#Snapdragon X
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netscapenavigator-official · 9 months ago
While I hope the rumors about the Snapdragon X chips aren’t true, and they pave the way for widespread ARM64 adoption, I’m extremely hesitant about giving Qualcomm even more of a monopoly over the computers in our daily lives.
They already have a death strangle on the smartphone market. I really think they should keep their grubby hands off desktops.
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robpegoraro · 19 days ago
Weekly output: Musk digitally deleting USAID, Arm vs. Qualcomm, U.K. vs. Apple, 8K TV, Bletchley Park
One of this week’s published stories began with reporting weeks ago; another began with notes and photos taken months ago. 2/3/2025: Musk’s Minions Deleting Digital Presence of US International Development Agency, PCMag I could not just write about the weird digital erasure Elon Musk and his goons have been inflicting on the online presence of the U.S. Agency for International Development without…
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gizchinaes · 22 days ago
Snapdragon X impulsa el 10% de los PCs premium con Windows en EE.UU.
Qualcomm ha anunciado que sus procesadores Snapdragon X ahora representan el 10% de los PCs de gama alta con Windows en Estados Unidos, aquellos que tienen un precio de 800 dólares (aproximadamente 746 euros) o más. Este dato revela un aumento notable desde solo un 0,8% de participación de mercado en el mismo trimestre del año pasado. Durante la presentación de resultados del primer trimestre de…
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lefkosahaberleri · 1 month ago
Qualcomm, Yeni Snapdragon X İşlemcisini Tanıttı
New Post has been published on https://lefkosa.com.tr/qualcomm-yeni-snapdragon-x-islemcisini-tanitti-33009/
Qualcomm, Yeni Snapdragon X İşlemcisini Tanıttı
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Qualcomm, mobil cihazlar için yeni Snapdragon X işlemcisini tanıttı. Daha yüksek performans, gelişmiş enerji verimliliği ve 5G bağlantı özellikleri ile dikkat çeken bu işlemci, teknoloji tutkunlarını heyecanlandırıyor.
https://lefkosa.com.tr/qualcomm-yeni-snapdragon-x-islemcisini-tanitti-33009/ --------
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digitalesleben · 7 months ago
Ist das x86-Zeitalter vorbei? Kommt jetzt ARM bei Consumer-Laptops?
Sind Intel und AMD mit ihren x86-Prozessoren in der Lage weiter gegen ARM Prozessoren von Qualcomm und Apple zu bestehen? Microsoft ist froh mit den Copilot+ Computern etwas gegen Apple Silicon machen zu können.
Intel hat seit Beginn der 80er-Jahre den Markt der Personal Computer mit seiner x86-Architektur beherrscht. Zusammen mit Microsoft und seinem Betriebssystem Windows sind Wintel-PCs dominierend. Sie zeichnen sich durch leistungsfähige Prozessorarchitekturen und weitgehende Erweiterbarkeit und Kompatibilität aus. Selbst Apple musste 2006 zugeben, dass sie gegen Wintel keine Chance auf ihrem…
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yoshimura110 · 1 year ago
Pitaya cookie
First meeting
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"Ssso...what we have here? A tiny cookie as I sssee, sso weakly tiny easily can turn into crumbsss, I wonder why Hollyberry cookie wants to keep you"
Your first meeting with him, the Pitaya cookie...i mean Pitaya dragon cookie,
Pitaya decided to make a visit to Hollyberry (or pick a fight) in her kingdom, where you, Y/n, was keep under protection of Hollyberry and Wildberry Cookie.
As lucky you are Pitaya saw you, as they got a look very close, they lost his interest at first...as everybody knows Pitaya is a strong dragon that likes a good fight, they doesn't likes weak cookies that they can turn them into pieces easily
They just decided to be playful or use you to make Hollyberry fight them
Friendship Level up
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"Ssso boring here, thiss iss how you raise your children, Hollyberry cookie? Ssshall I train thisss one by myself then"
Pick you up and fly away "Don't worry I will bring them in one piece (with some crumbsss maybe)"
Pitaya cookie as I said earlier, hates weak cookies. But for some reason they start taking like and interest of you.
They sees some potential in you despite you are not from the world. They will bring you with them to raise you as their own cub and also will continue uses you as a threat to fish Hollyberry cookie.
Friendship level up!
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"What'sss the matter little cookie, scared? Don't worry just remember what I taught you. It's time for you gave a step forward hehe" They said that to you while gave a death glare at the enemy front you
Well look likes the things got a little too far...Pitaya cookie continues as a playful dragon but at the same time they got more protective towards you...
They are like Wildberry, train you only for your survive in that world... and also they wants to see how far you can go... They will force you to fight monsters to upgrade your fights skills, but they will be there if is necessary to tear some monsters necks
They doesn't think to keep you locked down since they are a carefree dragon, but threat as their treasures sometimes
Try to ran away from them? You can try they will just count to 30 just to see how far you can go
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Don't worry you will have some comfort and company (;
(Be Careful with this one)
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speed-world · 8 months ago
I have appeared.
give me my Pitaya content.
Pitaya and Y/N adopting Snapdragon
Adopting a fire starter (Pitaya Dragon Cookie x Reader)
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In all fairness, when you and Pitaya Dragon started your relationship, it was only a matter of time before you guys adopted Snapdragon Cookie
This for mostly because of two reasons: Pitaya already had a strong care for Snapdragon after the events in Dragon City and you in particular really loved the cute baby!!
Royal Margarine Cookie even made a bet that you and Pitaya would adopt Snapdragon the second you saw them: and he won that bet 😀
Royal Margarine: “Hey, Tarte Tatin Cookie, how much you wanna bet Y/N will adopt Snapdragon Cookie with Pitaya the moment they see each other?”
Tarte Tatin: “I don’t doubt they’ll look into being a parent for the little dragon, but that stuff takes time….I bet it’ll take a week.”
It did not take a week….it was virtually the minute you saw Pitaya holding Snapdragon-
Y/N: “Um, Pitaya? Who’s that Cookie nibbling your hair?”
Pitaya: “Oh, this little one? I met them in Dragon City, there name’sss Snapdragon Cookie!”
Y/N: “……they’re our child now-“
Pitaya: “I know, that wasss already decided when I met them!”
It really is amazing to be parents for Snapdragon, and boy do they love you!
They’re pretty much all over you and Pitaya every second, hugging you and lightly nibbling you at times
It’s also really great that Pitaya is the co-parent for Snapdragon because….you don’t know Dragontongue too well
Pitaya has taught you and continues to teach you their language, but it’s still a work.
You’re almost surprised how quickly Snapdragon is able to communicate perfectly with your Red Dragon spouse.
Although…it really just sounds like baby gibberish to you. Ah well, Pitaya translates for you at least.
Snapdragon: “Gooogie!!”
Y/N: “Was that Cookie? That was so cute!!”
Pitaya: “Hehehe! Try sssaying Y/N!!”
Snapdragon: “Coo…Y-Y/YN!!”
Y/N: “…AWWWW—!!”
One of the sweetest things Snapdragon does is try to demonstrate their Dragon abilities to you
You always applaud their efforts, which almost always go well
One time in their dragon form, they lifted you a few feet off the ground. Which is still incredible for the baby, even if they’re a dragon!
Sometimes, both Pitaya and Snapdragon play around in their dragon forms and put on little fire shows for you!
You did have to convince Pitaya to not do demonstrations in the house though…
Y/N: “Pitaya, how can I make it anymore clear that you should not!! Breathe fire and fly around!! Inside the house?!
Pitaya: “What? They’re just fun little ssshows!”
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Y/N: “….Snapdragon, if you promise to not do any fire demonstrations in or close by the house, I’ll treat you to your favorite ice cream.”
*Snapdragon paused….before nodding and agreeing with you*
Pitaya: *upset dergy growls*
All in all, you and Pitaya are fun and responsible parents for Snapdragon, and Snapdragon loves you both so so soo much. They wouldn’t trade either of you for the world.
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astral-cookiery · 1 year ago
Hugging Headcanons. || Ft: The Red Dragon Crew.
A/n: This has been in my drafts since uhh... July? Whoops. I scrolled down and saw that it was like. 95% complete and decided that I should finish it. Anyways, enjoy!
Hollyberry Cookie
She's the sort to hug without warning, as tightly as possible, and for as long as possible. No, you cannot escape until she sets you free. No, she is not fully conscious of her own strength. Wildberry Cookie has probably had to intervene to set you free at least once or twice before.
Despite her high status as both a queen and an Ancient, she does not stress formality hardly at all. Regardless of who you are, she will choose a hug over a handshake or formal greeting any day.
If you let her, she will pick you up. It does not matter if you are bigger than her. She will try, and unless you're for some reason slippery, she will succeed.
Yk that one scene with Dark Cacao where she kind of had him in a headlock? She probably does the same to others on occasion, just when she's feeling goofy, or if they're standoffish like DC is.
Pitaya Dragon Cookie
"Issss thisss some kind of trick, cookie?" - Bestie doesn't really recognize a gesture like that. They weren't exactly known to be the most peaceful before banding with Hollyberry Cookie, and thus didn't experience regular social things like a hug. How sad.
They would probably try to fight you if you hugged without warning. Trapping their arms like that? Bad idea. The great Greenish-Red Dragon can win any battle, regardless of disadvantages!
Oh, turns out Pitaya likes hugs quite a bit, once they get used to it. Have fun in the dirt, because they lean on you a little too much, unaware (or uncaring) that you can't quite support all their weight. Oh well, they don't care if they get dirty. If you really like laying in the dirt for some reason, try petting their hair while you're at it. Be warned, you will be staying there for quite a while.
Tail wags. You can hear the thumping of their spiky tail hitting any nearby objects while they hold you close. They really hold onto you too. Not quite as tightly as Hollyberry, but you won't be going anywhere.
Royal Margarine Cookie
Haaave fun boosting his ego. Because that's exactly what hugging him will do. The fangirls envy you, they didn't get a chance to hug him! No fair!
Buttercream might also rest her head on your shoulder sometimes, since she's decided that she likes you. Occasionally she accidentally knocks you over since she doesn't know her own strength. (And tbh a dragon is heavy.)
There was one time after fighting the red dragon that he just sorta. Aggressively hugged you (in private of course.) He hadn't seen you since before Dragon City was set aflame, and he was worried for your well being. Please hug him tightly back. He might cry.
I dunno, I feel like he pets your hair too. His arms probably rest across your shoulders and he just can't help but want to pet you for some reason.
Tarte Tatin Cookie
No, she will not set the cannon down. You get side-hugged, fool. Congratulations.
She's used to doing that sort of picturesque side-hug thing since she doesn't like to not have her cannon in her hands at any point in time, and since it's the most convenient when someone wants to take a photo with her.
It takes a very special person and a very special occasion to get her to put it down for once (like when the magma dragon was slain). It is at that point that she will give you a proper hug.
Rests her chin on your head, arms are folded across your shoulders. You can tell how tired she is after hunting dragons all day just from her tired sigh and the way she sort of tiredly leans against you.
Snapdragon Cookie
You do not hug the baby. The baby hugs you. Or at least they try.
They will fly full speed at you and then you have to catch them, or be tackle-hugged to the floor. If you don't stop them in time, they will happily tumble to the floor with you, squealing all the while.
Their arms are a little too short to wrap all the way around your torso, but they can hug your neck just fine.
Honestly, their aggressive hugging behavior gets directed at anyone. Pitaya Dragon Cookie finds it hilarious when they tackle cookies to the ground for the sake of a hug. Stop encouraging them.
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kandy-sticks-zaza-blogs · 4 months ago
Can you write some headcanons about what'd it be like to be the daughter of ananas dragon cookie, and, if you want to, can you include how the other dragons would react upon first hearing about the news that ananas has a kid? Thanks :]
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Ofc sorry for not replying your requests I was tired
You went rowing with Mango Cookie as he takes you to the Tropical Island as Mango Cookie introduce you to Ananas Dragon Cookie you stare at them as you recognise your parent.
"Baba?" Ananas freezes in shocked staring at you in surprise realising that you are their child that they lost when they left you in the forest to fight other dragons.
Would be shock
They would shouted 'WHAT.' as they would question how Ananas Dragon Cookie have a child they argue with them about that they never tell them about it.
Pitaya Dragon Cookie
Lychee Dragon Cookie
Mango Cookie
They know that you are their child
They know that you are their child because you have a similar dough colour and eyes you are a pineapple which is a coincidence that you are their child.
Longan Dragon Cookie
Lotus Dragon Cookie
Just a baby
This baby wouldn't understand why everyone is shocked but glad to have a new cousin they met.
Snap Dragon Cookie
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princenothinq · 9 days ago
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royal navy family going STRONG
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family tree of infinite despair
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gummygoatgalaxy · 6 months ago
The Applelight Sisters!!!
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Honeycrisp and her sisters!!! Applelight would be there last name is trolls had last names. I designed these characters myself for me and my friends!
Sugarbee is the eldest, sweet and shy, a baker and her hobby is playing any instruments. Shipped with Poppy. Belongs to @sydkat
Sweetango is the second eldest, she's silly and rambunctious, a cook and her hobby is making fireworks. Shipped with Prince D. Belongs to @phoofoz
Honeycrisp is the second youngest, is caring and joyful, job is a gardener, her hobby is painting. Shipped with Branch. Belongs to me!!
Snapdragon is the youngest, is sassy and blunt, is a smoothie/drink maker and her hobby is martial arts/self defense training. Shipped with Synth and Val (polyship). Belongs to @faux-fae
Ask away about these girls, im excited to share!!
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ninten-draw · 10 months ago
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Might have some hot takes proceed with caution
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gizchinaes · 3 months ago
Snapdragon X: habrá versión asequible que revolucionará los dispositivos Windows
Durante su reciente Día del Inversor, Qualcomm ha ofrecido información sobre un próximo chipset Snapdragon X, creado específicamente para dispositivos Windows asequibles que se espera tengan un precio aproximado de 600 dólares (560 euros). Aunque el nombre todavía está en fase de definición, todo apunta a que Qualcomm lo denominará simplemente Snapdragon X. En la actualidad, Qualcomm cuenta con…
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years ago
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Its older TaiyangxSummer meme, but it checks out.
Artist is Napoakes.
What does everyone else think of Summer's costume redesign?
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
Flowers (2) - Snapdragon
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Summary: Snapdragons symbolizes deception and deviousness.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of FWB arrangement
Catch up here: Flowers (1) - Sunflower
Flowers masterlist
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For the next few days, you avoided Bucky like the plague.
Finally, your stealth skills came in handy. Whenever you got a glimpse of him, you ran for the hills.
You needed time to get over him - or rather to get rid of him.
You started with cleaning your room. Throwing away the sheets you made love on and ending with scrubbing the whole place sparkling clean. Only stopping when Jarvis assured you every trace of Bucky’s DNA got removed.
The next step was to convince Maria Hill, the woman in charge when it came to missions, to not set you up for missions with Bucky any longer.
You didn’t have to explain anything to her. Maria has a sharp mind and is a skilled observer. She knew something was wrong the moment you stepped inside her office. Unlike Fury or Tony, she understood what you are going through.
At least you had one confidant within the organization not telling you Dot is nice or that Bucky only tried to find a new friend.
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Almost a week had passed before your luck left you and you ran into Dolores. She had a big grin on her pink lips too, and dared to giggle as she walked past you.
It really wasn’t your fault she tripped over your foot and ended up on the floor, bruising her face and pride. Why did she have to stare at her phone instead of watching her step?
This time, you chuckled and walked past her. Maybe Bucky would lend her a hand and help her back up.
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“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bucky blankly stared at his best friend. “Y/N always accompanies me on missions! I know something is off with her. She avoided me for a few days, but I thought it was because she needed some alone time.”
“Y/N doesn’t want to be on your team any longer,” Steve sighed, long and exasperated. “Buck, did you do something wrong? Did you and Y/N get into a fight? She seemed angry and avoided talking to me not days ago.”
“Steve, what are you talking about? We didn’t fight. All I know is that Y/N avoids me like the plague. Until today, I believed everything was just fine.”
“I’m sorry to tell you, but you are dead wrong, Buck. You should talk to her. She didn’t go to Maria instead of talking to you for no reason.”
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“Doll.” Bucky followed you hot on your heels, but you didn’t stop walking. “DOLL! HEY! Stop walking away from me.”
“Why?” You snapped at him. “I thought you were busy with some other girl.”
“What girl?” He dared to huff. “Y/N, stop walking away. I want to know what’s wrong with you. I had to hear from Maria Hill that you don’t want to team up with me any longer.”
“I only made things easier for you and your lovely Dolores,” you stopped in your tracks and turned around to glare at Bucky. “This way she can have your back on the upcoming missions or scratch it. Whatever you prefer.”
“I don’t understand a single thing,” he huffed and ran one hand down his face. “A few days ago, we had passionate sex. We made love and suddenly everything changed. You avoid me and don’t talk to me any longer. And now this.”
He wildly gestured with his hands, not understanding what was going on in your head.
“Yeah, a few days ago you didn’t give Dot flowers,” you sniffed and looked away. “A sunflower out of all flowers. I know we never put a label on what we had but how can you fuck me and give flowers to another woman not hours later?”
Bucky watches you turn back around to storm off. “What? I—it was only a flower,” he called after you.
You didn’t hear his next words because you ran along the hallways and blended him and his voice out.
“Baby doll! It was only a sunflower for her birthday. She said no one remembered her birthday. I wanted to make her feel welcome like you did with me.”
“Well, my friend,” Steve said as he stepped next to his friend. He placed his hand on Bucky’s shoulder and smirked, “I think you failed epically. You cannot give another woman flowers while making passionate love to another. You have to choose one.”
Part 3
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brittle-doughie · 2 years ago
Hello? Hello, hello? Uhh, wanted to know if you received my request from Y/N cookie being a parent to snapdragon cookie, uhh, I'm animal anon🐾 if you remember, uhh I'm not pushing you or anything, lately tumblr is doing weird things, you know
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When Snapdragon hatched, their eyes met with yours and it already knew…that you were going to be their father/mother! They went straight into your arms, wagging their tail as they snuggled in your grasp.
Hollyberry, Margarine, and Pitaya were caught off guard with this development, Tarte Tatin was pleading for you to separate yourself from the dragon so she could take the shot!
This sense of parental instinct took over as you shield the babbling little dragon from Tarte Tatin, pleading for her to not harm the hatchling! Snapdragon was curious on what was going on, you curbed that by reassuring them that it was all fine!
The others, after a long while of convincing, trusted your judgment in keeping Snapdragon with your, with the most difficulty coming from Tarte Tatin, who wanted you to know that she was ready to handle the hatchling if they do anything to hurt you.
Pitaya highkey wants to be the other parent??? They’ll use the excuse that caring for a dragon will require knowledge from a dragon themself, but will definitely use it as an excuse to rip you away from other cookies.
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Arriving back at the Cookie Kingdom, you introduced your adopted dragon child to the other little cookies in the kingdom. On one hand, they’re happy that they have a new playmate, even if they were a dragon. On the other, it meant the time you spend already with your little ones will be even more divided!
Snapdragon will either be happy that they’ll have plenty of playmates to spend the days away with! Or..they could get clingy with you and pretty much monopolize your time so the others don’t get their opportunities!
Snapdragon will certainly be more high maintenance compared to the other cookies, with them still being a dragon after all. They’ll want a whole bunch of your attention and tends to get clingy if you leave them alone for a while. They’re otherwise pretty bubbly and fun to be around!
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