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themetalmassacrevault · 2 months ago
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lioncourtl · 5 months ago
Six feet under
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nellarw95 · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Frances 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
March 15,1953
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
15 Marzo 1953
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raurquiz · 4 months ago
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#happybirthday #maxgrodenchik #actor #rom #ferengi #startrek #deepspacenine #Insurrection #lowerdecks #therocketeer #rumpelstinkin #risingsun #bartonfink #crossingjordan #sisteract #sixfeetunder #herecomethemonsters #sliders #kingofcalifornia #csi #StrawberryMoments #Unbelievable
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shakiespn · 7 months ago
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wendiruby · 7 months ago
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I'm still a fool for you
🎵 Morgan Wallen - Lies Lies Lies https://youtu.be/Qxo2ToDM-uE?si=5TEoJa1wXFRWgpfX
♛ #SL #Secondlife #SLFashion #SecondlifeFashion #RawrSL #District28 #Kaithleens #SFUSixFeetUnder #Kaithleens
HQ & Credits: https://linktr.ee/wendirubybloggingsl https://rubyswheretofindit.weebly.com/home/im-still-a-fool-for-you
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southernbellegirlie · 1 year ago
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人 !Six Feet Under is my jam !!♡∠※。.:*:・'°☆
Yah. They are such dirtbags sometimes, but 0h my god.. Rico is my MAN. He is just so babelicious with his stature..dark hair and deep brown eyes (´ρ`) ♥︎!! His sweet look. I dunno🤭🥴 Ryan Ross a lil. . It is NOT so babe he supported a woman financially and THEN SOME though🤞 still my hot sexy man fr!! hehe !!
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julibe · 1 year ago
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Six Feet Under ★★★★★★★★☆☆
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efy34 · 2 years ago
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I'm watching Six Feet Under 1x01 "Pilot"
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zerounotvadri · 16 days ago
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Es un festival disruptivo qué llegará para quedarse y que por nada del mundo se pueden perder.Enla actualidad del festival de Metal más importante de este 2025 en la CDMX
Consigue tus boletos ahora y asegura tu lugar en la nueva historia del metal https://bit.ly/4ez86K1 Sábado 1 de marzo en el Parque Bicentenario MX
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raurquiz · 7 months ago
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#Happybirthday @JoannaVCassidy #JoannaCassidy #actress #TLes #StarTrek #Enterprise #bladerunner #whoframedrogerrabbit #thepackage #ghostsofmars #thegrudge2 #missionimpossible #theloveboat #fantasyisland #falconcrest #sixfeetunder #ncisnola #Leverage #Redemption #MyTrueFairytale
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musicarenagh · 1 month ago
Breaking the Cycle: Laura Sea on Mental Health and Music The artist Laura Sea who has gathered strong industry attention through her debut album “Transformations” which she released in 2024. The debut album "Transformations" led Laura Sea to produce her new release "Six Feet Under". The song represents an anthemic pop-punk ballad which continues the strength of her previous releases. The piano intro of “Six Feet Under” introduces guitar elements that establish a path for the song. The song combines piano melodies with standard pop-punk guitar rhythms and powerful drum beats. The musical composition creates an ear-catching atmosphere with somber and melancholic and mood-inducing elements. The song describes the experience of getting trapped within repetitive routines alongside experiencing psychological decline. The feeling of being trapped in a routine with no idea about future directions marks this state. This song uses its lyrics to describe the depressive feelings that come with being in a mental illness while explaining the experience of hitting rock bottom. The song guides listeners about methods to overcome these emotional states and progress forward with their lives. Despite its poignant nature this song delivers a bittersweet musical experience that creates a mood of sadness but ends with a positive uplifting feeling. The Canadian pianist Laura Sea hails from Milton Ontario where she performs pop-punk music. Laura Sea creates memorable music through the combination of meaningful lyrics and catchy riffs with her melodic piano additions. Her clear honest voice activates every line of her powerful songs. Through her songs Laura explores themes related to mental health and toughness and personal development. The artist Laura expresses strong enthusiasm for her upcoming album. During the last three years I dedicated my time to writing while exploring my musical direction. The album release brings me excitement because I want everyone to experience it"! The first album by Laura represents a solid foundation for building her position within the pop-punk music world. Listeners will not be disappointed.   Listen to Six Feet Under below Laura Sea · Six Feet Under   Follow Laura Sea on Facebook Youtube Instagram Tiktok     What inspired the creation of “Six Feet Under”? Is there a personal story behind it? This song comes from my own experiences with depression. It’s about feeling stuck in a poor mental state and going through the monotony of everyday life. It’s about feeling in a rut and not knowing where you’re headed and what lays ahead. This song talks a lot about mental health and is about what it feels like when you’re at a low point.   The title suggests something deep and intense—how would you describe the emotions or themes of the song? The themes in the song are mental health and depression. It displays feelings of detachment, melancholy, and boredom.   Does the song delve into darker or more vulnerable aspects of life? What message do you hope it conveys? Although the song starts with describing what depression feels like, the bridge offers a hopeful message in that nothing lasts forever. I hope it offers guidance to how to overcome these feelings and how to move forward. What was your goal with “Six Feet Under”—to tell a story, evoke emotions, or share a specific message? My goal was to evoke strong emotions from people who can relate to ever feeling like you’re down and out. I also wanted to share a message of hope to give them a way to pull themselves up. [caption id="attachment_58653" align="alignnone" width="1333"] My goal was to evoke strong emotions from people who can relate to ever feeling like you’re down and out.[/caption] Did the concept of “Six Feet Under” evolve as you worked on it, or did you have a clear vision from the start? The concept started out vaguely related to mental health, but began to relate more to depression as I started writing. As the process progressed, the theme took shape more clearly.
  Are there any lyrics or moments in the song that feel particularly meaningful or personal to you? I feel like the bridge is the most meaningful part to me personally. “I’ll hold on for one more day, ‘til this feeling goes away” is a sort of mantra for me to get through tough times.   Did you experiment with any unique sounds, instruments, or techniques in the production process? I really enjoyed writing a more prominent piano part for this song. My producer helped me write complimenting guitars for the song.   Is there a specific part of the song—like the chorus or a particular instrumental section—that stands out as your favorite? I like how the intro turned out, with the piano leading into the guitar. The guitar solo was also a great addition by my producer. He translated it nicely from piano to guitar.   Do you think this song allows fans to see a different side of you as an artist? It’s no secret that I write about mental health in some songs, but I think this is the first time that I’ve been really transparent with my own feelings.   If someone listens to this song for the first time, what do you hope they feel or think? I hope listeners feel understood because they find the lyrics relatable. I think everyone has, at one point or another, felt stuck in a cycle of doing the same things everyday. I believe we all know this feeling whether or not we have struggled with depression. https://youtu.be/LsypQnBtPyo?si=PHsIZwhouPm4cFVQ What does “Six Feet Under” represent to you personally? Does it mark a new chapter in your artistry? This song is highly representative of my own experiences with mental health. It dives deeper into my own personal feelings, and I get right into the heart of the matter. It’s not too different from my previous releases, like “Certified Anti-depressant”, but it marks a new musical chapter because of the darker undertones, more present piano, and it’s anthemic ballad theme.   What’s next for Laura Sea after “Six Feet Under”? Are there more projects or surprises on the horizon? I am currently working on a couple of tracks, one of which will be released as a single. This is all leading up to the release of my second album later this year! I hope to complete it by late 2025.   If you could dedicate “Six Feet Under” to one person, moment, or feeling, what would it be and why? This is a hard one, but I think I would dedicate this to everyone who is in the daily grind, just trying to get to the next day. I know how hard it can be to find something other than your daily obligations to look forward to. Everyone deserves to have a bright spot that makes their lives worth living.   What do you hope your listeners remember most about “Six Feet Under” long after they hear it? I hope listeners remember it as a bittersweet ballad that offers a sorrowful mood but ends by leaving you feeling hopeful and uplifted.
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emilyr24601 · 1 month ago
I made it so people would watch it
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tiaritman · 3 months ago
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David Fisher ( Michael C Hall )
Six Feet Under
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wendiruby · 3 months ago
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Featuring Kaithleens @ Uber, Sintiklia @ FaMESHed, Six Feet Under @ Gothcore, and Rawr @ Mainstore
♛ #SL #Secondlife #SLFashion #SecondlifeFashion #Kaithleens #UberSL #Sintiklia #FaMESHed #SixFeetUnder #Gothcore #RawrSL
HQ & Credits: https://linktr.ee/wendirubybloggingsl https://rubyswheretofindit.weebly.com/home/featuring-kaithleens-uber-sintiklia-fameshed-six-feet-under-gothcore-and-rawr-mainstore
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ennead999 · 4 months ago
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