#Snus Shop
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snushuseu · 1 year ago
Die wachsende Popularität von Edel Snus weltweit erforschen
Edel Snus, der bekannte Name in der Welt des rauchlosen Tabaks, schlägt weltweit Wellen. Die Beliebtheit von Edel Snus steigt, und Liebhaber aus aller Welt nehmen diese schwedische Tradition an. Online-Plattformen wie der Snus Shop auf Snushus.eu haben eine entscheidende Rolle dabei gespielt, Edel Snus einem globalen Publikum zugänglich zu machen.
Edel Snus ist seit Jahrzehnten ein fester Bestandteil der skandinavischen Kultur, wobei die Wurzeln bis nach Schweden zurückreichen. Diese Premium-Snus-Marke hat eine internationale Fangemeinde gewonnen, und hier ist der Grund dafür:
Außergewöhnliches Geschmacksprofil: Edel Snus bietet eine breite Palette von Geschmacksrichtungen, von klassisch bis innovativ. Die ausgeklügelte Mischung der Zutaten und die sorgfältige handwerkliche Verarbeitung ergeben ein außergewöhnliches Geschmacksprofil. Ob Sie den reichhaltigen und robusten Geschmack von traditionellem Snus oder das aufregende Abenteuer einzigartiger Geschmacksrichtungen bevorzugen, Edel Snus hat etwas zu bieten.
Qualität und Tradition: Edel Snus ist tief in der schwedischen Tradition verwurzelt. Mit einem starken Bekenntnis zur Qualität und einem altehrwürdigen Herstellungsprozess liefert es einen wahren Geschmack der Authentizität. Die Benutzer können die schwedischen Traditionen in jedem Beutel genießen.
Rauchfrei und diskret: Eine der Hauptattraktionen von Edel Snus ist seine rauchfreie und diskrete Natur. Die schlanken, komplett weißen Beutel bieten eine bequeme und unauffällige Möglichkeit, Nikotin zu genießen. Diese Eigenschaft macht ihn in verschiedenen Umgebungen gesellschaftsfähig.
Gesundheitliche Erwägungen: Edel Snus wird, wie andere Snusprodukte auch, von einigen als eine potentiell weniger schädliche Alternative zum Rauchen angesehen. Snus ist zwar nicht ohne gesundheitliche Risiken, aber viele Menschen halten ihn für eine geeignetere Alternative, insbesondere für diejenigen, die mit dem Rauchen aufhören wollen.
Die weltweite Popularität von Edel Snus wurde durch Online-Plattformen wie den Snus Shop auf Snushus.eu stark gefördert. Diese Website ist zu einer Anlaufstelle für Snus-Liebhaber geworden, die Edel Snus und andere Premium-Marken kaufen möchten. Die Bequemlichkeit des Online-Kaufs von Snus hat die Ausweitung der weltweiten Fangemeinde weiter vorangetrieben.
Edel Snus ist nicht nur eine Marke, sondern steht für schwedisches Erbe, Qualität und das Engagement, ein befriedigendes rauchfreies Erlebnis zu bieten. Seine wachsende Popularität über Skandinavien hinaus ist ein Beweis für seine außergewöhnliche Qualität und sein vielfältiges Geschmacksangebot.
Für alle, die die Welt von Edel Snus erkunden möchten, ist der Snus Shop auf Snushus.eu die ideale Plattform, um diese Reise zu beginnen. Entdecken Sie die reichen Traditionen und die hochwertige Handwerkskunst von Edel Snus und erleben Sie eine rauchlose Tabakoption, die die Herzen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt erobert hat.
Informationen zum Unternehmen:
Website: https://snushus.eu/
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snushus1 · 1 year ago
Erkundung des Online-Marktes: Velo Mint und die besten Orte, um Snus zu kaufen
Die Welt des Snus entwickelt sich weiter, und immer mehr Enthusiasten nutzen die Vorteile des Online-Einkaufs. Unter den zahlreichen Geschmacksrichtungen sticht Velo Mint als erfrischende und belebende Option hervor. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem zunehmenden Trend, Snus online zu kaufen, insbesondere mit den besten Verkaufsstellen für Velo Mint Snus.
Warum Snus online kaufen?
Der Online-Kauf von Snus, einschließlich Velo Mint, hat mehrere Vorteile:
Bequemlichkeit: Online-Snus-Shops bieten die Möglichkeit, bequem von zu Hause aus einzukaufen. Sie können stöbern, Ihre bevorzugten Produkte auswählen und sie sich nach Hause liefern lassen.
Vielfältigkeit: Online-Plattformen bieten oft eine größere Auswahl an Snus-Marken und Geschmacksrichtungen, darunter auch Velo Mint. Das bedeutet, dass Sie die Produkte erkunden und auswählen können, die Ihrem Geschmack am besten entsprechen.
Privatsphäre: Der Online-Kauf von Snus bietet ein diskretes und privates Einkaufserlebnis. Ihre Vorlieben und Einkäufe bleiben vertraulich.
Verfügbarkeit: Online-Shops wie snushus.ch verfügen in der Regel über einen konstanten Vorrat Ihrer Lieblings-Snus-Marken, so dass Sie jederzeit darauf zugreifen können.
Die besten Orte, um Velo Mint und Snus online zu kaufen
Wenn es darum geht, Velo Mint und andere Snus-Sorten online zu kaufen, ist die Auswahl einer zuverlässigen und seriösen Plattform entscheidend. snushus.ch ist eine hervorragende Wahl für Snus-Liebhaber. Hier ist der Grund dafür:
Qualitätssicherung: Snushus legt großen Wert auf Qualität und Authentizität. Snushus bezieht seine Produkte von vertrauenswürdigen Herstellern, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie echten und frischen Snus erhalten.
Große Auswahl: Snushus bietet eine große Auswahl an Snusmarken, Geschmacksrichtungen und Stärken. Dazu gehört auch Velo Mint, so dass Sie verschiedene Optionen erkunden und diejenige finden können, die Ihren Vorlieben entspricht.
Bequeme Bestellung: Die benutzerfreundliche Website von Snushus macht die Bestellung von Velo Mint und anderen Snusprodukten zu einem Kinderspiel. Die Plattform ist für ein nahtloses Einkaufserlebnis konzipiert.
Schnelle Lieferung: SnusHus weiß, wie wichtig eine pünktliche Lieferung ist. Ihre Snus-Bestellungen, einschließlich Velo Mint, werden schnell versandt und erreichen Sie ohne unnötige Verzögerungen.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Velo Mint zu einer begehrten Wahl unter Snus-Liebhabern geworden ist, und die Bequemlichkeit des Online-Kaufs von Snus hat diesen Trend noch verstärkt. snushus.ch ist eine zuverlässige Plattform, die eine Vielzahl von Snus-Optionen anbietet, einschließlich Velo Mint, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Qualität und Kundenzufriedenheit. Die Erkundung des Online-Marktes für Snus bietet eine Fülle von Optionen, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihre Lieblingsgeschmacksrichtungen zu genießen, ohne den Komfort Ihres Hauses zu verlassen.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie unsere Website: https://snushus.ch/
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satellitecock · 4 days ago
Intrarectal Eucharist & People's Liberation Botanicals
I got fired from my job. I am broken beyond repair. I've been caught smoking cigarettes through my nose before, but not with diarrhea in my pants.
So, what is next for Trevor? Well, I'm gonna start a shop for the real "heads". We talking THC, kratom, nicotine, AND their respective anal accessories handmade in my attic. Intrarectal drug delivery is just about to blow up on TikTok, I know it.
My headshop is also going to double as a catholic church, but I'm not sure if it's going to be sanctioned by the Vatican. Whatever, fuck them, they're compromised by both revisionists & traditionalists who seek to destroy our rectal future.
I will also give classes teaching my own personal synthesis of the holy scriptures, Mao Zedong Thought, and psychopharmacology. These classes cost nothing and will be held guerilla-style in front of my local "sanctioned" catholic church at 7 AM, a few hours before they actually open.
It's an exciting future, everyone. I'm pouring some green drank up in celebration!
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rafey-baby · 2 months ago
stepdad!rafe being gross about his stepdaughter…
c/w: stepcest, kinda angsty, slight somnophilia & some dubcon fingering, use of dad, 18+ mdni!
wc: 880
if this is something u don’t like, scroll & read something else xx 
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Her relationship with her stepdad has always been rather strange.  
But she’s never really minded, because it felt nice to have someone fill that hollow pit inside her, the one that’s always been there, haunting her ever since her father left when she was just a little girl. An itch she could never quite scratch.  
It didn’t help that her mother was never exactly present in her life either— always too busy with work or looking for solace from the bottom of a wine bottle or blaming her for everything wrong in her life.
She was sixteen when her mom brought Rafe home for the first time. And she never quite understood why he had married the woman in the first place— why he filed for divorce only after she’d moved out for uni, and not the moment he found out his wife wasn’t spending all those late nights in the office, but instead in the bed of a stranger.
However, she didn’t much care for his reasons because he’d always been more of a parent to her than the people who were supposed to. She always secretly wished he would’ve been her real dad— not just someone she assumed felt obligated to take her under his wing when he found out how horribly she’d been treated all her life.  
That’s why she never really paid too much attention to his lingering touches or the borderline controlling tendencies that always seemed to fizzle to the surface whenever she’d do something he deemed bad. She was just happy that she finally had someone who made her feel safe, protected. What more could she really ask for? 
It felt nice when someone cared. 
And now, even if she’s legally an adult and capable of making her own decisions, she prefers when Rafe makes them for her. After all, is it so wrong to just want to be taken care of?  
Because university was a lot. And the never-ending deadlines, assignments and all the late nights she spent trying to understand something she just couldn’t, had grown into this hurricane inside of her. It swallowed up everything that once made life beautiful and worth living; hiding them away from her, until she was crying to her phone nearly every night with her daddy on the other end, trying to calm her down, but to no avail.  
And she could only take it for so long until one day, she was knocking on the door of Rafe’s brand new house with tear-soaked eyes and a suitcase— his strong arms wrapped tightly around her the only thing able to placate her in months because with him, everything felt secure.  
And she liked spending time with him and living on the island, had even gotten a weekend job at a surf shop (despite his protests) because she wanted to do something useful, something other than loitering around the house that felt more like a spooky mansion whenever he was at work.  
The empty hallways and her spacious bedroom were especially unsettling at night when she’d had a bad dream— more often than not making her tiptoe over to Rafe’s bedroom with a pout, asking if she could sleep there instead. ‘Of course you can, sweetheart’ he’d always murmur; voice gravelly with sleep and already making space for her under the covers…
Then one night, as she’s peacefully snoozing off in his warm embrace, his fingertips slip past the waistband of her fleecy pajama bottoms— merely grazing at the smooth skin of her lower tummy, telling himself he’s just trying to do something with his hands so sleep could find him faster.
That’s until he notices she’s not wearing any panties, getting an insatiable urge to tuck his fingers between her soft thighs— already meeting a sticky mess there. After all, he only has so much self-control around the innocent little angel he swears was sent from heaven just for him to taint; to ruin.  
And it’s not like she seems to mind with the way she snuggles closer to him in her sweet slumber; the round of her ass pressing closer and closer against his crotch with every unconscious shift of her hips.  
Only when he begins mindlessly thumbing at her clit, does she stir— drowsy voice panicky when she mumbles out something inaudible.  
“Shh. S’just me, relax, yeah?” he hushes her, wet fingertips rubbing lazy circles over her weepy cunt when she whines— a complaint already blossoming on her tongue, something about him being gross, no doubt.  
“Is dad not makin’ you feel nice?” he coos, other hand dragging her closer with a grip on her thigh when she tries to pull away.  
“This is— you shouldn’t…” she stumbles over her words, trying to wriggle away from his overwhelming touch.   
“Shh, what do I always tell you, hm?” he clicks his tongue, his hold firm as he coaxes her to tell him what he wants to hear.  
Momentarily, she gets distracted from squirming around as she searches through her fuzzy brain before whispering out the answer. “…dad knows what’s best.” 
“There you go, that’s m’girl,” he breathes out, pressing a gentle kiss to the apple of her cheek as a reward— smiling against the skin when she lets out a muffled whimper, because his hands do feel nice.
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year ago
[SMUT] TWICE Dahyun x Male Reader - "Conquered By An Abomination"
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Here's my final one-shot for this year which is another smut fic featuring Dahyun. I want to say that I'm pretty proud and impressed at myself for being able to catch up on the 4th quarter after being too busy during July-October. This fic has got to be one of my experimental and unique works that I decided to try writing, because the concept that you're about to see here was never been done by me before, meaning that this my first-time writing it. Please understand and pardon me if this one turns out to be not suitable to the liking of some, as I feel like this might not be everyone's cup of tea. Enjoy reading and celebrate a Happy New Year with your loved ones, please!
Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too!  Buy knightyoomyoui a Coffee. ko-fi.com/knightyoomyoui - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page. TRIGGER WARNING: contains R+18 mature content, smut WORD COUNT: 4,500+ TAGS: abduction, aphrodisiac, tentacles, rough sex, monster fucking, gangbang, breast play, deepthroating, ass filling, creampie
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On Friday, November 13, astrophysicist Dr. Kim Dahyun and her research team went from Busan to Seoul to visit a location where they were tasked with conducting a comprehensive examination.
Based on radar data from their headquarters, it was seen that around midnight yesterday, an object that seems to be a fragment of an asteroid or comet crashed into the vicinity of Seoul.
Their chief professor and mentor at the research lab gave them the order to report any unusual sightings they came across there before calling the military and defense squad to seize control of the area and place it under lockdown, keeping everyone outside of the sector out.
Dahyun and her group entered the hidden area through their vehicle, bypassing the main road and making their way to the designated site. They made the decision to park close to the danger zone as they were leaving the road so they could more easily reach the astronomical devices inside.
"So what's this anomaly of yours supposed to look like?" One of her intern graduated to SNU, YN LN asked her after arranging all the panels around the van.
"It's almost the same as what we used to find from the sky, but this one was the first to do the unthinkable." Dahyun answered, wiping her eyeglasses. "The record says that it's like a small shooting star that emerged from the sky, but the impact it left when it came contact here almost triggered a mild earthquake."
"So that's why the sent us in." He responded, nodding his head understandably.
Dahyun turns her head around, acknowledging her other assistant who is testing some devices that they will equip on their hands outside. "Uhm, Minyoung excuse me for a sec will you?"
"Yes, Miss Kim?"
"Can you grab for me that gloves beside the first cabinet?" She pointed at the direction. Minyoung saw it and unhesitantly passed it to her. "Thanks."
"Are you guys good now?" She checked on her accomplices. They signalled her with a positive note. "Okay, let's take a look what they have in store for us."
After getting out of the van, they began to swing the tall leaves that were obstructing their view and path on the verdant field. They weren't even gone from their car for that far when they observed something startling.
The three researchers were welcomed with a bald area on the top portion of the field, which was produced by a big crater on the land. The leaves that were impacted by the collision scattered across the hole.
"This looks huge." YN exclaimed with a gasping mouth. "Are you all sure it's just a thin shooting star-like that appeared yesterday?"
"It is. They even presented it to me." Dahyun explained. "The anomalies here would be always associated to the geological condition here. I have a chart that describes everything we have encountered for these past few years and I've never seen anything like this that an unknown object also gave us a hard time dealing with a quake."
"We better get starting now because to be honest, this is getting really unpredictable to the minute and I couldn't understand what's going on as long as we see it ourselves." Minyoung suggested. Dahyun and YN looked at her and they were both convinced. YN planted a huge nail beside the crater and wrapped a rope around it that will serve as their handle when going down to the crater.
As the three of them made it below. They began to look around and observe deeply the surfaces. Minyoung kneels down and poked a stick on a gross material, forming a disgusted expression on her face. "Uhh guys, take a look at this."
Dahyun and YN came towards her. "Does this remind you of something?" Minyoung said as she twirled and flipped it around, almost like she's playing on it.
"Is that an eggshell?" YN asked, furrowing his brows at the black and velvet-colored thin piece swimming at a pool of gooey substance.
"Could be. Just look at the fluids around that probably came from this." Dahyun said, mentioning the slime. They garnered their eyes more at their surroundings, there were even bigger ones that what Minyoung has found and they were also mostly covered with a slime.
"Get away from that, Minyoung-ah. Don't you see how disgusting it is?!" YN scolded his friend. He started to cover his nose too with his shirt. "And do you guys smell that?"
"Yeah, it's bad." Dahyun clenched her face in dislike. "Feels like there's a rotting organ in here."
"Wait, so are we gonna conclude right away that we just discovered a cracked egg?" YN said. He scoffed and rubbed his face. "Am I correct at what I think this might mean?"
"No, YN. We're just getting started here. We are researchers we came here to finish our task and not do it in rush just because we're in an unsettling situation right now." Dahyun protested. "We don't jump into conclusions right away."
"S-sorry, Prof." YN bowed his head. "It's just.. I'm sensing something wrong in here."
"YN, let's just wish it would not happen at all. Okay?"
YN looked at Dahyun's comforting and calm demeanor. He nodded shyly. "Yes, Ms. Kim."
Snapping a few photos of the scene, Dahyun gave Minyoung and YN the order to take everything out of the van that would be necessary for them to make a report and gather any evidence that they would find here. Dahyun borrowed a tracker and used it to glide around the crater's borders while they did so.
The tracker bumped against a tall leaf, and the alarm began to sound loudly. After receiving an alert, Dahyun was perplexed as to what it had discovered. Before she caught anything, she inspected the dirt and leaves in the area.
The leaves did not have sharp, pointed ends. Rather, it appears as though the flower has grown directly onto the leaf, utilizing it as a stem or something unexplainable. Dahyun thought it was rather strange to see a flower extending through the body of the leaves itself.
She stepped back to wipe the dust off her face as the flower burst some sprinkle of nectar on her face as she reached out to touch it. She held her tracker again while she coughed, but she quickly figured out that it was unresponsive.
"There's got to be some power or equipment malfunction" Dahyun hissed on the device as she carried it. "Minyoung! YN! I need a help on-"
Dahyun was about to walk back on the van when suddenly she went out of balance and slipped through the crater. When she was about to get up, she saw the van fleeted upwards to the sky, a hole was formed on the bottom of the vehicle before it splitted in half when it crashed on the ground. Her heart shattered she heard it explode.
She wasn't devastated because of the vehicle, but because of the fact that two of her colleagues were inside that van when it exploded. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" she shouted at the horrific sight from outside the crater.
Dahyun ran through the ropes and hurriedly climbed but she started getting drowsy and lightheaded, her body losing it sense until it managed to get her out of the grip from the rope, sending her unconscious inside the crater.
Right after she snapped out, the ground she's laying at started to flow like waves.
Dahyun woke up hours later, but not without a clue on her, as her mind was still rebooting from what happened to her earlier. Her eyes opened, and there she witnessed herself sitting in the middle of what it seems to be a cave.
She slowly risen up to her feet, her feet stumbled a bit as she felt a dull ache on her head once again. Rubbing it to ease it off atleast, Dahyun breathed deeply before returning back her attention on her current situation of getting stuck.
She couldn't find any light that would provide her to a clearer vision of everything around her. Nervous and desperate to find a route to escape, Dahyun had no other choice but to walk around and explore for a route way out.
"HELPPP!!! ANYBODY OUT THERE CAN HEAR ME?!" Dahyun pleaded as loud as she can reach on her voice. "MINYOUNG? YN? WHERE ARE-"
She paused as she recalled earlier seeing their van where her two assistants were staying in. Her emotions overtook her, releasing teardrops across her face. She also began to feel guilty, thinking that she should have ordered them to go back inside and fetch all of their equipment on her behalf.
Maybe if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't led both her friends on their own demise. Dahyun sobbed heavily as she repeated calling their names in agony.
She slammed her hand accidentally on some surface. Dahyun probably guessed it a wall where she could support herself while trailing along the cave. She took the opportunity, caressing and patting it.
However, Dahyun noticed something different. It was rough, soft, and quite sticky as she could describe. She tried to smell it, and it brought her to a familiar rotten organ smell she, Minyoung, and YN had depicted earlier.
"Huh? What is this?" Dahyun questioned herself where she is also the only one who could find the answer. With one more pat onto the strange wall, she noticed the entire area start to glow including the one where she is touching.
She roamed her eyes around, and it made her tensed to learn that she does indeed correct on her being stuck inside a cave right now, but rather everything that blocks her from the possibility of escaping is covered with unidentified type of organs.
There was a dark area on the far end just right in front of Dahyun's direction. She could swear that she had a glimpse of something that just moved there and disappeared from the shadows in a few second. "WHO'S T-THERE?!" she shouted as she started having suspicions in her mind.
Taking few steps ahead to check out what it is, a loud roar put her into halt before she was about to scream in terror. She fell on her butt and her breathing goes faster, wondering what kind of a monstrous noise she just heard.
She then saw something emerging from the drak shadows. In her utmost bewilderment and panic, an abomination has appeared in front of her, standing tall with its bulbous, humungeous and very disfigured appeareance.
It's size is like almost half of the space of the cave they're occupying, and Dahyun was in complete disbelief that the fear of YN he was trying to refer a while ago has unfortunately manifested into reality. A beast from the space or in other term made by humans ourselves, called aliens- are real in Dahyun's universe.
"D-don't come closer to me!" Dahyun tensefully said as she starts to crawl away from the monster. It blabbered some unusual noises that almost formed some inaudible words while shaking its head madly, and after that, Dahyun saw something popping out of its body.
Two slimy tentacles just came out from each sides and began crawling through Dahyun to reach each of her ankles and get wrapped. She then felt her body being dragged closer to the monster and Dahyun repeatedly yelled, begging for it to stop while tugging the tentacles with all the force she could apply to yank it off, only to end up with no effect.
As Dahyun was placed almost inches away from the gigantic alien creature, she has finally accepted her fate of being helpless and in danger. Tears filled with nothing but negative emotions streamed out of her eyes before the monster blew out some gas that has a color similar to the nectars that were sprayed on her by an infected plant earlier.
After she smelled it, she soon finds her body growing into a sense of arousal that urges her horny feelings to activate. She tried to endure it but she could swear that her skin were releasing more sweat and her pussy and her nipples are starting to become sensitive.
The tentacles must've found the lustful sensation brewing inside of her, and they took the perfect timing as one of them starts to slid through her pencil skirt and lift it up her tummy before it traces her pussy through the soaked panty. It's partner focused on her clothed breasts, bumping it and feeling its softness as it bounces.
Several more tentacles were released from the creature, but this time with various sizes and colors. Some were lighter or darker, some where thicker or thinner. The thin ones snaked through her sleeve and forcefully spreaded her top, revealing her white strapped bras containing her milky tits.
The rest then helped to remove her skirt, exposing her into half naked with her matching pair of white bra and panties. "NOOO! PLEASE, DON'T DO IT!" Dahyun pleaded until she unexpectedly released a sultry moan when a fast tentacle moves through her cheek and rubs itself on her skin.
All the tentacles starts to wrap around on her meaty thighs and slender arms in order to suspend her in mid-air. Their touch becomes even more satisfying and felt relaxing to Dahyun despite how denial the words coming out of her mouth.
Being half-naked and spreaded in front of the creature's ugly looking face, the tentacle then moved from her cheek to her lips as it continues to rub across Dahyun's pretty face. Her lips starts to pucker and the effects of the strange gas which was probably aphrodisiac as Dahyun guessed, made her more susceptible as it clouded her mind with lust and temptation.
She starts kissing the tentacle before it slid through her mouth, she sucks on it like it was a cock entering on her.
The other tentacles started to become bold also. They tugged and remove her bras and panties, finally making her naked. There's these suction cups- like tentacles went to crept up on her torso to her underboobs, feeling her perky tits bounce on their motions before its lips opened and sucked on her hardened pinky nipples.
Thinner tentacles spreaded her walls, assisting the thicker tubular object crawl and enter her tight pussy. It effectively brought another relieving feeling on Dahyun's aroused body, moaning in rhythm to the tentacle's barging on her constricted hole.
Their movements became faster and rougher, including the suction cups almost biting her nipples then returning to lick on it like there were supposed to have milk leaking out of Dahyun's breasts.
Due to the sudden increase of pace, it also din't allow more time for the tentacles to reach their limit. Despite her little efforts and strength to shake them off their body, Dahyun uncontrollably welcomes their slimy liquid that probably resembles to a man's cum, into her warm throat and womb.
She lets out a poor groan and whimper, sniffling in fear of what it could bring her after when she watched the odd colors and thickness of their cum flowing out of her. She hoped it would not cause her to get pregnant, especially if it would mean that she would breed an abnormal hybrid that sets aparts from what a normal baby should look like.
Desire is what Dahyun could just accept within her, disturbing and letting out the pleasure she has long kept to seek any solutions for it. First load wasn't enough for the tentacles howsoever, as she felt the tentacles changing their hold on her limbs to prepare her for a next position.
Still hanging from the mid-air, Dahyun's body was forced to bend, with her backdoor being the one facing the beast. The tentacles spreaded her legs, causing her cheeks and puffy pussy to open a little.
With her arms around her back, Dahyun endured all the harsh slaps of the thicker tentacles to each of her curvy asscheeks. She lost the count of how many times they played on it, too obsessed on how soft and big enough for it to give comfort on these creatures.
Funtime didn't lasted longer as they went already to the next move. She felt the girthy pair pounding both her asshole and pussy, fucking them simultaneously. Her body went back and forth at their movement.
The suction cups returned to play on her breats, tugging on her nipples and stretching them as farther her endurance could take. Dahyun hissed in a mixture of pain and pleasure only because it aided the abuse her tits were being applied at when she felt something gliding through her entire back.
She turned her head around and witnessed the alien sticking out its wide and long tongue slurping the taste of of the sweat forming across her back view.
The thick tentacles reached their climax, exploding a second amount of load to her love holes. Dahyun huffed at the unmatched energy of these active creatures using her body for pleasure.
As they release from her ass and pussy. She was repositioned again. She was now facing the monster completely before she gulped when she realized what she was about to suffer next.
A huge- like literally- gigantic cock, probably measuring around 14 or 15 inches in size unbeatable to any men's size around the world, is ready to explore Dahyun's innards. Dahyun wiggled her legs, afraid that she might break from being unable to take his girth.
But again, she is outnumbered with numerous tentacles attached to her body, imprisoning her from any attempts of escaping, even though she has no other palns anymore as the aphrodisiacs are still in full effect on her.
Their strength pressed Dahyun's body to the awaiting cock. Due to its massive size it struggled to enter Dahyun's tight little pussy before it succeeded, only for the poor scientist to scream and grit her teeth in a shocking pain while the creature twitched and produced more creepy noises.
Thankfully, it didn't last long as the impressive pleasure began to take over her body when the monster started ramming his cock on her pussy, demolishing her womb inside. She went crazily bouncing on its crotch. Dahyun's eyes are completely white, with her pupils now rolled at the back at the intense pace of fucking she's receiving.
Her mouth began to lustfully agape, with her tongue sticking out as the monster cock continues to push deeper across Dahyun's walls. Her ass starts to create loud claps around the cave as it hits the alien's crotch repeatedly.
The giant cock stuffed into her pussy then pulsated, as it erupted a terrifying amount of dirty white cum almost inflating Dahyun's stomach like she is about to be mistakenly identified as pregnant, before it slowly slid out of her pussy, allowing the rest of the load to explode out of her abused hole.
The tentacles lets go of her body, releasing Dahyun on the ground, which gave her time to rest for a while. She panted heavily and speechless at the rough fucking she just had with the monster alien. She couldn't deny that there might be no other man she would ever met that would match the performance of what this monster has showed to her.
All of the tentacles and the bulbous cock slowly erected again the more the creature stares at Dahyun's messy and sticky nude body lying on the floor. They decided to proceed with the last action, as they focus once again on her nether regions.
Lifting her up, they spreaded her arms and legs again and faced her closer to the creature. The suction cups slowly crawled on her back then cupped her full breasts from behind. Dahyun whined and moaned at the relaxing and tickly feeling it gives. One tentacle went through her tongue, a pair goes back to her pussy and asshole.
There was a twist added again coming from the idea of the monster. Wanting to give every single part of her body that could provide a purpose of satisfaction to this monster's desire, they let go of Dahyun's hands and two tentacles caressed her fingers.
Dahyun sensed their hidden message for doing that and finding out the answer, she formed a fist and gripped the tentacles, stroking them like she would do to a male cock.
All of her body and now functioning properly following the monster's command. Dahyun's mind is full of sex. She has been hypnotized and manipulated too much by the pleasure and sensation that the creature has been passing through her using its ability to fuck her senseless and take her breath away.
The thick tentacles had her overpowered and weak from the way they drill through her holes as deeper as they could get. Dahyun felt her neck bulging as the tentacle gave her a deep throat, her clit being scrubbed by a tentacle with a brush-like end on it to add more pleasure, and the other tentacle wiggling around her ass.
They all began to pull the trigger of increasing the speed while they all moved in unison, their grip on her skin went tighter as they felt this familiar tightness in their system, approaching the climax of their endurance. Dahyun squirted her juices again and spasmed at her own orgasm, resulting to her walls clamping on the tentacles more.
Few more waves, pumps and strokes they gave and finally they executed their final blow, releasing their cum flowing through her throat, ass and pussy simultaneously, as she switches through gags and moans. The two other tentacles enwrapped on her fists splashed their warm sticky liquid on her arms and side of her face.
The rest of the tentacles joined, painting Dahyun's entire body with the rest of the cum flowing and leaking out of its ends. As they finished, the tentacles crawled around Dahyun's skin, giving her body a nice calming massage to ride out their lengthy session of sex and intense orgasms they shared.
Dahyun couldn't opened her eyes wide anymore as she knew she's completely drained now. The creature slowly laid her back on the ground with her body entirely covered with cum. She also weakly spitted and coughed out some from her mouth after unable to swallow all of the load down to her filled tummy.
Now that she can have her rest, Dahyun slowly shuts her eyes as she went unconscious, while the tentacles continue to caress her hair gently and massage her body, especially her addicting round tits, as they wiped away all the stuffs around her pearly skin.
When she woke up again from her long slumber, she found herself lying on a hospital bed with her body now clothed in a hospital gown.
Realizing that she is now in a hospital and two familiar people sleeping with their head resting beside her bed, she concluded that after everything that happened to her, she was now free and safe from that creature she encountered.
She gasped and shuddered as she remembered what it did to her, it awakened her parents and quickly hugged her in response to her fine state. "Oh thank God you're okay.", her mother said.
"How are you feeling, daughter?" Mr. Kim checked up on her. "It's been days you were confined. We were really worried that something worse could happen."
"I-I'm alright… I'm just… still tired." Dahyun said in a weak tone. Her eyes became watery when she remembered Minyoung and YN. "Mom… Dad, we-… we got ambushed. They didn't make it, it's my fault." she said as her lips trembled.
"No, daughter. Don't blame yourself, we know you can't do such bad thing with whole intention. I know you." Mrs. Kim said, rubbing her palms to calm down her poor daughter.
"We heard what happened to you and your team, Dubu. We're sorry." Her father stated in sympathy. "But we couldn't help ourselves to be thankful that we have been given a miracle to have you still here, safe and sound."
"I missed you, Mom… Dad." Dahyun holds her mother's hand and looked them in the eyes tenderly. "I thought I wouldn't make it."
"Oh, by the way. If you may be wondering how did we managed to get you here, it's all thanks to your workmates. They sent a rescue on the location where they found you lying on a grass field with your…. dress torn up covering your body." Her father gulped and lowered his head in regret at the last words. Dahyun just furrowed her brows, couldn't recall that part.
Dahyun saw her mom getting choked up on her emotions. She pressed her hands on her own and stared at her eagerly. "Dubu, answer me with all honesty. Okay?"
Dahyun just listened attentively on what her mom's about to ask. "W-who did this to you?"
Their conversation were interrupted when the door opened. Two men appeared in a room, in which Dahyun speculated that it's a doctor and the other one works in the military.
"Pardon to interrupt, Mr. and Mrs. Kim but this gentleman right here is taking a visit and… to ask for a request for the both of you." The doctor said. He looked at his patient, his face lightened in relief. "Oh, you're Miss Dahyun right? Good thing that you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Fined, doc." Dahyun replied.
"Is there anything you need from us, sir…?" her mother asked.
"General Knight Yoo of the Seoul Military Army. Greetings to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Kim." the military man introduced himself to the family, performing a salute gesture. "Yes, I actually would like to speak with your daughter."
They all looked at Dahyun who became curious at the acknowledgement. "For what, sir?"
"It's regarding to that research that your team embarked near outside Itaewon." Knight elaborated. Dahyun's eyes widened in astonishment as his words struck those memories of her on that given time to repeat in cycle on her mind, including that one awful experience that she had.
"Your faculty cooperated with us in order to seek help when they lost their line to your team. We went through an investigation at that site and we found something… threatening, and we assume that since you're the only survivor in the incident confirmed yet, we would like you to enlighten us as we interrogate you about what actually happened."
Dahyun pursed her body forward slight from leaning on the bed, her face showed a puzzled expression. "Wait, what do you mean 'yet'?"
General Yoo maintained his intrigued stare at the patient. "Ms. Bae Minyoung's remains were found by the forensic team but your other accomplice, Mr. YN LN is still nowhere to be found but some of his torn out clothing were seen inside a cave. We will give it one week before we rule him as deceased."
Dahyun's switched looks at the four people gathered around her before she lured away her eyes filled with hope for her friend's disappearance from them.
Her traumatic experience of being conquered by an abomination should've brought her instantly to cooperate with the armed forces as they requested for her to stand up as the witness and part of the evidence in this important matter.
But rather, she's conflicted about what she should consider telling to them.
The idea of the alien monster who also amazingly pleasured her beyond the edge, disregarding the actual peculiar possibility behind the monster's odd behavior when she was held captive which failed for Dahyun to intepret; made her think twice on the decision she has to unveil.
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jaemified · 1 year ago
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last christmas | part 2
“this year, to save me from tears ; ill give it to someone special.”
❆ pairing ; strangers to ?? park gunwook x fem reader
❆ genre ; fluff, slight drama +(ft taesan/jaehyun of bnd and yunjin of lsrfm ^^)
❆ warnings ; swearing, and kinda toxic relationships
❆ wordcount ; 2.4k
❆ synopsis ; beginning your second year of college and you feel youve hit rock bottom. on your own after your ex kicked you out, and taking on a seasonal job at a christmas shop to pay off student loans? everythings gone to shit. but then, you see him for the first time. and you realize there really was a little light in the darkness — your someone special.
♡ kona speaks ! - vaguely follows the plot of the film last christmas (2 part story)
read below the cut !
you cant say you were all to proud of yourself now.
sure, you were a pretty incredible student by high school graduation, with a 3.9 gpa and all (not to mention making it to seoul national university with your beloved boyfriend).
but, that was a year ago.
who wouldve thought it was possible for your life to go so far downhill, in just a span of roughly over 12 months?
your parents had found a better job opportunity in london, but your mom wanted you and your brother to be nearby.
meaning doing so without running it by you of course, which led to her enrolling you into imperial college as a foreign transfer student.
your boyfriend was pretty upset, but nevertheless, followed you despite your best efforts telling him not to (which meant him forfeiting his scholarship at snu).
once your family first heard he would follow suit to london, they gave you an ultimatum. and stupidly, you chose love over family.
they never approved of him anyway.
it was fine for the meanwhile.
at least until you broke up, and he decided to place the blame on you.
it was your flat you bought with your own money anyway. what did he ever do for you? how dare he kick you out of your own home!
you watched while gyuvin pulled your luggage out the closet, pushing it towards you.
“what the hell are you doing!” you exclaimed as he began to pull your clothes off hangers and throw them towards your direction.
“helping you leave.” he muttered.
“what did i even do? you just wake up one day and decide its my fault you followed me to another continent despite me saying you shouldnt? i told you not to leave your dreams behind, and you chose to ignore me!”
“well maybe you didnt try hard enough! i just know that i dont feel the same about you now as i did then.”
“so thats it?” you scoffed. “you realize this is my apartment? i pay the rent. you just practically live here for free. you cant just kick me out of my own home!”
he only ignored you and shoved piles upon piles of clothing into 2 separate suitcases, before gently escorting you to the door.
“gyuvin. gyuv! kim gyuvin! you cant just leave me here!” you begged.
“im sorry y/n. but its over. maybe if you hadnt taken all that mattered to me we couldve worked out.” gyuvin spoke before slowly closing the door, leaving you out in the cold wearing only pajamas.
“what the fuck am i supposed to do now..” you whispered to yourself, thinking of the only possible places to go.
sure your number of options was minimal, but you began with the only person you thought you could count on anyway.
“what the hell are you doing here?” taesan expressed in shock while he stared at you standing at his front door.
“need somewhere to crash.. surprise?” you shrugged jokingly, trying to lighten the mood as you and your brother werent on the brightest terms.
“goodbye y/n.” he sighed as he turned to lock you out.
“han taesan you let me in this instant! you cant just leave me to die in the middle winter!” you exclaimed, stepping through the door frame so it couldnt close.
“wheres gyuvin?” he scoffed. “i mean, youre the one who left me with mom and dad to buy a house for him anyway.”
“we broke up. blamed me and said i was the reason he lost everything in seoul or whatever. and he still kicked me out of MY home.”
taesan let out a heavy breath, looking around before pushing the door out more for you to walk through.
“..you mean it?” you pondered hesitantly.
“i suppose. i know we warned you about him and all, but youre still my baby sister.” he half heartedly grinned, pointing his head in the direction of his hallway as a gesture for you to come in.
you knew he was still mad at you despite not showing it, but knowing your brother, hes still someone who you could rely on in any situation.
“yeah. and uh- just a heads up, i still live with jaehyun and leehan, plus we dont have an extra room so.. we’ll just figure it out later.”
“thank you.”
a week later and you were doing better than before. though it wasnt easy to forget the incident, you still managed with the new living situation and all.
you woke up bright and early the following morning for work, ready to sell christmas ornaments for the rest of your life under your boss, huh yunjin, as you were now on break from school.
considering jaehyuns bed wasnt all too comfortable, you still slept pretty well. youre grateful he took the couch for you during that first week. ‘maybe ill get him something as a thank you.’
“what are you doing up so early?” taesan asked, holding off on the toast he was about to eat as he watched you rush downstairs.
“got work. not like dads willing to pay student loans anymore right?”
“the christmas shop, still?” jaehyun asked from his seat on the couch.”
“cant have a full time job as a full time student. it just worked out while im on christmas break.”
your brother nudged you in your stomach, motioning for you to thank his friend for his deed.
“-oh and thanks for taking the couch. i owe you. if you want food or anything ill cover the cost and pick it up in return.” you continued.
“its fine. i get it, the last few days were rough. dont worry about it.” he smiled.
after a quick 10ish (or so) minute walk to the street side store you worked at, you realized you were about 5 minutes past the time you were meant to clock in for your shift.
walking into the store, it was no surprise it was already crowded by 8:36am seeing as christmas was 2 weeks away now.
“y/n! y/n get over here! where is your uniform?” yunjin questioned as more of a whisper yell.
before you got the chance to reply, she quickly cut you off and said, “nevermind that. just please hurry to change and come help me with all these people!”
you wave off her dismissive behavior, and speed walk to the bathroom, making sure to pass the lockers to grab your uniform on the way.
“i forgot how itchy this was..” you grumble as you slip on the ugly elf costume yet again before leaving to the front desk.
“welcome in! please let us know if theres anything you need help with!” yunjin smiled as another person walks through the door, putting on her customer service voice.
“guess you dont need me anymore?” you asked jokingly, noticing there was no one within a 10 foot distance of the check out line.
“why must you take so long to change? i only had enough time to help half those people. the other half left after mr smith came in to return all the ornaments he broke again. he really knows how to hold up a line.” she sighed, moving in the direction of a huge box of broken material.
“you cant keep letting them return damaged product. we are losing enough money as is, santa.” you gestured to her new character change yet again as you realize where a good chunk of the budget went. “what was wrong with the reindeer costume?”
“it didnt make it clear that im the owner. the shop is called santas workshop dont you know? cant call it santas workshop if theres no santa.”
you laughed brightly at yunjin while she picked up the box to bring it to the back, just as another person walked in.
“welcome in!-” you call out, before cutting yourself off as you caught a glimpse of his face.
he was pretty gorgeous, you couldnt lie. from what you noticed, he had shortish black hair and big eyes to compliment his soft lips (not to mention his build was pretty insane too. he definitely works out).
the very same guy who caught your attention came to you shortly after, seeking some assistance on picking a gift, so you were happy to comply.
“im not sure what she’d like. its hard shopping for a 14 year old.” he said.
“what’s your relation to her? just like so i know how close you are so its easier to help.”
“my younger cousin. we arent that close, but its our first family gathering in a while and my mom wants me to get something for everyone. but shes always been.. far from an open book. so im lost”
you thought long and hard about what your cousins around that age like, before coming to a final decision.
you attempt to reach for the legos, but you almost fall over as it was just barely out of reach, sitting on one of the higher shelves.
carefully, he steadies you by holding your arm and reaches to grab the item you were aiming at.
“this?” the guy questions as he hands you the orchid lego set.
“yeah! im not sure if it suites her or anything but you cant go wrong with legos. the price isnt too bad and its suitable for anyone at any age for the most part.” you shrugged.
“that actually.. makes perfect sense. youre really good at your job, no? thank you.”
“no worries. if theres anything else i could help you with, weve got a new selection of stuffed animals your girlfriend might like.” you spoke like it was nothing, acting as if you werent just trying to get information.
“i actually.. dont..i don’t have a girlfriend.” he chuckled awkwardly as he brought up a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“oh really? im surprised someone like you doesnt have a pretty girl on your arm.” you said nonchalantly while you attempted to hide your smile (as if you were going to make a move).
“oh stop!” he waved off when you pointed out how red his ears were getting, assuming you only were trying to boast his ego (hes so unaware)((please get the hint)).
you walk back with him to the register so he could pay after realizing there wasnt much more he needed. “that’ll be 45 charged to your card.” you smiled.
“thank you, ms..?” trailing off as he notices he never actually got your name.
“han. y/n han. glad to be of assistance.”
“oh and- one more thing?”
“sure, what else?”
“what time does the store close?”
“10 at night. extended business hours every saturday.”
“surely youre joking? theres no one else here but you and the owner! thats in like 13 hours. youre working a 14 hour shift?”
“yeah but i get paid way extra so its fine, i really do need it. and yeah we are beyond understaffed but its alright.” you laugh, masking your exhaustion and dread with a bit of your lighthearted energy.
“really? i could never, must be so tiring.”
“it is, beyond imagination. but we do what we can.”
“get home safely then alright? its scary leaving that late especially considering the predators go after pretty ladies.”
“youre a tricky one arent you! how dare you mask that as an attempt to flirt.” you gasp playfully, “ill be fine, its not that far of a walk.”
“walk? youre not really walking home are you?” “well yeah, its not like i can drive when i dont have a car myself.”
“by any chance, might you need-”
“y/n! leave the poor man alone! i need you to stock the shelves in the ornaments section!” yunjin calls out from the storage room and interrupting the conversation.
“ill get to it.” you call back.
“well, i should get going then. it really was lovely meeting you.” he smiles.
“thank you, take care!” you reply, waving as he leaves.
it only hit you many hours later (quite literally an hour before you clock out) that you never got his name, and you regret it oh so much!
even yunjin felt pity for you, multitasking and listening to you ramble about the mysterious man despite all the work she had going on whilst you both sat in her office seeing as there were no customers beyond 9:30pm.
“why cant we close early if theres no one coming past a certain time? its not like anyone needs to be christmas shopping at.. 9:49 at night.”
“its just in case theres anyone who needs something, we cant miss a chance to make more money when we’re low on rent money.” she reminded.
“its only 11 minutes though.”
“and where do you have to be in 11 minutes? you live with your brother and his two roommates with no boyfriend and instead worry about a man you just met.”
“ouch, you need to go out more.”
“y/n you know i love you but i have no time for that nonsense. i need to have fun, yes, but money is essential. clubbing and drinking does not get you there, we both know that.”
finally, the dreaded 11 minutes were up and it was time to lock up after a crazy long shift. though, you cant say you were looking forward to walking home after standing in heels all day.
it was all most as if your prayers were answered (or just by a really strange coincidence(?)) that someone on a motorcycle stopped in front of you as you crossing the street.
“heard you needed a ride?” the guy from earlier said as he took off his helmet.
“what are you doing here? its late out.” you replied, acting calm as if your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest.
“cant leave you to walk alone in the dark, can i, pretty lady?”
“youre smart, ill give you that.” you smile when you feel your cheeks go hot.
“ill take you home. come on.”
maybe it wasnt the best idea to give a stranger your address, but he seemed nice enough, and pretty trustworthy to say the least.
you sat behind him as he drove through the streets, with your arms wrapped around his waist, your chest flush against his back as you wore the helmet he let you borrow.
he was so naturally warm you felt his body heat through the sweater he wore, thankfully keeping you from being to cold.
soon enough you were home, and he was walking you up to the front door.
“thank you for today even if it wasnt all that much, i had a lot of fun. you made my work day more.. bearable.” you smiled.
“of course, you can always call if you need a ride or anything. dont want you getting sick when its storm season.” he reminded before slipping you a postcard with his number on it.
“id love to get to know you more, but i just broke up with my boyfriend last week.. give me some time?”
sure you technically were the one who found him attractive first but, you never actually thought about initiating something more.
he smiled without a second thought, nodding his head slightly. “of course, i understand. just know ill be here, waiting.”
“wait! i never got your name?”
“ill see you later y/n!” he called out as he left, driving off in the opposite direction.
you sighed and unlocked the door with the spare key leehan gave you, and notice him sitting next to jaehyun when you walked in.
“you have a boyfriend and you didnt tell me? how could you! i thought we were friends.” leehan expressed dramatically from the couch as you took off your shoes at the door.
“not a boyfriend, just a friend. why were you even- whatever. wheres taesan?”
“in the bathroom.”
“thanks. uh- jaehyun is it okay if i change in your room since i left my clothes there?”
“go ahead.” he reassured. “oh! also, by the time you come back the pizza we ordered should be here too.”
you close the door behind you and pull out the index card from earlier to save the number as a contact. however, you couldnt help but smile as you read what it said below.
“your personal uber when you need it! +44 28xxx0xx29 -xoxo gunwook park :)”
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scientia-rex · 9 months ago
Hey doc; I've got a fate-tempting question about the smoking thing.
Most people take it as a given that- if you(general you)'re a nicotine addict- you 're smoking, and therefore you have all the lung problems and carcinogenic effects concomitant with inhaled smoke, The Single Worst Possible Drug Intake Route.
Thing is, I'm working a rural grocery store to pay down a chem degree, so I've seen quite a few novel nicotine products- fancy snus, salt puches, lozenges, gum- and I know for a fact I'm more up to date on the pharmakinetics than any of the [expletive expunged] who shop here.
...Given that I am and by all probabilities will be disastrously unmedicated for ADHD in the immediate future, what's the over/under on stimulant nicotine that I know for a fact won't touch my lungs?
Still bad. Nicotine that doesn't go through your lungs is still causing vasoconstriction of capillaries, and it turns out blood gets to some of your best organs through capillaries. You like having toes, eyes, kidneys, and a brain? Don't use nicotine.
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pupuyvs · 2 months ago
rocket power
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Chaluai “Bambi” Yontararak Classic pothead skater. Was born and raised in Thailand until she moved to Korea in her first year of high school with her older sister Minnie. Met her friend group and Minjeong in that first year. Says she’s not in love with Minjeong anymore but everyone knows that she is.
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Ahn “Shaggy” Yujin Shaggy personified; gay, himbo, pothead, and anxious. Makes “pizza” runs with Sohee, and actually works at a pizza restaurant. Has a Tom and Jerry relationship with Heejin.
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Kim “Bugs” Heejin A bit of know it all, but isn’t obnoxious about it. Actually pretty smart when she’s not hig- Works at the pizza shop with Yujin.
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Lee “Harry” Sohee SNU main dealer, making him very popular amongst the students. Refers to his dealings as pizza deliveries, which he makes with Yujin at times. Dating fellow freshman Seunghan.
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Nicha “Minnie” Yontararak Bambi’s semi-famous older sister. She is big in the modeling scene, but is trying to break into the acting scene. Very protective over Bambi due to the fact her work causes her to leave her alone for long periods of time.
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masterlist - next
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bekkarific · 25 days ago
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Playing With Fire
Chapter Two: Spark
Chapter Masterlist
Pairings: Frontman/In Hi x Fem OC (Some Gi Hun x Fem OC)
It was raining. To Ji Ah it felt like it was always raining lately. An incoming sign of winter or a bad omen? That she couldn’t decipher.
They had already asked several market vendors did they know the name Seong Gi Hun, most met them with apprehensive no’s, others claimed to know him but not where he lived. Till at last they asked a Mrs Cho.
She was a kindly older lady. Ji Ah noted a framed picture of a young man in a graduation cap and grown sat atop her shop display case. Her son, Ji Ah affirmed at the proud look Mrs Cho gave her when she caught her looking. “He is a SNU graduate” Mrs Cho explained proudly pointing to the photograph “he is also single” she said pointedly looking at Ji Ah.
Ji Ah merely smiled politely, it was not the first time mothers had tried set her up with their sons. Usually they take one look at at her fair face, childbearing hips and decide she is the perfect match for their sons - some of whom she is arresting at the time - she tired to take is a compliment. However many years of dating childish, incompetent men had left her adverse from taking any mother’s recommendations on the virtues of their sons.
Mrs Cho did have the information they were looking for, Mr Seong Gi Hun, lived not far from here, as a friend of his mother she was able to give the detective’s his address - after assurance that he was not in trouble and that they just needed to ask him some questions - she was also able to slip in that Mr Seong was also divorced, looking again at Ji Ah who politely chuckled.
As they walked away, Jun Ho joked that their next great investigation should be to find Ji Ah a husband as they have a long list of suspects. Ji Ah sarcastically laughed “haha Jun Ho you are so funny, we should get you on stage” rolling her eyes. Despite the teasing, she was glad to see her friend smiling again. The last few days had taken all the humor from him, she was glad to see that lighter side returning.
Approaching the alleys leading to Mr Seong’s apartment the rain seemed to fall heavier, almost oppressively. ‘Definitely a bad omen’ Ji Ah thought.
They saw a the back of a figure, swaying, heading toward the apartment. He had no umbrella and was getting soaked by the rain.
Jun Ho picked his pace up slightly, approaching the man “Seong Gi Hun?” He asked as the man turned to face him.
He looked awful Ji Ah thought, sad in the eyes and long wet hair dripping down onto his bruised face. In other circumstances Ji Ah would have considered him handsome.
“Yes” Gi Hun asked apprehensively looking first at Jun Ho and then Ji Ah who took a step closer.
Jun Ho flipped out his police badge, as did Ji Ah who came to stand beside Gi Hun, offering him shelter under her umbrella. He gave her indescribable look as his eyes roamed her face before turning his head back to Jun Ho.
“Decective Hwang Jun Ho and Mun Ji Ah, we are following up on report you made that the station” Jun Ho started “You said a group abducted people and make them play games. You also said that some of these people where killed” Jun Ho finished, stone faced.
Gi Hun looked slightly startled, like he didn’t believe anyone would follow up. Eyes darting slightly between the two detectives before settling back on Jun Ho “Oh, all that? Yeah, I just made that up” Gi Hun lied “Yeah, a story made up when I was drunk” he nodded trying to convince himself of his own lies.
Jun Ho remained stone faced. “They sent a card to my brother” he said, trying to remain unemotional “just like the one you had”
There - Ji Ah saw it - a stutter in Gi Hun’s facade. His face twitched and shoulders dropped. She sucked in a quiet breath, unable to believe he may be telling the truth, about the games, all of it.
“I just found it, I don’t know” Gi Hun continued to lie, trying to find away of of this situation, looking between the detectives he settled on the pretty one that wasn’t giving him a murderous look “I saw it on the street and just put in on my pocket” his eyes pleading with Ji Ah to just drop this conversation.
Jun Ho interjected, “Mr Seong, you can help me” his voice starting to wavier “I need to get him back” he felt his only hope in finding his brother beginning to fizzle away.
Ji Ah felt her heart shatter at the broken voice of her friend, his face full of desperation.
“Mr Seong” she started placing a calming hand on his jacketed forearm “please, help us. Any information you have will be use” she spoke softly and calmly, trying to persuade the panicked Gi Hun who looked ready to bolt at a moments notice.
Gi Hun stared at the small hand placed on his arm, thinking it’s been a long time since anyone has touched him with warmth. He takes a breath and closes his eyes, but it all comes flooding back to him, the body’s dropping, the sound of gunfire, his debts, his mother’s illness, losing his daughter. He realises he can’t, he cannot say anything.
Resigned, Gi Hun pulls his arm from the detectives hold, almost immediately missing the warmth. “Why would you think, that I would be useful to you or anybody else” his speaks sadly as he turns to walk away.
Jun Ho and Ji Ah watch him go, unmoving. Ji Ah tries go think of a way to get him to come back, to co-operate. If she is right, and he was telling the truth about the games all of it. That means his, In Ho’s and countless other lives are in danger.
Turning to Jun Ho to ask what he thought, she stopped when she saw that determined look in his eye, something that has she has only seen a handful of times, but normally meant he was going to get his way through hell or high water.
“Jun Ho” she asked tentatively
“We need to follow him” Jun Ho replied, his voice full of resolve.
Taking a moment to look at her friend, she allowed her eyes to roam his face, taking him his hardset mouth and focussed eye. ‘We are in this together’ she thought.
“Let’s go partner” she quipped taking lead and following Mr Seong into the night.
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smoochkooks · 1 year ago
—chapter nineteen: illicit affairs
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this is a part of my an ode to a broken heart drabble series.
pairing: jeon jungkook/reader genre: unrequited love, best friends to (?), heavy angst, smut word count: 1.6k words summary: it dies a million little times...
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Five months later
There is a park nearby your apartment, sandwiched between the residential buildings. It has been here way before some chaebol had decided to buy this land and transform it to yet another wealthy neighborhood in downtown Gangnam. It looks almost surreal – tracts of green among concrete. There’s not many people here today. It feels like a scene from a movie: remote, run-down bench by the pond standing directly underneath the only magnolia tree in the park, and the girl sitting on it with an unreadable expression. What's going through her mind? What, or who, is she thinking about? She's clutching the phone in her hand in a death grip – the only sign she's feeling any emotion right now. Nightingale sings somewhere in the far distance, the sound breaking the deafening silence. Then, a phone rings. Once, twice, three times. 
You pick up.  
“I told her.” Jungkook waits a beat and then adds, “She wants to speak with you, in private.” 
You wonder if he can make out your ragged breath through the speaker. It's the only thing you can hear now, as if the whole world has gone quiet just to listen to your conversation.
“I gave her your number. Is that okay?” 
It was all your design to come clean, to free your conscience from the burden that's weighing you both down day by day. You agreed to do this, but he still makes sure if you're ready. A single magnolia petal lands on your thigh. You stare at it, transfixed. He calls your name. So softly, so gently and you break a little. 
The line cuts off. No one says goodbye. 
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Soojin contacted you soon after that. She sent you a message, asking whether you would have time to meet with her on Friday. She had chosen a coffee shop in SNU’s neighborhood where she had met Jungkook all those years ago. When you googled later the address you found out it's one of those places designed to serve both as a coffee shop and bookshop. How ironic. There's no doubt your book will be sitting on the bestseller shelf, mocking you as your best friend's wife is confronting you. 
You arrive almost fifteen minutes earlier. Your heart is beating so fast it's borderline painful, your entire body trembling from anxiety. You don't know exactly how much did Jungkook tell Soojin, so have no idea what to expect from her, which makes you even more uneasy. She has the upper hand here. You notice a stack of ‘An Ode To A Broken Heart’ copies laying on one of the tables and avert your eyes somewhere else.
You try to pass the time by swiping through social media but it's too hard to focus. You keep re-reading sentences because you can't make out what they mean. You've never been good with handling stressful situations, ever since you were a child. You envied kids who didn't worry about tests and exams. Growing older, you managed to control your nerves a little, once you realized you couldn't possibly continue living like this forever. In high school your parents took you to a therapist and that, along with anxiety medication, helped you survive finals and college. However, today you can't help but feel like the girl who couldn't sleep before a math test all over again.
Soojin enters the coffee shop on time. She looks flawlessly, just like during her wedding day. Her silky, black hair is styled in pretty curls and she's wearing light make-up accentuating her features. She’s dressed in a formal attire, a white button-down blouse and beige pants, so she’s probably here on her lunch break. Not much time for a private conversation it is, then.
She orders her coffee to go and looks around. She smiles when she spots you but you can easily tell it’s not sincere, more of a courteous manner. “Hi,” she says and takes a seat in front of you. “Have you ordered something yet? They have amazing lemon tarts here.”
“I’m fine with just coffee.”
“I’d love to eat something sweet but I’m currently trying to cut down on sugar, so just coffee for me, too.”
You nod, not knowing how to respond to what she said. It has always been hard for you to talk to her, ever since Jungkook had introduced you two together. She doesn’t really speak down to you but she carries herself with such superiority it’s making you feel self-conscious.
Soojin was born into an upper-middle-class family from Seoul. Her father owns a prospering business, so they’ve never really had to worry about money, as far as you recall what Jungkook had once told you. She used to attend ballet classes but dropped out of dancing school before entering university. That’s probably where her poise comes from. Thinking about it makes you straighten your slouching pose.
“Are you working around here?” you ask, trying to ease yourself into the conversation. She hasn’t moved straight to the point yet, so you’re panicking a little.
“Yeah, the company I work for has office nearby.” Soojin answers courtly. She takes a sip of her coffee and in a flash, the polite tilt of her mouth vanishes. “You know I’m not here to chit-chat with you, though.”
There it is.
“I’m aware.”
“What did Jungkook exactly tell you?”
“That you want to talk.”
Soojin raises a brow. “That’s all?”
“I’m assuming he didn’t want to intervene,” you say. “He only told me you know about the book.”
Or was it the only thing he meant? Did he perhaps tell her about the New Year’s Eve kiss as well?
“Weird situation, isn’t it?” she asks. “I just found out that the book I liked so much is actually about my husband and his childhood best friend. I sympathized with someone who’s been in love with him for twenty years. Can you believe it?”
Irritation laces her voice already but you remain calm. “He didn’t know. If he didn’t read the book, he would have never realize it. Don’t blame him.”
“I’m not blaming him. I actually believe he had no idea about the book. Maybe he did suspect something about your feelings but he decided not to do anything about it. He married me after all, right?” Soojin says. “What bothers me though, is you writing a whole goddamn book about your silly crush.”
You frown. Silly crush? You wouldn’t go to such great lengths if this was just a crush. And Soojin knows it too, she read the book after all. But she’s not here as a reader who enjoyed your work. She’s here as a wife whose husband you’re in love with.
“I published it under a pen name,” you counter. You’re hoping your voice doesn’t tremble too much. Soojin would gladly use your weakness to her advantage. “I changed names, locations. No one beside me and Jungkook would have known it’s about us.”
“What gave you an impression that you could just use someone’s life like that?”
“It was my life too,” you respond firmly. Jungkook was mad at you because you didn’t tell him about your feelings and now Soojin is going to be angry in his stead for writing a book about your relationship with him? “I talked to Jungkook about it after he had found out. I already apologized and he said he doesn’t mind that–“
“Of course he won’t hold a grudge against you. You’re his best friend.” Soojin snorts.
You sigh heavily. This is going nowhere. It’s crystal clear why she wanted to talk to you but for some reason, she won’t say it directly. Maybe it’s a matter of pride for her, or she’s afraid to admit it out loud.
“I’d like to apologize to you too. I’m sorry for using your relationship with Jungkook for my book, however I am not going to apologize for the way I described it. I didn’t write anything malicious or improper about you. I put on paper what I had seen as a mere bystander,” you say. “I know you’re probably worried now that since everything is out in the open that I am going to act out on my feelings but I can assure you it’s not going to happen.”
Soojin chuckles. “Oh, I’m not worried about that.”
Maybe she shouldn’t feel so sure of herself, you think. It’s not your place to tell her about the kiss. If Jungkook chose to lie by omission, that’s on him. You can’t carry the guilt on your own.
“Because you will, from now on, refrain from hanging out with him,” she continues. “You won’t meet up as often as before, you won’t text him about your mundane life, you will contact him only if necessary.”
Your heart skips a beat. “What?” you croak.
“I don’t want you near Jungkook anymore, it’s as simple as that. I don’t trust you.”
She has all the rights to feel displeased. You’re in love with her husband, after all but forbidding you from seeing him? She cannot control your lives like that.
“Does Jungkook know?” you ask.
Soojin’s rose-tinted lips stretch in a smile. “No, he doesn’t know yet because you will be the one to tell him so,” she replies. “You will tell him that you don’t want to be as close to him as before, that you need distance. If he asks to meet and talk, you will ignore him. If he asks about our conversation, you will say that you apologized to me and I decided to move on.”
“And if I don’t?”
Soojin’s expression is almost triumphant. She got what she wanted at last: you, finally out of Jungkook’s reach.
“Then the world will find out who Magnolia May really is and how she seduced her best friend and made him abandon his wife.”
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sunflowerhae · 6 months ago
Bad Girls Club
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Haechan doesn’t remember when he first started liking y/n. Maybe he stumbled on one of her videos while in a nightlong YouTube session. Maybe he was recommended her videos by a friend. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter. What matters to Haechan is that he likes her. A lot. Not in a creepy stalker way, but in a supportive “I love your content and want the best for you” way (And maybe a little stalking). You have to understand, Haechan doesn’t have a lot in his life that makes him happy. He has his friends, sure, but with school kicking his ass, plus his part time job down at the local mart always calling to ask him to cover - well, haechan has a lot on his plate. But all those issues go away when he can look at y/n’s smiling face through a screen for just a little bit. And he’s okay with that, really. But what Haechan doesn’t know is he’s about to get a whole lot more than just a window into a world once unknown to him.
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Mark is Haechan’s best friend, as well as the TOP music major at SNU for his grade. If that doesn’t tell you all about him, then I don’t know what will. Although, maybe there’s more to him than meets the eye. When you first meet mark, you might find him a little reserved; quiet. But really, he’s just biding his time. When he’s ready, Mark will hit you with things about yourself you weren’t even sure you knew. Because Mark, above all else, is a studier of people. And he is doubted, often, for the silly things that come out of his mouth. But if you listen, you’ll realize he just has a certain..way of saying things; that what he’s mumbling is actually deep and poetic. It makes you understand why Mark is the top of his class, and why Haechan is his best friend. Because where Haechan is a yapper, mark is a listener.
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What Haechan doesn’t remember, Renjun does. It was a dark, cold, stormy night (it was 8pm and the weather was 76° with not even a cloud in sight) when renjun was laying on haechans bed, watching a twitch stream that stared one of his favorite artists, Giselle. But Haechan wasn’t really looking at the girl renjun always seemed to fawn over, for he was too busy staring at the girl next to her. After basically forcing her name out of Renjun’s mouth - by ways of sitting on him - Haechan heard the name “y/n” for the first time, and the rest was history. Renjun can’t really blame his friend, but he can blame himself for being a bad influence; something Renjun is glad to be. If he’s not pestering one of his friends to buy him something, he’s ignoring them, or making fun of them. In a cute, endearing sort of way, of course. In real life, Renjun is a great person to have on your side. The art student is a quiet, but fierce storm to be sure. Just don’t piss him off and you’ll be fine - something that’s easier said than done.
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Honestly, Chenle doesn’t know how he became friends with these people. One minute, he’s a new Chinese transfer to SNU who barely speaks Korean, the next he’s introduced to Renjun - a quiet, yet interesting man who he’s told will be his guide around campus - and now, 3 years later, he finds himself regularly debating conspiracy theories with Karina, trying his hardest not to punch Haechan in the face, and fending himself off from the paws of all of his friends as they beg him to “fulfill his duties as the rich friend”. And, after all that, no matter how much the business student complains about them, he can’t fight the smile that reaches his eyes every time he’s with them. In actuality, Chenle loves his friends and life very much, but tell ANYONE that and you’ll be seeing the back of your eyelids soon after.
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Ningning is a coffee feen. If there’s coffee in a room, Ningning is also in that room. And that’s how she met her current friends, actually. One day mark and Haechan walked into the best coffee shop on campus - SNU Cafe - and saw a tired looking girl behind the register. When she thought they weren’t looking, they saw her shoot a cup of espresso, and laughed so hard she couldn’t help but join. Ningning was always a little scared of Korea. A new, scary country with a complicated, scary language. Even after she settled in, even after she found friends, and even after she tells people she loves it here and never wants to leave (which is true), Ningning still gets a little nervous when someone talks in Korean too fast to her. Thus, it was proclaimed that she must be protected at all times. Because, genuinely, Ningning is just a sweet girl who loves coffee, and her friends. What more could someone ask for in a friend?
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The first thing people say when they meet Karina is typically, “woah”. Not in a “woah she’s so pretty and cool” way, but more like “woah she looks so scary I should run”. Karina has always had trouble finding friends in her life. It’s not her fault she has RBF and a quiet disposition. But the cards she’s been dealt are just something she lives with, and no matter. Sometimes, good things just fall into Karina’s lap. Maybe call it the universe giving back some karma from her lack of success in the human interaction department. That’s why her friends call her their “lucky cat” because no matter what is going on, if Karina is around, you know it’ll be okay. But regardless of all that, Karina prides herself on one thing above all else; her honesty. Her candor holds no favorites - even if you’re her very best friend - act stupid, you’ll be told you’re being stupid. Really, Karina means no harm. She just wants the best for her loved ones; even if she has to push them to be the best.
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GG! (Good Game!) 👾
Notes: these characters descriptions were LONG . But I just really wanted the characters to be fleshed out im sorry 🥹 DW the fun starts now😈😈
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snushuseu · 1 year ago
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snushus1 · 1 year ago
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Bestelle jetzt Snus und Kautabak im besten Snus Shop. Bekannte Snus Marken wie Siberia, Oden's, edel, VELO, General uvm.
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yunhonumeris1fane · 1 year ago
Try Again•JYH
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡
"After building your life sonewhere else, you come back home to your family, missing the old days. But one person you tried to avoid, still managed to pop up and say Hi! "
pairing : non_idol yunho x non_idol reader
genre : fluff
warnings : some alcohol?
There you are, walking down the streets you’ve walked over a dozen times. This time is different though, you’re walking alone and it’s the first time in over 5 years.
 Before going abroad to study and work, you used to be happy with a good circle of friends and the best boyfriend. Everything was perfect, until all of you started enrolling in schools, choosing your degrees. You were a really great student at school and wanted to explore the world. Your boyfriend wanted to remain in his home country and study there. This was where the differences between the two of you came out obvious. You started growing distant because of it and broke up on good terms. You moved abroad, and he stayed.
 The first months were hard, you missed your home, your friends and Yunho. The new places and unfamiliar environments did not help, but you were excited about the new chapter ahead.
 In the span of 4 years, you graduated with a degree, and worked for a company. You sometimes would catch on with your friends, mainly Hoongjoong and Wooyoung, but not as often. You liked the country you lived in and your job there, but felt extremely homesick, so without thinking twice you decided to give it a shot and come back home.
 Since you haven't spoken to either HJ or Wooyoung for over a month, you decided not to tell them that you're back. Instead you just continued living, like you always did. You landed on a job that offered good conditions, moved into a small apartment further away from the bustling city center and existed.
 As your now on your break now, you once again find yourself in a coffee shop right across the street from the company you work at. Taking your coffee you sit down at a table and scroll on your phone. While doing so, you keep feeling like someone is staring at you, so you look up to see three guys sitting a few feet apart from you. You don’t have your glasses, so you can’t really see their faces. You don’t know a single reason why they were staring and decide not to pay any more attention, instead continue living in your phone.
"Y/n?!" A familiar voice catches your attention. Your eyes immediately jump off the screen to the person, who is no other than Wooyoung, there’s Yeosang and Hoongjoong by his side.
"Guys!" Your eyes light up as you cover your mouth with the palm of your hand.
"Waaa!" Wooyoung boasts, "It's been ages, you've changed!" He comments on your changed appearance. You used to have light and short hair, glasses always on your nose, dressed up in various colors. But now your hair is dark and long, no glasses and you’re dressed neatly in black.
"Can we sit here, or you're waiting for someone?" Hoongjoong asks, pointing at the remaining three seats at the table.
"No no, sit" You insist and they are quick to occupy the remaining seats.
"So tell us, how have you been? Why are you here?" Hoongjoong asks, excitedly rubbing the palms of his hands. 
"I've been well, but I was really missing home. Y'know, my whole family and friends are here. Really missed that. So I came back, staying here for as long as I can" You show off your proud smile.
"I'm guessing you're not in a relationship with that guy anymore" He mentions your recent ex, who was an interesting person to say the least.
"We broke up last month"
"Good!" Wooyoung raises his thumbs up, he is happy you ditched him, "he was so unworthy of you. Total scum" he adds, his face turning bitter.
"How are the others?" You inquire about the remaining group, curious of how far they’ve come.
"They're good. Seonghwa has bought a house because apparently he is rich now. Jongho is still working at the SNU. Mingi is still traveling. San is good too, still going strong in the academy" Hoongjoong tells you everything important about the guys and then comes to a stop, hesitating about him,  "-and Yunho..  He's good too, he works a lot, he's a busy guy"
"Oh, that's good, everyone's doing fine…" You manage to reply, your mind now circling around the memories of old times. When you were in senior year, hanging out almost everyday. Wooyoung was your neighbor and a close friend. He introduced you to the group that led you to having a big circle of friends and Yunho. You were sweethearts, in a happy and stable relationship, the guys were also very supportive. Everyone thought you'd be together forever, married and living a long life. But life had different plans for the two of you.
"He never dated anyone after you" Wooyoung interrupts your thoughts as Yeosang shoots him a warning look.
"It's okay" You assure him, as talking about Yunho isn’t a crime. Although it saddens you a little, you can’t dwell on the past.
"Did you move on, or still like him?" Wooyoung attacks you again, he’s too nosy.
"Well you know what they say about first love, it's always in the heart. No matter how hard you try to ignore it" You explain with a shrug, as Wooyoung’s listening attentively.
"What would you do if you met him?" Yeosang asks, leaving you confused.
"I'd run, obviously" You reply without hesitation, there is now way you'd want to meet him. Awkward.
"I guess it's a little too late to say it. But Yunho and Seonghwa are going to be here anywhere from 5 minutes to now" He says as your face goes blank, you want to gather your things and run, "-never mind, they're here" Yesoang points at the two men approaching the table.
"I'll kill you" You mouth out to Yeosang and Wooyoung, who only shrug.
"Hi guys, who's here?'' Seonghwa greets the group, "-Ah… Oh… Y/n!" He jumps a little, immediately going in for a hug.
You can’t help, but smile, you missed the guys a lot. However your smile fades when you meet Yunho's eyes, he looks like he just saw a ghost
"H-hi…" You say to him.
"Hi…" Yunho gives you a small wave and is ready to turn around, but Seonghwa stops him
"No one's leaving!" He reminds him, as Wooyoung is quick to gather two additional chairs.
"You're getting prettier and prettier" Seonghwa compliments your appearance.
"You're not looking too bad either" 
"How long are you staying here for?" He inquires, needing to know everything.
"I'm staying for good. Will be here to annoy you forever" You said in a joking matter.
"Really? Well then we will have plenty of time to catch on" Seonghwa snickers, plans for upcoming gatherings already circling around in his mind.
 And so two weeks went by, you met the guys quite a few times, going to bars or hanging out at their places. Yunho didn’t join you, but the upcoming meet up at Seonghwa’s house today, he will be attending. Which scares the crap out of you.
'It's gonna be nice Y/n. There's gonna be food, drinks, music and fun :33'
'I dunno, I have lots of things to do'
You never turn down the party'
'I grew up'
'Nonsense. You drowned tons of bottles last week. Alcoholics don't recover in a week'
'I am one special kind'
'Nonsense… is this about Yunho? Cos he be there?'
'It's not like only the two of you be here'
'Judging you guys, we will'
'6p.m sharp. Be there. If not. WE WILL COME AND GET YOU!👺'
And here you are, sitting at the dining table, surrounded by your friends. Too lazy to cook, you ordered some takeaway. Alongside the meal, you have soju and makgeolli. Everything’s perfect. Almost.
You're not a good drinker, just a couple glasses of drinks make your head feel as heavy as a world’s biggest rock. A few more drinks and you'll be doing unpredictable things.
"Look at you miss tipsy" Wooyoung teases you, as you are smiling at the empty glass, thinking about having more.
"Is there something we should know?" San asks, noticing how much you are drinking.
"Nothing, just tired after a tough week" You mumble, your head buried in your hands, as the gravity keeps pulling you to the ground.
Wooyoung, who is sitting beside you, notices how you were close to leaning onto his shoulder. So he pretends to need to use the bathroom and when he leaves, the human wall between Yunho and you isn’t there anymore. When he comes back, he on purpose changes the seats, sitting down in between you and Seongwa. Now you are dangerously close to Yunho, even the drunken state in you can’t seem to stop the fast heartbeat. You'd be lying if there were no feelings for him left in you..
After a few more shots, you lose the capability of keeping your head straight and your head goes to rest against Yunho's arm. You forgot that Wooyoung was on the opposite side.
Even  the 'aww' stares you keep receiving - you still have no clue . And the fact that he doesn't push you away, doesn’t raise any suspicion in you.
 The sleepy phase doesn’t last long though, when you hear that San and Jongho are going to sing karaoke.
"Me too!" You immediately rise from your seat and run as fast as you can to them. They pick out an old classic boy group song and the three of you eat  the song. Dancing, jumping around and singing at the top of your lungs. When the song comes to an end, there is another. Then another. Then another. By the last song, you are lying in a starfish pose on the floor, microphone attached to your barely moving lips. You are just humming, on the other hand, the guys are still going strong. 
"I'm going to get some water" You inform them, as you get off the floor.
"Good luck Y/n. Good luck!!" San enthusiastically speaks into the microphone and bids your farewell, as you are on your way.
 When in the kitchen, you attempt reaching out for the glass, but you knock it down and it shatters all over the counter. Not being the best thinker, you start picking up the pieces and rest your palm on the counter, resulting in a piece of glass cutting you.
"What happened?" Yunho is the one that heard the noise and came to see what’s up.
"N-nothingg… I-I just broke the glass.. like alwayss.." You mutter in disappointment as you lift your palm and there's blood. You immediately start backing away from the counter, but there's more glass on the ground.
"Careful, careful" Yunho's hand rests on your back as he guides you safely out of the area. When you're at the other side of the kitchen, he sits you down on a chair and gets a solution and bandaid.
"I'm not exactly sober, so if I mess it up, I'm sorry" He admits and pours the solution onto the wound. You immediately hiss at the pain.
"It's okay, won't take long” Yunho shushes you, as he dabs the paper towel onto your skin, to dry off the wound. As he's doing so, you start feeling really sleepy and without much in mind you rest your head on his shoulder.
"I forgot how comfortable it was" You mumble into the crook of his neck, as he lets out a soft laugh.
"You've had enough to drink, you should go sleep"
"I'm fine… No, I'm not, I missed you" you confront yourself, as his body twitches a little. You are drunk, drunk affectionate, he tries not to think of your words as serious.
"I'm serious"
"Yep, you're wasted, go to sleep" He gently moves your head off his shoulder and leads the way to one of the guest rooms. Once you’re there , barely, you manage to find the bed and land on it successfully. Yunho stands at the doorway, leaning against the doorframe, hands crossed over his chest. He has to make sure you won’t mistake the comfort of the bed to the floor. He knows that whenever you get drunk, you sleep on the floor and then complain that you have a backache the following morning.
“C-can you stay?” Your words catch his attention, “at least until I fall asleep”
“I will”
He doesn’t need to stay long, cause you fall into a coma in a matter of seconds. But he stays a little longer, watching you. Not in a creepy way. You are just as beautiful to him as in the past. He felt like he was over you, that he moved on and so did you. But the moment he saw you again, the feelings came back again.
“Is she sleeping? on the bed?” He is hit by the questions about you again, the moment he comes back to the living room.
“Yeah” Yunho nods and sits down.
“I saw the way you looked at her. You still love her, right?” Hoongjoong asks him.
“I don’t know man, maybe?” He wonders
“If that helps, she still likes you”
“I figured, back when I was fixing up her wound, she kept saying I missed you and stuff”
“Isn’t that good?”
“We broke up for a reason. Maybe it was a sign we are not a good match”
"Not a good match my ass" Wooyoung argues with him, "it's not like something bad happened, so you can just… you know, get back together"
"It's not so easy" Yunho scoffs at the man’s incompetence when it comes to relationships.
"Nobody said it was easy" Wooyoung tries to persuade him "If you still like her, she likes you too, get together. I can't stand watching this"
"Then sit down if that helps" He suggests, as Wooyoung pouts his lips, annoyed.
"Very funny"
 The morning catches uo rather fast. You lift your heavy head off the pillow. Your head feels like a rock, not to mention it hurts. You shouldn't have gone overboard with the drinks. Immediately thoughts like "Did I do something questionable yesterday?" flood your mind.
"You're awake" Yeosang pushes the door open, gasping at the sight, "You look like a homeless"
"One more word and you'll be a real homeless" You warn him, aggressively pointing your index finger at him.
"I'm good. Everyone's downstairs" He informs, "How are you feeling, do you remember anything from last night?"
"No?..." you wonder, trying to remember. Then your eyes land on the bandaid on your hand and it hits you. Oh no!
"He's still there by the way. See you later" Yeosang disappears as you grab a handful of your hair, shaking aggressively. You remember everything and he does too for sure, he's a better drinker than you.
 "Here take this" Mingi offers you a hangover cure packet as you take it. Chugging it down, you sense Yunho's presence in the room and avoid looking in his direction.
"How's your hand?" Wooyoung's voice echoes from Yunho's direction
"Good" You don't dare turn your head to see him.
"Is there something on the table?" Mingi asks, in a teasing way, noticing how you're avoiding Yunho.
 "No nothing" You hum and pull out your phone to look at the weather app, pretending to be busy.
"Okay, we'll be going, gotta hit the gym" Yeosang, Mingi and San inform you, "See you later" They pat your head as they pass by and leave.
 Now there are 6 of you, but only three in the dining room. Jongho, Hoongjoong, Seonghwa are somewhere upstairs 
"Bathroom break" Wooyoung announces and sprints out of the room. You panic, eyeing your bag on the sofa in the other room.
"Can we talk?" Yunho interrupts your inner thoughts, as you shake your head.
"I've gotta go" You quickly pace towards the sofa to take your bag. But he catches up with you and blocks your way. 
"We need to talk Y/n" Yunho says, this time it's more demanding.
"I don't want to talk" You try to push his hand away, as it's locked around your wrist.
"You're not leaving until we talk" 
"Fine. What do you want?" You snarl at him. You want to run away and he’s keeping you hostage.
"Why are you avoiding me?" He hits you with a simple question, but you have a trouble explaining the reason to him.
"I'm not" You shrug your shoulders.
"Sorry, but you are" He confronts you, now you’re trapped in the corner, with no way out.
"Fine. Why do you care" 
"I just care" He doesn’t explain either,  "do you remember anything from yesterday?" is all he asks.
"Did you mean it? What you said" Yunho wants to know whether you were just talking total nonsense, or you were actually telling the truth.
"If yes, what?" You look down at his hand, his fingers still wrapped around your wrist. He immediately releases you.
"I did too" His words stop your heart for a moment.
"Did what?"
"Missed you Y/n" His hand creeps up to your chin,  tilting your head up, so your eyes could comfortably lay on his, "Missed every second spent with you"
"Are you confessing to me right now" You’re in pure shock.
"I'm confessing my love for you again" He chuckles, remembering the first time when he said the three words. It was a spring day, you and the guys were supposed to have dinner at a restaurant, but it turned out that only you and Yunho were there. The guys tricked you, they wanted to give him a kick, so he would finally confess.
"I remember you being very nervous. You were so stressed, that you started cutting the steak with a fork" You let out a laugh, the memories of your first date never left your mind..
"You weren't an angel either. You couldn't even hold eye contact" Yunho reminds, "not to mention that you even spilled a glass of water on yourself and I had to get you shirt from my car"
"Mistakes can and do happen" You explain him, your cheeks burning from the embarrassing memory.
"What if we tried again? I know you're not planning on leaving long term. We already know our differences, we could work it out" He speaks to you, softly, fingers tracing the side of your face, that he longed for years.
"Do you think we could work it out?” 
“Don’t you want to try?” Yunho questions you, now unsure if his descision to confess was a good idea.
“I wan’t to, but I don’t want to go through all of it again” you admit, a he lets out a sigh of relief, happy that you feel the same
“It’s a little less likely now, now that we’re older, more mature” Yunho states, thinking he's got a point.
“You’re saying you’re mature. That’s a sight no one will ever see”
“Here you go, running your smart mouth again” He scoffs, pointing at you.
“And you can do nothing about it” You smile, hands resting on your waist.
Turns out he can. The moment you attempt to share more sarcastic remarks, he seals your mouth with a kiss. You immediately go into a silent mode, shocked. You didn’t think he’d actually do it. But you don’t complain, you ease into his touch, his hands, that are gliding up and down your body. The kiss and everything about this moment is so warm, it feels like home. There is no other person, none other than Yunho, that could make you feel the way you feel right now. Safe and loved.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡
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winner456 · 20 days ago
❝ i would say i don't know what's wrong with you, but i actually do and that's the problem. ❞ (Sang-woo)
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yeesh ! ouch ! sang-woo , you have cut him quick to the core !
okay, he wasn’t that offended . his ego was a little bruised , maybe , but that was nothing to all the banter they shared as children ! you know , that time where they loitered in front of the shops in ssangmun-dong , throwing around raggedy plastic balls , scraping together whatever change they had , getting into trouble and—
“ ack! ” a swift smack to his head breaks him out of his reminiscent state . he winces , pausing to rub his head stupidly as he tries to will the pain away . note to self : these bunk beds are way too small to shift around in . it’s a good thing this one was sang-woo’s instead of his . . . constantly waking up and hitting those pipes would kill him before any of these games did .
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speaking of . “ maybe there’s something up with you . ” gi-hun lightly shoves his friend’s arm , anxiously scanning the room . everyone came back . was the money really worth it to all these people ? how depressing . “ c’mon snu . i need the money just as bad as you do . besides , i really think i can get a handle on these games . ” if only he had the foresight for how far optimism could take him . . .
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mindeullebe · 8 months ago
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hi there!! i'm bear (h/h, 25) and i've returned after being away for many months with a muse i've never written before but am very excited to dig into. cho mindeulle (20011027) is the twin brother of @jindallaebe, however he's very different. here you can find his profile, and eventually i'll have his biography here. i'll leave a tl;dr version and some fun facts under the cut, and as always please like this if you'd like to plot and i'll hop into your IMs, or if you'd prefer, i have discod (upon request)!
min was born premature, and due to this suffers from ongoing health problems. these health problems were much more pronounced when he was young, but now the only things he deals with are shitty stamina, asthma, and a pretty crappy immune system
he spent a lot of time in the hospital as a child for various things from inections to pneumonia to flu's that he should have been able to fight off on his own but couldn't etc. up until middle school he frequented the hospital, though nowadays manages to stay out of the hospital (he likes to attribute it to the fact he takes about a million vitamins and supplements daily)
during his hospital stays he'd fill his time with reading, writing (stories, poems, songs etc), listening to music and watching mainly the music channels on the little tv in his room
despite being ill quite a lot, he managed to keep up with his schoolwork, and genuinely really enjoyed learning and studying, so was always near the top of the class and became class president towards the latter half of middle school and a few times during high school
he never seriously considered music as a career, despite really liking singing as a hobby and writing lyrics to express things he didn't feel he could talk about. instead he decided to pursue literature, since he loved reading so much
he graduated from high school top of his class and secured a place on the korean literature degree course at seoul national university, but postponed it until he'd completed his military service. due to his asthma and shoddy immune system he was assigned a 'civil service' type position, but had to serve for 21 months, intead fof 18
he was discharged in december of 2021, and began his degree in march 2022
the usual places min can be found are coffee shops around snu, or jongno area, libraries, bookstores, cat cafes, or his bedroom
min comes off as calm and polite, and almost a little too agreeable. it can come off as naivete sometimes, and he's very easy to pin as a weak person, physically and in will, but he's really not, he just doesnt play all his cards immediately
mins incredibly smart, which is how he got into a SKY university in the first place, and surprisingly creative
many people see min as a sweet, book nerd who never shouts or gets angry, has every vitamin known to man in his bag, along with hand sanitser and multiple kinds of masks, and has a great love of sweets
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