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american-sorcery ¡ 9 months ago
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It is from gazing upon The Moon that I truly feel the divine wash over me. Tonight I felt a searing light that burned away my imperfections in His eyes, lifting me away from the rot and sin and flesh that weighed down my mortal form in this life. I looked at the eye of God and told him that I loved him, that he is beautiful.
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silentcitystreetart ¡ 2 years ago
Silence as the wind screams to the voided night. Whispers within the trees draw you near., pleading for you to welcome them home. Think with one’s heart for The Pines will call again.
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darkwhispermedia ¡ 5 months ago
When a city dweller moves to a quaint, secluded town, they quickly notice something strange about the locals. Friendly at first, the townspeople start acting odd, their smiles lingering too long, their eyes watching too closely. They speak of the Quiet Ones—spirits that protect the town and keep it isolated. Soon, the newcomer experiences haunting dreams, eerie whispers, and finds themselves unable to escape as the fog and shadows close in around them. Join us for The Quiet Ones, a chilling tale of isolation, small-town secrets, and the supernatural, where once you enter, you may never leave.
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harmonyhealinghub ¡ 5 months ago
The Clock Tower Whispers Shaina Tranquilino October 18, 2024
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The town of Grimley had always been quiet — too quiet, some would say. Nestled between dark forests and fog-choked hills, it had an eerie stillness that kept visitors from staying too long. But it wasn’t the town’s isolation that unnerved people. It was the clock tower.
The clock tower stood at the heart of Grimley, looming over the town square like a silent sentinel. No one could remember when it had been built or who had constructed it. The tower’s hands were frozen at midnight, and its bell had not rung for decades. Yet, despite its disuse, every night at exactly midnight, whispers began.
They were faint at first, like the rustling of wind through dead leaves. But as the minutes ticked by, the whispers grew louder, more insistent. They seemed to slither through the air, slipping under doors and seeping through walls. Some swore they could hear their own names woven into the hissing sounds. Others said the voices begged for something, though no one could decipher what.
No one dared investigate the source. The few who had ventured close to the clock tower at midnight returned pale and trembling, unwilling to speak of what they had heard. The whispers clung to them like a sickness. Soon after, those brave souls left Grimley and never returned.
For years, the whispers were ignored, a strange curse that the townsfolk had learned to live with. But that changed when young Alaira, a curious and stubborn girl of sixteen, decided she couldn’t take it anymore.
Alaira had grown up with the whispers, her sleep disturbed by the disembodied voices that called out in the night. Her mother had always warned her to stay away from the clock tower, to ignore the sounds, but Alaira's curiosity gnawed at her. What was inside the tower? What was causing the whispers?
One cold October night, as the fog rolled in thick from the forest, Alaira made her decision. She would find out.
Armed with only a lantern and the courage of her youthful defiance, Alaira slipped out of her house just before midnight. The streets were deserted, as they always were at this time. The townsfolk had long learned to lock themselves inside once the sun set, as if the darkness itself carried danger.
As she approached the clock tower, the whispers began. At first, they were distant, as though they were still far off, coming from some unreachable void. But with each step closer, they sharpened, voices overlapping, tangled, forming incomprehensible phrases.
Alaira... one voice seemed to say, though she wasn’t sure if it was truly her name or her imagination twisting the sounds.
She hesitated at the base of the tower, gazing up at its crumbling stone walls. The moonlight barely illuminated the clock face, its hands still frozen at twelve. Her heart raced. There was no turning back now.
The door to the tower creaked as she pushed it open, revealing a spiraling staircase that wound its way upward into the darkness. Her lantern cast long shadows on the walls as she ascended, the whispers growing louder, more urgent.
Halfway up the stairs, Alaira felt a cold breath against her neck. She whipped around, but there was nothing there. The whispers coiled around her, wrapping her in a suffocating embrace.
Help us… they pleaded. Set us free…
At the top of the stairs, she found the clock’s inner workings. Dust coated the gears and cogs, which had long since ceased to turn. The room was empty, save for the massive bell hanging overhead. But something was wrong. The air was thick, oppressive. It was as though the walls themselves were alive, pulsating with the energy of countless unseen eyes watching her.
And then she saw it — a crack in the wall, narrow but deep, like a wound in the tower itself. From the crack, the whispers flowed, seeping into the room, filling her ears until she thought she might scream.
She stepped closer, her lantern shaking in her trembling hand. As she peered into the crack, she saw movement. Shadows twisted and writhed inside, faces barely discernible, mouths open in silent screams. The voices were coming from them.
The realization hit her like a blow. The whispers weren’t just echoes or the wind playing tricks. They were the voices of the trapped — souls imprisoned within the tower’s walls.
Suddenly, the clock struck midnight. The frozen hands of the clock lurched forward with a terrible groan, and the bell above her began to toll, each strike reverberating through the room, shaking the tower’s foundation.
The crack in the wall widened, and the shadows inside surged forward, reaching out with inky, claw-like hands. Alaira stumbled back, dropping her lantern, the flame snuffing out as it hit the floor. She was plunged into darkness.
The whispers became a cacophony, a chorus of tortured souls crying out for release. "Join us…", they wailed. "We have waited so long…"
Cold fingers brushed against her skin, pulling her toward the crack. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her throat. The shadows wrapped around her, dragging her closer, their touch freezing her to the bone.
In a final moment of terror, Alaira realized the truth. The tower didn’t just hold the souls of the dead. It fed on them, trapping them in an endless cycle of torment. And now, it wanted her.
As the darkness swallowed her whole, the clock struck its final chime, and the whispers fell silent.
In the morning, when the townsfolk ventured outside, they found the clock tower unchanged, its hands once again frozen at midnight. But Alaira was gone, leaving no trace behind.
And that night, as the fog rolled in once more, the whispers began again.
But this time, there was a new voice among them.
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reenas-life ¡ 6 months ago
Book Review
Small Town Horror by Ronald Malfi ⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3 out of 5. Overall Impressions The book hooked me from the start, delivering an eerie and unsettling vibe. However, certain parts were a bit confusing and felt like a drag, slowing the pace down. Key Takeaways It felt like a classic, old-fashioned horror story, packed with twists and plenty of secrets shared between friends. As the title…
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abby-howard ¡ 5 years ago
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My spouse and I made a video game!! The first episode is available to play for FREE on Steam or through itchio, if that’s more your speed.
Scarlet Hollow is a horror visual novel and adventure game where your choices deeply matter. Hand-drawn backgrounds and sprites (by me!!) work together with a complex relationship system to bring to life an immersive world of charming (and terrifying) characters. Who lives, who dies, and the fate of an entire town rests on your shoulders.
The runtime of episode 1 is around 1-2 hours, and early reviews have been enthusiastic and kind.
A Kickstarter for the remaining six chapters will launch October 1st-- that’s next Thursday!! If you’d like to be notified when the Kickstarter goes live, you can follow the landing page here. It’ll send you an email as soon as the Kickstarter goes up, so you can hop on those exclusive and time-sensitive tiers.
I hope you have a good time! Tony and I have been workin pretty hard on this for the past several months or so, and we’re pretty happy with how it turned out :D
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thedeadgameblog ¡ 4 years ago
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What lies hidden beneath End House?
Familiar faces & bony countenances.
A cacophony of moans & sounds.
A community of creatures living in the tunnels.
Friends who might be returning to the living,
or the living who might be joining The Dead.
THE DEAD GAME by Susanne Leist
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dispatchesfromsnackshack ¡ 5 years ago
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#Inktober Day 13 - Ash (belated) Audiodrama: Small Town Horror In search of answers Ryan Jennings explores the forgotten town of Ashbury. At first glance you would think that it was covered in a layer of undisturbed snow, but it is actually ASH. Most original artwork shown on this page is available for sale, if you are interested please DM me for details. #audiodrama #audiodramaeveryday #scriptedpodcast #audiodramaday #worldaudiodramaday #smalltownhorror #ryanjennings #ashbury #crayton #bloodydisgustingpodcasts https://www.instagram.com/p/B3sHlLvjl3z/?igshid=14f5lezldqymv
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violetscatsandwitchcraft ¡ 8 years ago
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Finished Limetown and Small Town Horror. Wishing for more of both. Now onto:
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mcbastardsmausoleum ¡ 7 years ago
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Stephen King's SILVER BULLET (1985) on Blu-ray from @umbrellaentertainment and LOADED with extras! #coryhaim #garybusey #everettmcgill #stephenking #danielattias #jaychattaway #smalltownhorror #oneeyedwerewolf #carlorambaldi #meganfollows #dinodelaurentiis
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silentcitystreetart ¡ 3 years ago
On top of a withering pine tree sits a pinecone that sways in the wind. Pulsating darkness as its roots dig deeper into the dark, cool earth. As the pinecone falls, the tar begins to seep out. A puddle developed, enveloping the earth in inky black. It is here where a door will open, shaking deep within as it calls. It is time to step through.
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nixmuse ¡ 8 years ago
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Up early on my day off. Listening to @smalltownhorror, making coffee, planning and scheming, muscling my way through the winter. If you've never listened you need to now. #SmallTownHorror (at Bon Air)
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arsparadoxica ¡ 8 years ago
Is it possible to get a list of the podcasts the other cast members are involved in and the ones you recommended?
Sure, we’d be happy to! We’ve been utterly blessed by the community. Here’s a list of everyone who’s helped us out so far:
~Lauren Shippen @thelaurenshippen​, voice of Maggie Elbourne; creator/voice of Sam Barnes on The Bright Sessions @thebrightsessions​
~Ian McQuown, voice of Van, 17: Plasticity; Agent Green on The Bright Sessions
~Richard Penner AKA @timescanner, voice of Dr. Fitzgerald; creator/star of The Infinite Now
~Conrad Miszuk, additional voices, 14: Anchor; creator/voice of Corin Deeth on Kakos Industries @kakosindustries​
~Heather Auden, additional voices; Cindel on You Are Here
~Andy Goddard, production help; director/producer of Wooden Overcoats @woodenovercoats and Hector vs the Future @hectorvsthefuture
~Dan Powell, production help; producer/co-creator of The Deep Vault, producer/co-creator/voice of Dan on Archive 81 @archive81
~Alexander Danner & Jeff Van Dreason, writers of “Curses;” creators of Greater Boston @greaterblogston​
~James Oliva, voice of Lt. Jim Colfax, 19: Gumshoe; Michael Tate on Greater Boston
~Maxximilian Dafoe, additional voices, “Municipal Matters;” creator of The Mollyville Podcast
~Fiona Thraille, additional voices; new host of Audio Drama Production Podcast
~Austin Beach, additional voices; creator of Wynabego Warrior @audioblivious​
~Jon Grilz, additional voices, “Municipal Matters;” creator/voice of Ryan on Small Town Horror @smalltownhorror​
~David Rheinstrom, production help; host of Radio Drama Revival @radiodramarevival and Secrets, Crimes & Audiotape, producer emeritus at Our Fair City @theboardofdirectorslovesyou​
~Arjun Gupta, voice of Nikhil Sharma; host of American Desis, Penny on The Magicians (this one’s on TV; Season 1 on Netflix, Season 2 just started on Syfy)
(phew! I think that’s everyone.)
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podcake ¡ 8 years ago
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❀ Having a pleasant 2017 so far, listeners? I know we’re only a few days in, but I figured I may as well get ahead and do some much needed reorganization on this blog you and I both love dearly. And what is one of my favorite things to do on PodCake? Support and spread the word on podcasts and podcast related projects in need of a little help from their fans, of course.
While my first Patreon Masterpost is still up, I thought it was starting to look a bit cluttered so I figured I’d reorganize and get everything in a nice, easy-to-read list that we can navigate better. I apologize if I miss any, though these are the most recent ones that might need that extra push to crank out more episodes this year. 
Archive 81: https://www.patreon.com/archive81?ty=h
Ars Paradoxica: https://www.patreon.com/arsparadoxica?ty=h
A Scottish Podcast: https://www.patreon.com/scottishpodcast
Atheist Apocalypse: https://www.patreon.com/atheistapocalypse
Audioblivious Productions: https://www.patreon.com/audiobliviousproductions
Audio Verse Awards: https://www.patreon.com/audioverseawards
The Bright Sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thebrightsessions?ty=h
Brute Force: https://www.patreon.com/bruteforce
Cake Radio: https://www.patreon.com/podcake
Greater Boston: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2398561&ty=h&u=2398561
Hadron Gospel Hour: https://www.patreon.com/HadronGospel?ty=h
The Infinite Now: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=254904
Jim Robbie and the Wanderers: https://www.patreon.com/jimrobbieandthewanderers
Kakos Industries: https://www.patreon.com/KakosIndustries
Madman Diary: https://www.patreon.com/madmandiary
MarsCorp: https://www.patreon.com/definitelyhuman
The Once And Future Nerd: https://www.patreon.com/onceandfuturenerd?ty=h
Our Fair City: https://www.patreon.com/hartlifenfp?ty=h
Passage: https://www.patreon.com/passagepodcast
The Penumbra Podcast: https://www.patreon.com/thepenumbrapodcast
Return Home: https://www.patreon.com/returnhomepodcast?ty=h
Rover Red: https://www.patreon.com/roverredpodcast
Rude Alchemy: https://www.patreon.com/RudeAlchemy
Sable: https://www.patreon.com/sablepod?utm_campaign=launchshare&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
Small Town Horror: https://www.patreon.com/smalltownhorror
Smash/Cut: https://www.patreon.com/SmashCutCast
Spines: https://www.patreon.com/spinespodcast
Spirits: A Drunken Dive into Myths and Legends: https://www.patreon.com/spiritspodcast?ty=h
Subject: Found: https://www.patreon.com/found
The Wicked Library: https://www.patreon.com/wickedlibrary
- thank you and be sure to stay sweet by supporting your local podcast!
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fairymoved ¡ 8 years ago
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What is PodCake? ~ where pink and podcasts meet!
♡ PodCake is a podcast journalism blog with an aesthetic dedicated to pastel pinks and sweets. Here you’ll find critiques, reviews, and commentary about a variety of radio dramas all over the globe, all in hopes to spread awareness and literary criticism in their respective communities. If you’re just now getting into podcasts, want to expand your subscriptions list, or are new to them entirely, drop by for info on…
Podcast Pallets: Six recommended shows published in January, April, July, and October.
Critique Corner: Short and sweet critiques that tackle one show at a time.
Patreons: Updates on podcasts looking for online crowdfunding from fans.
Pod&A: Seven questions and seven answers between me and an interviewed podcast producer.
Reviews: I offer a critical analysis and personal feelings about a podcast I’ve listened to the full current feed of. Stay tuned for “September in Review” in which I review a new show every week of the month.
Podcasts&: A growing series of articles that tackles my personal experiences and thoughts about being part of the podcast community.
Other specials are still in the works, though PodCake has always been a dedication to the multitude of audio dramas that have been made by a number of talented artists who want to get their voice out there. Some titles I’ve become familiar with are...
Feel free to check out these blogs and get to know the creators more. I’m sure they’ll appreciate gaining a new fan. Discover a new favorite podcast today or take your first step by getting immersed. And don’t forget I’m also available on Twitter @podtweeting and Patreon. Hope to I get to listen alongside you all soon.
– PodCake, where everything sounds sweet.
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scifiandscary ¡ 5 years ago
Focus on the Frightful: Welcome to Our Town
Focus on the Frightful: Welcome to Our Town #FoF #SmallTownHorror
Small town horror is a staple of the genre. It has a different flavour from urban horror. In urban horror the horror comes from the unknown. Of feeling small in a big city. Decay, uncertainty, and strangers. Small town horror stems from the familiar becoming unfamiliar. From people that you’ve known for ages suddenly dropping their masks and seeing them for what they really are. Of being judged…
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