#Sirius is the jewel of the Ball
milunalupin · 7 months
— tale as old as time
a/n: welcome to my beast!remus x beauty!reader series ! i hope you come along this journey with me and enjoy!
chapter one
remus lupin x reader ★ 1.4k words
Gowns and music filled the ballroom, the castle's servants walking around with silver trays of the most luxurious desserts in France. Beautiful and wealthy people danced around to the sound of the piano and the most famous opera singer money could buy in all of Europe.   
The ballroom was decked out in glimmering jewels and fresh flora, the smell of roses strong in the air.  In the middle was Prince Remus Lupin, twirling countless girls about, a smirk on his handsome powdered face.  The Lupins ruled the Alsace region, their wealth apparent by their acres of meticulously landscaped property, the glimmer of the sun on the enormous castle blinding. Remus was an only child who was raised by King Lyall and Queen Hope, until the queen passed away from an illness many years ago, leading the Prince to grow up with the influence of his cold and selfish father.
Staff members were forced to turn a blind eye when they would see the young master walk through the castle with watery eyes or badly hidden bruises. No matter how much they pitied him, his father would rid them of their job in a heartbeat if they dared speak up about it. With every passing year, Prince Remus grew to be increasingly more his father, prioritizing status over everything.  Remus' life was filled with anything he wanted, and obviously once you have everything, things get boring. So, he constantly hosted balls and invited only the most beautiful and influential people in France. Men and women came from all over the country dressed in the most lavish of outfits, trying to gain the attention of the young Prince. 
In a silky yellow tailcoat stood the royal family's head of kitchen staff, Sirius Black. He let out an exaggerated sigh as he stood along his colleagues, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew.  "How many girls will leave crying tonight, do you think?" 
James, dressed in all white with embroidered lapels, rolled his eyes and frowned as he watched the Prince.  "He'll never get married if he keeps acting like this, never form a true bond with anyone." 
A huff came from Peter, who looked the worst out of the three of them (according to Sirius), in a simple brown waistcoat. He held his prized pocket watch in his hand, constantly checking the time to ensure the party was running smoothly.  "The prince's love life isn't really any of our business, Sirius." 
Peter Pettigrew, to say the least, was a suck up, and nothing but loyal to the royal family. It was in his blood; his family having served the royal family for decades. Naturally, he started working under his father in the administrative department and moving ranks until he was appointed head of house, managing the rest of the staff as His Highness' right-hand man. 
James Potter credits everything he has now to his beautiful mother, Euphemia, who was an incredible seamstress who worked in the castle years prior. Now, James assists the young master with his clothing as well as leads the housekeeping staff with his mini assistant Harry, who's favorite thing to do is fold the towels into swans. 
Sirius met James when they worked together at a pub in town before James accepted his position among the royal staff. He was an orphan who had run away from his abusive foster parents. Euphemia felt for the boy and had immediately taken them in like her own son. Cooking meals with his new family ignited his love for food and with help from the Potters, had gone to culinary school. Later, with James's help, began as a waiter at the castle turned kitchen manager. 
Prince Remus, to be frank, doesn't love, not really once his mother had passed. Once under the orders of his father, his image, and the people he surrounded himself with became a priority. Being human was being vulnerable, and being vulnerable was being weak. That's why he found himself surrounded by attractive women, knowing that each one hanging onto his arm believed that they would be the one he fell in love with, inheriting his fortune and power. His arm was around one of the maidens' waists, loosely spinning her as his eyes scanned the room for someone more interesting. 
"My lord, I can't help but believe you might have an interest in me. this is the second time we've danced tonight; you need not be so shy." 
His eyes dropped back to Amelie? Emily? who blushed under his gaze, looking up at him through her fluttering eyelashes. He scoffed and retracted his hand from her waist, pushing past her towards another, ignoring her pleas and attempts to grab his arm. As much fun as he had being the center of attention and being the one everyone wanted to be with, he despised the desperate ones, none of them being worth his actual time. 
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"Papa, I brought the napkins you asked for!" 
Sirius, James, and Peter turned to find Harry, James's son, holding a stack of cloth napkins up to him with a bright smile, his glasses sliding down his nose. James grinned as he took the napkins from Harry, pushing his glasses back up his nose and fixing his hair. 
"Great job Harry, now run along." 
"You've got him working already Potter? A chip off the old block, that one is." Peter chuckled, smiling along his colleagues as they watched little Harry skip away. 
The doors suddenly burst open, a woman in a cloak falling to the ground, her hood slipping and exposing her ratty grey hair. The maidens closest to the door gasped and squealed as they backed up, trying to distance themselves from the old woman. The music has stopped, Prince Remus weaving his way through the crowd to stand before the elderly intruder. 
"Who let you in, peasant? This ball is invite only." 
The woman looked up, her cloudy grey eyes looking into the Prince's. She held up a single rose, offering him the flower for temporary shelter from the cold. Prince Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes at the woman. The party goers laughed at the old woman from the other side of the ballroom. 
A smirk appeared on the old woman's face, as her body under the cloak began to glow a warm yellow, what seemed liked enchanted haze spreading towards the aghast party goers. Flower petals began to float around the woman as she transformed into a younger, more beautiful version of herself, her now bright blue eyes staring into the Prince's. The guests screamed at they scrambled to escape the sorcery they've witnessed, polished shoes trampling over expensive fabric and rose petals. 
The royal staff looked on in fear, not knowing how to help their master in this situation. James weaved through the people rushing out and found Harry hiding in a corner. He picked him up and turned to head out the door but stopped when he heard a deep growl coming from the center of the room. 
The cloud of magic enveloped Prince Remus, his bones cracking and expanding as his body slowly transformed him into a large, furry monster. His perfect silk robes tearing and falling off the Prince's new body. Large curved horns grew out of his head, and his perfect teeth evolved into sharp fangs. His once perfect appearance turned into one of a menacing animal. 
The young Prince had failed his test from the enchantress. He had not shown kindness to a stranger in need and had confirmed his own selfishness and entitlement. He was mean and ugly on the inside, so she had turned him into who he really was, a beast. Adding on to that, she left a powerful spell on the castle and villagers, turning the royal staff into household objects for allowing the Prince's behavior, and erasing all memory of the royal castle and its inhabitants from the villagers. The curse was infinite, unless the prince managed to make someone fall in love with him. 
Over the years the castle grew colder, lonelier as Remus and his staff became more hopeless for a chance to end the curse. Snow had fallen over the crumbling castle and grounds, the bitterness of the cold outside matching what Remus was feeling in his heart. 
 He was doomed, turned into a disgusting monster for the rest of his days, because who could ever learn to love a beast? 
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whorediaries-09 · 9 months
baby, something with sirius and reader going to a pureblood ball, and her defending sirius against walburga and sirius having heart eyes for her?? reader is pureblood btw, and slytherin, so she's basically perfect but risking her reputation for siri baby
your wish my command 💃
dusk till dawn
pairing- sirius black x lestrange!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort, dialogue heavy. (let me know if should add more) a/n- kinda an enemies to lovers?
ps- i hate the banner 💀
the slut club
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let's make love tonight make it up, fall in love
the breakfast table seems too loud to be tolerated today. you rest your cheek on your palm, closing your eyes. you pull the wand out of your hair, letting it fall down. drawing incoherent circles on the wood of the table you yawn, too sleepy to let your mouth move and eat your breakfast.
your eyes don't open until the table goes too silent, excluding a few gasps here and there. the chaos murmurs down to a silent rumble. it's not your hand you feel on your head, it's cold and rough.
'you would've fallen asleep lestrange,'
your eyes widen. it's the voice of the casanova of hogwarts, who reeked of an arrogance you hated with all the hate you could muster.
'does it matter?' you snap back, your voice a carrying a heavy spell of drowsiness you didn't recognize. he raised an eyebrow, retracing his hand from your head, pushing a glass of pumpkin juice towards you.
'yep, i wouldn't want a bruise on my date's face tonight,'
the words spill so casually from his lips, it takes you a few minutes to understand what he said. when realization dawns upon you, you almost spit your drink on his face. instead you swallow on it in an unethical way, coughing up.
'w-what?' you splutter.
'bellatrix's wedding. be there.'
'well obviously i'm gonna be there, she's getting married to my fucking brother.'
'yeah so you'd want a date wouldn't you?'
'why don't you take potter? all the pureblood families are invited.'
'i'd love to, but his family isn't going.'
'but why me?'
'i dunno, cause i know you?' he says, sheepish grin on his face. you raise your eyebrow, looking at him questioningly. it's as if you're trying to progress his request. well not exactly a request, rather a command. nevertheless, you consider it for a moment. while sirius' rebellious attitude and image would surely taint your 'perfect' image, it didn't matter because you too needed a date and so did he. and even though you did 'hate' him, you saw your own opportunity, you wanted to grab it.
'so...what's in for me?'
'come on lestrange, you're getting a date out with me, isn't that enough?'
'nope. i would've considered it if you weren't so tacky black,' you return. he huffs throwing up his hands in the air.
'fine, i'll get you your favorite chocolates from honeydukes,'
'you can't buy me with chocolates. you'll do anything i say if i go out with you. deal?'
he glares at you.
***** the grand ballroom of the black manor glittered with the opulence befitting the pureblood elite. the wedding was a spectacle of extravagance, a showcase of the finest robes, dazzling jewels, and a careful dance of political alliances. sirius reluctantly found himself in attendance, accompanied by you that caused whispers through the gathered crowd.
your family was known for it's pureblood lineage, material possessions and wit. the confidence you felt in the satin robes was fake, but your aristocratic upbringing had taught you to never put your head down, even if you didn't feel comfortable enough.
maybe there was a fire within you or a coldness in your gaze that intrigued him tonight. while you were meant to be pawn, he couldn't help but glance at you. you looked different. you felt different. he wondered if you put up a mask at school or there. the latter seemed more appropriate to the image he had created of you in his head.
but still, you felt different. a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere where he felt suffocated.
'remember, no touching,' you breathed smiling as you so shook hands with lucius malfoy. while the gaze from his empty eyes sent chills down your spine, you still smiled.
your eyes locked with your brother. he was decked up in a black suit, your family emblem stitched on it with silver threads. brushing his hair away from his face, he mustered a comical grin, putting up a thumbs up in the air. your mother stood beside him, dusting off invisible dust from the velvet. it was a wonder how he could tolerate her nonsense, considering how many times you had wanted to knock her teeth of. nevertheless you approached her. with sirius behind you.
'good evening mother,' you bowed.
'i see you've brought a traitor as your date. i'm not very proud,'
you smiled. you could talk back, she couldn't use the cruciatus curse.
'you never were mother.'
'glad you caught up.'
'i see someone has chosen my filthy traitor of a son as their date,' walburga's oily voice boomed. sirius backed his shoulders, unconsciously gripping on your arm. while his sudden touch felt ghostly, you controlled your urge to back up.
'lady black, i assure you just because you don't choose your son doesn't mean no one else will. he really is a perfect companion.'
the tension hung so thick, you could cut it with a knife. her eyes gazed over you as if you were rust on iron. you felt his grip tighten on your arm.
'now if you'll excuse us,' you said, turning to your brother, 'congratulations on your wedding brother, but it seems like no one here likes our presence. excuse us.'
'you really shouldn't have done that you know. defend me against my own mother.' he says, smoke leaking out of his lips as he passed a thin roll of tobacco to you. you crush it under your toe.
'eh,' you shrug, his eyes not meeting yours. yours wander among the stars, the beautiful twinkling reminding you of the veiled insults and shared laughter the both of you had throughout the night.
'i've never really had a friend you know. it was always my brother, but somewhere i think i lost him too. and maybe defending you against your mother gave me a sense of validation.'
sirius squeezes your arm.
'i feel the same way. i think about running away to the potters, but i fear i'll be the black sheep. my mother has engraved shit into my head. and even though i know it's not true, i feel like it is,'
'shit like? you're worthless? sirius you're way more than their opinion,'
his voice is heavy when he hums. silence ensues, but it's a signal. to maybe meet after dark. or maybe to show the place where the others gave him scars. either ways, you let him hold your hand. you think he needs the comfort, wreck your plans. you think you're the train that truly takes him home. at least for the night.
'i feel like i had to tear down my banners. and sometimes i think clarity's in death, but this doesn't die. and memories feel like weapons. the wounds don't close.'
you draw circles on the skin of his wrist. they are unhealed wounds. and maybe you want to heal them. just for perhaps the night. you want to stay, you want him to know that you're there. even if just for dusk till dawn.
it's a childish question but you let it spill out of your mouth anyways.
'will you be my friend?'
he doesn't answer. he rests his head on your shoulder instead. he smells similar to your father, but he doesn't feel like it. he feels like the train that could take you home.
'you collect broken things and try to fix them. if i won't be one of those unfixable things, then maybe.' he whispers. you tighten your fingers around his. it's a silent promise.
to stay.
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ohgaylor · 4 months
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Taylor in Entertainment Weekly, during the Lover era
Easter eggs can be left on clothing and jewelry. This is one of my favorite ways to do it because you wear something that foreshadows something else. And people don’t usually find out this one immediately but they know you’re probably sending a message. They’ll figure it out in time.
Note: This masterpost will export both the vibrant rainbows present during the era, and the far more serious tones that eventually crept in, with more dark blacks toward the latter half of the era.
March 14, 2019 — iHeart Radio Music Awards
playsuit (link)
butterfly shoes (link)
April 24, 2019 — Leaving apartment
pastel shirt (link) (see also Billboard rehearsals and YNTCD bts)
April 25, 2019 — Spotify video
rainbow t-shirt (link)
April 25, 2019 — Me! announcement on GMA
rainbow dress and rings (link) (link)
April 26, 2019 — Me! music video
rainbow rings (link)
pink tulle gown (link)
April 26, 2019 — social media post with Benji
rainbow shirt (link)
April 30, 2019 — Instagram story
rainbow “awesome” merch shirt (link)
April 30, 2019 — Billboard rehearsals
same rainbow tie-dye shirt (link)
May 1, 2019 — Billboard Music Awards
rainbow rings (link)
May 2, 2019 — Spotify video with Me!
rainbow tie-die shirt (link)
May 7, 2019 — Capital 1 Radio interview
bisexual colored plaid shirt (link)
May 8, 2019 — Paris
rainbow shirt (link) (see May 14th)
May 9, 2019 — Entertainment Weekly cover
rainbow flag heart pin (link)
blue and pink outfit (link)
May 14, 2019 — Instagram Story announcing Ellen interview
Free People rainbow shirt (link) (link)
May 23, 2019 — Spotify Playlist by Me!
Bella Freud, rainbow heart sequin shirt (link)
June 1, 2019 — Wango Tango
rainbow outfit (link)
Stella McCartney shoes (link)
June 2019 - in studio
rainbow shirt and shoes (link) (link)
June 17, 2019 — You Need To Calm Down music video
rainbow earrings and rings (link) (link)
more rainbow rings (link) (link)
shoes (link) (link)
bi-colored hair (link)
bts same rainbow tie-dye shirt (link)
Aug 11, 2019 — Teen Choice Awards
rings (link)
rainbow after party dress (link)
Aug 22, 2019 — Lover music video
butterfly dress (link)
rainbow heart jacket (link)
Aug 23, 2019 — Sirius XM
Stella McCartney black jeweled jumper (link)
Aug 26, 2019 — MTV Awards Afterparty
black sequin outfit (link)
Aug 31, 2019 — Apple Music Ad, celebrating UK #1 album
rainbow sequin dress (link)
black star shirt (link)
Oct 7, 2019 — SNL Promo
rainbow outfit (link)
Sept 9, 2019 — City of Lover Concert in Paris
black outfit (link)
Nov 6, 2019 — Fan Event in Tokyo, Japan
black jumpsuit (link)
sequin jumpsuit (link)
Nov 10, 2019 — Fan Event in Tokyo, Japan
Dark velvet blazer (link)
Nov 11, 2019 — backstage in China
grey dress (link)
Nov 12, 2019 — Fan Event in China
rainbow dress and shoes (link) (link)
Nov 24, 2019 — AMAs
Dark green dress (link)
Dec 8, 2019 — Jingle Bell Ball Interview
black outfit (link)
Dec 12, 2019 — Billboard Women in Music
black jumpsuit with chains (link)
Dec 13, 2019 — Jingle Ball
Dark gold dress (link)
Dec 17, 2019 — The Today Show
black Oscar de la Renta dress (link)
Jan 5, 2020 Golden Globes After Party
black dress (link)
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sophsicle · 2 years
Part II
(Part I I will be honest, they're not exactly parts, but they're close enough, like they're mostly just sketches of ideas for something so the continuity is real sus, but there is some connection, also I barely edited this so sooorrrrrrryy I just had an idea so I did a little tappity tap tap)
Regulus is alone. Which is a new and not entirely unwelcome experience.
Usually there are servants, courtiers, advisors.
Regulus is very often lonely. But he is seldom alone. And yet...here he is.
He stands in his brother's bedchamber, the bed still unmade, empty bottles of wine on the tables, piles of books on the floor. Clothes everywhere - over the chairs, balled up in the corners. Some are his brother's, some are, quite clearly, not. Mostly what Regulus sees is the small piece of parchment placed so delicately on Sirius's pillow. There's not much on it. Just five words. I asked you to come
It's hard to swallow. Regulus isn't sure what it is he feels exactly. Anger, grief, betrayal. Betrayal more than the rest of it. Their father has barely been dead three days.
"You haven't sent out a search party."
He grimaces, wiping his face clean before he turns around to face his mother. She's dressed in an ornate black gown, covered in jewels and lace, the most extravagant widow in the whole kingdom.
"No," Regulus says finally. "No, I don't see much point. We have no idea where he's gone."
His mother's dark eyes narrow. "Don't you." It is only many years of training - of beatings - that keeps Regulus's eyes from rolling. "I told you, he didn't tell me anything."
Lets steal a ship. What?
Come on Reg, you and me. Lets steal a ship. Lets go discover something. I don't want to die an old man in my bed.
You'd rather die a young man on a ship?
I'd rather live.
Regulus turns away from his mother, walking towards the window. You can see almost the whole grounds from here. The intricate gardens, the orchard to the west, the forest just on the edge of the property. The best view in the palace.
Makes sense, Sirius is the king after all. Has been. For a whole three days.
"You have a plan then? For finding him? Because the second the families find out he's gone for good this time-"
"I know."
"- they'll come for our throats. And I mean that quite literally."
"I know."
The families are the three other noble lines with a claim to the throne. The Blacks have been in power barely thirty years and their hold on the kingdom has always been shaky. Sirius leaving could ruin them. Will ruin them. Which Regulus thinks, is probably part of the reason his brother did it.
"We haven't got the army or the funds to fight a civil war, let alone win one," she's crept up on him, standing too close, a shiver running down his spine. "So I hope you have a plan to bring him back." Down below a man walks into view. He has long shaggy brown curls, barely contained by a leather strap. He's playing with one of Sirius's dogs - a giant black hound - throwing sticks. Not exactly courtly behaviour.
"I think I know someone who might have some information."
"Well then give him to Greyback so we can get it already."
Regulus feels himself go very still. Fenrir Greyback was one of their father's most trusted advisors, and oldest friends. He's also a torturer. No one uses that word, of course. No one says it out loud. But that is what he does.
"I don't think that will be necessary," the man below him bends down, scratching the dogs head so thoroughly that the ridiculous creature quickly plops down and shows him his belly. Even from this distance, Regulus can make out James Potter's laugh.
"Regulus, you can't be soft about this."
That's her favourite word for him.
His brother is reckless.
But Regulus is soft.
He takes one final look at the pirate below him before turning away. "I'll get the information mother. Don't you worry."
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laventadorn · 2 years
old NJE cut scene
this isn't from chapter 14, but i was going through some scenes i'd cut from NJE ages ago and found this. in case anyone was interested in seeing alternate scenes/cuts, i thought i'd share it. i don't leave myself extensive notes and i'm kind of wondering why i cut this one out? it's got some bits i quite like!
this was from the chapter where snape, sirius, and harriet are going to sneak away from grimmauld place to rescue draco, who's gone missing in austria. it's just a scene of them prepping.
Sirius was very excited with this plan to run off to Austria to rescue Draco Malfoy. Harriet suspected he was eager to get out of Grimmauld Place and go abroad. His and Remus’ trip to the werewolves hadn’t exactly been a holiday. He’d come back after those long months with a scroungy beard and his hair matted and filthy: if not as bad as he’d been after escaping Azkaban, then at least a far cry from a guest anyone would want at their house party. Remus had once said that Sirius got antsy if stuck in one place for too long; from hearing Sirius talk, she also knew he had a thirst for adventure.
He was zealously applying himself to the business of planning, sneaking, packing, and disguising. In one of Grimmauld Place’s chipped bathrooms, he’d helped Harriet comb some magical paste through her hair that made it grow a foot in ten seconds (they’d overdone it and she’d wound up with hair enough for them to have dangled it out the window and climbed to the street), and then, after a judicious trim, had rubbed Sleekeazy’s in it until it was only wavy rather than a snarled mass. 
“Where’d you learn how to do this?” she’d asked, staring at the girl with long, almost-straight hair and her face in the mirror.
“Your granddad invented this stuff. You didn’t know?” Sirius scrubbed his paste-sticky hand with a flannel. “For your grandmother -- that’s who that crazy hair comes from, and she always complained about it, how it wouldn’t behave itself any better than Prongs did. So he fixed up this stuff. It’s the only thing that can hold your, hah, in-hair-itance.”
“Painfully bad, Sirius.” Harriet’s hand hovered over her now-sleek hair, nervous that she’d undo all his work if she touched it and die strangled by her own hair as it came back to life like a Devil’s Snare, twice as angry as before. “Parvati tried some of this stuff on my hair at the Yule Ball, but I only ended up looking Medusa.”
“You’ve got to heat it a bit before you apply it. Your gran used to take a full hour at this -- wore these elaborate braids and jeweled pins like a duchess.” 
He kept rubbing the flannel over his fingers, his gaze far away, and compassion filled Harriet’s throat. She’d always longed for stories like these, but she hadn’t known them the way Sirius did. That made it a different kind of pain.
“Anyway.” His gaze refocused and he smiled, lopsided. “Let’s put it under a scarf or something so nobody knows how we’ve changed it -- it’ll spoil the disguise if they all know about it before we make our great escape. You can tell everyone you’re straightening it. I doubt anyone in this house will have any clue.”
Snape did give her a funny look when she reappeared wearing a beryl-green scarf around her head, but then he returned to his default expression of probably wishing to shove a bradawl between Sirius’ ears. 
“I’ve got the Polyjuice,” he said, like he was sad it wasn’t poison. 
“You can’t have made it just now,” Harriet said, remembering the ages it had taken when Hermione had brewed it up in second year. “D’you just carry it around?”
“It would hardly help me be prepared if I left it at home.”
“Hairs, too?” she asked curiously. 
“I can’t go raiding the heads of passerby whenever I need to disappear, can I?”
Harriet brushed off his sarcasm. She remembered the stranger he’d become last summer at the World Cup; it would be interesting to watch the transformation from the other side. Plus, it was deeply intriguing to know that Snape apparently carried around everything he needed to maintain a disguise at any given moment. She’d always thought he was more of a hiding-in-plain-sight spy. 
A yell came from downstairs, followed by sounds of an angry gong and a crash. Sirius nipped out Regulus’ bedroom door and then back in again a moment later. 
“Moony’s got it,” he said, shutting the door with a snap. “That old grandfather clock started spitting bolts when they tried to move it. But that means we should split up.” He grimaced in reply to Harriet’s curious look. “Moony always knows when I’m scheming.”
“He’s had ample opportunity to develop the sense,” Snape said snidely, and got a rude gesture in reply. 
“Should I go help them?” Harriet asked. 
“You should use the distraction to pack,” Sirius said, steering her toward the door. “While everyone’s downstairs. I’ll go help.”
Harriet wanted to ask, ‘What if Snape sneaks off without us?’ Snape didn’t look to be in any shape to make it very far without them, but he did look better. What if that was all it took? He was bloody-minded enough to try.
She took the stairs two at a time, cast a quick gander around the room to make sure it was Ginny-free, and then tossed open her trunk and grabbed some clothes at random. It wasn’t like she had a great variety to choose from, but a bit of everything would cover any weather eventualities. The Invisibility Cloak and her wand mattered more. She tied it all up in one of her dresses, stuck her head in the hall to make sure the coast was clear, and was back in Regulus’ room in time to hear Sirius proposing that they should escape across the rooftops. 
“If that was something you wanted to do in your ill-advised youth,” Snape said, “you’ve missed your chance. I am not hieing across the bloody rooftops when I can walk out the front door.”
“Killjoy. Why am I not surprised? That was fast,” he said in surprise as Harriet handed him her bundle. “You’re made for this getting the heck outta dodge. What do you say to escaping over the rooftops, ey?”
“How’d we get down to street-level?” she asked, smiling, while Snape rolled his eyes so hard that it was a wonder they didn’t stick backwards in his head.
“Scale the fire escape,” Sirius said promptly. 
“I think we should save that for when we really need it.”
“I think you can never have too many rooftop escapes, but I see I’m outvoted. What lousy curriculum are they teaching at Hogwarts these days?” 
“We’ll wait until the others are asleep,” Snape said, ignoring him with a scathing air. “Then be off. We could probably slip out with all the racket they’re making--” They all paused to listen to a cacophony of clangs, twangs, and bangs, which sounded a lot like the grandfather clock plummeting down several flights of stairs. “--but we want the longest period of time possible before they notice we’ve gone.”
“Is Remus going to be okay without you?” Harriet asked Sirius. “Transforming, I mean.”
“Yeah. Like he said, that trip we took back in the spring solved it. He doesn’t need me or the Wolfsbane anymore.”
A/N: snape and sirius are BFF's and they dont even know it
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Harry Potter OCs- Others
A/N #1: I decided to divide my ocs for Harry Potter since there are so many. These specific ocs are mostly just side characters that I may mention in my fics. I just figured it would be easier to show you them than to have you guess because I'm lowkey bad at descriptions lol. Some may have their own fic but for the most part they're just secondary characters.
A/N #2: Some ocs have two pictures. The first pic under each description is the oc as a student then the second is them after Hogwarts
Marauders Era
Golden Trio Era
OC Count: 11
Name: Cairo William Lupin 
NickName(s): Kai/Cai
Birthday: January 4, 1959
House: Gryffindor 
Career (after Hogwarts): Magizoologist
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Koala
Likes: Relaxing, writing, rainy days, sketching, spicy food
Dislikes: Werewolves (aside from Remus uwu), loud music, sour candy, coffee, outdoors
Personality: Calm, relaxed, chill, cautious, sweet
Ship: Isadora Diamandis
Cairo is not a werewolf but he’d do anything so his baby brother wouldn’t have to suffer that fate 
People often wonder how he and Isadora fell in love because they are opposites
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Name: Isadora Artemis Diamandis
NickName(s): Issa, Dora
Birthday: May 16, 1961
House: Ravenclaw
Career (after Hogwarts): Tutor for magic 
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Peacock
Likes: Dancing, music, sunshine, flying, colorful things
Dislikes: Being bored, negativity, darkness, sadness, responsibility
Personality: Happy, eccentric, excitable, compassionate, curious
Ship: Cairo Lupin 
I read somewhere that Pandora Lovegood’s maiden Name would be something Greek so I found a Name that I liked and rolled with it. Isadora is Pandora’s younger sister btw
After Pandora died, rather than grieving for a long time, Isadora embraced the colorful wardrobe her sister used to have 
They were close as two peas in a pod until Pandora died, and Isadora was devastated by it 
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Name: Judith Clara Stix
NickName(s): Judy
Sibling(s): Jessica Stix
Birthday: January 13, 1982
House: Ravenclaw
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Kneazle
Likes: Oceans, cooking, forests, thriller books, hot chocolate
Dislikes: Spiders, darkness, coffee, chalk, closed spaces 
Personality: Passionate, witty, kind, loving, careful
Ship: Seamus Finnigan
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Full name: Odette Jewel Arquette
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: May 1, 1976
House: Papillonlisse (Beauxbatons equivalent to Gryffindor)
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Swan
Likes: Fashion, designing, spring, sweets, interior design
Dislikes: Chores, outdoors, sour candy, yelling, harsh criticism
Personality: Crafty, detail-oriented, intricate, artistic, classy
Ship: Davet Dumont (Frenchman from Beauxbatons)
She’s mostly unseen because she had graduated before the events of Goblet of Fire
She now works under Madame Maxime (headmistress of Beauxbatons) as her assistant
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Full name: Noelle Juliette Arquette
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: December 24, 1977
House: Ombrelune (Beauxbatons equivalent to Ravenclaw/Slytherin)
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Reindeer
Likes: Learning, riddles, Christmas, her sisters, studying, bonfires
Dislikes: Slander, physical work, fireworks, dogs (allergic), trying new things
Personality: Clever, intellectual, careful, mindful, witty
Ship: Roger Davies (Ravenclaw boy)
She and Fleur are best friends (they met because they’re the same age and are in the same house (they also share a dorm)) 
She met Roger at the Yule Ball, where he had been Fleur’s date. After Fleur showed no interest in him romantically, Noelle pursued him
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Name: Aquilia Willow Black
Nickname(s): Ilia, Lia,
Parents: Sirius Black, Auradona Ferns (deceased)
Birthday: February 28, 1980
House: Gryffindor
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Bay Mare
Likes: Music, learning spells, learning about her mother, playing piano, dancing
Dislikes: Sirius, potions, Umbridge, bullying, exercise
Personality: Scared, strong-willed, passionate, loving (conditionally), 
Ship (if any): Terrence Higgs 
Extra info:
Aquilia met Terrence through Draco when she went to him about her dark mark
The three got close and while Draco has Cecily, Aquilia and Terrence go out and eventually become a couple
She and Draco convince Terrence to fight on the good side with them
They're both there for her the first time she and Sirius try to make amends
Sirius doesn't trust the guys at first but the trio os a packaged deal so he would have to get over it
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Full name: Elsa Liviana Lionel 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: May 8, 1979
House: Gryffindor 
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Asiatic Lion
Likes: Hugs, animals, vanilla, nice shoes, outdoors
Dislikes: complaining, detention, strawberries, cowardice, sparring
Personality: Courageous, determined, daring, chivalrous, adventurous 
Ship: Lee Jordan 
Elsa and Lee actually met through Vega since he’s a quidditch commentator
Sometimes when she has time she’ll help commentate games and is usually Lee’s censor 
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Full name: Brooke Alayea Dimas 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: August 30,1980
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Honey Badger  
Likes: Puns, babies, spring, candy, clouds 
Dislikes: Being rushed, lots of noise, bugs, alchemy, no choice
Personality: Loyal, friendly, honest, kind, gentle 
Ship: Hermione Granger
Brooke knows nothing about muggle things and always asks Hermione to tell her about some muggle thing she finds 
She’s like the younger female version of Arthur Weasley 
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Full name: Vega Anne Andor 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: September 27, 1980
House: Ravenclaw 
Status: Muggleborn 
Patronus: Golden Eagle
Likes: Postcards, quidditch, pretty nails, swimming, wind chimes 
Dislikes: Doing nothing, laziness, winter, strong perfume/cologne, show-offs
Personality: Clever, wise, witty, athletic, intelligent 
Ship: Fleur Delacour 
She’s definitely the most athletic of the group and is even on the Ravenclaw quidditch team 
She met Fleur while Traveling to France one summer before the Triwizard Tournament then they reconnected when the Tournament came around 
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Full name: Iris Adelina Basil
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: May 4, 1979
House: Slytherin 
Status: Pureblood 
Patronus: Green Pit Viper Snake 
Likes: Bonfires, knick-knacks, simplicity, sleeping in, listening to music 
Dislikes: Dressing up, large jewelry, attention, bitterness, surprises 
Personality: Ambitious, leader, achievement-oriented, logical, resourceful 
Ship: Blaise Zabini 
Iris is having ✨none✨ of that blood superiority slander and refuses to associate with anyone who has it
That’s why everyone was shook when Blaise began renouncing blood superiority to others 
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Group notes: 
All four of them met on the Hogwarts express in their first year and instantly clicked
Despite being in different houses they’re the best of friends, which surprises most (especially when it came Elsa and Iris, who were in rivaling houses) 
They are the literal description of what their houses should be/represent right down to their patronuses (the good traits of their houses at least) 
They’re almost always seen together or near each other 
Name: Julia Nora Abbey
NickName(s): Julie, Jules
Birthday: February 13, 1927
House: Hufflepuff 
Status: Muggleborn 
Patronus: Puffskeins
Likes: Large sweaters, Hogwarts, earrings, hair bows, music
Dislikes: Dancing (in front of people), bullies, competitions, blood, staying outside for long 
Personality: Calming, adorable, melodic, funny, nerdy
Ship: Tom Riddle
This obviously takes place in an au where Tom didn’t become Voldemort, he became the DADA professor 
Julia and Tom met in school, where they were Potions partners 
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Darry and “Well, /you/ weren’t who I was expecting.” please!
“But why do I have to do this?” Harry whines trailing behind Sirius who was fussing over the cuffs of his jacket suit for the fifth time. A few months ago, he would have never thought about whining too much with a guardian but ever since his Godfather crash into his life, screeching and forming around the mouth like his animagus form, a lot has changed for the young boy.
“Because, despite the fact I hate it too, this is a very important tradition in pureblood culture.” Sirius huffs. Once the older man gets his cuffs to settle he is twirling around to look over Harry’s outfit. He shakes his head, reaching forward to fix the collar until the Potter Family Chest is visible. It is adjusted to the Black Family Chest on the other side of Harry’s collar.
It feels awful like dog tags to identify who owns him. 
“If we follow the traditions, at least the less supremest ones, we can find some allies. We need allies.” Sirius continues taking a step back. His face is twisted as if the words disgust him deeply which cracks a smile out of Harry. “All we have to do is show up. I’m not going to allow you to be trap in a stupid contract.”
Harry raises a brow. “You can stop them?”
“I’m the Head of the Noble and Ancient House of Black. There is very little I can do with that title.”
“Then why do we even need allies?”
Sirius sighs bending down so his eyes are at Harry’s eye level. It makes the boy aware of his small stature but in a good way. Almost all his life he had people looking down at him: his uncle, his aunt, his cousin and everyone in the neighborhood who believed he was no good. 
Harry, in their eyes, was nothing but a mistake at best and a monster at worst.
Not Sirius. He always made an effort to look Harry on even grounds asking for his opinion and his thoughts acting like they mattered. With him, Harry felt like any other nine-year-old kid.
“We need allies because no man can do everything by himself. My title holds a lot of power but people are still wary of me, a lot of them truly believe I betrayed your parents and that I’m a Death Eater.” Sirius says gently but there is an undertone of frosty rage.  It may be a little odd to notice things like that but Harry always used to look for the undertone in conversations. You never know what could set off Vernon. You had to watch out for the signs.  “They think I paid my way out of Azkaban.”
“But you did pay you way out of Azkaban” Harry didn’t mean to point that out but the words came tumbling out of his mouth. It’s always been a problem for him quick like his fiery temper.
Sirius’ smile is proud like somehow Harry pleased him. It’s like mischief is what he strives on, happy to see it in any form.  His godfather is weird like that  “I’ll have you know I only persuaded a guard with a bit of gold to see if he could find the record of my trial. He’s the one that realizes there wasn’t a trial and brought it to the attention of the higher-ups. Very different brat.”  
Harry attempts to make a doubtful face but the way Sirius is wagging his eyebrows has him giggling instead. His godfather grins, reaching out to rough up his hair and Harry actually leans into the touch. 
“Now come. We have a ball to get to and it’s not proper to be late.” Sirius rolls his eyes voice turning to mock towards the end as he straightening up to his full height. He adjusts his top hat making his long wavy hair spill over to touch his shoulders. 
Harry finds it weird that wizards dress in robes and Sirius is apparently rebellious for being in victorian era outfits even if they are still considered formal. As long as they are accepted it’s all fine. 
His Godfather tilts his head walking the special way he taught Harry to step, graceful and no wasted effort.
You must walk as if though you are gliding. People can spot those without proper manners a mile away. You must learn to be graceful and walk with the importance of someone of your standing, Harry.
It took him a while but he learned how to be half as elegant as Sirius. There were still some days where he fell back into his old habits- shoulder’s slouching, steps too quick and pressing on his toes instead of his heels- but he likes to think he was getting better.
 “A Potential Marriage Ball, where everyone tries to marry up. Oh, the joys of purebloods.” Sirius sighs shaking his head. Harry stumbles over his dress shoes- having dressed in a victorian fashion as well but with green color, theme compares to the red of his guardian-  which makes him glare at the almost thoughtless way the older man walks. 
It’s not thoughtless, it’s a lot of work!
“Is Mr. Lupin going to be there as your potential marriage?” Harry asks innocently just to watch his godfather trip over his graceful legs. He giggles again when Sirius attempts to fight off the blush as he pretends he doesn’t have a crush on Moony.
Harry thinks it’s stupid. Everyone with eyes can tell and that’s coming from him, who admits that he can be rather dense.
“Why don’t we drive around your old school and make people jealous of our money tomorrow? We can rent the most expensive limo and have the windows down.” Sirius suggests clearing his throat. Harry perks up. He loves it when he can rub it into all those peoples faces that now Harry was much better then they are. 
He also recognizes it as a distraction from the conversation but takes the bait anyway. “Can we buy ice-cream too?”
The ball is supposed to be his formal introduction to the Wizarding world. Harry has been with Sirus for months but he has been kept out of the public eye only being allowed one guest, Remus Lupin, to visit him. 
Sirius had wanted to get them both comfortable around each other and prepare Harry for his fame and role as the Boy Who Lived. It still boggles his mind that he’s famous. 
The ball when they walk in is the most magical thing he’s ever seen. The ballroom is lightened with flouting candles, all that hover around the top of the room near a sparkling glass chandelier. The light bounces off the glass through sparks along the walls.
The entrance is at the top of stairs, which gives the whole view of the room, and everything is a level lower, spreading out into a wide dance floor of marble. There seem to be house elves walking around offering floating trays to guests, while classical music plays but he can’t see any bands. He doubts the high-class wizard world has speakers so the music must be a charm.
People are waltzing near the big windows in the far back while on the right side tables are set up. To the left, the area is reserved for conversating. Harry can see kids in all these but even they move more gracefully then Harry.
He swallows a gulp.
 All-around him people in expensive robes and dresses mingle, some with shimmering jewelry and others in makeup. Harry personally thinks most of the men with makeup have nothing on Sirius’s eyeliner and red lipstick. 
Padfoot is the most attractive male in the room, and he walks down the stairs well aware of it. Harry hurries behind him, aware of multiple stares after the little house elf shouts  “The Head of the Noble and Ancient House of Black with his Heir have arrived. Presenting Lord Sirius Black and Heir Harry Potter” 
“Remember your lessons,” Sirius whispers to him while they move down the wide stairway. “Try to not offend anyone but don’t let them walk all over you. Please dance with one person before the night ends. And remember, I love you no matter what.”
“I love you too.” 
As soon as they make it to the bottom of the stairs Sirus is surrounded by people who wish to say hello after so many years apart. His godfather greets them with a charming smile, easily sidestepping the pointed questions and passive-aggressive comments with ease. They crowd coo and aww over Harry congratulating him and staring at him like he’s a prize to be won. It makes him shiver.
Harry slips away the moment he sees an opening and makes his way to the other side of the room, ducking underneath dancing pairs until he can find a nice little nock in the windows sills to hide. He’s out of sight and unless people search for him deliberately no one will find him.
One useful skill he picked up from the Dursleys at least.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Harry slumps. The lessons that Sirus attempting to stuff in his head - walking, breathing, speaking, manners, traditions,- all flew from his head the moment he was surrounded. He no doubts just made it harder for them to get allies.
Sirius would have to do some serious damage control. He feels very ashamed of himself for making things harder for Padfoot when their situation is bad enough as it is. 
They need allies, allies with influence because of the Ministry. They have been in waiting to look for any reason, any hint, of Sirius, messing up and dragging him back to Azkaban or at the very less take Harry away from him. 
Neither wanted this, but they needed the backing of powerful families should it does come to a legal battle.  And now, because of him, there may have gone any help they could get.
Harry feels tears prick at his eyes suddenly filled with dread that he may have to go back to the Dursleys. He’s doesn’t want to go back. Please don’t make him go back. Don’t take Sirius away. Please please please, please-
“Well, you weren’t who I was expecting” A voice breaks through his haze of fear. Blicking through tears Harry sees a boy his age at the entrance of his little nook. He’s wearing grey robes, resembling liquid mercery, and a family crest on his collar tells Harry he’s an Heir. Of what family he’s not sure.  
The boy is also really pretty. His hair is so fair it almost seems white, with pretty clear skin and storming grey eyes. 
He’s looking Harry up and down. The pretty pureblood seems unimpressed “I didn’t think the Boy-Who-Lived would find my hiding place. Mother swore no one would know- hey are you okay?”
There is little space between them so when the boy raises his hand to wipe a trail of tears off Harry’s face, he steps into his personal bubble. This makes Harry stiffen. He likes it when Sirius or Remus touches him, but not when others- especially people he isn’t sure won’t hurt him - do it. 
He doesn’t push him away, however, because he doesn’t want to make things worse for Sirius. And the boy is actually really nice, his eyes are soft with worry, almost like he cares. He’s seen some kids in school look like that with their friends but he’s never had someone he’s age do the same to him.
Harry feels more tears fill his eyes.
“Don’t cry.” The boy continues gently taking Harry’s hand. “Are you lost? I can help you find your way.”
“N-no” Harry hiccups frustrated with himself.  “I’m fine.” 
The boy stares a little more before one his thumbs run over Harry’s knuckles in a soothing motion. “Alright. You can stay. I’ll allow it. My names Draco Malfoy.”
“Ha-ary Po..tter” Harry gasps out through his hitching breath. Draco tugs his hand until they find a seat on the window shills, the large pillar keeping them out of sight. 
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Draco tells him still holding his hand and Harry smiles just a bit.  “Do you like Quidditch?”
“A little. I play with my godfather sometimes. My favorite position is Seeker”
“Mine too.” Draco smiles please and the Harry swears the music must have timed it because at that moment it syncs up to play a light-hearted melody that fits the glow of his face. He can’t look away. 
He squeezes the hand in his palm and is thrill by the squeeze he gets in return. Did he just make his first-ever friend? 
For the rest of the evening, Draco and Harry talk about things the boys like and the hours’ tick by. They eventually switch to games, verbal ones and ones they can play with their hands -  Draco is determined to win at rock, paper, scissors even though Harry refuses to let him add in Wand because it’s too powerful- and the fear he felt at the began chips away. 
Eventually, a woman appears at their hiding place with a very put upon frown. Draco twists his head up from where he’s attempting to do a handstand with Harry holding his knees to his chest to give him room.  He claims he could do it and Harry had called his bluff. 
“Mother!” The Malfoy blurts tumbling forward with a blush. “I was ugh that’s to say-I’m. This…this is Harry Potter! Harry this is my mother.”
“It’s very lovely to meet you, ma’am,” Harry says remembering to wave his wrist in a slight twirl like Sirius told him to do when meeting female purebloods. Once he’s older, he’s supposed to kiss their hands. He thinks….or was it the other way around?
 She gives them both a long look before her face clears. “It’s lovely to meet you as well Mr. Potter. Draco, darling, you have yet to dance and the night is almost full.”
Draco flushes more looking down at his feet as if though he’s been scowled but Harry had picked up the amuse undertones in her voice. She’s not angry at her son, she’s just teasing.  Still, he finds himself saying. “That’s my fault! I kept Draco here all night. I’m sorry,”
“It’s quite alright.” She says tilting her head. Harry doesn’t like the calculating look in her eye.  “I assume this means your dance card is empty as well? Would you do Draco the honor of being your first partner? He’s quite the catch.”
It takes a moment to remember what that means. He just stares up at her in confusion before he snaps.  “Yes! Yes, it’s empty.”
He turns to the mortified Draco. Sirius did ask him to do one dance and he thinks it’s nice to dance with a friend instead of a stranger.   “Do you want to dance with me?”
Draco’s whole face turns red.  “Y-yes?”
Mrs. Malfoy makes a slight cooing noise before she ushers them out into the crowd. Harry pulls Draco’s hand until they are on the dance floor and they start a Walz. It’s a simple one since the Potter Heir hasn’t been taking lessons on this topic for long but Draco’s just as two left feet as him- the reason he hides at balls apparently- and they end up laughing through the whole thing. 
Harry can’t stop staring at the prettiest boy he’s ever seen spin in the candlelight with a wide smile. Sirius throws him a thumbs up when Harry gestures at the Malfoy mouthing  I made a friend!  and the man looks genuinely pleased. 
Somewhere he hears Mrs. Malfoy say.  “Lucius go fetch the Pensieve. I must never forget this night!”
Harry whole-heartily agrees with her. 
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maevesheart · 2 years
━ ⋅𖥔⋅TJ&TQ (01)
❝ how was i to know? ❞ the joker and the queen / = (2022)
note: the moonshine ball is a gala-type annual ball that happens for the extreme wealthy/prominent wizards. as the second wizarding war rages on, many from each side send “spies” into the ball in hopes to find secrets about the opposing sides. this is also set just in the beginning of deathly hallows (dumbledore is already dead). also!!! the order is a bit dark in this fic, more aggressive and willing to use dark magic.
summary: the war is in full rage, and you find yourself thrown right into the deep end; the moonshine ball.
WC: 2.1k
TW: kidnapping, dark!fred & dark!george
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The twinkle of your shimmering shoes was the only thing you could focus on as your house elves sprayed you with sultry perfumes, covered your face with muggle makeup, and added glittering charms to your elaborate family jewels.
“Miss, your head up please,” Madam Malkin spoke, breaking you out of your trance.
You brought your dropped head up and gave your house elves, Mickey and Ellie, small smiles and thanked them as they stepped away.
They bowed and exited the room, leaving you and Madam Malkin alone.
“I’m sorry you have to do this dear, but I must say, your dress is gorgeous.” She stepped back, satisfied with her work.
“Wish I could say I feel as confident as I look,” you nervously laughed, scanning your outfit in the large mirror in front of you.
A small pocket was hidden under one of the folds in the elaborate emerald green dress, a perfect hiding place for your wand.
The Moonshine Ball was annual. You had been going every year since you were ten. The only difference with this years Moonshine Ball was that you were a spy.
Your family and Voldemort had conspired a viable distraction from the Ball, something that consisted of you, an eligible and beautiful young lady, and Maxwell Goode, a rich and handsome bachelor.
The only problem with this “distraction” that it was completely against your will, and the last thing you wanted was to be engaged during your last year of school.
Maxwell Goode was a perfectly respectable young wizard. Smart, good-looking, Slytherin, Death Eater, everything someone like you should marry.
Your cousins, Draco and Cordelia, both approved as well, and Draco thought his fortune and your fortune together would bring great pride to the Black family (Cordelia reminding him that pride was a Gryffindor trait pushed him over the edge).
The only one who didn’t seem as on-board was your estranged sister, Violet. Being disowned her first year, after being sorted into Ravenclaw, she was taken in by the Weasleys and Harry Potter.
The Black Family — your family — weren’t fans of “Blood-Traitors”. Your sister, your amazing, sweet, brilliant sister, was abandoned by her family. Her own blood.
The Noble House of Black had Slytherin after Slytherin (with the exception of your late cousin Sirius) and couldn’t fathom the idea of someone with the last name Black not being a Serpent.
In the year of 1991, when you, and your twin cousins were sorted into Slytherin, and your very distant Blood-Traitor relative (Ron Weasley) was a Gryffindor, the Blacks celebrated and cheered and cried.
Three more had done it.
Your Auntie Bella had sent you three presents and candies and more than you could imagine.
Of course, none of you told anyone, as Auntie Bella was stored away in Azkaban, due to her loyal following of Voldemort.
Your parents and The Malfoys had narrowly escaped, claiming they had been under control spells and had zero idea of what they were doing.
Obviously, these were lies, but no one needed to know that.
After the return of your cousin, Sirius, Auntie Bella left Azkaban in order to find her dear cousin.
She killed him, that very year.
None of you attended the funeral, and your parents were livid when they found out Violet had attended along with the Weasleys and the Order Of The Phoenix.
And with the return of the Dark Lord, and the looming Moonshine Ball, you’re soon to find yourself with a fiancé, and a job from Voldemort himself.
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The dress was suffocating. You couldn’t breathe, and your mother’s harsh hand on your lower back was all you could focus on.
You knew all eyes were on you.
The Princess. Y/N Black. Daughter of Aristotle Black, the only living male heir from the Noble House of Black. Daughter of Zelda Thebe Black, great-granddaughter of Ansel Thebe, famous astronomer and mathematician.
You knew people would watch all night; that’s just what they did. At least you had your cousins and brother there to shield.
Draco had appeared to your side, and you broke away from your mom to walk with him to the drinks.
“Reckon it’ll happen tonight?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Doubt it. Father thinks he’s too weak to try anything. Wouldn’t put anything past The Lord, though,” you answered back, pretending to be interested in the various potions in front of you.
“Well, Snape doesn’t know either. Hope this ball will be enjoyable, maybe a certain engagement—“
Cordelia linked her arm through yours and stole the small glass from between your gloved hands.
“I was going to drink that—“
“Draco, don’t you think Y/N has enough to worry about? I mean, we’re all getting our tasks tomorrow anyways, so it’s not like we don’t have enough excitement!” She spoke, hands floating around and attracting attention to you three.
“CORDELIA NARCISSA MALFOY!” your Uncle Lucius scolded from behind, the three of you turning around at the same time.
“Yes, father?” She asked, her loud voice now small.
“Come with me. Now. Draco, Grayson is looking for you. And Y/N, I believe your father would like to speak with you.”
Cordelia rushed to his side and gave you a “sorry!” Look before scurrying away next to Lucius.
“Good luck, dear cousin,” Draco put his hand on your exposed shoulder and gave you a tight smile before striding over to your younger brother.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forwards to your father.
━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━
“Now, Y/N, I know you might not be a fan of this, but this is our — Uhm, your — best interest, darling,” your father spoke, nervously adjusting his dark green tie.
Your father was not the nervous kind. Nobody in your family was. It was strange to see him to skittish and jittery.
A broad smile — fake smile — overtook your fathers scarred face, and you turned around to be met with your future husband.
“Mr. Goode, meet my daughter, Y/N Druella Black.”
You lifted up your floor-length skirt and slightly bowed to him, a restrained smile on your lips.
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss Black.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Goode.”
Your father gave an encouraging nod and Maxwell took your hand. “Shall we dance?” He asked, his demeanor shifting.
“Sure,” you responded, letting him take your hand.
Gently pulling you into the dance floor, you saw your cousins, Mattheo and Draco, and your brother, Grayson, smirking and pointing as they watched you dance with this mysterious man.
You sent them both a death glare, and Narcissa and your mother appeared at their sides, making them drop the smiles and laughs.
People stood back to watch as your luxurious dress floated around you as Maxwell’s hands graciously moved you around the dance floor.
This was exactly what your father and Voldemort wanted — a distraction.
You should be happy! I mean, you’re going to get married!
But to the entirely wrong man.
Tears lightly brimmed your makeup-clad eyes as Maxwell slowly lowered down onto one knee.
People turned to watch. But before he could get the words out, a loud noise caused everyone to whip their heads around, and a blue motorbike came crashing into the glamorous hall room.
Your old professor, Rubeus Hagrid, came crashing in and yelling. “How dare ‘ya!” He roared, people flying out the nearest exits.
Blaise and Cordelia appeared at your side, and the three of you made a beeline for Draco, Mattheo, Theo, and Grayson.
“What is going on?!” Draco screamed over the commotion.
All of you whipped your heads around, trying to find the closest exit to escape from.
People rushed across the dance floor, the music stopped. The only thing you could hear were the screams of people and glasses breaking as things were dropped from peoples hands.
You spun around, and saw the chandelier above the group of you begin to shake.
Your scream alerted the six fellow Slytherins at your sides, and you all ducked behind the wooden table to your left, falling on top of each other as you narrowly missed the beautiful light fixture come crashing down.
You were trapped underneath Blaise’s limp body. Grabbing Theo’s arm — the closest thing to you — you pointed with wide and terrified eyes at the boy on top of you.
Theo got Grayson to help him lift Blaise up, and all of you ran after Draco and Mattheo — the two had sprinted down to a hidden hallway, and waved for the rest of you to join them.
Your feet had begin to ache, so you backed up against the closest wall and bent down to un-tie your black heels.
A deafening screech caused you to drop the pointed shoes, and you searched for the noise.
Really only Slytherins and Death-Eaters were at this party, so you were willing to help someone in need out.
Rushing down to the opposite end of the hall, where the noise came from, you skidded to a halt as you realize you were trapped.
Three doors stood in front of you. You racked your mind trying to remember which door your friends had slipped through, but no idea came to you.
Swallowing your fear and lifting the edges of your dress, you opened the middle door, hoping to be met with your friends or maybe a fellow Death Eater.
But, with your luck, that didn’t happen.
━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━
Fred and George Weasley stood quietly in the dark room, Kingsley behind them.
Their father and Charlie were in the room over, and Remus and Moody were in the room to their other side.
The Order had planned to attack this ball for some time. All the Death Eaters would be in attendance, and if they could get a few to question, they’d be able to inform the Ministry of Voldemort’s plans.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron were away, and so it was Ginny and Percy’s job to follow the young Death Eaters — you and your friends/family — but they had lost track of you all after Dobby had unscrewed the chandelier and all of you had dived down.
The Order was livid, obviously, but couldn’t let this stop them.
They broke into groups and each hid in rooms that you all would have to go through, but the large group had slipped out through a trap door in the ceiling; Cordelia had seen a light under one of the doors and saw the ceiling as a safer option.
But there was just one tiny flaw. You had been left behind.
And when Grayson realized this, he tugged on the door to open it again, only to find it locked shut.
No spells worked, so the group had to sit in wait. If they told the adults, they’d be punished, and Voldemort would most likely kill one of them in rage — the perfect Slytherin was left behind. There was no right thing to do.
But the Order had seen them leave, and when the twins noticed you were missing, they smiled.
It was no secret that the twins liked to play pranks on Slytherins, but you were by far their favorite.
Pretty, gullible, and innocent, they loved to see your face once you realized you had been pranked, and the screams that emptied out of your throat.
They thought of it as the perfect opportunity, you would be the one they needed.
If there was anyone all the Death Eaters would come for, it would be Y/N Black.
George screamed as loud as he could, and knew you would come running.
So when your delicate ring-clad fingers twisted the brass door handle and you tentatively stepped into the dark room, Fred pounced on you and covered your mouth when you went to scream.
Kingsley knocked you out with a harmless charm, and the three of them apparated to the Burrow.
The Death Eaters wouldn’t find out until the morning, and when they did, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.
━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━
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haitherecaringmonke · 2 years
What would Lucille do during the Fireworks event ?
Note: Events are considered as What ifs and are not canon to The Other Side of the Mirror timeline.
This is legit longer than I had planned out…
Lucille would bring Onion along with some her desert dwelling Pokemons such as: Jawsephine, Sandile, Skorupi, Cufant and Chimchar. She contemplated on bringing Runerigus but decided against it.
This time, Jacques joins in as well. Originally, Lucille wanted to ask her sisters but they’re both busy with work, so she asked her dad, thankfully, the man is free. He brought his Pokemons with him as well, but most of the time they stay in their Poke Balls.
Sirius also joins them in place of Lilia. Sebek won’t let Malleus leave unless he takes someone with him, so Lilia asked him to go in his place. The two arrived 3 hours early, reading some books (provided by Sirius) while waiting for the others to arrive.
Crowley shaking like a leaf in the Mirror Chamber since Jacques is giving him his infamous Death Stare the entire time.
The moment they arrive at the Scalding Sands Lucille and Jacques are slathering a bunch of Sunscreen on them since they both burn easily, and painfully. Sirius simply opens up and umbrella and held it over Malleus’ head.
Lucille’s Pokemons got quite a lot of stares from tourists and locals alike. The staring didn’t stop even at the Asim Manor. A few servants even sneak some sneaky (and bashful) glances at Jacques. Jawsephine had to be held back from trying to run off with the expensive jewels decorating the place.
Jacques commented how this place feels a lot less stuck up than the Parfum Palace, to which Lucille nodded.
Kalim’s parents are very nice and generous, they are also quite curious on where Jacques and his daughter got their Pokemons, and before Lucille can say anything, her father came up with a well crafted lie about how they are rare familiars and that his family has been practice taming them for generations.
Lucille: “Wow dad, I didn’t think that you can come up with something like that.”
Jacques: “Of course I can, how do you think I threw all those pesky nobles off? They always fell for the stupidest ones too.”
Sirius, a bastard son of a noble family who hates nobles as much as Jacques does: *wheezes like the tea kettle he is*
Jamil: I-is he alright?…
Malleus: Don’t worry, you’ll get use to it. Sirius surprised us the first time he did as well.
Nonetheless, Mr and Mrs Al-Asim welcomed the group with open arms as the servants take their luggage and led them to get changed.
All of the Pokemons and Grim received special scarves and headwraps.
Lucille, Jacques and Sirius looked very nice in their new outfits, with Sirius having his long platinum blond hair styled similar to Jamil.
Jawsephine let Sandile, Skorupi, Chimchar and Grim ride on her since it’s crowded, while Lucille has Onion on a leash, Jacques has his Purrloin out and is carrying him, Cufant stayed behind with Kalim. It’s quite difficult walking through the crowded market since a lot of people, tourists and locals alike, stops Lucille and Jacques to ask for some pictures of their Pokemons.
They met Najma when she showed up with Jacques’ Purrloin, who had snuck off from his trainer and eating Jamil’s shawarma. The small cat is purring as Najma pets him, all while Onion looked bamboozled and betrayed, remembering all those time he and his brothers got bullied by the Devious Pokemon back when he was only a Houndour.
Najma gets along with Lucille really well, she had seen her Magicam page and love the silly videos of her Pokemons, and her favorite of the bunch is Skorupi, whom Jamil refuses to go near whatsoever. Skorupi also loves the attention she receives.
When Lucille (and the others) is still awestruck from watching Malleus broke a coconut in half with his hands, Sirius broke another coconut in half using his knee. He is completely fine. Cater and Trey are scared.
On Malleus’ disappearance, while Cater and Trey are busy panicking, Lucille remained calm.
Cater: “How are you so calm about this?!”
Lucille: “Cater stop screaming, Sirius is with him.” *Shows phone containing a message from him.*
They regroup and was joined by Kalim (who was riding on Cufant), the gang then proceed to buy some souvenirs. Lucille bought some fabrics for Fiona to experiment, some decorative trinkets for Diana since she loves those, and some knick knacks for her friend Jason. Jacques got some snacks and a new pair of sunglasses for Yuri. Sirius got some jewelries for his older sisters, his relationship with them may be strained, but he still cares about them.
Chimchar attacked the monkey that tried to pickpocket from his trainer when Jamil pointed it out, but it got away. Jacques called his Crobat out as he tailed the monkey and the group cut off all of the thief’s escape routes.
When the thief became aggressive and started charging at Lucille with a knife, she dodged in time as Jacques knocked him out with a single slap that echoed through the alleyway.
Trey: “I-is he… dead?”
Sirius: “His heart is still beating, he still has a pulse, but he’s not breathing…”
Jacques: “Please, it was only a slap, that man is lucky I didn’t bring my axe with me today.”
Jamil: “But did you have to knock him out that hard though??”
Jacques: “Well what do want me to do then? Let that bastard stab my daughter? I’d rather tell my mother I love her.”
Grim: “…Don’t you mean you would rather die?”
Jacques: “I said what I said.”
After handing the thief and his monkey to the police, the group headed back to their seats and watched the Firework Festival.
Jacques definitely noticed that there is something going on between Lucille and Sirius alright. Man knew his daughter (Fiona) is a lesbian before she even knew about it.
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
Being Regulus Black’s Younger Sister (Version 1 - Slytherin) • Headcanon
Tumblr media
Warnings: body insecurity and eating mention, forced eating restrictions, canon child abuse and neglect by Walburga Black, Barty Crouch Jr makes an appearance
Request: Hey maybe you could do a regulus x younger sister headcanons or fix really whatever you want to do 💖 — @nicole198205
A.N: I honestly loved writing Black sister reader...this was so fun and if you liked it too and want like a real blurb or something based on any of these bullet points, you should request it. Hope you all enjoy and I love you all ❤️
Being the only girl in 12 Grimmauld Place means that you got treated differently than your brothers
Not nicer, by any means
Different in a way that meant your mother was constantly fussing over your appearance and making sure you acted “ladylike”
When you were little it was nice
You got to spend alone time with your mother in your room, she would brush your hair and pick out frilly and elegant dresses
Sure, sometimes she would purposefully tug a little too hard on your hair causing you to yelp, but it wasn’t a big deal
Eventually, though, your mother got rougher, these mother-daughter times turning into torturous hours where she’d make snippy comments about your weight and how you should appear to certain men
You weren’t even ten years old and she was already arranging your marriage to a man that, according to the Black Family Tapestry in the Drawing Room, was a distant relative
Sure she bought you dresses, and heels, and jewels, but they weren’t for you to enjoy and it wasn’t out of love or kindness
She needed you perfect for marriage
You always ran to Regulus’ room for comfort and he was always happy to listen to you vent
“If Bella, and Cissy, and Andy can deal with it, (Y/n), so can you. You’re just as strong as they are.”
You were always closer to Regulus, maybe because he was closer to you in age or because he wasn’t as rough or brash as Sirius
While Sirius taught you curse words, Regulus taught you prose and poetry
When Sirius went off to Hogwarts, the two of you got even closer
Your mother got worse when she found out that her eldest son was sorted into Gryffindor
She had a fit that day, one that consisted of her throwing pots and pans at the walls, shattering ancient artifacts, and tearing at her own hair
You and Regulus, frightened little children, hid in his closet waiting for your father to come home to calm her down
The two of you clutched each other tight, not daring to even make a noise, scared that you might be the next thing she breaks
You and Regulus weren’t allowed to say your brother’s name and all letters were snatched away and thrown into the fireplace
He was even banned from coming home for Christmas break
The two of you were dragged to even more family gatherings and balls
You particularly were forced to split your time between hanging out and learning from the other girls and presenting yourself to the boys
At night, you would sneak into your brother’s room, seeking comfort
You would talk about Sirius and how you can’t wait to get to Hogwarts
“Hogwarts’ll be different, (Y/n). No more screaming and family obligations...” He would smile, listening to a rogue sneakoscope whir in a drawer
“You’re forgetting something, Reg.” You’d sigh. “I’ll have to be on my own for a whole year before I can join you guys.”
“Well maybe mother will let you read my letters, and I can sneak in some of what Sirius wants to tell you.”
Sirius was different when he came back home for the summer
He wasn’t afraid to push your mother’s buttons a bit harder and he certainly wasn’t afraid to run his mouth a bit more
Sirius talked like the outside world like it was the best thing ever
And while you were curious about Hogwarts and the many different sorts of people that attended, your mother made it pretty clear pretty quick that even associating yourself with your older brother was worthy of some sort of punishment
And as much as you loved Sirius, you loved playing it safe even more
You didn’t outright ignore him, you did talk to him about Bella’s new boyfriend and the new quill your father bought you
But more often than not, you were with Regulus, enjoying the time you had left together
The night before Regulus had to leave for Hogwarts, you came crying into his room
“Don’t cry, sœur, it’ll be quite alright.” He would whisper in your ear, rocking you back and forth in his arm (sœur is sister in French)
But your etiquette lessons got harder and your mother got stricter, trying to make you a Perfect Slytherin Princess
Your mother was overjoyed when she got a letter saying how Regulus was sorted into Slytherin
She gave you a glass of wine (“Because that’s what ladies drink, (Y/n)!”) and told you that Regulus was a perfect role model
Regulus sent letters every week, detailing his classes and the people in his year
He made fast friends with a Bartimus Crouch Jr
He told you how Sirius would barely talk to him in the corridors ever since the sorting
Regulus would say a quick hello and Sirius would always reply, but the older brother never went out of his way to leave his friend group for a chat
Regulus would write paragraphs about why this could be before settling on the fact that it’s because of the house difference
Sirius only sent a few letters home and each time they were burnt to ash in front of you
So Regulus was your only outlet
You would tell him about how mother was starting to restrict your meals and starting to squeeze you into dresses far too small
He would offer you comforting words and distractions by talking about school, as it was far too difficult to actually help your situation through a letter
Regulus didn’t come home for Christmas break, claiming that exams were stressing him out, especially Herbology, so he’d rather continue his studies in a school environment
So that’s how the rest of your year goes
Regulus is...different when he gets back for the summer
It’s a very slight change, you’re pretty sure you’re the only one who notices
But it’s there
A bit more reserved, a bit more secretive
Childish wonder disappearing
He no longer publicly acts afraid of your mother
“It’s Sirius’ fault he’s got grounded, (Y/n). He broke a rule, now he’s facing the consequences.”
“But Reg, he didn’t do anything wrong—“
“(Y/n)! Are you trying to encourage the downfall of the Noble House of Black?!”
And that was it
But finally you were off to Hogwarts
Regulus lets you sit with him and Barty, who wears expensive shoes like you and Reg and had a slight tic with sticking his tongue out
But he was nice nonetheless less
Turns out, they were the outcasts of the outcasts
You were welcome to join when you are sorted into Slytherin
They were sure that you were going to be sorted there already
And you were dreading it
What if you weren’t a Slytherin and ended up like Sirius?
You could barely handle your family now, there’s no way you’d be able to take the extra shit Sirius gets
The hat gives you a choice
The worst choice possible
Gryffindor or Slytherin
You end up with a hatstall of 8 minutes, constantly looking between your brothers
And you beg to be placed in Slytherin
And so you join your brother and Barty at the table of the snakes
Sirius doesn’t look at you across the Great Hall
“Hey, Reg? Did the hat give you a choice too?”
“A choice between what?”
“Slytherin and Gryffindor.”
“Don’t tell anyone you got a choice. Listen, people in this house are brutal to people like you who get choices. Don’t mention it.”
“You didn’t answer my question—“
And he never does
You spend all of your time with Regulus and Barty, the other kids in your year are kinda major assholes
Regulus helps you with your homework, always making time for you
Meet ups in the library
Chess in the common room
Barty was usually with you as well
And that’s how it goes over the next few years
Even when Regulus is busy with his own classes and him being a seeker, he’ll make time for you
You always attend his matches, cheering him on
He’s a great seeker
In your fifth year, you notice how Reg and Barty change drastically
Pulling away from you, secret meetings, dark depictions and phrases hidden in notebooks
You get worried
For the first time ever you push your way through the Marauders to talk to your brother
“Oh, the Slytherin Princess arrives! Want us to bow?” He snarks, his friends laughing
“Piss off, Sirius! It’s about Reg.���
“What about him? Did he finally stop kissing Walburga’s arse?”
“It isn’t a laughing matter!” You’re practically in tears
And he listens to you as you explain all of your concerns and he ends up agreeing that that is worrisome
“What the hell did you tell Sirius?” Regulus shouts at you in the empty common room one night
“I’m worried, Reg! You’re going all dark, like what mother wants! This isn’t you!”
“This is me, believe it or not, (Y/n)! I’m not some puppet!” He shouts at you.
“Just wait, (Y/n), you’re next. Next year, it’ll be you. You can’t escape it.”
“Sirius got out of it.” You mumble
Regulus storms out and that’s the last real conversation you have with him and Barty for a long time
You get a letter from him when you graduate, something you have to hide away from your brother and the rest of the Order
Forgive me, sœur,
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco
Regulus Taglist: @lunalovecroft
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gabriellewebb · 3 years
The Animagus Bride - IV
Previous Chapters: I - II - III
This fic contains mature content, don’t read if you are under 18 or if you don’t like smut!
IV - All you need is love
Narcissa was designated with the mission to renew Titania's wardrobe, dressing her accordingly as 'Lady Black'. It was obvious the dark-haired witch would oppose to buy anything for herself using Sirius' money, so unfortunately Narcissa had to act behind her back.
The blonde witch invited Titania to accompany her into a shop 'recommended by a friend' specialized in fashion only for witches of all ages and sizes, declaring she was extremely curious about the diversity they had in feminine undergarments.
Of course Narcissa Malfoy warned the vendors beforehand about their visit, so they were all aware the true customer was Titania Snape and everything Narcissa selected would have to be replaced by clothes fitting the dark-haired witch and delivered later in secrecy at Malfoy Manor. An experienced witch was in charge to attend them, observe and discover as best as she could Titania's measurements.
It could be difficult to make Titania try even a few undergarments, but Cissy was persuasive and convinced her friend it would be easier if she dressed herself as well to help Narcissa with her choices. Titania scrunched up her nose at first but ended up enjoying to dress herself in all sorts of fancy clothes for witches, from night-robes to ball-gowns. She only managed to convince Titania into trying corsets and sexy lingerie asking jokingly what Titania would use to impress a lover just to make Sirius furious. Lucky her, Titania was a bad girl and played along easily, delighted with the hypothetical suffering of her future husband.
"Oh, it would be so funny if they were from the same House!" Titania smiled mischievously, picking a few sets in lustful reds with fine details in gold. "Do you think he would be jealous?" Narcissa's eyes twinkled with the vision of her Slytherin friend so willingly dressing herself in sexy night-robes and lingeries, all of them in Gryffindor colors. If Titania and Sirius ever ended up getting along in bed, he would be forever grateful to her, maybe she could get a set or two from the family jewels of House Black.
Oh, Titania will be so mad!
Narcissa couldn't control herself from bursting into laughing. When Titania arched a questioning eyebrow at her, Narcissa acted quickly, showing her a pair of knickers with stripes in red and gold and the lion crest of Gryffindor at the front part.
Titania opened a smirk. "This is so ridiculous. I'm pretty sure Sirius is into this rubbish."
"Oh Titania, stop! You'll kill me!" Narcissa cackled, so unladylike, with tears in her eyes. Her reaction made Titania chuckle. Narcissa changed meaningful glances with the vendor, an indicator she wanted a similar piece in Titania's size. Oh, she definitely would be a dead witch as soon as Titania discovered her new wardrobe with a session of clothes only in red and gold, most of them extremely sexy and appealing.
Narcissa told Regulus everything that night and he felt outraged by what she did.
"How dare you prank Tanya like that without me??"
The next day Regulus visited the same store with Narcissa to give his own 'contribution' for Titania's future marriage. The choices he made were bold, something only a bloke with a dirty mind would dare to pick for a lady, of course, all in red and gold only, just to annoy future Mrs. Black.
"Oh Reg, Tanya will kill both of us!" Narcissa declared after they stopped laughing.
"If anything bad happens, we just blame Sirius!"
Titania still had to familiarize with Sirius, the days passing by quickly until the upcoming wedding. Soon they would be a married fake-couple living together under the same roof, raising a small baby. Snape wasn't used yet to be alone with her future husband. It seemed impossible for him to just keep his mouth shut and he took every opportunity to tease or ask her for a date. Of course she refused all his advances. Titania cursed the moment she revealed about the origins of her mother. Now Sirius couldn't stop calling her 'princess' or address her as 'your highness' or 'your majesty' whenever he felt sarcastic. He could choose between 'The Fairy Queen Titania' or the fact her mother was disowned from the Prince family, accordingly with his mood. Truth be told, if her future husband was anyone but Sirius Black, she could find a place in her heart to feel it endearing. Sirius doing it was only annoying.
Sirius was still recovering from Azkaban and clearly having trouble sleeping, always grumpy in the mornings with dark circles under his eyes. Titania offered him Dreamless Sleep Potion and he said he never got along well with any sort of sleeping potions. The sensation of blackening out, waking up hours later like just a few minutes had passed was horrifying for him. The next day she left a few vials there 'just in case'. He never touched them.
Despise looking tired, at least Sirius lost the sickly appearance after regaining part of his weight, not yet in his better form, though. The improvement of his health was thanks to Titania, who prepared his meals because Kreacher burnt the food on purpose when it was for Sirius and the wizard only knew how to prepare junk food. Lucky him she didn't mind cooking at all. It was a hobby she actually liked and always felt pleased whenever her skills were appreciated. With magic she could always speed things up, anyway.
The hatred between Sirius and Kreacher was mutual and it didn't take long for Black to give away the House Elf to his younger brother.
The day of the wedding finally arrived. Narcissa and Regulus were helping Titania with her hair and dress.
Titania took a vial of hair growing potion, the last time it was so long was at her first year at Hogwarts. She had to fight back the sudden urge to cry watching her reflection in the mirror, the long locks brought back some unpleasant memories. Regulus appraised how well the new length suited her, the first time seeing her hair like that. He made an elegant side braid for Titania, using his wand to conjure small magic crystals, brilliants as stars, placing them everywhere on the bride's dark hair, emulating a starry night sky. Of course he organized some of the crystals to form the Canis Major constellation, the biggest and brightest of them all representing the Sirius star, of course. Titania was a nervous wreck and didn't even pay attention to it.
"I feel like a whore," The dark-haired witch stated with a sigh, looking at her dress. "Or maybe a wrapped candy." Unlike muggle weddings, the dress for bride witches in traditional ceremonies were light, basic and exposed too much skin. They were designed in a way to resemble the freshness and joviality of spring, the fabric always full of colors made in a way to be visually alluring for the future husband and at the same time easy to undress at the nuptial night. Basically it was a dress made to be dismantled and thrown away after the consummation of the marriage, not kept for the descendants like muggles usually did. It was a symbolism, the bride like a wild spring flower picked by a wizard, who would assume from now on the responsibility to protect his beloved from any harm, making her flourish under his care. Way too sexist in Titania's opinion, clearly related to the fantasy insecure men usually had about virgins and being their first fuck. Typical.
Titania's dress was mostly purple, the color tones escalating in nuances from pink to dark blue. In a way, the style of the fabric reminded her of ancient Greek statues. Titania was completely naked under her wedding dress, without bra or knickers, only two thin stripes magically attached to her silver necklace covering the front part of her body until reaching the waistline, her back was bare. The dress was also opened slightly at both sides under her waist, but at least her butt and front parts were fully covered. It was strange and questionable the tradition to dress brides as luxury whores while the groom was properly dressed in fancy robes. Maybe the pure-bloods adapted it from ancient Celtic rituals celebrating female fertility or whatever.
As a pure-blood Narcissa tried her best to defend a few aspects of the tradition, saying the women's well-being were also taken into consideration while Regulus was just enjoying Titania's bitter criticism.
"Then tell me why the marriage is consummated after the male climax?" Titania countered. Narcissa exchanged secretive glances with Regulus, they both trying to suppress their smirks.
"My brother will come in his pants the moment he settle eyes on you," Reg stated bluntly, changing the subject.
"Reg!" Titania shot him a reprimand glare.
"Stop being a prune, Tanya, I know better" Reg said playfully. Titania smacked him on the shoulder.
Narcissa only observed them and giggled. She felt genuinely happy around her friends, yet it felt incomplete in a way, due to the absence of her husband there to share these moments with her. Lucius Malfoy was forbidden by Sirius to attend the wedding or set foot inside any of the Black's properties. Sirius wasn't a fool and didn't believe Lucius needed to be under the Imperius Curse to follow Voldemort, and Narcissa knew it was useless trying to convince his cousin, because he was right. She loved Lucius with all her heart, but his previous affiliation with Lord Voldemort carried a stain that unfortunately extended towards herself and her son, no matter how innocent they both are. She never asked for it.
The wedding happened in a mansion at the countryside, one of the properties of the House Black.
Titania and Sirius exchanged their vows in front of an old wizard selected by the Ministry of Magic, who blessed their union after the broom and the bride kissed each other in front of their guests.
Following wizarding tradition, the first dance happening at the wedding party was between the groom pairing with the matron of honor while the bride would dance with the best man, so Sirius would pair with Narcissa while Titania would pair with Remus. Only after that the newlywed couple could dance with each other, and then the guests were free to do the same. The groom and the bride would be kept apart from each other after that, entertaining the people invited for their wedding, only able to enjoy each other's company at the party if dancing, until they decided the proper time to consummate their wedding.
Titania was uneasy having the first dance with Remus, recalling the secret romance at their second year at Hogwarts. Despite the fact of how brief it was and how much time had passed since they both stopped talking with each other, she still could felt a strange pull towards him whenever he was nearby, and now they would have to make physical contact between themselves like it meant nothing for them.
The moment Remus put a hand on the small of her back, his warm fingers touching her naked skin, Titania felt a spark ran all over her body. Even after all those years he still affected her a lot. Remus' body was tense and his breathing quite erratic for a slow dance, so it was clear he felt affected by her as well.
Titania tried to keep her composure and her mind ended up drifting away for a fleeting moment, she wondering how would be a life married with Remus instead of Sirius. The witch could easily picture a happy life with him, even knowing his werewolf condition. For sure he would be a loving and caring husband and she knew he was perfectly capable of enjoying her company reading a book or even in complete silence, while Sirius was noisy and unpredictable.
No matter what Sirius said or promised to her, she had no idea about how he would treat her whilst living under the same roof. It was frightening to blindly marry a man like Sirius, but she had to make this sacrifice for Harry.
After ruminating about the reasons she cut relations with Remus, fear brought Titania back to reality. As much as Remus appeared to be a better person and gentler than Sirius, when angered Remus could also be deadly scary and violent.
Titania steeled her thoughts to refrain herself from creating expectations about old flames and the possibility of an affair with the werewolf. It didn't matter her marriage was a fake one, she knew Remus wouldn't ever do something to hurt the only friend that remained from their group, and she had to focus all her attention on Harry.
They didn't chat during the dance and Remus didn't take her later for another one. Titania felt her blood boil in anger when Sirius finally took her hand for a dance and her body ignited as well under his touch. Great Salazar, she was doomed!
Titania also danced with Regulus, Cissy, Slughorn and Sirius took her to dance more often than she could ever expect, as if he was really having fun at their fake wedding. At least he wasn't so insufferable after a few drinks.
Cissy and Reg indeed made a wonderful job. Of course Regulus wasn't surprised by his achievements, that's why he hired a photographer to attend the party, not only to show everything later to his mother Walburga, who wasn't invited by Sirius, but also to rub in Titania's face how happy she could be near his brother if she allowed herself so. Titania would have a surprise after discovering one of the shots the photographer took with her laughing fondly at something her silly husband said near her ear, they both the perfect image of a happy couple.
Walburga Black wasn't invited and everyone respected Sirius' decision, it could be worse to force any interaction between them and Harry's future was at stake.
Some people from Hogwarts were invited, including Dumbledore, who invented an excuse for his absence, making Regulus fifty galleons richer. Hagrid, Slughorn, McGonagall and the majority of the professors attended the wedding and of course people now closer to Titania and Sirius, like the Weasleys or Augusta Longbottom. Titania and Sirius didn't invite too many people, so Narcissa and Regulus had to fill some holes to have a better wedding party, inviting a few guests themselves.
Molly Weasley was reluctant about speaking with Narcissa Malfoy at first, due to the bad blood between their husbands, but after a while eating and drinking near each other, they started talking about how men were childish sometimes, mocking their own husbands' behavior, and didn't even notice it was just the beginning of a new friendship.
Titania was slightly tipsy when Sirius took her for their last dance together that night. Most of the guests way too drunk to pay any attention when the newlyweds decided to discretely leave the party.
The bedroom suite was wide and Titania knew Regulus and Narcissa took care of everything for their stay there, providing change of clothes or anything they felt it could be essential that night. She spotted a pair of night robes for each one near the bed and any change of clothes they could need were probably inside the wardrobe.
Titania was feeling like a bundle of nerves, wishing to close her eyes and wake up the next day with her marriage consummated and her memory completely wiped from the night spent with Sirius. Unfortunately she wasn't drunk enough for it to naturally happen.
The witch gathered all the courage she had, turning her face to Sirius. "Shall we go to bed now?"
He arched an inquisitive eyebrow to her. "Feeling impatient, luv?"
Titania rolled her eyes. "I just want to get over it and finish quickly."
Sirius scoffed, walking towards the center table to get the bottle of Firewhisky of his favorite brand. His brother knew him so well! He calmly took a glass for himself and other for Titania, asking if she wanted to drink something else, but she only offered her glass with a frown and he poured the drink inside of it. He observed her taking a sip, her body visibly tense. It took her by surprise when he clinked their glasses before downing half of it.
"Why finish it quickly when both of us can enjoy it?" He asked with a grin.
Titania scrunched up her nose at him. "I don't want to enjoy anything with you."
He opened a soft smile at her. "Why not? Afraid to enjoy me too much, princess?"
Titania snorted and took another sip from her drink. "There is no chance for this to ever happen."
Sirius shrugged and refilled their glasses. He walked towards a couch near the bed, sitting down there completely relaxed, staring Titania with a mysterious glint in his eyes. "If you are so sure about it, why don't you come here?" He patted one of his thighs, inviting her to sit on his lap. Her baffled expression made him open a wolfish smirk.
Titania scoffed, raising an eyebrow at him. "Is this really necessary?" She absentmindedly played with her glass, twirling it between her fingers.
"I just want you to sit here and have a good time." Sirius patted it again. "Come here, let's have a nice chat."
Titania huffed and downed the contents of her glass. It was pointless to resist the game he wanted to make, so be it. She stormed furiously in his direction, ignoring all the insecurity and shyness she felt, sitting down on his thigh with her arms encircling around his neck, as if she was an experienced hostess entertaining a usual customer of hers at a night club.
Her boldness surprised Sirius. However, he didn't born yesterday and knew it was just acting from her part. He was decided to take things as slowly as needed, no matter how much it seemed Titania just wanted him to mount her and finish everything in five minutes or less.
No. If that was going to be their first and last time in bed, Sirius wanted to take his time savoring each bit of her. His male ego also screamed to make a good memorable moment for her in this special day, so maybe later she would accept to sleep with him over and over again.
Sirius adjusted Titania on his lap and put a hand on the small of her back, the other caressing her wrist, her gaze locked on his, defiant. Her make-up wasn't heavy and the flush on her cheeks were evident.
"Oh, I feel like a hooker" She finally confessed and snorted, the alcohol giving a push on her sincerity. Sirius chuckled and made a wandless gesture to Accio the bottle and glasses, pouring just a little and offering to her, to help her nervousness, pouring a bit more for himself.
"So, this is how you imagined your wedding would be?" Sirius asked. Small talk was always a good strategy to break the ice.
"Oh, I never though I would ever marry... I abominate the idea." She gave him a half-smile, her hand just fidgeting with the glass on her hand, her other arm still around Sirius' back and shoulders.
Sirius raised his glass to clink it with hers. "So do I. At least we have something in common."
Titania pressed her lips together to suppress a giggle. Sirius downed his drink in one gulp, putting his glass on the floor. He rested his now free hand over the fabric of her dress, on one of her thighs. She straightened up her back and took a sip from her glass, trying to feign indifference.
"At least I'm grateful to have such a gorgeous wife!" He squeezed softly her thigh, his eyes settled on her face, studying her expression.
Titania snorted to hide her agitation. "Oh Black, you flatter me!" She said ironically, sipping again her drink.
"You can call me 'Sirius' now, Mrs. Black." He teases. "Or 'love'."
Now her snort was genuine. "Oh, don't call me that!" Titania forced her eyes shut with an expression of disgust and Sirius chuckled.
"How do you want to be called, then?" He says with his lips almost brushing her ear. Titania takes a long sip on her drink as if really wondering about the subject. "Tell me, your highness," Sirius' lips grazed against her neck, it felt good his facial hair tickling against her skin. Titania bit her lip when he kissed her just under her jaw, trying to steel herself. "Are you gonna ignore me, love?" He teased, the hand on her back sliding up and down against her spine, refraining herself from thinking clearly.
"I– What was the question again?" She asked with a shuddering breath, feeling Sirius smirk against her neck, giving her soft kisses not ever on the same spot.
"You are so beautiful, princess," He ignored her inquiry. "I love your neck." He bit the crook of her neck gently, drawing a small whimper from her. His hands snaked up from her waist towards the base of her necklace, slowly. His thumb brushing against the fabric covering her, detaching it from the jewelry, freeing one of her breasts. His hand played with her nipple and around it while he sucked and licked her throat, under her jaw or the crook of her neck, until Titania couldn't suppress her mewls and moans anymore.
Sirius stopped his ministrations to position her body to straddle him. He detached the fabric over her other breast, leaving Titania completely bare over the waist. "I wanted to do this all day," He leaned his face down and latched his mouth over her breast, sucking gently her nipple. She gasped and squeezed his shoulders with a hand on each side of him, clawing over his shirt, Sirius still fully clothed.
Sirius ran both of his hands up and down her back, burying his face between her breasts, dividing his attentions licking and kissing each one of them.
Titania grabbed Sirius' head with both hands, pulling him away from her. He stared her with lustful eyes, his face completely flushed and breathing uneven. Titania probably looked the same as him, aware of her own wetness between her legs.
"Fuck me." She didn't want to waste time.
He exhaled loudly, flashing a smile at her. While Titania freed him from his tie and unbuttoned the upper part of his shirt, Sirius unbraided her hair, his fingers threading gently on the dark locks, the crystals falling all over the couch and floor.
Sirius lifts up Titania and carries her onto the bed, adjusting her there. He took off his shirt, her sandals and the rest of her dress, leaving her completely naked. Sirius puts his hands under her knees to open her legs. He leans down and when his mouth touches her inner thigh, Titania squirms.
"Sirius, what are you doing?"
He looks her with darkened eyes, his mouth still there at the same place, sucking her skin. " You said this will be our first and last time together, so this will be my last chance to taste every bit of you."
Sirius muffled her protest sliding a finger between her folds. "You are drenched, love, it's so good to know you endure me so well." He states sarcastically, his fingers making lewd noises, playing with her sex. Titania felt utterly embarrassed and wanted punch his face.
Her anger faded away the moment his mouth touched her slit, his tongue lapping slowly up and down, slurping her until he finally reached her clit, sucking it gently, building up the intensity little by little, taking his time to study her reactions, testing the best ways to make her moan loudly or lose control, enjoying savoring her taste and the rhythm that affected her better.
Sirius Black was the devil and only let Titania find her own release when he was satisfied with the 'research' he did on her most sensitive parts. He held her legs firmly, cleaning her orgasm with his tongue, agonizing and delicious at the same time. He stopped only when she yelled, almost begging him to do so.
She was still feeling the aftershocks of her climax, her body still hyper sensitive. The heat Sirius emanated was enough to make her skin prickle. He loomed over her, positioning himself between her legs, rubbing his shaft over her slit, only to provoke her.
He leaned his face towards her, sealing their lips together, however Titania didn't correspond him, turning her head instead, giving him access to her ear or neck. No matter how horny she was right now and how little a simple kiss could be in comparison with sex, it was something she wanted to keep for herself. To her, a kiss on the mouth was a gesture that meant something more intimate than sex, because it was a way to share a piece of her heart and soul, and she didn't want to give any of them to Sirius Black. He was giving Titania delicious sensations indeed, yet they were still under the obligation to consummate their marriage.
Sirius apparently understood the message and didn't insist. He pecked her ear lobe and seeing her body still reacted well to him, he continued, descending towards her neck, licking and slurping her skin, satisfied with the sounds coming out of her mouth, that she still tried to suppress, failing miserably at it.
He pinned one of her hands over her head, against the mattress, his palm firmly on hers while he put his hardness against her entrance. She was dripping wet but he was thick and found some resistance entering her. He patiently pressed the tip of his cock against her slit, until her body could accept him. Sirius gently sheathed himself on Titania, drawing gasps and moans from her. He grunted when she was able to accommodate all of his length inside her, like they were custom-made for each other.
Titania clawed his back with her free hand, moaning loudly near his ear. Sirius build up a pace accordingly with what Titania seemed to prefer. He never expected the always contained and composed witch could actually melt so easily in his arms and it was fun to see she had almost no control about being vocal and responsive to his touch. It was delicious hear her mewls near his ear, he loved how she felt and sounded like. No doubts he was having the best fuck of his life.
Sirius loved to tease Titania, but was wary about saying something that could twist her mood, acting like a bucket of cold water. He didn't resist, though. "It's so good to see how much you enjoy my cock." She gasped when his thrust hit exactly on her most sensitive spot.
"It's the only good part you have!" She finally hissed, gritting her teeth.
Sirius chuckles and slows down a bit his pelvic movements. "I don't know if I shall be offended or not. I'm loving seeing you like this." Before she could answer him properly, he thrusted her harder making her yelp. "You are such a bad girl, Mrs Black." He stops just a second to observe her disgruntled expression, and starts setting up a vigorous pace, making her curse him under her breath, yet begging him to speed up each time he slowed down just a little bit. Sirius thanked the gods Titania liked it wildly and he didn't have to contain himself too much.
It was impossible to follow his plans about taking things slowly and savor Titania as long as he could. Not with her squirming under him, pulling his hair or clawing his shoulders, threatening to kill him if he even dared to stop. It was marvelous watching her turn into a horny mess thanks to him. She was as savage as a wild cat.
His movements turned erratic and he finally came inside her, grunting near her ear. It took Titania by surprise she achieved her peak again at the same time as him, and she couldn't help herself from hugging him with both arms, her thighs squeezing tightly around his hips, her body acting on its own. Revelling the physical contact with him and the way the warmth of his body embraced her so welcomely.
What happened made sense when her head cleared about ten seconds later, feeling the tingly sensation of magic spreading throughout all the cells of her body, sealing the marital bond between wizard and witch. Now she understood the secretive smirk Narcissa and Reg shared when she complained about how sexist the ancient rite was. At least regarding the consummation, it was way better than muggle tradition.
It was the first time her orgasm was synchronized with someone and the sensation by its own was the strongest she ever felt. Titania was so delighted by it, she was able to forget for a moment she was sharing this sensation with Sirius Black.
At least she was pretty sure this synchronized orgasm was a one-time thing, or else she wouldn't have the strength to resist fucking her husband. It would be addicting!
She was still hugging him tightly, her body taking longer to recover from her climax than it was used to. The same was probably happening to Sirius, because he stood still for a few seconds with his face buried on her neck, until he decided to dislodge himself from her.
The action made her let out a sigh, her spine arching. Her body was still highly sensitive from her climax, like an exposed nerve. Sirius was still over her, supporting himself with his arms. He noticed Titania still panted weakly and decided to run a finger along the side of her body. Her body jerked again and he opened a mischievous smile.
Sirius caressed Titania slowly, the back of his fingers only ghosting on her skin. She shivered and bit her lower lip, trying to hold herself. The jerk was toying with the way her body was still lit after her orgasm and it was too good for her to ask him to stop it. She hated herself for it, but part of her conscience tried to ease her mind with the excuse she could always blame the alcohol.
Sirius chuckled after discovering just the act of blowing softly near her ear was enough to make her pant, so he hold her arms and provoked her by breathing near her jaw or neck, driving her completely mad.
The son of a bitch took the opportunity to lick and kiss her neck, eliciting more and more moans from her, making her squirm under him again. He took his time teasing her, like a child who just discovered a new toy and couldn't get enough of it.
Titania noticed he was half-hard just from playing with her. He stopped, however and pecked her cheek.
"Let's take a bath?" He offered with a devilish smirk. "We already saw each other naked."
"I hate you," She hissed, hair completely disheveled and face flushed, accepting the hand he offered her nonetheless.
Sirius guided Titania into an enormous round bathtub, already filled with steamy hot water. He let her enter first, holding one of her hands. He took their glasses and the bottle of Firewhisky and put them on the floor, sitting near the border to pour the liquid inside the glasses, offering one for her and entering the bathtub after she took it. He pulled Titania closer to him, hugging her from behind and she didn't fight it, downing her drink in one gulp, and then lifting her hand up for him to fill her glass again.
"Easy, girl," He scolded jokingly, pouring her more Firewhisky, his glass untouched on the floor, near his reach. Titania took another sip while Sirius nuzzled the slope of her neck, kissing there gently. She stretched her neck to give him better access, not opposing him at all. She was already damned about the shame she would feel the next morning, why not rejoice on it and act as nothing happened later?
They were both there without a care on the world. It was easy for Titania to relax like that, Sirius could keep his mouth shut when it was occupied nipping or kissing the skin over her collarbones, his hands stroking softly her belly, sometimes snaking up to play with her boobs leisurely. Sirius' big hands fit perfectly around them.
His caresses ended up escalating and soon his fingers were diving between her thighs. He sucked her ear lobe when Titania hummed in approval. It was a good sensation his hairy chest against the skin of her back.
"So wet," He whispered hoarsely near her ear, the tip of his fingers sliding easily inside her, her juices clearly distinctable from water. "You endure me so well, your majesty." Titania snorted with the possibility Sirius was indulging himself in a fetish related with the Queen of Fairies who shared the same name as hers.
"Just keep your mouth shut, peasant!" She scolded jokingly.
"So bossy..." He chuckled and grabbed her by the hips, pressing his hardness against her butt, grazing his teeth in the region between her neck and shoulder. Sirius exhaled heavily ear her neck, making her shiver in anticipation. Then he put a lock of her hair behind her ear. “As my queen wishes,” He kissed her earlobe while brushing the middle finger over her clit, teasingly. He slid it in and out her slit, this time roughly, his cock twitching against her butt.
Titania bit her lip and clenched her jaw, but eventually it was too much for her and she couldn’t suppress the gasps and moans escaping her mouth. She snaked her hand behind to touch his cock. The alcohol and the lust were the only things allowing her submitting herself to Sirius so easily. Titania knew she would regret everything tomorrow morning, but it was way too good to stop. She stroked his cock as better as her position permitted, then she lifted her hips just enough to press his shaft against her folds.
Sirius grunted and clenched his jaw, a hand around his cock, rubbing the tip of it against her clit until she released a long sigh. "You are such a bad girl, dear," Sirius sucked her ear lobe and pressed himself against her again, sliding inside her more easily this time, just half of his length in and out, making Titania gasp in pleasure. "Is this what you want?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
"Y-Yes!" She yelped. He stopped.
Sirius grabbed her by her scalp, pulling her hair gently towards himself, his mouth brushing against her ear. "Then say exactly what you want from me," He lapped her neck, sucking her skin under her jaw.
Titania huffed in frustration. "I want you to fuck me!" He buried himself inside her again in one thrust.
"Well, if you ask so nicely..." He chuckled. "You are such a good girl!"
"I hate you!" She had a ragged voice. He kept a punishing pace until he was close to his release, then he slowed down gradually, keeping himself inside of her while rubbing her clit. He wanted to feel her pussy clenching around his cock. When she was getting close to her climax, he sped up again the pace of his thrusts.
Sirius' fingers made Titania peak again with him buried all the way into her core and continued to fuck her after that, feeling her aftershocks, deliciously agonizing for her until she couldn't take it anymore and begged him to stop. He pulled himself off of her, one of his arms around her waist, keeping her back pressed against his chest, the sides of their faces pressed together, and Sirius jerked himself off until he came, grunting near her ear. Titania felt the jets of his hot seed against her butt, under the water.
Titania left the bathroom before Sirius, completely pissed with herself, her pride thrown away in the gutter.
She used her wand to dry her hair and body, dressing the night-robe near the bed before lying down, covering herself under the duvet. She heard the sound of Sirius' footsteps a few minutes later and then felt the weight of his body at the other side of the mattress. Titania opened her eyes just to check if he took his nigh-robe, and he didn't. Unless he got a change of clothes somewhere, he was possibly still naked.
They slept apart from each other, but when Titania woke up a few hours later, her head was resting on Sirius' shoulder, her hand on his naked chest. She was still disorientated from her drowsiness, so she played with the hair of his chest that felt so pleasant at the tips of her fingers. Until she realized what hell she was doing and stopped it.
Titania was about to complain his intrusion at her side of the bed, but a quick look was enough to notice she was the one 'trespassing'. Her face felt hot from embarrassment, lucky her, Sirius appeared to be asleep.
When she shifted her body to move for her side, trying to be as discreet as possible, his hand darted over hers, grabbing it and putting on his chest, motioning it up and down, just like she was doing before.
"Don't stop, this feels amazing." Sirius complained with a sleepy voice, his eyes still closed.
Titania felt blood coloring her face. "How dare you move me here while I was sleeping?" She accused, insecure.
Sirius barked out a laugh. "I did nothing. It's not my fault you are so drawn to me."
Titania scoffed. "Excuse me?"
Sirius finally opened his eyes, just to roll them, emulating the way Titania did in front of him all the time. "You know, how it's so difficult for you to 'endure me'... if I didn't know you better, would've thought you are crazy about me." He grinned charmingly at the end of his sentence.
Titania huffed. "You better shut up, you arrogant jerk!"
Sirius pulled her by the wrist against his body, before she could move away from him. She opened her mouth to protest and her voice died the moment he pecked her jaw. "Let's have a last time together, how about it?" He knew her answer the moment she closed her eyes and tilted her head to indulge into his caresses.
Soon Sirius was over her again and they entangled at their third round that night. He only had to rub her entrance two or three times to set her on the proper mood. Her body answered too well at any skin contact they made and she got wet for him without much effort.
He was on top of Titania and penetrated her lazily, moving inside her at a leisurely pace, his mouth latched onto her neck, his hands exploring the curves of her body and the smoothness of her skin.
Sirius was slightly tired, not just because of their previous sex sessions, but all the stress and anxiety he felt due to his marriage with Titania, only able to relax for the first time a few hours ago, so he wanted to take this 'last time' to enjoy better the body of his wife, he felt like he deserved it.
He put her to straddle him, loving to watch her tits bouncing, and also made her change positions later various times, wanting to discover more about her vulnerable spots as much as his own preferences regarding her.
Sirius made Titania lay on the bed with her bottom up. Titania thought it was strange when she discovered he wanted to lick her pussy that way. Part of her had the feeling it was a humiliating position to be licked, her butthole exposed to him, but she was way too horny to not give a chance at his idea.
She was about to put him in the worst category of pervert when she felt his tongue lapping at her entrance, noticing it gave an easier access for him and it was more pleasant because her back wasn't pressed against a mattress and it was better to move her hips if she wanted too. It was awkward, though, when he opened her cheeks with both hands and she thought he was about to play with her asshole, but she warned him about it and he didn't touch her near there.
Sirius drove a strong orgasm from her, slurping her juices slowly, before turning her body to face him up again. He wanted to finish himself inside of her with a vigorous, punishing pace, wanting to test her limits and know how much of a match they were in the matters of rough sex.
Sirius finally came and they both were exhausted. Sirius wanted to stay hugged with Titania, maybe cuddling each other, but before he could say anything about it, she pushed him away from herself and stormed towards the bathroom to have a bath. He sighed and didn't follow her, knowing she was probably pissed about surrendering into his charms more than once that night, too proud to admit how much she enjoyed it.
He took his wand to clean the sheets and laid down again with a stupid smile on his face, feeling sated and tired. His heart now filled with hope because he knew Titania was weak resisting him and how good was their chemistry in bed.
Next Chapter
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( Titania woke up just like that :P )
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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DRUELLA BLACK (née ROSIER) is SIXTY-TWO YEARS OLD and a SOCIALITE amongst THE SACRED TWENTY-EIGHT in LONDON. She looks remarkably like MICHELLE PFIFER and considers herself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. She is currently OPEN.
The scent of expensive perfume and the light girlish laugh that echoes through a ballroom as champagne glasses clink, Druella Black is a glittering jewel in the crown of the Black family tree and one of their finest additions. The daughter of former wizengamot judge HUGO ROSIER and socialite ODILIA LA TREMOILLE, Druella was raised in the lap of luxury in the South of France, every inch a fairytale princess and her mother’s most treasured possession. The La Tremoille family valued appearance above all else, known for throwing lavish balls where enchanted champagne fountains flowed. Outward projection of wealth, happiness and elegance was of utmost importance in her home and as soon as Druella was old enough to balance a book on her head she was put through rigorous training to become a valued member of the La Tremoille dynasty. An only child until she was five, Druella was very much her mother’s daughter, with slight interactions from her father that would stick in her memory as she began to raise her own children. Hugo and his wife were incredibly different people, her father more focused on family and true happiness rather than performing for the society they found themselves in. He had married for love as well as convention, though Druella had often suspected that Odilia saw their family as little treasures inside her jewellery box rather than people she should love and nurture. 
Hugo enjoyed playing with Druella, making her laugh in an unladylike manner and encouraging her to consider what she liked rather than felt she had to do. It was because of this, Odilia became the main figure in Druella’s life, particularly after her younger brother AXEL was born. The two children had very different upbringings though they were raised in the same household. Druella took tea in the parlour and took trips to Wizarding Paris with her mother to explore boutiques and be fitted for gowns and bonnets, whilst Axel predominantly stayed in Lyon, exploring their grounds and reading the books and maps in their father’s library where his thirst for knowledge was nurtured. By the time Druella began attending Beauxbatons the pair could not be more different, Axel was her wild younger brother and she was a dainty swan set to swim in the lake of pompery amongst the French upper classes. Attending school was a breeze for someone like Druella, though she was not a veela she was just as beautiful and that beauty unlocked many doors for her that would remain closed for most. She was a dainty doll that people felt compelled to take care of, but underneath her beauty was a mind always working, considering each decision and step like she was dancing a waltz that her life depended on. Friends were carefully curated and relationships grew mostly out of convenience and convention rather than fondness.
A subdued blonde, Druella enjoyed her position as the most underestimated person in the room, left to her own devices to curate her own happiness whilst their eyes were trained on her beautiful dresses and mesmerizing blue gaze. When Druella joined society post Beauxbatons she was the jewel of the season and the most sought after debutant in Paris. On the arm of her brother, she would enter rooms and listen to the silence with as much pleasure as if she were hearing a string quartet. Each weekend she would open Le Sorcier Du Dimanche and read of her triumph at balls and the speculation as to who she would finally marry. Her whole life had been cantered around that question, but Druella enjoyed the thrill of the chase and the attention she garnered. Druella Rosier knew she was the best and would only give her hand to the man who deserved it. CYGNUS BLACK was a few years younger than Druella, but from the moment he took her hand to dance it was love at first sight. An English gentleman, he pursued her quite ruthlessly with the vigor and passion veiled with British charm that the Black family were known for. The day Druella Rosier became Druella Black was the event of the decade, with enchanted bottles of champagne popping as she walked down the aisle and doves released as they kissed. Cygnus was the younger brother of the Black family, but the pair had enough money that lesser inheritance on his part was not an issue.
After a number of years living between Paris and London, drinking in lavish bars and attending parties, Druella was whisked away to Cygnus’ family home of Brideswater Manor in Hertfordshire to begin growing their family. An image conscious woman, Druella wanted her youth to be filled with beauty and splendour, though she had always had dreams of becoming a mother and raising her three daughters filled her heart with more happiness than she could have ever imagined. BELLATRIX came first, her face determined and her hair as black as night. ANDROMEDA came next, subdued just like Druella but an academic like her father, then NARCISSA, her blonde hair blonde and eyes an icy blue. Druella loved them all equally, her shimmering jewels she stroked and kissed each night before bed, but with Narcissa she shared a specifically deeper bond. As their girls grew older, Druella and Cygnus would watch them and speak about their differences, Narcissa would be their debutant, their image conscious darling whose name would be known throughout the Wizarding World for her beauty. In a house filled with strong minds, Druella sought comfort in her youngest daughter who resisted the least to a life of pretty dresses and parties any woman in The Sacred Twenty-Eight was destined and excited for. Raising three daughters is difficult for any parent, but even the most able of parents would have struggled with Bellatrix. 
Although she accepted her place in society, like Druella’s brother Axel she detested rubbing shoulders with people not like them and fought her at every turn as she pulled her hair into beautiful ribbons and attempted to make her into a lady. It was perhaps due to the similarities between Bellatrix and Druella’s brother, the two were not as close as Druella had first imagined. Nevertheless she persisted with all three of her children, taking books away from Andromeda and applying lipstick to Bellatrix’s pursed lips whilst Narcissa watched with a smug smile. Druella had a clear image in her head for the way her daughter’s lives would pan out. They’d each be happily married by twenty-five or at the very least thirty, with their own homes and later children, hosting balls and clinking crystal glasses. When Cygnus had encouraged Bellatrix to travel and Andromeda to pursue a legal career, Druella was most distressed but had agreed due to the love she had for her children, though she insisted they return home each summer and take her wishes seriously of them marrying well and continuing their lineage. THE DARK LORD was a spanner in Druella’s plans she could not have accounted for, nor the scheming and meddling of her sister-in-law WALBURGA and how much her husband would place the pursuit of power above the safety of their children. Druella saw value in the new world he was creating and pledged her allegiance alongside the rest of her family, though she did so with narrowed cerulean eyes. 
Walburga maintained that Bellatrix having such proximity to The Dark Lord was an honour for their family and would enable better prospects for all their children. Outwardly she nodded and smiled, though privately she worried and watched silently as her niece and nephew ALEXANDRA and EVAN joined her daughter, waiting for the moment Andromeda and Narcissa would be next. It was their admittance into The Dark Lord’s movement that spurred Druella on to become a better aunt to her late brother’s children. Though Druella and Axel had never been close, she had loved her brother dearly and was saddened by his passing. With their mother absent, a matter which was taken care of thankfully by Cygnus to which she wanted limited knowledge of, Druella saw herself somewhat of a pseudo mother to the pair, making a concerted effort to ensure their happiness. Used to raising difficult women, Alexandra was something of a dream to Druella, a true beauty who knew her own mind and how to work a room which Druella admired greatly. With the season approaching, Druella is choosing to ignore the scheming and drama of her family to focus on her own pursuits. Though she is aware the season will end with a bang, Druella is committed to the idea that nothing will spoil this time of the year for her and that at least one of her family, hopefully her daughters, will receive a proposal before the magnolias begin to wilt and save her the embarrassment of another year with three single children.
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Married to Cygnus Black
Previous Education → Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
Societies → Pura Sorores (co-chair)
Family → Hugo Rosier (father), Odilia Rosier (mother), Axel Rosier (deceased brother), Cygnus Black (husband), Bellatrix Black (daughter), Andromeda Black (daughter), Narcissa Black (daughter), Orion Black (brother-in-law/close friend), Walburga Black (sister-in-law/close friend) Sirius Black (estranged newphew), Regulus Black (nephew), Adele Rosier (estranged sister-in-law), Evan Rosier (nephew), Alexandra Rosier (niece)
Connections  → Lotte Flint (close friend), Cecily Greengrass (close friend), Vivienne Travers (close friend), Luella Prewett (close friend), Kratista Burke (close friend), Ismena Yaxley (close friend), Alicia Avery-Jones (acquaintance)
Future Information → N/A
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the-marauder-corner · 4 years
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If there is any place on earth to fit the perfect description of dark, unwelcoming and dangerous it would either be a cave in the forbidden forest or my house. Malfoy Manor. A facade made of lies, corruption and despair, a facade that shows others a perfect life, full of riches, jewels and anything your heart desires but that’s just not the case. As much as I get those things they’re just for the pictures in the papers. They don’t bring me joy, not anymore.
I never used to fear my family until I went to Hogwarts. Being sorted into Slytherin made my family and pureblood society proud and I was never disliked by my Slytherin peers but my friendship group was highly expanded outside of my own house, my closest friends being Lee Jordan and Fred Weasley along with Fred and George’s brothers and sister, Harry and Hermione who I spend almost everyday with. My boyfriend being George Weasley. When my father found out my friends were ‘mud-bloods’ and ‘bloodtraitors’ he was furious. Never did I fear my father until the day he found out. Never did I stop fearing him since.
No one knows about my fears, no one outside of family that is. Managing to keep our pristine image amongst the public by pleading he was under the imperious curse throughout the first wizarding war my father was relieved of charges and back at his ministry job. The public eye isn’t fearful, it isn’t judging and it’s not on the fact that he is a death eater.
Instead the public eye is on our family. We’re in the press. Me and my younger brother Draco were in newspapers before we could read. Our births, school days, quidditch matches, sortings and Yule Ball dates were documented and released. No matter how big or small the matter it seems to always be put in the paper. The biggest matter so far is that alongside Harry, I’m seeming to be a chosen one. More keeps coming out about a Slytherin that abandons her life with her family to fight for what she truly believes in. So when Rita Skeeter and all of her colleagues found out that Y/n Malfoy had tried to run away. You’d better believe it was in the paper.
Running away was the easy part, staying hidden was the hardest. Since I didn’t want to put any of my friends in danger by going to them I just tried to stay hidden in different buildings until school started. Obviously it didn’t work. I was in my third year I couldn’t use any magic to hide myself and Father had sent out aurors from the ministry to look for me, pretending to be worried sick. When I inevitably was found the story to the papers was I was kidnapped. The Malfoys know the whole story. Let’s just say the punishment wasn’t as easy going as running away.
As far as I see it they aren’t my family. Instead my family dynamic lies with the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, my cousin Tonks and my uncle Sirius. So this time that’s where I’m going and this time they’re not going to find me. I walk carefully downstairs with a suitcase I charmed with reducio, to fit it in my pocket when I realise that I royally fucked up.
In the kitchen sits the death eaters, Voldemort at the head of the table. Father coughs and grabs my attention "Y/n I thought you were studying?" "I was going to get some air, Father" he looks skeptical "With your wand?" Shit "You can’t be too careful. Not with the aurors around and looking after students and all" at least I’m of age so I have an excuse. He still looks skeptical but turns back to the meeting. I rush out and down the street, quickly apparating to Grimmauld Place. "How many times do you need to be told?! Just because you can use magic does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" Mrs Weasley looks surprised when she sees it’s only me "Hello y/n dear, sorry about that" I laugh "It’s alright Mrs Weasley"
"Please call me Molly" looking around the house I take in the atmosphere. It’s ancient, the wallpaper is peeling at every inch, the hinges are creaking and crying out for mercy. This wasn’t what I expected from ‘The noble house of Black’ at all. Maybe, if anything it’s a nice change of scenery from the pristine look that Malfoy Manor shows all the time.
"Y/n?" Sirius stands in the doorway and I hug him "I’m sorry. It’s just...you said I could come if I ever needed to and..." a sob escapes me and he pulls me to him "They were going to turn me into a deatheater" a look of shocked is painted onto his face "He was there when I left" "Who?" "Voldemort. They were all having a meeting. I just. I had to go. I told Draco to come with me weeks ago but he said no. I tried convincing him for ages, up until yesterday and he said no. I’m worried that he’s too far gone" he strokes my hair sympathetically "I understand y/n/n. I know" "Is...are they..." Fred and George appear in the hallway and I hug them "Hey blondie. What’s the matter?" "Malfoy Shit" they nod and return the hug.
George welcomes me with a hug and soft "Are you okay?" I nod and let him pull me closer. "I was worried about you" "I was scared they’d find you here. I’d wait and listen to their meeting to make sure they weren’t" he smiles "You didn’t need to do that" "I know but it made me feel safer, knowing you’re safe" "I love you" "I love you too"
I’m lead into a dining room which has a much lighter tone, like a weight was relieved from my shoulders and the bad memory of my old house could just all be washed away. Everyone welcomes me with smiles and recognition, sitting me down for a conversation along with a home cooked meal.
And for the first time in years I feel safe. That for once I could be happy around these people. This family. That’s all I ever wanted, not jewels or pretty dresses or pureblood respect. Isn’t that what matters? Love, compassion and just some emotion. I’d take that over my old dollhouse life any day. In a dollhouse the walls close and you never see what happens inside but the dolls do and if a doll doesn’t look perfect it gets thrown to the side, well I was a broken doll but I got lucky. Lucky enough to have people to catch me and start to put me back together.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 83: The Egg and the Eye
They really should have enjoyed those other landings while they hand the chance, as every one of them groaned in painful misery upon impact in the most uncomfortable way possible across hard, cold tile floors. Peter got the worst of it, he landed with an echoing bang upon copper pipes that left the walls themselves vibrating as he finally came to a stop face down in the bathtub beneath.
"Everyone still alive?" James called miserably, rubbing at his head and staring blearily around, but his vision wasn't coming back into focus.
"More or less," Sirius answered as he began looking around for Prongs' glasses.
Remus peeked over the edge to see Peter curling onto his side now, whimpering in pain, several fresh bruises likely to come of it. He hopped down and offered him a comforting pat on the shoulder while performing a minor healing charm to at least help take the edge off the worst of the pain, allowing him to sit upright at least.
Lily had gotten it the easiest, landing on the wooden towel rack and knocking the whole thing over, now tangled up in them. Frank went over to help get her out, while Alice got uneasily to her feet, holding the golden egg curiously.
"Where are we?" Lily demanded as she finally pulled the last, thankfully dry and clean, towel from off her head while Frank tugged the fluffy white one free where it had tangled her legs.
"Prefects bathroom," the lone Prefect of their group answered as he pulled his friend out of, what the others now realized, was indeed a swimming pool sized bathtub.
She looked around with admiration at the grandeur of every gleaming tile, the picture of a mermaid more reminiscent of her youth than any textbook she'd found in this castle, and the diving board as she grudgingly made her way to Potter and handed him his glasses she'd somehow acquired in her mess.
He set them back in place and she immediately regretted her moment of kindness as he beckoned her to follow. "Come here Evans, you're going to love this."
"Last time we ended up in a bathroom it wasn't exactly pleasant," she grumbled as she watched him regardless, bolting right past everyone to the available taps each with a different jewel inset, and turning two on at once.
She, Alice, and Frank edged forward to see one pipe shooting out rainbow glitter, the other had lavender scented, flower shaped bubbles dripping down. Lily knelt and stuck her hand in curiously, to find it the perfect temperature.
"This thing's a damned miracle worker if you need to relax, I've spent ages in here this year before a Quidditch game thanks to Moony sharing the password. Really helps relax the muscles," he said with an open grin at her, she was pretty sure he wasn't even imagining her in the tub yet.
"I'll bet even Snivellus would take a bath in this," Sirius Black muttered from behind his best mate, who laughed in surprise. Lily scowled hatefully and stalked away. James watched her go with an unrepentant smile, he'd never grow tired of her tenacity.
"Passwords Pine Fresh, it never changes," he called to her retreating form.
"You ever think you're taking the wrong approach there," Alice was frowning at the pair of idiots, Potter didn't even seem to realize he'd done anything wrong.
"When I want your advice, I'll ask for it," he said in all cheerfulness.
Frank scowled at the idiot, took Alice's hand, and led her away without argument, joining Lily near the door now, the three of them inspecting the egg with curiosity and discussing if Harry would actually work out the clue in this place like Cedric Diggory had suggested.
James watched the three with longing, he'd love to go over there, take Lily's hand so casually, just shoot the breeze and talk amongst her and her friends all day. He was genuinely happy for her she finally had decent people to talk to, she'd never given herself the chance always hanging around Snivellus, and he hoped it stayed that way. From what he'd known of Smith and Longbottom before all this they were decent people, always stayed on the fringe of classes, but for two purebloods they certainly never got involved in the nastier students he did know of their houses.
He knew if he tried now she'd spurn him again, he really shouldn't have laughed at Sirius' joke and he knew that, but didn't she get that's what it was? A joke? If Padfoot had said the same about Regulus or even himself James would have laughed. She was always so diligent about everything in her life, it was one of the many aspects of why he loved to watch her. The way she always thought through a question so long before answering, she often missed her opportunity in class, she studiously stuck to what she was doing despite his best attempts, be it hanging around a waste of space like Snape or her homework, he only wanted to give her a bit of fun in her life she really needed. She'd get that eventually.
James turned back to see Regulus was trying to pick a fight with Sirius, again. There was another lad who needed more fun in his life, as well as that stick removed from his arse.
"You really don't have anything else to say to him?" Regulus demanded.
"What's there to say?" Sirius forced casualness in his voice without looking up, clearly intent on looking for his favorite tap that would give the foam the consistency of a snowball. "He'd say he could never do it, again, we believe him, I guess, and we move on." His hand was trembling so hard by the end he didn't seem to know which way he was trying to twist the tap anymore, but it wasn't moving regardless. "Guess we'll all find out what's what eventually, yeah?"
Peter and Regulus exchanged an uneasy look. It wasn't a solution as far as they were concerned, Sirius had managed to avoid the question, but it was...progress?
James clucked his tongue and jumped in to stop anything else happening, so long as they were all stuck together he would not rest until he got some enjoyment. "Tell me you lot aren't actually going to spend the entire time we're in here, of all places, talking!"
Then he shucked out of his clothes in record time once more, boxers alone covering him as he dived head long into the water. Sirius grinned and quickly mimicked him, with a cannon ball off the diving board splashing the mermaids painting. The two caused water to immediately start sloshing over the edges as they began a rowdy game of tag.
Peter did not feel like joining them, but he dutifully sat on the edge of the pool next to Remus, who was smiling and laughing at their antics and egging them on. He summoned the book to him, which bizarrely came shooting out of one of the pipes that had yet been turned on, and flipped it open before looking around and seeing Regulus hovering uneasily. He beckoned him over and smiled when he did with only a bit of hesitation. None of them felt up to talking anymore it seemed, and if asked they would have blamed it on how close they hopefully were to discovering Harry's egg clue.
"The Egg and the Eye? What's an eye got to do with this?" Lily shivered in disgust at the idea, wondering for a wild moment if the egg was going to somehow get Harry put in the hospital wing for hurting his eye or something.
"Maybe Moody makes another grand appearance," Frank offered, "helps him out again."
Lily nodded this made sense, admittedly more distracted than she would have liked to admit as she eyed Potter and Black in the pool. It seemed for every step she took to actually try and be civil to him, more in pity than anything for this mess so thoroughly and repeatedly having an affect on him, he took seven back. Reverting back to the same loathsome toerag at the first chance, would the idiot never learn his lesson?
She listened intently as Harry made his way here, enjoyed himself for a few moments with the pool as well, and then nearly had heart failure when Moaning Myrtle appeared. Her popping eyes stayed on the Marauders, none of whom batted an eye at this development. Only little Regulus Black was spluttering in surprise, and he got a mouth full of soapy water from his brother for that before he could say anything.
"Well, this bathroom just lost a bit of appeal," Alice shivered in revulsion as she hugged herself for a moment at the idea of a ghost peeping in on her.
"It's never occurred to me they can just appear in the bathrooms, of anywhere in here," Frank agreed with a grimace. Lily looked around hopefully, and spotted Harry's copy of the Marauders Map. It must have been, as it was several years older than the one she'd seen in said Marauders possession inside Honeydukes, which was currently still in one of their pockets. This one had aged parchment, was crinkled, and dogeared. Yet the enchantment to activate it still worked just as well, and she scanned it carefully now for their place, finally spotting their eight little dots, but not another soul except Mrs. Norris several floors down.
She showed the other two, who only looked slightly less queasy, as that didn't change how often it likely still did happen.
Harry's unendearing encounter with her was almost worth it though, as she helped him work out his clue, and they all listened open mouthed at the mermaid song.
"Damn, that's brilliant," Frank was smiling now at the prospect of hearing this in person but still eyeing the water, and the two rowdy boys in it, without much hope.
James and Sirius had been listening, and were quite pleased at this new development, but now that it had come to pass what Harry would be dealing with, they refused to let it sink down their groups spirits as much as it was Harry's. Yeah, how would he breath underwater for an hour? It was a valid question, and one they could deal with later. For now James heaved himself out of the pool and went padding over to them, but they'd clearly been so distracted they didn't realize any such thing until he said right beside them, "are you really not going to get in?"
Smith dropped the egg in surprise, it did indeed clatter around before opening with a painfully loud racket before he went chasing after it to close it. The three were left with more aggrieved looks than ever on him, so he shrugged and said, "have it your way." Prize now in hand, he jogged back and did a flip into the water.
Sirius waited for no such thing as permission, he'd taken the eggs noisy distraction to swim over to Remus, grab his legs, and jerk him in. He came up trying to splutter curses through the soapy water and swatting at him to Sirius' unrepentant smile. "Now if only we were the only two in here," he whispered into his ear, reaching through the water to squeeze the inside of his thigh before taking off again.
Remus swallowed another mouthful and was now grateful nobody could see below his waist, and the water really was rather warm, that's why his skin was suddenly so flush.
"Well then you two, are you going to have a listen?" James called, pushing his hair out of his face to eye Peter and Regulus, but both had been reexamining the mermaids song and barely looked up long enough to shake their heads they didn't want to get in. "How on Earth did we get saddled into this mess with such boring wankers?" He demanded of Sirius.
"Beats me Prongs," Sirius nodded, before taking a breath and ducking under the water. James quickly followed, and Remus rolled his eyes before acquitting.
By the time they came up, Harry was stuck in the trick stair and witness to the strangest of nighttime scenes even they'd never been privy to.
Lily watched as Potter laughed himself silly at his sons misfortune, then rolled onto his back and began floating peacefully in the water like he could take a nap to the sound of this mess. It infuriated her to no end, Harry could get into so much trouble if he was caught now, did he really not care at all? She reflected back if she'd just seen this back before this mess started she would have thought him the most uncaring heartless person there was, but she knew better now. That was him fidgeting, not just kicking his legs around in the water at the idea of Harry getting caught. He kept dumping his head back into the water and then sitting up and ruffling his hair into messy spikes rather than show his concern why Barty Crouch was so weirdly involved in something to do with Severus' office.
It wasn't as if he was afraid to show any other emotion, like brash carelessness or obnoxiousness, why then did he feel the need to smother such things?
Regulus watched over Peter's shoulder as Moody saved Harry yet again from getting caught by Snape and fixing this mess for him, he couldn't blame the auoror's intensity over the map either when he got his hand on it. While Sirius and his two friends continued splashing each other wildly, with no hope of hearing the warning the chapter was almost over, he reached over and grabbed the two idiots clothes and held them firmly against his chest. He wouldn't wish that mess upon anyone.
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rosewiltd-moved · 3 years
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fairytale films.  ˎˊ˗            bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies. repost don’t reblog.
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i. princess bride,      poisoned goblets.   games of wits.   white horses.  riding off into the sunset.   death cannot stop true love.   sand in your lungs.   true devotion.   unusual friendships.   the bonds of friendship.   ships flying below black flags.   the feeling of being watched.   medicine men.   stolen kisses.   castles.   staged kidnappings.   cliff faces.   unsent letters.   hidden chambers.   sword fights.   unlikely miracles.   monsters beneath the water’s surface.   storming a castle.  losing the one you love.   a loveless marriage.   abandoning a crown for something more.   soft velvet.   the smell of fresh parchment.   a life unlived.   a stable full of horses.  
ii. labyrinth,      love left between the stars.  hedge mazes.   oubliettes.   a sad love.   barn owls.   sheep dogs.   masquerade balls.   nothing is fair in life.   betrayal by a friend.   a winding staircase.   head in the clouds.   opal white.   the touch of a thousand hands.   a never-ending labyrinth.   a game changing it’s rules on you.   friend or foe.   a longing for a life of your own.   red and white stripes.   glitter and rhinestones.   tight fitting clothing.   time passing quickly.   expressive eyes.   growing up.  holding on to the things that matter most.   underground caverns.   goblins.   the crackle of a fire.   running for dear life.   a world turned upside down.   fresh peaches.  
iii. stardust,      glowing brighter than the sun.   eternal love.  silver light.   flying high above the clouds.   a bolt of lightning.   pure white snowdrop.   the purity of the stars.   dark witchcraft.   a never-ending wall.   time passing slowly.   travelling caravan.   mysterious strangers.   love found upon a journey.   a throne you were born for.   a lifelong lie.   fairie markets.  a shooting star.   a wish upon a star.   a pale white unicorn.  becoming something more than you are.   flying through the air. feather boas.   a glittering jewel.   the seventh son.   limbus grass.   stolen truths.
iv. wizard of oz,      fields of poppies.   no place like home.  the destruction caused by storms.   striped stockings.   yellow brick roads.   raindrops tumbling all around.   clouds darkening the skyway.   hot air balloons.   haunted forest.   glittering bubbles.  ruby slippers.   magic wands.   cowardice turned to bravery.   rainbows.  the search for knowledge.     flying brooms.   talking animals.  a heart’s a heavy burden.   emerald green.   power born out of lies.   dreaming of a far off place.   an abandoned scarecrow.   moss covered tree trunks.   long journeys.   braided hair.   childlike innocence.  
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tagged by;   @loetise tagging;   @unheaven  @aphostate  @amaeranthos ( sirius )  @lovecurst​  @shekindness​
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blankdblank · 4 years
Ridikulus Pt 30
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Bent in half in an empty hall beside Vivienne and Ollivier in matching states of stretching the pair found you, having woken to their own mooing alarm clock Glorfindel stroked the chin of to silence. Readied in light robes of silver with matching trousers and boots with varying embroidered patterns the pair were off to breakfast following the servant sent to guide them down to eat. Passing the hall they joined your great uncles mid conversation on their continued youthful pull back to their former appearances complete with the loss of their darkened grey hairs similar to Vivienne’s hair also darkening back to its youthful deep brown. Wrinkles were fading and all, Minerva included had been remarking on the changes you were all facing being taken in link to the change of your ears. Any youthful in heart still seemed to feel the pull while those like Albus and Slughorn held to their aged appearances as a sort of badge of pride for having lived so long.
Yet before question of when you were joining them was voiced you came in and their eyes scanned over the sweats and t shirt you were wearing as you sat to tie your converse on. With your hair pulled up into a messy bun and bangs swaying over your stunningly scar free cheek you peered up at the pair staring at you and asked, “Sleep well?”
Thranduil, “Yes, we did. There is something about that pillow, my head touched it and I was gone. You?”
Eric, “That would be the Hoo-Hoo feathers, help to lull any who rest with it off to sleep.”
Glorfindel murmured, “Hoo-Hoo..”
“Idris, is a Hoo-Hoo. One of the Phoenix family known to have songs to lull people into peaceful sleep, certain feathers on them hold the same qualities. But you have to ask very nicely for them.”
Thranduil, “Ah, most of our pillows hold swan feathers, also willingly granted.”
Minor details were shared and the breakfast was savored between glances at you while Ollivier and Vivienne chatted around you sharing comments through Trina’s feeding of Em. Into the car again and oddly for the men stealing glances at you in your casual clothes far from what you wore to teach they settled still glancing between you and the couple also coming for their own roles as King and Queen they would be disguised for.
Over the city you flew and parked among the lines of other flying cars and got out to join the other actors in line to head for the makeup and wardrobe tents. Overture, Me Who Am I, Loneliness of the Evening, Prologue, Prince returning home from first meeting Cinderella, The Prince setting out to find the owner of the slipper and the talk with the King and Queen about finding Cinderella, exit scenes of town and announcing the Banquet. All of these had been filmed in the past couple days before you had showed up with just your portion of the few ensemble or duet numbers to film in your own locations.
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It was hours before dawn and the first scene you would film was your readying for the banquet. Just past when the step mother and sisters would leave and into the tent you strolled smiling at Bernadette’s announcing giddy squeak. “There you are!” Into a tight hug she wrapped you and guided you in filling you in on all you had missed before asking, “Did I hear right you brought two dates with you?”
Chuckling weakly you changed into the servant costume for Cinderella and replied in sitting for the hair stylist, “King Thranduil and Lord Glorfindel.”
Again she squeaked, “Tell me everything. I know you used to dream about them, I want all the details.”
“Not much to say, I told you about Ones,”
“Soul mates, right?” You nodded, “Which one’s yours?” The corner of your mouth ticked up and she gasped patting your arm taking her own seat, “Both?”
Your head tilted to the side allowing the stylist to braid the side of your hair back that was rippling out into a deep maroon shade. “It seems they don’t want me to choose and they are difficult to choose between. Dad seems supportive, I mean it’s no shock that I might have ended up like him, all romantically free and whatnot.”
Bernadette chuckled and said, “Now you and I both know you are nothing of the sort.” Her hand folded around yours, “No doubt they both love you to bits, why they wanted to come and spend the spare time you have with them.”
In a chuckle you replied, “Films are strange to them, especially any where there’s some sort of mock intimacy in it.”
Bernadette’s eyes met yours in the mirror, “They’re jealous then?”
“They are curious. I’ve showed them the play and they wanted to see how it’s handled.”
Smirking herself as her hair was finished and pooled into a tall feather accented beehive she joined you out of the tent holding the front of her extravagant gown. “Oh we’ll calm them down, surely they won’t be able to do anything but fall helplessly for you as Cinderella. Forgetting all about any petty ideas of jealousy.”
A single glance of you from the distance was all they got while you were shown up to the house being used for Cinderella’s home. But in your absence Bernadette hurried over eager to meet the duo who recognized her from a photograph of yours. Pleasantries were traded and off behind the cameras she showed them the best spot to watch the monitors in seeing the scenes of you readying for the banquet with the Fairy Godmother. After changing again to your tattered gown after being supposedly locked up, weeping only to calm at Godmother singing There’s Music In You. Your half of the Loneliness of the Evening came up next sung between chores to the sun rising to match the Prince’s scenes in the Palace.
Next would be various scenes of you for background images for the opening, cleaning, organizing and various chores before scenes walking to town. The Lords stood waiting at the tables for your first food break watching as your cheek was cupped by a dark haired man with his eyes shut who had kept hold of your shoulder for the stroll down half to set block on his own way to another scene back at the Palace the waiting carriage would drive him to. Catching their stares in seeing a kiss on your bare cheek followed by another Bernadette stated, “That’s Andrea Bocceli, he’s playing the Proclaimer of the Orders of the King. You’ll get to hear him tomorrow I believe.”
Glorfindel muttered, “No doubt he is far more friendly with Jaqi that the other actors. Scarcely pays the others any mind.” His eyes lingering on his hand easing down to your shoulder again in your turn to the carriage.
Bernadette’s lips parted, “Oh honey,” that made the pair look at her, “He’s blind.” That had their brows inching up, “He’s one of our greatest singers from our old world, used to sing with Jewels, scores of plays, operas and musicals. I’ve got a whole heap of pictures with him holding Jaqi as a baby when Sirius would bring her to shows. You see, he’s from a long line of Squibs, scattered Witches in between, but the men of the line have a blood curse they go blind. Jaqi found a spell to reverse it, but if you do it would just skip to his son and continue on, but if he remains blind his son’s sight is safe. His shoes are enchanted to sort of give him a feel for where things and people are, but for his friends he doesn’t mind being led around.”
Thranduil, “Ah, you performed with her mother as well, how does she match up?”
Bernadette smirked, “It’s hard to put into words. She has all Jewels’ talent and then some, built more for somber or drama by what she has to draw from, Jewels couldn’t help but burst into giggles after.” She wet her lips, “She might have just asked for acting lessons first off to be a convincing double agent, but she’s far more talented than she gives herself credit for. Even if she signed the contract reluctantly she actually does enjoy acting. Who knows, could take a couple years off when she’s finished the final two obligated films and get a better contract when you have all settled everything.”
A snack with you ended with a pair of stolen kisses before Luis showed up for his own filler scenes in the Palace. Him, his husband and children all greeted you and the duo fondly before heading off to change when your partners were off with Eric and Roderic for the start of their tour of Paris. Museums would be first with a pass by the Eiffel Tower they would see the following day. Each piece in the museums they were shown only adding to their curiosity on what else the Muggle portion of this country had to hold for them. From the Louvre to a Wizarding art museum they saw the vast difference in style and subjects chosen in the moving portraits both silent at chatty.
Filler and walking scenes between home and town were captured leading up to the big draw, everyone gathering in the town to do a final run through on The Prince is Giving a Ball you then filmed into the following scene where the Prince and Cinderella would first meet and split up again to head home. Lunch was next and with the final bit left you filming your half of the number Do I Love You at the house again mid chore. All of these scenes were little to be intriguing for an audience in being filmed, tedious and detail oriented but around the table you sat at the empty seats on either side of you were filled again by your partners eager to share all they had seen through the stack of pictures you shuffled through while eating.
Behind the monitor they watched the lead into your next slew of scenes, all mainly musical. In My Own Little Corner bled into scenes of readying the three other women in the house furrowing the men’s brows seeing their harsh treatment of you. A pick up of the second part of my own little corner bled into the arrival of the Fairy Godmother for Impossible through to the ride to the Palace in It’s Possible.
Grins were plastered on the duo’s face between stolen glances at others around them with teary or sentimental gazes holding through each number. Another meal break came at the setting of the sun and in the night scenes you began by walking home post change back with one heel singing He Was Tall lost in a dreamy haze reminiscing on the wonderful evening. The arrival of the carriage out front had you hiding the slipper and readying to greet your returning family bleeding into the numbers When You’re Driving through the following number, A lovely night until the Step Mother sent you all to bed and you lingered behind to lowly sing the second rendition of A Lovely Night.
Noting the time the men had hoped you could head back home again, however after another hurried meeting with you a stolen pair of pecks were taken on your way to the scene you had warned the pair of. When Cinderella would be locked up, in a combination of an agreed upon set of hexes, tugs and shoves from the Step Mother stirring up a tension in the air ending at your burst of giggles at hitting your elbow in the final shove post cut. Hugs and giggles came in Bernadette’s path to change with you.
The final collection of scenes were to be the forest scenes. First, It’s Possible for the final stretch of it heading up all the way up to the Palace gates then into the courtyard, from which you looped around and before the men could get a good look at the Palace you were off to film the big chase scene on the marked path to the chime of the giant clock. With hearts racing even knowing looking on what would happen the clock was giving its final chimes and the carriage split apart full speed behind the transformed horses now mice again. Rolling through the grass in the timed crash your dress turned back to the servant uniform as your hair whipped around you violently when you rolled to a stop.
A glance at the following Prince’s carriage had you clambering to your knees and up behind a tree panting in the closing of your eyes to melt against the tree behind you. Smiling frailly to yourself the remaining shoe on your foot was removed and when the other carriage was gone you began your barefoot stroll through the forest singing He Was Tall on the way back to the house again. Once there however cut was called and you were able to change and head back to the house. Nearly falling asleep on the way back you rested between the guys and filed out to help you to the waiting dinner.
Bed came right after and for a hard drop off to sleep you would get more sleep than the night before ensured by your dreamless draught drop you had eaten to ensure only your alarm would wake you. An early breakfast allowed you some time with Em before heading off to set, only over your omelet your eye caught the paper that had been set aside when Vivienne was through with it. Unfolding the front page your lips parted seeing a picture of you in the bog at the Triwizard Tournament with the stoic duo behind you hovering over the water. The headline reading a bid to have you nominated to be listed as a genuine seer with the image of your arrival the other day with the same duo beside you as proof that years ago you had foreseen the fall here in one way or another and had set about to protect as many as possible to arrive here.
Roderic stated, “Surely they will add you to the lists if they haven’t already.”
Glorfindel leaned over and accepted the paper you tapped the image of stating, “Top one’s from the Triwizard Tournament.”
He nodded, “Yes, the bog Ron stated he saw us in.” Tilting the paper he showed Thranduil who eyed it carefully, “What is the story about?”
“Oh, they are saying I knew, at least partly, on the fall here years before it happened so they want to add me to the list of genuine seers.”
Thranduil, “Is it not well known already your abilities?”
Eric, “That’s not the issue, to be added to the list it must be a large prophecy or vision to be seen coming true witnessed by dozens. Only twelve have ever been added to the list.”
Roderic nodded, “And two have been disproved as hoaxes. Jaqi’s is the largest by far, destruction of a whole world and discovery of allies in a new one,”
Ollivier, “There was no doubt on our following her here, merely up until your arrival here and photographs with her none thought to have proof her visions were at least a sign we were meant to come here.”
Vivienne, “But outside of that are you excited for the morning tour today? We are not needed on set until two. We even secured a tour of the zoo.”
The pair sat quietly enjoying the fact they would be spending the morning with you and with them in colorful robes you wore comfy jeans and a sweater carrying Em on your hip after securing your wedge boots. A short flight later you were parked in the group of some of the cast also wishing to see the zoo either new to this one or new to zoos all together. But the odd animals had the men puzzled when seeing the billboards but Em named what she could and following the map you spent the morning allowing the duo to inspect each of the animals and learn what each sign posted said about them. Both a bit saddened that the boys weren’t here but with a confirmation from you a promise to take them to the London Zoo had them grinning so they could help to guide the boys around alongside you with just a stack of pictures to bring home to tide the boys over until then.
Each animal echoed in their mind along with the statements that each zoo would be following suit of the London Zoo, the first of which to have enchanted territories to be closer to those in the wild people could roam through safely to see the creatures in their native habitats instead of cages. It would be a full day outing no doubt and set to open the following weekend with you among a group of other celebrities to bring press to hopefully encourage other zoos to follow suit once they saw how successful it would be for guests and the populations of their animals. Everything seemed spectacular and they couldn’t wait to see it after having seen something they imagined to be similar, your snake room with habitats for each of the snakes to feel safe and happier under your watch. Another sign that your people were actually peaceful and wishing for even the speechless non magical animals to have their own safe homes in this new world to repopulate again.
Work however did call again and this one had the meat of the film for the duo to watch from the sidelines. The start of it being nice and slow where Cinderella frees herself by using a wand her father had left her to unlock the door after having been kept from practicing magic by her step mother after he had died only making her study more while they slept from his old books she’d hidden away. While filming that the Prince and the other women in the film were recording their tries for the magical slipper. Cue the arrival of Cinderella and again the duo noting the sentimental grins of those watching through the proposal and tearful hug you shared.
Explosively the set seemed to flood around the stunning Palace the duo toured through while things were being readied then went back to the director’s sides to watch the wedding including the first of the two kisses. Barely a blink flashed by and it was over, chaste and to the point fitting for a Royal Ceremony ending with the Godmother recapping There’s Music In You. From there a quick change of décor after the wedding parade scene that allowed you both to change quickly the Prince was back again to come and greet the endless chain of women to dance with him while a touch up on the arrival scene to the Palace.
Each lady would dance a circle with the Prince through the sea of waiting Lords to collect the lady and pass them on to another in the next pass keeping the chain of ladies moving, with passing flirtations when each would ease near the Prince again. Through the Palace Cinderella strolled holding the hem of her lavish gown until the doors opened and the big entrance came stunning the Prince. Greetings to the near endless dancing bled into the trip out to the gardens where a second film crew waited to capture your dialog as the Stepsister’s Lament played out inside amusing the crowds looking on behind the camera. Yet in the ticking of the added clock to the gardens the distance between you closed and a tender cupping of your cheek came in a steady press of lips to yours. For the camera angle it seemed very intimate, and yet the angle the Lords were watching from clearly it was forced, but a glance at that screen and they could see why others were grinning madly at the image.
All the same that clock chimed and even knowing the story everyone still seemed to wish that she would get caught and live happy ever after. Still that show was lost and the carriage was jumped into and took off for the Palace to be reset once again for the arrival to the follow up banquet. This second flight away however ended with cheers and claps with a sea of hugs and cheeks kissed stunning the guys until they realized that that was it.
One more flying car ride filled with comments on your final scenes and reactions to it they had seen came before Thranduil had asked, “When are we leaving tomorrow?”
“Um, we actually have to head to the station by midnight to get back in time.”
Glorfindel, “You get no rest at all?”
“I can sleep on the train.”
Thranduil sighed, “Fine, but after class you are coming over to sleep if I have to bring you myself, Darling, you need your rest.”
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A quick stop upstairs for you had you coming downstairs again with your silvery blue hair pulled into a bun and white facial scars back again. The dress you had changed into was silvery blue with ruffled skirt under a mostly sheer top with lace leaf pattered panels covering your chest to your cleavage with short sleeves and a collar secured in the back with buttons down the back of it. The dress was stunning and fit the family color chosen for the dinner with Em in a similar ruffled dress of her own complimenting the pictures captured of you all before you managed to sneak back to your duo with Em on your hip while Vivienne and Ollivier greeted the other guests.
Glorfindel accepted hold of Em while Thranduil asked in a smooth of his hand over your back, “Are you tired?”
Peering up at him you smirked saying, “I’m fine. I can handle a dinner.”
Though the approach of Jean, the assistant who handled the affair of discovering Suzienne’s grave and transferring her to Paris with another familiar face right behind him, Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France Luc Gerard. An offer of a handshake was stoically accepted in his introduction to your partners. “We are so pleased to have been able to welcome you for a visit, even if it is just for a short time. Have you enjoyed the few sights you were able to take in?”
Thranduil nodded, “Yes, it was quite enjoyable.”
Glorfindel took his glance falling on his to say, “There is a great many things to take in. Mainly the differing cultures between your countries and varied races dwelling together, we have just begun to learn about them, it seems we have a great deal more.”
Luc grinned saying, “Well said. Hopefully we might be able to bridge that gap and become more comfortable with one another in the future. We have heard a great many wonderful things of your lands and people as well, and might we say we have been curious to discover what the link would have been to the pair of you since seeing you following our dear Miss Black here in that bog challenge.”
Glorfindel, “Yes, we saw the picture. It was intriguing when her family arrived in Rivendell months before her and described the challenge to us as for why we seemed familiar to them.”
From the initial greetings to the dinner table it became absolutely clear that even more than you had claimed you were a natural at smoothing differing cultures together and were the grease keeping the gears moving and the conversation natural. Both sides relaxing into the neutral zone you helped to guide the council and Lords into between luring others from the large guest list into a moment of their own focus of your attention clearly brightening their moods the same as your relatives and the Delacours seemed to pull out of them. Name and influence of this half of your bloodline surely wasn’t missed and even in moments of odds with them you still strove to uphold the names you came from while clearly defending, guiding and teaching the Lords one day to be your husbands. Even in your denials and doubts there was no one more suited in their eyes to bridge the gap or to learn how to aid in ruling the Elves of Greater Greenwood.
Doubts clearly weren’t anywhere close to the impression your family gave on if you could join them, barely seven years and you had silenced any doubts possible of what could have come from their lost daughter’s bloodline. Bad choices and unfortunate circumstances or not through the painful rubble of those lost years and pair of women in their line you were the diamond glimmering out of all of it with Em shimmering all the brighter for your determination to keep her safe. Guests soon left and with a sigh you were up at your room changing back again to your jeans and sweater with wedges added again. A glimpse at the clock showed you still had time and closing your eyes you followed the pull you felt to head to the Pearisiyiae Tomb.
Onto the bench outside of it you sat just talking to your grandmother hoping she was at peace and was content with how you had turned out. A hushed whisper from your mother however in your ear sounded that after years of being back with her family she was ready to talk and they were meeting one another. On your feet you stood trusting that maybe one day she would feel strong enough to let you see her and with a token of her favorite flowers left behind. And just a short walk later you stopped in to leave some flowers for Leta Lestrange as well sharing a few words on how Newt was doing and how much she was still missed and always was spoken of fondly. Zapping back again you wiped the corner of your eye at the tear lingering there and you made sure you had everything then walked down to join the others waiting there to say goodbye while Thranduil kept hold of Em already asleep in his arms and grinned seeing you with them again.
Hugs were traded between respectful nods and wishes for another visit soon from your relatives to the duo on your path to the waiting car. It didn’t take long till you were back on the train again laid out on one of the two beds in the now sleeper car with Em across from the duo grinning in organizing the pictures to share with the boys and Legolas when they returned. Four hours you slept through their elaborate plan of sharing the whole trip and offer to take the boys to the opening of the London Zoo along with the clear way they had decided to bring up the travel papers issue with Elrond and Celeborn. This would all work out, meeting the other Ministers and settling at least a friendship with them as there was little trade needed between your people past curiosity for culture and crafted items. Much like the quartet of animal plushies you had brought back for the boys and Legolas they would surely treasure.
One in the morning the train swayed to a stop and in your groggy blink awake Thranduil cradled Em to his chest and Glorfindel helped you up and kept hold of your hand for the walk back from Lower Bulgaria gaining more stamps for their travel booklets only to walk back into Pumpernickel finding it was raining hard. Hastily Glorfindel hoisted you up in his arms saying, “Off to Greenwood. No risking it, you need to sleep.”
A deep sigh from you came in watching Thranduil behind you using his wrap to keep Em covered from the rain on the eager trot to the arch exiting in the main gardens protected from the same massive storm by the canopy above. All the same eyes lit up and heads bowed seeing the Lords returning, yet in their glances at you the reason for your silence was that you had fallen asleep again making the duo chuckle. Carefully tucked into bed with Em by your side they left you to eagerly bring the pictures and the gazelle stuffie you three had thought Legolas might enjoy. Grinning while holding the gazelle he listened to each of the animals you had seen before inspecting the pictures of the museum exhibits, Versailles and the Eiffel Tower and view from the top of it.
Stories of the set were set aside as Elrond and Celeborn came after receiving notice from him that they had returned early. Inspection of the travel papers were taken and altogether it seemed an agreeable deal for the time being to be counted as allies of your Ministry after the details had been shared word for word how you had described it.
Celeborn, “Was her family more agreeable to Miss Black?”
Thranduil, “They were, us as well.”
Glorfindel, “I believe she might have spoken with them to calm them a bit more.”
Thranduil nodded, “Yes, and for all her doubts on being an acceptable ruler it is quite natural for her to ease two cultures into friendship. It was quite masterful her guidance through dinner with the French Minister and Council and other important people in France with us.”
Glorfindel nodded, “Yes, for what little suspicions we might have had on the Pear clan not accepting Jaqi, they seem to be quite in awe of her among the rest of us. Her Great Uncles even remarked how it would have been perfect for her to even have an inkling of interest in performing when they had first met, but to see just how talented she is in various fields. In my opinion I believe they are starting to see her outside of her grandmother’s shadow.”
Celeborn, “That is magnificent news. How was Cinderella?”
Elrond, “Yes, it was quite short notice to bring you along.”
Thranduil inhaled and decided to share the truth, “There are two kisses filmed in Cinderella,” ticking Elrond’s brow upwards, “Just as in the drawn version and in the play her mother performed in they were brief and chaste, from the angle of the camera, while at our angle it was evidently forced.”
Celeborn, “You both seem calm.”
Glorfindel nodded, “Yes, before her trip Jaqi stated it plainly and laid out the whole protocol involved in filming these sorts of feigned intimacies. Once we got to the village they filmed in we met the man playing the Prince and his husband and their children. All very old friends since their childhoods.” That seemed to calm the other Lords more worried on how their friends would have taken the encounter than anything else.
Legolas wet his lips asking, “It is common for actors to kiss in films?”
Thranduil caught his eye, “Apparently some films can grow quite intimate, even involving faked consummation of relationships. However Jaqi was quite clear she does not accept romance centered scripts, I believe the most she has filmed before was a kiss on the cheek for a child one of her roles tasked her to raise alone after the father had passed in an accident, who was played by a child of a friend hired to play her cousin. It was very comforting how clear she was on the rules and what the role pertained, I do not believe it will trouble us in the future.”
Glorfindel nodded, “And everyone watching the tale was equally swept away with adoration for the new recording of the classic tale. Even filmed out of order from the bits we did see it is quite a task to pull a story together, often Jaqi and Luis, who played the Prince were on opposite ends of the city they were filming in. Most of her scenes we witnessed she was alone or with one or two actors in fact.”
Thranduil, “Not counting the day they filmed the wedding and the ball and then banquet in one day. And they had this carriage chase scene, quite intense at moments, it will be a sight, the day the film is unveiled. A few months I believed they said they could edit it and release it widely through the countries.”
Celeborn, “Was Miss Black able to get much rest?”
Glorfindel, “No, she did however sleep on the ride home again and fell asleep when I carried her from the arches in her lands when we saw it was raining.”
Thranduil, “She is resting in our apartment and has been tasked to return here after school for more rest.”
Elrond, “That is good. I would be lying if I did not state we wish to see just how bright her shimmer will grow when fully rested and adjusted here.”
Pt 31
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