#Skjöldr gow
evilbeing · 6 months
Im taking for granted that Angrboda and Skjöldr are friends bc they met (thats it, thats my reason idc)
But how would their friendship be like ???
Please I need headcanons for them PLEASE EHAHSHSH
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angermango · 5 months
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reasons not to get hit right in the face
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zwintrew · 2 years
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medievildead · 2 years
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Really big fan of this cute fic and I wanted to draw Heimdall getting mad at UNO and the Asgard Youth Group living it up 🙏
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eyestrain-addict · 2 years
Atreus having a crush on every person his age he meets is honestly very Loki of him I respect it
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savageymir · 1 year
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So yeah....
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Who wants to bet that this will end up being a hint at some power Atreus will get in the future just like his "Are you sure I can't turn into a wolf" line?
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bladesofkyber · 2 years
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God of War: Ragnarök | Baby’s First X     Baby's First Bestie
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beesgnise · 2 years
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y’all see the similarities too, right ?
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kasmirkozel · 2 years
Cringe fail blonde boy skjöldr
He is sad small and soggy
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Does no one else ship Atreus and Skjöldr?
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evilbeing · 7 months
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Ohhh She wasnt SUPPOSED to know how much U talked about her ? Sorry-
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ye old king of Denmark
So I was doin my scholarly shit. And abusing google looking up GOW character and seeing if they held any significance in Norse mythology. Some do actually, very excited for story writing. Then I did some quick research on the best mortal boy Skjoldr. He’s the king of Denmark, very nice, HOWEVER, apparently, he’s a son of Odin and I WHEEZED. I don’t think him being a son of Odin is even HINTED at during the game. 
it made chuckle at the thought that Skjoldr is only son of Odin who is fucked up in some capacity purely he doesn't know Odin is his father and Odin doesn’t know he has a son in New Midgard. So, is he technically a demi-god? Bruh his crush Thrud tho. I thought it was cute now I’m just like well shit bruh. 
From fanfiction writing POV, it would be interesting for Skjoldr to discover this part of himself, go on a whole ass journey, embrace this new part of himself, be a better king than Odin. And also get up to god-like shenanigans with his friends. Dam I wanna write it now, he doesn't get enough love anyway. Imma do it. 
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zwintrew · 2 years
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medievildead · 2 years
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atreus is 14 in gowr, since he was 11 in the previous game. i think it's disheartening to hear from adults who wanted to be understood, seen, or be able to walk their own paths as kids don't seem to hold the same compassion for children in general. 'WHY are they so impatient ugh i hate kids 🙄' like... these are children still figuring it out bro calm down maybe. you're a grown adult. also i don't think the game was implying that atreus has become an 'adult' by the end, but it signifies that he's about to become his own person during his countless journies to come. this is something that has been ordained to him, and he has to do it without his father. but to do that, kratos had to let go (a reocurring theme - letting go; think brok and sindri. gryla when confronted by angrboda. freya and her vengeance.) this is no small feat for kratos of course, like that's his only son his only blood. he had something to life for after so many years of wanting to die - and now that very thing is leaving him.
i think that in the universe of gow, the children don't have any other choice than growing up faster, getting big responsibilities on their shoulders. i'm thinking of atreus wanting finding out about the jötnar in other worlds and possibly more about faye's coup, angrboda growing up without her parents, not knowing where she's going to end up because of fate/prophecies, literally the souls of her people trusted to her. thrud who grew up with father being an alcoholic and her messed up family, now has incredibly big shoes to fill with her wielding mjolnir. skjöldr might seem like a regular guy but he and his family moved from midgard to asgard, leaving his childhood home behind. and by the end he's already delegating and started to take on the role of a leader (on par of him becoming the king of denmark in the future). you see this happen and realize they are just... children. but their world is so unforgiving, not giving them the time or space to be carefree. so i am excited to see what else santa monica is gonna cook up for the sequels. that or Bring Me My Son Back I Miss Him I Cannot Handle This Empty Nest DLC.
People's reactions to Atreus in Ragnarök were extremely telling. Of course he was going to act rash and be a bit secretive, especially since Kratos was not handling this well at all. I don't think any of the adults were except for Brok, especially when Freya and Mimir and Odin/Tyr ganged up on Atreus over Garm. He already felt bad about it and wanted to make things right. They were doing exactly what Odin wanted and that was drive Atreus to him. I was frustrated for Atreus on his behalf because I also know Kratos was being a hypocrite. You can't go on about trust and keeping secrets while not telling Atreus the actual truth about what happened in Greece.
If Kratos doesn't tell Atreus about Calliope, someone else will, and that's gonna be a disaster.
Atreus is going to make mistakes on his own, as teenagers do as they try to figure out the world. Even though Odin has a brutal lesson, he is still vulnerable to trusting people who don't have the best intentions because he's still young and on his own for the first time in his life. I think Kratos and Freya and Mimir know that and they're prepared for it because it's a natural part of growing up and they love him unconditionally. No matter what, Atreus always has a home and family. I would be disappointed if Atreus didn't make an Oppsie-Poopsie at some point and they act like his development is over. His story is really just beginning.
Now, how gamers will react to Atreus inevitably fumbling is something I worry about because they hate teenagers. Atreus is a good kid, though. He has his moments like all kids do, but he's a really good kid and a testament to how much Kratos has changed and also Faye's parenting. He's compassionate and won't stand to watch suffering, he's very intuitive and loves to learn, and confident (sometimes to a fault). He's going to encounter all sorts of people, and inevitably encounter gods, on his journey, and some will try to take advantage of him.
I'm also really worried that it will be Kratos indirectly that causes him major problems because uh... Kratos is not exactly the most liked guy. He has a bit of a deserved reputation. Now, Atreus might not think that, and the new Norse pantheon like him, but he could get in a lot of trouble for saying who his father is. Maybe I'm being overprotective, but he's literally wearing a piece of the Ghost of Sparta's loincloth as, like, sash.
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