#Skylanders Academy Fanfiction
thycheshirecat · 6 months
Skylanders Question
Been hyperfixated on Skylanders for the past few weeks and really want to write something for it.
Want to gauge interest and see what Skylanders canon you guys would be more interested in seeing works for.
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dragoninahumancostume · 2 months
No but like. Imagine if Spyro was raised by Strykore instead. Or if Stealth Elf had actually put on the bracelet instead of giving it to Kaossandra. Or if Pop Fizz and Wolfgang had remained friends. Or if Kaos was raised by Eon being a good father to him. Or if Glumshanks was able to contact Kaossandra and tell her Spyro had his light eaten and was working as a spy. Or if there was no cure to having your light devoured and Spyro had to stay like that. Or if he had woken up in time when Kaos arrived to the Calaveric Crypts or wtv the place and had willingly joined Strykore after discovering what Eon did and Kaos told him Strykore needed an Skylander.
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p-s-yokubo · 7 months
Hello everyone!
I’m sure you’ve noticed my frequent skylanders posting (particularly about Kaos and Glumshanks) and I’m here to say that my skylanders obsession has resulted in a fanfiction. So here it is. Read it if you want :) Be warned- this is my first time writing a story with like feelings and stuff in it so………..idk just be warned feelings are going on in this one XD
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friendshipgamer13 · 8 months
He can steal my light any day 🖤🖤🖤
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
The first chapter of my gay fanfic is live on FanFiction! It' called Unspoken Hearts and it's by me! Anonymous151 because I thought let's keep this whole anonymous thing going you know? it's in the Skylanders Academy/ Wings of Fire section because I might be hyper fixating on anything that has dragons in it. I hope you will enjoy it! Also can I use your art for the cover of the book? I can't upload any art for another 24 hours. Thank you!
I just read it and I love it. 10/10, Adding Commander Cullen in was a nice touch lmao (you should absolutely add Cullen getting a gay love interest if you have time, he was supposed to be bi in inquisition but the VA had a temper tantrum and made them change it lol).
As for using the comic as a cover, go ahead! I'm not super familiar with how FanFiction (the site) works but if it let's you, I'd appreciate link back to the origonal post. if not, I saw you already mentioned me in the intro so it's still fine lol.
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snappydragonsclaw · 1 year
More werewolves au facts or just any fanfiction in general
1. Skylanders academy community garden: the community garden is where the skylanders tend to their garden or just go to relax with most of those people being life elementals. The garden is large and has lots of room and has a picnic area where skylanders like bushwhack like to relax. Some even go on dates there like bash and flashwing and dija vu and torch(yes they are dating.) Go to enjoy themselves and watch camo and food fight go at each other. Speaking of those two they have a small rivalry between both of them due to both have exploding fruits( food fight thinks that tomatoes are veggie still). Food fight and camo have their own garden areas where they both have green houses with a explosive warning however food fight has another warning which is a lab warning you see underneath his green house he has a lab where he learns more about himself and often experiments with his tomatoes to see if he could create a special effect.
2. Academy dorms and houses: the skylanders live at the academy and they live inside the dorms within the academy however some skylanders live outside of the academy on their own islands close to it. Food fight and snap shot are the only expectation as they're house is currently being repaired due to snap shot burning it down due to his horrible cooking skills. As for the time being they live in woodburrow.
3. Academy nursing room: the nursing room is where the skylanders go when they are hurt but not quite enough to bring them back to earth to await a portal master. Whirlwind currently runs it and when she's hurt or sick herself either Gill grunt or stealth elf would. Overall the place is calming and well taking care of.
4. Academy mess hall/cafeteria: the mess hall is where the skylanders go to eat whenever they don't feel like going into town. The place is open 24/7 where there is always something to eat on the menu. Skylanders that have great cooking skills make the food and often use it for parties or even baking contest. Food fight personally has a great time wiping up his recipes often adding to his recipe book that has a lock on it to keep people from see it and stealing his recipes. The kitchen is super large and even has two pantries. Often helpful when keeping a cheese fry crazy food fight at bay as they can lock him inside until they are finished making it.
5. Knightmare's torture chamber: this where villains or very hard headed minis go. It is the stuff of nightmares(yes that was a pun by the way). Knightmare with the help and of grim creeper and hijinx run this part of the academy. Knightmare gets much fun out of terrifying her victims as the other skylanders stare at her concerned. She even put food fight in there once for eating her dark chocolate and well let's just say food fight had problems sleeping for a week since then.
6. The anger room: this room is dedicated to throwing things and screaming. This is where skylanders go after having a infuriating fight to help them calm down. It is common for their to broken glass on the ground in this room and is almost encouraged. The place has a magical spell placed on it where once the skylanders got their rage out the room would go back to normal with no signs of damage.
7. Meeting room: the meeting room is where the skylander leaders go to discuss matters this includes the co-core skylander leaders as well. Each member has their own special chair just for them with food fight's hilariously being high chair that a baby would use just without the feeding table. Spyro's chair sits in the center with cynder's being next to his.
8. Skylanders academy community pool: the community pool or rather pools is where most water skylanders spend their free time with their pools. A mini pool. A regular pool and a giant pool. Zap is constantly on guard there.
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ao3feed-drstrange · 2 months
Angus's Fanfic Ideas
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/U8SRnzW by TheMythicalMultiverse Compilation of ideas I have for future fanfics. Mostly so that I don't forget them but also writing them to see if there's any interest from people that would want to see them be written. That said, I might also post drabbles that pop into my mind for these fanfiction ideas as standalone one-shots. Either way this is a heavy WIP with no consistent update schedule. Might also include art to go along with the drabbles if I get inspired enough for both. Words: 307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Skylanders Rebirth Project Fandoms: Spyro the Dragon (Video Games 1998-2005), The Legend of Spyro (Video Games 2006-2009), Skylanders (Video Games), Skylanders Academy (Cartoon), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy II, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Ratchet & Clank, Supernatural (TV 2005), The Boys (TV 2019), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, DC Extended Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Spyro (Spyro the Dragon), Wanda Maximoff, Stephen Strange, Warrior of Light (Dissidia), Garland (Final Fantasy I), Emperor Mateus (Final Fantasy II), Firion (Final Fantasy II), Kefka Palazzo, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), Bahamut (Dungeons & Dragons), Tiamat (Dungeons & Dragons), Various Skylanders, Various MCU Characters, Io (Dungeons & Dragons), Vecna (Dungeons & Dragons), Malefor | The Dark Master, Maleficent (Kingdom Hearts), Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank), Rivet (Ratchet & Clank), Hades (Kingdom Hearts), Pete (Kingdom Hearts), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Terra (Kingdom Hearts), Tina Branford | Terra Branford, Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI), Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts), The Doctor (Doctor Who), The Homelander | John, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Kal-El | Clark Kent | Superman (DC), Thanos (Marvel) Additional Tags: NOT AN ACTUAL FANFIC!!!, compilation of ideas, the 1980s, the 1990s, Early Modern Era, Modern Era, Historical, Historical References, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical Fantasy, Earth-8991 read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/U8SRnzW
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niiwa-angel · 5 years
A Cold Winters Eve
//Authors note: this was based off a headcanon from @musekicker who was very kind in allowing me to write a fic for it. I sincerely recommend you check out their blog and I hope you enjoy this fic. Feed back is always welcome and if you have suggestions I would love to hear them. BTW the cat and the bread thing was inspired because my cat STOLE AN ENTIRE LOAF OF BREAD!//
Skylands was well known for its winters, they always had lots of snow and ice every season, as a hatchling, Spyro had grown up playing in the snow and on the ice. However, the problem with having no hair, and being reptilian is that you're cold blooded, so every winter, Spyro would bundle up as much as he could while still being able to move. Then he would venture out into the sub-zero semi tundra that was Skylands in the winter time.
This really didn't help at night, when even the steady hum of the space heater in his room couldn't give him the illusion of enough warmth to chase the chill from his bones. So most nights, he tucked his blankets into a tight nest, with heated bean bags (authors note: those bags of something that you stick in the microwave? Great for cramps? What are they?) And hot water bottles that inevitably grew colder throughout the night. Overall, Spyro liked winter, just not as much as warmer weather, like late spring, early fall.
Stealth Elf was born in the warmer parts of Skylands, and was quite accustomed to a milder climate, so when she first went to the academy, she was woefully unprepared for the frigid temperatures come winter. Still, she attended all of her classes, spent time training, and perfected her teleportation. And if she got a little homesick alone in her room at night, nobody needed to know.
Unfortunately, when the cold got a little bit to much, she really contemplated just going back home, she didn't like how her hair was always cold after a winter training session, she didn't like how her room was always just a little to cold, and she didnt like how the outside paths became a twisted game of "the floor is lava" when they froze. But she made a commitment and she was going to stick to it (regardless of how awful she felt when the north winds brought snow) she would be a full fledged skylander and then make her own team somewhere warm.
Eruptor came from a very hot place, being born from a volcano, and was always excessively hot, and as such, was not affected by the cold temperatures of winter at Skylanders Academy. He did however notice, that his housemates might not be so lucky, based on how sluggish Spyro moved, and how down right depressed Stealth Elf was. He had brought it up with Professor Jet Vac, who had simply put it "they just aren't used to the cold, I'm keeping an eye on them, don't worry."
But when two of the happiest people you know are going to be down for an entire season, you worry. So Eruptor took it upon himself to try to cheer them up. Knowing how warm he was, he would go out of his way to be close to them in class and training and occasionally sling an arm over their shoulders. It was sort of working, but their house was still drafty, and the classrooms were still cold, and Eruptor felt an odd kind of helplessness knowing he couldn't make his friends feel more comfortable.
Spyro was recounting the stars outside his window for the umpteenth time, completely unable to sleep from the bone chilling draft in his room despite the heater, blankets and water bottles. He was tucked as tightly as possible into his selfmade nest and eager for this blasted winter to be over. With a groan, he pushed himself out of bed and wrapped five of his fluffier blankets around himself. If he was going to be cold, he was at least going to read his comics. Walking as quietly as he could down the hall, he bumped into Elfie, slipping out of her room in what was clearly very fuzzy pajamas, sheep slippers, and a forest green house coat. Her ears were drooping and her normally pristine braid was undone and slightly matted.
"Can't sleep?" Spyro whispered, trying to keep his voice low so as to not wake Eruptor, who could be heard snoring from his room across the hall. Stealth Elf shook her head.
"Too cold." She tucked the robe tighter around her shoulders.
"Tell me about it," Spyro snorted, peeking into Eruptors room, "jeez he seems warm."
"Good for him." Elfie snarked, popping up beside him. Eruptors room was warmer than most rooms in the house, simply because of its occupants higher than average temperature. Spyro walked a few steps into the shadowed dorm and deeply inhaled.
"What are you doing?" Stealth Elf hissed, watching Eruptor as If her glare alone could keep him asleep and their trespass a secret.
"Trying to warm up," Spyro quietly replied, stretching his wings, seemingly soaking up the warmth of the room, "look he's still asleep." Spyro crept to his friends sleeping form, and leaped onto the bed with the grace of a nimble house cat stealing a new loaf of bread off the counter and effectively ruining your dreams for a sandwich.
As he curled up on Eruptors feet, Stealth Elf crept closer, her concern for ruining her friendship with the volcano being showing in her pupilless eyes. "If he wakes up, he'll be so mad!" The thought of once again being friendless and alone wouldn't have normally made her eyes tear up as they did, but she hasn't been sleeping and the cold was grating on her emotional stability. Despite her efforts to conceal it, Spyro noticed.
"Hey Hey, whoa! Elfie come on! He's out, and I'm just on his feet. Come on, warm up for a few minutes, then we'll leave." Spyro gently pulled his tired friend closer to the bed, urging her up. Stealth Elf crawled up and leaned against Spyro and Eruptor, shifting to face Spyro, she pointed a finger in his face.
"Five minutes! Five! And then we leave and never do this again!" Spyro rolled his eyes and nodded, comfortably curling tighter around Eruptors feet. Stealth Elf sighed and leaned back, basking in the warmth her friends provided, between the much needed heat and the weeks of poor sleep, her eyelids slowly closed.
Eruptor blinked his eyes open, instantly aware of an unfamiliar weight on his bed, pinning him to his mattress. A quick glance around found the cause, Spyro was curled up near his legs like a cat, while Elfie was snuggled into his side. It was kind of cute, but not enough to not tease them.
"Hey! I am not a space heater!" He yelled, with faux anger, rousing his sleeping friends, who looked better rested than they had in weeks. Spyro lifted his head, tried blinking the sleep from his eyes, and curled back up.
"Well obviously, space heaters aren't nearly as loud." He murmered, as Stealth Elf grinned into his side.
"Seconded." She said, her voice muddled by her friends warm body, Eruptor snorted, before sitting up to drag Spyro closer to his pillows, citing a ramble of incoherent protests from the purple dragon.
"Oh hush you, if your going to sleep in my bed, you might as well be comfortable." He said as Spyro adjusted to his new spot.
//I suppose there are worse things in the world.// Eruptor thought to himself as he snuggled between his friends, and drifted off back to sleep.
Jet Vac was worried about the lack of movement from Stealth Elf, Spyro, and Eruptors dorm and peeked in to investigate. He had noticed how down two of them had been the past few weeks and was worried that this was the breaking point for both of them. Having been raised in the colder parts of Skylands he was quite accustomed to the weather and his feathers offered more than enough insulation for him, but with Stealth Elfs milder background and Spyros reptilian biology, he was worried for his students. His concern only got worse as he found empty room after empty room, and was about to call an alarm before peering into the last room in the hallway. Before him slept all three trainees snuggled together on Eruptors bed. Biting back a laugh, he snapped a quick picture and closed the door, leaving them to rest. They were all good students, and a little extra shut eye was going to do them no harm, Jet Vac chuckled to himself and walked away smiling.
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screpdoodle · 4 years
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Skylands Historia - Duality (the first entry in the upcoming, fan retelling of the Skylanders series: Second Leaf)
What do you do when you hate your school? Blow it up of course. What do you do when you can’t take your anger out on real people? Write it all down in your notebook that is DEFINITELY not a diary. What do you do  when your entire life starts crumbling around you and it’s probably partially your fault? Do the one thing your mother told you never to do, of course. 
Become a Portal Master.
Kaos is the middle child of a dysfunctional family. With an mostly absent father, a neglectful mother; an older brother that couldn’t care less, and a younger sister that needs all the care in the world, Kaos is the type of teen who seeks attention in any form he can get, good or bad. Which, more often than not, ends up with him in the worst of situations. 
But anything can be solved with a little help from his faithful troll ‘butler’, some strategic planning, and just a smidge of untapped ancient power, right? For the sake of the Horvitz family, let’s hope so.
(If you have any critique or input, please let me know! This is the first story in a series that I’m planning, so if this interests you, please show your support!)
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saffronaura · 7 years
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They may not be lovers in the Skylanders franchise, but they’re definitely good friends in Skylanders Academy. 
Fans can still ship the two in their fanfictions and fanart, even though SpyroXCynder isn’t happening in the Skylanders franchise and Skylanders Academy.
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dragoninahumancostume · 9 months
I have a Skylanders Academy fanfic, should I post it here in English too?
The plot is basically a new student on the academy (that'd be the "reader", our dear Y/N) and then she falls in love with Spyro but is also in love with Dark Spyro
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dragoninahumancostume · 9 months
Does anyone know who's Eon's protege that he mentioned at the start of season 3, episode 7 "Road Rage"? Bc I don't remember anyone saying her name after that brief moment, or talking about her at all
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I was trying to find some skylanders academy fanfiction and the third result was a story from wattpad and I'm like "finally! This one might be fun!" and then I realize it was mine. I wrote it. It was so weird seeing my own work, and so quick too.
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snappydragonsclaw · 1 year
Current fanfictions/AU's:
WW au(werewolves au)
The search(a skylanders academy fanfiction that is exclusive to fanfiction. net. you can read it here :https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14231275/1/the-search)
Curse of the shadow dragon au(a evil Spyro au)
Zombie-landers au
Adventures of the cadets( all academy related fanfictions will be on fanfiction. net only to make this less confusing)
Skylanders academy reimagined.
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ao3feed-drstrange · 2 months
Angus's Fanfic Ideas
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/U8SRnzW by TheMythicalMultiverse Compilation of ideas I have for future fanfics. Mostly so that I don't forget them but also writing them to see if there's any interest from people that would want to see them be written. That said, I might also post drabbles that pop into my mind for these fanfiction ideas as standalone one-shots. Either way this is a heavy WIP with no consistent update schedule. Might also include art to go along with the drabbles if I get inspired enough for both. Words: 307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Skylanders Rebirth Project Fandoms: Spyro the Dragon (Video Games 1998-2005), The Legend of Spyro (Video Games 2006-2009), Skylanders (Video Games), Skylanders Academy (Cartoon), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy II, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Ratchet & Clank, Supernatural (TV 2005), The Boys (TV 2019), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, DC Extended Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Spyro (Spyro the Dragon), Wanda Maximoff, Stephen Strange, Warrior of Light (Dissidia), Garland (Final Fantasy I), Emperor Mateus (Final Fantasy II), Firion (Final Fantasy II), Kefka Palazzo, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), Bahamut (Dungeons & Dragons), Tiamat (Dungeons & Dragons), Various Skylanders, Various MCU Characters, Io (Dungeons & Dragons), Vecna (Dungeons & Dragons), Malefor | The Dark Master, Maleficent (Kingdom Hearts), Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank), Rivet (Ratchet & Clank), Hades (Kingdom Hearts), Pete (Kingdom Hearts), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Terra (Kingdom Hearts), Tina Branford | Terra Branford, Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI), Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts), The Doctor (Doctor Who), The Homelander | John, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Kal-El | Clark Kent | Superman (DC), Thanos (Marvel) Additional Tags: NOT AN ACTUAL FANFIC!!!, compilation of ideas, the 1980s, the 1990s, Early Modern Era, Modern Era, Historical, Historical References, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical Fantasy, Earth-8991 read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/U8SRnzW
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ao3feed-drstrange · 2 months
Angus's Fanfic Ideas
by TheMythicalMultiverse Compilation of ideas I have for future fanfics. Mostly so that I don't forget them but also writing them to see if there's any interest from people that would want to see them be written. That said, I might also post drabbles that pop into my mind for these fanfiction ideas as standalone one-shots. Either way this is a heavy WIP with no consistent update schedule. Might also include art to go along with the drabbles if I get inspired enough for both. Words: 307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Skylanders Rebirth Project Fandoms: Spyro the Dragon (Video Games 1998-2005), The Legend of Spyro (Video Games 2006-2009), Skylanders (Video Games), Skylanders Academy (Cartoon), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy II, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Ratchet & Clank, Supernatural (TV 2005), The Boys (TV 2019), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, DC Extended Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Spyro (Spyro the Dragon), Wanda Maximoff, Stephen Strange, Warrior of Light (Dissidia), Garland (Final Fantasy I), Emperor Mateus (Final Fantasy II), Firion (Final Fantasy II), Kefka Palazzo, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), Bahamut (Dungeons & Dragons), Tiamat (Dungeons & Dragons), Various Skylanders, Various MCU Characters, Io (Dungeons & Dragons), Vecna (Dungeons & Dragons), Malefor | The Dark Master, Maleficent (Kingdom Hearts), Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank), Rivet (Ratchet & Clank), Hades (Kingdom Hearts), Pete (Kingdom Hearts), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Terra (Kingdom Hearts), Tina Branford | Terra Branford, Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI), Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts), The Doctor (Doctor Who), The Homelander | John, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Kal-El | Clark Kent | Superman (DC), Thanos (Marvel) Additional Tags: NOT AN ACTUAL FANFIC!!!, compilation of ideas, the 1980s, the 1990s, Early Modern Era, Modern Era, Historical, Historical References, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical Fantasy, Earth-8991 via https://ift.tt/PWTiC1h
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