#So utterly brave and forgiving
lover-lyn · 5 months
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My sweet revenge
Will be yours for the taking
It's in the making, baby
System Of A Down↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
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captain!Lawwho never thought he'd fall in love, especially not with somone on his crew
captain!Law who, despite this, let's his mind wonder during the calmest and darkest nights to how It'd feel to wrap his arms around you
captain!Law who let's his hand linger on yours a little more than necessary when handing you somthing
captain!Law who pulls you aside at the end of every battle to make sure all your Injuries have been tended to
captain!Law who swears he's just looking out for a crew member like any good and responsible captain should, that's all!
captain!Law who walks you back to your room after he catches you having a midnight snack to make sure you get some rest
captain!Law who knows you've had a restless night, so once you wake up, you find a freshly made cup of coffe just how you like it waiting for you
captain!Law who feels slightly guilty after hearing you complain about how someone had bought the last copy of the book you had been looking for for months now
captain!Law who sneaks into your room during your birthday and places the book on your nightstand, hoping you'll forgive him for making you have to wait to read such a captivating story
captain!Law who puts penguin and shachi on barthroom cleaning duties after they had pranked you and accidently ruined you book
captain!Law who gets you a hardcover version of the book during some holiday, but decides that he wants to hand it to you in person
captain!Law who stands there for a couple of minutes, flustered after you kissed his cheek as thanks
captain!Law who is overjoyed upon finding a limited edition version of the newest " Sora warrior of the sea" in his room on his birthday
captain!Law who awkwardly thanks you for the gift while passing you in the hallway
captain!Law who decides to be brave once more and presses a kiss to your forehead to show his gratitude
captain!Law who's not religious, but thanks God that he had done that as you pull him down by his shirt to press your lips against his
boyfriend!Law who tells you that he'd like to keep your relationship private for now
boyfriend!Law who knows not to underestimate his crew, he knows that they'll find out sooner or later, whether you tell them or not
boyfriend!Law who internaly panics when penguin barges in on the two of you making out in his office
boyfriend!Law whos utterly dumbfounded after the crew told him that they already knew, in fact, they knew about his feelings before the two of you got together
boyfriend!Law who thought he was doing such a good job at hiding his feeling when in reality everyone, including you, knew about his feeling before he did
boyfriend!Law who starts drinking less and less coffee, he claims it's because he now has a better routine, definitely not becaus he gets nightly cuddles
boyfriend!Law who hates arguing with you, he finally found somone who loves him and is so so scared that his stubbornness will drive you away
boyfriend!Law who needs constant reassurance that you won't leave, that no matter what happens you'll stay by his side and support him as he supports you
boyfriend!Law who just knows Corazon would've loved you
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Law will always have my heart <3
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lazywrites · 4 months
Heyaaa i have a request of a Kurt x reader about a reader who's kind of a punk but has a soft spot for him
You are one lucky anon, i had something like that in the drafts already, she's not a punk, she's a total villain but still.
Kurt wagner x fem!reader (3.5k) Meet cute, reader is a villain
You were not looking for any forgiveness or any friends, your only purpose in Genosha was rebuilding and serving your fellow mutants, few are brave enough to look you in the eye, until one man takes the day to challenge you.
The budding region of genosha was still a work in progress, after the X-men and their lot left the island it was up to all the mutants on the region to simply find their own way to rebuild and organize as always, you came to the island only after you were sure they had left, no need to be getting caught up on their affairs, they would not be pleased with your presence around them either.
You relationship with the X-men and humans in general was shaky to say the least, it was very clear to you that after the last battle you had fought alongside Magneto, and against them no less, you would not be welcomed with open arms.
You had been severely disappointed in both Magnus and Xavier after the whole fiasco involving asteroid M, it was utterly ridiculous letting Magneto simply rope you into helping raise the asteroid only for him to drop it back into the sea anyways, it seemed like there was no safe place for mutants after that, not that you would have been welcomed by anyone, you were not even welcome in Genosha for a while until you proved that your gift would be suitable for rebuilding and moving the structures as the appointed leaders desired.
More than a normal outcast, you were labeled a terrorist and feared even by other mutants for simply refusing to beg and plead for humanity’s sympathy, if fighting for the liberation of your people was terrorism the sure, terrorist, villain, it doesn’t matter.
There was no denying your reputation was intimidading, but your control over gravity was the building crew’s best asset if they wished to finish this rail link system by the end of the week, you stood above the tunnel you were helping the workers to dig, right at the Apex of a crane and far away from the reach of anyone else, you looked down at the work site and tried to visualize what it would look like in a few hours, perhaps you could find a way to speed up the process even more. But then, you’d have to go down and speak to those pesky engineers, no matter, best to just stick to the outline they gave you, that’s what you were thinking until a peculiar noise sounded behind you.
You turn back only to see some kind of dark cloud, slowly dissipating, and there stood a stranger grasping onto the metal bars to keep steady, perhaps he hadn’t considered the height before impulsively coming up to talk to you, he steadies himself with both hands and feet and lifts his head to stare up at you with intense yellow eyes.
“Oh my, oh, this is high, Mein Gott, i did not consider the Wind either” Its not that you were startled by him in any way, but the way he came up so high only to speak to you was slightly intimidating if you had to admit, and you were not exactly in the mood to talk, so taking a step back was only natural.
It would have been a bad move if it were anyone else, but still you let yourself fall back a little, if only to teach this nosy stranger a little lesson.
He lunges foward while still trying to keep himself steady in the bars “No, no no, hold on, be careful my friend” He stops reaching and waving at you once he realizes you feet are not touching the bars at all, you had been floating all along “Oh, that’s good, umm...” He bends over again to get a grip on the bars.
“And you are?” You arch your eyebrow and speak in a rushed tone, wanting to shoo him away as fast as possible so you can go back to contemplating the massive tunnels you had yet to help dig on the ground.
He steadies himself once more, the Wind is blowing particularly Strong today “Kurt Wagner, at your service, you are very famous around here” that sure surprises you, you’ll admit.
 “Oh, am i now?”
After many years playing the villain you could confidently say you were never nervous around anyone, but his intense and bright eyes felt like they were studying your every expression, practically glued to your face since the first moment you locked eyes with this man, this time it takes a conscious effort not to shy away.
“Yes, i’ve heard all sorts of things, that you were involved in most of the construction around here, truly impressive” it’s getting harder and harder not to break away from his stare, you try to match it’s intensity, even if his eyes hold no malice there is no way for you to know about his intentions, he continues.
“I’ve just joined the council” he finally breaks the eye contact and you hold back a sigh of relief “Was surprised then, when they spoke of you, how you helped build the very room they were standing on”
He smiles up at you, you have to admit he has an endearing smile, a wholesome sort for sure, definely not Hellfire club, you could tell they wouldn’t hire someone like him to try and recruit you.
“Haha” His laugh is not humorous, its more awkward than anything, now it seems that your stare is burning a whole through him “I simply wanted to see if for myself, from what i had known of you before this is unexpected, miss Nemesis.” So he even knows your alias, that earns him a smirk from you.
“Let me guess, you’re with the X-men?” his eyes widen just a fraction “Here to arrest me, hero?” You can see him trying to keep up the smile but now it’s more awkward than anything, you enjoy seeing him squirm.
His tail, which was mostly curved down behind his back to aid with balance swishes back and fourth in a gesture you can only assume is slightly nervous and he nods his head enough for you to understand. But you don’t exactly feel like fighting anyone especially at this time of the day “Don’t worry, i am here simply to contribute.”
He shakes off the awkward air pretty well, but the tail still betrays that he is nervous around you “Well, i simply wanted to see for myself, don’t worry, i am not so judgmental.” He tilts his head to think for a moment “Still i must say my friend, this is a very unsafe place to work, perhaps we can chat somewhere else?”
For the first time in this day, perhaps in the whole month, you try to be nice to someone you’re talking to, making an effort to smile down at Kurt, and he smiles back “Fine, i’ll get you down”
You know that the man has at the very least some very good mobility and could get himself down even if it took some time, but he’s one of the X-men it seems, and if you’re not going to fight him you will at least mess with him a little, before he can properly answer you fly towards him and wrap both of your arms around his torso “Ready?” you say it right next to his pointy ear and feel his body shudder, it seems cruel but making people squirm is your favorite pastime.
“Ah, Miss Nemesis i could get us down as well, you-“ you cut him off before he can suggest anything “Nonsense, i won’t let you fall, hero.” He squirms again in your embrace “and a member of the council deserves preferential treatment, yes?”
And then you fall, you both fall.
But of course you can fly, no sane person would climb up 95 meters without being able to fly, hopefully Kurt also had that notion in his head.
You expected him to be screaming and clinging onto you terrified like the other poor souls you have subjected to this before, but he seems to be enjoying himself, much to your surprise he even lets go of your back to feel the Wind in his hand and smiles wide at you, you can’t help but smile with him, but only for a moment, you have an image to mantain.
Before you can both reach the floor by a few meters or so you gently float down and nudge him towards the ground so he can step down first, he’s still chuckling softly under his breath when he looks up at you “While i disagree that council members should receive better treatment, i can’t truly say that it isn’t fun.” And that earns him another smirk from you.
“So, now that things are as you desired, will you tell me what you really want, Mr.Wagner?”
He’s awkward again, seems not even a moment of levity is enough to loosen his tongue, he clears his throat and runs a hand through his now disheveled hair, which seems to be perpetually in shadow.
“Ah, yes, i am here for the communities of Faith and thought to invite you, you know...” You don’t know, while you had a few encounters with religion, Human religion, you were never faithful or pious and in the times you’ve tried to be, it never ended well for you. That piques your curiosity more than anything he’s said or done so far, you and Faith in the same phrase.
“Invite me where?” You sharply question, to you it seems like he’s going to turn around and mock you at any moment, and you ready yourself for it.
“To our first gathering i hope, it might seem strange to you my friend but your work is greatly appreciated by, well, by most of us here.” and as angry as you’d like to be, as much as you thought you would have to threaten to crush his head you can’t bring himself to, that endearing fanged smile is back on his face and his eyes are once again burning a whole through you.
“And you want me join your sermon or something?” you scoff at him
“wait, are you the actual priest?” You arch your eyebrow, the sermon comment was more ironic than anything.
“Well, in certain ways, its more complicated than Worth explaining my friend.” You can tell that your curiosity is contributing to his expectation, he really seems to want you to go for some reason, you try to think of a way to shut him down without being so rough.
“Well that won’t work, joining in with a crowd of pious fools won’t be enough to get me into heaven, hero.”
He raises his head even more and looks you right in the eye, his smile is now tight lipped as if in defiance of you. “The only fools are the ones unwilling to listen miss Nemesis, anyone can be redeemed, they only have to work for it.” And you know he is talking about you.
“Now i know what you will try to say, but you have always cared for your people haven’t you?”
That softens you somewhat, few truly acknowledge all you’ve done for mutantkind, save for perhaps Magneto, and that is why you were willing to aid him in his schemes, even if they rarely pay off.
“I have? I-“He interrupts you once more.
“So you will see, that all the hard work you’ve put in this city is paying off, we’ll meet on that empty building right beside the fountain, it would be great if you... you know” And you sincerely consider it, perhaps it would not be so bad, if only to see this strange man again.
“At 8PM, you’ll know it when you see it.”
“A little late isn’t it?” You question, only to divert his attention from the fact you don’t have anything clever to say.
“It’s the villain special” he narrows his eyes and his smile turns smug after saying that, and then he’s gone in a purple cloud that looks surprisingly beautiful, but with a somewhat unpleasant smell, leaving you stunned.
What a little shit.
You do end up going, and not going at the same time. The rail link takes so much work that when you reach the fountain his ‘sermon’ is almost over.
From what you’ve deduced it was mostly an introduction from him as the new neighbourhood friend or something, you recognize one of the buildings you’ve helped lay the foundation to, well lit with candles and full of pious fools just like you had imagined. You wouldn’t dare going in, with your current uniform that made you look intimidating and powerful now dirty and opaque from all the soot you had to raise up, this was a hard day of work, a few others passing by the fountain stop to look at you as you float down and approach one of the building’s windows.
You press your hands against the glass and peer inside, there are so many different mutants in there, all seem to be engaging in friendly conversations with one another, they seem at Peace, it’s... curious.
Kurt is there too, surrounded by people, they seem to be paying attention to what he’s saying, every word, just like you did earlier today when he called you a fool, he seems to truly have a way with words. The weight of the day’s work seems to finally catch up to you and you decide to give in and finally sit, leaning your back against the window until you are under it sitting against the wall, and for that moment you understand the fools inside, the athmosphere is peaceful and it makes you almost drowsy.
You close your eyes and listen to the gentle murmurs inside until you lose track of time. When you finally come to they are all walking out, or were, the first few that have walked out stop dead in their tracks to point at you and whisper among themselves “Is that Nemesis?” ,”i had no idea people like her even believe in God.”, “Don’t say it like that, she’s done a lot of good.” “Done a lot of bad too”.
Even under their scrutiny you don’t bend, better to just lift your head and look them in the eyes fearless as always. You built the sidewalk and you’ll sleep on it if you want Dammit, that is until Kurt comes out.
“And Meine Freunde you all can come talk to me any time and-“ he cuts himself off when realizing no one is paying attention to him “Oh” he looks at you with wide eyes, as if he had forgotten he asked you to come, or was surprised you did.
Perhaps its all the work but you find that at that moment his stare is almost unbearable, the longer he stands and looks at you with all the others the worse you feel, this was definely a mistake, should you have simply strolled in as you would any other place? Or maybe you shouldn’t have come at all.
This kind of place, these kind of people, they’re not for you. So you take off and fly away
And away, until you can no longer see the glow of the candles, you land at a random rooftop next to a clearing and face the city, the city you helped build, the same city that wouldn’t really accept you, maybe if you had been more outspoken they’d understand where you’re coming from, but there are some things you will always be unable to change, you sit at the edge and stare for a few minutes.
That same pesky noise and smell from earlier today flood your senses, and you simply sigh.
“Come to get me down like i’m a cat in a tree?”
“If anything, you were the one getting me down from high places, Meine Liebe.” And you know exactly what he just called you, when you risk a glance at him he almost blends in with the night sky except for the eyes, and he sits down at the edge with you.
“I must admit, you are pretty good at your job, they seemed happy.” You don’t look at him anymore, you just say it and look down at your muddy boots.
“My-Uh, Thank you, i thought you weren’t there, thought that perhaps my finishing line wasn’t very enticing to you.”
You almost laugh at that.
“No, it was exactly when i was sold, maybe start with that next time” You can tell that he’s turned to look at you by the faint yellow glow his eyes emit, he’s staring again, what’s with him and your face?
“Why didn’t you come in?” He asks like it would have been the easiest thing in the world and you just have to scoff at that again.
“That would have been something, should i have let you baptize me as well?” as much as you would hate to admit it out loud, you do enjoy the back and fourth with him, even if its not the most interesting conversation you two could be having.
He’s still just staring at you, waiting for the confession as if you presence at his little event had been a promise, you are not a pious woman and have never been, you don’t need forgiveness.
Never asked for it.
“You heard them, that sort of thing is not for me, this is the path i’ve taken in my life, i will not lament now.” You open your eyes after just realizing you had closed them “it was nice, seeing them all together, back in my brotherhood times i heard so many complaints, about how they didn’t fit in, how the humans would just-“acknowledging this leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, and it’s not your place to complain anymore, that was a long time ago “I don’t know, treat us like we’re the demons.”
You can feel the faint glow of his eyes pointed somewhere else, so now it’s your turn to look at him, and his turn to face his feet “They’d stare at me too” and you can imagine that, in your eyes he’s incredibly handsome but to a human? They have no taste anyway.
“And you managed to forgive them?” He looks up again, now you’re both face to face.
“Humans, you’re one of the ‘good’ guys after all” and he smiles at you once again, when you look for long enough you find that his smile is almost catlike in a way you cannot yet define. “They must have been hard on you”
“Ah, that they were” he pauses for a moment “Judge not, and you will not be judged, condemn not, and you will not be condemned, forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
He’s managed to soften your heart for the second time this day.
“So, it’s their loss i guess” you sigh and continue “I can’t say i have much forgiveness in my heart for them”
“Are you open to it?” And you sigh again, not knowing if it’s because of him or not.
“Someday i might be, i have a reputation to keep up with you know” And he’s still smiling at you even now, his face is so endearing it makes your lips quirk up as well.
“I’m getting the impression your reputation is changing, at least around this city, miss Nemesis.”
“It sure will change if i keep sleeping on sidewalks and attending sermons” Now you start feeling playful, swinging your legs back and fourth in the air “How did you find me anyway?”
He leans back and reaches for something behind him, smiling at you with his fangs in full display, almost childlike and shows you a pair of binoculars, You simply scoff and turn away from him “unbelievable.” and again for good measure "ridiculous."
“It was quite difficult to keep up with you as well, Nemesis.”
“Y/N.” your turn to him once again
“Huh, y-yes, miss Y/N.” His eyes have widened again making the light even more intense right on you, they seem like two lanterns in the night.
“Can’t have you just calling me that all the time, it’s losing the edge, you know.”
You try and look up at the stars but his eyes are still on you, distracting you, making you nervous.
“And i quite prefer your real name, it suits you much better if you ask me” He seems to be very pleased just from learning something that simple, maybe he thinks he’s fixing you, you’ll let him dream for now.
“Will you be there next time?” he questions
“Nemesis won’t, but maybe Y/N will.” He laughs at that, more from contentment than amusement.
“I’ll be waiting at the door, we should definely get down, i think someone lives up here, meine liebe.” You shouldn’t let him get away with it, usually you’d threaten any random man who tried to refer to you like that, but he is far from ordinary or random.
“What? You want me to fly you down again?” You ask, not really expecting him to agree.
You turn towards him and let your face betray that you are somewhat bewildered, he’s looking at you like your childhood puppy when you offered it a walk. Logically he only came up there to 'comfort you' at least in his mind, you knew it wasn't like that, but it would be of no use ruining the moment for him.
“I-You-Ugh, fine, I guess you are up here for me after all” and you stand up, waiting for him to follow you, you float upwards and lower your hand for him.
He grasps your hand firmly, his hand almost fully encompassing yours, and it is also surprisingly warm, must be the chill of the night air.
You think.
I'll definely write more villain reader, if anyone has any headcanon requests for a villain with Kurt i'm all ears.
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crazyfoolish · 1 month
You're So Vain | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Part 1
Summary: Y/N gets rescued by Obi-Wan after months of being tortured by General Grievous.
Prompt: but you gave away the things you loved, and one of them was me.
Warnings: Torture, PTSD, Y/N has suicidal thoughts.
Complete chapter list here.
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I once thought I was beyond such a fate. Truly, I did. But despite all my diplomatic efforts, I no longer believed in salvation. Here I was, left to rot in isolation, my cries for help ignored.
How utterly degrading. How long had it been?
Months? Years?
I didn’t know anymore. But one thing was certain—no one was coming for me.
As the Sith tore through my mind, searching for Republic secrets, I was forced to relive every memory of him. The past I longed to forget had become my torment.
33 BBY.
That was when I first encountered the Jedi Order and the Chosen One. I wasn’t the hero of my own story—I was merely a handmaiden to Queen Amidala, a witness to the dark beginnings of the Clone Wars.
When I returned home, my father sent me to Mandalore, where I worked under Queen Satine while continuing my espionage. My father had spread his children across the galaxy as a network of informants, and I had proven myself valuable.
In 35 BBY, while brushing Queen Satine’s hair, we often spoke of the Jedi and their past heroics. Those memories haunted me, especially as the Sith dug through my mind, searching for any mention of Kenobi. General Grievous's laughter echoed as pain shot through me.
“I enjoyed them, when they weren't slaves of the Republic,” Satine sighed.
“Arrogance tends to cloud one's judgment. Even the Jedi.”
“Have you met a Jedi, before?”
I muttered his name, very low.
"Master Kenobi was both brave and kind," Satine remarked. "Your silence on knowing him surprises me."
Guilt washed over me. I should never have let his name slip through. Just the mention of the Jedi had led me to reveal his identity. Yet, Satine's reaction hinted at a deeper curiosity.
"Back on Naboo, I saw him." I lied, crafting an image of elegance rather than arrogance. "He seemed...distinguished, youthful."
"But you spoke of arrogance," she countered with a dry tone. "Share your thoughts, Y/N. You are not in Coruscant."
I hesitated, then thought of him, and an involuntary smile broke through. "Perhaps I was too harsh. Him and his Master, may he find peace in the Force, appeared...vain."
"Vain?" Satine was genuinely taken aback. "The Jedi are humility incarnate. Are they not?"
I realized I had ventured too far. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I misspoke."
"It's quite alright. Your skepticism of the Jedi amuses me," she conceded. "It's fortunate you never talked to them. They have a way of sensing such…sentiments."
The irony wasn't lost on me.
The truth about the siege of Naboo: yes, they sensed it, and Obi-Wan didn’t trust any of the handmaidens.
If Padme did not want me there, then he would probably have sent me away. But I remained there, observing him and his Master. I never could forget him, staring down at Anakin, in deep thought and sadness, surrounding the bomb fire. His bright blue eyes looking golden.
That same night, I found him of the balcony of the palace, looking at the lake, lost in thoughts. I said: “Are you alright?”  He was startled. “Yes,” his voice sounded hoarse. “Just thinking.”
“I’m sorry about Master Qui-gon,” I said, after a few seconds. My throat felt dry. “I saw it.”
Hidden in a corner, I wanted to add, like a coward. He cleared his throat:
“Thank you, Y/N. I’m…”  A pause. “ Sorry to hear that.”
“You know my name?” I thought out loud. Regret it instantly. He turned around.
“What? Of course, I know your name. Aren’t you Queen Amidala’s servant?”
“You are also Anakin’s friend.”
I remained silent for that part. He said the boy’s name with such…indifference. It seemed almost like he wanted to distance himself from him.
I believe we spoke a bit more, fragments of distance fading away. A shadow of a smile. Laughter, echoing faintly.
“I should say goodnight. And farewell,” I whispered, going inside. Then, a warm hand was in my shoulder, and I felt him hold me tight. The night was suddenly so quiet, and I could not move an inch.
“I know.”
I shivered. He was a Jedi. They did not lie.
Still, it was outrageous to suggest such...
“You think of me as vain and inconsequential, but, deep down, you know those thoughts are hiding something else.”
“Let me go,” I said, finally, out of breath.
“Is that really what you want?” He said, but he was already backing away. I turned around, he was still close. I leaned forward, no thoughts, just instinct, and kissed him.
He was grieving.
It was wrong.
And yet…
That night was the last night I saw him until years later, in Coruscant. I was quite naive back then, and I guess if I knew then what I know now… I would not have done it. That night ruined me and my heart for good.
And years later, being tortured, remembering telling Satine about him while thinking of…
“Interesting,” said General Griveous. “Very interesting.”
No. I forgot I wasn’t alone. I tried to block that memory for months. How could I let it slip now?
"Most intriguing," Grievous mused with a sinister tone.
Panic surged as I realized my lapse. For months, I had guarded that memory, only for it to betray me in a moment of weakness.
And I relived it. Over and over again. 
Until he was tired of it. 
"Remove her," Grievous commanded.
Rough hands hoisted me up, and a sharp pain blinded me momentarily. Thrown onto the cold ground, I gave in to the darkness again, haunted by dreams of torture and those blue eyes.
Another memory. 
At that time, I had transitioned from a handmaiden to a more formidable role as Counselor to Senator Amidala and Mandalore's voice in critical Senate decisions.
My allegiance to both Padmé and Satine never seemed conflicting, given their mutual respect and trust in me. However, Anakin's was skeptic about me.
Time had refined me, and any expectation of Obi-Wan recalling our intimate night was just…useless.
"I don't like this," Anakin's voice pierced through the corridor, his words aimed at Padmé. I trailed behind, feigning preoccupation with my holo-messages, yet their conversation ensnared my attention. Obi-Wan, now beside me, was a presence I found overwhelming to confront directly.
"I trust Y/N, Anakin," Padmé retorted with a whisper of irritation. "And isn't Obi-Wan close to the Queen of Mandalore? I didn't expect you two to be involved in this matter."
"Mandalore's neutrality in the war is precarious. They should choose a side—the right side. Perhaps she's exploiting your trust for information."
“I don't tell the anything she does not already know. She is only a Counselour. Like… a friend. She was there when it all happened, don’t you remember? When we found you. I hold her dearly in my heart.”
"Of course I do." Anakin admitted.
A laugh escaped me, unbidden, drawing Obi-Wan's gaze.
Our eyes locked. His features had matured too; the boyish charm was now cloaked in the guise of a man adorned with longer hair, a beard and broad shoulders.
"Haven't you come far?" He murmured, barely audible.
I did not respond.
The blaring alarms were the first thing to wake me. 
My eyes fluttered open to a world out of focus. There was a harsh staccato of blaster fire.
Sounds and movements felt distant, as if I were submerged, fighting my way to the surface.
Yet, I felt the steady rhythm of being carried.
The firm grip was unmistakable, but it was the sight of a familiar face that sent a jolt through my body.
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Great, I was finally hallucinating.
That wasn’t a memory I recalled. Or was I beginning to forget? I stared at him, trying to figure it out.
His eyes widened:
“She’s awake!”
Were we… running? My body felt like floating. But there was definitely wind, blowing in my hair.
“Go!” another familiar voice.
I looked over his shoulder, Anakin was running after us, blue lightsaber in hand. Red glowing shots flying over us.
I never fought in the Clone Wars before. Of course, I saw them fighting once or twice, while serving Padme. But I tried to not even look at them.
Jedi were heroic figures, but still, so self-centered. So righteous.
“Senator Caelora, stay awake.”
His voice sounded so clear. So real. Yet, I could not trust my ears. He laid me down behind something big.
“We’ll be right back.”
I forced myself to look up.
The dance of their lightsabers, Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker, slicing through the air against the Separatists, seemed almost surreal. Their movements blurred in and out of focus.
Then, as they fought, I felt that familiar sensation of sleepiness take hold, once again, and let it drag me.
When clarity finally broke through, I was met with the serene quiet of a ship's interior. The tranquility was disorienting. The cool, sterile air of the ship felt alien to me. I brought my hands to feel my face.
“Fuck.” I muttered, spotting blood in my fingers. Was I going to die? Finally.
His voice, soft and steady, pierced the veil of my fear. "You're safe now," he assured me.
I looked at him. What a strange dream. So surreal.
Yes, I was losing my mind.
“I don’t remember this,” I murmured. “Any of this. Are they toying with my mind now?” I pondered.
His eyes inspected me.
"This isn't a dream, nor a hallucination. You're here with us, Y/N, far from harm.”
“Are you saying that… you are real? And he is real?” I pointed to Anakin, driving the ship. Beside him, a blue and silver droid was talking binary.
“Yes.” His simple answer hit me like a punch. The ship's hum, the Jedi, and the droid's chatter—all came together into one clear truth: I was no longer in that cell; I was free.
"I... I can't believe I'm actually out," I whispered.
Obi-Wan moved slightly. He was always so calm. Even in my dreams. "It's a lot to take in after what you've been through," he acknowledged.
I glanced at Anakin again, seeking a semblance of the boy I once knew. "How did you find me?”
Obi-Wan's response was thoughtful, measured. "We received intelligence about your location."
I felt a swell of gratitude mixed with a pang of guilt; they had risked their lives for one person. "Thank you," I managed.
Obi-Wan offered a small, reassuring smile. "Rest. We’ll be on Naboo soon.”
"Naboo?" The name echoed strangely in my ears, unexpected and jarring. "Not Coruscant? Shouldn't I report to the Senate about what happened?"
Anakin chimed in without turning from the vast canvas of stars before us. "Padmé is waiting for us there. She's been worried sick about you," he said.
"But my duty to the Senate—" I started, only to be cut off by Obi-Wan's more forceful tone.
"What? Of course not. You've been through an ordeal. Rest is what you need now, not Senate debriefings."
His eyes met mine and the Jedi Master sighed.
"Just try to get some sleep," came the gentle suggestion.
For a moment, I just absorbed the words.
A smile, the first genuine one in what felt like an eternity, tugged painfully at the corners of my mouth.
"I've been sleeping all this time," I replied. "Please, don't make me."
The silence stretched between us. Then, he nodded, a slow, deliberate motion.
I laid on the improvised bed they made and stared at the window in the ceiling. 
I never thought anyone was coming for me.
Months waiting, wishing to die. Or maybe I was there for less time than I expected. Maybe I had lost sense of the days.
Perhaps it was best not to know.
But after what felt like hours, curiosity took over me. "Master Kenobi," I called out. It bared a strange taste.
"How long has it been since I was captured?"
Silence followed. I could almost sense him weighing his word.
"Ten months and two weeks," he finally said.
My heart was pounding in my chest.
“And, how long have the Republic been trying to rescue me?”
"We've been attempting to locate you since we first learned of your capture. The exact intelligence about your whereabouts, however, only reached us recently."
Grievous knew what he was doing by capturing me. He knew Obi-Wan would come, somehow. And all of this time, they were already planning to rescue me?
It did not sound right.
“I must tell you…” I got up, my eyes focusing on his figure. He was sited not too far, one leg crossed over the other, his right hand on his beard. I realized he was observing me all this time.
“All this time...G-General Grievous searched my mind. And this Sith, using the Force, was looking for memories about….” I paused. “You. It looks like they're planning something, something against you, Master Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan took in what I said with a serious look. "General Grievous is smart, we know that," he said, trying to keep his voice even. "But using a Sith to get into your mind, just to find information about me, that's something else. Do you remember his name?"
Then, for just a second, he looked away, like he was remembering something from a long time ago that he didn't want to think about. It made the moment feel a bit awkward.
I closed my eyes, trying to think.
“Darth.” Air came out of my lungs. “Darth… something. I don’t remember. ”
"We need to be really careful. What you went through, as tough as it was, it's given us a clue. They've accidentally given us a hint about what they're up to.”
"But Master Kenobi, they hate you. If they've targeted me to get to you, they won't hesitate to go after others. They're desperate for anything that can be used against you.”
“Don’t worry, Senator.” He opened a sarcastic smile. "Dealing with Sith is something of a specialty of mine. And as for Grievous, we've crossed paths more times than I care to count. His desire for revenge is hardly a revelation.”
“Just beware that they know about everything I know about you.” I tried to warn him without alarming Anakin. Jedi weren’t supposed to break their code. And Obi-Wan did, in the past. As a young, grieving, confused padawan. Still, he did. And now the enemy knew it as well.
His smile faltered.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat subtly, shifting in his seat.
"I appreciate your concern." His voice regained its steady tone. "But rest assured, the past... well, it's just that. The past." There was a dismissive wave of his hand.
This son of a bitch.
Well, if he wasn’t concerned, I would not dwell on this matter any further.
I nodded, turned and pretended to sleep.
In the small space of the ship, their voices carried back to where I lay. I wasn’t trying to listen, but I couldn’t help catching bits of their conversation.
"What was she talking about? Does she know something about you?" Anakin seemed very curious.
Obi-Wan's response was measured. "It's nothing. "
"C'mon Obi-Wan. I can tell when you are lying."
"It's just something I did when I was a padawan. I'm not proud of it."
"Is it that bad?"
There was a brief pause before Obi-Wan replied.
 "I guess it's not something you wouldn't do."
"Then it must be really bad."
Their laughter followed. But I could not smile.
He was not proud of that memory.
I wasn’t either.
But the way he casually brushed it off with Anakin left me feeling strangely alone in my thoughts. After months of reliving that night, it was odd to realize that the memories I’d held onto so tightly were just footnotes in his.
At least I was going home, I thought, and they would return to Coruscant and I would never have to feel this rage again.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
With Halloween coming around soon, I can request a fluffy story with Eddie about watching horror movies with him at his trailer? You can pick the movie and at the end can he confess his love to the reader?
Thank you! Love your work by the way!
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AN | This is such a cute idea! I would love to watch horror movies with him any day! 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.4k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie looked around the trailer with a satisfied smile. He pulled the black and white skull bandana out of his back pocket and wiped the sweat from his brow. He’d spent most of the morning and the entirety of the afternoon cleaning the Munson trailer from top to bottom. It had never been this clean before; he just knew that if Wayne was there, he’d be giving him a hard time. He’d know exactly why Eddie had done it.
Every last mug and dish had been washed and put away, the counters were spotless, all the blankets from the couch had been washed, everything was dusted and vacuumed, every last bit of laundry was folded and put away, the bathroom was tidy and his bedroom was organized and fresh, all topped off with clean bedding. He’d even swept off the front steps and porch area, going so far as to shake off the doormat. The last part was for him to shower and change, but he could get that done in no time; he often ran late for school and had perfected the five-minute military shower. 
But, he reasoned with himself, he’d take a little more time today. He decided he would make sure he was clean-shaven with no stubble in sight, would wash and condition his hair as you always insisted, and wear some of the cologne you’d gifted him the previous Christmas. He’d pulled out his nicest jeans (which surprisingly had no hole or tears, intentional or not), and a new shirt, and matching socks. Oh yes, Eddie Munson was pulling out all the stops today. 
If you asked him, he’d claim he wasn’t even entirely sure why, but that would have been a big, fat lie. He was never the type of man that would go pit of his way to clean; not that he was dirty or disgusting, he just wasn’t…pristine so to speak. But no, no, no, he knew exactly why he’d done all of this. 
For you.
Not that you’d ever asked him or commented that he needed to clean. You accepted Eddie just as he was, no conditions no anything. But today was different - in his mind anyway. There was nothing particularly special about this particular Saturday. It was just another evening you were going to be spending with Eddie at his place, watching movies, eating junk food, and goofing around. He wouldn’t have it any other way; you could have asked him to go out and pick trash off the side of the street and he would have jumped at the opportunity. He would take any opportunity to spend even a moment of time with you.
But today - today - was the day he was finally going to tell you how he felt. You know, the small fact that he was absolutely and utterly in love with you. But that was no big deal, or least that’s what he was trying to convince himself. In reality, his mind had been reeling and his heart threatened to burst out of his chest every time he even thought about bringing the subject up. The fear of rejection was large and looming, but at the same time, he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t say anything. He had to let you know how he felt; he had to know if you felt the same way. Part of him was sure you did and the other part told him to step and never breathe a word of it. The internal struggle was great but he had to overcome it - he was Eddie the Brave these days after all. And he just needed a moment of confidence and bravery to do it. He could do it.
As he finished his examination in the mirror, scrutinizing every last little detail of his outfit, he heard a gentle knock on the door before it creaked open. He felt like he could vomit from the nerves tingling throughout his body. 
“Eddie or not, here I come!” you called down the hall and he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged up the corners of his mouth. He remembered the day you came with that little phrase, deciding that ready or not was too boring for someone like him. He was pretty sure that his heart had melted that day. 
“Be right there!” he called back as he closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled deeply for a few moments. 
You noticed that something was different as soon as you stepped into the trailer. The windows were open to let in the fresh autumn air and the place smelled like…cleaner? You set down the large bag with snacks and movies onto the counter of the small kitchenette as you looked around the place. It was pristine and so put together; you couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped your lips. 
“Hey sugar,” he came down the small hall with a big, soft dopey smile on his face and stopped as soon as he saw you. How you managed to look that beautiful, despite being in only some jeans and a sweater, with your bare face and hair messily thrown up, was beyond him. He stopped and almost choked on his own saliva as he looked you over. 
“Hi bub,” you turned to look at him and your already beaming smile turned even larger. His pale cheeks took on a rosy petal color as he noticed you studying him, “you look…great. Very handsome - what’s the occasion?”
Your heart went through a hundred different emotions as you looked him over. He was always handsome, but this was just a step up. Part of you wanted if he’d forgotten you were coming over and had a date or something. The possibility of someone else capturing his heart was enough to have you seeing green even if you had no right to be jealous. You hoped that you were wrong. 
He shook his head, rogue curls bouncing as he expression took on a boyish quality, “no occasion.”
“Do you have a date?” you blurted out in spite of your best efforts, “I-I can if you need me to.”
“A date?” he repeated as though he’d never heard those words before, “n-no definitely not. It’s just you and me and shitty movies and snacks from here on out.”
You relaxed at his reassurance and let out a small little sigh that you hoped he wasn’t able to hear. You offered him a smile that he returned, the two of you captivated by each other before you snapped back into reality. You weren’t supposed to stare at your best friend like that…it probably didn’t help that you were wildly in love with him; but that was a whole different story, “umm, great. Yeah, I-I’m glad. The place looks great by the way. I’m sure Wayne’ll be happy when he gets back.”
“Wayne probably won’t even notice,” he snorted in amusement, “but thanks. Just figured it was as good a time as any to clean. S-so, what’s on the movie and snack menu for the evening, m’lady?”
“Well,” you reached into the bag and pulled out the stack of movies you’d just picked up from Family Video. You’d called up Steven and Robin earlier and left them with the important task of putting together a bundle of movies for you. At first Steve had groaned and complained but when you told him you were going to Eddie’s for movie night, he had quickly changed his tune. Unbeknownst to the two of you, your group of friends had been trying to push the two of you two together for some time. Anything they could do to help was worth a try; the two of you were just so damn blind, “I got us some horror movies! Since Halloween is just around the corner, I figured why not!”
“I thought you hated horror movies,” Eddie’s eyebrows shot up and almost disappeared into his hairline as you only offered a sheepish shrug in response. You weren’t a fan of them, that was true, and you both were aware of that little fact. Eddie loved horror, however, and you’d do anything to make him happy, even if it meant suffering through a  few bad movies, “sweetheart-”
“I never said I hated them,” you tried to get him to stop worrying, under the fear that he might just cancel the whole night instead of subjecting you to them, “I’m just not a….fan so to speak. But these were highly recommended so I thought we could give them a try!”
“As long as you’re okay with it,” he insisted and answered with a fervent nod, “what movies?”
“The Shining, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Friday the 13th,” you pulled the tapes out of the bag and tried to hide your worried little grimace as you passed them to Eddie, “and for snacks - popcorn, m&ms, skittles, sour belts, and soda. Maybe later we can order some pizza or something too? Whaddaya say, Eddie?”
“You’re perfect,” he grinned without even thinking about the implications of his words. Your entire face warmed up as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth, “these are great, babe. I was thinking too - and this is only if you want of course, you know depending on how late it gets, you could just stay here tonight? I can take the couch and you can have my bed or something or we can camp on the floor. It could be fun and I hope. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything but it’s going to be late and driving at night is-”
“Eddie,” you were giggling, a sound that went straight to his heart and caused it to melt into a puddle, before putting a finger to his lips in order to stop his nervous rambling, “I’d love to stay, really. You could never make me uncomfortable - you’re the person I trust most in this world. We’ll figure out sleeping arrangements later, but don’t worry - you’re not going to scare me off or get me to leave that easily.”
“Yeah?” his whole face lit up, like beautiful golden sunlight, as his eyes crinkled in the corners, and his dimples made their appearance. You nodded before reaching over and giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. You contemplated wrapping him up in a hug, but you weren’t surfe if you’d be willing to let him go after that. No reason to break the camel’s back just yet.
“Yeah,” it was a soft whisper and it took every fiber of his being not to lean in and kiss you. Your soft, pretty lips were so plush and pink that they were practically screaming for a kiss, “now - you get the popcorn going and I’ll set up the first movie. Friday the 13th first?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Alright. Maybe you did hate horror movies. You'd come to that conclusion about halfway through the first movie when you couldn't stand to look at the screen anymore. The idea that this could be a bonding experience with Eddie seemed so damn stupid right now. You could barely look at the screen without feeling the need to either flinch or hide your face.
Instead you tried to focus your attention on the snacks spread on the rickety coffee table or looking anywhere but the screen. Like Eddie's pretty face. You'd taken to studying his features, every little high and low and freckle and blemish. It was almost ridiculous how handsome he was.
"See something you like?" he teased about feeling your eyes on him for the millionth time.  There was a cheeky little smirk on his face that caused your tummy to flip. Outwardly you rolled your eyes dramatically and scoffed at him. Did you see something you liked? Absolutely. Were you ready to admit that? Nope.
“As if, Munson,” you stuck your tongue and nudged gently in the ribs, “just…dry eyes.”
“Dry eyes?” he so did not believe you for a second.
“Mhmm,” you turned your gaze away but you knew that he had a shit eating grin on his face, “it umm…helps to keep my eyes moving. I don’t know…science and shit.”
“You know, sugar, if you’re scared, you could just admit it,” he didn’t know what had suddenly caused his burst of confidence, but he was going to take full advantage of it while it lasted. If he was ever going to make a move, he needed to, “and you come closer to me. I’ll keep you safe and sound.”
“I’m not scared,” a defiant statement because you weren’t going to give in and confess that he was right. Both of you had such strong stubborn streaks, “now hush and watch the movie. We’re probably missing the best parts.”
You looked away from those big puppy dog eyes and focused your attention back on the screen as you attempted to keep a neutral expression on your face. You could feel him watching you, scrutinizing every little detail of your face, every movement, every expression. You swallowed the lump in your throat and hoped he couldn’t hear the nervous pounding in your chest. The wild beating that most assuredly wasn’t from the movie.
 It ended up becoming an entirely subconscious thing, but as the movie progressed and Eddie put in the last one of the night, you ended up practically in his lap. At first you had tried to keep your face covered without making too much of a fuss…then you had scooted closer and closer to Eddie’s warm body, as if that would somehow keep you safe. At some point Eddie had draped his own blanket over you, your legs tucked against his. Without thinking, he’d wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side when you’d jumped at a particularly scary scene. You’d ended up snuggling into him and wrapping an arm around his middle in an iron grasp; not that he minded of course. 
By the end of the movie, you had your face buried into his chest, eyes squeezed shut as you let the steady rhythm of his heart calm you down. Little did you know that it was taking everything in his power to keep himself cool and collected and not totally freak out at the fact that the girl of his dreams was cuddled up to him. The two of you had always shared a bond and been free with delicate touches and even softer words, but this was a whole other level. This had him almost losing his mind.
The smell of your fruity shampoo and warm perfume were almost too much for his senses. Your body was soft, so impossibly soft and he had no clue how you could be so tender and delicate. You were some sort of angel, he’d decided, that was the only way. Your soft little sounds, involuntary he was sure, were going to be the death of him. Now that he’d had a taste of you all over him, even if it was just due to a scary movie, he wouldn’t be able to let the memory go. He was never going to have enough of your touch. He was always going to want more - as much as you were willing to give. 
By the time the credits finished rolling and the screen turned dark, both of you were extremely aware of what had just happened….but neither of you were willing to move just yet either. Instead, you closed your eyes and held tightly onto him, trying to make the moment last as long as possible.
Eventually, much to your dismay, Eddie moved, slowly pulling his arm from around and shifting you up so you both were sitting upright. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, unsure of where to even begin; did he pretend none of it happened and the two of you just moved on, or did he address, put his heart on the line and give it to you to potentially break?
“Eddie…” oh fuck. The way you said his name was enough to make his knees weak and he was glad he was sitting. You became very interested in a stray thread that was sticking out of the blanket, twisting it between your fingers, “umm…so…I lied.”
“L-lied?” his brows knitted together in worry, “about what?”
“The movies,” you admitted sheepishly, “I hate horror movies. They scare me too much.”
“But then…why? We just watched three…”
“You like them,” you shrugged lightly, “and…I like you. So I wanted you to be able to watch something you liked.”
“That’s…you’re…” he couldn’t form a coherent thought because all he could hear was that you had said you liked him. Now it was just trying to decipher whether you meant as a friend or more. Fuck, he hoped it was more, “we’ll watch nothing but cheesy romantic movies next time.”
“But Eddie…” you couldn’t help the small smile that graced your features as allowed yourself to meet his eyes, “you hate them. Why would you…?”
“Because you like them,” it was now or never he decided. He was going to put it all on the line, “and I like you.”
“Oh. Oh,” you brows knitted in confusion as your lips turned pouty. He couldn’t possibly mean….no. Surely not, “well, you’re my best friend so I’d hope you like me.”
“I don’t mean…like that,” he breathed nervously, already fumbling over his words and anything he’d mentally planned to say, “like…more. You know what - no, I don’t like you. I love you…I’m in love with you.”
“Don’t tease,” every alarm bell in your body was going off and your mind was positively spinning. No way. No way had he just said all those words you’d been thinking about for so long, “I know it’s almost Halloween but still.”
“I’m not,” he shook his head and before he thought too much about it, put his finger under your chin and turned your face to his, “I would never. I mean it. I’ve been meaning it for a long time. I’ve been trying to tell you for so long. I just…couldn’t do it. The idea that you don’t feel the same is unbearable. But I figure now is as good a time as any to put it all out there. So…yeah.”
You remained silent for a few moments, blinking rapidly as you looked at him, your eyes wide and doe-like. Your delicate fingers wrapped around his wrist as you pulled his hand away. A few long, terrifying moments of silence passed as he exhaled shakily, “I’m not an expert but I feel like the silence isn’t good. You’re killing me here, angel.”
“Will you kiss me?” Your simple question caught him off guard and he looked at you like a deer in headlights. You laughed nervously before attempting to backtrack and spare both of you from further awkwardness, “o-or not. ‘s okay. I just thought that-”
But he kissed you. He leaned across the couch and pressed his lips against yours in what could only be described as a saccharine dream. It wasn’t long and it wasn’t much, but fuck. It was perfect.
He pulled back, his head dizzied and his cheeks a brilliant crimson as he watched you in anticipation. You tapped your lips with your fingers, almost as if trying to make sure he really had kissed you, “w-was that okay?”
“Yeah,” your smile was brilliant and made him want to melt into a puddle, “can we…do that again? Maybe more?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I always wondered how to tell you I was in love with you. Steve and Robin insisted that I just do it. I guess they were right.”
“No way,” his face looked so innocent and boyish, “you feel the same way!?”
“Duh,” you teased softly, reaching over and putting your hand on his face, brushing your thumb over his cheek gently, “don’t know how you never knew. I’m pretty sure I was the most transparent thing in the world.”
“Well,” he got your hand in his and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles, “I don’t know how you didn’t know either. I’m pretty sure I was anything but subtle.”
“I guess that makes us both oblivious fools,” the smile on your face was starting to hurt, but you wouldn’t have changed a thing, “so…you gonna kiss me again?”
“I’ll kiss you as much and as long as you want,” and he was so close to you again, his lips almost touching yours, the tip of his nose brushing against yours, “just say the word, angel.”
“Forever,” you grinned, “as a start.”
“I can definitely do that,” he agreed softly, “I love you, angel.”
“I love you too, Eddie.”
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isleofair · 1 year
Since you have excellent taste in fanfiction (both as an author and as a reader), can you recommend some Taibani fanfictions? ♡
Oh my goodness! 😳 Thank you so much, this is such an incredibly nice thing to say!!! 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙 I have to admit, especially since I started writing myself, I have not been reading as much as I should, or would like to, and there are many amazing stories out there I haven't managed to get to yet. But I will do my best! 💪
First of all, I saw that you just reblogged this, but I just can't not include @nicoroni's home is where the heart is (and my heart beats in your chest). (Barnaby/Kotetsu, M, 8K) What initially seems like a relatively light-hearted sequence of increasingly-funny ways Barnaby tries to confess to Kotetsu will, before it's done, grab your heart and squeeze and never, ever let go. This will live rent-free in my head forever.
Then we have My Bunny Valentine by @exquisitefrogprince (Barnaby/Kotetsu, T, 10K) which utterly captivated me and made me shake with the tension and the emotion, and has both an incredibly beautiful, almost ethereal interlude featuring Nathan and a gorgeous, precious, spun-sugar ending.
your eyes become a paradise by @hearjessroar (Barnaby/Kotetsu, T, 2K) manages to fit in such a small space an amazing, very human study of Kotetsu, and Barnaby, and Barnaby through Kotetsu's eyes, and Kotetsu reflected in Barnaby's eyes; and a small, but fundamental brave leap into a new, soft beginning for them together.
Some Things Are Worth the Wait by @mad-madam-m (Barnaby/Kotetsu, T, 2K + 1K) is a small series filled with soft, quiet love, respect, and the importance to both take some first steps, and wait patiently at the end of the path for what is most precious to come to you.
Now, in case you meant, as I hope, Taibani-as-in-the-fandom, and not just as the pairing... *rubs hands in glee*
First, a small detour into GoldenRose land:
The Nearness of You by @mad-madam-m (Ryan/Karina, T, 2K) is funny and adorable and features Karina being absolutely done, Ryan being a hopeless giant muffin, and a kick-ass tiny old lady. What more could you want?
Good Golly Miss Molly by @captaindeadpoet (Ryan/Karina, T, 9K) has Karina falling into domesticity, co-parenting Molly, and love with Ryan, in approximately but possibly not quite that order. It also contains one of my favorite atypical declarations of love.
And finally, because I always like to leave my favorite treat for last... FireSky, my absolute most beloved! ❤️💜
My Valentine, my demise by @gusutianzixiao (Keith/Nathan, T, 2K) pulled at my heart so freaking hard and I could not get enough. Nathan hides away from Keith on Valentine's Day to avoid having her heart broken. But of course her heart, instead of getting hurt, shows up on her doorstep, as giving and trusting and forgiving and caring as he ever is.
Hindsight is 20/20 by @saltedpin and Apathy (Keith/Nathan, T, 12K) features, uh... a Sky High photo shoot gone wrong. Very wrong. Or very, very right, depending on your, erm, perspective. And how much you enjoy what probably has to be one of Nathan's top 3 sights in the entire world. In any case, this is hilarious, but also tender and bold and with both Keith and Nathan being the absolute most.
second crack by @seaofolives (Keith/Nathan, T, 24K) is an actual FireSky coffee shop AU and if that isn't enough to entice you, it is also a fantastic, gripping view into heartbreak and slowly, consciously, gradually healing from it, with the help of a soft, bright hope for something new and fresh and absolutely beautiful, with someone who finally, unexpectedly fully gets you.
(Dear Tiger & Bunny fandom: please, feel free to add on to this! Let's spread the love to more stories and more authors!)
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raviolitin · 2 months
what’s ur opinion on Rumple? cuz imo he’s the worst and didn’t deserve any redemption at all.
Oh God. Rumple just really is a whole can of worms isn’t he? TLDR: No, I don’t believe he deserved redemption.
I think Rumple worked best as a sympathetic villain but one not intended to be redeemed. We could see why he did what he did, many an episode explained his reasonings and it was easy to see how he turned out as the horrible person he was. But it should’ve ended there. He’s out for himself, which made him not really on either side but willing to do anything to get what he wanted.
Rumple works best as a broken man suffering the consequences of his own actions, and thus I think he should’ve never gotten back with Belle, nor should he have been forgiven by Bae. Because how am I supposed to believe someone can change if they’re never taught their actions have permanent consequences?
He carries a sense of entitlement in the show, as a lot of the reformed characters do, that just because he said sorry he deserves to be treated well (like when he grovels at the town line begging for Belle to forgive him. Why should she do that exactly??). This sentiment is harboured by Belle too, who seems to have an almost abuse victim level of forgiveness and excuses for him. It’s slightly disturbing to watch out of an endgame pairing.
I, like many people, think he should’ve stayed dead in s3. The ultimate act showing that, while he may not be a good person, he has grown from his nasty habit of self preservation and learned that saving others at the cost of his life is the final way to show he feels genuine care towards those around him. He grows from his cowardice and fights bravely in the end, without magic, a good conclusion to his arc in my opinion.
When they brought him back, he became an abuser who didn’t care about anyone but himself, and was willing to do anything to keep his claws sunk into Belle - who didn’t even want to be with him.
They dug up his grave at the cost of his writing. Rumple was always a morally ambiguous, selfish person whose redemption arc didn’t seem like it would be like Regina’s. Watching it, I always assumed he’d have an arc like he did in 3a - a last minute remorse sort of thing. But that didn’t happen, what we got was a rehash of other redeemed villains held together with paper mache and a character so easily loathed that his constant flip flopping between redemption and evil became a meme. Utterly awful writing choice.
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justaduckarts · 1 year
May I request sh au fluff with Eclipse or really, anyone else? in exchange I offer my soul. (Nah but fr idk if you're doing these requests things and if you don't just delete this ask)
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I get a lot of fluff requests. I'm gonna combine these two, forgive me ^^' My requests ARE open, they're just slow <3
That being said, one flustered Eclipse coming up!
The changes were small enough at first that Eclipse was able to keep his cool. You were growing into your own. Awkwardness making way for confidence.
And confidence was a good look on you. You were still quiet and polite, but hearing you say 'no' and introduce yourself with pride always brought a smile to his face.
But with your confidence came unexpected changes.
As he was walking beside you one day, you slipped your hand into his without a word. He was stunned. Some months ago, you would have been a stuttering mess when he took your hand.
Amber eyes dared a glance down at you.
Oh dear.
The way you smiled to yourself. The soft flush of your face as your thumb traced absent circles into his skin. His rays grew ever brighter.
Even with your newfound confidence, you were utterly darling.
And for the first time in some time, Eclipse felt himself stumbling to keep himself cool.
Casual hand holding steadily evolved.
If the two of you were sitting together, you'd snuggle into his side to peek at what he was working on.
Sometimes you'd bravely kiss the back of his hand, rendering him speechless for a few seconds.
But the moment Eclipse realized he was really in trouble was a few weeks later.
The two of you were in his office. He was seated at his desk, working on some forms in regards to city infrastructure.
Across the room, you were seated on the lounger by the fire. Your boots kicked off, legs curled up on the plush couch comfortably. There was a sewing project in your hands, your second attempt at making a tunic all by yourself. Eclipse was elated to see you practicing your hobbies with such freedom these days.
His focus returned to his work, a small smile on his face.
This was nice.
Just having you here. Knowing you chose to be here. It made him feel warm, all the way down to his bones.
Glancing up from your sewing, you took in the sight of Eclipse at his desk.
Butterflies dance in your stomach.
The soft glow of his rays illuminated the smile on his face. He seemed absorbed in his work, but not in the way he had before. He seemed... happy. And you were happy to see him so at peace. Eclipse had changed your life so dramatically. You couldn't imagine living without him anymore.
Fire crackled softly in its place.
In the quiet of the evening, looking at Eclipse, you finally said something that had been on your mind for some time.
"I love you." The words came out on a sigh, a wistful smile on your face.
It was so fast. So natural and confident.
Everything in Eclipse's office stopped. Quills dropped. Books closed. The fire picked up, burning hotter and brighter than ever.
Eclipse's rays lit up the entire office, as if it were the middle of the day.
"I- Forgive me- I- Could you repeat that?" He nearly choked trying to spit out his thoughts.
"I love you," you smiled up at him.
Given the sheer size of Eclipse, you'd never imagined him moving very fast. He was always slow and steady around you, aware of your presence and attempting to do his best not to frighten you.
But all of that was forgotten briefly.
In the time it took you to blink, Eclipse had abandoned his desk to stand before you. He plucked you from couch, as gentle as he'd ever been.
"I..." He was cradling you with three of his arms. His fourth hand came up to cup your face.
"Truly?" The look on his face made you ache. It was like he was afraid to hope. You nodded.
"Of course I do." Tenderly, you cupped his face. He was almost too warm to touch comfortably. "I love you, Eclipse."
He took a breath, trying to pull himself together.
"And I love you," he said quietly. "More than the oceans love the moon, more than the mother loves her stars. I love you." He couldn't believe you'd beaten him to confessing.
You leaned in and pecked his cheek.
"Thank you."
Eclipse practically melted. He sank onto the couch, still cradling you. You couldn't help but laugh.
"My love," he sighed, running his fingers tenderly across your cheek. "How can you be so darling?"
"The world may never know," you smiled. He pulled you closer. You could hear a soft rumble run through him; something akin to a purr. He ran his hand up and down your back.
"I may never put you down," he joked.
"You'll have to eventually. Julian will poison you if you fall behind on your work," you warned jokingly.
"Julian," Eclipse sighed. "He's going to work me right into an early grave."
"You hired him." You laughed, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Yes, which makes the fact that he bosses me around that much more ridiculous." Eclipse chuckled. He kissed the top of your head.
"I love you," he mumbled.
"I love you," you nodded, relishing in being in the arms of your dear partner.
He couldn't have been more happy. To have you there, to know you were happy.
Eclipse, for the first time in so long, was beginning to look forward to tomorrow.
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OC superhero team profile
impossible girl : Real name: Saturn
Height: 5'8
Gender: F
How they act: positive , excited, and often times eager to share any facet of being alive with others
Core traits: Genuinely loves everyone.
Strengths: loving, creative, patient,
Weaknesses - Conflict avoidant, naive, overly forgiving, self-loathing
Likes: Musicals, community service, superhero stories, stuffed animals
Dislikes: Difficult conversations, the Celestial shards, having to Hurt others, HATES being in pain .
Backstory: She lived with her abusive transphobic mother before "The Great Shine" caused her to gain telekinesis . She accidentally injured her mother before running away . She ended up playing as a homeless superhero for a bit before being found by the AHRA and eventually adopted by one of its directors, a friendly alien named Kalari.
While being a child in the agency, she meets Danera, aka the world's smartest teenager (at the time) who promptly takes her under their wing.
3 years pass more or less peacefully until the 2nd celestial shard appears and the plot kicks off
Favorite TV show: Sailor moon
Favorite food: Burtali, an alien fruit from her Alien mom Home world.
Animal woman real name: Danera stripes
Height: 5'6
Gender: F
How they act: Goofy, smug, smarter than you, Playful .
Core traits: utterly brilliant, still finds ways to overestimate herself, intensly curius and deeply loves her friends - ESPECIALLY Jupiter.
Strengths; Determined, brilliant, adaptative
Weaknesses: Prideful, holds important information, manipulative, kind of a dick sometimes .
Likes: Math, junk food, fighting games, Nature documentaries .
Dislikes: Cheaters, not knowing tf is going on, being bored, magic, just all of it.
Backstory: She was a child genius who was discovered by the science society at an orphanage after she successfully auto mated the whole thing. She met and bonded with Row Wilkins, a fellow brilliant scientist, and worked with them for a handful of years.
However encountering the celestial shard during the great flash, she not only gained the ability to turn into animals but soon came around to realizing the whole "protecting the world from the shadows' thing was never going to work out so she decided go Join AHRA . There she later and became incredibly close to Jupiter, considering her like a little sister.
Favorite TV show: Cosmos
Favorite food: Gulab Jamun
Glueman: Real name: John lamar
Height: 6,0
Gender: M
How they act: responsible, straight man, anxious, complainer
Core traits: Would do anything for the people he loves, Comically out his league, indomitable spirit
Strengths: Quick-witted, stubborn, responsible, hard-working
Weaknesses: Close-minded, just a pinch of sexism , over estimates himself, doesn't do self care
Likes: Family sitcoms, Schedules and people following them, chemistry, superhero comics.
Dislikes: Eldrich abominations, Progressive rock, Sexy men (they make him question himself)
Backstory: He grew up in a somewhat normal, abliet dysfunctional household and was forced to take care of his sister from a young age. He overcame these obstacles and eventually got a degree in chemistry.
On a seemingly ordinary day, he was driving his sister to school when the celestial shard crashed right into them, to which his sister grabbed and briefly absorbed the shard before disappearing in a giant flash,
As a result, he put his chemistry career on hold and dedicated himself to joining AHRA to find his lost sibling. 3 years of hard work (and successfully inventing an entirely new substance) have put him here . Let's hope he doesn't die along the way!
Favorite TV show: Malcom In the middle
Favorite food: Mac and cheese
Goliath real name: Ava Hope's
Height: 6'10
How they act: Gruff, Sarcastic, Prone to brooding
Core traits: Terrified of the world but just brave enough to keep going with the help of her friends.
Strengths: Accepting, self-aware, empathetic, strong sense of justice.
Weaknesses - Depressed, Internally terrified, Body dysphoria.
Likes: Gay pop music , superheroes writing horror fiction,
Dislikes: Emo music, board games, junk food,
Backstory: She was an ordinary (very pretty) college girl when the shard exploded in NYC, granting her mile super strength and furred arms . She played at being a hero for a bit before being captured by the COUNTER CONSPIRACY AGENCY and was expiermened on to harness her unique power .
This failed - but not before turning her from a 5'5 Woman into a towering furry giant with incredible strength that barely looks human . Naturally this wasn't exactly a pleasant expiernce!
She decided to quit any chance at a normal life when , attempting to attend her little sisters graduation had AHRA called on her . All this shaped her into being an callous and cynical person far from the idealistic girl she once was.
Still, she refuses to give into what was done to her and chooses to use her powers for the good of mankind .
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maureensmistress · 9 months
Falling - Pattie Boyd x Reader
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After you and Pattie come close to spending the night together, your fears and uncertainties take over and nearly tear the two of you apart. Sequel to Under the Bleachers.
Angst, internalized homophobia, insecurity, miscommunication, angst with a happy ending, catching feelings, high school au
Words: 3.1k
Two weeks had gone by since you and Pattie last spoke. You hated it. Hated missing her, hated seeing her, hated the fact that she was either furious and glad to be rid of you or utterly heartbroken and confused. But when she tried to catch your eye you always looked away, too terrified to find out which. 
Those round blue eyes that always saw straight through you –  were they looking through you now? Did they know you now? And, if she finally did understand you, what did her soft blue eyes look like when they had gone hard and cold with hate?
You couldn’t stand to find out. You weren’t brave enough. You’d figured that out the morning after you’d– after what happened two weeks ago. 
That morning you woke up with your head pounding, glad you and Pattie threw out the bottle when you did or you’d probably be even sicker, and rubbed your face into the pillow. The night before came back in flashes of pale moonlight and the ghost of hot kisses on your lips and neck. Your face burned and you wished you could burrow into your bed and disappear.
You could picture Pattie’s sweet face curling in disgust when she remembered what happened last night, what she’d almost let herself do, and the pain of that thought rolled over you like a dark wave. But I stopped it in time, you reminded yourself. Please, please, let it be enough that you stopped it in time. Let Pattie forgive you for what could have been. 
A little voice from the back of your mind, the part of yourself you kept locked up, almost asked why it had felt for a moment like Pattie wanted you, too. But you silenced that thought, recognizing it for the sick self-delusion that it was. Flashes of what could happen if she ever realized how you felt, what she could say, what you had promised yourself that she would say, were as vivid and real and powerful as any sweet moment of soft skin or gentle touch. 
It might be okay, you thought desperately. Maybe Pattie would write it all off as a stupid mistake. You heard her voice in the back of your mind, low and throaty: People do silly things when they’re drinking. I don’t think they count. 
But it would have counted to you. It would have meant everything to you. 
Put that away, you told yourself firmly, just as you had for the last four years. You just had to put thoughts like that away, remind yourself that you were her friend.
Only these days that little place in the back of your mind where you locked these kinds of thoughts was getting harder to ignore. Like that hidden part of you, that wild, stupid, desperate part of you was pounding on the ceiling and demanding to be heard. And every time you went near Pattie, every time you let yourself swim in those soft blue eyes, that part of you got louder and stronger and closer to breaking out. 
Last night, that heat you’d felt pooling in your stomach, it was so wild and powerful and free. And you could never let yourself be free like that, could never let that desperate, stupid girl escape. Please, you thought, not sure if you were praying to one god in particular or just begging the universe at large. 
You just knew, more firmly than you knew anything, that if you let that girl escape it would ruin everything. And you knew, too, that it was inevitable. That knowledge wrapped itself around your heart and squeezed until you thought it might break. 
Maybe, after four years of fighting yourself, you had to accept that you couldn’t be around Pattie anymore. It made your stomach clench and your heart feel like stone. No, no, that’s not true, you told yourself firmly, perhaps a little desperately. But fear had wrapped another tendril around your heart.
Lying in bed with your head pounding, you felt yourself clinging to a ledge, afraid of the darkness below. I can’t lose her, you repeated to yourself, like it was some kind of spell that could ward off the inevitable. You’d lost your parents when they found out what you were – they 'd never look at you the same way, and you knew you deserved it.
And you knew, too, that someone as sweet and kind and perfect as Pattie would feel just the same way. That the closer you got to her the closer you got to the moment when it would dawn on her just how sick and horrible you were. Even if she forgave you for last night, there was no denying now that the moment was drawing closer. The moment when she would throw you away. When you would slip from the ledge and vanish. 
I can’t take it, you realized, your stomach twisting. When she finally realizes how much she hates me, I won’t be able to take it. The weight of that realization, and everything it implied, settled in your stomach like a stone. You’d been playing a dangerous game for the past four years. But you couldn’t play it anymore. 
It had been two weeks, now, since you’d figured that out. The next morning you’d averted your gaze from her when she tried to catch your eye, pointedly ignored her when she tried to say good morning. It wasn’t easy to build up such distance with someone who was near you pretty much all the time, but Pattie seemed to understand quickly. Seemed to know deep down what you knew, too -- that this was for the best.
But nothing could have prepared you for how much you missed her, the endless silence and the ache in the place where she should have been. After two weeks, you figured Pattie had just about given up on you. Certainly she didn’t try to catch your eye anymore, or pass you notes you were too afraid to read. 
But those notes accumulated in the back of your drawer, because you couldn’t stand to throw them out, either. Not when Pattie wrote them. Not when they were as close to her as you would ever be again. And how could you long so deeply for something that frightened you so much?
At first, Pattie pretended not to know why you were avoiding her. She pretended as hard as she could, so much that she almost believed it. The idea, that first morning, was to keep going like nothing had happened. Pretend last night was just a strange dream and hope that you would do the same. But, of course, you hadn’t. 
Then, when she couldn’t pretend any longer, the panic set in. What had she been thinking, kissing you like that? Doing– doing the other things that she’d done? You must be furious. Or disgusted. Or terrified. Or all three at once. Pattie had been each of them in turn, but more than any of it, more than anything at all, she just missed you so much that it ached. 
When you wouldn’t speak to her she wrote pages and pages of letters. Apologizing, accusing, begging. And then she ripped them all up and tried again. The way words flowed easily for her, it didn’t help now. Because putting things in words only made them more real, and making things real was exactly the problem.
The practice kisses, the long sleepless nights whispering every dream and almost every secret to one another, the way you gazed at her when she pretended to be asleep and the way she liked it so, so much. The wild, uncontrollable thing that was growing up between the two of you, the thing you had both silently agreed to pretend you couldn’t see so that it couldn’t become real. It was real now. She’d made it real when she pressed you into the grass – and why could she still feel the length of your body under her own, and why did it still feel so good? – and clearly you would never forgive her.
You were in the back of the library when Pattie caught you. It was the same place you’d had your first kiss, and although ostensibly you were looking for a quiet place to nurse your sadness and your loneliness you knew deep down you just liked to feel a little closer to her. To imagine that you were waiting for Pattie to meet you so you could “practice” like you used to. Only it hadn’t been just practice to you like it had been to her, unless it wasn’t to her either, which would be even worse. 
You were so lost in thought, busy feeling sorry for yourself, that you jumped when Pattie whispered your name. You didn’t have to turn around to know it was her – you knew her voice like it belonged to yourself. Without looking up, afraid still of meeting her eyes, you made to brush past her. This had worked in the past when Pattie tried to talk to you, but this time she moved to block you. 
“Don’t,” she said, sounding urgent. “Don’t go until I’ve had a chance to talk to you.”
You half-glanced up and saw defiance in the set of her jaw. You knew without looking any further that her blue eyes would be narrowed and her brows drawn, the same face she made when she was working on a difficult homework problem or searching for a memory she couldn’t quite grasp. It sent a pang through you, the way her every expression was engraved in your heart. The way you would always feel her absence in such intense detail. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” Pattie said, sounding like she’d practiced this before. “But just let me talk. Just let me talk to you, and then I promise I’ll leave you alone.”
She stood before you, still blocking your path, but you had a feeling if you tried to get around her now she would let you go. It was a long moment, and you knew the right thing would have been to brush past her and put this moment into the locked room in the back of your mind that you tried so hard not to touch anymore, no matter how loudly that hidden part of you was demanding to be let out. 
But, beneath that practiced calm, there had been pain in Pattie’s voice. And you couldn’t stand it when she was in pain. 
She seemed to take your silence for assent, because she continued. “I don’t know if you read any of my letters. I’m guessing you didn’t.”
You didn’t have to wonder how she knew that. Pattie always knew what you were going to do before you did. 
“Well, don’t bother. I didn’t know what I wanted to say to you back then. I was… I was upset.”
Your chest tightened, and you risked a glance at Pattie’s crossed arms. They weren’t crossed in anger, but pulled tightly together like she was hugging herself, holding herself in one piece. 
“But I’ve thought it over and I’ve tried to see it from your perspective, and I know what I want to say to you.” Pattie took a deep breath, and then said, “I’m sorry.”
Your gaze jerked to her face involuntarily, and for the first time in two weeks you looked into Pattie’s bright blue eyes. You’d wondered before what they would look like full of hate, how brutally painful it would be to see those soft blue eyes turn hard. But they weren’t. They weren’t even angry. Pattie just looked hurt.
“It’s not your fault,” you blurted out before you could think it through. The idea of Pattie blaming herself for what had happened between the two of you hadn’t even crossed your mind, and suddenly it seemed like the worst possibility of all. That the pain you’d been carrying for four years, the self hatred and the loneliness and the desperation, would be hers to carry now, too. Surely she didn’t deserve that. Surely that couldn’t be right. 
“Of course it’s my fault,” Pattie said, and her voice wasn’t so carefully even, there was a touch of frustration now, too. 
“I– I wanted to do it, too,” you said shakily, unable to admit that, in fact, you’d wanted to do those things with her for years. “You can’t take all the responsibility for it. And– and anyways,” you were babbling a little, trying to make the hurt, regretful look in her eyes go away, to ward away all the pain you knew she must be feeling, “we probably just confused ourselves with all the, uh, the practicing. I’m sure neither of us meant it.”
But she didn’t seem comforted, not in the slightest. Instead she shook her head slightly and said, “That’s not what I’m saying. I’m not sorry we kissed. I'm sorry–” she swallowed slightly, and then pressed on. “I’m sorry that I never told you how I feel about you.”
You stare, confused. You try to find words to explain the shock, the panic, the fluttering hope, but all you can do is shake your head slowly. “You’re my friend,” you say, breath caught in your throat, repeating the mantra that you always turn to when your daydreams about Pattie get too dangerous. “We’re just friends.”
“Not for me. Not for a long time.”
Pattie continued, talking over you like she might not get the words out otherwise. “And I should have said something a long time ago. I should have admitted it to myself a long time ago. I strung you along and let us get all tangled up into something neither of us understands, and now it’s real and we can’t deny it anymore, and that might mean you never talk to me again and so I’m sorry. I’m sorry if we can never be friends again. I’m sorry if we can’t be anything at all.”
It was so sincerely felt, so real and blunt and, just underneath the surface, so alive with pain and regret. Like Pattie really thought she could have confessed her feelings to you a month ago, a year ago, whenever, and you would have wrapped her in your arms and told her you loved her, too. Like you hadn’t been far too much of a coward to ever do that. Like you weren’t such a coward still.
It was on the tip of your tongue to tell her it was alright, you loved her, you wanted her. You were desperate to say it, say anything that would keep this moment from ending and keep her from going away. But, god, you had been so afraid for so long. And all that fear seemed to wrap itself around you like a snake, to squeeze the air out of your lungs, to make it impossible to utter any words at all.
After a long moment of being unable to speak, of staring into her wide blue eyes, so frightened and filled with anticipation, and feeling whatever beautiful thing had existed between you slipping away forever, Pattie’s eyes fell from yours and she shifted slightly to the side, clearly making room to let you leave. The conversation was over. Your chance – your only chance – to save the most important relationship in your entire life was over.
It felt like being cut loose, like you were falling away somewhere deep inside yourself, a fall that would never end, and it washed over you like vertigo or dizziness or just a swirling terror. That slippery ledge you’d been clinging to since the morning after you and Pattie almost made love had finally crumbled and you were falling and falling into the darkness below, and for just a moment you lost your mind.  
“Pattie–” it came out of your lips without your permission, but then more words came tumbling after it. “Pattie, please, don’t be mad at me. Don’t hate me. I just– I just don’t know what to do,” you pleaded.
Pattie looked taken aback, and she reached for you as if to comfort you in just the same way that she always had, but her hand jerked and paused in midair as if she’d suddenly remembered that she wasn’t allowed to do that sort of thing. And that crushed you, because how many times had you caught yourself, scolded yourself, reminded yourself that you weren’t allowed to hug her for too long or curl up beside her too close or stroke her hair out of her face with the kind of tenderness that would have felt right? How many times had you remembered that you weren’t allowed to do that sort of thing, and how deeply had it cut?
“I don’t hate you,” she said, sounding a little confused. “I’m– I’m apologizing.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m just – I just– I don’t know what to do to make you… make you not go away.” Humiliatingly, you felt a lump rising in your throat and you had to swallow hard to keep it in check. Crying was probably the only way you could make this situation worse. 
Pattie watched you for a second, and you knew she knew you were trying not to cry, because she knew everything about you. And maybe, you thought, somewhere deep in the back of your mind, maybe she knows how much you love her, too. It should have been a terrifying thought, but somehow it felt like a spark of hope. 
“I'm not going away,” she said softly. You let out the breath you’d been holding, feeling just a trace of the fear, the intensity, fading away. “All I really know is I don’t ever want to lose you.”
“You couldn't,” you said truthfully. Or maybe it wasn’t quite the truth anymore – maybe now that you were allowing this thing growing up between the two of you to become real it meant you were entering a different part of your relationship, a part that was a little bit more complicated and a little harder to understand. That might open the door to something beautiful or might mean losing each other entirely.
But, as Pattie enveloped you in her arms and you felt that familiar rush of warmth and comfort and, just as familiar, the twinge of guilt and fear, you felt something else as well. Something warm and stirring deep in your chest. Not the heat that had pooled in your stomach that night under the moonlight, but something almost like a second heartbeat. A strong, soft, steady pulse. It felt like whatever came after hope. It felt like the opposite of fear.
It felt, you realized, like joy.
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Sariel x Emma The Rose That Shimmers Against the Light
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, some suggestive content
I greatly anticipate those charged moments: the touch of Emma's hand, so delicate yet sure, caressing memories along my cheek as our day winds to a close and we embark for a more indulgent set of activities.
At times it truly is just a touch. Late evenings often earn me an exhausted finger-graze, her playfulness coming out in the way she's careful to nudge my glasses upward, maybe downward, her meaning as clear as a book snapping shut. This is in contrast to heady afternoons, which might turn her shy and relax her into a ripple of smooth knuckles. Doing this hides the birthmark inside her wrist from my view. But this is easily resolved by detaining her hand and pressing my lips to the skin, already fertile with more kisses than I can remember.
The touch itself, however, has evolved past mere relinquishment of professional barriers. Childish though it may be, I dare say I'd feel less loved were she to stop. The frequency of our kisses may diminish with time and age. Lovemaking faces similar challenges. But Emma's hand against my cheek, my hand against hers, is in itself a sacred vow. When I protect her, I protect this.
And only in that secret admission do I appreciate the breadth of what I've become: of how utterly lost this pitiful devil would be without the woman who braved to share a life with him.
I bloom toward that touch as though I am cultivated for love, and hidden things and trickery seems so far behind me. Yet never could I have imagined that one such bestowment might occur like this.
"You were crying," she whispers. Only the lower half of her face, a swathe of pale neck and the top frills of her negligee, are visible in the narrow band of moonlight. "In your sleep." There is no question on the blossoms of her lips. There is no doubt in the featureless silence of my room that she has made any error. I fear I would believe her even if it was a joke.
It's not though. Wetness clings to my cheek under her hand. For a second I wonder how long she's been holding it there.
Emma has found me in a way I have never found myself.
As such, I am at a loss. An uncertainty rouses in my belly then dips back into that mire to feign sleep. How should I feel? I truly do not know. I have no recollection of my dreams or whatever it was that left me in such a state. There should be nothing lurking in even the deepest dregs of my mind that I've not already made my peace with. Alarm, then. A new liability. Something requiring immediate action.
A hot droplet lands on my bottom lip. I know without the luxury of seeing her entire face. I know it where her palm trembles and tightens and loosens. I smile in the dark and that smile feels a little like a heart breaking.
The uncertainty swells again. It feels wrong, suddenly, to claim that tears are beyond me.
Am I not human in her eyes?
I must have joked at some point, about how shocking it would be if Sariel ever cried. I must have joked that it's impossible. I've always carried that naïve fascination with me, in the same heart that endeavors now to be Sariel's sanctuary. That blindness has reached its culmination, and tonight I'm skewered by every possible emotion.
When I wipe his tears, when I kiss away all that I can, I'm begging forgiveness. You're human, Sariel. My arms fumble in trying to embrace him where he lays. I even try, without success, to lift him a little so I can wrap my arms underneath him. So I can place my heart over his and beat in the cadence of his pain. I want to tie myself to him as he sinks because I have oxygen for both of us.
Sariel's chuckle startles me. Almost as much as his tears. "That's so like you." And then I'm on my back and he's straddling me. His palm warm against my cheek. It takes another second for me to realize that his thumb is tracing tear tracks. He's touched me like this countless times, but there's nothing sensual about it here.
Only grace.
This time he is in moonlight and I am in darkness. His smile right now is important. It's every emotion in me uncoiled and spread out as clearly as words on a page. I can't make out his eyes, but I can tell he wants to kiss me and calm me down.
I shake my head and my cheek feels raw where his fingers lift away. "You can tell me anything, Sariel. Or you can tell me nothing. I'm here either way. I'm here with you."
Sariel heaves a sigh. The bed creaks slightly with his shifting weight. I can imagine his brow crinkled in chagrin as though I'm failing to answer an exam question. "There is no need for you to be apologetic." His thumb silences my retort. He massages my lips. "We were both surprised tonight. But I also think we've grown closer as a result."
With just those words it's as if he's bundled up my emotions and arranged them into a beautiful bouquet. I bloom for him as though I were cultivated for love.
"I meant what I said though." My bittersweet laugh gets mixed up in my sniffles. I'm glad he can't see my face, but weirdly, I kind of wish he could.
"I know. Thank you. I really do appreciate that." There's an edge of something almost aching, almost profound in his voice. But he won't let me linger on it, because lowers himself then, until his heart is over mine. "But I hope you didn't think I'd simply let you get away with seeing something you shouldn't have."
I cup his face, warm and beautiful under my touch. The birthmark inside my wrist catches moonlight. I smile as his lips draw close.
---- Finalllly finished! Spent a couple days on this one. Thank you for reading! I'm going to feel like a real clown when someone comments that Sariel has in fact wept at some point.
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I really like how your stories don’t shy away from Remus’s flaws, because while I love him(and while you have really made me start shipping Remadora even more lol), he had a lot of stuff he needed to work on. Fandom likes to portray him as this guy who can do no wrong sometimes and that’s just not true. I think he really struggles with learning how to properly be there for people(as we can see with Harry and Tonks), and I think a lot of this comes with Remus expecting that his Lycanthropy will hold him back/result in other people being hurt. And so Remus tries to distance himself from a lot of people because of that fear/expectation, but he fails to realize that in trying to not hurt other people-he sometimes ends up doing just that. So it’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy lol. I’ve also always sort of seen Remus running away from Tonks as less fear for her safety(because tbh as the daughter of Andromeda and Ted Tonks and a member of the OoTP, she was already in danger even before meeting Remus) and more of his own fears and insecurities being the main influence for that decision. I believe Harry calls him a coward after that revelation and although that was definitely harsh, I think it’s an accurate way to describe one of his biggest flaws.
I still love him ofc, but he had some stuff to work through to say the least lol. And I love how your stories both acknowledge his flaws, but also allow him to work through it as well :)
(And I really like how Tonks is a perfect person to help Remus truly realize that yes he is loved, but also she’s not afraid to put her foot down when he needs to be put in place lol)
Thank you @puppyduckster times a million for this wonderful message. I find one of two things in fandom for Remus: either he's a baby cinnamon roll who can do no wrong, and it's his pesky lycanthropy getting in the way, or he's written in such a way to make him utterly unlikable. Most people like to make their favorite characters very likable and present them in a positive light (Oppenheimer is a great example, I just saw the movie last night and left thinking 'ok, so that probably only scratches the surface of that guy's morally questionable life).
Yes, Remus is a coward, no doubt about it. He can be brave when it matters for other people, but not himself. I agree that with running from Tonks, it's less about her and more about him. That's usually how it goes for most people though, in my experience. Reactions tend to be more about the self than others.
I adore Remus so much though. He has all these great redeeming qualities. He's clever and caring. Despite his general melancholy, he keeps going. That's something that's always struck me - how and why did he keep living after the first war? He had to have some hope, and that carried him through the darkest years of his life.
And yes, I am always on the Tonks as perfect for Remus train. He needs someone firm, but tender and forgiving. He needs someone who will gently correct him, be patient with him, and persist. Very few people have the kind of patience or self-assurance to be with someone like Remus, and it almost breaks Tonks to watch Remus try to break himself apart.
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beevean · 9 months
Top 10 favorite CV characters!
I remember when you sent me this ask a year ago! I was in the middle of playing CoD and I still had other games to go lol. Well...
10) Julia. She deserves more than for being remembered for an awkward romance plot :( I like her coy attitude towards Hector, and I'm intrigued by the implications that she's repressing her pain for the Isaac situation, for the sake of assisting the man who wants to kill her brother.
9) Walter. Honestly for a guy just meant to be Beta Dracula, the dude is very fun! He's like a Dracula if he didn't even pretend to have a shred of decency or justification :P dude just wants to play with his food because he's bored, and he's entertainingly cruel about it, from deliberately turning the women he kidnaps for shit and giggles to subjecting Joachim to a fate worse than death. Proof that villains don't always need a tragic backstory, as long as they have style.
8) Joachim. I warmed up to the guy! He reeks of "cut from development", because his concept is very fascinating and he's so wasted as a random boss. He's antagonistic to Leon because he's a haughty vampire who clearly thinks he deserves at least his castle lol, but also to Walter because holy shit the dude really punished him in an exemplary manner. That art of him looking out of his mind says a lot. Also he has very cool powers that make him a joy to use in Joachim Mode.
7) Leon. A pure, noble-hearted knight, so honest that he won't even take a sword that didn't belong to him, who only wished the wellbeing of his fiancée and his best friend... and oh. Oh how he paid for it :) Leon's story is utterly miserable, made even worse by how he ends his game with the most depressing canonical ending imaginable. My man has immense mental fortitude, and I love the scene where he angrily rejects Mathias' offer of immortality because he'd rather honor Sara's dying wish, unlike a certain vampire we know... but he didn't know that, by swearing revenge on the newly-turned Mathias, he'd doom his own lineage to a lifetime of terrible pressure...
6) Rosaly. girl <3 I once again have to thank Ayami Kojima and Kou Sasakura for breathing life into this character, especially the latter. She's just an aggressively kind girl who will love you to death. Even if others think she's too nice or too trusting, she stubbornly helps people because she likes to do so. And I find it a very interesting detail that she seems absolutely unconcerned with Hector's past: she only sees the good in him, without the baggage. I find her endearing :)
5) Trevor. He's the Sonic of Castlevania. He's shaped like a friend <3 I like what personality we can glean from CV3: that despite being shunned by people for his powers (now where did I hear that before) he was ready to accept the quest of slaying Dracula - he didn't even do it for the Legacy, he's just that much of a brave guy! - and he was able to easily befriend and lead all sorts of people, hinting at his charisma and at his good heart. And of course in CoD he's just sass central :P I forgive his weird hostility against Hector because, despite his cockiness and ferocity, I like how he still takes the time to give credit to his friends for their victory <3
4) Dracula. The bastard himself :) I really like how, by being the most recurring character in the series, he ended up being quite fleshed out. His tragic story does little to justify how much of a hypocritical asshole he is. He loves so intensely, yet so selfishly. He wants his son by his side, but only after cutting his human heritage. He takes two abused boys under his wing, but only to raise them as his loyal knights and forgerers of armies. And overall, you can see the degradation of his morals and even his personality through the centuries, as he loses a piece of his humanity with every resurrection... not that he was a saint as a human, either.
3) Shanoa. Things Shanoa deserved: the world. Things Shanoa did not deserve: all the shit that happened to her :) it's hard to make an interesting character out of an amnesiac without emotions, yet Shanoa is intriguing. This girl who was taken in by Ecclesia as a young child, raised to become a weapon to vanquish all evil yet constantly protected by Albus... even when she loses everything, even when she learns that her entire life is a lie and for her beloved mentor she was nothing more than a lamb to the slaughter, she still wants to fight, she still chooses to sacrifice herself. And by the end, she finds a place to live in Wygol Village, after rescuing and befriending all the villagers. also she kitty :3
2) Isaac. A pathetic wet cat of a man <3 just terrible in every way <3 miserable and bitter and ready to make it everyone else's problem <3 genuinely tragic backstory of terrible loss that makes you pity him but never to the point of excusing his terrible actions <3 how much he strives to be nothing but a tool and dying as one (and a defective one too) <3 absolute banger of a theme too <3
Hector. I just think he's neat.
I talked enough about the guy. I know that he's basically a smoothie of Alucard and Guts. But something about his journey of self affirmation, how he chose to serve Dracula out of a need to belong somewhere then chose to put his principles above his trauma but still paid the consequences for his past alliance and betrayal, the parallels with Isaac and Dracula showing that yes you can fall into evil but you can rise again as many times as you want, his development thanks to Rosaly, his struggle with his own humanity and powers... It just speaks to me, what can I say.
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bonefall · 2 years
I was wondering about some of the PO3 cast and what their personalities will be like in the rewrite. Firstly, Poppyfrost; I've seen a lot of people complain about her being initially described as "fearless" only for that to be forgotten as soon as she had kits so she could turn into a generic, constantly worrying mom. I wonder what you have planned for her in the rewrite besides the relationship with Jayfeather. Also Cinderheart, since so much of her canon story was based on the weird ableist reincarnation arc, and finally Heathertail, who kind of gets dropped by the plot in canon after falling out with Lionblaze but is supposed to have a more important role in your rewrite.
Been sitting on this ask for a bit because I didn't have a good answer at the time, and sat on it until the newest reworks came up so now I have more solid ideas
I have a solid trait that I want to work with; Bonefall Poppyfrost dislikes getting involved in conflict. There's plenty of argumentative, brave cats around her who are going to be arguing with Bramblestar in particular and having large opinions on the direction the Clan is turning in, so I want to make sure there are more "neutral" cats and Poppyfrost feels right to me.
I think she's inquisitive. She likes learning and knowing the truth about things, but isn't fond of battles and debates. What she likes about Jayfeather is that he speaks his mind; and their outdoorsy, practical natures mesh very well together. She is probably one of the people who helps with his garden.
She only gets involved in conflict after TBC, when Cherryfall and Berrynose die pointlessly and she can't stay quiet anymore
She's still a bit of a WIP, though it seems like the direction she's currently leaning in is going to have that "fearlessness" be less about being brave and more about being curious.
I have another ask I'm going to answer about why I've given her BPD because it's an interesting story; but without getting into the process of why we chose her, Cinderheart is getting that reincarnation plotline utterly removed and replaced with a story more based on how she handles her emotions
I don't have a full story yet here; just the knowledge of the sorts of scenes I want to write and the interactions she has with others
Cinderheart's role in the story is as a major supporting character in the slice-of-life-esque Po3, and later she's the mother of Dovewing and Ivypool in OotS. I initially planned for her and Lionblaze to be a romantic couple, but their chemistry hasn't really clicked yet so I'm considering them being... something else
Jaypaw comes up with the water therapy for her broken leg while he's a warrior apprentice (foreshadowing that he's an incredible medic), but Lionpaw is the one who helps push her through it
They adopt Jay and Poppy's kits together, less as mates and more because they want their siblings to still access the kittens. They come into conflict later as Jay and Lion push them into harm's way, and in AVoS, Cinderheart has Lionblaze's litter (Hollylark, not sure what siblings they're keeping) and is tentative about letting him be involved with their early childhoods.
I would also like to make sure she gets advancement unrelated to just Lionblaze and her children, too, though it's going to end up being a big part of her as only a supporting character. She will probably end up becoming an above-average, very reliable warrior
Heathertail is going to have a bigger role in AVoS. It was a massive waste that she's the child Onestar acknowledges and she has no noteworthy feelings about Darktail
Even Onestar's Confession just has Heather and White go, "it is bad you lied but we forgive you :)"
Heather is going to get wrapped up in the Kin somehow and Darktail is going to hurt her in some way. This is going to be tied to the way Onestar refuses to help ShadowClan when they really need the aid. Breezepelt is going to do something to save her, turning against the Kin to save multiple cats.
Through Po3, OotS, and AVoS, Heathertail struggles with the idea of serving her Clan and father over doing what's right. She considers what she wants to do with her legacy and the purpose of forgiveness, and what these things mean to her.
She's brave, assertive, and calculating. I think this will work well with Breezepelt, who's also brave and assertive, but rash and emotional.
With these three I have a good opportunity to set them up, because Po3, OotS, and AVoS is the point in Warriors where we get a consistent cast for several books and I'm willing to go even further to yank the POVs away from completely new characters. All of them will get dedicated "episodes" in Po3.
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misericors · 4 months
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[ he/him, cis man ] greetings to all of our listeners! we start today’s potterwatch with a long-awaited update on harry james potter who was finally spotted alive just last night, wandering the streets of london. for those of you who haven’t tuned in before, they are a 51 year old half-blood wizard who is oddly reminiscent of a past that haunts you, atlas holding the weight of the world, an old pair of glasses, snow falling on the ground, and holding onto the light, which makes sense considering their resilient, selfless, protective, stubborn, solitary, and wrathful nature. you might know of them as the biological child of lily evans and james potter, and we’re sure that their family will be relieved to hear they’re safe and sound — or at least as much as you can be, in times like this. to all our listeners, if you catch a glimpse of someone who looks a bit like that muggle matthew goode, that’s them. before approaching, please be aware that they’re rumored to be affiliated with the order of the phoenix so best proceed with caution. these are dangerous times we’re living in. well, thanks for tuning in, folks. we’ll play ourselves out with nightcall by london grammar. [ jess, 27, she/her, aest ]
Full Name: Harry James Potter Date of Birth: 30 July 1980 Place of Birth: Godric’s Hollow, West Country, England Parents: James Potter, Lily (Evans) Potter Siblings: None Other Family: Ginny Weasley (wife); Teddy Lupin (godson/adopted son); James, Albus and Lily Potter (children); Weasley family (in-laws); Petunia, Vernon and Dudley Dursley (estranged relatives); Sirius Black (deceased godfather) Gender: Cismale Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Blood Status: Half-blood Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Wand: As he never got the Elder Wand from Voldemort at the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry was unable to repair his old beloved holly and phoenix feather wand. He had a new one made out of mahogany and dragon heartstring.  Patronus: Stag Boggart: The bodies of his children, reflecting his fear that they will be the next to die for him, because of him Strengths: Defensive magic, duelling, charms, flying Alliance: formerly Dumbledore’s Army / currently the Order of the Phoenix, leader
Style: Casual and thoughtless, it’s not a priority for Harry. Used to wearing Dudley’s second-hand clothes while growing up, Harry still tends to dress Muggle. Plain t-shirts and jeans, usually paired with flannels or jumpers, dull and faded colours - he generally wears his clothes out. Nor does he take very good care of his glasses, often forgetting to clean them and leaving them fingerprint stained, much as his wand usually is. Habits: He rubs his forehead when thinking, a habit formed from when his scar pains him, though due to his practice and mastery of Occlumency (necessary to protect the Order from Voldemort), his scar does not do so often anymore. Avoids most physical touch with other people. Turns away when people stare at his scar. Often kicks inanimate objects when angered or frustrated. Keeps his wand on him at all times, always wary and never fully relaxes; those close to him generally notice the tenseness in his shoulders. Scars: Famous lightning scar on forehead. Oval shaped burn mark on his chest from the locket. Lingering remnants of ‘I must not tell lies’ on his wrist, faded scarring. Traits:  +resilient, selfless, quick-witted, intuitive, noble, brave, forgiving, empathetic, protective, fair-minded -stubborn, solitary, condemnatory, quick-tempered, obsessive, defiant, partisan, wrathful, reckless, uncommunicative, violent 
At the failed Battle of Hogwarts, Harry begged his friends and allies to stand down.  Blaming himself for their losses, he couldn’t stand to see anyone else fall and organized the retreat to safehouses. Utterly devasted by the loss of Hagrid in particular, he felt entirely responsible for the deaths of some of his dearest friends, Professor McGonagall and Mr and Mrs Weasley especially. Having found the bodies of Remus and Tonks he was also desperate to find Teddy Lupin and ensure his safety.
Having retreated to the Order’s first safehouse, Harry remained there for some time, regrouping with Ron and Hermione and looking after Teddy. He was now truly an outcast, but what was worse was feeling responsible for all the deaths, for seeing Voldemort grow stronger and stronger, casting the world into darkness - and knowing it was all because he had failed. He had let down Dumbledore. Sirius. His parents. Everyone who had given their lives for him.
At first the horcux hunt remained his main goal, but soon the horcruxes had to take a lower priority. At that point in the war, they weren’t even keeping even with Voldemort; Death Eater control was total and the Order could no longer play the offensive and go after horcruxes when they were so desperately needed to  try and stop the slaughter. Though Harry was deeply torn, he found it impossible to prioritse some abstract ideal of “the greater good” when there were so many people being murdered.  He decided to ignore Dumbledore’s voice in his head, and the Order switched into prioritising getting Muggles and Muggle-borns out of danger and the horcruxes fell somewhat to the wayside. Harry still doesn't know that he himself is a horcrux, tethering Voldemort to life.
In time, Harry and Ginny would also grow back into their relationship and have children of their own: James, Albus and Lily. Having a family to protect was the source of Harry’s greatest happiness and the very worst of his terror. Every night he struggled to sleep, haunted by the fear that his failures would destroy them and that he would lose his children in this fight, as he has lost almost every person he has ever loved. Not just lost them, had to live with the fact that they died for him. There was a part of him that wanted nothing more than to send them far away from him, where they would be safe from the damage Harry wreaks across the lives of all those he touches. He has always attempted to keep them out of the fight as much as possible. 
Harry’s first kill was on a rescue mission, when he came up against John Dawlish, an Auror that Harry had long disagreed with and despised for his blind loyalty to the Ministry and its worse policies. Harry’d had no other choices in the moment but to send a Killing Curse at Dawlish in order to save the lives of a Muggle family. Knowing Dawlish had turned made it easier - or it would have, except that Harry couldn’t be sure Dawlish hadn’t been placed under the Imperius Curse and now, he would never know. He was also haunted by the Confundus Charm placed on Dawlish by the Order to protect Harry’s escape from Privet Drive, which may have made Dawlish more susceptible to the Imperius. He can never be sure that what he did was the right thing, but it was done, and couldn’t be undone. The family was saved, and if Harry had blood on his hands, had torn apart his soul in the act, it was only going to get worse from here. He accepted that going forwards, there would be no other choice. 
After the first kill, it became easier. At first Harry’s stipulation to the order was to kill only when necessary, when there was no other choice, a rule that also applied to general use of the Unforgivable curses (excepting the Cruciatus), but as the war went on and things became darker, there became less and less choice. They were fighting a war, a war in which Voldemort had total control, and the only way to truly fight back was to kill. It was a burden that Harry would prefer to carry himself, or at least for the older members of the Order. Current orders are that they are to attempt to keep the younger members from having to kill unless absolutely necessary. He usually sends those younger members on defensive rescue missions or to steal supplies, though it’s not always possible.
 Harry is committed full-time to leading the Order, primarily in rescue missions, but the horcrux quest remains on the backburner when possible. He has never given up on the hope of destroying Voldemort once and for all, but there has always been very little chance of doing so when it’s a struggle to even just keep their own people alive.
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sunlight-in-venice · 7 months
Prayer on a Monday night
I shout at the skies: you gave me this disease, so why won’t you just take me out once and for all? I pray to you everyday and ask for the pain to go away, but it won’t. You gave me this disease, why couldn’t you just give me something else to make it disappear? Send a bus or a virus. A knife or a gun. A mass destruction weapon or a pill that actually works. God, just send me a man who’s brave enough to smother me with his feather pillow instead of watching me waste away in bed.
Someone once told me suicidal people are not allowed in heaven. So let me go now and, when I get to the pearly gates, deny me entrance like all the others defeated before me. I beg you to do your job and cast me away, I do not deserve to become an exception. I ask for gentleness instead of forgiveness. It’s not a matter of pride, that’s definitely not my sin. I just happened to have been totally and utterly unprepared. Nobody told me it was meant to be this hard to fight a war I never enlisted to. I shall accept my fate, no complaints and no defying. Put me on that boat through the Styx and I will not oppose your decision whatsoever. Just send me downstairs and accommodate me on the rightful cage, because I’m tired of roaming around through earth with no place to go.
I’ve thought a lot about my destination so that you don’t think this isn’t a thoughtful decision. I thought a lot about hell. I believe hell is very human and probably very full. But, also, hell is right here, inside of my head. Hell sounds like the habit of drowning yourself in pills so that you can wake up in the morning or go back to sleep at night. Hell is time and its refusal to heal. But hell is, too, timeless and eternal, because it’s a cycle that never ends. Sometimes I think hell is just a joke to scare me into keeping a life that I wish I didn’t have. Maybe hell is the escape. Maybe it’s just the place where I pay for the lack of love I have for life. Maybe it’s salvation or damnation, or even both at the same time. Maybe it’s emptiness. I hope it’s emptiness, because I’m already full of all these awful things that constantly crawl from my heart to my brain.
I’m content with my judgment, I just can’t wait. The elders say that’s the problem of my generation: impatience. Some scholars call it anxiety, but I truly don’t care for names anymore. I was born with the weight of a monster on my shoulders and maybe, just maybe, death can actually do us part. It’s like this big grizzly bear made out of shadows and osmium that mounts in my back like a little kid playing with its parents. It doesn’t matter where you are, but it matters what you’re carrying inside. I carry too much of something that’s not mine. I didn’t ask to be here. I didn’t ask to be like this. I didn’t ask to be saved.
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fratricideknight · 7 months
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Good Knight, I have summoned you here because I have a task that only the most brave and noble of knights could complete. The quest is simple, I only ask that you be my valentine.
My lady... I am at an impasse. For I could not possibly accept nor reject Your Grace's request. I beg, forgive my impudence, but I find unbefitting of me your praise - brave, noble? For a humble servant such as myself to reach so far above his station, to love the lady whom he serves, is surely repugnant. Yet, before the all-seeing eyes of God, I must admit that I have many a time gazed upon you with intent unbefitting my station. Woe, how could a man of any status fail to recognise such beauty, such unwavering strength of character? I have tried to quell so contumelious desires, but now that you burden yourself to make such a request of a mere chevalier, I find my resolve utterly shaken. How could I possibly deny you anything, my lady? So is my excuse. It would surely be a sin to lie, however, and claim that I have not wished to ask the same of you in years past. Humbly, Your Grace, with a heart full to the brim of love not for God, but for my lady, I accept.
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