#Slight Gage and Bug..
ghost-kitty-cat · 11 months
Its time for Wolfy Headcanons! (aka Darling Headcanons!)
First Headcanon, (slightly inspired by Darling baking with Neo and slightly connected to my Headcanon about how Sweets likes to bake... but..) I totally imagine Darling learned how to bake from both their parents and Sweets (and like Sweets, Darling definitely bakes when stressed...)
Second Headcanon, (another baking one that is also connected to one of my Sweets headcanons... but..) if Sweets ever accomplishes their dream of owning a bakery, I can totally see Darling helping out as a Baker (maybe just Part time though...)
Third Headcanon, (slightly inspired by what we know about Neo's family and slightly inspired by wolf packs... but..) I like to imagine Darling grew up with a big family... (maybe a middle child... which is why they doesn't mind people like Bug seeing them as a older sibling...)
Fourth Headcanon, (this one just popped into my mind... but..) I like to imagine that Darling has ear piercings on their wolf ears... (maybe a nose ring too...)
Fifth Headcanon, I totally imagine Darling's favorite animal is a lion.. (if they could, they would have one as a pet... but for now they must settle for a lion plushie...)
Sixth Headcanon, (another one my brain just came up with... but..) I imagine Darling actually has two adopted dads.. (i imagine Darling's biological mother had given them up not because she didn't love them but because she wasn't ready for kids at the time... Darling's biological mother is actually quite close with them nowadays (its a mystery who Darling's biological father is though... also I like to imagine that Darling has two little half siblings because Darling's biological mother had some children with her current husband...)
Seventh Headcanon, (technically also a Gage,Bug and Neo Headcanon... but..) I totally imagine the four of them have taken camping/hiking trips together (I also imagine Sweets and Law coming along on the trips as everyone's guardians/parents... I mean someone has to keep a eye on "kids" (they may not be actual kids but they sure act like children sometimes...)
Eighth Headcanon, I like to imagine Darling definitely had tomboyish phase in high school (and a lot of the other kids were afraid of Darling despite Darling being actually quite nice... actually I don't think Darling ever fully grew out of their tomboyish phase...)
Ninth Headcanon, (you know how I had the Headcanon that Bug sees Darling somewhat as a older sibling?... well..) I totally imagine when Darling takes that role a little too seriously... (I just imagine Darling asking Gage questions like "So what are your intentions with my sibling?.." and Darling always asks Bug questions like "Is he treating you well?.." despite the fact Gage and Bug have been dating longer than how long Darling has known bug...)
Tenth Headcanon, (slightly more funny one... but..) I like to imagine Darling is allergic to cats... and just generally doesn't like them much... (it's funny because wolves are like dogs and dogs "supposedly" are enemies with cats...)
Bonus Headcanon, (slightly also a law headcanon/connected to one of my law headcanons... but..) I like to imagine Darling has both a electric guitar and a regular guitar but because they're better with a electric guitar, Darling has asked Law to show them how to get better at playing a regular guitar (and now they have guitar lessons with Law occasionally when both have the time... man Law and Sweets really are like the parents of everyone.... i see why Law and Sweets are such a perfect match now...)
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wosoamazing · 7 months
Summary: Part 2 of Negative Thoughts and Beach Days
Warnings: Eating Disorder (slight talks of being sick but it doesn't happen) - let me know if anything else and I will add
A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out, but I hope you like it and that it was worth the wait. Currently working on a two McFoord x Child!Reader fics and a Leah Williamson x Child!Reader fic and kind of a Sam redemption fic. But if you have any ideas for this series (either Barca, Arsenal or Matildas) or requests in general I will add them to my WIPs.
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Lia had come over to cook dinner for you and Leah, it was something that happened quite often, however today the meal was fancier than usual. You just sat in your chair, in front of your plate, you used your fork to move the food around on you plate, taking small bites every now and then. You felt terrible you wanted to eat the food that Lia had taken the time to make, but there was a part of you that didn’t want to eat because of its fear of fatness and getting fat, and against your will this small part of you had started to take over more and more recently, causing you to feel funny when you thought about food, but this time something else was there, the thought of throwing up after you ate, this thought scared you, you had managed to suppress your thoughts and feelings for most of the meal however they finally bubbled over, causing tears to start free falling from your eyes, you felt stupid and pathetic all over again, you jumped up and left, sprinting up the stairs and into Leah’s room, you hide yourself under the covers and curled up, wanting to feel something else, anything else.
The two women that just a second ago were sitting at the table with you were in a mixed state of emotions, your sudden out burst caught them off guard, Leah really didn’t know what to do.
“Do you want me to leave?” Lia asked thinking it would be best.
“I’m sorry Wally,” you sister said to her still in a state of confusion.
“It’s okay Le, I’ll talk to you later, hopefully Bug is okay,” she said as they both started to get up out of their seats.
“Sorry about ending our night early,” you sister said as she hugged Lia, “it’s okay don’t worry, I understand, see you tomorrow, maybe?” your sister nodded before heading upstairs to find you.
Leah followed the sounds of your sobs to her room, she couldn’t see you but the lump under her covers indicated that you were there, she climbed into the bed and pulled your body on top of hers, she didn’t say anything, instead she rocked back and forth slightly whilst holding you tightly. You had gotten yourself so worked up you gaged, before you started coughing, Leah handed you the water on her bedside table, you took some small sips from it, Leah changed your position slightly so that your head rested against her chest. “Take some deep breaths with me bug,” you did as she said, your eye lids started to droop and your head began to get heavy, which Leah noticed “It’s okay bug, I’ve got you, I promise I will stay here, you can go to sleep if you want, we can talk later. Love you,” you didn’t respond, you buried your head into her side and eventually the exhaustion from your sobs caused you to fall asleep. When you body stopped shaking from your sobs and your breath was less rapid Leah sighed out a breath of relief, you had gone to sleep. She picked up her phone to see a message from Lia.
Lia: I hope everything is all okay, I cleaned up, I know you’re going to say I didn’t need to, but I did it just to make things easier, locked the door behind me. Hope bug is okay, message if you need anything.
Leah: Thank you, really you didn’t have to, but I really appreciate it. I don’t know what is wrong with bug, she was crying hard when I found her, eventually she fell asleep, I was worried she almost made herself sick, I think the only saving grace was that she didn’t eat much. I’ll keep you updated, sorry again about our night.
You become aware of your surroundings again slightly later, you were now resting against Leah’s side with her arm around your upper body almost supporting it, her laptop rested on her stomach as she did some work with her free hand.
“I-I’m sorry,” was what you mumbled into her side, alerting her to the fact that you were awake.
“It’s okay bug,” “Do you think Lia is upset that I didn’t eat her dinner? I feel really bad, she took so much time and care to make it and-”
“No bug, Lia didn’t even mention the fact you didn’t eat. She was just really concerned about you and whether you were okay or not.” you hummed in response “What’s wrong though bug? Do you feel okay?”
“um, well, I-” “It’s okay bug take your time, I’m here and I will stay here as long as you need” you knew from that response that Alessia had spoken to her, you didn’t know how much she said to her but she knew something, but you also knew Leah would want to hear everything from you, you wondered how long it had been since Alessia spoke to her, for her not to question you.
“I-I, I started getting conscious of my body a while ago and then these people on social media were being really mean and I know you say not to let it get to you but I did and then somewhere along the way I had obviously decided that not having my period meant that I was skinny enough and then I got my period and this voice in my head started to grow and was telling me I’m fat, and ugly and no one liked me and then I started to believe it so I stopped wearing my normal clothes and then when we went to the beach I couldn’t fit into my bikini and so the voice decided that I was really fat and ever since has not made me want to eat food and I’ve tried to not let it take over but it did and then tonight while I sat there looking at my dinner the other thing in my head was the voice that was telling me that if I ate it I would be fat and so I couldn’t eat and, and, and I’m sorry, it’s stupid and pathetic I know.” you blurted out managing not to cry, however tears started spilling form your eyes again when Leah sat up against the bedhead and pulled you into her lap and just hugged you tightly, resting her head on top of yours, giving you a reassuring presence. After you had calmed down slightly Leah started to talk, but she remained in the same position “I’m here for you bug, always, whenever and whatever you need, I would move mountains for you, I love you so so much, your my little bug. Please, please never feel like you have to hide your emotions, even when you think that they are dumb or pathetic or stupid because I can most definitely reassure you that they aren’t. We’re going to get through this together okay, I’ll help you, the team will help you.”
“I-I’m sorry” you sniffle. “There is nothing to be sorry about bug, this isn’t your fault.” she held you for a little while longer before she turned you around so you were facing her, she put her arms around your back, and looked at you. “I’m going to set up a meeting with Jonas okay, I try and do it for tomorrow morning so you don’t have to stress about it, Lessi did mention to me that she offered to do the meeting with you but I also want to offer to be there in the meeting for you”
“Um, could you do it with me? You can say no, but um, I would really like it if you could-” “Of course bug, I will definitely be there.” You smiled and leant forward to rest your head on her chest, before a yawn escaped your mouth. “Why don’t you go get changed unto your PJs and brush your teeth and I’ll do the same and then you can come back and sleep with me tonight,” you nod into her chest before getting up.
You climbed into the bed and snuggled up beside your sister, “can you tell Lia?” you softly said to her, knowing she knew what you meant.
“Sure bug, I love you heaps, have a good sleep.” she replied to you. You closed your eyes and mumbled “love you,” she placed a kiss on your forehead, and you quickly feel asleep. Once you were definitely asleep, she picked up her phone to message Lia
Leah: Bug is very sorry for not eating your food, the first thing she said was sorry, and asked whether you were upset.
Lia: Bless her, is everything okay with her?
Leah: um well, not really, can we call? Bug is asleep next to me, but she shouldn’t wake up.
Lia: Yeah sure, just give me a second.
You woke up the next morning at 7, slightly later than usual, Leah wasn’t in bed still, but you could hear her downstairs talking to someone else, who you thought was Lia. You made your way down the stairs and into the living room, to find Leah and Lia sitting there.
“Good morning,” your sister said as you walked in,
“Good morning, um Lia, I-I just wanted to say I-I’m sorry for not eating the food y-you made for us last night,”
“It’s okay Y/N/N, can I have a hug though?” she asked softly, you nodded and moved to sit next to her on the couch, she put her arms around you. She then let go of you, you moved so that you could rest your head on her should, she put on of her arms back around your shoulders and the other reached out for Leah’s, before she spoke, “we were thinking, maybe today at some stage I could or Leah and I could talk to the team for you if you want, it’s okay if you want to tell them yourself but we just thought you might prefer if we did it.”
“I think I would like that, thank you”.
You walked into training checking the time on your phone 9:30, your meeting was with Jonas at 10, you didn’t get the chance to train though, as your morning was mostly filled with tears and meetings. After you spoke to Jonas, who was very understanding you had to see the phycologist, dietician, and physios. You arrived in the dining hall a few minutes before lunch, and it had been obvious that Lia and Leah had told the team about what was going on as they all came up to you and gave you a hug as they filtered in.
Jonas had said that they would come talk to you after lunch, he encouraged you to invite a few people to stay with you to hear the plan so that they knew it in detail and could ask any questions they themselves might have. So, you asked Leah and Lia if they could join you and also Steph as she would be with you at Matildas camps but also because you thought she would want to know.
You were sat at one of the lunch tables, Lia and Leah were either side of you, holding a hand each and Steph stood behind you with her hands on your shoulders, as the staff informed you of the plan going forward. You were happy with it, it included some rules about food intake especially for game days but mainly just guidelines that you needed to stick to, you had to speak to the phycologist twice every week and the physios would be doing health checks on you more regularly. They would revise the plan in a month or so.
You were walking out of the tunnel to the pitch for pitch inspections when one of the physios came to your side. “Here,” he said as he handed you an up and go.
“I don’t want to, I feel sick” you replied, trying to give it back to him.
“Well, that’s fine but you know the rules, you don’t drink it you don’t play,” you sighed as you pulled the straw out of its plastic and pierced the foil circle before you start sipping. One of the ‘rules’ in your plan for recovery was that to play you had to eat a sufficient amount of food that day, however you struggled to eat on game days due to nerves so the rule that you to drink some sort of meal substitute during the pitch inspection and finish it to be able to play was made.
“Thank you,” you rolled your eyes and walked over to Kyra.
It was almost the end of mealtime, and you didn’t want to eat anymore, “Leah, I’m just not hungry, why don’t you understand that you aren’t listening to me,” “Just a few more mouthfuls please” “Leah, I told you I’m full.”
“I know you don’t want to bu-” “It’s not that I don’t want it, it’s that I can’t, I’m going to be sick if I eat anymore and that’s worse, realistically I want to eat more so I will be sick but that’s not healthy, so no, no more” you cut her off before your voice broke and you started crying, resting you head in your arms on the table.
“I’m sorry for pushing you too far Bug, I just wanted to help.” Leah rubbed your back, before you sat up and hugged her.
“Tony, where are our up and go’s,” Alanna whined when you were handed one. Most of your Matildas teammates didn’t know, Tony said you didn’t have to tell them and you didn’t want to have the awkward conversation with them, so you didn’t, you weren’t trying to hide it, if they found out they found out.
“She’s just special” Kyra replies mocking you, you stick your tongue out before going over to Steph, who was with Mini.
“Up go, I wan” Harper said.
“I’m not sure if everyone can have one Harper, they might be special ones just for me,” her bottom lip dropped and started to wobble, “well maybe you could take this one as an ‘accident’ and I will have to go ask the staff for another one, I mean if they want me to play they will have to give me one,” you say with a smirk, before handing your up and go over to Harper, Mini’s brows furrowed, she was confused by what you meant. “I’m going to go get another one so I can play. Steph, you can tell her I’ll be back,”
You came back shortly later with another up and go in hand the way Mini looked at you informed her that Steph had told her. “You know you didn’t need to give her it, you should’ve kept it,” Mini instructed you as if you were her child before she pulled you into a one-sided hug, her other arm was occupied holding Harper. “I know, but they were always going to give me another,” you smirk “I mean they can hardly say no, how is that going to go down in the media.” Steph glared at you, “What?” you asked Steph playfully, she just rolled her eyes and sighed.
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moony-ghoul · 1 year
moony zoomy can i pwease have your thots abt swissphantom they mean sm to meee <3
lately i’ve been thinking about ant getting sick for the first time topside and while on tour and just how miserable they’d feel and how swiss would instantly be in mama mode
emetophobia warning below the cut
ant wakes up feeling gross, everything hurts and they’d do anything to crawl back into their bunk and cry out all the pain
they drag themself through the day much quieter than usual, trying to hide their wince at every movement. the ritual is hell and it takes everything in them to not collapse on stage into a messy sobbing ball of ghoul, their joints scream at them, their skin prickling with sweat under the heavy stage lights despite how cold they feel
swiss’ hand finds their back once they make it off stage, ant tries to not flinch away from the contact to their already hypersensitive self
“just gotta make it to the hotel, bug” swiss whispers into their hair, planting a kiss along with his words
they give a small nod in response, brain too exhausted to find any words
ant sticks themself to swiss’ side throughout the car ride, headphones on, hoodie pulled tight in an attempt to block out as much noise as possible. swiss wraps an arm around them as they curl into his chest
the second their hotel door shuts behind them ant lets their glamour drop with an exhausted sigh, tail immediately wrapping around their own leg
a wave of nausea rolls over them and they make a b line to the bathroom
they’re vaguely aware of swiss behind them as they collapse in front of the toilet, gaging loudly and painfully as the contents of their stomach come back up. they’re not sure how long they spend in front of the toilet, swiss feels his heart break with each defeated whimper and cry that comes out of ant
“im dying” they whine, stomach cramping again as the seemingly never ending foul bile fills their mouth again
“oh baby” swiss rubs small circles onto their back, “it’ll be over soon, we’ll get you cleaned up and we can have a sleep. you’re being so strong, bug”
ant doesn’t feel strong as they let out yet another sob, too tired to fight their body to keep their sounds to themself
at some point swiss gets up and grabs a wet wash cloth to cool the back of ants neck, it helps, their entire body is on fire. by the time their stomach settles they feel disgusting, face wet with tears, body covered in a layer of sticky sweat and a gross taste residing in their mouth
swiss places a kiss on their shoulder, they’re sure they look as bad as they feel but when they meet swiss’ eye hes still smiling at them like they’re the most beautiful creature on earth
“you ready to get cleaned up?”
ant nods weakly
“okay do you want me to help or you think you can do it on your own?”
they don’t give a verbal response but their tail wraps around swiss’ forearm and that’s as much as he needs to help the small ghoul to their feet
there’s so much love in swiss’ actions that ant feels like they’re being swallowed with it. he holds their face gently to brush their teeth, he scratches lightly at their scalp as he’s washing their hair, gives them a slight squeeze as he’s drying them off
swiss dresses them in all his own clothes, grey boxers and an old souvenir aquarium shirt from a date with rainy many years ago, they’re both well worn and hang loosely off of ants much smaller frame but they’re soft and smell like swiss so they have no complaints
ant curls around swiss once they’re in bed, resting their head on chest, the spade of their tail slips between their lips and they nibble on the thick skin. swiss wraps an arm around their waist and carefully massages their still aching stomach
swiss loads up a movie for some white noise, ants brain is too foggy to figure out what it is. they’re engulfed in swiss’ scent as sleep slowly starts to drift then away
he smells like coffee and woodsmoke
he smells warm and strong
he smells like home
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techypen · 2 years
- may I please request a sickfic where Heeseung has a stomach bug & has been feeling this sick all day but no one believes him & he has to power through the day fighting how nauseous & tired he feels so he doesn’t inconvenience anyone. His girlfriend (y/n) has been too busy working on her laptop to notice he’s unwell despite Heeseungs attempts to gage her attention. He goes about his day at work with his members, dance practice, recording songs, signing albums etc until it gets really bad and everyone realizes he was being serious and he starts throwing up a lot And everyone feels bad for ignoring him and it’s all emotional and fluffy💕
⇢ ˗ˏˋ hee - sicker than you think ࿐ྂ
"HEESEUNG WAKE UP!" Jungwon shouted whilst flickering hees light on and off.
"Mhm im up" Heeseung replied whilst squinting his eyes together.
"You've got ten minutes"
"Yep, got it"
Heeseung takes himself over to his closet to find something to wear, but after a few steps a wave of nausea hits him and he looses his balance.
He took himself back to his bed and placed his head into his knees and stayed there for a while.
Jungwon pushed hees door open and he didn't seem happy at all.
"Yah, I told you ten minutes!?"
"I know, I think I'm sick" Heeseung replied whilst rubbing the side of his head.
"Heeseung please, we really don't have time for this today. Snap out of it"
Heeseung just looked up at Jungwon with his big eyes and nodded as if he wasn't about to break into tears.
He tried to make his way to his closet again this time he actually managed to choose an outfit. He got dressed as quickly as he could and made his way downstairs.
No one said anything to Heeseung, Jungwon just shared an intimidating glare whilst jay handed Heeseung his breakfast.
Heeseung just picked up his chop sticks and started to play with his food that he wasn't planning on eating because he knew it would make him feel sick, or worse be sick.
"Heeseung you're not fooling anyone" Jungwon spoke with a harsh tone in his voice.
"I-im not wait i... nevermind" Heeseung mumbled just placing his head into his hands.
"What's going on with Heeseung? Jake asked with concern in his voice.
"He's pretending to be sick to get away from our schedule today, he was completely fine yesterday" Jungwon replied giving Heeseung a death stare.
"Oh" Jake mumbled, clear concern in his voice but he didn't know who to believe.
"Ok fine I'm sorry, I'll stop" Heeseung added whilst getting up to go put his shoes on.
Everyone just watched him but naturally they all just trusted that Jungwon and believed that Heeseung was exaggerating.
Time skip the the van >>>
Heeseung was sat in between Jay and Sunghoon so he was trying to avoid showing any signs of him feeling sick, not like anyone was gonna believe him anyway.
He could feel his stomach cramping and sick making its way up the back of his throat. But at one harsh cramp he winced slightly catching Jays attention.
"Hyung this is gonna get real boring real quick" Jay muttered.
Heeseung just looked up at Jay in despair, he was certain that Jay would believe him but nope he's clearly just an inconvenience.
"Pfft is he still pretending" Niki echoed from the back of the van.
"Hmm looks like it" Sunghoon added under his breath.
Heeseung didn't say a word he just felt embarrassed and wanted to disappear at that very moment.
They finally arrived at the company for dance practice but as they were about to leave the van Jake noticed that Heeseung had fallen asleep.
"Wake up"
Heeseung woke up confused as to why Jakes tone was soft, he didn't seem angry at all.
"Jake stop falling for it" Sunoo spoke as he was making his way out of the van.
"W-what if he's actually sick?" Jake responded giving heeseung a concerned look.
"Jake please he was completely fine yesterday sickness doesn't just spring on you out of nowhere" Sunghoon added whilst pushing Jake away from Heeseung.
"Fine but if he's actually sick though you're all gonna regret neglecting him"
Heeseung let out a slight smile does Jake believe him? No not necessarily but on the bright side he isn't completely in denial about him being sick.
As they where all making their way to the dance practice room Heeseung started to feel sick making its way up his throat.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom quickly" He spoke whilst practically running to reach the bathroom in time.
No one said anything he got completely blanked by all his members, but honestly that was the least of his worries right now.
He reached the bathroom and before he could even take a breath a gush of hot liquid came from his mouth and into the toilet. His stomach was cramping uncontrollably and all he wanted was someone to be there with him.
The sick kept coming up for a good 15 minutes until it calmed down into a spell of dry heaving.
Once he was finished he leaned back to the wall with his arms around his stomach trying to relieve the pain.
He stayed like that for a while but he knew his members were gonna be pissed if he took any longer, So he braved the pain and got himself up to glance at himself in the mirror.
"I look like a mess" he thought to himself.
His eyes were puffy, his skin was the pale and on top of that he couldn't stop sweating.
With that he took himself out of the bathroom and trailed his way to the dance practice room, whilst mentally preparing himself for the scolding he is about to receive from the members.
"Hyung don't say a word" Jungwon spoke harshly as Heeseung made his way through the door.
"What are you playing at seriously you know we don't have long until our comeback and your acting like a child" Niki added whilst looking Heeseung up and down.
"I'm sorry i-i was... you know what it doesn't matter"
"Can someone please tell me how many times this man has said sorry today and proceeded to do the same thing over and over!?!!" Jay spoke slowly making his tone louder and louder.
"Jay calm down, we're all frustrated with him but try to let it go for now we need to practice and not let him get in the way" Sunoo said whilst patting Jays shoulder.
"Your right, heeseung just get in to formation we're about to start" Jay replied avoiding all eye contact with the sick boy.
After a while to music was starting to make Heeseungs head ache and the lights were burning his eyes. He needed this to be over asap.
"Heeseung wrong foot"
"Your supposed to go that way"
"Yeah that's fine just bump into Sunghoon while your at it"
No matter how hard Heeseung tried he couldn't do anything right. He was dizzy, tired and still felt like he was about to throw up.
"Yano what that's enough for today we still have a photoshoot to attend later" Jungwon mentioned completely oblivious to the state Heeseung was in.
Time skip back to the dorms >>>
All the members where making their way through the entrance of their dorms but Heeseung had a wave of nausea hit him which made him fall into Jake.
"Ahh fuck" Heeseung muttered whilst gripping his stomach.
"Bro what the fuck is going on" Jake responded not having a clue wether Heeseung was actually sick or not
"I-it hurts jake" the older responded clear tears falling from his cheeks.
Before Jake could even finish his sentence, Sunghoon was standing in the door way with a dull expression on his face.
"Your joking" Sunghoon spoke whilst letting out a slight laugh.
"Yeah he's being dramatic again" Jake responded he kinda felt guilty but he was just going along with the majority.
"Surprise, surprise" Sunghoon muttered under his breath.
Jake and Sunghoon both went inside and left Heeseung alone on the door step. Jake honestly felt terrible he was just hoping that Heeseung was just acting...
Around 10 minutes later Heeseung got himself up but he refused to go back in the dorm so he took himself over to his girlfriends place.
"Atleast she'll be there for me" he thought to himself.
"Y/n, it's me" Heeseung spoke with his voice about to break.
"Hee love im kinda busy right now" y/n spoke staring into her laptop"
"Oh uh can I come sit with you"
"Sure, try not to distract me tho I'm doing stuff for work" y/n replied without lifting her head up once"
"I won't" Heeseung added with clear sadness in his voice.
Heeseung just sat down next to y/n, he really wanted to tell her how bad his day has been but he didn't want to be an inconvenience.
Not long after he had sat down his cramps started back up again. He just placed his hand on his stomach and proceeded to breathe heavily.
Part of him was kinda hoping y/n would notice, but she didn't at all.
"Love I've gotta go back I have a photo shoot soon, talk to you soon... yeah?"
"Alright hee, have fun" y/n responded sounding completely lifeless.
Heeseung felt like everyone was against him, usually when he's sick y/n notices straight away but she didn't even bat an eye.
The sick boy arrived back at the dorms and he was met with 6 furious looking members.
"Where have you been" Jungwon asked not showing any signs of sympathy.
"I went to y/n place" Heeseung replied with no confidence in his voice.
"You can't be that sick if you were willing to go to her place" Jay mumbled unimpressed with the situation.
"Yeah hyung you were just practically passed out in my arms and you just got up and went to y/n place? Maybe you are lying" Jake added giving heeseung a look of disappointment.
"You know what? Maybe I am lying... is that what you want to hear? Are you all happy now?!?" Heeseung spoke nearly tearing up knowing how much his members hate him right now.
"I KNEW IT" Jungwon belted across the room.
"Bro just don't talk to any of us for a while" Niki added whilst putting his coat on.
"See I Said he was childish" Jay replied sniggering at the sick boy.
Heeseung was broken, he really had to make out that all this was a lie just because no body believed him.
Time skip to photo shoot >>>
Everyone arrived at the photo shoot destination no one has said a word to Heeseung in the last two hours, it's all just been random death stares back and forth.
They all did their individual shots which took up the majority of the time they had. But coming towards the end they had the group shots, which none of them were looking forward too.
Heeseung was a mess to say the least, he was hoping that he could get through the rest of the day without any more pain but as time went on he knew that wasn't gonna be the case.
"Alright guys!! Time for the group shots" the photographer shouted trying to grab all the members attention.
The members all huddled in to the positions that they where told to stand in. But Heeseung was starting to have a hard time, and that didn't go unmissed by the photographer.
"Heeseung is everything ok?"
"I don't feel good" Heeseung responded whilst struggling to stay up on two feet.
Within seconds Heeseung came crashing to the floor and threw up all over himself.
"SHIT HYUNG" Jay shouted as he made his way to comfort the sick boy"
"I fucking told you guys but no one listened" Jake added scolding all the members.
Jay had Heeseung in his arms and the rest of the members were crowded around.
"It h-hurts" Heeseung spoke whilst crying and resting his head on Jays chest.
"Shh I know where gonna get you sorted don't worry" Jay responded whilst rubbing Heeseungs stomach.
"Hyung im so sorry i didnt believe you in the first place... none of this would have happened if I just listened" Jungwon said whilst crying into Sunoos arm.
"Jay what's happening to him!?!?" Niki asked because he could slowly see Heeseungs consciousness slipping.
"Shit he's gonna be fine we need to get him home as quick as we can though"
Time skip back at the dorm >>>
Heeseung had been out on the couch for about two hours and none of the members left his side.
"Guys do you think I should call y/n" Jake asked knowing how much heeseung means to her.
"Yeah just so she's aware what's gone on" Sunghoon added.
Phone call
"Hey y/n its Jake"
"Oh hii!! what's wrong?"
"Was Hee at your place earlier?"
"Oh yeah he came around but I was busy with work so he didn't say much"
"Well I- uh well"
"Spit it out silly"
"Heeseung was very sick and none of us really believed him, and he pretty much collapsed on me before he came to yours"
"Your kidding WTF I knew something seemed off, so your telling me he came here because you lot weren't listening to him and then I completely blanked him coz I was busy!?!"
"Pretty much... but we're taking good care of him now and we won't let it happen again"
"Ugh ffs Jake just tell him to call me when he comes around"
"Will do"
"Alright bye Jake"
"Bye y/n"
Call ended
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ja-lin · 2 years
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Night of Sin is a Sin w/ Me prequel fanfiction visual novel. The story is inspired by the original, but takes place in an alternate universe timeline where the original 7 assassins were Dorran, Yvette, Gage, Ripley, Ranza, Cal, and Izaiah.
I took on this as a solo project, as a homage to the original game cause I really missed Lovestruck and how they did the stories and each character. While not perfect, the representation was really good compared to most other games on the market, we had characters from all different backgrounds.
After months of work in my spare time (sometimes until the crack of 3am as some followers have seen) I only have 5min of a prologue game available as a download. This really puts into perspective how much work it takes to create a full visual novel with multiple characters and multiple seasons.
I did have a slight advantage since I have experience in web/graphic/interface design. But, this is only my second experience making games, my first being a game jam some years ago where I was the background artist. Night of Sin game is my first time doing *everything* solo. From planning the story, to writing, to coding, to drawing, to graphic design, ect; 
Night of Sin game on Itch.io:  https://nightofsin.itch.io/night-of-sin-web (play online, no downloaded required)
https://nightofsin.itch.io/night-of-sin ( download and play on windows PC)
All I ask is, please do not re-upload the game to another download site and please do not upload the zip file directly to Discord. If people want to try the game, please give them the link to this Tumblr post. 
If you want to post screenshots from the game, report bugs, have comments/critique, please use the #night of sin tag.
Thank you everyone for your support, thanks to my friends who tested an earlier alpha version of the game! 
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fastandtheformula1 · 3 years
Hi, Can you do a dating andrew Garfield would include?
Dating Andrew Garfield Would Include…
an: here you go :) thanks for requesting 🥰🥰
summary: andrew garfield as a boyfriend. that’s it.
pairing: andrew garfield x female reader
warnings: mild cursing, nsfw stuff
word count: ???
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not my gif!!
- his hands are always warm and you have no idea how
- he’s literally like a little kid around you
-“babyyy come here please.”
- “in a second, okay? i gotta finish this.”
-“nooooo. you. here. now.”
-“i said in a second.”
-“that’s so long from now.”
- so so so so protective of you
- you could be telling a story of one of your male friends from work and he’d just…
-“so i was talking to Jeremy from work-”
- “who? the tall or short one? have i met him before? he knows you have a boyfriend right?”
- “yes, Mr. Overprotective. now listen to my story.”
- walks around the neighborhood at 3 a.m., talking about everything and anything
-“why do you think dinosaurs existed?”
-“dunno. probably to scare off asteroids or something.”
-“well, they didn’t do they’re job then, huh?”
-“no, they did not.”
- dancing in the living room at 3 a.m. too
-swaying to the music with his hand on your lower back, other hand out to the side in yours
-you’d close your eyes for one second and then suddenly it’d be 5 a.m.
- sarcasm and sass level: 10,000 with this man
-“babe, where did I put my laptop?”
-“probably where you last left it.”
-“at least i know where my laptop is.”
- when you have fights he always tries to understand your side, and somehow finds what was bugging you in the first place
- you never knowing how he gets it on the first try
-“why are you so mad? I was just hanging out with some friends!”
-“you were out till 4 a.m.! I get worried about you!”
-“okay, i’m sorry. I’ll try and check in or something next time.”
-“sure, whatever.”
-“it’s because I’ve been gone for 2 months filming, huh?”
- slight nsfw
-he’d always make sure you’re comfortable if he did something new
- he’d gage your body language (see if you tensed up, facial expressions, etc.)
- he’d make sure you orgasmed first, then he would too after knowing you did
- aftercare is really nice
- switches between you and him being the big/small spoon
- when he’s the small spoon your leg drapes over his, and you play with his hair
- when you’re the small spoon he has one hand in your hair and the other is drawing shapes on your back
- end of nsfw
- he takes care of you and you him
-he supports you with everything you do and vice versa
author’s note: somebody get me an Andrew Garfield please 😩
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Fantasy Au! Companions and their wings
(A little different but I like the idea!)
She has dragonfly wings that might look frail and are anything but that. They’re built for speed and endurance, so you bet your ass she’s up for races.
She has the typical angelic cherub wings that are petite and bright white. They feel like clouds too, but don’t touch them, that’s just weird.
He’s equipped with over sized dragon wings. His scales are a dark orangey color and their membranes are reminiscent of a sunset when light hits them.
He has wings similar to an owls! Their feathers are several shades of brown and have a lovely pattern to them.
As one could guess, he has demon wings. He’s proud of them too. Their a frightening glowing green hue and have bones exposed. He swears they don’t hurt but just try touching them.
His wings are quite the sad sight, but he doesn’t let that get him down. Thanks to his ghoul transformation, his once plush feathered wings began to slowly decay and are now left permanently suspended between being halfway dead and halfway alive. At least he no longer sheds.
He has comically too large, falcon like wings. As if the size of them wasn’t silly enough, when he gets excited they flutter and making a slight “whoosh” sound. Make sure you don’t have any loose papers around him.
Due to his young age, his wings are really pretty, save for a couple scars. He has charcoal colored angelic wings, they’re also cute fluffy. Oh, and he sheds a lot. So the occurrence of random grey feathers around the Prydwen is just normal.
He has mechanical wings that glow the same pretty gold as his eyes. Every once in a while, him and sole bond over “tuning” them up. They also seem to appear to be made out of the same material he is, only differencing in the “feather” metal strips. They’re shinier.
Old Longfellow:
Don’t you dare laugh about it, he has seagull wings. Yep, seagull wings.
Her wings are similar to a fairies. However they actually glow a pretty golden color when she gets happy, but don’t bug her for “pixie dust” she’ll kick your ass over it.
Has some of the prettiest wings in all of the ‘wealth. His are also angelic but they glimmer in the sun with their stunning gold and cream hues. And yes, his are also fluffy.
He also has those sweet mechanical wings! His are bronze and may be a little overly ornate but he doesn’t care, he likes them a whole lot. Plus if he doesn’t have any projects, at least he has them to work on.
He also has rather obnoxiously large dragon wings. However unlike the Paladin, his scales are a rich obsidian and his membranes fade from grey to light, icy blue.
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nymphigeon · 4 years
If you’re not mine
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♡ Pairing; Yoongi x Yandere!Reader
♡ Genre; Angst, Unrequited love
♡ Warnings; Mentions of death, mentions of a weapon, mentions of suicide, reader is kinda manipulative?
♡ Rating; PG-13
♡ Words; 1978
♡ Summary; Before you wipe him from the face of the earth, you first want to hear him say three little words.
♡ A/N; I’m so sorry, I seem to have found a secret love for writing angst within me T_T Don’t worry, I’ll drop something to make up for it soon! 
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"I can't give you what you need from me."
 He's careful. The fear of hurting you awfully present. The eyes staring back at him widen significantly, this is not how the conversation was supposed to go. You had prepared for this moment a thousand times in your head, each time with a different outcome. Not one was this negative.
 Sounds refuse to escape you, as your lips part to speak something, anything, nothing comes out. You feel stunned, awfully betrayed. How could he do this to his dear best friend.
 "Are you sure?" The first thing you say after an awkward silence makes you cringe inside. Too meek, a short sentence you banished a long time ago. Uncertainty is to be weak, and weakness kills.
 "Look, I know were close and I care about you a lot, but I just don’t feel the same way. I'm sorry." Yoongi sighs as he brushes his fingers through his hair. The movement stands out to you as a stress sign. One you’re desperate to avoid.
 "I'm really sorry, you know I don't like hurting you." It’s common to look away at this point, the hurt of reject too much to bear, but your eyes stay on his figure like a hawk. Every little thing he does feeds you information about the best approach.
 What exactly went wrong? He is supposed to love you. He is supposed to adore you.
 "Will you..." Empathy is such a strong emotion, and such an incredible waste. So easy to control too, as humans will even show it to those they don’t know. The closeness between the two of you amplifies everything. Such a waste, but oh so useful.
 Being upset is not like you at all. Everything always goes your way, so why bother? Except right now, it’s exactly what you need. Displaying sadness evokes the sought after emotion after all.
 "Will you at least tell me you love me?" Tears brim in the corner of your eyes, your stance is submissively small. You need him to care more, you need him to love you more.
 It must be him who is the problem here. He’s not the way he’s supposed to be. If he won’t listen, you’ll make him listen without him even realizing it. He’ll bow down to your wishes, willingly or not.
 The apprehensive look on Yoongi’s face is expected, your request isn’t one of the normal. Not that it matters a lot, you have patience. "I don't need feelings, I just need the words. Just once, never again." A tear slips out your left eye, lips trembling. This must be new to him, he’s never seen you this way.
 "It’s only for a little bit." Desperation fits perfectly together with begging. A one way ticket into a man’s heart. Pathetic.
 "I love you." The passion in your voice is the true kind, you do love him. The only problem is him not recognizing he is yours, what a shame he has to learn this way. If only he hadn’t been such a failure. Even then, you love him anyway.
 It's silent for a moment. The clock in the corner ticking away is the only sound in the room. A hundred cogs are turning, he’s weighing so many options against each other, you can almost physically see it
 After a moment’s hesitation, his voice clears the room. “Hey.” A good actor, you’ll give him credit for that. Anyone else hearing him would be convinced of the soft loving sound being real. The smile he is wearing still looks slightly awkward now, he’ll need to work on it.
 "I love you too." Finally he reaches your end goal, as expected this time. No more failures, that isn’t something you can afford right now. The moment he walks away and your eyes lose sight of him everything is set. It’s the last time he’ll see you like this.
 Satisfaction fills your every corner, the feeling of victory clearly present. It’s not enough though, you can go even further. Now that he’s trapped where you like him to be, the possibilities are endless.
 Where to go from here? Perhaps you’ll let him lead, see where he takes it, how far he is willing to go. If for whatever reason you’re not happy with his act, you’ll steer him right back into the direction you want him to go. It’s that easy…. Right?
 “Y-you do?” The slight tremble in your voice is faked. Of course you’re confident in the way you handle things, even if you can’t exactly show it. The apprehensive nature you’ve suddenly switched to causes Yoongi to take a few steps forward. “To the moon and back.”
 This time, his voice doesn’t contain as much credibility, but it’ll have to make do. For someone without an acting major he is already doing well enough.
 Carefully, he stretches out a hand toward you, gaging your reaction. You were the one who asked for this, and still he is being respectful of your drawn lines. What a gentlemen, your man.
 To let him know that it’s okay, you nod and smile. With the confirmation of your comfortability, he pulls you close. The next moment, you’re being held in his arms. Not the tight hug that was hoped for. You can’t let your guard down, this is still all a lie.
  “You’re beautiful.” He’s gotten used to telling you this. After years of a close friendship, lots of boundaries have already been broken. The switch from pretty to beautiful was one of them.
 While grabbing the back of his hoodie in your hands, you burry your nose into his chest, his neck just out of reach for your height. Him stiffening isn’t something that goes past you, but it is ignored. Just another reminder of the act you forced upon him.
 He smells nice today too. The intoxicating scent of his expensive cologne is one you don’t want to forget. Better inhale deeply, as this may be the last time you’re able to do so. “Tell me more.”
 It takes him a while to come up with something, obviously not having prepared for this. “You’re kind and smart, always so… attentive to everything around you like you’re trying to figure out the ways of this world.” Without you meaning to, the role you were playing briefly gets broken.
 This time, it’s you who stiffens up, your muscles involuntarily all contracting. Did he figure you out? Like a hawk, you’ve always studied the way people around you react to different scenarios. If you wanted anyone to provide you what you wanted, you had to know how to touch the vulnerable side of them. Getting caught, was never part of the plan.
 “You okay?” His voice sounding softly is your first warning, him slightly pushing you away is your second. “Y-yeah I’m all good.” Do not break your character. If he didn’t find out before, he might now.
 A close call, however as you let your head fall against him one more time, you’re certain you’re safe. It won’t happen again. Otherwise you might as well shoot him straight away.
 He doesn’t immediately resume like wanted him too. A punishment for you fucking up, or possibly just him not knowing what to say. “I’m fine..” It’s a murmur said into his chest, something to encourage him.
 "You’ll tell me right? If you’re hurting.” No matter what happened, no matter the distance between you two, he has always cared. The circumstances never mattered, it was always you he had his eyes on. Somehow, slowly, it caused you to catch the bug you always steered so far away from. "I will.
 For a moment you'll pretend like it's real. For a moment you'll forget about how Yoongi actually feels.
"Will you still care about me next year?" You just want to play with him a bit more, you’re having fun after all.  "Next year, and all the years after that." The empty promise of his heart fills you with a strange sense of happiness. It's so real. It's as if he didn't reject you five minutes ago.
 You’re not willing to accept it, not yet. The nagging feeling in the deepest corner of your gut can wait. Although even as you tell yourself that, it hurts.
 Soon enough you’ll learn how devastating this whole situation really is. It’ll end, your world will finally shatter. And without him knowing, so will his.
 The eyes that looked down on you dull out, losing their light, revealing the time you had together is close to over. A little too harsh he pushes you away, and as if this distance isn’t enough, he takes some more steps back.
 "I need to go.." Yoongi speaks in a whisper. You don't need to stall any longer, you got what you wanted. "It's okay, go." Your gaze drifts to the door. As soon as he walks through it's done. You do your best to plant the memory of him in your brain. It's the last time you'll see him like this. He will be missed, but you can’t help it. There is no other solution. You'll join him soon enough anyway.
 You watch as Yoongi takes his time to put on his shoes and coat. He's not really in a hurry despite the uncomfortable atmosphere between you too. Maybe he does know what you're up to. Well, if he does, he doesn't let you know.
 Yoongi walks over to the door and lays his hand on the handle. A few seconds pass before he actually uses it to open the door. Unfortunately, for him, you’re not quite finished yet. Before he can walk out you just need to know one thing. One word to soothe the unfamiliar ache in your chest.
 "Yoongi." He turns his head around at your voice like he was expecting it. Like he wanted you to say something. "Thank you." It wasn't what you were going to say, but he deserved it. He did his best.
 "You don’t… hate me right? We’re still close?" You look at him expectantly. The play had long been broken, but you need to know.
 He doesn’t move from his spot, merely hesitantly looks your way. “Of course, always.” It’s said fast and urgent, no trace of the somewhat kind tone he used before is left behind. And in the same way he rushed away from you, he now leaves you alone in the cold. The door shuts, he’s no longer here.
 The sigh that escapes you is no surprise. You could’ve known that things would end up this way, seeing as everything was already set up for the worst case scenario. However blaming someone for having hope is cruel, even if it’s concerning your own thought.
 Still high on the lingering feel of his touch, your eyes close on their own. Hands having spilled more blood than anyone would have guessed glide down the arms of the sinful. Greed runs your mind, not yet satisfied with the crumbs you got, but unable to obtain any more.
 As the cold air fills your lungs the urge to laugh arises. Contrary to what anyone may belief, this time it’s not a show of joy. It’s the opposite, a mean sound of pity or perhaps sadness for oneself, because for the first time ever, the objective had not been obtained.
 Where is he going? Why isn’t he taking you with him?
 Your hands find the ends of the thigh-high skirt you’re wearing, slowly lifting the hem up and placing an open palm on the heavy gun strapped to the now exposed skin. While you lightly stroke the deadly weapon, you let a smile break out.
  He just rejected the best option he had. The only one who will love him to death. Because if you can’t have him, nobody can.
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all-appreciation · 6 years
Heaven Couldn’t Be Better Than This
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6592 words
It was supposed to be a normal day, just taking care of the garden before going to the farmer’s market. And it was a normal day. Night was when things got weird.
I had changed into pajamas before kneeling before my bed to say prayer. At my amen I heard a crash outside my window. I jumped up, grasping for my baseball bat, and rushed to the window. I peered out into the dark and could see a figure moving up off the ground. It let out a deep groan.
“Jeez, that was a crash landing.” the thing said. It let off a light glow and I could see it was a male figure. The voice giving it away too. He tilted his head to the sky, “Thanks a lot Seungkwan!” he yelled into the sky.
I was about to say something when I saw something spread from his back. Wings. They were larger than him. I let out a scream and ducked under my window sill, forgetting I had opened the window and left the lamp on. I could hear a flapping sound and then a groan of pain followed by a thump closer to my window.
“Great, just great. I am so reporting Seungkwan to Seungcheol.” I could hear the...boy mumble to himself. “Uh...human. Are you ok?” I peaked above the window sill to see his head resting on it. I let out a squeak and jumped away from the window, holding up the bat. He vaulted himself through the window to sit on the inner part of the sill. I noticed the glow had dimmed, and his wings were gone.
“Wh..what are you?” I shifted back more. His eyes widened. Then he spoke.
“What are you talking about?” he let out a chuckle and then his voice changed, there was something..behind it now, “I’m human.” I started nodding my head and lowering the bat before I looked at him again. I shook my head and raised the bat in front of me.
“No you aren’t. I saw wings.” I spoke. He reared back slightly.
“No you didn’t” He retorted, that lull still in his voice. “Yes I did.”
“That’s impossible.”
“I know what I saw!” I almost threw the bat at him. “You screamed at the sky about someone named Seungkwan and then wings sprouted from your back. Wings!” I moved and sat on the bed. He moved to stand but I raised the bat toward him again; raising his arms, he sat back down.
“OK. So I’m not human.” he let out a sigh and tilted his head back. I took the time to examine him further. He had light brown hair and tanned skin. Chocolate brown eyes and was dressed in all white. The glow I first saw grew brighter as he stared in silence. The glow immediately faded when his eyes snapped down to look at me. “I can tell you. I’m an angel.” he stopped to gage my reaction, satisfied he continued. “So is Seungkwan. We were heading home after Seungkwan called for some help with the human he was guarding, but he decided to mess around. He pushed me out of the sky and I guess I landed on my wing wrong. I can’t fly for the time being so I’m stuck on Earth and my boss wants me to stay here.”
“Here?!?” I clamored.
“Yes, here. He hears you pray. Thinks it would be best to stay with someone he knows is loyal.” He says. I stare at him dumbfounded for a few moments before dropping my head into my hands.
“Dear God” I whisper out.
“So that’s what you call him down here.” Vernon said. He leans his back against the side of the window. “We call him Seungcheol.” I don’t lift my head from my hands. He speaks again, softer this time. “My name is Hansol by the way, but on Earth they call me Vernon.You can call me Vernon.”
“Y/N” I mumble out.
“I know.” I look up at him. He points toward the sky. “He told me.” I shake my head.
“Wait. I thought angels didn’t look like us. Humans I mean.” I utter.
“Oh we don’t. We look different depending on what you read but the regular angel form tends to terrify or kill most humans. So we take this form on Earth, easier to blend in and no one gets hurt.” he says offhandedly. “You wouldn’t be able to handle my true form. I know this one is affecting you as is.” He says with a smirk. I blush - admitting he is attractive - and throw a pillow at him, knocking him out the window with a shriek. I rush up to pear out the window, watching as he stumbles to stand up.
“You deserved that.” I proclaim.
“I’ll admit I do. Can I actually come in now?” he questions. I nod my head and back away as he climbs back through the window. He comes in and I can see how dirty his clothes are.
“You probably need a change of clothes. I think my brother has some he left here, they should fit you. I’ll be right back.” I rush out of the room to go grab the clothes. It’s just a simple flannel and some sweats but it should do. I walk back into the room, not expecting him to already be changing. I gasp when I see the large bruise and ripped skin on the left side of his back. “Oh my god.” I throw the clothes onto the bed. He gasps when he hears me. “Are you sure you’re ok?” I reach my hand out to touch his back but retract it when he flinches away. “I could...bandage that up for you. I’ve helped some birds with broken wings, but the process should be the same.” He turns to face me and nods his head.
“Uh...yeah, I could use the help.” He whispers out. I rush out the room to grab the first aid kit. I come back and have him sit down on the edge of the bed.
“I’ll need you to spread your wings.” I watch in awe as his wings spread from his back. White, with a golden glow. I shake my head and climb behind him.
“Please be careful. Angel wings are...sensitive.” I place my hand on his shoulder and reach to move the frumpled feathers. He shivers when my fingers run along his feathers but he doesn’t pull away. I see where the injuries are and slowly begin to wrap his wing. When I finish I sit back and stare at his back, running my fingers across the feathers of his other wing; I stop almost instantly when he sighs.
“I’m so sorry.” I rush from behind him and stand in front of him with a slight bow.
“It’s Ok.” He chuckled out. “It actually felt really nice.” He reached for the clothes behind him and I turned away as he slipped them on. He tapped me on the shoulder and I held out my hand for his soiled clothes. “Thank you again for this. I’m sure it’s an inconvenience.”
“It’s ok I guess. I can’t really deny an angel in need anyways.” I turn to start walking and motion for him to follow. “It would be like a capital sin.” I lead him to the kitchen and have him wait there while I put his clothes in the washer. I return to see him wandering through the living room instead. He’s admiring the photos lining the walls and the little knick knacks. “What are you doing?” I question. He almost drops the frame he’s holding.
“Nothing!” he exclaims. I giggle as he places the frame back down and turns to me with a sheepish smile. It’s actually really cute. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok.” I reply still smiling. “Would you like something to eat or drink? I can make some coffee or tea.”
“Some tea would be nice.” He answers. I nod and wander over to the kitchen. Vernon in tow. I pull out the tea leaves and strainer, having him pick a tea while I grab a cup. “Thank you for this again. You can ask me any questions you’d like.”
“It’s ok. I swear. And the same goes to you. Seung...Seungcheol was it?” he nods his head. “Seungcheol probably already told you everything about me, but you can ask anything if he hasn’t.” I start fixing his tea as we sit in silence. “How...how did you become an angel and why the two names?” he sighed before responding.
“I honestly don’t know how I became what I am. We’re told we were spirits that Seungcheol picked out. The ones he believed he could trust. There’s only 12 of us...as I guess you could say Archangels.” He drops his chin onto his hand. “This is the only family I’ve ever known and I’ve been this way for a long while. The two names though is because one is our sacred name, that’s the one only specific people can call us. Giving someone power to call you that name is like giving them power over you. So I go by Vernon instead.” he lifted his head and thought for a moment. “It’s like my voice. That lull I put in my voice is meant to control humans. I should have been able to make you think that you didn’t see anything, but it didn’t work on you. Either you were too shocked or for some reason it just doesn’t work on you.” I nod after he answers my questions, but jump as the tea kettle screams. I rush to pour the hot water into the cups and submerge the tea leaves. “Where is your family? I see pictures of them everywhere but there’s no sign of others here but you. “
“Oh, it’s just me here. Most of my family died a few years ago. I have my brother though. He comes to visit when he’s not working.” I tell him as I watch the tea leaves seep into the water. “He’s just normally busy but it’s ok. We usually just fight when he’s here, as siblings do.” I pull the leaves from the tea and turn to hand him his cup. “I’m sure you argue with the others if you’re like a family.” He nods and I offer him sugar for the tea. He accepts.
We sit in silence sipping on our tea, I’ll occasionally glance out the window into the garden. Watching as the lightening bugs fly. I finish my tea relatively quickly and walk it to the sink, offering to take Vernon’s empty mug too. As I finish, I turn to see him staring at me.
“Um..what are you staring at?” I ask him. He just lightly shakes his head.
“Just...you. Hard to believe you aren’t an angel.” I gasp after he speaks and feel a blush creep onto my cheeks. His eyes widen as he seems to realize what he says. “Oh my..that’s gonna make things awkward isn’t it? I am so sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I don’t really have control of my mouth. Reasons I’m more of a messenger angel than anything. Not to say I don’t do anything else, just my main job is delivering messages to other angels on job. Not that I don’t go on job too. Seungcheol trusts me just as much as the others, just my mouth can get me into some trouble I guess.” He rambles on.
“Vernon,” I grab his shoulder, “It’s ok. It was actually really nice. Probably the best compliment I’ve ever gotten.” I can feel him let out a deep sigh and offer up a shy smile. “It’s late and I don’t know if angels sleep but I do. I haven’t cleaned out the guest room since I moved in so the bed is covered in boxes. You can have my bed for the night, I’ll take the couch.”
“No no no. I couldn’t take the bed from you. I’ll sleep on the couch.” He offers.
“Not happening. With your wing and back like that, you need the bed. The couch will only make it worse.” I tell him with finality. I wander over to the closet by the front door, grabbing extra blankets and pillows. I can hear him follow behind me.
“Wh..what about we share the bed. It’s big enough for two or three even. You need comfortable sleep as much as I do.” I can hear him whisper out from behind me. I turn to stare at him. “It would be ok. Promise. Angels aren’t exactly prudes.”
“I guess that would be ok.” I lead him to the bedroom and point him to the other side of the bed. “Try not to lay on your back or your left side.” He nods his head and moves to lay down beside me. I switch off the lights and turn my back to him, both of us on our right sides.
It takes a little extra effort to fall asleep. I do wake a little later and shiver. I flip over onto my left side but feel something heavier than usual over me. I peek open an eye to see Vernon no longer wearing the shirt and his wing spread over me. He seems to unconsciously pull me closer with the wing. I hate to admit I love the feeling of being close to him, but he is warm and makes it so easy to fall back asleep.I swear I hear him mumble ‘heaven help me’ before I’m asleep again.
I awake the next morning to the same position I fell asleep in. Vernon was wearing his shirt and I was back on my side of the bed. Cuddling up to him must have been a dream. I rise from the bed as quietly as possible. I take a quick shower before going to make breakfast. It seems more peaceful than usual.
The pancakes are just finishing when Vernon wanders into the kitchen, hair a mess and eyes sleepy.
“Morning.” he says with a yawn.
“Good morning.” I respond. “Go ahead and take a seat. I’ll have breakfast on the table soon.” he nods and takes a seat at the kitchen bar. I finish the pancakes and take them along with the bacon over to him. “Coffee?” I offer. He nods again and begins eating. I smile and go to fix us both a cup. I set his down beside his hand and sit down to eat. We eat in relative silence before Vernon stands to take the empty plates to the sink, washing them off and loading them into the dishwasher. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I know but I should. If I’m gonna be staying here for a while, I’m gonna try to carry my weight.” he turns and gives me a tired smile. “The food was really good by the way. It’s been a while since I’ve actually sat down and eaten with someone. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I take the dish from his hand. “You can carry your weight later. Go lay back down. You still seem really tired. Take the rest.” He head rests on my shoulder as I speak. I can feel him hum and nod against it. He wanders back out of the kitchen and, where I assume, to the bedroom.
I finish the dishes and set out some frozen chicken to thaw for dinner before heading out to the shed to grab my gardening gear. I’m having to plant some new trees in the nursery today. It only takes an hour to two to get the trees situated correctly and then I’m back out in the flower fields. I weed some of the smaller plots before shifting to work on the Bonsai trees. I start trimming when I feel eyes on me. I place the shears down and turn to see Vernon watching me from the back porch. He notices me looking at him and starts to walk over. He’s changed into some jeans and a plain black shirt. He’s even found my brothers old work boots.
“I hope you don’t mind that I went looking for other clothes.” He says when he’s within hearing distance.
“I don’t mind but what are you doing outside? I expected you to be sleeping most of the day.” I question him as I turn back to the tree I was working on.
“I couldn’t sleep anymore and wanted to see what you did for work. Do you take care of all of this everyday?” he asks looking around the acres of land. I laugh a little before responding.
“Not at all. I have schedules for different things everyday. Like I’ll weed certain plots once a week on the same day. Today it was the tulips, tomorrow the roses. And I trim different Bonsai trees once a week, split between my working days. I only work a few hours in the morning, take a break when the sun is high in the sky, and work again when it it starts to set. The Sun dictates my working days and hours.” I explain my schedule and will occasional glance at him as his eyes wander my life’s work. “I could use some help on some days if you want. I can teach you how I do things.”
“I would love to help. You’re taking care of Seungcheol’s work and keeping it as beautiful as when he first made it. And it will give me a way to carry my weight.” He responds. He has a smile on his face again and moves closer to watch what I do. I hand him the shears and take him toward a Bonsai I’ve neglected for a while, so it definitely needs a trim.
“Now just be gentle,” I place the shears in his hands correctly and angle his arm, “You aren’t cutting off branches or trimming it back for winter, you want to take off the dying parts and slowly shape the tree. This keeps it healthy.” I step back and watch as he gently starts snipping off the pieces that are browning or poke out in odd places. “There you go. You’re doing great. Finish this tree and we can head back inside to have lunch.” He nods and focuses back on the task at hand. He’s a fast learner and shapes the tree the same way I would.
“I can see why you and Wonwoo enjoy that.” he states. “It’s really calming and watching the plants grow and thrive must be fulfilling.
“Well I don’t know about Wonwoo but I do enjoy taking care of them. I mean plants take care of us, they deserve the same in return.” I explain as we walk back to the house.
“Wonwoo is another angel. He takes care of the plants and nature.” I nod along with his statement. “There is only a total of 12 archangels and God. Seungcheol wants fifteen though. He feels all the needs will be fulfilled with 15 but he’s picky. Though I guess this is more information than you needed.
“No, it’s ok. I like hearing about this. It’s interesting.” I walk into the kitchen. “You can sit at the bar again. I’m not sure you can cook so I’d rather not take the chance.” He nods his head and takes a seat. “Any idea how long it takes for a wing to heal?” “You trying to get rid of me?” he questions. I panic slightly.
“No! I mean, not at all. I actually enjoy the company.” I rush out. He laughs at my response. He seems to enjoy making me panic.
“It’s ok. You’ll want me gone soon enough. But I honestly have no idea. I don’t remember an angel ever breaking a wing but we are fast healers, so it shouldn’t be more than a week to heal and make another to get it back in motion. You won’t be stuck with me for too long.” He explains. I nod once and turn back toward the thawing chicken. I place it in the fridge for it to finish thawing but still stay cool and switch it out for some sandwich meat. I fix us both something to eat before leaning on the bar across from him, coke in hand as well. “Ok. I could have made a sandwich.”
“I’ll believe that but this was a split decision. I want a nap so I needed to make something fast.” I explain with a yawn mid sentence.
“You finish up then and go lay down. I can clean up. I’ll wake you up in an hour?” he offers.
“Would you?” he nods after I ask. I finish eating and pat his shoulder as I go to lay down. I’m quick to fall asleep.
I’m awoken a little over an hour later to Vernon shaking my shoulder.
“Wake up sleeping beauty. Your hour is up.” I roll over and off onto the floor letting out a groan. “That didn’t sound good.” “I’m fine. That’s a common occurrence.” I mumble into the pillow I pulled down with me. I feel him reach down to help drag me off the floor. “Thanks.”
“Pants.” he mumbles from behind me. I make a questioning sound. “You’re not wearing pants.” I glance down and shrug.
“Well yeah. My shirt covers everything.” I glance toward him to see a deep blush on his cheeks and his head turned toward the ground. “I slept in more clothing than I usually do. I’ll slip my pants back on and we can head back out to the gardens.” He nods slightly and rushes out of the room. I shake my head at his reaction but smile, he’s cute when flustered. I quickly slip my pants and shoes back on and head out to the kitchen where Vernon is sitting. “You ready?” he nods but refuses to look me in the eye. “I thought you said angels weren’t prudes. I’m sure you’ve seen a woman in less...unless you haven’t?” He violently shakes him head.
“I have! It’s just different.” he retorts and speeds out the back door into the gardens.
“How is it different? I was probably more clothed than most women you see.” I respond and lead him to the orchids.
“It just is.” he rushes from my side over to the orchids. “Oh look orchids,” he changes the topic, “How do I work with them?” I shake my head at his antics but start to explain.
“Orchids are very easy to over water and under water. You have to keep a schedule and because these are small plants, they won’t need much.” I kneel down by the newest one, “These plants are finicky and picky, reasons they aren’t planted really close to one another. If they were indoors, I’d say give them an ice cube or two once a week, but with them outside shot glass size for each plant should be enough.” I have him kneel by me and he admires the blooms while I stand to grab the watering cans. I pour a little at the base of one of the orchids and hand him the can. “You can take care of these while I go take care of the cacti. Come find me when you’re done.” He nods and copies what I did with the first orchid. I watch him for a few moments before leaving for the cacti.
I try to focus on the task at hand but Vernon plagues my mind. I’m not sure why but there’s something about him that just makes him linger. I’m able to finish without mishap but no longer having something to do makes my mind wander. I think back on the feeling of laying next to him and begin to wonder what it would be like to be in arms instead or resting on him. Then my mind wanders to his eyes and lips. How his eyes have a gleam of curiosity and innocence, and those pink kissable lips. I shake my head. He’s an angel, I’m a human. Even if he did like me, nothing would come of it. It couldn’t.
I’m knocked completely from my trance when Vernon walks in saying he finished. I nod my head and stand up leading to the last task.
“All that’s left today is actually not dealing with plants or the garden. I have a koi pond and I just need to feed the fish.” I explain as I lead him toward the back of my property. We stop at a shed halfway to grab food before arriving at the relatively large pond. “Here.” I hand him the food. “Just throw a little in at a time. They’ll rush over to greet you.” I sit and watch as he feeds the fish, laughing when they jump over each other to get to the food first. I smile softly at his laugh, it’s like music. I turn to him as he comes to sit beside me. “You know this is one of my favorite places.” he turns toward me and tilts his head. “It’s far from the front of my property so people don’t know about it. It’s my own secret place, where I come when I don’t want to be bothered or just need to relax. Even when I’m upset.” I lay back to look at the sky and sigh. “The walk past all the plants and then the sounds of the fish splashing the water is always relaxing.” I glance toward Vernon and this time he doesn't look away.
“That sounds perfect.” he whispers out. I nod my head and l look back toward the sky for a few moments before sitting up.
“The sun will be setting soon and I should start dinner. Let’s head back.” I explain. He nods and stands, offering my hand. He helps me up and starts to lead the way back to the house, never letting go.
We eat at different times that night. He showers and changes while I cook and chooses to clean  while the kitchen while I eat. I shower while he eats. We sleep in the same bed again. This routine continues for weeks. Work, lunch, nap, work, dinner, and then bed. Sometimes he’ll nap with me having adjusted to me not sleeping in pants, meaning nighttime is more comfortable now. We eat together most nights. The bandages come off and he’s able to freely spread his wing and hover for some time. He’s getting close to being able to fly again. It takes another three days before he’s able to fly around the garden. He says he feels better but not well enough to make the travel back home.
“Vernon! Come on. I need help with the magnolia’s.” I yell out for Vernon. It’s well into the day and this is the last thing I needed to do before dinner.
“I’m coming!” I can hear his wings flap from behind me and the soft landing he makes. “You can go start dinner. I’ll take care of this.”
“Are you sure?” He’s pushing me off before the question is even out of my mouth. “Alright. I’m going.” I turn toward him, “Just don’t hurt my tree. She’s only a baby.” He rolls his eyes and shoo’s me off. I head to the kitchen to start dinner. Something simple but something I know he’ll like. I get the feeling something is going to change tonight. I finish relatively quickly and yell out that I was going to take a shower and to not start eating without me. He dismissively waves his hand and start to clean up around him. I rush through a shower and dress comfortably in shorts and a tank top before joining Vernon at the table. He’s moved everything from the kitchen and set the table.
“You didn’t have to do this.” I smile over at him.
“You always say that and I always say, I know but I wanted to. You’ve done so much for me.” Vernon started to serve out the food as he spoke. He glanced up and smiled back at me. We ate in relative silence for most of the meal. “I made desert, sort of. Well I went and bought desert. I’ll be right back.” he bolted into the kitchen and pulled a cake from the bottom of the fridge. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t see it sooner. “I know it’s not much, but last time I tried to make a cake it ended up in everything but the cake pan.” I laughed as he walked it over to the table, setting it down.
“I remember. You even had it in your hair and somehow in your shoes. You were such a mess.” He started laughing as he remembered too. As the laughter died down, his eyes lowered toward me.
“I...I needed to talk to you.” he mumbled out. He sounded serious. “I thought the cake would be a good way to break the ice. Want a slice?” I grabbed his hands and pulled him to sit in the chair next to me.
“We can have cake later. You sound serious. Is everything ok?” I never let go of his hands.
“Everything is perfect. More than perfect but...my wing is fully healed.” He looked down and ran his fingers over the back of my hands. “Meaning…”
“Meaning it’s time for you to go back.”
“But I don’t want to!” he frantically said. “I want to stay here...with you. I…” I lifted his head and nodded at him. “I love you.” I could feel my jaw drop and my body tense. “I understand if you don’t feel the same, we aren’t exactly the same. But I already talked to Seungcheol, he’s happy for me. He’d let me stay, even turn you into an angel if it’s what you wanted, you wouldn’t even have to die. I would still work for him but I could stay on Earth and this would be a safe haven for my kind. I know you probably don’t want to and this is all a dream I can’t have bu-” I feel his lips before I know what I’m doing but I don’t stop myself. I pull him closer and press my lips against his harder. I pull away moments later and look at him. His eyes wide and cheeks red but a smile growing.
“I feel the same. I think I have for a while and of course you can stay here. The angel thing I’ll have to think about but I don’t think I’d mind eternity with you. I love you too, Vernon.” He jumps up and pulls me into his arms. Kissing me, he mumbles against my lips. “What?” He lowers his head to my neck.
“Hansol. Please call me Hansol.” He mumbles into my shoulder. I feel his lips press against the juncture of my neck and shoulder and his hands lower onto my hips.
“Hansol…” I sigh out. “I love you Hansol.”
“I love you too Y/N.” He lifts me into his arms and carries me to what I guess is our room now, gently lowering me onto the bed.
“What about the cake?” I coyly question as I pull him down toward me. He lightly chuckles.
“We can have that later. You’re what matters right now. I..uh..I’ve wanted you since that first night. You made me want to sin.” he admitted.
“So I didn’t dream that your wing was around me and that whisper of ‘heaven help me’ when I cuddled into you.” I ran my fingers to the back of his head and mumbled my statement into his neck before biting it.
“Ah..h” he lets out the soft sound. “No, it wasn’t a dream. The statement stands even more now.” I can feel his hands running along my sides before he lifts my shirt, glancing at me and getting a nod of affirmation, pulling it over my head with little trouble. He stares down at me and I force myself not to cross my arms over my chest. I tilt my head away from him and tug on the end of his shirt, pulling it up his body. He sits up to pull it off, throwing it to the floor, then leans back down to me. “You’re beautiful.” He places a kiss against my lips before moving to my collarbone. He trails his lips down to my boobs, pulling the cups of my bra down so he can suck on my nipple. I arch into his mouth and feel his hands reach behind me, unclipping my bra and pulling it off. It joins his shirt on the floor. I feel him sit up and just run his hands along my sides, soft touches over the skin. His fingertips trace around my nipples as my eyes close. He leans back down, his hands holding my sides, and I feel his nose nuzzle into my stomach before it traces down to the top of my pants.
“Can I?” he mumbles into my skin. I trail and hand down to pet his hair and nod. He slowly pulls down my leggings as my hand slowly cards through his hair. He places a kiss at the hem of my panties before nuzzling into my hip.
“Your turn.” I whine out when he runs a finger over the panties, right where I want him most. He chuckles but stands to strip off the rest of his clothes. I sit up on my hands and watch as he strips. He has that glow the same as the night we met and I swear I can see a halo. He’s been so sure of himself until this point but now that he’s bare before me, he seems to curl into himself. I motion for him to come back over to me and pull his chest down to touch mine. I press his lips to mine as I pull his hair. I can feel his dick twitch against my thigh. “You are so perfect Hansol. I love you so much.” I can feel him smile and his confidence grow. He moves back down to have his face even with my vagina.
“I want to try something.” He looks at me and waits for me to nod. Once I do his fingers grip the hem of my panties and pulls them off. I instinctively try to close my legs but his hands hold them open. I glance down and see him lay on his stomach with his face close to my core. He slides his hands under my butt and pulls my legs over his shoulders. His hands rest on the top of my stomach from this position. He places kisses along my thighs as he gets closer to my core. I drop my head back down to the bed and let out a long sigh when he licks a stripe up the center of my core. I feel his tongue prode at my entrance with the occasional kitten lick. His nose presses against my clit when his tongue finally presses into me.
“...sol.” I let out a soft moan and lift my hips at the intrusion. He pushes his hand into my stomach to lower my hips again and pushes his tongue deeper. One on my hands reaches down to push his head closer while the other grips at the sheets below me. “Wh-where did you learn..ahh..to do this?” He momentarily lifts his head.
“I have no idea what I’m doing.” Then he’s back and this time with a focus on my clit. One of his hands moves to take the place of his tongue and I know that if his fingers feel this good in me, his dick will feel better. He crooks his fingers and presses into that special spot.
“I’m...cum. Hansol. Stop.” I feel his fingers slow and pull out of me. “I want to cum around your dick.” He lets out a groan against me and pulls away with a nip to my clit, causing me to jump at the shock. He shifts back up so we are chest to chest. I kiss him again, pulling his lip as I move away. “No condom. I’m on birth control. You know, just in case.” He softly smiles down at me.
“I was hoping you’d say something like that.” He replies breathlessly. I wrap my legs around his waist and lean up to swallow the whimper he lets out when his dick rubs against my core. I can feel him slowly push in and have to bit my lips to keep from moaning louder than I should. I didn’t notice how my eyes squeezed shut, but they snap open when he uses his thumb to pull my lip from between my teeth. “Don’t hold back. Please. I want to hear you.” I grab his hand, nodding,  and link his fingers with mine. We both still when he pushes in fully, him letting out a deep groan and I releasing a long moan. “Please tell me I can move.” Rather than saying anything, I grind my hips into his.
The movements he makes with his hips, is like heaven and hell. He feels amazing but I can tell it may become an addiction. As he starts to move faster and harder I can’t help but to pull him down on top of me. I dig my nails into his back and moan into his neck.
“Hansol, please...my clit.” He nods against me and snakes a hand between our bodies. As soon as his thumb starts rubbing my clit I moan out loud enough for my neighbors miles away to hear. I bite into his neck and suck a mark as he continues his figure eights.
“Y/N. I’m gonna cum.”
“Don’t stop. Me too.” I bit into his shoulder when I could feel my release. “Cum in me. Please Sol.” He let out a growl at the comment and felt him stutter to a stop as he released. His hand speed up against my clit and I release soon after, moaning into his ear.
He rolled over to his side and we just layed there for a few moments catching our breath. We looked at each other and he smiled the brightest I have ever seen him smile. It was impossible not to smile back.
“I love you Hansol.” “I love you Y/N.” He left a kiss on my forehead and pulled out, both of us wincing. He slipped on his boxers and handed me his t-shirt. “I’m gonna get a rag to clean you up.” He rush off to the bathroom and came back with a warm rag, gently wiping his cum from me. He tossed it to the floor on top of our discarded clothes. We shifted under the covers and he switched off the lamp. He nuzzled into my neck and pulled me against him. He let out a contented sigh and said, “Heaven couldn’t be better than this. It couldn’t be better than you.” I couldn’t help but smile and kiss him.
“You are my heaven Hansol.” I fell asleep in his arms like every other night, but this time it felt different. I knew he was my angel from henceforth.
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great-merlins-beard · 6 years
Things You Don’t Say To Your Roommate
Sequel to Sometimes the Nightmares Are Too Much. Which you can also read on Ao3.
Thank you @basic-banshee for beta-ing!
It had been a couple weeks since my nightmare, since I woke up to Baz telling me to breathe Simon. Since falling asleep in his bed.
Since falling asleep wrapped up in his arms.
If I’m being honest, it was the best sleep I had ever had. Not that I would ever outright tell this to Baz. Even though we had agreed that all of this “enemies” stuff was behind us and declared friendship, there were things you don’t just say. 
For example, you don’t tell your vampire roommate that he has the fittest legs you’ve ever seen or that you want to fall asleep looking into his eyes every night because they are so steady and calming.
There are things you can get away with, like “Baz how do you get your hair like that? Mines only ever a tangled mop on top of my head. Yours is so pretty.”
And then your roommate will quirk his brow at you, but he won’t sneer, we’re mostly past sneering at this point, and he’ll say “Pretty? My hair is not pretty Snow,” and he’ll smirk cause I’ll shoot him a glare for using my surname, “my hair is gorgeous. I spend ages on it to get it to look this way, believe it or not. I don’t just wake up this beautiful,” and then he’ll whip his head dramatically and you’ll both laugh.
And you’ll think yes you do wake up that beautiful, I’ve seen it. But you don’t say things like that to your roommate. Especially because it won’t come out nearly as suave as you say it in your head. So instead you say something like “yeah you numpty, oh wait, you were just kidnapped by them,” and he’ll glare at you because Snow I told you that in confidence. “And I know you spend ages on it. You’d think you are the bloody Queen of England with how much time you spend in there.”
There are some softer things you can get away with saying if you say it with a bit of bite. Like “hey move your fat arse, you are gonna take up all the pillow space.”
And he’ll bitch about it but will do it nonetheless because you are friends now. And friends sleep together if they feel a little uneasy at the thought of sleeping alone yeah? Then wake up with tangled limbs all of the time right? And friends pretend to stay asleep if only to stay a little longer in the comfortable position of their roommates arms.
I blow out a breath of frustration. I’m just overthinking things. Penny and I cuddle all the time on the sofa. But you don’t find yourself thinking about the exact color of her eyes, now do you? Another huff. I put it all these thoughts on its own list of things to not think about—a Being Friends With Baz List. And then I lock it away in my head. It’s easier not to think about things, it makes everything less weird in my head.
I move to the list of Things I Can Think About.
Baz sitting at meals with Pen, Aggie, and I (and after a couple of days and some ear pulling by Baz, Dev and Niall too). Having actual conversations with him.
The fact that now I know that Baz has a sister named Mordelia. His stepmom’s name is Daphne, and she is kind but will never replace his mom. I know all about his mom. How close they were and how much he loved her. How the reason he got drunk in the Catacombs so much was because she is buried there.
I know that his favourite color is a plain blue and that he has a secret stash of scrunchies he likes to use.
I know he likes his shoes ordered in a certain way and that his clothes at home are colour coded because he likes the organisation.
His favourite constellation is Sagittarius because he likes the bow of it and you know Snow, you have a similar pattern right here and points to it on my left forearm. We laid out on the grass for over an hour that night (only two days ago) and it was cold so we laid with our sides pushed against each other.
I know he is a vampire. He hasn’t told me, I don’t think he’ll ever really tell me, but he has hinted at it. I think that is as close as he’ll ever get to saying it out loud.
I think about how that means he trusts me.
And I think about all of these things I’ve learned about him in the past two weeks, and I can’t help but be angry at myself for wasting all of this time these past eight years.
But now it’s Christmas Break and Baz is packing a bag to travel home.
“Aye, don’t forget pants,” I tell him with a cheeky grin. He turns around and looks at me, almost insulted by the suggestion.
“I’m not going to forget pants you twat. Who forgets pants?”
“I mean, everyone does it at some point. I’ve done it before,” I respond with a shrug.
Now Baz looks right offended. “You’ve forgotten pants?” He pauses for a second and his eyes raise to the ceiling. “Actually, I’m not surprised by this. You are wholly unsanitary, I’ve seen you wear the same shirt for three days in a row.”
I glare at him now, “that’s because you jinxed all of my shirts to itch when I wore them. I was lucky that one had been under my bed. And I wore it for three days because that’s how long it took for Penny and I to figure out what spell you used so we could undo it.”
He’s trying to hide his laughter and it’s making my cheeks twitch.
“It’s not funny you arse,” but I’m full on laughing now and so is he. I throw my pillow at him from my bed and say “I smelt awful. Agatha wouldn’t even talk to me because of the smell.” Baz stiffens a bit but relaxes so quick I almost think I imagined it.
“How is that whole thing anyways, you and Wellbelove?” His light tone seems slightly forced but I’m not really sure. I’ve never been good at reading people.
“Oh, we broke up a couple weeks ago. She didn’t want to be my destiny or whatever,” he stops packing, turns around, and leans against his bed so we face each other. He’s giving me his full attention and I remember that though we’ve really only been mates for two weeks, it feels like we have been friends for much longer. It’s hits me suddenly that I completely trust him. Without a doubt in my mind, I trust him. I clear my throat and continue, “but honestly? I’m a little relieved. I know that sounds terrible, and I love Aggie, but I think I love her as a friend. Neither of us was ever really happy when we were dating. Neither of us really...er...cared? I feel like this is coming out worse than I mean it to...” I trail off awkwardly.
He looks thoughtful for a moment before he responds.
“Not that I particularly enjoy Wellbelove’s presence, but you both deserve to be with someone that makes you happy, if that’s what you want.” He’s looking me in the eye and there is a palpable tension in the room. I’m not sure why I like the itchy feeling it’s giving me.
The silence is broken as his eyes narrow, cocks his head, and says “Wait. You usually stay with her during Christmas Break.” There is no question in his tone and I nod my head because yes that’s true.
“If you aren’t staying with Wellbelove where are you going? Are you staying with Bunce?” I look at the floor and shrug.
“I’m staying here,” I answer with as much casualty as I can muster. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll just steal some scones from the kitchen before before Cook Pritchard leaves.”
Narrowed eyes narrow even further. Honestly they almost look closed at this point. “You are going to eat scones for every meal for a week?”
I shrug again because I really don’t know and I feel awkward. I don’t really know what he wants me to say about the situation.
“Do you have a bag?” He asks suddenly. My head snaps up and his eyes are scanning my side of the room.
“My school bag. Why?” The question caught me a little off guard. His eyes zero in on it and he crosses the room to pick it up. Then he’s next to me and upending all of its contents onto my bed.
“H-hey! What’s that about?” I try to grab my bag but he hold it in the air with his right hand and holds me back with his left.
“Got clean shirts?” He asks. I raise my eyebrow but I stop fighting. I think I know where this is heading, maybe.
“Aye, yeah I do.”
“Good. Pack ‘em. Come with me.” My jaw slacks.
“You want me to go with you to your house? Don’t your parents hate me? Don’t you live in some fancy castle thing? Don’t you need to ask?” I can feel my eyes bugging out of my head, but this is uncharted territory.
This whole situation is uncharted territory.
“Yeah Snow. We aren’t enemies anymore, this is a good way to show my father that. Show that you aren’t against us. Really this is a political move,” he sounds haughty as he says it.  
I face the floor. I want to go but… “I don’t want to be a burden.”
He puts his hand on my shoulder and his face softens.
“We’re friends now, yeah?” I nod. “I don’t want you to spend Christmas here alone, and truthfully I’m not keen on the idea of being alone with my family on Christmas. You being there would make it better. Even if my father has a conniption over it.”
I look up to meet his gaze. His face breaks into a cheeky grin and says with a mockingly sweet tone, “Come home with me Snow.”
A groan immediately escapes my throat and I roll my eyes.
“Simon. Crowley Baz how many times have we gone over this?” I can’t help the slight exasperation that enters my voice.
He smirks (the minger). “As many times as it takes for you to not make it fun.” 
After a two trains and a car ride, we make it to the estate round mid afternoon. Simon’s leg is jumping, he’s twitching like mad and his magic is stinking up the car. I push his knee into the floor and look down at him slightly. His big doe eyes meet mine.
“Sorry, I bounce my leg when I’m nervous.”
“Your magic spills too,” I say pointedly. His eyes widen further and he looks into his lap and forces himself to full body stillness.
“S-sorry.” My brows furrow. That’s not really how I wanted that to go. My right hand finds his left arm and I pull it slightly, trying to gage his attention. He doesn’t move his head but his eyes look to me from the side. I lower my gaze to his.
“It’s okay, you don’t need to apologise. Just… try to breathe. And think about scones. We have a recipe for some, we can try to make them later—focus on that.” He sits back into the seat and takes a deep breath. I’m surprised he is reacting so strongly on this right now. I’ve seen him burst into a battle, him against forty goblins, with no anxiety. Yet here he sits and he’s shaking like one of those dreaded tiny rat dogs.
I am nervous too. But for different reasons. I’m bringing home the Chosen One. With no warning. On Christmas Eve. The Heir of the Mage that has caused my home to be invaded twice already. I have to tell my family that we are friends and I no longer plan on fighting him to the death. I have to hide the fact I’m in love with him from their watchful gaze—specifically my father. There is a lot that is riding on this visit.
Not that I would ever tell Snow that.
Snow already tries to shrink himself into not being seen when he’s nervous or feels unwelcome. It’s something he learned from being in care homes.
Something he is still learning to forget.
But it’s muscle memory for him and I’m hoping he won’t revert to using it. The memory of his screaming still makes my hair stand on end from when he had that nightmare two weeks ago.
I just don’t want him to feel alone again. 
For the most part, it isn’t too bad.
Baz’s stepmum, Daphne, was shocked when I came in the door, but once Baz described the situation she tutted her tongue, wrapped her arm around my shoulder like a mother hen, and said “well we’ll just get the spare bedroom freshened up and everything will be good. No one deserves be alone on Christmas.” She kept her arm around me all the way to the room I’d be staying in across the hall from Baz. It was an odd feeling, having someone immediately take on a comforting mother figure so quickly with me. But it was… nice. I felt myself envious of my roommate for a moment, having a mum figure as caring as Daphne in his life.
Malcolm Grimm was another story. He wasn’t… unwelcoming, exactly, just incredibly guarded and watchful. It made me slightly uncomfortable, but it was nothing less than what I had expected from him.
Mordelia and I immediately get on because we have prime blackmail material on Baz that we traded over fancy chocolate and creme desserts found in the freezer. I am now the proud owner of a well earned photograph of a six year old Basilton dressed up as a lion. Cat whiskers and everything.
His twin sisters mostly just whispered while looking me right in the eye, but really they kept to themselves. As for the baby, he giggled at all the ugly faces I made at him.
After (a very posh) dinner that Baz hardly touches, Baz and I go up to his room.
I immediately laugh when we walk in. It looks like a bloody room for the royals. Everything is waxed, polished, carved, and richly coloured.
Baz gives me a very unamused look and my laughter becomes louder. Oh—oh this is too good.
“Shut up,” he snaps at me. He’s all bark and no bite, I know that now. I poke at his cheek and my sides start hurting from the laughter.
“Do you have a crown under your pillow? No, tell me, is that bed frame worth 10,000 quid?”
“The bed frame is worth more than your life Snow.” I wave off the insult and then I actually look at the frame.
“Are there gargoyles on this?” Wheeze “please tell me you have a bell in here for when you need service. That would complete everything.”
He’s scowling at me but his lip twitches. He walks over to the nightstand and pulls out a box. He opens it and—there it is. A full silver bell with swirls and angels and demons carved into it. There are tears legitimately streaming down my face now.
“No!” I howl and throw myself on the bed. My stomach is actually in pain over this. I’ve been so stressed tonight that this laughter is just bursting out of me. I know the room really isn’t that funny but it feels so good to just go off.
Baz is losing his battle of keeping his composure. He flops down next to me and starts snickering. “You are ridiculous.”
We hang out for about an hour before a lady, who I think is the maid, pops her head in.
“Your room is ready, sir.”
“O-oh okay thank y—”  she shuts the door before I can even finish my spluttering. Baz checks his iPhone.
“It’s twenty past ten. I suppose we should go to bed.”
I wrinkle my nose for a second but get up. “Yeah I suppose. Goodnight.”
He’s looking at me funny and I can’t figure out why. “Goodnight,” he says, and it feels like something is hanging in the air.
I walk out the door, across the hall, and into my room.
Another hour passes before I walk right back across the hall and into Baz’s room with a pillow and blanket in hand. I don’t even knock.
“Baz, are you awake?”
“Simon?” He’s watching tv but pauses it when I walk in. “Yeah I’m up. You okay?”
“There are things making noises in my room.” I put the pillow on the couch and flop down.
“Oh, you mean the wraiths?”
“D’know, dun care.” My eyes immediately start drooping shut. I’m exhausted.
“Simon, do you want to—” but I’m asleep before he even finishes the question. 
Simon passes out on my couch and I blink in surprise. I mean I know Simon’s body heavily relies on sleep, but I’ve never seen someone drop so fast. He drops like a numpty.
The thought makes me grin for a half a second before a weight enters my chest and stomach.
I press my palms into my eyes until I see spots. Slow breaths, I tell myself.
I’m not in the coffin anymore, I remind myself.
“You are here,” I say to myself. I remove my hands and look at his golden curls. “And you are safe,” and I’m not sure if I’m saying that to him or me.
The pillows are plush and form to my head as I lay down. I close my phone, roll over, and plug it into the charger on the nightstand.
I take a breath and pause before I turn out the light. I could keep it on. Crowley knows I don’t do well in the dark anymore. Snow has been sleeping in my bed often enough back at Mummers since his nightmare that it hasn’t bothered me too badly. But here… this room doesn’t even feel like mine.
I take a look at Snow’s face. He’s in here, I should be okay. The light shines in his face I feel a stab of guilt. He needs to sleep, he will only be stressed out tomorrow if he doesn’t, and he needs to be relaxed with my family.
I turn out the light.
I get comfortable.
And I close my eyes. 
I wake up with a start because is someone whispering my name. Are the wraiths in Baz’s room too? I shut my eyes and decide to go back to sleep until I hear a whimper.
I pick my head up off the pillow and look to Baz. Did that come from him?
“Baz,” I say quietly, in case he’s asleep. The sound repeats, a little louder this time. It’s definitely coming from his bed. I stand up quickly, but I can’t see shit. I move hands in front of me and try to feel around for his bedpost, instead I walk into the middle of the foot of the bed and my hips hit mattress. I swing my body around the corner and come up on the left. I can’t see him at all, the room is pitch black with black out curtains drawn, but I know I’m right. He’s definitely whimpering.
“Baz are you alright?” I gently poke around the bed, trying to find his arm and hoping to not hit his dick by accident.
A sort of half sob breaks from his throat and my chest feels like it’s caving in. What’s he dreaming? 
I’m back in the box. This damned fucking coffin. How long have I been here? It must only be a few days, really, but it feels like a lifetime. When was the last time they opened it? When was the last time I ate? My leg aches and it smells atrocious in here. My hands are at my thighs and I grab them, ready to bruise them if it means getting a grip.
I need to calm down.
But I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be here. A muffled sound of panic passes my lips before I can control it.
I need to calm down.
My hands are pushing into my legs, and the pain gives me slight focus.
I need a plan of attack. When the coffin opens, I’ll bite them, I’ll set them aflame, I’ll do whatever to escape.
So I wait.
And wait.
And time seems to be passing so quickly somehow, it’s like I can feel the days flying past.
Somehow, in a few minutes, I know I’ve been in here for weeks.
My heart is beating so fast,  but it feels tenfold quicker, because it’s the only part of me that somehow still has energy.
I move my hand up to my chest, to help me focus where I need to breathe, but my hand grazes my rib and—
That can’t be correct.
I can feel my bones.
I can barely move and I can’t see I can’t see but
I lift up my shirt, and somehow I just know.
I’m rotting. The smell is putrid and suddenly I can feel the worms eating at my flesh and I’m grabbing onto my uncovered bone and I can’t breathe I can’t breathe I can’t breathe.
And all I can think of is the one thing I’m always sure of—blue eyes and bronzed curls. A universe of moles and freckles. Simon. I’m never going to see him again.
And suddenly I’m shouting his name over and over but I feel so far away. I’m flying away from my body and I’m watching myself rotting away somehow and I’m being pulled far far away through the clouds.
A new scene. I know this place immediately, the nursery room, my nursery room. There are rays of light coming through the window, and I follow them to the door where they end. The door swings open and my mother comes in, and she has me, as a baby, on her shoulders. She’s making airplane sounds with her mouth and I’m giggling with my arms straight out and I look so healthy, so alive.
But I can’t shake the feeling that something awful is about to happen.
Mum swings me off of her shoulders and pulls me into a happy hug.
I need to tell her something’s wrong, that she needs to get her wand and barricade the doors, but I can’t move. I can’t speak. And I know that even if I could, she wouldn’t hear me.
I’m a passenger in this scene.
I hear them before she does, the vampires.
They burst into the nursery and Natasha Pitch turns from sweet to hard in a seconds time. She whips out her wand.
And then she attacks.
It’s a full battle, at least twenty vampires are all fighting her, but she expertly slashes her wand through the air casting brilliant jinxes and curses left and right, setting them on fire, throwing them out windows and through doors. Within a few minutes, they are all defeated.
I breathe, but I don’t feel relieved. Something still feels wrong. And then I know why, because she turns and looks at me.
Looks me dead in the eye.
And there is no love there.
And I look back, with all of the love and shame in the world.
We watch each other in silence, so I see when blood suddenly drips off of her and onto the floor.
She touches her neck where two puncture wounds have suddenly formed and her face drains of color.
Her wand raises in the air and she takes a step toward me. Her eye contact is unbreakable, concrete. I can’t bear to look away even though she is looking at me with such disdain, such hatred. I haven’t seen her in so long.
“I would rather be dead,” she says as she takes another step. She’s standing right in front of me now, her voice dark and steady as she snarls “than be like you.”
I try to speak, still nothing comes out.
“Tyger, tyger, burning bright!”
I feel a tear escape my eye. This is how this was supposed to go. She’s right. I’d be better off dead.
And I’m burning burning burning but I can’t bring myself to want it to stop. Because I deserve this. I’m a monster.
This is the fate that monsters get.
The fire hurts and my skin is melting, but all I can do is watch this little baby screaming screaming screaming because he is watching his mum, his best friend in the entire world, burst into flames in front of him.
The flames take up my whole vision for only a second before they dissipate completely and the scene has changed again. I’m back on the school grounds near the forest. Blades of grass are tickling at my ankles and the sun is nowhere to be seen, hiding behind dark grey clouds.
“Basilton!” I hear, and I spin around. Snow is coming toward me. I’m so relieved to see him that I run to meet him halfway.
I’m running and I’m crying and I can taste the salt and I go to grab him and he’s muttering something too quiet for me to hear and he looks like he’s about to pull me in for a hug and I think I’ll let him because I just watched my mother die.
But then I feel this pain in my gut.
Simon is looking at me with a fierceness and triumph, he’s grinning like mad with his nose scrunched up and eyes aflame like he always knew he’d eventually get the upper hand.
He’d always have won anyways. I’d always have let him kill me. It’s always been him in the end.
I fall into his shoulder and he drives the blade the rest of the way in.
He nudges my ear with his nose and whispers into my ear.
“Baz? Baz wake up. Basilton you need to wake up.”
He pulls his head back and his blue eyes are rimmed red and crying and he says desperately, “Baz please.”
“Baz?” I shake his shoulders lightly. His eyes brows are pulled up in the middle and his face is strained.
“Baz wake up.” His breathes are coming in and out irregularly, it’s like he’s choking back sobs. Like he’s trying to quiet his pain even as he sleeps. I don’t like that thought.
“Basilton you need to wake up.” My hand comes to hold the right side of his head and I don’t remember moving it there. I bring the other one up to match.
“Baz,” and my voice catches a little. “Please.” I stroke his cheekbones now, they are wet with silent tears.
His eyes snap open and find mine immediately. And then he does something I don’t expect.
He shoves me away from him and scrambles so his back hits the headboard of his bed. I hear the thunk. Suddenly the light from his lamp is on and he’s lifting his long sleeve shirt up to reveal his stomach. He’s prodding it frantically like he’s looking for something but he isn’t finding it. Baz’s breathing is coming in harshly and I tell him so. His eyes whip up to meet mine and all I can see is red. Bloodshot eyes strained from crying.
I start to walk over to him again and he gives me the worst look I’ve ever seen from him. This look of absolute betrayal and pain. And it hurts more than every sneer, every snicker, every punch and push and threat.
So I stop.
I put my hands up.
And I say “Baz, I would never hurt you. I will never hurt you. You were having a nightmare so I woke you up.” I take a slow step toward him as his face face relaxes slightly.
“Because that’s what we do for each other Baz, we help each other with our nightmares.” His eyes are searching mine and he no longer looks...destroyed, just sad. My chest pulls toward the direction of him. I follow it.
I sit in front of him on the bed. I slowly move my hand toward his. I give him every opportunity to push me away or say no. The second my pinky brushes his, he intertwines our fingers in a hard grip. He pulls my hand a little and I look at him, but Baz is very purposefully avoiding eye contact. So I do what I want to do (and hope it’s what he’s meaning for me to do). I pull him into a hug.
I wrap my arms around his shoulders and I bury my face into his neck. My lips brush his skin and I don’t think about it, this is not the time to think about it. But then his face is burying in my neck and it’s becoming really difficult to not think about. Instead I busy myself with rubbing his back.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask softly. His neck is soft. He shakes his head.
“Will you want to talk about it later?” He shakes his head again. Then a few seconds later he shrugs. I can tell he’s focusing on his breathing.
“That’s okay,” I tell him, “we’ll do whatever you want to do.” Then he hums to himself and speaks.
“Will you just talk to me? It will help me calm down. Just distract me with something.” I try to think of something. I really do. But all I can think of is Baz’s breath on my neck and how I shouldn’t be thinking about that right now and why have I been thinking about this so much lately? You aren’t supposed to think these things about your roommate— you’re not you’re not. But I’ve been quiet too long and he needs me to talk and I’ll do whatever he needs so I open my mouth and—
“You drive me crazy,” I blurt. I’m not good with words, but these are the only words I have in my head because his lips are brushing my neck so I’ll have to run with it. “You drive me crazy with this list of things I don’t like to think about.” I pause, unsure if I should continue, but he flexes his hands, asking me to. So I do.
“And over the past couple weeks you have given me this pretty long list…” I’m drawing circles on his back. I focus on the shape, it helps to keep my cheeks from burning at what I’m about to say.
“You drive me nuts with your stupid hair and your stupid legs.” I feel him freeze, but now that I’ve started I don’t really want to stop. The words start tumbling out with the speed of a rant.
“And you know, mates don’t think about these things, but I’m bad with words and this is all I can think about lately: I know your favourite color and how you love Paddington,” he snorts into my shoulder. “And I think about how your smile drives me up a wall. It’s so much worse than when you smirk at me. So much worse, because, like, it’s just blinding. And it like,” I huff.
This is hard to word without sounding gay.
“It just stays at the front of my mind for hours. Your smile. And I find myself wanting to see it all the time.”
If I'm being honest with myself though, it is proper gay. I can’t really bring myself to care.
“But see, you aren’t supposed to think these things about your roommate. I’m not supposed to want to run my hands through your hair,” my fingers make contact with the subject in question. It’s silk between my fingers. “Or wonder the exact shade of your eyes,” I pull back now and look at them; they are wide and dazzling. Wet pavement, I think, that’s what they look like. His eyes are getting closer to mine, when did I start leaning in?
“Roommates,” I drop my voice to a whisper (there’s no need to speak loudly when we are this close) “aren’t supposed to want to crawl into the other’s bed with them every night because it’s the best part of their day.” Our foreheads are touching now and he isn’t pulling away.
“Because sleeping with you is the safest I’ve ever felt.” It’s hard to look at his eyes this close, so I close mine. I bring my hands up and cup his face. My thumbs stroke over his cheekbones.
“Simon,” he breathes and I can feel it mingling with my own.
I close the distance. 
Simon and I kiss for a while before we even come up for air. My lips are swollen and so are his and all I can think is I just did that to Simon Snow’s mouth. And he’s smiling and smiling and then he kisses both my eyebrows, nose, hairline, and then kisses me softly on the lips once more before saying “Crowley, I’ve wanted to do that for weeks.” I can hear his grin before I see it.
My heart is beating so fast and my cheeks actually hurt from smiling, which is a thing I didn’t know could happen. Snow is looking at me like I’m his world.
Aleister Crowley, I’m living a charmed life.
I pull him back in for another kiss and I make it slow because I want to feel exactly how his lips move against mine. And then whisper, with disgruntlement, “we really should go to bed.”
And I know he knows what I mean, so I don’t feel that embarrassed for it sounding entirely suggestive (though my cheeks warm at the thought anyway). He nods his head and pulls me down onto the pillow, wraps his arm around my torso, and fits his head into the crook of my neck. He kisses me right on the artery on my neck and I jolt a little because it tickles. I feel Snow snicker and hear him say “good to know.” And I think about the implications of that. That he’s saying that he’s saving that for future knowledge—he’s expecting this to happen again. That this wasn’t a one time thing for him.
And I know there are much bigger problems to face in the morning. I know I have to tell my father that plans have changed and that Snow is my friend (something more? Not that I’d tell father that).
But right now I can’t bring myself to care, because I’m holding the sun in my arms, and for once, the burning feels good.
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duce-thruce · 6 years
ThorBruce Week Day 3- Comfort
A/N: I’m showing up late to the party, but I thought I should contribute a bit haha.
Summary: “Thor came to the understanding that whether it was Bruce or Hulk, he was loved and would always love them back.” Gorr, the God Butcher shows up and Thor is his target. The revengers come to his aid. 
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Characters losings limbs, slight angst.  
Wordcount: 1551
The first thing Hulk heard was the crackling. The strident sound of bones cracking reverberated through the spaceship. Hulk threw a blue-green alien, smashing it into a wall before he turned around.
Thor was squirming on the ground resembling a bug rather than god. Towering him was a cloaked creature, the arch of its back curving over like a praying mantis. It wielded a pitch black sword, clutching Thor by the neck.
Through his teeth, Thor spoke. “Why are you doing this?”
The creature’s lips curved into a malicious smile. “I am Gorr, the God Butcher.”
Then as if to slit Thor’s throat, Gorr set the blad up to his neck.
“NooOOO!!!” Hulk screeched, his voice almost halting the battle. Witnessing Thor become meek and fragile after a matter of seconds, caused the Hulk to become fearful.  
Another alien jumped at him, he merely swatted them away. Hulk tried to gage his own emotions, but one beast jumped on top of him after another. However, his energy only increased the longer he was away from Thor. Every enemy that charged to him died, beaten against the metal of the ship.
“The God Butcher?” Valkyrie asked, running to a spot. She swung the sword, aiming for the Gorr’s shriveled skull. “You will not harm him.” It was a declaration so assured, and very Valkyrie-esque.
Hulk didn’t care who the monster hovering over Thor was. He had to die. That was Hulk’s conviction. With righteous anger, Hulk will crush him to ashes.
The last of the little putrid, blue monsters stood. Thor still quivering along the floor gave a lingering look towards him. Valkyrie protected him, but even she was beginning to struggle with the God Butcher.
Finally, slaying the last of the henchmen, Hulk rushed to Thor, calling out to him in agony.
“Hulk,” Valkyrie commanded,”Buddy, you have to finish this guy off for me.”
Hulk grunted, yanking the killer off the ground. With one hand, he held Gorr by the skull. His head appeared like a walnut in his hands.
He could snap his neck right there and finish the job, but a moan of pain from Thor, lighted his eyes in rage. He peered into Gorr’s beady eyes growling, revealing a long row of teeth.
“If you think you can kill me, you can’t. This amulet gives me all the power I need. I have slain gods of war, peace, love, famine, nature and now I will add the God of Thunder to my list. It is my destiny to decimate the gods of this universe.”
Hulk scoffed, slamming the body into the floor, smooshing it further down, creating a large dent.
“Hulk is no god. You can’t hurt Hulk.”
Then seeing that the Gorr was still alive, he rammed the body into the floor once more.
Hulk paid no mind to the cries of his enemy. He had experience in ruthless killing and conquering on Sakaar, and those killings were more of an afterthought. But this was brutile, unfiltered fury that he was working with.
Piece by piece, Gorr became fragments of flash and bones, and was forming into compost in Hulk’s hands. Ruthlessly, he tossed the body around, never heading the cries of the dying beast. As blood, splashed all over his chess, Hulk ceased his temper tantrum, considering making the killing more ruthless. .
From the corner of his eyes, Hulk could see Thor limping against Val’s shoulder. One last surge of anger was all it took for him to rip that disgusting creature clean in half.
If the God butcher had any last words, there was no one to hear them.
Thor’s gentle voice rang through. “Hulk. Don’t be like that.” But the butcher was an unrecognizable pile of meat. Banner will surely squirm at the sight of that.
Rushing to Thor’s side, Hulk reached out to Thor. No longer angry, he only felt discomfort at the sight of someone so indestructible, someone that he cared about crumbling before him. With his open hand, still using Val as leverage, Thor reached to Hulk.
They were touching each other’s faces. Thor’s smile was telling him everything would be okay, and Hulk believe that..
He submitted himself to the comfort of Thor’s touch, and allowed himself to rest.
Although Hulk was aware of everything that went down on the ship, Bruce awoke distorted and shocked. Before his eyes was Thor with Val at his side. To his surprised, a giant gash was present at Bruce’s knee, residing all the way down his calf. The bone was visible.
“Thor??” was all he could choke out, a terrified lump in his throat  building up. He felt a bit dizzy at the sight of the blood and guts all over him.
Fighting off his own tears, Bruce grabbed Thor’s free hand and placed himself beneath the other man. He could do at least this much.
Thor’s groaning incited fear into Bruce. He couldn’t lose Thor, not when they just found each other, and not when everything seemed to be going well between them.
The ship had several sleeping compartments, and when they came to Thor’s they helped him to lay down. After making sure Thor was comfortable, Val hurried to the medicine cabinet.
Thor grimaced pain surging through his body. A bead of sweat rolled down his face.
Bruce grabbed his hand and gave it a hard squeeze.
“It’s going to be okay.. I promise I will do anything to make this better.” Resting his head on the hand he was holding, Bruce swallowed his need to sob.
“I feel like I should be telling you that, Love.” Thor chuckled despite the agony he was in.
A moment of silence fell between them, one man crying and the other trying not to. But Thor was more of an emotional lover than a stoic warrior, and the second he heard Bruce’s broken sobs, gentle tears fell down his face too.
When Val returned with the giant emergency kit, she also brought back a surprise.
“Look who I found.” She said as she rushed inside to quickly get to work. Loki didn’t hesitate to follow her inside. It was lucky for him, that when Gorr hunted their ship, he was elsewhere making a deal with the Grandmaster. No one really knew what that man was up to. He could have easily became another on the list of the god-killer’s victims
“Thor!” Loki called out, staring at the profound wound.
“Brother.” Thor hummed, giving Loki a nod, before returning his attention to Bruce who was in shambles, still clinging to his hand.
Approaching the bed with caution, Loki asked, “How I can be of service.”
He face the fierce eyes of a warrior, but no reproach was given. At these moments, Val tended to be more critical of the trickster god, but today she pointed at bottle of liquid.
“Give him some of this. It’s a pain killer. He’s going to need a lot of it.”
Loki nodded, pouring the thick as syrup liquid into a cup, and carrying it to Thor who was gritting his teeth. Through his grimace, Thor drank the medicine as Loki brought it to his face. It tasted like strong liquor mixed with heavy amounts of plants and herbs. Minty, but not refreshing.
Bruce was still holding onto him when Valkyrie stopped inspecting the wound.  Her face was grim.
Loki was beside her, his eyes sorrowful. He shut them and looked at his feet.
Val clasped her hands together. “Thor, I can’t save your leg.”
Bruce gave his cold hand a squeeze, his eyes only watching Thor’s face.
The pain was subsiding only a bit, as he realized that the medicine might have contained something more than all natural ingredients. He was dazed, but not enough.
“Chop the thing off.” His resolve outweighed the other options.
Many years ago, this situation would have been the worst case scenario. But he had seen his brother die twice before, witnessed the loss of Asgard, and more importantly, his people. A leg was nothing.
Bruce stayed with Thor, the entire time, although Loki left the room. Whatever his attitude may tell, deep down he couldn’t bare see his brother hurting.
Bruce couldn’t bare to see Thor in pain either, but he knew that he had to be Thor’s strength and support. He could protect Thor as much as Hulk.
Every second that the surgery went on as Val hacked away, Bruce petted Thor’s head, in gentle motions, wiping off sweat.  Sometimes, he would place his forehead on Thor’s or whisper little secrets in his ear to distract him from the pain. The medicine was only capable of so much.
When it was all over, there was nothing below his right thigh. Loki walked back inside, placing a hand on Thor’s shoulder. He smiled but turned his attention to Bruce’s face, stained with tears.
One hand on his forehead and another in his hand, every ounce of Thor was full of Bruce.
Thor was aware of what Bruce had to grow through, seeing him in such agony must have ripped his soul to bits. But he stayed to be his comfort and Thor came to the understanding that whether it was Bruce or Hulk, he was loved and would always love them back.
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ghost-kitty-cat · 11 months
Bug Headcanons! (I'm showing love to a few more listeners before we circle back around to actual characters)
First Headcanon, Don't know why but I like to imagine Bug was at one point a cheerleader (and they still have some trophies from back in the day though they originally didn't have them out, When Bug moved in with Gage, he encouraged them to put their trophies on display…)
Second Headcanon, (this one is more about my mental image of Bug but...) I totally imagine Bug really likes wearing sweaters and sweater dresses... (I like to imagine that Bug likes the feeling of the sleeves covering their hands... speaking of which…)
Third Headcanon, (so I typically give listener characters a way of fidgeting/stimming because of I usually fidget/stim a lot.. soo...) I totally imagine Bug does that sort of fidget where they trace the lines on someone's hand (usually Gage's hand...) it tends to distract them for a while.. it also helps to calm them down... (if they don't do that to calm themselves down, they will nervously bounce their leg... which people tend to take as a sign that Bug is impatient but in reality, they're just nervous... and sometimes they don't even realize that they're bouncing their leg...)
Fourth Headcanon, (sorta also a Gage Headcanon.. but...) I totally imagine when Bug is either nervous or sad and Gage notices, he will just quietly placed his hand on top of theirs... (I imagine Bug does the same thing when Gage is either nervous or sad... it's a small gesture that means a lot to them both)
Fifth Headcanon, (sorta a Headcanon for the other listeners as well... but...) I totally imagine Bug and Darling do nights out sorta frequently and occasionally they invite Sweets and Newbie/Love to join... (Since Darling used to drop off Gage's lunch, I imagine they know Newbie/Love a bit and Newbie/Love knows Sweets a bit because of Law and Desmond...)
Sixth Headcanon, Bug's family definitely was the type of family who had a lot of dogs when Bug was growing up (big, small and even medium sized dogs...) but despite that I think Bug is more of a person who likes Birds and Ferrets... (specifically white birds like doves or Snowy owls...)
Seventh Headcanon, Bug definitely had older brothers (i like to imagine they had two older brothers, one went off and became a designer while the other has a little family of his own... so far he has one daughter and he has one baby boy on the way... I like to imagine Bug's niece is around Nat's age... though because of this, Bug doesn't see their brothers as much as they wish they could... speaking of which...)
Eighth Headcanon, (slightly also a Darling Headcanon... but...) I like to imagine that Bug sees Darling somewhat as a older sibling and Darling sees Bug somewhat as a younger sibling...
Ninth Headcanon, (this is slightly inspired by the art usually featured in Gage's videos.. but...) I totally imagine Bug likes string/fairy lights (especially the string/fairy lights that look like different things (for example, skulls, snowflakes and etc..)
Tenth Headcanon, (I just thought this one was really cute.. but..) I totally imagine Bug has a old rag doll still from back when they were little (its the type of rag doll that's completely made from fabric, somehow it has survived this long.. sure its slightly dirty but it ain't ripped anywhere..)
Small bonus Bug Headcanon, (because this one was also quite cute) because of Gage, I totally imagine when Bug gives someone a gift nowadays, its usually made by Bug themselves..
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svtmatokis · 6 years
Maid of Honor Part 6
Annyeong~! I am so so sooooo sorry I haven’t updated in so long and I know a lot of you have been anticipating this next part so without further ado~ lets get to the story!
Thank you so much for your love and support for this story! I’m glad you guys are enjoying it and I’ll be sure to post more often when I can :)
Part: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5.2 
Genre: Fluff & Angst 
Pairing: You x Wonwoo
Words: 3581
When Jihoon rolled (literally) into his hospital room, he was not surprised to see Wonwoo sitting in the chair next to his bed, a look of frustration on his face.
“Won-“ Jihoon started slowly but immediately shut his mouth when Wonwoo looked at him with a glare. That’s when he knew that Wonwoo had heard everything.
Jihoon figured  he would have considering it was around the time Wonwoo would come visit you anyways so he wasn’t exactly surprised. But unlike Mingyu and Joshua, Wonwoo and Jihoon weren’t so close so he couldn’t gage what the other male was feeling right now.
“You guys dated?” Wonwoo growled, “behind everyone’s back?”
Jihoon gulped as Wonwoos folded hands turned white as he clenched then tighter. If Jihoon wasn’t already in the hospital, he had a feeling that he would’ve been after dealing with Wonwoo.
“AND YOU CHEATED ON HER? In her apartment?!” Wonwoos voice raised but was still quiet enough so he didn’t attract anyone outside.
Jihoon stayed quiet. If he knew one thing about Wonwoo, it was that when he was upset to never interrupt him when he was on a role.
“It was you! There was a missing puzzle piece when Mingyu told me that you saved her from a bad date and started protecting her. It was because you had every reason to, because she was yours.” Wonwoo huffed and Jihoon had to rub his eyes to ensure that it wasn’t smoke he saw come out of Wonwoo’s nose. In all the years the two knew each other, he never saw Wonwoo this upset at a situation.
Wonwoo shook his head, “Y/N hasn’t spoken a willing word to me since she woke up because of a messed up misunderstanding but you cheat on her and you’re one of her closest friends. How the heck is that even possible?” He asked in disbelief staring the injured boy down. “What do you have over her that has you two so close?”
Jihoons head shot up at Wonwoos accusatory tone and stated as firmly as he could, “I hold nothing against Y/N.” his eyes leveled Wonwoos stare before he looked down defeated, “I hurt her in the worst way possible and she’s still willing to forgive me… she’s willing to forget everything that happened between us because she considers our friendship important” he let out a sigh.
“But it’s so hard for me to live like that. To watch her blame herself for everything that happened between us when it was my fault.” He shook his head as Wonwoo stayed silent, his face void of emotion. “That’s why when she told me she forgave me for everything, I couldn’t believe it. Even Joshua was against it for a while…”
“Joshua?” Wonwoo asked, “what does Joshua have to do with this?”
The two men gave each other hard looks before Jihoon’s shoulders slumped and he explained what happened during your relationship with Jihoon to Wonwoo.
Wonwoos poker face never changed as he listened to Jihoon speak. He could not believe how big of an idiot this guy was. Jihoon might’ve lost the best thing that happened to him but then again… you and Wonwoo weren’t on speaking terms either.  
He thought about your emotions and how you must’ve felt. The way Jihoon talked about your relationship, it sounded like it could’ve been forever had Jihoon not screwed it up royally.
He thought about how you must’ve felt walking into your apartment to see Jihoon in your bed with another woman before immediately exiting. His fist clenched thinking about the stupidity of Jihoon.  But from the tone of remorse coming from Jihoon, he knew that he regretted his actions greatly.
When Jihoon finished, wonwoo had to use all the self control he had not to punch the guy in the face for all the pain he put you through but he had to ask one question first.
“Did you still love her?”
The look on Jihoons face was all he needed as an answer so he continued.
“You know I’m going to fight for her right.”
Jihoon nodded slowly.
“I won’t let you hurt her again.” Wonwoo finished.
“And you think I’ll let you have her?” Jihoon shot at him. Who did Wonwoo think he was?, “You’re the reason she’s in the hospital in the first place. If she wasn’t so lost in thought, she wouldn’t have fallen-”
“It was a MISUNDERSTANDING” Wonwoo said ,  “She never let me explain and then the accident happened and now she won’t even talk to me because of the damage YOU caused to her heart. Unlike you, she won’t even give me the chance.”
“She gave me another chance?! She gave me another chance at friendship Jeon, not a relationship and I’ll be damned if I let you hurt her like I did.” Jihoon looked at Wonwoo with a menacing glare.
The two boys had a stare down, both wanting the other to back down before Wonwoo asked.
“So are you going to help me or not.”
Jihoons stared didn’t waver but in the end he let out a defeated sigh and nodded.
“Don’t think I’m going to make it easy for you” Jihoon muttered and Wonwoo shook head head before he made his way to the door.
“I wouldn’t expect you to.”
Wonwoo walked out of Jihoons room, leaving him to his thoughts as he made his way to your room hoping you were awake and alone and to his happiness, you were.
Knocking silently on the door, he waited until you looked in his direction before smiling softly.
“Hey” he said slowly walking in, watching your reaction carefully. When he saw no signs that you didn’t want him there, he sat in the chair next to your bed.
“Hi” you said softly. For some odd reason, you weren’t nervous. You had a feeling that Wonwoo would approach you sooner or later but thought he would’ve waited till you were out of the hospital.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, the same question he always asked. It was as if that was what your conversations had come to, light chatter, nothing too deep. Just enough to graze a conversation.
“My head hurts a bit every time I blink cause of the stitches but other than that, the painkillers are doing their job.” You replied making Wonwoo to chuckle lightly glad the air was on the lighter side.
“Listen...about that Friday…” he started slowly as you cut him off.
“Oh yea, did you meet your girlfriend for drinks?” You asked playing dumb. You knew he showed up at your door that night and you knew that Jihoon didn’t let him in either.
Wonwoo looked at you and gulped slightly but shook his head quickly, “She isn’t my girlfriend...If I recall, I was on a date with a really great girl and at the end of the night, she wasn’t feeling well and I offered to walk her home but she left in a hurry.” Wonwoo retold the story and you looked down at your hands.
“I couldn’t figure out why she would run away…” Wonwoo continued.
“Maybe it was because she saw something she wished she didn’t have to see.” you shot at him the emotions from that night getting to you. “Maybe she felt like the date she was on wasn’t a date. You did tell your old coworkers  that you were with a friend after all and considering the last few weeks that lead up to that date, I was surprised it even happened” you muttered the last part to yourself as Wonwoo stared at you.
Your words hit Wonwoo like a ton of bricks. What did you mean by surprised the date even happened? He took into consideration the time frame you needed to catch up on your work so he didn’t want to bug you. He thought back to that night and suddenly he felt like his heart dropped realizing he had messed up.
When he didn’t respond, you clenched your fist and continued.
“I know I don’t have the best dating history, but to be screwed over by two of Josh’s friends. Wow Y/N, amazing..” you mumbled to yourself before you looked up at him with a weak smile, “You’re a really great guy Wonwoo, I’m sure Ye-rin will make you very happy but next time, please don’t loop another girls heart  into it. They tend to be really delicate.”
“Y/N…” Wonwoo slowly reached for your hand but you pulled away. Feeling discouraged, he spoke anyways. He wanted  you to know how he was feeling and how sorry he was over the misunderstanding.
“I’m not dating Ye-rin..” he started and took it as a sign to continue when you stayed silent.
Slowly, he explained the story of how he knew her and how the two worked together at his old company. He told you everything from how they first met to when he started developing feelings for her to the point where he realized that she was incapable of staying faithful and that’s why he decided to move back home.
He didn’t  want to leave anything out. All he wanted was for you to listen and hear him out. He wanted to be an open book so you could crush any doubts you had.
After hearing his story you nodded your head slowly, feeling slightly stupid for assuming and not asking but after what happened with Jihoon, your survival instincts kicked in.
Looking at Wonwoo you sighed feeling a slight ache in your heart. It was unfamiliar to you but you had a hunch that it had something to do with the man in front of you.  He was looking at you with a soft hopeful gaze, wanting you to believe him.
Joshua and Hye-mi had talked to you about the situation before, not too long after you woke up. The words Joshua said resonated in your head.
“Give him a chance, he isn’t like the others. Jihoon included, Y/N. He’s gone what you’ve been through. He’s been here everyday since your accident. He really really cares about you...you should try to at least give him a chance.”
It threw you off to know that Wonwoo had visited you despite you being unconscious but it warmed your heart a tiny bit. Wanting confirmation you asked quietly.
“Is it true that you’ve been here everyday since the accident?”
Wonwoo nodded his head, “Everyday after work, sometimes twice. Once during my lunch and then after work….ah…” He hesitated. “Who told you?”
“Joshua...he and Hye-mi told me a lot of things…” you said looking down. Your heart was so conflicted. Part of you was telling you to stop what you were doing and run away but the other part really wanted to give him a chance. This whole thing was giving you a headache and it made you wince in pain.
“Are you okay?” Wonwoo asked worriedly leaning over to hold your arm when he noticed you wince.
Feeling his touch made you stop wincing for a moment to look at him. Like really look at him. You could see faint bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep Joshua told you about. Apparently, if he wasn’t at the hospital, he was at work and vice versa, only stopping at home to shower and change. You didn’t realize he was that worried about you.
Slowly, you used the hand which wasn’t held by him and reached for his face.  Gently, you ran your thumb over the dark circles under his eyes.
Wonwoo stayed still and watched  you carefully. This was the first time he had seen this look on your face and your touch made his insides tingle. He didn’t want to do anything that could ruin the quiet moment you had now.
You continued to gently stroke his cheek which made him close his eyes and lean into your palm, gently kissing it sending butterflies throughout your body. Everything was telling you that Wonwoo told the truth and that he really did care about you. After seeing only pure adoration in his eyes you knew what you were going to do.
“Would you….would you wait for me?” You asked in a small voice, afraid of his rejection you assumed was coming.
Opening his eyes slowly, he looked at you. Like really looked at you before pulling away from your hand and leaned over to kiss your cheek gently making you blush.
“Always” he whispered into your ear before pulling away smiling at you. He was happy, it wasn’t rejection and the fact that you asked him to wait mean that you may have feelings for him.
The two of you looked at each other for while and broke into quiet laughter, most of the awkwardness diminishing. Things were going to be okay.
The two of you ended up talking about what was happening with the wedding since you were out for the last few weeks. You found out that Wonwoo had taken it upon himself to help Hye-mi and Mingyu with most of the planning and that the venue was now set along with the groomsmen's tuxedos.
The conversation moved to common interests and then funny stories of the the boys from middle and high school which left you two laughing which was also what Joshua and Hye-mi walked into when they came to visit you.
Watching you two from the door, they looked at each other and bumped fists. It was progress, you and Wonwoo were on talking terms now. What they didn’t realize was Jihoon had been there the whole time behind them watching the whole exchange, his eyes locked on Wonwoo’s hand that held yours on the bed which went unnoticed by Joshua and Hye-mi.
“Someone sounds like she’s feeling better” Hye-mi sang as she and Joshua entered the room. “We come bringing good news.”
“And bad news” Joshua said looking at you.
You looked at Wonwoo who looked equally confused as you did before you asked.
“Let’s start with the good news”
“Well good news is, that you’re getting discharged in two days!” Hye-mi said excitedly.
“Ah! Really?!” You asked in shock. “Has it already been two weeks?”
The three in the room nodded their heads.
“Now the bad news”  Wonwoo said leaning forward with a smirk knowing what it was and despite it being “bad news” it made him happy.
“Because you’re left with a broken arm and leg each, the doctor advised that you’d need a full time caretaker for a little while. “ Joshua explained, “Hye-mi has her wedding” he gave said girl a side glance who nodded, “And because of your absence at the office, I can’t really take the time off right now. So…” everyone turned to look at Wonwoo.
“I offered to help you out” Wonwoo said and your head turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“A-are you sure?” you asked and he nodded his head, “But don’t you have to work? You must’ve just started your job...won’t you get in trouble?”
The three people in the room chuckled before Wonwoo explained.
“My job allows me to work at home and at the office. I mean, I’m sure Joshua is capable of running things himself. Afterall, he was the one who trained me.” he shot a smirk at the older boy who smirked back as you looked between the two confused.
“You...work for SVT?” you questioned.
Both boys nodded their heads.
“When you had your accident, a big project came up and it was something I couldn’t do alone and in the dire need of someone, I asked Wonwoo if he was interested in a contract position just for this project and the higher ups were impressed by his work so they offered him a permanent position as a trainee team-leader position and he’s more or less helped me complete a project or two since then.” Joshua explained and shared a smile with Wonwoo.
“He’s also been a big help with the wedding planning. The moment you’re out of here, we are going dress shopping!” Hye-mi said and giggled.
Turning to look at the man on your right you frowned, “You replaced me?”
Everyone in the room laughed as you pouted in your bed.
After the laughter subsided, everyone was back on topic.
“Wait, why is Wonwoo taking care me?” you questioned.
“Do you not want me to take care of you?” Wonwoo asked with fake offence.
“No no, it’s not that…”
“Wonwoo lives closer than you than any of us. So it only made sense.” Joshua said and you gave them another confused look but Joshua knew exactly what you were going to ask, “When SVT offered him the position, he was renting a place farther away but when he accepted, he bought a place closer to the office.”
“Ohh….” you said getting it now and turned to look at Wonwoo, “Are you okay with that though? I don’t want to be a burden…”
Wonwoo raised his eyebrow before chuckling.
“Getting to spend everyday with you, tending to your every need?” he thought for a moment, “I don’t think I can find a better way to spend the next two weeks.” he grinned.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t think you’re on a vacation or anything, you still have reports to work on.” Joshua stated with a pointed look.
Wonwoo only gave him a sheepish grin and nodded his head.
“What about Jihoon?” you asked, you knew that Jihoon’s injuries weren’t as severe as yours and that he was still in the hospital being treated for exhaustion. He was a music producer for a large company and spent many hours in his studio which was why you tried so hard after the break up to make amends with him so he wouldn’t lock himself up so much.
“Cheol and Soonyoung are going to keep an eye on him. He and Soonyoung were thinking about rooming together anyways so it makes sense” Hye-mi explained as you nodded.
Satisfied with the answers, you dug into the food Hye-mi had brought. Mingyu made sure to make you dinner on a daily. He knew how bad hospital food tasted and made sure you had at least one decent meal a day.
Two days later, Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Joshua, Hye-mi, Jeonghan and Mingyu were at the hospital to take you and Jhoon home. You were in a wheelchair, dressed in your own clothes, the hospital gown no longer present. Jihoon next to you dressed in the same.
After his breakdown two days ago, you were able to talk to him yesterday and cleared a lot of air. You expressed that his friendship was important to you and you didn’t want to leave it all behind. You emphasized that what happened in the past was what it was, in the past. After a while, he accepted the situation and you hoped that things would go back to normal eventually.
The group eventually split in two with Hye-mi, Mingyu, Wonwoo and Joshua taking you back to your apartment and Jeonghan, Seungcheol and Soonyoung taking Jihoon back to Soonyoungs place where he would be staying while he recovered.
When the five of you get back to your apartment, you were shocked to see things tidied up and put away. Your fridge was fully stocked and the boys had even installed a special shower seat for you.
Once settled, all that was left were you and Wonwoo. The plan was that Wonwoo would spend most of the day with you, just incase you needed anything. He had to go to the office sometimes but was allowed to leave anytime granted you needed something. Though you told him that you’d be just fine, he only chuckled.
“I told you at the hospital. Getting to spend everyday with you tending to your every need? I don’t think I could find anyway better way to spend the next two weeks”
The comment once again made you go red in the face as he chuckled thinking how cute you were being.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” he suggested and you nodded your head.
He had set you up in an interesting way. Your leg was propped up on two pillows while your arm was resting on a pillow on your arm rest.
Wonwoo went to your kitchen to grab a few snacks which he had bought earlier on and brought them out. After agreeing on a movie, the two of you settled in a comfortable silence.
Throughout the movie, Wonwoo handed you the snacks you wanted and put a straw in your drink so you could sip it from time to time, all the while being the perfect gentleman. Slowly, his arm made his way around you and you found your head nestled comfortably on the crook of his neck.
Noticing that you had fallen asleep, Wonwoo gently carried you into your bedroom and placed you on your bed.
Gently kissing your forehead he whispered, “I’ll wait for you as long as you need me to. But remember...my heart is fragile too…” he kissed your forehead one last time before he walked out of your room, leaving it slightly ajar so he could hear you if you needed anything and went into the guest bedroom he set up for himself and for the rest time in a long time, had a restful sleep.
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Chasing Dreams
Pairing: Will/Nico (plus very minor Percabeth - more if I continue this)
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15705150
Summary: Inception AU. Nico works a job with forger Will Solace, and crashes one of Will's dreams.
They were in Paris. Nico wasn't fond of Paris. The city of love mocked him: every street seemed to have a dark-haired, green eyed man with a blonde girlfriend hanging off his arm, staring at him with simpering, limpid eyes. That - that wasn't fair to Annabeth. She was smart, and fierce and the best damn architect in the business. It made sense they were working with her, just as it made sense that Percy had fallen for her. Making sense didn't make it hurt less.
He'd grown sick of the two of them working together so flawlessly, as well as Leo and Jason's arguments about various technical aspects of the plan. He’d gone out for fresh air, and possibly coffee since it had been another long night discussing boring, but crucial technical details. The others thought he was a black coffee, espresso person but he ordered what was essentially a version of a cappuccino. It was good, but didn't beat the coffees he'd had growing up in Italy. He drank slowly, watching the city pass, dragging out the time until he'd be compelled to return to the flat they'd set up base in.
It was crudely furnished with only the essentials, and too small to comfortably house the six of them. They were all old acquaintances, most people in the business were, but the six of them had never worked together as a team before and after a week there were still arguments as they found their feet. Jason and Percy clashed most frequently, both used to leading. The job had been Jason's idea, but Percy had come up with the more detailed plan which made things worse.
Nico, as the one who had to force their visions into reality, make them work in the real world and make sure everything was in the right place at the right time got conflicted requests he usually had to deny which wasn't making him any friends. It was giving him a headache and pushing him towards antisocialism rather than just plain and simple introversion.
The door to the flat was stiff and he had to give it a shove with his shoulder before the swollen wood gave and the door heaved open. Looking in at the living room at first he thought all the others were out, but then he saw Will lying back in an chair, the sun falling across his face and lighting up his hair a soft gold. His eyes were closed and at first Nico thought he was just asleep, but then he saw the PASIV, connected to his furthest arm, almost out of sight.
Nico wasn't sure how he felt about Will. He'd met the blonde a couple of times before, always as a friend of a friend, an acquaintance of an acquaintance. Will had served as an army nurse for a time before moving into the dreams business. His speciality, surprisingly, was forgery and he was good. His medical talents were also a bonus, both in dream and out of it, and he probably had the best knowledge of the PASIV of all of them, even Jason who spent far too long chasing dreams. Will was calm under pressure and though he had a sharp tongue and a wicked smirk, he was easy going and more stable than any of the others.
So Nico wasn't really sure why he didn't like him. Except, that wasn't exactly right because it wasn't even that he didn't like him. He also couldn't place what it was. Whenever there were together they seemed to bug each other. They bickered. It was mostly harmless. Sometimes Will would get the upper hand, sometimes Nico would. A victory never felt like much of a big deal, nor a defeat a particular loss, but they kept arguing anyway.
He walked towards the PASIV. He didn’t usually invade other people’s dreams, but something had him hooking himself up to the device.
The first thing Nico noticed about Will’s dream was that it was really warm, far warmer than Paris in January. A light breeze ruffled the fields of wheat. Under the shade of the porch Nico shrugged his jacket off. Will had his eyes closed in the dream as well as in reality but he noted Nico’s presence with a laidback self-mocking salute.
Will opened his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. He didn’t sound annoyed, just curious.
“Practice,” Nico said with a shrug. It was plausible enough. Jason had been insisting that they all need to get to know each other, to understand how the others work to ensure that the operation ran as smoothly as possible.
Will nodded, closing his eyes again.
“So, what have you figured out about me from my field of wheat?”
Nico wasn’t exactly the most sensitive individual on the planet admittedly, but he did know better than to ask Will where the dream was based on. He was beginning to regret crashing.
“That you like boring scenery?” Nico suggested.
He sat down on the deck, placing his hands down on the rough wood. He was impressed with Will’s detail for what was clearly just an escape from the confines of the flat, a chance to see the horizon instead of a slightly seedy Paris street in a slightly shabby area.
Will smiled at the sky.
“I like the space,” he said, with unexpected honesty.
Nico looked up at the sky.
“It’s not bad I suppose,” he said. A complete compliment didn’t completely sit right with him, but he did admire Will’s work. The sky was slightly darker than the pale Paris morning offering and was streaked with moody grey clouds. The sun outlined the wheat in gold. It wasn’t the busy suburban landscapes or overstuffed and crowded rooms Annabeth had been recreating faithfully, but it was deceptively detailed inside its simplicity.
Nico took a breath. The air smelt of peaches.
“It’s not is it?” Will answered, not rising to the bait. He seemed even more languid than usual, not interested in their usual barbed banter. It was a change of pace Nico hadn’t expected and it threw him.
“The others are a bit of a pain right?” Will commented, a slight gleam in his blue eyes. “It’s nice to escape every once in a while.”
Nico nodded. He got that. He didn’t get this new side of Will.  He seemed calm but there was something underneath, something boiling in the distance like the storm clouds Nico could see on the distant horizon. He was distant, engaging in conversation but only really going through the motions. Nico almost missed the sharp bite of their arguments, when Will was familiar.
The wood under Nico’s fingertips had a slight warmth.
“I know this whole thing is a teamwork kind of gig,” Nico said. “But I keep thinking this will be the last one. I’m not really a team player.”
Will glanced at Nico, sharp surprise written in his face.
“You want out?” he asked. His calm had slipped for the first time.
Nico frowned, shrugged.
“These aren’t really my people.”
Will turned to the horizon where the storm was gathering.
“I thought you and Jackson –“
“Jackson and me what?” Nico snapped, before he could stop himself. He was an adult goddammit. He had an apartment, that admittedly he hardly ever visited because he was usually globetrotting on illegal covert missions, but it was his. He would do taxes if was a more honest person. And yet a mention of Percy and he was snapping back into a stupid, paranoid love-sick teenager.
“I thought you went way back. Were good friends.”
Oh. That rumour. They did go way back, but friends was pushing it. There was time Nico might have filled the annoying kid brother role, way back when the both of them were starting out. But Percy didn’t especially want an annoying kid brother, and Nico had fallen way too quickly for that to be what he wanted Percy to see him as. A mission had gone wrong and Nico blamed Percy. It was easier than sticking around.
No. They weren’t good friends.
There was a rustle in the wheat.
“You’re going to get kicked out of here soon,” Will commented. He was sitting back again, one arm thrown over his face. For the first time Nico noticed a letter dangling from his other hand. He’d seen the outside of that letter briefly out in the real world, before Will had snatched it up and taken it out of sight.
The sky was getting darker.
“Want a wake up call?” Will asked.
Before Nico had a chance to answer, Will shoved him hard and he was falling sideways off the deck which suddenly seemed not feet off the baked ground but miles.
He woke with a sharp jolt in a chair in the flat. He blinked, disorientated, turned to see Will still lying asleep in the chair. Barely a minute had passed.
He sat up slowly, watching as Will began to wake. He focused on removing the PASIV’s needle from his arm, deliberately not looking at Will: he’d been so different in the dream, Nico felt like the world had been swept out from under his feet.
“Did you mean what you said?” Will asked as he fiddled about with the PASIV.
“Which part?” Nico asked.
“The part about leaving,” Will said sharply.
Nico shrugged.
“Don’t pretend you’d miss me,” Nico answered. He still couldn’t quite face Will so he didn’t see his expression, couldn’t gage his response.
“Oh I wouldn’t,” Will said, breezy and carefree all of a sudden: almost too breezy, too carefree. “It was nice having someone to argue with a guess, but you’re nothing special. There are plenty of point men out there. In fact, we might as well replace you now.”
Nico flipped him off in response, but was saved answering by Jason’s return.
“I’ve had a thought,” Jason announced.
“And I can’t wait to hear it,” Will said. Nico heard the trace of irony in Will’s voice. He didn’t know if Jason did.
The two of them walked over to the dining table and spread out one of the blueprints. Jason spoke, Will responded monosyllabically at first but then with more interest. Nico stayed in the armchair, staring out at the city of love. He’d been so convinced it was the right thing to do to leave the business, to leave all the bad memories behind. Listening to Jason and Will his conviction waver.
One more mission. One more mission, then he’d see.
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goldenknightsnews · 4 years
Who Could Debut for Golden Knights in 2020?
Every new hockey season is full of opportunity. Some players will be looking to top a career-best point total, while others are looking to make their NHL debuts. Last season five players made their NHL debuts with the Vegas Golden Knights. Cody Glass (39 games), Nicolas Hague (38), Jake Bischoff (4), Gage Quinney (3), and Keegan Kolesar (1) were the players who got their shot last season. Additionally, Zach Whitecloud only had one game of experience prior to his mid-season call up. This year could bring much of the same, with such a promising group of young players waiting in the wings. Many things go into the decision to promote a minor league player. Injuries at the NHL level are the number one inhibitor. A dip in the play of a depth player and a desire to replace them, could also speed along a youngster’s development. Not to mention, exemplary play in the minor leagues could force a team into finding a spot for a surging player, on the big club. How long they stick is a whole different question. Was the benched or demoted player getting punished, receiving a wake-up call? How long will an injury last? Will trades occur? The questions continue to build. Only one thing can guarantee a NHL roster spot and that is production. You score, you play. You add value, you play. Coaches just want to win, right? Out of all the players who made their NHL debuts in Vegas last season, Glass arguably had the most successful one. That is no slight to a guy like Hague who was very solid and getting more comfortable by the shift, despite being saddled with two subpar defense partners. Glass was presented with more opportunity and he flashed the first-round talent he possesses. He also saw the need for some bulk, suffering a knee injury. By all accounts, he spent this past offseason putting on some muscle. He's been in Vegas, utilizing team facilities and doctors, looking to regain his roster spot and resume his profession ascent toward his first-round pedigree. Glass missed significant time to the injury. As a part of his evolution, former Head Coach Gerard Gallant slid Glass to the wing, with a roster packed with centers. A major caveat of playing wing is having an unforgiving wall and plexiglass at your side. As Brayden McNabb displays all too well, defensemen love to greet wingers at the blue line and staple them to that wall. Glass came up on the wrong half of an eye-opening collision with Jay Bouwmeester. If you’re a glass half full type - pun certainly intended - you tend to agree with promoting young, fast, talented players. Speed kills and the NHL has been moving in that direction for years. Pair that with the flat out creativity and skill possessed by these first-rounders and it’s hard to keep dynamic players down for seasoning, experience, and/or development. Looking forward, there are a couple Henderson Silver Knights who could conceivably make the jump to the NHL if a spot became available. Having reliable players on the “Black Aces” will be imperative with a minuscule camp and shortened season on the horizon. Keep scrolling for the Golden Knights’ biggest call up candidates for the 2020 season. Peyton Krebs: Draft Position: 2019 - 1st round, 17th overall Let’s get the obvious out there, Krebs is small, very small. In a 2019 media scrum discussing his Achilles injury, Krebs was the slightest of the bunch. His size could be a detriment and it will hinder him from sliding to the wing in a pinch. The Golden Knights have already crashed and burned in that regard with the similarly slight Cody Glass. Although there are Johnny Gaudreau types that succeed on the wing, it’s rare. None of that goes to say that Krebs can’t crack the NHL. He has out of this world talent and has produced at all levels of play. He was included on the Black Aces during this past playoff run and for good reason; the kid can play. He will follow an ascent similar to that of Glass, hopefully missing the injury portion. In a normal scenario, Krebs is at least a season or two away, but with expanded rosters and the AHL starting late, Krebs might once again find himself as a Black Ace. Path to a 2020 Debut: Krebs would need a few guys to underperform, have a huge camp, or benefit from the injury bug. In a creative move, he could slide right into Glass’ spot, if his injury woes resurface. They are two young men that project to play similar roles. Lucas Elvenes: Draft Position: 2017 - 5th round, 127th overall Elvenes is far from a shoot-first player, recording a mere 70 shots on goal in his first AHL season. Even still, the youngster led the team with 48 points (12g, 36a) in his 59 games played. He burst onto the scene with a goal and three assists in his debut, setting the table for a tremendous professional debut. Elvenes exceeded expectations and placed himself front and center in terms of call up options. Can 2020 be the year Elvenes makes his NHL debut and just as successfully? Path to a 2020 Debut: Ineffective bottom-six play or another season with a stagnant third line. Elvenes could be seen as a potential boost to the third scoring line if Alex Tuch struggles again. The Vegas Golden Knights need Tuch to regain his scoring touch and Elvenes’ distribution could help. Jack Dugan: Draft Position: 2017 - 5th round, 142nd overall A player who can turn out to be a diamond in the rough, Dugan had much success following his draft year at the NCAA level with 91 points in 75 games at Providence University. Dugan was a standout with his vision of the ice, passing ability, and sneaky shot. He’s tracking to start the season inactive until the AHL season starts in February, but he has an outside shot to become a Black Ace and practice with the big club. A shortened season cuts into his chances to crack the NHL this season, as the brass would likely prefer to see more than a month or two of professional tape before a recall. Dugan, like Glass could instantly boost a struggling Power Play, in the event he was called upon by Pete DeBoer and Co. This kid has scored everywhere he has played and has a bit of a mean streak to boot. He will be in the NHL, it’s just a matter of when. Path to a 2020 Debut: Like Elvenes, Dugan's best chance of a call up comes if the third line doesn’t produce for the Golden Knights. He’s a winger that could make an impact in a position they are relatively thin at. This roster is packed with centers and not guys who are particularly comfortable on the half wall. He’d also be a boost to the PP in the event the units struggle or if the Golden Knights suffer an injury to one of their top-four winger. Dylan Coghlan: Draft Position: Undrafted With Hague and Bischoff remaining in the way, Coghlan must make a massive impression on the coaches in camp, in order to crack this roster in 2020. While he is the most offensively gifted defenseman in the bunch - a need at the NHL level - his battle is surely uphill. Hague and Whitecloud both got considerable service time under their belts and Bischoff is looked at as a steady option on the back end. Path to a 2020 Debut: An injury to either of the two Golden Knights PP quarterbacking defensemen could necessitate promoting the young, dynamic shooter. She’s Theodore and Alex Pietrangelo will man the blue line with the man advantage from the jump. Coghlan’s talent with the puck could come in handy, if the team needed to boost to a healthy, but stagnant PP. Special Teams woes are nothing new to the Golden Knights and the NHL as a whole and this hypothetical could very well become a reality. As outlined previously, a number of factors go into these debuts, but every year there are at least one or two worth watching. This abbreviated season will be no different and might require more AHL support, with the challenges created by such a short training camp and/or preseason. The deeper the system, the better, for this go around. Here's some links to Like, Follow, RT, and Subscribe to! * Twitter * Facebook * Insta * YouTube * Podcast: The Vegas Hockey Buzz: A Golden Knights Pod
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jamierenfrey · 4 years
Week 11 - Project Playtesting
This week our team intended to do the playtesting for our Unicorns Rage prototype.
After weeks of work on this game it was exciting to share the game with people and gage their reactions. For our playtest, we were required to create a script, survey and questionnaire (pre and post playtest).
Our intention for the playtest was to identify a fe core elements of the game;
Ease of play
Overall enjoyability
For the playtests, my role was the playtest manager, responsible for the flow of the sessions and ensuring each session was run the exact same way and prompting the testers for consistant information, what they’re doing, pressing and thinking. Josh and Patricks roles were to take notes during the session with focus on the occurances during the session. Patrick also recorded each session for us to use at a later stage and refer back to.
As the playtest manager I was tasked with creating a speal that would be read to each playtester, so that each person would receive the same information during their session;
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Josh was tasked with creating a questionnaire to obtain data on our playtesters, based around their gaming dynamics;
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Patrick was responsible for the Survey which is the post playtest questionnaire gaging basic information from the playtesters session. From this information we can identify the problem areas and rank them on severity of the issue for future version fixes.
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In this section I will outline the results of the playtests as well as the survey and questionnaire.
Questionnaire Findings
The results of the questionnaire outline the demographics of our playtesters. These results showed slight variety in players and was conducted prior to the playtest session.  Patrick compiled the results into graphs for simple reading of information;
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Survey Findings
The surveys were conducted post playtest and help to identify areas requiring work and players overall enjoyability, Patrick compiled the results into graphs for simple reading of information;
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Identified Bugs
The playtesters provided a decent amount of information without guidance, and on occassion I did need to prompt for more information. However, some very valid points were made and we quickly compiled a recommended patch list;
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Playtest Recordings
Due to doing the playtests digitally, we recorded our sessions for later refferal if required;
In Conclusion
Playtesting was a great success, discorvering areas of improvement from the perspective of prospective players gave greater understanding to develop the project further.
Until the next time!
Playtest Prototype Link
If you wish to try the game version that was used for the playtest, follow this link;
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