#Smowkie watches FBI
barisiscourtroom · 2 years
it is such a weird feeling to ship a het couple
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
These are lost fic requests from last month. Any and all help would be appreciated. ❤️
Hi I'm looking for a fic where Erica dares Derek to order a cup of coffee as balck as his soul I can't remember anything else just that was a sterek coffee shop fic. I think it was a tumblr fic that's all I can recall. I hope you can help me.
@smowkie found it. Thank you!! Tumblr Ficlet 
Hi I was wondering if you know a fanfic where Stiles is hurt badly by Gerald and hides his injuries from the pack. I think he stitches his own wrists and tries to treat the injury’s. The pack find out weeks later and are all upset stiles was hurt and they didn’t know. Thanks
@terrenlurks found this one. Thank you!!!
It's all part of the master plan by Littleredridinghunter | 57.1K | Sterek Version
When Gerard kidnaps Stiles at the lacrosse game, nobody knows he was taken, nodoby knows how bad it was. Stiles swears Erica and Boyd to secrecy.
When the pack finally find out about it they do everything they can to help him heal and protect him from future threats.
Too bad that they don't manage to do that.
- Looking for a Teenwolf/Supernatural/Trueblood crossover where the Winchesters & Castiel join the pack.  Dean gets attacked & has to ge bitten by Derek.  Dean & Castiel move into the Lift.  Sam becomes a Deputy.  Derek & Stiles adopt 3 or 4 kids, one of whom is the nephew of Alcide.
- Looking for fics where Stiles is sent to live with his Uncle in England only to have Jacson & Cora join him there to study at Oxford.  They get recruited to MI5 OR M16 where his Uncle is the head & eventually join up with Derek & the rest of the pack in Beacon Hills who have joined the FBI?  They join forces to protect the innocent
- I'm looking for fics where Stiles runs away to Beacon Hills from 'Deucalion'.  He us both a Werewolf and a Werefox and has magic.  He & Derek get involved, Derek & Peter take the pack on holiday to either Greece or Egypt, another lesbian couple cause trouble when one claims to be engaged to Derek to hide her relationship from her parents
Hello! I’m not sure if you accept questions  about identifying fics but thought I’d give it a shot! I’m looking for a sterek fic where stiles in an omega chosen to be the star of a reality tv show where other alphas have to physically fight to remain in the competition for stiles. Derek is one of the producers/directors and they end up secretly sort of dating while stiles is still in the show. Would really appreciate it if someone could tell me the title of this fic!
@calvinballrules found it. Thank you!!
Helen of Troy by standinginanicedress | 150.2K | Explicit
Stiles can fake laugh, fake smile. He can play coy and he can be demure and barely eat anything in front of them, and he can sit still and do his little song and dance of feigning interest.
But this is a little out of his scope. They want him to fully become someone else. They want him to be who everyone wants him to be, and it scares the shit out of Stiles, because he doesn’t know if he can do it for hours and hours while cameras watch his every single move. It’s a lot. It’s more than he bargained for.
- Hello! I’ve been looking for this fanfiction where Derek and stiles are mates and Derek leaves because he doesn’t want to pressure stiles, but he doesn’t tell stiles they’re mates, so stiles figures it out after researching getting super sick from Derek leaving. Peter is the one to bring Derek back whose also sick and almost dying from being separated from stiles. They only get better once they’re reunited.
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winchestersheaven · 11 months
about me
I'm Smowkie, 40+, ace, she/her, from Sweden.
Ship and let ship, don't like don't read, KINKTOMATO, etc.
I don't have a proper tag page for this blog (yet, just the spn one), but I do have a TV shows page on my smowkie blog, where all the shows have a link to their tag on the blog it's on, as well as a way to filter the shows by blog it's on, if you want to see some of what might show up here.
some tags
#Smowkie’s fic - my writing tag (one whole fic on this blog)
#Smowkie talks - my own posts, i'm still learning to use this one
#Smowkie watches stuff - when i talk about shows i'm watching
about the blog, credits, my other blogs, etc. under the cut
about the blog
Queue currently set to post 8 times per day, and atm there are 800+ posts in it.
This is my first side blog that I started because I wanted to keep all the Supernatural stuff I reblogged from my main. It is no longer a Supernatural exclusive blog, I put everything fandom that I don't have a specific blog for here.
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Sidebar gifs
Bitter Sam girl badge
Sam Winchester fan badge
Icon/avatar is my own
Blog theme is my own
(coding credits)   
something wrong?
If you see any mistakes I've made here, a link that doesn't work, a tag that's spelled wrong, or if something's not working like it's supposed to, please let me know, so I can fix it!  
other blogs
@smowkie - main/personal - where I follow/like/ask/reply from
side blogs - fandom
@winchestersheaven  - this blog! multifandom, this is where I put everything fandom related I don't have a specific blog for (except music stuff, that goes on @smowkie, but I rarely blog about music)
@mcshepsjumper - Stargate, heavy on McShep and SGA
@hoechyeahsteelatom - Arrowverse
@barisiscourtroom - Barisi from Law & Order: SVU (also things from the other L&O shows, the Chicago shows, and the FBI shows)
@sterekshaven - Sterek and Hobrien
@inevitablehusbands - Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
@ravixmajor - Rajor from iZombie
@sterekdrabbles - I run this with @rieraclaelin, and it's for anyone who likes Sterek and drabbles (100 words long ficlets). We post word-challenges three times a week, and once a month we have a theme week. (We also have @sterekdrabblesgonelong for when the drabbles refuse to stay drabbles.)
side blogs - other
@lokemycat - my cat!
@promptsandgames - prompts and ask games
other links
dreamwidth - inactive
pillowfort - inactive
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
something: *happens*
OA: Maggie
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
detectives, FBI agents, regular street cops, etc, at a crime scene on any show ever: when you're done taking photos, get these shell casings to the lab asap
me: good thing you told them, they would never have figured that out on their own!
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
i just got all caught up on the FBI shows and the Chicago shows!!!
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
a random Sasha Roiz appeared and i spent the episode like 😍
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
poor OA, that man must be aging fast working with Maggie Bell xD
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
a thing that will never cease to amaze me is when copaganda shows actually make cops scary. like, when they portray them as this big violent gang who blindly have each other's backs, or when a large amount of cops all look menacingly at someone, etc. like, y'all want me to like cops, yet you portray them as scary assholes?
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
when i was watching late season 3 of FBI, i read a fic, a Maggie & OA fic, and the AN had something about what a bad time OA was having in season 4, and now that i'm watching season 4 i can't stop thinking about that.
he really is having a bad time in season 4.
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
watching FBI and jfc Nestor x'D
he was just shot at, then had a gun to his face, when spilled booze on a suspect and the suspect's phone then returned the phone all "i just dried it off like nothing ever happened" as if that's how phone works. that he hasn't been killed yet in this episode is a minor miracle tbh x'D
(also still not over OA whispering "Nestor. Nestor Bell" to himself when he found out Maggie and Nestor were dating)
(also VERY unsure and confused about my shipping on this show. lowkey shipping Maggie/OA, Nestor/OA, Maggie/Nestor/OA, Isobel/Maggie, Isobel/Jubal. not shipping anything properly yet though, but tbh as it is now i ship Maggie/OA the most, which is unusual for me)
ALSO, can we talk about OA's smile??? especially when he's UC and he's all smirky, jfc.
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
i just saw a face i love on FBI (David Zayas), but his face is one of those where i always go "oh i love him who is he" (i also constantly mix him up with someone else but idk his name either, of course), so i looked him up and in the blurb on imdb it said he is married to Liza Colón-Zayas, and i just got a bit ashdkjasjdkha about it and had to share this incredibly vital information with y'all.
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
there was just a guest on FBI: MW who was in syfy's Van Helsing, the show where i first saw* Missy Peregrym, and i was so sad when i realized it was MW and not FBI, and that he wouldn't actually meet Maggie, it would have been so much fun to see them together again
*read: fell in love with
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
one fascinating thing about watching FBI is watching a 🍆🐺 show where people actually talk to each other when they're having problems, like whenever Maggie and OA talk about personal stuff i'm mildly blown away, because a DW show with actual healthy communication, wtf?
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
i'm watching the FBI episode Most Wanted (aka the backdoor pilot for FBI: Most Wanted) and the Most Wanted man is played by Matthew Lillard and his brother is played by Peter Facinelli and i'm sorry but i cannot fucking take this episode seriously
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barisiscourtroom · 2 years
ack, i decided to start watching FBI too (after finishing the season with the "crossover" with CPD, so a bit late but i sorta had planned to finish catching up with the Chicago shows completely before going there, so still early), and i just have to say:
she's been on my screen for like a minute and i just 😍🥺😍🥺😍🥺😍
i really hope i'll like this show because i just know i'm gonna keep watching for her no matter what and i'd rather not torture myself with it xD
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