#Smokey Mirror
doomedandstoned · 1 year
THE DOOMED & STONED SHOW ~Season 9, Episode 7~
This episode, we wrap up our look at the Spring Doom Charts rankings (doomcharts.com), by taking a look at our favorite pics from the May 2023 edition, Top 40 rankings. Three-plus hours of talk 'n' rock with Billy Goate (Editor, Doomed & Stoned), John Gist (Vegas Rock Revolution/The Gist List), and Bucky Brown (The Ripple Effect).
Become a monthly patron and get access to all nine seasons of the show, plus behind-the-scenes features and more! Visit patreon.com/doomedandstoned.
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INTRO (00:00) 1. Cooling Tower (no. 29) - "Kingdom Come" (Sir Lord Baltimore cover) (00:31)
HOST SEGMENT I (07:36) 2. High Desert Queen (no. 12) - "Black Moon" (29:28) 3. Smokey Mirror (no. 17) - "Sacrificial Altar" (35:16) 4. High Leaf (no. 16) - "Dead Eye" (42:45)
HOST SEGMENT II (46:28) 5. Oceanlord (no. 11) - "2340" (1:04:23) 6. Thousand Vision Mist (no. 14) - "Sands of Time" (1:10:28) 7. Trevor's Head (no. 20) - "Call of the Deep" (1:14:28)
HOST SEGMENT III (1:17:48) 8. They Watch Us From The Moon (no. 10) - "MOAB" (1:34:51) 9. Blood Ceremony (no. 9) - "The Hellfire Club" (1:41:16) 10. The Machine (no. 8) - "Wave Cannon" (1:46:04)
HOST SEGMENT IV (1:53:15) 11. Duskwood (no. 7) - "She Calls" (2:03:02) 12. Vermilion Whiskey (no. 6) - "The Get Down" (2:06:21) 13. Loose Sutures (no. 5) - "Highway Shooter" (2:12:40)
HOST SEGMENT V (2:16:38) 14. Moonstone (no. 4) - "Bloom" (2:46:34) 15. Alconaut (no. 3) - "Slugs" (2:54:21) 16. Formula 400 (no. 2) - "Born To Loose" (3:00:17) 17. Gozu - (no. 1) "Tom Cruise Control" (3:05:12)
OUTRO (3:09:29) 18. Hibernaut (no. 15) - "Stygian Nectar" (3:10:21)
Theme Song: Dylan Tucker
Thumbnail Art: Moonstone
Incidental Music: 'Doomed & Stoned: The Instrumentalists (Vol. II)'
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dailyalbumrecs · 9 months
Smokey Mirror - Smokey Mirror
This it the first full length album of Texas based Smokey Mirror. Their Bandcamp describes them as "Spicy 4-piece psychedelic-blues Boogie from Texas." and I think the way that I would describe this album is a psychedelic rock album with some blues influences and vocals I normally wouldn't associate with psychedelic rock. It is a good album and I am looking forward to future releases of theirs.
Bandcamp Link: https://smokeymirrortx.bandcamp.com/album/smokey-mirror-3
Apple Music Link: https://music.apple.com/us/album/smokey-mirror/1675377087
Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/album/718cdelNkiW8GBXCOqQEjX?si=mUy_GHhpSMuYifkwEqp9xg
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xfairydrawing · 1 year
Home Office Built-In in Sydney
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An illustration of a mid-sized, minimalist built-in desk study room with a beige floor and ceramic tile walls.
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shepards-folly · 1 year
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Smoke & Mirrors
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still reading through your aus and i am in pain wtf--- that depticon spy au??? THE REVEAL IS SO. OW. BECAUSE SMOKESCREEN WOULDNT EVEN HAVE A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN HIMSELF--- like I. HEAD IN HANDS.
that's part of the fun tbh <3
and of course the Autobots are angry. Livid if we're being honest. They feel stupid for not seeing it earlier, after all Smokescreen arrived in a Decepticon pod, he'd supposedly managed to escape a prision ship himself and survive the fall of Iacon, he'd been captured again by the Cons and escaped functionally unharmed, he was always weirdly anxious and flighty around them, and they really just feel like they're been played for fools at what seems to be obvious tells in hindsight
admittedly the humans are a bit more hesitant to believe this sudden change, especially whichever human was the one who was traded for Smokescreen. After all, Smokescreen honestly bonded more with the humans than with his "fellow" Autobots. With the Autobots there was always this lingering anxiety and fear that they would uncover his secret, a feeling he hadn't felt since his early days of undercover work
but with the humans...... there wasn't as much fear. The kids were..... well, kids. They didn't know what signs to look out for in spies, they didn't know what he should and shouldn't know about Cybertron, they trusted him completely, so this apparent betreyal....... it hurts them a lot but they're also somewhat hesiatnt to believe it
but yeah, they don't exactly have too much time to deal with all these emotions regarding Smokescreen's betreyal before all of them get a single message from the guy
then they end up finding out that the Decepticon's new base is Literally Right Outside Their Door and they evacuate
(also, since all five humans were kidnapped, this also means that Fowler and June get to join the Autobots on then run :) June is either going to go with Raf (since he's the youngest) or with Ratchet, but I'm admittedly not super sure about Fowler, either Ratchet or he manages to stay behind with Optimus somehow)
now....... this of course raises the question of what happens to Optimus. After all, Smokescreen isn't there to save him, right?
what if he was :)
what if after his "return" to the Decepticons, Megatron sorta...... lets him float around. Sure he's angry about his defection, but right now he's more than aware of how much more pain giving Smokescreen some amount of freedom would give him than simply locking him up. If he's in a cell, he's being trapped, but if he's "free"....... well, then that makes it all the more easier for the guilt to eat him alive :)))
(besides there..... really isn't a whole lot a spy with a blown cover can do right now)
unfortunatly, while the guilt part of the plan does work out, it also accidentally results in Optimus's survival and Smokey stealing the Phase Shifter and Forge and giving it to the Autobots
now...... Optimus admittedly doesn't have the best memory of what happened after the base came down ontop of him. The details aren't super great on account of the whole dying thing
However, there are a handful of things he is sure of with the utmost certainty
The Matrix of Leadership wanted to pick Smokescreen had he died
Smokescreen had a chance to take the Matrix of Leadership
Smokescreen didn't
Smokescreen stole the Forge and Phase Shifter from the Decepticons
Smokescreen saved his life
and suddenly Optimus is realizing the whole puzzle surround their newest recruit has become that much more complicated
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 7 months
lowkey the way he said this gives me smokey or doc vibes (might be thinking up an au here lol)
@microwavedfishsticks @punkeropercyjackson @champmorado @x0stormie0x @penguinotaku @gay-lightning-mcqueen
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tragically-torie · 2 years
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Outfit and makeup today
First pic is me getting ready 🧖🏼‍♀️
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uglydragons · 1 year
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This is Becquerel who I was going to put up for auction but his eyeshadow was on point and he stole my heart. Best feature: his peets
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loreleiroze · 1 year
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Yeo what up :DD :)))))
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joeexclamation · 1 year
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The Sopranos, Season 4, Episode 11 ‘Calling All Cars’
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smokeys-house · 2 years
was talking to someone about my undying love for moominmama and they said "but she's married" as if to shut me down forgetting that in fact the main problem is not her commitment to her husband, but the fact that she is not real
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daisies-on-a-cup · 1 year
tried to do eyemake up... cringe fail abomination punch in the eye look... i would get so many numbers in the gay club... but i am not there...
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waitingforafriendblog · 7 months
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helios-co · 1 year
I cannot help but feel that everything I've ever read has been more real than the hands held up in front of my face
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There was this one AU I made, where Smokescreen used to be a Decepticon spy (this was based on a really old crack theory when he was first revealed in the show) but when he was in the Archives, he started learning more about Cybertron as a whole and has a realization that "hey, maybe the Autobots have a Point™ and I don't know which side of this war I really want to be on" but he knows he already dug his grave and couldn't get out of it. That was until he crashed landed on Earth and no one knew who he was. He could actually be on the side he truly believed in, and help win the war. Now, he just has to hope no one on the Decepticon side will recognize him. (Plot twist: someone does)
I hope you don’t mind if I add onto this because my brain grabbed it in a choke hold and went ZOOM
So we have Smokescreen doing Spy Things for the Cons. What if instead of having gone through the whole Elita Guard training which would’ve been incredibly risky, they just set him up to intercept the actual Guardsmen who’d been assigned to Trion so he can replace them. For most, guarding essentially a glorified librarian would be boring at best, but to a spy? Alpha Trion is the head of THE Iacon Archives, a complete foundation of useful, difficult to access information
And what if this would be Smokescreen’s first proper undercover mission. He’d done intelligence before, and he was really good at it, but this would be the first time he’d be going behind enemy lines for a long stretch of time. He thinks he’s got this completely in the bag
He does not have this completely in the bag
Unfortunately for Smokescreen, Alpha Trion keeps all KINDS of records in the Archives. He’s got stuff in there from everybody, Autobot, Decepticon and Neutral, from news clippings to videos to all manner of propaganda. He’s even got a whole secret section dedicated to banned media.
And when Smokescreen’s doing his spy investigations….. he ends up finding a couple things he either didn’t know or didn’t really think about, and the datapads he finds offer a large amount of view points. Many of them are biased, but there’s enough different view points that he’s able to piece together a picture.
And it’s….. not great, if he’s being honest. Sure the Autobots aren’t saints, but they’re not the monsters Megatron and the Decepticons had painted them to be. Not the monsters Smokescreen had them as. And to make things even worse, the Decepticons aren’t nearly as good as he’s been made to believe. He learns of Shockwave and his experiments, the Decepticon Justice Division, Praxus, so many things he’d heard in passing but never got all the context for and even more things he’d never even heard of
Smokescreen didn’t like not knowing things. He was an intelligence agent, knowing things was his job….. or at least, he thought it was.
So he’s faced with a crisis. He knows he can’t go back to the Decepticons knowing what he knows now, but at the same time the Decepticons won’t take his defection well and there’s no guarantee that the Autobots will take him in. Right now Alpha Trion is his best and really only option for safety and honestly….. he really does trust the guy. His friendship made with him wasn’t all faked, and he genuinely likes him.
So he decides he’s going to tell Alpha Trion the truth and go from there. He can figure out the specifics of his maybe(?) defection after that.
……only he doesn’t get the chance because then the Fall of Iacon happens and Smokescreen gets knocked out
He does wake up on the ship like in canon, only this time he isn’t a prisoner because they knew who he was. Instead he wakes up in the med bay and is told they found him unconscious in the Archives. They say he’s to wait for his next assignment and then he’ll be off
Only now the full force of what he’s doing comes crashing down and he realizes just how badly he’s fucked up. Alpha Trion is now dead and it’s all thanks to what he’s done. Because he was too afraid and too unwilling and too slow to accept everything, now he’s lost his best friend and mentor who showed him more kindness than he felt he deserved
And what if in that moment Smokescreen decides once and for all that he’s going to defect and nothings going to stop him. And if he gets caught, at least he’s going to go out with a bang. So he uploads every virus he can onto that ship and causes as much chaos and havoc as possible before jettisoning himself off via an escape pod
……only then it turns out one of his viruses had messed with the pods as well at set the one he got into into a long distance pod
And as much as it sucks, he decides to use the new anonymity to its fullest. He doesn’t trust them completely, since even with all he’s learned it’s still a little difficult to fully trust them so he doesn’t come out with the full truth, most importantly his now ex-Decepticon spy status
as for the reveal, what if it happens during Inside Job. Megatron’s poking around in his head and finds some things Smokescreen had wanted ti keep secret, and now he has some blackmail that he could use to fracture the Autobots a bit…… like say during the Children-Omega Key Exchange when they fight for the Onega Lock
but yeah those are what I could come up with :D
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thetwinsofevil · 1 year
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Master Bath San Diego Gray and porcelain tile ideas for a medium-sized contemporary master bathroom Remodeling a bathroom with porcelain tile and a gray floor, shaker cabinets, a one-piece toilet, gray walls, an undermount sink, and quartz countertops
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