#Smash Balloon Social
eerna · 4 months
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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shredsandpatches · 6 months
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Teatro la Fenice's new production of Mefistofele (with Alex Esposito in the title role) opens tonight so I've been seeing a lot of preview pics on the bird site, including this one and a video of the chorus from the end of this scene (which does look cool despite the schlubby costumes on the two leads, why are they putting Alex Esposito in sweatpants, come on, they put him in fishnets for Gounod!). ANYWAY it got me thinking about the various props I've seen used for the globe in "Ecco il mondo." For the uninitiated: this scene is set at Walpurgisnacht, the witches' sabbath and the primary event of the infernal social calendar. At one point the chorus presents their sexy demon overlord with a globe, symbolizing his mastery over the world and prompting Mefistofele's aria about the folly of humanity, at the end of which he smashes it. (The original libretto mentions a glass globe, and they did have sugar glass in the 1870s so I think that's probably what it would have been.)
Anyway, if you look at the video from later in the scene you can see that disco ball earth looks substantially redder and more burnt out by the end of the scene, a lighting effect which I am guessing takes place at the end of the aria. Which is pretty cool! I rather like that! Not as much as something that can go boom, but still pretty neat.
Other prop choices I've seen, roughly in order of how much I liked them:
Nothing (Festspielhaus Baden-Baden 2016, ft. Erwin Schrott). Come on. Why would you do it this way. I love this production quite a lot (and I actually otherwise really liked their Walpurgisnacht staging) but sometimes it makes questionable choices and this was one of them. Projecting equations all over the giant stage skull does not count. LET MEPH SMASH THINGS.
Giant blue lighted globe (I forget what production this was, but I saw this scene on youtube and couldn't find it when I looked just now). Pretty attractive visually, and stood out amid an otherwise red-dominated scene. Also the closest on this list to authorial intent (and, let's be real, Boito would certainly have used a lighted globe if it were possible to do safely at the time). However, you lose a lot of the impact if your singer has to carefully drop the prop globe into a trapdoor. This is kind of a common theme in this post and a principle by which I would abide: if you can't break it, use something else.
Cow heart (Bayerische Staatsoper 2015, ft. Rene Pape). Well, it's certainly creatively gross! I'll give it points for that. It was definitely not the worst idea this production had in re: Walpurgisnacht. But there are also a few problems: one is the destructibility issue outlined in the last entry. If you do something gross like that it's not gonna be as effective if it doesn't get to go splat, which obviously the prop cannot do. Another is that it doesn't really go with the symbolism of the aria (why is the world a cow heart, specifically?). A third is that the scene had already placed a bunch of writhing pregnant women downstage which made me worry that things were going to go a LOT darker than they actually did. I neither need nor want to see sacrificial baby yeeting in Mefistofele, but if your production is generally committed to maximum squalor, you probably shouldn't do anything that would make the audience imagine it and consequently doubt that commitment.
Paper globe (Teatro dell'Opera di Roma 2023, ft. John Relyea). A solid choice! He spikes it into an oil drum fire pit and and it makes a nicely scary-looking flame for an instant. It would have looked cooler if it were bigger, but it was definitely visually interesting (unlike most of the scene, alas; Relyea was typically fantastic but the director did not give him much to work with in this sequence beyond dressing him like Mussolini) and appropriately destructive.
Latex balloon (San Francisco Opera 1989, ft. Samuel Ramey). This one sometimes draws sniffs from opera purists for being cheap and tacky, but honestly that's entirely on-theme: behold the world! It's a piece of crap! This staging is iconic for a reason (it's on the cover of the dvd) and the simple balloon is satisfyingly destructible (Ramey dramatically stabs it with a very large pin), easy to bat around before destroying it, and inexpensive to replace. Full marks. Of course, this is a famous enough production that any other one that goes that route will probably be seen to be alluding to it.
Because I am obsessed with this opera and have an unattainable fantasy of directing it I have a lot of thoughts about all kinds of staging details, and so I would definitely return to the "inflatable earth" well, but distinguish it by getting Faust into the act: the second and third verse of the aria, after all, are about how dumb and generally shitty humans are. (And I think it's important for stagings of this sequence not to lose sight of him, which sometimes happens.) I'm picturing Meph dragging Faust up "onstage" and handing the globe off to him, as a representative of said dumb shitty humans (a lot of teasing interspersed with aggressive flirting going on here ofc). At the climactic "Ecco il mondo!" he flicks a finger in Faust's direction, and the globe explodes in his hands, to the great delight of the chorus. It's different, and it's a nice moment for making your singers cooperate in selling it (Faust, of course, has the more difficult job here since he'd have to play startled at a stage effect he is largely responsible for carrying off). My throughline for Mefistofele is that it's fundamentally a toxic, destructive love story that's still somehow weirdly ennobling for the participants on some level, and the Walpurgisnacht scene is a pivotal moment in that arc (it's where Meph's switch flips from "I want to win my wager" to "I want Faust") so that staging choice would be a another little thing that makes that relationship central.
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cxcewg · 1 year
This will go down like a lead balloon with the person who has been messaging you, but the sanctimonious attitude all over social media toward Lando this weekend is every bit as awful as anything he did or said.
99% of those people, including I would put money on the person who has been messaging you, could not have cared less about that trophy before it got broken and I can guarantee knew nothing about its origin or worth and yet now they are acting like he deliberately smashed it against a wall and then personally insulted the artisans. Half the F1 fandom including a lot of the people who have been sending him abuse on social media, were calling it ugly and saying it looked like an urn and should be used for grandma's ashes last week. That is far more disrespectful toward the artist and company than anything Lando did. Not once did he or Max or Red Bull aim any of their jokes toward the artist or the company or the trophy itself. Their jokes were purely aimed at each other.
He apologised to the company who said they weren't angry at him and know it was an accident. They are the only people who deserve an apology. He doesn't need to send them a five page handwritten note self-flagellating himself and publish it on social media for the satisfaction of a bunch of jackals who would then only tear him apart for being 'insincere' or 'only doing it for pr'. He found out how much time went into it and what it meant and he said sorry to the people who made it. He owes nothing else to anyone else, regardless of what those who sit in self-appointed moral judgement believe. There is a nothing wrong in pulling someone up in a polite way or having an opinion that someone is being bit of an ass. However sitting on their high horses and passing judgement and acting like someone's faults makes them the worst person in the world and demanding public apologies for mistakes (I'm not talking bigotry or hate here obviously, that's a different thing entirely, I'm talking the kind of faults that EVERYONE has, yes even those of you who act like self-appointed moral judges) does not make those sitting in judgement good people. Quite the opposite in fact. It's one of the worst parts of online culture, this pitchfork mentality where people go on self-righteous mob crusades. It says nothing good about the people who do that.
The stuff on the radio - EVERY driver gets rude on the radio. They are driving at huge speeds with adrenaline coursing through their bodies and have engineers wittering in their ears often at the worst possible time when they are trying to concentrate. I can promise you that not a single engineer in F1 cares or takes it personally when a driver gets snappy. F1TV only play select radio clips, usually ones that either are important in terms of the race or they think the commentators can turn into some kind of drama. Lando, Lewis and Max are three of the drivers who fall victim to this more than others and every time it happens, people go on a tirade about them being rude whiny awful people and yet in reality they are the 3 drivers who have the best driver/engineer relationships on the grid. They are genuine friends with their race engineers, they have worked with them for years andt their engineers love them. That should tell these judgemental people how much anyone cares about people snapping or getting stressed on the radio in F1 but no, it apparently makes them the devil incarnate.
The comment about the backmarkers - it may have sounded rude but in that instance he was absolutely right. Yuki held him up for almost two minutes, passed 17 blue flags and had to be told 3 times by his engineer to move out of Lando's way before he finally did so and even then he made Lando go out on the marbles to pass him. Checo made up 3 seconds on Lando in that time Yuki was quite frankly being an ass. Magnussen and Zhou were also very slow to let both Lando and Checo past (Checo also complained about it after the race) - not as bad as Yuki but they also held them both up for the best part of a lap allowing Lewis to hone in. People dragged Alex every which way last year when he did the same to Charles in Monaco and Charles said something similar on the radio to what Lando did, and everyone went with 'poor Sharl, evil Alex', but because it's Lando who said it, he's the villain not the guys who almost ruined his race. Not one of those drivers was fighting for anything at the time - they were alone on track, nobody anywhere near them, them getting out of the way would have cost them nothing but some dirty tyres for a lap. Lando (and Checo as well) had every right to be angry.
As for the absurd 'he was so rude about Lewis' carry-on - No, he wasn't. All he did was stated facts. There is something about certain parts of Lewis's fanbase who for some reason lose their minds when anyone points out he has been in front-running cars for the vast majority of his career and even when he has had cars that are not so great, they have not been backmarkers, not even the 2009 McLaren despite what they try and claim. I watched that season, I can promise you it was not close to the slowest car on the grid. Nobody is putting Lewis down by pointing this out. Not Lando, not other drivers in the past who have mentioned it, not the media, not other fans. They are simply stating facts. Max openly says he wouldn't be where he is without having the best or one of the best cars and his fan readily admit it as well, and he spent more time not in front-running cars than Lewis ever did. But when it comes to Lewis, his fans cannot accept the same is true. There have been times in the last 18 months where Lewis has carried on like he is driving a 2021 Haas. Yes he's used to having the best and it's all relative, but can you imagine how galling it is for those who are truly driving cars that can barely fight for p15 week in week out to hear him moaning about having a car that is still capable 90% of the time for fighting for high points scores and podiums? I can promise you they all think far worse things about Lewis and his woe is me comments than Lando's jokes about Lewis never having fought over 19th & 20th. There was more than one race this season where Oscar and Lando were doing just that, where they were dead slowest car on the grid. Also Lando adding "it's the one thing I've achieved that Lewis hasn't" is not a dig at Lewis, it's a self-deprecating joke about himself and how awful McLaren were in the first part of this season.
Lando has joked about this stuff in front of Lewis before. Lewis is not offended. Lewis doesn't care. Lewis likes Lando and his sense of humour and actually knows him and chooses to spend time with him. He's a grown man with his own agency capable of making his own decisions about who he likes and hangs out with. He does not need a bunch of chronically online people with massive parasocial relationship issues getting endlessly offended on his behalf. There is a reason he liked that awful twitter fan's tweet saying she would unfollow him if he posted the selfie he took with Max and Alonso and then posted the selfie a few minutes later. He's not proud to have those people as his fans. He's too polite to say it directly, but knowing what we do of Lewis, I have no doubt he finds them disgusting and has no interest in being associated with people like that. If they think he would admire them or thank them for behaving as they do and going after people he likes and respects like a bunch of rabid dogs in his name or in his behalf, then they know nothing about who he is.
Sorry this is so long, just really needed to rant about all of this. Some people's behaviour in the last couple if days has been abhorrent - far worse than anything Lando has ever done.
please let it all out :)
first of all A-freaking-men.
but this is exactly what im saying, they'll find any excuse to target him. they didn't give a shit about the trophy until it was broken.
to be honest, it's funny how friendly all the drivers are (i can't think of one driver relationship that is bad right now) and how the fans are just at each others throat constantly.
and the backmarkers thing is something that needs to be repeated. lando got held up for almost TWO MINUTES. as an athlete i empathize because i get frustrated all the freaking time and i say things that i wouldn't say if i wasn't chock full on adrenaline.
but thank you.
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boarblorbo · 1 year
Made in Abyss Thoughts so far:
So I am finishing up volume 2 today.
VOL 1: Thought dump:
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*some asshole who has only ever watched hunter x hunter* (me! I'm some asshole) This is giving some serious Gon Freecss vibes.
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I love the use of ladders and the seats being attached to the walls. it makes use of horizontal space: shows the island is cramped. it means the seats would have to be secured and it shows that the students are getting used to climbing and checking their spaces on a day to day basis.
so you learn these kids: probably aren't super afraid of heights, they can be aware of their space, have strong hands and arms, can handle changes in wind or would at least be taught what to do. there is so much i am learning from this one little pic. <3 <3
balloons make sense - you're probably sending multiple messages and it would make sense to have air drafts carry stuff up ... but like it doesn't seem to be a volcano so what is producing the drafts?
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the maw on the crimson splitjaw <3 <3 i am in looooove. imagine all the rocks those teeth could smash. bones? pffft no problem.
Riko's clothes - the patches and layers - the orphanage probably doesn't get a lot of funding. (though it is participating in the post-industrialized use of child labor). wonder where that would be going ... or what happens to items that are found by kids. aside from kids getting punished for pilfering.
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ok for real - anyone else getting the inferno vibes? am i going to need to bust out dante for this? (i did. i did bust out dante. i have milton on stand-by. but we're gonna leave the bible outta this.)
Other thoughts: this culture does not care who you are or how pregnant. nudity is taboo but not like outwardly immediately sexualized - it's an argument that this could be a shame-based social economy.
death is a part of life and expected - to the point that it is considered celebrated in some cases.
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So what does this mean? White whistles are trusted members of their communities. but also their lives are expendable in regards to what the Powers That Be (PTB) require? (Eg: the unheard bell arc we're being told about. Riko's birth.) It doesn't feel like respect but you know ... perspective.
how much information that is received from the Abyss is actually made public? Even the information from white whistles?
how much of what is received from Black or White whistles is edited/redacted/incinerated/otherwise censored? Why would this be done?
Like, I ask this because Riko had to have special permission to view the letter from her own mother. and was accused of stealing something that rightfully - belonged to her.
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*heart-eyes motherfucker*
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Ten Years In A Jumbo-Collared Shirt Words: John Mulvey, Photographer: Peter Walsh Taken from the New Musical Express, June 1992 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
"Pulp is... being an anachronism of any kind... living in a dream world... being totally unrealistic... making contact with beings from other planets and snogging them... it's not being different for the sake of it - that's immature... it's all of these things and more - but most of all it's about you and us, and what we can get up to together - OK? - alright, here we go..." (Pulp propaganda)
Today, Pulp is... trying to be superstars in your hometown... organising party games for drunks... loving Des O'Connor and not having to say you're sorry... being fantastic... being mundane... being fantastic and mundane at the same time... dreaming of space-age Sheffield...
"Sheffield's full of half-assed visions of cities of the future that turn into a pile of rubbish," Russell Senior reflects, standing on the biggest traffic roundabout in Europe. "We grew up reading the local paper and seeing 'Sheffield, city of the future,' with a map of how it's going to be and pictures of everyone walking around in spacesuits, smiling. But we're the only ones who took it seriously..."
"When I was younger I definitely thought I'd live in space," says Jarvis Cocker ruefully. "But when you realise you're not going to, it colours your life; you can't think, 'It's alright if I'm signing on because I'll be on Mars soon', you have to try and get it down here." So what are you getting into at the moment? "Cooking. It's very good. Cooking for your friends is very therapeutic, and they always say it's nice, 'cos they're just pleased they didn't have to get out of their seats to help."
Pulp - singer Jarvis, guitarist/violinist Russell, Nick Banks (drums), Steve Mackey (bass) and Candida Doyle (Farfisa, Korg and Stylophone) - are sitting in a dressing room at the Sheffield Leadmill with a pointless prop - a large, silver, faintly sinister head - for company. It is a special day. In the afternoon, hundreds of balloons have been released to mark the debut of their new label, Gift, a perverse indie spin-off from local Techno-vendors Warp. Later, they will play a dizzily great set of twisted disco melodrama. For now, though, they have a long ten years - and extraordinarily unsuccessful career to explain.
"Music's the only thing that can keep you going," says Jarvis, reassuringly clichéd. "If you're not getting paid loads of money and not getting loads of girls sayin ' You're smashing', that's the only thing to fall back on. When I was at school I had specs and bad teeth and was a bit lanky, and so no girls were really interested, but I thought that if I was in a group they'd think I was good... So on that level I've failed miserably. But that's why all sad kids do it, innit? Standing on the stage is like wanking off in front of a mirror. People in bands are social misfits aren't they?"
Looking at Jarvis - still wearing specs, still lanky (I didn't check his teeth) - and the rest of Pulp clad in a hundred shades of brown, a bit of lamé and countless other '70s synthetic atrocities, it's hard not to conclude that they're proud to be social misfits. Russell, meanwhile, is musing on how a band who haven't released an album since 1985 have kept going. "A band that's been together for a decade and has never sold any records is either very, very crap indeed OR they've got something strong keeping them together. I can't make up my mind which of those two it is yet."
"It's about not being able to make it in the real world," reckons Jarvis, back on his misfit tack. "I haven't got a City & Guilds certificate or anything, I haven't got a skill." What about film work (he and Steve are fully trained and occasionally practising video-makers)? "Oh yeah, I have got that," he admits bashfully. "But that's why I went to college, 'cos you do see sad characters walking around who used to be in a band about five years ago, and they always look like a dog that's got lost."
Pulp are currently busier, in bigger demand, than ever before. There's a frantically groovy new single, 'OU', about someone woken up by the sound of his girlfriend leaving him and wondering whether to chase after her or stay in bed; plus there's an album recorded in 1989, 'Separations', finally set for release on their old label, Fire. Both are tense, funny, fizzily danceable and flamboyantly out of step with most of the world, let alone the music scene.
"I like the light entertainment, Des O' Connor feel more than the greasy 'I'm on Highway 66, man' feel," says arch-crooner Cocker. "It's something that's going to die out. You listen to radio 2 - well, I do anyway - and they play Matt Munro, Engelbert Humperdinck and stuff that doesn't really get made anymore. It's a bit clichéd, and that's why people think it's cheesy. But the reason why people performed in that way is 'cos it's quite effective; if you can break through the cheese barrier, you can make contact..."
And so they go on. About people who find their balloons will be treated to a night in with Pulp, to listen to sports themes and BBC Radiophonic Workshop records, and play Stereo Ker-Plunk. About how Choppers are better than Grifters, and how Russell once smashed up the Leadmill dressing room in a fit of pique, only to be caught the next morning sneaking in to replace the bulbs he'd broken.
The last I see of Jarvis, he's standing on the bar at the after-show party, trying to organise the drunken liggers to play musical statues for a can of beer, while 'Nevermind' stops and starts incongruously in the background. It is, like a knackered redcoat struggling to bring culture to barbarians, not a pretty sight. The last I see of Candida, she's leafing through the Leadmill's visitors' book. Amidst pages of revealing scrawls - Spiritualized's inscrutable squiggles, Sultans Of Ping FC's unfunny cartoons - Pulp are there again and again and again; strange, sardonic, not all there but always bloody there. Whoever said all good things must come to an end was a useless liar.
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kiwikakumei · 11 months
I wanted to do an angry room for my birthday (a room where you can smash shit for a few minutes), but clearly my mother still loves policing what I should do on my own fucking birthday.
adding mercury into the wound, she also went "do you even HAVE friends to go with you to this thing if you do manage to go???"
thanks for reminding me that everyone eventually leaves and I'm forever fated to be friends with this demon of a self I am.
due to me having cut myself out from that Other Social Media site, the one thing I'll miss is the balloons when it's my birthday.
at least it knows when.
I dont even know what I want for a gift. I'm so tired from work and trying to care about my family first before me that I can barely think of anything.
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haoaibai · 2 years
cw rant. cw parents, bullying & ableism (?)
since my birthday is a few days away now, i told my mom that i wanted an animal crossing birthday party and a cake and even if she didn’t order the cake, I’ll just have the cake toppers and stick it on my cake. either way is okay.
she goes ahead and asks me why i didn’t tell her sooner but what she doesn’t understand is that, we were ordering a limo to come to my house and go fun places and have the BEST time EVER, so that when I grow older in the future, I can remember all that and to live the best life. on top of that, we were buying a cake, party stuff, balloons, crowns, etc and stuff were OUT of stock and that I didn’t wanna ask and they didn’t see. I DID see a cake that had Tom nook a day ago but when I confirmed the order, it went out of stock FAST. that’s what I said and the MAIN reason why I couldn’t say.
she has the audacity to bring up my neurodivergency and goes “no wonder you’re not normal!” towards me knowing that i struggle with things. and then she goes “can’t you see thats for babies? you’re so old for that anyway..” and I told her, “but it’s my fixation game? getting a cake will just make it better because I’ll be really happy.” and she says, “you’re a fucking grown bitch. you’re not a kid anymore, youre a teen thats working, stop being childish. youre too fucking young for that. pick something else!!!” and then storming out the room.
i just feel really bad because when i was younger, when I played mario kart for the switch, isabelle was the first character that made me addicted to playing as her in the mario kart game and then, when I discovered SSB (smash bros for the 3ds and switch), I became obsessed with both male and female villager. so since they introduced me to animal crossing, that’s when I thought of getting a cake of them so that I can remind myself that nothing can stop me from loving the characters and the game.
SHE LITERALLY BROUGHT ME THE GAME. she KNOWS that I cannot HELP watching it ALL the time. she knows that i like Tom nook and wants his birthday balloon to carry to my work place with party bags but loads of people hate me for being different and neurodivergent. nobody really likes me. expect 2 people. so therefore I can’t do shit about it. I didn’t wanna be seen as the “weird autistic person who likes childish stuff”. but she makes me feel like that.
now I have to do my birthday without it for the last time, and then get it for my next birthday that’ll be next year in 12-13 months since it’s in February.
I just feel so bad and mad at myself for asking cause she brought up how autistic i am. and because she always gets angry for stuff I cannot control nor the amount of stuff I get told. nor my health issues and totally shutting down and lashing out on everyone when mad.
she gaslights me alot also. and is severely negative to me. so now I have to do my birthday without it and have a normal birthday in order to avoid being “weird” or seen as “not normal” and “stupid” and “socially acceptable.”
And she told me to stop watching those characters because they don’t “matter”. like alright i get that im retarded and a weirdo. no need to make me feel dread about it.
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media-geneous1 · 2 months
What are the best plugins in WordPress for making a social media marketing website?
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Creating a successful social media marketing website on WordPress requires a combination of great content and powerful plugins. These plugins enhance the functionality of your website, making it easier to manage, engage, and grow your audience. Here are some of the best WordPress plugins to help you create an effective social media marketing website.
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Yoast SEO is a must-have plugin for any WordPress site. It helps optimize your content for search engines, which is crucial for increasing your visibility and driving traffic to your website. With features like keyword optimization, readability analysis, and XML sitemaps, Yoast SEO ensures your content is easily discoverable by search engines and attractive to readers.
2. Jetpack
Jetpack is a comprehensive plugin that offers a variety of features, including security, performance, and social media tools. It helps you automatically share your posts on social media, track site statistics, and protect your site from spam and malware. Jetpack’s social media sharing options are particularly useful for marketers looking to maximize their reach.
3. Social Warfare
Social Warfare is a powerful social sharing plugin that allows you to add beautiful, customizable social sharing buttons to your posts and pages. It offers features like click-to-tweet quotes, Pinterest-specific images, and social share counts, which can increase engagement and encourage your audience to share your content. The plugin is lightweight and doesn’t slow down your website, ensuring a seamless user experience.
4. Monarch by Elegant Themes
Monarch is another excellent social sharing plugin from Elegant Themes. It offers a variety of display options, including floating sidebars, above or below content, on images and videos, and as automatic pop-ups and fly-ins. Monarch also provides detailed analytics, so you can see which social networks are driving the most traffic to your site. Its versatility and user-friendly interface make it a favorite among marketers.
5. Revive Old Posts
Keeping your social media accounts active can be time-consuming. Revive Old Posts helps automate this process by sharing your old content on social media at regular intervals. This plugin not only saves time but also helps drive traffic to older content that might still be relevant and valuable to your audience. It supports multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.
6. Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed
Visual content is a key component of social media marketing. Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed allows you to display your Instagram photos directly on your WordPress site. It’s highly customizable, letting you choose from various layouts, and it seamlessly integrates with your site’s design. By showcasing your Instagram feed, you can keep your website visually appealing and encourage visitors to follow you on social media.
7. WPForms
Engaging with your audience is essential for any social media marketing strategy. WPForms is a drag-and-drop form builder that makes it easy to create contact forms, surveys, polls, and other interactive elements. You can use it to gather feedback, conduct market research, or simply provide a way for visitors to get in touch with you. WPForms integrates with popular email marketing services, helping you build and nurture your email list.
8. RafflePress
Running contests and giveaways is a great way to boost your social media engagement. RafflePress is a WordPress plugin designed specifically for this purpose. It allows you to create viral giveaway campaigns that encourage social sharing and increase your followers. With features like drag-and-drop builder, pre-built templates, and integration with popular social media platforms, RafflePress makes it easy to run successful contests.
9. OptinMonster
Building an email list is crucial for any marketing strategy. OptinMonster is a powerful lead generation plugin that helps you convert visitors into subscribers and customers. It offers various opt-in forms, including pop-ups, floating bars, and slide-ins, and comes with advanced targeting and segmentation features. OptinMonster’s integration with major email marketing services makes it an essential tool for growing your email list and nurturing leads.
10. MediaGeneous
When it comes to creating a comprehensive social media marketing website, MediaGeneous is an excellent solution. This platform offers a wide range of services, including social media management, content creation, and analytics. MediaGeneous helps streamline your social media marketing efforts, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience.
Other Notable Services
In addition to MediaGeneous, several other platforms offer excellent social media marketing services:
Hootsuite - A popular social media management tool that allows you to schedule posts, monitor your social media accounts, and analyze your performance.
Buffer - Another great tool for scheduling posts, managing multiple social media accounts, and tracking your results.
Sprout Social - A comprehensive platform that provides social media management, analytics, and engagement tools.
Later - Specializes in visual content planning and scheduling, making it a favorite for Instagram marketing.
CoSchedule - Offers a marketing calendar and social media management tools to help you stay organized and efficient.
These plugins and platforms can significantly enhance your social media marketing website, making it easier to manage, grow, and engage with your audience. By leveraging these tools, you can create a robust online presence and drive more traffic to your site.
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tareshkumarsahu · 4 months
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When developing a WordPress website, there are several core features and best practices to consider to ensure a robust, user-friendly, and secure website. Here are the key features: 1. User-Friendly Navigation • Custom Menus: Easily create and manage menus. • Breadcrumbs: Enhance navigation with breadcrumb trails. • Search Functionality: Utilize built-in or enhanced search features. 2. Responsive Design • Mobile-Friendly Themes: Choose themes that are responsive out-of-the-box. • Responsive Plugins: Ensure plugins and widgets are mobile-compatible. 3. Performance Optimization • Caching Plugins: Use plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. • Image Optimization: Utilize plugins like Smush or ShortPixel. • Minification: Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML using plugins like Autoptimize. 4. Content Management System (CMS) • Gutenberg Editor: Use the block editor for easy content creation. • Custom Post Types: Create custom post types for different content needs. • Media Library: Efficiently manage images, videos, and other media. 5. Security Features • Security Plugins: Install plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri for enhanced security. • Regular Updates: Keep WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated. • SSL Certificate: Ensure your site has an SSL certificate for HTTPS. 6. SEO Optimization • SEO Plugins: Use plugins like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack. • XML Sitemaps: Automatically generate sitemaps with SEO plugins. • Clean Permalinks: Set up SEO-friendly URLs. 7. Analytics and Reporting • Google Analytics Integration: Track website performance with plugins like MonsterInsights. • Dashboard Widgets: View analytics directly from the WordPress dashboard. 8. Social Media Integration • Social Sharing Plugins: Use plugins like Social Warfare or ShareThis. • Social Feeds: Display social media feeds with plugins like Smash Balloon. 9. Contact and Support Options • Contact Form Plugins: Use plugins like Contact Form 7 or WPForms. • Live Chat: Integrate live chat with plugins like Tawk.to or LiveChat. • FAQs: Create an FAQ section using custom post types or plugins. 10. High-Quality Content • Engaging Text: Write clear and engaging content. • Multimedia Integration: Easily add images, videos, and other media. 11. Accessibility • WCAG Compliance: Use themes and plugins that support accessibility standards. • Accessibility Plugins: Implement plugins like WP Accessibility. 12. E-commerce Functionality (if applicable) • WooCommerce: Install and configure WooCommerce for online stores. • Product Management: Manage products, categories, and inventory. • Payment Gateways: Integrate various payment methods. 13. Regular Maintenance • Backup Solutions: Use plugins like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy for regular backups. • Maintenance Mode: Utilize maintenance mode plugins when performing updates. 14. Customization and Flexibility • Themes and Page Builders: Use customizable themes and page builders like Elementor or Divi. • Custom Widgets and Shortcodes: Enhance functionality with custom widgets and shortcodes. 15. User Management • Role Management: Assign different roles and permissions. • Membership Plugins: Use plugins for membership sites if needed. By incorporating these core features, a WordPress website can be highly functional, secure, and user-friendly, providing a positive experience for both administrators and visitors #wordpresswebsitefeature #wordpresswebsite #wordpressdevelopment #wordpressinraipur #landingpagewebsite #wordpresslandingpage #paramwebinfo
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elementscelebrate · 1 year
Create the Best Birthday Memories with an Indoor Birthday Photoshoot 
Every passing year in life is worth celebrating, and what better way to do the same than arranging an indoor birthday photoshoot? Celebrating your birthday with a photoshoot will help you preserve memories of your loved ones and family while cherishing how great you looked on one of your birthdays. You can share the special pictures on your social media or keep them for yourself. Now, there are several creative and fun ways to photograph a birthday indoors, and here we will be looking at them.
Go for a BTS
Why not arrange a home birthday photoshoot where you capture behind-the-scenes stills of baking the birthday cake, arranging party decorations and setting up the balloons? This will create some of the most stunning images of the birthday girl or boy and the ones involved in making the event a grand success.
Playing in the Pool
This is the perfect indoor birthday photoshoot idea for the summer. The bright blue pool, shining drink glasses, colourful pool rings and other accessories will make your photos contrasting and joyful.
Family Portraits
Get ready with the best indoor birthday outfit ideas and involve every family member in your birthday photoshoot by arranging for a family portrait together. This will have you experiencing and cherishing moments where you have all the important people in your life in one frame. Bring in cousins, parents, grandparents and friends for the photo session. You can even take pictures of different generations in matching outfits.
Simply Smash It!
Who says that an indoor cake smash photoshoot is just for the one-year-olds? Even teenagers and middle-aged individuals can break the mould and the cake to capture fun photos on their birthdays. However, follow the cake smash photo session rule of getting family and friends to adorn the birthday girl or boy with the smashed cake.
Hopefully, this selection of indoor birthday photoshoot ideas will get your creative juices flowing. Remember that there are no golden rules for a birthday photo session. So, feel free to think outside the box and capture memorable pictures of you and your loved ones.
Prepare to enter a world where your birthday is not just a day but a captivating visual tale!  At Elements, the most sensational photoshoot locations await to transform your special day into a photographic wonderland. Envision being surrounded by naturally enchanting photoshoot backdrops that effortlessly enhance the beauty of your celebration.  Each venue in Coimbatore, Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad is a portrait of its own, a canvas where your memories come to life.
What sets Elements apart is their attention to detail!  From impeccable décor to an array of whimsical props, every element is thoughtfully curated to add that perfect touch of magic to your photoshoot. Your moments will be a symphony of joy and creativity!  Book now and let the lens capture the essence of your celebration. 
Embark on this visual journey at Elements Celebrate and let your birthday tale unfold amidst the enchanting ambience of Elements.
How can I create a cosy and inviting indoor atmosphere for a birthday photoshoot?
For cosy indoor birthday photography, bring fresh plants and flowers, accessorise accent tables, layer in throw blankets and pillows, and display fresh vegetables and fruits on kitchen counters for a pop of colour and streamlining your open shelves.
Are there specific backdrops or backgrounds that work well for indoor shoots?
Yes, cotton fabric backdrops and white backgrounds work best for indoor shoots. White backdrops are best for creating high-key and clean-looking portraits. Even the drawing room or bedroom backdrop looks sleek and classic, provided you arrange everything discreetly to appear their best in the photos.  
What kind of lighting should I use for an indoor birthday photoshoot?
Always opt for natural lighting for an indoor birthday photoshoot. Light coming through doorways, windows, and skylights are the best to click lovely indoor pictures. Open the doors and raise the blinds to allow more natural light to illuminate the subject. You can even mix strobe and continuous lighting in studios to frame shots. 
Do you have ideas for indoor birthday photoshoot props and decorations?
The best decorations and props for indoor birthday photoshoots include: – Table confetti – Balloons – Flowers – Plants – Curling ribbons – Bubble machine – Smoke bombs – Mirror – Crystal ball – Light wand – String lights
What poses and angles are suitable for indoor birthday photography?
Shooting straight from the waist level is best for interior photographs. Shooting from a standing position is not recommended as it may result in a downward angle. Conversely, avoid the angled perspective if you are emphasising décor and furniture. Good poses for indoor birthday photography include carrying the cake and showing it off, blowing the candle pose and posing with a flower setup and giant balloon.
What are some advantages of choosing an indoor photoshoot venue for a birthday celebration?
Indoor photoshoot sessions are more intimate than outdoor shoots. If you are looking for a cosy and warm family environment on your birthday, an indoor birthday photoshoot is the right choice. You need not worry about the weather spoiling your photoshoot while ensuring complete privacy, comfort and convenience.
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amarketeers · 1 year
How to Integrate WordPress with Social Media Platforms 🚀
WordPress is the most popular and powerful website platform in the world, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. WordPress offers many benefits for website owners, such as:
Free and easy to use
SEO friendly
Scalable and secure
Flexible and versatile
Compatible and integrable
But WordPress is not only a great platform for creating and managing websites. It is also a great platform for connecting and integrating with social media platforms. Social media platforms are online networks that enable you to communicate and interact with your audience, such as:
And more!
Integrating WordPress with social media platforms can help you:
Increase your website traffic and exposure
Boost your website engagement and conversions
Grow your social media followers and influence
Enhance your website design and functionality
Provide a better user experience for your visitors
In this article, I will show you how to integrate WordPress with social media platforms in four easy ways:
1. Add social sharing and follow buttons
One of the simplest and most effective ways to integrate WordPress with social media platforms is to add social sharing and follow buttons to your website. Social sharing buttons enable your visitors to share your website content on their social media profiles, while social follow buttons enable your visitors to follow or like your social media accounts.
Adding social sharing and follow buttons can help you:
Increase your website visibility and reach on social media platforms
Drive more traffic and referrals to your website from social media platforms
Build your social media presence and authority
Encourage your visitors to engage with your website content and brand
To add social sharing and follow buttons to your WordPress website, you can use one of the many plugins available, such as:
Jetpack - A free and powerful plugin that offers a module for adding social sharing buttons to your posts and pages.
Social Snap - A premium and popular plugin that offers a lot of features and options for adding social sharing and follow buttons to your website.
Social Warfare - A premium and user-friendly plugin that offers a lot of features and options for adding social sharing and follow buttons to your website.
To install a plugin for adding social sharing and follow buttons to your WordPress website, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins” > “Add New”. You can search for plugins by name or keyword or upload a zip file if you downloaded it from another source.
Then, click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin.
2. Display social media feeds on your website
Another way to integrate WordPress with social media platforms is to display social media feeds on your website. Social media feeds are widgets or blocks that show the latest posts from your social media accounts on your website in real-time.
Displaying social media feeds on your website can help you:
Showcase your social media activity and content on your website
Increase your social media engagement and followers
Cross-promote your website content and brand on social media platforms
Add visual appeal and variety to your website design
To display social media feeds on your WordPress website, you can use one of the many plugins available, such as:
Smash Balloon - A premium and powerful plugin that lets you display feeds from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, etc.
Feed Them Social - A free and flexible plugin that lets you display feeds from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.
Flow Flow - A free and modern plugin that lets you display feeds from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.
To install a plugin for displaying social media feeds on your WordPress website, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins” > “Add New”. You can search for plugins by name or keyword or upload a zip file if you downloaded it from another source.
Then, click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin.
3. Auto-publish content to your social media platforms
A third way to integrate WordPress with social media platforms is to auto-publish content to your social media platforms. Auto-publishing means that every time you publish a new post or page on your WordPress website, it will automatically be posted to your selected social media platforms.
Auto-publishing content to your social media platforms can help you:
Save time and effort by automating your social media marketing
Increase your website exposure and traffic from social media platforms
Keep your social media profiles updated and active
Reach your audience where they already are
To auto-publish content to your social media platforms from your WordPress website, you can use one of the many plugins available, such as:
Jetpack - A free and powerful plugin that offers a module for auto-publishing content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr.
Blog2Social - A premium and popular plugin that offers a lot of features and options for auto-publishing content to various social media platforms.
Revive Old Posts - A premium and user-friendly plugin that offers a lot of features and options for auto-publishing content to various social media platforms.
To install a plugin for auto-publishing content to your social media platforms from your WordPress website, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins” > “Add New”. You can search for plugins by name or keyword or upload a zip file if you downloaded it from another source.
Then, click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin.
4. Use plugins or copied code from social sites to integrate social media features
A fourth way to integrate WordPress with social media platforms is to use plugins or copied code from social sites to integrate social media features. Social media features are elements that you can add to your website that enable you to interact with your visitors using social media platforms, such as:
Social login - Let your visitors log in or register on your website using their social media accounts
Social comments - Let your visitors comment on your website content using their social media accounts
Social reviews - Let your visitors rate and review your website content or products using their social media accounts
Social chat - Let your visitors chat with you or other visitors using their social media accounts
Using social media features on your WordPress website can help you:
Improve your website usability and functionality
Increase your website engagement and conversions
Build trust and loyalty with your visitors
Collect valuable feedback and data from your visitors
To use plugins or copied code from social sites to integrate social media features on your WordPress website, you can use one of the many plugins available, such as:
Nextend Social Login - A free and easy plugin that lets you add social login options for Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
Super Socializer - A free and comprehensive plugin that lets you add various social features such as social login, social comments, social reviews, etc.
Facebook Messenger Live Chat - A free and simple plugin that lets you add a Facebook Messenger chat widget to your website.
To install a plugin for adding social media features to your WordPress website, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins” > “Add New”. You can search for plugins by name or keyword or upload a zip file if you downloaded it from another source.
Then, click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin.
Alternatively, you can copy the code provided by some social sites to add their features to your website. For example, you can copy the code from Facebook’s Developer Tools to add Facebook’s features such as the Like button, Share button, Comments plugin, etc.
To copy the code from a social site, go to the site’s developer page and follow the instructions to generate the code for the feature you want. Then, paste the code into a text widget, page or post on your WordPress website.
WordPress is a versatile and powerful platform that can be integrated with social media platforms in various ways. By integrating WordPress with social media platforms, you can leverage the benefits of both platforms and create a more successful online presence.
By following the ways in this article, you can integrate WordPress with social media platforms in four easy ways:
Add social sharing and follow buttons
Display social media feeds on your website
Auto-publish content to your social media platforms
Use plugins or copied code from social sites to integrate social media features
By doing so, you can increase your website traffic, engagement, conversions, followers, and influence.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and colleagues. And if you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. 💬
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cleanvisualsagency · 2 years
WordPress Plugins You Need to Have in 2023 WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) on the internet. It's used by millions of websites worldwide and offers a wide range of features that make it easy to create and manage your website. One of the reasons WordPress is so popular is because of the vast number of plugins that are available. Plugins are essential to your website's functionality and can help you achieve a lot with your website without having to write any code. However, with over 50,000 WordPress plugins, it can be challenging to choose the right ones for your website. In this post, we'll discuss the must-have WordPress plugins you need to have in 2023. 1. Yoast SEO Yoast SEO is one of the most popular SEO plugins available for WordPress. This plugin helps you optimize your website for search engines and improve the visibility of your website in search results. Yoast SEO offers a wide range of features, including page analysis, XML sitemaps, robots.txt, and meta tags. It's easy to use, and even beginners can use it to improve their website's search engine rankings. 2. Jetpack Jetpack is a bundle of plugins offered by WordPress that includes essential features like site stats, security, backup, and social sharing. Jetpack is an all-in-one solution that offers a range of features that can help you maintain your website, improve engagement, and increase traffic. 3. WPForms WPForms is one of the best contact forms plugins for WordPress. The plugin delivers high-quality forms that are customizable to create any form you need. The plugin offers a drag-and-drop form builder that makes it easy to create forms and surveys. WPForms also integrates with popular email marketing services like Mailchimp which sends timely emails to new form submissions. 4. Smash Balloon If you're looking for a social media plugin that is easy to use, lightweight and integrates with all social media platforms, look no further than Smash Balloon. This plugin integrates seamlessly with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, making it easy for you to display social feeds on your website. The aesthetic layout helps to enhance user engagement, encouraging readers to follow your social media profiles. 5. MonsterInsights MonsterInsights is one of the best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress. The plugin helps you analyze visitor behavior and provides insights into how your website is performing. MonsterInsights generates informative reports that are easy to read, giving you the data you need to make informed decisions. 6. Sucuri Security Sucuri Security is one of the best security plugins for WordPress. The plugin provides a range of features, including malware scanning, DDoS protection, and firewall security, that helps secure your website against cyber threats. Sucuri Security has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to use, even for beginners. It provides you with real-time alerts on your website's security and blacklist status. 7. WP Rocket WP Rocket is a premium caching plugin that boosts the performance of your website. By caching pages and improving server performance, WP Rocket lowers your website loading time, enhancing user experience. This plugin helps you to optimize your website speed for faster page load times, which helps with better SEO and higher user engagement. 8. WPForms Surveys & Polls WPForms Surveys & Polls is a survey plugin that makes it easy to create polls, surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires on your website. The plugin is easy to use and integrates with a wide range of third-party services. The plugin can help you collect insights into what your audience likes and dislikes, which can help you to refine the content on your website. Conclusion: The above list is some of the best WordPress plugins you need to have in 2023. You can install these plugins to optimize your website's functionality, security, user experience, and search engine visibility. With these plugins in place, you can focus on creating high-quality content and attracting more traffic to your website.
Before installing any of these plugins, remember to check that they're compatible with your WordPress version and to test them on a staging site to avoid any conflicts. At Clean Visuals, we offer web design services that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our experienced team of designers will create a unique website that is optimized for performance and user experience. With Clean Visuals, you can rest assured that we will deliver high-quality results. Check out our web design pricing for more information about our services. I don't have personal experience with using plugins or websites, but the ones listed here are some of the best ones as per industry standards. They can enhance website functionality, security, user experience, and search engine visibility. Furthermore, it is a good practice to test plugins on a staging site before installing to avoid any conflicts. Lastly, Clean Visuals is a web design service company that provides tailored services to meet specific needs. The team is experienced and assures high-quality results to enhance user experience. Overall, incorporating these plugins and partnering with Clean Visuals can help businesses create a website that attracts more traffic, engages users, and delivers high-quality content that inspires trust and loyalty. I don't have personal experience or opinions; however, I can provide an objective overview of the information provided. It is important to note that plugins can enhance website functionality, security, user experience, and search engine visibility. Testing plugins on a staging site before installation is also a recommended practice to avoid any conflicts. Additionally, Clean Visuals offers tailored web design services to meet individual needs and deliver high-quality results for an improved user experience. These strategies together can help businesses create a website that is appealing to users, attracts traffic, inspires trust and loyalty, and drives success for the company.
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yourlocalkids123 · 2 years
Prime 33+ Kids Birthday Party Locations In Raleigh Nc 2022 Venue Guide
What about should you simply have a couple kids and largely adults? What are some good places which would possibly be inexpensive, like $40 tops for two kids to have fun and the adults can just be there for the cake and chatting. Multiple escape room choices for all ages embrace an Island Escape and a Mystery Mansion. Yellowbobbypins parties are tailor-made to your theme and embrace art instructor, art supplies and rental of an in-home studio. Offers a mobile gaming theater, yard laser tag, interactive outside video games, big film display, escape room, they usually convey all of it to you. An hour presentation of around a dozen animals, contains fun and even some magic methods.
You could also consider asking your family members if they know any good sitters who wouldn’t mind supervising your party. This will permit your grownup guests to unwind and socialize with others as an alternative of hovering over their baby the complete kids party guide time. If you’re up for the challenge, there are lots of of smash cake concepts that can look great in your photos. Feel free to additionally attain out to local bakeries and see if they'll create a custom smash cake on your child.
Watch this video that will help you perfect scones and select a traditional bake like a classic Victoria sponge or coffee cake. In good weather, you'll be able to lay out a picnic rug and take the party to the backyard with tealights and blankets to keep everyone cosy. Yes, you want the party to really feel festive and enjoyable, but it’s OK to stick to just some simple decorations. “Children will at all times remember how a lot fun they'd at a birthday party, not essentially the little particulars, like the quantity of balloon bouquets hanging around the room,” Welch says. Generally, parties for youths under age 5 should final about 90 minutes.
For example, if your child will be four, let her selected five visitors to ask. For kids' birthday party entertainment, think about your connections and community sources, suggests Steve and Annette Economides of Money Smart Family. Is it even a birthday party if there’s no piñata? It’s an entire lot of fun with a decidedly candy kids birthday party guide reward. In freeze tag—a well-established variation on the basic game—there are two gamers, designated as ‘it,’ who must run around attempting to tag the remainder of the fleeing partygoers. Given the quantity of working involved, it goes without saying that this party sport is best performed outdoors.
Happiest of birthdays to your kiddo and here’s hoping you'll find a birthday party that’s fun and fascinating for you both!! And after all that Susiecakes could make your final minute customized order in time. Voted the 2019 Best Family Entertainment Venue in Augusta by the Augusta Chronicle!
I want an order of events party schedule so I can hold things transferring and on monitor, AND I want to train my kids better. Add “wow” with an outside theme park for your home! Themed bounce houses, 40′ water slides, and more party planner guide. Costumed characters, circus acts, exhibits and themed entertainment for personal and company events. Hey, thanks for the wonderful ideas to rejoice birthdays at house.
Usually, you presumably can rent a park pavilion for a nominal charge, and it comes with a built-in playground. If you want to hold the party at residence and have the space, go for it. Outside is finest because you don’t need a group of three-year-olds running through the house. For climate worries, lease a tent ahead of time so you won’t stress.
Or, how about in case your child does not have many or any associates at school? In that case, your youngster could not even want a birthday party at all. Typically, events are held on the weekends when kids are out of faculty. If you’re hosting your party at house, you birthday party planning guide can have it any time that’s handy for you. Party favors are a good way to thank guests for coming to your party. Do you want to provide guests numerous meals choices like sandwiches, hen fingers, pasta, and so on.?
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sylviaolivier · 2 years
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*Candy Kitten* Bubblegum boots *Candy Kitten* Bubblegum boots socks
Flickr for Candy Kitten: https://www.flickr.com/photos/147036101@N05/
Slurls for Cupid Inc. Taken: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Night%20in%20Paradise/130/17/22 Single: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Angelic%20Place/113/242/22
Also wearing from Cupid Inc. :::Phoenix::: Jules Hair Astralia - Hot Candy hive // heart box of chocolates
Decor items and a few gifts at Cupid Inc. {What Next} Love Bear DISORDERLY. / Explosive Love / Heart Box / hive // heart balloons friday - Valentine Gift Clutter Random Matter - Bitter Sweets - Smashed Cookies [Gift] Random Matter - Bitter Sweets - Eaten Cake [Pink]
Slurls for Cupid Inc. Taken: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Night%20in%20Paradise/130/17/22 Single: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Angelic%20Place/113/242/22
Social Media for Novel Events - Cupid Inc.
Website: http://shopnovelevents.com/cupid-inc/ Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/3114122@N20/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/novelsalesevents/
Everything else: Foxcity backdrop
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wpdesigns · 2 years
How to Customize Facebook Posts & Feeds in WordPress Using Smash Balloon Social Plugin FREE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwjUp9p6s1A 🎬🛠️🔌💡 #SmashBalloon #Social #Plugin #Customize #Facebook #WordPress
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semtitans2021 · 2 years
Top 10 WordPress Features
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Digital platforms offer a variety of marketing strategies that allow customers to choose the best platform for their business. WordPress is one such platform, which provides content creation and digital marketing services preferred by users because of its features and usage, which have revolutionized website development and creation. According to a 2018 report by W3Techs, 42% of people across the world use WordPress as their business platform. Many companies use WordPress to create their own website and blog pages because it serves as a popular content management system (CMS).
Creating a website: One of the best features of WordPress is that anyone can create a website without being a developer or programmer. To create a website with WordPress, all you need is an internet connection and web browser. Any kind of website can be created-whether it’s a business-related or retail shop like Amazon or social network or any other website like Sony Music, Xerox, and many more.
Free to use: WordPress has multiple plans, and its basic plan is free. WordPress can be categorized in two parts: WordPress.com and WordPress.org. The user has to purchase a domain name and hosting space from an Internet service provider in order to launch his or her own website with the WordPress.com platform.
Easy usage: WordPress is easy to install and upgrade, and companies do not need to hire an expert developer for any basic website. However, for complicated websites such as e-commerce or sites with a heavy backend, companies must hire a freelance developer or agency.
Unlimited pages: This feature of WordPress is a boon for users as it allows them to create an unlimited number of pages where they can share their stories, post or upload images to create design-worthy photo galleries, post audios and videos of their business, links, and many more things.
Publishing site: WordPress is the largest community of online publishers. As WordPress allows you to read stories, blog entries and news, it also enables you to manage your own content. You can create a draft, save and edit it later, schedule when it should be published, and even restore deleted pages if needed.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): When you integrate SEO with WordPress, it optimizes and enhances the overall performance of your website by allowing users to find your site easily through common search engines like Google and Bing. Multiple SEO plugins support this cause by enhancing WordPress and making it more accessible. Yoast SEO plugin is one of many plugins that helps you create a meta title and description for each page on your site, as well as point out keywords that should be used at appropriate places in your content.
Security: A website that is continuously affected by disruption or getting hacked is no good and may impact customer preference, sales, and present a terrible picture of the brand. But with WordPress CMS security plugins, the website’s security is strengthened by eliminating the threat of hacking, malware and enforcing strong passwords to keep away from bad things.
Range of templates: People love WordPress for its thousands of beautiful template options. It allows users to choose themes for their business, like an online florist shop, that allows customers to pick colors, backgrounds, sliders, fonts, logos and more that improves the overall structure of the content.
Mobile-Friendly: Today, mobile devices are used for nearly everything. People use their phones to write, edit, and design websites as well. Every company wants its website to be accessible on all devices and WordPress provides that support by allowing mobile-friendly themes.
Plugins: WordPress, when integrated with Plugins, improves the functionality of a website. Plugins not only boost performance but also help a business grow. There are approximately 50000+ Plugins available, including Gravity, Woocommerce, WPFroms, SeedProd, Smash Balloon, Smush, Sucuri and many more.
Wrapping Up: The Custom Web Design Services suggests that WordPress is one of the best platforms to create a website that is accessible to multiple users because of its user-friendly features supplemented with hundreds of plugins to choose from. WordPress is a comprehensive service-oriented platform that ensures the security of service platforms through its CMS features, thus retaining users’ confidence and preference for WordPress.
Semtitans is a leading Digital Marketing Consulting Agency that provides digital solutions to help brands grow their business. It is specialized in Google Ads, FB Ads, SEM, SEO, Web Development, Social Media Marketing and delivered consistent results so far, serving over 1200+ clients across countries like the US, Canada, and Australia. Get a free consultation now by emailing us at [email protected]
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