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chili-chees3 · 1 day ago
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Tall x Small: wedding day (part 2/?)
she's so beauuuutiful
part 1 down below ↓
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jellazticious · 2 months ago
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My training montage
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palermok · 2 months ago
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i get hyperfixated
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ilrococo · 2 months ago
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Happy (late) holidays with the Bucket Brigade!
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ask-magicat · 3 months ago
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Made some traditional fanart of Anton Blast! This game is a blast (no pun intended). I made this using Derwent watercolor pencils if anyone was curious about the medium used.
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the1weird1pencil · 4 months ago
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Day 14: Boiler City
I like the colors in this one
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ashleander · 2 months ago
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It’s the BossBusters!
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antotheclownest · 22 days ago
Part 1: Anton, Annie and Bossbusters.
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I'll do the second part with the remaining bosses if there are 350 Subscribers in
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ashlynniis-bracketeers · 1 month ago
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E.G.OBLAST 5: E.G.OBUSTERS! {Darebuster - Blindbuster - Judgebuster - Nightbuster - Beakbuster - Screwbuster - Capobuster - Capotebuster}
So... This is a lot. A lot of E.G.OBLAST! >8}
I decided to go ahead and draw all of them out first before posting them all together. All of the Bossbusters, each with a LobCorp/Ruina E.G.O and Limbus E.G.O. In order: Life For a Daredevil Brawlbuster, Blind Obsession Brawlbuster, Justitia Tallbuster, Christmas Nightmare Tallbuster, Beak Smallbuster, Screwloose Wallop Smallbuster, Da Capo Maulbuster, and Capote Maulbuster.
If you want to read more about them, either go into the DA links or look under the cut. This post is already getting hugenormous with just the images alone rofl.
I hope you like it!
For his LobCorp/Ruina E.G.O, I gave him Life For a Daredevil (Crumbling Armor).
I originally wanted to give him Heaven (Burrowing Heaven) for his LobCorp/Ruina E.G.O because of his whole "all eyes on me" Pride thing, but somebody on Reddit suggested Life For a Daredevil and that makes more sense. I also learned that, yet again, I HATE DRAWING ARMOR >8{. The flames (and eye colors) are meant to resemble the flame colors of the Crumbling Armor's E.G.O gift, Courage (Inspired Bravery is blue, Reckless Foolishness 2 is orange, and Reckless Foolishness 3 is red).
So, E.G.O quotes (yes, the Awakening is a Red vs Blue reference >83) :
Awakening - Swish-swish-stab... Shing!
Corrosion - ...
For his Limbus E.G.O, I gave him Blind Obsession (Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent).
It was kind of a hard pick. My main two choices were either Blind Obsession or Fell Bullet due to both sharing big damage and Pride affinity (as Brawlbuster's Sin is listed as Pride), but he doesn't really fit for Der Fluchschütze's themes, so Blind Obsession it is. He's punching with fluorescent lamps, wearing his captain coat tied around his waist, and I turned his little weather vane hat into a pirate's tricorn, meant to resemble a classic pirate ship's bow with a figurehead of his own smiling face (because he Pride for a reason).
E.G.O quotes:
Awakening - Wassa' matter? Wanna go back to the kiddie pool?
For his LobCorp/Ruina E.G.O, I chose Justitia (Judgement Bird).
They're both long, lanky motherfuckers lmao. And looking at the Judgement Bird's story where, after somebody brings up the possibility of its scales ever not tipping to one side or the other, it deliberately loads its scales to always tip to one side as to avoid that, brings to mind "Sloth". Not wanting to think/make hard choices feels rather "Slothful" to me (as Tallbuster's sin is listed as Sloth).
The outfit is technically me trying to "work backwards" from the design used in the Floor Realization of the Floor of Philosophy. The outfit/weapons used there, a messy mix of all of the Birds' E.G.Os, are all technically Twilight/Though the Dark Twilight, associated with Apocalypse Bird. So I had to decipher which parts of the Floor Realization outfit belonged to which bird lmao.
E.G.O quotes:
Awakening - Always the same... Heh, you already know how this'll go, right?
Corrosion - You're all sinners, aren't you?
For his Limbus E.G.O, I gave him Christmas Nightmare (Cozy Bed).
Not much to say about this particular pairing choice. Both are associated with the Sloth sin, and the Abno is the "monster under the bed" while Tallbuster can literally fall asleep if you idle at the start of the fight for long enough (which you can get an achievement for). Sleepy guy gets the bed... and turns into the bed (in this case, a sleeping bag) in the Corrosion's case.
Ishmael gets tentacles, Gregor gets "misc. bug parts", so I gave Tallbuster bomb fuses. Lit bomb fuses. Because his thing is throwing bombs at you, and he's bound to have a short fuse if you keep waking him up lmao.
E.G.O quotes:
Awakening - Quit with all that racket! Scarin' away a monster? What monster? You'll see a real monster if you won't. LET. ME. SLEEP!
Corrosion - Such inconsideration! How rude! Look at what you've done! Light, on-or-off, fire, cacophony, won't ever save you!
I felt that Beak (Punishing Bird) would fit for her LobCorp/Ruina E.G.O.
Tiny creature capable of big fuckhuge violence. PB's LobCorp E.G.O weapon is also a gun. It was a given. Honestly also fits with Small's Envy Sin affinity, as it is often associated with retaliation (and in the case of the Middle, incredible overkill). Tiny creature, BIG damage.
Similarly to Justitia Tallbuster, I had to kind of "work backwards" from the Philosophy Floor Realization outfit. That outfit is primarily Justitia, so I kind of flew by the seat of my pants. And the big fucking meat-blood gun is entirely original lmao. Fires... think "Brimstone" from the Binding of Isaac, "blood laser barrage". The claws in the gun are based off of the Punishing Bird's hidden maw. I also gave the Corrosion's maw a mechanical tinge to fit with Small's technological lean.
E.G.O quotes:
Awakening - How about you pick on somebody your own size?
Screwloose Wallop (Have You Become Strong) felt like a given for her Limbus E.G.O.
Both are associated with the Envy sin and compensating for perceived (physical) flaws with technology. Made her version a little mini walker mech with a spring-loaded (and key-wound) fist.
E.G.O quotes:
Awakening - Hmmm... Winding up... a big one! UUOOOOOAAAH!
Corrosion - Hah... Haaah... Don't wind me up too much, I'll pop your head clean off!
I picked Da Capo (The Silent Orchestra) for her LobCorp/Ruina E.G.O.
Another given. They're both performers that attack you with their performances. The Silent Orchestra attacks with its sound and orchestration, while Maulbuster attacks you with her performers and swearing at you lmao. I wanted to keep her hat and horns, so I made them resemble a beamed pair of eighth notes making a visor.
E.G.O quotes (yes, the Awakening quote is a reference to... a specific Limbus Canto 7 song 83) :
Awakening - Follow my lead... One, two... One, two, three, four!
Corrosion - Come one, come all! WELCOME TO THE SYMPHONY OF THE END OF THE WORLD!
Finishing it off with her Limbus E.G.O, Capote (Brazen Bull).
It was a bit difficult to figure out what Limbus Abno to pair with her, trying to figure out something to work with her performance theming and Wrath sin, before I recalled the outfits used for the Capote E.G.O. The outfits are based off of matadores, the premiere performers of bullfighting, which is based around dealing with an enraged bull. The E.G.O is also Wrath-affinity. So, it fits.
I designed the Corrosion to align much more with the Brazen Bull itself compared to the Corrosions into it we've seen so far. To an extent, during her fight, she's playing the role of the bull to Anton's matador, deliberately trying to enrage her until she messes up and you can finally get a hit off on her. I also wanted to play around with the idea of "who is the audience really here for" as a bullfighting thing. Are they here for the matador or the bull itself?
E.G.O quotes:
Awakening - Look right here. Come on, right at me! Right here!
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bloomblanche · 1 month ago
I made these last night at like 11 pm
The hyperfixation prevails
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rubberghoul · 2 months ago
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tumblr hates my phone now so I haven't been able to upload. have some moles.
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thealiviajane · 2 months ago
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She has seen the horrors
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chili-chees3 · 2 months ago
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magma drawing by me & a fren :3
i love middlesized buster
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p34ch-irl · 3 months ago
Apparently, I can make memes! Here's a smallbuster meme. 😊
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(Ignore the red thing in the background. 😒 This isn't about him. No one cares about him anyway. /j)
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justt0rii · 3 months ago
Remaking my human designs of them 🫶
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n0ize-draws · 2 months ago
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