#Slytherin boys moodboard
deadghosy · 3 months
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teeramoonlover · 2 months
The Anarchist
Mattheo Riddle • Theodore Nott • Lorenzo Berkshire
From Serpent Boys Gone Red
Author's note: For those who might wonder, this inspiration I got from reading the League of Gods series from Rina Kent, The Heathens 🖤 It’s nearly dawn in my country and I'm bored so here we go. This post is not a oneshot fic sorry.
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All students of Hogwarts are familiar with the Golden Trio, but have you heard about the lawless trio? A bunch of rebellion, the opposite of golden and strength like a stallion.
They've been called with many names, but the Anarchist is the fame.
Never given by them all, but been called from the whisperers along the hall.
They say the three combine can make the Lucifer cry. It's like you've seen the rebirth of Hades in front of your own eyes.
Those who cross their path will be paid by their wrath.
And for those that caught their eye will be set to be by their side.
For who become their obsession, may you not fall into oblivion.
Because for them, it is not an act of felony for you will be their Persephone.
"For my love, I will handle your sins. For justice, I will show you mine."
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Mattheo Riddle in Orange purge mask: moodboard
Theodore Nott in Red purge mask: moodboard
Lorenzo Berkshire in Yellow purge mask: moodboard
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nottsangel · 3 months
— dealer!theodore nott ੈ♡˳
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dealer!theo . more
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motherearthlovesus · 11 days
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theo nott surprises you in the prefect bathroom🫧
ft. mattheo riddle | trigger warning: bad italian | fluffy smut
You had the prefects' bathroom all to yourself—finally a moment of peace after a long, exhausting day. The warm water and lavender bubbles gave you the perfect escape. It had you sinking down into the bath, closing your eyes and letting the heat relax your muscles. You rubbed the water over your skin, lightly massaging your muscles wherever they begged for attention.
You were so heavily shrouded in bubbles and so utterly content that it did not occur to you to open your eyes. Even when the door creaked open. You didn’t open them despite the shuffling shoes and the clothes hitting the floor. It wasn’t until you heard the soft splash of legs climbing down into water that your eyes fluttered open.
“Didn’t mean to disturb you dormigliona sleepy” a husky voiced teased.
You could’ve picked out that voice in a hall full of people. Theodore. You were surprised and confused as to why he was here, talking to you.
You attempted to casually open your eyes, not quite sure how believable it was.
“You shouldn’t be here Theo” You gathered even more bubbles around you, struggling to avert his gaze.
“You don’t have to cover up on my account, you seemed so relaxed when I arrived”
"Theo," you snapped, mustering up the courage to look in his eyes. “Get out. Now."
"Come on, I need to bathe too” His voice was full of amusement, and his eyes raked over you shamelessly.
You huffed, annoyed at his audacity. "This bathroom is for prefects only, and last time I checked, you’re not one."
Theo started to walk across the monstrous bath.
"You always act so proper," he murmured, his voice dropping to a near whisper, "but I know you’re curious."
His fingers tapped the surface of the water, creating small waves that caused the bubbles keeping you covered to start waving.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your composure as his words hung in the air. Theo’s presence was magnetic, and no matter how many times you told yourself to stay calm, the irregular rhythm of your heartbeat seemed to betray you.
“I’m not curious,” you lied, eyes narrowing as he inched closer.
You pressed your back against the edge of the tub, trying to cool yourself down. "You really should leave Theo, you’ll get in trouble."
“That’s what makes it fun, principessa”
You huffed, turning your head away to hide the way your cheeks flushed at his words. “This isn’t a game, Theo. What if someone walks in?”
“Then we’ll just have to make it worth their while,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You could see the challenge dancing in his eyes, urging you to give in. “Theo—” you started, but the protest faltered.
You told yourself that the heat must’ve gone to your head because each step he took towards you had your legs opening up just a little bit more.
His hand dipped into the water, breaking the surface tension, and your breath hitched as his fingers grazed your knee. His fingers were slowly trailing up your thigh. The higher he went the redder you felt your face get. A moan slipped out just as his thumb had just reached the top of your thigh. As you tipped your head back, bracing yourself for whatever came next, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room. In a panic you squealed and pushed Theo away causing the water around you to slosh everywhere.
“Well, what do we have here?” Mattheo teased, leaning casually against the doorframe, arms crossed with that trademark smirk of his. “Didn’t expect to find this in the prefects’ bathroom. Mind if I join?”
“You shouldn’t have expected anything in here; you’re not a prefect,” you shot back, trying to maintain your composure.
“Well then what is he doing here?” Mattheo nodded his head towards Theo.
“I-“ The ridiculous situation you found yourself in had you at a loss for words.
Theo narrowed his eyes, stepping protectively in front of you. “Why don’t you take your charming self elsewhere, Mattheo?”
“Relax, Theo,” he said with a playful roll of his eyes. “I’m just trying to make new friends. Right, love?” He turned to you, winking.
Theo grabbed a towel from the edge of the bath and wrapped it around himself as he stepped out of the bath to stand in front of Mattheo. Theo grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.
“C’mon, man. Let’s leave the lady to her bath,” Theo said, giving Mattheo a pointed look before turning back to you “I’m sure she will find a way to finish what I started”.
reblogs are greatly appreciated
literally been so tired i wrote this in a haze maybe thats why i've been thinking about baths also why do i title my works like pornos?
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theosbaby · 4 months
❥ theo as his love language: words of affirmation
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— boyfriend!theo who is always talking about his girlfriend like she's one of the world's seven wonders, loves to compliment her and wants to make her feel like she's the most gorgeous girl in the whole universe, 'cause she is to him.
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sureallavnder · 9 months
stupid parties - Theodore Nott
p : gentle!theodore nott x anxious!fem!reader
s : slytherin always throw the noisiest, stupidest parties and even though you were sorted into said house you cant normally handle them as things get intense
w : fluff, shaking, google translated italian, theo being a softie, not proofread
a/n : just a softie theo moment don’t ask me how i got this out but not my 200 follower fic
prompt : person b holding person a’s hand while shaking
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You were dreading tonight.
As per usual for the slytherin quidditch team they decided to throw a massive party to celebrate their 5th win of the season.
Something you always struggled with was crowds and noise and lucky for you, you got sorted into the house who throws the loudest, craziest, most unhelpful (in your words) parties.
Theo knew this and always made sure to keep you calm and safe even when he sometimes wished he was partying as it was one of his favourite hobbies.
You and Theo had been dating since he asked you to the Yule Ball in 4th year. But as most, you had crushes on each other since 3rd, and maybe just maybe there was some kind of connection from when you first met. Although you didn’t get close until Christmas break of your 2nd year when you both stayed behind at Hogwarts.
Your family had decided it was best for you to stay in school and focus on furthering your education a little bit, but you always wondered if it was because they liked not having you around.
As for Theo, he never really liked going home. He’d lost his mum when he was young and his dad wasn’t the best of people, a death eater. So it was typical of him to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays.
Theodore Nott. You’re boyfriend of 2 years. He would always spend the party cuddling you and cradling you on his bed, he had absolutely no alternate intentions. He loved looking after you. This time was no different.
It was about 10 minutes before people would normally start to pile into the slytherin common room and just on time Theo came into your dorm room, scooped you up, and carried you to his bed, setting you down. He went and picked out one of his baggiest hoodies and helped you put it on. Guiding your arms through and pulling it over your head making sure you didn’t get stuck. He swooped you into a massive cuddle singing softly into your ear. Arms wrapped tightly around you.
About 20 minutes had passed and you could tell this time felt different. The noise seemed so much more intense and it scared you. That’s when the shaking started. It wasn’t intense, but just a little. It was noticeable to you and Theo.
Theo immediately sat up and turned you so you were facing each other. He held your soft face in his hands. He spoke in italian knowing it calmed you down the quickest.
“tesoro, va bene, starai bene, sono qui” he muttered desperately trying to help
baby girl, it’s okay, you’ll be okay, i’m here
He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead knowing it’s your favourite. You smile lightly trying to appreciate the help he was giving.
Theo then held your shaking hands and traced his thumb over them to soothe you. You turn around so your back is against his chest, not letting your hands separate.
He places a kiss on the top of your head. Thankfully this calms you down enough to block out the noise of the party on the other side of the door.
Before you knew it, it was the next morning, you had drifted off to sleep in Theodore’s arms. He had layed you down in bed and wrapped himself around you. He didn’t let you go all night.
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bunny-1111 · 3 months
Dating Theodore Nott - Moodboard
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409 notes · View notes
amongemeraldclouds · 4 months
Tom Riddle clutched the handmade bookmark you gave him at the end of class. You said it was to wish him good luck for the upcoming exams and nothing made sense. Not the flutter in his stomach nor the warmth he felt in his chest.
You had always been warm and friendly to him like you were with everyone else. He didn’t understand how others could be kind without getting anything in return. It seemed futile. A weakness, even.
And yet, whenever you were kind with your bright eyes and warm smile, there was a quiet boldness within you that he deemed powerful. It piqued his interest.
When he dreamt of you the next day, he knew he had to spring to action. It started with a carefully concocted plan to get to know you. You found it odd how inquisitive he was one day, but your crush had suddenly taken an interest in you. You could hardly complain.
Soon, he’ll find himself on an open field with you, the warm sun caressing your face. He’ll tuck a flower behind your ear, strumming the strings of your desire. He already considered you his, it was only a matter of time until you knew it too.
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veryberryjelly · 5 months
OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE PROMPTS WTF CAN I REQUEST MORE THAN ONE!!!!! if not, still i would like to order a martini 🍸🌟 with a prompt number 103 for mr theodore nott my beloved
theo nott x reader
prompts ; ' kissing someone off their face '
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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if you weren't to be married in four days, you were sure your hen party would've been the highlight of your week.
your friends had opted to take you out to a local bar and then go out dancing and in the midst of darkness with the occasional flash of neon lights, you had all downed what your sober friend had calculated as 18 units of alcohol.
so by the time you stumbled in through the door of your flat you were truly struggling to stand up straight, even with the aid of pansy under your arm.
" okay, sweetheart, let's get you into bed " she said, leading you towards the bedroom.
but it seemed you had other plans.
" nooo, i can't go to bed without teddy "
your whining elicited a laugh from the girl under your arm.
" i know, but he'll be home soon. enzo said they were leaving the club 15 minutes ago, so let's get you to bed and-"
" baby! you here ?"
the familiar timber of theo's voice flooded your flat and your smile grew.
pansy couldnt stop you from turning around and heading back to the door to find theo.
" teddy! "
and you found him with two boys with blurry faces flanking his sides.
all your drunk mind could focus on was theo in the middle of them and it seemed your feelings were reciprocated as he pushed the two boys off of him and stumbled straight towards you.
his arms wrapped around your neck and your looped around his torso, both of you swaying slightly where you stood.
you pulled back to look up at him but before either of your eyes could focus on the boy infront of you, a pair of lips were on yours and who were you to deny your beautiful fiancee.
the kiss was definitely sloppier than usual, but to both of you in your vodka fuelled minds, it was perfect.
" you can tap out, boys. i got this. i'm staying in their guest room tonight "
the next thing you heard was the sound of your front door closing.
" okay lovebirds, you've got your whole lives to do this but lets get you to bed "
you separated from theo but neither of you could wipe the shit eating grins from your drunk faces.
pansy lead the two of you through to your bedroom where you both promptly fell against the mattress in a pile of giggles.
when you felt a pair of hands pulling you from a mattress you whined softly, instinctively reaching for the boy still on the bed.
" once we get your makeup off, you can jump back in bed, but i won't be responsible for you having a pimple on your wedding day "
even in your drunk haze you knew she was right.
you didnt want a pimple on your face on the day of your wedding.
so you let her sit you on the closed toilet and wipe the makeup from your face before applying a few products you were too drunk to identify.
but when you were finally done, she lead you back out to your bed and let you collapse down on the mattress.
like a pair of magnets, both you and theo gravitated towards eachother in the centre of the mattress, your head dropping to his chest and his arms winding around you.
the only other sound aside from the rustling of the sheets beneath you was the bedroom door closing as pansy left.
and after that there was silence for a little while.
the last thing you heard before you fell into a slumber was theo.
" i love you, beautiful girl. "
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teeramoonlover · 2 months
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Mattheo Riddle in Orange purge mask
He is like a vicious flame, that will ignites your dying ember.
Theodore Nott in Red purge mask
Lorenzo Berkshire in Yellow purge mask
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eternalbuckley · 3 months
[repost because i accidentally deleted the original post 💔]
18+ thoughts, minors dni, afab!reader
rockstar!mattheo whose heart you fully have and his songs are all about you. everyone knows you’re his and he’s yours. your boyfriend who loves to take pictures or sextapes of you while he‘s buried inside of you, you’re on top of him or whatever you do while you have sex. he even lets you film him if he‘s fucking you, fingering or eating you out. whatever dirty things you two do. those videos and pictures are privately saved for only the two of you.
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nottsangel · 27 days
— new girl au ੈ♡˳ …in which you live with theodore, mattheo and lorenzo
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new girl au . more
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motherearthlovesus · 2 months
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italian summer nights w/ theo
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theosbaby · 4 months
❥ mattheo as his love language: physical touch
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— boyfriend!mattheo who's not able to keep his hands to himself whenever his girlfriend is around. he loves to caress, kiss, or grip every inch of her gorgeous body just because her closeness gives him that sense of comfort he craves.
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suugarbabe · 1 month
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“Is this for me?”
“Well it is your birthday, that’s what you deserve”
Mattheo knows you don’t think about your birthday much, always more focused on making sure everyone else is celebrated on theirs. This year he wanted to return the favor and show you just how much he really cares about (and pays attention) to you.
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obsessedwithceleste · 7 months
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Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Mattheo Riddle x Slytherin reader
Prompt 4 of @thatdammchickennugget ‘s hogmarch challenge🫶🏽 and dedicated to this psychic anon request 💕
Summary: I’d kiss you as the lights went out, Swaying as the room burned down, I’d hold you as the water rushes in, If I could dance with you again.
word count: 4k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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You watch silently from across the Slytherin common room as yet another girl places her hand flirtatiously on Mattheo’s chest, batting her lashes with that seductive grin you knew all too well from watching all the other girls do it too.
“Go to the dance with me?” Her lips read as she leaned closer to your friend.
You can’t help but smile as Mattheo just rolls his eyes, moving away from the girl, not giving her more than a shake of his head.
The girl’s mouth hangs open in shock of the rejection. Really she should be flattered you thought dryly to yourself. She’d made it significantly further than others you’d witnessed.
Truth was, you’d had a massive crush on Mattheo since you were kids, and watching as he rejected girl after girl was much more entertaining than you cared to admit.
Growing up, you’d always admired his bold brashness, and willingness to say whatever came to mind. The two of you had always gotten into trouble together, bouncing mischievous ideas back and forth. The summer before coming to Hogwarts, your mother had given you a heart shaped locket, and Mattheo had insisted that a photo of the two of you go inside it.
"In case we don't go to the same house." The boy had reasoned.
But of course, he’d never seen you as anything more than a friend, and unfortunately, the cringey, cliche nature of the situation was not lost on you. Even now, as you mindlessly fingered the carefully disillusioned pendant while Mattheo stalked towards your group with an air of agitation.
“Bloody hell I can’t wait for this fucking Yule ball rubbish to be over and done with,” Mattheo states flatly as he sits down lazily on the sofa next to you.
“Just pick a girl to go with then. They’ll leave you alone if they think you have a date. Why do you think I asked Daph so early on?” Theo replies, not bothering to look up from his book.
Daphne whacks him with her textbook.
You watch as Mattheo tilts his head in consideration before his eyes shift over to you, a sly grin forming on his face.
“Don’t even think about,” you say, holding up your hand as if to block out whatever idiocy the boy was about to spew.
Now it’s Mattheo’s turn to open his mouth in shock.
“Wha- you don’t even know what I was gonna say!”
“You were going to ask me if I’d go to the dance with you,” you reply dryly. “Honestly Matt, I’m not stupid.”
“Well will you?” He asks, giving you his most charming smile.
“I’m already going with Blaise.” You respond.
Looking back, had it been a bit of a rash decision? Yes. But you had made peace with the fact that Mattheo likely wouldn’t ask you to be his date, and Blaise was one of your best friends. You knew you’d have a good time with him, and all your other friends had been pairing up.
“Tell Blaise to go with Astoria,” Mattheo reasons.
“Toria is already going with Enzo.” Daphne intervenes.
“What about Pansy?”
“She and Millicent got accosted by Crabbe and Goyle last I heard,” Theo replies.
“He can go with Draco then! People already mistake them for gay lovers anyway.”
“Matt, you know Draco is trying to muster up the courage to ask Harry. Don’t be dense.” You reply.
“Oh come on! How do you all have this sorted out already? The ball was only announced yesterday!”
“We organized it at dinner,” Daphne responds, as if the answer was obvious.
“You mean while I was in detention?” Mattheo asks incredulously, only to be met with a chorus of ‘yes’ and ‘mhms’.
You look over as your friend slumps into the sofa in defeat, a wave of slight guilt washing over you.
“Lighten up Matt, you’ve already been asked by a handful of girls today, you’ll be able to find someone to go with easy,” you say.
“Not with anyone who matters,” he grumbles, so low that you almost miss it.
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A week had gone by and you were about to lose your mind. You thought that after the initial conversation in the common room, Mattheo would relent and just pick one of his many admirers to take to the ball. You really should’ve known better. You’d known the boy long enough to know that once he had his mind set on something, there was really nothing in the world that could stop him. You just never thought that you would be what he set his mind to.
“Matt, I’ve told you a million times, I’m already going to the ball with Blaise,” you groan, collapsing on your bed as the raven haired boy follows you into your dorm.
“Well lucky for you, I have the perfect plan to steal you away from ole Blaisey boy,” Mattheo says, his signature smirk in place.
You roll your eyes, leaning back on your bed as you wait for him to continue.
“It’s easy. You just have to date me,” Mattheo replies, as if his idea was particularly clever.
You let out a rather unattractive snort as your heart clenches. It felt as though it might pound out of your chest.
“Matt, that has to be the worst idea you’ve ever had. And you’ve had a lot of really bad ideas.”
Though asking the girl that’s fancied him for years to pretend to date him, only for him to snatch it all away again a few weeks later probably had to be one of the cruelest, you thought to yourself.
“Oh c’mon. There’s no way Blaise would be offended if you ditched him if we said we were together. He’s a perfectly reasonable bloke. He’d understand!”
You shake your head once more. There was no way you were pretending to date the boy you had been pining after for this long. It was only going to end in one way. Heart break. And not on his end.
“Bloody hell. What if I can get Luna to go in your place. Will you do it then? We both know he’s been eyeing that loon up for months.”
“Don’t call her a loon Matty.” You tilt your head in consideration however.
If he was willing to actually encourage Blaise’s love life, and be willing to get intermixed within the logistics of it all, he must be desperate. And you had been dying to set the two of them up, you supposed.
But you just couldn’t shake the bad feeling this whole situation gave you. It couldn’t be all that bad though, right? You reasoned. You’d gotten this far without Matt realizing your feelings, a few weeks of bliss surely couldn’t hurt.
“Alright. Fine. I’ll tell Blaise we got together and that I want to go to the ball with you, only if Luna agrees to go with him instead.”
Mattheo immediately brightens at your words, a self satisfied grin spreading across his face.
“Good. Because I already told Blaise that we were together and that I was taking you to the ball,” he says quickly. “Also- considering Blaise is more of a yapper than people give him credit for, the rest of the group definitely already knows.”
Your mouth drops open as you glare at the boy in front of you.
“Matt. What on earth. Did you tell him?” You grit out, praying to Salazar that Blaise hadn’t embarrassed you too much.
Mattheo shrugs. “Just told him that we had been out by the lake on one of our walks and I kissed you. One thing led to another and I asked you out. He seemed to believe it pretty easily actually.”
The boy looked all too calm about making up a whole scenario in which he made out with his best friend for your liking.
You purse your lips, taking a deep sigh. What did you see in this boy?
“Yes love?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Can’t do that love, you wouldn’t kill your boyfriend.”
You continue to glare at the boy, fingers gripping tightly around your wand.
“Easy there, pretty,” Mattheo laughs nervously, slowly edging closer to you with a bashful grin.
“You better have thought this through Riddle. Because I’m telling you right now, that this is a bad idea.”
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It was too easy. You know that much clearly. The two of you, you and Mattheo that is, walk silently along the streets of Hogsmeade, your friends surrounding you, shielding you from the brisk winter air. Mattheo's arm is wrapped securely around you, hand tucked into your jacket pocket, your fingers intertwined. It was so warm. So comfortable. So effortless, as if you had spent forever with his hands in your pockets.
Blaise and Daphne had been the only ones to know of your secret feelings towards your best friend, yet not a single one of the others looked particularly shocked when the both of you showed up in the common room wrapped in each others arms one night.
“Bout bloody time,” you’d heard Theo grunt to Draco from across the fireplace.
Daphne of course had been utterly elated for you, and Blaise had made sure you knew that there were no hard feelings about switching dates for the ball. Especially after he had secured one Miss Luna Lovegood as his date with the surprising help of Mattheo.
A warm squeeze of your hand shakes you from your thoughts as your group comes to stop outside of The Three Broomsticks.
“You sure you don’t want to come down to the shops, y/n?” Daphne asks looking back at you as she forges on with Astoria and Millicent.
“Bloody hell, yes! She’ll be fine with me. You can’t have her to yourself all the time!” Pansy says with exasperation, shooing the other girls away and linking her arm through yours on your free side.
The bell above the door rings lightly as the rest of your group enters the warm tavern, Theo and Enzo racing to secure your usual table.
“Hey Matty!” A voice shouts, stopping your trio in your tracks.
You turn to see another booth filled with familiar looking Hogwarts students and recognize one of the girls you’d watch Mattheo reject just a few days ago.
“Come sit with us,” she continues, attempting to wave him over.
Pansy gives the girl a sneer as you walk past, Mattheo not even sparing a glance in their direction.
“Don’t even know the bloody girl’s name,” he mumbles under his breath, causing you to let out a soft chuckle.
“Ey, what’s the hold up?” Theo shouts as you all hurry over to the table.
“Bloody hell. I thought y/n being my girlfriend would finally get those birds to back off,” Mattheo complains as he takes his seat in the booth.
His arm remains wrapped securely around you the entire time, sending warm tingles through you. It’s all an act, you have to remind yourself, pulling yourself out of your head.
Draco snorts at Mattheo’s grumbling.
“Half the school already thought you two were dating. Didn’t stop em then, so I don’t see why it’d stop them now.” He says matter of factly as the rest of the group nods in agreement.
“You lot are so dramatic. No one thought we were dating,” you sigh, rolling your eyes at your friends.
Their eyes flicker awkwardly back and forth between the lot of them. “Right.” Pansy says finally, bringing an end to the silence.
You glare pointedly at the girl.
“I’m going to the loo. Order me a butter beer Matty?” You say, standing up abruptly.
“I’ll come,” Pansy says quickly, going to rise as well.
“It’s fine Pans. I’m a big girl. Promise not to get attacked by a troll or nothin,” you say with a smile.
Mattheo opens his mouth to protest before closing it again and giving your hand a tight squeeze.
You make your way through the maze of tables, finally making it to the ladies room. Making a beeline to the sink, you take a breath, letting cool water splash against your face.
Salazar, you needed to get a grip. But everything about being with Mattheo felt so real. So natural. Which just meant it would feel all the more real when things ended. You take another moment to gather yourself, dabbing any remaining bits of water from your face. As your hand falls on the door handle to make your way back however, loud voices fill the hall.
“I don’t know what he sees in her,” a voice practically snarls. You can practically feel the malice, dripping from their lips.
“So it’s true then? Mattheo is taking that girl to the ball?” Another voice asks.
“I heard they’re dating.”
“They weren’t already?”
“I wonder if he’s taking her out of pity.”
A chorus of voices all say at once.
You immediately bristle, realizing they were talking about you.
“I hear she was the only one in their group who didn’t have a date and she practically forced him to take her.”
“I thought she was going with Blaise.”
Bloody hell. Where did they get all of this information?
“Whatever. It’s not like it matters either way. There’s no way they last. She’s a mess, and Mattheo has never been able to settle has he? It’s only a matter of time.”
You feel a deep frown form at the harsh words, but before you’re able to react, the bathroom door is pushed open and you’re face to face with the group of girls from before. The girl you had recognized as Mattheo’s reject smirks as she eyes you up and down before simply pushing past you. The rest of the girls follow, leaving you to wander back to your friends.
When you sit down again, Mattheo has a warm drink already waiting, and you let out a small smile as you cozy up next to the boy. No matter how hard you try to distract yourself however, the words of the girl’s echo through your mind.
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Later that evening, you lay comfortably in bed with your head resting gently on Mattheo’s chest, hypnotized by the slow rise and fall. You hadn’t seen your roommates all day, and doubted they would be back if they weren’t there by now.
You lived for nights like these when Mattheo would bow out of whatever mischief Theo and Enzo had cooked up, and instead spend the evening holed up with you cuddling, talking, or getting into your own trouble. Your room had become a safe haven. A sacred oasis of sorts for the both of you to unwind, safe from the outside world.
“You were awfully quiet today at The Broomsticks.” Mattheo says, breaking the silence.
You only hum in response.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“How are we going to break up?” You ask, rather abruptly, as you look up at your best friend.
Mattheo looks surprised at the question.
“I don’t know. Didn’t really think I’d get this far in my scheming to be quite honest. I suppose I figured we’d just say that we figured we’d be better off as friends, or something of the sort. You can blame the split on me though if you’d like.” He replies.
You move your head to look down once more, picking at the blankets.
“No, no. The friends thing is fine. When should we do it?”
“Trying to get rid of me already, love?” Mattheo asks with a laugh.
“I just want to know what to expect.” You say quietly, causing Mattheo to grow quiet as well.
“Alright. Then how about a few days after the ball? We say that the dance made us realize we were better off as friends, and everything goes back to the way it was.” He says finally.
You feel your heart crack at his words.
“Yeah. Exactly like how it was.” You repeat.
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Smoothing your dress out one final time, you turn around to hear Daphne gasp.
“Oh that’s stunning,” she gushes, her own deep blue gown cascading elegantly around her in waves of silk.
You’d spent the last several hours or so in her and Pansy’s shared dorm getting ready for the ball with the other girls, though where Pansy had wandered off to you had no idea.
All you knew, was that you were bloody nervous. You didn’t think you would be. It was just like any other night you reasoned. You and Mattheo were with each other constantly. What difference did a pretty dress make?
“I think the boys are ready for us whenever we are. Toria, come get these shoes,” Daphne shouts.
Astoria really did look like a princess you think to yourself, her soft yellow gown billowing gently with every movement.
“Ready to go down?” She asks, seeming to float over.
“As I’ll ever be,” you respond with a nervous smile.
Giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, Astoria slips on her shoes before making her way down to the common room, you and Daphne following close behind.
The boys are already congregated by the fireplace; their loud chattering could be heard across the room, but as soon as Theo’s eyes meet Daphne’s he freezes and the rest of the boys quiet down, noticing the shift.
Your eyes lock onto Mattheo’s and you slowly make your way over, nervously picking at your skirt with trembling fingers.
“Beautiful as always, y/n,” he says, smiling down at you when you finally reach him. Gently, he raises your hand to his lips, barely grazing over your shaking fingertips before looking back at you with his signature smirk.
“Where’s Draco?” You ask, not quite able to stomachs the intensity of his gaze.
“Had to be there early. Something about the champions and their dates having the first dance or something,” he replies easily, his hand finding its ever familiar place on your waist.
“Oh we are not missing that,” you say, your nerves quickly being replaced with excitement.
Mattheo grins back. “I knew we’d be on the same page,” he responds, tugging you towards the doors.
Together, the both of you rush to the main hall just in time to see Harry and Draco getting herded into a lineup of the champions to be paraded into the Great Hall.
“I certainly hope he took Snape’s dance lessons to heart,” you giggle.
It doesn’t take much longer for the rest of your group to join the both of you and soon enough you find yourselves following the flood of students into the newly decorated Great Hall.
It really was spectacular. The house elves clearly had spared no expense with thick, green trees covered in tinsel and ornaments lining the walls. Floating candles cast a warm glow about the room and the floor had the appearance of being covered in freshly fallen snow.
You watch, hiding a laugh, as Draco and Harry move awkwardly around the dance floor, almost colliding with Cedric and Cho on more than one occasion. Salazar help them.
Slowly, other couples begin to join the champions on the dance floor, swirling together in a sea of shimmering color.
“May I have this dance m’lady?” Mattheo asks with a lopsided grin.
Before you even have the chance to respond however, Mattheo is pulling you onto the dance floor, a look of pure delight across his face. There were very few times you remembered him looking this happy, and it melted your heart.
As the night progressed, Mattheo refused to leave your side, his hand rarely leaving your waist. Really, you hardly left the dance floor either. The few times you were able to escape with Daphne or Pansy to the punch bowl, Mattheo tracked you down shortly after, pulling you right back into his arms.
To say that you were in heaven was an understatement. You had spent hours daydreaming about what it might be like to have Mattheo’s hard-won affection to yourself. And now that you had it, you were practically floating. Which just made it all the more heart wrenching as you anticipated the inevitable. It was as if every move you made, every dance the two of you shared, was done with your hands tied.
People really weren’t going to believe your break up if he continued on like this, you’d thought at some point. But you couldn’t quite bring yourself to tell him to back off, especially as it grew later. Your time with him was fleeting after all.
“Bloody hell, Matt. Give the girl some breathing room,” Pansy exclaims after Mattheo had sought you out for the third time.
Mattheo just gives her a guilty grin before spinning you out onto the dance floor once more.
“I didn’t realize you liked dancing this much Matty,” you tease as the two of you away slowly on the floor.
“Oh I don’t. Just making sure I take full advantage of the night,” he replies, looking intently down at you.
You cock you head to the side.
“With you as my girl, I mean,” he adds. And before you’re able to put together another cohesive thought, his lips are on yours. In the middle of the dance floor.
Immediately it feels as though the lights had gone out, leaving the two of you alone in the room as you let your eyes flutter shut, focusing on the softness of Mattheo’s lips on yours. They move slowly at first. Carefully. Before quickly growing hungrier, more determined.
You barely register Mattheo’s fingers digging into you as he pulls you closer, and find yourself lost in the gentle sway as everything around you burns to the ground, leaving behind a fire growing steadily in your chest.
And just like that, you’re back in Mattheo’s arms as the water comes rushing in, jerking you back to reality. You stand frozen staring up at Mattheo as couples continue to move around you.
Had that really just happened?
“Um- fresh air. I think.” You stutter out, all but dragging the boy from the dance floor, praying no one had seen or noticed.
Mattheo wordlessly allows you to lead him out to the courtyard entrance before you all but collapse on one of the stone benches, still in shock.
“Please don’t avada me! I didn’t think that through entirely.”
“I don’t want to break up.” You say in unison.
“What was that?” Mattheo asks in surprise.
“No- hold on. Why in Salazar’s green bed sheets would I want to avada you?” You ask incredulously.
“More importantly, you don’t want to fake breakup?” Mattheo asks with a grin.
“Of course I don’t want to break up! I’ve fancied you for years!” You blurt out, slapping a hand over your mouth as soon as the words escape.
Mattheo looks at you with shock.
“No. I’ve fancied you for years. Why else do you think I refused to take anyone else to the ball?”
“Because you’re a stubborn arse,” you retort, barely processing the boy’s words.
He liked you?
The two of you stare at each other for another moment, still not fully believing the other as your minds race to put the pieces together.
It’s Mattheo who acts first, surging to connect your lips once more in a heated frenzy. It’s addicting really, the feeling of his soft lips against yours. The pull as he brings your bodies closer together. The warmth you can feel radiating off of him.
When you finally pull away this time, Mattheo’s eyes are shining down at you with that familiar intense gaze.
“We’re a pair of oblivious idiots, aren’t we?” You mumble, leaning into the boy.
“Well, you are. I haven’t exactly been subtle.” Mattheo replies with a snort, hugging you to his chest.
“Don’t be a twat. You’ve had girls fawning over you for years. What was I supposed to make of that?”
“I never looked payed them any mind, love. Think of it this way. I’ll just have years to make up for tonight,” he says with a cheeky smile.
You feel a familiar heat begin to rise in you once more as Mattheo takes hold of your arm, leading the way back to the dungeons.
“Oh I’ll hold you to that,” you reply, a mischievous smile making its way to your face.
“Wouldn’t expect anything less of you, love.”
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