that someone actually wanted to have a kid with him that he couldn't shut up about it for weeks.
Treasures his little girl more than anything he owns, even Goldie. When she's a baby the two of them are practically inseparable.
The biggest pushover to ever be pushed. She's about the only person he's ever unconditionally generous to and he really spoils her rotten.
She's just as materialistic as her father, honestly, but MC made sure their girl was raised with good morals. The first of which being no stealing. Ever. She works for every cent she spends.
On the one hand, he's actually pretty damn proud and relieved that she won't be called "scum" or anything like her father, but on the other hand like… Ew. Who raised you? (No one remind him it’s kind of his doing anyway).
For once in his greedy existence, he can tell a sob story about really needing that loan or those shoes for his beloved daughter and actually mean it… most of the time 😏
Even when she's young, though, she will ask him if a gift he's giving her was taken from someone else and, man, he cannot lie to her face. People shame him for stealing all the time but the little look of disappointment she gives him hurts WAY more than all of his brothers’ insults combined.
Probably one of the most supportive and involved dads in existence. He will be at every game, every recital, every meet. Even if he's complaining the whole time, if anyone so much as suggests that he just shouldn't go he'd be appalled.
…. He's perhaps a little too involved because he's also totally the kind of father who will lowkey stalk his daughter's dates to be sure nothing bad happens. MC, please step in. She needs privacy too.
Was incredibly worried about having a kid, he's not even had the best track record when it comes to pets and parenting is some high-level normie stuff. But his little girl's first smile absolutely melted his doubts away.
That being said… he's still not the greatest with little kids. For a long time if the baby so much as sneezed unexpectedly he'd start shouting for the MC and checking every website he can like??? My half demon baby won't stop sneezing, is it pneumonia???
Gets a lot less panicky as the child gets older, but in those early years he'd practically want to stick them in a bubble wrap suit.
He passed on his love of the ocean and underwater creatures pretty early on. The running joke is that his girl knew how to swim before she knew how to crawl.
Family aquarium trips are an absolute must.
The second they're old enough to understand plot he's introducing them to his favorite shows, but only the best (and most child-friendly) ones of course. He wants his daughter to grow into a woman of culture, damnit! Pop culture that is.
Sooo much text/chat lingo between these two. It's not her fault really. She was bound to pick it up but man can it sound like they're speaking tongues at times.
With practice she can and will beat her old man at most video games and, yes, it makes his cry tears of equal parts pride and aggravation.
Has a mini-panic attack every time she hits a new milestone, like, yes he's so fucking proud but also don't you think she's growing up too fast??? MY BABY GIRL!!! 😭😭😭
Cries like a baby to the MC when she goes out on her first date because he realized she's really, truly, growing up and he's afraid his little girl isn't going to want to spend time with her lame old dad anymore.
Tries to be strict and IS strict but mostly on schoolwork.
Her grades best not be slippin' or this Book Papa will take all her stuff away. End of discussion.
Otherwise, he's surprisingly chill being the Avatar of Wrath and all. He of all people understands the desire to just have your own life and do your own thing.
She'll inherit his temper though, that's a given, and if they both get going then watch out. Fights between them can get verbally explosive, but never physical. Even at his angriest Satan would never once lay a hand on his daughter.
Read to her every night when she was young: storybooks, novels, mythologies, didn't matter to him. Whatever she wanted to hear. Still, he was so proud the day she told him that she wanted to read on her own.
100% makes nearly everything in life a teachable lesson but also helps her when she needs it. He wants her to forge her own path but is still very supportive when the situation calls for it.
Would never EVER admit it, but he does just as many dad jokes as Lucifer.
Of all the brothers, he's probably the most typical father to have, there for his kid just enough while also making sure they're not getting away with murder.
Is totally chill with her dating because he knows he doesn’t have to be super protective of her. She can more than handle herself if something goes wrong, in fact, if he were to step in it would probably add insult to their already grievance injury.
That being said, he IS the Avatar of Wrath. If someone hurts his girl he’s going to have a turn one way or another.
Oh YEEESSS, he's not normally the commitment kind of guy but he and MC raising a child? They'd be the most gorgeous thing in the universe!!! (Not counting himself of course)
Beautifying his baby since day one, but the MC keeps him from doing anything too extreme. A lot of baths, good moisturizer, hairstyling (when she grows enough of it), etc.
Soooo many outfits. She'll practically never wear the same thing twice and Asmo coordinates his own clothes to match hers all the time.
He actually goes out and parties LESS if you can believe it, especially when she's young and needs a lot of supervision. But he'll get pent up real quick so learning how to do a quiet quickie during naptime is a must.
His girl is all over his Devilgram, nearly every milestone is snapped up and recorded. He loves her more than anything and would just scream about his pride and joy from the rooftops if social media didn't provide him that outlet.
Makes sure his daughter knows that she is gorgeous, she is loved, and passes on every bit of self-confidence he has. Doesn't matter if she grows up a girly-girl, tomboy, or anything else under the sun. When you're feeling good just being you, heads will turn on their own accord!
Not the best at discipline and would only really step in if he thinks she's being a real jerk about something. Day to day attitude adjustments are totally up to the MC.
He is, however, the best sex-ed teacher one could ever ask for and makes sure his daughter knows there's no shame in what comes natural, just be sure you're respectful and responsible!
Completely unfazed when the suitors began lining up, I mean she is HIS daughter. It was inevitable. Offers tips and advice when he can but lets her go off and experiment naturally. Young love is a beautiful thing! (Just don't break his girl's heart though because he may lowkey curse your whole bloodline)
….. MC, you're going to be eaten out of house and home.
Though his daughter's appetite isn't AS bad as his, Beel could tell it's going to be an issue from day one but he's ready for it.
Dedicates his freaking life to being sure she never goes one night hungry. He'll cook, he'll shop, he'll even share from his own plate if he has to. The thought of her going through anywhere near the level of starvation he feels on a daily basis is enough to crush his soul (if he has one)
You better bet there will be eating competitions. She never wins, but the fact she can even get close will have him grinning anyway.
That being said, he will push for a healthy and active lifestyle for her too. 
Highkey wants her playing sports and doing team activities because he genuinely thinks it will help her stay healthy and make friends.
Just the right amount of discipline. Tries to be understanding but also knows when to call a spade, a spade and express his disapproval.
Very in-tune to her emotions and her needs even if he can’t quite grasp WHY she's feeling the way she is. Keeping up with teen drama is going to be the bane of his existence...
Uncle Belphie=That one cool uncle who lets you get away with anything and probably gives out sugar after bedtime.
One of the only brothers who makes a point of his daughter also seeing and exploring her human heritage too and not just treating her like a pseudo-demon… And it's totally not just for the added excuse of sampling human world cuisine, like, come on who do you take him for? 🤫
Somewhat cautious about her dating, but ultimately just wants her to be happy. He'll usually trust her judgment but he's pretty good at reading someone's character and if he gets real bad vibes from anyone he's not above telling her, "No. Not that one." Whether or not he's listened to depends on the situation.
Lol MC, you could have picked a much better choice. Borderline Deadbeat/Cool Dad here!
Kids… not his thing. He doesn't dislike them exactly, they're just a lot of work and he's sort of allergic to that. He's more of a semi-irresponsible babysitter type.
Case in point, "Belphie, watch the baby" becomes "Belphie, if you're going to take a nap at least hold onto her leg so she doesn't go anywhere."
Only saving grace is she takes after him so most days she's pretty dang sleepy too. Naptime is a good third of the daily routine (not that anyone is complaining).
Shit at discipline because, like, what leg does he have to stand on? If she wants to ditch class, why not let her? Once or twice ain't that bad.
Takes her on a lot of "field trips" to the human world like he would with Lilith. Genuinely wants her to experience both sides of her identity and encourages her to explore her human side just as much as her demon.
The kind of chill dad that you feel comfortable going to when you've got to talk out a problem or need life advice. He might not be able to offer many answers, but he tries in his own way.
Will prank his kid and will not feel sorry, but is never cruel about it. In fact, this will only spur on a mutual prank war between the two.
Uncle Beel=that genuinely nice uncle who tries to teach you life lessons and how to take care of yourself… while also eating a ton of food.
Would be super confused at first if she started dating like?? How? He kind of sees her like a mini-him at times and his human came to him. Since when did she stay awake long enough to leave the house?? But otherwise he goes with the flow. Whatever she wants, her life.
He might get a bit more agitated if she starts to date a human, like, lowkey bad flashbacks to the whole Lilith situation and the MC would probably have to cool his jets about it. Different circumstances after all.
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Invisible Strings
Pairing: Saul Silva x reader
Request: Silva x human!reader, where she's very oblivious to the other realms but some how or another their worlds collide and when they meet, Silva instantly feels this pull towards her and wants to protect her because she's so pure and cute. Anonymous
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It’s a simple enough mission; find the Burned One and kill it before any humans see it. The mission is a success and as he’s walking back to the portal, he sees you. He doesn’t mean to get attached. It could never work with you being from Earth and him being from the Otherworld. He tries to forget all about you but it seems like you’ve taken permanent residence in his mind. Every afternoon he sneaks away and uses the portal to travel to Earth and watch you. He’s been watching you for quite some time now making sure you’re safe. In all honesty, he has no intention to introduce himself but that changes on a Thursday when you notice that once again a stranger seems to be watching you. Today you’ve gathered the courage to confront him and threaten to call the police if he doesn’t stop. You have no idea that he will change your entire world and make you question everything you thought you knew. 
“Why are you following me?” you ask trying to keep your voice steady. You hide your hands behind your back to prevent the man from noticing them shaking. 
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t play dumb. I’ve seen you here every day for the last week. And every time I look over at you, you’re already looking at me. Do I need to call the police?” His face remains neutral but you can tell he’s trying to hold back a laugh. It agitates you that he thinks you won’t report him. 
“Do you think this is funny?” Your cheeks are flushed as he stares at you making no attempt to hide it. It’s like he’s staring right into your very being and it makes your skin crawl. You’re looking at him and trying to remember why you’re angry with him but now that you’re close you can’t deny the fact that he’s handsome. 
“I’m not following you. I’m just visiting the park. Same as you.” He speaks slowly choosing his words carefully. Every alarm bell goes off in your mind. You’ve seen enough Criminal Minds to know the signs. 
“Oh please. You’re always standing in the same place just watching.” He thought he was being careful but you’ve turned out to be more observant than he expected. He doesn’t have an explanation ready, instead he catches himself being baffled by your beauty. He’s always considered humans as weak, people who needed to be protected but with you it’s different. He’s not watching you because he thinks you need protection, he’s watching you because he has no idea how to let you go. There’s just something about the way you laugh, the way you constantly have to tuck strands of hair behind your ear because it won’t stay in place. You’re pure. He doesn’t know how else to explain his attraction to you. 
“You’re right. I have been watching you. In all honesty, I’ve been working up the courage to talk to you.” 
“You’ve been watching me for a week because you wanted to talk to me?” It sounds ridiculous, but your brain has stopped functioning. For some reason, you feel flattered. You know you should leave, but right now you’re looking at him and it feels like coming home. Like invisible strings connecting the two of you and pulling you closer. 
“I don’t have a better answer than yes. I wanted to talk to you.” The logical side of you is screaming to run but the pull is only getting stronger than longer you look into his eyes. After your encounter, he comes back every day just to talk to you. He never pushes for more and you’re too nervous to ask. You share your life story and he shares as much as he can. You instinctually know when to push for more and when he’s shared everything he can. Up until now you’ve never believed in soulmates but he’s making you question that. One day you get the strangest urge to follow him home. He’s been so secretive lately always being vague when speaking about his job or his home. As you think back to how everything started, you reckon it’s only right that you follow him this time. But it turns out he’s a paranoid man who’s always looking over his shoulder making it extremely difficult to stay out of sight. But you manage to follow him all the way to a shed at the outskirts of town. 
“Where are you going?” you whisper to yourself edging closer to a window on the side of the shed. You’re just in time to see him exit through a door but he doesn’t come out on the other side of the shed. A closer inspection tells you that there is no door on that side of the shed. You tiptoe inside the shed taking a look around. 
“Saul?” you call out and then curse yourself for being stupid. If he found out, you’d been following him, he’d probably call you crazy. You can’t even explain why you feel this need to know where he goes when he’s not with you, but you feel like he’s lying to you about who he really is. With a newfound determination, you walk through the very door you saw Saul disappear through. Suddenly, you’re standing in a forest that you’ve never seen before. Curiosity prevents you from running straight back through that door. Instead you take a few steps forward wondering where the hell you are and that’s when you see it. You have no idea what’s running towards you right now, but you have a feeling it’s not that friendly. It’s your scream that makes Saul aware that you followed him. His heart is in his throat as he runs back towards the shed. His nightmare comes true when he spots the Burned One running straight at you. There’s no time to think as he draws his sword and throws himself at the creature. He buries the sword in the Burned One’s chest and for good measure he draws his knife from his belt and stabs it in the head with that as well. 
“Y/N. What the hell are you doing here?” He’s upset and with good reason. You could’ve got yourself killed. He’s about to yell some more when he notices the tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“What was that?” you hiccup trying to control your breathing but the truth is you’re panicking. What the hell just happened? 
“I can explain everything, but right now I need you to come with me.” 
“I’m not going anywhere with you until you explain what just happened!” You take a step back when he tries to reach for you and the hurt is evident in his eyes. You need to know what just happened. You have to find a way to make it make sense in your head. Saul just killed someone.
“Please just come with me. I promise I’ll explain everything, but it’s not safe out here.” Once again he tries to reach for you and this time you let him. 
“Are there more?” His face is stern as he nods confirming your worst fears. You’re trying to stay calm but right now you wish you’d never followed him. 
“Fine.” He drags you with him keeping a steady pace and never letting go of your hand. You have no idea how long you’ve been walking but you reach the edge of the forest where you discover a huge mansion of sorts. Saul calms down once you set foot on the grass field. 
“We’re safe here,” he says but his eyes keep darting to the forest checking to make sure no one followed you here. 
“Tell me the truth,” you say letting go of his hand at last. You’ve regained a little of your bearing and now you’re ready to for him to explain everything to you. And he does. He tells you about the school Alfea, his position as head of the army, fairies and specialist, the realms and how your Earth is under their protection. Halfway through you sit down because your legs start shaking. This is too much knowledge for one human being. 
“You don’t have to remember this. There are ways for you to forget about all of this. You can forget about me.” 
“No!” You don’t even have time to think it through before you blurt it out. Even with all of this circling around in your mind, you know that you don’t want to forget about him. There’s something so fundamentally wrong with the thought of not knowing him. Your outburst earns you the smallest of smiles from him. 
“I know it seems scary, but I promise I’ll protect you. They won’t be able to touch you as long as I’m around.” He cups your cheeks and the intensity in his voice makes you dizzy. 
“You won’t always be there though. Apparently, we truly are worlds apart.” Tears threaten to spill again but you’re trying to keep your composure in front of Saul.
“Move here.” Two words but there’s so much more behind them. You feel crazy for even considering it. 
“You could still visit your world, but I’d be able to protect you.” 
“Is that the only reason you want me here?” It’s the wrong thing to focus on after everything he’s just told you but the question keeps popping up in your mind. 
“I want to keep you safe. I can’t explain it, but I just know when I heard you screaming, I thought my heart might beat out of my chest. You make me want more in life than just being a soldier.” He’s standing close enough for you to feel his breath on your skin and it calms you down. It’s like you’re standing in the middle of a hurricane. 
“I need something better than that,” you whisper feeling the tension between the two of you reach its peak. He leans forward and kisses you. It’s gentle at first, but you’ve wanted to do this since you first spoke so gentle won’t cut it. You run your fingers through his hair and pull making him groan out in pleasure. He lifts you up and presses your back against a tree. It’s like he can’t get close enough. 
“I’ll move here. Wherever you are,” you whisper in his ear and place a kiss on his neck. He’s kissing you again this time more roughly. It takes everything in you to push him away. 
“Not here, not like this.” You want to - more than anything right now - but you know tomorrow you’ll wish you’d waited. He nods taking several steps back. 
“I can have a room set up for you and then tomorrow we’ll go back for your things.” He turns his back to you taking deep breaths. You place a hand on his shoulder to turn him around.
“Can’t I stay with you?” His eyes soften but there’s still the tension between the two of you. 
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” he smirks making you laugh. You’ve never seen this carefree side to you him before but you love it. 
“Let’s get some sleep.”
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awkwardgtace · 3 years
Secret Brother Pt2
Continuing Ian and Mikhail gonna keep the same tws unless someone's asked for changes
TW: mentions of abandonment. Later parts will have mentions of a borrower being treated like a pet this is entirely painted in how fuckin wrong it is and how it added to the trauma.
Part 1 Part 3 (Final)
Secret Brother Part 2
Mikhail started living a double life after that. He was making good progress with Ian. He wasn’t sure how Ian had made any kind of home before, he seemed to struggle with basic bits of borrowing. It was becoming the highlight of most days to go home and sneak in to his own house the size of a borrower. Ian seemed almost nervous to be left in a house with a human alone, it didn’t make a ton of sense. The thing that started his move before must have been pretty bad.
The last few months had been a bit stressful too. At least one of his students seemed aware that the dorm ‘ghost’ had left with him. She claimed it was discussing her thesis, but it seemed to be highly focused on borrowers. Although she kept calling it a hypothetical idea of small beings. A study on the folklore of creatures like that which pop up in a lot of cultures. Finding ways to push her to new topics was becoming hard. Mikhail was looking forward to his afternoon with Ian.
“Ian, you around bud?” he called out. Ian rushed at him, covering his mouth. Mikhail looked at him curiously. Ian slowly slid his hand off him, seemingly happy with the silence. “What was that about?”
“I, uh, I thought I heard the human before,” he said nervously. Mikhail had been quiet, he hadn’t even opened his door. “I figured we should be extra quiet today, or just stay here, I have enough supplies for at least a week.”
Mikhail studied him, this wasn’t normal. Even if he made noise on his way, he can’t hear the noise in the walls as a human. Well he couldn’t hear them this far in, he made Ian move to make sure of that. Ian was jumpy, looking around like something would show up out of nowhere. He’d go with it for now, they’d hang out in the walls. He could teach him better sewing and they could work out the paths a little more.
“All right bud,” he said, hoping the smile would calm him. “We can stay in the walls just get some chores done in here, set up some extra paths you may need.”
Ian visibly calmed hearing that. He grabbed Mikhail’s arm and dragged him to the makeshift table. He had plenty of projects he started and needed guidance on. Mikhail was happy to oblige. They worked in a casual silence, Ian showing the parts he struggled with and Mikhail guiding him. It was a pretty normal day as far as life for a borrower is concerned, but Mikhail couldn’t ignore how terrified Ian was. It couldn’t just be that he thought he heard Mikhail, or well the human sized Mikhail, in the house. He was trying to think of how to bring it up when Ian dropped his project.
“Mik,” he started. “You’ve been coming to this house for a long time right?”
“Yeah it’s a normal stop,” he answered. He didn’t think he wanted to know where this was going.
“What do you think of this human?” Ian looked at him, his eyes had something in them he couldn’t read.
“I’m not sure what you mean bud,” he knew the right responses, but didn’t want to give them. He didn’t want to encourage Ian to be afraid of him.
“L-let’s say, there was a human you knew was bad, like really bad. If you had to pick between them and the human here, which would you pick?”
“I mean, as far as I can tell with this human, they wouldn’t do anything bad,” he started slowly. “I don’t know how bad the bad human would be in this scenario, but I’d pick the human who lives here. I’ve known them for an extremely long time, they don’t seem the type to do anything cruel.”
Ian nodded solemnly. Something was going on and he wasn’t telling him. Mikhail was tempted to push, but there wasn’t a good way to ask. He didn’t like leaving like this, but he had some work to get done this weekend, he couldn’t stay. He ruffled Ian’s hair standing to stretch, then started gathering the few things of his he brought with him. Ian grabbed his shoulder tightly.
“Mik, can you stay? For a few days?” his voice was small. Mikhail wanted to stay, to help him with what he wasn’t saying, but he couldn’t. He had to grade assignments and review thesis topics. He turned with a sad smile to Ian.
“I’m sorry Ian, I can’t. Honestly I may be gone for about a week this time. I can’t put off this work much longer. It won’t f-”
“Can I come?”
Mikhail sighed, “Ian I can’t take you with me for these trips. It won’t feel that long promise.”
Ian let go of him. Mikhail turned and saw he looked close to tears. He pulled Ian into a hug, holding tightly. Ian melted into it, seeming to need some sort of reassurance. Mikhail was more reluctant to leave, but he had to work so they could keep this up anyway. He let go and moved towards the exit, relieved to see Ian sitting back down at the table. He’d tell Ian the truth next time, he had to know he wasn’t as alone as he thought when ‘Mik’ wasn’t around.
“We’ll talk about some important stuff when I come back too all right?” he asked. Ian perked up, nodding with a look of relief. Things like that seemed to calm him, promises that meant he’d return without that being the promise. Once outside the house Mikhail waited a few minutes before shifting back. He needed to make sure Ian wasn’t planning to follow him. Once sure he focused and the world returned to its usual view. He took slow steps toward his car, climbing in to move it. Next time he saw Ian wasn’t going to be easy. He pulled the car off to the side, hidden completely from view for the weekend.
He sighed as he walked in, far from excited to deal with the guilt he’d be feeling. He went straight to his desk, if he could make it through the papers fast enough he could talk with Ian sooner. He pulled out the first and got to reading, blocking out the world around him. Ian wouldn’t come out for a while based on how he was acting. Hours passed as he worked through the assignments, a number of which would need to be completely redone. The black ink on white paper getting to him, he walked out to get a drink. The house was dark, he never bothered to turn on any lights when he came in. He reached the kitchen and flicked the light on, nearly screaming.
Sitting at the center of the table was Ian, his hook placed clearly out of reach. Mikhail couldn’t believe his eyes. He decided to act like he saw nothing, continuing on to get his water. He would go back to his desk and then Ian could keep up whatever crazy thing he was planning. Unless this had to do with the question earlier about trusting the human here. Did he know it was Mikhail who lived here? Ian must have figured it out. He turned to leave, trying so hard not to let his concern show.
“H-human!” Ian called out. There went any hope of pretending not to see him. Mikhail locked his eyes on Ian, the boy flinching as he gained the attention he wanted. Mikhail crouched down, getting himself eye level with the borrower. He was barely ready for whatever this meant.
“Hi?” he said. He had no idea how to do this. Wait he called out human, does Ian not know?
“I-I want to make a deal with you.” Ian was trying to be confident. Mikhail felt a lot of pride at that. He was so much more confident than he was a few months ago.
“What do you need?”
“I-if you’ll keep the bad human from me and my friend I’ll stay with you.”
“Wait what? What bad human? What do you mean stay with me?” Mikhail was utterly lost. Ian was here in front of him when he was human. Offering to stay with him in exchange for protection from the bad human. Now he really needed to know what was going on. He leaned down on the table, arms as a pillow, to be a little closer.
“I-I ran away from a human. They were keeping me as a,” he paused a mixture of fear and disgust on his face, “as a pet. I’ll stay with you as one if you’ll keep the bad one from me and my friend.”
“First no to that whole pet thing, you’re clearly a person. Second, I need to know about this bad human to help.”
“I-I can be good. I won’t run from you. I’ll be the project thingy for you they were talking about. I can-”
“Whoa slow down buddy, I just need information.” Mikhail was trying hard to stay calm. This is what scared him so much. Some human kept him as a pet and brought him to the school. Mikhail was going to deal with this, later though for now Ian had to calm down.
“I can do tricks, I won’t complain really. You can go get a cage now and I’ll wait right here. I won’t move at all. I won’t fight if you try to show me off either. I’ll be a good pet just as long as you protect us.”
“Kiddo, I just said the pet thing isn’t happening. I’ll just help you if you talk to me about this bad human.”
“I’m not stupid. I know you’ll want something eventually. I’m giving you something. I know you spend time at the place the bad human had brought me. I’ll be obedient for anything you need just keep the bad one away. I put the only way I can get down far enough away. Just admit you like this idea and-”
“Ian, knock it off! I’m not entertaining you talking about yourself like that’s all you’re good for. You’re a person, damn it!” Mikhail shouted. He hadn’t meant to, but hearing Ian thought he’d like this idea hurt. Over the last few months Ian felt like a younger brother, he’d do anything for him.
“H-How do you know my name?” Ian’s eyes were wide. Mikhail didn’t realize he used his name, he’d gotten lucky until now. Ian seemed far more scared than before hearing the human knew his name, starting to back away. Mikhail stood up and backed off. This wasn’t what he wanted to happen. He was going to have to show him as much as he hated it. He made his way back over to the table gripping the edge with both hands. He focused on them as he willed himself smaller. He pulled himself onto the table then sped up how fast he shifted. Focusing his gaze on Ian once he was done.
“This,” Mikhail gestured to himself, “would be why you couldn’t come with me.”
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Simple Man
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Words: 3351
Summary: It was never what he thought he would have. But now Dean doesn’t want to let go. 
Notes: I was going to wait and make this a Thanksgiving special, but I thought today would be more fitting. I can’t believe Supernatural ends tonight! This show has been a part of my life for a while now and it will forever stay in my heart.  I had a really really good time writing this one. It might be one of my favorites I’ve written for Dean, if not my top pick. I hope you guys enjoy it and look forward to seeing more. Carry on. 
Want more Supernatural? Find it HERE
(P.S. thank you to my beta reader @suckmysupernatural​. Love you!)
Oh, take your time, don’t live to fast
Troubles will come and they will pass 
He had slept through an alarm he didn’t remember setting. It wasn’t until he heard the creaking of the door that he stirred, reaching under his pillow for his knife. But it wasn’t there. Dean panicked as footsteps crept towards him. They were nothing more than a small pitter-patter on the wood floor, but he still prepared himself for the attack. The small creature leapt on top of him and he rolled over so he was pinning it beneath him. It giggled. It giggled?
“Daddy, Mom said she needs you in the kitchen.” 
Dean leaned over to the night stand and turned on the lamp. A little green eyed girl squirmed out from underneath him and skipped out of the room. 
“The hell…” Dean muttered. He opened the dresser and sure enough, his clothes sat in the drawers. He put on a T-shirt and slowly walked out of the room. The smell of bacon and coffee coaxed him to the kitchen. He couldn’t believe what he saw. 
You were standing over the stove, trying to save the bacon from burning. Dean was just frozen in the doorway. Finally spotting him, you made your way over to him, which was difficult with the little boy clinging to your leg. 
“Thank God you’re up. I need you to finish making breakfast.” You lifted the boy into your arms. “Eric’s got a fever and Ellie is going to wake up any second needing to be fed.” You gently laid a hand on Eric’s forehead. “I’ll call the doctor as soon as I get him to lay down. But you know how impossible that is.” 
“But I’m not tired.” Eric whined. 
“I know, sweetie, but you don’t want to get sicker, do you?” He pouted his lip and shook his head. “Alright, so I need you to go back to bed.” You looked back at Dean. “Can you just finish the bacon? I’ll be back to make their toast.” 
Before Dean could speak, you rushed up the stairs. As if on queue, a baby started to cry from somewhere upstairs. Dean just stood in shock. What the hell was going on?
As if by second nature, he walked around the kitchen, grabbing a paper towel to let the bacon drain off the grease. It felt almost natural. He somehow knew where everything was, even though he had never been here. Or had he? His brain was fuzzy with thoughts he couldn't remember. He saw images flash in his mind. Sam graduating from Stanford. His parents celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. You… in a wedding dress. 
“Johanna Charlotte Winchester you better be ready for school or your dad’s going to come and get you!” You yelled, coming back into the kitchen, this time a wailing baby in your arms. It wasn’t until now that Dean noticed you were wearing a sheriff’s uniform. You snatched up a piece of bacon and popped it in your mouth. “Thank you.”
You bounced the baby in your arms, trying to calm her down, but she wasn’t having it. The green eyed little girl from early came bounding into the room with her backpack over one shoulder. Ellie continued to bawl. 
“Can you hold her? She always stops crying when you hold her.” You handed the squirming child to him and he tried not to panic. You noticed your husband’s awkwardness. “Rough morning?” You snickered. “Here, I’ll make you some coffee.” 
As the child in his arms slowly stopped her crying, more memories flooded Dean’s head. You telling him you were pregnant for the first time. Going to the emergency room for the birth of his son. Watching Johanna hold her new baby sister. They all felt like dreams, but then how was this all real? 
“I’m feeling a little... off this morning.” He admitted, watching you carefully as if he were waiting for horns to sprout from your forehead. Your face fell. 
“Oh god, please don’t tell me you’re sick too.” You put your hand on his forehead. “You’re picking everyone up from the airport today.” 
“Everyone?” Dean’s brows furrowed curiously. 
“I would go get them, but I’m at the station until five.” You sighed, moving your hand down to caress his cheek. “Besides, you’ve been dying to see your brother since the Fourth of July.” 
“Uncle Sam!” Jo exclaimed excitedly. 
“Sammy’s coming?” Dean asked. Finally, something familiar. Your face contorted with confusion. 
“Of course he’s coming. Jessica and the kids are too. They always help prepare for tomorrow and since your parents will still be out on their cruise, we’ll need all the help we can get.” 
“Tomorrow...” He spotted the calendar on the wall, but you answered first. 
“Thanksgiving.” You stated. Your confusion changed to concern. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want me to stay home?” Jo raised her hand. 
“Can I stay home too?” 
“Sweetheart, it’s just one more half-day of school before break and then you’ll get to play with your cousins for the rest of the week.” Seeing you start to get stressed, Dean put a hand on your shoulder. 
“You go to work. I’m fine.” He assured you. “I’ll hold down the fort and I’ll pick up Sam at- what time again?”
“3:00.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek and smiled. “I know you worked extra last week so you could have the garage closed for Thanksgiving, but I think the fumes might have gone to your head.” You grabbed the keys off the counter. “Oh, and I’ll be taking Baby to work since you’ll need the van to fit everyone.” His look of displeasure made you laugh. “I know, I know, but you’ll have to suck it up for today unless you think the four-year-old can babysit.” 
You kiss Ellie on the forehead before giving Dean a quick, but passionate kiss on the lips. You held out your hand for your daughter to take. 
“Alright, partner, let’s go.” 
The two of you leave and Dean looks down at the baby in his arms. Was this really happening? 
Boy don’t you worry, you’ll find yourself
Follow your heart and nothing else
If he was trapped by a djinn, he would have remembered fighting it. This was something else. The more time he spent in the house, the more this world felt real and his hunting life felt like dreams. Maybe… maybe this was real. 
He remembered everything now. He had met you in a bar on New Years Eve. You hit it off talking about cars and classic rock. He proposed about two years later outside that same bar during the first snow of the season. You always said the first snow was the best one. You got married and a couple months later found out you were pregnant with Jo. Johanna Charlotte Winchester was born on April 3, 2007. She was seven. Three years later, Eric Samuel was born on November 29th. He was four. Lastly, Ellen Sandra was born six months ago tomorrow on May 27, 2014. 
Sammy had a family of his own. He married Jessica right out of law school and the two had two boys; Josh, 8, and Michael, 6. Their families stayed close, even though Sam was in California and Dean in Kansas. They were happy. 
If this wasn’t real, how could he remember all that? 
3:00 rolled around and Eric’s fever had gone down. He called you to make sure it would be okay to take him along to the airport. You told him that as long as he was feeling okay, it should be fine. The doctor said it sounded like the heat in his room was too high. Dean buckled Eric into his carseat and Ellie in her carrier. While Johanna almost looked like a mini-girl version of him, Eric looked like you. His eyes were yours, along with his hair color and his nose. Ellie looked like a fair mix of both. 
Jessica was the first one to greet him since Sam was busy carrying the boys’ bags. He hugged her tight and couldn’t stop beaming. 
“It’s so good to see you guys.” He smiled and she gave him a sunny grin in return. 
“I know Sam’s been eager to see you and the family for a long time. Of course, I’m only here for the food.” She teased and he pulled her into another hug. 
“I can’t believe this.” Dean sighed happily. Sam and Jessica. Him and you. One big happy family. 
“Do I get a hug, or are just going to hog my wife?” Sam snarked, setting down the bags as Dean nearly tackled him. Sam laughed, struggling to breathe in his brother’s crushing hug. “I missed you too, Dean.” 
“Uncle Sam!” Eric cheered, clinging to Sam’s leg. 
“Hey buddy.” Sam smiled, lifting his nephew into his arms. Jessica peaked into the baby carrier Dean had set on the bench. 
“Look at how big she’s gotten.” She awed. Ellie was asleep, so she spoke quietly. Jess frowned, finally noticing the two brown haired boys fighting over one of their comics. “Josh, stop pushing your brother.” She scolded. 
“He took my comic!” The older of the two retorted. Jessica just gave him a stern look and he surrendered. 
“Michael, give it back when you’re done reading.” Sam ruffled his youngest son’s hair. Dean knelt down. 
“So are you two tough guys too cool to give your uncle a hug, or what?” He pulled his nephews into a warm embrace. “Are you both taller? You’re taller than the last time I saw you.” Dean pat Josh on the back. “You’re gonna be taller than your dad before you know it.” 
“You know, you’d see them more if you flew out to California.” Jessica noted. Dean’s eyes widened. She laughed. “I know, I know, you have a thing about flying.” 
“I want to go to California!” Eric exclaimed.
“One of these days, we can go on a roadtrip in Baby to Uncle Sam and Aunt Jessica’s, how does that sound?” Dean promised. Eric nodded, excitedly wriggling in Sam’s arms. 
Everyone loaded up into the van, Sam sliding into the passenger seat. Dean had to laugh. This was just so crazy. Here they were, driving in a van packed full of children. Their children. He thought of all of the times Sam sat beside him in the impala, the two weary from a hunt. It felt like a different lifetime. Like a different world. It felt less real. 
You’ll find a woman and you’ll find love
And don’t forget son, there is someone up above
Four children ran around the backyard, jumping in leaf piles and chasing each other with sticks. Jo seemed to rule the yard, keeping her older cousin at bay with her stubborn persistence. Dean smiled proudly. 
“She’s quite the pistol.” Jessica noted with a laugh, jutting her head towards Johanna. She was sitting beside you, bouncing her baby niece in her arms. 
“I wonder where she gets that from.” You gave your husband a smirk. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“I love you so much.” He whispered. The tone in his voice made you glance up at him. He was watching you with intensity in his eyes. So much love and yet… there was pain there. 
“I love you too.” You laced your fingers with his, your concern evident in your voice. “Dean, are you okay? You’ve been acting a little weird all day.” You spoke quietly so you wouldn’t worry your brother-in-law. Your husband gave your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“I’m fine, really. I’m just…”  Dean felt an overwhelming wave of emotion and choked back tears. “Really happy.” He lifted your chin up, bringing your lips to his. Everything was perfect, right down to the way your lips fit perfectly against his. He knew, without a doubt, that this was real. 
Soon it was time to put the kids to bed. Sam’s boys slept on the pull-out couch in the basement. Eric was exhausted from a day of excitement, as well as his baby sister. Dean was charged with the task of putting a rambunctious Johanna to bed. 
“I want to stay up and drink beer like a big kid.” She pouted, making the adults in the room chuckle. Dean crouched down and picked her up. 
“Alright, here’s the deal. I promise that when you’re a big kid like me and your mom, then you can stay up and have a drink with us. But until then, you’re gonna be my little deputy right?” He tapped the golden plastic badge that she never took off. Jo grinned from ear to ear and nodded. Humming a Bob Segar tune, he took her upstairs to her room and tucked her into bed. 
When he came back down stairs, his brother and the two women were smirking at him. 
“What?” You and Jessica exchanged a look and burst out laughing. “Come on, what?”
“That girl has you wrapped around her finger, Dean.” Jessica snickered. You took a sip of your beer. 
“Oh, he’s like that with Ellie, too. He dotes on them like you wouldn’t believe. One little pout from Johanna and he melts.” You couldn’t help but beam at your husband. You loved the way he was with the kids. 
“I got her in bed, didn’t I?” Dean huffed, taking his seat beside you and resting a hand on your knee. Sam shook his head. 
“It’s all in the looks, brother. You may think you’ve one this round, but I saw the look in Jo’s eyes.” Sam gave his brother a sure nod. “She knows where she stands.” 
“At least I’ve got Eric,” You sighed teasingly. “He’s a mama's boy, through and through.” 
You curled up beside Dean, comfortable in his warmth. He kissed the top of your head.
The hours passed with plenty of laughter and love. Soon, it was getting close to 11:00 and you wanted to get plenty of rest for the busy day tomorrow. Everyone would be helping prepare the massive Thanksgiving meal that the Winchesters made every year. Sam and Jessica said goodnight and headed to the guest room while you and Dean made your way upstairs. 
You reached your rooms and Dean’s hands found your waist, his lips trailing up your shoulder to your neck. You leaned back into his embrace, bringing your hand up to tangle your fingers in his golden-brown hair. His hands started to wander and you sighed mournfully. 
“Baby, we both have to be up in the morning.” You groaned, breaking away from him. When you turned around, he was pouting, his green eyes big and sad. So that’s where Johanna got it. He was just so impossible to resist, but if you didn’t go to bed now, you’d be exhausted before dinner even started. You draped your arms around his neck. “I’ll tell you what; how about we get a good night’s sleep tonight…” you pulled him close and whispered into his ear, “and I’ll give you something to be really thankful for tomorrow.” 
Dean’s eyes widened and his smirk spread into a smile. 
“Mrs. Winchester, we have a deal.” He loved the way that sounded coming from his lips. Mrs. Winchester. 
You gave him a long and passionate goodnight kiss before changing into your pajamas and climbing into bed. 
It must have been around 12:30 when the baby started crying. The baby monitor was on your nightstand, so you were awakened by the sound first. Dean moved to get up, but you stopped him. 
“I’ll get her.” You sleepily shuffled out of the bedroom. Reaching the hall, you muttered something that your half-asleep husband only half comprehended. Something about the electricity acting up again. 
The crying continued and you didn’t return. Dean yawned, rubbing the tiredness from his eyes and got out of bed. He slowly made his way down the hallway to the nursery. The door was ajar and the lamp had been turned on. You must have gone downstairs to get her a bottle. 
Dean picked up his crying daughter, rocking her soothingly in his arms. She wailed and wailed until she heard his voice. 
“Alright, sweetheart. It’s alright. Daddy’s got you.” He hushed. After a moment of rocking and soft whispers, Ellie started to settle down. As soon as her cries reduced to the occasional sniff, Dean set her back in her cradle. “That’s it. You’re going to be just fine. I’m not gonna let anything hurt you.” 
Smiling down at his beautiful baby girl, Dean felt something on the back of his neck. When he touched it, his hand came away red. He froze, and as if his body went into auto pilot, he turned around. At first he couldn’t scream. He just stared. 
Your mouth gaped at him, your eyes filled with terror and pain as the blood spread out from your stomach. Ellie started to cry again. 
“No!” Dean screamed. That’s when the fire started. 
And that’s when he woke up.
And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Dean sat straight up, sweat soaking through his t-shirt, his scream still on his lips. The cool air of the bunker made him shiver. He couldn’t breathe. He heaved and coughed as if the smoke really filled his lungs. A sudden hand on his shoulder made him jump out of the bed and flatten himself against the wall, holding out his fists to fight. 
“Dean?” You rose slowly, walking towards him cautiously. “It’s okay. It was just a dream. You’re okay.” 
He just stared at you, taking in every feature. You watched his eyes fill with tears and his chin tremble as he tried to speak. Nothing came out, just a strangled sounding cry. Dean fell to his knees and you rushed to hold him. Whatever it was, it wasn’t just a nightmare. 
Dean wrapped his arms around your middle and leaned his head against your stomach as you soothingly ran your fingers through his hair. He didn’t make any sound as he cried, but the tears fell endlessly down his face. He was shaking in your arms. 
“Dean, honey, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.” You whispered. This wasn’t the first time that he’d woken suddenly from a dream, but it had never been like this. 
You told him that you were pregnant today. He seemed happy. Shocked, but happy. But now? Whatever was going through his head was breaking him. You sunk down in front of him so you could hold him fully, letting him cry into your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry.” He finally choked out. “I’m sorry that this is all I can give you. I’m sorry that we don’t have a big house full of kids. That Sam has lost any chance at happiness. That we can never have a normal life.” You pushed back. 
“Baby, what are you talking about?” 
“I’m sorry that this baby is going to grow up haunted and broken… just like me.” His voice cracked. You put a hand on his cheek. 
“Dean…” You pressed your forehead against his, feeling your own tears start to fall. “This baby is going to be loved and wanted and cherished, just like you.” You kissed him gently, reminding him of your adoration of this hero of a man. 
Dean held you closer, letting your words sink into his heart. He wanted to believe it. He wanted more than anything to believe it. Even in his beautiful dream, you ended up burned and bloody. Even in his dream, he was broken. 
But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try. He would try like hell to give you a life as close to perfect as he could manage. Maybe that meant hunting together until you went down guns blazing. Maybe that meant settling down, someday, somewhere. He would try. 
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh, won’t you do this for me, son, if you can
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks​ Supernatural: @desimarie12; @deandreamernp; @vicmc624; @halesandy; @livshaes; @d-whinchestergirl87; @mrspeacem1nusone
346 notes · View notes
fantastic-bby · 3 years
One In A Million
Pairing: (F)Reader x Changbin ( ft housemates Felix and Jisung) 
Word count: 14.7k 
Genre: Fluff | Romance | Slow burn | Mermaid!Reader | Non-idol AU | College student!Changbin | Strangers to lovers 
Summary: In a world where magical creatures exist simultaneously with humans, Changbin, a marine biology student, knows that merfolk have been pushed to extinction by humans years before. However, while he’s at his regular smoking spot at the beach, he notices a figure watching him from the water...
Warnings: Cigarette use (Changbin) | Mentions of marijuana usage | Changbin almost drowns 
A/n: I may have gotten carried away ahaaaa... This is actually the longest fic I’ve ever written (it almost became longer) and I’m really happy with how it turned out so hopefully you guys enjoy it too owo 
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Changbin thinks he’s gone mad. He stares at the water in so much disbelief that he’s sure he’s gone mad. Looking down at the cigarette in his hand, he’s thinking that Felix has definitely laced it with something. If he wasn’t high, then why did he just see a person disappear into the water from the beach he’s standing at?! 
“Fucking Felix,” he curses as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. 
Binnie: Did you put something in my cigarettes? [03:54]
Lixie the weedie: No??? Why would I touch your cigs? [03:55]
He lets out another curse as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. When Changbin sees the head poke out from underneath the ocean’s surface, he’s slightly more convinced that it’s an actual person and not some drug that’s messing with his head. He looks around the beach—it’s empty other than him. It’s normal for the beach to be empty around this time. Changbin’s only out there every night because he wants to smoke and his housemate—Jisung—refuses to let anyone smoke cigarettes in the house. Jisung’s a funny guy. He would gladly take Felix’s joints and edibles, but he refuses to be a victim of secondhand smoking because of Changbin.  
Changbin’s phone buzzes twice in his pocket and he pulls it out once again. 
Sungie: Come back inside D:< You’re gonna catch a cold if you’re out there any longer [04:00]
Binnie The cigs keep me warm [04:00] 
He awaits Jisung’s next response to see the message being read. The chat bubble pops up, bouncing a few times to signal that he’s typing back only for it to disappear. Changbin looks back out into the ocean only to realise that whoever was watching him is gone. He sighs, wondering what kind of a person would be in the water during winter with how the temperatures drop way below freezing. 
Sungie: I’m locking the door if you don’t come back in 5 minutes [04:03]
Binnie: Fuck you [04:03]
Sungie: Attached image (1)
Of course he sends a love meme back. Changbin rolls his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. Jisung means well, he just shows his affection in a slightly more aggressive and dry manner than Changbin would. 
Binnie: I’ve accepted the love meme and I will be returning shortly <3 [04:05]
He gives the ocean one last look before turning around and heading towards the neighbourhood, putting his cigarette out in the process of walking. Changbin’s body shivers a few minutes into the 8 minute walk. Without the smoke warming his lungs and body, it’s just cold now. He knows he needs to stop and the constant excuses that he’s come up with to stay attached to those cancer sticks make Jisung want to punch him in the face. One of those excuses is being warm in the winter, which again, makes Jisung want to punch him. 
“I’m back,” Changbin announces as he steps into the small house and kicks his shoes off. Jisung pops his head out from the living room to look at him. 
“Lix and I are playing Super Smash Bros., do you wanna join?” 
“Uhh, I’ll pass,” he shakes his head as he steps into the living room to see Felix sitting on the couch. His Nintendo Switch is plugged into the TV, the baby pink controller in his hand while the other baby blue one is with Jisung. "Don't you have class in the morning?" 
"Our professor cancelled," he replies with a shrug as Jisung starts another round of the game. "I only have classes after lunch, so I'm not too worried about it." 
“Still,” Changbin chuckles. Unlike Changbin, Felix and Jisung somehow have more filled schedules than he does despite how they’re only first years and Changbin’s already in his third year. They’re always saying they have work they need to do when they’re doing pretty much anything else but their assignments.
“Why did you ask about your cigs?” Felix looks away from the screen for a split second to glance at Changbin.
The older man sucks a breath in through his teeth as he contemplates it. Felix and Jisung would definitely call him crazy, but they’ve lived with each other for the past four years, so it’s not like there’s any secrets between the three. “I thought I saw someone in the water for a moment, but then they disappeared.”
“In this temperature?” Jisung snorts. “You’d have to be crazy to take a dip in the ocean during winter.” Even though his attention is solely on the game, he takes a few glances towards his housemate when he realises that Changbin seems way more spaced out than usual. “You alright, hyung?” 
“Yeah,” Changbin nods quickly. “I just feel like that person may have not been… a human.” He doesn’t really know how the thought even came to him. It just popped out of nowhere when he swears that he saw a tailfin following after the person. 
“What?” Felix pauses the game and turns to look at him, earning a whine from Jisung. “What else could they have been?” Now Changbin really thinks he’s gone mad. He knows that if he actually spoke his thoughts, then Jisung and Felix would probably end up laughing at him. 
“I don’t know, man, I just feel like it could’ve been something else,” he shrugs, “like a mermaid or something.” 
“Merfolk went extinct years ago, hyung,” Jisung states, emphasizing on ‘years’, as he nudges Felix’s shoulder and unpauses the game. “Humans pushed the merfolk to extinction even before we were born. That includes sirens.” 
“Yeah, but you know how sometimes scientists declare a species extinct but it turns out they were just hiding somewhere else.” 
Felix and Jisung both pause the game once again before turning to look at their older housemate. “No way,” Felix shakes his head. 
“They’d have to have been really good at hiding or else the humans would’ve found them by now,” Jisung nods. 
“You think maybe the joint I gave you a few hours ago still has its effects on you?” he teases as he jabs Changbin’s bicep with his finger. In response, he yelps and swats at Felix’s hand until he leaves him alone. 
“I’m telling you, I know what I saw,” Changbin grumbles. “There was a fin following after them.” 
“It was probably another creature,” Jisung guesses as he turns back to the TV. “You know how water sprites can get too. Maybe it was one of them playing tricks on you.” 
“Water sprites don’t take the forms of other water creatures,” he states matter-of-factly. 
“Alright, Mr ‘I study magical creatures’,” he rolls his eyes. “Don’t think too much about it. It could’ve been something else.” 
“I don’t study magical creatures, I study the ocean’s ecosystem, asshole,” Changbin nags and reaches over Felix to punch Jisung’s arm. The younger man lets out an exaggerated howl of pain as he writhes around. 
“Felix, hyung is bullying me!” he whines. 
“Sounds like a you problem,” Felix snorts just as he manages to knock out Jisung’s character. “I win!” He shoots up from the couch with his arms up in the air, “I won because you’re too busy teasing Changbin hyung!” Jisung lets out an even louder whine. 
“That’s unfair! We have to play again! Let’s play another round!”
“It’s not unfair! I won!” Changbin crosses his arms over his chest, amused as he watches the younger men argue about whether or not they should play another game. They annoy him, sure, but Changbin’s harboured a soft spot for his housemates. As much as Felix makes him want to throw him out of the window and how Jisung makes him want to lock him in his own room, Changbin would do anything to keep them safe and happy. The feeling’s mutual across the three of them. 
Jisung, the designated demon of the house, once broke into Felix’s crazy ex-girlfriend's house and stole his hoodie back for him only to have objects thrown at him by her. Felix, the house mum, once almost lit a car on fire to try and save Jisung from being beat up by a gang of hooligans. Changbin, on the other hand, pays the most in rent and likes to use it against his two younger friends—he would prefer to call them his brothers. A happy family that the three of them decided to build together when they had started college. 
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Changbin finds himself at the beach at the same time a few days later, cigarette held between his index and his middle finger. He’s come to terms that there’s no way it was a mermaid—he studies them, of course he would know what a mermaid looks like even in the dark. However, tonight, he finds himself sitting on one of the rockier areas of the coast, sitting cross-legged on the almost frozen  stone and looking out at the ocean as he smokes his problems away. 
He’s lucky that the three of them are able to afford a small house nearer to the ocean or else he would’ve been more stressed out. Being near the ocean as a student who studies marine ecosystems means that it’s easier for Changbin to do research without having to travel so far away to get to the water. 
As he looks out, he sees it again. Changbin almost falls off of the rocks and into the water when he sees what looks like a person sticking their head out of the water, eyes watching him intently. He sits upright, leaning closer to get a better look only to watch them dive back into the water. That’s when he sees it. 
A tailfin. 
“No fucking way," Changbin gasps as he crawls closer to the edge of the rocks. The waves move gently, the darkness and the movement obstructing any kind of view he would have into the water. His hand holds himself up as he slowly gets closer and closer towards the water when the head re-emerges, right in front of his face. Changbin loses his balance out of shock, his hand slipping against the rock and his body rolling off of the edge until he's enveloped in cold. 
Freezing cold.
He panics.
Changbin can't breathe. He feels the salt water gushing into his lungs and all he feels is pain. His throat burns, his eyes sting, his lungs hurt. Black spots start to fill his vision while his limbs frantically try to push himself up towards the water's surface, but it's too cold for his limbs to even move properly. He'll drown if he doesn't get out and if it isn't the water that kills him, then the hypothermia definitely will. The more he panics, the more frantic his arms become, but it’s not like Changbin’s actually able to control himself since the only thought in his mind is swim to the surface.
Arms wrap around Changbin's torso when he feels his body starting to give up but it's too dark for him to see as they pull him into a darker area. He's shoved out of the water and onto stone, his lungs painfully coughing out all the water out as he heaves to catch his breath. He looks around the area once he's more composed, only now noticing that he's in what looks like a cave. Changbin's eyes stop at a pair of eyes peeking out from right above the water's surface, staring at him. 
"Y-You…" Changbin trails when he realises how cold it is, his arms moving to wrap around himself in a feeble attempt to keep himself warm. The head further emerges, tilting curiously and watching him. Changbin manages to push out a gasp despite his shivers, her skin is patched with tinges of blue and green, scales crawling up the side of her face. Her pupils were shaped like slits, almost cat-like. "You're… a m-mermaid." Her head tilts curiously as she lowers into the water momentarily. She lifts herself out of the water further to take a closer look at Changbin. “Do you not understand me?” he questions. The mermaid blinks a few times, her pupils dilating when she sees the way Changbin hugs his soaked jacket tighter around himself. She slips underneath the water despite the human’s protests. “F-Fuck,” he curses as he realises how much shit he’s in. Not only does his throat hurt like hell now, but he knows that if he doesn’t get out of the cave or find a way to find warmth, he’ll freeze to death. 
A few moments pass before the mermaid pops back out with a plastic zip lock bag in her hands. She puts it onto the ground and pushes it towards him. Changbin looks between her and the plastic bag before taking it, ripping it open to see a perfectly dry winter coat. He turns back to look at the mermaid who’s returned to hiding half of her face underneath the water and only her eyes watching him. Changbin immediately changes out of his wet clothes and slips himself into the coat, closing his eyes as he lets out a sigh of relief when he feels his body slowly starting to warm up. When his eyes open, Changbin notices the mermaid still watching him, her webbed hands holding onto the edge of the cave to keep herself afloat. 
“I thought mermaids were supposed to speak human languages,” he thinks out loud. Once again, her head tilts curiously. “Since you guys were said to be extinct, then I don’t think it’s a surprise that you don’t understand me.” Changbin hugs himself tighter as he looks around the cave, the mermaid watching him and looking around as well. How is he supposed to get home? The only creature that knows where he is doesn’t even understand what he’s saying! 
“Mermaid,” he calls out, the creature immediately perking up at the sound of his voice. “Wait, do you understand me?” The way she simply stares at him makes Changbin realise that she just reacted because she heard him talk. He stuffs his hand into the wet pocket of his jeans, pulling out his phone. Changbin presses the home button and watches as the screen flickers before turning white and shutting down right after. He sits awkwardly as he thinks about what to do next. He lifts his head, making eye contact with the mermaid—who’s been watching him this whole time—and knows that she’s the only way he can get home. 
“I-I need to get home, mermaid.” Once again, she tilts her head as she tries to process what she’s saying. Changbin bits his lip as he looks around the cave, trying to figure out a way to get her to understand. “Home,” he says as he lifts up three rocks, building a really crappy fort. “I need to get back to where I live.” The mermaid watches his hands, her mind trying it’s best to figure out what he’s showing her. Changbin sighs when she shakes her head. He lifts his hands over his heads to try and signal a roof, “my house.” The mermaid blinks a few times before diving back underwater, leaving the human to dwell with his own thoughts and company while trying to figure out how to at least get back to shore. 
A few minutes pass and Changbin decides that he might as well explore the cave. He doesn’t even know if the mermaid will return anytime soon, so he stands up and looks around. There’s little light that shines into the cave and it’s only because of a few large cracks that scatter the cave walls, but it’s enough to help him barely navigate through the area. Rock formations jut out from the sides and Changbin’s careful to try not to bump into them, his biggest fear being accidentally stabbing himself with a rock formation if he’s careless. He follows the inside of the cave only to realise that he’s trapped. The only way out is to jump into the small body of water right in front of him. Changbin stares at the pool, panic starting to creep throughout him when he realises that this cave is most likely underwater when the tide rises. 
A glow emits from underneath the water’s surface and it makes Changbin’s face contort in confusion as he watches the way it moves around. It gets closer to the surface before the mermaid re-emerges, obviously watching him in confusion since he’s not in the same place as before, but a water sprite is sitting on her shoulder this time.
“The mermaid tells me that you’re stuck,” the sprite claims as he flies off of the mermaid’s shoulder and moves closer to look at Changbin. The dark blue sprite is small—very small. He’s probably only the size of Changbin’s finger, small blue wings holding him up in the air as he hovers around the human’s head. “How did you even end up here?” 
“I-I saw the mermaid, but I thought they were extinct and I fell in,” Changbin admits softly. The sprite turns around to look at the mermaid who watches from the water. He mutters something in a language that Changbin can’t understand and the mermaid responds in the same language. The sprite snaps back at her and she scowls as she lowers herself into the water.
“I can cast a spell on you that would keep you alive while we bring you back to the beach, but you can’t tell anyone about her,” the sprite sighs as he turns to face Changbin. “Mermaids went into hiding for a reason and I don’t want some clumsy human to be the reason that their numbers go down again. I’m Hyunjin by the way.” Hyunjin climbs up his hair and stands right on top of his head, “I’ll give you an air bubble so you’ll stay dry too.”
“Thanks…?” Changbin trails off as he watches a translucent bubble wrap around him, suddenly very aware of how quiet it is inside of the spell. “Woah,” he gasps when he hears his voice bouncing back to him. 
“Yeah, there’s a lot of echo in this bubble and you’ll still feel cold, but it’ll help you get home,” he mumbles. “Walk towards where (Y/n) is.” 
“The mermaid.” The tiny creature stays on Changbin’s head as he walks towards the pool. “She’s too nice to humans for her own good. I told her a billion times to not interact with them, but she still goes ahead and saves you.” Ouch. Changbin makes a mental note that Hyunjin’s a bit of a dick, but he knows that if he says anything now, the sprite might just leave him in the cave to die. 
Honestly, Changbin doesn’t really blame Hyunjin for not liking humans. His species has unfortunately had a very bad history with the other creatures that live in the same world as them. Where humans had dominated the entire world, forcing every other creature into a form of either submission or alliance, merfolk were only deemed extinct presumably due to the insane water pollution. The other creatures don’t exactly like the humans either. Even without any sort of magic, humans had still managed to force every species to live simultaneously despite destroying everything else. 
“(Y/n) has to push you back to the beach,” Hyunjin speaks up as Changbin slowly climbs into the water. “I’ll dry your clothes and get your phone working once we’re there, but only if you promise not to tell anyone about her.” The human notes how the bubble’s temperature slowly starts to drop. Changbin would probably succumb to the cold of the water if he wasn’t wearing the coat.
“So, the merfolk still exist?” Changbin questions once he’s completely submerged in the water. It’s a strange feeling to be floating so effortlessly despite being able to feel the force of the waves and the water moving around him. Once in the water, he has a slightly better view of the mermaid swimming closer to him. Unfortunately, he’s only barely able to make out the colour of her scales with how dark it is underwater. Her turquoise tail is long, lighter blue scales scattering her body and fading into a more human-like tone as they her torso. Her ‘hair’ is just as it’s described in theory in Changbin’s classes; it’s just an added fin that grows out and only appears like it’s hair. He wonders whether it’s as soft as scientists had described it to be. 
“Yes, they still exist,” Hyunjin nods before muttering something to (Y/n). The mermaid nods, moving closer to rest her hands against the bubble and starts to push it through the water. “Merfolk got so scared for their existence that they decided to ‘go extinct’ to protect themselves. Humans were pushing them beyond their limits as a living, feeling species.” 
“Well yeah, humans are greedy,” he sighs. “What about the other creatures?” 
“Dragons don’t really care since they can eat you guys in seconds. Most pegasi stay in their own dimension unless they’re needed here; that’s why you don’t see them as much anymore. Kobolds stay hidden in ships, werewolves stay in the mountains and vampires build their own mansions away from human civilisations. Most of the creatures that can travel to their own world try to stay away from your world for the sake of their own safety.”
“Have we really pushed you guys that far?” Changbin turns to his shoulder when he feels Hyunjin move off of his head. 
“Unfortunately, yes,” the sprite nods. “Soon, your world will be rid of magical creatures because they’ve run away and we’ll go to becoming nothing but myths for your future generations.” He turns around to mutter something to (Y/n) as they approach the beach. “Start walking. We can’t risk (Y/n) being seen. At least if they see me on your shoulder, they’ll think I’m the only one helping you.” Changbin does as Hyunjin says, starting to walk just as the bubble hits the inclining ground underneath the water and moving towards where the waves hit the beach. He turns around for a moment giving a wave towards the mermaid who returns it with a small smile on her face. 
“Thanks, Hyunjin,” Changbin says as he's back on the beach and the sprite hovers right in front of him. “I won’t tell anyone about this.” 
“You better,” he clicks his tongue in annoyance. “I knew it was a bad idea for her to linger in shallow waters.” Hyunjin does as he promises, using his magic to dry up Changbin’s clothes as well as getting his phone back to working order. “Be more careful next time. You humans are always so reckless when it comes to your life.” 
“I was just curious,” he shrugs in response, watching his phone start up. 
“Too curious for your own good.” Changbin ignores the comment. His eyes widen when he sees the messages spamming his phone from Jisung and Felix. 
“Shit,” he curses softly as he quickly replies to the both of them. 
“Head on home before your friends worry,” Hyunjin says when he hears the spammed sound of the notification. Changbin sticks his phone back into his pocket before looking back at the sprite. 
“Again, thank you. I’ll try not to fall into the water next time.” 
“In the chance that it ever happens again, just call out for me. I’ll be able to hear you,” he gives the human a smile and Changbin thinks that he may not be as cold as he would like to show. “But if you fall too many times, I might consider just leaving you there,” Hyunjin snickers right after. 
“Okay, now you’re just being an ass,” he scoffs with a smile on his face. “I’ll be more careful next time, I promise.”
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Changbin wakes to the sound of his alarm beeping from the other side of his room, something he does to force him to get out of bed. He lets out a whiney groan as he rolls over, willing himself to ignore it until the alarm snoozes. Jisung, however, refuses to allow that. 
The bedroom door swings open to a very disgruntled looking Jisung who marches over to Changbin’s bed and whacks him with a pillow, “It’s a fucking Sunday, turn the damn thing off.” 
“You’re already here—you do it,” he yawns. Jisung’s face twinges with annoyance as he whacks Changbin another time. “God—I. Ah!” Changbin yells, thrashing around his bed before sitting up to see the younger still staring at him. “I’ll turn it off! You can leave!” 
“I also wanted to let you know that Felix’s already up and making breakfast,” he mumbles, standing at the edge of his bed like a Sims character. 
“Give me twenty minutes,” he grumbles and lays back down. 
“If you’re not out by then, I’m eating your portion,” Jisung giggles mischievously as he scrambles out of his room. 
“Fuck you,” Changbin groans as he kicks the cushion by his foot and sends it flying in Jisung’s direction, only for it to hit the door just as he closes it. Changbin rolls over in his bed, too lazy to actually go ahead and turn the alarm off and instead opts for just letting it snooze on it’s own. He stays in bed for a little longer before dragging himself out and to his desk across the room where his phone is. He doesn’t remember setting an alarm for the weekends, so Changbin assumes that he must’ve accidentally turned on one of the weekend alarms without realising it. 
Making sure to turn the alarm off, Changbin sighs as he looks through his notifications to make sure he hasn’t received anything important overnight. Once certain that there’s nothing important, he moves to taking a shower and putting on the black hoodie he wears everyday along with his jeans before stepping out of his room and making his way towards the dining room where Felix and Jisung are. 
“You took twenty-one minutes,” Jisung giggles, “means I get your serving of waffles.” Just as he’s about to reach for the waffle-filled plate, Felix swats at his hand with the silicone spatula. 
“Those are for Changbin hyung, you dick,” he scolds, earning a whine and a pout from the hungry boy. 
“Thanks, Felix,” Changbin hums as he sits down and pulls the plate towards him. “Do you guys have anything important today?” 
“It’s Sunday,” Felix shakes his head, “I’ve finished all my assignments for this week, so I’m probably just going to head back to bed after breakfast.” 
“Same for me,” Jisung hums with a mouthful of food. “I have an assignment due Tuesday, but that’s for something future Sungie has to handle.” 
“I’ll do it for you,” he offers and sits himself down, digging into his own plate of waffles. 
Changbin scoffs at that, “stop doing Jisung’s assignments for him. He should be paying you.” 
“He does pay me,” Felix corrects him, “he gives me five dollars for every two hundred words that I write.”
“I really shouldn’t be condoning this behaviour,” he sighs before turning to Jisung. “Damn it, Ji, cut Felix some slack!” 
“I don’t ask him to do it, he offers and I just pay him afterwards,” Jisung shrugs as he takes another bite of his waffle. “Don’t worry about it, the university won’t know.” 
“You know, that’s not the point, but I doubt that I can stop you…” Changbin trails off. He feels like he should be at least a bit more strict with his friends, but he also knows that Jisung really couldn’t give two shits about his academics. He just happened to luck out when he met Felix; a weed dealer who doesn’t even have to try to write papers worth distinctions. Jisung’s less book smart than he is street smart. He spends his time making friends with not-so-nice people that actually offer more convenience to him than they do company. As much as they have very questionable morals, they’re loyal to Jisung only because he sells them Felix’s edibles at a good price. 
Changbin, on the other hand, is in between the two of them. He doesn’t have a 4.0 GPA like Felix does and even though he’s more extroverted than Jisung is, he prefers not to go around and make friends with dangerous people. Changbin’s just… Changbin. He’s turning twenty-four soon, he’s in his final year of university and he’s spent his entire academic life getting slightly higher than average grades and as extroverted as he is, Changbin prefers sticking to his small group of friends. He’s able to blend into groups and make friends easily, but Felix and Jisung are the only friends that he’s actually willingly kept around for more than two years. 
“Hyung, if you want me to do your assignments, I’ll do them,” Felix offers, “no charge.” 
“Uhh, I’ll pass,” Changbin shakes his head. “I’m pretty sure it’ll be suspicious because my grades would jump from merits to distinctions overnight.” 
“Ah, I can dumb them down for you, I don’t mind.” 
“Felix, you’re not doing my assignments.” 
“Felix writes great essays, though!” Jisung pipes up. 
“Ji, you should really be doing your own assignments, man,” Changbin sighs. 
“I do do my assignments,” he huffs, “I just need the extra help sometimes.” 
“I don’t mind either way—it’s better than watching you guys fail,” Felix shrugs. Changbin can’t stop the smile that makes its way on his face when he sees Jisung trying to steal some of Felix’s food. “No, dude, fuck off,” Felix grumbles as he swats his hand away. 
“I just want a little more,” Jisung gives him a toothy grin as he stabs his fork into the waffle. 
“Jisung! Fuck off! This is mine!” Felix slaps his hand away, but it doesn’t stop Jisung who continues to try and steal his food. Changbin breathes out a laugh as he watches them fight, wondering whether or not he needs to get involved before deciding that it’s too early in the morning for him to do anything. 
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Changbin stands on the shoreline, cigarette between his fingers as he looks out at the ocean. Only this time, he’s looking for the mermaid. Maybe he’s foolish for thinking that she’d return after the whole incident and Hyunjin—most likely scolding her for letting a human see her—having to save him, but Changbin wants to know more about her species. Even if he can’t communicate with her, maybe he’d be able to get a better look at her tail… which is kinda creepy. Changbin’s being creepy. 
He groans when he realises how weird he seems, taking a huff from his cig and letting his chest fill with warmth, but he almost chokes when he sees the familiar figure watching him from the distance, head poking out of the water. It’s the mermaid! 
And Hyunjin
Changbin feels himself shrinking when he sees the water sprite flying towards him, stopping right in front of his face with his hands on his hips. “Back at the beach again?” Hyunjin raises an eyebrow. Changbin’s about to answer when the sprite starts sniffing the air, his gaze moving down to look at the cigarette in his hand. “Oh.” 
“What ‘oh’?” 
“Is that why (Y/n) says you’re here all the time?” he questions as he turns back up. 
“Uhhh, yeah,” Changbin nods. Hyunjin clicks his tongue repeatedly as he shakes his head. 
“That’s unhealthy.”
“Yeah I know,” he rolls his eyes. 
“It’s not good for the environment either,” Hyunjin adds as he moves to sit on his shoulder. “People just leave them lying around everywhere and sprites are usually the ones who clean them up because it’s gross.” 
“I actually throw them away properly, so the littering isn’t something you have to worry about,” Changbin mutters as he takes a drag. “I’ve been trying to stop for a while, cut me some slack.” 
Hyunjin gives him a look but decides against pressing him further about it and instead changes the subject, “(Y/n) wouldn’t stop bugging me about coming back to the beach. She said she wants to talk to you.” 
“What?” His head turns to look at the sprite who shrugs. 
“She’s never interacted with a human before—she’s curious.” Hyunjin keeps his eyes on (Y/n)’s figure in the distance. “You remember the rocky part of the coast you were on before you fell off? (Y/n) wants you to move there so that she can get closer to you.” Changbin’s surprised. He would’ve expected her to at least be scared instead of curious, but he obliges and makes his way towards the rocks, climbing onto the cold, damp stone and carefully making his way towards the edge. He sits right on the edge just as (Y/n)’s head pops out of the water. “Say hello.” 
“Uhm, hi,” Changbin waves at her. She smiles as she returns the wave, webbed hand raising out of the water shyly. 
“I’m gonna start saying this from her point-of-view,” the sprite tells Changbin as he turns to him before turning to (Y/n) and saying something to her. She nods immediately, speaking in her language. 
“I was so worried when you fell into the water. I heard that humans can’t handle this kind of cold like the other creatures can.” 
“Ah,” Changbin laughs awkwardly. “I was just trying to get a closer look at you since I thought that merfolk were extinct.” (Y/n) looks at Hyunjin as he speaks and she smiles, making the human feel less sheepish. 
“Then I’ll assume that I’m the first mermaid you’ve ever seen.” 
“That’s right,” he nods. “I’ve always been interested in merfolk and the ocean in general.” 
“Ahh, then maybe one day I can take you into the ocean when it’s not so cold and I can properly show you my tail!” Changbin blushes at that. (Y/n)’s smiling brightly at him with her hands clasped together. 
“I think she’s as interested in humans as you are with merfolk,” Hyunjin chuckles when he sees how excited she looks. “You should tell her about what it’s like to walk around with legs. She thinks that’s fascinating.” 
“Legs?” he turns to Hyunjin in confusion. How would Changbin be able to explain what legs are like? He’s never had to think about how his muscles function before. “I don’t know how else to explain that and I wouldn’t think that (Y/n) would be able to explain how swimming with a tail would feel like either.” 
“Wait…” the sprite trails off before realising how awkward that would be. “Yeah, never mind.”
“What’s that thing you put in your mouth every night?” Changbin turns away from Hyunjin to look at (Y/n) who’s looking at him with bright eyes holding wonder. 
“Oh, uhh, it’s a cigarette,” his hand moves to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. “I-I doubt that merfolk could actually really understand what it is, but it makes my stress lighter.”
“How can that tiny stick do that?” 
Changbin pauses before he lets out a deep sigh and shrugs, “it’s…”
“Magic,” Hyunjin blurts out. “I’ll just tell her it’s magic. She won’t understand what drugs are.”
“Do merfolk not have some form of drugs?” Changbin asks. 
“They do,” he nods, “but they think it’s magic. Don’t tell them that pufferfish are venomous—they’re going to tell you they’re magical and just make them high,” Hyunjin snickers. 
“I didn’t realise humans have magical abilities.” 
“Humans have… some,” he hums. 
“Keep in mind that you can use the ‘magic’ card any time you don’t know how to explain something to her,” Hyunjin whispers in his ear as though (Y/n) can understand him. 
“Well, some of it is magic and some of it we just find convenience from what the Earth offers us,” Changbin continues. (Y/n) lets out a hum, her figure lowering into the water to keep the gills on her neck under the waves before she comes back up slightly. 
“Hyunjin keeps telling me that humans are dangerous, but I don’t think you’re that dangerous.” The human turns to the sprite who looks at (Y/n) with narrowed eyes as he translates her words. 
“Well,” Changbin adjusts himself into a more comfortable position, his legs crossing underneath him, “it’s like humans saying sharks are dangerous. It’s a cautionary thing rather than a general thing. Humans just don’t care much for the Earth.” 
“Is that why there’s so much of your plastic in the ocean?” Changbin nods, a heavy sigh leaving past his lips. “Those bags have killed more of the creatures in my ocean than any human actually has.” 
“We know,” his lips purse into a straight line. “The only people that seem to care aren’t in actual positions of power to change that, so…” 
“That’s stupid,” (Y/n) huffs as she crosses her arms across her chest. Changbin’s eyes widen and he moves back in shock when he realises that he understood her. 
“I got tired of translating, so you guys get put under a spell that lets you both understand each other,” Hyunjin lets out a sigh as he moves to sit on the rocks beside Changbin, his arms holding him up as he smiles. 
“Y-Yeah, it is,” Changbin chuckles nervously. With Hyunjin resting by his side, Changbin feels more at ease with talking to (Y/n). He doesn’t feel so weird about it since the water sprite was literally translating what he was saying to the mermaid, making Changbin feel a bit more comfortable with the situation.
“Tell me more about humans.”
“What else is there to tell?” he tilts his head questioningly. 
“Could I touch your hand? I’ve never felt human skin before,” (Y/n)’s hand slowly nudges out of the water as she asks him and Changbin honestly feels like her sentence could’ve easily come out of a serial killer. 
“S-Sure,” he glances over at Hyunjin who shrugs in response. The human carefully moves to lay on his stomach as he holds his hand out towards the water where (Y/n) gently reaches out as well. The water isn’t too far away from the rock, making it easier for Changbin to actually allow the mermaid to hold onto his hand.
Immediately when her webbed hands touch his, she gasps, “your hands are so rough!” Her hands gently hold onto his individual fingers, pulling them away from each other and just examining it. Changbin’s lips purse together again as he just lets her do whatever she wants. “Oh, these must be fingernails,” (Y/n) mutters to herself as she lets her own fingers gently graze over his nails. Her hands are pretty much as soft as human’s skin, but Changbin would think that they feel way softer and more like what fish skin feels like without the scales. Even in the dark of night, he’s able to note where (Y/n)’s skin actually has scales and where they’re exposed. 
Only her shoulders are held above the water, her shoulders scattered with dark turquoise scales that crawl up the sides of her neck and face, barely covering the gills of her neck. Changbin also notes how the scales seem to lead down her back more than they do over her front… but he doesn’t want to look down any further because from what he remembers, merfolk don’t have anything covering their chests. 
“It’s so strange how your fingers don’t have fins connecting them,” (Y/n) speaks up after a moment. 
“We don’t live in the water, so we don’t need the fins to help us move around,” he explains. “Like our hair—it’s not a fin like yours is. Yours is supposed to help you move around in the water, but our hair is just… well it’s hair.” 
“Could I touch your hair?” she asks gently. Changbin’s cheeks redden as he—awkwardly—tries to lower his head off of the rocks without falling in. (Y/n) moves closer to the edge, one hand reaching up to hold onto the rocks before she takes a deep breath and pulls herself up so that she’s closer to his head. Changbin thanks the Lord that her chest is clothed with what looks like a top made out of marine plants. Her wet fingers gently hold onto his hair and her eyes widen further as she drops herself back into the water. “That feels so strange!” she exclaims. “Merfolk don’t actually have hair. They’re more like the fins on our fingers.” 
“Could I feel it?” Changbin asks. (Y/n) nods excitedly and pulls herself out of the water once again to briefly allow the human to touch her fins. His fingers run across the smooth fin, his lips parting in awe at the way it feels because it’s just as his textbooks say, if not softer. “That’s so cool,” he breathes out once she’s lowered herself back into the water. “Your skin feels smooth like fish skin.” 
“Well, yeah, we are technically fishes,” (Y/n) chuckles. “I would love to take you into the water to show you my tail, but I don’t think you’ll be able to see anything in the dark.” 
“I also can’t breathe underwater,” he reminds her. Her lips form an ‘o’ at the realisation and (Y/n) turns to Hyunjin with a smile on her face. 
“I’m not putting any more spells on Changbin,” the sprite shakes his head. “I’m tired, it’s almost 4 a.m., I’m not doing that.” Wait a minute, 4 a.m.?!
“Oh shit,” Changbin sits up and whips his phone out of pocket only to realise that Hyunjin’s right. “Shit, I have to get home before my friends start to worry.” He looks back to (Y/n) to see how her mood’s visibly dampened, a frown pulling on her lips. “I can’t spend too long away or else they get upset and I don’t want to worry them.” 
“Will you return tomorrow?” she questions.
He nods with a reassuring smile, “I promise I’ll be back here tomorrow at the same time.”
“Alright,” (Y/n)’s eyes light up and Changbin thinks it’s cute. “Goodnight, Changbin.”
“You too, (Y/n).” 
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Changbin wakes the next morning and for the first time in a while, he’s awake before his alarm starts ringing. His eyes look around his bedroom as he wonders why he’s awake so early when he’s pretty sure he slept at 5 a.m after getting back from the beach. He sits up, feeling even weirder when he realises that he feels super refreshed. Changbin looks around his room as he throws his covers off of himself, standing up and making his way towards his desk to pick up his phone. 
7:26 a.m.
His alarm won’t ring until 9 and his classes are only in the afternoon., which makes Changbin wonder why he’s awake so early? Felix and Jisung are definitely still asleep—both of them barely ever have morning classes—and Changbin contemplates what to do since he doesn’t feel like he’ll be able to fall asleep again. 
The beach!
Changbin perks up. He can visit the beach. No one would be there so early in the morning! He doesn’t even bother to shower—he can always shower when he gets back before he heads to campus—so he just throws on one of his really thick jackets, grabs his pack of cigarettes and his phone before quietly stepping out of the house, making sure to leave Felix a text to let him know where he’s heading. 
His body stiffens when he feels the cold wind slap him in the face, regretting not grabbing his beanie before leaving, but Changbin doesn’t feel like heading back into the house because he doesn’t want to waste any time. By the time he reaches the beach, the Sun’s raised just a little bit more and the tide is still low. He climbs to the rocky coast he was at the night before, sitting on the edge and looking out at the ocean, hoping maybe Hyunjin or (Y/n) are lingering around anywhere.
Changbin feels himself perk up when he sees a familiar set of eyes peeking out from just above the water’s surface, (Y/n)’s head immediately lifting out of the water with a big smile on her face when she realises who it is. 
“You’re out here early,” she comments when she swims to the rocks. 
“Kinda surprised myself,” he chuckles. “I’m not awake this early and my alarm will only ring in a few hours.” 
“You left the beach only two hours ago,” (Y/n) claims. 
Changbin nods at that, “which makes this a bit more confusing on my end.” 
“It’s because I casted a spell on you,” Hyunjin’s voice speaks up as he emerges from the water. “I had a feeling you would have trouble sleeping, so I casted a sleep spell on your mind to get you refreshed in a few hours time.” 
“Oh,” he watches as the sprite moves to stand on his knee, “thank you, Hyunjin. I haven’t gotten proper sleep in so long.” 
“Don’t mention it,” he smiles as he takes a seat on Changbin’s knee. Hyunjin’s change in personality towards the human makes him wonder whether the sprite’s already starting to warm up to him.
“Changbin.” (Y/n)’s voice makes him turn back to look at the mermaid. “What do you do during the day?” 
“I’m a student, so I’m usually at college until the evening,” he hums, “after I get home, I just spend the rest of the day with my housemates until it’s past midnight and I come to the beach to clear my mind.” She lets out an ‘ooh’ while Changbin talks, intently listening to everything he has to tell. “I live with two of my friends. They’re also college students, so we like to get things done together.”
“Are they nice?” 
“They’re amazing,” he chuckles. “I love them. Jisung made a Spotify playlist for the three of us once and it’s all we listen to now. He’s a nice guy, but sometimes he gets a bit crazy and thrashes the house until Felix has the urge to lock him outside of the house. Felix likes to cook, so he makes us breakfast and dinner. He’s a good cook.”
“Your friends sound like good company,” Hyunjin muses. 
“Very much so,” Changbin nods feverishly. “They’re really important to me. Whenever I’m at the beach for too long at night, Jisung’s usually the one to text me and ask me to come home. If I don’t respond to him, then Felix will call me instead.” 
“So that night when you fell into the water, it was your friends that you mentioned?” (Y/n) asks. 
“Yeah, they scolded me when I got home because I just said that I lost track of time.” Changbin leans back on his arms, getting himself more comfortable. “I feel bad because I worry them a lot. They don’t usually say anything about it, but I can tell that they’d really wish I would be a bit more aware of what’s happening around me.” 
“Why so?” 
“The cigarettes are one thing,” he pulls the pack out of the pocket of his jacket and shows it to (Y/n), “Jisung wishes I would stop because he doesn’t want anything bad happening to me in the future. Felix hints at it sometimes, but he can’t say much about it because he smokes weed every once in a while.” 
“Weed?” (Y/n)’s head tilts curiously. 
“It gives the same effect as pufferfish magic,” Hyunjin explains and her lips part in understanding. 
“Yeah, but cigs are unhealthy,” Changbin continues. “I’ve tried stopping before, but every time I try, I end up crawling back to them.”
(Y/n) stays quiet for a moment before hey eyes flick to Hyunjin. “Hyunjin, could you cast a spell on me so that I can breathe above water?” The sprite whips his head towards her and his eyebrows furrow. 
“Why?” his eyes narrow. 
“Just do it.” Hyunjin hesitates before sighing, climbing off of Changbin’s lap to jump onto (Y/n)’s head. Changbin watches as he holds his hands out, palms facing outwards before a bright light flashes from his hands. 
“That should do the trick,” he mutters as he jumps off of her head to return to his previous spot on Changbin’s knee. (Y/n) blinks a few times before diving into the water only to jump out and grab onto the rocks, moving to sit beside Changbin where her tail hangs into the water. The human stares at her with wide eyes, only now aware of just how vibrant the colours of her scales are in the light of the day. 
To Changbin’s shock, (Y/n) grabs onto his pack of cigs out of his hands and pulls the top open, pulling one of them out. She looks at it for a moment before throwing it into the ocean along with the rest of the pack. 
“(Y/n)!” Hyunjin gasps. Changbin’s eyes almost bulge out of his skull as he watches the pack fly out until it splashes into the water. “What are you doing?! You’re littering!” The sprite squeals as he flies out to chase after the pack of cigarettes that’s now unusable. 
“I know,” she shrugs as she turns back to the human, “but if it helps you with stopping something that’s unhealthy, then so be it.” His jaw drops when he sees the way (Y/n)’s shoulders slump, her body relaxing as she looks out at the horizon. She turns to him and tilts her head questioningly. 
“Oh,” he snaps out of his trance, “it’s nothing. I just—you do realise I can buy another pack, right?” 
“If you buy another pack, I’ll throw that one out too,” she simply says. 
“You’re adding to the pollution, (Y/n),” Hyunjin huffs when he returns. “The sprites are going to be really mad at you if I’m not able to get rid of them before they find it.”
“Then just always stay at my side,” (Y/n) grins as she pets his head with her finger. Hyunjin whines as he shoves her hand away from him. Changbin watches at the way she interacts with him, his heart filling with a sense of joy at the way she continuously teases Hyunjin and how he seems like the more stable friend in their dynamic; it reminds him of his friends. “Changbin?” Her voice snaps him out of his thoughts. 
“Hm? Yeah?” he shakes his head for a moment. 
“You alright?”
“Y-Yeah,” Changbin nods, “I was just… thinking.” (Y/n) smiles. 
“What kind of thoughts move around in your human brain?” He puffs his cheeks with air as he turns away to look at the ocean, humming in thought as he wonders what else he should share with her. 
“I feel like I’ve spoken a lot about myself since we’ve met,” Changbin says after a moment and turns to look at (Y/n), “tell me more about you.” Her eyes widen in surprise, realising that he has been only talking about the human world. 
“I don’t know what to start with,” she hums as her back subconsciously straightens. 
“What’s it like living underwater? Do mermaids live in something similar to cities?”
(Y/n)’s lips jut out in a small pout as she thinks about it, something that Changbin notes as cute in his mind. “Kind of. Water sprites merfolk pretty much live together, so we use their magic to build structures. Merfolk don’t have the same machines that humans do, all we have is magic and using similar machines would actually hurt the ocean.”
“Do you live with other merfolk?” he questions. 
“I live in my own cave,” she shakes her head, “Hyunjin’s the only one that lives with me because I’ve known him since forever and my parents thought it would be safer if I actually lived with another creature.” Silence falls between them, Hyunjin starting to zone out because he’s starting to feel like a third-wheel. (Y/n) and Changbin sit by each other’s sides, looking out at the ocean and letting the sound of the water moving fill the space instead. “Would you like to come into the ocean one day?” she asks as she turns to look at Changbin. 
He turns to her and nods, “it’s too cold for me to go into the water. The winter cold is harsh to humans.” 
“Spring is in a few weeks. We can wait for then.”
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“What are you doing for Spring break?” Felix asks as he plops himself onto the couch, head dropping onto Changbin’s lap. Jisung emerges from his room not long after, falling directly onto his unfortunate housemate who yells in response. “Ji, what the fuck?!” he groans. 
“Hmm, comfy,” Jisung giggles as he rubs his face onto Felix’s t-shirt. The blond sighs, knowing that he can’t push Jisung off and instead just accepts the fact that he is now a cushion. 
“Spring break?” Changbin questions, completely ignoring the fact that Jisung is crushing Felix. “I think I’m staying here. My parents have work so they’re gonna be flying out a lot. My sister’s still in Norway, so even if I move back home, I’ll be lonely.” 
“We can keep you company,” Jisung hums. “My parents are out of town, so I’ll only be going home in the last week of Spring.” 
“My family thinks it’ll be better if I wait since I’m already planning on heading back to Australia during Summer break,” Felix hums as well. 
“Then I guess it’s back to our trio shenanigans,” Changbin chuckles as he looks up at the TV. He feels slightly The screen’s hooked up to Felix’s Netflix and he put on whatever he was watching last which just so happened to be Bunny Girl Senpai. 
“Is that girl wearing a bunny costume?” Jisung questions as he sits upright to look at the screen properly.
“Yeah,” he nods. “Why? You a furry?” 
Jisung scoffs, “you’re the most likely to be a furry, Lix. You’re girlfriend’s a puppy hybrid.” 
“Doesn’t mean I’m a furry, Sung,” Felix shoots up, “that’s fucking mean and don’t ever say that in front of Ava.”
“You’re a dick,” he scoffs as he returns to laying his head on Changbin’s lap. 
“Jisung, you do remember that the guy you have a crush on now is a cat hybrid, right?” Changbin snorts. 
“Yeah!” Felix huffs. “Minho hyung’s a cat hybrid!”
“I don’t have a crush on Minho hyung, I have a crush on KC!” he whines before slapping his hand over his mouth. Felix and Changbin’s heads whip to him with wide eyes. 
“You do have a crush on KC!” he gasps. 
“Looks like we were right all along,” Changbin chuckles. Jisung pauses before letting out a sigh followed by a whine when he realises what he’s done. 
“Be glad that I don’t go share the same classes as you and KC or else I’d tease you all the time,” Felix snickers. Jisung scowls at that as he stands up, muttering curses under his breath as he heads back into his bedroom. 
The two giggle as they watch him. “What about you, Changbin hyung?” Felix turns to look at him. “Do you have anyone that has your eye?” 
“We’re not tweens, Lix,” he snorts. 
“Doesn’t mean that we can’t talk about relationships,” he claims. 
Changbin sighs, “no, I do not have anyone on my mind.” (Y/n). His brain momentarily halts when he remembers the mermaid. “No one on campus has really caught my attention,” he hums. Felix side-eyes him as he turns to look at the TV, the feeling that Changbin’s lying lingering in his gut. He’s known his housemate long enough to tell when he’s lying and Felix can already see it from the way he blinks exactly three times after speaking. Talk about being observant. 
“If you get a partner, you’d tell us, right?” 
“Of course,” Changbin nods as he pats Felix’s head. Hyunjin watches from the ceiling, cloaked with an invisibility spell as he watches the way Changbin interacts with his friends. He knows he shouldn’t be there, it’s definitely already breached the line of being protective over his best friend and now it’s pretty much just stalking, but Hyunjin’s paranoia got the best of him. 
“Ji, if you don’t come back out, then I won’t share my popcorn with you!” Felix yells, shortly hearing the sound of Jisung’s bedroom door opening followed by his footsteps scrambling into the living room.
“Ah, don’t do that to Jisung,” Changbin laughs, “share your popcorn with him, Lix.” 
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“This is a piece of dead coral that I picked up on the way here.” (Y/n) places the greyed invertebrate into Changbin’s hands. The human looks at it in awe, amazed at the structure of it. Ever since (Y/n)’s started becoming more confident with talking to the human, Hyunjin’s been using his magic to help Changbin safely reach a cave that’s more secluded to keep any other human eyes away from the mermaid. 
“This could help a lot with a research paper I’m writing about coral reefs,” the human hums as he examines it. 
“I don’t think there’s anything else I could show you outside of the water,” she confesses softly by his side. Hyunjin’s magic also helped with letting (Y/n) breathe out of water, meaning that she’s able to actually sit on the rocks with Changbin now. Hyunjin had casted the same spell he did many times before to allow them to understand each other before disappearing because he always feels like a third-wheel around the two. The water sprite can already see that they both fancy each other, but he prefers not to say anything. 
“If it hurts to bring it out,” Changbin turns to look at her and smiles, “please don’t. I don’t want anything dying because you wanted to show it to me.” 
(Y/n) stares at him for a moment before nodding, a small smile pulling at her lips. “Maybe when it’s warmer, I could bring you into the water and show you what lies on the ocean floor. From what my parents have told me, there’s a lot of things that humans still haven’t discovered.”
“I think we’ve only actually managed to uncover about a small chunk of it—most of that with the help of water sprites and merfolk,” he nods, slipping the coral into the pocket of his coat. “But I don’t think we’ve been able to actually discover much when your species started hiding away from us.” 
“I fear that if humans re-discover our existence would only bring more harm to my people,” (Y/n) sighs. “I want to interact with your people more, but they scare me.” 
“I personally think it’s better if you stay away from us,” Changbin chuckles. “They won’t treat your kind nicely. It’s as Hyunjin says; magical creatures are running away from humans because they fear for their own safety.” The mermaid stays quiet, realising that she’s put herself at a very vulnerable situation by interacting with the human regularly. Had she been more careless, she could’ve been caught by someone who had malicious intent. “My friends still don’t know you exist, by the way,” he turns to look at her, “they think I just come to the beach to smoke.” 
“But you’ve stopped, haven’t you?” (Y/n)’s head tilts slightly. 
Changbin lets out an awkward laugh, “yeaaah, they don’t know that either.” 
“What would they do if they found out about me?” He pauses at her question. He knows that Felix and Jisung wouldn’t do anything to (Y/n) intentionally, but he also knows that they might want to see her, which would end up scaring her instead. 
“I’m worried that they might scare you,” he confesses with a chuckle. “Felix and Jisung are very… excited people. I feel like they might say something that could scare you.” 
“Are they anything like you?” she further asks. 
“Hmm,” Changbin hums, thinking about it for a moment, “they’re louder than I am—which is funny because Jisung’s an introvert—but they’re nice people. I’m just worried they might make you uncomfortable.” (Y/n) hums at that as she turns away from him to look out of the cave. 
“Would I ever be able to meet them? They sound important to you,” she says softly. 
“Maybe one day,” he shrugs, turning to follow her gaze. Their meetings are still mostly at night, meaning that Changbin gets more views of the ocean in the night than he does in the day. He thinks the ocean is gorgeous every night, but tonight is particularly serene to him. The waves are calmer than they usually are and the full moon is glowing brightly in the sky, sending a beautiful reflection off of the water. When he turns back to (Y/n), she’s staring at him, her pupils dilated, meaning she’s calm; something that Changbin’s managed to learn over the time that he's known her. Her pupils change like a cat’s does, showing her mood. He feels his stomach flutter at her gaze. 
“Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to live as a human,” (Y/n) starts, “but I also know that it would be foolish of me to give up my home in the ocean to live as a species that even has sirens wary of.” Ah right. Changbin realises that if merfolk still exist, then it’s likely that sirens still do as well since they were declared extinct not long after merfolk were. “Even though I know that, I still wonder how different it must be on land.”
“Humans are dangerous creatures, (Y/n),” Changbin mutters. “A lot of us wouldn’t hesitate to put our greed first. They would hurt you.”
She lets out a bitter laugh at that, “I know, but as Hyunjin says, my curiosity tends to get the best of me.” He turns to look at her to see the way she’s staring down at her hands. “I understand why we hide. I understand why the merfolk around me are so wary of the fact that I linger in shallow water, but I just wanted to see what humans are like. The only one I’ve ever encountered is you.” (Y/n) looks away from her hands and turns to Changbin, “but you’re not anything like I’ve heard humans are.” Changbin can feel his entire face getting hot and his ears heating up as well, the butterflies in his stomach once again erupting like they did before. “I think I’m lucky that you’re the person I encountered rather than someone else. Hyunjin says that too.” 
“Really? I feel like Hyunjin doesn’t like me, though.”
“Ah, he’s just like that,” she laughs. “Hyunjin acts all cold on the outside, but he’s really just a softy on the inside. He really likes you, but he’ll kill me if he ever finds out that I’m saying this to you. The only reason why he acts so cautious around you is because he’s worried that he may have read you wrong.” 
“He really cares about you, huh?” Changbin hums. 
(Y/n) nods, “sometimes I like to do dumb things because his reactions are always really funny.” She looks down at her hands once again before sliding herself into the water. “My skin is starting to dry out, I’m sorry,” she mutters before dipping her entire head underneath and popping back out. 
“Does anything happen if your skin dries out?” 
“It starts to hurt after a while,” she shakes her head, “but if I didn’t have Hyunjin’s spell on me, then I’d suffocate on land faster.” (Y/n) rests her arms on the edge of the cave entrance, keeping herself afloat as her chin moves to rest on the back of her hands. She watches Changbin whose eyes are glued to the night sky. She wonders why she feels so much adoration towards him. He turns away from the sky to look at (Y/n), this time holding her gaze as he tilts his head. 
“Something on your mind?” he questions. She stares at him a moment longer before climbing out of the water and returning to her spot beside him. 
“Nothing much,” (Y/n) hums. She stretches her back, letting out a small yawn before resting her head on Changbin’s shoulder, the human tensing when he feels her. “I’m just thinking about some things.” He prefers not to question her sudden skinship because honestly? Changbin doesn’t want her to move. He kinda likes it. He ignores the fact that her wet skin is making his shoulder wet instead, letting his hand move behind her. 
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When (Y/n) wakes up, Hyunjin’s floating right in front of her face. “You’re finally up,” the sprite comments as he moves away. 
“Huh?” The mermaid sits up and looks around in her bedroom. When did she get home? “What happened?”
“Changbin said you fell asleep while you were talking in the cave, so he called me and I brought you back home.” He floats away from her and towards her door, “you should really be more careful, (Y/n). Changbin won’t be the one who will hurt you—that I‘m sure of—but I fear that another human may find you and be the one who hurts you.” (Y/n) silently watches as he leaves, a sudden sense of fear running through her. Changbin definitely wouldn’t hurt her, but the chances of someone else finding her while she’s waiting for him just might be the reason she would get caught. 
(Y/n) sighs softly as she climbs off of the bed of algae, her tail pushing her towards the door where she pauses for a moment. How dangerous would it be if she were to grow feelings for Changbin? Her hand grips onto the doorknob as she thinks about it. What would happen if someone else found out that Changbin’s been hiding her from the world? Would he end up being reprimanded? (Y/n) sighs before opening her door, pushing the thought out of her head and heading into the living room where Hyunjin is hovering around, flying from wall to wall as he cleans up. 
The sprite turns around at the sound of her door, “Changbin asked if it was possible for him to bring his friends to the beach.”
“Oh.” Hyunjin stares at her for a moment longer before sighing, placing the gemstones in his hands onto the shelf before moving towards her. 
“Are you sure you want to meet more humans?” he asks. Hyunjin feels like he trusts Changbin enough to bring only good people to meet (Y/n), but he still worries about how she feels. “You tend to rush into things, I just wanna make sure.” 
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that,” she confesses. “Is it bad that I do? I know it’s dangerous, but I want to know more about Changbin.” Hyunjin eyes her for a moment before letting out another sigh. 
“You’re known him for barely three months and you already like him,” he mutters. (Y/n) face flushes pink as she looks at him. His arms cross over his chest, “if you really want to, then I’ll allow it, but the moment something seems off then I’m hiding you immediately.” She perks up, head nodding excitedly. “Maybe it would be good if people he trusted knew who he was meeting. That way there would be reassurance coming from above water as well,” Hyunjin thinks out loud as he turns around. “I’m also worried that they may scare you off.” 
“Changbin mentioned that too,” she claims. 
“If you’re absolutely sure, then I’ll fly out to Changbin’s place now and let him know,” he says. 
(Y/n)’s face contorts in confusion, “why do you know where he lives?” 
“Uhh,” Hyunjin freezes because now he has to tell her that he’s followed Changbin home before. “Well…” 
“Hyunjin…” her eyes narrow. 
“I may or may not have followed him home once because I wanted to see whether or not we could trust him,” he admits with an awkward chuckle. 
“Hyunjin,” (Y/n) groans. 
“He didn’t know I was there!” Hyunjin defends. “None of his housemates knew I was there! I just wanted to see what he was actually like.” 
“And what did you learn from that?” Her arms cross over her chest as she awaits his answer. 
“He’s… a good guy.” (Y/n)’s arms loosen and her face softens. “His friends seem like good people. I like Jisung particularly; he’s funny. I think you would appreciate Felix’s parent-like behaviour with Changbin. I don’t think I could find anything nasty on him that could hint to him probably wanting to expose your existence to the humans. He’s good. If you have feelings for him, then I’ll do my best to help hide the both of you to give you time together.” Her arms fall to her side at her lips part. “I’m only doing this because I trust him.” Hyunjin moves until he’s directly in front of (Y/n)’s face, “but you have to promise me that you’ll still be careful.” 
“Of course,” she breathes out with a nod. She raises her hand, allowing the sprite to hold onto her finger. Hyunjin’s always been really tiny due to just his species being generally small, but (Y/n)’s always found it adorable. They’ve known each other since (Y/n) was born. Hyunjin’s lifespan as a water sprite is long, but he was only born a few years before the mermaid was. Since their parents were friends, (Y/n) and Hyunjin spent pretty much their entire childhood together and they’ve gone past the need to tell each other that they see each other as family. 
“I’ll head on over to Changbin’s place, then,” Hyunjin smiles as he lets go of her finger. 
“You might freak him out if he realises the fact that you know where he lives,” (Y/n) snorts. 
“Ah, he’s a smart guy. He’ll put the pieces together,” he chuckles, shaking his head before bidding the mermaid goodbye and leaving her home. (Y/n)’s cave wasn’t too far from other merfolk, but it was far enough that it was closer to the surface. There are only two other merfolk that live a few miles away from her cave, but merfolk spend most of their time with creatures they are familiar with and seldom mix around with other merfolk they don’t know. The distance from the shore to the cave is far from humans, making it quite a long course through the water before Hyunjin’s able to reach the familiar beach of Changbin’s town. He pops out of the water, his wings unfurling before carrying him straight to the human’s house. 
Hyunjin doesn’t really bother to knock and instead flies into the open window of Changbin’s bedroom only to find him laying in bed, snores leaving his mouth with his blanket pulled all the way up to his chin. The sprite purses his lips into a straight line as he pulls the window close. It’s no wonder Changbin’s all bundled up; his window must’ve been open the entire night. The sprite hovers right above his face, contemplating waking him up, but he’s not exactly given a choice because the bedroom door swings open without any warning. 
“Hyuuuung!” Jisung whines loudly, causing Changbin to jerk awake in his bed. 
“Don’t you go spreading your false information!” Felix barks as he barges into the room beside his housemate. 
Changbin sits up and stares at them, eyes tired and face contorted in displeasure, “what?!” 
“Hyung, Felix pushed your dry coral off of the coffee table,” he tells him. The eldest’s eyes snap open and he’s scrambling out of his bed and pushing past the two younger males. 
“I didn’t push it off, it was an accident!” Felix groans, watching nervously as Changbin silently moves over to pick up the dried coral sitting on the ground. The impact managed to chip off the top of the oddly shaped rectangle, breaking the corner off while pieces of it scattered the carpet. Hyunjin watches from the ceiling, curious to see how the human would react, but Changbin’s quiet as he picks up the pieces. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he mutters as he stands, the coral pieces sitting in his palm. “I should’ve brought this into my room instead since I wanted to use this for a report.” Changbin turns around and gives his housemates a small smile to reassure them. Felix and Jisung shrink slightly, guilt washing over both of their faces. 
“I’m sorry, hyung, I didn’t mean to. I-I was just cleaning and it—” Felix reaches out to him as he walks back into his room but Changbin stops the younger man from coming in. 
“Lix, it’s fine,” he cuts him off. “It’s just coral. I can always, uhh, get more of it from the beach. It’s okay.” Changbin closes the door, leaving the other two standing outside of the room feeling lost. It’s rare for him to just numbly push it aside, which only makes Felix feel even worse because he has a feeling that someone gave him the coral. In his room, Changbin places the broken coral pieces onto his desk and stares at it. If he told (Y/n) that it’s broken, he wouldn’t want to actually tell her because he doesn’t want to make her feel bad, but Changbin doesn’t want to ask for another one. He scratches the back of his neck and sighs, “fuck.” It’s his mistake for leaving the coral in the living room when he had made a mental note to take care of it, but what could Changbin do now? 
“Is this a bad time?” Hyunjin finally speaks up. Changbin’s head perks up and he whips his head around to see the water sprite standing on his bed. 
“I knew you stalked me,” he gasps in mock surprise. Hyunjin laughs at that as he flies over to the desk to look at the coral. “I didn’t mean to leave it out in the open,” Changbin sighs. 
“You could always ask her for more, I don’t think she minds,” he claims. 
“I don’t want to make her feel bad if I tell her that this one broke,” Changbin mumbles, his fingers poking at the pieces. 
“Changbin,” Hyunjin turns around to look at the human, his hands moving to his hips, “(Y/n) won’t mind. She likes when you ask for ocean stuff.” 
“Does she?” 
He nods and flies up in front of Changbin’s face, “she really likes talking to you about the ocean.” Hyunjin only lowers back onto the desk once Changbin looks more reassured. “Speaking of (Y/n), she wants to meet your friends.” 
“What?” his eyes widened. 
“She said that she wants to meet Felix and Jisung,” Hyunjin continues, “she wants to know more about you and your life because she likes you.” 
"She—huh?" Changbin shakes his head a bit before staring at Hyunjin. 
"Do you want to introduce your friends to your mermaid girlfriend or not?" His arms cross over his chest. 
“(Y/n)’s not my girlfriend,” he’s blushing furiously as he denies it but Hyunjin raises an eyebrow. 
“Mhm, and that night where you let her fall asleep on your shoulder even though her skin was wet and your shoulder was freezing after that says otherwise,” he teases. 
“She’s not my girlfri—” Changbin’s cut off when his bedroom door swings open and Felix and Jisung are staring at him, eyes flicking to look at Hyunjin who’s looking like a deer caught in headlights. 
“I-Is that a sprite?” Jisung asks. Changbin nods. 
“Okay, cool, we were just wondering who you were talking to,” Felix laughs awkwardly as he pulls on Jisung’s collar and pulls him away from the door. 
“No, stay,” Hyunjin beckons them over. The two of humans exchange a look with Changbin before stepping into the room. “How good are you at keeping a secret?”
“Pretty good,” Felix shrugs. 
“Why?” Jisung tilts his head. 
Hyunjin turns to Changbin, “do you trust them enough to meet her?” 
“Well, if (Y/n) wants to meet them, then I can bring them to the beach,” he nods. 
“Who’s (Y/n)?” Jisung asks. 
“Are you a hundred percent sure we can trust them?” The water sprite ignores Jisung’s question, more concerned about just how much Changbin would trust them to meet a mermaid. 
“Felix has kept a secret I told him four years ago and Jisung forgets them a few seconds after—I think they’ll be fine,” he reassures Hyunjin. The sprite turns back to the obviously confused humans before relaxing his shoulders. 
“Bring them with you when you come by later. I think she'd be pretty happy if she could meet your friends.” He moves to the window, flicking his wrist upwards and the window frame lifting on its own before Hyunjin flies out. The three humans stare at the open window, completely ignoring the cold wind that’s blowing into Changbin’s bedroom because Jisung and Felix are too busy trying to figure out what the hell a water sprite was doing in their hyung’s bedroom. 
“So…” Jisung trails off as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. “Care to explain who your friend is?” 
“Which one?” Changbin turns to look at the two. 
“The sprite and whoever (Y/n) is,” he clarifies. 
“I met the water sprite through (Y/n),” he says simply, “I’ll bring you to see (Y/n) later, but you have to promise that you won’t tell anyone about her.” 
“I’m not gonna question why you’re so secretive about your obviously secret girlfriend, but okay,” Felix chuckles. “I knew that you had someone on your mind.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Changbin grumbles, “we’re just friends.”
“Then why did the water sprite say she was your girlfriend?” Jisung teases. 
“Because…” he trails off as he tries to find an excuse. There’s really nothing for him to say that could deny that he may or may not be in an unofficial relationship with the mermaid other than the fact that Changbin and (Y/n) have only known each other for less than three months and may or may not be into each other. “Look, if I bring you to the beach to meet her, she’ll explain it too, okay? Just bare with me until then.” 
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“You’re fucking joking,” Jisung breathes in awe. Both him and Felix are staring at the mermaid with eyes that are close to falling out of their skull and jaws all the way to the ground. 
“T-This isn’t possible,” Felix mutters, eyes trained on (Y/n)’s turquoise tail. She sits on the edge of the cave, hiding behind Changbin’s legs as his friends gawk at her. Hyunjin watches from Changbin’s shoulders, arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face at the way the humans are in so much disbelief that Felix smacks his own head to make sure he’s not dreaming. “She’s a mermaid,” he looks up at Changbin. 
“You’re girlfriend’s a mermaid,” Jisung states. 
Changbin blushes and shakes his head, “we’re not dating.” (Y/n) stays behind his legs, hiding her blush by sliding back into the water and only peeking her eyes out of the water. “Now you’ve gone and made her scared!”
“No!” she squeaks, shooting up to tug on his jeans, “they didn’t scare me.” Changbin turns around, eyes softening when he sees the way (Y/n)’s reassures him with her eyes. 
“Oh, we didn’t scare her. She’s blushing,” Jisung teases. Even in the dark of night, he’s still able to see the red tinge on her cheeks which only deepen at his statement. (Y/n) lets go of Changbin’s pants and lowers into the water. 
“Are you okay?” he questions softly. She looks up, nodding silently when her gaze meets his. “Are you sure they’re not scaring you?” (Y/n) shakes her head. Changbin relaxes a bit as he turns back to face his friends, “this is (Y/n). I met her a few months ago because she saved me.” 
“Saved you how?” Felix’s eyes narrow. 
“Your friend over here fell into the water while trying to get a closer look at (Y/n),” Hyunjin giggles as he jumps off of Changbin’s shoulder and floats towards Jisung’s shoulder. “(Y/n) had to drag him towards a cave because she didn’t want him to freeze and drown.” Jisung and Felix feel a click in their heads at the words ‘drown’ and ‘freeze’, both of them slowly turning to look at their friend.
“You almost drowned?!” Jisung exclaims. 
“Why didn’t you mention this?!” Felix yells. 
“Because I would’ve had to explain how my clothes dried and how I even survived,” Changbin shrugs. Felix scoffs, eyes rolling as he tries to process the new information. 
“So, you just casually almost die and decide not to tell us?!” Jisung’s jaw drops. 
“I didn’t want to tell you about (Y/n) because she’s supposed to be extinct!” he throws his arms up into the air. (Y/n) watches from the water, stifling her laughter at how Jisung and Felix continue to fire at Changbin for not telling them of his death, Hyunjin making eye contact with her and chuckling as well. She reaches up and tugs on Changbin’s pants once more, making him turn around immediately at the feeling. “Yeah?” 
“I wanna say hi.” She blinks innocently a few times while Jisung and Felix watch, their arms crossing over their chests and their eyebrows raising. 
“Oh, sure,” Changbin crouches down and holds onto her hand to help her sit on the edge of the stone where she shyly waves towards the two humans. 
“Wow,” Jisung chuckles. “You’re whipped.” Felix snickers from beside him, pursing his lips together to make it less obvious that he’s laughing as well. 
“No I’m not,” he snorts. (Y/n) looks up at him and pulls on his hand, silently asking him to sit down with her, which Changbin immediately obliges without even questioning it. 
“Sure,” Felix laughs. 
“Changbin talks about you guys a lot,” (Y/n) claims.
“I hope you mean in a good light.” 
“Very,” she chuckles, “the only reason I wanted to meet you guys myself is because you sound really important from what Changbin has told me.”
“Important?” Jisung smirks. 
“I meant that you sound like really good friends.” (Y/n)’s words make Changbin loosen up slightly. She’s trying not to embarrass him in front of his friends, so she chooses her words carefully to at least try to lessen the teasing he might receive once they head home. “I think he loves you guys more than he’d admit,” she whispers, giggling when she earns a glare from Changbin. Jisung and Felix turn to him, choosing not to tease him because they’re actually warmed by (Y/n). 
“We love you too, hyung,” Felix smiles, Jisung nodding ecstatically beside him. “I’m going to assume that (Y/n) is the event where a species pretended to go extinct and still haven’t been re-discovered.”
“Precisely,” she nods. 
“What are the chances that a stranger could find her?” Jisung questions. 
“That’s something that I’d rather not find out,” Hyunjin sighs, moving from Jisung’s shoulder to (Y/n) instead. “The only reason why I allowed Changbin to introduce you two to (Y/n) is because I trust him. So, I’m going to take a leap and trust you.” 
“We won’t tell anyone about her,” Felix reassures him. “We’re just here because we wanna see who Changbin hyung’s girlfriend is.”  
“For the last time, (Y/n)’s not my girlfriend,” Changbin groans. “We’re just friends!” (Y/n)’s expression drops and the only person that happens to miss it is Changbin because he’s too busy glaring at his friends. Jisung clears his throat and gestures to the mermaid when his friend gives him a questioning look.  Changbin turns around and panic starts to fill him when he sees the way her mood’s dampened. “W-What’s wrong?” 
“Would it be so bad if we were dating?” she mutters out, a frown pulling on her lips. 
“O-Of course not!” he stammers, his eyes squeezing shut as he tries to explain it to her. “I just don’t want them thinking we’re dating if we’re not, you know? It might make you feel awkward or uncomfortable,” Changbin mutters as he rubs the back of his neck. 
“I don’t think it’s awkward,” (Y/n) admits, her cheeks tinged red. The human’s eyes widen as well, blush creeping over his entire face. 
“I—uhm.” Changbin struggles to actually word anything out while his best friends laugh at him and Hyunjin watches with a shit-eating grin on his face. He scooches closer to (Y/n) and moves his lips right to her ear, “let’s talk about this later, yeah?” She moves away from his face and nods. When (Y/n) turns back to Changbin’s friends, they’ve made themselves comfortable on the rocks, ready to learn more about the mermaid. 
The night is spent with casual talking, the five of them getting to know each other more. Changbin learns more about Hyunjin that single night than he has in the past few months that he’s known the water sprite. Jisung also seems to make it a mission to embarrass Changbin as much as he can in front of (Y/n) to the point where Changbin’s almost holding him by the collar and hanging him over the ocean. Felix on the other hand, watches in amusement. He doesn’t say that much other than piping in every once in a while because he’s genuinely interested in learning more about the magical creatures. 
“I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit,” Changbin tells the two humans when it’s already 3 a.m.. 
“We’ll be waiting at the beach,” Jisung nods, waving at Hyunjin and (Y/n) before he walks off with Felix. Hyunjin looks at Changbin before turning to (Y/n)—who’s moved into the water because her skin was drying out—and realising that they want time alone. 
“I’ll give you guys some space,” he mutters before diving into the water, leaving the two alone. Once alone, (Y/n) pulls herself up to sit on the rocks, tail dangling in the water as she looks out at the horizon with Changbin sitting cross-legged beside her. 
“What do you think of my friends?” he questions. 
(Y/n) hums, a smile tugging on her lips as she turns away from the ocean to Changbin, “I like them. They seem like a lot of fun.” 
“They really are,“ he chuckles. Silence falls between them and whatever elephant was already in the room seems to have doubled in size because now, the two of them are painfully aware of their relationship. “(Y/n),” Changbin breaks the silence, turning to face her. 
“Yeah?” She's already looking at him and it makes Changbin’s face heat up. The moonlight reflects off of her face, the blue and green scales of her face reflecting the light like diamonds that cover her skin. (Y/n)’s gorgeous. Changbin isn’t sure whether her beauty is amplified because of the sudden serenity of the night or whether he’s just never actually taken the time to admire her, but she’s entrancing. His eyes flick to her lips, soft and glossy before they flicker back up to her eyes where she’s watching every feature on his face to try and predict his next move. 
“C-Could I kiss you?” The words come out before Changbin’s able to stop himself and he mentally slaps himself because that is not at all what he wanted to say. (Y/n) nods anyway, letting him move closer until his warm lips gently press against her cold ones. The kiss is slow and gentle, both of them testing the waters before pulling away. When Changbin’s eyes open to meet (Y/n)’s his stomach erupts with butterflies. How lucky was he to encounter a mermaid when they had hidden away from humans, faking their extinction to keep themselves safe. He realises then that (Y/n)’s, “one in a million,” he subconsciously says out loud. As rushed as it sounds, Changbin's pretty sure he’s managed to fall in love with her in the short amount of time they’ve known each other. 
“Huh?” (Y/n)’s eyes flash with confusion. 
“You’re one in a million,” Changbin says, his hand moving up to gently cup the side of her face before he leans in once again.
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