#So much cravings..
tim and damian alone in the manor one day when tim is feeling ungrounded and needs to sleep.
“damian i need you to lay on me”
“i’m feeling so out of my body right now i just need pressure”
damian watches at tim barely manages to put a sentence together and feels a little scared (scared is not the word i’m looking for it’s probably mild concern.) so he listens and kinda just flops his body down onto tim’s.
(they both end up asleep and dick still has the photographic evidence)
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ineed-to-sleep · 3 months
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Blacked out in front of my tablet and woke up with sketches of my Touchstarved mc + Kuras my beloved. woops
#I found out dr. kuras is 6'6 I said hold on lemme get a stool so I can climb this man#touchstarved#touchstarved game#touchstarved kuras#kuras#sleepyscribble#oc.emma#my mc is meant to be a self insert but also like. I wanted to come up w a design and character arc and everything jkvkvk#so I ended up basing her on my personality/looks but taking her into a direction that would fit the game#she's like. me but 'characterized' and a bit exaggerated for the sake of being a character yk#the way she turned out is that she's basically a friendly happy go lucky mage who laughs at her own misery but hides#a deep layer of self loathing underneath all that bc of her curse#having been cursed all her life she believes she's a monster and the sunny personality is a way for her to 'make up for it'#but at the same time she feels like a farse. like she's only luring ppl in to an inevitable demise#and she thinks she's selfish bc despite knowing the danger she poses she still goes out there and puts herself among ppl#bc she craves human connection. even tho she feels guilty for 'indulging' in it#anyway I love the cursed mc concept in this game <3 it's been really interesting to think abt how that would affect someone#also I kept her physical features looking pretty much like mine#bc I wanted to draw myself in a cute way. teehee#but the clothing I was basically thinking like. early game simple clothing that she didn't rlly pick for herself#and maybe later I can have an updated design w something she would actually pick for herself
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clownsuu · 1 year
What do you think about wally with fangs ewe?
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F I n a. L l y, an excuse to draw him with dientes-
feels very cursed but honestly it looks good on the ol puppet smhhh
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Lil doodles of the ol goblin-
Every time I look at reference photos for Howdy I get all happy kicking my feet in the air giggling smhh
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nerdy-talks · 10 months
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Solomon is directly confronting Mammon!
Solomon is calling Mammon out without any hesitation, and even has proof/evidence!
Solomon is so jealous..... Please marry me right now, my darling teacher!!! ;u;
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justaz · 29 days
thinking about arthur who has crazy quick reflexes and is a relatively light sleeper who woke up to the sound of someone in his room and saw merlin crouched down messing with his keys before softly asking “whatre you doing?…before breakfast?”
#like in that scene in s2 when merlin was calling out arthurs name from under his bed#and he jumped up (thinking merlin was long gone) grabbed his sword and postured for a fight#or that one in idk which season when merlin was sneaking in his room and he woke up and grabbed his sword when merlin bumped a chair#and then merlin brought the canopy/curtains around his bed down on him#vs waking up to see melin splayed over him and staring for a beat#before flinching back#(he was definitely having some thoughts and/or dreams but thats neither here nor there)#idk thinking about arthur who trusts merlin inplicitly and allows himself to lower his guard around him#his guard which he keeps up even in his sleep#GOD imagining them in an established relationship and merlin for once has /so/ much trouble waking arthur up#like before it was sorta bad but arthur was always in that half awake state#but now that theyre together….arthur wont even groan when merlin starts poking his ribs#arthur finally feeling so safe and protected that he allows his guard to drop in his sleep#and its the first time hes ever felt truly refreshed in the morning#so now merlin has infinitely more trouble waking him up but when hes up hes UP and ready to go#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#arthur bby they could never make me hate you#hes just a girl desperately craving love and protection#merlin isnt even offering it#hes shoving it into arthurs arms with insults flying off the tongue#theyre so disgusting#(affectionate)#<3#headcanon#head canon#hc
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dystopia-incognito · 3 months
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theostrophywife · 11 months
okay for fluff prompts with Eris I would love to see something where Eris is touch starved and desperate for affection from his mate/significant other
like you wanna be loved.
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author's note: i've been listening to a ton of ed sheeran lately hence this request being inspired by this song.
eris vanserra never learned how to be soft.
for his entire immortal existence, he was taught that affection was synonymous to weakness and to crave such things were beneath a future high lord. even after beron's demise, it was still hard for eris to admit that he desired that connection just like everyone else.
eris didn't realize how starved he was of affection until the first time you touched him. it was during the day of his coronation, in the great ballroom of the forest house. a crowd had gathered to see the high priestess place the rosewood crown upon his head. despite the fact that he had plotted and schemed his way into this exact moment for centuries, eris was terrified.
what if he was a terrible high lord? what if he failed his court? what if his greatest fear came true and he turned out to be exactly like his father?
eris would've spiraled into his thoughts had he not felt your fingers intertwining through his. the warmth of your hand anchored him to the present and his heart squeezed in his chest as he found you smiling up at him. the mating bond hadn't snapped yet, but at the back of his mind, eris had always known.
it was you. it had always been you.
"you're going to be the best high lord the autumn court has ever seen, eris."
"how can you be so sure?"
you tilted your head, brushing your thumb over his knuckles. "because i believe in you."
you had spoken with such conviction that it chased away all of his doubts. as he assumed his responsibilities as high lord, you became his constant. you were the anchor that brought him back to the present.
when he found himself frustrated during tense council meetings, you were there to squeeze his hand underneath the table. when he forgot to eat while toiling through the court's budget, you curled up on the couch with him, resting your leg atop his lap as you shared freshly baked bread and strawberry jam. and when the nightmares came, he let you hold him all through the night, focusing on nothing but the soft cadence of your breath and the warmth of your arms around him.
"you're always taking care of everyone," you said softly, brushing the hair out of his eyes. "it's okay to admit that you need to be taken care of too. let me be that for you, eris."
eris blinked, drinking your words in. he didn't think you realized what this moment meant to him. you were giving him permission to be vulnerable. you were teaching him that desiring love wasn't weak. in fact, it might have been the bravest and strongest that eris had ever felt.
vulnerability was uncharted waters, but for you, for his mate, he was willing to dive in headfirst. slowly but surely, your mate let you in and eris felt the sunlight of your love fill the dark corners of his calloused heart. before he could talk himself out of it, eris reached for you.
eris had kissed others before, but it had never been like this. his hands shook as he cradled your cheek. when your eyes met, there was such tenderness in his gaze that your chest tightened at the sight of him. his expression was raw and unguarded, like he was holding his heart in his hands and offering it up to you.
when his lips touched yours, eris felt like he had finally come home. your kisses were soft and tender, full of pining and yearning. he gently cradled your face and the thought that he was holding his entire world between his hands struck him just as you sighed in satisfaction. eris held you like he was afraid you might disappear. he kissed you again, long and deep this time before pressing his forehead against yours.
"you have to know," eris murmured, his voice full of passion and emotion. "surely you must know what you mean to me."
you smiled as tears blurred your vision. "i may have an inkling," you teased. "but it wouldn't hurt to hear you say it."
"i love you," eris said plainly as though he was reciting the infallible truth. as though his love for you had always been and will always be long after the world ceased existing. "i love you in a way that i never thought myself capable of. i love you as surely as the rising of the sun. i love you because you taught me that i could."
the tears fell as you looked up at eris. before you met him, love had always seemed like a vast concept that you would never be able to grasp, but now the word itself seemed inadequate to describe the gravity of what you felt for him.
"i love you too, eris." you placed his hand over your heart. "i love you so much that i don't think there's enough room in my heart to contain it."
eris closed his eyes and released a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. "i think you're my best friend."
you smiled in return. "i know you're my best friend and the love of my life."
"and the love of my life," eris repeated. "and every other life that i've ever existed in."
that four letter word—love. it hadn't been enough to describe whatever this was between you, but there was another that could. you and eris felt the exact moment that golden thread snapped between you.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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a doodle i finished somewhat
he looks cool with both sleeves up but also you cant see much of the pretty pattern inside it anymore :(
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nowarin · 10 months
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What do you mean that's not how it happened?
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just wanna sit in a dom's lap and make out while i grind down against his bulge, getting both of us more and more worked up, feeling his cock get harder and harder, seeing how long i can get away with it until he snaps
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
(Inej signs up for a class and asks Nina to join her so she’s not alone, but Nina doesn’t take it as seriously as Inej wants to)
Inej: Well yeah, fun is good, but I also wanted to learn! People are always talking about what they learnt in high school, and I never got to go to high school
Nina: Ohhhhh you really wanted to learn. Yeah, I just wanted to have fun.
Nina: You know who you should go with?
*cut to classroom*
Wylan, with his hand up: I know! I know! I know!
Teacher, exhausted: Wylan, you asked the question
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nattikay · 9 months
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[...] He presses a quick peck to her lips before crouching down until he’s level with her stomach. He leans forward and peppers kisses around her belly button, rubbing soothing circles against the extended skin with his hands. “And I missed you too, littlest one,” he whispers. “I wanna give the baby a kiss too!” Neteyam says, crowding against Jake to leave his own kiss on the curve of Neytiri’s belly. Jake laughs and scoots over, making room for the baby's big brother to show his love. Kiri shifts and leans into Neytiri’s side, causing Neytiri to wrap an arm around their daughter. Kiri places a hand on her mother’s belly and pats it gently as if reassuring the baby that she’s there and ready to be the best big sister possible. Lo’ak pushes himself under Jake’s arm and curls into his side – his little arms tight around Jake’s neck. He doesn’t offer to kiss or touch Neytiri’s belly. Out of all the kids, he’s the one struggling with the idea of a new sibling the most. Jake thinks it’s just because Lo’ak has been the baby for as long as he can remember and is afraid of his place in the family being usurped. Jake hopes that once the baby is born, Lo’ak will realize that he isn’t being replaced and grow to love his new sibling. [...]
-Chaos Theory by WriterInWhite
this scene was just sooooooooo cute, I had to draw it!! 😭 this is the kind of fic we need more of plz fandom im begging
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swordmaid · 2 years
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cers 👑👑
her pose is based off this screencap of shiv succession just because i thought it fits [:
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hoezier · 6 months
There's something at the tip of my tongue about the parallels between Jackie and Wilson and Who We Are
How the narrator of Jackie and Wilson wants to run away with a woman that he's carved out of his imagination based on a brief interaction. How they would try the world, but good god it wasn't for them. So they run away from it into a fantasy world where they live by their own rules.
And then comes the narrator of Who We Are, who dreamt his whole life of finding someone who would hold him like water or like a knife, only to find that running away from the world will only get them so far, since "the hardest part is who we are". And only to find out that the "phantom life" he's fantasized about is actually just that: a phantom. And its absence sharpens like a knife
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xulips · 10 months
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going out and getting ready with the tenmas !
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
vampire bats share mouthfuls of blood to other bats they’re close to if they weren’t able to feed and now i need old vampire!ghost sharing a bloody kiss with fledgling!soap, giving him mouthfuls of blood bc his fresh fangs are too sensitive to bite with
it’s been so long since he was turned that ghost’s forgotten the deep ache that comes with growing fangs and he almost worries when johnny goes to bite into the meal he’s brought him only to whimper and pull back; only the slightest pinpricks of a bite left in the man’s neck, barely enough to bring blood to the surface
it’s only when johnny whines and massages at his gums that ghost realises his oversight; crooning at his sweet mate in reassurance. he’s not upset that he couldn’t feed, at the unintentional rejection of his offering. he’ll make the pain stop
ghost pulls the man to his mouth and sinks in his fangs, sucking in a heavy mouthful and drops the now paralysed prey back to his feet; his throat steadily gushing with blood and spilling over his body
he cups johnny’s face, looking into his eyes, teary with pain and hunger, and purses his lips to carefully drip the blood into his mouth. the pain immediately vanishes from his eyes, replaced with pure bliss as he opens his mouth wide; curling his tongue to catch every drop. ghost presses his mouth to his in a hungry, blood-filled kiss; tongues twining together as they share the taste
johnny sucks the last of it from his lips and ghost guides him down to lap at the prey’s neck; licking up the blood he was too weak to draw himself. he’s ravenous with it, his whole face covered in red as he licks up the spill and suckles at ghost’s bite
ghost’s filled with an overwhelming pride at having provided for his mate in an even deeper way than just hunting for him. he spilled the blood johnny’s drinking; fed him in the most intimate way their kind knows and he’ll do it a hundred times over for his love
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