#Small Audit Firms in London
mmbaaccountants · 6 months
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Our specialist team of tax consultants & auditors in London can also talk you through how such an audit can be useful in keeping your credit insurers and suppliers happy, and help make sure that if you decide to sell your business you will get the best possible price. 
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
Author/Writer!Phil Masterlist
7 Years - neutralhowell
Summary: Loosely based on the song ‘7 years’ so I’d recommend listening to that when reading this. Phil is a writer and Dan is a singer, they grew up together and both made it big, usually, time tears childhood people apart however for Dan and Phil, this wasn’t the case.
A Comma After Dearest (ao3) - niennaerso
Summary: Phil writes as a hobby. Dan has a favorite writer, and it happens to be Phil, but he doesn't know, yet.
and we're out here in plain sight (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil's an optimistic author whose science fiction novel is well on its way to becoming a film. Dan's an actor whose cynism toward love is nothing short of infuriating. It takes a while, but they find something to agree on.
Broken Like You (ao3) - TearDrop1234
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a theater in a nowhere town. Their friendship is instant, but the rest not so much.
Cerebrate - dantiloquent
Summary: An ace and aroflux!phan fic in which they are both writers and the lines of their relationship blur but they’re always happy with how they are.
Coffee and Calligraphy (ao3) - brookwrites
Summary: (TW) Dan’s a barista at the local cafe where writer!Phil decides to sit with his journal. Dan likes Phil. A lot. But things change when Dan finds something out about Phil that breaks his heart.
Dear Dan, (ao3) - archangelgaybriel, kazimpala
Summary: Phil Lester is a writer-slash-barista who works ridiculous hours in a small coffee shop just around the corner. Dan Howell is an aspiring pianist with a keen interest - it’s not a crush - on a certain cute barista working at a coffee shop just around the corner, who also turns out to be the hottest one-night stand that he never intends to see again except in his fantasies. But then again Fate is cruel and the million dollar question is whether love can transcend Dan’s past into something much bigger.
Essential Meet-Cute (ao3) - husbants
Summary: Audiobook narrator Dan Howell finds himself embarrassed when he encounters a handsome man named Phil in the romance aisle of his local bookstore. Luckily, he and Phil get along quickly and both enjoy a certain queer romance author named Zack Striker. Still, Dan can’t help but think that Phil might be hiding something…
Every Saturday Morning (ao3) - croissantbleu (orphan_account)
Summary: Dan's life was uneventful, working at a law firm, trying (and failing) to stay on top of his work despite his ADHD getting in the way, and playing the piano on Saturdays. But things changed when he found a phone number in a book, and finds someone who makes him want to follow his dreams.
friday night placebo (ao3) - kishere
Summary: Phil Lester never thought that he was going to be here in his life: successful, healthy, a little lonely, and helping produce his own Netflix show. Dan Howell, YouTube fanboy and food aficionado, just wants to get a job in television acting. One audition could help both of their problems.
I Can Feel Your Pulse in the Pages (ao3) - coldtea (orphan_account)
Summary: Phil is a writer who can’t seem to stop including Dan in everything he writes.
Of Written Feelings and Words With Meaning - likhaless
Summary: Recently, Dan’s become addicted to this writing blog. He’s so addicted to it in fact, that he might as well be in love with it. The writer seems to say exactly how it feels and he finds himself wishing he had someone who was so deeply in love with him to write for him like that. Little does he know that there is already someone doing that and he’s closer than he thought.Phil, on the other hand, has his own feelings and secrets to keep.
On Skin - grooveyle
Summary: Phil is a writer. Dan, his muse. 
Out of this skin (ao3)- serconstance
Summary: Phil Lester breaks up with his boyfriend Charlie and moves to London to start a new life, hoping that this change will allow him to finally get rid of the ghosts he carries on his shoulder. What he didn't expect was for the boy he sat next to on the train to keep popping up into his life – at Starbucks, on the bus, at the movie theatre and, mostly, in his thoughts.
Paperback Writer - auroraphilealis
Summary: Phil Lester’s novel is still riddled with errors and mistakes, but he hates the whole editing process because it results in nothing more than re-written scenes and a bad taste in his mouth, because he’s never quite satisfied with what he’s written. And then he meets Dan, the cute guy at the coffee shop who makes sure Phil knows he could help him edit his novel.
Pretty Guy (ao3) - Archive (Curlylinguist)
Summary: Phil stumbles across a Pride rally and a certain curly-haired queer activist catches his eye.
Scripts And Stars - lovebuglester
Summary: Dan is an actor, auditioning for a new role in a film written by a revolutionary young writer by the name of Phil Lester.
Seven days of sushi (ao3) - Portia331
Summary: Phil Lester is a well-regarded sci-fi author. Well, post-apocalyptic sci-fi zombie survival horror, if you're being technical about it. After an epiphany-inducing series of life events, he decides he wants a break from robots and gore and to step into the non-fiction world. His agent and publisher are on board, but there's a catch - he has to give up his artistic integrity and make his work * scholarly * ... within the next week. Is Phil up for the challenge?
song and story (ao3) - kay_okay 
Summary: In this universe, Dan, a music composition grad student working on his thesis, and Phil, a novelist trying his best to get over his sophomore slump, book the week before Christmas in a bed and breakfast nestled against snow-covered mountains in France. They're tapped out creatively and need the week to work on their projects.
In this universe, Dan and Phil don't know each other. At least, that's how it starts.
The Brown-Eyed Barista (ao3) - tahliaisnotonfire
Summary: Dan Howell worked as a barista at a small corner coffee shop where he meets an author called Phil Lester; and he’s begun working on a new book.
What I Wouldn't Do (ao3) - wordsofphandom (KathleenCaitlyn)
Summary: At a book signing, Phil, a succesful author of children’s books, meets the five-year-old Dylan and his gorgeous single father Dan. Though they are instantly drawn to each other, certain issues, let alone a lively five-year-old complicate things for Dan and Phil, and they have to find out just what they would - or wouldn’t do, to be together.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Gerard James Butler born 13 November 1969 in Paisley.
When he was 6 months old, his family relocated to Montreal, Canada, where his father tried a few business ventures but ultimately failed. A year and a half later, his parents divorced, and his mother moved Gerard and his two older siblings back to her hometown of Paisley.
After the move, Butler was raised by his mother, with no further contact with his father until he was 16 years old. (Gerard and his later father reconciled, and remained close until his father died of cancer when Butler was in his early 20s.) During his childhood, Butler was enthralled with movies and acting, and his mother took him to several auditions. He joined the Scottish Youth Theatre and in one of his first roles played a street urchin in its production of Oliver!, a role I have played myself, in a school production I was in Fagin’s gang, but alas fame was not to come my way as it did for Gerard
Despite his love for theater and film, Butler was anxious to please his family and believed that acting was not a realistic career choice for him. “I was a 16-year-old kid on the other side of the world from where they made movies,” he later said. “Scottish actors never really got play. There was Sean Connery, and that was it.” Though he claims he is “not the most academic of guys,” Butler graduated near the top of his high school class and enrolled in the University of Glasgow, where he studied to become a lawyer and solicitor.
During his time in university, Butler was also the president of the law society and graduated with honours. Like many other new graduates, Butler decided to take a year off to travel abroad, and his ventures soon landed him in Venice, California, where he indulged in the high life: “This is when things started to go a little crazy,” he later said. “Something very compulsive and dark and lusty and pleasurable but damaging took over. It was suddenly knowing I could go out and have a life of traveling, craziness, adventure, partying, women, and all the other things that go with that—including a sense of abandonment.”
After California, Butler returned to Scotland to begin a two-year traineeship at one of Edinburgh’s top law firms,(while there he shared a flat with my pal Peter)but soon found that he despised the job more and more, and he started slacking off and letting his depression show. A week before he was due to finish his traineeship, he went to the Edinburgh Film Festival and saw a stage production of Trainspotting, an experience that crystallized his disappointment with the law and his yearning to be an actor: “The guy playing the lead role was phenomenal. It was such an incredible atmosphere. And I’m dying inside. This is the life I wanted to live. I can do this. I know I can do this. But it’s past now. It’s gone. I’m 25. I missed that opportunity. A week later, they fired me.”
Humiliated but determined to finally pursue his dream of acting, Butler moved to London, England, the next day and worked odd jobs while trying to get his career off the ground. While working as a casting assistant for the play Coriolanus, he ran into the play’s director, Steven Berkoff, in a coffee shop and begged for a chance to read for the lead role. He says of the experience: “I gave it everything. Afterward, the casting director came up to me almost in tears. She said, ‘You’re the best he saw in two days!’ Walking home was probably the happiest moment of my life, when there’s an energy in you that can’t be put down. I’d gone from handing out pages to getting the lead role.” After a successful run in Coriolanus, Butler landed the lead in the exact same stage rendition of Trainspotting that had inspired him to try acting again, and he was really on his way as an actor.
Making the transition from the stage to the screen, in 1997 Butler starred with Judi Dench and Billy Connolly in Mrs. Brown and also scored a small part in the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies. During the film’s shooting, he was picnicking with his mother near a river and heard screaming from a boy who was in trouble. He immediately dove into the river and saved the youth from drowning, winning a Certificate of Bravery from the Royal Humane Society as an example of his courage and caring.
After acting in a series of largely forgettable films, in 2003, Butler finally got his break with the role of the Phantom in Joel Schumacher’s on-screen adaptation of the Broadway musical Phantom of the Opera. It was a demanding role that required the actor to sing most of his lines. Even though Butler had been the lead singer of a rock band during his time in law school, he was incredibly nervous about auditioning for the part: “I’d had maybe four singing lessons when I went to sing 'Music of the Night’ for Andrew Lloyd Webber, which was perhaps the most nerve-wracking experience I ever went through. But I got the role.
Some people thought I did a great job, but others thought it was sacrilegious.” Though Phantom did not hit blockbuster gold, it got Butler recognized in Hollywood, and four years later he landed the lead role, as King Leonidas, in 300, the testosterone-infused historical epic about a small legion of Spartan soldiers defeating the enormous Persian army. To look believable as a warrior king, Butler trained every day for four months in the most intense workout regimen of his life, giving him an incredible physique in time for the shoot: “You know that every bead of sweat falling off your head, every weight you’ve pumped—the history of that is all in your eyes,” he said. “That was a great thing, to put on that cape and put on that helmet, and not have to think …'I should have trained more.’ Instead, I was standing there feeling like a lion.”
Butler’s role in 300 was a huge boost to his career profile. Since appearing in 300, the actor has starred in several romantic comedies such as P.S. I Love You with Hilary Swank and The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigl, along with appearing on many “world’s hottest men” lists. And his career isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.
Despite all of his success, Gerard Butler still retains the breezy attitude of a guy who rolls with the punches and has a down-to-earth sense of humour. Looking back, he is still slightly stunned at the twists his life has taken and reflects on what could have been: “I wasn’t going to be an actor. I was going to be a lawyer … There was something else at work, something I didn’t have control of. If I hadn’t [messed] up that job, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now. I might be a very mediocre lawyer in some small town in the middle of Scotland.”
Gerard has been quiet on twitter lately, one f his last posts on October 25th was plugging his latest film,Plane, which he said he “had a blast working on” He also has a number of projects in post and pre production, so loads more to come from this popular Scot. 
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majesticaccountants · 28 days
Accounting Services in London: Comprehensive Solutions for Businesses
In the bustling metropolis of London, businesses of all sizes and industries rely on robust accounting services to maintain financial health and ensure compliance with regulations. From startups to established corporations, the need for precise and strategic financial management is universal. Accounting Services London offer a wide range of solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, providing essential support that goes beyond mere number crunching.
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The Scope of Accounting Services
Accounting services in London encompass a broad spectrum of functions designed to keep a business’s financial affairs in order. These services include:
Bookkeeping: Maintaining accurate records of all financial transactions, bookkeeping forms the foundation of effective accounting. It involves recording sales, purchases, receipts, and payments, ensuring that every financial movement is tracked and documented.
Tax Planning and Compliance: Navigating the complexities of tax regulations is crucial for any business. Accounting firms in London offer expert advice on tax planning, helping businesses minimize liabilities while remaining compliant with HMRC regulations. They also handle the preparation and submission of tax returns, VAT filings, and other mandatory documentation.
Financial Reporting: Accurate financial reporting is essential for making informed business decisions. Accountants prepare financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, providing a clear picture of a company’s financial health.
Payroll Services: Managing payroll can be a time-consuming task. Accounting services streamline this process by ensuring employees are paid accurately and on time, while also handling deductions, benefits, and compliance with employment laws.
Auditing: Regular audits are vital for verifying the accuracy of financial records and identifying any discrepancies. Auditors provide an independent assessment of a company’s financial statements, enhancing credibility with stakeholders and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Why Businesses Choose Professional Accounting Services
Expertise and Knowledge: Accounting firms in London employ professionals with extensive knowledge of UK financial regulations and standards. Their expertise ensures that businesses can navigate the complexities of accounting and taxation with confidence.
Time and Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing accounting functions allows businesses to focus on core activities, saving time and reducing the risk of costly errors. This can be particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that may not have the resources to maintain an in-house accounting team.
Scalability: As businesses grow, their accounting needs become more complex. Professional accounting services offer scalable solutions that can adapt to the changing requirements of a growing business, from basic bookkeeping to advanced financial analysis.
Technological Integration: Modern accounting firms leverage advanced software and technologies to enhance accuracy and efficiency. Cloud-based accounting systems, for example, allow for real-time financial monitoring and seamless collaboration between business owners and their accountants.
Choosing the Right Accounting Firm
When selecting an Accounting Company in London, businesses should consider several factors:
Reputation and Experience: Look for firms with a proven track record and positive client testimonials. Experienced accountants are more likely to provide reliable and insightful advice.
Range of Services: Ensure the firm offers the specific services your business needs. A comprehensive service provider can cater to all your accounting requirements, offering a one-stop solution.
Communication and Support: Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Choose a firm that is responsive and offers personalized support tailored to your business.
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affotax · 1 month
Best Accounting Firm In London For Small Business
Finding the perfect accounting firm in London can feel like navigating a labyrinth. With a plethora of options, all boasting expertise, how do you choose the right one for your business? Don't worry, Affotax is here to shed light on London's top accounting firms!
This comprehensive guide explores the city's leading players, highlighting their strengths across various services.
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London's Top Accounting Firms
Audit Firms
For meticulous scrutiny and financial assurance, London boasts a roster of stellar audit firms. These firms play a crucial role in ensuring your financial statements are accurate and compliant.
Tax Accounting Firms
Navigating the ever-changing tax landscape can be daunting. accounting firms in London specialise in minimising your tax burden while ensuring compliance. They'll help you navigate complex regulations and maximise tax benefits.
Accounting Services
From bookkeeping and payroll to financial reporting and analysis, accounting firms in London offer a comprehensive suite of services. They'll streamline your financial processes, freeing you to focus on running your business.
Chartered Accountants
Chartered accountants are highly qualified professionals, recognized for their expertise and ethical conduct. London is home to a distinguished network of chartered accountants, ensuring you receive the highest level of service.
Corporate Finance
Whether you're seeking funding, planning an acquisition, or preparing for an exit strategy, London's corporate finance experts can guide you. They'll help you make informed financial decisions to achieve your business goals.
Business Advisory Services
Looking for strategic guidance beyond the numbers? London's business advisory firms offer a wealth of expertise. They'll help you develop a sound business plan, optimise operations, and navigate complex challenges.
Accounting for Startups
Launching a new venture comes with unique accounting needs. London's startup-focused accounting firms understand your specific requirements. They'll provide tailored services to support your growth journey.
Find Your Perfect Match
Now that you have a map of London's accounting landscape, it's time to find the perfect fit for your business. Consider these factors:
Industry Expertise: Does the firm have experience in your specific industry? Understanding your sector's nuances is crucial for optimal service.
Company Size & Growth Stage: Are you a startup, an established SME, or a large corporation? The firm's experience should align with your company's size and stage of development.
Service Focus: Identify the services you require upfront. Does the firm specialise in audit, tax, or a broader range of offerings?
Fees & Communication Style: Ensure the firm's fee structure aligns with your budget and that their communication style meshes with your preferences.
Your Financial Advantage With Affotax
While this guide provides an overview of London's top accounting firms, Affotax goes beyond just listing options. We take the time to understand your unique business needs and recommend the most suitable accounting partner.
Why Choose Affotax As an Accounting Firm In London?
Expert Guidance: Our team leverages a deep understanding of London's accounting landscape to provide personalised recommendations.
Seamless Matching: We connect you with the ideal firm based on your specific requirements and budget.
Time-Saving Efficiency: Cut through the clutter and save valuable time by letting Affotax navigate the search process for you.
Confidence & Trust: We work with reputable and reliable firms, giving you peace of mind in your financial partnership.
Ready to unlock your full financial potential? Contact Affotax today, and let's find the perfect accounting partner to propel your London business forward!
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payrolllondon · 3 months
Unlocking Efficiency and Growth: The Case for Payroll Outsourcing in London's Small Businesses
In the bustling economic landscape of London, small businesses emerge as dynamic forces driving innovation and growth. Amidst the myriad challenges they face, managing payroll stands out as a complex task that demands precision, compliance, and significant time investment. Payroll outsourcing emerges as a beacon of efficiency, offering a pathway to streamline operations, mitigate risk, and harness growth potential. This article delves into the compelling reasons why London's small businesses should embrace payroll outsourcing services.
Navigating the Regulatory Maze
London's regulatory environment is as intricate as its historic lanes. Small businesses must adhere to a labyrinth of tax laws, employment regulations, and reporting requirements. Payroll outsourcing providers are well-versed in this regulatory maze, ensuring compliance and shielding businesses from potential penalties and legal entanglements.
Cost-Effective Resource Allocation
For small businesses, every penny counts. Maintaining an in-house payroll department incurs direct costs such as salaries, software, and training, as well as indirect costs like management oversight. Outsourcing payroll converts these variable costs into a predictable expense, freeing up capital for strategic investments.
Access to Expertise and Technology
Payroll providers bring to the table a wealth of expertise and cutting-edge technology. They offer sophisticated payroll software solutions that automate calculations, tax withholdings, and payments. This level of expertise and technology is often beyond the reach of small businesses but becomes accessible through outsourcing.
Enhanced Data Security
In an era where data breaches are commonplace, payroll data security is paramount. Outsourcing firms invest heavily in secure infrastructure, data encryption, and regular audits to protect sensitive information. Small businesses benefit from this robust security without the hefty investment.
Focusing on Core Business Functions
By entrusting payroll to external experts, small business owners can redirect their focus to core business functions—innovation, customer service, and expansion. This strategic reallocation of effort can be the catalyst for growth and competitive advantage.
Scalability and Flexibility
As small businesses grow, their payroll needs evolve. Outsourcing payroll provides the scalability to accommodate new employees, enter new markets, and adjust to seasonal workforce fluctuations without the need to overhaul internal systems.
Ensuring Payroll Continuity
The continuity of payroll processing is critical. Outsourcing firms guarantee uninterrupted service, even in the face of staff turnover or unexpected events. This reliability ensures that employees are always paid on time, maintaining morale and operational stability.
For small businesses in London, payroll outsourcing is not just a tactical move - it's a strategic decision that can redefine their operational landscape. It offers a partnership that aligns with their aspirations, drives efficiency, and paves the way for sustained growth. In the quest for success in London's competitive market, payroll outsourcing is a powerful ally for small businesses.
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efjconsulting · 3 months
Efj Consulting Provides Specialist accountants in Bexleyheath and Tax Support
In the United Kingdom, EFJ Consulting is a well-known accounting and tax consultancy. Our accountants in Bexleyheath is well-versed in corporation tax returns standards and how to adjust them to business requirements. Maintaining proper financial records is crucial for all organizations, particularly those that are just getting started. Not only does it make budgeting easier, but it is also essential for tax purposes. Many firms can face disaster if their bookkeeping and VAT records are not kept up to date. Tax audits, client loss, fraud, or the inability to acquire new services or accurately price items may have negative consequences for firms. Keeping financial records, on the other hand, may be more challenging for certain businesses than it appears.
Our Services:
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Why Should You Hire a Chartered Accountant from a Reputed Firm?
Whether you have a large firm or a small startup, the role and need of chartered accountants are inevitable. For the business's core operations to continue, precise accounting is essential. As a result, it is always advisable to hire a qualified chartered accountant in London from a reputable website that provides a full range of financial management services.
are some benefits of hiring a chartered accountant from a reputed firm -
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They have A Wider Knowledge Base
With experts in the business, chartered accountants in London belonging to a reputed firm have the relevant expertise to handle the intricate finances of your business. They are highly knowledgeable and skilled in various accounting, tax, auditing, and financial management topics. Their knowledge can assist you in navigating complicated financial issues and helping you decide what's best for your company.
Compliance with the Rules and Regulations
When you hire professionals from a reputed firm, you can be sure they possess the relevant knowledge and adhere to the standard rules and regulations. These firms' chartered accountants keep up with the most recent changes in laws and regulations, ensuring that your company complies with all pertinent accounting standards. Inadequate compliance lowers the possibility of penalties, fines, or legal problems. 
Effective Financial Strategies
A reputed accounting service in London will build effective financial planning and strategies for the profit of your business. The aspects crucial for the long-term success of your firm are handled well by professionals from a reputed firm. 
What Are the Benefits of an Online Firm?
Business owners' first and most important choice is to find a reputable chartered accountant firm. The main advantage of using a company is that you can easily find qualified and well-trained bookkeepers there. With several online firms, you can find services that assist business owners with maintaining and monitoring financial statements, tax management, accounting records, and various other tasks. These businesses can help with both personal income taxes and tax consultations.
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mmbaaccountants · 6 months
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The information that our team of dedicated auditors in London will provide allows our clients to evidence 100% compliance and ensure their standing with regulators and banks is always high. As one of the well established audit firms in London we also regularly provide audits required by the OFS (Office for Students) for businesses providing services into the education sector.
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vivacapital28 · 1 year
5 Debt Financing Choices For Pre-venture Capital Companies
Not all entrepreneurs find investors who're interested in their companies. Other entrepreneurs will solely discover buyers after months of searching, so it may not be just right venture debt firms for you should you need money fast. A lease is an settlement between two events, the "lessor" and the "lessee". The lessee makes payments beneath the terms of the lease to the lessor, for a specified period of time.
Unfortunately, predatory lenders exist and the strategies they use to rope in unsuspecting small business house owners are getting more and more sophisticated. It’s positively not distinctive to debt financing, however venture debt lenders it's one thing to remember of. Instead of disclosing the true price of a mortgage, some unscrupulous lenders will use strategies other than APR.
So their goal could also be extra than just specializing in financial returns. Although angel traders typically have considerably of a mission focus, they're nonetheless interested in profitability and security for their funding. So they may still make most of the identical demands as a venture capitalist. Equity financing means exchanging a portion of the possession of the business for a monetary investment within the enterprise. The possession stake resulting from an fairness investment permits the investor to share within the company’s earnings. Equity entails a permanent funding in a company and isn't repaid by the corporate at a later date.
She has broad expertise in corporate and investment banking, insurance coverage and pension fund consulting in the Southern African area. Felicia holds a BBusci diploma in Finance with Accounting from the University of Cape Town, a Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting from the University of Cape Town and is a registered Chartered Accountant, CA (SA). She has a variety of expertise within the monetary providers sector throughout the areas of external audit, monetary reporting, tax, and risk administration debt financing companies. Jacob Hagerman holds an International Finance Law degree from Queen Mary & Westfield College, London, and a Master of Laws (LLM) degree from the University of Lund, Sweden. He has intensive experience in advising on basic enterprise regulation and company law issues, collaborating in several mergers, acquisitions and exits. He additionally serves as a Board member of a number of Swedfund’s portfolio companies.
Whatever your justification for funding, fastidiously weigh up the options and select one that greatest fits your small business targets. These issues usually lead to an evaluation of leverage levels, the supply of structural protections, and the power of working venture capital lenders companies to fund their businesses whereas servicing their debt. The non-public debt financing market is likely one of the rapidly developing and most desired useful resource classes for financial specialists; it performs an important role in lending cash to small and mid-sized organizations.
The function of the distant working amenability in offering an evidence for debt funding is indicative of the increased liquidity needs of firms with lower working flexibility through the pandemic. Our research makes a number of contributions to the literature on capital raising by firms throughout crisis episodes. Second, our examine differs from the current analysis on bond markets in the course of the COVID-19 disaster which have considered yields (for instance, Haddad et al., 2020; Hasan et al., 2021) or transaction costs (Kargar et al., 2020).
Unsecured debt that lies between senior debt and equity known as mezzanine financing and consists of senior subordinated debt, subordinated debt, and bridge financing. Those with the bottom stage of safety usually supply the best yields to compensate for his or her greater level of default threat. Bharath argues that as a outcome of financial institution loans and bonds are matched at the similar level of time and for the same firm, matching primarily debt venture capital based on observables should adequately management for variations between financial institution debt and public debt. Thus, propensity score based matching methods are appropriate instruments to control for differences between bank loans and public debt. Bharath uses the propensity rating matched distinction between financial institution and bond credit spreads because the therapy impact, or the worth added by banks.
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hudsonmckenzie · 1 year
How intellectual property law impacts small businesses in UK?
Businesses can take on small but practical steps to protect their fixed assets, prefer their stock and equipment. But unnoticeable assets can be difficult to secure.
Intellectual property (IP) denotes to an intangible asset. Your IP isn’t physical in essence, but patents, trademarks and copyrights are meant to bring in indispensable value to your business.
What does IP mean?
Your IP is somewhat distinctive that you create. Ideas are not considered as IP under UK law, but things that come up from a concept too. This could be a big innovation, the name of your product, your brand, your services, or even the look of your products.
But in case when businesses bring in something to the global landscape, there’s a chance the work might get replicated. This risk is increased by the internet, which makes it calmer for unique IP to be stolen.
Small businesses specially need to guarantee that they’re securing their IP, as competitors can feasibly copy ideas. If your business is based around your IP and someone steals it, you carry the risk of wasting market share – but there are rights and protections that make it easier to go ahead with a legal action.
According to the leading law firms in London, “Even if your business doesn’t count on around your great idea, it’s necessary to be aware of intellectual property law to make sure you’re not inadvertently stealing somebody else’s IP.”
How to safeguard IP?
How to protect IP
You obtain some intellectual property rights automatically but, basis on the kind of IP, you might need to approve. It’s a great idea to take a comprehensive look at your business to find out what IP you have that needs defending. This is known as an IP audit and it should help you worth your IP assets just as you would your physical possessions.
There are law firms in London that can help you with protecting your unique work and products. There are different types of IP one can register. You should ensure that they meet the standards for registration before moving ahead:
Trademarks: You can safeguard words, images, slogans, and others under trademarks. This can help you guard a distinctive brand. Your trade mark must be exclusive and can’t be deceptive or non-distinctive. It also can’t define the goods or services it relates to – so striving to trade mark ‘lawnmower’ for a new lawnmower won’t cut it. A general online trade mark application comes at a cost of £170.
Registered designs: you can roll the appearance of a product you’ve made, as long as if it’s novice and unique. You can shield its look, physical form, decoration and the formation, which is how different parts of the design are settled together. Registering a design makes it feasible to handle any violation legally.
Patents: These move ahead than safeguarding your design – they can shield a new invention, such as a tool or machine, and how it performs. You can only obtain a patent if your invention is a kind that can be made (or used), it’s new, and not just a modification to something that already in place. Patents are costly, with differentiated fees involved at various stages of the process.
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spotsaas · 2 years
Best Project Management Companies
The material provided below is a tremendously useful resource if you've ever wondered who to turn to for knowledgeable business or IT project management consulting services or if you have questions concerning project management for consultants.
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With its headquarters in London, the United Kingdom, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, also known as Deloitte, is a multinational professional services network. Along with EY, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte is one of the Big Four accounting companies and has the largest professional services network in the world by revenue and personnel. 
PA consulting group
A professional services company called PA Consulting Group (formerly Personnel Administration) collaborates with businesses in the public, private, and third sectors. Ernest E. Butten, Tom H. Kirkham, and Dr. David Seymour formed it in 1943 with the goal of boosting production in weapons plants during World War 2. In 1970, PA expanded to become the largest management consulting firm in the world based on headcount. [4]
Located in London, England, Ernst & Young Global Limited, also known as EY, is an international professional services partnership. One of the world's biggest professional services networks is EY.  It is regarded as one of the "Big Four" accounting firms, along with Deloitte, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Its main services to clients include assurance (which includes financial audit), tax, consulting, and advisory. EY has diversified into industries outside of accounting, such as strategy, operations, HR, technology, and financial services consulting, just like many of the larger accounting companies in recent years.
One of the Big Four accounting firms is the international professional services network KPMG International Limited (often known as KPMG).
KPMG is a network of companies in 145 countries with over 236,000 workers and offers three service lines: financial audit, tax, and advising. The company is headquartered in Amstelveen, the Netherlands, even though it was founded in the United Kingdom. It also categorises its tax and advising services into different service groups.
Bain and Company
The corporate headquarters of the American management consulting firm Bain & Company are in Boston, Massachusetts. Public, private, and nonprofit groups can seek counsel from the firm. One of the Big Three management consulting firms, Bain & Company was established in 1973 by Patrick F. Graham, Bill Bain, and other former Group Vice Presidents of the Boston Consulting Group. Bain & Company kept growing and developing new practice areas devoted to working with non-profits, IT firms, and others. It established a sizable practice centred on collaborating with private equity firms. For More Information:  Project Management Tracking Tool , Project Management For Small Business, Best Project Management Software For Small Business , Project Management Companies
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mscoaccountants · 2 years
Your Ultimate Solution For Income Tax Return Filing At MSCO Accountants
Do you need an accounting firm that has the vision and experience to meet your needs? Do you have issues with Income Tax Return Filing? Do you want to start a new business but need some help? You can get help from our MSCO Chartered Accountant in London! We offer cost-effective, expert tax and business advice to a wide range of businesses and individuals.
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We are a business consulting firm that works with both private clients and corporations at the regional, national, and international levels. Our qualified expert accountants specialise in a wide range of taxation and accounting issues for sole proprietors, small to medium-sized businesses, and business start-ups across a wide range of industries. We are confident that our experience and integrity will benefit you and your organisation.
A CA helps with tax planning, capital planning, budgeting, financing or other activities, accounting bookkeeping, and other tasks. The role of the CA has become extremely important in the current scenario since the implementation of GST.
Our Chartered Accountants including East London Chartered Accountants will advise clients, audit accounts, and provide accurate financial records information. They can also handle Financial Reporting, Income Tax Return Filing , VAT tax returns, auditing, forensic accounting, corporate finance, business recovery and insolvency, accounting systems, and other tasks.
Why Should You Choose MSCO?
MSCO has been in business for a long time and has accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge. We go out of our way to provide you with not only high-quality accounting services but also exceptional customer service. We believe in empowering excellence in our work and providing sound advice and services to our clients.
We enjoy getting to know our clients and understand that your business is unique! We are proud that our company has grown over the last few years, primarily through client referral - they say they like what we do! We care about our clients' businesses, and by providing dedicated, knowledgeable, and jargon-free advice, we ensure you get the best service and the best outcome for you and your business. Our approachable and accessible strategy! We are always willing to listen and recognise the significance of providing effective yet understandable advice.
We are qualified certified accountants (ICAEW and ACCA members) who work with top taxation companies like London Life Individual Services. Our tax accountants attend regular seminars to stay up to date on the latest legislation and business trends, ensuring that you get the best solutions possible.
Our Solutions
We see these tasks as just the beginning, whether you're a startup looking for help with bookkeeping or an established company looking for help with annual accounts. We work hard to fully understand your company and to develop a close working relationship with which we can add long-term value. We tailor all of our advice to your specific goals, and we are quick to identify other areas of expertise you might benefit from, such as tax planning. Accounts, bookkeeping, payroll, business startups, compliance, individuals, sole traders, partnerships, taxation, tax return, and VAT tax return are some of the services we provide.
Governments levy compulsory levies on individuals or entities in almost every country around the world. Taxation is mostly used to fund government expenses, but it can also be used for other things. The primary goal of taxation is to generate money to pay for services, and income helps to meet societal needs. This should be accomplished with public funds. Taxation should be levied as equally as possible on the basis of ability to pay.
If you are looking for East London Chartered Accountants, we will be there for you. If you want to talk about a specific issue, get a quote, or learn more about Taxation Services London, please contact us at 0207 790 0793 or [email protected].
Source: https://mscoaccountants.wordpress.com/2022/07/26/your-ultimate-solution-for-income-tax-return-filing-at-msco-accountants/
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key-cms · 2 years
List of top 10 Accounting Companies in India
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Accounting firms are typically owned and operated by CPAs or CAs (in India) or Accountants. The services offered by these firms include business valuation, the monitoring of asset depreciation, taxation, and auditing.
These services assist businesses in comprehending, managing, and monitoring their revenue and cash flow.
You must be wondering -“why do you need an accounting expert for your business?”
Employing specialists may be necessary for accounting firms that offer high-end services such as forensic audits to clients who are concerned about the possibility of fraud.
There are a number of Accounting services in India that cater to clients both in India and around the world.
Here is a list of the top 10 small and medium-sized Indian accounting firms for your convenience
Thousands of CA (Chartered Accountant) or accounting firms can be found in India. There are numerous factors to consider before applying for any of them, such as:
Potential Career Paths
Company-Wide Personal Development
Packages of remuneration
Workplace and more.
This ranking of the best Bookkeeping service in India is based on the considerations above.
1. Key-CMS
Key Carrier Management Service Private Limited (Key-CMS) is a Private Limited Company and is an 10+ old company.
Key-CMS with their accounting experts offers multiple business solutions including accounting services and bookkeeping service.
Served accounting and bookkeeping services to multiple companies including small sized companies in the USA.
Key-CMS believes in handling the accounting work with the latest tool of accounting and bookkeeping.
2. Deloitte
According to total revenue, Deloitte is the largest professional services network in the entire world. As a result, it is also the world’s most extensive professional services network.
Over 200,000 professionals in more than 150 countries take advantage of the auditing, tax, consulting, enterprise risk, and financial advice services that Deloitte offers.Several of the most well-known brands in the world rely on their advice.
realistic insights and responses to challenges’ are the guiding principle in industry consulting services.
“It’s good to make it great!” exclaimed Deloitte. For them, it’s all about helping people become the leaders they want to be.
3. PWC
According to a survey conducted in 2014, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) is the second-largest professional services network behind Deloitte, EY, and KPMG. Professional services firms from throughout the world have been a part of it.
Helping our clients find creative solutions to complex problems is the Firm’s primary goal. From the arts to business, engineering, finance, health and law, information technology to law, and more, people from all walks of life are entertained.
Amstelveen, the Netherlands, is home to the global headquarters of KPMG, one of the world’s largest professional services firms.
Along with Deloitte and EY, it is a member of accounting firms’ “Big Four.” It is estimated that KPMG has 162,000 professionals working in three areas: audit, tax, and consulting. Service groups have been created for the Firm’s tax and advisory services.
5. Forrester Research
London, United Kingdom-based Ernst & Young (EY) is a global professional services firm. According to a poll that was conducted in 2012, this is the third-largest professional services firm in the world in terms of revenue, and it is also one of the four largest audit firms..
6. BDO Worldwide
BDO International is the sixth-largest accounting network in the world.
At the same time, it is the world’s largest and most respected public accounting business. This business caters to clientele from both within and beyond the country.
As of September 2014, BDO has member firms in 151 countries and over 60,000 partners and staff in 1,328 offices worldwide.
7. International Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton is a global accountancy business headquartered in the United Kingdom with more than 125 offices worldwide. Because of its enormous income, which exceeds $4.5 billion, this corporation is well-known.
There are assurance, tax, and consulting services provided by this company. There are many reasons why Grant Thornton is a well-known name in financial services, including warranty, tax, and consulting.
It has been in use for about a century now. “The capacity to extend and operate internationally has made Grant Thornton an invaluable partner for many companies. As a result, experts are forced to cope with various challenging situations or transactions.
Connaught Place is the location of Grant Thornton’s New Delhi member office.
8. International RSM (RSM)
RSM is the network’s seventh-largest Firm for audit, tax, and consulting services. It prides itself on being the sixth-largest tax service provider in the world.
It conducted a survey of its members and journalists in 111 countries in September 2014. Across 718 locations, the member firms of RSM International employ a combined 35,396 employees. This includes 3,221 partners.
Robson Rhodes of the United Kingdom, SalustroReydel of France, and RSM McGladrey/McGladrey & Pullen of the United States established the company (USA).
9. SS Kothari Mehta & Company, Inc.
There is nothing better about this company than its long history. Delhi-based SS Kothari is one of the world’s most prominent firms, with offices in more than 100 countries.
An extensive nationwide network of six offices and twenty-five associates has been built, allowing it to serve nearly all of the United States. Partners and Associates have allowed it to reach almost any country.
Tax Advisory, Merger and Acquisition, Statutory Audit, Corporate Laws, and other fields are among its services.
10. The Sahni Natrajan & The Bahl (SNB)
Located in Delhi, India, SNB is a national Indian accounting, auditing, and consulting organization. It was established in 1981 and has become one of India’s leading law firms. There are offices in Bangalore and Mumbai, and the headquarters in New Delhi.
The Company has been successful in achieving its aim of offering high-quality services that are independent, professional, and ethical in all aspect of their work for their clients.
The organization provides services in the areas of tax and auditing, including internal and external audits, corporate law, and a variety of other fields of work.
About us:
In addition, Key Carrier Management Service provides a wide range of services to help your business grow and expand. As a company with more than a decade of expertise in outsourcing services, we continue to focus on delivering the most value to our customers. The breadth of our experience and knowledge bears witness to this.
Outsourcing solutions like BPO, KPO, accounting service, remote staffing, digital marketing, and more help us give the best possible experience to your customers.
Our team of experts in Information Technology (IT) is dedicated to finding new ways to save your company time and money. It has been more than a decade since our 120-strong team has worked with clients in various industries, including those from the United States, and we are about to expand our workforce even further.
The firm instructs students who are interested in a career in accounting how to apply innovative accounting solutions in order to fulfill the requirements of the firm’s customers. Your professional life will get off to a flying start if you take advantage of the counsel provided by these first-rate Accounting services in India.
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The Mafia hires good accountants
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High-profile leaks like the Pandora Papers and financial collapses like Carillion have shone a spotlight on the role that “the professions” play in enabling international finance crimes, which include both money-laundering and the underlying (ghastly, violent) crimes that produce the money to be laundered.
For example, the Sackler family knowingly and deliberately created the opioid epidemic that has killed more than 800,000 Americans so far, and then used the best, most respectable, highest price bankruptcy lawyers in the country to secure a deal that let them keep billions and deny justice to their victims.
High-priced, ultra-respectable firms of economists generate millions in billing every year ginning up plausible-seeming, opaquely complex “analyses” that monopolistic firms use to bamboozle regulators into allowing them to undertake anticompetitive mergers that destroy the real economy, communities and jobs:
And then there are the auditors — four giant firms have gobbled up all their rivals and merged with one another, while “diversifying” into offering “consulting” services that leave them hopelessly conflicted and signing off on fraudulent books that lead to catastrophic collapses and billions in tax fraud:
The corruption of the audit industry is especially deadly, since auditors are meant to be the umpires of the world, providing oracular “ground truth” to claims about how companies conduct themselves and what they’re making and spending:
The great finance capitals of the world, like London, are the epicenters of the enablers of global finance crime, where the great and the good have waxed fat on the massive fees they charge to post-Soviet kleptocrats who have colonized both the city and the nation’s politics:
But for all the attention paid to consultancies, lawyers, economists and other elite enablers, the accounting profession itself is rarely named when scandals erupt. Which is a mystery, since the keeping and auditing of financial ledgers is so key to corrupt practices.
A late-2021 paper called “Does the Mafia Hire Good Accountants?” by a group of academic accountants in the US, Italy and Germany, offers a tantalyzing explanation for the conspicuous absence of accountancy from the list of professions involved in global crime:
The paper uses a fascinating and robust methodology to examine the honesty of mafia accountants: they comb the national police’s database of mafia-related persons for accountants, then examine the audit records, tax records and legal history of those accountants’ non-mafia clients.
They conclude that if a business uses a mafia accountant, it has better, more honest finances than a business with a non-mafia accountant (!). Specifically: “private firms serviced by accountants with [organized crime] ties have higher quality audited financial statements, as evidenced by lower levels of abnormal working capital accruals, fewer small earnings, fewer tax restatements, and lower levels of discretionary revenues. Further, these firms receive more modified audit opinions, and pay higher fees.”
The authors suggest that when the mafia chooses an accountant, they have to choose between two mutually exclusive strategies:
I. Hire a stupid accountant that you can trick into signing off on dirty books; or
II. Hire a smart accountant who can turn your dishonest business into one that is honest on paper, even if that erodes your profits.
The authors make a compelling case that the mafia choose the second strategy. What’s more, they show that even accountants with known mob connections have no trouble finding non-criminal clients (“it is disheartening the Mafia can hire seemingly good accountants who appear to suffer no adverse reputation effects from their Mafia ties”).
Perhaps that’s because the mafia is so crucial to both the Italian and global business world: the authors quote a 2017 ISTAT study that says that 12% of Italian GDP is mafia activity and a 2011 UNODC study that attributes 3.6% of global GDP to Italian mafia groups.
But it would be a mistake to think that just because the mafia has clean books that it runs good businesses. Businesses that are run or colonized by mobsters aren’t good firms — they pay poorly, produce low-quality goods and services, and engage in a variety of crimes and regulatory violations.
This is a fascinating and clever analysis, though it’s short on recommendations. The most concrete policy proposal the authors advance is for police to maintain a public registry of accountants under investigation for mafia ties, and to bar those accountants from practicing until they are cleared.
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scotianostra · 4 years
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Happy 51st Birthday Gerard James Butler born 13 November 1969 in Paisley.
When he was 6 months old, his family relocated to Montreal, Canada, where his father tried a few business ventures but ultimately failed. A year and a half later, his parents divorced, and his mother moved Gerard and his two older siblings back to her hometown of Paisley.
After the move, Butler was raised by his mother, with no further contact with his father until he was 16 years old. (Gerard and his later father reconciled, and remained close until his father died of cancer when Butler was in his early 20s.) During his childhood, Butler was enthralled with movies and acting, and his mother took him to several auditions. He joined the Scottish Youth Theatre and in one of his first roles played a street urchin in its production of Oliver!, a role I have played myself, in a school production I was in Fagin's gang, but alas fame was not to come my way as it did for Gerard 
Despite his love for theater and film, Butler was anxious to please his family and believed that acting was not a realistic career choice for him. "I was a 16-year-old kid on the other side of the world from where they made movies," he later said. "Scottish actors never really got play. There was Sean Connery, and that was it." Though he claims he is "not the most academic of guys," Butler graduated near the top of his high school class and enrolled in the University of Glasgow, where he studied to become a lawyer and solicitor. 
During his time in university, Butler was also the president of the law society and graduated with honours. Like many other new graduates, Butler decided to take a year off to travel abroad, and his ventures soon landed him in Venice, California, where he indulged in the high life: "This is when things started to go a little crazy," he later said. "Something very compulsive and dark and lusty and pleasurable but damaging took over. It was suddenly knowing I could go out and have a life of traveling, craziness, adventure, partying, women, and all the other things that go with that—including a sense of abandonment."
After California, Butler returned to Scotland to begin a two-year traineeship at one of Edinburgh's top law firms,(while there he shared a flat with my pal Peter)but soon found that he despised the job more and more, and he started slacking off and letting his depression show. A week before he was due to finish his traineeship, he went to the Edinburgh Film Festival and saw a stage production of Trainspotting, an experience that crystallized his disappointment with the law and his yearning to be an actor: "The guy playing the lead role was phenomenal. It was such an incredible atmosphere. And I'm dying inside. This is the life I wanted to live. I can do this. I know I can do this. But it's past now. It's gone. I'm 25. I missed that opportunity. A week later, they fired me."
Humiliated but determined to finally pursue his dream of acting, Butler moved to London, England, the next day and worked odd jobs while trying to get his career off the ground. While working as a casting assistant for the play Coriolanus, he ran into the play's director, Steven Berkoff, in a coffee shop and begged for a chance to read for the lead role. He says of the experience: "I gave it everything. Afterward, the casting director came up to me almost in tears. She said, 'You're the best he saw in two days!' Walking home was probably the happiest moment of my life, when there's an energy in you that can't be put down. I'd gone from handing out pages to getting the lead role." After a successful run in Coriolanus, Butler landed the lead in the exact same stage rendition of Trainspotting that had inspired him to try acting again, and he was really on his way as an actor.
Making the transition from the stage to the screen, in 1997 Butler starred with Judi Dench and Billy Connolly in Mrs. Brown and also scored a small part in the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies. During the film's shooting, he was picnicking with his mother near a river and heard screaming from a boy who was in trouble. He immediately dove into the river and saved the youth from drowning, winning a Certificate of Bravery from the Royal Humane Society as an example of his courage and caring.
After acting in a series of largely forgettable films, in 2003, Butler finally got his break with the role of the Phantom in Joel Schumacher's on-screen adaptation of the Broadway musical Phantom of the Opera. It was a demanding role that required the actor to sing most of his lines. Even though Butler had been the lead singer of a rock band during his time in law school, he was incredibly nervous about auditioning for the part: "I'd had maybe four singing lessons when I went to sing 'Music of the Night' for Andrew Lloyd Webber, which was perhaps the most nerve-wracking experience I ever went through. But I got the role. 
Some people thought I did a great job, but others thought it was sacrilegious." Though Phantom did not hit blockbuster gold, it got Butler recognized in Hollywood, and four years later he landed the lead role, as King Leonidas, in 300, the testosterone-infused historical epic about a small legion of Spartan soldiers defeating the enormous Persian army. To look believable as a warrior king, Butler trained every day for four months in the most intense workout regimen of his life, giving him an incredible physique in time for the shoot: "You know that every bead of sweat falling off your head, every weight you've pumped—the history of that is all in your eyes," he said. "That was a great thing, to put on that cape and put on that helmet, and not have to think ...'I should have trained more.' Instead, I was standing there feeling like a lion."
Butler's role in 300 was a huge boost to his career profile. Since appearing in 300, the actor has starred in several romantic comedies such as P.S. I Love You with Hilary Swank and The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigl, along with appearing on many "world's hottest men" lists. And his career isn't showing any signs of slowing down.
Despite all of his success, Gerard Butler still retains the breezy attitude of a guy who rolls with the punches and has a down-to-earth sense of humour. Looking back, he is still slightly stunned at the twists his life has taken and reflects on what could have been: "I wasn't going to be an actor. I was going to be a lawyer ... There was something else at work, something I didn't have control of. If I hadn't [messed] up that job, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. I might be a very mediocre lawyer in some small town in the middle of Scotland."
I half expected a tweet on last nights Football from Gerard, but he has been quiet since the beginning of the month when he tweeted.
Devastated to hear that we lost one of the true greats today. He was such an enormous inspiration to me, and a big part of the reason I’m even here. He gave a little Scottish boy inspiration and hope that there was a place for us in this business.
On the movie front, Butler fans who like his "...has Fallen" films, will be pleased to know that Mike Banning will be back with a fourth instalment Mike Banning called Night Has Fallen, no more details about that as yet, but if it attracts stars like Nick Nolte and Morgan Freeman, who co-starred in  Angel has Fallen, it is sure to be another hit.
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