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rossanataormina · 2 years ago
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IV EDITION 28.07 - 30.09.2023
Dopo il terremoto del 1968, le persone abitarono a lungo nelle baraccopoli. L’artista durante l’adolescenza assiste ad una profonda trasformazione dei luoghi amati nell’infanzia, che ha avuto un profondo impatto sulla sua sensibilità e identità. L’artista ha sperimentato un sentimento di perdita tale da far maturare una sorta di ossessione per la memoria, affascinata da archivi immaginari, dal confine tra memoria personale e memoria collettiva.
After the earthquake in 1968, for a long time people lived in temporary accommodation. Growing up as she did during this time of urban redesign, she witnessed the scenery change dramatically, which impacted on her sensitivity and identity. The artist experienced the sentiment of loss and developed a kind of obsession with memory, she is fascinated by archives of imagery, by the border between personal memory and collective memory.
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saulsavarino · 2 years ago
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DO THE RIGHT THING - 2020 - Progetto site specific rotonda Locarno
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maikosabino · 9 months ago
Mixed Race Moviment - Movimento Mestiço - 2024. 10 minutes
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galeriavyklad · 1 year ago
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LIMITY NEKONEČNA Diana Paulová & Andrea Dudášová
Výstava Diany Paulovej a Andrey Dudášovej s názvom Limity nekonečna sa do výstavného plánu Galérie Výklad pre rok 2023 vybrala na základe úspešných výsledkov otvorenej výzvy. Obe autorky sú absolventkami VŠVU v Bratislave – Diana Paulová Katedry Dizajnu a Andrea Dudášová Katedry Socha, objekt, inštalácia. V rámci svojej umeleckej praxe tvoria separátne, ale i ako umelecké duo. V minulosti spoločne vytvorili napríklad projekt pre festival Tehláreň (2021).
Pre špecifickú „window gallery“ – Galériu Výklad, ktorá sa nachádza v exponovanej časti centra mesta Trnava, pripravili Diana Paulová a Andrea Dudášová site specific inštaláciu/environment. Spoločná intervencia vychádza z priestorových daností dvoch výkladov slúžiacich ako výstavný priestor. Zároveň ich forma nového vytvoreného prostredia vychádza z určenia a vizuality galérie ako takej. Vzniká tu optická ilúzia prehlbujúca priestor dovnútra alebo, naopak, vychádzajúca zvnútra von, ktorá pohlcujúco vťahuje pohlaď divákov a diváčok. V oboch výkladoch je simulované prostredie, ktoré imituje výstavný priestor, čím akoby vytvára priestor v priestore, výklad vo výklade, galériu v galérii… Je to priestor pre priestor, ktorý však neobsahuje výstavné exponáty, ale je exponátom sám. Autorky svojou intervenciou rozohrávajú optickú i významovú hru s diváctvom. Podnecujú ho rozmýšľať nad tým, ako súčasné vizuálne umenie funguje a aké sú jeho možnosti i možné úskalia.
Obe umelkyne vychádzajú najmä z osobnej skúsenosti, keď po ukončení štúdií na vysokej škole prišli do reality, ktor�� je prednostne orientovaná na výkon a prináša neskutočne veľa možností. Až natoľko, že tieto neobmedzené možnosti sa nám môžu stať istým mentálnym väzením. Problémové rozhodovanie sa, ako si z mnohých ciest vybrať tú najlepšiu, môže naopak priniesť paralýzu a neschopnosť výberu vôbec. A tak môžeme naše rozhodnutia odďaľovať a čakať. Tento pocit prináša aj umelecký svet v podobe rôznych materiálových, technologických, ideových, trhových i konkurenčných možností, keď sa najmä absolvent/absolventka, ktorý/ktorá obrazne vychádza do sveta spod krídel školy, môže cítiť zmätený/zmätená.
Limity nekonečna teda vyjadrujú nespočetnosť možností pri rozhodovaní sa a zároveň akúsi existenčnú úzkosť z toho. Intervenciu môžeme vnímať ako aj ironickú narážku na galerijnú prevádzku, ktorá samotná môže glorifikovať isté typy výstavných priestorov ako „chrámov umenia“, trebárs v podobe „white cube“. Avšak v prípade Galérie Výklad to môžeme vnímať i v opačnom garde, že samotná inštalácia odkazuje na výnimočný netypický priestor ponúkajúci svoje prostredie pre mladých výtvarníkov/mladé výtvarníčky, ktorí/ktoré sa neboja experimentovať a vystavovať v rámci alternatívnej „off space“ a „artist run gallery“, ktoré sú stále v našom lokálnom kontexte (oproti Západu) skôr raritou. Galéria Výklad je zaujímavá i tým, že je nonstop galériou v centre mesta, ktorá vťahuje pohľady okoloidúcich, a tým zasahuje všetky typy/vrstvy/vekové kategórie divákov a diváčok.
Výstava Limity nekonečna Diany Paulovej a Andrey Dudášovej nás vyzýva uvažovať nad nekonečnom a dôvodom, prečo si niekedy nevieme vybrať takzvanú správnu cestu. Odpoveďou môže byť, že žiadna správna cesta neexistuje. Vždy to, čo bolo alebo nebolo správne, vieme zhodnotiť až s odstupom času a nie z pohľadu prítomnosti, tu a teraz. Každopádne, ak by aj nejaká správna cesta či rozhodnutie existovalo, vždy bude iné a špecifické pre každého z nás. Možno len treba prekonať strach a vykročiť… Tak, ako autorky vykročili smerom zvnútra výkladu do ulice, od seba k ostatným – okoloidúcim recipientom, od svojich subjektívnych pochýb k týkajúcich sa nás všetkých…
Text: Marianna Brinzová / kurátorka výstavy
Projekt, ako aj výstavný program Galérie Výklad pre rok 2023 z verejných zdrojov podporilo Mesto Trnava a Fond na podporu umenia.
Foto: Peter Lančarič
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andyfi03 · 1 year ago
Anish Kapoor. Untrue Unreal a Palazzo Strozzi
Dopo le grandi mostre dell’anno scorso alle Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia ed a Palazzo Manfrin, arriva a Firenze precisamente a Palazzo Strozzi, la prima mostra fiorentina dello scultore britannico. Continue reading Untitled
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appuntalapis · 1 year ago
Mosto di Nozze
Testi e regia di Flavia Gramaccioni
Liberamente ispirato da nozze di sangue di Garcia Lorca
Oggetti e costumi di Mikova Svetlana e Flavia Gramaccioni
Composizione musica di Caterina Dufi( vipera)
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Tre scene, site-specific, tre immagini prendono vita e ci raccontano di un femminile, sempre al cento, che si confronta con il matrimonio tra inevitabili angherie sociali ma soprattutto imposizioni personali e profondissime.
Produzione festival promenade/ agosto 2023
Compagnia Brocken Jump
Photo Gabriele Micheli e Andrea Lombardi
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lightbuild · 1 year ago
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calendario-gp · 2 years ago
June 25
Be(e)t(hove)n  Brut Viaggio nell'universo musicale di una casa del 68 con cemento e dischi a vista, da Beethoven a Wendy Carlos, ovvero l'armonia del brutalismo  nella campagna di Urbino Paolo Bragaglia, Roberto Paci Dalò e altr_ Fondazione Ca’ Romanino Via Ca' Castellaro, SP 9, 7, 61029 Urbino (PU), Italy
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marionieva · 2 years ago
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____________________________________________________ mi ego recostado sobre un manto de gatitos dormidos q se clavan espinas dentro de los ombligos afilan sus dientes contra sus pestañas como flashes partidos del dibujo de un manga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #fakepoetry #ego #painting #drawing #sitespecific #sitespecificart #installation #red #tribal #poscaart #poscamarkers #marionieva #2023 #argentinianartist (at Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwtQOkOZB8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1mikel2 · 2 years ago
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imagine...LOEWE garden CONCEPT
Concept Part #1
Grant Dudson
Tim Nash
#sitespecific #popup #loewe #concept #retaildesign
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roccioletti · 5 months ago
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Il tempo materiale - 2
Art residency @ Bussana Vecchia / metaBussana
dal 9 al 15 settembre 2024
Giorno 3 di residenza artistica.
#contemporaryart #performanceart #performance #installation #installationart #sitespecific #arte #artecontemporanea #corpo #body #tempo #time
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advancedsolartechnology · 8 months ago
Solar Power in Australia | advancedsolartechnology.com.au
Solar power is a powerful way to reduce your energy costs and your carbon footprint. In Australia, the solar industry is flourishing and growing rapidly. This is partly due to the feed-in tariff rebate scheme that provides income potential for residential households.
Solar panels and inverters are now produced on a Gigawatt scale in robotic-driven factories. This means that production volume affects price.
The cost of Solar power in Australia has been on a downward curve. According to the comparison site SolarQuotes, a 6kW system will cost around A$6,000 and will pay for itself within five years.
Investing in solar energy can reduce your electricity bills and help the environment. It can also increase your property value and make it easier to sell or rent out your home. However, you should consider the upfront costs of installation.
The cost of solar will depend on your location, the size of your home, and how much sunlight it gets. It is important to choose a system with a high efficiency rating. The higher the efficiency, the more solar energy your system will produce. In addition, you should choose a system with a long warranty period. A long warranty will ensure that your solar panels will last for a long time.
Solar power is a clean and renewable alternative to traditional energy sources. It uses the sun’s light to generate electricity, which can be used in homes immediately or fed into the electricity grid. This helps reduce electricity bills and supports sustainability. Moreover, it can prevent climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
It also benefits the environment by avoiding damage to the natural landscape. The extraction of fossil fuels causes pollution and destroys habitats and ecosystems. By contrast, solar energy doesn’t require the burning of fossil fuels and doesn’t waste water.
In addition to these environmental benefits, Solar power perth can also improve air quality by lowering harmful pollutants. Using solar energy reduces the amount of harmful gases released into the atmosphere and can help keep Australians healthy. In fact, each household with a rooftop system can prevent more than 2.2 tonnes of CO2 glasshouse emissions per year. This is a huge contribution to the global effort to combat climate change.
While solar power is a great way to reduce energy costs, it also requires careful monitoring and safety measures. In the past, there have been several incidents of workers being injured by working on rooftops. These accidents have largely been caused by inadequate worker training. Introducing mandatory training would improve worker awareness and help ensure that the right health and safety protocols are followed.
Rooftop solar panels are hefty, so it’s important to have a comprehensive safety system in place before starting work on a rooftop. This includes having a sitespecific SWMS prepared for all work where the risk of falls is more than two metres, and consulting with workers. It is also important to use insulated equipment.
In addition to the above, authorised retailers and installers must comply with the leading practices identified in industry guidance. They must also have an established process for managing remote work. In addition, they should regularly inspect their solar farms for water ingress and other potential hazards.
The solar energy industry is growing rapidly. It is mainly due to people wanting to save money on electricity costs and do their bit for the environment. There are more than 2 million households in Australia that have made the switch to solar power.
The growth of solar panel installers is also fueled by government incentives. Rebates and feed-in tariffs help to offset the upfront cost of the panels. They also make it more financially viable for homeowners to generate renewable energy and sell the excess back to the grid.
Geoscience Australia is contributing to the country’s solar resource prospecting efforts by building a network of ground stations that collect and compare insolation data across the nation. These will help the solar business and scientific community determine the competitiveness of future solar sites. The results will be available online. Moreover, solar energy doesn’t pollute the environment like fossil fuels do.
Fossil fuel extraction has been linked to habitat destruction and water pollution.
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sandratognarini · 2 years ago
Artisti per Frescobaldi: opere a CastelGiocondo di Montalcino
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Artisti per Frescobaldi: opere a CastelGiocondo di Montalcino Daniela De Lorenzo e Massimo Bartolini creano due opere site specific in dialogo con la tenuta vinicola di CastelGiocondo Artisti per Frescobaldi: due nuove opere site specific a CastelGiocondo Il progetto Artisti per Frescobaldi, nato Non perdete la mostra di #ArtistiPerFrescobaldi a #CastelGiocondo! Due opere site specific di #DanielaDeLorenzo e #MassimoBartolini in dialogo con la natura e il vino https://ramingare.com/?p=7732🍇🍷 #ArteContemporanea #SiteSpecific #LudovicoPratesi #TizianaFrescobaldi #Arte #Natura #Vino ... Read the full article
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jasminebertusi · 3 years ago
Specific Site Flag at Torre di Talamonaccio
Black Ink on flag numbered and signed
Tuscany 23/07/2022
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lucasparbo · 2 years ago
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BIG DATA Mural site specific. Representación del crecimiento orgánico de un bit de información y cómo se adapta a un entorno digital en fincase un sistema inteligente. Ultimo proyecto del año para @fundacion_santander_ar Gracias @elenitatavelli y equipo por la convocatoria. Gracias infinitas a @chinomachado por asistir, ayudar, viajar, charlar, musicalizar y ser parte de cada muro pintado durante todo este 2022, la rompiste toda chino ✨🙌✊🏼 . . . #mural #paint #sitespecific #art #wallpainting #streetart #pintura #bigdata #fundacionsantander #lucasparbo #lucaslasnier #artoftheday #arte #perceptions (at Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmo_X6srScn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seasicily · 3 years ago
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Tre Piscine Cala del Cuore, Cove of the Hearth, Beach in Bagheria, Palermo
In Sicily you may come across landart, like this heart at the Tre Piscine (the three pools) of Bagheria, which now goes by the second name Cala del Cuore ( Cove of the Heart ). It's one of my favourite places in the world.
It's a beautiful place to swim, where I love to watch the sunset and dive into the turquoise water (for advanced swimmers only). The heart placed in the stone is a clue for those of us who know that love overcomes even rough places.
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