jeremy135 · 9 months
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protidin · 2 years
Smart Bangladesh by 2041: PM
Smart Bangladesh by 2041: PM
Pointing out that Bangladesh will be developed as a developed Bangladesh in 2041, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, ‘That Bangladesh (of 2041) will be a smart Bangladesh. From Digital Bangladesh we will move to Smart Bangladesh.’ She said these things in his address as the chief guest at an event titled ‘Progressive Technology, Inclusive Development’ at the Bangabandhu International Conference…
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lsetuk · 3 months
E-Governance Course 
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Explore the future of digital governance with London School of Emerging Technology (LSET) eGovernance Course. This comprehensive program equips you with the knowledge and skills to lead and innovate in the rapidly evolving landscape of electronic governance. Learn from industry experts, engage in hands-on projects, and understand the intricacies of policy-making in the digital age. Whether you're a government professional or an aspiring technocrat, this course provides the tools to enhance transparency, efficiency, and citizen engagement. Join LSET's eGovernance Course today and be at the forefront of transforming public administration in the digital era.
Enrol @ https://lset.uk/ for admission.
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profresh16 · 4 months
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Rancang Smart City, Pemkab Buleleng Gelar Bimtek Penyusunan Masterplan Kota Cerdas
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Guna mewujudkan Buleleng sebagai kota yang terintegrasi teknologi komunikasi, tercipta efisiensi, perbaikan pelayanan publik sehingga kesejahteraan masyarakat meningkat diperlukan sebuah rancangan atau Masterplan Kota Cerdas (Smart City). "Tahun ini akan kita wujudkan penyusunan Masterplan Smart City di Buleleng, karena 2 dari kabupaten di Bali, Buleleng terpilih sebagai salah satu kabupaten mendapat pendampingan   penyusunan Masterplan Smart City dari Kementerian Kominfo RI," ucap Kadis Kominfosanti, Ketut Suwarmawan dalam sambutan bimtek Masterplan Smart City hari pertama di Hotel Banyualit, Kalibukbuk-Singaraja, Rabu (5/7/2023). Lebih lanjut Kadis yang akrab disapa Ketsu ini memberikan apresiasi kepada Kemenkominfo RI atas terpilih Buleleng dalam penyusunan Masterplan Smart City Tahun 2023. Pihaknya juga mengapresiasi kepada seluruh peserta yang hadir dan berharap dapat mengikuti bimtek dengan seksama tanpa diganti sampai hari esok. Sementara itu, Hafni Septian selaku tim gerakan Smart City Kemenkominfo RI mengatakan tahapan penyusunan Masterplan Smartcity meliputi penentuan tim, penentuan teori, analisis kesiapan pembangunan Smart City, penentuan visi misi dan arah kebijakan, program prioritas, program quick win, roadmap, alat monev, penyelesaian dokumen dan sosialisasi atau literasi. Lebih lanjut penyusunan Masterplant Smart City untuk membangun ekosistem mulai dari pemerintah, asosiasi/komunitas, media partner dan penyedia industri. "Dengan pemanfaatan teknologi maka daerah akan lebih efisien, nyaman, aman, layak huni, sehat dan berkelanjutan. Muaranya kesejahteraan masyarakat akan meningkat. Disinilah diperlukan komitmen pemimpin daerah dan dukungan stake holder untuk mewujudkan kota pintar," jelasnya. Dalam bintek kali ini peserta dari SKPD di bagi menjadi 6 dimensi yaitu dimensi Smart Governance, Smart Branding, Smart Economy, Smart Living, Smart Society, dan Smart Environment untuk berdiskusi memberikan masukan akan potensi dan program unggulan daerah sebagai inovasi dalam merealisasikan konsep Smart City wilayahnya. Para peserta bimtek seluruh OPD dan kecamatan, seluruh Perbekel dan Lurah hadir via daring sebagai tim pelaksana, Forkomdeslu dan kecamatan, komunitas informasi masyarakat, HIPMI Buleleng dan wirausaha muda Buleleng serta perwakilan pelaku usaha Buleleng. Bimtek diselenggarakan selama 2 hari tanggal 5 dan 6 Juli 2023.(sri/bpn) Read the full article
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sharvaricmi · 3 years
Smart Governments Market Rapidly Increasing Growth Latest Report With  Future Estimations, Current Trends And Opportunity Analysis 2018-2026
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Smart government is an extension of e-government that uses information, communication, and operational technology to provide long-term public value across numerous domains, process areas, and jurisdictions. The smart government market is distinguished by a large number of well-established and fiercely competitive market entities/players. To obtain a competitive advantage and defend their market share, these companies use a variety of methods such as expansion, acquisition, partnership, collaboration, and technology. In recent years, the market has seen an increase in R&D efforts. In the future years, the worldwide smart government market is predicted to rise at a rapid pace.
Demand for digital media and smart technologies has risen as a result of technical improvements, resulting in a spike in investments in smart government technologies around the world, which is expected to drive Smart Governments Market growth. Furthermore, due to expanding census data (an ever-increasing population), cooperation with other regions, and the introduction of new policies/initiatives, government data generation has increased tremendously. Legacy systems based on physical hardware, on the other hand, may run out of space due to their inefficiency. As a result, demand for smart governance is increasing, propelling the market forward. Furthermore, the influx of data from a variety of sources allows governments to prepare for digital transformation and the deployment of smart technology. 
Read more @ https://cmiaspireblog.blogspot.com/2022/02/smart-governments-market-size-share.html
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blogliterati · 7 years
Drone taxi #prototype at the #Gitex #Techweek #Dubai #UAE #mydubai #dronocopter #Dronetaxi #Gitextechweek #gitextechweek2017 #gitex2017 #Technology #SmartDubai #Concept #Futuristic #SmartGovernment #bestoftheday #amazing #follow4follow #likeforlike #instalike #igers #instadaily #picoftheday #beautiful #photooftheday #instagood #postoftheday #awesome #mytinyatlas
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amberg-digital · 5 years
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Digitale Zulassung
Ab 1. Oktober 2019 könnt ihr eure Autos und Motorräder online anmelden. Plakette und TÜV-Prüfsiegel bekommt ihr dann per Post.
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thenetworker · 7 years
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High tech automobiles used by the UAE police. #Dubai #mydubai #UAE #police #policing #policepatrol #cops #topcops #Dubaipolice #ajmanpolice #technology #SmartDubai #conceptmobile #SmartGovernment #robotics #Techweek
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culturadigitalperu · 5 years
Taller sobre Gobierno Abierto en el Perú
El sábado 7 de marzo, Sandro Marcone facilitó un taller sobre Gobierno Abierto en el Perú en el marco del VII Diplomado en Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologias de la Información “Internet de las Cosas, Big Data y Smart Cities” (Inictel/Telefónica). Los participantes provenían de diversas instituciones del estado. El Taller se enfocó en que el participante aprenda a construir su propio conocimiento sobre los temas propuestos. Para más información pueden visitar la sección ¿Qué Hacemos?
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jeremy135 · 9 months
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lsetuk · 3 months
E-Governance Course 
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Explore the future of digital governance with London School of Emerging Technology (LSET) eGovernance Course. This comprehensive program equips you with the knowledge and skills to lead and innovate in the rapidly evolving landscape of electronic governance. Learn from industry experts, engage in hands-on projects, and understand the intricacies of policy-making in the digital age. Whether you're a government professional or an aspiring technocrat, this course provides the tools to enhance transparency, efficiency, and citizen engagement. Join LSET's eGovernance Course today and be at the forefront of transforming public administration in the digital era.
Enrol @ https://lset.uk/ for admission.
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inikebumen · 3 years
Kebumen Raih Penghargaan Smart Governance dari Kemenkominfo
#IniKebumen #SmartGovernance #Kemenkominfo
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sharvaricmi · 2 years
Smart Governments Market Statistics, Global Analysis, Demand, Revenue and Trend Analysis Research Report by 2021 - 2028
Smart government is the management of government and administration activities through the integration of intelligent information and communication technology. To generate long-term public benefit, smart governments apply information, operational, and communication technology to all operational areas across various domains, authorities, and process areas. Because it is data-driven, citizen-centric, and performance-driven, smart government improves democratic processes and changes the delivery of public services.
The factors driving the growth of the smart governments market are an increase in demand for digital mediums and smart technologies, high adoption of technological developments, increased investments in smart government technology by government agencies, and a high acceptance rate of cloud-based solutions. Furthermore, the need to manage data generated from various government sources for digital transformation is driving market growth. However, the rise in cyber-attacks on smart infrastructure, as well as concerns about data privacy and data breach, are impeding market growth. 
Read more @ https://cmiaspireblog.blogspot.com/2022/04/smart-governments-market-size-share.html
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blogliterati · 7 years
The #Dubai Water & Electricity Authority's (#Dewa)100 percent #Solar powered concept building. ........................................................................ #MyDubai #UAE #technology #SmartDubai #Concept #Futuristic #future #SmartGovernment #GITEX #gitex2017 #gitextechweek #gitextechweek2017 #worldtradecentre #solarpower #greencity #Techweek #DewaDubai #postoftheday #videoooftheday
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amberg-digital · 5 years
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Online Terminbuchung
Wer das Nummernziehen im Wartezimmer überspringen möchte, der bucht beim nächsten Behördengang einfach einen Termin im Internet.
Zum Kalender
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