sleepy0s · 7 months
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@sleepy0s writes some really good drabbles <33
@sleepy0s !!!
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skydoesthings · 3 months
gonna make 23 of my mutuals take part in the hunger games with me in the hunger games sim :3
the tag will be #skymakeshungergames
we only have male and female options for gender :(( sad i know, so let me know which one youre more comfortable with if you want to participate, also tell me what name you want to go by
im gonna tag all my mutuals in this, rb to let me know if youre interested!!!!
@tigerclawstar-shaped-cookie @silvili @nymph0ny @mellowmooon @faded-stardust-sys @blueishspace @blue-gears @grianssecretnightmare @kitkatcourage @catinasink @foronceididntlookback @luckystxrr @lady-astras @icefireanimates @nomorethoughts @ctommyisnt @vulcan-bourbon @thebeesforeleg @will41n @waaxfeathers @agni-ashes @auseryoumayknow @beeblesstuff @skythealmighty @jaidentheautisticwurm @heliostheperson @ghosts-junk-pile @dioritepoodle @athenam @idkwithasideofsalt @whisperofthewild @chocolate-cake-enthusiast @trafficsapphic @starinthegarden @errornameredacted @bunnyloverqueen @neri-keil @sneezinbird-new @lunaeclipse1057-ao3 @foggythefandomgremlin @dampflareon @thekietoherkin @different-by-heart @airmailfox @snazzzyazzzy @aggressivenesswhilecrying @transfemjimmysolidarity @toomanyfandomsorkinafs @gamerly @jd-leifdeloos @violetpurplecat @yuraiira @desertduofan @uselessthebroccoli @imhereforthecomics @adicandraw @sleepy0s @jesteralchemist @minti-chocolate @ghostnoodlez @emzy555 @orange-and-green-chess-board !!!
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xbillthegamer · 5 years
Don't Ask SleepY0 for Help!
0 notes
sleepy0s · 2 months
Such a strange man
Grian: “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy” I would. Pussy.
Grian: “I’m not gonna sink to their level” I will. Coward.
Grian: “I’m the bigger person” I’m 150cm tall give me the gun bitch.
Hi guys :> Felt like being nice, have a long one! (Long for my standards lol)
1399  Words
Look, growing up on the streets does a lot to a man you know? Grian was never taught that ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ No, no he was taught ‘You want something, take it.’. Like seriously, man has no morals.  Of Course... The hermits don’t actually know much about his past- Even Pearl HIS SISTER doesn’t know more than everyone else.
Most strangers look at Grian and see a cute, small avian who wouldn’t hurt a fly when in reality he is an eldritch being who grew up in mafias and will not hesitate to pull a gun on you. (Xisuma keeps trying to take them off him but he just keeps showing up with more???) This leads to some interesting experiences. For everyone else, not Grian.
The ‘first’ one.
It took Grian some time to open up when he joined hermitcraft (Yk, he had just spent the last couple of years locked in a cage in the end dimension lol) So, for the first month or three everyone assumed he was some nice parrot hybrid who was just shy. He didn’t talk in meetings and usually, you had to find him if you wanted to hang out. Even after he had come out of his shell he was still polite and kind (He is still kind but like, more open and friendly) 
Anyway, getting distracted. 
Xisuma had just finished talking about the important stuff, and everyone was chatting away. The hermits would probably stay in the meeting room for a while longer- the area was comfy.
Around half an hour into the hangout someone had pulled up a video on their comm of a server being destroyed whilst a player was still inside, which had become the current topic. “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy..” Tango mumbled, the blaze hybrid looked horrified with one hand covering his face as he tried to look away.
Now, Grian had been on a server whilst it was being destroyed, multiple actually in his many attempts at escaping so he was fully aware of the agony and pain someone felt when being essentially erased from existence. He also had many enemies, which he would wish this upon, but his worst enemy? Without a doubt, Sam Gladiator. The bunny hybrid that had tortured his childhood, and god he would probably laugh if he got to watch Sam go through that torture.
Unknowingly, Grian had started laughing to himself just at the thought, which meant some people were looking at him weirdly. “Grian? Why are you laughing?” Xisuma asked.  
“Wha- nothing- nothing I was just imagining something.” He had stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face. “I would like- totally wish that upon my worst enemy.” He added simply, sitting up in his chair.
The trip to the main hub.
Some of the hermits had decided to go on a little trip to the main hub for shopping purposes. The small group included; Xisuma (He wasn’t letting them go off on their own.) Doc, Gem, Pearl, Scar and Grian. And it was going well. They each had budgets that they couldn’t go over and everyone had their own bags full of materials. 
They had been told to meet up at the portal at 3 pm, and it was currently 2:55, and the only person not at the portal was Pearl. Oh- wait no Xisuma can see her. The Moth hybrid was rushing down the street, trying to get to them on time. “I’m not late yet- I’m not late- Ouch!” She had run head first into some older-looking man, luckily she hadn’t dropped anything.
“I'm sorry- I wasn’t looking where I was going! Are you okay?” She apologized, but when she looked up she was slightly shocked by the look on the man's face which was rage and disgust. “Ugh. Hybrids ruining everything, I'm going to be late for my meeting now because of you.” The man spat at her, before shoving her and causing her to drop everything.
Grian immediately ran over to his sister's side to help pick everything up, as with the others. “Are you just going to let him do that? Aren’t you going to do anything?” Grian asked as he handed her the stuff. 
“No, I’m not going to sink to his level,” Pearl responded, but it was obvious she was upset. And look, he knew his sister could handle herself but if she was too shy to stand up for herself in public then he would do it for her. That was one thing he had learnt growing up as a hybrid, if you want to be respected then you can’t play nice. “Grian- Don’t!”
It was too late, he had stormed up to the man and was tapping him on the shoulder.  “Sir? Sir. Sir!!!” He spoke, continuing to tap the man until he turned around. “What? I don’t have time for this.”
Grian didn’t look bothered by the man’s attitude, still smiling. “I would like you to apologize to my sister.” 
The man laughed, “You think you can get me to apologize? No.” And Grian’s attitude switched, kicking him in the crotch and grabbing his collar, his face emotionless as he stared into his eyes. “It wasn’t a question. Now, Apologize before I pull my gun out.” He whispered into his ear, before letting go of him.
“Yep- yep understood!” He whimpered, rushing over to Pearl and continuously bowing. “I’m sorry for using such language- are you okay? Please be okay or he might kill me.” 
The Intruder!
Hermitcraft is famous for being a very safe server, with some of the strongest protections. So, it’s very unlikely that someone can break in. Unlikely, but not impossible. 
So, imagine everyone’s surprise when they wake up at 2 am with their comms ringing alarms that there had been a breach in security and that they all had to go to spawn. So, all 25 or so hermits had met up at spawn. Grumpy, cold and tired. 
“Okay, so everyone is here yes?” Xisuma called out from the dirt pillar he had just built, “So.. uhm I’m not sure how to say this but there is an intruder on the server.” This, immediately caused an outburst among everyone, beginning to talk and whisper, despite Xisuma’s attempts to get everyone to listen
“SHUSH!” Doc screamed at the group, causing everyone to immediately go silent.
“Uh- thank you Doc.” Xisuma coughed, “So, we are all going to go into groups and find the intruder, thank you.”
The groups were decided quickly, and Xisuma ended up with Grian, Pearl, Scar and Mumbo. Everyone was on call, the comms acting as a radio. Xisuma’s group was near Grian’s base, walking through the trees behind the large rocks (Season 9) when Mumbo let out a yell. “Mumbo! What’s wrong- Oh.” Pearl ran over only to find Mumbo being held at gunpoint. 
Grian, immediately reached for his own gun only to find Xisuma holding it, “Grian, be the bigger person.” Now, Xisuma was probably about to shoot himself in the face because he had never held a gun before so it would probably be safer to give Grian the gun (God thought I’d never write that) But also, Grian is a tiny guy.
“Xisuma, respectfully I am 5 foot give me the bloody gun.” He responded calmly, in a hushed voice so the intruder wouldn’t notice that they also had a weapon. “It’s him or Mumbo X, what are you gonna choose?” 
“Oh god fine.” Grian really was very persuasive. The second the gun was back in his hands Grian was gone, completely disappeared into the trees.
“HAH! What are you gonna do? You call for help and I’ll shoot this... Strangely tall man.” The intruder threatened, seeming much too proud. “Now- I, Oh what do I want? I didn’t think I’d get this far..” Scar and Pearl had attempted to negotiate with the man.
“OH! I know- HEY!?” He didn’t get to put in his request as he got tackled from behind and didn’t have time to shoot Mumbo as he felt the cold feeling of a gun at his own neck.
Grian was sitting on top of the man, a scary smile on his face and a gun aimed at his neck and he genuinely looked excited at the chance he might get to shoot him. 
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sleepy0s · 2 months
Be the bigger person
Alternatively (if watcher Grian)
X: be the bigger person
Grian: ok
Grian: *transforms into mind melting eldritch being that could be, if it were capable of being such lowly states like matter, larger than the man.*
I thieved this from a commenter, thank you Crescendo_of_Thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!
My apology for last post
533  Words
Hermitcraft was under attack. The breach had been made known at 2:47am and these people worked fast because they had already lost Gem, Doc, Ren, Impulse and Pearl. So, everyone was in a panic. 
“OKAY! WHO ELSE IS MISSING?” Xisuma yelled out from his pillar of dirt, trying to tame the manic hermits. Luckily, at the moment, no one else had been abducted. “Okay- okay, we need a plan. Any ideas?” No one responded, all staring at their admin for guidance.
Xisuma was panicking internally, admin training had not prepared him for what to do in this situation. At all. His attention was caught when he spotted Bdubs staring into the shadows, whispering to Etho, who whispered to Cleo, who whispered to Jevin, and on and on, until Keralis whispered to Xisuma. “There seems to be a.. Figure in the trees.” He mumbled into his ear.
And then he could hear rustling in the trees, and around them, and before he could stop it, almost all fo his hermits were pinned down, except for Xisuma, Grian and Scar. “Hey-” Xisuma began, but was cut off by the ‘leader’ talking. “Look. Man, all respect, love you guys.” He began, “But! A little birdie told me you guys were harbouring a watcher, and we thought, why don’t we go see bthat petty, filthy god like creature.” He laughed, before pausing and looking around at all the hermits. 
“However, none of this lot look like watchers. Tell me, where you keeping the thing? Everyone says they are LaRgE, DaNgErOuS cReAtUrEs, but I don’t believe it, I think they just make up things to make them seem all powerful. HAH! I bet they’re actually the same size as all of us…” Xisuma, and honestly everyone else had stopped listening to the man on his rant. 
Xisuma spotted Grian reaching for his gun in his back pocket and swiftly reached and grabbed it before he could, “Grian, no. What if he attacks?” He whispered, trying not to attract the attention of the guy. 
“Wha- But he’s threatening us!?” Grina hissed, wings fluffing up defensively. He had already lost his players once before, he wans’t letting it happen again. 
“Grian- be the bigger person.” 
Xisuma sighed. “I mean, be the bigger person.”
“...Are you guys even listening to me!?” The man screamed, turning around to face them. 
“...what the void.” He paled at the sight infront of him.
A creature taller than double the build limit, covered in tattoos of eyes. Wait no, they are blinking- definitely not tattoos. Dressd in ancient clothing, multiple pairs of large, wings on its back, the colours shifting in and out as if the void was held in its wings. A mask covered their face.
The being, a watcher shrunk it’s size partially, so the intruder could see it’s face. All the hermits instinctively closed their eyes as Grian Xelqua leaned down, removing it’s mask to reveal not a face, but thousands and thousands of eyes, all staring at the head of the intruders. “Boo.” He laughed.
The intruder just stared at him, mind melting as he saw into the future, the past, the present, everything, everywhere all at once.
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sleepy0s · 3 months
A: THEY’VE SEEN US! Quick! Seduce the guard!
B: *Walks up* Well hello there handsome, what’re you doing alone at this time of night?
C: *Flustered mess* I- um- uh- I-
A: *Processes what just happened* SEDATE I MEANT SEDATE
Quote from Munchkin1156 
Posting this before the site goes down for a bit :>
LIMITED LIFE au thing?
200 words
The bad boys had been trapped inside the clockers tower, and well they obviously weren’t going to stay there. There ‘bad boys’ afterall. Duh. 
“Oohh.. Damn. They put Scar as a guard.” Jimmy whispered as they tried to get out. Standing in front of the exit door was, Scar, probably the strongest member of the Clockers. “Don’t worry Tim, we’ll be fine..” Joel responded quietly, trying to make his way to their mine, surely there would be a way to get outside through the mine.
“Ehem.” A loud voice caught their attention, and they all turned to see Scar staring at them. 
“AH! He’s seen us! Quick!” Joel panicked, “SEDUCE THE GUARD!”
Grian, not missing a beat walked right up to Scar, leaning on the wall, “Well, hello there handsome.” He purred, “What’re you doing alone at this time of night?” Scar, obviously not expecting this was a flustered mess. Covering his face, “I- UH- AHH-”
“SEDATE- I MEANT SEDATE GRIAN!” Joel screeched, slapping a hand over his own face whilst Jimmy grabbed Grians arm, the three of them running into the mine tunnels. Sure Scar was distracted but he would probably notice all three of them running out the front door. 
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sleepy0s · 6 months
All Jimmy's fault.
 Xelqua: *speaking Japanese*
JImmy: I know, I know.
Xisuma: You speak japanese?
Jimmy: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Xelqua speaks.
Guys I stopped being angsty. (i couldn’t find any nice poems to write about.) please give me ideas, i love writing sad stuff.
This is rlly short
AU Stuff.
Hermits were transported to Evo,  Grian goes by Xelqua (Protection services) + he looks very different. 
Shapeshifter G.
Voidwalker X
Near the end of evo but before Grian was taken.
Okay sure, Jimmy had accidentally gotten them all in danger. Big deal. Yes, very big deal.
Xisuma stood slightly behind Xelqua and Jimmy, the other hermits plodding along behind. Xelqua seemed mad, understandably. Jimmy had given away their hiding spot from the Watchers, so he had every right to be upset. The group was now being escorted back to spawn by some random watcher, which was apparently a normal thing? The hermits were terrified. But Xelqua and Jimmy were acting like this happened every week.
From what Xisuma could hear, Xelqua seemed to be mumbling in another language, Jimmy not responding except silently nodding. The two slowed down enough that everyone else caught up, close enough to hear their conversation. And surprisingly, Xelqua was speaking japanese. 
 “これはすべてあなたのせいです” (This is probably incorrect, I used google) Xelqua huffed, typing on his comm. Probably telling all of his server members that they were going to be longer than they thought. 
The response he got was a muffled, “I know..I know..I’m sorry.” from Jimmy. 
The Hermits all looked at Jimmy, a confused look on their faces. They had thought this was the same Jimmy they knew just.. Younger. But, the Jimmy they know doesn’t know Japanese. “You speak Japanese?” Xisuma asked, tilting his head. Jimmy looked back at them, “No..I just know ‘This is all your fault’ in every language Xelqua speaks..” The poor boy looked so sad, his head drooped as he watched Xelqua speed up, walking in line with the watcher leading them. The two whispered for a while, Xelqua trying to get some information on where they were being taken, before he got annoyed. “ᔑ⍑⍑ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ╎ᓭ ⚍ᓭᒷꖎᒷᓭᓭ! y𝙹⚍ ∴𝙹リℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ ᒷꖎꖎ ᒲᒷ ᔑリ||ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ⊣!” (ahh this is useless! You won't tell me anything!) He screamed, slowing down again to walk slightly behind the watcher, who showed no emotion to Xelquas little breakdown.
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sleepy0s · 6 months
(Scar, at the police station)
Scar: I’m here for my cousins, Grian, Joel and Jimmy.
Officer: And their last name is?
Scar: Oh, you must be new here.
Look, Scar loved his cousins.. But god were they a wreck. (Not that his family was much better) The three had lost both their parents, but refused to move in with the Clockers. Despite that, his mum, Cleo still loved them.
Scar walked down the street, rain tapping the pavement. Cleo had sent him to go pick up his siblings from the station, again. Honestly, you think they would learn by now. He entered the station and immediately spotted the three in a cell, Grian, Jimmy and Joel. 
Jimmy looked like he was about to start crying, like always. Every time they got caught Jimmy got upset, even though he had helped with the plan which had gotten them arrested in the first place.
Joel was arguing with an officer, trying to bargain their way out. 
Grian, honestly Scar was shocked Grian was actually there, usually the boy ran away before they could catch him or he wasn’t part of the plan. That’s actually how he knew this hadn’t been Grian’s plan as the boy was unusually good at not getting caught. Anyway, Grian was sitting on the bench, staring at the wall sadly. 
“Can I help you sir?” An officer snapped Scar out of his thoughts, forcing him to look up. Scar put on his best smile, walking to the counter, “Right, I'm here for my cousins.” He said it so casually, like this happened a lot. It did happen a lot.
“Okay.. And what are their last names?” The officer asked, which shocked Scar for a second before he had a realization. 
“Ohh… You must be new?”
“Oi! Scar! You here for us?” Joel’s voice was heard from the cell, “Look, Jimmy it's okay! Scar is here!” 
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sleepy0s · 6 months
Perhaps he was in love. 
Love, a feeling Grian had gone his whole life without understanding. He loved Taurtis once, well- he thought he did. Taurtis ditched in the middle of Evo and ran to the watchers. He loves his siblings, Pearl and Jimmy. And look where that got them? Who knows where Pearl is, and Jimmy’s in a death game. He had loved his parents, until they dropped him in Japan with a psychopath. And then the Watchers had taught him that love was weakness. So no, grian didn’t truly understand the meaning of being in love. 
But here he was, sitting on a desert mountain watching a dumb man scam someone else out of their pants.
“Grian! I got them!” Scar exclaimed, running back up the hill wearing his brand new enchanted diamond pants. God, he looked so happy stumbling through the sand. “Can you believe that worked?” 
Grian smiled, shuffling over on the chest so Scar could sit with him if he wanted. “You’re an idiot, Scar.” He muttered fondly, no real malice behind his words. 
Scar went on, rambling about how he had gambled BigB out of his clothes, his hands waving around madly as he spoke. Grian wasn’t listening, focused more on Scar’s actions, and his pretty face more than his words.
“-Grian?” Oh god, Scar had noticed. 
“Sorry- I- got distracted.” 
“It’s fine G.”Scar hummed, wrapping an arm around Grian’s shoulders. Oh, when had Scar sat down? Whatever, he was much too tired to care. “What’s on your mind G? You seem so distracted lately.” Oh, if only he could tell him. But he can’t, not yet at least.. Perhaps when they aren’t in the middle of a death game. “Oh.. it's nothing. I’m just tired.” he yawned. 
For now, it will be his little secret. 
“Okay then G, you rest. I’ll be right here.
So no, Grian doesn’t understand being in love. Or maybe he does? He doesn’t show it like most others. No, he shows his love by devoting his first life to a lunatic in the desert, and late at night in the secrecy of their base where he curls up in a single bed next to Scar- for heat reasons, obviously. 
No.. Grian doesn’t understand love. But he's willing to learn if it means he gets to wake up and spend his days like this. Cherishing the small moments, sat on a mountain in the desert, leaning his head on Scar’s shoulder as the sun sets.
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sleepy0s · 7 months
The birds are fighting again.
Pearl: You’re mean!
Grian: You’re meaner!
Pearl: Yeah, well, you’re ugly too!
Grian: You’re uglier!
Pearl: You’re a dumbass!
Grian: You’re a dumberass!
Pearl: You think “dumberass” is a good insult!
Grian + Pearl siblings
Also quite short
It didn’t happen very often. The two seemed to get along most days… Today was not one of those days. There had been an undeniable tension between Grian and Pearl all day, and it had only been a matter of time before one of them snapped.
… ofcourse, it just had to happen during a meeting.
The two avians had been arguing for the past ten minutes, their wings raised out trying to intimidate each other. No one actually knows how the argument started.
“You’re so mean Grian!” Pearl yelled, trying to get into Grians space.
“Yea? You’re meaner pearl! The meanest person I’ve ever met!” Grian didn’t back down, holding his stance as Pearl tried to push him over.
“Yea? Well- well you're ugly as well!” Pearl spat, going to hit Grian, only to be grabbed by Impulse. The poor lad was shoved away from Pearl in her fit of rage.
“You’re uglier!” Grian responded. The two were running out of insults.
“You’re a dumbass.” Pearl straightened her back, turning her head away from Grian.
“You’re a dumberass.” Grian mimicked her, crossing his arms and turning his head away as well.
“You think ‘Dumberass’ is a good insult!” Pearl didn’t take well to being mimicked, and glared at Grian, Who had run out of insults and resorted to physical fighting. He lunged at Pearl, screeching as he attempted to scratch her face and pull at her wings. Pearl quickly fought back, attempting to kick grian off her.
The hermits attempted to pull the two apart as soon as they started fighting but were met with mouthfuls of feathers, scratches and being hit in the face with wings.
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sleepy0s · 3 months
I'll kill us both
YHS!Grian: Wow, this sucks. I’m gonna kill *remembers that suicide jokes only worsen your mental health and that the first step to healing is stopping* you.
Soooooo.. Hiiiiii its been a mont, this is gonna be short :> did u miss me?
367 Words
Look, if your older sister from the future appeared in your house with a bunch of strangers claiming to know you, you would also be upset. Grian just didn’t understand. Like, it’s not that he doesn’t believe they are from the future, maybe a couple of years ago he would have laughed in your face and said you're a fat liar, but now? He doesn’t doubt that they are from the future. It’s just.. Well. 
One. This Scar dude is claiming to be his soulmate, but that’s a total lie because Taurtis is his soulmate. And Two. He was like so certain he would be dead by 19, but apparently not. Which sucks. 
“Grian! What’s with the sad face?” Pearl asked, tilting her head with an amused smile. She knew exactly why he was upset. 
“...Why are you in my house?” Grian responded simply, ignoring the question. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, Taurtis to his left and Sam to his right. “..Actually it’s MY house gree-on.” Sam whispered, earning a hit over the head.
“That’s so mean Gri! Aren’t you happy to see us.. Or well me?” Pearl was sitting on a sofa, the phew other hermits who had also been transported were sitting around her. Unluckily. Mumbo hadn’t been transported, as Grian would have much preferred Mumbo. Even Mumbo from the future.
“..Who are they anyway.” He huffed, crossing his arms. 
“They are your friends! Future you’s friends.” She smiled, “You're on hermitcraft, and you have a lot of friends, and they all love you!” She was purposefully exaggerating everything, well not really. All the hermits do love Grian. But, the disgusted look on his face made her have to turn away so she didn’t burst out laughing.
“Wow.. that sucks..” he mumbled, “I'm going to kill-” He paused, remembering how Rowan had been telling him something about how ‘Suicide Jokes were only going to worsen his mental health, and the first step to healing was to stop telling suicide jokes.’ “..you..?” He sounded confused as he tried to change the end to what was going to be an ‘i’m gonna kill myself’ Joke.
“Ughhh… Healing sucks… i’m gonna kill myself anyway.” He sulked.
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sleepy0s · 1 month
toast is ok
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
YHS!Sam: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
YHS!Grian: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
YHS!Taurtis: if you want information it is
Xisuma: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Hermits teleported to yhs
HI guys :> so it might have been a long time but I'm back whoops. Plus this sucks cos I haven’t written in ages sos.
209 words
Everyone was in the kitchen, attempting to make lunch. Horribly. Pearl was cooking eggs, having not trusted any of the teens to use the stove. Mumbo and Scar were buttering up the bread and everyone else was just around.
Grian was sat on the counter, Sam and Taurtis were standing besides him, all 3 entranced by something on Grians phone. The thing in question was a video of someone holding a knife at a blow torch to heat it up.
“Imagine stabbing someone with that thing..” Sam hummed, the bunny hybrid smiling happily. 
“Wouldn’t work.” The avian responded, hardly fazed. 
“Wha- Why?” 
“It would instantly cauterize the wound, so they wouldn’t bleed.” He responded, “It’s not very useful.”
“It’s useful if you want information!” Taurtis piped up. 
Xisuma, who had come up next to them to see what they were talking about was horrified. Because one, why were these 3 Kids so informed about murder? And why did they want information!? “Uh- Why stab someone when you can have toast?” He added, trying to change the conversation.
“No.” Taurtis replied, “It would burn your toast.”
“Yeah, that’s gross.” Sam added. 
Grian just huffed, “I’ve seen both of you eat charcoal toast before.”
Well.. atleast he changed the conversation around?
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sleepy0s · 7 months
EVO!Pearl, staring at Doc in a cage: ...Why are they in a cage?
EVO!Grian: Because they growled at me.
Hermits went to Evo!
Short! (Like grian.)
Grian is his birth name, Xelqua is witness protection name
Pearl had gotten a message from her brother that some strange people had arrived on the server, and that he wanted her there. Unfortunately, Grian was dumb enough to build his base over 1000 blocks away, so it was going to take a while.
When she arrived, Taurtis was standing guard outside. Well, not really. He was playing games on his comm. He smiled as he saw Pearl, “Ah! Pearl, come on! G is stressed.” Taurtis stood up, leading her into the base and ducking under a sign which read ‘Xelqua’s Base’.
The blonde boy was inside, eyes darting around at all 5 of the people in front of him. “Xelqua! Pearl is here!” Taurtis was careful to use his fake name around the strangers. Grian spun to look at them, making sure the strangers were still in his peripheral vision. “Pearlie, I am so glad you are here.”
Pearl rushed over to him, hugging the boy. 
“..Pearl.?” One of the strangers spoke, a red haired deer hybrid.
“Yes?” Pearl responded immediately out of habit, pausing once she realised she didn’t know this person.
 “Pearl, don't talk to them. They could be with the watchers.” Grian spoke, pulling his sister away from the strangers. 
“We’re not with those idiots!?” An angry voice yelled out, they looked over to see a creeper? Cyborg.? Whatever. Anyway, some green guy in a makeshift cage. 
A masked man immediately shushed him, and then tried to get closer to Grian, before retreating seeing as the boy nearly pulled a weapon on him. “Look- Xelqua, I’m sorry for my friend, but I promise we’re not with the watchers.. If you could just return our communicators then we can prove it.” Grian looked sceptical, looking to pearl for advice. 
Pearl who was still staring at the caged guy. “Xelqua.. Why is he in a cage but the others aren't..?” She asked, pointing at him with a confused look on her face. Grian looked at the caged man, a disgusted look on his face. “He growled at me.”
Pearl just laughed, upsetting the caged person.
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sleepy0s · 7 months
Taurtis, grinning: Before you were what?
Grian: Before I was-
Taurtis: What?
Grian: Before I was inter-
Taurtis: Before you were interrupted?
Grian: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-
Taurtis: What?
Grian: *makes frustrated sound*
Doc, nervously: Stop that. Before he hurts you.
Hallo! Good day!
Parrot G! + Watcher G
Look. Hermitcraft was having an ‘open day’ so the hermit's friends and family could come look around the server before the season ended. And Pearl, being the genius she is. Decided to invite Taurtis. (It couldn’t be that bad right?)
The rest of the hermits were excited to meet the boy Grian spoke so highly of. Of course the.. Watcher status worried them a bit, but Grian was also a watcher! And he is fine. Mostly.
Anyway! It had been great, for the first half of the day. Grian had shown Taurtis around happily, the two glad to talk with each other. But now..? They had gone past the ‘Omg I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?’ stage. And we're now in the ‘You're my boyfriend, I'm going to annoy the hell out of you.’ 
Grian had simply been talking to Pearl, Xisuma and Doc when Taurtis interrupted him. 
“Before you were what?” Taurtis hummed, arms wrapped over the shorter man's shoulders.
“Before I was-” Grian used his wings to shove Taurtis off his back, causing Doc to chuckle.
“What?” He interrupted again.
“Before I was inter-”
“Before you were interrupted?”
Grian took a breath. “Cut me off one more time and I swear i’ll-” 
Grian’s wings twitched as he turned his head to look at Taurtis, who was smiling smugly despite the mass amount of eyes appearing over Grian’s body. Doc, Xisuma and Pearl had all backed up slightly, “Stop that Taurtis- Before he hurts you.” 
It was too late. Grian screeched and jumped at Taurtis, sending the two tumbling. 
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sleepy0s · 7 months
He's just a sad boy.
Soo, hi! Im back.. 
Had this idea where the hermits got transported to the past, more specificallythe are in time where Grian and taurtis were both with the watchers stil :> This is probably gonna be the ‘au’ for the next couple posts.
Xisuma: When was the last time you cried?
Sitruat: Uh, 15 minutes ago, why??
Xisuma: really? That recent?
Sitruat: Yeah *voice crack* Is that an issue? *starts crying again*
Xisuma POV
Okay. Maybe things weren’t going great. Maybe they had accidentally been transported to the past, in the watchers castle. And maybe they were now being led to the dungeons. 
MAYBE, they are all on somewhat bad terms with the godlike beings.
“EI! Hands of the wings.” Xisuma could hear Pearl yelling at the back of the line as the watchers attempted to restrain her wings. They had to be careful, if they upset the beings too much who knows what might happen. 
“Pearl. Stay calm please.” He murmured as they were pushed down a set of stairs. They were cold and damp, leading to a hallway full of iron doors. Probably Cells. 
“╎リ.” In. The watcher spoke in a language not many of the hermits knew, luckily Xisuma understood. Signalling for his friends to enter the seemingly empty cell.
They had been in the cell for around 2 minutes when there was movement from one of the corners. Then a burst of light protruded from something's hand. 
“̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ.?” Xelqua.? They could now see the things face. They had short black hair, cloth covering their eyes and wore obvious watcher robes. Not forgetting the large messy wings that protruded from their back. 
“Pardon.?” Xisuma spoke in common, tilting his head at the watcher. He tried to move closer, but Doc quickly pulled him back, muttering about how they could be dangerous. 
“||𝙹⚍∷ リ𝙹ℸ ̣   ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ..||𝙹⚍∷ リ𝙹ℸ ̣   ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ..”Your not Xelqua.. The watcher seemed to be … disappointed? Were they expecting someone else?
“No sorry. We're not Xelqua.” Xisuma responded, “Do you speak common?” He hoped they did, he didn’t want to translate for the hermits who didn;t know galactic. His response was some mumbles and a series of coughs, before a small voice spoke out. “Yes.? Who are you?” 
The boy, who introduced himself as Sitruat (Xisuma doubts that's his actual name. Probably just the one he was given.) moved closer, shuffling on the stone floor. The hermits introduced themselves, explaining their.. Situation. 
However, one thing that had caught Xisuma’s eyes were the glistening tear tracks on Sitruat’s face. “Sitruat, when was the last time you cried?” Sitruat had to take a second, trying to count in common was difficult. 
“About.. 15 minutes ago.?” He wiped his face, getting rid of the marks. 
“Really? That recent?” It shocked Xisuma, you’d expect a watcher to be emotionally stronger. Apparently not. 
“Y-yeah?” Sitruats voice cracked as his eyes began to water, “Is that an issue with you?” The poor boy had tears flowing down his face again as Xisuma quickly tried to apologize.  “∴⍑|| ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣   ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ ᓭᔑ⍊ᒷ ᒲᒷᒷ” Why can’t Xelqua come save mee. He sobbed into his cloak.
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