#Smoker the White Hunter
wesaier · 1 month
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Oh vice-admiral...
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sclki-op · 3 months
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I think I should say that here Smoker allies with Straw Hats again over some shared enemy. It takes place after months and numerous interactions into Zoro's and Smoker's acquaintance with each other. So at this point they're far from strangers, both have long agreed that outside of instances where Smoker's threatening Luffy's safety, they're no enemies
Smoker knew enough about Zoro to be certain that he won't strike him outside of a fair battle, which is why his guard was lowered enough for his alarm to set off with a delay when Zoro grabbed him, only partially turning to smoke before his thought process is halted
For @oprarepairweek !
Prompt: First kiss
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yellowistheraddest · 9 months
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your tax money goes to support his smoking addiction and so he can play with rocks
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grandline-fics · 6 months
Shifting Focus
DESCRIPTION: The moment they began to see you differently
CHARACTERS: Shanks, Kid, Smoker | Sanji, Law
WORDS: 2,850
A/N: Another part of this in honour of reaching 500 followers. This was my first time writing for Smoker so here's hoping you all enjoy!
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Everyone knew Shanks was a flirt, a laidback charmer who always had a smile and a wink at the ready for the next pretty face he came across. No-one was meant to really take it seriously, to see anything that happened to be more than what it was, a fleeting moment of enjoyment for both sides. Serious feelings never truly came into play, it was easier that way given that he was always on the move. To let anyone believe he was the settling down type would have been cruel and he didn’t find any enjoyment in hurting people needlessly, unless they were his enemy of course. Everyone in the crew were more than used to his mannerisms, yourself included. You could understand his worldview on the matter however you never entertained him when he chose to flirt with you. Something that he finally started to notice and when he did, he couldn’t let it go. 
“Do I repulse you?” He asked suddenly one evening causing you to choke on your coffee. Your body tensed and you forced the liquid down your throat, wincing at the painful burn it caused and sharp tightness in your throat. You’d needed it to stay awake for your night shift but after that, you set the mostly untouched mug aside. Looking to your side you saw your captain staring at you intently, a small pout playing at his lips making you believe he was picking his words carefully to seem like he was keeping the conversation light. However underneath the joking you could tell there was a real question there. 
“If you repulsed me Cap, I wouldn’t have joined your crew, now would I?” You answered, looking back down to the sea chart in your hands, needing to keep track of any notable features coming into view. “What is it you really want to ask me?”
“I’ve noticed something about you.” Shanks began, scowling when you looked away from him to continue your work. You were always so task-oriented and levelheaded that even when you were joking with another member of the crew, you were still focused on what was needed to be done. Finally you looked up at Shanks again, eyebrows raised slightly to invite him to keep talking. “You don’t flirt back.” 
For a moment you had to think about what Shanks was getting at but finally you let out a laugh and lightly rolled your eyes. So he was in that kind of mood today. For a moment he almost had you by making you believe he was asking you a semi-serious question. Still smiling in amusement you shook your head and turned to go inside when a wind started to pick up. If you lost the charts in your hand it wouldn’t have been good. What you weren’t expecting was Shanks to follow you, with a sigh you settled down at your desk and sat back to stare at your captain who clearly wasn’t finished with this joke and you weren’t going to get any peace until you indulged him. “Am I being reprimanded for my lack of flirtation towards you, Cap? I’m surprised it’s affected you so much given how you’re never without company.”
“You flirt with the others on board.” Shanks pointed out, not really knowing why it was getting to him so much. Ever since he’d realised you’d joke around and tease the others on board but not him, it just kept gnawing at him. Shanks knew he shouldn’t get so irritated by it all but he just couldn’t help himself. He stepped closer until he was leaning of the edge of your desk, staring down at your calm expression. “So why not me?”
“I flirt with the others because it’s not serious and they know that.” You shrugged lightly, leaning back to regard your captain, a smile slowly pulling at your lips. “You, however are a different story, Cap.” With a breathy sigh you rose from your seat and Shanks’ earlier position meant you were now standing mere inches away from him, not quite touching but close enough for the warmth of your body to radiate into his. “If I gave in and flirted with you…I don’t think I’d be able to stop it as just a joke. I don’t have the same self-control that you do.” You murmured, tilting your head up slightly so your breath could softly dance against his skin. Satisfied that that should be enough for your Captain’s need for the joke to end you took a step back and grinned before sitting down at your desk. 
With your presence no longer engulfing his, Shanks blinked and immediately wanted more. More of that rush, that spark, more of you. However fate had other plans when Lucky Roux called for him and he had to do his duties as the Captain. Sharply letting out a huff of annoyance, Shanks reluctantly left your side to head onto the deck. When he reached the doorway, he couldn’t help but look over his shoulder and see your attention already drawn back to your work. Yeah, this was far from over.  
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There was never a dull moment on the Victoria Punk. Even on the calm days at sea, the heavy steps of the Captain and the usual tone of conversation was carried at a volume louder than some other ships were used to. But that was what you liked about it. It was only when the ship was deathly quiet outside of sleeping hours that any of you felt the need to worry. The seas were calm and laughter surrounded you all as you sat in the living quarters with plenty of drink to see you all through to morning if you wanted. 
Currently you were all playing a game with the bounty posters you’d all seemed to collect. It was a simple enough form of ‘Kiss, Marry, Kill’ by selecting three posters from the pile however each person that had to answer ended up getting drawn into a fierce debate about their answers. If you didn’t want to answer on your turn however, you had to drink. It was an empty punishment since all of you were drinking happily regardless. 
“Look I stand by my answer okay?!” Wire shouted, unable to keep the grin from his face knowing the argument was in good spirits. “I had the worst draw out of them all so far, you guys have been getting it easy.”
“Just hurry up and pick my three okay?” You grinned, sitting up from your lounged position to get a better look for your turn. Wire reached over to the pile of posters lying face down on the table and picked three at random, slowly flipping them over to reveal Blackbeard, Franky, and Bartolomelo. Grinning you sat back down into your previous position. “Kiss Bartolomelo, Marry Franky, Kill Blackbeard. Easy.”
“Not that I’d argue with the decisions, you just made up your mind so quickly…” Killer noted, a grin in his voice as his face remained hidden by his mask. You rolled your eyes and grinned. 
“Nothing to think about, Blackbeard is…ugh” you suppressed a shudder at the mere thought of the Emperor. “Franky is dependable and skilled, and fun from what we saw when we allied with them so marrying him wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
“You didn’t think about Bartolomelo as marriage material?” Kid asked with a grin and you laughed up at your Captain who you’d been leaning against for a majority of the night. 
“No way, he’s a major Strawhat fanboy. I’d be competing against that entire crew for his attention, sadly we just weren’t meant to be.”
“Yeah, you’re real heartbroken about it I see.” Kid laughed along with you and the others. The game continued for another while, some of the crew stopping from being too drunk to stay awake while others began to head for their quarters. Those remaining all agreed this would be the last round and it meant you were to deal out three posters for Kid. 
You were still far too comfortable lounging against your Captain so you quickly reached over, fumbling you flipped over the first three you could get your hands on and flopped back before even seeing who he had to choose from. From the sound of the stifled laughter you could tell his options were going to be good. With an anticipated grin you turned on your side and pushed yourself up with your elbow only to become surprised to see your bounty on the table along with Buggy the Clown and Nico Robin. You couldn’t help but become curious about what your Captain would pick about you although you supposed as long as he didn’t pick you to kill it was all fine, it was just a game after all. 
Kid suddenly felt tense and couldn’t help but look away from your printed face to the physical version of you. The you he suddenly became all too aware of. You’d been part of the crew forever and he’d never needed to see you as anything other than a valued member like the others. What if he said something that made you uncomfortable. But if he didn’t play then you could misread that too and make things worse. Fuck, why was he overthinking this? He had to finish the game and hope nothing more was said about it. “Kill the clown and kiss Robin.” He muttered quickly before looking away and draining the last of the alcohol in his mug. 
“Aww you wanna marry me?” You cooed, the smile growing wider on your face. With everyone satisfied with a good ending to the game, the crew began to clear up their drinks and the bounty posters and move to turn in for the night. You got up with a groan and stretched out your arms, finally feeling the need to rest too. With a yawn you turned to Kid who was still sitting and smiled softly. “Not heading to bed, Kid?”
“Yeah, heading soon.” He grumbled lost in his own thoughts that were now occurring to him and you tilted your head, a frown falling on your lips. Quickly Kid realised you were going to worry and he recovered enough to smirk at you. “We need our rest, right? We’ve got a wedding to plan huh?” He forced the joke out, relieved to see you laugh and leave while wishing the rest in the room goodnight. When you were gone, Kid glared at Killer who was sitting far too relaxed for his liking. “When did you add their bounty to the pile, Kil?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about and you have no way of proving it.” 
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“Vice Admiral?” You paused in the middle of the G-5 Base corridor when you spotted the base commander leaning against the wall with his office just a few feet away. At the sound of your call he made no sign that he’d heard you. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for someone of his rank to get lost in thought especially if there were certain higher ups breathing down their neck or certain pirates occupying their minds. Adjusting the documents in your hands you approached the base commander. “Vice Admiral Smoker?” You asked again and moved to lightly touch his arm to get his attention. 
At the same time, Smoker turned sharply and knocked into your hand causing you to drop your files in surprise. As the papers fluttered to the floor you kept your gaze on Smoker, concern growing in your eyes. His usual steely gaze seemed to have dimmed and you noticed the small tremor in his otherwise imposing frame. As one of the base’s medical staff your critical, scrutinising stare was pinpointing all that stood out to you. Since you were dealing with the commander himself, you felt you had to be somewhat nicer and couldn’t just order him to rest. “Are you sick?” You asked and immediately his stare sharpened at the implication. 
“I’m fine.” Smoker’s answer was gruff as to be expected but you could hear the slight shake that could have been missed had you not been listening out for it. When he saw you weren’t fooled he finally took a proper look at you and through his mind that was getting foggier by the second he managed to recognise who you were and what department you worked for on the base. Inwardly he cursed his bad luck. He’d been trying to get to the safety of his office but a dizzy spell hit him hard and he had to stop to catch his breath just mere seconds before you’d approached him. Smoker didn’t want to be babied, getting sick was a rarity for him. He just wanted to get to his room and sit there in peace until he felt a little better. No one else had noticed his state all day, why did he get cursed with bad luck like this at the final moment? He just needed to get rid of you before you tried to take a closer look at him. “Aren’t you going to pick up your documents?”
“Well since you're not sick and are partly responsible for me dropping them. You can surely help me lift them, right Vice Admiral?” Your question was so sweet and innocent but still Smoker glared at the challenge in your eyes. In any of his previous interactions with you, you’d seemed so reserved and quiet but now he could see another side to you. With a grunt, Smoker lowered himself to the floor, trying to fight the wave of dizziness and aches rolling down his body. Mentally he cursed you as you smoothly crouched down and started collecting sheets at a pace far faster than he was able to. When Smoker was focused on the task you’d given him, you struck. Your hand touched his forehead before he could react and you scowled at the man in disapproval. “You’re burning up with a fever. You’re going to your room and resting.” 
Your order left no room for disagreement and before Smoker’s mind could truly catch up, he found himself walking into his room with you. When he was lying on his bed you set about gathering what was needed to help his fever and aches before making yourself comfortable at his desk to fix the scattered documents into their right files again. From the small layer of dust gathering on the surface you could tell Smoker didn’t use it much, being a man of action over paperwork. “You don’t need to stay, I’m fine.” Smoker grumbled. 
“The second I leave, you’ll rest for an hour at most and call yourself cured. I’m not leaving until I’m happy you’re actually fine.”
“An hour is all I need.”
“Didn’t know you had a medical degree.” You noted dryly. “Do I call you Doctor Vice Admiral Smoker or Vice Admiral Doctor Smoker?” It surprised you when Smoker’s deep laugh rumbled through the air and a small smile graced your lips at the sound. Perhaps he should laugh more, it was a nice sound and it would help make him more approachable to some people. 
“You can call me whatever you want.” Smoker mumbled, it wasn’t often people stood up to him like this and he had to admit it was refreshing to see. Unable to fight it, Smoker yawned as his body was beginning to give in to its need for rest. When you heard the telltale signs of him falling asleep you let out a sigh of relief that the medicine you’d given him was started to take effect. 
In the early hours of the morning, Smoker stirred at the soft feeling of fingers lightly running through his hair. It was a comforting feeling and still under the haze of sleep that hadn’t fully left him, his mind hadn’t properly caught up so he let himself relax into the feeling. Reaching up he curled his fingers around your wrist holding your hand in place as his eyes slowly opened and met your face. 
“Your fever’s finally regulated.” You informed him gently, keeping mindful of the time and not wanting to speak too loudly. “If you promise to drink more fluids and stay in bed until at least late morning I can leave.”
“I promise, thanks Doc.” Smoker mumbled with a half-smile, stifling a small yawn and letting his eyes fall closed again but when he didn’t hear you leave he opened his eyes again to see you still standing there. “Problem?”
“Um, kinda need my hand back…or did you want me to stay?” you laughed softly, trying to hold back the grin when Smoker tensed and quickly let go of your wrist, allowing you to leave. “Remember your promise.” You reminded him as you left, smiling to yourself as you left to your room with the memory of Smoker’s blushing, embarrassed expression fresh in your mind. You had to admit it was pretty cute to see. 
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astriaels · 21 days
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some more crocs + a crocsmoke
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thebunnednun · 4 months
My Medic! Smoker x Nurse! Reader
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THIS BIG MAN NEEDS SOME LOVE!!! Smoker x Nurse!reader. After a battle, Smoker gets injured and goes to the Marine infirmary and the reader [his crush] takes care of him HJSHSHSH I LOVE HIM!!!!
@sosongstrawberry You ask and you shall receive!
I swear this man smokes at least 15 packs a day.
On with the show!!~
Smoker trudged into the Marine infirmary, his usual confidence tempered by the pain radiating from a deep gash on his side. The battle had been fierce, but the Marines had emerged victorious. However, victory came with its own set of costs. Smoker, ever the stoic, had refused immediate attention until he was sure his men were safe and accounted for.
The sterile smell of antiseptic filled his senses as he entered, the bright lights causing him to squint slightly. He growled in discomfort, muttering to himself about how much he hated hospitals. But when he saw you, the nurse he had a secret admiration for, his annoyance turned into a mix of awkwardness and hidden delight.
You were busy tending to another patient when you noticed him. Dressed in a crisp, white uniform with a light blue apron and matching cap, you looked both professional and adorably cute. Your eyes widened in concern when you saw the blood-soaked bandage wrapped around his torso.
"Commander Smoker! Why didn’t you come sooner? You should have been treated immediately!" you scolded gently, guiding him to an empty bed.
"I’m fine," he grumbled, though he didn't resist your touch. "Just take care of the others first."
You shook your head, your hands already moving to unwrap the makeshift bandage. "Everyone else is stable. Now, hold still."
Smoker winced as you carefully peeled away the blood-soaked cloth, revealing the deep cut. You could feel his eyes on you as you worked, and it made your heart race a little faster. Despite his gruff exterior, you knew he had a kind heart, and the idea of him being in pain bothered you more than you wanted to admit.
"This is pretty deep," you murmured, more to yourself than to him. "You’re lucky it didn’t hit anything vital."
He grunted in response, his eyes fixed on your concentrated expression. "I've been through worse."
You glanced up, catching his gaze for a moment. "Doesn’t mean you should neglect yourself."
There was a brief, almost awkward silence as you cleaned the wound. The tension between you two was palpable, though neither of you dared to address it directly. As you worked, Smoker found himself relaxing under your care, the pain becoming more bearable.
"How do you do it?" he asked suddenly, his voice softer than usual.
"Do what?" you replied, not looking up from your work.
"Stay so calm and composed, even with all this chaos around."
You paused for a moment, considering your answer. "I guess... it’s because I care. I want to help people, make sure they’re okay. It’s why I became a nurse."
Smoker nodded slowly, a small, rare smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "You’re good at it. Really good."
You felt a warmth spread through you at his words. "Thank you, Smoker. That means a lot coming from you."
The rest of the procedure went smoothly, the two of you sharing occasional glances and small smiles. Once the wound was stitched and bandaged, you stepped back to admire your handiwork.
"All done," you said, your voice tinged with relief. "Try to take it easy for a while, okay?"
He nodded, but as he stood to leave, he hesitated. You noticed his ever-present cigars and frowned slightly.
"Smoker, you need to stop smoking, especially while you’re healing. It’s not good for you," you said firmly, yet sweetly.
He looked taken aback for a moment, then chuckled. "I’ll... try."
You smiled warmly, your heart fluttering. "Good. And if you need anything, anything at all, just let me know. I’m here to help."
Smoker nodded again, feeling an unfamiliar warmth in his chest. "Thank you. Really."
As the days passed, Smoker found himself looking forward to his check-ups, not just for the medical attention but for the chance to see you. Your tough yet sweet demeanor was a refreshing change, and he found himself falling for you more with each interaction.
By the end of his stay, Smoker was fully healed, and though he was eager to get back to his duties, he felt a pang of reluctance at leaving you. On the day of his discharge, he walked into the infirmary with a small bouquet of flowers in hand, a rare, almost shy smile on his face.
"These are for you," he said, holding out the flowers. "To thank you for everything."
You took the flowers, blushing slightly. "Thank you, Smoker. They’re beautiful."
He cleared his throat, his usual gruffness returning for a moment. "And, um, I was wondering... would you like to go out sometime? Maybe dinner?"
Your eyes widened in surprise, then softened with affection. "I’d love to."
Smoker’s smile widened, a genuine, heartfelt expression. "Great. I’ll see you tonight, then."
As he walked out of the infirmary, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and hope. Maybe, just maybe, this big, strong man needed more than just medical attention. Maybe he needed someone to care for him, someone like you.
And as for Smoker, he realized that perhaps letting someone in wasn’t as terrifying as he thought, especially if that someone was you.
The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling streets of the town. Smoker adjusted his coat nervously as he approached the quaint café where he was meeting you. The place was known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious pastries, making it the perfect spot for a first date.
As he stepped inside, the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods greeted him, along with the soft hum of conversation. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on you, sitting by the window.
You looked adorable in a light pink dress with delicate lace trim, a small white cardigan draped over your shoulders. Your hair was styled simply but elegantly, and you wore a sweet, nervous smile as you spotted him.
"Hi, Smoker," you greeted, standing up to hug him lightly.
"Hey," he replied, a bit gruffly, though his expression softened as he handed you another bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."
Your eyes sparkled with delight as you took the flowers, inhaling their sweet scent. "Thank you, they're beautiful."
He pulled out a chair for you before sitting down himself. The two of you ordered your drinks, and as you waited, the conversation flowed naturally. Smoker found himself relaxing more with each passing minute, your presence soothing his usual tension.
"So," he began, taking a sip of his coffee. "How’s your day been?"
"Busy, but good," you replied, smiling. "Seeing you has definitely been the highlight, though."
He chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that made your heart flutter. "I’m glad to hear that. I was a bit worried you might get tired of seeing me so often."
"Never," you said firmly, your eyes locking with his. "I enjoy our time together."
There was a brief, comfortable silence as you both savored your drinks and the peaceful ambiance of the café. Smoker took a deep breath, feeling a rare sense of calm and happiness. He knew he wanted to make this moment special, to solidify the bond you were forming.
He reached across the table, gently taking your hand in his. "I’ve been thinking a lot about us, about you," he said, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "And I wanted to ask you something."
You tilted your head slightly, curiosity and anticipation dancing in your eyes. "What is it?"
Smoker’s grip on your hand tightened just a fraction as he mustered his courage. "Would you consider being my personal nurse? If I promise to be your personal soldier, always there to protect you?"
Your heart skipped a beat, your cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and joy. "You mean… like us being together?"
He nodded, his gaze intense yet tender. "Yeah. I want you by my side, both on and off duty. I want to take care of you just like you’ve taken care of me."
Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you squeezed his hand. "Yes, Smoker. I’d love that."
A rare, genuine smile spread across his face as he lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. "You’ve made me the happiest man alive," he murmured.
The two of you spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing, and sharing sweet moments, the world outside fading into the background. It was just you and Smoker, wrapped in a bubble of warmth and affection.
As the night came to a close and Smoker walked you back to your quarters, he felt a newfound sense of purpose and contentment. He had found someone who cared for him deeply, someone he wanted to cherish and protect with all his might.
And as for you, you knew you had found a partner who, despite his tough exterior, had a heart of gold. Someone who made you feel safe and loved. Together, you knew you could face anything the world threw at you.
As you stood at your door, Smoker leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender, lingering kiss. "Goodnight, my personal nurse," he whispered.
"Goodnight, my personal soldier," you replied, your voice filled with happiness.
With one last smile, Smoker turned and walked away, already looking forward to the many more moments and memories you would share together.
As Smoker was about to turn the corner, he heard your voice calling out to him from behind.
"Smoker, wait!" you called, your voice tinged with excitement.
He paused, turning back to see you standing at the doorway of your quarters, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Would you like a nightcap? Or... better yet, a check-up?~"
He couldn't help but grin at your suggestion, a surge of warmth flooding through him.
"Why not both?~"
With a shared laugh and a knowing glance, you both ran inside together, the promise of a night filled with laughter, love, and a little healing, waiting just beyond the threshold.
The next morning his cadets couldn't help but notice the ease in their captain's attitude.~
I hope you enjoyed your request my dear! I took a softer approach to his personality.
To be posted on the ao3 account soon.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
Mr.Gator do you write for Smoker? if you do then can you write a sfw or nsfw headcanon for him please?
Smoker SFW headcanons
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Guten tag everybody. Writers block is still breathing down my neck, mixed with graduation prep. I’ve also been spending what little free time I have playing Yakuza Infinite wealth, but I wanted to write smth to post for you guys, so Smoker headcanons it is.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I like to think that hes on the downlow affectionate side. He wouldn’t be too into PDA or showing it strongly in public, but you never doubt that he loves you. He would be more affectionate in private, and shows it a lot through physical affection, like holding you or cuddling you. His favorite is probably pulling you into his lap when he’s working on paperwork, or holding you against his chest in bed.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Hes probably kind of a blunt best friend, but he will have your back and be your strongest supporter if you aren’t doing anything wrong. Gives the vibe that he would also get offended on your behalf. If you have an enemy? They are now his enemy, and they have eternal beef. Friendship would probably start because you are in the same circles, or it’s something that has existed since you guys were kids.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I like to think he secretly like cuddling quite a lot, hes just not very verbal about it, and would only do it in private when you guys are safe and comfortable. Likes holding you for the most part, keep you nice and close to his chest and tucked under his chin. But he has moment where he wants to be the one to be held, and melts when you run your fingers through his hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He probably wants to do it someday, especially if he’s in a stable healthy relationship. Hes average at cooking but would be great at cleaning thanks to all the experience from the marines.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Another time I think hes blunt, why draw it out and hurt the both of you more than he has too.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Smoker would take a while to propose, but he would enjoy the thought of marriage one day. Hes got some trust issues though, so it’ll take some time before he pops the question.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He comes across as cold and blunt to most people, but Smoker would probably be quite gentle with his lover thanks to his size and strength. But if you are as strong as him or stronger he’s less worried about hurting you on accident. Smoker would probably also be more emotionally aware than most people give him credit for.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I don’t think he hates or loves hugs. Its nice to get a hug from you, especially when he hasn’t seen you in a while, but he doesn’t yearn for it like other people do. His hugs can be a lot if you are smaller than him, since hes stature is so big and broad and he just kinda wraps all around you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
You most likely say it first, since Smoker has some doubts about moving too fast or somehow making it awkward. He also doesn’t say it too much, saving it for when it has meaning.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I could see Smoker get jealous to a certain degree, and he might even start fights, but that would mainly be if the person flirting with you makes you uncomfortable. Definingly uses his whole marine status to chase off the people who flirt with you, I could also see him sneakily getting you to wear his clothes or something like that if he’s feeling jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I think most of Smokers kisses are chaste and a bit dry, and all his kisses taste like cigars and smoke. Of course, he also gives deeper more emotional kisses, but for the most part he keeps it short but no less loving. He kisses you on the forehead a lot, especially if you are shorter than him, also has a thing for kissing the back of your hand. He loves when you kiss his chin or cheek.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I imagine hes very careful around kids because of his size and strength, and he tries not to be too scary of off-putting, since he doesn’t wanna scare them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Hes been in the marines for who knows how long, so he probably wakes up early and wide awake and goes through his morning routine with practiced ease. Smoker wakes up earlier than you most days, but he always gives you a kiss on the forehead before he goes on with what he needs to do.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Smoker would have a lot of work so he would go to bed late most nights, but he always tries to make it in time so you two can cuddle for a bit and talk about your days. You always have to reminds him to put out his cigar or even pluck it from his lips, so he doesn’t get it all over the bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take Smoker a long time to start opening up about himself, mostly because hes a cautious person and since he doesn’t think its stuff worth sharing. But after you guys are in a secure happy relationship, he would open up little by little.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Depends on the situation. In everyday life hes got more patience than on the battlefield. He would do his very best to never get angry at you though.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Smoker remembers most details about you, his marine training put to good use if you ask him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moments are probably just the ones where it’s the two of you spending free time together, or when he’s got time off from the marines and you two can go on a holiday. If you guys get married one of his favorite memories would be the wedding and the honeymoon.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Smoker is a pretty protective guy, since hes who he is would result in a lot of enemies. If you don’t have any training, he would teach you self defense and different ways to protect yourself. He would be flattered but also worried if you went out of your way to protect him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
When he has the time off to do so I imagine Smoker likes to put a good amount of effort into special days, like personalized dates or a day in. But it isn’t every time he has the time to do so, but he still tries to show he cares.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely his smoking and how locked in he can be on a goal. If you have a problem with chain smokers you wouldn’t even be dating him in the first place. He gets so taken with a task like catching certain pirates and whatnot that he would forget about dates and whatnot that he had with you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn’t care too much about his appearance I think, but he does try to look good for you every now and then. If he finds out you like one look on him, Smoker would go out of his way to do it more.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Depends on how long the relationship has been going on and how close you are. But if it’s a deep relationship, then yes, he would feel incomplete without you, but it just makes him work harder to get home to you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Gives the vibes of a guy that can knit and crochet. Most likely learned it to have something to during long periods of time at sea. I don’t think he would like coffee all that much.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Pirates, obviously. But also hates those that go against his morals, which aren’t the same morals the other marines carry. This also means he probably wouldn’t have a partner who’s a former pirate, since a pirate is always a pirate to him, unless you guys have some kind of bond from before you became a pirate, and he became a marine.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Doesn’t sleep as much as he should, since he’s always got something going on. Best bet is to pull him to bed. A habit of his is that he always somehow ends up being the little spoon at the end of the night. Probably also puffs out air in his sleep as if he’s still smoking his cigars.
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acromandus · 5 months
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One Piece 1x08, "Worst in the East"
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kat-ran · 3 months
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whoishotteranimepolls · 6 months
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nina-ya · 10 months
hello my love could i ask for smoker + “Are you blushing?” ppplease <333333
A/N: HI BIBI!!! Thank you for breaking my smoker writing virginity with this i'm honored I didn't realize I loved him this man as much as I did until now. The prompts came from here!! Pairing: Smoker x Reader CW: None WC: 822 The door swung open with a gentle jingle, pulling your attention away from the counter. To your surprise, Vice Admiral Smoker stood in the entrance. Your eyes widened, a mix of awe and delight in your voice as you welcomed him. "Welcome, Vice Admiral!"
A puff of smoke accompanied his nod of acknowledgment as he strolled toward the bar and took a seat. Quick to assist, you handed him a menu, the anticipation clear in your expression. "Can I get you some water, Vice Admiral?" you offered, your tone friendly.
As he accepted the water, you spoke up once more, "I highly recommend this dish," you suggested, your finger tracing the description on the menu. "It's our most popular, a favorite among our patrons." His gaze followed your finger, and with a subtle nod, he agreed to give it a try.
Returning with the ordered dish, you delivered it with a warm smile, your eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "You've chosen wisely, Vice Admiral. They really do teach you how to have good taste in the marines don’t they? Or is it just your own excellent taste that brought you to choosing this dish?" You say with an air of confidence in your voice the more you spoke to him.
“I chose this because you basically told me to,” he responds rather bluntly, “but it seems I’ve made the right move in trusting your judgment.” The restaurant was bathed in the warm glow of soft lighting. Smoker examined the dish before him. The aroma of spices and local herbs wafted through the air. 
“Well, I hope you enjoy it.” You respond, flashing a smile his way.
Smoker grunts in acknowledgment, giving a slight nod in response. He takes a forkful of the dish, seemingly uninterested in small talk. You, however, are determined to strike up a conversation.
"So, Vice Admiral, what brings you to our establishment?" you ask, leaning casually against the bar. The soft glow of the hanging lamps accentuates the warmth in your eyes.
He eyes you for a moment, as if contemplating how much information he's willing to share. Finally, he answers, "Just passing through. Needed a place to eat." His attention shifts back to the plate before him, the act of eating a clear indication of his focus.
You nod, accepting the vague response. "Well, you're in for a treat. Our food here is top-notch, and you won't find a better spot in town." Your voice carries a touch of pride, as if every dish served here holds a piece of the heart of the establishment.
As he continues to eat, you decide to venture further. "Would you like to try our desserts? They're absolutely to die for, and I highly recommend the chef's special for today." Your voice carries an invitation for him to explore beyond the confines of his usual routine.
Smoker glances at you, seemingly evaluating the suggestion. He grunts, a subtle sign of consideration. "Maybe later," he replies, noncommittal yet not entirely dismissive.
As the conversation continues, you notice a small smudge of sauce on Smoker's cheek. Unable to resist the opportunity, you point it out. "You might want to be careful with that dish. It seems to be fighting back," you tease.
His brow furrows as he brings a hand to his face, inadvertently smearing the sauce even more. "What are you talking about?"
You grin, grabbing a napkin and approaching him. "Let me help you with that," you say, reaching out to wipe away the smudge. Your fingers brush against his cheek, the touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary.
A rare sight unfolds as Smoker's cheeks tint with a faint blush, a sight so uncommon that it catches both of you off guard. You quickly retreat, trying to hide your own surprise. "There you go, all clean," you say, maintaining a cheerful demeanor. You can’t help yourself from asking "Are you blushing, Vice Admiral?"
He glares at you, a defensive edge to his tone. "No, it's just the dish. It's spicier than I expected, that's all." He tries to brush off the comment, but the subtle flush on his face betrays his words.
You decide to play along, smirking slightly. "Ah, the spiciness can do that. Some find it a bit challenging."
He grumbles, "It's not challenging," but there's a trace of amusement in his eyes. The banter continues, and as Smoker finishes his meal, he stands up, leaving a tip on the counter. "Thanks for the recommendation," he says, the corners of his lips lifting slightly. As he heads towards the door, you can't help but wonder if you'd ever see him again. Your question will soon be answered, though, as the bell of the door chimes the next day, and a familiar cloud of smoke announces the return of the white-haired admiral to the restaurant, anticipation in his gaze as he looks around, wishing to see you once more.
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sclki-op · 3 months
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greatwyrmgold · 3 months
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I wish Tashigi got more focus. Her being the sword nerd to Zoro's sword jock could have been a fun dynamic.
On a more analytical note, Smoker being a filthy little punk as a kid is interesting. It reinforces his similarities with Luffy. I wonder why someone like him decided to serve in the World Government's engine of state violence.
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weirdlybeans · 2 months
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can't get his damn lesbian protege to focus on patrolling smh
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astriaels · 2 months
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one piece doodles
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 month
☠️ Up in Smoke
Up in Smoke: You are a G-5 Commander and work under Tashigi and Smoker. When G-5 get’s back from Punk Hazard, you bitterly help clean up Smoker because you are the only one who he will remotely allow to touch him like that. Naturally, Smoker refuses to take medical help lying down.
Warnings: Blood, Explicit Language, Explicit Material.
To Note: Smoker x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~5.5k
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The dim light of the infirmary casts shadows over the battered form of Vice-Admiral Smoker. His body sprawls on the metal table, shirtless and riddled with cuts and bruises. Blood mats his silver hair, and a large gash runs across his chest. You, one of his commanders, are the only one he’ll let tend to him, a fact that has you grumbling under your breath. He won't even let actual doctors touch him!
“Stubborn bastard,” you mutter, dipping a cloth into a basin of water. “You latch onto a fight like a gods damned pit bull.”
You wipe away the dried blood from his forehead, your fingers brushing against the rough scar tissue. The room smells of antiseptic and iron, a scent that clings to your nostrils. Your hands work methodically, washing away the grime and blood with precision. Smoker’s chest rises and falls steadily, his breath heavy but even. At least he has that going for him.
“He’ll be alright?” One of the G-5 Marines lingers by the doorway, his voice laced with worry.
“He’ll live,” you reply curtly, not looking up from your work. “If he’d stop getting himself nearly killed.”
The Marine nods, retreating back into the hallway and closing the door behind him. You continue your task, moving to clean the blood from Smoker’s temple. The damp cloth glides over his buzzed hair when suddenly his hand shoots up, gripping your wrist in a vice-like hold.
“Easy,” you say softly. “It’s just me, Smoker.”
Smoker’s eyes flicker open, pupils dilating as he takes in his surroundings. His grip loosens slightly but doesn’t release entirely.
“Commander,” he rasps, voice hoarse from disuse. “How did I get back?”
“Your men brought you in,” you reply, annoyance creeping into your tone. “They practically begged me to patch you up.”
Smoker’s eyes narrow as he processes this information. “I didn’t ask for your help.”
“You never do,” you retort, pulling your wrist free from his grasp. “But someone has to keep you in one piece.”
Smoker grunts in irritation but doesn’t argue further. He lies back down, allowing you to continue tending to his wounds.
“Next time,” you mutter while applying antiseptic to a particularly nasty cut on his shoulder, “try not to get yourself killed.”
“Noted,” he responds dryly, closing his eyes again.
You finish applying the last stick-on bandage to Smoker’s chest, the adhesive barely holding against the slick sheen of blood and sweat. Each wound, a testament to his relentless (and somewhat stupid) pursuit of justice, is now neatly patched up. You lean back, surveying your work.
“There,” you say, standing and wiping your hands on a rag. “Try and spend a day resting before you charge after your next target.”
“Are you giving me lip, Commander?” Smoker’s voice carries that familiar edge of challenge.
“If that’ll get you to listen to me for once,” you fire back, a smirk playing at the corner of your mouth.
He grunts, choosing not to argue further. Instead, he reaches for his discarded jacket, fingers finding two cigars hidden in the folds. He lights them with a flick of his lighter, inhaling deeply before exhaling a thick plume of smoke.
You give him a dirty look and snatch the cigars from his mouth without hesitation, flinging a finger in his face. “You’re not allowed to smoke until your wounds stop bleeding,” you point out firmly.
Smoker’s eyes narrow at your defiance. Rather than anger, there’s something else flickering in those brown depths. He grabs your wrist—the one pointing in his face—and pushes you back against the nearest wall. The cold surface meets your back as he leans in close.
“What makes you think you can order me around?” His voice is low, dangerous, but there's an unmistakable tension that crackles between you both.
“I’m just doing my job,” you reply evenly, though your pulse quickens under his intense gaze. “And someone needs to keep you in line and alive.”
His grip tightens slightly around your wrist. “That so? Seems like insubordination to me.”
“Maybe it is,” you challenge, lifting your chin defiantly. “But if that’s what it takes for you to take care of yourself…”
The corner of Smoker’s mouth twitches upward before he closes the gap between you two with a rough kiss. His lips are demanding, urgent, as if trying to communicate everything he can’t put into words.
The taste of smoke lingers on his lips, mingling with the faint metallic tang of blood. Your heart pounds in your chest as you drag him closer, parting your lips to deepen the kiss. Smoker's response is immediate and intense, his tongue darting out to wind with yours, claiming every corner of your mouth with an insatiable hunger.
His hands are not idle. They roam over your Marine uniform, fingers grazing the fabric with a deliberate slowness that sends heat pooling in your stomach. His touch is both commanding and teasing, a stark contrast to the rough kiss that has you gasping for breath.
“You think you can handle this?” Smoker growls against your lips, his voice a low rumble that vibrates through your body.
“Try me,” you retort, defiance still burning bright in your eyes.
He doesn’t need further encouragement. Smoke begins to curl from his body, wisps of it sliding under your uniform and coiling around your skin. It’s cool and insubstantial, a ghostly caress that contrasts sharply with the heat of his hands. The sensation makes you shudder involuntarily, a gasp escaping your lips.
Smoker’s hands slide down to your hips, gripping them possessively as he presses his body against yours. The hard planes of his muscles are a stark reminder of his strength, and the feel of him against you is intoxicating. His mouth moves to your neck, teeth grazing the sensitive skin there before sucking hard enough to leave a mark. Possessive much?
Your hands find their way to his shoulders, fingers digging into the firm muscle as he continues his assault on your lips. The smoke winds tighter around you, teasing and stroking in ways that make it hard to think straight. It’s everywhere—sliding under your clothes, wrapping around your thighs, and teasing at the edges of your most sensitive spots.
“Smoker,” you gasp out, half in warning and half in plea.
He pulls back just enough to look at you, eyes dark with desire and something else—something deeper. “You want me to stop?”
“No,” you reply breathlessly.
His grin is feral as he captures your lips again, this time softer but no less demanding. His hands slip under your shirt, fingers trailing up your stomach to cup your breasts through the thin fabric of your bra. The smoke follows suit, swirling around each touch like an extension of him.
You arch into his touch, a moan escaping from deep within your throat. The dual sensations of his rough hands and the teasing smoke have you squirming against him, desperate for more. He chuckles darkly against your lips before pulling back just enough to speak.
“You’re mine tonight,” he declares roughly. “Understand?”
“Yes,” you breathe out without hesitation.
Smoker smirks at your response, a predatory glint in his eyes. He crushes his lips against yours with a fervor that sends sparks racing through your veins. The taste of smoke lingers, intoxicating and rough, as you drag him closer, parting your lips to let him in. His tongue sweeps into your mouth, claiming it with an urgency that matches the fierce grip of his hands on your hips.
You gasp against his mouth, the sound swallowed by the ferocity of his kiss. His smoke snakes around your jacket, tugging it off your shoulders with deftness. His hands dig into your hips, pulling you flush against the hard planes of his body. You can feel every muscle, every inch of strength coiled beneath his skin.
“Smoker,” you murmur against his lips, the word barely more than a breath.
His response is to rip your shirt open, buttons flying in all directions. The sudden exposure makes you gasp again, and he swallows the sound with another searing kiss.
“You ruined my shirt,” you manage to mutter between kisses.
“Keep stalling and I’ll ruin the rest of your clothes too,” he growls back, fingers already working to yank the shredded fabric free from your arms.
He discards your shirt and lets his eyes rake over your body. Smoke winds around you like tendrils, undoing your bra with an ease that takes you by surprise. What exactly can he do with it? The straps fall down your shoulders, exposing more of yourself to his hungry gaze.
“Beautiful,” Smoker gruffly declares as he lets the bra fall away completely, revealing your heaving breasts to him. His hands are on you instantly, exploring with a possessive intensity. Fingers stroke and massage, kneading each breast as his thumbs brush over your nipples in slow circles that make you softly moan.
His mouth descends onto your neck, teeth grazing and biting at the sensitive skin there. Each nip sends waves of sharp pleasure coursing through you, mingling with the heat burning in your lower belly. You arch into his touch, unable to suppress the whine that escapes your lips.
Smoker’s hands migrate back to your hips. With a swift motion, he lifts you effortlessly and presses you against the wall. The cool surface contrasts sharply with the heat of his body as he begins to suck and lick at your breasts.
“Ah!” You squeak involuntarily at the intensity of it all.
“I didn’t know you could make such a cute sound,” Smoker remarks between licks and nips.
Annoyance flares briefly within you. You tug on his hair in retaliation.
He chuckles darkly before capturing one nipple with his mouth. The sensation is electric as he sucks and swirls his tongue around it, making you squirm against him.
While Smoker suckles and nips at your breast, you feel the smoke slither down your body, curling around your waist. It works its way lower, tugging at the laces of your boots with an almost eerie precision. The sensation is strange, a ghostly touch that sends tingles through your skin. You kick out reflexively, trying to dispel the smoke.
“Stop that,” you growl, annoyed at how easily it’s undressing you.
Smoker pulls back slightly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “You think you can fight my smoke?” His voice is a low rumble, vibrating against your chest.
The smoke continues its work despite your struggles, pulling off your boots and socks with surprising dexterity. You feel the cool air on your bare feet as the smoke retreats momentarily before winding back up your legs. The tendrils slide under the waistband of your pants, teasing at the sensitive skin of your stomach.
Your breath hitches as the smoke caresses you, sending electric tingles through your nerves. It moves with deliberate slowness, undoing the button of your pants and sliding them down over your hips. The sensation is both maddening and intoxicating as the fabric slips away, leaving you exposed.
“Damn it,” you mutter, a mix of frustration and desire coloring your voice.
Smoker’s grin widens as he watches you squirm. “Like I said and you agreed,” he murmurs against your skin, his breath hot and tantalizing. “You’re mine tonight.”
He leans back in, his mouth reclaiming one of your nipples while his hands roam over the newly bared skin of your hips and thighs. His touch is rough yet precise, each stroke igniting a fire within you. You arch into him instinctively, seeking more of that intense contact.
The smoke continues to weave around you like as an extension of his will, exploring every inch of exposed skin with feather-light touches that make you gasp and moan. It’s relentless, teasing and tormenting in equal measure.
“Smoker,” you gasp out again, fingers digging into his shoulders as he bites down gently on your nipple before sucking hard. He doesn't grace you with a response.
The smoke tightens around your waist, lifting you higher against the wall. You feel it wrapping around your thighs, holding you firmly against the wall as Smoker's hands glide down your sides. His touch is rough and sends a rush of heat through you. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, tugging at them with barely restrained strength. Oh he better not!
"Don't ruin them," you warn, your voice shaky but firm. "They're my comfortable pair!"
Smoker pauses, his mouth leaving your nipple to look up at you with a smirk. "Too bad," he murmurs before flicking his tongue across your nipple again, the sensation making you gasp. His eyes lock onto yours, dark and intense. "You won't need them tonight," he adds, his voice a low growl that makes your throbbing cunt clench.
Smoker tears your underwear from your hips, the sound of ripping fabric sharp in the heated air. You barely have time to feel the outrage before he grabs your head, pulling you sharply into a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. His lips crush against yours, hot and insistent, his tongue immediately invading your mouth with a force that leaves you breathless.
A noise of frustration bubbles up from your throat, but it’s silenced by his passionate kiss. His tongue tangles with yours, rough and demanding, making it hard to think of anything but the searing heat between you. Your hands find their way to his hair, fingers digging into the strands as you try to match his intensity.
While you're lost in the fervor of the kiss, Smoker’s hand slides between your legs. His fingers push through the lips of your cunt with a deliberate slowness that makes you groan again his mouth. The sensation is electric, sending waves of heat through you as he explores every inch of your wetness.
“Gods,” you moan against his lips, the sound swallowed by his relentless kiss.
His fingers move with a precise rhythm, sliding in and out of you with an intensity that has you jerking against him. Each stroke sends sparks of pleasure racing through your body, making it impossible to focus on anything but the feel of him inside you.
“You’re so wet,” Smoker growls against your mouth, his voice rough with desire.
You can only moan in response, unable to form coherent words as his fingers continue their relentless assault. His thumb finds your clit, pressing down with just enough pressure to make you see stars. The combined sensations are overwhelming, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
Smoker pulls back from the kiss just enough to watch your face, his eyes dark with lust. “I want to see you come for me,” he murmurs, his thumb circling your clit faster now.
The intensity in his gaze sends another wave of heat through you, and you can feel yourself teetering on the brink. Your fingers tighten in his hair as your hips buck against his hand, seeking more of that incredible sensation.
“Please,” you rasp, barely recognizing your own voice.
Smoker’s smirk is feral as he leans in to capture your lips once more. His fingers move faster inside you, each stroke sending jolts of pleasure through your body. His thumb presses harder on your clit, pushing you closer and closer to that precipice.
With one final thrust of his fingers, he pushes you over the edge. Your entire body goes rigid as a wave of intense pleasure crashes through you. Your muscles contract around his fingers, a moan tearing from your throat as every nerve ignites with ecstasy.
“Good girl,” Smoker mutters against your lips, his voice thick with satisfaction.
Your legs feel like jelly as you slump against him, completely spent. His smoke curls around you, lifting and cradling your limp form gently. The cool tendrils caress your skin, easing the aftershocks of pleasure that ripple through you.
“Didn’t know you had it in you,” he murmurs, a rough edge to his voice that makes your heart flutter. “Impressive.”
You barely manage a weak smile in response, still trying to catch your breath. Smoker’s hands are steady and strong as he shifts you in his arms.
You try to protest as Smoker lifts you into his arms, your voice coming out weak and breathless. “You’re injured, remember!?” You manage to say, but it sounds more like a plea than a command.
“Doesn’t matter,” he growls, his grip on you firm and unyielding. “I’m not letting you go.”
He ignores your weak attempts to push him away, carrying your naked form over to one of the beds in the infirmary. The cool air caresses your skin as he moves, contrasting sharply with the heat radiating from his body. You feel every step he takes, every jolt sending a reminder of his strength through you.
Smoker lays you down on the bed with surprising gentleness, his eyes never leaving yours. He takes a moment to gaze down at your exposed body, a mixture of desire and admiration in his expression.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice rough and sincere.
You feel a flush of heat spread across your cheeks at his words, unable to meet his intense gaze. He starts working on undoing his pants, fingers deftly unbuttoning and unzipping with deliberate slowness. Why hurry when you have the whole night? Your eyes widen as you realize he isn’t wearing any underwear.
“No underwear?” you manage to tease, trying to regain some semblance of control. “That’s not regulation.”
Smoker smirks at your comment, shrugging off his pants and letting them fall to the floor. “Seems like you don’t mind too much,” he retorts, a glint of amusement in his eyes.
His smoke billows out around him, curling and twisting like living tendrils. It moves toward you with an almost sentient purpose, caressing your skin in ghostly touches that make you gasp. The sensation is, once more, unlike anything you’ve felt before—cool and insubstantial yet somehow incredibly intimate.
Smoker climbs onto the bed, positioning himself above you with a predatory grace. His smoke continues to weave around your body, teasing and stroking in ways that leave you breathless. He leans down to capture your lips once more, the kiss deep and demanding.
His tongue invades your mouth with a fierce hunger, tangling with yours as if trying to claim every inch of you. The smoke mimics his movements, wrapping around your legs and sliding up between them with deliberate slowness. You can feel it teasing at the edges of your soaked and throbbing cunt, sending electric jolts of pleasure through you.
You moan into Smoker’s mouth, fingers digging into his shoulders as the combined sensations overwhelm you. His kiss is relentless, devouring and possessive, leaving no room for anything but the raw desire between you.
Smoker digs his fingers into your hair, pulling you closer until your lips are crushed against his. His tongue snakes against yours with an intensity that leaves you gasping. You can taste the smoke on him, a rough and intoxicating flavor that only makes you want more. You'll chase after it if you have to!
You moan into his mouth, the sound swallowed by his relentless kiss. His smoke continues to weave around your body, lifting your pelvis up against his. The sensation of his cool smoke contrasting with the heat of his body grows sharp and sends ripples of pleasure everywhere he touches.
“Fuck,” you mutter against his lips, but your protest is lost in another moan as he presses his hips down against you. His erection grinds through your folds, sending electric jolts of pleasure from your cunt to the rest of your body.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Smoker growls, his voice rough and thick with desire.
“Yes,” you gasp out, unable to deny the raw pleasure coursing through you. Almost too much yet not enough at the same time.
His hips move in a slow rhythm, rutting his cock through your slick folds. Each thrust sends a wave of heat and pleasure through you, making it impossible to think of anything but the feel of him against you. His hands grip your hips tightly, holding you in place as he grinds against you.
“You’re so wet for me,” he murmurs against your lips, his breath hot and tantalizing.
You can only moan in response, your fingers digging into his shoulders as he continues to rut against you. The sensation is overwhelming, each stroke of his cock through your folds pushing you closer to the edge. You swear you might orgasm just from this.
Smoker’s smoke winds around your legs as they tremble and threatened to close, holding them apart as he grinds harder against you. The combined sensations of his rough hands and teasing smoke leave you breathless and desperate for more.
“Please,” you gasp out, not even sure what you're begging for anymore.
He smirks down at you, a dark glint in his eyes. “Begging already? I must be doing something right to have my Commander begging.”
Frustration flares within you. You dig your fingers into his hair, yanking hard enough to make him hiss. Your eyes flash with defiance. "Either fuck me or get some fucking rest, Smoker!"
Amusement dances in his eyes as he looks down at you. "Giving your superior officer lip again? Dangerous move."
He grinds his pubic hair against your clit, sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body that makes you whine this time. The rough friction is maddening, pushing you closer to the edge with every movement.
You claw at his back, nails digging into his skin as he continues to tease you. "I mean it," you hiss through clenched teeth.
Smoker chuckles low in his throat, the sound vibrating all the way through your chest. He shifts slightly, lowering his mouth to bite and suck at the sensitive skin of your neck. Each nip sends waves of sensation coursing through you, mingling with the searing heat boiling in your lower belly.
Your hands tangle in his hair again, pulling hard as he sucks a particularly sensitive spot on your neck. The combined sensations of his mouth and the relentless grind of his hips make it impossible to hold back the moans that escape your lips.
"You're mine tonight," he murmurs against your skin between bites and kisses. "Don't forget that."
His words send another rush of heat through you. You arch into him, desperate for more contact, more friction. The need for release builds within you like a tidal wave threatening to crash over everything else. So close, so close.
Smoker's grip on your hips tightens as he finally aligns himself with your cunt. He pauses for a moment, eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that leaves no room for doubt about who's in control here.
Then he thrusts into you with a force that makes stars explode behind your eyelids. The sensation is overwhelming—filling and stretching you in ways that leave no room for anything but raw pleasure.
You cry out at the intensity of it all, fingers digging into his shoulders as he begins to move with a deliberate rhythm that leaves no room for escape or reprieve.
"That's it," Smoker growls above you, each word punctuated by a thrust that drives deeper into your core. "Take it all."
The initial force of Smoker’s thrust leaves you breathless, the sensation of his cock filling you completely, stretching your cunt with each deliberate movement. His hips grind against yours with a relentless rhythm that sends waves of pleasure radiating through your body.
“Fuck,” you gasp out, the word barely more than a breath as his mouth continues its assault on your neck. His teeth scrape against your skin, sending jolts of raw sensation through you as he bites and sucks, leaving marks that claim you as his own.
Smoker's hand tightens on your hip, holding you in place as he pounds into you with an intensity that leaves no room for anything but the pleasure coursing through your veins. His other hand tangles in your hair, pulling your head back to expose more of your neck to his ravenous mouth.
“You feel so fucking good,” he growls against your skin, the vibrations of his voice adding another layer to the overwhelming sensations flooding your senses.
His words make you clench around him, drawing a deep groan from his throat as he continues to thrust into you. The heat between your bodies builds with each movement, every stroke of his cock pushing you closer to the edge.
Smoker’s mouth moves up from your neck to your jaw, leaving a trail of bites and kisses in its wake. He sucks hard on the sensitive skin just below your ear, making you cry out at the sharp mix of pain and pleasure.
“Please,” you gasp out, not even sure what you're begging for anymore.
He doesn’t respond with words. Instead, he captures your mouth in another intense kiss, his tongue invading with a possessive hunger that leaves no room for anything but him. The taste of smoke and desire fills you as his lips crush against yours.
Your moans are swallowed by his mouth as he continues to drive into you with unrelenting force. Each thrust sends sparks of pleasure shooting through you, making it impossible to think of anything but the feel of him inside you.
Smoker’s smoke coils around your limbs, holding them captive as he fucks you harder. The cool tendrils wrap around your wrists and ankles, pinning them in place and adding an element of restraint that only heightens the intensity.
“Mine,” he growls against your lips between kisses, his voice rough and filled with a primal need that sends another rush of heat through you.
You can only moan in response, writhing and bucking beneath him as the sensations overwhelm you. His hips slam against yours with a force that makes stars explode behind your eyelids with every connection. The combined sensation of his cock filling you and his smoke holding you captive pushes you closer and closer to the edge.
“Come for me again,” he demands against your lips, his voice rough and filled with authority.
And with one final thrust, he pushes you over the edge. Your body convulses around him as a wave of intense pleasure crashes through you. Your muscles tighten and contract around his cock as every nerve ignites with ecstasy.
Smoker continues to move within you, drawing out every last bit of pleasure until you're left trembling and whimpering beneath him. His smoke holds you steady as he rides out your orgasm, each movement sending aftershocks rippling through your body.
Your body trembles, your breath coming in ragged gasps as Smoker’s relentless thrusts continue to send shockwaves of pleasure through you. The sensation of his cock moving within you, filling you completely, is almost too much to bear. Each movement sends another wave of ecstasy crashing over you, leaving you writhing beneath him.
“Fuck, Smoker,” you manage to gasp out between moans, your fingers clenching in the sheets beneath you. How is he still going?
His response is a low growl, the sound vibrating through your chest as he drives into you harder. The tendrils of smoke around your limbs tighten, holding you in place with an unyielding grip that only heightens the intensity of the moment. You can feel his body shifting between solid and smoke, the coolness of the tendrils contrasting with the heat of his flesh.
“Mine,” he growls again, his voice rough and filled with a primal need that makes your heart race. "You got that, Commander? Mine."
You moan in response, your body arching up against him as the sensations overwhelm you. Your thoughts close in to the feel of him inside you, the relentless rhythm that leaves no room for escape or reprieve from pleasure. Each thrust drives deeper into your cunt.
With one final, powerful thrust, Smoker reaches his own peak. His body shudders above you as he releases inside you, filling you with his warm seed. You can feel him pulsing within you, each spasm sending aftershocks of pleasure through your already oversensitive body.
You groan loudly as he fills you, the sensation pushing you into another small orgasm that leaves you trembling beneath him. Your muscles contract around his cock, drawing out every last bit of pleasure until you're left breathless and spent.
Smoker’s smoke finally begins to dissipate, leaving only the solid weight of his body pressing down on yours. His head rests against your neck, his breath hot and ragged against your skin. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest against yours as he catches his breath.
“Smoker,” you murmur softly, your fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck. There’s no response—just the steady rhythm of his breathing against your skin. He’s out cold from exhaustion.
You sigh and grumble softly to yourself. “I told you to get some rest.”
Despite your words, there’s a softness in your tone as you gently stroke his hair. You can feel the warmth of his body seeping into yours, a reminder of everything that just transpired. As tired as you are yourself, there's a strange sense of contentment that settles over you.
Making a mental note to take a morning after pill in the morning, you allow yourself to relax against the infirmary bed. For now, though, there’s nothing but the sound of Smoker's steady breathing and the lingering heat between your bodies.
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Smoker stirs awake to the first light of dawn filtering through the infirmary's small window. His body feels the familiar weight of exhaustion, a stark contrast to the warm softness nestled against his chest. You are is still asleep, your breath slow and even against his bare skin. Smoker’s arm, draped possessively over your waist, tightens instinctively as he adjusts himself slightly on the bed. When was the last time he slept this long?
Smoker shifts beside you, grumbling under his breath. He opens his eyes and squints at the sunlight streaming in. “Damn it,” he mutters to himself, looking around for his cigars. He glances down at you, still nestled against him, and a rare softness flickers in his eyes.
He sighs, torn between his desire for a cigar and not wanting to disturb you. His fingers brush against your hair, almost tenderly. “Can’t even get up for a smoke,” he mumbles, resigned.
Suddenly, loud banging echoes through the infirmary door. You flinch but don’t wake. Smoker groans in frustration as Tashigi’s voice cuts through the morning peace.
“Commander! Commander, are you in there? Have you seen Vice Admiral Smoker? Has he received medical care yet!?”
Smoker’s face contorts into a scowl. “Of all the damn times…” he mutters under his breath. Carefully disentangling himself from you, he rises from the bed with an air of irritation. Naked and unbothered by it, he strides over to where his cigars lie waiting.
He grabs two cigars, placing them both in his mouth and lighting them with a flick of his lighter. The familiar scent of tobacco fills the room as he takes a deep drag.
Tashigi continues her relentless pounding on the door. “Commander! We need to talk about—”
Smoker yanks open the door mid-knock, smoke curling around him like an extension of his anger. “The hell do you want, Tashigi?” His voice is gruff and annoyed.
Tashigi’s eyes widen as she takes in Smoker’s naked form standing before her, two cigars blazing between his lips. Her cheeks flush crimson as she stammers out a response.
“V-Vice Admiral! I-I was just… uh… checking if Commander was here and… um…”
Smoker narrows his eyes at her flustered state. “Spit it out already,” he growls.
Tashigi averts her gaze, trying to focus on anything but Smoker’s unclothed form. “I wanted to know if you’ve been seen by medical staff yet, specifically the Commander since you refuse to be seen by anyone else…” she manages to say without looking directly at him.
Smoker huffs out a cloud of smoke, irritation clear on his face. “I’m fine,” he snaps back. “Now get outta here before you wake her up.”
"Wake her up?" Tashigi questions in brief confusion before her eyes catch sight of you tucked away in one of the beds. Obviously naked. Tashigi's face burns brighter, nods quickly, retreating down the hallway, clearly eager to escape the awkward encounter. Smoker shuts the door with more force than necessary and takes another drag from his cigars.
He turns back toward the bed where you still sleep soundly, oblivious to the commotion that just took place. His expression softens slightly as he watches you for a moment longer before climbing back into bed beside you.
“Damn mornings,” he mutters again but this time with a hint of something warmer beneath the gruff exterior. As he settles back down beside you, he can’t help but let a small smirk tug at the corner of his lips—perhaps mornings aren’t all bad after all. At least, if he gets to wake up with you naked next to him.
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Date Published: 8/29/24
Last Edit: 8/28/24
Smoker the White Hunter Masterlist
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