#So if ppl hate rampant self misdiagnosis (cannot relate personally bc I do not care but yknow)-
dogclownmuppetthing · 17 days
Man in all the 'haha you talk like this on the internet (place where you have veil of anonymity and the security to type/retype messages so they appear right) yet need to hype yourself up for a phone call' jokes I think we've forgotten that wow social anxiety is a debilitating disability huh Anxiety's become so "accepted" and "normalized" so people who do a lot to support mental illnesses (whether its just lipservice or otherwise idk) have kinda just gone 'lmao we All have it some people are just babies' like ? No !!! I should not be losing sleep and in physical pain because I have to make a phone call !!! Like anxiety physically hurts !!! It is good to push your comfort zones but this is like the only time people act like you're a wuss if you can dare be confident enough to be a little bit of a dipshit online but aren't putting yourself in physical pain to improve every single day idk Tangentially , I'm not mentioning the 'afraid to ask the cashier for ketchup' one bc its not relevant to me rn but also it just seems reasonable , this site is filled with mostly food service workers who at least at one point went "If you're a customer burn in hell forever I fucking hate you and hate my job" I think being afraid to ask any of yall for anything is common sense (said as someone who also worked a service job and felt equal amount of rage , admittedly)
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