#Smart bedroom
zeusintegrated · 1 year
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Best Home Automation System
Smart bedroom touch screen control. With a simple touch of a button, you can control all of your bedroom's smart devices with a single touch screen. Turn off all the lights, arm the security system, lower the shades, and adjust the temperature with just one tap. You can even select different lighting scenes for different activities, such as reading or watching a movie. When you're not using your TV, it can be concealed behind a wall or mirror. This way, you can keep your bedroom looking neat and tidy, but still have access to your favorite shows and movies when you want them.
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choccy-milky · 5 months
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modern AU seb and clora's first interaction 📘📗 (and by modern AU i actually mean super trope-filled high school romance set in the 80's/90's LOL)
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ruporas · 2 years
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kiss the pain away
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qofdisaster1111 · 2 months
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I love my bed more than anything in this world tbh.
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transbunnyboi · 7 months
He brought me flowers and is talking about typology 😭😭 He's been talking about it for 40 minutes and its so cute and he's sooo smart and attractive and he smells really good and I'm losing my mind 😭😭😭😭
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ladycharles · 5 months
Do you like my pet rat updates?
Here's Pumpkin driving his new vehicle.
Immediately after this I was out of treats and he decided to drive it by himself for the first time, right into a wall, which is honestly a very relatable drivers ed moment
If you haven't heard, by the way, check out my new single:
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I have so many thoughts about jesse freaking out and instantly going to his parents' house but I cannot put them into coherent words
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accio-motivation · 1 year
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themalhambird · 3 months
Look I just think that Alfred Hillinghead should be able to lie on a sofa with his head in Henry's lap having his hair played with while Henry reads him the latest article he's writing.
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detentiontrack · 4 months
It must be so frustrating for CZ to be such an evil mastermind with so much intelligence, but not being able to open doors and having to rely on some dyke to get his needs met
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ducksbyday · 2 months
À little villian qsmp!Etoiles maybe? As a treat? (ImissthemImissthemsomuchplsbabycomeback :'(((( )
Qsmp AU where the right before the end of the QSMP, the federation managed to take full control of all codes. They created an entire army using a large machine. While most of the remaining islanders desperately fought of the codes and fed workers, Aypierre and Tubbo sneaked off to turn off the machine. With a lot of luck and a lot of bloodshed, the machine was shut off and the federation was defeated. A digital blockade was broken and the islanders could finally contact the main land, allowing them to go back home. Live in peace.
Except for one french man who just couldn't accept the fight was won. Fighting the codes had been the best time of his life. Besides, even though they weren't a threat now, if anyone turned that machine back on it would result in another disaster. Better to deal with it now than later, no?
But as the good man he was, he waited patiently till everyone was back home and settled in. Communication between old-islanders slowly got to a hold now that people were able to return to their normal lives. Only when it was radio silent, Étoiles went back to the island. There he turned on the machine and watched with joy and excitement as the codes not only returned to life, but connected to satalite signals and spread over the whole world. A new hunt began.
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morsmortish · 2 months
what is your opinion on pebill… do you love my babies 🥰 (if affirmative response then details 😓)
i don’t know enough!! if i am to answer in complete honesty, i must declare i think sybill is a bit too cool for peter…two key defining traits i associate with each of them are sybill’s complete lack of regard for What Anyone Thinks Of Her, and peter’s complete contrast to this. even in canon i feel like he is a character who is very self-conscious, and extremely fearful of being ‘left-out’. i personally don’t think he actually was left out, but being amongst strong characters like james and sirius is certainly enough to strike the fear of being on the outside into someone, and so i see him (and remus, to an extent), of being very aware of ‘How He Looks’ to others, and developing a very severe case of ‘Caring What People Think’, which is nowhere to be found in the carefree, free-spirited sybill trelawney.
but whilst i see them as having two fundamental differences in character, perhaps that is a reason they can work so well together. sybill’s complete lack of interest in Upholding Images or Trying To Fit In could be so liberating for peter, who frequently worries about doing the Socially Appropriate thing. when he’s with sybill, he doesn’t need to worry about impressing james or making sure sirius likes him- he can be himself, and she will like him for him. as for sybill, i think, whilst i stand by the fact that she is and always will be much cooler than him, i also think that her being with someone like peter could be really good for her: being with someone ‘normal’ (ie- no prophetic visions, no fascinations with animal corpses, no obsessions with various types of poisons…) is an excellent way to keep her grounded. peter is able to calm her down from any fits, he is able to remind her of the small things in life that are still important, he is able to make her feel like she is living a worthwhile life outside of her visions. peter makes HER feel special- he doesn’t care for her because of her Gift, he cares for her because She Is Her. the same way sybill cares for peter because He Is Him, not because he is bending himself in shapes to make himself more appealing as he often does with his friends.
in conclusion my dear eva, this ramble started out with me claiming to not know enough and then proceed to think about it for a few minutes and form my own gorgeous image of pebill in my mind. they remind me of bartylily (forgive me for mentioning that blasphemy in your presence) in the way that they are a pair that Truly See Each Other, in a way that all of the others around them don’t, and that is why they find themselves drawn to each other.
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gh-0-stcup · 3 months
The weird bars in their bedroom are for bondage.
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beauzos · 5 months
i am glad that eventually my dad came around on my book. he actually read it and said it was pretty good, for whatever it was worth. but it's like, i think he still has never grasped-- even when i've tried to explain it to him-- why it was incredibly hurtful for me to immediately get shut down about it when i tried to talk to him about writing a novel because it was important to me. i wasn't asking him to like it, i was asking him to support me and he said no, y'know? i haven't really forgotten about it, and i don't think i will for a while, but i really don't hold it against him anymore. it's mainly a symptom of a lot of other issues going on in our relationship so it's far from the biggest fish to fry lol.
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bugmistake · 9 months
how it feels to be a guy pms-ing
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theotherwesley · 9 months
I can’t believe you named one of your bunnies Maeglin. That’s adorable
Maeglin and Salgant are two of my very favorite naughty elves, and now they are my two favorite naughty buns✨
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