#Slinkys words
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slinky-skater-rat · 2 years ago
I'm so fucking excited for the 3rd Troll movie like you don't get it Branch has abandonment issues now??? Hell yeah!!! and obviously his brothers will ask about Grandma and when he reveals that she died its going to be the most important scene in Trolls cinematic history. How will they respond? Will they even feel guilt? How would Branch feel that his brothers were out living their lives while he was depressed, grieving the loss of his grandmother? This is all on the assumption of two scenes with Grandma's picture. (The flashback where the band breaks up and the Poppy and Branch leaving to go to the wedding)
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time-slink · 1 year ago
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theyre such losers
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dj-wayback · 1 year ago
What made you choose the name Slinky for Slinky? Did you just like the vibes?
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Just kidding haahaha lol ….. i don’t get those ….. totally ….. She just told me
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microcosmtoxin · 6 months ago
i dont know if i can keep defending this (rahul kohlis god awful accent in midnight mass)
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years ago
How are you doing after all the lovely new GO/David and Michael content we got today? I'm just so happy they're back together again, and that we are getting so close to season 2!!!
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Hi, Anons! Oh my goodness, what a day it's been. Anon #1, you've asked how I'm doing, and the truth be told, I'm genuinely emotional. I don't think I truly realized how much I missed seeing Michael and David together until we finally got them in the same interview today, and those photo call pictures.
The thing is, it's not as if we haven't seen them at all over the last year, as both Michael and David have been busy with work and different projects. They've both done interviews and appearances on their own, but there's just something that comes into being when they are together that's missing when they're by themselves. This third thing between them, that is so palpable it's almost visible. We know Michael and David are closer now than ever, but it's as if the chemistry between them has grown and transformed into something much, much deeper.
To your point, Anon #2, I absolutely did notice that Michael and David nearly held hands at the beginning. I think it was Michael who attempted first, then David, before they settled on linking arms:
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What gets me about this--what got me earlier when I watched it and still does now--is how instinctive and natural it was for them to reach for each other's hands. I had a feeling prior to this, but it seems almost certain that they have held hands before. Neither one of them hesitated for a second, except for seemingly having to stop themselves from holding hands and linking arms instead. The contrast becomes even more stark when you see the video of Nicole Kidman and Zoe Saldana walking onto the set in a similar manner--it's incredibly awkward, and there is none of the warmth or chemistry that Michael and David have in abundance.
The other part that stood out to me about this woefully short and inadequate interview was how toned down Michael and David both were. This is particularly noticeable when Michael is describing Good Omens and refers to David/Crowley as "my best buddy":
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There is a lot happening here, not the least of which is both of them looking completely disgusted as Michael says that (the "meh" head nod from David, and then Michael sucking his cheeks in and looking like he's choking on his own bile). I think both of them were/are under specific instructions not to talk about the second season or share anything that could be construed as "spoilers" (including but not limited to The Thing, which you know they were both dying to talk about), so that is certainly a large part of why this went the way it did.
But there does seem to be more going on beneath the surface. We saw David in the photo call earlier today wearing a "Leave Trans Kids Alone" t-shirt under his jacket. Yet here on the One Show, he is no longer wearing the shirt. It doesn't seem farfetched to guess that the BBC asked him to change out of the shirt, and Michael--not wanting David to stand out for the wrong reasons or get flak for it--changed his own clothes in solidarity.
The strangeness is further compounded by something that was pointed out to me by several folks via DM, which is that in the pictures from the photo call, David is visibly not wearing his wedding ring:
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As we know, David always wears his wedding ring, which makes its absence even more conspicuous. Could he have simply forgotten it on the nightstand in Michael's hotel room? Sure. But what makes things even weirder is that he is indeed wearing the ring on The One Show. So, to recap: David is not wearing his wedding ring when he has the trans pride t-shirt on in the photo call, but he is wearing it when he doesn't have the trans pride t-shirt on on television.
What this leads me to think is that someone--the BBC? Amazon? PR?--is making some specific (homophobic) marketing choices, which in this case means trying to sell the show to a mainstream (a.k.a., straight) audience, and therefore told Michael and David both to tone down the gayness (as if that's even humanly fucking possible for either of them) overall, but especially when talking about the characters/plot.
Taking all of this into account, what happened later in the interview is even more glorious, which is Michael giving the biggest "fuck you" to all of the above (BBC/Amazon/PR) by doing what he does best: Being Michael--because when can he not?--and (again) calling David's hips "slinky," followed by getting in a good, long, loving, sexy stare:
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All of this leads me to your comments, Anon #3. I know you had sent this prior to now, but I wanted to include your Ask here because I think it speaks to exactly what we saw today. I've thought about what you've mentioned so many times, because that's exactly what I think Michael and David do and are for each other--a safe place, and they have truly helped each other through some of the hardest times in their lives.
Thinking about David's anxiety, I find that especially poignant given today's events, and how vocal David has become in recent months. I think he deliberately wore that trans rights shirt and that rainbow pin because he knew how much reach they would get...but at the same time, I am sure he knew the risk of doing so, and that it would set him up as a target.
It's very easy to imagine David feeling that anxiety before the photo call today, knowing what he was going to do, and Michael calming him--maybe even holding him in his arms if they had some time alone this morning. And when they came out onto the set of The One Show, you could see Michael nearly bursting with pride and love as they walked together. Even when they got flustered nearly holding hands, as soon as they linked arms, they both became so calm. It felt as though Michael and David were a united front--on their side--and while David flashed a big smile to the camera, Michael could not have given two shits about it, because he was holding onto David and never letting go.
Michael couldn't say the things he wanted to today, but that's not what today was about. It was about him stepping back and giving David room to be in the spotlight and to shine. Soothing David's anxiety and encouraging him to be vocal the way Michael has been for the past four years. He's supporting the man he loves, and it is so beautiful to see.
So yes, those are my thoughts on the new GO and Michael/David content from today. I'm truly hoping that Michael and David have an opportunity to do an interview where they can be totally unleashed and say exactly what it is that's on their minds. But I'm still so glad to see how much relief and joy it brings them to be back together again, and I hope they'll get to do it a lot more in the weeks ahead. Fingers crossed...
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clairedelune-13 · 1 year ago
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I bring you the most beautiful human.
Not just aesthetically but also cuz his heart is pure.
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queenrepent · 1 year ago
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public service announcement from Jonathan "John Slinky" Reed
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 year ago
that viral tweet about clothes looking dead on Taylor made me sooooooo angry tbh. the writer can meet me in the pit.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 year ago
i was looking up so-taro's art after mycen's amazing FEH art, and aughuguhughoghh bark bark
the freaking range on this artist from cute lolis to foxy grandpas like this holy shit, and i vaguely remember them doing pirate!sutur as well
i hope so-taro is the first in line if possessed!gunter ever gets in the gacha TaT
edit: actually this is a fun party game! which artist would you want to draw him there?
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swelling-feeling · 1 year ago
An Imagine!
You and Demon!Spinel enjoying eachother's company - as well as Cake! (Doesnt matter if you bought it from the local bakery, or if you've made it yourself, though there are bonus points for the latter!) The Cake turns out to be great, Spinel even saying that she really likes it! Though, she is curious on what kind of Cake it is, though - what kind of ingridients were used? You tell her its some Angelic Cake, made with Vanilla, Chocolate, Cream, Plenty of Love, and even Holy Water!
And it's in that moment when she finally realises why she was feeling this bubbling, boiling sensation in her belly while she ate the Cake, and it doesnt take too long until the effects to kick in proper, quickly bloating her up thanks to the "allergic" reacton with the Holy Water ...And yet, despite this development, she keeps on enjoying the Cake - It's very sweet and delicious, and she admittedly cant help herself thanks to her sweet-tooth - That, and she's a Demon; it's only fair that she indulges in at least a little bit of gluttony, no? See how much she can eat before she gets truly full?
After this first incident, the shenanigans might only continue from there, especially when you realise that Holy Water cannot be diluted - You spiking her drink with only a drop of the Holy Water, just to watch her puff up, or as one event went; You adding a drop of Holy Water to a Pool right before she goes for a swim, and watching in amusement as she swiftly balloons up thanks to being in contact with it
Yet, some time, she practically pulls you aside for a private moment for just the two of you - for a moment, you're confused on why she has a giant pitcher of water, before it instantly clicks in your mind; You know it's Holy Water, and by the smug look in her eyes, you know that she knows precisely what she's doing Just by drinking that entire pitcher dry, she already has an adorable potbelly, and with the effect already setting in, it's already begining to bubble, boil, and bloat bigger - and as it continues growing further, she presses her tum against you, let you feel all that bubbling from within it, both to let you see how soft she is, and how much softer she'll become in mere minutes time
Most likely you'd end up pinned down thanks to her giant belly, which is still steadily growing bigger yet, as she giggles both from the feeling of her bubbling tummy, and your flustered reaction - She might propably just keep you there like that for a while longer, seeing as you dont exactly mind?
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sillygum · 11 months ago
also seeing him transform by choice is so interesting, it's what i had in mind, drums, laugher over taking him, can't hold himself together or the burst of haki that erupts from him. it's giving force of nature, he knows he can handle it, knows he can have fun until it's time to lock in. there's nothing to worry about in his mind and i LOVE how bloodthirsty he looks, a literal apex predator playing with his food
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slinky-skater-rat · 2 years ago
Back talking about Trolls 3!!
If the soundtrack isn't like the 2nd movie with its Banger after Banger ost, I'll be severely dissapointent :/ . If my hopes about the Grandma reveal is true, I hope we get a ballad where each brother gives their perspective of the passing of Grandma Rosiepuff (I remembered her name!) And then the song switches to Branch singing about his feelings then, at the end we get all the vocals harmonizing. I didn't mention much of Poppy, but my hopes are that she's like the mediator. As a fan, she can see the perspective of the brothers in their decision to break apart, but as Branches girlfriend, she can sympathize with his conflicting feelings over being left behind to face a greatly traumatic event. I also hope that if the central conflict is Branch facing his past, we get to see some flashbacks of him and his brothers touring, Grandma Rosiepuff, and if she's even related to the boys, and also some lore! I'm not going to be a continuity critic, but I'm curious how the writers will handle the troll tree since the burgens had the trolls trapped there. How did the Brozone band tour? Was this after the trolls escaped the troll tree, and if so, what was their perspective of Bergens being a treat? Did they perceive them as a fairy tale or just something long gone in troll history? Also, did they have a manager? Who handled the marketing? Do entertainment companies exist in the Trolls cinematic universe???? All that aside, what about their parents? Were they eaten by Bergens??? Are they orphans? If the movie doesn't flop and there's a fourth installment, I hope it's about Cooper, I got no clue what would happen in the movie, but he's my favorite so I'll watch it regardless.
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time-slink · 1 year ago
i dont think its even formally incorrect but its a hell of a pet peeve for me when people use 'themselves' to refer to a single person. ITS THEMSELF!!!!
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keeps-ache · 1 year ago
my brother left All the preservatives in the beans he made (😔) so i am now eating a package of turkey... breast it's turkey breast 👍👍
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vegacoyote · 2 years ago
She didn’t know what you were, and it freaked her out.
That was the tail-flippy stomp of a whitetail signaling her friends to stay back while she tries to figure out what the hell is making those noises, and maybe spooks it enough to make the decision for her re: whether we’re going to be fighting or flighting.
“My harp session turned into a Disney movie”
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permanentbottombunk · 6 months ago
I have this small green slinky and dude let me tell you I have been chewing on this thing like that is it's job seriously chew on a slinky this is the most fun I have had in years
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